Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708

that took me to the federal government website to order those at home tests. and i was shocked at how easy it was to order them. it's the easiest thing i've done with a computer in as long as i can remember. and i thought, well no, there's gotta be several more pages of things. no, that was. it name, address, click. and they're on their way. you know, i haven't reported on that because i didn't know that, you just taught us that we are allowed to report on things that the government does well. that is something -- because i know, if it wasn't working, and if the launch of the system -- which, by the, way we must note, the federal government has never end its history ever attempted to do this, the post office has never attempted to do this, everyone involved is doing something that hasn't been done before in human history, and it is apparently working shockingly well. >> it's true, therefore it's not a story. >> it can't be! that's why i was confused when i saw you covering it and i thought, wait, but it's not a complete disaster, and the website isn't crashing every ten minutes and -- what's to report? >> i mean, the speed at which they announced it and we're rolling it out, and the speech seemed impossible. then they launched it, it had some minor glitches that they seem to work out kind of in the first day, and now it's working and people are getting their tests. and everyone is saying, oh yeah we've always had that. of course, oh yeah, the federal government free test distribution, of course. we've had that since thursday. it's a new, practical, administration initiative that is working which is worth noting because it's gonna make a big difference in peoples lives. >> the question that i have sort of imprinted in my brain and covering anything is always compared to what? because that will give me the perspective. if we say, you know, this is going well, or this is going very, very badly. you say, compared to what? and if it's something that has never been attempted before in human history, i'm very forgiving about how many mistakes you're allowed to make. in my view before you get a right. this is really astonishing to watch. >> it's also, as you put it, as you described, in absolute terms, a very slick system. i do everything online. i do lots of online shopping, i do a lot of online government stuff. it's the first of the year. so a lot of places you need to get a new fishing license, so i've gone through the fishing -- it's all government websites are terrible. almost all the e-commerce websites are terrible. this is one of the few that is very simple and works immediately and it's, like, they ought to get some credit. >> i, of course, will be giving my tests away because my benevolent employer provides free testing whenever i need it, and just on a routine basis. at first i thought, i won't get them because i don't need them. and then i said, i want to do, it i want to see how it works, and then give it to people that i know who desperately need it. >> you should set up a website where people can apply to you for it. >> i've only got four. i want you to website. i'm >> thanks lawrence. >> thank you rachel. well donald trump's friend and mad men, alex jones, told his online audience today that he testified to the january six committee yesterday and that he took the fifth amendments, quote, nearly 100 times. alex jones also told his audience that he did know the answer to half of the questions. for which he took the fifth amendment. that means, there were about 50 questions where alex jones did know the answer but he took the fifth amendment because he believed his answer could lead to him being charged with crimes. alex jones also told his audience that he took the fifth amendment because he was afraid of being charged with perjury if he answered a question under oath. alex jones said that the january six committee already has, quote, everything that's already on my phones and things seem. they have, everything. donald trump actually befriended alex jones after, after alex jones repeatedly told the despicable lie that the mass murder of kindergarten students and first graders along with teachers and staff at san diego elementary school did not happen. alex jones claimed it was all fake. all staged. parents of the victims of that mass murder successfully sued alex jones for that defamation. alex jones lawyer say they will appeal that verdict. john eastman who wrote a memo for donald trump telling the lie that vice president mike pence could block the congressional certification of joe biden's electoral college victory also claimed a fifth amendment protection from the january six committee subpoena. he has invoked his fifth amendment rights to refuse to answer 140 67 anne written questions. he -- john eastman's emails from their server, a federal judge is considering easements attempt to block that subpoena on the grounds of a client privilege. today, lisa monaco said the justice department is investigating attempts to replace biden electors with trump electors in states one by trump why -- joe biden. it changed the outcome of the electoral college. the january six committee is in position now of hundreds of documents from the trump administration that had been turned over to the committee since the supreme court crushed donald trump's attempt to block the delivery of those top of his. and among those documents include certificates that contain these of trump supporters who falsely claimed to be the rightful legally lawful electors in georgia, arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, new mexico, nevada, all states that biden won. lisa monaco said this about those elector certifications. our prosecutors are looking at those and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear. we are going to follow the facts in the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind and at any level. this is part of an assault on our democracy. it has now been 42 days since the house of representatives sent a criminal referral of white house -- former white house chief of staff mark meadows to the justice department recommending that meadows be charged with contempt of congress. the justice department charged steve bannon with contempt of congress 22 days after the house made matt that criminal referral to the justice department. today, aylmer, stewart rhodes, and nine alleged coconspirators with the group that falsely calls themselves oath keepers, pleaded not guilty to seditious conspiracy. judge emmet meta set a july 11 trial date with a backup date of september 26, a free trial requests. meantime daniel goldman served as the house impeachment inquiry council for the first impeachment trial of donald trump. he's also former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. and clement classical, former democratic senator from missouri and an msnbc political analyst. clare, i want to begin with when we heard from the deputy attorney general today because you have been demanding from this justice department some understanding, some acknowledgment of what they are investigating and she said very clearly that our prosecutors are looking at those, those meaning the false fraudulent electoral certificates. when you put that together with what we heard attorney general garland say in his speech generally about this, before january 6th, what is your take now on where the justice department is and what they are pursuing? >> it's very hard to say how seriously they are pursuing all of this. obviously it was very good news today that there was an acknowledgment that there was facts that existed, that showed people were trying to falsely claim that they were electors in order to overturn a free and fair election in the united states of america. but i go back, lawrence, to what i've been complaining about. these criminal referrals on bannon and on mark meadows, they are -- i mean, daniel has been a fed, i was a state prosecutor, maybe he can explain to me what investigation needs to be done. this is a matter of making a decision, are they going to go -- it's not like they have to uncover a bunch of documentary evidence or a bunch of facts or interview a bunch of witnesses. make up your mind and tell the country whether or not mark meadows is going to be held accountable for refusing to cooperate with congress. >> daniel goldman, the justice department in the past has acted on criminal referrals from congress like this in a matter of days, like eight days a week. steve bannon was about 22 days. what can possibly be going on with the mark meadows referral? >> so i play devils advocate here and i think that they're a couple things that might be going on. first of all, there was some cooperation by meadows. we know that he turned over 9000 text messages or something along those lines. second, he does have, or at least there was, potential for executive privilege claims that steve bannon just did not have. so he is in a slightly different footing. i think legally that's irrelevant because the best case that the department of justice can bring is that he simply didn't show up to his deposition. he could've shown up and claimed executive privilege, but he can't just show up -- not show up. i think it's important to understand how these things work. which is, the doj will have to analyze every single communication between the committee and meadows and meadows's attorneys, and meadows attorneys will make a presentation to the department as to why he should not be charged. so it's unclear how much communication there was and whether that gives the doj pause, it's unclear whether that presentation was to be given, so there are some variables here but it's certainly getting along in the tooth for them to pull the trigger. >> and senator mccaskill, alex jones showed him how you do it. you show up, that's what you do when you are subpoenaed. you show up. alex jones takes the fifth amendment to at least half of the questions he's asked. >> yeah, i think it's important to remember, lawrence, that taking the fifth amendment is not always so straightforward. what has happened is they were all hiding behind this phony claim of executive privilege. there are very few people that have the right to claim executive privilege, most of the people who are saying those two words had no right to them. and some of them who thought they had the right to them, the supreme court said, no, you don't, turn over the documents. so now all they have left is the fifth amendment. but that doesn't usually apply to producing documents. so alex jones realized, when he was there talking to the committee, how much, the luminous evidence they have gathered. and that is going to be justice's best friend going forward. that there are text messages, emails, documents, that will be the roadmap for this committee to hopefully begin public hearings sooner rather than later and inform and educate the american people exactly what was going on in the oval office. as the former president over turn -- try to overturn the election. >> let's turn to the investigation in georgia, which maybe the investigation with the most direct criminal liability for donald trump or he's on a recording asking for votes to be created. in that election. the orlando journal-constitution is reporting that the district attorney willis team is also examining the abrupt resignation of a u.s. attorney jay pack, and november 2020 call from senator lindsey graham to brad raffensperger, we knew that already, and the false claims made by rudy giuliani during a hearing in front of the georgia senate -- and there's a particular georgia state law about false statements made in those governing settings. daniel goldman, let's go to that point about the sudden resignation of the u.s. attorney which mystified all of us at the time, seemed extremely suspicious at the time, what would a local prosecutor be looking for in that resignation? win >> they would all understand the pressure campaign that clearly was exacted against him. that forced him to resign. when you resigned that abruptly, you do it and protest. so clearly there was something that was asked of him that he refused to do and rather than execute whatever order or request was made, he decided to resign. we don't know much detail because even though he testified he did not reveal a tremendous detail what was asked of him, but clearly it was something related to -- what we do know is that it was related to overturning this georgia electoral count. and lawrence, you make the point, and i can't underscore it enough, this district attorney, in fulton county, has in front of her wet appears to be the tightest and best case of donald trump and those around him liability, criminal liability. you have a recording which is incredibly damning evidence. you have a host of other phone calls from trump and those close to him to senior officials and georgia to overturn the election. you then pair that with the jeffrey clark stuff where jeffrey clark drafted a letter to the georgia legislature i believe telling them that they need to an certify the electoral count, and the list goes on. there is lindsey graham as you pointed out, there's p.j. pac. and you have a lot of evidence, and it cooperates the very devastating recording. so i think that georgia is the place that those interested in criminal prosecution of donald trump should be focused on. >> senator mccaskill, that's what i've been focused on from the start, i just thought, okay this is a smoking as a gun gets. and we don't know what the grand jury and the prosecutors in manhattan have found about donald trump, but we do know what's the hottest piece of evidence is in the georgia case and we had a former local district attorney from the neighboring county whose friends with full and wellness on this program reminding us that fani willis is a expert on rico, she made her name on rico cases in that county, and she suspects that willis is developing a possible recall case against donald trump and others involving much more than just that one phone call. >> it looks to me that she's building a conspiracy case. and they're a couple of georgia statutes that would apply, conspiracy to impact an election overturn an election, change an election, and all of this would go towards this conspiracy. all of this evidence would be admissible and a conspiracy charge. and the tricky part about this this grandeur that has been called, they can't indict, but they can infect subpoena. and i think they have to get raffensperger on the record again saying, everything donald trump was alleging was not true. >> we claire mccaskill, daniel goldman, thank you very much for starting with our conversations tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, willie they have the same number of wives, and didn't ridge is adding members of congress from the january six committee to the long trump list of people who should be thrown in jail. jonathan shape has just written the definitive article for new york magazine and he will join us next to show us how the most radical republican leader of the 20th century paved the way for donald trump win. 20th century paved the ways, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool for donald trump win to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. 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today, business insider notes that new gingrich launched his attack on the committee this weekend, quote, about two weeks after the panel subpoenaed his longtime former aide who also coauthored a book with him. on january 10th, the committee subpoenaed ross washington with the committee said worked on a draft a speech that donald trump told his followers to go to the capitol and fight like hell. he coauthored a book with gingrich in 2012 after serving in new cambridge is losing presidential campaign. here's what new gingrich said about the committee this weekend. >> i think when you have a republican congress, this is all gonna come crashing down, and the wolves are gonna find out that they are now sheep, and they are the ones who in fact are, i think, face a real risk of jail for the kind of laws they are breaking. >> in a tweet, vice chair of the january six committee, liz cheney, said this, a former speaker of the house is threatening jail time for members of congress who are investigating the violent january 6th attack on our capital and our constitution. this is what it looks like when the rule of law unravels. joining us now is jonathan chait, writer for new york magazine, his new article is entitled, newt gingrich invented donald trump's lock them up politics, how one man was the bridge from reagan-ism to trumpism. jonathan, thank you very much for joining us tonight and thank you for guiding me back to through that memory lane, from new gingras just start in the house and where we are with him today. one of the striking things about gingrich prior to now, prior to the last two years or so, is how long he was accepted among, say, the sunday morning shows as a republican in good standing, who had important things to share with the nation about the way he saw governing in america. >> that's right. he's always had a knack for presenting himself as a high minded idealist. but really, the main reason he was able to take control of the republican party, in the 1990s, was because he went to republicans and said, you guys are too nice, you have to get rough, you have to get tough, you have to be as vicious as the democrats are. you have to destroy them. you have to practice politics in a completely different way. that was how he toppled the republican leadership in 1990. and that was the spare it brought to the, quote, unquote, republican revolution in the 1990s. the way that they fought with against the clinton administration reflected the spirit. they saw bill clinton as being totally illegitimate. they were checked out of government and they would impeach him because they didn't think he had any right to stand in the way of their policies in spite of the fact that he had been elected president of the united states. so i think, you know, if you want to go back and look at the republican parties historical evolution into its current phase, where donald trump is the leader of the party, gingrich is really an important figure to study. that's what i tried to do. >> and his rhetoric was a version of trump before trump and his recklessness, his lying accusations when he was a junior member of the house going to the house floor at night when the c-span camera was on to accuse democrats of being sympathizers with communism, tip o'neill then ordered the c-span camera to pan the house, to show that gingrich was speaking to an empty chamber. but, because of c-span, he was speaking to people out there who are beginning to form what is now the trump cult. >> yeah, and i think he was also pioneering in understanding that they want to go around the mainstream media and speak through conservative media that would simply amplify their claim, that wind subject and to any traditional journalistic scrutiny. in the 90s, that medium was talk radio, fox news wasn't invented until 1996, that eventually supplanted it. but he really was a bridge figure to trump and he was an important figure in getting the party to embrace trump. when trump first ran for president in 2016, most republican elites were disgusted by him and said we would never accept him. and gingrich was one of the first people, as i know, he's really got something to say, we should listen to this guy. so he knew in which direction the party was head again. >> and prove there that mute gingrich never believed in any principles of governing whatsoever, none of the policy positions he claimed he believed and when he was in office himself since trump violated so many laws. jonathan -- sorry, we have to go. but i wanna make sure everyone reads your piece in new york magazine. it is not too long and you will learn everything you need to know about newt gingrich, and you'll see that nothing he said this weekend is surprising. jonathan chait, then you for joining us. >> thank. you >> and coming, up kurt erickson will join us to discuss his shocking article in the atlantic. it's a scholarly analysis of the history of human sacrifice. it's the -- join the discussion and join his expertise as a former republican strategist apps to why republican strategist are willing to watch their voters die. them er die. them inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. intuit quickbooks helps you easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ >> today, robert f. kennedy junior, once, again issued a public apology for comparing public health vaccine protocols to hitler's murder of 6 million jewish people during the holocaust. mr. kennedy issued a similar apology that he obviously did not mean in 2015. the proof that he does not mean his apologies is that he kept invoking nazism in the holocaust in his moneymaking crusade against vaccines which began long before the coronavirus pandemic. robert kennedy junior did not earn public attention. he inherited it. and he shamelessly trades on his assassinated father's name to this day. he actually dragged his father into the statement this weekend that he is now in sincerely apologizing for. at an anti vaccine rally in washington, robert kennedy junior said, even in hitler germany, you could cross the alps into switzerland. you could hide in an attic, like and frank did. i visited, in 1962, east germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped. bobby kennedy junior was eight years old on that trip and apparently he did not learn then that and frank was not hiding in an attic in hitler's germany, and frank hid in an attic with her family in amsterdam before the nazis captured them and sent them to the death camps where and frank died. bobby kennedy told his audience that and frank hiding in the attic had more freedom than they do now. he said that to a group of people who travel to washington, some by playing without ever having to show proof of vaccination or recent covid test, robert kennedy junior has not apologize for the thousands of people who are dead tonight because they have made the mistake of believing him, or others, who deliver the same deadly anti-vaccination message. revolutionary war general john stark of new hampshire once said, the free or die. in 1945, the republican -controlled government of new hampshire made that the state's motto, in 1971, the republican -controlled government of new hampshire put that on every license plate in the state. including the license plates, on the cars of people who knew that the phrase was absurd on its face. live free or die means that everyone, in every prison, including nelson mandela at the time, should immediately commit suicide. but, brave sounding phrases that people don't actually live by have long been the staple of american politics, especially republican politics. an important new piece in the atlantic, kurt anderson adjusts the motto to describe the republican party as the live free and die gop. the article is entitled, the anti-vaccine right brought human sacrifice to america. since the introduction of covid-19 vaccines, kurt anderson says, quote, the rights ongoing propaganda campaign against and organized political resistance to vaccination, among other public health protocols, has been killing many, many americans. in other words, what we've experienced, certainly since the middle of 2021 is literally ritual human sacrifice on a mass scale. millions of americans have been persuaded by the right to promote death, and potentially to sacrifice themselves and others, ostensibly for the sake of personal liberty. joining our discussion, kurt anderson, contributes to the atlantic and new york times bestselling author, his latest book, evil geniuses, the and making of america. and stuart stevens, he is a republican presidential campaigns. he's the author of, it was all a lie, how the republican party became donald trump. kurt, your piece, which is an astonishing survey of the history of this kind of mass death, death cults, makes the point that there are actually people out there saying that death is better, death is better than having to deal with masks or vaccines, public health protocols. >> yes. for instance, there is an extraordinary piece in the right-wing magazine, the federalist, that was published last fall, written by its executive editor, which is a right around the time i was beginning to look at this. when i decided, i made a joke, here or there, in the past about ritual sacrifice and trumpism being a cult. but i started thinking, wait, is this just a figure of speech? is this just rhetoric? and i started studying the history of it. anyhow, one thing you find as you look at where this takes place it's in places where the state governments and the highly supernatural religion are completely intertwined. so this federalist magazine piece was literally, why you should die christians. it's a good thing to die. you can't extend your life an extra second by quarantining or wearing masks or getting vaccinated, or anything else. it was an extraordinary piece sort of saying in absolute blunt terms this idea that, for the good of christ and freedom, you should not take any measures to reduce your chances of dying. but there are so many ways -- as i look through the history, i was just stunned to find that all of the main features of this, and societies around the world, because it's my sacrifice has been carried on by the elite, political and social elites, for thousands of years. and the main features, again, and again, and again, have absolute parallels in what's going on in the united states and last year. and i distinguish between the early days, when it was figures of speech, who knew what would happen to the economy, and the last year when vaccines could save lives. clearly, absolutely, and amazingly. and yet, the political orthodoxy on the republican side and their media complex has come to new to disparage and undermine and spread lies about vaccines. to biden? well, according to the anthropologist, the end is social control. it increases political power of those who can, effectively, order their citizens, or subjects, to die. to voluntarily die. and that's the other thing, many, historically, over thousands of years, even as wright recently as a couple of hundreds of years where human sacrifice was still going on, in an obvious way, people often volunteer. of course, volunteering is sometimes -- it's blurry whether it's involuntary or not. >> stuart stevens, kurt documents that just during the period of the vaccines availability, we have 163,000 -- 163,000 unnecessary deaths that could've been prevented by the vaccine, in november. donald trump apparently, might be the only republican politician who's counting these and thinking, well, we can't afford to use 10,000 in one of the swing states. and he's the only one on the republican side who's willing to in some ways say, i have taken the vaccine and the booster. >> yeah, i think it's one of those rare cases where trump's ego and the common good coincide. he is for the vaccine because he sees it as a trump vaccine, therefore the trump vaccine must be great, in the same way trump properties are great. that's good, it's better than him being against it. but all of it started inside the trump white house. this whole plot is lies a shun of a disease started inside this palace of lies that has been the heart of the republican propaganda machine. there's a direct line between saying vaccines are dangerous to kill more people than covid to believing that donald trump won the election. it's an alternative universe that you have to live in. and sort of the ultimate field key test of that would be too [inaudible] i think that anyone who reads kurt's piece, it's brilliant. it really points to a sort of insanity that is inside this room, that has grown inside of the republican party, that is a normalization of what's at any face value you step back from. as you said, this is just nuts. >> the article is in the atlantic, everyone should be reading it. kurt anderson, stevens, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> thank you. and coming up, we will be joined and her first appearance on this program by a former arizona political activist turned democratic elected official. no, not kyrsten sinema, she is still refusing our open invitation to appear on this program just as she continues to refuse on to appear on any television program to explain her otherwise inexplicable positions on the issues to voters. fortunately, gabriella cázares-kelly has a more open view of public accountability, and she will join us next. accountability, and she will if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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(judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment with my hectic life you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. punchbowl news reports that four term congressman reuben -- was in congressman washington this weekend where he met with senator sinema's donors about a democratic primary challenge in 2024. political pressure has been building against senator sinema since she voted against changing a senate rule just one time, to allow a vote on voting rights legislation. senator sinema was censured by the arizona democratic board. our zone -- senator sanders said he's open to supporting a primary challenge to sinema. emily's list, a top donor for cinema in 2018, has cut off donations to the cinema campaign, as well as the abortion rights group naral. and another group, voto latino -- our next guest, like kyrsten sinema, was an activist in democratic politics before being elected to office herself. in september of 2019, gabriella cazares-kelly discovered that the county recorders office in her county, pima county, arizona, maintains voter registration records. in 2020, gabriella cazares-kelly ran for the office herself and one. she recently told ezra klein, in a new york times article, one thing i was really struck by when i first started getting involved in politics is how much power there isn't just showing up to things. if you want to get involved, there's always a way. and joining us now, in her first appearance on this program's pima county recorder, gabriella cazares-kelly, the first native american elected to a pima county wide seat. thank you very much for joining us tonight. i know we have booked you in the past and have had to delay because of other breaking news situations. i am glad to finally have you here. we discovered you in ezra klein's reporting, where he was showing examples of people who were just taking charge of the politics that they saw around them in their own lives. tell us about the decision that you made about running for office. >> well, thanks for having me! i didn't ever expect to run for office. it was -- i really started this entire endeavor simply by registering voters at a local tribal community college, where i worked as an academic adviser. and i started running into so many systemic issues that were keeping students from simply getting registered to vote. and so i started calling the pima county recorders office and visiting their website and heard suggestions on way to make it more accessible. and that was kind of falling on deaf ears. [laughs] and when i heard that the previous quarter recorder was retiring, i thought, i had to at least try. >> and what can you tell us about how things have changed since you have taken the office? >> one of the biggest things i have been able to do was reopen a early voting site. it was an early voting site on a reservation which had been closed. it's important to know that this community struggles with infrastructure and transportation infrastructure. many homes in the pascua yaqui reservation do not own a family vehicle. and this was really important, important to have an early registration voting site. currently, in the county we are looking at implementing vote centers. in the centers, instead of being assigned one location, they can go to any location in the county. this would reduce the number of provisional ballots and help more peoples votes count. >> how would you characterize the tension in the democratic party in arizona right now over what is happening with senator sinema? >> i don't know that there is a lot of tension. i think that that would have been a nice description a couple of years ago. there was a lot of conflict as to whether or not we should censor her or not. whether or not weright now i fy single democrat is on board with what just happened. it was an extreme failure on senator sinema's part. and it really put arizonans in particular in risk of losing some of our voting rights. >> how did it feel for you personally, as someone who has been working in democratic politics? >> i was very glad that the rest of the democratic party has stopped making excuses for this person and is talking about actual consequences and thinking about people who are going to move forward as too opposed to keeping back progress. i think this is a minimum. it is the bare minimum of what we could be doing. and i want to see more progressive action take place. >> gabriella cazares-kelly, thank you very much for joining us for the first time and hope you will come back. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thank you. tonight's last word is next. tonight's last word is next. so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ when you really need to sleep. only pay for what you need. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ when i break a long run, i'm talking long, long. ♪ that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. [announcer] there he goes. old spice works harder for longer. hey derrick man, you gonna be much longer? it's gonna be a minute, minute. >> many of you are watching hey derrick, quit playin'. derrick! recently when cher called into the show to lend her support to our partnership with unicef to provide tests for schools in malawi and scholarships for girls to attend high school in malawi. >> cher, thank you once again for your kind words about what the audience of this show does for those kids in malawi. >> lawrence, oh babe, i'm so proud of you and your audience. i couldn't believe all the money you've raised. i've been watching for a long, long time. and i just didn't realize that it was in the millions, and millions, and millions. you took on a herculean task and you rocked it. >> cher, you are the closer coming in for boris tonight because we are close to $33 million and i think you're gonna push us over the top. thank you for bringing it to the attention of your billions of fans out there. one of whom i think you know, is the 9 pm host here at msnbc, rachel maddow, who i normally think of as the share of cable news. and she left a message for you at the beginning of this hour. she told me, she gave me this order, to tell you, please tell you, and these are her exact words, hello, and i love you. that's from rachel maddow. >> you know it, i don't drink but i would have a cocktail with her. [laughs] >> they're gonna have a cocktail. rose tweeted, i just made a donation for kind fund for desks while you were talking to share on the phone, but clicked past the place where you put who you are donating in honor of too quickly. i'm doing it for my kids were lucky enough not to worry if they'd have desks to sit at. cher did push us over that 33 million dollar threshold and so, in the 11 years since we began telling you about kids in need of desks on this program, you have now contributed a total of 33 million, $138, 787, an average of over $3 million a year. we still have a long way to go, most students in malawi still don't have desks in their classrooms and most kids still cannot afford to attend high school. please remember that although i only usually mentioned the kind fund during holiday season, you can make a donation to the kind fund at anytime on the website and you can do that in the name of anyone on your gift list from birthdays or valentine's day and unicef will send them and an acknowledgment of your gift. i can never find the words to thank you enough and it's always better when you hear the kids at their new desks thank you themselves. [laughs] some happy students get tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. >> good evening, amid the us on. day 371 of the biden administration. and we begin with the first public words of the heroes to emerge from what was an otherwise horrific and tragic day in washington. capitol police officer eugene goodman was awarded with congressional gold medal last year for the single handedly leading insurrectionists away from the senate chamber. he personally escorted senator mitt romney to safety, i may have been responsible for saving the vice president's life. today for the first time, goodman broke his silence talking about the danger he faced down that day and how he may have dodged a, quote, bloodbath at the capitol. this is just part of his hiring count. >> you see me come up the stairs and you see me look, before i had gone down the

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Murder , Students , Lie , Graders , Kindergarten , Staff , Teachers , Elementary School , San Diego , Wall , Parents , Victims , Fake , Defamation , Verdict , Lawyer , John Eastman , Electoral College , Mike Pence , Protection , Certification , Memo , Victory , Joe Biden , Rights , Committee Subpoena , 67 , 140 , Emails , Judge , Subpoena , Client Privilege , Grounds , Server , Easements , Lisa Monaco , Justice Department , Electors , Attempts , Trump , Trump Electors , Outcome , Documents , Certificates , Hundreds , Position , Attempt , Top , Supreme Court , Georgia , Arizona , Supporters , Lawful Electors , Michigan , Pennsylvania , Prosecutors , Certifications , New Mexico , Nevada , Biden Won , Facts , Investigations , Attorney General , Law , Conduct , Level , Look , Part , White House , Democracy , Referral , Chief Of Staff , House Of Representatives , Assault , 42 , Contempt Of Congress , Meadows , House , Justice , Steve Bannon , Mark Meadows , Made Matt , 22 , Group , Coconspirators , Oath Keepers , Seditious Conspiracy , Aylmer , Stewart Rhodes , Nine , Daniel Goldman , Impeachment Inquiry Council , Trial Requests , Emmet Meta Set A July 11 , 26 , 11 , September 26 , July 11 , Senator , Democratic , Impeachment Trial , Classical , Political Analyst , U S Attorney For The Southern District Of New York , Assistant , Msnbc , Missouri , Acknowledgment , Understanding , Clare , Deputy Attorney General , Garland , Take , January 6th , 6 , News , Election , Order , Referrals , Investigation , Decision , Matter , State Prosecutor , Fed , Bunch , Documentary Evidence , Country , Witnesses , Mind , Department , Accountable , Eight Days A Week , Eight , Devils , Mark Meadows Referral , Executive Privilege , Text Messages , Lines , Potential , Second , 9000 , Case , Footing , Deposition , Communication , Doj , Presentation , Attorneys , Meadows Attorneys , Pause , Senator Mccaskill , Tooth , Trigger , Variables , In The Attic , Claim , Words , Most , Some , Two , Evidence , Doesn T , Best Friend , Hearings , Roadmap , Turn , Let , President , Oval Office , Recording , Liability , Votes , Orlando Journal Constitution Is Reporting , District Attorney Willis Team , Lindsey Graham , Jay Pack , Claims , Resignation , Hearing , Brad Raffensperger , Rudy Giuliani , 2020 , November 2020 , Point , Front , All Of Us , Statements , Georgia Senate , Attorney , Governing Settings , Georgia State Law , Let S Go , Pressure Campaign , Prosecutor , Protest , Detail , Whatever , Request , Georgia Electoral , The Point , District Attorney , Criminal Liability , Fulton County , Phone Calls , Host , Jeffrey Clark Stuff , Officials , Letter , Jeffrey Clark , Georgia Legislature , List , Count , Pac , P J , Place , Prosecution , Gun , Smoking , Piece , Manhattan , Grand Jury , Program , County , Name , Rico , Cases , Friends , Wellness , Neighboring County , Fani Willis , Conspiracy , Others , Willis , Phone Call , Recall , Couple , Statutes , Conspiracy Charge , Grandeur , Record , Raffensperger , Conversations , We , Members , Number , Trump List , Wives , Coming Up , Willie , Didn T Ridge , Republican , Article , Leader , New York Magazine , Jail , 20th Century , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , Ways , Win , 20 , Risk , Colon Cancer , Results , Stages , Colon Cancers , Provider , Screening , 45 , 92 , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Liberty , Personal Record , Limu , Thirty Four , Clapping , Engine Humming , Queen , We Will Rock You , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Class , Driving , Voice , Set , Ready , Save , Sale , Business , Internet , Installation , Price Guarantee , 2 , 4 99 , 64 99 , Newt Gingrich , Deal , Expert Team , Backing , Value , Prepaid Card , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 00 , 24 7 , 500 , Fear , Business Insider , Attack , Book , Aide , Panel , January 10th , 10 , Capitol , Draft A Speech , Followers , Subpoenaed Ross Washington , Hell , Republican Congress , Campaign , Cambridge , 2012 , Fact , Laws , Liz Cheney , Wolves , Sheep , Tweet , Ones , Crashing Down , Constitution , Capital , Speaker , Rule Of Law Unravels , Politics , Man , Jonathan Chait , Lock , Bridge , Reagan Ism , To Trumpism , Him , Memory Lane , Sunday Morning , Reason , Idealist , Standing , Nation , Knack , Control , Republicans , Guys , 1990 , It , Leadership , Unquote , Bill Clinton , Spirit , Republican Revolution , Policies , Parties , Spite , Evolution , Phase , President Of The United States , Figure , Rhetoric , Version , Recklessness , C Span , Communism , Member , Sympathizers , House Floor , Accusations , Tip O Neill , Chamber , Trump Cult , Conservative Media , Media , Wind , Scrutiny , 90 , Bridge Figure , Wasn T , Fox News , Talk Radio , 1996 , Guy , Ran , Elites , 2016 , Policy , Mute Gingrich , Direction , Principles , None , Written By , Office , Nothing , Atlantic , Up Kurt Erickson , Analysis , Coming , Human Sacrifice , History , Discussion , Expertise , Strategist , Strategist Apps , Voters , Them Er Die , Payroll , Team , Intuit Quickbooks , Preview , Owner , Sneaker Drop , Shoe , Sneaker , 5 , Vo , Plan , Ultra , Mary , Verizon , 5g Data , Ultra Wideband , 5g , Cities , Step , Cost , Zero , Show , Phone , Lead , Go On , Entertainment Subscriptions , Yep , Shhh , Foreals , Someone , Slack , Status , Marketing , Text , A Break , Lisa , Orrrr , Car , Woman , Windshield , Works , Safelite , Wheels , Decompression Zone , Experts , Safety Systems , Service , Technology , Glass , Ingredients , Restorative , Singers , Sleep , Safelite Repair , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Body , More , Discount , Burke , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Home , Hon , Honey , Boat , Discounts , Dad , Sup , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Seventeen , Forty Five , Robert F Kennedy Junior , Bum , Pa Dum , Apology , Hitler , Public Health , Holocaust , Vaccine Protocols , Murder , Mr , 6 Million , Vaccines , Proof , Apologies , Nazism , Crusade , Pandemic , Coronavirus , 2015 , Junior , Father , Attention , Statement , In The Woods , Anti Vaccine Rally In Washington , East Germany , Alps , Switzerland , Attic , Frank , 1962 , Trip , Family , Death Camps , Freedom , Nazis , Amsterdam , Vaccination , Thousands , Covid Test , Message , John Stark , Mistake , New Hampshire , Revolutionary War , Estate , Die , Motto , License Plate , License Plates , Cars , 1971 , 1945 , Phrase , Face , Prison , Nelson Mandela , Kurt Anderson , American Politics , Phrases , Suicide , Staple , Introduction , Anti Vaccine , Many , Protocols , Propaganda Campaign , Resistance , Millions , Middle , Scale , 2021 , Death , Sake , New York Times Bestselling , Stuart Stevens , Author , Campaigns , Making Of America , Evil Geniuses , Mass Death , Survey , Death Cults , Masks , Public Health Protocols , Magazine , Instance , Federalist , Yes , Thinking , Trumpism , Ritual Sacrifice , Cult , Executive Editor , Joke , Governments , Wait , Christians , Religion , Life , Sort , Quarantining , Idea , Anything Else , Good , Chances , Measures , Dying , Christ , Features , Societies , Sacrifice , Elite , World , Figures , Economy , Parallels , Lives , Spread , Side , Orthodoxy , Media Complex , Power , The End , Citizens , Anthropologist , Subjects , Historically , Volunteering , Availability , Vaccine , Politician , Deaths , 163000 , Swing States , Booster , 10000 , Properties , Ego , The Common Good , Palace , Plot , Heart , Shun , Disease , Lies , Line , Propaganda Machine , Alternative Universe , Anyone , Test , Field , Normalization , Face Value , Insanity , Room , Appearance , Political Activist , Kyrsten Sinema , Elected Official , Television Program , Invitation , Issues , Gabriella Cazares Kelly , Accountability , Positions , Public , Next , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Positive , Alk , Adults , Egfr , Pd L1 , Yervoy , Immune System , Response , Opdivo , Cancer , Gene , Doctor , Problems , Parts , Constipation , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Eye Problems , Changes , Irregular Heartbeat , Breath , Appetite , Treatment , Vomiting , Tiredness , Shortness , Thirst , Nausea , Urine , Fainting , Diarrhea , Dizziness , Cough , Rash , Nervous System Problems , Conditions , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Side Effects , Confusion , Itching , Weakness , Flushing , Fever , Trials , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Combination , Pulsing , Electric Shocks , Organ , Shingles , Stabbing Pains , Nightmare , Events , Weekend Getaways , Sharp , Burning Sensation , Virus , Chickenpox , Pharmacist , Market , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Money Manager , Investments , Commissions , Views , Don T , Wave , Client Portfolios , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Protein , Money , Diabetes , Clients , Client , Interest , Act , Glucerna , Last Thing On My Mind , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Retirement , 30 , Voya , Workplace , Benefits , Well Invested , Solutions , Punchbowl News , Congressman Reuben , Congressman Washington , Pressure , Primary Challenge , Donors , Building , 2024 Political , 2024 , Senator Sanders , Vote , Rule , Zone , Voting Rights Legislation , Democratic Board , Donations , Cinema Campaign , Challenge , Cinema , Donor , Emily S List , Abortion Rights Group Naral , 2018 , Activist , Guest , Voto Latino , Pima County , County Recorders Office , Gabriella Cazares , Voter Registration Records , 2019 , September Of 2019 , Kelly Ran , Ezra Klein , New York Times , Recorder , Seat , Breaking News Situations , Native American , Examples , Charge , Endeavor , Recorders Office , Adviser , Community College , Suggestions , Ears , Reservation , Voting , Site , Infrastructure , Homes , Transportation , Community Struggles , Family Vehicle , Pascua Yaqui , Location , Vote Centers , Centers , Voting Site , Tension , Ballots , Conflict , Description , Whether , Failure , Arizonans , Voting Rights , Consequences , Person , Rest , Making Excuses , Time , Minimum , Progressive Action Take , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Zzzquil Ultra , Makers , Choice , Around , Nyquil , Noninvasive , Break , The World Today , Worries , Everybody , Run , Triple Protection Sweat Defense , Announcer , Old Spice , Derrick , Derrick Man , Playin , High School , Cher , Unicef , Partnership , Schools , Scholarships , Support , Girls , Malawi , Those Kids In Malawi , Oh Babe , Task , Billions , Fans , Over The Top , 33 Million , 3 Million , Rachel Maddow , Cable News , Share , 9 , I Love You , Donation , Desks , Fund , Cocktail , Rose , Kids , Honor , Threshold , 33 Million Dollar , Average , Need , Total , Million , 38 , 787 , 138 , Classrooms , Holiday Season , Gift List , Gift , Birthdays , Valentine S Day , Evening , On , 11th Hour , 371 , Eugene Goodman , Heroes , Medal , Mitt Romney , Safety , Silence , Insurrectionists , Single , Danger , Vice President , Hiring Count , Stairs , Dodged A , Bloodbath ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708

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that took me to the federal government website to order those at home tests. and i was shocked at how easy it was to order them. it's the easiest thing i've done with a computer in as long as i can remember. and i thought, well no, there's gotta be several more pages of things. no, that was. it name, address, click. and they're on their way. you know, i haven't reported on that because i didn't know that, you just taught us that we are allowed to report on things that the government does well. that is something -- because i know, if it wasn't working, and if the launch of the system -- which, by the, way we must note, the federal government has never end its history ever attempted to do this, the post office has never attempted to do this, everyone involved is doing something that hasn't been done before in human history, and it is apparently working shockingly well. >> it's true, therefore it's not a story. >> it can't be! that's why i was confused when i saw you covering it and i thought, wait, but it's not a complete disaster, and the website isn't crashing every ten minutes and -- what's to report? >> i mean, the speed at which they announced it and we're rolling it out, and the speech seemed impossible. then they launched it, it had some minor glitches that they seem to work out kind of in the first day, and now it's working and people are getting their tests. and everyone is saying, oh yeah we've always had that. of course, oh yeah, the federal government free test distribution, of course. we've had that since thursday. it's a new, practical, administration initiative that is working which is worth noting because it's gonna make a big difference in peoples lives. >> the question that i have sort of imprinted in my brain and covering anything is always compared to what? because that will give me the perspective. if we say, you know, this is going well, or this is going very, very badly. you say, compared to what? and if it's something that has never been attempted before in human history, i'm very forgiving about how many mistakes you're allowed to make. in my view before you get a right. this is really astonishing to watch. >> it's also, as you put it, as you described, in absolute terms, a very slick system. i do everything online. i do lots of online shopping, i do a lot of online government stuff. it's the first of the year. so a lot of places you need to get a new fishing license, so i've gone through the fishing -- it's all government websites are terrible. almost all the e-commerce websites are terrible. this is one of the few that is very simple and works immediately and it's, like, they ought to get some credit. >> i, of course, will be giving my tests away because my benevolent employer provides free testing whenever i need it, and just on a routine basis. at first i thought, i won't get them because i don't need them. and then i said, i want to do, it i want to see how it works, and then give it to people that i know who desperately need it. >> you should set up a website where people can apply to you for it. >> i've only got four. i want you to website. i'm >> thanks lawrence. >> thank you rachel. well donald trump's friend and mad men, alex jones, told his online audience today that he testified to the january six committee yesterday and that he took the fifth amendments, quote, nearly 100 times. alex jones also told his audience that he did know the answer to half of the questions. for which he took the fifth amendment. that means, there were about 50 questions where alex jones did know the answer but he took the fifth amendment because he believed his answer could lead to him being charged with crimes. alex jones also told his audience that he took the fifth amendment because he was afraid of being charged with perjury if he answered a question under oath. alex jones said that the january six committee already has, quote, everything that's already on my phones and things seem. they have, everything. donald trump actually befriended alex jones after, after alex jones repeatedly told the despicable lie that the mass murder of kindergarten students and first graders along with teachers and staff at san diego elementary school did not happen. alex jones claimed it was all fake. all staged. parents of the victims of that mass murder successfully sued alex jones for that defamation. alex jones lawyer say they will appeal that verdict. john eastman who wrote a memo for donald trump telling the lie that vice president mike pence could block the congressional certification of joe biden's electoral college victory also claimed a fifth amendment protection from the january six committee subpoena. he has invoked his fifth amendment rights to refuse to answer 140 67 anne written questions. he -- john eastman's emails from their server, a federal judge is considering easements attempt to block that subpoena on the grounds of a client privilege. today, lisa monaco said the justice department is investigating attempts to replace biden electors with trump electors in states one by trump why -- joe biden. it changed the outcome of the electoral college. the january six committee is in position now of hundreds of documents from the trump administration that had been turned over to the committee since the supreme court crushed donald trump's attempt to block the delivery of those top of his. and among those documents include certificates that contain these of trump supporters who falsely claimed to be the rightful legally lawful electors in georgia, arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, new mexico, nevada, all states that biden won. lisa monaco said this about those elector certifications. our prosecutors are looking at those and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear. we are going to follow the facts in the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind and at any level. this is part of an assault on our democracy. it has now been 42 days since the house of representatives sent a criminal referral of white house -- former white house chief of staff mark meadows to the justice department recommending that meadows be charged with contempt of congress. the justice department charged steve bannon with contempt of congress 22 days after the house made matt that criminal referral to the justice department. today, aylmer, stewart rhodes, and nine alleged coconspirators with the group that falsely calls themselves oath keepers, pleaded not guilty to seditious conspiracy. judge emmet meta set a july 11 trial date with a backup date of september 26, a free trial requests. meantime daniel goldman served as the house impeachment inquiry council for the first impeachment trial of donald trump. he's also former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. and clement classical, former democratic senator from missouri and an msnbc political analyst. clare, i want to begin with when we heard from the deputy attorney general today because you have been demanding from this justice department some understanding, some acknowledgment of what they are investigating and she said very clearly that our prosecutors are looking at those, those meaning the false fraudulent electoral certificates. when you put that together with what we heard attorney general garland say in his speech generally about this, before january 6th, what is your take now on where the justice department is and what they are pursuing? >> it's very hard to say how seriously they are pursuing all of this. obviously it was very good news today that there was an acknowledgment that there was facts that existed, that showed people were trying to falsely claim that they were electors in order to overturn a free and fair election in the united states of america. but i go back, lawrence, to what i've been complaining about. these criminal referrals on bannon and on mark meadows, they are -- i mean, daniel has been a fed, i was a state prosecutor, maybe he can explain to me what investigation needs to be done. this is a matter of making a decision, are they going to go -- it's not like they have to uncover a bunch of documentary evidence or a bunch of facts or interview a bunch of witnesses. make up your mind and tell the country whether or not mark meadows is going to be held accountable for refusing to cooperate with congress. >> daniel goldman, the justice department in the past has acted on criminal referrals from congress like this in a matter of days, like eight days a week. steve bannon was about 22 days. what can possibly be going on with the mark meadows referral? >> so i play devils advocate here and i think that they're a couple things that might be going on. first of all, there was some cooperation by meadows. we know that he turned over 9000 text messages or something along those lines. second, he does have, or at least there was, potential for executive privilege claims that steve bannon just did not have. so he is in a slightly different footing. i think legally that's irrelevant because the best case that the department of justice can bring is that he simply didn't show up to his deposition. he could've shown up and claimed executive privilege, but he can't just show up -- not show up. i think it's important to understand how these things work. which is, the doj will have to analyze every single communication between the committee and meadows and meadows's attorneys, and meadows attorneys will make a presentation to the department as to why he should not be charged. so it's unclear how much communication there was and whether that gives the doj pause, it's unclear whether that presentation was to be given, so there are some variables here but it's certainly getting along in the tooth for them to pull the trigger. >> and senator mccaskill, alex jones showed him how you do it. you show up, that's what you do when you are subpoenaed. you show up. alex jones takes the fifth amendment to at least half of the questions he's asked. >> yeah, i think it's important to remember, lawrence, that taking the fifth amendment is not always so straightforward. what has happened is they were all hiding behind this phony claim of executive privilege. there are very few people that have the right to claim executive privilege, most of the people who are saying those two words had no right to them. and some of them who thought they had the right to them, the supreme court said, no, you don't, turn over the documents. so now all they have left is the fifth amendment. but that doesn't usually apply to producing documents. so alex jones realized, when he was there talking to the committee, how much, the luminous evidence they have gathered. and that is going to be justice's best friend going forward. that there are text messages, emails, documents, that will be the roadmap for this committee to hopefully begin public hearings sooner rather than later and inform and educate the american people exactly what was going on in the oval office. as the former president over turn -- try to overturn the election. >> let's turn to the investigation in georgia, which maybe the investigation with the most direct criminal liability for donald trump or he's on a recording asking for votes to be created. in that election. the orlando journal-constitution is reporting that the district attorney willis team is also examining the abrupt resignation of a u.s. attorney jay pack, and november 2020 call from senator lindsey graham to brad raffensperger, we knew that already, and the false claims made by rudy giuliani during a hearing in front of the georgia senate -- and there's a particular georgia state law about false statements made in those governing settings. daniel goldman, let's go to that point about the sudden resignation of the u.s. attorney which mystified all of us at the time, seemed extremely suspicious at the time, what would a local prosecutor be looking for in that resignation? win >> they would all understand the pressure campaign that clearly was exacted against him. that forced him to resign. when you resigned that abruptly, you do it and protest. so clearly there was something that was asked of him that he refused to do and rather than execute whatever order or request was made, he decided to resign. we don't know much detail because even though he testified he did not reveal a tremendous detail what was asked of him, but clearly it was something related to -- what we do know is that it was related to overturning this georgia electoral count. and lawrence, you make the point, and i can't underscore it enough, this district attorney, in fulton county, has in front of her wet appears to be the tightest and best case of donald trump and those around him liability, criminal liability. you have a recording which is incredibly damning evidence. you have a host of other phone calls from trump and those close to him to senior officials and georgia to overturn the election. you then pair that with the jeffrey clark stuff where jeffrey clark drafted a letter to the georgia legislature i believe telling them that they need to an certify the electoral count, and the list goes on. there is lindsey graham as you pointed out, there's p.j. pac. and you have a lot of evidence, and it cooperates the very devastating recording. so i think that georgia is the place that those interested in criminal prosecution of donald trump should be focused on. >> senator mccaskill, that's what i've been focused on from the start, i just thought, okay this is a smoking as a gun gets. and we don't know what the grand jury and the prosecutors in manhattan have found about donald trump, but we do know what's the hottest piece of evidence is in the georgia case and we had a former local district attorney from the neighboring county whose friends with full and wellness on this program reminding us that fani willis is a expert on rico, she made her name on rico cases in that county, and she suspects that willis is developing a possible recall case against donald trump and others involving much more than just that one phone call. >> it looks to me that she's building a conspiracy case. and they're a couple of georgia statutes that would apply, conspiracy to impact an election overturn an election, change an election, and all of this would go towards this conspiracy. all of this evidence would be admissible and a conspiracy charge. and the tricky part about this this grandeur that has been called, they can't indict, but they can infect subpoena. and i think they have to get raffensperger on the record again saying, everything donald trump was alleging was not true. >> we claire mccaskill, daniel goldman, thank you very much for starting with our conversations tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, willie they have the same number of wives, and didn't ridge is adding members of congress from the january six committee to the long trump list of people who should be thrown in jail. jonathan shape has just written the definitive article for new york magazine and he will join us next to show us how the most radical republican leader of the 20th century paved the way for donald trump win. 20th century paved the ways, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool for donald trump win to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks. new year, new start. ♪ and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. gingrich seems to be very worried about the january six investigation, so wary that he suggested that the members of the committee should end up in jail. here's something that might explain gingrich's fear of the january six committee. today, business insider notes that new gingrich launched his attack on the committee this weekend, quote, about two weeks after the panel subpoenaed his longtime former aide who also coauthored a book with him. on january 10th, the committee subpoenaed ross washington with the committee said worked on a draft a speech that donald trump told his followers to go to the capitol and fight like hell. he coauthored a book with gingrich in 2012 after serving in new cambridge is losing presidential campaign. here's what new gingrich said about the committee this weekend. >> i think when you have a republican congress, this is all gonna come crashing down, and the wolves are gonna find out that they are now sheep, and they are the ones who in fact are, i think, face a real risk of jail for the kind of laws they are breaking. >> in a tweet, vice chair of the january six committee, liz cheney, said this, a former speaker of the house is threatening jail time for members of congress who are investigating the violent january 6th attack on our capital and our constitution. this is what it looks like when the rule of law unravels. joining us now is jonathan chait, writer for new york magazine, his new article is entitled, newt gingrich invented donald trump's lock them up politics, how one man was the bridge from reagan-ism to trumpism. jonathan, thank you very much for joining us tonight and thank you for guiding me back to through that memory lane, from new gingras just start in the house and where we are with him today. one of the striking things about gingrich prior to now, prior to the last two years or so, is how long he was accepted among, say, the sunday morning shows as a republican in good standing, who had important things to share with the nation about the way he saw governing in america. >> that's right. he's always had a knack for presenting himself as a high minded idealist. but really, the main reason he was able to take control of the republican party, in the 1990s, was because he went to republicans and said, you guys are too nice, you have to get rough, you have to get tough, you have to be as vicious as the democrats are. you have to destroy them. you have to practice politics in a completely different way. that was how he toppled the republican leadership in 1990. and that was the spare it brought to the, quote, unquote, republican revolution in the 1990s. the way that they fought with against the clinton administration reflected the spirit. they saw bill clinton as being totally illegitimate. they were checked out of government and they would impeach him because they didn't think he had any right to stand in the way of their policies in spite of the fact that he had been elected president of the united states. so i think, you know, if you want to go back and look at the republican parties historical evolution into its current phase, where donald trump is the leader of the party, gingrich is really an important figure to study. that's what i tried to do. >> and his rhetoric was a version of trump before trump and his recklessness, his lying accusations when he was a junior member of the house going to the house floor at night when the c-span camera was on to accuse democrats of being sympathizers with communism, tip o'neill then ordered the c-span camera to pan the house, to show that gingrich was speaking to an empty chamber. but, because of c-span, he was speaking to people out there who are beginning to form what is now the trump cult. >> yeah, and i think he was also pioneering in understanding that they want to go around the mainstream media and speak through conservative media that would simply amplify their claim, that wind subject and to any traditional journalistic scrutiny. in the 90s, that medium was talk radio, fox news wasn't invented until 1996, that eventually supplanted it. but he really was a bridge figure to trump and he was an important figure in getting the party to embrace trump. when trump first ran for president in 2016, most republican elites were disgusted by him and said we would never accept him. and gingrich was one of the first people, as i know, he's really got something to say, we should listen to this guy. so he knew in which direction the party was head again. >> and prove there that mute gingrich never believed in any principles of governing whatsoever, none of the policy positions he claimed he believed and when he was in office himself since trump violated so many laws. jonathan -- sorry, we have to go. but i wanna make sure everyone reads your piece in new york magazine. it is not too long and you will learn everything you need to know about newt gingrich, and you'll see that nothing he said this weekend is surprising. jonathan chait, then you for joining us. >> thank. you >> and coming, up kurt erickson will join us to discuss his shocking article in the atlantic. it's a scholarly analysis of the history of human sacrifice. it's the -- join the discussion and join his expertise as a former republican strategist apps to why republican strategist are willing to watch their voters die. them er die. them inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm surprising my team with a preview of the latest sneaker drop. because i can answer any question about any shoe. but i'm stumped when it comes to payroll. intuit quickbooks helps you easily run payroll in less than 5 minutes... you can stay... one step ahead. 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(vo) yep, it's our best plan ever. verizon is going ultra, so you can too. you could email an urgent question to lisa in marketing. and a follow up. and a “did you see my email?” text. orrrr... you could see her status in slack. and give lisa a break while you find someone online who can help. slack. where the future works. >> woman: what's my safelite story? >> vo: my car is more than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ we gave new zzzquil pure zzzs restorative herbal sleep to people who were tired of being tired. i've never slept like this before. i've never woken up like this before. crafted with clinically studied plant-based ingredients that work naturally with your body. for restorative sleep like never before. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ >> today, robert f. kennedy junior, once, again issued a public apology for comparing public health vaccine protocols to hitler's murder of 6 million jewish people during the holocaust. mr. kennedy issued a similar apology that he obviously did not mean in 2015. the proof that he does not mean his apologies is that he kept invoking nazism in the holocaust in his moneymaking crusade against vaccines which began long before the coronavirus pandemic. robert kennedy junior did not earn public attention. he inherited it. and he shamelessly trades on his assassinated father's name to this day. he actually dragged his father into the statement this weekend that he is now in sincerely apologizing for. at an anti vaccine rally in washington, robert kennedy junior said, even in hitler germany, you could cross the alps into switzerland. you could hide in an attic, like and frank did. i visited, in 1962, east germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped. bobby kennedy junior was eight years old on that trip and apparently he did not learn then that and frank was not hiding in an attic in hitler's germany, and frank hid in an attic with her family in amsterdam before the nazis captured them and sent them to the death camps where and frank died. bobby kennedy told his audience that and frank hiding in the attic had more freedom than they do now. he said that to a group of people who travel to washington, some by playing without ever having to show proof of vaccination or recent covid test, robert kennedy junior has not apologize for the thousands of people who are dead tonight because they have made the mistake of believing him, or others, who deliver the same deadly anti-vaccination message. revolutionary war general john stark of new hampshire once said, the free or die. in 1945, the republican -controlled government of new hampshire made that the state's motto, in 1971, the republican -controlled government of new hampshire put that on every license plate in the state. including the license plates, on the cars of people who knew that the phrase was absurd on its face. live free or die means that everyone, in every prison, including nelson mandela at the time, should immediately commit suicide. but, brave sounding phrases that people don't actually live by have long been the staple of american politics, especially republican politics. an important new piece in the atlantic, kurt anderson adjusts the motto to describe the republican party as the live free and die gop. the article is entitled, the anti-vaccine right brought human sacrifice to america. since the introduction of covid-19 vaccines, kurt anderson says, quote, the rights ongoing propaganda campaign against and organized political resistance to vaccination, among other public health protocols, has been killing many, many americans. in other words, what we've experienced, certainly since the middle of 2021 is literally ritual human sacrifice on a mass scale. millions of americans have been persuaded by the right to promote death, and potentially to sacrifice themselves and others, ostensibly for the sake of personal liberty. joining our discussion, kurt anderson, contributes to the atlantic and new york times bestselling author, his latest book, evil geniuses, the and making of america. and stuart stevens, he is a republican presidential campaigns. he's the author of, it was all a lie, how the republican party became donald trump. kurt, your piece, which is an astonishing survey of the history of this kind of mass death, death cults, makes the point that there are actually people out there saying that death is better, death is better than having to deal with masks or vaccines, public health protocols. >> yes. for instance, there is an extraordinary piece in the right-wing magazine, the federalist, that was published last fall, written by its executive editor, which is a right around the time i was beginning to look at this. when i decided, i made a joke, here or there, in the past about ritual sacrifice and trumpism being a cult. but i started thinking, wait, is this just a figure of speech? is this just rhetoric? and i started studying the history of it. anyhow, one thing you find as you look at where this takes place it's in places where the state governments and the highly supernatural religion are completely intertwined. so this federalist magazine piece was literally, why you should die christians. it's a good thing to die. you can't extend your life an extra second by quarantining or wearing masks or getting vaccinated, or anything else. it was an extraordinary piece sort of saying in absolute blunt terms this idea that, for the good of christ and freedom, you should not take any measures to reduce your chances of dying. but there are so many ways -- as i look through the history, i was just stunned to find that all of the main features of this, and societies around the world, because it's my sacrifice has been carried on by the elite, political and social elites, for thousands of years. and the main features, again, and again, and again, have absolute parallels in what's going on in the united states and last year. and i distinguish between the early days, when it was figures of speech, who knew what would happen to the economy, and the last year when vaccines could save lives. clearly, absolutely, and amazingly. and yet, the political orthodoxy on the republican side and their media complex has come to new to disparage and undermine and spread lies about vaccines. to biden? well, according to the anthropologist, the end is social control. it increases political power of those who can, effectively, order their citizens, or subjects, to die. to voluntarily die. and that's the other thing, many, historically, over thousands of years, even as wright recently as a couple of hundreds of years where human sacrifice was still going on, in an obvious way, people often volunteer. of course, volunteering is sometimes -- it's blurry whether it's involuntary or not. >> stuart stevens, kurt documents that just during the period of the vaccines availability, we have 163,000 -- 163,000 unnecessary deaths that could've been prevented by the vaccine, in november. donald trump apparently, might be the only republican politician who's counting these and thinking, well, we can't afford to use 10,000 in one of the swing states. and he's the only one on the republican side who's willing to in some ways say, i have taken the vaccine and the booster. >> yeah, i think it's one of those rare cases where trump's ego and the common good coincide. he is for the vaccine because he sees it as a trump vaccine, therefore the trump vaccine must be great, in the same way trump properties are great. that's good, it's better than him being against it. but all of it started inside the trump white house. this whole plot is lies a shun of a disease started inside this palace of lies that has been the heart of the republican propaganda machine. there's a direct line between saying vaccines are dangerous to kill more people than covid to believing that donald trump won the election. it's an alternative universe that you have to live in. and sort of the ultimate field key test of that would be too [inaudible] i think that anyone who reads kurt's piece, it's brilliant. it really points to a sort of insanity that is inside this room, that has grown inside of the republican party, that is a normalization of what's at any face value you step back from. as you said, this is just nuts. >> the article is in the atlantic, everyone should be reading it. kurt anderson, stevens, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> thank you. and coming up, we will be joined and her first appearance on this program by a former arizona political activist turned democratic elected official. no, not kyrsten sinema, she is still refusing our open invitation to appear on this program just as she continues to refuse on to appear on any television program to explain her otherwise inexplicable positions on the issues to voters. fortunately, gabriella cázares-kelly has a more open view of public accountability, and she will join us next. accountability, and she will if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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(judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment with my hectic life you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i've got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. punchbowl news reports that four term congressman reuben -- was in congressman washington this weekend where he met with senator sinema's donors about a democratic primary challenge in 2024. political pressure has been building against senator sinema since she voted against changing a senate rule just one time, to allow a vote on voting rights legislation. senator sinema was censured by the arizona democratic board. our zone -- senator sanders said he's open to supporting a primary challenge to sinema. emily's list, a top donor for cinema in 2018, has cut off donations to the cinema campaign, as well as the abortion rights group naral. and another group, voto latino -- our next guest, like kyrsten sinema, was an activist in democratic politics before being elected to office herself. in september of 2019, gabriella cazares-kelly discovered that the county recorders office in her county, pima county, arizona, maintains voter registration records. in 2020, gabriella cazares-kelly ran for the office herself and one. she recently told ezra klein, in a new york times article, one thing i was really struck by when i first started getting involved in politics is how much power there isn't just showing up to things. if you want to get involved, there's always a way. and joining us now, in her first appearance on this program's pima county recorder, gabriella cazares-kelly, the first native american elected to a pima county wide seat. thank you very much for joining us tonight. i know we have booked you in the past and have had to delay because of other breaking news situations. i am glad to finally have you here. we discovered you in ezra klein's reporting, where he was showing examples of people who were just taking charge of the politics that they saw around them in their own lives. tell us about the decision that you made about running for office. >> well, thanks for having me! i didn't ever expect to run for office. it was -- i really started this entire endeavor simply by registering voters at a local tribal community college, where i worked as an academic adviser. and i started running into so many systemic issues that were keeping students from simply getting registered to vote. and so i started calling the pima county recorders office and visiting their website and heard suggestions on way to make it more accessible. and that was kind of falling on deaf ears. [laughs] and when i heard that the previous quarter recorder was retiring, i thought, i had to at least try. >> and what can you tell us about how things have changed since you have taken the office? >> one of the biggest things i have been able to do was reopen a early voting site. it was an early voting site on a reservation which had been closed. it's important to know that this community struggles with infrastructure and transportation infrastructure. many homes in the pascua yaqui reservation do not own a family vehicle. and this was really important, important to have an early registration voting site. currently, in the county we are looking at implementing vote centers. in the centers, instead of being assigned one location, they can go to any location in the county. this would reduce the number of provisional ballots and help more peoples votes count. >> how would you characterize the tension in the democratic party in arizona right now over what is happening with senator sinema? >> i don't know that there is a lot of tension. i think that that would have been a nice description a couple of years ago. there was a lot of conflict as to whether or not we should censor her or not. whether or not weright now i fy single democrat is on board with what just happened. it was an extreme failure on senator sinema's part. and it really put arizonans in particular in risk of losing some of our voting rights. >> how did it feel for you personally, as someone who has been working in democratic politics? >> i was very glad that the rest of the democratic party has stopped making excuses for this person and is talking about actual consequences and thinking about people who are going to move forward as too opposed to keeping back progress. i think this is a minimum. it is the bare minimum of what we could be doing. and i want to see more progressive action take place. >> gabriella cazares-kelly, thank you very much for joining us for the first time and hope you will come back. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thank you. tonight's last word is next. tonight's last word is next. so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ when you really need to sleep. only pay for what you need. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ when i break a long run, i'm talking long, long. ♪ that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. [announcer] there he goes. old spice works harder for longer. hey derrick man, you gonna be much longer? it's gonna be a minute, minute. >> many of you are watching hey derrick, quit playin'. derrick! recently when cher called into the show to lend her support to our partnership with unicef to provide tests for schools in malawi and scholarships for girls to attend high school in malawi. >> cher, thank you once again for your kind words about what the audience of this show does for those kids in malawi. >> lawrence, oh babe, i'm so proud of you and your audience. i couldn't believe all the money you've raised. i've been watching for a long, long time. and i just didn't realize that it was in the millions, and millions, and millions. you took on a herculean task and you rocked it. >> cher, you are the closer coming in for boris tonight because we are close to $33 million and i think you're gonna push us over the top. thank you for bringing it to the attention of your billions of fans out there. one of whom i think you know, is the 9 pm host here at msnbc, rachel maddow, who i normally think of as the share of cable news. and she left a message for you at the beginning of this hour. she told me, she gave me this order, to tell you, please tell you, and these are her exact words, hello, and i love you. that's from rachel maddow. >> you know it, i don't drink but i would have a cocktail with her. [laughs] >> they're gonna have a cocktail. rose tweeted, i just made a donation for kind fund for desks while you were talking to share on the phone, but clicked past the place where you put who you are donating in honor of too quickly. i'm doing it for my kids were lucky enough not to worry if they'd have desks to sit at. cher did push us over that 33 million dollar threshold and so, in the 11 years since we began telling you about kids in need of desks on this program, you have now contributed a total of 33 million, $138, 787, an average of over $3 million a year. we still have a long way to go, most students in malawi still don't have desks in their classrooms and most kids still cannot afford to attend high school. please remember that although i only usually mentioned the kind fund during holiday season, you can make a donation to the kind fund at anytime on the website and you can do that in the name of anyone on your gift list from birthdays or valentine's day and unicef will send them and an acknowledgment of your gift. i can never find the words to thank you enough and it's always better when you hear the kids at their new desks thank you themselves. [laughs] some happy students get tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. >> good evening, amid the us on. day 371 of the biden administration. and we begin with the first public words of the heroes to emerge from what was an otherwise horrific and tragic day in washington. capitol police officer eugene goodman was awarded with congressional gold medal last year for the single handedly leading insurrectionists away from the senate chamber. he personally escorted senator mitt romney to safety, i may have been responsible for saving the vice president's life. today for the first time, goodman broke his silence talking about the danger he faced down that day and how he may have dodged a, quote, bloodbath at the capitol. this is just part of his hiring count. >> you see me come up the stairs and you see me look, before i had gone down the

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Coconspirators , Oath Keepers , Seditious Conspiracy , Aylmer , Stewart Rhodes , Nine , Daniel Goldman , Impeachment Inquiry Council , Trial Requests , Emmet Meta Set A July 11 , 26 , 11 , September 26 , July 11 , Senator , Democratic , Impeachment Trial , Classical , Political Analyst , U S Attorney For The Southern District Of New York , Assistant , Msnbc , Missouri , Acknowledgment , Understanding , Clare , Deputy Attorney General , Garland , Take , January 6th , 6 , News , Election , Order , Referrals , Investigation , Decision , Matter , State Prosecutor , Fed , Bunch , Documentary Evidence , Country , Witnesses , Mind , Department , Accountable , Eight Days A Week , Eight , Devils , Mark Meadows Referral , Executive Privilege , Text Messages , Lines , Potential , Second , 9000 , Case , Footing , Deposition , Communication , Doj , Presentation , Attorneys , Meadows Attorneys , Pause , Senator Mccaskill , Tooth , Trigger , Variables , In The Attic , Claim , Words , Most , Some , Two , Evidence , Doesn T , Best Friend , Hearings , Roadmap , Turn , Let , President , Oval Office , Recording , Liability , Votes , Orlando Journal Constitution Is Reporting , District Attorney Willis Team , Lindsey Graham , Jay Pack , Claims , Resignation , Hearing , Brad Raffensperger , Rudy Giuliani , 2020 , November 2020 , Point , Front , All Of Us , Statements , Georgia Senate , Attorney , Governing Settings , Georgia State Law , Let S Go , Pressure Campaign , Prosecutor , Protest , Detail , Whatever , Request , Georgia Electoral , The Point , District Attorney , Criminal Liability , Fulton County , Phone Calls , Host , Jeffrey Clark Stuff , Officials , Letter , Jeffrey Clark , Georgia Legislature , List , Count , Pac , P J , Place , Prosecution , Gun , Smoking , Piece , Manhattan , Grand Jury , Program , County , Name , Rico , Cases , Friends , Wellness , Neighboring County , Fani Willis , Conspiracy , Others , Willis , Phone Call , Recall , Couple , Statutes , Conspiracy Charge , Grandeur , Record , Raffensperger , Conversations , We , Members , Number , Trump List , Wives , Coming Up , Willie , Didn T Ridge , Republican , Article , Leader , New York Magazine , Jail , 20th Century , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , Ways , Win , 20 , Risk , Colon Cancer , Results , Stages , Colon Cancers , Provider , Screening , 45 , 92 , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Liberty , Personal Record , Limu , Thirty Four , Clapping , Engine Humming , Queen , We Will Rock You , Gmc Sierra , Pick Up , Class , Driving , Voice , Set , Ready , Save , Sale , Business , Internet , Installation , Price Guarantee , 2 , 4 99 , 64 99 , Newt Gingrich , Deal , Expert Team , Backing , Value , Prepaid Card , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 00 , 24 7 , 500 , Fear , Business Insider , Attack , Book , Aide , Panel , January 10th , 10 , Capitol , Draft A Speech , Followers , Subpoenaed Ross Washington , Hell , Republican Congress , Campaign , Cambridge , 2012 , Fact , Laws , Liz Cheney , Wolves , Sheep , Tweet , Ones , Crashing Down , Constitution , Capital , Speaker , Rule Of Law Unravels , Politics , Man , Jonathan Chait , Lock , Bridge , Reagan Ism , To Trumpism , Him , Memory Lane , Sunday Morning , Reason , Idealist , Standing , Nation , Knack , Control , Republicans , Guys , 1990 , It , Leadership , Unquote , Bill Clinton , Spirit , Republican Revolution , Policies , Parties , Spite , Evolution , Phase , President Of The United States , Figure , Rhetoric , Version , Recklessness , C Span , Communism , Member , Sympathizers , House Floor , Accusations , Tip O Neill , Chamber , Trump Cult , Conservative Media , Media , Wind , Scrutiny , 90 , Bridge Figure , Wasn T , Fox News , Talk Radio , 1996 , Guy , Ran , Elites , 2016 , Policy , Mute Gingrich , Direction , Principles , None , Written By , Office , Nothing , Atlantic , Up Kurt Erickson , Analysis , Coming , Human Sacrifice , History , Discussion , Expertise , Strategist , Strategist Apps , Voters , Them Er Die , Payroll , Team , Intuit Quickbooks , Preview , Owner , Sneaker Drop , Shoe , Sneaker , 5 , Vo , Plan , Ultra , Mary , Verizon , 5g Data , Ultra Wideband , 5g , Cities , Step , Cost , Zero , Show , Phone , Lead , Go On , Entertainment Subscriptions , Yep , Shhh , Foreals , Someone , Slack , Status , Marketing , Text , A Break , Lisa , Orrrr , Car , Woman , Windshield , Works , Safelite , Wheels , Decompression Zone , Experts , Safety Systems , Service , Technology , Glass , Ingredients , Restorative , Singers , Sleep , Safelite Repair , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Body , More , Discount , Burke , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Wife , Jet Skis , Home , Hon , Honey , Boat , Discounts , Dad , Sup , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Seventeen , Forty Five , Robert F Kennedy Junior , Bum , Pa Dum , Apology , Hitler , Public Health , Holocaust , Vaccine Protocols , Murder , Mr , 6 Million , Vaccines , Proof , Apologies , Nazism , Crusade , Pandemic , Coronavirus , 2015 , Junior , Father , Attention , Statement , In The Woods , Anti Vaccine Rally In Washington , East Germany , Alps , Switzerland , Attic , Frank , 1962 , Trip , Family , Death Camps , Freedom , Nazis , Amsterdam , Vaccination , Thousands , Covid Test , Message , John Stark , Mistake , New Hampshire , Revolutionary War , Estate , Die , Motto , License Plate , License Plates , Cars , 1971 , 1945 , Phrase , Face , Prison , Nelson Mandela , Kurt Anderson , American Politics , Phrases , Suicide , Staple , Introduction , Anti Vaccine , Many , Protocols , Propaganda Campaign , Resistance , Millions , Middle , Scale , 2021 , Death , Sake , New York Times Bestselling , Stuart Stevens , Author , Campaigns , Making Of America , Evil Geniuses , Mass Death , Survey , Death Cults , Masks , Public Health Protocols , Magazine , Instance , Federalist , Yes , Thinking , Trumpism , Ritual Sacrifice , Cult , Executive Editor , Joke , Governments , Wait , Christians , Religion , Life , Sort , Quarantining , Idea , Anything Else , Good , Chances , Measures , Dying , Christ , Features , Societies , Sacrifice , Elite , World , Figures , Economy , Parallels , Lives , Spread , Side , Orthodoxy , Media Complex , Power , The End , Citizens , Anthropologist , Subjects , Historically , Volunteering , Availability , Vaccine , Politician , Deaths , 163000 , Swing States , Booster , 10000 , Properties , Ego , The Common Good , Palace , Plot , Heart , Shun , Disease , Lies , Line , Propaganda Machine , Alternative Universe , Anyone , Test , Field , Normalization , Face Value , Insanity , Room , Appearance , Political Activist , Kyrsten Sinema , Elected Official , Television Program , Invitation , Issues , Gabriella Cazares Kelly , Accountability , Positions , Public , Next , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Positive , Alk , Adults , Egfr , Pd L1 , Yervoy , Immune System , Response , Opdivo , Cancer , Gene , Doctor , Problems , Parts , Constipation , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Eye Problems , Changes , Irregular Heartbeat , Breath , Appetite , Treatment , Vomiting , Tiredness , Shortness , Thirst , Nausea , Urine , Fainting , Diarrhea , Dizziness , Cough , Rash , Nervous System Problems , Conditions , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint Pain , Side Effects , Confusion , Itching , Weakness , Flushing , Fever , Trials , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Combination , Pulsing , Electric Shocks , Organ , Shingles , Stabbing Pains , Nightmare , Events , Weekend Getaways , Sharp , Burning Sensation , Virus , Chickenpox , Pharmacist , Market , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Money Manager , Investments , Commissions , Views , Don T , Wave , Client Portfolios , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Protein , Money , Diabetes , Clients , Client , Interest , Act , Glucerna , Last Thing On My Mind , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Retirement , 30 , Voya , Workplace , Benefits , Well Invested , Solutions , Punchbowl News , Congressman Reuben , Congressman Washington , Pressure , Primary Challenge , Donors , Building , 2024 Political , 2024 , Senator Sanders , Vote , Rule , Zone , Voting Rights Legislation , Democratic Board , Donations , Cinema Campaign , Challenge , Cinema , Donor , Emily S List , Abortion Rights Group Naral , 2018 , Activist , Guest , Voto Latino , Pima County , County Recorders Office , Gabriella Cazares , Voter Registration Records , 2019 , September Of 2019 , Kelly Ran , Ezra Klein , New York Times , Recorder , Seat , Breaking News Situations , Native American , Examples , Charge , Endeavor , Recorders Office , Adviser , Community College , Suggestions , Ears , Reservation , Voting , Site , Infrastructure , Homes , Transportation , Community Struggles , Family Vehicle , Pascua Yaqui , Location , Vote Centers , Centers , Voting Site , Tension , Ballots , Conflict , Description , Whether , Failure , Arizonans , Voting Rights , Consequences , Person , Rest , Making Excuses , Time , Minimum , Progressive Action Take , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Zzzquil Ultra , Makers , Choice , Around , Nyquil , Noninvasive , Break , The World Today , Worries , Everybody , Run , Triple Protection Sweat Defense , Announcer , Old Spice , Derrick , Derrick Man , Playin , High School , Cher , Unicef , Partnership , Schools , Scholarships , Support , Girls , Malawi , Those Kids In Malawi , Oh Babe , Task , Billions , Fans , Over The Top , 33 Million , 3 Million , Rachel Maddow , Cable News , Share , 9 , I Love You , Donation , Desks , Fund , Cocktail , Rose , Kids , Honor , Threshold , 33 Million Dollar , Average , Need , Total , Million , 38 , 787 , 138 , Classrooms , Holiday Season , Gift List , Gift , Birthdays , Valentine S Day , Evening , On , 11th Hour , 371 , Eugene Goodman , Heroes , Medal , Mitt Romney , Safety , Silence , Insurrectionists , Single , Danger , Vice President , Hiring Count , Stairs , Dodged A , Bloodbath ,

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