Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

blocks overnight. president biden needing the two key democratic holdouts for over an hour at the white house as majority leader schumer is forced to push back the vote. but there is a bipartisan moment on one side banning lawmakers from doing what, creating -- plus we have had breaking news overnight in australia. carson novak djokovic's visa for a second time. his lawyers fighting it right now in court to try to prevent the tennis star from being blocked from the country for three years. we have to start this morning with several new dramatic developments in the fight against coronavirus with two potentially major ramifications. the supreme court blocking the biden administration's rule requiring larger businesses to ensure workers get the covid vaccine or wear masks and get tested on a weekly basis. the work requirement would have affected nearly # 0 million americans, president biden releases a statement expressing disappointment with the decision. at the same time the high court saying a separate mandate requiring vaccinations for an estimated 20 million health care workers that one can be enforced. we have the best team with the most important information you need to know on all of this, starting with kelly o'donnell at the white house. antonia hylton in new york, jacob ward in california and michael schmidt a labor and employment attorney also joining us dr. steven sample an emergency physician in indiana. kelly, the biden administration, do they have any other options here? i mean, supreme court kind of seems like the last one. >> reporter: well, persuasion is what they can still try to do, to ask private employers to make it their own company policy and by doing that then employers can require their employees to get the vaccination and not make it a federal requirement, and that's something that we've seen some employers choose to do. certainly in the area where health care workers are involved and there are federal funds going to the facilities where those nurses, doctors and so forth work, those mandates have been upheld by the court and the white house considers that an important victory to protect patients and the work environment of those employees. there's frustration and disappointment at the white house about this ruling. there is a chance that they will review what the court said and look for other ways to try to put this perhaps back into a new form, but we have not gotten any indication yet from the white house about another strategy related to a federal requirement. so what they can do is ask, implore, encourage, incentivize people to get the vaccination and the booster. that's what they really want ultimately and they were using osha to try to make workplaces safe and saying that they believe there was a federal responsibility to do that and they believe they had done so only after trying other things. so they call this a big disappointment. >> michael, all sorts of businesses big and small were thrilled about this mandate. they put it in place in their businesses. can it still hold up? can they enforce it? >> well, certainly employers are free to implement the mandatory vaccine or mandatory testing policy. this decision doesn't really impact that. in fact, what we've been seeing is that state, local governments and employers in many cases have done just that despite the uncertainty with the osha ets, they have acted in the past four, five, six months to deal with this vaccine and the osha ets and the decision now from the supreme court isn't saying that you can't have any mandatory vaccine policy or that you shouldn't. it was just really a question of who gets to decide and who gets to regulate that. >> jake, i've been talking to all sorts of fortune 500 cs who love the mandate, put it in place, actually have the numbers to show what a huge difference its made. we heard from airline ceos this week talk being that. what are you hearing? >> it is extraordinary, stephanie, to look across the landscape and hear what you would imagine to be people who would have been against a mandate, you know, in other areas of business, wanting hands off of their business when it comes to the federal government, in this case really expressing disappointment that the vaccine mandate won't go forward, simply because in the words of one ceo it would have leveled the playing field, forcing every company to basically do it the same way. i spoke to the ceo of columbia sportswear who describes the extraordinary mishmash of local and state regulations that he has to navigate. he says he's had to retain outside counsel in order to even manage it. he describes the complications of trying to operate in this what he called a thicket of regulations. here is how he described it. >> we have some stores that straddle county lines, so what are we supposed to do, you know? which county do we rely on? is it the one where the cash register is? anyway, it adds to the level of complexity and we have to hire people to help us manage these laws so that we operate properly in every jurisdiction that we have stores. so the level of complexity is enormous. >> so, stephanie, it also, of course, is the case that none of this falls equally on all workers. we've been speaking to experts from boston university and the university of minnesota who actually look at the impact of local and state regulations on workers and they say that when it comes to low-income workers, people earning less than $25,000 at a company, they are four times more likely than someone earning more than $100,000 at a company to both get covid and four times less likely to actually be able to stay at work because of covid in the prior week according to the data that they're tracking week by week there is so many people at that end of the spectrum missing work or because they have to -- because they're sick or because they have to take care of somebody. >> and those -- >> -- all of this were to fall equally on all workers maybe this would be explainable but the experts say that this imbalance is exactly what osha is here to help with. >> of course, jake, those same workers are often the ones who don't get paid time off, who don't have vacation, so when they are not at work they are not getting a paycheck. michael, there are a lot of private companies that already fired workers for refusing to get vaccinated. now what happens? do those people who were fired have a right to get their job back or seek damages? >> no, not necessarily. the decision by the supreme court doesn't really impact that. it certainly doesn't affect those who may have been terminated because an employer implemented a mandatory policy, unless an employee has a right to a reasonable accommodation and we understand for disability or medical or religious belief reasons in most states employers are entitled to condition getting vaccinated for their ability to work. >> antonia, you are at coney island hospital here in new york. i know they will get some federal help next week. what does that look like? >> reporter: right, stephanie. so here at coney island hospital they are one of six sites in various states that are about to receive surging medical teams here. what that really looks like is teams of about 20 or more people full of nurses, clinicians, technicians and real physicians who are going to join the every day functioning of the hospital because these are hospitals that have been incredibly strained during this omicron surge, they have staff members who are out sick themselves or who are experiencing extreme burnout. so these teams are stepping into every day real roles that patients will themselves see. you know, this is their hope here is to have an immediate impact that will carry these hospitals that are in such critical condition through the next 30 days and really get them through the worst part of this surge. what's also important to note here is that here in coney island or in places like newark, new jersey, at university hospital this is about surging resources to struggling hospitals but also to particular patient populations because these are hospitals that serve very diverse communities, that serve populations of low-income patients so it's about the hospital but it's also about resources to the people who need them the most. >> dock, what's the situation at your hospital right now? >> so we're busy. we're busy all day every day. yesterday i saw about 20 patients or so and i only had six patients that did not have covid, three of them had the flu, two of them were almost certainly false negative covids and the other one had something else. we are covered up, our numbers are high just like everybody else and more importantly for us i am not at a major tertiary facility, i am in kind of a semi-rural community medical center and all of my transfer facilities are full in all the major cities that i send my sickest patients to, i can't get them there. they will sit sometimes for many hours, sometimes for days waiting on really important stuff like dialysis or a heart bypass surgery and so that's where we're seeing a lot of this -- this as well. >> wow. >> and of course right now we have staff going down left and right as well. >> you also have staff that's not in the building anymore. what is your take, the supreme court kept the vaccine mandate for health care workers. >> so i'm glad about that. i'm disappointed that they didn't uphold the entirety of the law, but i am glad and i will get push back from some of my own colleagues and staff on that, but i feel it's really important to create as safe an environment as responsible for our patients and part of being a physician and a nurse, we have to submit to a whole lot of shots and tests and rules just so that we can keep our patient population safe. so i'm all for it. i've said it from the beginning, if you want to touch a patient, you need to protect them the best you can. >> you said you're going to get some push back. from whom? why? what's the rationale? >> you know, i live in the middle of the country, right? i'm in southwestern indiana and a lot of people down here are not listening to necessarily the science. you know -- >> why not? >> we've got one tribe versus another tribe. one side of us are trying to roll with the punches of science and the frustrations of that, and the other side is listening to, you know, dr. oz and joe rogan and all these people and they're listening to that and it sounds good to them and it certainly feeds into their preexisting notions and there's just push back, even from people who are seeing it every single day. >> is that what some of your patients tell you? when you face an unvaccinated sick, sick person, what do they tell you? they wish they got the vaccine? they don't believe in the vaccine? they're laying on a hospital bed. >> yeah, some. i have had people ask me after the fact for vaccines, which of ivermectin, i've had people come in who have ordered ivermectin online from the shysters at the america's front line doctors. there is sometimes embarrassment and sometimes there is outright defiance. they don't believe you. they don't care. it is kind of a mishmash of reactions, but there's always kind of that knowing, you know, here we are. >> they don't care, they don't believe you, yet when they get really sick they're not asking joe rogan or dr. oz for help, they're at your hospital. >> that's right. >> dr. sample, thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate it this morning. we have to turn now to some very big developments surrounding january 6th. stewart rhodes, ever heard this name? now you will. the founder of the far right militia group known as the oath keepers has been arrested and charged with seditious conspiracy marking a major escalation in the justice department's investigation. he's not alone. ten others were indicted on the very same charge. pete williams is nbc's justice correspondent. pete, i don't know what that means, right? big scary name. what does seditious conspiracy entail? >> it means conspiracy to stop the government from carrying out one of its essential functions and these, therefore, with the most serious charges filed and brought against the most high profile defendant. they accuse the leader of the oath keepers of starting to plan right after the election for violent action in washington to block joe biden from becoming president. stewart rhodes is accused of seditious conspiracy, planning with ten other members of the group to carry out acts of violence to stop congress from formally counting the electoral vote for president. prosecutors say as early as two days after the election rhodes began messaging his team using an encrypted app. he wrote according to court documents we aren't getting through this without a civil war. then on january 6 the government says his rioters broke through the police lines. he messaged his leadership reminding them that the nation's founders stormed the governor's mansion in massachusetts. in the hours after the riot the government says he met with his team to plan further violence and in the following weeks spent more than $17,000 buying weapons and ammunition. but rhodes told an internet radio interviewer that he has done nothing wrong. >> i don't do illegal activities. i always stay on this side of the line. i know where the lines are, and it drives them crazy. >> and his lawyer says the evidence in the indictment doesn't support the charges, stephanie. >> $17,000. my goodness. pete williams, you always keep it real. thank you so much for joining us, i appreciate it. coming up, president biden keeping pressure on senators manchin and sinema after they seemed to torch hopes for voting rights legislation. i will be asking congressman ro khanna what could still be on the table for democrats. later this hour are presidential debates done? 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>> reporter: well, steph, it is definitely an uphill battle if not a battle that cannot be won. so president biden put in a ton of effort this week to try to get this passed. he did a speech in georgia, he came to capitol hill yesterday to meet with senate democrats to try to rally the troops, but just moments before that senator sinema gave a speech on the senate floor saying that she has no desire to get rid of that 60-vote threshold for any legislation, including voting rights legislation. she says that it will be bad for the senate. let's listen. >> when one party need only negotiate with itself, policy will inextricably be pushed from the middle towards the extremes and i understand there are some on both sides of the aisle that prefer that outcome, but i do not. >> reporter: so after sinema's speech president biden went and talked to these democrats, i was told it was an emotional meeting. i was told senator ossoff of georgia gave an impassioned speech, but it didn't change sinema's mind, it didn't change manchin's mind, either. afterward he released a statement saying getting rid of the filibuster would be the easy way out. then after president biden invited the two of them to the white house last night we got no readout from senator sinema and senator manchin, instead the white house put out a very short statement saying that they had a respectful discussion about voting rights. but voting rights isn't the issue, steph. all 50 democrats support voting rights, including senators sinema and manchin, what they don't support is these rules changes and this seems like it is going to go nowhere despite the fact senator schumer is going to try to keep them into session next week, stephanie. >> my goodness. let's ask somebody who is in the mix even deeper and bring in california democratic congressman ro khanna. he has called repeatedly for an end to the filibuster but it is not happening, sir. let's set aside the idea of ending it and talk about the possibility of a one-time carveout for voting rights. how would that work and how would you ensure it was only used once? >> well, i think it should be used when fundamental rights are at stake. here is my question for senator sinema -- >> hold on. >> yeah. >> couldn't anyone make the argument fundamental rights are at stake? get practical with me for a minute. how would you get that done? >> i believe we need to get rid of the filibuster, but if you want a carveout i would have a carveout that says if you believe that the equality of the right to franchise is at issue, then we do not need a filibuster to pass legislation to make sure that black people, latinos, asian-americans, everyone has an equal right to vote. if senators believe that, then there should not be a carveout. here is my question to senator sinema, in all honesty, and i hope someone will ask her this. if she were in the senate in 1964 and 1965 and there was the civil rights act that desegregated this country and the voting rights act that dr. king and john lewis fought for and if it were a call that it would only pass with 51 votes, it could not get the 60 shoets, how would she have voted then? my guess is she would have voted with the 51 votes, she would have thought that is so important to the equality of this country that i would be willing to make the exception. if that's the case why doesn't it apply now? or she should explain maybe she wouldn't have passed the civil rights act on just a 51 vote, but someone should ask that question. >> someone would love to ask her that question, the problem is she doesn't do any interviews. you might be able to ask her why she doesn't. she is a lawmaker. she was voted into office. practically speaking, though, because we are not going to get to ask her that, when harry reid ended the 60 vote tlesh followed for judicial nominees in 2013 republicans then used that as a pretext for ending the 60-vote threshold for supreme court nominees four years later. so i want to share what mitt romney said might happen if you end the filibuster now. >> there's also a reasonable chance republicans will win both houses in congress and that donald trump himself could once again be elected president in 2024. have democrats thought what would it mean for them, for the democrat minority to have no power whatsoever? >> what do you think about that? >> i don't believe that it will create the terrible consequences because i believe a lot of the things we're talking about are popular. i don't believe mitt romney himself if we passed voting rights act would vote to repeal that. i think there are senators like susan collins who would vote to repeal that. when you have fundamental legislation that is good and just repealing that becomes difficult. we saw the republicans couldn't repeal even the affordable care act and that is less fundamental to democracy than voting rights. >> sure, but look what they've done with the supreme court, look what's happening with abortion rights. what gives you such confidence and faith in doing the right thing? that's certainly not something that mitch mcconnell considers a top priority. >> stephanie, look, there's always a risk. i'm not going to say that there is no chance that a bad outcome doesn't happen. guys my view is this, i never thought growing up that i would get to congress and that in the year 2022 would be having to fight for voting rights. i thought that was settled in the 1960s. we have a moment where there are less ballot boxes in places that have african-american con stitt wednesdayees, where people are being thrown off the roles, where the fights that john lewis was beaten for are taking place in modern america. can we guarantee it's never going to be repealed? of course not. john lewis couldn't fwarn fee that, but if we don't try we're failing the moral challenge of our generation. >> if you cannot get these passed there a plan b, some sort of way to work with republicans even on getting a portion of these bills passed? >> the one place where we ought to work with republicans is on the electoral count act and senator king, senator durbin and senator klobuchar have a very thoughtful proposal which basically would say that state legislatures shouldn't be able to overturn the popular vote in their own states so that we don't have a situation in 2024 where a candidate comes and even if arizona votes for the democratic candidate, a republican legislature overturns that, that reform to ensure that the 24, 28 elections aren't stolen is so important and that's a place even senator mcconnell has said that we can work for common ground. >> all right, then. congressman ro khanna, thank you for joining us this morning. i appreciate it. next, bad news for novak djokovic. the tennis star's australian visa canceled for a second time. so what is next with the tournament just three days away? and a new threat from the rnc that could make presidential debates a thing of the past. but before we go, i want to give a huge shout out and congratulations to our friends and colleagues at the "today" show. we are celebrating "today's" incredible 70, that's right, 7-0, 70-year run and i am so excited for more years to come with some of the best people on tv. happy anniversary "today" show. tv happy anniversary "today" show subway's eat fresh refresh has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. ♪ save big. feel the difference with downy. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> well, this is something that has been in the works and under discussion within the rnc for a while now and there has been increasing displeasure, you know, the debate commission is bipartisan or nonpartisan, really, but there has been displeasure starting actually back to 2012 where mitt romney was fact checked in realtime by a moderator and then donald trump of course was very dissatisfied. so you have all of those roots kind of brewing and then you have a moment where republicans in particular and especially the base, which is what the rnc caters to, is so distrustful and miss trustful of institutions. if there was ever a moment for the rnc to challenge an institution, now is that moment. >> okay. mac, could this backfire? nobody likes to see their candidate walk away from a fight. if the rnc actually does this, on one hand would it be a bad look or on the other would it be so dangerous because then all of that misinformation that gets pumped out every day wouldn't get challenged? >> well, i mean, i just want to step back in the importance of presidential debates in the functions of our democracy is so incredibly imperative because it is one of the only if not the only manner in which a candidate puts himself in without a created propaganda lens, whether it's paid advertising or how they do free media events or whatever it is. it's one of the few ways to really give us an informed public, which we absolutely need in a democracy. i don't think there is a political bounce, i've been having a debate over debates since 1960 when we had the first presidential debate, then we went 16 years with no debates because the candidates on each side then we had debates in 1980, jimmy carter didn't want to debate with only -- he wanted to only debate ronald operationen then some of those were canceled. we have had this debate over debates but it's incredibly important and whether it's the presidential commission or somebody else, somebody has to do for the sake of the public get the politicians out of this and create the best mode that the public can be engaged and informed, and so far in the last 30 or 40 years since we really started this in '87 presidential debates are one of the few modes that the public can get a real look in an objective way at presidential candidates. >> all right. mr. dowd, then, i want to actually read some of the rnc's requests. they want the debates to happen before early voting starts, term limits for the commission's board and a ban on any partisan political activity for the people in the commission. again, i'm a mere mortal, i have never been involved in debates about debates, but when i read those three i kind of think, i don't know, they sound reasonable. >> well, and i think the commission has been open and they've changed their ways they've organized these things and they've adapted to candidates. we had in 2004 and in 2000 different considerations with the commission to get them to do different things. i think what they fundamentally want is they want trump partisans, which this is really on the basis of if you go back and look at it from 2016 and 2020, they want trump partisans not only on the board, they actually want some trump partisans to be conducting debates. that's what's behind this. there are some rules that we can change. i think we need to let independent candidates change the rules on independent candidates, i think it's been too restrictive, but you can do that through the system, but i think in the end they want trump people on the board to make the decisions. >> ashley, any chance any of these changes are going to happen? >> well, some of those changes, as you said, seem quite reasonable to people, such as having at least the first debate before early voting begins. as matt said, it's one of these rare moments where the public can see uiltered fault lines and differences between the candidates. that's something it feels like a lot of people might agree to. the big issue is that traditionally the commission does not negotiate with the parties. they negotiate with the candidates. another interesting open question is if you read the tea leaves a little bit donald trump is someone who does not necessarily -- if he runs again -- want to debate. he doesn't like doing debate prep, it's not really an area of strength for him. but they want all the republican candidates to pledge to no more debates. you can see a world in which if the candidate is not donald trump, for instance, mitt romney came out and talked about the importance of debates, a mitt romney, a chris christie, a republican candidate who thinks they can do well against biden, think debates are they are strength, it's not totally monolithic even within the party necessarily. >> ashley and matthew, thank you for joining us. we have money, power, politics on the other side of the break. new moves to ban members of congress from trading stocks. congresswoman abigail spanberger who introduced one of these bills here to talk about why she believes it's critical. i'm giving her lots of time because i sure think it is, too. because i sure think it is, too. healthier starts when excuses end. what? 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[ cellphone vibrates ] you'll get proactive alerts for market events before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions, get decision tech from fidelity. time now for money, power, politics. this morning there was a big push to separate all of that in congress. house speaker nancy pelosi made lots of headlines when she shut down the idea that lawmakers should be banned from trading stocks and that they've been taking advantage. guess what, they have been. lawmakers and their immediate families with lots of information have been making lots and lots of money. and now that is becoming an issue that in some cases is uniting both parties with some democrats and republicans introducing several bills to rein in or ban trading options for their families and their colleagues. one bill that would ban members and senior staffers from trading stocks in office or force them to put stocks in a blind trust. another led by senators ossoff and kelly would require all lawmakers, spouses and dependent children to use a blind trust, too. but if they don't they would be fined their full congressional salaries. republican senator josh hawley also wants a blind trust but wouldn't require it for dependent children. his penalty is different, forcing lawmakers to return stock profits to the treasury if they do not comply. and in the house congresswoman abigail spanberger also pushing to require blind trusts it applies to spouses an dependent children and she has members of both parties on board. that is rare so we have to discuss. the congresswoman joins us now. thank you for being here. i know you do not think insider trading is a big problem in congress, but you think the perception s why? because you're basically saying do as we say but don't do as we do? >> well, there's an issue where perception is reality and when we saw back in 2020 when there were reports coming out about different members of congress who were buying or selling stocks in the early days of the covid-19 pandemic, one of the things that was most notable and disturbing to me was the general acceptance that look at them, look at congress, of course, the world is facing a global pandemic and they're buying stocks in pharmaceutical companies. that lack of trust that exists, that distance between people and legislators is something that we have to take proactive steps to remedy, to close that gap. and so i think it's important that we should not only endeavor to avoid impropriety but the mere appearance of impropriety. the way that we do that is we say as members of congress we should not be allowed to own individual stocks. neither can our spouses. neither can our children. we are taking active steps to say when we are in the congress, in the halls of united states capitol, we are working for the people who elected us. we are not thinking about what stock trades we may or may not make, we are not having in the back of our mind information from a briefing we had that morning. we are focused on the people. and if we can affirm that to the american people by saying, in fact, we won't sell or buy stocks, we won't allow ourselves to participate in the market in this way in order to affirm that we deserve your trust i think it's worth doing. that's why we have -- are so grateful that chip roy, republican colleague from texas is my co-lead on the bill, in the united states house we have members across the ideological and political spectrum. in the united states senate, senators ossoff and kelly are carrying our companion bill and they've made some adjustments to the bill with their introduction as well. so the project -- the trajectory of this issue is really one that's forward-moving, and i'm really just excited about the prospect of taking this affirmative step to say we're making this limiting decision because the american people deserve to know that we are working for them every -- every day we are in congress. >> so why not take it up now? republican leader kevin mccarthy says he will do it when and if they win the house. why wouldn't nancy pelosi do it today? >> well, i hope that we will do it as soon as possible. you know, certainly the exciting thing on the hill is that we have seen just tremendous momentum about our piece of legislation in the past couple weeks. we just had -- yesterday we signed four more people on, democrats and republicans, on to the bill. in my office we sent out a survey to constituents. in less than 24 hours we received more than 3,000 responses and 93% of the people i represent who responded to our survey said, absolutely. we agree. members of congress shouldn't be able to buy and sell individual stocks. so we're moving towards the momentum of getting the bill to the floor and i'm going to keep pushing, i'm going to keep expanding the support for this bill. again, we've got members, democrats, republicans on the left, on the right and everywhere across the spectrum who agree that this is an important step that we can take to demonstrate to the american people that we are working for them. >> have you spoken to speaker pelosi? has she changed her position yet? >> i have not had direct conversations with speaker pelosi about this particular piece of legislation and so i'm unaware of her current position on this, but i do think that as we see the american people getting excited about this type of legislation, certainly thinking it's important and as we see members of congress really coming together around this idea and this priority that i hope that we will be able to take a vote on this legislation. certainly in the near term. it's important that we do so. >> it certainly s congresswoman, thank you so much. and an open invitation to any member of congress who is against this, who would vote no for it. i'd love to find out why. you are welcome to join us any day of the week. congresswoman spanberger, thank you for being shear. >> thank you for having me. turning now to a story i think you will be talking about tonight. this week the founder of net scape, the browser that used to command the internet a long time ago returned 35 pieces of art that investigators say were stolen. jim clark had spent 35 million bucks on antiques from cambodia and southeast asia, art that is now worth a whole lot more than that, but he gave all of it back after he learned that the art was all stolen. investigators say he was duped by a shady art dealer. clark telling "the new york times" this, it's hard for people to give us something they paid for, but for me why would you want to own something that was stolen? doing a pretty good thing right there. we had to highlight it. coming up next, the new lawsuit against some of the nation's top universities accusing them of working together to limit financial aid. the reporter who broke that story joins us with the stunning details. story joinuss with theg new hickory-smoked bacon, new... 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ got my hair ♪ with 30 grams of protein. ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh a new lawsuit accuses 16 major universities of price fixing say the schools work together to determine financial aid award for students. many declined or didn't immediately comment. yale and brown said they have faith in their financial practices. she broke this story. melissa, break it down. what happened here? >> couple dozen colleges do work together to create a formula by which they calculate student's financial need and the lawsuit is saying they shouldn't be allowed to work together because they are need blind admission. there's a carve out for an anti-trust exemption allowing schools to collaborate as the lawsuit says collude but only if they are need. the schools look at financial need when taking people off the wait list and give an advantage to donor's kids. >> how strong is this case? the headlines don't sound good. >> america hate cartel. universities have an exception where they are allowed to conspire and engage in price fixing in order to set tuition and determine financial aid. the only thing they have to do in order to take advantage of that incredible benefit is just admit to students on a need blind basis and the complaint argues if they are letting in wealthy legacy students, then they can't be admitting people on a need blind basis. >> what could the result be here? not just damages the the universities could have to pay. could they change the rules going forward? >> yes. in class action or large scale litigation like this, it's historically been a terrific vehicle for societal and legal change when it won't go through congress or the other traditional means. this could have major effect on how universities set their tuition and give financial aid. >> keep us up on this story. this one matters. thank you so much for watching. i ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at moving is a handful. for the foster kids whno kidding!ost— fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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Lot , Stephanie Ruhle , Developments , Headquarters , News , New York City , Msnbc , January 6th Investigation , Smarter , Friday January 14th , January 6th , 14 , 6 , Others , Voting Rights , Push , Oath Keepers , Justice , Leader , Charges , Seditious Conspiracy , Militia , Road Blocks , Ten , Vote , Majority Leader , President , White House , Lawmakers , Holdouts , Democratic , One , Two , Carson Novak Djokovic , Visa , Australia , Breaking News , Lawyers , Court , Joe Biden , Country , Supreme Court , Administration , Fight , Rule , Tennis Star , Coronavirus , Ramifications , Three , Workers , Vaccine , Statement , Businesses , Basis , Work Requirement , Covid , Americans , 0 Million , Wall , Mandate , Health Care Workers , Disappointment , Decision , Team , High Court , Information , Vaccinations , Kelly O Donnell , 20 Million , Dr , U S , Steven Sample , Options , Southwestern Indiana , Employment Attorney , Antonia Hylton , Michael Schmidt A Labor , Jacob Ward , In California , Employers , Reporter , Company , Policy , Employees , Kind , The Last One , Persuasion , Something , Vaccination , Nurses , Doctors , Requirement , Facilities , Area , Funds , Patients , Work , Mandates , Frustration , Work Environment , Victory , Ruling , Chance , Ways , Form , Indication , Strategy , People , Workplaces , Osha , Booster , Implore , Things , Responsibility , Michael , Businesses Big And Small , Reform , Fact , Testing Policy , Decision Doesn T , Cases , Governments , Estate , Uncertainty , Osha Ets , Five , Six , Four , Question , Supreme Court Isn T , Shouldn T , Vaccine Policy , Jake , It , Numbers , Difference , Sorts , Airline Ceos , Fortune 500 Cs , 500 , Case , Government , Business , Landscape , Areas , Ceo , Way , Mishmash , Words , Playing Field , Won T Go Forward , Columbia Sportswear , Order , Counsel , Regulations , State Regulations , Complications , Thicket , Level , Straddle County Lines , Cash Register , Complexity , Stores , Laws , Jurisdiction , University Of Minnesota , Experts , None , Boston University , Someone , Impact , Times , 5000 , 00000 , 100000 , 25000 , Both , Data , Somebody , Spectrum , Care , Don T , Imbalance , Ones , Paycheck , Time Off , Who Don T Have Vacation , Right , Supreme Court Doesn T , Companies , Job , Damages , Employee , Employer , Disability , Belief , Accommodation , Help , Ability , States , Reasons , Coney Island Hospital , Teams , Sites , Clinicians , 20 , Hospitals , Hospital , Staff Members , Physicians , Omicron Surge , Technicians , Roles , Hope , Condition , Burnout , 30 , Places , Part , Resources , Newark , Surge , At University Hospital , New Jersey , Populations , Situation , Patient , Communities , Most , Dock , Covids , Negative , Something Else , Flu , Everybody , Transfer Facilities , Tertiary Facility , Community Medical Center , Cities , Stuff , Heart Bypass Surgery , Dialysis , Staff , Vaccine Mandate , Take , Left , Building , Some , Colleagues , Law , Entirety , Rules , Physician , Nurse , Tests , Environment , Shots , Patient Population Safe , Best , Middle , Beginning , Whom , Rationale , Side , Science , Tribe , Oz , Listening , Frustrations , Punches , Joe Rogan , Sick , Person , Notions , Ivermectin , Vaccines , Hospital Bed , Embarrassment , Shysters , Front Line , Reactions , Don T Care , Knowing , They Don T Care , Defiance , Stewart Rhodes , Name , Sample , Founder , Investigation , Militia Group , Charge , Escalation , Justice Department , Nbc , Conspiracy , Functions , Pete Williams , Big Scary Name , Correspondent , Election , Action , Serious , Profile Defendant , Washington , Congress , Members , Violence , Group , Planning , Acts , Prosecutors , App , Police Lines , Leadership , Nation , Rioters , Documents , Aren T , Civil War , January 6 , Governor , Founders , Riot , Internet Radio Interviewer , Mansion , Buying Weapons , Ammunition , Massachusetts , 7000 , 17000 , Doesn T , Nothing , Activities , Line , Lines , Lawyer , Crazy , Evidence , Goodness , Sinema , Biden Keeping Pressure , Coming Up , Senators Manchin , Rnc , Debates , Candidates , Threat , Ro Khanna , Voting Rights Legislation , Table , Gop , Preservision , Piece , Nutrient Formula , Progression , Preservision Areds 2 , National Eye Institute , Amd , 2 , Doctor , Studies , Eye Experts , Plan , Everything , Break , Worries , The World Today , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Treatment , Stroke Risk , Warfarin , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Risk , Stroke , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Medicines , Bruising , Procedures , Skin , Retinol , More , Powerful , Age , Wrinkles Results , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , 5 , Questions , Foster Kid Need , First Day Of School , Foster Kids , Show Up , Helpfosterchildren Com , Manicure , Address , Wrong , Network , 5g , Wireless , Big Deal , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Internet , Save , Store , Hundreds , Xfinity , Switch Squad , Savings , United States Senate , Meeting , Capitol Hill , Uphill Push For Voting Rights , Guess Who , Senator Manchin , Leigh Ann Caldwell , Speech , Steph , Effort , Ton , Uphill Battle If Not A That Cannot Be Won , Georgia , Biden Put , Senator , Floor , Troops , Desire , Legislation , Threshold , 60 , Outcome , Sides , Extremes , Aisle , Senators Ossoff , Mind , It Didn T Change Sinema , Didn T Change Manchin , Filibuster , Readout , Issue , Support , Discussion , Voting Rights Isn T , Senators Sinema , 50 , Changes , Nowhere , Mix , Idea , Carveout , End , Sir , Possibility , Rights , Stake , Republicans Couldn T , Argument , Anyone , Hold On , Equality , Everyone , Asian Americans , Franchise , Latinos , Senators , Honesty , 1964 , 1965 , King , Votes , Civil Rights Act , Call , Shoets , John Lewis , Voting Rights Act , 51 , Didn T , Exception , Thought , Guess , Problem , Office , Interviews , Lawmaker , Nominees , Vote Tlesh , Harry Reid , Pretext , 2013 , Donald Trump , Mitt Romney , Houses , Power , Minority , 2024 , Consequences , Susan Collins , Affordable Care Act , Thing , Faith , Democracy , Abortion Rights , Priority , Confidence , Mitch Mcconnell , Look , Guys , View , 2022 , Fights , African American , Ballot Boxes , Con Stitt Wednesdayees , 1960 , Challenge , Couldn T Fwarn Fee , Bills , Count , Sort , Generation , Portion , Senator Durbin , Plan B , Act , Candidate , Klobuchar , Popular Vote , Proposal , Elections , Arizona , 24 , 28 , Congressman , Common Ground , Bad News , Tennis Star S Australian Visa , Show , Tournament , Congratulations , Shout , Friends , Tv , Run , That S Right , Today S , Incredible 70 , 7 , 0 , 70 , Show Subway S Eat Fresh Refresh , Footlongs , Chicken , Baja Chicken Bacon , Bacon Ranch , Baja Steak Jack , Aka , The Smokeshow , Mood , Infusions , Scent , Save Big , Walking , Joints , Downy , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Cosentyx , Family , Hurt , Hiding , Feeling Good , Woooo , Symptoms , Joint Swelling , Back Pain , Pain , Stop , Damage , Tenderness , Tuberculosis , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Infections , Infection , Crohn S Disease , Move , I Don T , Rheumatologist , Liberty Mutual , Chances , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Turn , Tex , Record , Pay , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Liberty , Research , Kayak , Mom , Kayak Denier , Todd , Eyes , Deals , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Cars , Hotels , Flights , Arr , Search One , Public , Visa For The Second Time , Interest , Seed , Immigration Minister , Controversy , Unvaccinated , Scrutiny , Champion , Australian Open , Latest , Clock , Keir Simmons , Player , Career , Hearing , Authorities , Match , Consideration , Prime Minister , Sacrifices , He Doesn T Win , Mistakes , Application , Choice , World , Many , Fans , Djokovic , Backyard , Teammates , Tennis , Commission On Presidential Debates , Forms , Letter , Fallout , Ronna Mcdaniel , Ashley Parker , Strategist , Matthew Dowd , Washington Post , Debate , Works , Campaign , Doing This , Cheney 2004 , Bush , 2004 , Displeasure , Debate Commission , Moderator , Realtime , 2012 , Brewing , Roots , Base , Trustful , Institutions , Institution , Miss , Mac , Nobody , Importance , Misinformation , Other , Hand , Manner , Propaganda Lens , Media Events , Bounce , Advertising , Jimmy Carter , 1980 , 16 , Commission , Politicians , Sake , Somebody Else , Ronald Operationen , Mode , Modes , 87 , 40 , Requests , Mr , Ban , Term Limits , Think , Activity , I Don T Know , Mere Mortal , Considerations , 2000 , Partisans , Board , Trump , Trump Partisans , 2020 , 2016 , Decisions , System , Voting , Parties , Fault Lines , Differences , Uiltered , Strength , Doing Debate Prep , Tea Leaves A Little Bit , Instance , Chris Christie , Money , Politics , Moves , Party , Matthew , Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger , Lots , Trading Stocks , Healthier , Extrabucks , Cvs , 10 , Offer , Room , Excuses , Wellness Support Products , Home , Walk In Closet , Wayfair , Reach In Closet , Style , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , No Other , Place , Owner , Inner Voice , Shoe , Preview , Sneaker Drop , Sneaker , Step , Intuit Quickbooks , Payroll , Copy Machine Printing , Thought Printing , Trees , History , Investors , Markets , Unforeseeable , Gold , Asset , Ultra , Vo , Potential , Path , Returns , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , Market , Yep , Movie , Mindy , Alerts , Stock , Trades , Decision Tech From Fidelity , Market Events , Insights , Etf , Cellphone Vibrates , Zero , Trading Decisions , Nancy Pelosi , Headlines , Big Push , House Speaker , Advantage , Families , Guess What , Bill , Staffers , Trading Options , Stocks , Kelly , Spouses , Children , Josh Hawley , Blind Trust , Salaries , Wouldn , Treasury , Penalty , In The House , Stock Profits , Congresswoman , Insider Trading , Trusts , Perception , Reports , Reality , Pandemic , Acceptance , 19 , Steps , Trust , Legislators , Pharmaceutical Companies , Lack , Remedy , Distance , Gap , Impropriety , Appearance , Halls , United States Capitol , Back , Mind Information , Briefing , Saying , Doing , Colleague , Chip Roy , Texas , Companion Bill , Ideological , Introduction , Adjustments , Trajectory , Prospect , Project , Kevin Mccarthy , Wouldn T , Do It , Momentum , The Hill , Survey , Constituents , Responses , 93 , 3000 , Everywhere , Speaker Pelosi , Type , Speaker , Conversations , Position , Term , Member , Invitation , Art , Story , Browser , Shear , Pieces , Net Scape , 35 , Jim Clark , Antiques , Investigators , Stolen , Southeast Asia , Cambodia , 35 Million , 35 Million Bucks , The New York Times , Art Dealer , Lawsuit , Aid , Universities , Bacon , Details , Story Joinuss , Theg , Bottle , Footlong , Delay , Game , Hits , Kombucha Brewer , Whistle Blowing , Oh Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Payroll Taxes , Payroll Tax Calculations , Cheers , 100 , Adults , A1c , Oh , Weight , 12 , Isn T , Heart Disease , Events , Heart Attack , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Type 1 Diabetes , 1 , Don T Take Ozempic , Needles , Lump , Swelling , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Share , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 3 , 25 , Mission , Nutrition , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Head , Brains , Protein , Hair , Heart , Ears , Soul , Mouth , Life , Jerry , Walks , Trust Me , 15 , Old , Schools , Students , Yale , Price Fixing , Brown , Award , Formula , Practices , Melissa , Need , Student , Carve , Admission , Exemption , Wait List , Kids , Donor , Headlines Don T Sound Good , America Hate Cartel , Need Blind Basis , Tuition , Complaint , Benefit , Legacy , Class Action , Result , Yes , Litigation , Scale , Vehicle , Matters , Effect , Means , Watching , Foster Child Isn T , Hero , Kid , Emotions , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Helpfosterchildren Com Moving , Offers , Handful , Services , Foster Kids Whno , Movers , Xfinity Com Moving , Throwback , Dj , Customization , Eastern , 00 , Test , Pacific , Th , Afterblocked , Grocery Store Chain , Capacity , Products , Store Shelves , Shelves , Set , Attack , Followers , Department ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

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blocks overnight. president biden needing the two key democratic holdouts for over an hour at the white house as majority leader schumer is forced to push back the vote. but there is a bipartisan moment on one side banning lawmakers from doing what, creating -- plus we have had breaking news overnight in australia. carson novak djokovic's visa for a second time. his lawyers fighting it right now in court to try to prevent the tennis star from being blocked from the country for three years. we have to start this morning with several new dramatic developments in the fight against coronavirus with two potentially major ramifications. the supreme court blocking the biden administration's rule requiring larger businesses to ensure workers get the covid vaccine or wear masks and get tested on a weekly basis. the work requirement would have affected nearly # 0 million americans, president biden releases a statement expressing disappointment with the decision. at the same time the high court saying a separate mandate requiring vaccinations for an estimated 20 million health care workers that one can be enforced. we have the best team with the most important information you need to know on all of this, starting with kelly o'donnell at the white house. antonia hylton in new york, jacob ward in california and michael schmidt a labor and employment attorney also joining us dr. steven sample an emergency physician in indiana. kelly, the biden administration, do they have any other options here? i mean, supreme court kind of seems like the last one. >> reporter: well, persuasion is what they can still try to do, to ask private employers to make it their own company policy and by doing that then employers can require their employees to get the vaccination and not make it a federal requirement, and that's something that we've seen some employers choose to do. certainly in the area where health care workers are involved and there are federal funds going to the facilities where those nurses, doctors and so forth work, those mandates have been upheld by the court and the white house considers that an important victory to protect patients and the work environment of those employees. there's frustration and disappointment at the white house about this ruling. there is a chance that they will review what the court said and look for other ways to try to put this perhaps back into a new form, but we have not gotten any indication yet from the white house about another strategy related to a federal requirement. so what they can do is ask, implore, encourage, incentivize people to get the vaccination and the booster. that's what they really want ultimately and they were using osha to try to make workplaces safe and saying that they believe there was a federal responsibility to do that and they believe they had done so only after trying other things. so they call this a big disappointment. >> michael, all sorts of businesses big and small were thrilled about this mandate. they put it in place in their businesses. can it still hold up? can they enforce it? >> well, certainly employers are free to implement the mandatory vaccine or mandatory testing policy. this decision doesn't really impact that. in fact, what we've been seeing is that state, local governments and employers in many cases have done just that despite the uncertainty with the osha ets, they have acted in the past four, five, six months to deal with this vaccine and the osha ets and the decision now from the supreme court isn't saying that you can't have any mandatory vaccine policy or that you shouldn't. it was just really a question of who gets to decide and who gets to regulate that. >> jake, i've been talking to all sorts of fortune 500 cs who love the mandate, put it in place, actually have the numbers to show what a huge difference its made. we heard from airline ceos this week talk being that. what are you hearing? >> it is extraordinary, stephanie, to look across the landscape and hear what you would imagine to be people who would have been against a mandate, you know, in other areas of business, wanting hands off of their business when it comes to the federal government, in this case really expressing disappointment that the vaccine mandate won't go forward, simply because in the words of one ceo it would have leveled the playing field, forcing every company to basically do it the same way. i spoke to the ceo of columbia sportswear who describes the extraordinary mishmash of local and state regulations that he has to navigate. he says he's had to retain outside counsel in order to even manage it. he describes the complications of trying to operate in this what he called a thicket of regulations. here is how he described it. >> we have some stores that straddle county lines, so what are we supposed to do, you know? which county do we rely on? is it the one where the cash register is? anyway, it adds to the level of complexity and we have to hire people to help us manage these laws so that we operate properly in every jurisdiction that we have stores. so the level of complexity is enormous. >> so, stephanie, it also, of course, is the case that none of this falls equally on all workers. we've been speaking to experts from boston university and the university of minnesota who actually look at the impact of local and state regulations on workers and they say that when it comes to low-income workers, people earning less than $25,000 at a company, they are four times more likely than someone earning more than $100,000 at a company to both get covid and four times less likely to actually be able to stay at work because of covid in the prior week according to the data that they're tracking week by week there is so many people at that end of the spectrum missing work or because they have to -- because they're sick or because they have to take care of somebody. >> and those -- >> -- all of this were to fall equally on all workers maybe this would be explainable but the experts say that this imbalance is exactly what osha is here to help with. >> of course, jake, those same workers are often the ones who don't get paid time off, who don't have vacation, so when they are not at work they are not getting a paycheck. michael, there are a lot of private companies that already fired workers for refusing to get vaccinated. now what happens? do those people who were fired have a right to get their job back or seek damages? >> no, not necessarily. the decision by the supreme court doesn't really impact that. it certainly doesn't affect those who may have been terminated because an employer implemented a mandatory policy, unless an employee has a right to a reasonable accommodation and we understand for disability or medical or religious belief reasons in most states employers are entitled to condition getting vaccinated for their ability to work. >> antonia, you are at coney island hospital here in new york. i know they will get some federal help next week. what does that look like? >> reporter: right, stephanie. so here at coney island hospital they are one of six sites in various states that are about to receive surging medical teams here. what that really looks like is teams of about 20 or more people full of nurses, clinicians, technicians and real physicians who are going to join the every day functioning of the hospital because these are hospitals that have been incredibly strained during this omicron surge, they have staff members who are out sick themselves or who are experiencing extreme burnout. so these teams are stepping into every day real roles that patients will themselves see. you know, this is their hope here is to have an immediate impact that will carry these hospitals that are in such critical condition through the next 30 days and really get them through the worst part of this surge. what's also important to note here is that here in coney island or in places like newark, new jersey, at university hospital this is about surging resources to struggling hospitals but also to particular patient populations because these are hospitals that serve very diverse communities, that serve populations of low-income patients so it's about the hospital but it's also about resources to the people who need them the most. >> dock, what's the situation at your hospital right now? >> so we're busy. we're busy all day every day. yesterday i saw about 20 patients or so and i only had six patients that did not have covid, three of them had the flu, two of them were almost certainly false negative covids and the other one had something else. we are covered up, our numbers are high just like everybody else and more importantly for us i am not at a major tertiary facility, i am in kind of a semi-rural community medical center and all of my transfer facilities are full in all the major cities that i send my sickest patients to, i can't get them there. they will sit sometimes for many hours, sometimes for days waiting on really important stuff like dialysis or a heart bypass surgery and so that's where we're seeing a lot of this -- this as well. >> wow. >> and of course right now we have staff going down left and right as well. >> you also have staff that's not in the building anymore. what is your take, the supreme court kept the vaccine mandate for health care workers. >> so i'm glad about that. i'm disappointed that they didn't uphold the entirety of the law, but i am glad and i will get push back from some of my own colleagues and staff on that, but i feel it's really important to create as safe an environment as responsible for our patients and part of being a physician and a nurse, we have to submit to a whole lot of shots and tests and rules just so that we can keep our patient population safe. so i'm all for it. i've said it from the beginning, if you want to touch a patient, you need to protect them the best you can. >> you said you're going to get some push back. from whom? why? what's the rationale? >> you know, i live in the middle of the country, right? i'm in southwestern indiana and a lot of people down here are not listening to necessarily the science. you know -- >> why not? >> we've got one tribe versus another tribe. one side of us are trying to roll with the punches of science and the frustrations of that, and the other side is listening to, you know, dr. oz and joe rogan and all these people and they're listening to that and it sounds good to them and it certainly feeds into their preexisting notions and there's just push back, even from people who are seeing it every single day. >> is that what some of your patients tell you? when you face an unvaccinated sick, sick person, what do they tell you? they wish they got the vaccine? they don't believe in the vaccine? they're laying on a hospital bed. >> yeah, some. i have had people ask me after the fact for vaccines, which of ivermectin, i've had people come in who have ordered ivermectin online from the shysters at the america's front line doctors. there is sometimes embarrassment and sometimes there is outright defiance. they don't believe you. they don't care. it is kind of a mishmash of reactions, but there's always kind of that knowing, you know, here we are. >> they don't care, they don't believe you, yet when they get really sick they're not asking joe rogan or dr. oz for help, they're at your hospital. >> that's right. >> dr. sample, thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate it this morning. we have to turn now to some very big developments surrounding january 6th. stewart rhodes, ever heard this name? now you will. the founder of the far right militia group known as the oath keepers has been arrested and charged with seditious conspiracy marking a major escalation in the justice department's investigation. he's not alone. ten others were indicted on the very same charge. pete williams is nbc's justice correspondent. pete, i don't know what that means, right? big scary name. what does seditious conspiracy entail? >> it means conspiracy to stop the government from carrying out one of its essential functions and these, therefore, with the most serious charges filed and brought against the most high profile defendant. they accuse the leader of the oath keepers of starting to plan right after the election for violent action in washington to block joe biden from becoming president. stewart rhodes is accused of seditious conspiracy, planning with ten other members of the group to carry out acts of violence to stop congress from formally counting the electoral vote for president. prosecutors say as early as two days after the election rhodes began messaging his team using an encrypted app. he wrote according to court documents we aren't getting through this without a civil war. then on january 6 the government says his rioters broke through the police lines. he messaged his leadership reminding them that the nation's founders stormed the governor's mansion in massachusetts. in the hours after the riot the government says he met with his team to plan further violence and in the following weeks spent more than $17,000 buying weapons and ammunition. but rhodes told an internet radio interviewer that he has done nothing wrong. >> i don't do illegal activities. i always stay on this side of the line. i know where the lines are, and it drives them crazy. >> and his lawyer says the evidence in the indictment doesn't support the charges, stephanie. >> $17,000. my goodness. pete williams, you always keep it real. thank you so much for joining us, i appreciate it. coming up, president biden keeping pressure on senators manchin and sinema after they seemed to torch hopes for voting rights legislation. i will be asking congressman ro khanna what could still be on the table for democrats. later this hour are presidential debates done? 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>> reporter: well, steph, it is definitely an uphill battle if not a battle that cannot be won. so president biden put in a ton of effort this week to try to get this passed. he did a speech in georgia, he came to capitol hill yesterday to meet with senate democrats to try to rally the troops, but just moments before that senator sinema gave a speech on the senate floor saying that she has no desire to get rid of that 60-vote threshold for any legislation, including voting rights legislation. she says that it will be bad for the senate. let's listen. >> when one party need only negotiate with itself, policy will inextricably be pushed from the middle towards the extremes and i understand there are some on both sides of the aisle that prefer that outcome, but i do not. >> reporter: so after sinema's speech president biden went and talked to these democrats, i was told it was an emotional meeting. i was told senator ossoff of georgia gave an impassioned speech, but it didn't change sinema's mind, it didn't change manchin's mind, either. afterward he released a statement saying getting rid of the filibuster would be the easy way out. then after president biden invited the two of them to the white house last night we got no readout from senator sinema and senator manchin, instead the white house put out a very short statement saying that they had a respectful discussion about voting rights. but voting rights isn't the issue, steph. all 50 democrats support voting rights, including senators sinema and manchin, what they don't support is these rules changes and this seems like it is going to go nowhere despite the fact senator schumer is going to try to keep them into session next week, stephanie. >> my goodness. let's ask somebody who is in the mix even deeper and bring in california democratic congressman ro khanna. he has called repeatedly for an end to the filibuster but it is not happening, sir. let's set aside the idea of ending it and talk about the possibility of a one-time carveout for voting rights. how would that work and how would you ensure it was only used once? >> well, i think it should be used when fundamental rights are at stake. here is my question for senator sinema -- >> hold on. >> yeah. >> couldn't anyone make the argument fundamental rights are at stake? get practical with me for a minute. how would you get that done? >> i believe we need to get rid of the filibuster, but if you want a carveout i would have a carveout that says if you believe that the equality of the right to franchise is at issue, then we do not need a filibuster to pass legislation to make sure that black people, latinos, asian-americans, everyone has an equal right to vote. if senators believe that, then there should not be a carveout. here is my question to senator sinema, in all honesty, and i hope someone will ask her this. if she were in the senate in 1964 and 1965 and there was the civil rights act that desegregated this country and the voting rights act that dr. king and john lewis fought for and if it were a call that it would only pass with 51 votes, it could not get the 60 shoets, how would she have voted then? my guess is she would have voted with the 51 votes, she would have thought that is so important to the equality of this country that i would be willing to make the exception. if that's the case why doesn't it apply now? or she should explain maybe she wouldn't have passed the civil rights act on just a 51 vote, but someone should ask that question. >> someone would love to ask her that question, the problem is she doesn't do any interviews. you might be able to ask her why she doesn't. she is a lawmaker. she was voted into office. practically speaking, though, because we are not going to get to ask her that, when harry reid ended the 60 vote tlesh followed for judicial nominees in 2013 republicans then used that as a pretext for ending the 60-vote threshold for supreme court nominees four years later. so i want to share what mitt romney said might happen if you end the filibuster now. >> there's also a reasonable chance republicans will win both houses in congress and that donald trump himself could once again be elected president in 2024. have democrats thought what would it mean for them, for the democrat minority to have no power whatsoever? >> what do you think about that? >> i don't believe that it will create the terrible consequences because i believe a lot of the things we're talking about are popular. i don't believe mitt romney himself if we passed voting rights act would vote to repeal that. i think there are senators like susan collins who would vote to repeal that. when you have fundamental legislation that is good and just repealing that becomes difficult. we saw the republicans couldn't repeal even the affordable care act and that is less fundamental to democracy than voting rights. >> sure, but look what they've done with the supreme court, look what's happening with abortion rights. what gives you such confidence and faith in doing the right thing? that's certainly not something that mitch mcconnell considers a top priority. >> stephanie, look, there's always a risk. i'm not going to say that there is no chance that a bad outcome doesn't happen. guys my view is this, i never thought growing up that i would get to congress and that in the year 2022 would be having to fight for voting rights. i thought that was settled in the 1960s. we have a moment where there are less ballot boxes in places that have african-american con stitt wednesdayees, where people are being thrown off the roles, where the fights that john lewis was beaten for are taking place in modern america. can we guarantee it's never going to be repealed? of course not. john lewis couldn't fwarn fee that, but if we don't try we're failing the moral challenge of our generation. >> if you cannot get these passed there a plan b, some sort of way to work with republicans even on getting a portion of these bills passed? >> the one place where we ought to work with republicans is on the electoral count act and senator king, senator durbin and senator klobuchar have a very thoughtful proposal which basically would say that state legislatures shouldn't be able to overturn the popular vote in their own states so that we don't have a situation in 2024 where a candidate comes and even if arizona votes for the democratic candidate, a republican legislature overturns that, that reform to ensure that the 24, 28 elections aren't stolen is so important and that's a place even senator mcconnell has said that we can work for common ground. >> all right, then. congressman ro khanna, thank you for joining us this morning. i appreciate it. next, bad news for novak djokovic. the tennis star's australian visa canceled for a second time. so what is next with the tournament just three days away? and a new threat from the rnc that could make presidential debates a thing of the past. but before we go, i want to give a huge shout out and congratulations to our friends and colleagues at the "today" show. we are celebrating "today's" incredible 70, that's right, 7-0, 70-year run and i am so excited for more years to come with some of the best people on tv. happy anniversary "today" show. tv happy anniversary "today" show subway's eat fresh refresh has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. ♪ save big. feel the difference with downy. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> well, this is something that has been in the works and under discussion within the rnc for a while now and there has been increasing displeasure, you know, the debate commission is bipartisan or nonpartisan, really, but there has been displeasure starting actually back to 2012 where mitt romney was fact checked in realtime by a moderator and then donald trump of course was very dissatisfied. so you have all of those roots kind of brewing and then you have a moment where republicans in particular and especially the base, which is what the rnc caters to, is so distrustful and miss trustful of institutions. if there was ever a moment for the rnc to challenge an institution, now is that moment. >> okay. mac, could this backfire? nobody likes to see their candidate walk away from a fight. if the rnc actually does this, on one hand would it be a bad look or on the other would it be so dangerous because then all of that misinformation that gets pumped out every day wouldn't get challenged? >> well, i mean, i just want to step back in the importance of presidential debates in the functions of our democracy is so incredibly imperative because it is one of the only if not the only manner in which a candidate puts himself in without a created propaganda lens, whether it's paid advertising or how they do free media events or whatever it is. it's one of the few ways to really give us an informed public, which we absolutely need in a democracy. i don't think there is a political bounce, i've been having a debate over debates since 1960 when we had the first presidential debate, then we went 16 years with no debates because the candidates on each side then we had debates in 1980, jimmy carter didn't want to debate with only -- he wanted to only debate ronald operationen then some of those were canceled. we have had this debate over debates but it's incredibly important and whether it's the presidential commission or somebody else, somebody has to do for the sake of the public get the politicians out of this and create the best mode that the public can be engaged and informed, and so far in the last 30 or 40 years since we really started this in '87 presidential debates are one of the few modes that the public can get a real look in an objective way at presidential candidates. >> all right. mr. dowd, then, i want to actually read some of the rnc's requests. they want the debates to happen before early voting starts, term limits for the commission's board and a ban on any partisan political activity for the people in the commission. again, i'm a mere mortal, i have never been involved in debates about debates, but when i read those three i kind of think, i don't know, they sound reasonable. >> well, and i think the commission has been open and they've changed their ways they've organized these things and they've adapted to candidates. we had in 2004 and in 2000 different considerations with the commission to get them to do different things. i think what they fundamentally want is they want trump partisans, which this is really on the basis of if you go back and look at it from 2016 and 2020, they want trump partisans not only on the board, they actually want some trump partisans to be conducting debates. that's what's behind this. there are some rules that we can change. i think we need to let independent candidates change the rules on independent candidates, i think it's been too restrictive, but you can do that through the system, but i think in the end they want trump people on the board to make the decisions. >> ashley, any chance any of these changes are going to happen? >> well, some of those changes, as you said, seem quite reasonable to people, such as having at least the first debate before early voting begins. as matt said, it's one of these rare moments where the public can see uiltered fault lines and differences between the candidates. that's something it feels like a lot of people might agree to. the big issue is that traditionally the commission does not negotiate with the parties. they negotiate with the candidates. another interesting open question is if you read the tea leaves a little bit donald trump is someone who does not necessarily -- if he runs again -- want to debate. he doesn't like doing debate prep, it's not really an area of strength for him. but they want all the republican candidates to pledge to no more debates. you can see a world in which if the candidate is not donald trump, for instance, mitt romney came out and talked about the importance of debates, a mitt romney, a chris christie, a republican candidate who thinks they can do well against biden, think debates are they are strength, it's not totally monolithic even within the party necessarily. >> ashley and matthew, thank you for joining us. we have money, power, politics on the other side of the break. new moves to ban members of congress from trading stocks. congresswoman abigail spanberger who introduced one of these bills here to talk about why she believes it's critical. i'm giving her lots of time because i sure think it is, too. because i sure think it is, too. healthier starts when excuses end. what? 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[ cellphone vibrates ] you'll get proactive alerts for market events before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions, get decision tech from fidelity. time now for money, power, politics. this morning there was a big push to separate all of that in congress. house speaker nancy pelosi made lots of headlines when she shut down the idea that lawmakers should be banned from trading stocks and that they've been taking advantage. guess what, they have been. lawmakers and their immediate families with lots of information have been making lots and lots of money. and now that is becoming an issue that in some cases is uniting both parties with some democrats and republicans introducing several bills to rein in or ban trading options for their families and their colleagues. one bill that would ban members and senior staffers from trading stocks in office or force them to put stocks in a blind trust. another led by senators ossoff and kelly would require all lawmakers, spouses and dependent children to use a blind trust, too. but if they don't they would be fined their full congressional salaries. republican senator josh hawley also wants a blind trust but wouldn't require it for dependent children. his penalty is different, forcing lawmakers to return stock profits to the treasury if they do not comply. and in the house congresswoman abigail spanberger also pushing to require blind trusts it applies to spouses an dependent children and she has members of both parties on board. that is rare so we have to discuss. the congresswoman joins us now. thank you for being here. i know you do not think insider trading is a big problem in congress, but you think the perception s why? because you're basically saying do as we say but don't do as we do? >> well, there's an issue where perception is reality and when we saw back in 2020 when there were reports coming out about different members of congress who were buying or selling stocks in the early days of the covid-19 pandemic, one of the things that was most notable and disturbing to me was the general acceptance that look at them, look at congress, of course, the world is facing a global pandemic and they're buying stocks in pharmaceutical companies. that lack of trust that exists, that distance between people and legislators is something that we have to take proactive steps to remedy, to close that gap. and so i think it's important that we should not only endeavor to avoid impropriety but the mere appearance of impropriety. the way that we do that is we say as members of congress we should not be allowed to own individual stocks. neither can our spouses. neither can our children. we are taking active steps to say when we are in the congress, in the halls of united states capitol, we are working for the people who elected us. we are not thinking about what stock trades we may or may not make, we are not having in the back of our mind information from a briefing we had that morning. we are focused on the people. and if we can affirm that to the american people by saying, in fact, we won't sell or buy stocks, we won't allow ourselves to participate in the market in this way in order to affirm that we deserve your trust i think it's worth doing. that's why we have -- are so grateful that chip roy, republican colleague from texas is my co-lead on the bill, in the united states house we have members across the ideological and political spectrum. in the united states senate, senators ossoff and kelly are carrying our companion bill and they've made some adjustments to the bill with their introduction as well. so the project -- the trajectory of this issue is really one that's forward-moving, and i'm really just excited about the prospect of taking this affirmative step to say we're making this limiting decision because the american people deserve to know that we are working for them every -- every day we are in congress. >> so why not take it up now? republican leader kevin mccarthy says he will do it when and if they win the house. why wouldn't nancy pelosi do it today? >> well, i hope that we will do it as soon as possible. you know, certainly the exciting thing on the hill is that we have seen just tremendous momentum about our piece of legislation in the past couple weeks. we just had -- yesterday we signed four more people on, democrats and republicans, on to the bill. in my office we sent out a survey to constituents. in less than 24 hours we received more than 3,000 responses and 93% of the people i represent who responded to our survey said, absolutely. we agree. members of congress shouldn't be able to buy and sell individual stocks. so we're moving towards the momentum of getting the bill to the floor and i'm going to keep pushing, i'm going to keep expanding the support for this bill. again, we've got members, democrats, republicans on the left, on the right and everywhere across the spectrum who agree that this is an important step that we can take to demonstrate to the american people that we are working for them. >> have you spoken to speaker pelosi? has she changed her position yet? >> i have not had direct conversations with speaker pelosi about this particular piece of legislation and so i'm unaware of her current position on this, but i do think that as we see the american people getting excited about this type of legislation, certainly thinking it's important and as we see members of congress really coming together around this idea and this priority that i hope that we will be able to take a vote on this legislation. certainly in the near term. it's important that we do so. >> it certainly s congresswoman, thank you so much. and an open invitation to any member of congress who is against this, who would vote no for it. i'd love to find out why. you are welcome to join us any day of the week. congresswoman spanberger, thank you for being shear. >> thank you for having me. turning now to a story i think you will be talking about tonight. this week the founder of net scape, the browser that used to command the internet a long time ago returned 35 pieces of art that investigators say were stolen. jim clark had spent 35 million bucks on antiques from cambodia and southeast asia, art that is now worth a whole lot more than that, but he gave all of it back after he learned that the art was all stolen. investigators say he was duped by a shady art dealer. clark telling "the new york times" this, it's hard for people to give us something they paid for, but for me why would you want to own something that was stolen? doing a pretty good thing right there. we had to highlight it. coming up next, the new lawsuit against some of the nation's top universities accusing them of working together to limit financial aid. the reporter who broke that story joins us with the stunning details. story joinuss with theg new hickory-smoked bacon, new... 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the headlines don't sound good. >> america hate cartel. universities have an exception where they are allowed to conspire and engage in price fixing in order to set tuition and determine financial aid. the only thing they have to do in order to take advantage of that incredible benefit is just admit to students on a need blind basis and the complaint argues if they are letting in wealthy legacy students, then they can't be admitting people on a need blind basis. >> what could the result be here? not just damages the the universities could have to pay. could they change the rules going forward? >> yes. in class action or large scale litigation like this, it's historically been a terrific vehicle for societal and legal change when it won't go through congress or the other traditional means. this could have major effect on how universities set their tuition and give financial aid. >> keep us up on this story. this one matters. thank you so much for watching. i ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at moving is a handful. for the foster kids whno kidding!ost— fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? 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Employers , Reporter , Company , Policy , Employees , Kind , The Last One , Persuasion , Something , Vaccination , Nurses , Doctors , Requirement , Facilities , Area , Funds , Patients , Work , Mandates , Frustration , Work Environment , Victory , Ruling , Chance , Ways , Form , Indication , Strategy , People , Workplaces , Osha , Booster , Implore , Things , Responsibility , Michael , Businesses Big And Small , Reform , Fact , Testing Policy , Decision Doesn T , Cases , Governments , Estate , Uncertainty , Osha Ets , Five , Six , Four , Question , Supreme Court Isn T , Shouldn T , Vaccine Policy , Jake , It , Numbers , Difference , Sorts , Airline Ceos , Fortune 500 Cs , 500 , Case , Government , Business , Landscape , Areas , Ceo , Way , Mishmash , Words , Playing Field , Won T Go Forward , Columbia Sportswear , Order , Counsel , Regulations , State Regulations , Complications , Thicket , Level , Straddle County Lines , Cash Register , Complexity , Stores , Laws , Jurisdiction , University Of Minnesota , Experts , None , Boston University , Someone , Impact , Times , 5000 , 00000 , 100000 , 25000 , Both , Data , Somebody , Spectrum , Care , Don T , Imbalance , Ones , Paycheck , Time Off , Who Don T Have Vacation , Right , Supreme Court Doesn T , Companies , Job , Damages , Employee , Employer , Disability , Belief , Accommodation , Help , Ability , States , Reasons , Coney Island Hospital , Teams , Sites , Clinicians , 20 , Hospitals , Hospital , Staff Members , Physicians , Omicron Surge , Technicians , Roles , Hope , Condition , Burnout , 30 , Places , Part , Resources , Newark , Surge , At University Hospital , New Jersey , Populations , Situation , Patient , Communities , Most , Dock , Covids , Negative , Something Else , Flu , Everybody , Transfer Facilities , Tertiary Facility , Community Medical Center , Cities , Stuff , Heart Bypass Surgery , Dialysis , Staff , Vaccine Mandate , Take , Left , Building , Some , Colleagues , Law , Entirety , Rules , Physician , Nurse , Tests , Environment , Shots , Patient Population Safe , Best , Middle , Beginning , Whom , Rationale , Side , Science , Tribe , Oz , Listening , Frustrations , Punches , Joe Rogan , Sick , Person , Notions , Ivermectin , Vaccines , Hospital Bed , Embarrassment , Shysters , Front Line , Reactions , Don T Care , Knowing , They Don T Care , Defiance , Stewart Rhodes , Name , Sample , Founder , Investigation , Militia Group , Charge , Escalation , Justice Department , Nbc , Conspiracy , Functions , Pete Williams , Big Scary Name , Correspondent , Election , Action , Serious , Profile Defendant , Washington , Congress , Members , Violence , Group , Planning , Acts , Prosecutors , App , Police Lines , Leadership , Nation , Rioters , Documents , Aren T , Civil War , January 6 , Governor , Founders , Riot , Internet Radio Interviewer , Mansion , Buying Weapons , Ammunition , Massachusetts , 7000 , 17000 , Doesn T , Nothing , Activities , Line , Lines , Lawyer , Crazy , Evidence , Goodness , Sinema , Biden Keeping Pressure , Coming Up , Senators Manchin , Rnc , Debates , Candidates , Threat , Ro Khanna , Voting Rights Legislation , Table , Gop , Preservision , Piece , Nutrient Formula , Progression , Preservision Areds 2 , National Eye Institute , Amd , 2 , Doctor , Studies , Eye Experts , Plan , Everything , Break , Worries , The World Today , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Treatment , Stroke Risk , Warfarin , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Risk , Stroke , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Medicines , Bruising , Procedures , Skin , Retinol , More , Powerful , Age , Wrinkles Results , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , 5 , Questions , Foster Kid Need , First Day Of School , Foster Kids , Show Up , Helpfosterchildren Com , Manicure , Address , Wrong , Network , 5g , Wireless , Big Deal , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Internet , Save , Store , Hundreds , Xfinity , Switch Squad , Savings , United States Senate , Meeting , Capitol Hill , Uphill Push For Voting Rights , Guess Who , Senator Manchin , Leigh Ann Caldwell , Speech , Steph , Effort , Ton , Uphill Battle If Not A That Cannot Be Won , Georgia , Biden Put , Senator , Floor , Troops , Desire , Legislation , Threshold , 60 , Outcome , Sides , Extremes , Aisle , Senators Ossoff , Mind , It Didn T Change Sinema , Didn T Change Manchin , Filibuster , Readout , Issue , Support , Discussion , Voting Rights Isn T , Senators Sinema , 50 , Changes , Nowhere , Mix , Idea , Carveout , End , Sir , Possibility , Rights , Stake , Republicans Couldn T , Argument , Anyone , Hold On , Equality , Everyone , Asian Americans , Franchise , Latinos , Senators , Honesty , 1964 , 1965 , King , Votes , Civil Rights Act , Call , Shoets , John Lewis , Voting Rights Act , 51 , Didn T , Exception , Thought , Guess , Problem , Office , Interviews , Lawmaker , Nominees , Vote Tlesh , Harry Reid , Pretext , 2013 , Donald Trump , Mitt Romney , Houses , Power , Minority , 2024 , Consequences , Susan Collins , Affordable Care Act , Thing , Faith , Democracy , Abortion Rights , Priority , Confidence , Mitch Mcconnell , Look , Guys , View , 2022 , Fights , African American , Ballot Boxes , Con Stitt Wednesdayees , 1960 , Challenge , Couldn T Fwarn Fee , Bills , Count , Sort , Generation , Portion , Senator Durbin , Plan B , Act , Candidate , Klobuchar , Popular Vote , Proposal , Elections , Arizona , 24 , 28 , Congressman , Common Ground , Bad News , Tennis Star S Australian Visa , Show , Tournament , Congratulations , Shout , Friends , Tv , Run , That S Right , Today S , Incredible 70 , 7 , 0 , 70 , Show Subway S Eat Fresh Refresh , Footlongs , Chicken , Baja Chicken Bacon , Bacon Ranch , Baja Steak Jack , Aka , The Smokeshow , Mood , Infusions , Scent , Save Big , Walking , Joints , Downy , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Cosentyx , Family , Hurt , Hiding , Feeling Good , Woooo , Symptoms , Joint Swelling , Back Pain , Pain , Stop , Damage , Tenderness , Tuberculosis , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Infections , Infection , Crohn S Disease , Move , I Don T , Rheumatologist , Liberty Mutual , Chances , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Turn , Tex , Record , Pay , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Liberty , Research , Kayak , Mom , Kayak Denier , Todd , Eyes , Deals , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Cars , Hotels , Flights , Arr , Search One , Public , Visa For The Second Time , Interest , Seed , Immigration Minister , Controversy , Unvaccinated , Scrutiny , Champion , Australian Open , Latest , Clock , Keir Simmons , Player , Career , Hearing , Authorities , Match , Consideration , Prime Minister , Sacrifices , He Doesn T Win , Mistakes , Application , Choice , World , Many , Fans , Djokovic , Backyard , Teammates , Tennis , Commission On Presidential Debates , Forms , Letter , Fallout , Ronna Mcdaniel , Ashley Parker , Strategist , Matthew Dowd , Washington Post , Debate , Works , Campaign , Doing This , Cheney 2004 , Bush , 2004 , Displeasure , Debate Commission , Moderator , Realtime , 2012 , Brewing , Roots , Base , Trustful , Institutions , Institution , Miss , Mac , Nobody , Importance , Misinformation , Other , Hand , Manner , Propaganda Lens , Media Events , Bounce , Advertising , Jimmy Carter , 1980 , 16 , Commission , Politicians , Sake , Somebody Else , Ronald Operationen , Mode , Modes , 87 , 40 , Requests , Mr , Ban , Term Limits , Think , Activity , I Don T Know , Mere Mortal , Considerations , 2000 , Partisans , Board , Trump , Trump Partisans , 2020 , 2016 , Decisions , System , Voting , Parties , Fault Lines , Differences , Uiltered , Strength , Doing Debate Prep , Tea Leaves A Little Bit , Instance , Chris Christie , Money , Politics , Moves , Party , Matthew , Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger , Lots , Trading Stocks , Healthier , Extrabucks , Cvs , 10 , Offer , Room , Excuses , Wellness Support Products , Home , Walk In Closet , Wayfair , Reach In Closet , Style , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , No Other , Place , Owner , Inner Voice , Shoe , Preview , Sneaker Drop , Sneaker , Step , Intuit Quickbooks , Payroll , Copy Machine Printing , Thought Printing , Trees , History , Investors , Markets , Unforeseeable , Gold , Asset , Ultra , Vo , Potential , Path , Returns , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , Market , Yep , Movie , Mindy , Alerts , Stock , Trades , Decision Tech From Fidelity , Market Events , Insights , Etf , Cellphone Vibrates , Zero , Trading Decisions , Nancy Pelosi , Headlines , Big Push , House Speaker , Advantage , Families , Guess What , Bill , Staffers , Trading Options , Stocks , Kelly , Spouses , Children , Josh Hawley , Blind Trust , Salaries , Wouldn , Treasury , Penalty , In The House , Stock Profits , Congresswoman , Insider Trading , Trusts , Perception , Reports , Reality , Pandemic , Acceptance , 19 , Steps , Trust , Legislators , Pharmaceutical Companies , Lack , Remedy , Distance , Gap , Impropriety , Appearance , Halls , United States Capitol , Back , Mind Information , Briefing , Saying , Doing , Colleague , Chip Roy , Texas , Companion Bill , Ideological , Introduction , Adjustments , Trajectory , Prospect , Project , Kevin Mccarthy , Wouldn T , Do It , Momentum , The Hill , Survey , Constituents , Responses , 93 , 3000 , Everywhere , Speaker Pelosi , Type , Speaker , Conversations , Position , Term , Member , Invitation , Art , Story , Browser , Shear , Pieces , Net Scape , 35 , Jim Clark , Antiques , Investigators , Stolen , Southeast Asia , Cambodia , 35 Million , 35 Million Bucks , The New York Times , Art Dealer , Lawsuit , Aid , Universities , Bacon , Details , Story Joinuss , Theg , Bottle , Footlong , Delay , Game , Hits , Kombucha Brewer , Whistle Blowing , Oh Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , Payroll Taxes , Payroll Tax Calculations , Cheers , 100 , Adults , A1c , Oh , Weight , 12 , Isn T , Heart Disease , Events , Heart Attack , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Type 1 Diabetes , 1 , Don T Take Ozempic , Needles , Lump , Swelling , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Share , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 3 , 25 , Mission , Nutrition , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Head , Brains , Protein , Hair , Heart , Ears , Soul , Mouth , Life , Jerry , Walks , Trust Me , 15 , Old , Schools , Students , Yale , Price Fixing , Brown , Award , Formula , Practices , Melissa , Need , Student , Carve , Admission , Exemption , Wait List , Kids , Donor , Headlines Don T Sound Good , America Hate Cartel , Need Blind Basis , Tuition , Complaint , Benefit , Legacy , Class Action , Result , Yes , Litigation , Scale , Vehicle , Matters , Effect , Means , Watching , Foster Child Isn T , Hero , Kid , Emotions , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Helpfosterchildren Com Moving , Offers , Handful , Services , Foster Kids Whno , Movers , Xfinity Com Moving , Throwback , Dj , Customization , Eastern , 00 , Test , Pacific , Th , Afterblocked , Grocery Store Chain , Capacity , Products , Store Shelves , Shelves , Set , Attack , Followers , Department ,

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