Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

guidelines as we deal with the new variant and this. 59% of cases in the u.s. here are the new omicron variant. the seven-day average here continues the bad record breaking we've seen. in fact, we have another record high today. over 253,000 daily covid cases. we're also seeing more people going to the hospital. the number of children hospitalized with covid is also rising. most of them though not vaccinated. so. in respect, it follows some of the trends we've seen. now, i want to make sure that we all understand the moment we're in. while the covid rate, the number of cases is hitting these all time highs, and that's a big concern. the rate of hospitalization is still actually down. and things are not as deadly as they were last year at this time, although case rate is as bad as last winter. so you can keep those things in mind as we see what's sxhapg the vaccine still helps in so many ways, including keeping the death rate lower. the cdc is cutting the isolation time for covid cases who have no symptoms down to five days. if you have no symptoms or your symptoms are clearly improving. this comes after lobbying from the airline industry after thousands of flights were canceled nationwide. airlines losing staffers to covid quarantines. 2.5000 today. it is drawing criticism and the largest nursing union in america. >> it was all about the staffing issues. that is the quick response from cdc in the middle of this holiday season, to try to address that, rather than be focused on public health policies. no woerg should be forced to come to work when they are still sick. and that is i believe what we'll see here. we're very concerned about that. >> it will only lead to more illness, more cases. this is when you should be tightening your controls. not lessening them. >> this is happening in real-time. and like much of the pandemic, and i've said this to you in covering it throughout, there are policy tradeoffs here. real things you have to balance. it is not just a fight of truth and lies or disinformation, though we cover that, too. what we're seeing is labor groups talking about what they think is best for their members on a safety platform. and we're seeing the cdc and other scientific experts saying what they think is viable and against the real world pressure that we all know about, which is so many people stranded or delayed at this holiday time for flights. people want to be together and safe. the cdc has a response. they say this recommendation is still backed by the science and that most of the transmission, which is what they are guarding against when you take these isolation measures, occurs earlier in the course of the illness. here's dr. fauci. >> we don't want to get into a situation where so many people are out from their jobs. many of which are essential jobs to keep society running smoothly. so the decision on the part of the cdc is a really prune and good decision and it is based on science. because the chances of virus being shed in the first five days is much greater than in the second five days following infection. >> dr. fauci giving his take on msnbc's "the reidout." happy holidays and welcome back. >> thanks, ari. good to be with you. and especially here with your parents. >> do we keep it as a mysterious thing? or do i just tell you? in this case i decided to tell everyone. that's later. we look at this. what do you think is most important for people to understand, especially if folks understandably have been out of the news maybe for a few days or a week? as we see the new variant hitting and some of the policy debates? >> i couldn't agree with you more. any time you're putting out policy, you have to couple it with communication. i'll be honest, this is where the cdc has failed. the policy might be sound and to recap, you shorten isolation if your symptoms are resolving or if you never had symptoms at all, to five days. with the respect that you'll wear a mask and we're trusting people to do the right thing and wear a high quality mask, i'll add. i think that's where the communication falters. for me, as a physician and someone trying to deal with this on a real world basis, if you're sick. stay at home. do not try, i think people are really feeling pressured to come back and i think that as the unions and some of the flight attendants, nurses, doctors, health care workers have already said. we should not make people who are sick feel pressured to do anything, and i think that's the bottom line. add to this that we have a testing shortage. i would love to say if you're going to come out of isolation, get a high quality test to make sure you're not infectious. there's simple not enough tests to do that which is why you saw this without testing, to end isolation early. >> yeah. you're very clear. that all makes sense. let's read off a little here of what we're hearing about omicron versus delta. the infection appears to protect, they say, if you do get it, against the delta covid variant and one study says it could displace it. the results saying, omicron displaces the delta variant snls it makes reinfection with delta less likely, according to the findings from this scientific study that was done in one of the countries that had this early on. your thoughts? >> i think it is really promising. it is before peer review so i say it with a caveat. great that we're accessing science in more real-time than we ever used to. i do want it to be peer reviewed and we'll see if the results they claim they have stand up to review. if all that is true which i hope it is, as you point out, this burning wildfire of omicron could help protect us from delta. which by the way, the cdc kind of put out another statement today stating that the estimate of how much of the country is omicron might have been slightly an overestimate, as it was reported, a forecast. and it is really about 59%. either way, we still have some delta in this country and your point is that we could look to omicron potentially being the beginning of the end of this pandemic. we know pandemics occur in phases. this particular strain could signal the end. but it is way too premature to hope on that. for all those reasons, we don't want people the get infected if we can avoid it. >> understood. then there is way people are reacting to of course these case counts. i just mention this to viewers that it is bad. we're breaking all time records. the headlines you see to screen or your phone are bad. and yet, we still know that the vaccine has kept them from being more deadly and more dangerous. that is a fact. it is borne out by. so of the data. and that's why as the case count breaks all time records, the death rate is lower. and then we have the unvaccinated bearing the brunt of this. the president at one point saying it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated by the end of the year. with all that in mind, i want to play something incorrect but i want to play it so you can give us the medical view. we don't need to disparage everyone. this is from a united states senator, senator johnson. one might home that he would know better. my point is that some people may hear from family and friends, which is, well, wait, if it's still surging, what is so great about the vaccine in the first place? here's how he put it. >> we all hoped and prayed the vaccines would be 100% effective and safe but they're not. we now know that fully vaccinated individuals can catch covid, transmit covid so what's the point? >> he says what's the point. these conversations are going on around the country. tell us, what is the point if there are breakthrough infections? >> yeah. i was a philosophy major. it reminds me of plato. if opinion is the place between knowledge and ignorance. i think this was a display of opinion and ignorance. because the truth, the vaccines were never what we would call sterilizing. so we never thought this vaccine would 100% prevent you from getting infected. it always was intended to prevent all the down stream hospitalizations, death and frankly, long covid. we're not talking about long covid enough but we're seeing too many people who had no vaccines early on. got covid. still suffering. and we know that the vaccines have helped them and can help prevent others from getting long covid if they were to contract the coronavirus. so it's just simply stated, the facts and the knowledge are that the vaccines are saving lives. and frankly, if we had more of the globe vaccinated, even with an omicron variant, one, we might not have an omicron variant and two, we might not have the case counts. and to the case counts, it will be very important to look at the shifts in the rate of hospitalization. while we're seeing a lot of people hospitalized, it is nowhere near the percentage from a year ago. so i think that's critical, too. that's a fact vaccines are working. >> dr. patel with a lot. facts which is why you're here. our lead-off guest. thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. we have a lot more in the program including something i want to tell you about, the supreme court, a check for justice kavanaugh. a trump appointee. later, dave grohl is here. but first, revelations about steve bannon and other maga figures. how they wanted to openly steal the election. why that matters for next time and why they're bringing in the nfl. next. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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a veteran of several presidential campaigns including the obama campaign. happy holidays. good to see you. >> good to see you. how are you? >> i'm good. we just quoted you. walk us through this. some of this seems a little bizarre but some of it seems really important. >> yeah. look. the green bay sweep is one of the most famous plays in the history of the nfl. the big idea that vince lombardi had was a play that basically the defense knew was coming. however, you could not stop it. there's nothing you could do to stop the sweep. john madden talks about it in the second super bowl. how demoralizing it was for the then oakland raiders that they could not stop this play that would be run over and over and over again. this is how republican philosophy and republican strategy works. particularly in the trump era. we all know what trump will do. there are no secrets as to what play trump will run next. the issue that we have as democrats, as people who care about democracy, is how do we stop it? and i think what steve bannon was saying, what peter navarro was saying, what newt gingrich was saying, that what we want to do is telegraph all our moves ahead of time and then watch as our opponents become demoralized with their inability to stop it. we're seeing this with voting rights across the country where governors and republican state legislatures are doing everything they can to make sure that the next election goes their way. the trump loyalists are in place democracy is in tremendous threat. >> so in a way, it seems like they're telling on themselves, they're confessing. in another way you're arguing that while that may be morally dubious, we should not confuse that with outright stupidity. you're saying they want to move the center of gravity, not only among hard wing republicans but among their other supporters and others in american society toward what is basically a creeping authoritarianism. >> yeah. as long as it is not a secret and everybody sees it coming, people are more accepting of it. the bigger the lie, the more likely people are to believe it. on the big part is telegraphing it, repeating it, and the more they repeat it the more likely they are to basically accept the lie and the pre conditions behind it. >> leave it to you to bring that into our holiday season. >> it was not my intention. i want to wish everybody a happy holidays and merry christmas. >> happy holidays. we laugh through the tears, as they say, in some societies. a russian saying, among others. you are speaking to the union of propaganda with oppressive authoritarian governments. in other words, it doesn't work as well, or at least the oppression doesn't take hold as easily in a society that still has a real grip on reality and fact checking. and that is why you see, you made one historical reference. there are many others where lies and propaganda are central to defeating people from that which they would otherwise often prefer. self-government rather than living under tyranny. chai? >> correct. and one thing is it is not tyranny if you don't know that it is tyranny. and i think that's what we're seeing with the kinds of play that they are talking about. we do it in advance. if people are equipped and semiing of what has to be done, then it will be done. state legislatures keep people from voting. they put barrier that's keep american citizens and make it harder for them to vote. it is a way of selecting the people who are voters ahead of time and it helps make sure that their political goals are achieved with the least amount of interference. look. i've been in democratic pockets a long time. it is never a secret as to what republicans will do. what republicans will do is very clearly telegraphed. the problem democrats have is they can't seem to figure out how to stop republicans from doing what they're going to do. >> yeah. yeah. all fair. because it is our end of the year, this is our last chai day of the year. i don't know if you've done the math, but that's a fact, chai. unless there is a chai day that you know about that i don't. even though we've been reflecting on different things. i heard from some viewers, they appreciate your precision. the experience you have and really tell us what's up. i kind of wanted to zoom out with you, big picture here. let's think back as we look over the whole year we've had. before the beginning of the year, the january 6th insurrection. a simpler time when the world a waiting the incoming biden era. >> right. team biden moves into high gear, launch taig on first steps for the new administration, including a new covid task force, and turns the page on a new era. >> it's easier to be a parent this morning. easier to be a dad. it's easier to tell your kids, character matters. >> what was on the ballot here was decency and democracy and empathy. and joe biden is particularly well equipped for this moment. >> that was the mood going into, really, a year ago. today november, december, january. when you as a political expert look at this year of politics in government, what are the big things that you think have changed? >> well, what joe biden has done is he has basically returned us to the pre trump normal. we live in a world where we no longer have to worry about the president doing mean tweets. we live in a world where we have a largely scandal-free administration. where an infrastructure bill is debated and passed and signed by the president with minimum fuss or drama or debate. at least, the debate is a democratic debate. certainly not a twitter debate and insults back and forth and things of that nature. so he has turned america back to a pre trump normal. i think the problem joe biden has, the problem the democrats have, is we have not returned the world to a pre pandemic normal. that is i think the big thing that is causing joe biden's polls to decline. everything that we're experiencing now, we certainly experienced in the obama era including joe manchin. i remember joe lieberman being a thorn in obama's side during the aca debates. however, the issue that joe biden has is there is an expectation that we will return to a pre pandemic normal. not just a pre trump normal. >> you know what rick ross says on the new album, chai? >> i do not. i would love to know. >> they're calling it pandemic but it's really life. [ laughter ] for joe biden and democrats, americans do not want this to be their lives and i think we need to be aggressive about finding a road map out of the pandemic. this might be the final throes of the pandemic. let's home it is. >> very well. we can hope to the new year. we have our shortest break of the hour. just 60 seconds. when we come back, i have a special report looking at the supreme court and the question of not only whether justice kavanaugh lied under oath but how that affects the way the court may rule on the biggest court in decades. i'll see you in one minute. decs i'll see you in one minute stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? 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>> i think the restrictions would change. >> the supreme court has held in roe v. wade that a fetus is not a person. that's the law of the land. i accept the law of the land. >> that is the law of the land. all of that was recent. much of it was under oath. that's one reason why these conservative lawyers are trying to lob, it is pretty farfetched legal arguments for the court to -- you know i try to keep it real with you, overturning roe without overturning roe which is the kind of sleight of hand that we are used to. the members certainly claim they are above that. as for accepting the law of the land. unlike other rapidly shifting and divisive social debates. the public also accepts this as the law, too. most americans believe abortion should be legal in most cases. now, there are still earnest and validly held religious and personal objections to abortion. anyone familiar with religious traditions knows about that. so how can both those things be true? well, the data shows most americans do not think that even those earnestly held concerns should be enforced by the government any more than most religious people demanding that the government enforce the sabbath. that's just not a common view. america was founded with the separation of religion and state. we are not a theocracy. so where do we all go from here? well, some legal experts think, as rachel said, that it is a matter of when the court goes forward, supporting these abortion bans. not if. we don't know. we will follow the case and see where it lands. if that is true, they will to have focus less on the courts where precedents change over several decades, and probably focus more on the ballot box where these laws are being drafted in the first place. women are still half the nation and pro women's movements have been sparked by everything from the original calls for suffrage to donald trump being elected by a plurality. not a majority, by the way. women of color were crucial to the recent record turnout in georgia which flipped two red senate seats blue and demoted mitch mcconnell, ending his sway over supreme court nominations, and by the way, a lot of that georgia mobilizing was led by a rising woman in southern politics. stacey abrams. meanwhile, other elected women have continued to use their power, not only to push for reform and new laws but to recount personal stories in the congress about abortions and women's rights and present this in public to their colleagues, to voters, to try to make sure of the reality for women is told by women and presented to everyone. in this case, by women in a position of power. against the reality of these very high stakes for women, there is a new and churlish refrain, you may have heard, from the anti-vaccine right. that tries to troll and mock these longstanding issues on, posing vaccines by saying my body, my choice. now, like. so of trolling on the right, it is a deliberately hypocritical bit of theater. as policy, it also inadvertently reinforces the very gender discrimination they're warning about and urging the supreme court to fight against. because again, i'm just going to try to tell it to you in reality. in plain english. in the vaccine fight, there are not any states using government power to legally ban the choice to decline a vaccine in your body. now, there are rules that might keep you out of a restaurant or a workplace but it is certainly your legal choice, man or woman, over your body to put a vaccine in it. in miss and texas and this growing list of states, let's be clear. the men in power, i showed you, overwhelmingly men, are making it the opposite for women. the internal functioning of their bodies and medical choices is legally banned by the men in power. if the supreme court continues to green light that against 50 years of precedent, the next revolution may come if at all, at the ballot box in deciding who should be making these choices about freedom for other people. when we come back, new heat senator rand paul for his election lies. and later today, i mentioned, we're very excited. dave grohl from not that i remember vana and the too fighters talking about music, creativity and kirk cobain. , creativity and kirk cobain cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. snmpl republican senator rand paul is under fire for essentially embarrassing himself with a whole bunch of misinformation. he responded to a report that was pushed out by a conservative outlet about perfectly normal, lawful ways that people were trying to have voter turnout. specifically, democrats in wisconsin. the steps included voting by absentee ballots, targeting potential voters to complete the ballot in a, quote, legally valid way. paul posted that this is, quote, how to steal an election. that is, what he's pushing out there at a time when, of course, it is his party under fire. a little projection. of course this cites illegally methods. so he's saying other folks are trying to steal elections when that is the vulnerability on his side. one posted with clown shoes with the caption, here's rand paul getting ready for work in the morning. someone else said, reality clearly eludes you. another said, and this is a miss the way of telling him what he got wrong. actually, that's how elections work. senator paul didn't appear to be trying to get this kind of attention but there he is. coming up, we have something very special. before the hour is out, i'm going to have my parents with a cameo on "the beat." before we get tom, we have fu fighter dave grohl, music, politics, dealing with corporate america. all of that, coming up. of that,p , we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. our guest today is dave grohl from nirvana and foo fighters, emmy winner, 16-time grammy winner and hall of famer. thanks for being here. >> good to be here. thank you very much. >> i'm really excited to talk with you. you have this book. let's start there. people very interested in all the things you've done in music and how you live your life. you write about joining as a very young musician, which required disruptions within your friend group that played music, within your family. what gave you the confidence to handle those disruptions then? >> you know, i started playing music when i was maybe 10 or 11 years old. it quickly became this obsession. and i started playing in bands when maybe i was 13, 14 years old. by the time i was 17, i had an offer to join a band that toured the world. and i went to my mother, who is a public school teacher, and i said i have to leave school because i need to play music in order to survive. and she said, okay. you'd better be good. >> it sounds almost fearless, but you also write bluntly about fear in the book. you say, quote, i didn't seem to fear physical consequences. i only feared emotional consequences. did you have any of those fears then? >> i did. i mean, my father was also a musician. both my parents were musicians. my mother saying she was a singer in acapella groups in the 50s and my father was a classically trained flutist. when i took off to hit the road, i knew that that would drive a wedge between my father and i. >> you don't share his entire professional world view and you don't share his politics. what do you share with him? >> i am who i am because of my father. and though, yes, we had musical differences or political differences. i got my ear from my father. i mean, i didn't take lessons to learn how to play music. i could just hear it and play it. i could pick up an instrument and figure it out. and that comes from my father. you know, we both loved writing. we both loved music. we both loved culture and food and art. so though we were very different, we were the odd couple. but later on in life i think we both learned to really appreciate each other and became great friends. it was great. >> you come across as very grounded in who you are and how you're navigating these worlds still in this global touring world. you write about what you call being raised in the ethically suffocating punk rock underground. conditioned to reject conformity, to resist all corporate influence and expectation. how do you refer to it. i think calling it suffocating punk rock underground. in all kinds of fields, there is the aspiration, be moral. have integrity about this pursuit. what about it made you call it suffocating? and what did you learn about finding your own balance? >> well, you know, the thing that i loved so much about the underground punk rock music scene was its independence and all of these people were doing it themselves. so there were no real big record companies. you would just, you know, go to a studio down the street and pay a couple hundred dollars and make some songs and albums and then would you xerox a copy for the cover and then stuff it in a sleeve and go sell it to the local record store on consignment. it worked that way. the problem with nirvana was that kurt's songs were so good. we were raised in that scene where it was our secret. but then all of a sudden, we become one of them. what do you do? now millions of people are singing their songs. i can only speak for myself. i was the drummer. i could literally walk in the front door of the nirvana concert and barely get recognized, you know? i didn't have to bear the weight of the responsibility of being that front person of the band which was difficult on kurt. especially when you're rising out of that underground scene and becoming one of the biggest bands in the world. it is hard. you have to remind yourself of the reasons you started in the first place. you have to remind yourself, the kid on the bedroom floor with the beatles records. and that's the core. that's who you are. and if the world starts singing along with your songs, you know, i think you have to appreciate that in a way. >> you write about and talk about going through that experience, and of course, losing someone, and that for you, it made you more appreciative of life does that also fit do you think into your music or did that just ground you with how you live and really being -- having a career, being a parent, et cetera? >> i think both. inevitably. i remember waking up the day after curt died and thinking okay, he's gone but i'm still here? like that just doesn't seem fair, you know, and that was just this process of doing everything all over again. like my first cup of coffee, my first trip to the grocery store, the first time i pick up a guitar. like, you sort of learn to relive your life all over again. and i think it was that day i realized i'm lucky enough to be here so i might as well take advantage of every day and the life that i get to live. even on the worst days, i'm happy to be alive. that was a huge moment for me. it changed my life. >> dave, thank you for your time and inspiring words. >> thanks a lot, ari. good to see you. >> a lot we can learn there and if you're interested, the book is dave grohl. interesting conversation. now, before the hour is up, i promised it and it's going to happen. what you're looking at here is my dad going through his vinyl records. this is airing for the first time ever on "the beat" next. ft time ever on "thbee at" next napoleon was born and raised to conquer. but he was just kind of over it, you know. watching prime video he realized he should follow his dreams. so he ordered a microphone with prime next day delivery. now the only thing he cared about conquering was his audience. prime changes everything. ♪♪ ♪♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i want to wish all of you a very happy holidays and happy new year as that approaches. these are difficult times, we know that but i hope you're going to spend time with the people in your life, your loved ones of your family. i can tell you i always feel very lucky when i get to spend time with my parents and we actually just did something we've never done before. we went through their vinyl record collection. so i sat down with them here and asked them a few questions about some of these records they've had really forever and that i remember growing up with. we put this up on tiktok so shoutout to my dad who you will see sitting here and my mom off camera but participaparticipati. here is a little bit of our discussion about their records. >> hey. >> he was also -- >> favorites. hey, truth teller. >> here is what the -- zipper. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> the stones, you know, the stones were singing as sort of the bad boys. the beetles were the good guys and the stones had a lot of controversial lyrics. >> yeah. >> hey. i'm in the basement mixing up the medicine. >> bob dylan. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you know, we don't remember exactly when we got these but it around -- >> ari, bob dylan -- >> 50 years ago. >> -- was a big favorite and he still is, actually. his old stuff. >> hey. >> that's an early -- aretha. >> never love me the way i love you. >> yeah, she was a legend. >> she's a power house. >> yeah. >> lots of power houses. aretha, bob dylan. that's what you get from the records. i did briefly ask about this world we're living in. vinyl record sales have skyrocketed and i asked my folks if they think buying the record and having it home brings it closer to the music than today's digital streaming and we had a split decision. >> oh, yeah, i would. i think it -- >> i don't think so. when i listen to that speaker or whatever, i feel just as good. >> no, i'm probably more old fashioned and i like the idea of physically relating to the record itself. >> happy 2022. >> happy 2022 and shoutout to my mom off camera, she prefers the vinyl. if you want to see more to this, i'm new to tiktok. you can go to tiktok @arimelber and if your kids are on there, tell them to follow us and teach us. i don't have many followers. you might see more of my family cameos, my parents or brother. i have to ask you-all since we're doing this together digitally, did we miss classics or iconic artists? let me know on social, twitter, instagram, facebook or comment on that video with my parents on tiktok. we'll read your responses and we've done that before and some may make air. if there is a great artist in your record collection or cd or tape of streaming that we missed, can't be dylan or jimmy cliff, tell us who it is and why you like them especially if they have political or social justice messages. i got great messages about the music and anthems that have taken you through decades of news and life and activism. share that and you can see at top go to one more thing when we talk digital, i have a tip for you to hear all of your msnbc shows online from rachel maddow to joe reid to the beat and this works even if you're away from the tv. go to tune 2021. tune 2021. this is a program that allows you to hear any of these shows any time, anywhere on any device. "the reidout" is up next with tiffany in for joy. hi, tiffany. >> hi, ari. i was sitting here thinking who is my classic artist and the first album i ever got, salt and pepper, hot, cold, vicious. i don't know if that fits your classic artists because i missed the video but that's my artist and i'm sticking with it. >> all the good things and bad things that may

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

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guidelines as we deal with the new variant and this. 59% of cases in the u.s. here are the new omicron variant. the seven-day average here continues the bad record breaking we've seen. in fact, we have another record high today. over 253,000 daily covid cases. we're also seeing more people going to the hospital. the number of children hospitalized with covid is also rising. most of them though not vaccinated. so. in respect, it follows some of the trends we've seen. now, i want to make sure that we all understand the moment we're in. while the covid rate, the number of cases is hitting these all time highs, and that's a big concern. the rate of hospitalization is still actually down. and things are not as deadly as they were last year at this time, although case rate is as bad as last winter. so you can keep those things in mind as we see what's sxhapg the vaccine still helps in so many ways, including keeping the death rate lower. the cdc is cutting the isolation time for covid cases who have no symptoms down to five days. if you have no symptoms or your symptoms are clearly improving. this comes after lobbying from the airline industry after thousands of flights were canceled nationwide. airlines losing staffers to covid quarantines. 2.5000 today. it is drawing criticism and the largest nursing union in america. >> it was all about the staffing issues. that is the quick response from cdc in the middle of this holiday season, to try to address that, rather than be focused on public health policies. no woerg should be forced to come to work when they are still sick. and that is i believe what we'll see here. we're very concerned about that. >> it will only lead to more illness, more cases. this is when you should be tightening your controls. not lessening them. >> this is happening in real-time. and like much of the pandemic, and i've said this to you in covering it throughout, there are policy tradeoffs here. real things you have to balance. it is not just a fight of truth and lies or disinformation, though we cover that, too. what we're seeing is labor groups talking about what they think is best for their members on a safety platform. and we're seeing the cdc and other scientific experts saying what they think is viable and against the real world pressure that we all know about, which is so many people stranded or delayed at this holiday time for flights. people want to be together and safe. the cdc has a response. they say this recommendation is still backed by the science and that most of the transmission, which is what they are guarding against when you take these isolation measures, occurs earlier in the course of the illness. here's dr. fauci. >> we don't want to get into a situation where so many people are out from their jobs. many of which are essential jobs to keep society running smoothly. so the decision on the part of the cdc is a really prune and good decision and it is based on science. because the chances of virus being shed in the first five days is much greater than in the second five days following infection. >> dr. fauci giving his take on msnbc's "the reidout." happy holidays and welcome back. >> thanks, ari. good to be with you. and especially here with your parents. >> do we keep it as a mysterious thing? or do i just tell you? in this case i decided to tell everyone. that's later. we look at this. what do you think is most important for people to understand, especially if folks understandably have been out of the news maybe for a few days or a week? as we see the new variant hitting and some of the policy debates? >> i couldn't agree with you more. any time you're putting out policy, you have to couple it with communication. i'll be honest, this is where the cdc has failed. the policy might be sound and to recap, you shorten isolation if your symptoms are resolving or if you never had symptoms at all, to five days. with the respect that you'll wear a mask and we're trusting people to do the right thing and wear a high quality mask, i'll add. i think that's where the communication falters. for me, as a physician and someone trying to deal with this on a real world basis, if you're sick. stay at home. do not try, i think people are really feeling pressured to come back and i think that as the unions and some of the flight attendants, nurses, doctors, health care workers have already said. we should not make people who are sick feel pressured to do anything, and i think that's the bottom line. add to this that we have a testing shortage. i would love to say if you're going to come out of isolation, get a high quality test to make sure you're not infectious. there's simple not enough tests to do that which is why you saw this without testing, to end isolation early. >> yeah. you're very clear. that all makes sense. let's read off a little here of what we're hearing about omicron versus delta. the infection appears to protect, they say, if you do get it, against the delta covid variant and one study says it could displace it. the results saying, omicron displaces the delta variant snls it makes reinfection with delta less likely, according to the findings from this scientific study that was done in one of the countries that had this early on. your thoughts? >> i think it is really promising. it is before peer review so i say it with a caveat. great that we're accessing science in more real-time than we ever used to. i do want it to be peer reviewed and we'll see if the results they claim they have stand up to review. if all that is true which i hope it is, as you point out, this burning wildfire of omicron could help protect us from delta. which by the way, the cdc kind of put out another statement today stating that the estimate of how much of the country is omicron might have been slightly an overestimate, as it was reported, a forecast. and it is really about 59%. either way, we still have some delta in this country and your point is that we could look to omicron potentially being the beginning of the end of this pandemic. we know pandemics occur in phases. this particular strain could signal the end. but it is way too premature to hope on that. for all those reasons, we don't want people the get infected if we can avoid it. >> understood. then there is way people are reacting to of course these case counts. i just mention this to viewers that it is bad. we're breaking all time records. the headlines you see to screen or your phone are bad. and yet, we still know that the vaccine has kept them from being more deadly and more dangerous. that is a fact. it is borne out by. so of the data. and that's why as the case count breaks all time records, the death rate is lower. and then we have the unvaccinated bearing the brunt of this. the president at one point saying it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated by the end of the year. with all that in mind, i want to play something incorrect but i want to play it so you can give us the medical view. we don't need to disparage everyone. this is from a united states senator, senator johnson. one might home that he would know better. my point is that some people may hear from family and friends, which is, well, wait, if it's still surging, what is so great about the vaccine in the first place? here's how he put it. >> we all hoped and prayed the vaccines would be 100% effective and safe but they're not. we now know that fully vaccinated individuals can catch covid, transmit covid so what's the point? >> he says what's the point. these conversations are going on around the country. tell us, what is the point if there are breakthrough infections? >> yeah. i was a philosophy major. it reminds me of plato. if opinion is the place between knowledge and ignorance. i think this was a display of opinion and ignorance. because the truth, the vaccines were never what we would call sterilizing. so we never thought this vaccine would 100% prevent you from getting infected. it always was intended to prevent all the down stream hospitalizations, death and frankly, long covid. we're not talking about long covid enough but we're seeing too many people who had no vaccines early on. got covid. still suffering. and we know that the vaccines have helped them and can help prevent others from getting long covid if they were to contract the coronavirus. so it's just simply stated, the facts and the knowledge are that the vaccines are saving lives. and frankly, if we had more of the globe vaccinated, even with an omicron variant, one, we might not have an omicron variant and two, we might not have the case counts. and to the case counts, it will be very important to look at the shifts in the rate of hospitalization. while we're seeing a lot of people hospitalized, it is nowhere near the percentage from a year ago. so i think that's critical, too. that's a fact vaccines are working. >> dr. patel with a lot. facts which is why you're here. our lead-off guest. thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. we have a lot more in the program including something i want to tell you about, the supreme court, a check for justice kavanaugh. a trump appointee. later, dave grohl is here. but first, revelations about steve bannon and other maga figures. how they wanted to openly steal the election. why that matters for next time and why they're bringing in the nfl. next. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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a veteran of several presidential campaigns including the obama campaign. happy holidays. good to see you. >> good to see you. how are you? >> i'm good. we just quoted you. walk us through this. some of this seems a little bizarre but some of it seems really important. >> yeah. look. the green bay sweep is one of the most famous plays in the history of the nfl. the big idea that vince lombardi had was a play that basically the defense knew was coming. however, you could not stop it. there's nothing you could do to stop the sweep. john madden talks about it in the second super bowl. how demoralizing it was for the then oakland raiders that they could not stop this play that would be run over and over and over again. this is how republican philosophy and republican strategy works. particularly in the trump era. we all know what trump will do. there are no secrets as to what play trump will run next. the issue that we have as democrats, as people who care about democracy, is how do we stop it? and i think what steve bannon was saying, what peter navarro was saying, what newt gingrich was saying, that what we want to do is telegraph all our moves ahead of time and then watch as our opponents become demoralized with their inability to stop it. we're seeing this with voting rights across the country where governors and republican state legislatures are doing everything they can to make sure that the next election goes their way. the trump loyalists are in place democracy is in tremendous threat. >> so in a way, it seems like they're telling on themselves, they're confessing. in another way you're arguing that while that may be morally dubious, we should not confuse that with outright stupidity. you're saying they want to move the center of gravity, not only among hard wing republicans but among their other supporters and others in american society toward what is basically a creeping authoritarianism. >> yeah. as long as it is not a secret and everybody sees it coming, people are more accepting of it. the bigger the lie, the more likely people are to believe it. on the big part is telegraphing it, repeating it, and the more they repeat it the more likely they are to basically accept the lie and the pre conditions behind it. >> leave it to you to bring that into our holiday season. >> it was not my intention. i want to wish everybody a happy holidays and merry christmas. >> happy holidays. we laugh through the tears, as they say, in some societies. a russian saying, among others. you are speaking to the union of propaganda with oppressive authoritarian governments. in other words, it doesn't work as well, or at least the oppression doesn't take hold as easily in a society that still has a real grip on reality and fact checking. and that is why you see, you made one historical reference. there are many others where lies and propaganda are central to defeating people from that which they would otherwise often prefer. self-government rather than living under tyranny. chai? >> correct. and one thing is it is not tyranny if you don't know that it is tyranny. and i think that's what we're seeing with the kinds of play that they are talking about. we do it in advance. if people are equipped and semiing of what has to be done, then it will be done. state legislatures keep people from voting. they put barrier that's keep american citizens and make it harder for them to vote. it is a way of selecting the people who are voters ahead of time and it helps make sure that their political goals are achieved with the least amount of interference. look. i've been in democratic pockets a long time. it is never a secret as to what republicans will do. what republicans will do is very clearly telegraphed. the problem democrats have is they can't seem to figure out how to stop republicans from doing what they're going to do. >> yeah. yeah. all fair. because it is our end of the year, this is our last chai day of the year. i don't know if you've done the math, but that's a fact, chai. unless there is a chai day that you know about that i don't. even though we've been reflecting on different things. i heard from some viewers, they appreciate your precision. the experience you have and really tell us what's up. i kind of wanted to zoom out with you, big picture here. let's think back as we look over the whole year we've had. before the beginning of the year, the january 6th insurrection. a simpler time when the world a waiting the incoming biden era. >> right. team biden moves into high gear, launch taig on first steps for the new administration, including a new covid task force, and turns the page on a new era. >> it's easier to be a parent this morning. easier to be a dad. it's easier to tell your kids, character matters. >> what was on the ballot here was decency and democracy and empathy. and joe biden is particularly well equipped for this moment. >> that was the mood going into, really, a year ago. today november, december, january. when you as a political expert look at this year of politics in government, what are the big things that you think have changed? >> well, what joe biden has done is he has basically returned us to the pre trump normal. we live in a world where we no longer have to worry about the president doing mean tweets. we live in a world where we have a largely scandal-free administration. where an infrastructure bill is debated and passed and signed by the president with minimum fuss or drama or debate. at least, the debate is a democratic debate. certainly not a twitter debate and insults back and forth and things of that nature. so he has turned america back to a pre trump normal. i think the problem joe biden has, the problem the democrats have, is we have not returned the world to a pre pandemic normal. that is i think the big thing that is causing joe biden's polls to decline. everything that we're experiencing now, we certainly experienced in the obama era including joe manchin. i remember joe lieberman being a thorn in obama's side during the aca debates. however, the issue that joe biden has is there is an expectation that we will return to a pre pandemic normal. not just a pre trump normal. >> you know what rick ross says on the new album, chai? >> i do not. i would love to know. >> they're calling it pandemic but it's really life. [ laughter ] for joe biden and democrats, americans do not want this to be their lives and i think we need to be aggressive about finding a road map out of the pandemic. this might be the final throes of the pandemic. let's home it is. >> very well. we can hope to the new year. we have our shortest break of the hour. just 60 seconds. when we come back, i have a special report looking at the supreme court and the question of not only whether justice kavanaugh lied under oath but how that affects the way the court may rule on the biggest court in decades. i'll see you in one minute. decs i'll see you in one minute stuff. new zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. it's non habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? 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>> i think the restrictions would change. >> the supreme court has held in roe v. wade that a fetus is not a person. that's the law of the land. i accept the law of the land. >> that is the law of the land. all of that was recent. much of it was under oath. that's one reason why these conservative lawyers are trying to lob, it is pretty farfetched legal arguments for the court to -- you know i try to keep it real with you, overturning roe without overturning roe which is the kind of sleight of hand that we are used to. the members certainly claim they are above that. as for accepting the law of the land. unlike other rapidly shifting and divisive social debates. the public also accepts this as the law, too. most americans believe abortion should be legal in most cases. now, there are still earnest and validly held religious and personal objections to abortion. anyone familiar with religious traditions knows about that. so how can both those things be true? well, the data shows most americans do not think that even those earnestly held concerns should be enforced by the government any more than most religious people demanding that the government enforce the sabbath. that's just not a common view. america was founded with the separation of religion and state. we are not a theocracy. so where do we all go from here? well, some legal experts think, as rachel said, that it is a matter of when the court goes forward, supporting these abortion bans. not if. we don't know. we will follow the case and see where it lands. if that is true, they will to have focus less on the courts where precedents change over several decades, and probably focus more on the ballot box where these laws are being drafted in the first place. women are still half the nation and pro women's movements have been sparked by everything from the original calls for suffrage to donald trump being elected by a plurality. not a majority, by the way. women of color were crucial to the recent record turnout in georgia which flipped two red senate seats blue and demoted mitch mcconnell, ending his sway over supreme court nominations, and by the way, a lot of that georgia mobilizing was led by a rising woman in southern politics. stacey abrams. meanwhile, other elected women have continued to use their power, not only to push for reform and new laws but to recount personal stories in the congress about abortions and women's rights and present this in public to their colleagues, to voters, to try to make sure of the reality for women is told by women and presented to everyone. in this case, by women in a position of power. against the reality of these very high stakes for women, there is a new and churlish refrain, you may have heard, from the anti-vaccine right. that tries to troll and mock these longstanding issues on, posing vaccines by saying my body, my choice. now, like. so of trolling on the right, it is a deliberately hypocritical bit of theater. as policy, it also inadvertently reinforces the very gender discrimination they're warning about and urging the supreme court to fight against. because again, i'm just going to try to tell it to you in reality. in plain english. in the vaccine fight, there are not any states using government power to legally ban the choice to decline a vaccine in your body. now, there are rules that might keep you out of a restaurant or a workplace but it is certainly your legal choice, man or woman, over your body to put a vaccine in it. in miss and texas and this growing list of states, let's be clear. the men in power, i showed you, overwhelmingly men, are making it the opposite for women. the internal functioning of their bodies and medical choices is legally banned by the men in power. if the supreme court continues to green light that against 50 years of precedent, the next revolution may come if at all, at the ballot box in deciding who should be making these choices about freedom for other people. when we come back, new heat senator rand paul for his election lies. and later today, i mentioned, we're very excited. dave grohl from not that i remember vana and the too fighters talking about music, creativity and kirk cobain. , creativity and kirk cobain cold coming on? zicam is the #1 cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. snmpl republican senator rand paul is under fire for essentially embarrassing himself with a whole bunch of misinformation. he responded to a report that was pushed out by a conservative outlet about perfectly normal, lawful ways that people were trying to have voter turnout. specifically, democrats in wisconsin. the steps included voting by absentee ballots, targeting potential voters to complete the ballot in a, quote, legally valid way. paul posted that this is, quote, how to steal an election. that is, what he's pushing out there at a time when, of course, it is his party under fire. a little projection. of course this cites illegally methods. so he's saying other folks are trying to steal elections when that is the vulnerability on his side. one posted with clown shoes with the caption, here's rand paul getting ready for work in the morning. someone else said, reality clearly eludes you. another said, and this is a miss the way of telling him what he got wrong. actually, that's how elections work. senator paul didn't appear to be trying to get this kind of attention but there he is. coming up, we have something very special. before the hour is out, i'm going to have my parents with a cameo on "the beat." before we get tom, we have fu fighter dave grohl, music, politics, dealing with corporate america. all of that, coming up. of that,p , we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. our guest today is dave grohl from nirvana and foo fighters, emmy winner, 16-time grammy winner and hall of famer. thanks for being here. >> good to be here. thank you very much. >> i'm really excited to talk with you. you have this book. let's start there. people very interested in all the things you've done in music and how you live your life. you write about joining as a very young musician, which required disruptions within your friend group that played music, within your family. what gave you the confidence to handle those disruptions then? >> you know, i started playing music when i was maybe 10 or 11 years old. it quickly became this obsession. and i started playing in bands when maybe i was 13, 14 years old. by the time i was 17, i had an offer to join a band that toured the world. and i went to my mother, who is a public school teacher, and i said i have to leave school because i need to play music in order to survive. and she said, okay. you'd better be good. >> it sounds almost fearless, but you also write bluntly about fear in the book. you say, quote, i didn't seem to fear physical consequences. i only feared emotional consequences. did you have any of those fears then? >> i did. i mean, my father was also a musician. both my parents were musicians. my mother saying she was a singer in acapella groups in the 50s and my father was a classically trained flutist. when i took off to hit the road, i knew that that would drive a wedge between my father and i. >> you don't share his entire professional world view and you don't share his politics. what do you share with him? >> i am who i am because of my father. and though, yes, we had musical differences or political differences. i got my ear from my father. i mean, i didn't take lessons to learn how to play music. i could just hear it and play it. i could pick up an instrument and figure it out. and that comes from my father. you know, we both loved writing. we both loved music. we both loved culture and food and art. so though we were very different, we were the odd couple. but later on in life i think we both learned to really appreciate each other and became great friends. it was great. >> you come across as very grounded in who you are and how you're navigating these worlds still in this global touring world. you write about what you call being raised in the ethically suffocating punk rock underground. conditioned to reject conformity, to resist all corporate influence and expectation. how do you refer to it. i think calling it suffocating punk rock underground. in all kinds of fields, there is the aspiration, be moral. have integrity about this pursuit. what about it made you call it suffocating? and what did you learn about finding your own balance? >> well, you know, the thing that i loved so much about the underground punk rock music scene was its independence and all of these people were doing it themselves. so there were no real big record companies. you would just, you know, go to a studio down the street and pay a couple hundred dollars and make some songs and albums and then would you xerox a copy for the cover and then stuff it in a sleeve and go sell it to the local record store on consignment. it worked that way. the problem with nirvana was that kurt's songs were so good. we were raised in that scene where it was our secret. but then all of a sudden, we become one of them. what do you do? now millions of people are singing their songs. i can only speak for myself. i was the drummer. i could literally walk in the front door of the nirvana concert and barely get recognized, you know? i didn't have to bear the weight of the responsibility of being that front person of the band which was difficult on kurt. especially when you're rising out of that underground scene and becoming one of the biggest bands in the world. it is hard. you have to remind yourself of the reasons you started in the first place. you have to remind yourself, the kid on the bedroom floor with the beatles records. and that's the core. that's who you are. and if the world starts singing along with your songs, you know, i think you have to appreciate that in a way. >> you write about and talk about going through that experience, and of course, losing someone, and that for you, it made you more appreciative of life does that also fit do you think into your music or did that just ground you with how you live and really being -- having a career, being a parent, et cetera? >> i think both. inevitably. i remember waking up the day after curt died and thinking okay, he's gone but i'm still here? like that just doesn't seem fair, you know, and that was just this process of doing everything all over again. like my first cup of coffee, my first trip to the grocery store, the first time i pick up a guitar. like, you sort of learn to relive your life all over again. and i think it was that day i realized i'm lucky enough to be here so i might as well take advantage of every day and the life that i get to live. even on the worst days, i'm happy to be alive. that was a huge moment for me. it changed my life. >> dave, thank you for your time and inspiring words. >> thanks a lot, ari. good to see you. >> a lot we can learn there and if you're interested, the book is dave grohl. interesting conversation. now, before the hour is up, i promised it and it's going to happen. what you're looking at here is my dad going through his vinyl records. this is airing for the first time ever on "the beat" next. ft time ever on "thbee at" next napoleon was born and raised to conquer. but he was just kind of over it, you know. watching prime video he realized he should follow his dreams. so he ordered a microphone with prime next day delivery. now the only thing he cared about conquering was his audience. prime changes everything. ♪♪ ♪♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... ...even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding, and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woooo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections—some serious —and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i want to wish all of you a very happy holidays and happy new year as that approaches. these are difficult times, we know that but i hope you're going to spend time with the people in your life, your loved ones of your family. i can tell you i always feel very lucky when i get to spend time with my parents and we actually just did something we've never done before. we went through their vinyl record collection. so i sat down with them here and asked them a few questions about some of these records they've had really forever and that i remember growing up with. we put this up on tiktok so shoutout to my dad who you will see sitting here and my mom off camera but participaparticipati. here is a little bit of our discussion about their records. >> hey. >> he was also -- >> favorites. hey, truth teller. >> here is what the -- zipper. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> the stones, you know, the stones were singing as sort of the bad boys. the beetles were the good guys and the stones had a lot of controversial lyrics. >> yeah. >> hey. i'm in the basement mixing up the medicine. >> bob dylan. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you know, we don't remember exactly when we got these but it around -- >> ari, bob dylan -- >> 50 years ago. >> -- was a big favorite and he still is, actually. his old stuff. >> hey. >> that's an early -- aretha. >> never love me the way i love you. >> yeah, she was a legend. >> she's a power house. >> yeah. >> lots of power houses. aretha, bob dylan. that's what you get from the records. i did briefly ask about this world we're living in. vinyl record sales have skyrocketed and i asked my folks if they think buying the record and having it home brings it closer to the music than today's digital streaming and we had a split decision. >> oh, yeah, i would. i think it -- >> i don't think so. when i listen to that speaker or whatever, i feel just as good. >> no, i'm probably more old fashioned and i like the idea of physically relating to the record itself. >> happy 2022. >> happy 2022 and shoutout to my mom off camera, she prefers the vinyl. if you want to see more to this, i'm new to tiktok. you can go to tiktok @arimelber and if your kids are on there, tell them to follow us and teach us. i don't have many followers. you might see more of my family cameos, my parents or brother. i have to ask you-all since we're doing this together digitally, did we miss classics or iconic artists? let me know on social, twitter, instagram, facebook or comment on that video with my parents on tiktok. we'll read your responses and we've done that before and some may make air. if there is a great artist in your record collection or cd or tape of streaming that we missed, can't be dylan or jimmy cliff, tell us who it is and why you like them especially if they have political or social justice messages. i got great messages about the music and anthems that have taken you through decades of news and life and activism. share that and you can see at top go to one more thing when we talk digital, i have a tip for you to hear all of your msnbc shows online from rachel maddow to joe reid to the beat and this works even if you're away from the tv. go to tune 2021. tune 2021. this is a program that allows you to hear any of these shows any time, anywhere on any device. "the reidout" is up next with tiffany in for joy. hi, tiffany. >> hi, ari. i was sitting here thinking who is my classic artist and the first album i ever got, salt and pepper, hot, cold, vicious. i don't know if that fits your classic artists because i missed the video but that's my artist and i'm sticking with it. >> all the good things and bad things that may

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