Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

contributor katty kay. >> my christmas shopping was already done in the summer. >> exactly right. i don't let the summer go past without it. we have david ignatitous and eugene daniels, jackie alemany and mika and willie both have the morning off. they're on assignments. when i am off, they say i am on assignment. maybe i am sleeping in late or maybe i am in yugoslavia. katty, i was reading the post and i saw, we are a little disconnected with boris johnson. in america we hear oh there is scandal. boris johnson is having a scandal. that's like saying nick saban is winning a football game. i read this morning and it's kind of a bad sign that conservatives lost the seat they have held for 200 years. that's a little telling. first of all tells us bad seats and also how bad are things for boris johnson right now? >> well, i am glad this morning joe that i can be your north structure correspondent because i have not had that opportunity often enough. we don't do north structure. it's three hours from london. they lost in a complete shock last night to the liberal democrats in a special election there. they lost it really because of the state that boris johnson is in. there is been a financial scandal from his party and lawmakers making money from outside gigs. boris johnson says he can do it and he says he can't do it. of course covid, there is this massive surge in covid cases and boris johnson's own party accused of having a christmas party in the middle of a lockdown. christmas is a big deal in the u.k. everybody wants to get together and everybody wants to go to pub and the last thing they want to be told is they can't do it. they can't do that. it's not a good time and it's why he lost sort of the time. for him to withstand a rebellion within his own party trying to implement more restrictions in the u.k. no, we don't want anymore restrictions. he's getting hit from both sides. the conservative party has lost their seat. >> it's big. we'll find all across the west especially politicians fate goes up and down with infection rates, boris tried his best. just like when joe biden took the mask off then delta came and really not britain down, perhaps not tp united states quite so much and now omicron. you are right. everything is shutting down. they're not shutting down because people are bringing snow flakes over there, the entire soccer teams are being wiped out. you are right, infection, i have not heard of any serious infections being reported from people that we know public figures but you are right. this omicron is just tearing through great britain. the french are saying don't come here and others are saying hey, be careful when you go to britain. like you said what happens there usually happens here. maybe it's a mild strain as scientists are figuring out. it's extremely infectious. it's shutting things down for a bad time for boris johnson. >> it's shutting down here too though. i can't pick up a phone call from a friend hearing somebody tested positive for covid. adrienne is no here because he was at dinner with someone who has covid. you have to follow these rules and they get caught not sacrificing. david, there is as general sense of exhaustion among everybody whether they are in britt or in america, come on please. new york city a week ago when we were up there we wanted to go to a restaurant. you have a vaccine card and you go in there and i commented that it was packed. it looked like 1999 all over again. people were everywhere. you can't get in restaurants. just one week later mask mandates inside. you walk in anywhere and you put a mask on. it's hard to go back to that. three or four, five times. i understand why they are doing it. this omicron variant even if it's not the deadliest variant and if it spreads like wildfire, that's going to shut a lot of things down. that's bad news for business. bad news for americans. >> joe, it's like coming out of a cave that we all been living in and people outside -- wow, i feel the sunshine, i feel a breeze on my cheeks and suddenly this feeling you are scrambling back inside that cave. you know the last time we are all gathered around the table for a while. i just have to note britain has this political version katty was talking about. joe biden campaigned on and tried to govern the idea but we'll go back to normal. he's going beat this virus and going back to living the way we did. we'll have a president able to work deals out with both parties and be like america was. no pandemic, no craziness in our politics. on each front you see that's kind of slipping away. i think in the white house they see the night lock again and the prospect of lockdowns as we deal with omicron. >> what a perfect description of what happens. you put in a cave for a year and a year and a half, hey, you can come out of the cave and everybody breathing in the air and sunshine setting in. back in the cave. you are pushing people back in the cave. you can only do that if you are starting to piss people off. it's obviously hurting boris johnson and britain. it's going to be a heck of a balancing act for this administration, too. you can strip it all down at the end of the day, katty, joe biden was elected for a return to normalcy. when we return to normalcy, his poll numbers will show a positive upper lift. until that time he's going to be struggling whether these variants are out of his control or not. >> yeah, i am amazed by that poll we showed a second ago saying 60% of the people feeling fed up of the pandemic. only 60%? >> who are these 39% that are okay, wearing masks all the time. who are these men as they say at the end of the verdict? it's outrageous. >> four out of ten americans are okay with this? >> before we can return to normal, there is a lot of politics to get through in washington. particularly around of course january the 6th. january 6th committee subpoenaed the retired army colonel contributed to a powerpoint presentation how to overturn the 2020 election results. the subpoena requests appeared for the january 6 commission. waldron worked with trump's outside legal team and circulated and briefed. meadows included a version of that provided if the powerpoint. waldron told the post he visited the white house and met with meadows maybe eight to ten times in the run up to the insurrection. so jackie, they're looking clearly for all of these connections. they're still looking for the kind of connecting the dots between intent, what actually happened on january the 6th. this powerpoint presentation, how key is this going to be? >> it's key because it helps illuminate how focus the committee is on mark meadows and how meadows served as the connection issue of these french playe that came out of woodward to present some sort of trump overpass turning the results of the 2020. republican lawmakers who were also involved in this effort, those names have not yet been revealed. we are going to find out but we do know the people who were surrounding mark meadows who were close with him and trafficking back in conspiracy theories and traveling back and forth to the white house to implement some of these completely bonker theories and people like congresswoman harry and jim jordan. >> if you have a sense that republicans in the house and senators are finally beginning to get nervous or this investigation is not taken part. they're beginning to sense this is going of a real impact, what do you hear? >> it's certainly getting snappy. i guess it's also potential ly pandemic holiday fatigue. >> i don't think he meant it. but, there is a -- i do think there is something powerful of liz cheney reading some of these communications and it's just really the beginning of 9,000 pages and they interviewed 300 people and some voluntarily cooperate with the committee. waldron and meadows are not cooperating anymore. there is a realization that the committee does not know what was happening in those three hours as the insurrection was playing out and what the president was doing. there is only a handful of people that can answer that question. the panic has not totally set inuit, at least for lawmakers in capitol hill. >> republicans know that there are going to be no political ramification. when you have the entire part of that on the same page have been spreading this thing publicly. the text message that were read by liz cheney from lawmakers to meadows. what these folks are saying publicly for months or was not about january 6th and the run-up, and more importantly is the legal ramification, do any of them have any kind of opening there. when we talk to legal expert that's going to be hard to prover that they knowingly did something illegal and this committee no matter what ends up happening can't take. >> it's interesting, if they get snappy, does that suggest they see with all of these stuff mark meadows handed over, all the stuff that cheney read out something is changing. >> we'll look at the documents released and they'll be seen extraordinary significant because it is the beginning of cracks and sort of this united front and it's going to require other people since the information is out and other people to talk about it. jackie, i was looking at my secret congressional dakota ring that they give to every member of congress and have a nice day in that situation means go to the top of the capitol and jump off if you would like. no, they're not trying to spread christmas cheers. i do want to pick up though -- i do want to pick up what david said because david, there is i think a growing sense of unease. it may not be among many people in the house where you have an extraordinary gerrymander chamber. in the senate there is no doubt. republicans in the senate at the beginning said oh we want nothing to do with this committee. it's going to be so political. things are getting so bad that mitch mcconnell is going out now about everyday and what mitch is doing is, we heard he does not do anything without the consent. he's not newt gingrich, he's not a renegade. he speaks for his caucus. it was mitch mcconnell that opposed the independent january 6th commission. the investigation of the house-select committee was attacked as well. with these new revelations coming out, i can't help but think he's speaking for every senator ron johnson that this is happening. looks like they're getting to the bottom of it. here is what mitch mcconnell said yesterday. >> i find it interesting and we'll be watching it. it was a horrendous event and i think what they're seek to find out -- read the reports everyday, it will be interesting to see what they conclude. >> going in the days when republicans, you always hear partisan witch hunt. you fill in the blanks of whatever trump is saying. mitch mcconnell is lending credibility to this. it was a horrific event. yes. it was a horrific event and most americans despite what they tell pollsters. we know on that day was horrified by what was happening. they have to take a reasonable and rational view and face the facts. we have seen mitch two days in a row speaking for the entire caucus to say let the chips fall where they may. >> those sound bytes you show for mcconnell flat and tone, that's about as excited as he gets. i think you are right. he hates donald trump. he did hate what happens on january 6th. he means what he says and i am waiting to see what happens and who's involved. the idea that gop senators beginning to protect themselves. it's pretty powerful stuff and i think republicans understand that this is as whatever games they are playing out and as the information comes out, it's trouble for people who's involved in any way. you see it with the fox news, contributors, they have to answer for what they said that day. >> when you got mitch mcconnell saying interesting. they're appointed of the different tone and in a split party. of course what you got on the courts, too. the u.s. district judge sentenced add couple who took part and giving them jail time brandon miller sent 20 days in jail and his wife to 14 days. the da asked the couple to be sentenced to home confinement. they were charged with entering the capitol with brandon miller live streaming their actions on facebook, leaving the evidence behind. they did not just walk through a door, they climbed but broken windows and they knew full well of the violence they proceeded. they were apart of a mob. it amounted to an attempt of overthrowing of the government. i don't believe that's hyperbole. the country is watching. we got the senate and we need to prosecute those people who are responsible. >> right. i am so glad you put it that way. we need a more nuance view of this. >> mitch mcconnell is speaking for republicans, yes, people need to be held accountable. we also see the federal judiciary continue to do this entire year. that's holding people accountable for their ill-liberal actions. we have seen this week several times and the past month, some of the toughest condemnations coming from federal judges regardless of whether they are appointed by barack obama or donald trump. the house have always been the black swan of this institution, sorry to say. i don't think this is it. >> yes, we have. the republican party now is the big lie. a major growing threat to democracy and in these sentencing which i recommend everyone sort of watch or read if you get a chance. there are warnings and people to get a grip on reality and former president trump to take responsibility as well for feeding people these lies. >> more importantly maing ties and as the committee looking into this and more pressure coming from the country and if continues, we see things like the meadows revelation and what the country is going to get upset about this and more concerns. there was concerns over democrats that over this year people were not going to lose interest and a lot of new things we are hearing becausement of this is happening publicly. that's what we are seeing as well. >> you know we have been talking about democrats who have been battling each other, they have been battling each other over numbers, 3.75. 1.75. 3.2. 1.78. that's one thing talking about how big the safety net bill should be. most united states senators have stood up and condemn the january 6th attack. republicans in the house have not republicans have stood up for the rule of law and constitutional norms and liberal democracy. you want to talk about a real divide of the party? there is that dedivide. i suspect that's only going to get worse because the more talk, the more contributions they get from their party. there are some republican party want this january 6th moving forward. that does not mean there are millions of the republican base that's cheering on this sort of liberal behavior. we'll be showing you later in the show five gubernatorial candidates in minnesota answer a simple question, joe biden elected president of the united states. those five answers will make you shake your head. ron johnson has accolades everywhere. >> still ahead on "morning joe" now, with coronavirus cases on the rise across the country, there is a new warning about johnson & johnson's covid vaccines. millions of americans are traveling for the holiday. it's so packed. you got two major airline executives who are questioning the effectiveness of mask mandates on planes. i can't wait to hear about that. >> and a new search warrant issued for alec baldwin's cell phone in connection of the "rust" movie set shooting. before we go to break. what a big day yesterday for mika's "know your value" and her partnership with ford. it's going global with the summit that brings together a generation of women. that's going to mark international women's day in 2022. you always walk three feet behind the alpha woman with your hands crossed. that's what i did yesterday. a big day for mika, so proud of her as she rang in the opening bell at the nasdaq to mark the announcement. >> opening bell on this thursday at cnbc's realtime exchange, msnbc's mika there. >> that was all exciting. >> you would have seen in that shot actually. i am over in the corner to the far left in the dark. i studied the movement of dennis thatcher. there i am. there is my margaret right in the middle. it's a huge day. >> dennis played that role for years on end. >> you have to sit in the corner for a long time not saying anything. i am struggling with that image. >> i am going to try and do my best. right now i have to talk about how this is all apart of mika is ongoing effort to support and inspire women who rewriting the rules for success and shattering misconceptions. it is really inspiring, is it? >> it's so great. what i love about the abu dhabi conference coming up in march is mika informed getting women in their 50s and 60s with women in their 30s. there are so much we can learn from each other. we can learn with the younger generation, we have a lot of experience and they can learn from our years. it's a great initiative, i am excited to be apart of it and thrilled that she's apart of this and mika's forecast "mika straight up." i love this. where ever you get four forecast. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. g joe," we'll be right back. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit biden: this is the challenge now you know. of 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admit it right now that j&j is the black swan of the vaccine, is it? >> yeah, the black sheep of the vaccines of the moment. i had my j&j. eugene, you had your j&j, too and we are left with an abandon and i got a booster shot in june without any authorization and went in and did it. us four of the j&j's at the table. health officials urging more americans to get the booster shot. the panel cited the risk of blood clot. 64 people have been hospitalized by those blood clots. 36 required intensive care and nine people have died, joe. >> david, we don't know what's going to be said and websites about this. actually at the beginning we were warned by every scientists and every scientific journal and every medical doctor. yes, there would be complications from these vaccines and yes, there is some rare complications coming from these j&j vaccines but as many people have said less complications in the common aspirin. the efficacy and the safety of these vaccines and even this j&j vaccines are off the charts. >> the vaccines are still by and large our best hope. i can remember all of us on the table can remember that was such an excitement. oh, my vaccination and the second one oh, maybe it's over, my little granddaughter came up to me the other week, i have been double vaccinated. it's a terrible thing that we have all been thinking that the vaccines would mean an end of this. we now realize that probably this is going to be a continuing phenomenal and the next year in the u.s. we'll have to get some kind of boost. i am beginning the think that won't get over and we'll learn to live with hopefully with much lower rates of infection of hospitalizations. just remember it's one of my covid artifacts that moment when you got vaccinated, the feeling watching the needle going into your arm, my father who's 100 years old and sitting with him as he got his vaccination, wow, it's over. it wasn't. >> not quite. david is right, we'll live with this until enough people get vaccinated and then it's wiped off the earth for a while. so much to manage now than it was a couple of marches, two marches ago? we all lost count. when you are in that dark cave, you kind of forgot. two marches ago, you get covid and for many people, there was fear of a death sentence. things are getting better and much more manageable and much better treatment. we are going to have to live with it. we can learn to live with it while living our lives. that's the next phase if covid. >> yeah, it's a little scary at the moment. we spoken about this before. we know a lot of people who are getting it but they're not getting really sick. the reasons is because of the vaccines and the booster shots. those vaccines have been protecting us. >> yes. >> this is an odd one, the chief executive says two of the nation's airlines casting doubts on mask-wearing on planes. gary kelly and the ceo had this to say. >> i am strong that masks don't add much if anything in the air cabin environment. >> i concur. >> the aircraft is the safest place you can be. >> i don't know what i think about that. the comment drew criticism and later tells cnbc that he does not agree with it. i am not sure if i would be comfortable if you get on a plane if no one is wearing masks. >> we are for people who travel through the year, somebody sneezes and throw up and you and your family have the flu for the next two weeks. the kids are not going to school. that's one of the things that was so irritating about flying. there were times again, for a very long time we would fly every week. i would hear somebody sneezing or coughing the next row and i would be like good lord i am going to get sick. that didn't come out of anywhere. i know they have improved air flow but if they have proof of that, i would to see the medical studies and the documentation because if masks don't make any difference, we all would not wear masks. that seems a little crazy just again given what we have learned over the past 35 years of flying. when it comes to the common cold or catching a flu on a plane. >> yes, i think there was a study out a couple of weeks ago showing that people were basically fine to travel on planes but on plane where everybody ate at the same time were eating, on those flights you had a more rapid spread of covid which people didn't take their masks off. if that's not the evidence, i don't know what they are talking about. >> i would not get on hose planes. >> no, if they don't have the evidence or medical studies, they should not be saying that. coming up, all fiver republican candidates running for governor in minnesota suggests joe biden's 2020 election victory oh my god was illegitimate. please, please don't listen to ron. federal prosecutors across the country are not concerned with voter fraud. they're focused on the uptick in violent crime. she spoke with a new class of u.s. attorney, she's going to tell us what they told her next on "morning joe." on "morning joe. ♪♪ this flag isn't 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that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ - [greg] military life can have its challenges, but sometimes veteran life brings more. - [announcer] as america's veterans face challenges, dav is there. - [greg] i'm greg gadson, army veteran. - [announcer] dav helps veterans and their families get the benefits they've earned. - [greg] today, i'm an entrepreneur, a photographer, and public speaker, and i never tire of standing tall. - [announcer] with the right support, more veterans can reach victories. - [greg] my victory is just being the best that i can be. - [announcer] support more victories for veterans. go to welcome back to "morning joe," 6:45 a.m., beautiful view of the capitol hill. the major questions that are going to be ver verbriating aro the building of voting rights. it's going to be tough. heidi przybyla sat down with six new u.s. attorneys. heidi, this wave is coming to their jobs at a difficult time. what have you learn? >> in the interview they illustrated in personal term ls why it matters to have diversity in this role to have faces that looks like americans. here is a look at the new class of u.s. attorneys after the trump administration reported ly having only two blacks in its final year. >> i saw just the way people were treated and disrespected. i remember as a child one day i want to be apart of the system to change inside and out. >> my dad asked me what i want to grow up. i want to run a family sandwich shop. the whole reason that my mother and i do this that you don't have to do this. >> public exposure of addiction of alcohol and how it happens to everyone of all walks of life. i found myself drawn to prosecution in a way that i can help my community. >> when i was very young, there was a double homicide that took place in our small town. the person who was accused went to prison for a long time and later exonerated. that story stayed with me throughout my college careers and when i got to law school and my first job out of law school, i found that the citizens in that small county wanted people to understand and hear them when they had, when they were victims of crime if they have been charged with a crime. they wanted to be heard. >> this is the first big group of u.s. attorneys have been confirmed since george floyd's death and black lives matter. it's story like that all americans can relate to that the biden administration believes it's critical to restore the faith of our party. >> the woman whose father had an alcoholism addiction. and having people all of those stories that's going to reflect in our community better. it's also diversity and background, too. what did they say of the issue ofsurprisingly, who thinks election integrity is a problem of this country? none of them raised their hands. all these new laws passing in 19 different states and so here is a little bit of what they said on this issue of election integrity. >> massive scale and what people talked about and concerns are not represented in the facts. what is represented is efforts to exclude people from voting and trying to tap the right to vote, passing legislation to make it tough for people to vote. each of us are going to have elections in our districts and it's part of our role to make sure people have fair and complete access to the ballots and that's how our voices can be heard. that's how we get back to the respect of the rule of law. >> we see none voter fraud. what we see is disinformation that continues to occur and that's the largest. >> ap found fewer than five cases of voter fraud. all of these laws are being passed in 19 states and these attorneys do believe these laws are a threat to fair elections. >> that's amazing. >> the one issue they talked about the most was violent crime and that is going to be their top issue in this next term they are serving. >> we had a big conversation about that on the show up new york with in coming commissioner. what will did they have to offer as solutions? >> well, look they said these things come hand in hand. there is the issue of diversity. why does it matter to tackling violent crime? when individuals look at someone who looks like them on the bench, they're going to feel maybe more comfortable coming to that person and sharing and inform it. many times you have small nucleus of people who are committing these crimes and peddling drugs. if you can crack into that community, that's a different. take a listen here. >> if you talk about law enforcement, my top issues is opioids and fentanyl and a lot of overdose in the community. my top priority is to gain back that trust of the community because without the community members who know what's going on in their areas, law enforcement is hamper. >> violent crime is definitely one of my top priorities. there is a connection between that and we have a high opioid problem in our district. it's being driven by the increase of fentanyl entering the system, we are seeing a concerning rise of methamphetamine. >> we brought charges to those worst defenders that we see. hopefully that sends a message to the local communities that we as united states attorneys care about the violence that's going on in our districts. >> heidi, thank you so much. we really appreciate it. hey, david, you and i, i won't say we are the only ones old enough to remember. >> oh boy. >> we are the most experienced around the table, you and i remember how horrifying it was for many residents of major cities and even smaller cities from '89 or '92 when crimes skyrocketed and violence skyrocketed. this was a country that through the late '80s and early '90s. americans fell under siege as crime rates skyrocketed so much. it's kind of like inflation in the '70s. you have politicians in the hill that are dealing with things. younger politicians that have not had to deal with inflation. and didn't have to worry about skyrocketing crime rates. again, maybe it's not as bad as it was in the 1970s. that's not really saying a whole lot. but, crime is rising and americans are not comparing to how it was in 1977. they're comparing it to how it was in 2016, 2017. how it's been for the past 20 years. they don't like what they see. this is a real issue that politicians are going to have to confront that never have to deal with it before. >> yeah, you are right. my recollection of buying my first house interest rates we had to pay, terrifying numbers they had a few locked in a flowing right mortgage. it was like watching a balloon go off in the air. so, we do remember that and i am glad that the fed is taking it more seriously. if it gets embedded in our society, you know inflation is a terrible thing to root out. i am going to say watching heidi's interview with those new york attorneys dealing with problems of public safety in their districts, new waves of drugs and drug crimes, i was encouraged. it's a wonderful group. it's a diverse group. they have problems that in a sense, joe, go back to the days you and i were growing up. it's a different group. i hope they'll handle this in a wiser way without so many racial disparities and so much injustice in enforcement of justice. yeah, the old problems that we remember are back again. >> yep, definitely the have to do two things at once. hope they do and hold them accountable. the rnc agrees to put the bill to trump's legal bills. we'll be talking to marty walsh of the new move to address the nation's ongoing supply chain issues. later, dick durbin joins us as his party pivots from the social spending plan to voting rights. we'll be right back voting righs we'll be right bac age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get 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shot. we are looking at a winter severe illness in deaths of yourself and family and the hospitals will be overwhelmed. there is good news if you are vaccinated. >> if you are vavaccinated, you are protected in death. >> katty, it just makes too much sense for americans to get vaccine and be safe from the next wave that's coming. you know i read a great article that's in "the washington post" talking about joe biden touring around a part of kentucky that voted overwhelmingly for donald trump. he was there because he said there are not blue tornados or red tornados. it's just tornados and one country and we need to come together. it's the same thing about the virus. nobody has any incentives for americans to get the vaccine other than, you know, just to keep themselves safe through a difficult time. >> yes, the virus really does not care who you voted for. the virus does not care whether you think it should be a virus or not or does not care if you feel you are done with this virus. it's just a virus and it will get you when it can. that shield is those vaccines and boosters. and we really need to get those boosters, too. >> david, it was so interesting you were saying like all of us when we got our vaccines, we thought that was it. well, it was. we are learning about the virus and like any virus, i moves and mutates and takes on different form. we have scientists and doctors who were able to put together a vaccine in record times. we are still learning about this virus and killed 800,000 in america and we need to be agile. if we find out we have to get two shots and a booster and get it every six to nine month, well, i guess we can act like five years old and get on the floor and kick and yell or we can just grow up and say all right, all right, this is a reality, let's face it and let's do it. let's keep ourselves and our family and community safe. >> i am going to be a sea lion because i want to see what effect it will have on my wife and children. this is a long road race. you get exhausted. is it over yet? you want to give up? that's not the way it's going to be. we have to be tough and help our friends. they're as down as we may feel and reach out to them and keep fellowship going and do good work. it's going to test people. i hope it will in the end bring people together. this week where i live, the washington national cathedral was deep sound of 800 times for the 800,000 people who died. medieval sound of this plague that's in our country made me think the pain that's involved but also the way we all listened and are brought together. that's my hope as we head towards the holidays that we'll work together and get ourselves through this as a country of the world. >> so many live loss and they are not political pawns, they are people. they are 800,000 souls won't be sharing christmas and the holidays and future wedding events with their families and their loved ones. we need to remember them the way the national cathedral did this last week. let's bring in the host of "way too early," jonathan lemire and also helene cooper. what we are talking about is covid, 800,000 t new variant that's coming. i read story and maybe it seems to be the nature of the news. we talk about the 3% or the 4% that don't get the vaccines in the armed services and 95% of the people who do. that's a hell of a big number and shows the military sets themselves apart from the rest of the population. and, i look at the numbers and i see that as extraordinary positive and overwhelming number of men and women in uniform, getting the vaccines just like the other 2021 they get because they want to serve the country. >> the military is very vaccinated and they are used to vaccines and there are so many they have to take. the army posted the number yesterday of 98% have vaccinated and of course the air force have started to dismiss the few who have not gotten vaccinated. it's so important and this is not just the vaccination but the booster as well. as people at the pentagon have been noting, as we are going into the holiday season where we are going to be among loved ones. we'll also be around elderly and our moms and grandmothers for the holidays that you see this train sort of steam rolling towards us and it's such a big issue right now, the military is moving ahead. they are used to this sort of thing that troops had antivaccines and they're used to it. you have the same kind of vaccine hesitancy that you have in the rest of the population. you also have the active duty troops and national guard and reserve have been told that you are either going to do this or probably going to be discharged or dismissed. i think that's also part of the reason why you see the numbers much higher. >> many of them had to get vaccinated for other reasons to go on deployment. it's something they are used to in the military. the january 6th select committee subpoenaed the retired army colonel who contributed a powerpoint -- the subpoena request phil waldron appeared for deposition and provided documents by january the 10th. "the washington post" reports waldron worked with trump's outside legal team in a powerpoint presentation that outlines various proposals to subvert the election. mark meadows included a version of that powerpoint and document he provided to the committee which the panel made public late last week. waldron told the post he visited the white house several times and met with meadows maybe eight or ten times in the run up to the insurrection. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell was opposed to the independent, the committee captured his attention however. new comments from him yesterday. >> i find it interesting. we'll all be watching it. it was a horrendous event. read the reports everyday and it will be interesting to see what they conclude. >> yeah, jonathan lemire, and mark meadows, we talked about it in the last hour, here is a guy released so many documents and had such an impact and pulling this guy where ever he was in that picture from his farm or whatever. he's getting dragged in and i mean we need to nickname this guy as mark dragnet meadows because of all the people he's bringing with the documents he's willingly to release. as far as mitch mcconnell goes. we talked about the january 6th committee needing get the attention of the american people well, it's quite an active week for them. meadows' texts have really caused a stir and investigators as well. it appears they also caught the attention of mitch mcconnell and republicans in the senate. >> mitch mcconnell does not acknowledge the house of representatives exist. the fact that senate republican leader is paying attention what's happening over there is interesting and telling. we should not give him the pass. he cold have investigated the january 6th attack that was scuttled by republicans in the senate last year. the other thing about mcconnell is there is always a political calculation. there are a few people in washington better than that than him. he's good at this. what angle is he seeing here? he wonders if this is a way to highlight what happened of course on the 6th if it's possible a way to separate the party a little more than donald trump. we know mcconnell and trump did not get along. mcconnell was grateful of what trump did. but, mcconnell we remember after the 6th quick to denounce the former president even though he had a sense that he would vote for him again. there is a suggestion here that he's trying to find and a little daylight and wedge issues as he looks towards 2022 and if hopefully he thinks become majority leader again. watching this committee, i am struck by how they're laying out their investigation in a very skillful way. they'll give you a couple more of mark meadows tidbits are provacative and unlike some of the impeachment hearing. i am curious helene, that you have a sense of this process is beginning to affect how the country as a whole is looking at january 6th. there was the initial horror and a partisan reaction, do you have any sense of a broader revulsion that's returning as people think about this. >> that's such a good question and i don't know. it's so hard to get -- i tend think that it's still pretty partisan. i think that and you talk about, can you believe it was a year ago. we are going into -- now it's just part of the vernacular and part of our shared history. a year ago i don't think i was expecting anything like this. sorry, i am going off on a tangent. i think at this point i feel like it's still pretty partisan. i don't think we have gone back to the initial day right after january 6th where we saw broad horror including people like mitch mcconnell and including people from republicans before they separated back into their normal houses. >> the moment of the anniversary is one that the white house is trying to use as a moment. they recognize there is been some criticism that the committee has not done enough to sell this to the public. that seems to be last week. the white house is approaching the anniversary, looking to highlight what happened that day with the president calling it as one of the darkest days of democracy. voting rights here, what happens on on january 6th and since then is all about an attack on our democracy as much as they're trying to stop joe biden being certified. we need to have some sort of push to preserve that freedom. the debate in the west wing of how big they want to go into this and they're on that day and they're nervous of elevating trump lies. they're in the works. and call for the troops to come out from this committee and also suggest to look, this is why it's so important and we need legislation to protect the right. >> i am with helene and still around the country, and certain amount of forgetfulness. that lie is still front and center. it is gubernatorial debate this week moderator hewitt asked all fiver candidates whether joe biden won the 2020 election. >> i don't know -- we have to take that seriously. >> i grew up in the suburbs. so this is not a new problem. it's not a unique point. >> i believe there was voter fraud across the country. we did know it did occur here. >> i don't think the election was fair. we have results. each states have its own deal. i am not a big fan. >> our job is to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat and every legal vote gets counted. the more we watch, the less they cheat. so you will be the watchwatcher. and that's something you can do. >> did president biden win? >> he was certified by the electoral college. >> it's not that hard. yes, he won. >> it seems to me again there is that split again between what you are hearing from senators for the most part and what you are hearing from members of the house and candidates out on the trail. i have heard a lot of republican senators say and other responsible leaders in the party, we can't look back. we have to focus on the next election. looking back will only hurt us. here we see five candidates that just can't state the obvious and first, what does it say about them but my god, what does it say about the base in that state that elects republican candidates to run for governor. >> amazing. for a moment you thought donald trump was receding and influencing the republican party just listening to those fiver candidates. trump was made the idea that the election was stolen of the single litmus test of feelty to donald trump. they all know that. i can't know what i don't know. useless answer. the more we watch, the less they cheat. they didn't cheat. there was no cheating that went on. there was voter fraud. all of this is not true. court case after court case of 145 cases of fraud and millions of votes. there was not none. they can't say it because of donald trump. because they know -- >> right, exactly. they know the truth. every republican leader knows the truth and elected republican leaders know. all they know need to do is tell my friends oh, you think the vote count is rigged? why don't you go and look at fox news' website and look at the count there and other rupert murdoch's publication. the wall street journal's editorial page, they say a lot of things people disagree with. there was no widespread voter fraud. every trump appointed judge that trump looks at these issues trump's appointed judges said the same thing. no voter fraud that'll change the outcome of the election. not in pennsylvania or anywhere. they know the truth and yet they keep lying. i guess it does show that they're still scared of donald trump and donald trump's former followers. yeah, it's hard to come up with another reason, right? it's hard to think why else people who clearly know the facts still feel they have stand on stage and say black is white or white is black. i can't think of another reason than donald trump. >> yeah, jonathan lemire, that's why trump hates mitch mcconnell so much because he pushed back on january 6th, he's now come out and say hey, we want to hear what these people have to say and that's why mitch mcconnell is being crucifide. >> he's going to do what he can to leave credence to this democratically-run committee. he could have a bipartisan committee. when the truth comes out that's standing for donald trump and donald trump's most extreme republican members who want to take over the party and move it in a liberal violent direction. >> it took a while for mcconnell to get there. he's been clear that joe biden is the president of the united states. remember there was the sense among republicans and this includes mcconnell. let trump protest a little bit and what harm can it do. it gives a lot of space and energy for trump and his supporters. since then, mcconnell hung up on trump on a phone call. joe biden is going to be certified as president before january 6th. the two have not spoken since. we have seen it and trump in his e-mail statements attacked mcconnell in some frequency that he should be pushed out with some republicans. that's not who mcconnell initially wanted. there is a real divide there and it does seem mcconnell expecting more bad news coming out for trump because of the january 6th committee, he wants to chris some distance. plus, marty walsh will join the conversation, that's coming up next. >> from one wall to another, joe walsh joins me in the new episode of podcast and spotify. he talks about his life in the fast lane with the eagles a decades long addiction problem. and his future brother-in-law, a drummer by the game of ringo star along with his future wife and ringo's future wife. he talks about how losing his father and being a member of a gold star family inspires him to help veterans. i hope you can watch. joe walsh invites fans into his home for his fifth annual vets. it's going to be streaming live from his basement studio at 8:00 p.m. and featuring performances by joe walsh and special guests. it's for a great cause. you can grab tickets from something he was inspired by losing his dad and sadly a gold star family. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. e watching we'll be right back. biden: this is the challenge of our collective lifetime. and every day we delay, the cost of inaction increases. we have the ability to invest in ourselves and build an equitable, clean energy future, and in the process, create millions of good-paying jobs and opportunities around the world. there's no more time to hang back or sit on the fence or argue amongst ourselves. so let this be the moment that we answer history's call. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you 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much for joining us. when it comes to led pipes, lay out how bad it's for us. >> there are hundreds of thousands of pipes in our country that drinking water is going through that's going to homes and schools across america. when you think of 2021, almost 2022 we are still dealing with that issue, that needs to change. the president lays it out as you mentioned a moment ago. he talks about building a better america. that means adding greatness to the country. that means drinking water and that means broad band access and throughout the pandemic when march of 2020, i was mayor of boston. we had to shut schools down. it's about the future of america and there is really and i am shire that people in our country and young people in our country are drinking water through led pipes right now. >> the cost of replacing them all is more than $60 billion, president biden asked for $45 billion from congress to get it done but as part of that infrastructure bill in the end there is only $15 billion. it's a long way off of the amount of money being designated is not going to do nearly enough to replace all of these pipes. >> some of these opportunities also have plans. we need to continue to collectively work together. this money is on top of what city and towns allocated. i was in milwaukee and wisconsin. pipes that connects into homes. that'll take an all investment. many states and cities allotted or allocated money. this will help them to get to that point. >> secretary walsh, great to see you. the build back better bill also contains components that will fall under your purview. negotiations will continue and they hope to get it done. i think we need to be clear here. it's uncertain whether or not the second part will finish through the senate. how much do you need this to pass and how negative of the consequences will be if it does not. >> i am optimistic of the bill. when you think of the bill which is not apart of my purview, bitter child care and investments in universal -- for the department of labor and work force and jobs training and apprenticeship. i got around the country and i have talked to businesses and i have talked to tech companies. they all need people about us being trained and educated. this bill will allow us the opportunity to move forward. our plan to work with businesses and come up with public private partnerships, there is going to be private investment of preparing the work for us. there is a lot of conversations about people not going back to work or the great resignation or whatever you want to call it. some people are concerned of the virus and some people are concerned of the fact they are working in a job that they're not getting any satisfaction and not creating a pathway for themselves and middle class. it would be a big mistake if we didn't do build back better bill better because the investment in it. it's an investment in people and the investment in the bipartisan infrastructure law. we have never seen an investment like this. the american people deserve an investment made by the future. >> its sector is like 80,000 drivers short. i know the white house have a plan trying to get more with supply chains. what can you do to get more people in trucking positions so they are safe and the country is safe, too. >> we had a great meeting with independent truckers with advocates and really sharing practices. we are launching with the department of transportation, secretary pete buttigieg, it's the 90 days apprentice challenge. companying signing up to get free apprenticeships. we want to magnify that number and apply that number in a big way. i think we'll see it in the next 90 days of more pathways. we are talking about challenges. challenges with getting recruiting people and challenges with age. some of the products and some states have restrictions on and nobody under 25 can drive a certain trucks across state lines. we have industry like gasoline that can't have drivers under the age of 23. there is a short term plan but there is also a long-term plan. we heard yesterday from the trucking industries that five or ten years ago, this is an industry that a lot of people go into and create a career out of it. we have seen that go away with some degree. we need to reestablish that. there are a lot of people in america that trucking would be a great job. some people we spoke yesterday of people starting$70,000. we have some work to do. there is also a pathway, there is a woman there who runs the trucking association, 10% of our truckers are women. in the next 90 days. we have a lot of work to do to create better pathways. there are 250 roughly returning veterans every year. these great pathway jobs into trucking industry. we have to reestablish this industry, it's an industry that's an industry. we'll need it forever. as it was described yesterday, the product of a gallon of milk at the super market, that was brought there by a truck. this is not going away we have to reestablish and create good, better paying jobs in the industry. >> if you can get moving on that pretty fast. santa and his reindeer can't do it all between now and christmas and kids are waiting for those stuffing pillows. santa sent a message to kids not to worry. santa wants the clear it by saint patrick's day. >> marty walsh, thank you for joining us. this sunday, willie sits down with oscar winner matthew mcconaughhey. >> talk about leadership that you share with other people and you made a decision not to run for governor, what does that look like to you if it's not politics. what is the next step of leadership look like, have you thought about it? >> i do know this. we need a new story. we need a new narrative. let's not throw away the old narrative. we need to get reacquainted with old llyrics. the song is not over. america is about chasing yet. that's what the american dreams are based on. we'll never get a full definition. now we fully understand and agree whatever what equality is. these are moing words and we don't throw out everything we started with the constitution and everything else. we look at that and we respect that. we understand we are still writing our songs. that's as good as america will get. can we look back and keep chasing yet? so, there is a new story. there is a new narrative that we all need to be apart of collectively. right now we collectively don't have even a national expectations of each other. >> one reason that's really hopeful, the sleeping giant is the majority. it's the pirates trying to get the port side of our ships. they're the minority. they're the ones trying to create the division. if the ship is democracy, the majority is going to slip, hey, got the numbers, here, get the hell off our boats. they have the mics and more entertained and maybe making more dough. we have the numbers, i don't think we have to wake up and take the mics from our pirates. this is where we are going and how we are going to do it. it's traumatic. it's the soap operas. we used to have to admit it's all right, let's understand that we are lying to ourselves about that being really the way forward. no. let's admit that. little candy is fine but let's get off the candy. >> i could not agree with you more. >> the extreme and those pirates presented as representatives of the two sides o f the country is not true. >> no, it's not. not true >> no, i nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. you've been taking mental health meds, and your mind is finally in a better place. except now you have uncontrollable body movements called tardive dyskinesia td. and it can seem like that's all people see. ♪ some meds for mental health can cause abnormal dopamine signaling in the brain. while how it works is not fully understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling. ingrezza 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we and other countries including south china sea claimers, we'll continue to push back on such behaviors. we'll deepen our alliances in japan. we'll foster greater cooperations among these allies as well. >> secretary of state, tony blinken criticizing china's aggressive action in the endo-pacific region. joining us now, our foreign relations and our distinctive global affair professor, hal brands. his latest essay, "containment can work against china, too." >> the basic argument was containment during the cold war was based on an assessment, the competition would last until something change and moscow and the united states prevent the soviet union turning the other way. there are a lot of differences between the soviet union and china that the contexts are different and players are different. the basic goal is essentially the same. the united states need to be preparing itself for a competition with beijing as well. >> the soviet union was more aggressive territorially but kind of bankrupt financially at home. china we are not sure of its global ambitions but we know their economy is doing very well. >> their economy is integrated of the center of the world. it's highly connected to the rest of the global economy. it's a very different story. it's also in a much stronger, we use economic state crafts in the sense against the soviet union as part of our overall strategy, we used to use a hybrid warfare strategy that created a lot of things including economics. i think it's hard to do that with china. they're just much bigger and substantial. >> the biggest test for the u.s. in the next century. >> it's a challenge and how complicated a challenge. while we have to push back against china's worst tendency. we have to understand we are going to be sharing the global stage with them for the next half century. whether we are talking about climate change, we are going to have to strike a balance. it's not the soviet union of 1981. i remember my political science professor in history said the soviet union at that time was scared of a xerox machine because technology was a threat to them. china is so different in that respect. how do we contain a country that's in africa and is on every continent with massive investments that the soviet union could not even dreamed of. that's the wrong way of thinking about it. the critical question is can the united states prevent china from using coersion or aggression. it's much more of a selective competition than we may think just by using a globe and chinese manifesting. >> we are doing separate things at one time. we can contain china but it seems to me engagement in china is also critical on so many different levels. again whether you are talking about climate change or global economy, obviously if you are talking about world health crisis, it went terribly when we didn't have the cooperation of china. we actually, yes, we have to confront them but we have to figure out at the same time in some of the other areas to build a stronger relationship, don't we? >> we carved out those few areas where we are able to cooperate but you know in terms of looking again at the soviet comparison, xi and putin having a conversation to evade the u.s. financial system and u.s. markets and so i think to the extent we bring check books to the gunfight we're going to have an increasing issue of both china and russia cooperating with one another in pushing back against the u.s. and our allies. >> heidi, speaking of china and russia cooperating, i was having coffee yesterday with the swedish defense chief and asked him what's going on in the arctic, expecting to talk about russia, and he said we're increasingly worried about china. and he started talking about china and russia cooperating in the baltic sea, staging military exercises. for the last ten years we have been on what feels like a trajectory that's not going the right way. when you hear tony blinken saying china is america's test for the century. i would like to know, it's 2021, how are we doing on that test? it feels like we're failing. >> i think this is a very big challenge but the way we're addressing it internally making investments in the u.s. and making ourselves more robust and the relationships with our allies this is a fundamental realignment we're making right now in our national security and national economic security. so i think there's a lot of focus on how we are going to bring all of our tools to the table. >> you know we aren't always aligned perfectly with our nato allies when it comes to china. germany is not shoulder to shoulder with us when we want to strike out economically aggressively at china. at the same time it sounds very ominous when china and russia talk about trying to become independent economically by putting their $19 trillion economy and their $2 trillion economy together until you start looking at the united states economy and the european union's economy and we're over $40 trillion. with that combined power we have and we'll always have a hell of a lot of leverage over both those countries. >> the story has been the dramatic change in global attitudes. the favorability ratings have fallen off a cliff since covid began and you're seeing more and more instances whether it's nato and the g7 expressing their concern that countries around the world are more alarmed at china's aggressive actions. and so this goes to your point if the united states can find a way of hanging together with its democratic allies and partners not just in asia but in europe and elsewhere, then that balance of power is going to be extremely difficult for china to overcome. >> hal, i'm so glad you brought that up because we look at what xi has done and obviously we're concerned just as so many other people are. we talk about the state becoming more totalitarian state, and at the same time it seems to me every one of those moves have been self-defeating. the fact that they have blown apart hong kong, the problems there, the problems with uighurs, aggravating australia so much that they want to do a massive nuclear deal with us. it seems to me every one of these moves is shortsighted and actually cut against what is in china's long-term interest. do we not have an example even though the moves are, is this not an example of our rivals actually doing great harm to themselves? >> i think the great examples of basically self-defeating autocratic behavior. xi jinping's behavior is a much more assertive china. a weaker and more isolated china. he's taken an ax to a lot of the sources of china's success, diplomatic and in some ways economic as well, in the past 30 years. >> jonathan? >> i didn't have coffee with a defense chief yesterday, but i did want to pick up on hal's point about 2022 being an important year fof china. the eyes of the world will be on it for the olympics. talk to us about how president xi's zero tolerance covid policy may actually end up being a hindrance with the omicron wave? >> i think this is one of the underreported stories. you do have the j&j versus the mrna shots. you have a population of around 1.4 billion people who have the equivalent of j&j with a transmissible, highly transmissible, variant and the propensity to shut down the economy. you think about comply chains. they shut down a port with one case of covid for two weeks. and so if you think about the olympics coming up, if you think about the party congress in the spring of 2022, this is a really big year for president xi to actually get things right, and failing on containing covid with a zero tolerance policy will be a bad look. >> yes, and hard to see omicron doesn't go through china like it is the u.s. thank you both very much for coming in. helene cooper, lovely to see you. up next, lies that largely go under the radar. what "the new york times" found after signing up to receive campaign emails from lawmakers running for re-election. plus, senator dick durbin joins to us discuss how democrats plan to get around republican opposition to get the president's agenda passed. "morning joe" coming right back. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. welcome to "morning joe." it is friday, december 17th, eight days until christmas. katty kay, as we look at the white house at 8:00 straight up, i have to ask have you got all of your christmas presents yet? i'm not joking, my whole life i usually wake up, do stuff in the morning, i rush out and start buying christmas presents at about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon. since church services are usually at 5:00, it's a pretty rough three-hour dash for my christmas presents. i'm not so sure i've done much better this year. what about you? >> that's a good way of showing people you care about them is to buy their presents in about five minutes flat. that's what people love. the people who are easy you start early. it's the people who are hard to buy presents for and on christmas eve you're thinking what the heck am i going to get them? those are the troublemakers in my life. >> i'm an easy person to buy for because i tell people not to get me anything. you want to get me something, write me a letter. i don't want any boxes or anything to throw away. write me a letter. i am getting fewer and fewer christmas presents every year, i mean letters. are you hard to shop for? >> i think i'm easy all around, of course. >> really? jonathan lemire, i'm skeptical. >> it's not that difficult. >> jonathan, she says she's an easy person to shop for. i'm skeptical, aren't you. >> i am. i do all my shopping at cvs. i go from aisle to aisle, little novelties or perhaps pain medication. that's what maybe i'll get you that year. >> great, thanks. >> i can start working on some correspondence to send your way for christmas as well. my shopping i'm doing okay, better than i usually am. >> a dash around walgreens, thanks. >> any supply chain problems for you, katty? one of my 87 kids wanted a play station 4 or 5, impossible to get. everything is off the shelves. >> i have several -- the wonderful thing about the supply chain problem you can blame it on the supply chain. it's the best excuse ever. i was going to get you that wonderful rare xbox blah, blah, blah -- you can't get it. it was the supply chain. it would have been there, that very expensive cashmere sweater would have been there of course. >> so you're embracing the supply chain crisis. i was just going to say santa claus was drunk, baby, and couldn't help you out. we'll go back to the supply chain. maybe that will be better. let's go from christmas shopping to a not so merry day. what happened on january 6th? >> yeah, the right hand turn there from the bad christmas shopping stories. january 6th select committee has subpoenaed the colonel about how to overturn the 2020 election results. that's according to a statement released yesterday by chairman bennie thompson. the subpoena request that he appear for a january 17 deposition and provide documents to the committee by january the 10th. "the washington post" reports that waldron worked with trump's outside legal team and briefed members of congress on a power point presentation that outlined various proposals to subvert the election. former white house chief of staff mark meadows included a version of that power point in documents provided to the committee which the panel made public late last week. waldron told "the post" he visited after the election and had met with meadows, quote, maybe eight to ten times in the run-up to the insurrection. >> jonathan lemire, maybe can you give me some insight about this waldron guy. my question is, is this a longtime player in washington, d.c., or is this just a random guy who said one day, hey, i think i'm going to make a power point presentation and send it to the white house? i'm kind of getting he was a random guy that came up with this idea, send it to meadows, and then it got circulated around the white house which, let's admit it, frightening they were that desperate to overturn a democratic election that they're taking power point presentations from people randomly across the united states. >> a rather infamous power point presentation as it turns out. >> he is not known as a d.c. power player, and i think that's something that's worth hitting again here. so much of the west wing staff hollowed out after the election, there were covid outbreaks where people got sick and some just didn't come back. they quarantined for two weeks and gave notice. others weren't in the building itself. it's actually a pretty small place. not a lot of people are in there each and every day and some of them are responsible grown-ups that took the moment when then president trump protested the election result, look, i'm out. i'm stepping away. the population of people who were in there were the sydney powells of the world, rudy giuliani was in there a lot. meadows, sure, he was still there. we know he tossed much of his integrity out the window to serve the president and michael flynn was suddenly having audiences again. steve bannon. trump tried to cling to power, those were the people he was surrounded by on the day of january 6. >> to talk about it more political reporter for "the washington post" robert costa, the co-author of the book "peril" and "new york times" reporter and msnbc national security analyst michael schmidt, the author of the book "donald trump v. the united states." you do deep, deep reporting on january 5th, the 6th, around there and you and bob woodward put together an extraordinary time line that really launched this discussion and this understanding of what was going on. i'm curious your reaction with the relies of mark meadows' documents, what do they confirm for you about those two, three, perilous days for the united states? >> as jonathan just pointed out, it's evident the willard hotel, the oval office were power centers on the eve of the insurrection. there were power centers beyond the willard and the oval office. you had a power center in the house of representatives in the freedom caucus and then serving as chief of staff for trump and meadows was trying to drum up support for efforts to overturn the election and we see through the power point and other documentation how the white house was driving this and as a reporter, what else was memorialized in documents beyond the power point and text messages? what were the call locks the former president is blocking and we need to understand what was put into action from everything we see in this power point, in particular in the state. they wanted to throw this election to the house of representatives, they wanted states to hold special sessions, who did meadow call? jim jordan? others? what were they doing to make this ball roll down the hill? >> there's that critical kind of 187 minutes when trump was resisting calls to intervene, when people were lobbying mark meadows and he doesn't do so, how are we going to get to what trump was saying, thinking, feeling during those 187 minutes and why he took so long to make that response? >> i think there's probably -- i know there's at least two ways the committee is trying to penetrate that moment. the first is sort of an obvious one. it's getting people like meadows to talk using all of the power that they have and pressure. in this case making a referral to the justice department, you know, the contempt issue, to force them to speak. and it seems like penetrating that inner circle has been very difficult for the committee, and the problem that the committee has is that if it is going to prevail in forcing people like meadows to talk, they need some time on their hands. they need some time to not allow these individuals to stall them out in the courts and to wait them out, to rope-a-dope them in negotiations over interviews and that is sort of, i think, what will be the make or break issue for the committee. how much are they able to -- how much are they able to move the issue forward despite these delays? and it remains to be seen. they want to be done by next summer. if you're doing a full federal investigation, you usually don't put a time limit on it like that. >> so, bob costa, you and i have both known mark meadows for a while, have talked to him quite a bit on and off the record. i'm curious what your gut is or what your reporter's instinct tells you about the trove of documents he released, some of his allies thinking he actual little released more than he could have, than he should have, he protests publicly, very loudly, against this investigation, against the contents of his own books. but privately, somebody i was talking to yesterday, follows this closely who said, you know, it sure seems like he wanted the xhe to get this information. curious what your thoughts are on why meadows revealed all he did in those documents. >> well, joe, i have two words that sit above my computer when i work on stories, assume nothing. i wouldn't assume that at all to anyone providing documents to the committee. mark meadows says move to signal and that's the encrypted messaging service where it's very hard to track the messages. one challenge from the grand jury investigation or the committee in the house of representatives is how are they going to get end-to-end encrypted messages from the signal into the committee because we've seen text messages, power point documentation, emails shared. what about the way they were communicating on personal email addresses, on signal and that's the challenge? and will they have any kind of responsibility legally to come forward and provide that? >> jonathan lemire, i wanted to get your sense on the next steps for this committee. we know more depositions will be handed out, the former campaign manager, just got one. he says he'll cooperate. as we know he wasn't really part of the trump orbit at the end after he had some personal issues down in florida. but it does seem like the committee is ramping up its work, ramping up the pr campaign as well, more publicizing what's going on here. what other targets should we expect them to look at in the weeks ahead as that anniversary is on the horizon. >> the thing to keep an eye on is if and when they get their hands on these documents in a ongoing legal fight, it looks like the committee will prevail even though there's going to be, it looks like, another appeal here to the supreme court to try and stop that but when the committee gets that information how powerful is it? how much does it change the committee's understanding of what happened and how much does that mean that they have to go back and do other work that they may have already done? and by that if there are documents and notes in that material that raises questions that they have to go back and reinterview individuals about this new piece of information. that will be a very huge, important trove for the committee. my guess is it will dictate a lot of the direction as they try and move forward and finish this thing in the coming months. was january 6th such a major event the committee feels finishing it by the summer is maybe not enough time. do they issue an interim report and try and continue to do their investigation even if they may lose power in the house come november at the mid-term elections. you don't want to put the pen down by the middle of summer. >> that is the time crunch. michael schmidt, thank you for your reporting. and joining us now senior reporter for a deeper look and the conspiracy theories perpetuated in the run-up to january 6th. and, brandy, still fueled today. >> yeah, there are a lot of them. how long is the program? how long do i have? today what i'm thinking about in terms of the conspiracy theories that really led up to january 6 is where we're not really looking and where we should be. a great piece in "the new york times" by maggie aster and she look at 390 campaign fund-raising emails. she looked at -- i'm sorry, campaign fund-raising emails from 390 congress people who are up for re-election. that's thousands and thousands of emails. and what she found from this is misinformation is rampant in spaces we don't normally look for. we're not seeing it fact checked but it's getting to the blood red meat and the supporters of these candidates. and so what she found it surprised me it was so low. i subscribe to donald trump's emails but 50% of the emails from republicans had misinformation in them and 2% of the emails from democrats had misinformation in them. that misinformation looked like from dan crenshaw of texas who said that a spending bill from democrats including medicare for all t. does not. it included -- the misinformation included stuff from john kennedy from louisiana who said that -- what did he say? something wrong. he said -- sorry. >> something that was not true anyway. >> it was something that's not true. that's right. he said that democrats planned to give $450,000 to every illegal immigrant, and i'm using air quotes, which is obviously not true. the point of emails is to get people not to share them like we see with misinformation on social media but it's still to elicit reaction. the motivation is the same. instepped of share this with your friends it's click that donate button. >> but that's interesting. there's been so much information on facebook spreading misinformation and this ongoing talks up on capitol hill about what can be done about that. but it sounds from what you're saying that even if action were to be taken and that's a big if to try to limit this misinformation, people are just getting it on direct emails both democrat and republican, but they're getting it from lawmakers direct into their email boxes. >> i'm old enough to remember when the clinton kill list went around on an emailed newsletter and that spread far and wide. politicians have always lied. we've always had rumors swirling around politicians. i think the point that's really important is that if we just focus on one vector of misinformation, if we're just focused on facebook or twitter or emails, we are losing the bigger thing that we need to hold politicians accountable for their mistakes. when maggie decided to call the lawmakers and ask them, the democratic lawmakers she contacted said that's an honest mistake. and they didn't get back. >> senior reporter nbc news brandy, thank you very much. and, joe, i love her first answer, tell us what misinformation is like out there, how many hours do you have on the program? >> exactly. it is continuous and you see it every day. you see it on twitter every day and you don't know whether to respond to it or not. in responding to it you're amplifying the law to all of your followers as well. so, katty, we have some breaking news here. yesterday i was supposed to be on a call with rand delane to talk through some details. he's the executive editor of "forbes" about the international women's summit that mika and randle are launching and it will be in march of 2022. randle was unavailable. he sent me a text message apologizing for canceling but said i can't talk this afternoon. you'll find out why tomorrow. well, we have found out why. randall lane, who is at "forbes" magazine, was actually subpoenaed to speak in front of a grand jury and, katty, i'll let you go through the details, he was subpoenaed to talk to a grand jury about an investigation against donald trump. why don't you take us through some of the details of this breaking news story. >> this is just coming in but will make headlines involving "forbes" magazine and donald trump. the former president has long been fixated with the magazine's issue that estimates the net worth of the richest americans. now investigators at the manhattan district attorney's office are digging into this. in fact, the editor of "forbes," randall lane, who wrote a 2015 profile about trump, was subpoenaed three months ago. they fought that but were ordered to appear before a grand jury, to depp side whether or not to indict donald trump. prosecutors are interested in trump's 2015 statements to the magazine that he was worth much more than its estimate of $4.5 billion adding that he was worth much more than $10 billion. trump said at the time, quote, i look better if i'm worth $10 billion than if i'm worth $4 billion. more specifically trump told randall lane a higher net worth number was, quote, good for financing. also that trump, as reported in the article, told "forbes" the estimate of his values in trump tower should be increased from $530 million by a factor of five or six. and that he said he could sell his stake in trump tower for $2 billion or $3 billion. trump also took "forbes" on a tour of his penthouse in trump tower as reported in the article and told the magazine the apartment was worth at least twice as much as the $100 million we pegged it at. randall lane and "forbes" had been fighting the subpoena claiming it set a dangerous precedent for journalists to be forced to testify for or against the subjects that they cover. after months of objections lane and other "forbes" reporters were ordered by a judge to testify. but limited the scope to confirm the accuracy of what was already public in the cover story and the article, joe. >> yeah, but much to talk about here and, of course, bob costa, the investigations have all seemed to be centering in new york state and also in cy vance's manhattan office, centering around donald trump lying about his net worth. defrauding banks, defrauding investors, defrauding other people that were associated with him by artificially lying about his net worth. here you see how deep the manhattan d.a.'s office is going and they're actually calling in magazine editors to discuss trump conversation about his own valuation with them. >> joe, this brings back a story for me as a reporter in 2015 i was speaking to donald trump right after he got into the race and he pulled out a piece of paper did his net worth. i looked at it and it had the valuations of his brand, $5 billion or $10 billion on this paper. i said to trump at the time how do you come up with this figure? he said that's what my lawyers and i have decided is our brand value. and it seemed to be something he calculated with his own team. and so this is a question for the prosecutors in new york about where does trump come up with these figures and what is he saying to investors? was he being faithful to his investors and as accurate as possible about his net worth? >> and that's one of the things being examined. whether he's misrepresented what the company is worth, not paying enough taxes. it is not a surprise, those of house have covered donald trump for a long time, that he exaggerates about everything this is a case, joe, where an exaggeration could get him into legal trouble and it shows the thoroughness of this probe. they are wasting no time and digging under every possible corner to determine and build the case against trump. cy vance is set to leave office in two weeks. >> i was surprised by this news. >> tom winter, i thought the trail had gone told but to find out randall lane, the executive editor of "forbes" had been dragged, literally almost dragged, in front of this grand jury. they were finally ordered to go speak before the grand jury with some urgency. what's your takeaway from this breaking news? >> reporter: a couple different things. it's not illegal to lie if you're the former president or the candidate, then candidate donald trump, to lie to "forbes," to lie to msnbc, to lie to anybody else. if it was a crime to lie to journalists in this country i would be investing in companies that build jails. the second thing is as far as this investigation where it's going, it's very obvious that they are trying to get to the intent factor here. it's not a question anymore based on what's been charged that there were certain individuals if you look at the allegations and if they're proven true about the trump organization that there were accounting irregularities that became illegal. so that's what the manhattan's d.a. office has said. they are investigating whether or not there were misrepresentations made to banks, made to insurance companies, made on taxes. so that's not new. this tells me they're focused on this idea of who was the person responsible or the people responsible potentially for saying we need to change the books here? that 10 becomes a 20, that $5 million becomes $50 million. that's the ultimate question here. who was responsible for that, if somebody was, and how high did it go, and did it involve the former president? the urgency question that you touched on is interesting to me. the manhattan district attorney has previously stated that he wants to wrap this up before he's out of office, 11:59:59 new year's eve. we're about two weeks away from that. is there another indictment to come? are they trying to wrap up something before the grand jury or will shift to his successor. so i think that remains a question trying to get some clarity on that as far as where this investigation goes. do they think they're close to something and this will culminate in two weeks or so? or is this something where they are continuing down a path and we go into next year. cy vance has promised he wants to end this investigation by the time he's out of office so that urgency component of what you said and what's being reported is interesting to me. again, the idea they're going after intent, the pressure on weisselberg to cooperate, that's what they're looking for, somebody who can walk them through and talk them through and potentially a jury through what actually happened here. >> and if you're just tuning in, breaking news randall lane who will be a guest on the show in 10, 15 minutes, and was coming on for a completely different reason. he was ordered before a grand jury yesterday, the trump grand jury, after lawyers fought subpoenas for several months but was ordered by a judge to go before the grand jury. listening to your explanation, it does make more sense to me now. i couldn't quite figure out why would you have "forbes" going in testifying before a grand jury because it's not a crime to lie about your net worth, to money magazines, but it does show intent. oh, it was my accountants, my cfo, somebody else. i would never lie about my net worth on this forum or that forum. the lies that are reflected on documents that do have, it's harder to deny that he was the one that was orchestrating all of this. >> i think as i'm standing here thinking what questions would i ask if i was the prosecutor and i'm not an attorney and i don't play one on tv either, but as a reporter and as a potential prosecutor, what i would ask is, okay, "forbes," when you received these documents, did trump say, oh, well, these were the documents -- see, they're legitimate. they are the documents i showed to deutsche bank or another investor or another capital firm in manhattan that we know he's done business with. so did he make representations about those documents to "forbes" as far as the origin of those documents, as far as who else he might have presented those documents to and if they're false does that help them get closer to it? based on the statement, though, you read, the judge narrowed the scope of the testimony. he narrowed the scope saying are the things you published the truth. what we're reading here in this document is this what you published? typically we don't even get that far. normally in courts when you publish something it is self-authenticating. i know from being in the past, and i can't get too far in to this investigators have sought to call myself as a reporter or other individuals surrounding stories that we've done just on this idea of, well, we want to call them to testify that what they published is, in fact, what they published. judges typically don't allow that. look, they published the thing. if you want it, you can read it into the record. no reason to drag a reporter before the court. that's something that typically happens. again, to me, i think the big question is were there representations made to "forbes" with any individual whether it be trump or a member of the family or the trump organization saying, see, these are the documents we showed to this bank or this investor and did they get those representations? if so, did that match up with what was presented to those banks, those investors, and if those documents were false, then i think that gets them closer to intent or at least who was fronting these documents. i think that might be a little bit more relevant to the investigation. but, look, it's a tricky slope because at the end of the day you really do need to prove that the crime existed. again, no crime to make misrepresentation to "forbes" or anyone else but did they make misrepresentations to those various banks or investment houses? i think that's still the key. >> all right. thank you so much. again, we'll be joined by "forbes" editor randall lane in just a few moments. and we will try to get information tom was asking about what was asked, what he asked donald trump, and to tell us about the trump grand jury questioning yesterday. let's bring in the chairman of the judiciary committee, democratic majority whip senator dick durbin of illinois. so, senator, we were going to have randall lane come on to talk about this international women's day conference he's having in march of 2022 which is, of course, an extraordinarily important topic to discuss on "morning joe." randall lane, executive editor of "forbes," was dragged into a grand jury after their lawyers had protested for three months. and cy vance is still investigating the misrepresentations donald trump made to banks and to other institutions. could you give us some insights on what we may be looking at here? >> i don't know the details but it can be no surprise donald trump perhaps exaggerated his net worth. he did that throughout his business career and his career as president. and people have to testify under oath to the reality of the situation. have you experienced frustrations that donald trump has seemed to be above the law time and again whether it was blackmailing and ally, holding up u.s. military aid in exchange for political dirt or whether it was inspiring an attack against our capitol or all of the other potential crimes that he committed? robert mueller said i can't charge him because he's president of the united states. can you speak to your level of frustration that in america it does appear donald trump is above the law? >> i don't think anyone is but i can tell you just by the series of events he appears to be bulletproof. i think that's changing. i think january 6th changed it, his inciting the mob to storm through the capitol complex was a crime of great magnitude. hundreds are paying the price and many are speaking out and resisting. steve bannon, mark meadows and others, but their day is coming when they're going to be held accountable for what actually happened for the actual truth, and i think that's going to lead to an accounting by this former president for his conduct at a level he's never faced before. >> you on your statements and tweets in the last few days have been sounding pretty frustrated both at the state of the build back better bill and where that might go and on some of your colleagues around voting rights. as we get to the end of the year 11 months in to president biden's agenda, you thought you would be further along than this? we hoped for it. having covered congress for a number of years, i was present and accounted for for the affordable care act that went on month after month after month. and we faced enormous odds, 60 votes in the senate and our colleague ted kennedy couldn't join us. we still got the job done and that's the same thing that inspires me now. we are trying to help millions of americans and this president made it clear in a statement he hasn't given up. i haven't given up. the democrats haven't. we were given no help from mitch mcconnell telling us we're going to fail. i think about the families in my state and his state of kentucky right next to us. 8 million diabetic patients across the united states have an opportunity finally to have affordable insulin. help for families to provide daycare for their kids. if you have a member who is disabled or sick, special assistance there. the list is important and it is worth the fight. we are going to continue to fight for the american people without a single republican senator on our side. good morning. it's jonathan lemire. no question republicans have not helped at all with this agenda. you had comments saying you were frustrated and disappointed in senator joe manchin because he opposed a one-year extension of the child tax credit. i'm hoping you can elaborate on that. also his refusal to back the build back better act now before the end of the year. >> i've spoken to joe face-to-face. he's my friend. we disagree on many issues. as long as the president and chuck schumer believe there's a constructive dialogue going on, and they do, i believe it is well worth the effort. yes, i'm disappointed but the american people are counting on us to deliver and i believe joe manchin knows that there has to be a path, a good path that will help the families across the country. >> senator, you've outlined where you cannot work with your republican colleagues on some of the issues but there's one issue where you are trying to and that's a bipartisan effort to revive and renew. >> i'm glad you brought that up. we announced it yesterday. we have a group led by senator feinstein on the democratic side, lisa murkowski. the violence against women act, it's been many, many years since we've reauthorized it. a totally bipartisan effort as it should be. we are prepared to introduce this measure when we return in january and bring it up for a vote as fast as possible. >> speaking of a bipartisan measure, joe manchin was carrying around a piece of paper he probably wrote on the back of his schedule talking about the bipartisan successes you all have seen in the senate over the past year. it was telling. we focused on bbb, on how long it took to get infrastructure done. you wouldn't know it by reading newspapers every day or watching tv news every day. the snas has accomplished quite a bit this year that doesn't get the ink or the airtime it deserves. >> and, joe, without any supporting republican votes. the american rescue plan, we took the vaccines, it was important they be developed but equally important that they be spread across the united states and beyond and the american rescue plan did that. i can't tell you the businesses that come up to me in chicago and thank me for getting this economy back on track. we have a lot of work to do but the american rescue plan with the support of only the democrats in congress has made a real difference in the year 2021. >> senator dick durbin, thank you so much for being with us. go bears. and "forbes" editor randall lane joins us next. the breaking news that he testified before the trump grand jury. 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order through the app. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at let's bring in the guy we've been talking about chief content editor of "forbes" media and editor of "forbes," randall lane. randall, we were supposed to have a call yesterday. and you mysteriously were absent. i said this isn't like randall lane. he's usually there. we found out later in the day why. give us some background on the grand jury, them trying to pull you into it and your lawyers trying to fight it. >> it's been a three-month saga. i was subpoenaed september 21st. we've been digging in. we think this is wrong. we didn't want to testify, don't want to testify. think about the precedent set here which is if you -- how do you have an autonomous press if you testify about people you cover regularly, if they're worried they would get yanked into the grand jury and those who don't have the means like "forbes" does when you get dragged into something like this? we fought it hard. then on wednesday we got the word the judge decided, limited the scope, just to the article written in 2015 and one more article about trump's penthouse. it was a limited scope and we were just confirming things we already reported. we don't think this is good for the first amendment. >> we had tom winters on earlier today and he thought it would be interesting to know whether donald trump while taking you around and inflating the value of everything that he was worth ever showed you any documents from -- any bank documents or supporting documents to say, see, this is what we showed deutsche bank or what we showed an investor here or there. did they ever do that? >> it's a 2015 cover story i wrote about the 30-plus-year history of "forbes" and donald trump and there are many stories in the article about documents shown and handwritten notes and lunches and lobbying. when i testified, again, we're being very transparent about this. i posted exactly what was asked, what we answered. just yes/no answers and confirming what was in the article. if you read the article you will know exactly what we were talking about. even yesterday it was about -- it wasn't about the old history, it was about the meeting in 2015 and trump's attempts to talk how valuable trump tower is, five or six times more than what weep said it was worth, how valuable his penthouse was. he took us up to his penthouse. that was where the questioning was. that was asked where we were confirmed what we wrote. >> randall, bob costa here. you were in the room with the prosecutors. was this a fishing expedition, or do you feel, as someone who was there, that they have a case and they're close? >> there are a lot of rules about a grand jury. having been brought in as a witness, you know, i feel very strongly that we need to transparentally talk about what we said. we're journalists and so what we said we have a right to talk about it. they don't want me talking -- our lawyers don't want me talking about analysis. we'll let you guys do that. we transparentally in "forbes" didn't leave anything out, every question, what was answered, the story behind it. we want to put it all out out w. >> did you have any proof to offer them about trump lying? >> it really was a yes/no session, where literally they almost went through the article verbatim. and again, they didn't go through everything. so, you can see in the story, on "forbes," kind of where they were picking and probably, there's some stuff for you there. but, you know, they were really focused on him saying that he's worth more than $10 billion. when we said he's worth more like $4 billion. that trump tower is worth $2 or $3 billion, when we said his stake in it is worth maybe $500 million. it's a lot of questions mostly focused on shall we say, our differences of opinion on his net worth. >> randall, thank you so much. we greatly appreciate it, again. not exactly why we called you on originally, but thank you for clarifying exactly what happened in front of the grand jury. now turning from inflating your value to knowing your value. let's bring in now editor of "forbes" women, maggie mcgrath, "morning joe" reporter, daniella pierre bravo, as well, along with randall. daniella, you were at the "forbes" know your value event with mika this week. where there was a groundbreaking announcement. but first, you got a chance to talk to some of the women on mika's "forbes" 50 over 50 list. >> i had a chance to speak to these women that were part of that larger list. all with incredibly success stories, who came from all over the country. we talked about what this list meant to them and the impact it that will have for younger generations of women. take a look. >> reporter: the "forbes'" inaugural 50 over 50 list brought together changemakers and trailblazers across industries to celebrate the power of women over 50. >> i heard women get more radical with change. >> so many different disciplines that assembled here. and to have mika and our first lady, jill biden. >> it's incredibly inspiring to be with all of these wonderful women. it's unlimited, what we can do, when we come together as women. >> what does it mean for you to be here and be part of this amazing list. >> i just hope it inspires other women who are over 50 to get on this thing, too. >> it's like a once in a lifetime type of thing. >> women are in positions today that are of much more influence. >> to be included with the likes of kamala harris and shonda rhimes, truly, truly one of the momentous memories of my life. >> and look! 95 years old! >> did you imagine your career over 50? >> no! not in a million years. >> no. no, i did not. >> when one is young, i don't think one thinks as far as turning 50, and so the short answer is definitely not. >> there's so many women in their 20s and 30s who have so much anxiety about, you know, seeing their career end at xl 50. what is your advice for those young women? >> please, keep going. >> it's very important that we pace ourselves. at this age, i have realized all of the steps that i have taken have gotten me to this point, being the first woman of color to lead the girl scouts, the first woman of color to the national school board association. >> if you're not happy with where you are in your career, make a change. >> there are many turns that a career can take. so different directions, opportunity may arise where you never thought that there were any. you just have to be ready. i always wanted to be in vaccine research and development, and, you know, i now have the opportunity to lead it. and it's my passion, it always has been my passion. >> i never did think that i would be sitting here today at 60 years old, you know, just hitting my stride right now. so i feel like i have so much more work to do. >> and the message to younger women, there's a long career running. >> the clock is not ticking. >> past 50, past 40, you can have an amazing career. and continue on with your life. it doesn't end at a certain point. seeing all of these women who are achievers, who are breaking the wall, the barrier, i can aim higher and now all my dreams seem more achievable. >> it was quite an event. quite an event. and randall, really, that's what i kept hearing time and time again about the long runway. you have women over there that were just absolute trailblazers. 20, 30 years ago, but they're just hitting their stride now at 55, 60, 65. we have a speaker of the house who is 80, i believe, and one of the most powerful, effective leaders that we have in the country. and so talk about that randall, and more importantly, the mentoring with the 30/50 event that's coming up on international women's day. >> joe, you and i were the token guys. but that was the most impressive room i've been in all year, male or female. it was all women and it was incredible. it was just an honor just to be there. and what we're going to do as we that day after the first lady got off stage, is someone will create what we think will be the creative gathering of women in the world, ever. where we'll bring our 30 under 30 list, all of these young innovators and game changers, and this amazing 50 under 50 group that daniella just showed us together. it's all about mentoring. it's not just mentoring one direction, it's two directions. that younger, amazing women, teaching these amazing younger leaders about what's going on in ai and blockchain and technology. it's real chance to create a difference and to bring into place in the world, where frankly we need to make more advancements in terms of gender equality. it's engaging and leaning into that and going into a place where we can make a real change. >> it's very exciting. maggie, i must say, when randall and mika first started talking about a davos for women on international women's day, i was like, okay, they're thinking kind of big here. and yet, it's happening. it's happening. it's very exciting. >> it's happening, and i think it's already been happening. i talked to anu schultz. she said that her colleagues in india saw the list before she did. and sent out a press release and she's hearing from women up and down the organization, across the world. i think we're already having a global impact, just in the interest we've seen, in the excitement that these women are seeing within their organizations. i'm really excited to take this globallily even bigger. >> and i love this idea of bringing together women under 30 and women over 50 and kind of that cross-section that you're going to have there. but then, also, you're going to have a day of service going to the university in abu dhabi, and transferring all of the skills that these women bringing from around world, to help women in the uae, who are just starting out on their careers, too. >> i think the service element is so important. what i heard from the women in the room on wednesday is they have so much knowledge give. a few entrepreneurs said to me, oh, the things i wish i knew when i was starting. they can take that knowledge, the things that they didn't know before and impart that upon the next generation and we're really excited to make that happen. >> i still can't get over opal lee, who is at 95 still going and has so much work to do. but with that being said, talk about the representation of the importance on this list. specifically how it crossed platforms to the 30 under 30 list and the importance of that representation. >> the 30 under 39 list is almost 50% people of color. so that's already -- i mean, the 30 under 30 looks today like america will look in 10, 20 years. and we see what the 50 under 50 list, it's also -- maggie does an amazing job in terms of representation there. but now we have a 50 over 50 in europe, a 50 over 50 in asia. a 30 under 30 list from around the world. and to bring them all together, international women's day, it's going to be a torrent where every single participant will be a speaker. and the audience will be the entire world, where the ambition is really to take it to national women's day and take this amazing cohort and share it with the entire world. davos for women is amazing, but we're also going to turn that davos to the whole world, no matter where you are, as long as you have a connection to some kind of device, you'll be able to be mentored by this amazing group, whether they're 25 or 95. >> that is so exciting. randall lane, speaking of exciting, you've had an exciting week. i hope you have a more restful weekend. thanks so much. maggie mcgrath, thank you all so much. and you can hear more an the issue of the forefront of this movement on mika's new limited series podcast, mika straight up. and you can listen wherever you get your podcast. so final thoughts. bob costa, talk about the week that was and what you're expecting moving forward next week. >> we're just going to have to keep watching this january 6th committee. but i think randall lane's interview with you was really interesting. this grand jury investigation, going on in new york, the state investigations, and let's not forget about the department of justice, which has been so quiet with its own grand jury -- which issued the indictment of steve bannon just a few weeks ago. all of these fronts revealing new clues day by day. and the people with subpoena power are certainly using that power. and us with pens and pads are doing our own work. >> certainly, the focus, joe, on the biden agenda here, build back better, pushing to 2022. a new push on voting rights, unclear how that will pick up steam and the president today giving thanks to one of his best allies, jim clyburn, giving a speech at a university in south carolina, presenting the longtime congressman with a disagree. >> and i'll tell you what, tas going to be so inspiring and moving. and our good friend gene robinson along on that trip. and i suspect that they're probably going to go right past his home in orangeburg, south carolina, where he grew up. in a south and a country completely different in so many ways than it is today. thank you so much for being with us this week. we greatly appreciate it. that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. good morning. i'm stephanie ruhle, live at msnbc headquarters here in new york city. it is friday, december 1

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, Districts , Respect , Access , Ballots , Voices , Disinformation , Largest , Ap , Threat , Conversation , Most , Individuals , Hand In , Commissioner , Solutions , Crimes , Sharing , Bench , Nucleus , Issues , Law Enforcement , Drugs , Fentanyl , Different , Community Members , Areas , Priority , Overdose , Trust , Opioid Problem , District , Hamper , Increase , Priorities , Message , Communities , Charges , Defenders , Methamphetamine , The System , Ones , Care , United States Attorneys , Cities , Residents , Oh Boy , 90 , 80 , 89 , 92 , Inflation , Crime Rates , The Hill , Siege , 70 , 1970 , 2017 , 2016 , 1977 , Right , Few , Recollection , Interest Rates , Mortgage , Balloon Go Off , Fed , Society , Problems , Public Safety , Waves , Drug , Injustice , Enforcement , Justice , Disparities , Yep , Rnc , Marty Walsh , Dick Durbin , Supply Chain Issues , Bill To Trump , Bills , Plan , Spending , Bond , Age , Beauty , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Fees , 000 , 1000 , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Nutrients , Emergen C , Economy , Emergen C Ray , Gold , Investors , Nature , Assets , Portfolios , Element , Reward , Protector , Decisions , Asset , Advantage , Enabler , Power , Sanctuary , Wish List Event , Body , Bounce , Baja Chicken , Bacon , Lincoln , Subway , Shampoo , Gotta Eat Fresh , Eat Fresh , Baja , Deaths , Illness , News , Hospitals , Vavaccinated , Safe , Article , Washington Post , Kentucky , Nobody , Tornados , Red Tornados , Incentives , Boosters , Shield , Learning , Doctors , Form , Booster , Shots , In America , Agile , 800000 , Kick , Floor , Sea Lion , Race , Children , Road , Friends , Work , Fellowship , Washington National Cathedral , 800 , Plague , Sound , Holidays , Loss , Pawns , Events , Wedding , Souls Won T Be Sharing Christmas , Jonathan Lemire , Cathedral , Host , Loved Ones , 800000 T New Variant , Helene Cooper , 4 , 3 , Number , Rest , Hell , Population , Armed Services , Military Sets , 95 , Military , 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Split , He Won , Members , Leaders , Trail , Amazing , God , Litmus Test , Feelty , Cheating , Answer , Didn T Cheat , Court Case , Votes , Fraud , 145 , Truth , Why Don T You Go And Look , Vote Count , Website , Rupert Murdoch , Wall Street Journal , Publication , Issues Trump , Judge , Show , Outcome , Pennsylvania , Stage , Followers , White , That S Why Trump , Crucifide , Credence , Direction , Let Trump , Harm , Space , Supporters , Mcconnell Hung Up On Trump , Energy , E Mail Statements , Frequency , Joe Walsh , Another , Distance , Addiction Problem , Podcast , Life In The Fast Lane , Episode , Spotify , Eagles , Gold Star Family , Brother In Law , Drummer , The Game Of Ringo Star , Ringo , Home , Vets , Fans , Basement Studio , Guests , Cause , Tickets , 8 , Vetsaid Org , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Definition , Isn T One , Well , Cancers , Strokes , Partners , Pipes , Led , Goal , Removal , Led Pipes , Kamala Harris , Paint , Promise , Campaign , Hundreds , Drinking Water , Homes , Schools , Thousands , Needs , Greatness , Mayor , Band , March Of 2020 , Shire , Boston , 0 Billion , 45 Billion , 60 Billion , 5 Billion , Infrastructure Bill , 15 Billion , Plans , City , Towns , Investment , Wisconsin , Milwaukee , Bill , Negotiations , Components , Build , Purview , Secretary Walsh , Consequences , Investments , Child Care , Universal , Department Of Labor , My Purview , Need , Businesses , Training , Apprenticeship , Tech Companies , Force , Partnerships , Conversations , Resignation , Jobs Into Trucking Industry , Mistake , Satisfaction , Middle Class , Infrastructure Law , The Future , Drivers , Supply Chains , Sector , 80000 , Truckers , Trucking Positions , Meeting , Pete Buttigieg , Sharing Practices , Advocates , Department Of Transportation , Companying , Apprenticeships , Pathways , Recruiting , Trucks , State Lines , Products , Gasoline , 23 , 25 , Industry , Trucking Industries , Career , Pathway , Trucking , Degree , 0000 , 70000 , Trucking Association , 250 , Product , Gallon , Super Market , Good , Milk , Santa , Stuffing Pillows , Reindeer , Saint Patrick , Leadership , Matthew Mcconaughhey , Oscar Winner , Step , Decision , Narrative , Song , Dreams , Old Llyrics , Words , On , Equality , Songs , Constitution And Everything Else , Expectations , Majority , Pirates , Port Side , Ships , Sleeping Giant , Ship , Division , Minority , Boats , Mics , Dough , Soap Operas , Candy , Representatives , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Hydration , Fragrances , Parabens , Dyes , Mariyam Sabo , Mental Health Meds , Body Movements , Mind , Tardive Dyskinesia Td , Ingrezza , Meds , Td Movements , Prescription Medicine , Dopamine Signaling , Signaling , Mental Health , Brain , Adults , Dose , Side Effects , Ingredients , Activities , Sleepiness , Operate Heavy Machinery , Ingrezza May , Don T Drive , Heart Rhythm Problems , Movements , Td , Pill , 0 , , 1 , Anna , It Starts , Night , Sleep , Dream , Season , Gifts , Text Alert , Son , Beth , Walgreens , Discover Card , Purchases , Liberty It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Case , Barnes Firm , Firm , Worth , Truck Hit , Barnes , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Result , Rich Barnes , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Countries , Behaviors , South China Sea , Allies , Alliances , Cooperations , Japan , China , Action , Secretary Of State , Tony Blinken , Endo , Pacific Region , Relations , Containment , Affair Professor , Argument , Essay , Hal Brands , Competition , Assessment , Cold War , Moscow , Soviet Union , Contexts , Players , Differences , Same , Bankrupt , Beijing , Ambitions , Center Of The World , State Crafts , Economics , Hybrid Warfare Strategy , Test , Tendency , Balance , Climate Change , Political Science , Professor , Xerox Machine , 1981 , Technology , Africa , Continent , Aggression , Coersion , Engagement , Globe , Manifesting , Levels , Climate Change Or Global Economy , World Health Crisis , Cooperation , Terms , Relationship , Comparison , Don T We , Xi , Financial System , Putin , Russia , Markets , Check Books , Extent , Gunfight , Coffee , Chief , Defense , Swedish , What S Going On , Military Exercises , Baltic Sea , Arctic , Trajectory , Realignment , Relationships , Security , Tools , Nato , Germany , 9 Trillion , 19 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Trillion , European Union , 40 Trillion , 0 Trillion , Leverage , Change , Attitudes , Cliff , Ratings , G7 , Instances , Concern , Elsewhere , Balance Of Power , Europe , Asia , Hal , Moves , Hong Kong , Uighurs , Australia , Example , Examples , Rivals , President Xi , Ways , Ax , Sources , Defense Chief Yesterday , Eyes , Fof , Policy , Omicron Wave , Olympics , Hindrance , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Mrna , Chains , Port , Propensity , Transmissible , Equivalent , 1 4 Billion , Spring , Party Congress , Omicron Doesn T Go , Campaign Emails , The New York Times , Up Next , Radar , Re Election , Opposition , Agenda , Plus , Helpers , Bye Mom , Sleigh , Wishes , Roads , Toys , Mountain , Bridges , Anyone , Fun , United States Postal Service , Holiday Deliveries , Trees , Me And You , Green Red , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Owner , Future , Investor , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Church Services , Start Buying Christmas , Dash , 5 , Presents , Letter , In My Life , Letters , Boxes , Around , Aren T You , Shopping , Aisle , Pain Medication , Novelties , Cvs , Correspondence , Supply Chain Problems , 87 , Play Station , Supply Chain , Shelves , Supply Chain Problem , Excuse , Cashmere Sweater , Blah , Xbox Blah , Couldn T , Baby , Supply Chain Crisis , Drunk , Hand , Let S Go , Statement , Bennie Thompson , Subpoena Request , January 17 , Power Point Presentation , Power Point , Chief Of Staff , Quote , The Post , Player , Insight , Which , Power Point Presentations , Power Player , Staff , Outbreaks , D C , Notice , Others Weren T , Grown Ups , Election Result , Sydney Powells , Rudy Giuliani , Integrity , The World , Window , Michael Flynn , Audiences , Steve Bannon , Reporter , Michael Schmidt , Book , Peril , Co Author , Robert Costa , Msnbc National Security , Donald Trump V The United States , Deep Reporting On January 5th , Bob Woodward , January 5th , Understanding , Discussion , Time Line , Power Centers , Eve , Oval Office , Willard Hotel , Power Center , Freedom Caucus , Text Messages , What Else , Particular , Blocking , Special Sessions , Meadow , Ball Roll , Calls , Lobbying , 187 , Saying , Response , Contempt Issue , First , Referral , Justice Department , Inner Circle , Interviews , Make , Delays , Time Limit , Record , Gut , Trove , Instinct , Somebody , Contents , Books , Thoughts , Xhe , Computer , Messages , Messaging Service , Grand Jury , Emails , Signal , Power Point Documentation , Email Addresses , Depositions , Steps , The End , Campaign Manager , Orbit , Florida , Targets , Pr Campaign , Horizon , Eye , Supreme Court , Fight , Appeal , Notes , Piece , Guess , Material , Report , House , Pen , Reporting , Brandy , Run Up To January 6th , Program , Maggie Aster , 390 , Misinformation , Spaces , It Fact , Blood Red Meat , 450000 , 50000 , March Of 2022 , 2022 Randle , 2015 , 4 5 Billion , 10 Billion , 5 Billion , Billion , 4 Billion , 30 Million , 530 Million , 3 Billion , 2 Billion , 100 Million , 00 Million , 50 Million , Million , 0 Million , 5 Million , 59 , 11 , 15 , 8 Million , September 21st , 21 , 500 Million , A Million , 40 , 55 , 65 , 30 50 , Friday December 1 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240709

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contributor katty kay. >> my christmas shopping was already done in the summer. >> exactly right. i don't let the summer go past without it. we have david ignatitous and eugene daniels, jackie alemany and mika and willie both have the morning off. they're on assignments. when i am off, they say i am on assignment. maybe i am sleeping in late or maybe i am in yugoslavia. katty, i was reading the post and i saw, we are a little disconnected with boris johnson. in america we hear oh there is scandal. boris johnson is having a scandal. that's like saying nick saban is winning a football game. i read this morning and it's kind of a bad sign that conservatives lost the seat they have held for 200 years. that's a little telling. first of all tells us bad seats and also how bad are things for boris johnson right now? >> well, i am glad this morning joe that i can be your north structure correspondent because i have not had that opportunity often enough. we don't do north structure. it's three hours from london. they lost in a complete shock last night to the liberal democrats in a special election there. they lost it really because of the state that boris johnson is in. there is been a financial scandal from his party and lawmakers making money from outside gigs. boris johnson says he can do it and he says he can't do it. of course covid, there is this massive surge in covid cases and boris johnson's own party accused of having a christmas party in the middle of a lockdown. christmas is a big deal in the u.k. everybody wants to get together and everybody wants to go to pub and the last thing they want to be told is they can't do it. they can't do that. it's not a good time and it's why he lost sort of the time. for him to withstand a rebellion within his own party trying to implement more restrictions in the u.k. no, we don't want anymore restrictions. he's getting hit from both sides. the conservative party has lost their seat. >> it's big. we'll find all across the west especially politicians fate goes up and down with infection rates, boris tried his best. just like when joe biden took the mask off then delta came and really not britain down, perhaps not tp united states quite so much and now omicron. you are right. everything is shutting down. they're not shutting down because people are bringing snow flakes over there, the entire soccer teams are being wiped out. you are right, infection, i have not heard of any serious infections being reported from people that we know public figures but you are right. this omicron is just tearing through great britain. the french are saying don't come here and others are saying hey, be careful when you go to britain. like you said what happens there usually happens here. maybe it's a mild strain as scientists are figuring out. it's extremely infectious. it's shutting things down for a bad time for boris johnson. >> it's shutting down here too though. i can't pick up a phone call from a friend hearing somebody tested positive for covid. adrienne is no here because he was at dinner with someone who has covid. you have to follow these rules and they get caught not sacrificing. david, there is as general sense of exhaustion among everybody whether they are in britt or in america, come on please. new york city a week ago when we were up there we wanted to go to a restaurant. you have a vaccine card and you go in there and i commented that it was packed. it looked like 1999 all over again. people were everywhere. you can't get in restaurants. just one week later mask mandates inside. you walk in anywhere and you put a mask on. it's hard to go back to that. three or four, five times. i understand why they are doing it. this omicron variant even if it's not the deadliest variant and if it spreads like wildfire, that's going to shut a lot of things down. that's bad news for business. bad news for americans. >> joe, it's like coming out of a cave that we all been living in and people outside -- wow, i feel the sunshine, i feel a breeze on my cheeks and suddenly this feeling you are scrambling back inside that cave. you know the last time we are all gathered around the table for a while. i just have to note britain has this political version katty was talking about. joe biden campaigned on and tried to govern the idea but we'll go back to normal. he's going beat this virus and going back to living the way we did. we'll have a president able to work deals out with both parties and be like america was. no pandemic, no craziness in our politics. on each front you see that's kind of slipping away. i think in the white house they see the night lock again and the prospect of lockdowns as we deal with omicron. >> what a perfect description of what happens. you put in a cave for a year and a year and a half, hey, you can come out of the cave and everybody breathing in the air and sunshine setting in. back in the cave. you are pushing people back in the cave. you can only do that if you are starting to piss people off. it's obviously hurting boris johnson and britain. it's going to be a heck of a balancing act for this administration, too. you can strip it all down at the end of the day, katty, joe biden was elected for a return to normalcy. when we return to normalcy, his poll numbers will show a positive upper lift. until that time he's going to be struggling whether these variants are out of his control or not. >> yeah, i am amazed by that poll we showed a second ago saying 60% of the people feeling fed up of the pandemic. only 60%? >> who are these 39% that are okay, wearing masks all the time. who are these men as they say at the end of the verdict? it's outrageous. >> four out of ten americans are okay with this? >> before we can return to normal, there is a lot of politics to get through in washington. particularly around of course january the 6th. january 6th committee subpoenaed the retired army colonel contributed to a powerpoint presentation how to overturn the 2020 election results. the subpoena requests appeared for the january 6 commission. waldron worked with trump's outside legal team and circulated and briefed. meadows included a version of that provided if the powerpoint. waldron told the post he visited the white house and met with meadows maybe eight to ten times in the run up to the insurrection. so jackie, they're looking clearly for all of these connections. they're still looking for the kind of connecting the dots between intent, what actually happened on january the 6th. this powerpoint presentation, how key is this going to be? >> it's key because it helps illuminate how focus the committee is on mark meadows and how meadows served as the connection issue of these french playe that came out of woodward to present some sort of trump overpass turning the results of the 2020. republican lawmakers who were also involved in this effort, those names have not yet been revealed. we are going to find out but we do know the people who were surrounding mark meadows who were close with him and trafficking back in conspiracy theories and traveling back and forth to the white house to implement some of these completely bonker theories and people like congresswoman harry and jim jordan. >> if you have a sense that republicans in the house and senators are finally beginning to get nervous or this investigation is not taken part. they're beginning to sense this is going of a real impact, what do you hear? >> it's certainly getting snappy. i guess it's also potential ly pandemic holiday fatigue. >> i don't think he meant it. but, there is a -- i do think there is something powerful of liz cheney reading some of these communications and it's just really the beginning of 9,000 pages and they interviewed 300 people and some voluntarily cooperate with the committee. waldron and meadows are not cooperating anymore. there is a realization that the committee does not know what was happening in those three hours as the insurrection was playing out and what the president was doing. there is only a handful of people that can answer that question. the panic has not totally set inuit, at least for lawmakers in capitol hill. >> republicans know that there are going to be no political ramification. when you have the entire part of that on the same page have been spreading this thing publicly. the text message that were read by liz cheney from lawmakers to meadows. what these folks are saying publicly for months or was not about january 6th and the run-up, and more importantly is the legal ramification, do any of them have any kind of opening there. when we talk to legal expert that's going to be hard to prover that they knowingly did something illegal and this committee no matter what ends up happening can't take. >> it's interesting, if they get snappy, does that suggest they see with all of these stuff mark meadows handed over, all the stuff that cheney read out something is changing. >> we'll look at the documents released and they'll be seen extraordinary significant because it is the beginning of cracks and sort of this united front and it's going to require other people since the information is out and other people to talk about it. jackie, i was looking at my secret congressional dakota ring that they give to every member of congress and have a nice day in that situation means go to the top of the capitol and jump off if you would like. no, they're not trying to spread christmas cheers. i do want to pick up though -- i do want to pick up what david said because david, there is i think a growing sense of unease. it may not be among many people in the house where you have an extraordinary gerrymander chamber. in the senate there is no doubt. republicans in the senate at the beginning said oh we want nothing to do with this committee. it's going to be so political. things are getting so bad that mitch mcconnell is going out now about everyday and what mitch is doing is, we heard he does not do anything without the consent. he's not newt gingrich, he's not a renegade. he speaks for his caucus. it was mitch mcconnell that opposed the independent january 6th commission. the investigation of the house-select committee was attacked as well. with these new revelations coming out, i can't help but think he's speaking for every senator ron johnson that this is happening. looks like they're getting to the bottom of it. here is what mitch mcconnell said yesterday. >> i find it interesting and we'll be watching it. it was a horrendous event and i think what they're seek to find out -- read the reports everyday, it will be interesting to see what they conclude. >> going in the days when republicans, you always hear partisan witch hunt. you fill in the blanks of whatever trump is saying. mitch mcconnell is lending credibility to this. it was a horrific event. yes. it was a horrific event and most americans despite what they tell pollsters. we know on that day was horrified by what was happening. they have to take a reasonable and rational view and face the facts. we have seen mitch two days in a row speaking for the entire caucus to say let the chips fall where they may. >> those sound bytes you show for mcconnell flat and tone, that's about as excited as he gets. i think you are right. he hates donald trump. he did hate what happens on january 6th. he means what he says and i am waiting to see what happens and who's involved. the idea that gop senators beginning to protect themselves. it's pretty powerful stuff and i think republicans understand that this is as whatever games they are playing out and as the information comes out, it's trouble for people who's involved in any way. you see it with the fox news, contributors, they have to answer for what they said that day. >> when you got mitch mcconnell saying interesting. they're appointed of the different tone and in a split party. of course what you got on the courts, too. the u.s. district judge sentenced add couple who took part and giving them jail time brandon miller sent 20 days in jail and his wife to 14 days. the da asked the couple to be sentenced to home confinement. they were charged with entering the capitol with brandon miller live streaming their actions on facebook, leaving the evidence behind. they did not just walk through a door, they climbed but broken windows and they knew full well of the violence they proceeded. they were apart of a mob. it amounted to an attempt of overthrowing of the government. i don't believe that's hyperbole. the country is watching. we got the senate and we need to prosecute those people who are responsible. >> right. i am so glad you put it that way. we need a more nuance view of this. >> mitch mcconnell is speaking for republicans, yes, people need to be held accountable. we also see the federal judiciary continue to do this entire year. that's holding people accountable for their ill-liberal actions. we have seen this week several times and the past month, some of the toughest condemnations coming from federal judges regardless of whether they are appointed by barack obama or donald trump. the house have always been the black swan of this institution, sorry to say. i don't think this is it. >> yes, we have. the republican party now is the big lie. a major growing threat to democracy and in these sentencing which i recommend everyone sort of watch or read if you get a chance. there are warnings and people to get a grip on reality and former president trump to take responsibility as well for feeding people these lies. >> more importantly maing ties and as the committee looking into this and more pressure coming from the country and if continues, we see things like the meadows revelation and what the country is going to get upset about this and more concerns. there was concerns over democrats that over this year people were not going to lose interest and a lot of new things we are hearing becausement of this is happening publicly. that's what we are seeing as well. >> you know we have been talking about democrats who have been battling each other, they have been battling each other over numbers, 3.75. 1.75. 3.2. 1.78. that's one thing talking about how big the safety net bill should be. most united states senators have stood up and condemn the january 6th attack. republicans in the house have not republicans have stood up for the rule of law and constitutional norms and liberal democracy. you want to talk about a real divide of the party? there is that dedivide. i suspect that's only going to get worse because the more talk, the more contributions they get from their party. there are some republican party want this january 6th moving forward. that does not mean there are millions of the republican base that's cheering on this sort of liberal behavior. we'll be showing you later in the show five gubernatorial candidates in minnesota answer a simple question, joe biden elected president of the united states. those five answers will make you shake your head. ron johnson has accolades everywhere. >> still ahead on "morning joe" now, with coronavirus cases on the rise across the country, there is a new warning about johnson & johnson's covid vaccines. millions of americans are traveling for the holiday. it's so packed. you got two major airline executives who are questioning the effectiveness of mask mandates on planes. i can't wait to hear about that. >> and a new search warrant issued for alec baldwin's cell phone in connection of the "rust" movie set shooting. before we go to break. what a big day yesterday for mika's "know your value" and her partnership with ford. it's going global with the summit that brings together a generation of women. that's going to mark international women's day in 2022. you always walk three feet behind the alpha woman with your hands crossed. that's what i did yesterday. a big day for mika, so proud of her as she rang in the opening bell at the nasdaq to mark the announcement. >> opening bell on this thursday at cnbc's realtime exchange, msnbc's mika there. >> that was all exciting. >> you would have seen in that shot actually. i am over in the corner to the far left in the dark. i studied the movement of dennis thatcher. there i am. there is my margaret right in the middle. it's a huge day. >> dennis played that role for years on end. >> you have to sit in the corner for a long time not saying anything. i am struggling with that image. >> i am going to try and do my best. right now i have to talk about how this is all apart of mika is ongoing effort to support and inspire women who rewriting the rules for success and shattering misconceptions. it is really inspiring, is it? >> it's so great. what i love about the abu dhabi conference coming up in march is mika informed getting women in their 50s and 60s with women in their 30s. there are so much we can learn from each other. we can learn with the younger generation, we have a lot of experience and they can learn from our years. it's a great initiative, i am excited to be apart of it and thrilled that she's apart of this and mika's forecast "mika straight up." i love this. where ever you get four forecast. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. g joe," we'll be right back. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit biden: this is the challenge now you know. of our collective lifetime. and every day we delay, the cost of inaction increases. we have the ability to invest in ourselves and build an equitable, clean energy future, and in the process, create millions of good-paying jobs and opportunities around the world. there's no more time to hang back or sit on the fence or argue amongst ourselves. so let this be the moment that we answer history's call. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. sometimes i have to express my feelings and i am going to do so now. when jackie says that the house of representatives, my beloved chamber was a black swan of the legislative party, i was shocked and hurt. i didn't come up with the expression first. it's beautiful. it's exactly what they are. but, if the house is it is black swan of legislative bodies. let's admit it right now that j&j is the black swan of the vaccine, is it? >> yeah, the black sheep of the vaccines of the moment. i had my j&j. eugene, you had your j&j, too and we are left with an abandon and i got a booster shot in june without any authorization and went in and did it. us four of the j&j's at the table. health officials urging more americans to get the booster shot. the panel cited the risk of blood clot. 64 people have been hospitalized by those blood clots. 36 required intensive care and nine people have died, joe. >> david, we don't know what's going to be said and websites about this. actually at the beginning we were warned by every scientists and every scientific journal and every medical doctor. yes, there would be complications from these vaccines and yes, there is some rare complications coming from these j&j vaccines but as many people have said less complications in the common aspirin. the efficacy and the safety of these vaccines and even this j&j vaccines are off the charts. >> the vaccines are still by and large our best hope. i can remember all of us on the table can remember that was such an excitement. oh, my vaccination and the second one oh, maybe it's over, my little granddaughter came up to me the other week, i have been double vaccinated. it's a terrible thing that we have all been thinking that the vaccines would mean an end of this. we now realize that probably this is going to be a continuing phenomenal and the next year in the u.s. we'll have to get some kind of boost. i am beginning the think that won't get over and we'll learn to live with hopefully with much lower rates of infection of hospitalizations. just remember it's one of my covid artifacts that moment when you got vaccinated, the feeling watching the needle going into your arm, my father who's 100 years old and sitting with him as he got his vaccination, wow, it's over. it wasn't. >> not quite. david is right, we'll live with this until enough people get vaccinated and then it's wiped off the earth for a while. so much to manage now than it was a couple of marches, two marches ago? we all lost count. when you are in that dark cave, you kind of forgot. two marches ago, you get covid and for many people, there was fear of a death sentence. things are getting better and much more manageable and much better treatment. we are going to have to live with it. we can learn to live with it while living our lives. that's the next phase if covid. >> yeah, it's a little scary at the moment. we spoken about this before. we know a lot of people who are getting it but they're not getting really sick. the reasons is because of the vaccines and the booster shots. those vaccines have been protecting us. >> yes. >> this is an odd one, the chief executive says two of the nation's airlines casting doubts on mask-wearing on planes. gary kelly and the ceo had this to say. >> i am strong that masks don't add much if anything in the air cabin environment. >> i concur. >> the aircraft is the safest place you can be. >> i don't know what i think about that. the comment drew criticism and later tells cnbc that he does not agree with it. i am not sure if i would be comfortable if you get on a plane if no one is wearing masks. >> we are for people who travel through the year, somebody sneezes and throw up and you and your family have the flu for the next two weeks. the kids are not going to school. that's one of the things that was so irritating about flying. there were times again, for a very long time we would fly every week. i would hear somebody sneezing or coughing the next row and i would be like good lord i am going to get sick. that didn't come out of anywhere. i know they have improved air flow but if they have proof of that, i would to see the medical studies and the documentation because if masks don't make any difference, we all would not wear masks. that seems a little crazy just again given what we have learned over the past 35 years of flying. when it comes to the common cold or catching a flu on a plane. >> yes, i think there was a study out a couple of weeks ago showing that people were basically fine to travel on planes but on plane where everybody ate at the same time were eating, on those flights you had a more rapid spread of covid which people didn't take their masks off. if that's not the evidence, i don't know what they are talking about. >> i would not get on hose planes. >> no, if they don't have the evidence or medical studies, they should not be saying that. coming up, all fiver republican candidates running for governor in minnesota suggests joe biden's 2020 election victory oh my god was illegitimate. please, please don't listen to ron. federal prosecutors across the country are not concerned with voter fraud. they're focused on the uptick in violent crime. she spoke with a new class of u.s. attorney, she's going to tell us what they told her next on "morning joe." on "morning joe. ♪♪ this flag isn't 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that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ - [greg] military life can have its challenges, but sometimes veteran life brings more. - [announcer] as america's veterans face challenges, dav is there. - [greg] i'm greg gadson, army veteran. - [announcer] dav helps veterans and their families get the benefits they've earned. - [greg] today, i'm an entrepreneur, a photographer, and public speaker, and i never tire of standing tall. - [announcer] with the right support, more veterans can reach victories. - [greg] my victory is just being the best that i can be. - [announcer] support more victories for veterans. go to welcome back to "morning joe," 6:45 a.m., beautiful view of the capitol hill. the major questions that are going to be ver verbriating aro the building of voting rights. it's going to be tough. heidi przybyla sat down with six new u.s. attorneys. heidi, this wave is coming to their jobs at a difficult time. what have you learn? >> in the interview they illustrated in personal term ls why it matters to have diversity in this role to have faces that looks like americans. here is a look at the new class of u.s. attorneys after the trump administration reported ly having only two blacks in its final year. >> i saw just the way people were treated and disrespected. i remember as a child one day i want to be apart of the system to change inside and out. >> my dad asked me what i want to grow up. i want to run a family sandwich shop. the whole reason that my mother and i do this that you don't have to do this. >> public exposure of addiction of alcohol and how it happens to everyone of all walks of life. i found myself drawn to prosecution in a way that i can help my community. >> when i was very young, there was a double homicide that took place in our small town. the person who was accused went to prison for a long time and later exonerated. that story stayed with me throughout my college careers and when i got to law school and my first job out of law school, i found that the citizens in that small county wanted people to understand and hear them when they had, when they were victims of crime if they have been charged with a crime. they wanted to be heard. >> this is the first big group of u.s. attorneys have been confirmed since george floyd's death and black lives matter. it's story like that all americans can relate to that the biden administration believes it's critical to restore the faith of our party. >> the woman whose father had an alcoholism addiction. and having people all of those stories that's going to reflect in our community better. it's also diversity and background, too. what did they say of the issue ofsurprisingly, who thinks election integrity is a problem of this country? none of them raised their hands. all these new laws passing in 19 different states and so here is a little bit of what they said on this issue of election integrity. >> massive scale and what people talked about and concerns are not represented in the facts. what is represented is efforts to exclude people from voting and trying to tap the right to vote, passing legislation to make it tough for people to vote. each of us are going to have elections in our districts and it's part of our role to make sure people have fair and complete access to the ballots and that's how our voices can be heard. that's how we get back to the respect of the rule of law. >> we see none voter fraud. what we see is disinformation that continues to occur and that's the largest. >> ap found fewer than five cases of voter fraud. all of these laws are being passed in 19 states and these attorneys do believe these laws are a threat to fair elections. >> that's amazing. >> the one issue they talked about the most was violent crime and that is going to be their top issue in this next term they are serving. >> we had a big conversation about that on the show up new york with in coming commissioner. what will did they have to offer as solutions? >> well, look they said these things come hand in hand. there is the issue of diversity. why does it matter to tackling violent crime? when individuals look at someone who looks like them on the bench, they're going to feel maybe more comfortable coming to that person and sharing and inform it. many times you have small nucleus of people who are committing these crimes and peddling drugs. if you can crack into that community, that's a different. take a listen here. >> if you talk about law enforcement, my top issues is opioids and fentanyl and a lot of overdose in the community. my top priority is to gain back that trust of the community because without the community members who know what's going on in their areas, law enforcement is hamper. >> violent crime is definitely one of my top priorities. there is a connection between that and we have a high opioid problem in our district. it's being driven by the increase of fentanyl entering the system, we are seeing a concerning rise of methamphetamine. >> we brought charges to those worst defenders that we see. hopefully that sends a message to the local communities that we as united states attorneys care about the violence that's going on in our districts. >> heidi, thank you so much. we really appreciate it. hey, david, you and i, i won't say we are the only ones old enough to remember. >> oh boy. >> we are the most experienced around the table, you and i remember how horrifying it was for many residents of major cities and even smaller cities from '89 or '92 when crimes skyrocketed and violence skyrocketed. this was a country that through the late '80s and early '90s. americans fell under siege as crime rates skyrocketed so much. it's kind of like inflation in the '70s. you have politicians in the hill that are dealing with things. younger politicians that have not had to deal with inflation. and didn't have to worry about skyrocketing crime rates. again, maybe it's not as bad as it was in the 1970s. that's not really saying a whole lot. but, crime is rising and americans are not comparing to how it was in 1977. they're comparing it to how it was in 2016, 2017. how it's been for the past 20 years. they don't like what they see. this is a real issue that politicians are going to have to confront that never have to deal with it before. >> yeah, you are right. my recollection of buying my first house interest rates we had to pay, terrifying numbers they had a few locked in a flowing right mortgage. it was like watching a balloon go off in the air. so, we do remember that and i am glad that the fed is taking it more seriously. if it gets embedded in our society, you know inflation is a terrible thing to root out. i am going to say watching heidi's interview with those new york attorneys dealing with problems of public safety in their districts, new waves of drugs and drug crimes, i was encouraged. it's a wonderful group. it's a diverse group. they have problems that in a sense, joe, go back to the days you and i were growing up. it's a different group. i hope they'll handle this in a wiser way without so many racial disparities and so much injustice in enforcement of justice. yeah, the old problems that we remember are back again. >> yep, definitely the have to do two things at once. hope they do and hold them accountable. the rnc agrees to put the bill to trump's legal bills. we'll be talking to marty walsh of the new move to address the nation's ongoing supply chain issues. later, dick durbin joins us as his party pivots from the social spending plan to voting rights. we'll be right back voting righs we'll be right bac age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get 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shot. we are looking at a winter severe illness in deaths of yourself and family and the hospitals will be overwhelmed. there is good news if you are vaccinated. >> if you are vavaccinated, you are protected in death. >> katty, it just makes too much sense for americans to get vaccine and be safe from the next wave that's coming. you know i read a great article that's in "the washington post" talking about joe biden touring around a part of kentucky that voted overwhelmingly for donald trump. he was there because he said there are not blue tornados or red tornados. it's just tornados and one country and we need to come together. it's the same thing about the virus. nobody has any incentives for americans to get the vaccine other than, you know, just to keep themselves safe through a difficult time. >> yes, the virus really does not care who you voted for. the virus does not care whether you think it should be a virus or not or does not care if you feel you are done with this virus. it's just a virus and it will get you when it can. that shield is those vaccines and boosters. and we really need to get those boosters, too. >> david, it was so interesting you were saying like all of us when we got our vaccines, we thought that was it. well, it was. we are learning about the virus and like any virus, i moves and mutates and takes on different form. we have scientists and doctors who were able to put together a vaccine in record times. we are still learning about this virus and killed 800,000 in america and we need to be agile. if we find out we have to get two shots and a booster and get it every six to nine month, well, i guess we can act like five years old and get on the floor and kick and yell or we can just grow up and say all right, all right, this is a reality, let's face it and let's do it. let's keep ourselves and our family and community safe. >> i am going to be a sea lion because i want to see what effect it will have on my wife and children. this is a long road race. you get exhausted. is it over yet? you want to give up? that's not the way it's going to be. we have to be tough and help our friends. they're as down as we may feel and reach out to them and keep fellowship going and do good work. it's going to test people. i hope it will in the end bring people together. this week where i live, the washington national cathedral was deep sound of 800 times for the 800,000 people who died. medieval sound of this plague that's in our country made me think the pain that's involved but also the way we all listened and are brought together. that's my hope as we head towards the holidays that we'll work together and get ourselves through this as a country of the world. >> so many live loss and they are not political pawns, they are people. they are 800,000 souls won't be sharing christmas and the holidays and future wedding events with their families and their loved ones. we need to remember them the way the national cathedral did this last week. let's bring in the host of "way too early," jonathan lemire and also helene cooper. what we are talking about is covid, 800,000 t new variant that's coming. i read story and maybe it seems to be the nature of the news. we talk about the 3% or the 4% that don't get the vaccines in the armed services and 95% of the people who do. that's a hell of a big number and shows the military sets themselves apart from the rest of the population. and, i look at the numbers and i see that as extraordinary positive and overwhelming number of men and women in uniform, getting the vaccines just like the other 2021 they get because they want to serve the country. >> the military is very vaccinated and they are used to vaccines and there are so many they have to take. the army posted the number yesterday of 98% have vaccinated and of course the air force have started to dismiss the few who have not gotten vaccinated. it's so important and this is not just the vaccination but the booster as well. as people at the pentagon have been noting, as we are going into the holiday season where we are going to be among loved ones. we'll also be around elderly and our moms and grandmothers for the holidays that you see this train sort of steam rolling towards us and it's such a big issue right now, the military is moving ahead. they are used to this sort of thing that troops had antivaccines and they're used to it. you have the same kind of vaccine hesitancy that you have in the rest of the population. you also have the active duty troops and national guard and reserve have been told that you are either going to do this or probably going to be discharged or dismissed. i think that's also part of the reason why you see the numbers much higher. >> many of them had to get vaccinated for other reasons to go on deployment. it's something they are used to in the military. the january 6th select committee subpoenaed the retired army colonel who contributed a powerpoint -- the subpoena request phil waldron appeared for deposition and provided documents by january the 10th. "the washington post" reports waldron worked with trump's outside legal team in a powerpoint presentation that outlines various proposals to subvert the election. mark meadows included a version of that powerpoint and document he provided to the committee which the panel made public late last week. waldron told the post he visited the white house several times and met with meadows maybe eight or ten times in the run up to the insurrection. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell was opposed to the independent, the committee captured his attention however. new comments from him yesterday. >> i find it interesting. we'll all be watching it. it was a horrendous event. read the reports everyday and it will be interesting to see what they conclude. >> yeah, jonathan lemire, and mark meadows, we talked about it in the last hour, here is a guy released so many documents and had such an impact and pulling this guy where ever he was in that picture from his farm or whatever. he's getting dragged in and i mean we need to nickname this guy as mark dragnet meadows because of all the people he's bringing with the documents he's willingly to release. as far as mitch mcconnell goes. we talked about the january 6th committee needing get the attention of the american people well, it's quite an active week for them. meadows' texts have really caused a stir and investigators as well. it appears they also caught the attention of mitch mcconnell and republicans in the senate. >> mitch mcconnell does not acknowledge the house of representatives exist. the fact that senate republican leader is paying attention what's happening over there is interesting and telling. we should not give him the pass. he cold have investigated the january 6th attack that was scuttled by republicans in the senate last year. the other thing about mcconnell is there is always a political calculation. there are a few people in washington better than that than him. he's good at this. what angle is he seeing here? he wonders if this is a way to highlight what happened of course on the 6th if it's possible a way to separate the party a little more than donald trump. we know mcconnell and trump did not get along. mcconnell was grateful of what trump did. but, mcconnell we remember after the 6th quick to denounce the former president even though he had a sense that he would vote for him again. there is a suggestion here that he's trying to find and a little daylight and wedge issues as he looks towards 2022 and if hopefully he thinks become majority leader again. watching this committee, i am struck by how they're laying out their investigation in a very skillful way. they'll give you a couple more of mark meadows tidbits are provacative and unlike some of the impeachment hearing. i am curious helene, that you have a sense of this process is beginning to affect how the country as a whole is looking at january 6th. there was the initial horror and a partisan reaction, do you have any sense of a broader revulsion that's returning as people think about this. >> that's such a good question and i don't know. it's so hard to get -- i tend think that it's still pretty partisan. i think that and you talk about, can you believe it was a year ago. we are going into -- now it's just part of the vernacular and part of our shared history. a year ago i don't think i was expecting anything like this. sorry, i am going off on a tangent. i think at this point i feel like it's still pretty partisan. i don't think we have gone back to the initial day right after january 6th where we saw broad horror including people like mitch mcconnell and including people from republicans before they separated back into their normal houses. >> the moment of the anniversary is one that the white house is trying to use as a moment. they recognize there is been some criticism that the committee has not done enough to sell this to the public. that seems to be last week. the white house is approaching the anniversary, looking to highlight what happened that day with the president calling it as one of the darkest days of democracy. voting rights here, what happens on on january 6th and since then is all about an attack on our democracy as much as they're trying to stop joe biden being certified. we need to have some sort of push to preserve that freedom. the debate in the west wing of how big they want to go into this and they're on that day and they're nervous of elevating trump lies. they're in the works. and call for the troops to come out from this committee and also suggest to look, this is why it's so important and we need legislation to protect the right. >> i am with helene and still around the country, and certain amount of forgetfulness. that lie is still front and center. it is gubernatorial debate this week moderator hewitt asked all fiver candidates whether joe biden won the 2020 election. >> i don't know -- we have to take that seriously. >> i grew up in the suburbs. so this is not a new problem. it's not a unique point. >> i believe there was voter fraud across the country. we did know it did occur here. >> i don't think the election was fair. we have results. each states have its own deal. i am not a big fan. >> our job is to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat and every legal vote gets counted. the more we watch, the less they cheat. so you will be the watchwatcher. and that's something you can do. >> did president biden win? >> he was certified by the electoral college. >> it's not that hard. yes, he won. >> it seems to me again there is that split again between what you are hearing from senators for the most part and what you are hearing from members of the house and candidates out on the trail. i have heard a lot of republican senators say and other responsible leaders in the party, we can't look back. we have to focus on the next election. looking back will only hurt us. here we see five candidates that just can't state the obvious and first, what does it say about them but my god, what does it say about the base in that state that elects republican candidates to run for governor. >> amazing. for a moment you thought donald trump was receding and influencing the republican party just listening to those fiver candidates. trump was made the idea that the election was stolen of the single litmus test of feelty to donald trump. they all know that. i can't know what i don't know. useless answer. the more we watch, the less they cheat. they didn't cheat. there was no cheating that went on. there was voter fraud. all of this is not true. court case after court case of 145 cases of fraud and millions of votes. there was not none. they can't say it because of donald trump. because they know -- >> right, exactly. they know the truth. every republican leader knows the truth and elected republican leaders know. all they know need to do is tell my friends oh, you think the vote count is rigged? why don't you go and look at fox news' website and look at the count there and other rupert murdoch's publication. the wall street journal's editorial page, they say a lot of things people disagree with. there was no widespread voter fraud. every trump appointed judge that trump looks at these issues trump's appointed judges said the same thing. no voter fraud that'll change the outcome of the election. not in pennsylvania or anywhere. they know the truth and yet they keep lying. i guess it does show that they're still scared of donald trump and donald trump's former followers. yeah, it's hard to come up with another reason, right? it's hard to think why else people who clearly know the facts still feel they have stand on stage and say black is white or white is black. i can't think of another reason than donald trump. >> yeah, jonathan lemire, that's why trump hates mitch mcconnell so much because he pushed back on january 6th, he's now come out and say hey, we want to hear what these people have to say and that's why mitch mcconnell is being crucifide. >> he's going to do what he can to leave credence to this democratically-run committee. he could have a bipartisan committee. when the truth comes out that's standing for donald trump and donald trump's most extreme republican members who want to take over the party and move it in a liberal violent direction. >> it took a while for mcconnell to get there. he's been clear that joe biden is the president of the united states. remember there was the sense among republicans and this includes mcconnell. let trump protest a little bit and what harm can it do. it gives a lot of space and energy for trump and his supporters. since then, mcconnell hung up on trump on a phone call. joe biden is going to be certified as president before january 6th. the two have not spoken since. we have seen it and trump in his e-mail statements attacked mcconnell in some frequency that he should be pushed out with some republicans. that's not who mcconnell initially wanted. there is a real divide there and it does seem mcconnell expecting more bad news coming out for trump because of the january 6th committee, he wants to chris some distance. plus, marty walsh will join the conversation, that's coming up next. >> from one wall to another, joe walsh joins me in the new episode of podcast and spotify. he talks about his life in the fast lane with the eagles a decades long addiction problem. and his future brother-in-law, a drummer by the game of ringo star along with his future wife and ringo's future wife. he talks about how losing his father and being a member of a gold star family inspires him to help veterans. i hope you can watch. joe walsh invites fans into his home for his fifth annual vets. it's going to be streaming live from his basement studio at 8:00 p.m. and featuring performances by joe walsh and special guests. it's for a great cause. you can grab tickets from something he was inspired by losing his dad and sadly a gold star family. you are watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. e watching we'll be right back. biden: this is the challenge of our collective lifetime. and every day we delay, the cost of inaction increases. we have the ability to invest in ourselves and build an equitable, clean energy future, and in the process, create millions of good-paying jobs and opportunities around the world. there's no more time to hang back or sit on the fence or argue amongst ourselves. so let this be the moment that we answer history's call. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you 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much for joining us. when it comes to led pipes, lay out how bad it's for us. >> there are hundreds of thousands of pipes in our country that drinking water is going through that's going to homes and schools across america. when you think of 2021, almost 2022 we are still dealing with that issue, that needs to change. the president lays it out as you mentioned a moment ago. he talks about building a better america. that means adding greatness to the country. that means drinking water and that means broad band access and throughout the pandemic when march of 2020, i was mayor of boston. we had to shut schools down. it's about the future of america and there is really and i am shire that people in our country and young people in our country are drinking water through led pipes right now. >> the cost of replacing them all is more than $60 billion, president biden asked for $45 billion from congress to get it done but as part of that infrastructure bill in the end there is only $15 billion. it's a long way off of the amount of money being designated is not going to do nearly enough to replace all of these pipes. >> some of these opportunities also have plans. we need to continue to collectively work together. this money is on top of what city and towns allocated. i was in milwaukee and wisconsin. pipes that connects into homes. that'll take an all investment. many states and cities allotted or allocated money. this will help them to get to that point. >> secretary walsh, great to see you. the build back better bill also contains components that will fall under your purview. negotiations will continue and they hope to get it done. i think we need to be clear here. it's uncertain whether or not the second part will finish through the senate. how much do you need this to pass and how negative of the consequences will be if it does not. >> i am optimistic of the bill. when you think of the bill which is not apart of my purview, bitter child care and investments in universal -- for the department of labor and work force and jobs training and apprenticeship. i got around the country and i have talked to businesses and i have talked to tech companies. they all need people about us being trained and educated. this bill will allow us the opportunity to move forward. our plan to work with businesses and come up with public private partnerships, there is going to be private investment of preparing the work for us. there is a lot of conversations about people not going back to work or the great resignation or whatever you want to call it. some people are concerned of the virus and some people are concerned of the fact they are working in a job that they're not getting any satisfaction and not creating a pathway for themselves and middle class. it would be a big mistake if we didn't do build back better bill better because the investment in it. it's an investment in people and the investment in the bipartisan infrastructure law. we have never seen an investment like this. the american people deserve an investment made by the future. >> its sector is like 80,000 drivers short. i know the white house have a plan trying to get more with supply chains. what can you do to get more people in trucking positions so they are safe and the country is safe, too. >> we had a great meeting with independent truckers with advocates and really sharing practices. we are launching with the department of transportation, secretary pete buttigieg, it's the 90 days apprentice challenge. companying signing up to get free apprenticeships. we want to magnify that number and apply that number in a big way. i think we'll see it in the next 90 days of more pathways. we are talking about challenges. challenges with getting recruiting people and challenges with age. some of the products and some states have restrictions on and nobody under 25 can drive a certain trucks across state lines. we have industry like gasoline that can't have drivers under the age of 23. there is a short term plan but there is also a long-term plan. we heard yesterday from the trucking industries that five or ten years ago, this is an industry that a lot of people go into and create a career out of it. we have seen that go away with some degree. we need to reestablish that. there are a lot of people in america that trucking would be a great job. some people we spoke yesterday of people starting$70,000. we have some work to do. there is also a pathway, there is a woman there who runs the trucking association, 10% of our truckers are women. in the next 90 days. we have a lot of work to do to create better pathways. there are 250 roughly returning veterans every year. these great pathway jobs into trucking industry. we have to reestablish this industry, it's an industry that's an industry. we'll need it forever. as it was described yesterday, the product of a gallon of milk at the super market, that was brought there by a truck. this is not going away we have to reestablish and create good, better paying jobs in the industry. >> if you can get moving on that pretty fast. santa and his reindeer can't do it all between now and christmas and kids are waiting for those stuffing pillows. santa sent a message to kids not to worry. santa wants the clear it by saint patrick's day. >> marty walsh, thank you for joining us. this sunday, willie sits down with oscar winner matthew mcconaughhey. >> talk about leadership that you share with other people and you made a decision not to run for governor, what does that look like to you if it's not politics. what is the next step of leadership look like, have you thought about it? >> i do know this. we need a new story. we need a new narrative. let's not throw away the old narrative. we need to get reacquainted with old llyrics. the song is not over. america is about chasing yet. that's what the american dreams are based on. we'll never get a full definition. now we fully understand and agree whatever what equality is. these are moing words and we don't throw out everything we started with the constitution and everything else. we look at that and we respect that. we understand we are still writing our songs. that's as good as america will get. can we look back and keep chasing yet? so, there is a new story. there is a new narrative that we all need to be apart of collectively. right now we collectively don't have even a national expectations of each other. >> one reason that's really hopeful, the sleeping giant is the majority. it's the pirates trying to get the port side of our ships. they're the minority. they're the ones trying to create the division. if the ship is democracy, the majority is going to slip, hey, got the numbers, here, get the hell off our boats. they have the mics and more entertained and maybe making more dough. we have the numbers, i don't think we have to wake up and take the mics from our pirates. this is where we are going and how we are going to do it. it's traumatic. it's the soap operas. we used to have to admit it's all right, let's understand that we are lying to ourselves about that being really the way forward. no. let's admit that. little candy is fine but let's get off the candy. >> i could not agree with you more. >> the extreme and those pirates presented as representatives of the two sides o f the country is not true. >> no, it's not. not true >> no, i nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. you've been taking mental health meds, and your mind is finally in a better place. except now you have uncontrollable body movements called tardive dyskinesia td. and it can seem like that's all people see. ♪ some meds for mental health can cause abnormal dopamine signaling in the brain. while how it works is not fully understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling. ingrezza 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we and other countries including south china sea claimers, we'll continue to push back on such behaviors. we'll deepen our alliances in japan. we'll foster greater cooperations among these allies as well. >> secretary of state, tony blinken criticizing china's aggressive action in the endo-pacific region. joining us now, our foreign relations and our distinctive global affair professor, hal brands. his latest essay, "containment can work against china, too." >> the basic argument was containment during the cold war was based on an assessment, the competition would last until something change and moscow and the united states prevent the soviet union turning the other way. there are a lot of differences between the soviet union and china that the contexts are different and players are different. the basic goal is essentially the same. the united states need to be preparing itself for a competition with beijing as well. >> the soviet union was more aggressive territorially but kind of bankrupt financially at home. china we are not sure of its global ambitions but we know their economy is doing very well. >> their economy is integrated of the center of the world. it's highly connected to the rest of the global economy. it's a very different story. it's also in a much stronger, we use economic state crafts in the sense against the soviet union as part of our overall strategy, we used to use a hybrid warfare strategy that created a lot of things including economics. i think it's hard to do that with china. they're just much bigger and substantial. >> the biggest test for the u.s. in the next century. >> it's a challenge and how complicated a challenge. while we have to push back against china's worst tendency. we have to understand we are going to be sharing the global stage with them for the next half century. whether we are talking about climate change, we are going to have to strike a balance. it's not the soviet union of 1981. i remember my political science professor in history said the soviet union at that time was scared of a xerox machine because technology was a threat to them. china is so different in that respect. how do we contain a country that's in africa and is on every continent with massive investments that the soviet union could not even dreamed of. that's the wrong way of thinking about it. the critical question is can the united states prevent china from using coersion or aggression. it's much more of a selective competition than we may think just by using a globe and chinese manifesting. >> we are doing separate things at one time. we can contain china but it seems to me engagement in china is also critical on so many different levels. again whether you are talking about climate change or global economy, obviously if you are talking about world health crisis, it went terribly when we didn't have the cooperation of china. we actually, yes, we have to confront them but we have to figure out at the same time in some of the other areas to build a stronger relationship, don't we? >> we carved out those few areas where we are able to cooperate but you know in terms of looking again at the soviet comparison, xi and putin having a conversation to evade the u.s. financial system and u.s. markets and so i think to the extent we bring check books to the gunfight we're going to have an increasing issue of both china and russia cooperating with one another in pushing back against the u.s. and our allies. >> heidi, speaking of china and russia cooperating, i was having coffee yesterday with the swedish defense chief and asked him what's going on in the arctic, expecting to talk about russia, and he said we're increasingly worried about china. and he started talking about china and russia cooperating in the baltic sea, staging military exercises. for the last ten years we have been on what feels like a trajectory that's not going the right way. when you hear tony blinken saying china is america's test for the century. i would like to know, it's 2021, how are we doing on that test? it feels like we're failing. >> i think this is a very big challenge but the way we're addressing it internally making investments in the u.s. and making ourselves more robust and the relationships with our allies this is a fundamental realignment we're making right now in our national security and national economic security. so i think there's a lot of focus on how we are going to bring all of our tools to the table. >> you know we aren't always aligned perfectly with our nato allies when it comes to china. germany is not shoulder to shoulder with us when we want to strike out economically aggressively at china. at the same time it sounds very ominous when china and russia talk about trying to become independent economically by putting their $19 trillion economy and their $2 trillion economy together until you start looking at the united states economy and the european union's economy and we're over $40 trillion. with that combined power we have and we'll always have a hell of a lot of leverage over both those countries. >> the story has been the dramatic change in global attitudes. the favorability ratings have fallen off a cliff since covid began and you're seeing more and more instances whether it's nato and the g7 expressing their concern that countries around the world are more alarmed at china's aggressive actions. and so this goes to your point if the united states can find a way of hanging together with its democratic allies and partners not just in asia but in europe and elsewhere, then that balance of power is going to be extremely difficult for china to overcome. >> hal, i'm so glad you brought that up because we look at what xi has done and obviously we're concerned just as so many other people are. we talk about the state becoming more totalitarian state, and at the same time it seems to me every one of those moves have been self-defeating. the fact that they have blown apart hong kong, the problems there, the problems with uighurs, aggravating australia so much that they want to do a massive nuclear deal with us. it seems to me every one of these moves is shortsighted and actually cut against what is in china's long-term interest. do we not have an example even though the moves are, is this not an example of our rivals actually doing great harm to themselves? >> i think the great examples of basically self-defeating autocratic behavior. xi jinping's behavior is a much more assertive china. a weaker and more isolated china. he's taken an ax to a lot of the sources of china's success, diplomatic and in some ways economic as well, in the past 30 years. >> jonathan? >> i didn't have coffee with a defense chief yesterday, but i did want to pick up on hal's point about 2022 being an important year fof china. the eyes of the world will be on it for the olympics. talk to us about how president xi's zero tolerance covid policy may actually end up being a hindrance with the omicron wave? >> i think this is one of the underreported stories. you do have the j&j versus the mrna shots. you have a population of around 1.4 billion people who have the equivalent of j&j with a transmissible, highly transmissible, variant and the propensity to shut down the economy. you think about comply chains. they shut down a port with one case of covid for two weeks. and so if you think about the olympics coming up, if you think about the party congress in the spring of 2022, this is a really big year for president xi to actually get things right, and failing on containing covid with a zero tolerance policy will be a bad look. >> yes, and hard to see omicron doesn't go through china like it is the u.s. thank you both very much for coming in. helene cooper, lovely to see you. up next, lies that largely go under the radar. what "the new york times" found after signing up to receive campaign emails from lawmakers running for re-election. plus, senator dick durbin joins to us discuss how democrats plan to get around republican opposition to get the president's agenda passed. "morning joe" coming right back. bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. welcome to "morning joe." it is friday, december 17th, eight days until christmas. katty kay, as we look at the white house at 8:00 straight up, i have to ask have you got all of your christmas presents yet? i'm not joking, my whole life i usually wake up, do stuff in the morning, i rush out and start buying christmas presents at about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon. since church services are usually at 5:00, it's a pretty rough three-hour dash for my christmas presents. i'm not so sure i've done much better this year. what about you? >> that's a good way of showing people you care about them is to buy their presents in about five minutes flat. that's what people love. the people who are easy you start early. it's the people who are hard to buy presents for and on christmas eve you're thinking what the heck am i going to get them? those are the troublemakers in my life. >> i'm an easy person to buy for because i tell people not to get me anything. you want to get me something, write me a letter. i don't want any boxes or anything to throw away. write me a letter. i am getting fewer and fewer christmas presents every year, i mean letters. are you hard to shop for? >> i think i'm easy all around, of course. >> really? jonathan lemire, i'm skeptical. >> it's not that difficult. >> jonathan, she says she's an easy person to shop for. i'm skeptical, aren't you. >> i am. i do all my shopping at cvs. i go from aisle to aisle, little novelties or perhaps pain medication. that's what maybe i'll get you that year. >> great, thanks. >> i can start working on some correspondence to send your way for christmas as well. my shopping i'm doing okay, better than i usually am. >> a dash around walgreens, thanks. >> any supply chain problems for you, katty? one of my 87 kids wanted a play station 4 or 5, impossible to get. everything is off the shelves. >> i have several -- the wonderful thing about the supply chain problem you can blame it on the supply chain. it's the best excuse ever. i was going to get you that wonderful rare xbox blah, blah, blah -- you can't get it. it was the supply chain. it would have been there, that very expensive cashmere sweater would have been there of course. >> so you're embracing the supply chain crisis. i was just going to say santa claus was drunk, baby, and couldn't help you out. we'll go back to the supply chain. maybe that will be better. let's go from christmas shopping to a not so merry day. what happened on january 6th? >> yeah, the right hand turn there from the bad christmas shopping stories. january 6th select committee has subpoenaed the colonel about how to overturn the 2020 election results. that's according to a statement released yesterday by chairman bennie thompson. the subpoena request that he appear for a january 17 deposition and provide documents to the committee by january the 10th. "the washington post" reports that waldron worked with trump's outside legal team and briefed members of congress on a power point presentation that outlined various proposals to subvert the election. former white house chief of staff mark meadows included a version of that power point in documents provided to the committee which the panel made public late last week. waldron told "the post" he visited after the election and had met with meadows, quote, maybe eight to ten times in the run-up to the insurrection. >> jonathan lemire, maybe can you give me some insight about this waldron guy. my question is, is this a longtime player in washington, d.c., or is this just a random guy who said one day, hey, i think i'm going to make a power point presentation and send it to the white house? i'm kind of getting he was a random guy that came up with this idea, send it to meadows, and then it got circulated around the white house which, let's admit it, frightening they were that desperate to overturn a democratic election that they're taking power point presentations from people randomly across the united states. >> a rather infamous power point presentation as it turns out. >> he is not known as a d.c. power player, and i think that's something that's worth hitting again here. so much of the west wing staff hollowed out after the election, there were covid outbreaks where people got sick and some just didn't come back. they quarantined for two weeks and gave notice. others weren't in the building itself. it's actually a pretty small place. not a lot of people are in there each and every day and some of them are responsible grown-ups that took the moment when then president trump protested the election result, look, i'm out. i'm stepping away. the population of people who were in there were the sydney powells of the world, rudy giuliani was in there a lot. meadows, sure, he was still there. we know he tossed much of his integrity out the window to serve the president and michael flynn was suddenly having audiences again. steve bannon. trump tried to cling to power, those were the people he was surrounded by on the day of january 6. >> to talk about it more political reporter for "the washington post" robert costa, the co-author of the book "peril" and "new york times" reporter and msnbc national security analyst michael schmidt, the author of the book "donald trump v. the united states." you do deep, deep reporting on january 5th, the 6th, around there and you and bob woodward put together an extraordinary time line that really launched this discussion and this understanding of what was going on. i'm curious your reaction with the relies of mark meadows' documents, what do they confirm for you about those two, three, perilous days for the united states? >> as jonathan just pointed out, it's evident the willard hotel, the oval office were power centers on the eve of the insurrection. there were power centers beyond the willard and the oval office. you had a power center in the house of representatives in the freedom caucus and then serving as chief of staff for trump and meadows was trying to drum up support for efforts to overturn the election and we see through the power point and other documentation how the white house was driving this and as a reporter, what else was memorialized in documents beyond the power point and text messages? what were the call locks the former president is blocking and we need to understand what was put into action from everything we see in this power point, in particular in the state. they wanted to throw this election to the house of representatives, they wanted states to hold special sessions, who did meadow call? jim jordan? others? what were they doing to make this ball roll down the hill? >> there's that critical kind of 187 minutes when trump was resisting calls to intervene, when people were lobbying mark meadows and he doesn't do so, how are we going to get to what trump was saying, thinking, feeling during those 187 minutes and why he took so long to make that response? >> i think there's probably -- i know there's at least two ways the committee is trying to penetrate that moment. the first is sort of an obvious one. it's getting people like meadows to talk using all of the power that they have and pressure. in this case making a referral to the justice department, you know, the contempt issue, to force them to speak. and it seems like penetrating that inner circle has been very difficult for the committee, and the problem that the committee has is that if it is going to prevail in forcing people like meadows to talk, they need some time on their hands. they need some time to not allow these individuals to stall them out in the courts and to wait them out, to rope-a-dope them in negotiations over interviews and that is sort of, i think, what will be the make or break issue for the committee. how much are they able to -- how much are they able to move the issue forward despite these delays? and it remains to be seen. they want to be done by next summer. if you're doing a full federal investigation, you usually don't put a time limit on it like that. >> so, bob costa, you and i have both known mark meadows for a while, have talked to him quite a bit on and off the record. i'm curious what your gut is or what your reporter's instinct tells you about the trove of documents he released, some of his allies thinking he actual little released more than he could have, than he should have, he protests publicly, very loudly, against this investigation, against the contents of his own books. but privately, somebody i was talking to yesterday, follows this closely who said, you know, it sure seems like he wanted the xhe to get this information. curious what your thoughts are on why meadows revealed all he did in those documents. >> well, joe, i have two words that sit above my computer when i work on stories, assume nothing. i wouldn't assume that at all to anyone providing documents to the committee. mark meadows says move to signal and that's the encrypted messaging service where it's very hard to track the messages. one challenge from the grand jury investigation or the committee in the house of representatives is how are they going to get end-to-end encrypted messages from the signal into the committee because we've seen text messages, power point documentation, emails shared. what about the way they were communicating on personal email addresses, on signal and that's the challenge? and will they have any kind of responsibility legally to come forward and provide that? >> jonathan lemire, i wanted to get your sense on the next steps for this committee. we know more depositions will be handed out, the former campaign manager, just got one. he says he'll cooperate. as we know he wasn't really part of the trump orbit at the end after he had some personal issues down in florida. but it does seem like the committee is ramping up its work, ramping up the pr campaign as well, more publicizing what's going on here. what other targets should we expect them to look at in the weeks ahead as that anniversary is on the horizon. >> the thing to keep an eye on is if and when they get their hands on these documents in a ongoing legal fight, it looks like the committee will prevail even though there's going to be, it looks like, another appeal here to the supreme court to try and stop that but when the committee gets that information how powerful is it? how much does it change the committee's understanding of what happened and how much does that mean that they have to go back and do other work that they may have already done? and by that if there are documents and notes in that material that raises questions that they have to go back and reinterview individuals about this new piece of information. that will be a very huge, important trove for the committee. my guess is it will dictate a lot of the direction as they try and move forward and finish this thing in the coming months. was january 6th such a major event the committee feels finishing it by the summer is maybe not enough time. do they issue an interim report and try and continue to do their investigation even if they may lose power in the house come november at the mid-term elections. you don't want to put the pen down by the middle of summer. >> that is the time crunch. michael schmidt, thank you for your reporting. and joining us now senior reporter for a deeper look and the conspiracy theories perpetuated in the run-up to january 6th. and, brandy, still fueled today. >> yeah, there are a lot of them. how long is the program? how long do i have? today what i'm thinking about in terms of the conspiracy theories that really led up to january 6 is where we're not really looking and where we should be. a great piece in "the new york times" by maggie aster and she look at 390 campaign fund-raising emails. she looked at -- i'm sorry, campaign fund-raising emails from 390 congress people who are up for re-election. that's thousands and thousands of emails. and what she found from this is misinformation is rampant in spaces we don't normally look for. we're not seeing it fact checked but it's getting to the blood red meat and the supporters of these candidates. and so what she found it surprised me it was so low. i subscribe to donald trump's emails but 50% of the emails from republicans had misinformation in them and 2% of the emails from democrats had misinformation in them. that misinformation looked like from dan crenshaw of texas who said that a spending bill from democrats including medicare for all t. does not. it included -- the misinformation included stuff from john kennedy from louisiana who said that -- what did he say? something wrong. he said -- sorry. >> something that was not true anyway. >> it was something that's not true. that's right. he said that democrats planned to give $450,000 to every illegal immigrant, and i'm using air quotes, which is obviously not true. the point of emails is to get people not to share them like we see with misinformation on social media but it's still to elicit reaction. the motivation is the same. instepped of share this with your friends it's click that donate button. >> but that's interesting. there's been so much information on facebook spreading misinformation and this ongoing talks up on capitol hill about what can be done about that. but it sounds from what you're saying that even if action were to be taken and that's a big if to try to limit this misinformation, people are just getting it on direct emails both democrat and republican, but they're getting it from lawmakers direct into their email boxes. >> i'm old enough to remember when the clinton kill list went around on an emailed newsletter and that spread far and wide. politicians have always lied. we've always had rumors swirling around politicians. i think the point that's really important is that if we just focus on one vector of misinformation, if we're just focused on facebook or twitter or emails, we are losing the bigger thing that we need to hold politicians accountable for their mistakes. when maggie decided to call the lawmakers and ask them, the democratic lawmakers she contacted said that's an honest mistake. and they didn't get back. >> senior reporter nbc news brandy, thank you very much. and, joe, i love her first answer, tell us what misinformation is like out there, how many hours do you have on the program? >> exactly. it is continuous and you see it every day. you see it on twitter every day and you don't know whether to respond to it or not. in responding to it you're amplifying the law to all of your followers as well. so, katty, we have some breaking news here. yesterday i was supposed to be on a call with rand delane to talk through some details. he's the executive editor of "forbes" about the international women's summit that mika and randle are launching and it will be in march of 2022. randle was unavailable. he sent me a text message apologizing for canceling but said i can't talk this afternoon. you'll find out why tomorrow. well, we have found out why. randall lane, who is at "forbes" magazine, was actually subpoenaed to speak in front of a grand jury and, katty, i'll let you go through the details, he was subpoenaed to talk to a grand jury about an investigation against donald trump. why don't you take us through some of the details of this breaking news story. >> this is just coming in but will make headlines involving "forbes" magazine and donald trump. the former president has long been fixated with the magazine's issue that estimates the net worth of the richest americans. now investigators at the manhattan district attorney's office are digging into this. in fact, the editor of "forbes," randall lane, who wrote a 2015 profile about trump, was subpoenaed three months ago. they fought that but were ordered to appear before a grand jury, to depp side whether or not to indict donald trump. prosecutors are interested in trump's 2015 statements to the magazine that he was worth much more than its estimate of $4.5 billion adding that he was worth much more than $10 billion. trump said at the time, quote, i look better if i'm worth $10 billion than if i'm worth $4 billion. more specifically trump told randall lane a higher net worth number was, quote, good for financing. also that trump, as reported in the article, told "forbes" the estimate of his values in trump tower should be increased from $530 million by a factor of five or six. and that he said he could sell his stake in trump tower for $2 billion or $3 billion. trump also took "forbes" on a tour of his penthouse in trump tower as reported in the article and told the magazine the apartment was worth at least twice as much as the $100 million we pegged it at. randall lane and "forbes" had been fighting the subpoena claiming it set a dangerous precedent for journalists to be forced to testify for or against the subjects that they cover. after months of objections lane and other "forbes" reporters were ordered by a judge to testify. but limited the scope to confirm the accuracy of what was already public in the cover story and the article, joe. >> yeah, but much to talk about here and, of course, bob costa, the investigations have all seemed to be centering in new york state and also in cy vance's manhattan office, centering around donald trump lying about his net worth. defrauding banks, defrauding investors, defrauding other people that were associated with him by artificially lying about his net worth. here you see how deep the manhattan d.a.'s office is going and they're actually calling in magazine editors to discuss trump conversation about his own valuation with them. >> joe, this brings back a story for me as a reporter in 2015 i was speaking to donald trump right after he got into the race and he pulled out a piece of paper did his net worth. i looked at it and it had the valuations of his brand, $5 billion or $10 billion on this paper. i said to trump at the time how do you come up with this figure? he said that's what my lawyers and i have decided is our brand value. and it seemed to be something he calculated with his own team. and so this is a question for the prosecutors in new york about where does trump come up with these figures and what is he saying to investors? was he being faithful to his investors and as accurate as possible about his net worth? >> and that's one of the things being examined. whether he's misrepresented what the company is worth, not paying enough taxes. it is not a surprise, those of house have covered donald trump for a long time, that he exaggerates about everything this is a case, joe, where an exaggeration could get him into legal trouble and it shows the thoroughness of this probe. they are wasting no time and digging under every possible corner to determine and build the case against trump. cy vance is set to leave office in two weeks. >> i was surprised by this news. >> tom winter, i thought the trail had gone told but to find out randall lane, the executive editor of "forbes" had been dragged, literally almost dragged, in front of this grand jury. they were finally ordered to go speak before the grand jury with some urgency. what's your takeaway from this breaking news? >> reporter: a couple different things. it's not illegal to lie if you're the former president or the candidate, then candidate donald trump, to lie to "forbes," to lie to msnbc, to lie to anybody else. if it was a crime to lie to journalists in this country i would be investing in companies that build jails. the second thing is as far as this investigation where it's going, it's very obvious that they are trying to get to the intent factor here. it's not a question anymore based on what's been charged that there were certain individuals if you look at the allegations and if they're proven true about the trump organization that there were accounting irregularities that became illegal. so that's what the manhattan's d.a. office has said. they are investigating whether or not there were misrepresentations made to banks, made to insurance companies, made on taxes. so that's not new. this tells me they're focused on this idea of who was the person responsible or the people responsible potentially for saying we need to change the books here? that 10 becomes a 20, that $5 million becomes $50 million. that's the ultimate question here. who was responsible for that, if somebody was, and how high did it go, and did it involve the former president? the urgency question that you touched on is interesting to me. the manhattan district attorney has previously stated that he wants to wrap this up before he's out of office, 11:59:59 new year's eve. we're about two weeks away from that. is there another indictment to come? are they trying to wrap up something before the grand jury or will shift to his successor. so i think that remains a question trying to get some clarity on that as far as where this investigation goes. do they think they're close to something and this will culminate in two weeks or so? or is this something where they are continuing down a path and we go into next year. cy vance has promised he wants to end this investigation by the time he's out of office so that urgency component of what you said and what's being reported is interesting to me. again, the idea they're going after intent, the pressure on weisselberg to cooperate, that's what they're looking for, somebody who can walk them through and talk them through and potentially a jury through what actually happened here. >> and if you're just tuning in, breaking news randall lane who will be a guest on the show in 10, 15 minutes, and was coming on for a completely different reason. he was ordered before a grand jury yesterday, the trump grand jury, after lawyers fought subpoenas for several months but was ordered by a judge to go before the grand jury. listening to your explanation, it does make more sense to me now. i couldn't quite figure out why would you have "forbes" going in testifying before a grand jury because it's not a crime to lie about your net worth, to money magazines, but it does show intent. oh, it was my accountants, my cfo, somebody else. i would never lie about my net worth on this forum or that forum. the lies that are reflected on documents that do have, it's harder to deny that he was the one that was orchestrating all of this. >> i think as i'm standing here thinking what questions would i ask if i was the prosecutor and i'm not an attorney and i don't play one on tv either, but as a reporter and as a potential prosecutor, what i would ask is, okay, "forbes," when you received these documents, did trump say, oh, well, these were the documents -- see, they're legitimate. they are the documents i showed to deutsche bank or another investor or another capital firm in manhattan that we know he's done business with. so did he make representations about those documents to "forbes" as far as the origin of those documents, as far as who else he might have presented those documents to and if they're false does that help them get closer to it? based on the statement, though, you read, the judge narrowed the scope of the testimony. he narrowed the scope saying are the things you published the truth. what we're reading here in this document is this what you published? typically we don't even get that far. normally in courts when you publish something it is self-authenticating. i know from being in the past, and i can't get too far in to this investigators have sought to call myself as a reporter or other individuals surrounding stories that we've done just on this idea of, well, we want to call them to testify that what they published is, in fact, what they published. judges typically don't allow that. look, they published the thing. if you want it, you can read it into the record. no reason to drag a reporter before the court. that's something that typically happens. again, to me, i think the big question is were there representations made to "forbes" with any individual whether it be trump or a member of the family or the trump organization saying, see, these are the documents we showed to this bank or this investor and did they get those representations? if so, did that match up with what was presented to those banks, those investors, and if those documents were false, then i think that gets them closer to intent or at least who was fronting these documents. i think that might be a little bit more relevant to the investigation. but, look, it's a tricky slope because at the end of the day you really do need to prove that the crime existed. again, no crime to make misrepresentation to "forbes" or anyone else but did they make misrepresentations to those various banks or investment houses? i think that's still the key. >> all right. thank you so much. again, we'll be joined by "forbes" editor randall lane in just a few moments. and we will try to get information tom was asking about what was asked, what he asked donald trump, and to tell us about the trump grand jury questioning yesterday. let's bring in the chairman of the judiciary committee, democratic majority whip senator dick durbin of illinois. so, senator, we were going to have randall lane come on to talk about this international women's day conference he's having in march of 2022 which is, of course, an extraordinarily important topic to discuss on "morning joe." randall lane, executive editor of "forbes," was dragged into a grand jury after their lawyers had protested for three months. and cy vance is still investigating the misrepresentations donald trump made to banks and to other institutions. could you give us some insights on what we may be looking at here? >> i don't know the details but it can be no surprise donald trump perhaps exaggerated his net worth. he did that throughout his business career and his career as president. and people have to testify under oath to the reality of the situation. have you experienced frustrations that donald trump has seemed to be above the law time and again whether it was blackmailing and ally, holding up u.s. military aid in exchange for political dirt or whether it was inspiring an attack against our capitol or all of the other potential crimes that he committed? robert mueller said i can't charge him because he's president of the united states. can you speak to your level of frustration that in america it does appear donald trump is above the law? >> i don't think anyone is but i can tell you just by the series of events he appears to be bulletproof. i think that's changing. i think january 6th changed it, his inciting the mob to storm through the capitol complex was a crime of great magnitude. hundreds are paying the price and many are speaking out and resisting. steve bannon, mark meadows and others, but their day is coming when they're going to be held accountable for what actually happened for the actual truth, and i think that's going to lead to an accounting by this former president for his conduct at a level he's never faced before. >> you on your statements and tweets in the last few days have been sounding pretty frustrated both at the state of the build back better bill and where that might go and on some of your colleagues around voting rights. as we get to the end of the year 11 months in to president biden's agenda, you thought you would be further along than this? we hoped for it. having covered congress for a number of years, i was present and accounted for for the affordable care act that went on month after month after month. and we faced enormous odds, 60 votes in the senate and our colleague ted kennedy couldn't join us. we still got the job done and that's the same thing that inspires me now. we are trying to help millions of americans and this president made it clear in a statement he hasn't given up. i haven't given up. the democrats haven't. we were given no help from mitch mcconnell telling us we're going to fail. i think about the families in my state and his state of kentucky right next to us. 8 million diabetic patients across the united states have an opportunity finally to have affordable insulin. help for families to provide daycare for their kids. if you have a member who is disabled or sick, special assistance there. the list is important and it is worth the fight. we are going to continue to fight for the american people without a single republican senator on our side. good morning. it's jonathan lemire. no question republicans have not helped at all with this agenda. you had comments saying you were frustrated and disappointed in senator joe manchin because he opposed a one-year extension of the child tax credit. i'm hoping you can elaborate on that. also his refusal to back the build back better act now before the end of the year. >> i've spoken to joe face-to-face. he's my friend. we disagree on many issues. as long as the president and chuck schumer believe there's a constructive dialogue going on, and they do, i believe it is well worth the effort. yes, i'm disappointed but the american people are counting on us to deliver and i believe joe manchin knows that there has to be a path, a good path that will help the families across the country. >> senator, you've outlined where you cannot work with your republican colleagues on some of the issues but there's one issue where you are trying to and that's a bipartisan effort to revive and renew. >> i'm glad you brought that up. we announced it yesterday. we have a group led by senator feinstein on the democratic side, lisa murkowski. the violence against women act, it's been many, many years since we've reauthorized it. a totally bipartisan effort as it should be. we are prepared to introduce this measure when we return in january and bring it up for a vote as fast as possible. >> speaking of a bipartisan measure, joe manchin was carrying around a piece of paper he probably wrote on the back of his schedule talking about the bipartisan successes you all have seen in the senate over the past year. it was telling. we focused on bbb, on how long it took to get infrastructure done. you wouldn't know it by reading newspapers every day or watching tv news every day. the snas has accomplished quite a bit this year that doesn't get the ink or the airtime it deserves. >> and, joe, without any supporting republican votes. the american rescue plan, we took the vaccines, it was important they be developed but equally important that they be spread across the united states and beyond and the american rescue plan did that. i can't tell you the businesses that come up to me in chicago and thank me for getting this economy back on track. we have a lot of work to do but the american rescue plan with the support of only the democrats in congress has made a real difference in the year 2021. >> senator dick durbin, thank you so much for being with us. go bears. and "forbes" editor randall lane joins us next. the breaking news that he testified before the trump grand jury. "morning joe" coming right back. . . then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. when it comes to autism, ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to there's so much new in the new chicken & bacon ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta hurry! there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new- did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at let's bring in the guy we've been talking about chief content editor of "forbes" media and editor of "forbes," randall lane. randall, we were supposed to have a call yesterday. and you mysteriously were absent. i said this isn't like randall lane. he's usually there. we found out later in the day why. give us some background on the grand jury, them trying to pull you into it and your lawyers trying to fight it. >> it's been a three-month saga. i was subpoenaed september 21st. we've been digging in. we think this is wrong. we didn't want to testify, don't want to testify. think about the precedent set here which is if you -- how do you have an autonomous press if you testify about people you cover regularly, if they're worried they would get yanked into the grand jury and those who don't have the means like "forbes" does when you get dragged into something like this? we fought it hard. then on wednesday we got the word the judge decided, limited the scope, just to the article written in 2015 and one more article about trump's penthouse. it was a limited scope and we were just confirming things we already reported. we don't think this is good for the first amendment. >> we had tom winters on earlier today and he thought it would be interesting to know whether donald trump while taking you around and inflating the value of everything that he was worth ever showed you any documents from -- any bank documents or supporting documents to say, see, this is what we showed deutsche bank or what we showed an investor here or there. did they ever do that? >> it's a 2015 cover story i wrote about the 30-plus-year history of "forbes" and donald trump and there are many stories in the article about documents shown and handwritten notes and lunches and lobbying. when i testified, again, we're being very transparent about this. i posted exactly what was asked, what we answered. just yes/no answers and confirming what was in the article. if you read the article you will know exactly what we were talking about. even yesterday it was about -- it wasn't about the old history, it was about the meeting in 2015 and trump's attempts to talk how valuable trump tower is, five or six times more than what weep said it was worth, how valuable his penthouse was. he took us up to his penthouse. that was where the questioning was. that was asked where we were confirmed what we wrote. >> randall, bob costa here. you were in the room with the prosecutors. was this a fishing expedition, or do you feel, as someone who was there, that they have a case and they're close? >> there are a lot of rules about a grand jury. having been brought in as a witness, you know, i feel very strongly that we need to transparentally talk about what we said. we're journalists and so what we said we have a right to talk about it. they don't want me talking -- our lawyers don't want me talking about analysis. we'll let you guys do that. we transparentally in "forbes" didn't leave anything out, every question, what was answered, the story behind it. we want to put it all out out w. >> did you have any proof to offer them about trump lying? >> it really was a yes/no session, where literally they almost went through the article verbatim. and again, they didn't go through everything. so, you can see in the story, on "forbes," kind of where they were picking and probably, there's some stuff for you there. but, you know, they were really focused on him saying that he's worth more than $10 billion. when we said he's worth more like $4 billion. that trump tower is worth $2 or $3 billion, when we said his stake in it is worth maybe $500 million. it's a lot of questions mostly focused on shall we say, our differences of opinion on his net worth. >> randall, thank you so much. we greatly appreciate it, again. not exactly why we called you on originally, but thank you for clarifying exactly what happened in front of the grand jury. now turning from inflating your value to knowing your value. let's bring in now editor of "forbes" women, maggie mcgrath, "morning joe" reporter, daniella pierre bravo, as well, along with randall. daniella, you were at the "forbes" know your value event with mika this week. where there was a groundbreaking announcement. but first, you got a chance to talk to some of the women on mika's "forbes" 50 over 50 list. >> i had a chance to speak to these women that were part of that larger list. all with incredibly success stories, who came from all over the country. we talked about what this list meant to them and the impact it that will have for younger generations of women. take a look. >> reporter: the "forbes'" inaugural 50 over 50 list brought together changemakers and trailblazers across industries to celebrate the power of women over 50. >> i heard women get more radical with change. >> so many different disciplines that assembled here. and to have mika and our first lady, jill biden. >> it's incredibly inspiring to be with all of these wonderful women. it's unlimited, what we can do, when we come together as women. >> what does it mean for you to be here and be part of this amazing list. >> i just hope it inspires other women who are over 50 to get on this thing, too. >> it's like a once in a lifetime type of thing. >> women are in positions today that are of much more influence. >> to be included with the likes of kamala harris and shonda rhimes, truly, truly one of the momentous memories of my life. >> and look! 95 years old! >> did you imagine your career over 50? >> no! not in a million years. >> no. no, i did not. >> when one is young, i don't think one thinks as far as turning 50, and so the short answer is definitely not. >> there's so many women in their 20s and 30s who have so much anxiety about, you know, seeing their career end at xl 50. what is your advice for those young women? >> please, keep going. >> it's very important that we pace ourselves. at this age, i have realized all of the steps that i have taken have gotten me to this point, being the first woman of color to lead the girl scouts, the first woman of color to the national school board association. >> if you're not happy with where you are in your career, make a change. >> there are many turns that a career can take. so different directions, opportunity may arise where you never thought that there were any. you just have to be ready. i always wanted to be in vaccine research and development, and, you know, i now have the opportunity to lead it. and it's my passion, it always has been my passion. >> i never did think that i would be sitting here today at 60 years old, you know, just hitting my stride right now. so i feel like i have so much more work to do. >> and the message to younger women, there's a long career running. >> the clock is not ticking. >> past 50, past 40, you can have an amazing career. and continue on with your life. it doesn't end at a certain point. seeing all of these women who are achievers, who are breaking the wall, the barrier, i can aim higher and now all my dreams seem more achievable. >> it was quite an event. quite an event. and randall, really, that's what i kept hearing time and time again about the long runway. you have women over there that were just absolute trailblazers. 20, 30 years ago, but they're just hitting their stride now at 55, 60, 65. we have a speaker of the house who is 80, i believe, and one of the most powerful, effective leaders that we have in the country. and so talk about that randall, and more importantly, the mentoring with the 30/50 event that's coming up on international women's day. >> joe, you and i were the token guys. but that was the most impressive room i've been in all year, male or female. it was all women and it was incredible. it was just an honor just to be there. and what we're going to do as we that day after the first lady got off stage, is someone will create what we think will be the creative gathering of women in the world, ever. where we'll bring our 30 under 30 list, all of these young innovators and game changers, and this amazing 50 under 50 group that daniella just showed us together. it's all about mentoring. it's not just mentoring one direction, it's two directions. that younger, amazing women, teaching these amazing younger leaders about what's going on in ai and blockchain and technology. it's real chance to create a difference and to bring into place in the world, where frankly we need to make more advancements in terms of gender equality. it's engaging and leaning into that and going into a place where we can make a real change. >> it's very exciting. maggie, i must say, when randall and mika first started talking about a davos for women on international women's day, i was like, okay, they're thinking kind of big here. and yet, it's happening. it's happening. it's very exciting. >> it's happening, and i think it's already been happening. i talked to anu schultz. she said that her colleagues in india saw the list before she did. and sent out a press release and she's hearing from women up and down the organization, across the world. i think we're already having a global impact, just in the interest we've seen, in the excitement that these women are seeing within their organizations. i'm really excited to take this globallily even bigger. >> and i love this idea of bringing together women under 30 and women over 50 and kind of that cross-section that you're going to have there. but then, also, you're going to have a day of service going to the university in abu dhabi, and transferring all of the skills that these women bringing from around world, to help women in the uae, who are just starting out on their careers, too. >> i think the service element is so important. what i heard from the women in the room on wednesday is they have so much knowledge give. a few entrepreneurs said to me, oh, the things i wish i knew when i was starting. they can take that knowledge, the things that they didn't know before and impart that upon the next generation and we're really excited to make that happen. >> i still can't get over opal lee, who is at 95 still going and has so much work to do. but with that being said, talk about the representation of the importance on this list. specifically how it crossed platforms to the 30 under 30 list and the importance of that representation. >> the 30 under 39 list is almost 50% people of color. so that's already -- i mean, the 30 under 30 looks today like america will look in 10, 20 years. and we see what the 50 under 50 list, it's also -- maggie does an amazing job in terms of representation there. but now we have a 50 over 50 in europe, a 50 over 50 in asia. a 30 under 30 list from around the world. and to bring them all together, international women's day, it's going to be a torrent where every single participant will be a speaker. and the audience will be the entire world, where the ambition is really to take it to national women's day and take this amazing cohort and share it with the entire world. davos for women is amazing, but we're also going to turn that davos to the whole world, no matter where you are, as long as you have a connection to some kind of device, you'll be able to be mentored by this amazing group, whether they're 25 or 95. >> that is so exciting. randall lane, speaking of exciting, you've had an exciting week. i hope you have a more restful weekend. thanks so much. maggie mcgrath, thank you all so much. and you can hear more an the issue of the forefront of this movement on mika's new limited series podcast, mika straight up. and you can listen wherever you get your podcast. so final thoughts. bob costa, talk about the week that was and what you're expecting moving forward next week. >> we're just going to have to keep watching this january 6th committee. but i think randall lane's interview with you was really interesting. this grand jury investigation, going on in new york, the state investigations, and let's not forget about the department of justice, which has been so quiet with its own grand jury -- which issued the indictment of steve bannon just a few weeks ago. all of these fronts revealing new clues day by day. and the people with subpoena power are certainly using that power. and us with pens and pads are doing our own work. >> certainly, the focus, joe, on the biden agenda here, build back better, pushing to 2022. a new push on voting rights, unclear how that will pick up steam and the president today giving thanks to one of his best allies, jim clyburn, giving a speech at a university in south carolina, presenting the longtime congressman with a disagree. >> and i'll tell you what, tas going to be so inspiring and moving. and our good friend gene robinson along on that trip. and i suspect that they're probably going to go right past his home in orangeburg, south carolina, where he grew up. in a south and a country completely different in so many ways than it is today. thank you so much for being with us this week. we greatly appreciate it. that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. good morning. i'm stephanie ruhle, live at msnbc headquarters here in new york city. it is friday, december 1

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1000 , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Nutrients , Emergen C , Economy , Emergen C Ray , Gold , Investors , Nature , Assets , Portfolios , Element , Reward , Protector , Decisions , Asset , Advantage , Enabler , Power , Sanctuary , Wish List Event , Body , Bounce , Baja Chicken , Bacon , Lincoln , Subway , Shampoo , Gotta Eat Fresh , Eat Fresh , Baja , Deaths , Illness , News , Hospitals , Vavaccinated , Safe , Article , Washington Post , Kentucky , Nobody , Tornados , Red Tornados , Incentives , Boosters , Shield , Learning , Doctors , Form , Booster , Shots , In America , Agile , 800000 , Kick , Floor , Sea Lion , Race , Children , Road , Friends , Work , Fellowship , Washington National Cathedral , 800 , Plague , Sound , Holidays , Loss , Pawns , Events , Wedding , Souls Won T Be Sharing Christmas , Jonathan Lemire , Cathedral , Host , Loved Ones , 800000 T New Variant , Helene Cooper , 4 , 3 , Number , Rest , Hell , Population , Armed Services , Military Sets , 95 , Military , Men And Women In Uniform , 2021 , Air Force , Army , 98 , Holiday Season , Grandmothers , Moms , Train , Troops , Steam Rolling , Vaccine Hesitancy , Duty , National Guard , Reserve , Many , January 6th Select Committee Subpoenaed The Retired Army Colonel , Deployment , Deposition , 10 , January The 10th , Reports Waldron , Proposals , Committee , Panel Made Public , Attention , Independent , Comments , Guy , Farm , Picture , January 6th Committee , Mark Dragnet Meadows , Investigators , Texts , Stir , Fact , Leader , He , Pass , Republicans , Calculation , 6th , Angle , Suggestion , Wedge , Daylight , Majority Leader , Tidbits , Horror , Impeachment Hearing , Reaction , Whole , Don T Know , Revulsion , History , Vernacular , Point , Tangent , Houses , Anniversary , Public , Freedom , Push , Certified , Debate , Elevating Trump , Works , West Wing , Amount , Center , Lie , Forgetfulness , Fiver Candidates , Moderator , Suburbs , Fan , Watchwatcher , Biden Win , Electoral College , Split , He Won , Members , Leaders , Trail , Amazing , God , Litmus Test , Feelty , Cheating , Answer , Didn T Cheat , Court Case , Votes , Fraud , 145 , Truth , Why Don T You Go And Look , Vote Count , Website , Rupert Murdoch , Wall Street Journal , Publication , Issues Trump , Judge , Show , Outcome , Pennsylvania , Stage , Followers , White , That S Why Trump , Crucifide , Credence , Direction , Let Trump , Harm , Space , Supporters , Mcconnell Hung Up On Trump , Energy , E Mail Statements , Frequency , Joe Walsh , Another , Distance , Addiction Problem , Podcast , Life In The Fast Lane , Episode , Spotify , Eagles , Gold Star Family , Brother In Law , Drummer , The Game Of Ringo Star , Ringo , Home , Vets , Fans , Basement Studio , Guests , Cause , Tickets , 8 , Vetsaid Org , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Definition , Isn T One , Well , Cancers , Strokes , Partners , Pipes , Led , Goal , Removal , Led Pipes , Kamala Harris , Paint , Promise , Campaign , Hundreds , Drinking Water , Homes , Schools , Thousands , Needs , Greatness , Mayor , Band , March Of 2020 , Shire , Boston , 0 Billion , 45 Billion , 60 Billion , 5 Billion , Infrastructure Bill , 15 Billion , Plans , City , Towns , Investment , Wisconsin , Milwaukee , Bill , Negotiations , Components , Build , Purview , Secretary Walsh , Consequences , Investments , Child Care , Universal , Department Of Labor , My Purview , Need , Businesses , Training , Apprenticeship , Tech Companies , Force , Partnerships , Conversations , Resignation , Jobs Into Trucking Industry , Mistake , Satisfaction , Middle Class , Infrastructure Law , The Future , Drivers , Supply Chains , Sector , 80000 , Truckers , Trucking Positions , Meeting , Pete Buttigieg , Sharing Practices , Advocates , Department Of Transportation , Companying , Apprenticeships , Pathways , Recruiting , Trucks , State Lines , Products , Gasoline , 23 , 25 , Industry , Trucking Industries , Career , Pathway , Trucking , Degree , 0000 , 70000 , Trucking Association , 250 , Product , Gallon , Super Market , Good , Milk , Santa , Stuffing Pillows , Reindeer , Saint Patrick , Leadership , Matthew Mcconaughhey , Oscar Winner , Step , Decision , Narrative , Song , Dreams , Old Llyrics , Words , On , Equality , Songs , Constitution And Everything Else , Expectations , Majority , Pirates , Port Side , Ships , Sleeping Giant , Ship , Division , Minority , Boats , Mics , Dough , Soap Operas , Candy , Representatives , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Hydration , Fragrances , Parabens , Dyes , Mariyam Sabo , Mental Health Meds , Body Movements , Mind , Tardive Dyskinesia Td , Ingrezza , Meds , Td Movements , Prescription Medicine , Dopamine Signaling , Signaling , Mental Health , Brain , Adults , Dose , Side Effects , Ingredients , Activities , Sleepiness , Operate Heavy Machinery , Ingrezza May , Don T Drive , Heart Rhythm Problems , Movements , Td , Pill , 0 , , 1 , Anna , It Starts , Night , Sleep , Dream , Season , Gifts , Text Alert , Son , Beth , Walgreens , Discover Card , Purchases , Liberty It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Case , Barnes Firm , Firm , Worth , Truck Hit , Barnes , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Result , Rich Barnes , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Countries , Behaviors , South China Sea , Allies , Alliances , Cooperations , Japan , China , Action , Secretary Of State , Tony Blinken , Endo , Pacific Region , Relations , Containment , Affair Professor , Argument , Essay , Hal Brands , Competition , Assessment , Cold War , Moscow , Soviet Union , Contexts , Players , Differences , Same , Bankrupt , Beijing , Ambitions , Center Of The World , State Crafts , Economics , Hybrid Warfare Strategy , Test , Tendency , Balance , Climate Change , Political Science , Professor , Xerox Machine , 1981 , Technology , Africa , Continent , Aggression , Coersion , Engagement , Globe , Manifesting , Levels , Climate Change Or Global Economy , World Health Crisis , Cooperation , Terms , Relationship , Comparison , Don T We , Xi , Financial System , Putin , Russia , Markets , Check Books , Extent , Gunfight , Coffee , Chief , Defense , Swedish , What S Going On , Military Exercises , Baltic Sea , Arctic , Trajectory , Realignment , Relationships , Security , Tools , Nato , Germany , 9 Trillion , 19 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Trillion , European Union , 40 Trillion , 0 Trillion , Leverage , Change , Attitudes , Cliff , Ratings , G7 , Instances , Concern , Elsewhere , Balance Of Power , Europe , Asia , Hal , Moves , Hong Kong , Uighurs , Australia , Example , Examples , Rivals , President Xi , Ways , Ax , Sources , Defense Chief Yesterday , Eyes , Fof , Policy , Omicron Wave , Olympics , Hindrance , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Mrna , Chains , Port , Propensity , Transmissible , Equivalent , 1 4 Billion , Spring , Party Congress , Omicron Doesn T Go , Campaign Emails , The New York Times , Up Next , Radar , Re Election , Opposition , Agenda , Plus , Helpers , Bye Mom , Sleigh , Wishes , Roads , Toys , Mountain , Bridges , Anyone , Fun , United States Postal Service , Holiday Deliveries , Trees , Me And You , Green Red , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Owner , Future , Investor , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Church Services , Start Buying Christmas , Dash , 5 , Presents , Letter , In My Life , Letters , Boxes , Around , Aren T You , Shopping , Aisle , Pain Medication , Novelties , Cvs , Correspondence , Supply Chain Problems , 87 , Play Station , Supply Chain , Shelves , Supply Chain Problem , Excuse , Cashmere Sweater , Blah , Xbox Blah , Couldn T , Baby , Supply Chain Crisis , Drunk , Hand , Let S Go , Statement , Bennie Thompson , Subpoena Request , January 17 , Power Point Presentation , Power Point , Chief Of Staff , Quote , The Post , Player , Insight , Which , Power Point Presentations , Power Player , Staff , Outbreaks , D C , Notice , Others Weren T , Grown Ups , Election Result , Sydney Powells , Rudy Giuliani , Integrity , The World , Window , Michael Flynn , Audiences , Steve Bannon , Reporter , Michael Schmidt , Book , Peril , Co Author , Robert Costa , Msnbc National Security , Donald Trump V The United States , Deep Reporting On January 5th , Bob Woodward , January 5th , Understanding , Discussion , Time Line , Power Centers , Eve , Oval Office , Willard Hotel , Power Center , Freedom Caucus , Text Messages , What Else , Particular , Blocking , Special Sessions , Meadow , Ball Roll , Calls , Lobbying , 187 , Saying , Response , Contempt Issue , First , Referral , Justice Department , Inner Circle , Interviews , Make , Delays , Time Limit , Record , Gut , Trove , Instinct , Somebody , Contents , Books , Thoughts , Xhe , Computer , Messages , Messaging Service , Grand Jury , Emails , Signal , Power Point Documentation , Email Addresses , Depositions , Steps , The End , Campaign Manager , Orbit , Florida , Targets , Pr Campaign , Horizon , Eye , Supreme Court , Fight , Appeal , Notes , Piece , Guess , Material , Report , House , Pen , Reporting , Brandy , Run Up To January 6th , Program , Maggie Aster , 390 , Misinformation , Spaces , It Fact , Blood Red Meat , 450000 , 50000 , March Of 2022 , 2022 Randle , 2015 , 4 5 Billion , 10 Billion , 5 Billion , Billion , 4 Billion , 30 Million , 530 Million , 3 Billion , 2 Billion , 100 Million , 00 Million , 50 Million , Million , 0 Million , 5 Million , 59 , 11 , 15 , 8 Million , September 21st , 21 , 500 Million , A Million , 40 , 55 , 65 , 30 50 , Friday December 1 ,

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