Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709 : comp

Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709

>> we're live on the hill with our team in a minute and live on the ground in kentucky where the governor finished a tour of one of the hardest hit areas in the tornado outbreak. we'll take you there. what abortion providers in texas are asking the supreme court today. the request they're making to the justices and why the state is trying to stop them. i'm hallie jackson in washington with a ton to get to with all of it happening or just about to. the contempt vote against former trump chief of staff mark meadows and you can bet you will see fiery floor speeches when the house starts debate around 3:30, with vice chair liz cheney revealing more text messages from republican lawmakers basically begging meadows to have the president do something to stop the violence. the committee planning more depositions, with the guy you see there, former trump adviser stephen miller, supposed to show up today, tbd on whether that happened. we saw the d.c. attorney general announce a lawsuit against the proud boys and oath keepers. with that warning, we're going to be dipping into live coverage quite a bit here, i want to bring in garrett haake, our senior capitol hill correspondent, pete williams our justice correspondent and joined by nick class wu for politico. this contempt vote against mark meadows about to take place in the house and to set that scene we have to talk about those extraordinary texts that the committee says he got including from donald trump jr. we need an oval office address. he has to leave now. it's gone too far and gotten out of hand. he says, he's got to condemn this expletive asap. the capitol police tweet is not enough. then laura engram, mark, the president needs to tell the people in the capitol to go home and this is hurting all of us. there's sean hannity, can he make a statement asking people to leave the capitol? brian, please get him on tv. destroying everything you have accomplished. no comment from fox about this but, garrett, you have to imagine the texts, including the ones from unnamed lawmakers here like, for example, one who says, pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. yesterday was a terrible day, we tried everything we could in our objection to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. you have to think this is going to come up as we see this discussion and this floor debate. this will be central to the arguments you're going to hear from those who believe mark meadows should be held in contempt. >> yeah. hallie, the select committee has been careful about what information, what evidence gathered they have allowed back out in the public. they have been a black box about the material and the witness statements they've been receiving but released these messages last night and they've alluded to more we might see. they want to show what they think they know about mark meadows' involvement and indicate what they think they could get if they are able to get him to talk fully. of those text messages while the fox ones and the donald trump jr. ones are the bold face names, i think perhaps more important to the investigation are those from other lawmakers, talking about the plan to throw out electoral votes or the frustration after the fact that they were unsuccessfully able to do so. that's really core to the select committee's investigation. you have meadows and his attorney pushing back today and overnight arguing they're still trying to protect donald trump's claim of executive privilege and meadows' attorney coming out with a statement that essentially makes an argument that the select committee might be biting off more than it can chew or creating a bad precedent, the idea that documents that meadows has produced, he argues, prove they shouldn't hold him in contempt, he is trying to work with them, and he's working in good faith and perhaps this effort to hold him in contempt might have a chilling effect on other witnesses. i can tell you members of the committee aren't buying that argument. they will move forward. but i expect there's a lot more to come out of these 9,000 pages of documents that meadows turned over than just these text messages. >> we don't know who the lawmakers are involved in the texts. any hints on that so far? >> the committee chairman talked to our colleague about this earlier today and they are not releasing the names, though, did tell us we won't be surprised who they are. it lines up with the house republican lawmakers who have been vocal back then and frankly some of them until now about their beliefs about who won the election or not. >> obviously president biden, joe biden, did. let me go to you, because you heard garrett talk about the argument from mark meadows' attorney, they've been making since meadows came to the forefront of the discussion as it relates to the january 6th select committee, how do you pull on that thread of this executive privilege claim in light of everything we're seeing? >> well, if the house does vote to find him in contempt, i think this is going to be a tougher decision for the justice department than in the case of steve bannon. first of all, there is a long-standing justice department policy that says the president's closest advisors and chief of staff would count, are, current and former, are immune from any compulsion to testify before congress. they don't have to show up. slicked, he has cooperated with the committee. those are two in his favor, unlike bannon who didn't cooperate at all. you have a ruling from the d.c. court of appeals here, in a separate case involving trump and the archives in which the circuit, the law of the circuit now, binding on the justice department and all the courts here, is that the president's executive privilege whatever it is is outweighed by congress' need for information in this investigation. so there's not much left of trump's executive privilege, at least when it comes to presidential document. that same logic it would seem would apply to the testimony of his former aides. that's why i say i think this will be a tough one for the justice department, unlike the bannon decision, which seems straightforward. >> nicholas, as we're talking about this contempt of congress vote, again, to set the stage here for folks watching and listening, about 25, 23 minutes from now we expect that debate to begin and we'll dip in live as news warrants and we know as we look ahead to what else the committee is doing, trying to get more depositions from people in the trump orbit. the attorney for one of the rally organizers on january 6th, dustin stockman, said this, we thought was interesting, watch. >> vigilantes, insurrectionists, masters of a lawless mob, conspired against the district of columbia, its law enforcement officers and resident, by planning, promoting and anticipating in the violent attack on the united states capitol. >> well, that was the d.c. attorney general obviously, not the attorney for dustin stockman. we'll talk about that in a second. >> there are people that are very senior in the former president's orbit and there are also even lawmakers among them who i believe have good reason to be kwivering in their boots today. >> nick colast what do you make of that? reason to be kwivering in their boots today? >> i was at that press conference this morning and as you might have seen in the video, mr. stockton was carrying this binder of documents into the committee and what his lawyer described would be a treasure trove of messages, e-mails, texts, between stockton and these what appear to be senior trump world figures, lawmakers and staffers. you know, he was asked about this, and it's not entirely clear at this point what the contents of these messages are, but we got a little bit of a clue yesterday in a "rolling stone" article where stockton gave extensive interviews released, and he talked about the conversations with members and staff talked about how to deal with these rallies of january 6 and the execution of that. we can expect to see more about that come out in the coming days. as we speak right now, stock tanton is telling things in his own words to the committee as are other witnesses. the committee members have said they want to put this into a -- some kind of public report next year and we'll start to see the fruits of that in the coming months. >> pete, back to you on that sound bite we played from the d.c. attorney general, he was doing that as he was announcing the new lawsuit against the proud boys, against the oath keepers. can you tell us more about that? >> those groups and individuals, many of whom have been charged criminally in the district court here, this is an attempt to hold those groups and those individuals financially responsible for the attacks on washington and the capitol that goes beyond just the attacks on the capitol or d.c. police officers, the damage throughout the district, the cost to the city, asking for an unspecified amount of damages to help make the city whole for that, unspecified amount of punitive damages and says that these two groups were key to driving the violence that led to the attack on the capitol. now, frankly, there's nothing new in the documents that isn't already in the documents that are against the now nearly 700 people who have been charged with crimes here in the district including the two conspiracy cases against the proud boys and the oath keepers. much of the evidence in the civil lawsuit or the allegations is based on what's already been in court documents. it is another avenue, another way to hold them accountable. >> garrett, back to you here before we check back in. what is the biggest thing you're watching for in the next two hours besides this vote. when we see the floor speeches begin for mark meadows, what are you going to be keeping an eye on closely? >> i'm curious to see if the committee members if they speak will be presenting any new evidence here. they've been careful about how they release little bits of what they know, text messages or things in the interviews, and they do try to do so to take some degree of advantage of media coverage a floor debate would be a good time if they want to take more advantage. >> we will be watching that and you will be watching that. thank you for breaking it down for us. more on that with our thanks to pete, garrett and nicolas in the show. the other big story, what's happening in kentucky. we heard from governor andy beshear after he took a look at storm damage. this is a live shot of the governor. you can see him talking with folks on the ground. he's been doing this all afternoon, doing it since the tornado hit and at least 88 people across five states are confirmed dead. governor beshear said this afternoon 12 kids, 12 children are among the 74 people killed in his state. in illinois, six people were killed when a tornado leveled part of an amazon warehouse. the governor has announced the federal government has approved his request for an emergency disaster declaration. dasha is in bowling green, meghan in edwardsville, illinois. we heard from the governor, i want to play what he had to say updating folks on the rescue and recovery operation. watch? >> it's not big enough to have 17 people dead. losses, it's really hard to describe when you stand in the middle of it, and i think you are out here and you can feel it, the trauma seeps into your skin. >> he's talking about trauma, and now that you are seeing it from people who live there firsthand. >> reporter: yeah. hallie, i am in the epicenter of the death toll here in bowling green. 15 people killed in this county. 11 of them, 11, hallie, on this street right here. you can see why the damage is unbelievable. you can still see a christmas tree standing there, ornaments, the garland still there, but everything around it decimated. i'm going to take you across the street here to show you. i'm going to walk slowly here because there is still quite a bit of damage here. sir, did you say this is your home? >> yes. >> this is your home? hallie, this is the homeowner. >> how are you doing? >> are you okay? is your family safe? >> everybody is okay. >> everybody is okay. >> okay. i'm glad to hear that you're safe because a lot of people in this neighborhood weren't. thank you so much. the death toll here like i said 11 people on this street and when you look at the numbers and the people, the ages from an infant to a 77-year-old. when you look around here, i mean this home right here, you can just see the foundation. the entire home was lifted up and destroyed. we talked to people who described hiding in crawl spaces and booth bathrooms and closets. if you were in a home like this there was nowhere to hide. what we know from the coroner's report is that at least two of those who died on this street were infants. one was a 4-year-old. when you look at the last names it looks like five family members from one family passed away here, the browns, and five family members from another family, passed away right here on this street. this is a fairly new subdivision, the spring hills subdivision. this was a place with young families, with starter homes. people just beginning their lives. and now it's gone. you can see there are some community members here who were just allowed into this area after officials did a survey here. they're starting to pick up the pieces but there is a long way to go and the amount of heart break i've encountered on this once street is indescribable. >> it's awful and difficult to watch. meghan, where you are in illinois, i know we're learning more details about what happened to the amazon warehouse, right? >> yeah, that's right. first i want to start off by saying that there is some good news here. president biden approving an emergency declaration that illinois governor pritzker requested. fema will be able to come to ground and coordinate on the ground working with those who have before affected making sure they have what they need. the investigation does continue. there's a state investigation into what happened at this warehouse as well as osha. osha saying they have had boots on the ground since saturday. what they're looking at, they're trying to understand whether or not amazon complied with the guidelines that osha has in place to ensure the safety and health of the work place. they will be looking at things like the structural integrity of this warehouse. was it built to code. what happened in the moments leading up to this tornado. throughout this investigation we know it's going to last no more than six months. if they find violation, amazon could be cited and have to pay penalties for that. look, we welcome this investigation, and they say they are cooperating with the investigation and that they believe that they did everything right. they said that as soon as the alarms were sounding they told 46 employees inside that building to shelter in place in the north end or the south end of the building. unfortunately we know that tornado ripped through the south end killing six, critically injuring another. >> thank you. please stay safe out there. coming up on the show, we've got a brand new exclusive interview with this senator you see him speaking live on the senate floor. what he's asking his colleagues to do and why he's been calling out his own party for being hypocritical. we'll talk about that. what texas abortion providers asked the supreme court to do right now and what it means for the future of texas' restrictive law. politicians fact check on social media and cable but not in another powerful communication tool, e-mail. the age of political misinformation in your inbox. more on that later in the show. tidec clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. 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>> i know you're going to follow up on that story, build back better negotiations, you touched on it. what is the deal? how is the self-imposed christmas deadline that democratic leaders want to happen happening? >> as the days go on there's pessimism. they have a lot of issues to work out with the parliamentarian. there's at least just 20 in one section of the bill that aren't done and they have to figure out the state and local tax negotiations, which senator sanders and menendez are far apart and it's unlikely they will meet the christmas deadline. >> leigh ann caldwell, juggling a bunch, thank you. later we're going one on one with the senate democrat when senator padilla from california joining us live. after the break, exclusive reporting if kentucky, why workers from the candle factory say they were threatened by their bosses as the tornado was getting closer. the schools in the area are going to get kids back in class. the superintendent from one of the hardest hit towns. m one of the hardest hit towns. - oh...oh. - what's going on? 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>> it is tough to hear. ellison barber, thank you. i want to stay in kentucky as we take a look at the tornado outbreak is having on school kids. the governor confirmed as we mentioned that at least 12 of those killed in the storms are children. dozens of schools are still closed today with some districts not planning to get back into classes until next year. i'm joined now by superintendent joe henderson of the mayfield independent school district. mr. superintendent, thank you so much for being with us. you know, so many people around the country are thinking about you and i know there is just heartbreak, so many people as we've learned more information about the number of kids killed, has your district been able to account for all of its students at this point? >> well, we're in the process of doing that right now. the good news, if there's any good news, in this tragedy is we've not had any school-aged children basically deceased. there are siblings that weren't in school at this point the time that were in some of the families who have students that attend our school, but as far as we have been able to find at this point, no school-aged children or faculty was lost in the tragedy. >> how are you holding up? >> just very tired, exhausted. the last four days, just trying to find all of our students, trying to make contact with them, trying to make sure that they have shelter, that they're safe, they're staying warm at night. without electricity in most of our city, we're also without water in much of the city. our high school has turned into a supply center to try to help the families in our community so basically just looking out for and trying to help with the basic needs people need to survive at this point. >> we're showing pictures of the help, the aid getting into mayfield and a shot of one of the schools there. you talked about the high school being used as a shelter or staging ground. it can't be used for education. what is your estimates of when you think students are back in their classrooms before the storms hit, if ever? >> that's going to be a difficult decision to make that i can't answer at this time. obviously the number one priority as i said earlier right now is to make sure that our families are taken care of moving forward. we'll start having discussions, our schools were spared with the exception of one middle school that has minor damage bugts our maintenance and transportation department took a direct hit and destroyed the entire facility as well as pretty much all of our bus fleet is inoperable at this time. that will be decisions we have to make going down the road. like i said, we've just got to make sure we have to take care of our students. >> part of taking care of the families, things like the physical structure of getting kids back into chase class or on school busses, buildings that are safe and fully repaired, there's an emotional path forward that those kids will need help with given everything they've seen and suffered? >> absolutely. that's one of the things that we're working on right now. obviously offering some opportunities for families or students to be able to come into our high school at this point in time if they need those supports and having a plan moving forward and hopefully we get back into school, we can still offer those opportunities because they're going to be much needed. >> superintendent joe henderson, i can't imagine what it's been like over the last five days, thank you for your time and you have a lot of people around the country thinking and praying for you tonight. thanks. next up, democratic senator alex padilla joining us live with a lot of questions in front of him, including the million dollar one, will president biden's build back better deal get a vote before christmas. there's the senator. we're watching the house floor because lawmakers are getting ready in the next couple minutes to start debating the contempt resolution for mark meadows. we'll take you there live when they do. ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ready for subway's eat fresh refresh™? 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it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. a bit of news into us as it relates to amtrak, suspending its vaxx requirement for workers. they will give a testing option instead. tom costello covers transportation for us and this is a new change, a new shift for amtrak here. why did they do it? >> reporter: the bottom line here is that as you know, a district court recently held that, in fact, that that requirement that white house had put in place which said if you are a contractor to the federal government you must be vaccinated, that is on pause under a district court's ruling and amtrak, which is technically a quasi public/private partnership, decided it cannot compel its employees to be vaxxed however their rates are high now. 95.7% of employees are fully vaccinated, four have some sort of an accommodation. when you add people who have at least one vaccination they're up to 97.3% and the ceo says they expect to go to 100% by january or so. right now only about 500 amtrak employees according to the company are not vaccinated. as a result, they're going to allow them to test weekly, once a week, to make sure they don't contract covid. the bottom line, it's a reality check on many fronts. their vaccination rates are high and number two you have the district court ruling against this vaccine mandate for contractors and so the ceo of amtrak saying this is the reality we find ourselves in. we're going to continue and we will not require the vaccines. however, here's the caveat, if you're an amtrak user on the east coast they had been warning they would have to cut back service because of the fact they were not at 100% compliance and now the company saying they do not anticipate, do not anticipate, that they will have to cut back service at this point. >> tom costello, thank you for bringing us that developing news this afternoon. new developments coming in on the strict abortion law in texas. lawyers for abortion provider in the state are now asking for the supreme court for immediate action on last week's ruling. what does that mean? they want justices to formally notify lower courts of their decision to let federal lawsuits move forward. as you might imagine, texas is opposing this. ken dilanian is following this. this is issuing the mandate process typically takes three weeks. why do the abortion providers want it to happen now and what are the chances they will get that. >> reporter: this is a hard one to handicap but one thing is clear the opposition by texas to this move shows state officials will fight every challenge of their abortion law as hard as they can. the way it works, the supreme court decision doesn't typically have legal force until the court formally provides notice to the lower court where the case came from. that's known as issuing the mandate. it can take up to 25 days. now the lawyers for the abortion providers are asking the court to send that notice immediately to the federal district court in texas where the case began. they say the quick action would be consistent with how rapidly the court moved to hear -- to decide the case and the delay they are saying has consequences because they say that for more than 100 days, thousands of texans have been unable to exercise their constitutional rights to terminate their pregnancy. others are being forced to take medical risks in pains of continuing pregnancy and child birth against their will. they quote from chief justice roberts' opinion which said given the ongoing chilling effect and the state law that district court should resolve this litigation and enter relief without delay. that could incur only once the court transmits the opinion judgment which they say it should do so immediately. texas in opposing this, says that the mandate should be sent to the fifth circuit court, not where the judge has declared the law you unconstitutional. the motive is clear, texas wants to keep that restrictive abortion law in place and in force. >> ken dilanian, thank you for that update. back to building behind me over on the senate side where in just under 15 minutes or so, we're expecting some new steps to be taken to advance that debt limit discussion. you see senator cory booker is on the floor speaking now. i want to bring in one of senator booker's colleagues, senator alex padilla from california, joining us democrat from the state. good afternoon. thanks for being back on the show. >> good to see you again, hallie, and watching the movement on the floor, cory booker is as good as they come. >> thank you for that. let me talk to you about this, this debt limit discussion is happening, that seems like it's going to get moved forward. there's a breerds discussion on the president's build back better act. as we talked about on the show something the president sees and many democrats, critical to move his agenda forward. senator manchin is key to this. you and i have talked about this. what's interesting is what we heard from senator durbin who seemed to invoke senator manchin in comments to reporters. he said, quote, many people didn't name joe manchin, but many people will sit on the fence as long as possible. there comes a time we've done the negotiating, accommodations, time to put up or shut up. do you think it's time for chuck schumer to bring this vote on build back better to the floor regardless of where senator manchin is or is that a suicide mission? >> i don't think it's either one of those cases. i think we are really close on getting a build back better package with the support of all 50 democrats. we're not there, but i think we are close and it's going to happen. i'm highly confident of that. i think it's important to remind all of us why we're so focused on the 50 democrats and budget reconciliation and it is because not a single republican is going to play ball with us to invest in child care, invest in health care, to invest not just in the physical structure, but the elements of but tressing our economy for working families today and the next decade. >> and i say this respectfully, i've been talking with your colleagues and democrats over a month and keep hearing we're close. close ain't it, right? you're not over the finish line. do you think that's going to happen before christmas? right now the analysis from our team that covers this building every day is that that seems unlikely? is that your sense? are we looking at january? >> to me that's still a question as recently as our election briefing today, are we there yet and close. maybe it's before christmas may a little bit after. more important than a vote for the sake of having a vote it's a vote that's going to get it done and deliver so many elements of the build back better package. it's not a hope. it's a necessity for so many families across the country. if we're talking about, you know, sort of investing in the economy it's hard for parents to go back to work if you don't have a safe place to leave your kid. child care is essential in this overall package. if we've learned nothing else from the pandemic it's the need to modernize our health care infrastructure and expand capacity for a growing population and brace ourselves for future pandemics. yes, health care is part of it and it's part of build back better, and i'm going to make a pitch for immigration. this is not independent policy we're trying to build back better. every element, child care, elder care, how many caregivers in our country are immigrants. if we're talking about infrastructure, whether it's let's take the food supply from farm workers to food, people who work in food processing facilities and beyond, disproportionately immigrants make up that element of the workforce and the tragedy in kentucky. i'm seeing the images not just of families and small business owners impacted but who are working as part of the cleanup includes immigrants. immigration policy is essential to infrastructure investment. >> one of your colleagues made clear in in an exclusive interview with nbc that he feels that since the senate is moving to change the rules for this debt limit issue, that should be the path forward and voting rights. is that something you'd support? >> i couldn't agree more. if we find a way. not through with existing rules, then massaging the rule, flexibility in the rules, changing the rules for the sake of the debt celling, we can certainly and we must do it for the sake of preserves our democracy. we're near the end of the year. people are reflecting on what kind of year it's been. let's recall how it started. january 6, 2021. a deadly insurrection in our nation's capitol premised on the big lie and we're beyond just fighting laws that make it harder for eligible people to register and cast their ballot. we're now fighting laws state after state where republican governors are undermining election administrators if they're not falling in line politically the way they want them to. the stakes are just getting higher, which means the urgency is increasing every day. >> before i let you go, i want to reference what we heard before we brought you in, some reporting from my colleague related to the texas abortion law in place. the most restrictive in the country. as you know, the governor of your state is looking to use that tactic, this way that that texas law was constructed on a very different issue as it relates to restricting assault weapons by using that same kind of loophole or some enforcement mechanism, letting private citizens sue in california. is that something that you think will get through in california and do you think it's a tactic that other states should adopt as well on other issues? >> you're here to see what the product is of the governor, the attorney general and legislature, but i approach this through the lens of a father. i remember the shooting in sandy hook and rushing to my son's school to give him a big hug. >> senator padilla of california, thank you for being back on the show. appreciate your time this afternoon. political misinformation. you know it's on your phone screen, your tvs. it's now even coming to your e-mail addresses. new reporting from "the new york times" taking a look at thousands of those campaign e-mails. many of them littered with bad information. reporters for the times subscribed to nearly 400 campaign e-mail lists and they watched as misinformation began to stream in. i'm joined now by the journal u.s. who reported this story. maggie, thank you for being on the show. aside from the hundreds i'm sure of unread messages, lawmakers that spread misinformation on social media or tv, they'll get oftentimes on some networks, they'll give quick fact checks. get flak for spreading stuff that's not true, but on e-mails, absolutely can they escape this same level of critique. >> there's definitely less scrutiny of e-mails. obviously they go directly to the inboxes of millions of people and oftentimes, fact checkers are not really looking at these. they're looking at other forums so they don't get fact checked in the same way. >> your investigation found that republicans are responsible for more of this false information than democrats are. can you talk through what you found there? >> my goal going into this was to determine, you know, how common misinformation was in campaign e-mails. fund raising e-mails specifically. and whether you know, there were partisan patterns in terms of who was doing it. and what i found was that roughly 15% of e-mails i received from republicans contained false information and by that, i'm referring to you know, impeerically false statements. things that can be proven not to be true. not the standard political exaggerations, but actually false statements were in about 15% of republican e-mails compared with about 2% of democratic e-mails. >> it's really interesting reporting. thank you so much for talking us through it. back to capitol hill because any minutes, we thought it was going to be 3:30. that slid a bit. we expect the house to start debate on whether to hold mark meadows in contempt of congress. garrett, when can we expect it to start happening? i assume this now pushes the actual contempt vote back later than e with thought. >> everything is sliding back and part of the reason is it just takes so long to vote right now. we've got about 150 members of the house who are using proxy voting today. they are not present in washington. they're asking other members to cast their votes. that simply slows the process down. there's not much we can do but wait for each of these members as you're seeing here. members coming up, casting votes on behalf of other members to get through this other business before we can start the debate thep ultimately that vote on the contempt resolution. >> we talked about who and what you are watching for as that floor debate on the house begins, garrett. after that when the vote begins, next steps here, i think it's important to know that even if the doj were to pick up this contempt of congress charges for steve bannon, there's nothing about it that would still compel mr. meadows to speak to the members of the select committee. >> no, that's exactly right. so two things. when this vote happens here, i'm watching to see how many republicans cross over and vote for contempt with steve bannon, there were nine. i suspect the number will be smaller here. that's the first thing i'm watching for. and once this referral lands at doj, what do they do with it? it could take them weeks to make a decision here. meadows has different calculations to make. steve bannon is essentially a professional political troll. he hosts a podcast. he's out there fighting on behalf of former president trump. that's his brand. meadows is still something of an active politics. he probably wants a political future. he's trying to sell books. he's got different motivations. could he decide to cooperate later? the committee's holding out some hope for that. >> i will look forward to seeing on social media what kind of dinner you order for yourself and your team. that does it for us. deadline white house starts right after the break. us. deadline white house starts right after the break. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ (vo) t-mobile for business helps small business owners prosper during their most important time of year. when you switch to t-mobile and bring your own device, we'll pay off your phone up to $1000. you can keep your phone. keep your number. and get your employees connected on the largest and fastest 5g network. plus, we give you $200 in facebook ads on us! so you can reach more customers, create more opportunities, and finish this year strong. visit your local t-mobile store today. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. fine, we'll sleep here. ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. clerk: hello, how can i? 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Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709

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>> we're live on the hill with our team in a minute and live on the ground in kentucky where the governor finished a tour of one of the hardest hit areas in the tornado outbreak. we'll take you there. what abortion providers in texas are asking the supreme court today. the request they're making to the justices and why the state is trying to stop them. i'm hallie jackson in washington with a ton to get to with all of it happening or just about to. the contempt vote against former trump chief of staff mark meadows and you can bet you will see fiery floor speeches when the house starts debate around 3:30, with vice chair liz cheney revealing more text messages from republican lawmakers basically begging meadows to have the president do something to stop the violence. the committee planning more depositions, with the guy you see there, former trump adviser stephen miller, supposed to show up today, tbd on whether that happened. we saw the d.c. attorney general announce a lawsuit against the proud boys and oath keepers. with that warning, we're going to be dipping into live coverage quite a bit here, i want to bring in garrett haake, our senior capitol hill correspondent, pete williams our justice correspondent and joined by nick class wu for politico. this contempt vote against mark meadows about to take place in the house and to set that scene we have to talk about those extraordinary texts that the committee says he got including from donald trump jr. we need an oval office address. he has to leave now. it's gone too far and gotten out of hand. he says, he's got to condemn this expletive asap. the capitol police tweet is not enough. then laura engram, mark, the president needs to tell the people in the capitol to go home and this is hurting all of us. there's sean hannity, can he make a statement asking people to leave the capitol? brian, please get him on tv. destroying everything you have accomplished. no comment from fox about this but, garrett, you have to imagine the texts, including the ones from unnamed lawmakers here like, for example, one who says, pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. yesterday was a terrible day, we tried everything we could in our objection to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. you have to think this is going to come up as we see this discussion and this floor debate. this will be central to the arguments you're going to hear from those who believe mark meadows should be held in contempt. >> yeah. hallie, the select committee has been careful about what information, what evidence gathered they have allowed back out in the public. they have been a black box about the material and the witness statements they've been receiving but released these messages last night and they've alluded to more we might see. they want to show what they think they know about mark meadows' involvement and indicate what they think they could get if they are able to get him to talk fully. of those text messages while the fox ones and the donald trump jr. ones are the bold face names, i think perhaps more important to the investigation are those from other lawmakers, talking about the plan to throw out electoral votes or the frustration after the fact that they were unsuccessfully able to do so. that's really core to the select committee's investigation. you have meadows and his attorney pushing back today and overnight arguing they're still trying to protect donald trump's claim of executive privilege and meadows' attorney coming out with a statement that essentially makes an argument that the select committee might be biting off more than it can chew or creating a bad precedent, the idea that documents that meadows has produced, he argues, prove they shouldn't hold him in contempt, he is trying to work with them, and he's working in good faith and perhaps this effort to hold him in contempt might have a chilling effect on other witnesses. i can tell you members of the committee aren't buying that argument. they will move forward. but i expect there's a lot more to come out of these 9,000 pages of documents that meadows turned over than just these text messages. >> we don't know who the lawmakers are involved in the texts. any hints on that so far? >> the committee chairman talked to our colleague about this earlier today and they are not releasing the names, though, did tell us we won't be surprised who they are. it lines up with the house republican lawmakers who have been vocal back then and frankly some of them until now about their beliefs about who won the election or not. >> obviously president biden, joe biden, did. let me go to you, because you heard garrett talk about the argument from mark meadows' attorney, they've been making since meadows came to the forefront of the discussion as it relates to the january 6th select committee, how do you pull on that thread of this executive privilege claim in light of everything we're seeing? >> well, if the house does vote to find him in contempt, i think this is going to be a tougher decision for the justice department than in the case of steve bannon. first of all, there is a long-standing justice department policy that says the president's closest advisors and chief of staff would count, are, current and former, are immune from any compulsion to testify before congress. they don't have to show up. slicked, he has cooperated with the committee. those are two in his favor, unlike bannon who didn't cooperate at all. you have a ruling from the d.c. court of appeals here, in a separate case involving trump and the archives in which the circuit, the law of the circuit now, binding on the justice department and all the courts here, is that the president's executive privilege whatever it is is outweighed by congress' need for information in this investigation. so there's not much left of trump's executive privilege, at least when it comes to presidential document. that same logic it would seem would apply to the testimony of his former aides. that's why i say i think this will be a tough one for the justice department, unlike the bannon decision, which seems straightforward. >> nicholas, as we're talking about this contempt of congress vote, again, to set the stage here for folks watching and listening, about 25, 23 minutes from now we expect that debate to begin and we'll dip in live as news warrants and we know as we look ahead to what else the committee is doing, trying to get more depositions from people in the trump orbit. the attorney for one of the rally organizers on january 6th, dustin stockman, said this, we thought was interesting, watch. >> vigilantes, insurrectionists, masters of a lawless mob, conspired against the district of columbia, its law enforcement officers and resident, by planning, promoting and anticipating in the violent attack on the united states capitol. >> well, that was the d.c. attorney general obviously, not the attorney for dustin stockman. we'll talk about that in a second. >> there are people that are very senior in the former president's orbit and there are also even lawmakers among them who i believe have good reason to be kwivering in their boots today. >> nick colast what do you make of that? reason to be kwivering in their boots today? >> i was at that press conference this morning and as you might have seen in the video, mr. stockton was carrying this binder of documents into the committee and what his lawyer described would be a treasure trove of messages, e-mails, texts, between stockton and these what appear to be senior trump world figures, lawmakers and staffers. you know, he was asked about this, and it's not entirely clear at this point what the contents of these messages are, but we got a little bit of a clue yesterday in a "rolling stone" article where stockton gave extensive interviews released, and he talked about the conversations with members and staff talked about how to deal with these rallies of january 6 and the execution of that. we can expect to see more about that come out in the coming days. as we speak right now, stock tanton is telling things in his own words to the committee as are other witnesses. the committee members have said they want to put this into a -- some kind of public report next year and we'll start to see the fruits of that in the coming months. >> pete, back to you on that sound bite we played from the d.c. attorney general, he was doing that as he was announcing the new lawsuit against the proud boys, against the oath keepers. can you tell us more about that? >> those groups and individuals, many of whom have been charged criminally in the district court here, this is an attempt to hold those groups and those individuals financially responsible for the attacks on washington and the capitol that goes beyond just the attacks on the capitol or d.c. police officers, the damage throughout the district, the cost to the city, asking for an unspecified amount of damages to help make the city whole for that, unspecified amount of punitive damages and says that these two groups were key to driving the violence that led to the attack on the capitol. now, frankly, there's nothing new in the documents that isn't already in the documents that are against the now nearly 700 people who have been charged with crimes here in the district including the two conspiracy cases against the proud boys and the oath keepers. much of the evidence in the civil lawsuit or the allegations is based on what's already been in court documents. it is another avenue, another way to hold them accountable. >> garrett, back to you here before we check back in. what is the biggest thing you're watching for in the next two hours besides this vote. when we see the floor speeches begin for mark meadows, what are you going to be keeping an eye on closely? >> i'm curious to see if the committee members if they speak will be presenting any new evidence here. they've been careful about how they release little bits of what they know, text messages or things in the interviews, and they do try to do so to take some degree of advantage of media coverage a floor debate would be a good time if they want to take more advantage. >> we will be watching that and you will be watching that. thank you for breaking it down for us. more on that with our thanks to pete, garrett and nicolas in the show. the other big story, what's happening in kentucky. we heard from governor andy beshear after he took a look at storm damage. this is a live shot of the governor. you can see him talking with folks on the ground. he's been doing this all afternoon, doing it since the tornado hit and at least 88 people across five states are confirmed dead. governor beshear said this afternoon 12 kids, 12 children are among the 74 people killed in his state. in illinois, six people were killed when a tornado leveled part of an amazon warehouse. the governor has announced the federal government has approved his request for an emergency disaster declaration. dasha is in bowling green, meghan in edwardsville, illinois. we heard from the governor, i want to play what he had to say updating folks on the rescue and recovery operation. watch? >> it's not big enough to have 17 people dead. losses, it's really hard to describe when you stand in the middle of it, and i think you are out here and you can feel it, the trauma seeps into your skin. >> he's talking about trauma, and now that you are seeing it from people who live there firsthand. >> reporter: yeah. hallie, i am in the epicenter of the death toll here in bowling green. 15 people killed in this county. 11 of them, 11, hallie, on this street right here. you can see why the damage is unbelievable. you can still see a christmas tree standing there, ornaments, the garland still there, but everything around it decimated. i'm going to take you across the street here to show you. i'm going to walk slowly here because there is still quite a bit of damage here. sir, did you say this is your home? >> yes. >> this is your home? hallie, this is the homeowner. >> how are you doing? >> are you okay? is your family safe? >> everybody is okay. >> everybody is okay. >> okay. i'm glad to hear that you're safe because a lot of people in this neighborhood weren't. thank you so much. the death toll here like i said 11 people on this street and when you look at the numbers and the people, the ages from an infant to a 77-year-old. when you look around here, i mean this home right here, you can just see the foundation. the entire home was lifted up and destroyed. we talked to people who described hiding in crawl spaces and booth bathrooms and closets. if you were in a home like this there was nowhere to hide. what we know from the coroner's report is that at least two of those who died on this street were infants. one was a 4-year-old. when you look at the last names it looks like five family members from one family passed away here, the browns, and five family members from another family, passed away right here on this street. this is a fairly new subdivision, the spring hills subdivision. this was a place with young families, with starter homes. people just beginning their lives. and now it's gone. you can see there are some community members here who were just allowed into this area after officials did a survey here. they're starting to pick up the pieces but there is a long way to go and the amount of heart break i've encountered on this once street is indescribable. >> it's awful and difficult to watch. meghan, where you are in illinois, i know we're learning more details about what happened to the amazon warehouse, right? >> yeah, that's right. first i want to start off by saying that there is some good news here. president biden approving an emergency declaration that illinois governor pritzker requested. fema will be able to come to ground and coordinate on the ground working with those who have before affected making sure they have what they need. the investigation does continue. there's a state investigation into what happened at this warehouse as well as osha. osha saying they have had boots on the ground since saturday. what they're looking at, they're trying to understand whether or not amazon complied with the guidelines that osha has in place to ensure the safety and health of the work place. they will be looking at things like the structural integrity of this warehouse. was it built to code. what happened in the moments leading up to this tornado. throughout this investigation we know it's going to last no more than six months. if they find violation, amazon could be cited and have to pay penalties for that. look, we welcome this investigation, and they say they are cooperating with the investigation and that they believe that they did everything right. they said that as soon as the alarms were sounding they told 46 employees inside that building to shelter in place in the north end or the south end of the building. unfortunately we know that tornado ripped through the south end killing six, critically injuring another. >> thank you. please stay safe out there. coming up on the show, we've got a brand new exclusive interview with this senator you see him speaking live on the senate floor. what he's asking his colleagues to do and why he's been calling out his own party for being hypocritical. we'll talk about that. what texas abortion providers asked the supreme court to do right now and what it means for the future of texas' restrictive law. politicians fact check on social media and cable but not in another powerful communication tool, e-mail. the age of political misinformation in your inbox. more on that later in the show. tidec clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. 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>> i know you're going to follow up on that story, build back better negotiations, you touched on it. what is the deal? how is the self-imposed christmas deadline that democratic leaders want to happen happening? >> as the days go on there's pessimism. they have a lot of issues to work out with the parliamentarian. there's at least just 20 in one section of the bill that aren't done and they have to figure out the state and local tax negotiations, which senator sanders and menendez are far apart and it's unlikely they will meet the christmas deadline. >> leigh ann caldwell, juggling a bunch, thank you. later we're going one on one with the senate democrat when senator padilla from california joining us live. after the break, exclusive reporting if kentucky, why workers from the candle factory say they were threatened by their bosses as the tornado was getting closer. the schools in the area are going to get kids back in class. the superintendent from one of the hardest hit towns. m one of the hardest hit towns. - oh...oh. - what's going on? - oh, darn! - let me help. lift and push and push! there... it's up there. hey joshie... wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. emergency planning for kids. we can't predict when an emergency will happen. so that's why it's important to make a plan with your parents. here are a few tips to stay safe. know how to get in touch with your family. write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency. we're following up on an nbc news exclusive that we broke yesterday at this network. workers from the candle factory in mayfield, devastated by the tornados, apparently management telling them, they say, management told them they would be fired if they left work before the twister hit, making a pretty direct hit friday night. right before this story came out, one employee alluded to something similar on this show just 24 hours ago. watch. >> we had two warnings. the first warning, after the first one, they told all of us to go back to work, you know. i told them i was leaving, but i never got to make it out of the building. >> we should note the company is strongly denying these allegations and say people were absolutely free to leave. at least eight were killed inside the mayfield candle factory. in all, we know that nearly 80 people are dead in kentucky according what we heard from the kentucky governor today. nbc news ellison barber in dawson springs. good to see you. >> reporter: hallie, this is a home duplex. we met the woman who lived here, she told us she was trapped underneath this mattress, underneath all of this rubble. she lifted everything off of herself and crawled tout get out and try to get some sort of help. you can see all of this destruction. there's a truck here. she has no idea where this pick-up truck came from but it ended up that night pretty much directly in her house in the room where her son, if he had been here work have been sleeping. as you look at all of this destruction in dawson springs, look for the dots on the ground here because most of those are people. neighbors from this community who have come here to help their fellow neighbors, even if they've lost things themselves because they're looking around and seeing maybe other people need more help. we spoke to the homeowner of this house where i'm standing because we saw a teen a 15-year-old looking for things try to find family photos to take them to her so she has little things to treasure, little things to keep. they came back together. she got some closes, trying to take it to the laundromat, friends giving her rides to get here. one of the things you have to remember when you look at all of this destruction is that people are starting with absolutely nothing. she told us she had asked that teen who volunteered come over on his own yesterday to try to find her purse because she needs her driver's license so she can try to get a rental car because her rental or regular car right over there, is completely destroyed. as the president and other officials plan to come tomorrow people are hoping they see all of this and realize they need everything. this homeowner looking at her home through tears told me i'm 52 years old a single mother and i've lost everything. hallie? >> it is tough to hear. ellison barber, thank you. i want to stay in kentucky as we take a look at the tornado outbreak is having on school kids. the governor confirmed as we mentioned that at least 12 of those killed in the storms are children. dozens of schools are still closed today with some districts not planning to get back into classes until next year. i'm joined now by superintendent joe henderson of the mayfield independent school district. mr. superintendent, thank you so much for being with us. you know, so many people around the country are thinking about you and i know there is just heartbreak, so many people as we've learned more information about the number of kids killed, has your district been able to account for all of its students at this point? >> well, we're in the process of doing that right now. the good news, if there's any good news, in this tragedy is we've not had any school-aged children basically deceased. there are siblings that weren't in school at this point the time that were in some of the families who have students that attend our school, but as far as we have been able to find at this point, no school-aged children or faculty was lost in the tragedy. >> how are you holding up? >> just very tired, exhausted. the last four days, just trying to find all of our students, trying to make contact with them, trying to make sure that they have shelter, that they're safe, they're staying warm at night. without electricity in most of our city, we're also without water in much of the city. our high school has turned into a supply center to try to help the families in our community so basically just looking out for and trying to help with the basic needs people need to survive at this point. >> we're showing pictures of the help, the aid getting into mayfield and a shot of one of the schools there. you talked about the high school being used as a shelter or staging ground. it can't be used for education. what is your estimates of when you think students are back in their classrooms before the storms hit, if ever? >> that's going to be a difficult decision to make that i can't answer at this time. obviously the number one priority as i said earlier right now is to make sure that our families are taken care of moving forward. we'll start having discussions, our schools were spared with the exception of one middle school that has minor damage bugts our maintenance and transportation department took a direct hit and destroyed the entire facility as well as pretty much all of our bus fleet is inoperable at this time. that will be decisions we have to make going down the road. like i said, we've just got to make sure we have to take care of our students. >> part of taking care of the families, things like the physical structure of getting kids back into chase class or on school busses, buildings that are safe and fully repaired, there's an emotional path forward that those kids will need help with given everything they've seen and suffered? >> absolutely. that's one of the things that we're working on right now. obviously offering some opportunities for families or students to be able to come into our high school at this point in time if they need those supports and having a plan moving forward and hopefully we get back into school, we can still offer those opportunities because they're going to be much needed. >> superintendent joe henderson, i can't imagine what it's been like over the last five days, thank you for your time and you have a lot of people around the country thinking and praying for you tonight. thanks. next up, democratic senator alex padilla joining us live with a lot of questions in front of him, including the million dollar one, will president biden's build back better deal get a vote before christmas. there's the senator. we're watching the house floor because lawmakers are getting ready in the next couple minutes to start debating the contempt resolution for mark meadows. we'll take you there live when they do. ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ready for subway's eat fresh refresh™? 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it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. a bit of news into us as it relates to amtrak, suspending its vaxx requirement for workers. they will give a testing option instead. tom costello covers transportation for us and this is a new change, a new shift for amtrak here. why did they do it? >> reporter: the bottom line here is that as you know, a district court recently held that, in fact, that that requirement that white house had put in place which said if you are a contractor to the federal government you must be vaccinated, that is on pause under a district court's ruling and amtrak, which is technically a quasi public/private partnership, decided it cannot compel its employees to be vaxxed however their rates are high now. 95.7% of employees are fully vaccinated, four have some sort of an accommodation. when you add people who have at least one vaccination they're up to 97.3% and the ceo says they expect to go to 100% by january or so. right now only about 500 amtrak employees according to the company are not vaccinated. as a result, they're going to allow them to test weekly, once a week, to make sure they don't contract covid. the bottom line, it's a reality check on many fronts. their vaccination rates are high and number two you have the district court ruling against this vaccine mandate for contractors and so the ceo of amtrak saying this is the reality we find ourselves in. we're going to continue and we will not require the vaccines. however, here's the caveat, if you're an amtrak user on the east coast they had been warning they would have to cut back service because of the fact they were not at 100% compliance and now the company saying they do not anticipate, do not anticipate, that they will have to cut back service at this point. >> tom costello, thank you for bringing us that developing news this afternoon. new developments coming in on the strict abortion law in texas. lawyers for abortion provider in the state are now asking for the supreme court for immediate action on last week's ruling. what does that mean? they want justices to formally notify lower courts of their decision to let federal lawsuits move forward. as you might imagine, texas is opposing this. ken dilanian is following this. this is issuing the mandate process typically takes three weeks. why do the abortion providers want it to happen now and what are the chances they will get that. >> reporter: this is a hard one to handicap but one thing is clear the opposition by texas to this move shows state officials will fight every challenge of their abortion law as hard as they can. the way it works, the supreme court decision doesn't typically have legal force until the court formally provides notice to the lower court where the case came from. that's known as issuing the mandate. it can take up to 25 days. now the lawyers for the abortion providers are asking the court to send that notice immediately to the federal district court in texas where the case began. they say the quick action would be consistent with how rapidly the court moved to hear -- to decide the case and the delay they are saying has consequences because they say that for more than 100 days, thousands of texans have been unable to exercise their constitutional rights to terminate their pregnancy. others are being forced to take medical risks in pains of continuing pregnancy and child birth against their will. they quote from chief justice roberts' opinion which said given the ongoing chilling effect and the state law that district court should resolve this litigation and enter relief without delay. that could incur only once the court transmits the opinion judgment which they say it should do so immediately. texas in opposing this, says that the mandate should be sent to the fifth circuit court, not where the judge has declared the law you unconstitutional. the motive is clear, texas wants to keep that restrictive abortion law in place and in force. >> ken dilanian, thank you for that update. back to building behind me over on the senate side where in just under 15 minutes or so, we're expecting some new steps to be taken to advance that debt limit discussion. you see senator cory booker is on the floor speaking now. i want to bring in one of senator booker's colleagues, senator alex padilla from california, joining us democrat from the state. good afternoon. thanks for being back on the show. >> good to see you again, hallie, and watching the movement on the floor, cory booker is as good as they come. >> thank you for that. let me talk to you about this, this debt limit discussion is happening, that seems like it's going to get moved forward. there's a breerds discussion on the president's build back better act. as we talked about on the show something the president sees and many democrats, critical to move his agenda forward. senator manchin is key to this. you and i have talked about this. what's interesting is what we heard from senator durbin who seemed to invoke senator manchin in comments to reporters. he said, quote, many people didn't name joe manchin, but many people will sit on the fence as long as possible. there comes a time we've done the negotiating, accommodations, time to put up or shut up. do you think it's time for chuck schumer to bring this vote on build back better to the floor regardless of where senator manchin is or is that a suicide mission? >> i don't think it's either one of those cases. i think we are really close on getting a build back better package with the support of all 50 democrats. we're not there, but i think we are close and it's going to happen. i'm highly confident of that. i think it's important to remind all of us why we're so focused on the 50 democrats and budget reconciliation and it is because not a single republican is going to play ball with us to invest in child care, invest in health care, to invest not just in the physical structure, but the elements of but tressing our economy for working families today and the next decade. >> and i say this respectfully, i've been talking with your colleagues and democrats over a month and keep hearing we're close. close ain't it, right? you're not over the finish line. do you think that's going to happen before christmas? right now the analysis from our team that covers this building every day is that that seems unlikely? is that your sense? are we looking at january? >> to me that's still a question as recently as our election briefing today, are we there yet and close. maybe it's before christmas may a little bit after. more important than a vote for the sake of having a vote it's a vote that's going to get it done and deliver so many elements of the build back better package. it's not a hope. it's a necessity for so many families across the country. if we're talking about, you know, sort of investing in the economy it's hard for parents to go back to work if you don't have a safe place to leave your kid. child care is essential in this overall package. if we've learned nothing else from the pandemic it's the need to modernize our health care infrastructure and expand capacity for a growing population and brace ourselves for future pandemics. yes, health care is part of it and it's part of build back better, and i'm going to make a pitch for immigration. this is not independent policy we're trying to build back better. every element, child care, elder care, how many caregivers in our country are immigrants. if we're talking about infrastructure, whether it's let's take the food supply from farm workers to food, people who work in food processing facilities and beyond, disproportionately immigrants make up that element of the workforce and the tragedy in kentucky. i'm seeing the images not just of families and small business owners impacted but who are working as part of the cleanup includes immigrants. immigration policy is essential to infrastructure investment. >> one of your colleagues made clear in in an exclusive interview with nbc that he feels that since the senate is moving to change the rules for this debt limit issue, that should be the path forward and voting rights. is that something you'd support? >> i couldn't agree more. if we find a way. not through with existing rules, then massaging the rule, flexibility in the rules, changing the rules for the sake of the debt celling, we can certainly and we must do it for the sake of preserves our democracy. we're near the end of the year. people are reflecting on what kind of year it's been. let's recall how it started. january 6, 2021. a deadly insurrection in our nation's capitol premised on the big lie and we're beyond just fighting laws that make it harder for eligible people to register and cast their ballot. we're now fighting laws state after state where republican governors are undermining election administrators if they're not falling in line politically the way they want them to. the stakes are just getting higher, which means the urgency is increasing every day. >> before i let you go, i want to reference what we heard before we brought you in, some reporting from my colleague related to the texas abortion law in place. the most restrictive in the country. as you know, the governor of your state is looking to use that tactic, this way that that texas law was constructed on a very different issue as it relates to restricting assault weapons by using that same kind of loophole or some enforcement mechanism, letting private citizens sue in california. is that something that you think will get through in california and do you think it's a tactic that other states should adopt as well on other issues? >> you're here to see what the product is of the governor, the attorney general and legislature, but i approach this through the lens of a father. i remember the shooting in sandy hook and rushing to my son's school to give him a big hug. >> senator padilla of california, thank you for being back on the show. appreciate your time this afternoon. political misinformation. you know it's on your phone screen, your tvs. it's now even coming to your e-mail addresses. new reporting from "the new york times" taking a look at thousands of those campaign e-mails. many of them littered with bad information. reporters for the times subscribed to nearly 400 campaign e-mail lists and they watched as misinformation began to stream in. i'm joined now by the journal u.s. who reported this story. maggie, thank you for being on the show. aside from the hundreds i'm sure of unread messages, lawmakers that spread misinformation on social media or tv, they'll get oftentimes on some networks, they'll give quick fact checks. get flak for spreading stuff that's not true, but on e-mails, absolutely can they escape this same level of critique. >> there's definitely less scrutiny of e-mails. obviously they go directly to the inboxes of millions of people and oftentimes, fact checkers are not really looking at these. they're looking at other forums so they don't get fact checked in the same way. >> your investigation found that republicans are responsible for more of this false information than democrats are. can you talk through what you found there? >> my goal going into this was to determine, you know, how common misinformation was in campaign e-mails. fund raising e-mails specifically. and whether you know, there were partisan patterns in terms of who was doing it. and what i found was that roughly 15% of e-mails i received from republicans contained false information and by that, i'm referring to you know, impeerically false statements. things that can be proven not to be true. not the standard political exaggerations, but actually false statements were in about 15% of republican e-mails compared with about 2% of democratic e-mails. >> it's really interesting reporting. thank you so much for talking us through it. back to capitol hill because any minutes, we thought it was going to be 3:30. that slid a bit. we expect the house to start debate on whether to hold mark meadows in contempt of congress. garrett, when can we expect it to start happening? i assume this now pushes the actual contempt vote back later than e with thought. >> everything is sliding back and part of the reason is it just takes so long to vote right now. we've got about 150 members of the house who are using proxy voting today. they are not present in washington. they're asking other members to cast their votes. that simply slows the process down. there's not much we can do but wait for each of these members as you're seeing here. members coming up, casting votes on behalf of other members to get through this other business before we can start the debate thep ultimately that vote on the contempt resolution. >> we talked about who and what you are watching for as that floor debate on the house begins, garrett. after that when the vote begins, next steps here, i think it's important to know that even if the doj were to pick up this contempt of congress charges for steve bannon, there's nothing about it that would still compel mr. meadows to speak to the members of the select committee. >> no, that's exactly right. so two things. when this vote happens here, i'm watching to see how many republicans cross over and vote for contempt with steve bannon, there were nine. i suspect the number will be smaller here. that's the first thing i'm watching for. and once this referral lands at doj, what do they do with it? it could take them weeks to make a decision here. meadows has different calculations to make. steve bannon is essentially a professional political troll. he hosts a podcast. he's out there fighting on behalf of former president trump. that's his brand. meadows is still something of an active politics. he probably wants a political future. he's trying to sell books. he's got different motivations. could he decide to cooperate later? the committee's holding out some hope for that. >> i will look forward to seeing on social media what kind of dinner you order for yourself and your team. that does it for us. deadline white house starts right after the break. us. deadline white house starts right after the break. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ (vo) t-mobile for business helps small business owners prosper during their most important time of year. when you switch to t-mobile and bring your own device, we'll pay off your phone up to $1000. you can keep your phone. keep your number. and get your employees connected on the largest and fastest 5g network. plus, we give you $200 in facebook ads on us! so you can reach more customers, create more opportunities, and finish this year strong. visit your local t-mobile store today. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. fine, we'll sleep here. ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. clerk: hello, how can i? 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