Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

directly to his that or he doesn't have his stats number? i don't buy mean to no family psychology but even that makes me sad. >> you don't have to be a techy to know that donald trump's telephone has color i.d.. so there is that hurdle that you have to get over. >> i said it's potential spam. my name is p dot spam. >> the big news maker tonight, benny thompson is going to lead us off as our first guest. you know, there were some grumblings at the end of last week. primarily from eugene robinson. about how this committee is in making news on tv. instead of making news in print by the print documents that they were releasing. well tonight was the real live tv news making night, tonight. >> absolutely. and it's not like they're not making it in print. but the contempt report that they put out on the weekend is full of news. but when they made those remarks tonight at the committee hearing, the televised hearing at 7 pm, it just blew me away. intense. i just want to get out of here so you could talk to benny thompson and liz cheney. >> that is what we are going to do. thank you rachel. well tonight, mark meadows became the second white house chief of staff in history to be accused of a crime before, mark meadows the only white house chief of staff accused of a crime was also republican. in 1974, president nixon's criminal chief of staff, was charged with conspiracy, perjury, and he was convicted to prison. mark meadows was five years we in during the first criminal prosecution. so mark meadows learned nothing from the example of bowl hold when. and so tonight, a second republican white house chief of staff. stands accused of a crime. >> mark meadows has committed a crime, and in this case a premeditated one. he thought carefully about his actions and actively chose to stonewall, which you can clearly see back and forth with the select committee. >> the house select committee advice to getting the january 6th attack, agree tonight that mark meadows committed the crime in contempt of congress. and they voted unanimously to refer his case for criminal prosecution. mark meadows has given a variety of reasons for refusing to testify to the committee. including, invoking the fifth amendment and saying that his answers could subject him to criminal prosecution for other crimes. we have never seen a case like this in our history. one of its unique features is that the person who is now claiming that his conversations with donald trump are privileged and cannot be revealed to the committee has already handed over to the committee, a mass of amount of evidence about those conversations. including his own text messages and emails. and it is further on president that the former white house chief of staff, who is claiming he cannot discuss his communication with the president, has already published a book about his communication in his relationship with donald trump. the committee has already made some stunning findings politics. but it was done so in writing, in letters to attorney, in a 51-page report that the committee arranged yesterday. explaining why he is guilty of criminal -- last, week eugene robinson said that the committee, quote, needs to be louder. much louder. jeanne robinson pointed out that the most important investigative work has been one revealed in televised tearing. and he suggested, that the committee needed to find a way to make news on television even if they are not able to question some of the most important witnesses in the case. and tonight, led by our first guess. what benny thompson, broke its most important news yet on live television. beginning with the chairman's announcement of upcoming televised hearings. what >> we are making self-progress. and before too long, we will be out in the open. we will have public hearings. we will tell the story to the american people. but we won't do it -- we will do it when we can tell the story all at once from start to finish. not leaving anyone guessing. and not allowing it to fade into the memories of last week's news. this story is too important. sticks are too high. we have to do this job right. >> chairman thompson, then gave republican vice chair, liz cheney, the opportunity to reveal a series of text messages to mark meadows on january six from donald trump junior who was desperately trying to get his father to do something about the attack on the capitol. well >> as the violence continued, one of the president son, texted mr. meadows. quote, he's got to condemn this sit asap. the capitol police tweet is not enough. donald trump jr. texted. meadows responded, quote, i am pushing a hard. i agree. still, president trump did not immediately act. donald trump jr. texted again and again. urging action by the president. quote, we need an oval office address. he has to lead now. it has gone too far and gotten out of hand. and quote. but hours past, without necessary actions by the president. the fox propaganda challenge did not cover tonight's hearing live and so the fox audience was protected from hearing the news tonight of what fox host were telling mark meadows on january six. >> indeed, according to the record, multiple fox news host knew the president needed to act immediately. they texted mr. meadows. and he has turned over those techs. quote, mark, what the president needs to tell people in the capital to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy. laura ingraham wrote, where please get him on tv destroying everything you have accomplished. brian kilmeade texted. quote, can he make a statement, ask people to leave the capitol? sean hannity urged. >> liz cheney revealed more text that mark meadows received on january six. >> members of congress, the press and others wrote to mark meadows as the attack was underway one techs mr. meadows received said, quote, we are under siege here at the capitol. another, quote, they have breached the capitol. in a third, mark, protesters are literally storming the capital. breaking windows on doors, rushing in. is trump going to say something? a fourth. there is an armed standoff at the house chamber doors. and another, from someone inside of the capitol. we are all helpless. dozens of texas including from trump administration officials urged immediate actions by the president. quote, one potus has to come out firmly until the protesters to dissipate. someone is going to get killed. in another, mark, he needs to stop this now. a third, in all caps, tell them to go home. a fourth, and i quote, he needs to calm this shut down. >> congresswoman, adam schiff, focused on the messages that mark meadows received from members of congress. >> i want to display just a few of the messages that he received from people in congress. the committee is not naming these lawmakers at this time as our investigation is ongoing. if we could cue the first graphic. this one reads, on january six, 2021, vice president mike pence, as president of the senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are on constitutional as no electoral votes at all. you can see why this is so critical to ask mr. meadows about. about a lawmaker suggesting that the former vice president simply throw out votes that he unilaterally deems unconstitutional. in order to overturn a presidential election and subvert the will of the american people. here's the last message i want to highlight, again, from a lawmaker in the aftermath of january six. yesterday was a terrible day. we tried everything we could in our objection to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. the day after the field to tempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power through violence, an elective lawmaker tells the white house chief of staff, i am sorry nothing worked. that is chilling. >> leading off our discussion tonight, is benny thompson, he is the chairman of the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol. mister chairman, thank you very much for joining us tonight on this busy night. i know that this makes it a very long day for you. >> thank you for having me, lawrence. >> i want to go to the point that you made before we get into those text messages. you announced, before long, there would be public airings. you are basically announcing everything we expect to see in a congressional investigation. we are going to see, in your hearing room eventually. when will that happen? one is before long? sometimes before the quarter next year. lawrence, we have been scouring the whole country acquiring information. we've been in arizona, pennsylvania, michigan. we have talked to several hundreds of witnesses. we have thousands of volumes of paper looking at what happened on january six. we want to get it right. we don't think hurrying the work of the committee would be in the committee's best interest. or the best interests of this country. so we are taking our time. we are doing depositions on a daily basis. interviewing witnesses. listening to tips, collins all our tip line. we understand the urgency in the moment. but we have to get it right. and so what you saw, this evening, was a professional hearing which you saw was irrefutable evidence about what we have been collecting. and why mark meadows, who provided much of this information to us, why we need to talk to. and obviously, because we now have some of the goods on some other people. he is wanting to plead the fifth. but you cannot plead the fifth unless you stand for a deposition. for which he refuses to do. >> while his lawyer seems to go back and forth on whether it is executive privilege or the fifth amendment. his most recent letter to you seems to be relying, once again, on some mythical executive privilege that belongs to a guy living in florida. >> right. that's right. and for which the current president, joe biden, has indicated he is not willing to give him any -- for the former president who assumes that he can do, it which he can't. we are here simply because mr. meadows did not cooperate with us. we will do what the law allows us to do. we gave him every opportunity. as you know, last week, we had this situation. we pulled it back in hopes of mr. meadows and his attorney coming in and talking to us. but at the end, they didn't. so we don't have much choice. and that's why the committee went forward this evening with the recommendation on contempt. because he did not show. and we are tired of the meadows game of whack-a-mole, back and forth. the committee will go forward. >> mister chairman, i want to ask you about what was the big news of yesterday that when your report first came out, and this is what i'm going to quote, mr. meadows sent an email to an individual about the events on january six and said that the national guard would be present to protect pro trump people and that many more would be available on standby. there is so much to ask about in that. but let me just ask you this, at this point. you don't have mark meadows testimony about this. do you have any other investigative information about that email which you might have obtained from other sources? >> yes we do, lawrence. but at this point, as part of what the public will have to hear later. we have testimony about the delays that occurred. we have testimonies and information about other individuals who made suggestions as to what federal assets could be used to promote this lie. and so, part of the committee's work over the next few months will be to put this together. so when we roll it out, just like we did tonight. the public will clearly understand how close we came to losing this democracy of ours. because of our lies and misinformation. and obviously, illegal activity on certain officials. but when a person refuses to come forward, and offer his position, his testimony then this is what happens. steve bannon basically did a similar thing, and mark meadows is now basically deciding, in the middle of sharing information with us, that because his book is not selling because the information in the book says one thing but people from florida and other places tell him this fake news, he turns around and says within his own book the information is fake news. so look, we need to put him under oath. he needs to come before us. and he needs to tell the truth. if he has nothing to hide, mr. meadows, you have more than the opportunity to come before our committee, and just tell us what you know. but unfortunately he didn't. >> this seems to be shaping up architecturally, anyway, like a classic mafia prosecution. we used to see starting actually begin in the 1960s. but what you also have in those is that some people on the inside also cooperate and tell their stories, and others don't, they never testify, they never tell their story, but still prosecutors find a way to tell the complete story even without getting any testimony from some of the very central players in those kind of prosecutions. it seems to me, if you are going to public hearings in the first three months of next year. you won't have mark meadows, you won't have steve bannon. there are witnesses that you won't have. but will you, do you believe you'll be able to make your case about what happened in that all fashion prosecutorial way of getting other people from the inside and the documents to tell that story? >> there is no question. these are the only two people right now who have not cooperated. we have hundreds of people who have cooperated. we have another several hundred we will be talking to on the next few months. this is an investigation. it is one that we said would take time. we are not rushing it. we want to get it right. because, lawrence, what people saw with their own eyes on january six just did not happen on january six. there were a lot of things in motion in november and december leading up to january six. and our report, our hearing will share that with the entire public. >> mister chairman, one final question before you go mark meadows has suggested that he would take the fifth amendment, or is relying on the fifth amendment for not responding to some of these questions. given everything you know about the evidence surrounding mark meadows. do you believe that he does have reason to take the fifth amendment because there is definitely the possibility in this evidence of a possible criminal prosecution of mark meadows for reasons that we out here don't yet know? >> given the information that we've had to review as a committee. i think that mr. meadows has significant reason to be concerned about his activities. >> chairman bennie thompson, we will leave it there for tonight. thank you very much for joining us on this very important news night for the committee and for the country. we really appreciate your time, mister chairman. >> well thank you very much, lawrence. >> thank you. and coming up, mary trump will join us next and you already know my first question. why was your cousin donald trump jr., texting mark meadows on january six, instead of just calling is that? mary trump joins us next. one joins us next on i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪nothing is everything♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual 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-mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ and if you are listening at watch the full story at home, mr. meadows must abandon, -- i want you to know this history will be written about these times. about the work this committee has undertaken. and history will not look up on the interview. history will not look up on you as a victim. history will not dwell on your long list of privileged claims. or your legal sleight of hand. >> right now we have mary trump, she's the author of the reckoning, our nation's trauma and finding a way to heal. her new podcast is, the mary trump show. thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. and you have had time to think about. it not that you needed it, but why would your cousin donald junior text mark meadows instead of calling is that? >> i wish that the answer you had given was the right. one caller i.d.. but in this particular instance, it's simply cowardice. because donald junior knew the message that he was delivering was a message that his father did not want to hear. the question i had was how much did mark meadows push to get the truth to donald. and my guess was not very hard at all. >> the one thing that becomes very clear in these dramatic tests that were released just tonight by the committee, whether they be from sean hannity, the fox team or of the house representative. donald trump's own family mark meadows own reaction. they all believed that it was within donald trump's power to stop the attack on the capitol, just by getting out there and saying something to the country as donald junior suggested from the oval office. to the country and to the attackers. just tell them to stop. they all believed that he had that power. >> they didn't just believe, it they knew. it because he did. what they also knew though is that even though this horrific situation had gotten out of hand, they were directly responsible for creating it as was donald. and he was reveling in it. the only thing that disappointed him is that it didn't work that day. so i am not entirely sure why any of them expected that donald wouldn't come in and try to rescue republican congress people who under as much threat as the democrats. so i really hope we get some of these people to testify in front of the committee because the information that we are getting now is got smacking. i know that we shouldn't be surprised by the breathtaking -- like laura ingraham. but there is so much more information that we don't know and my guess is that it's infinitely more damaging than what we found out. >> presumably, your uncle donald is hearing about these text for the very first time tonight, also. and what do you think his reaction is to both the content of these texts and also, mark meadows having handed all of this over to the committee? >> that is something i honestly wish i were in the room for that one. because it would be really entertaining. i think though, that donald is so protected by the people around him from reality, stepping in. that it is going to get spun in a particular way to be to his advantage. i think that after a while, when people around donald learn how to get away with things, mark meadows wrote a book that came out a week or two ago. that wouldn't contain damaging information. so he is already figuring out how to swarm his way out of this one. so i don't know full, really, that donald can lash out. i mean he will lash out. but i don't know how many people are left for him to get rid of. because his circle has become so incredibly small. >> and going forward, and as this investigation moves, it's going to move to the tv stage, we've just discovered from the chairman sometime in the first quarter of next year. he said that that is our breaking news information in this hour. and at that point, your uncle donald is going to be sitting in florida watching every word of these hearings and it is going to be one of those in effect prosecutions of donald trump that they don't need his testimony was. there's all sorts of mart via guys who have spent their days in prison. after refusing to testify in court. when others were testifying about -- >> that is why this time is so dangerous. there are many reasons. but specifically in regards to what we are discussing, the justice committee doesn't necessarily need him. neither does the movement anymore. he has become. we saw what a miserable failure his rally was because people actually had to pay to go and obviously that is not something that people really want to do. so, overtime, he's going to become even more isolated. a bigger problem is because the way people get information, it's asylum the people who might be swayed by the information won't have access to it because they are watching things like fox. what >> mary trump, thank you very much, we always appreciated. coming up, we have breaking news out of kentucky. tonight nbc news has a very disturbing exclusive report about workers in a candle factory in kentucky who say they were threatened with firing if they left work before the tornado hit. they knew the tornado was coming. nbc news reporter who broke that story will join us next. at story will join us next ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ vanguard. 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me he asked. yes, a manager responded. johnson told nbc news. johnson said managers went so far as to take a roll call in hopes of finding out who had left work. company officials denied the allegations. the white house announced today that president biden will travel to kentucky on wednesday. and joining us now is a reporter who broke that story, nbc news national reporter, gawande hampton in kentucky. dion, what more can you tell us about what happened at that factory? >> well, it was kind of how you were reporting. the tornado was coming in and the first sirens that came outside the building probably came sometime between 5:30 and 6:00 and that's when some of the workers inside the camera factory got a little bit nervous but the employers they are wanted them to take shelter in the bathrooms and also in some of the tornado safe hallways. , but after, that it gets a little odd, because there is a three hour window before the tornado actually struck, and it was in between those three hours, between, let's say, six and 9:00, when anywhere between 15 to 40 employees were asking to go home, but from what i am told him what my reporters showed me is that they were not allowed to go home or if you had the option to go you would not have a job, would not be able to have a job to come back to. >> and wet's has the company said about this? >> the company denies the allegations. they say that they have a covid policy in place. ever since covid started they said that anybody who works there can come and leave pretty much as they go. they have very strange, odd work shifts. if you want to come in for three hours to work and go home, you can. if you want to work for four hours and go home, you can. if you want to work for 30 minutes and then go home, you can. and what a lot of employees at the factory said that that is true, the issue is, now, is that the supervisors and some of the team leaders who were there that day, they have over arching powers, so to speak. so even though you can come and go as you please, once they fire you, that's it. they have the authority to get rid of you no matter what you do. >> so eight people killed in that factory because they did not leave that factory on time. this sounds like a very serious investigation about to take place, about what really happened in that factory. >> yeah, we've got to figure out where it goes, especially me, because a lot of people, it depends on how you look at it. there's a tornado coming and you worried about your safety. but if you are threatened about your job, you also have bills to pay. you also have children at home. so it's kind of like, well, what exactly is it that you're supposed to do? you have to earn a living somehow. then you're forced with that dilemma not knowing exactly how to get out of the situation. for the people who ended up staying there, the story speaks for itself. one person i spoke to, tiles fell on them, another woman i spoke to, i started my interview, at 2:30 this morning, those side walls imploded and landed on her. she was under the concrete for six hours. she's in the hospital now. she was speaking to be from a hospital bed. she can't move her legs. she has burn marks on the side of her body. so the people who did leave were fortunate to get out of there alive. thankfully because of the rescue teams. >> deon j. hampton, thank you very much for joining us with this important reporting. >> thank you very much. >> and coming up, with a christmas two travel rush upon us, what you need to know about the new covid-19 variant and how much a booster shot helps. andy slavitt will join us next. lavitt will join us next tide. will you? that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. and it's cold. so you will turn to cold? 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it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. >> with the omicron variant of covid-19 spreading throughout the world, how much more protection just a follow-up booster shot of the vaccine provide? joining us now is andy slavitt, who served as president biden's white house senior adviser for covid response. he also served in department of health and human services deer during the obama administration. andy, what are the protection levels for the various statuses out there? the two shot protection level for moderna or pfizer, the one shot protection level of for johnson & johnson, or, actually having been infected with covid-19? >> well, let's start with the good news. the good news is that our science is more than able to keep up with omicron. two doses of the vaccine or johnson & johnson, plus a booster gets you about 80% effectiveness, vaccine effectiveness, even against getting even a mild case of the disease, and much much better even then getting something more serious. >> how much difference does the booster make in that protection level? >> it doubles it. so you are about, you get about 40% protection from two shots, now one shot is roughly the equivalent to having prior, having had a prior infection, and unfortunately there is very little protection offered for prior infection. so the good news is, if we science our way there, if americans get boosted, we are in good shape. the bad news is that as of today only 14% of all americans have gotten boosted. so that offers very little population protection, and if things don't change rapidly, that is going to mean a very serious omicron wave on top of the already serious delta wave. >> let's go back to the status of previously infected. i have heard people say, not on this network but elsewhere, on television, that a previous infection of covid-19 is better protection than vaccine. >> previous infection, before you got to even omicron, does a couple of important things. it does provide you with what people now, i think, increasingly understand as a t cell responses, which is the response that helps you not only protects you from getting infected but helps prevent the disease from traveling into your lungs, due more serious damage, and hospitalizing you. and whether you have a booster, or whether you have a prior infection or whether you have had a prior vaccine, that t cell production is there, and that is important. but unfortunately the response it keeps you from getting sick in the first place, needing high levels of antibodies, and unfortunately you don't get those with prior infection any longer. so there are large parts of the country, as you know, lawrence, florida, alabama, other places, where there is very little protection against had the vaccine and people are counting on their prior immune response. what we need to communicate to people is that the world has changed, and again, the disease has changed. omicron is a different story. if you thought you are protected before, you are not any longer. i say the same people with two vaccine shots. if you thought they gave you enough protection, you need a booster. >> going forward as we move through the winter, is there the possibility of yet another variant developing? is there another possibility of another booster being necessary at some point? >> well, look, i think the great news is that i think we were unclear at how much benefit the booster would be providing us, but the booster itself, without even having to change the vaccine, does its job, and that's great news great news. if you combine that with just a little care people should take by making sure they get rapid tests, that they are able to take those with other tools we have, and this is a very different winter than the winter of 2020 and 2021 where we pretty much had no tools except to shut down the economy. so if people choose to get boosted, we have a very good, we have the ability to handle even a tough situation this year, much better than last year. what comes next and whether there are other variants, there are always those possibilities. but anything is possible. but deal with what we have in front of us right now. the big delta wave plus omicron is i'm not of a challenge and i hope everybody prepares for it by getting boosted. >> andy slavitt, thank you very much. and coming up, we will have a mini you reunion bradley whitford joins us, but he's not here to talk about his emmy women winning performances in the west wing and the handmade stale. brad would for joins us next. would for joins us next woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just two doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. womyou get advice like: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette (judith) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. 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>> you know, ady is planning for this right now. ady is a much more effective political strategist than i. am the name of his organization's be a hero, which the name came up when he was confronted jeff flake. ady is not saying i am a hero. he would say to joe manchin, be a hero. think of all of the medical facilities that his constituents need, the support that his constituents need. i would love to show this to joe manchin. he could learn a lot from it. >> the biden legislation is pretty abstract, i think, for most people. they don't necessarily connect to it. and i have to say, this story connects that component of that legislation better than anything i have ever seen. >> the thing that nicholas rodman, our director and producer, amanda roddie, when they really succeed in is erasing the false division between the personal in the political. ady embodies that. he is quandary embodies that real differences -- we don't have to live in a society where we do not take care of each other in the richest country in the world. it is a choice that we are making. we can actively change that. i especially want young people to see this movie, because i know that young people are understandably exhausted and disgusted by our political system. but to see a man with als use his dying breath to use his suffering to help others transcend, to help others alleviate their suffering is an inspiring thing to see, and the only way we're going to get out of this. >> bradley whitford, thank you very much for joining us tonight and delivering that message. really great to see you, brad. it's >> great to see, lawrence. happy holidays. >> bradley whitford gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. and tonight, we are trying to breaking news on multiple fronts, another trump ally could sit by himself and seek criminal charges as a frantic search for more survivors from the killer tornado continues. we start tonight with that developing news from capitol hill. just a few hours ago, the january six committee knew nana mostly voted to refer former chief of staff, mark meadows to the full house. for criminal contempt. the vote comes on the new bombshell revelations about at the very emails and text messages, meadows himself exchanged before and on january six. the committee members were taking pains tonight to point out the pivotal role that meadows played. >> mr. meadows put himself in this situation, he must now accept the consequences. >> it certainly appears that mr. meadows played a key role in events that culminated in the violent attack on the capital and on our democracy. >> mark meadows has committed a crime, in this case. a premeditated one. no one is

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Conversations , Crimes , Answers , Features , President , Text Messages , Evidence , Emails , Amount , Mass , Book , Communication , Findings , Attorney , Report , Criminal , Politics , Letters , Writing , 51 , Quote , Work , Jeanne Robinson , Tearing , Way , Some , Witnesses , Television , Led By Our First Guess , Chairman , Hearings , Progress , Announcement , People , Story , The Open , Job , Anyone , Memories , Sticks , Father , Junior , Opportunity , Vice Chair , Series , Mr , Attack , Something , Capitol , Violence , Tweet , Sit , Hard , Capitol Police , Act , Urging Action , Oval Office Address , Hand , Fox Propaganda Challenge , Audience , What Fox Host , Record , Techs , Host , Home , Wall , Capital , Laura Ingraham , Mark , Legacy , Brian Kilmeade , Tv Destroying Everything , Statement , Others , Congress , Text , Members , Press , Sean Hannity , Another , Protesters , Third , Siege , Fourth , Standoff , Rushing , Windows , Doors , Someone , Officials , Trump , Administration , Dozens , Helpless , House Chamber Doors , Texas , One Potus , Caps , Congresswoman , Adam Schiff , Messages , Few , Lawmakers , Investigation , Mike Pence , Graphic , Reads , Senate , 2021 , Lawmaker , Votes , Vice President , Meadows About , Message , Will , Election , Order , Everything , States , Aftermath , Objection , Power , Field , Transfer , Mister Chairman , Discussion , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th , Point , Airings , Hearing Room , Information , Country , Michigan , Pennsylvania , Arizona , Hundreds , Volumes , Paper , Interest , Interests , Interviewing Witnesses , Depositions , Basis , Evening , Tip Line , Urgency , Listening To Tips , Collecting , Fifth , Goods , Executive Privilege , Letter , Deposition , Lawyer , Joe Biden , Guy Living In Florida , Situation , Hopes , Law , Choice , Contempt , Recommendation , First , Game , Forth , Whack A Mole , Email , Events , More , Individual , Guard , Standby , Public , Testimony , Sources , Individuals 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Life Is Good , Life , I Have A Beautiful Life , Need , Home Care Funding , Wife , Kids , Dinner , Late Rachel , Social Justice , Willow , Lap , Toddler , Sesame Street , 24 , Documentary , Als , Child , Subject , Birth , 32 , Square , Lightning , Kyle , Mountain Top , Knowledge , Insurance Company , Health Care , Executive Producer , Emmy Awards , Mic , My Friend , Man , Character , Prime , Rioters , Audacity , Ady Barkan , Meaning , Diagnosis , Film , Hope , Joy , Everyone , Fighting , Organizer , Midst , Pandemic , Feasts , Vulnerable , Citizens , South Africa , Apple Tv , International Documentary Association , On Amazon , Pbs , Ady , Gospel , Reminder , Has Ady , Piece , Health Care Act , Lobbyist , Strategist , Name , Planning , Home Health Care Portion , Hero , Organization , Jeff Flake , Constituents , Facilities , Support , Component , Biden Legislation , Nicholas Rodman , Producer , Legislation , Division , Amanda Roddie , Political , Differences , Society , Other , Movie , Suffering , Breath , System , Dying , Holidays , 11th Hour , 11 , Breaking News , Fronts , Ally , Survivors , Nana , Charges , Search , Capitol Hill , House , Vote , Criminal Contempt , Bombshell Revelations , Meadows , Role , Consequences , Committee Members , Premeditated One , No One ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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directly to his that or he doesn't have his stats number? i don't buy mean to no family psychology but even that makes me sad. >> you don't have to be a techy to know that donald trump's telephone has color i.d.. so there is that hurdle that you have to get over. >> i said it's potential spam. my name is p dot spam. >> the big news maker tonight, benny thompson is going to lead us off as our first guest. you know, there were some grumblings at the end of last week. primarily from eugene robinson. about how this committee is in making news on tv. instead of making news in print by the print documents that they were releasing. well tonight was the real live tv news making night, tonight. >> absolutely. and it's not like they're not making it in print. but the contempt report that they put out on the weekend is full of news. but when they made those remarks tonight at the committee hearing, the televised hearing at 7 pm, it just blew me away. intense. i just want to get out of here so you could talk to benny thompson and liz cheney. >> that is what we are going to do. thank you rachel. well tonight, mark meadows became the second white house chief of staff in history to be accused of a crime before, mark meadows the only white house chief of staff accused of a crime was also republican. in 1974, president nixon's criminal chief of staff, was charged with conspiracy, perjury, and he was convicted to prison. mark meadows was five years we in during the first criminal prosecution. so mark meadows learned nothing from the example of bowl hold when. and so tonight, a second republican white house chief of staff. stands accused of a crime. >> mark meadows has committed a crime, and in this case a premeditated one. he thought carefully about his actions and actively chose to stonewall, which you can clearly see back and forth with the select committee. >> the house select committee advice to getting the january 6th attack, agree tonight that mark meadows committed the crime in contempt of congress. and they voted unanimously to refer his case for criminal prosecution. mark meadows has given a variety of reasons for refusing to testify to the committee. including, invoking the fifth amendment and saying that his answers could subject him to criminal prosecution for other crimes. we have never seen a case like this in our history. one of its unique features is that the person who is now claiming that his conversations with donald trump are privileged and cannot be revealed to the committee has already handed over to the committee, a mass of amount of evidence about those conversations. including his own text messages and emails. and it is further on president that the former white house chief of staff, who is claiming he cannot discuss his communication with the president, has already published a book about his communication in his relationship with donald trump. the committee has already made some stunning findings politics. but it was done so in writing, in letters to attorney, in a 51-page report that the committee arranged yesterday. explaining why he is guilty of criminal -- last, week eugene robinson said that the committee, quote, needs to be louder. much louder. jeanne robinson pointed out that the most important investigative work has been one revealed in televised tearing. and he suggested, that the committee needed to find a way to make news on television even if they are not able to question some of the most important witnesses in the case. and tonight, led by our first guess. what benny thompson, broke its most important news yet on live television. beginning with the chairman's announcement of upcoming televised hearings. what >> we are making self-progress. and before too long, we will be out in the open. we will have public hearings. we will tell the story to the american people. but we won't do it -- we will do it when we can tell the story all at once from start to finish. not leaving anyone guessing. and not allowing it to fade into the memories of last week's news. this story is too important. sticks are too high. we have to do this job right. >> chairman thompson, then gave republican vice chair, liz cheney, the opportunity to reveal a series of text messages to mark meadows on january six from donald trump junior who was desperately trying to get his father to do something about the attack on the capitol. well >> as the violence continued, one of the president son, texted mr. meadows. quote, he's got to condemn this sit asap. the capitol police tweet is not enough. donald trump jr. texted. meadows responded, quote, i am pushing a hard. i agree. still, president trump did not immediately act. donald trump jr. texted again and again. urging action by the president. quote, we need an oval office address. he has to lead now. it has gone too far and gotten out of hand. and quote. but hours past, without necessary actions by the president. the fox propaganda challenge did not cover tonight's hearing live and so the fox audience was protected from hearing the news tonight of what fox host were telling mark meadows on january six. >> indeed, according to the record, multiple fox news host knew the president needed to act immediately. they texted mr. meadows. and he has turned over those techs. quote, mark, what the president needs to tell people in the capital to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy. laura ingraham wrote, where please get him on tv destroying everything you have accomplished. brian kilmeade texted. quote, can he make a statement, ask people to leave the capitol? sean hannity urged. >> liz cheney revealed more text that mark meadows received on january six. >> members of congress, the press and others wrote to mark meadows as the attack was underway one techs mr. meadows received said, quote, we are under siege here at the capitol. another, quote, they have breached the capitol. in a third, mark, protesters are literally storming the capital. breaking windows on doors, rushing in. is trump going to say something? a fourth. there is an armed standoff at the house chamber doors. and another, from someone inside of the capitol. we are all helpless. dozens of texas including from trump administration officials urged immediate actions by the president. quote, one potus has to come out firmly until the protesters to dissipate. someone is going to get killed. in another, mark, he needs to stop this now. a third, in all caps, tell them to go home. a fourth, and i quote, he needs to calm this shut down. >> congresswoman, adam schiff, focused on the messages that mark meadows received from members of congress. >> i want to display just a few of the messages that he received from people in congress. the committee is not naming these lawmakers at this time as our investigation is ongoing. if we could cue the first graphic. this one reads, on january six, 2021, vice president mike pence, as president of the senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are on constitutional as no electoral votes at all. you can see why this is so critical to ask mr. meadows about. about a lawmaker suggesting that the former vice president simply throw out votes that he unilaterally deems unconstitutional. in order to overturn a presidential election and subvert the will of the american people. here's the last message i want to highlight, again, from a lawmaker in the aftermath of january six. yesterday was a terrible day. we tried everything we could in our objection to the six states. i'm sorry nothing worked. the day after the field to tempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power through violence, an elective lawmaker tells the white house chief of staff, i am sorry nothing worked. that is chilling. >> leading off our discussion tonight, is benny thompson, he is the chairman of the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol. mister chairman, thank you very much for joining us tonight on this busy night. i know that this makes it a very long day for you. >> thank you for having me, lawrence. >> i want to go to the point that you made before we get into those text messages. you announced, before long, there would be public airings. you are basically announcing everything we expect to see in a congressional investigation. we are going to see, in your hearing room eventually. when will that happen? one is before long? sometimes before the quarter next year. lawrence, we have been scouring the whole country acquiring information. we've been in arizona, pennsylvania, michigan. we have talked to several hundreds of witnesses. we have thousands of volumes of paper looking at what happened on january six. we want to get it right. we don't think hurrying the work of the committee would be in the committee's best interest. or the best interests of this country. so we are taking our time. we are doing depositions on a daily basis. interviewing witnesses. listening to tips, collins all our tip line. we understand the urgency in the moment. but we have to get it right. and so what you saw, this evening, was a professional hearing which you saw was irrefutable evidence about what we have been collecting. and why mark meadows, who provided much of this information to us, why we need to talk to. and obviously, because we now have some of the goods on some other people. he is wanting to plead the fifth. but you cannot plead the fifth unless you stand for a deposition. for which he refuses to do. >> while his lawyer seems to go back and forth on whether it is executive privilege or the fifth amendment. his most recent letter to you seems to be relying, once again, on some mythical executive privilege that belongs to a guy living in florida. >> right. that's right. and for which the current president, joe biden, has indicated he is not willing to give him any -- for the former president who assumes that he can do, it which he can't. we are here simply because mr. meadows did not cooperate with us. we will do what the law allows us to do. we gave him every opportunity. as you know, last week, we had this situation. we pulled it back in hopes of mr. meadows and his attorney coming in and talking to us. but at the end, they didn't. so we don't have much choice. and that's why the committee went forward this evening with the recommendation on contempt. because he did not show. and we are tired of the meadows game of whack-a-mole, back and forth. the committee will go forward. >> mister chairman, i want to ask you about what was the big news of yesterday that when your report first came out, and this is what i'm going to quote, mr. meadows sent an email to an individual about the events on january six and said that the national guard would be present to protect pro trump people and that many more would be available on standby. there is so much to ask about in that. but let me just ask you this, at this point. you don't have mark meadows testimony about this. do you have any other investigative information about that email which you might have obtained from other sources? >> yes we do, lawrence. but at this point, as part of what the public will have to hear later. we have testimony about the delays that occurred. we have testimonies and information about other individuals who made suggestions as to what federal assets could be used to promote this lie. and so, part of the committee's work over the next few months will be to put this together. so when we roll it out, just like we did tonight. the public will clearly understand how close we came to losing this democracy of ours. because of our lies and misinformation. and obviously, illegal activity on certain officials. but when a person refuses to come forward, and offer his position, his testimony then this is what happens. steve bannon basically did a similar thing, and mark meadows is now basically deciding, in the middle of sharing information with us, that because his book is not selling because the information in the book says one thing but people from florida and other places tell him this fake news, he turns around and says within his own book the information is fake news. so look, we need to put him under oath. he needs to come before us. and he needs to tell the truth. if he has nothing to hide, mr. meadows, you have more than the opportunity to come before our committee, and just tell us what you know. but unfortunately he didn't. >> this seems to be shaping up architecturally, anyway, like a classic mafia prosecution. we used to see starting actually begin in the 1960s. but what you also have in those is that some people on the inside also cooperate and tell their stories, and others don't, they never testify, they never tell their story, but still prosecutors find a way to tell the complete story even without getting any testimony from some of the very central players in those kind of prosecutions. it seems to me, if you are going to public hearings in the first three months of next year. you won't have mark meadows, you won't have steve bannon. there are witnesses that you won't have. but will you, do you believe you'll be able to make your case about what happened in that all fashion prosecutorial way of getting other people from the inside and the documents to tell that story? >> there is no question. these are the only two people right now who have not cooperated. we have hundreds of people who have cooperated. we have another several hundred we will be talking to on the next few months. this is an investigation. it is one that we said would take time. we are not rushing it. we want to get it right. because, lawrence, what people saw with their own eyes on january six just did not happen on january six. there were a lot of things in motion in november and december leading up to january six. and our report, our hearing will share that with the entire public. >> mister chairman, one final question before you go mark meadows has suggested that he would take the fifth amendment, or is relying on the fifth amendment for not responding to some of these questions. given everything you know about the evidence surrounding mark meadows. do you believe that he does have reason to take the fifth amendment because there is definitely the possibility in this evidence of a possible criminal prosecution of mark meadows for reasons that we out here don't yet know? >> given the information that we've had to review as a committee. i think that mr. meadows has significant reason to be concerned about his activities. >> chairman bennie thompson, we will leave it there for tonight. thank you very much for joining us on this very important news night for the committee and for the country. we really appreciate your time, mister chairman. >> well thank you very much, lawrence. >> thank you. and coming up, mary trump will join us next and you already know my first question. why was your cousin donald trump jr., texting mark meadows on january six, instead of just calling is that? mary trump joins us next. one joins us next on i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪nothing is everything♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual 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-mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ and if you are listening at watch the full story at home, mr. meadows must abandon, -- i want you to know this history will be written about these times. about the work this committee has undertaken. and history will not look up on the interview. history will not look up on you as a victim. history will not dwell on your long list of privileged claims. or your legal sleight of hand. >> right now we have mary trump, she's the author of the reckoning, our nation's trauma and finding a way to heal. her new podcast is, the mary trump show. thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. and you have had time to think about. it not that you needed it, but why would your cousin donald junior text mark meadows instead of calling is that? >> i wish that the answer you had given was the right. one caller i.d.. but in this particular instance, it's simply cowardice. because donald junior knew the message that he was delivering was a message that his father did not want to hear. the question i had was how much did mark meadows push to get the truth to donald. and my guess was not very hard at all. >> the one thing that becomes very clear in these dramatic tests that were released just tonight by the committee, whether they be from sean hannity, the fox team or of the house representative. donald trump's own family mark meadows own reaction. they all believed that it was within donald trump's power to stop the attack on the capitol, just by getting out there and saying something to the country as donald junior suggested from the oval office. to the country and to the attackers. just tell them to stop. they all believed that he had that power. >> they didn't just believe, it they knew. it because he did. what they also knew though is that even though this horrific situation had gotten out of hand, they were directly responsible for creating it as was donald. and he was reveling in it. the only thing that disappointed him is that it didn't work that day. so i am not entirely sure why any of them expected that donald wouldn't come in and try to rescue republican congress people who under as much threat as the democrats. so i really hope we get some of these people to testify in front of the committee because the information that we are getting now is got smacking. i know that we shouldn't be surprised by the breathtaking -- like laura ingraham. but there is so much more information that we don't know and my guess is that it's infinitely more damaging than what we found out. >> presumably, your uncle donald is hearing about these text for the very first time tonight, also. and what do you think his reaction is to both the content of these texts and also, mark meadows having handed all of this over to the committee? >> that is something i honestly wish i were in the room for that one. because it would be really entertaining. i think though, that donald is so protected by the people around him from reality, stepping in. that it is going to get spun in a particular way to be to his advantage. i think that after a while, when people around donald learn how to get away with things, mark meadows wrote a book that came out a week or two ago. that wouldn't contain damaging information. so he is already figuring out how to swarm his way out of this one. so i don't know full, really, that donald can lash out. i mean he will lash out. but i don't know how many people are left for him to get rid of. because his circle has become so incredibly small. >> and going forward, and as this investigation moves, it's going to move to the tv stage, we've just discovered from the chairman sometime in the first quarter of next year. he said that that is our breaking news information in this hour. and at that point, your uncle donald is going to be sitting in florida watching every word of these hearings and it is going to be one of those in effect prosecutions of donald trump that they don't need his testimony was. there's all sorts of mart via guys who have spent their days in prison. after refusing to testify in court. when others were testifying about -- >> that is why this time is so dangerous. there are many reasons. but specifically in regards to what we are discussing, the justice committee doesn't necessarily need him. neither does the movement anymore. he has become. we saw what a miserable failure his rally was because people actually had to pay to go and obviously that is not something that people really want to do. so, overtime, he's going to become even more isolated. a bigger problem is because the way people get information, it's asylum the people who might be swayed by the information won't have access to it because they are watching things like fox. what >> mary trump, thank you very much, we always appreciated. coming up, we have breaking news out of kentucky. tonight nbc news has a very disturbing exclusive report about workers in a candle factory in kentucky who say they were threatened with firing if they left work before the tornado hit. they knew the tornado was coming. nbc news reporter who broke that story will join us next. at story will join us next ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ vanguard. 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me he asked. yes, a manager responded. johnson told nbc news. johnson said managers went so far as to take a roll call in hopes of finding out who had left work. company officials denied the allegations. the white house announced today that president biden will travel to kentucky on wednesday. and joining us now is a reporter who broke that story, nbc news national reporter, gawande hampton in kentucky. dion, what more can you tell us about what happened at that factory? >> well, it was kind of how you were reporting. the tornado was coming in and the first sirens that came outside the building probably came sometime between 5:30 and 6:00 and that's when some of the workers inside the camera factory got a little bit nervous but the employers they are wanted them to take shelter in the bathrooms and also in some of the tornado safe hallways. , but after, that it gets a little odd, because there is a three hour window before the tornado actually struck, and it was in between those three hours, between, let's say, six and 9:00, when anywhere between 15 to 40 employees were asking to go home, but from what i am told him what my reporters showed me is that they were not allowed to go home or if you had the option to go you would not have a job, would not be able to have a job to come back to. >> and wet's has the company said about this? >> the company denies the allegations. they say that they have a covid policy in place. ever since covid started they said that anybody who works there can come and leave pretty much as they go. they have very strange, odd work shifts. if you want to come in for three hours to work and go home, you can. if you want to work for four hours and go home, you can. if you want to work for 30 minutes and then go home, you can. and what a lot of employees at the factory said that that is true, the issue is, now, is that the supervisors and some of the team leaders who were there that day, they have over arching powers, so to speak. so even though you can come and go as you please, once they fire you, that's it. they have the authority to get rid of you no matter what you do. >> so eight people killed in that factory because they did not leave that factory on time. this sounds like a very serious investigation about to take place, about what really happened in that factory. >> yeah, we've got to figure out where it goes, especially me, because a lot of people, it depends on how you look at it. there's a tornado coming and you worried about your safety. but if you are threatened about your job, you also have bills to pay. you also have children at home. so it's kind of like, well, what exactly is it that you're supposed to do? you have to earn a living somehow. then you're forced with that dilemma not knowing exactly how to get out of the situation. for the people who ended up staying there, the story speaks for itself. one person i spoke to, tiles fell on them, another woman i spoke to, i started my interview, at 2:30 this morning, those side walls imploded and landed on her. she was under the concrete for six hours. she's in the hospital now. she was speaking to be from a hospital bed. she can't move her legs. she has burn marks on the side of her body. so the people who did leave were fortunate to get out of there alive. thankfully because of the rescue teams. >> deon j. hampton, thank you very much for joining us with this important reporting. >> thank you very much. >> and coming up, with a christmas two travel rush upon us, what you need to know about the new covid-19 variant and how much a booster shot helps. andy slavitt will join us next. lavitt will join us next tide. will you? that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. and it's cold. so you will turn to cold? 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it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. >> with the omicron variant of covid-19 spreading throughout the world, how much more protection just a follow-up booster shot of the vaccine provide? joining us now is andy slavitt, who served as president biden's white house senior adviser for covid response. he also served in department of health and human services deer during the obama administration. andy, what are the protection levels for the various statuses out there? the two shot protection level for moderna or pfizer, the one shot protection level of for johnson & johnson, or, actually having been infected with covid-19? >> well, let's start with the good news. the good news is that our science is more than able to keep up with omicron. two doses of the vaccine or johnson & johnson, plus a booster gets you about 80% effectiveness, vaccine effectiveness, even against getting even a mild case of the disease, and much much better even then getting something more serious. >> how much difference does the booster make in that protection level? >> it doubles it. so you are about, you get about 40% protection from two shots, now one shot is roughly the equivalent to having prior, having had a prior infection, and unfortunately there is very little protection offered for prior infection. so the good news is, if we science our way there, if americans get boosted, we are in good shape. the bad news is that as of today only 14% of all americans have gotten boosted. so that offers very little population protection, and if things don't change rapidly, that is going to mean a very serious omicron wave on top of the already serious delta wave. >> let's go back to the status of previously infected. i have heard people say, not on this network but elsewhere, on television, that a previous infection of covid-19 is better protection than vaccine. >> previous infection, before you got to even omicron, does a couple of important things. it does provide you with what people now, i think, increasingly understand as a t cell responses, which is the response that helps you not only protects you from getting infected but helps prevent the disease from traveling into your lungs, due more serious damage, and hospitalizing you. and whether you have a booster, or whether you have a prior infection or whether you have had a prior vaccine, that t cell production is there, and that is important. but unfortunately the response it keeps you from getting sick in the first place, needing high levels of antibodies, and unfortunately you don't get those with prior infection any longer. so there are large parts of the country, as you know, lawrence, florida, alabama, other places, where there is very little protection against had the vaccine and people are counting on their prior immune response. what we need to communicate to people is that the world has changed, and again, the disease has changed. omicron is a different story. if you thought you are protected before, you are not any longer. i say the same people with two vaccine shots. if you thought they gave you enough protection, you need a booster. >> going forward as we move through the winter, is there the possibility of yet another variant developing? is there another possibility of another booster being necessary at some point? >> well, look, i think the great news is that i think we were unclear at how much benefit the booster would be providing us, but the booster itself, without even having to change the vaccine, does its job, and that's great news great news. if you combine that with just a little care people should take by making sure they get rapid tests, that they are able to take those with other tools we have, and this is a very different winter than the winter of 2020 and 2021 where we pretty much had no tools except to shut down the economy. so if people choose to get boosted, we have a very good, we have the ability to handle even a tough situation this year, much better than last year. what comes next and whether there are other variants, there are always those possibilities. but anything is possible. but deal with what we have in front of us right now. the big delta wave plus omicron is i'm not of a challenge and i hope everybody prepares for it by getting boosted. >> andy slavitt, thank you very much. and coming up, we will have a mini you reunion bradley whitford joins us, but he's not here to talk about his emmy women winning performances in the west wing and the handmade stale. brad would for joins us next. would for joins us next woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just two doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. womyou get advice like: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette (judith) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. 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>> you know, ady is planning for this right now. ady is a much more effective political strategist than i. am the name of his organization's be a hero, which the name came up when he was confronted jeff flake. ady is not saying i am a hero. he would say to joe manchin, be a hero. think of all of the medical facilities that his constituents need, the support that his constituents need. i would love to show this to joe manchin. he could learn a lot from it. >> the biden legislation is pretty abstract, i think, for most people. they don't necessarily connect to it. and i have to say, this story connects that component of that legislation better than anything i have ever seen. >> the thing that nicholas rodman, our director and producer, amanda roddie, when they really succeed in is erasing the false division between the personal in the political. ady embodies that. he is quandary embodies that real differences -- we don't have to live in a society where we do not take care of each other in the richest country in the world. it is a choice that we are making. we can actively change that. i especially want young people to see this movie, because i know that young people are understandably exhausted and disgusted by our political system. but to see a man with als use his dying breath to use his suffering to help others transcend, to help others alleviate their suffering is an inspiring thing to see, and the only way we're going to get out of this. >> bradley whitford, thank you very much for joining us tonight and delivering that message. really great to see you, brad. it's >> great to see, lawrence. happy holidays. >> bradley whitford gets tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts now. and tonight, we are trying to breaking news on multiple fronts, another trump ally could sit by himself and seek criminal charges as a frantic search for more survivors from the killer tornado continues. we start tonight with that developing news from capitol hill. just a few hours ago, the january six committee knew nana mostly voted to refer former chief of staff, mark meadows to the full house. for criminal contempt. the vote comes on the new bombshell revelations about at the very emails and text messages, meadows himself exchanged before and on january six. the committee members were taking pains tonight to point out the pivotal role that meadows played. >> mr. meadows put himself in this situation, he must now accept the consequences. >> it certainly appears that mr. meadows played a key role in events that culminated in the violent attack on the capital and on our democracy. >> mark meadows has committed a crime, in this case. a premeditated one. no one is

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