Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 202

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709

is, could we see new restrictions put in place? and new reporting on the document that ended up in mark meadows inbox about overturning the 2020 election. his lawyer says he had nothing to do with it. the question is, did he meet with someone who did? way too early for this week. good morning. welcome to "way too early" the show thinking about all those impacted by the severe weather the last few days. we'll start with the news. the search for survivors continues after a series of devastating tornadoes spanning six states, close to 50 people are confirmed dead. a number that is expected to rise. after the storms touched down in kentucky, illinois, tennessee and missouri, they wreaked havoc friday and early saturday morning. in edwardsville, illinois, six people were killed when an amazon warehouse was hit. a similar tragedy in kentucky, the state with the most widespread damage. eight people were killed while working in a candle factory. >> to the people of america, there is no lens big enough to show you the extent of the damage here in grace county or kentucky. nothing standing in the direct line of this tornado is still standing. >> joining us now live from mayfield, kentucky, nbc news correspondent jay gray. jay, good morning. thank you for being there. we can see the images around. pure devastation. give us a sense on what you're seeing on the ground there and how are people holding up? >> yeah, jonathan, not well. it's a rough go for people not only here, but across the strike zone right now. this is the reason why. give you a first-hand look at some of the devastation. this tree pulled from its roots. this one snapped by the wind thrown on to what is a house behind all this debris. parts of the roof underneath here. even this truck that was pushed into this backyard. it's destroyed, you can see. there is devastation everywhere. and this type of destruction, well, it stretches for miles here, jonathan, and really across, five, six states at this point. this is the kind of thing that so many teams are working through. and as you said, trying, hoping to find someone that may be buried alive under all of this rubble. i have to tell you, though, as the clock continues to tick, that prospect is diminishing, as well. it's only been since early saturday morn in the overnight hours into saturday morning when someone was rescued from the debris here. >> yeah, we're looking at some of the aerial footage some taken by drone and it is hard to put into words just how complete the devastation is in these towns in kentucky. jay, tell us more about we know that the window for finding survivors, closing, not closed, closing. give us a sense, certain areas where rescuers are targeting and looking. is there any signs of hope here? >> yeah. they're pushing forward as if there are people alive and looking in that candle factory you talked about earlier, there were around 100, 110 people working the overnight shift there trying to keep up with the holiday rush. so they're focused there. and then in neighborhood like this one where families -- >> nbc's jay gray. i think we lost your audio there. we really appreciate the update. technical challenges on the ground right now. please continue to be careful. obviously, we will be following this story all day long here on msnbc. i should note coming up on "morning joe" alejandro mayorkas will join the show. he'll be checking in with us a little later. thanks again to jay gray. president biden will get another briefing this morning on the federal response to those tornados and the extreme weather that impacted multiple states friday night. on saturday, the president approved an emergency declaration for kentucky and said his administration is ready to do whatever is needed to help with relief efforts. he also said he plans to visit the state soon to survey the damage. joining us now, white house reporter for the "washington post" tyler pager. tyler, thank you for being here on set this morning here in washington. give us a sense, a broad view of what the president and federal government is doing in terms of response to these purely devastating storms. >> that's what the president said this weekend as he addressed these storms and i think what we're seeing is kind of the usual government in action response to disaster. the president declared national emergencies in the states impacted by these storms. he had multiple phone calls with the kentucky governor, as well as the other governors of the state who were hit by this tragedy. today he's going to meet in the oval office with homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and we expect him to travel to kentucky at some point. he said he would until he wouldn't be a distraction on the ground. >> you don't want to draw first responders away from disaster sites for a presidential visit. but we know visiting a disaster and comforting those in time of tragedy is part of the job for any president. this speaks about grief because how much he suffered in his own life. the florida building collapse is a moment he did this. should we expect similar notes when he does get there, whether it is later this week? >> absolutely. this is one of the jobs that this president in particular has a lot of experience. we've seen that. we just saw as he gave a eulogy last week i think we'll see him on the ground comforting those people impacted by this tragedy. reaching out and showing the federal government can help people. that is one of the highlights of his outlook on how the federal government works. is that it really can be there and deliver for people. >> he spoke about senator bob dole's life the other day. i want to ask you about new polling. amid growing worries over the economy and coronavirus, president biden's approval ratings in both areas have taken a hit. according to cnbc all america economic survey, the president's overall approval rating sits at 41% compared to 50% who disapprove of the job he'ser are doing. when it comes to the pandemic, 46% approve of biden's handling of covid-19 compared to 48% who don't. on the economy, 37% approve the job biden is doing while 56% disapprove. and more than two-thirds of americans now disapprove of how president biden is handling inflation. a new abc news ipsos poll finds that 69% disapprove while only 28% approve. and 54% of democrats said the same. among those important independent voters, 71% disapprove. so, tyler, what do you think of these polls, obviously, not good ones for the white house and what does the biden and his administration and key aides and you talk to them all the time, what do they think they can do to increase how americans perceive the economy. they're trying to say, things are better than it looks. >> absolutely. this is one of the things greatly frustrating from the president on down. they feel very excited about what they've been able to do with job growth and overall economic growth since the president took office. they routinely point to the unemployment rate falling and joblessness claims coming down but that is not where americans are feeling the economic impacts of the recovery from the pandemic. and they see it every day in the prices whether that's gas prices or the price of food. they're hitting the kitchen table issues and that's one of the things frustrating for this administration is the disconnect between the overall economic environment which is largely positive in a lot of ways and the day-to-day economic impact of rising inflation. they're trying to put in steps and say this will improve over time but it's going slower than they wanted. >> that heightened for many americans. tyler pager, thank you. we'll turn to the latest for the pandemic as hospitals face new surge in covid cases just two weeks before christmas. plus, g7 leaders are issuing a new warning to russia amid the country's military build up along the border with ukraine. those stories and a check on the forecast when we come right back. clerk: hello, how can i? 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gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. today new yorkers will be required once again to wear masks inside with only a few exceptions. it's part of a wave of tightening covid safety protocols as hospitalizations soar. nbc news correspondent emily has the latest. >> reporter: covid wards packed and health care workers exhausted as hospitalizations climb across much of the country, skyrocketing nearly 40% from a month ago. >> we are in a crisis management situation in new hampshire. >> reporter: a similar story in michigan, where some hospitals are reporting their worst surges since the start of the pandemic. >> it is so draining and so difficult. i honestly dread coming to work. >> reporter: the u.s. nearing a grim milestone. 800,000 deaths from covid-19. that's more people than the population of north dakota. we have more deaths this year with the vaccines available than last year, why do you think that is the case? >> the majority of deaths have occurred in unvaccinated individuals and unfortunately we saw 2021 with the arrival of a much more transmissible variant. >> reporter: it's been one year since the first doses of vaccine rolled out. 72% of adults are fully vaccinated. a definition that does not include booster shots. though dr. anthony fauci telling abc news they're constantly reevaluating. >> if you want to be optimally vaccinated, get a booster. >> reporter: several studies suggest a booster shot offered improved protection against the new variant. still, it's the delta variant fueling a rise in cases across the country. over the past two weeks, numbers spiking more than 100% in rhode island and illinois. but health experts say that doesn't mean traveling this holiday season is out of the question. >> number one, make sure as many people are up to date with boosters. number two, have access to testing. >> reporter: the keys to a festive and safe holiday. >> our thanks again to emily. the supreme court is allowing a challenge to proceed against the highly restrictive abortion law in texas. but it will let the law remain in effect while the case plays out. the court ruled on friday that the justice department cannot pursue its own lawsuit and severely limited the field of possible defendants. that means lawsuits cannot be filed against county clerks or texas attorney general. the surviving challenge to the law will return to the state level for litigation. the law allows private citizens to sue abortion providers who perform one of the operations after about six weeks of pregnancy. meanwhile, california's flipping the script using texas tactics to instead target assault weapon sales in the state. governor gavin newsom has directed state to work with state lawmakers on a new bill. in a statement, newsom's office announced this. we'll work to create the ability for private citizens to sue anyone who manufactures, distributes or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit in any part of california. if the most efficient ways to keep the devastating weapons off our streets is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that. still ahead, we can add another record to tom brady's already impressive resume. plus, the benches at nearby fedex field weren't good enough for the dallas cowboys. i know you're interested. we'll explain that and everything else next in sports. . for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause 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dominance over chicago. finishing with 341 yards through the air and four touchdown passes on the way to a 45-30 win. the packers now with a comfortable four-game lead atop the nfc north. to tampa and the buccaneers on the brink' quarterback tom brady beat his afc rival bills for the fourth straight time yesterday. brady became the all-time completion leader and tossed the 700th touchdown pass of his career for that winning score. a walkoff in tampa's 23-27 overtime victory. brady against the bills lifetime, he's 33-3. 33-3. that's impossible. but he is. the bills lost their second straight game and potentially their starting quarterback. josh allen ended up in a walking boot after the game. he will undergo a series of tests. the ravens also suffered a setback after lamar jackson's exit. they lost to the browns 24-22. but baltimore still hangs on to a one-game lead in the afc north over the bengals, thanks to san francisco's 26-23 overtime win against cincinnati. also this one, landover, maryland. the cowboys went out of their way to feel at home. dallas shipped in their own sideline benches for the divisional rivalry after getting word that the heated seats on washington's visiting sidelines were out of order the week before. how about that. as for the game despite letting a 24-0 halftime lead slip away the dallas defense held firm forcing four turnovers and recording five sacks in a 27-20 win over the washington football team that allows the cowboys to close in on the nfc east title. my fantasy team which i know a lot of you have been wondering about. we lost yesterday to close the regular season but with a little help still get in as the sixth seed for the playoffs starting next week. hop on the band wagon, ladies and gentlemen. now an emotional day in denver as the broncos remember the late demaryius thomas wearing number 88 on their helmets and kneeling in tribute for a moment of silence before the game. the broncos took the field with just ten men to honor thomas before going on to blow out the detroit lions, 38-10. and one note, this year's heisman trophy was awarded over the weekend. alabama quarterback bryce young earned the honor on saturday giving the crimson tide a rare heisman back to back. unseasonably mild through parts of the northeast. bill karins, great to see you. hope you have had a great weekend. tell us about the rest of the country. >> tell you first about the tornados and the set up and then the warmth. one of the reasons that we had this incredible tornado outbreak in the middle of december is because it's been like october. it's been so warm and we haven't had the snow and that's one of the reasons why. so, when you see all these pictures out there, you know, the enhancement of the scale is how we rate tornadoes. we can tell by estimate by how much the trees are damaged or houses off their foundations and how strong some of these were. a couple that came in at ef-3. the amazon warehouse 165-mile-per-hour winds. the one that hit mayfield we know at least an ef-3 likely an ef-4 and bringing in some experts to make sure it is not an ef-5. those are the rare ones. winds over 206 miles per hour. the last ef-5 we had in this country you had to go back to 2013. it's been a long time since we had one that strong. it's possible this one could get there, but most likely an ef-4. and the last time, by the way, we had an ef-5 tornado it happened in december, but all the way back in 1950. you have to go back to illinois in sunfield, illinois, in december. so, it has happened in december that we had an outbreak like this, but it's been over 60 years since we've seen anything like this. the ingredients for the big set up. it was, obviously, 70s. 80s right before the outbreak happened and a record high in memphis of 80 degrees. it was warm. the gulf of mexico added the humidity and you can see where all of those tornadoes occurred where temperatures were about 25 degrees warmer. the reason we had a december tornado outbreak was because we had october-type weather. we have been watching the tornado zones shifting from what is typical oklahoma and texas and more towards mississippi, alabama, arkansas and areas of tennessee. so, you know, there's still not a lot of research if we're having more tornadoes or intense tornadoes but we know tornado alley has been shifting. for today as jonathan was mentioning, very warm throughout much of the country. a big, huge storm hitting the west coast and that's good. we need the snow, we need the rain and we go throughout the isweek, jonathan. it will feel like october for everyone east of the mississippi. incredibly warm week ahead. >> bill karins, a great point on how the warm weather is fueling the tornadoes. we appreciate the lesson on how these form. we appreciate it. the house select committee investigating january 6th is laying out the case for contempt charges against former white house chief of staff mark meadows. but before we go to break, we want to know, why are you awake? e-mail your reasons to [email protected] or tweet me. we'll read a few of our favorite answers later in the show. ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ - oh...oh. - what's going on? - oh, darn! - let me help. lift and push and push! there... it's up there. hey joshie... wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. . welcome back to "way too early." 5:30 on the east coast and 2:30 out west. peter navarro is, that's according to a letter from navarro released from the panel. in his refuser the former trade refusal cited a direct order from president donald trump to claim executive privilege. made the letter public saturday when its chairman, south carolina congressman jim clyborn sent a response to navarro's refusal. your blankal refusal to comply with the subpoena is entirely improper. but navarro said, quote, the matter is out of my hands and something the subcommittee should discuss with president trump's counsel. navarro is scheduled for a deposition with the subcommittee on wednesday. in support of a recommendation to hold former white house chief of staff mark meadows in contempt of congress, the january 6th select committee released a report ahead of a house vote later this week that alleges meadows said national guard troops would keep supporters of then president donald trump safe during the capitol riot. the report out yesterday cites a report that meadows sent to an unidentified recipient on january 5th about the security of trump supporters who would be on the streets in d.c. the next day. the claim raises new questions about the government's slow response to the attack in which five people lost their lives. the panel also says meadows, who has twice now failed to appear for a subpoena deposition, received a text from an organizer of the rally seeking direction after things, quote, had gotten crazy, according to the reports quoination of the communication. the report also indicates the committee believes meadows may know significant information about trump's request to georgia's secretary of state to find a precise number of votes that would overturn his loss. an attorney for the former chief of staff did not immediately respond to an nbc news request for comment. there's also this. some new reporting on the, ready for it, powerpoint presentation that meadows handed over to the committee. we reported last week it contained a strategy for how to overturn the 2020 election, including a recommendation that donald trump declare a national security emergency. meadows' lawyer claims his client received the document by e-mail, but never acted on it. meanwhile, a retired army colonel who reportedly contributed to the presentation now says that he's circulated the document that ended up in meadows' inbox. phil told "washington post" he visited the white house on multiple occasions after the election and spoke to chief of staff meadows about eight or ten times. waldren said he spoke with several members of congress the day before the capitol attack and provided them with the document. joining us now for more on this nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali who i'm told, sadly, her fantasy team did not make the playoffs. tough loss. for my guys, anyway, anything can happen in the post-season. mark meadows has been refusing to cooperate with the january 6th investigation committee. where does that stand right now in terms of timing and referral and potential consequences he could face and tell us more about the powerpoint presentation and the impact it could have. >> yeah, jon, all of this movement is coming this week now. the contempt referral, we had long expected to see it. it looked like the committee was going to get some cooperation from meadows. that's how they got all of these thousands of documents and text messages and how we start to see this form taking shape of what meadows knew on january 6th and around that date, as well. and the committee laid out last night 24 hours before they're expected to vote this contempt referral out and then lend it to the house floor later this week. they are laying out why they're holding him in contempt because, yes, he did cooperate in terms of sending them documents and text messages, but they still have a lot of questions for him based on the information that he's given them. some of those questions are about his personal and private devices that he was using. whether or not those records actually got turned over to the national archives. we know that the committee is likely to try to get those. it's still being wrapped up in court although they have seen more court victories on that front as they try to get the information from the national archives. but whether or not meadows personal records and things that he sent off of private cell phones and e-mail accounts, it's an epoen question about whether or not that got turned over which is the law under the presidential records act. they also have questions about things they found in these e-mails about deployment of national guard and other questions on what was going on in the white house at that time and that includes the powerpoint presentation that you mentioned. i also think that it's worth broadening out a little bit here when you talk about people like peter navarro in a very separate case saying that there is executive privilege at foot here. this is a broader ranging issue among people who worked in the white house and for the former president. he is trying to make sure the congressional committees cannot get the information they need. a continuation from when he was in office. we saw people subpoenaed by committees then and he's out of office and trying to flex the muscle as the court is and we all end up expecting adjudicating these. >> seems every day there is another jaw dropping revelation about what happened around january 6th. as much as this is about, of course, getting to the bottom of what happened and preventing something like this from happening again. politics play a role. increased grumbling on those on the left that feel those in the committee aren't doing enough to open this up and calling for testimony. any sense the committee will change its tactics when it comes to the public relations part of this? >> we saw a little bit of this, too, with tweets from congresswoman liz cheney at the end of the week where she was talking about a day where they had several witnesses complying and where they were getting the information that they wanted to see and on the same day they did get that court ruling that ruled in their favor on the national archives issue. so, there is, there are positive things that are happening within the committee. at the same time, though, we do expect to see more public things from them in the new year. you're right. they're up against a clock and the important thing to keep in mind here is that the more that this stuff gets mired in court, the slower it becomes. even someone like steve bannon. his court hearing on this contempt prosecution isn't happening until the summer. that's fast by court standards, but slow by political standards. and it puts them even closer to the november 2021 mid term, to the 2022 midterm elections and the closer that they get to that, the more politics come into play and, of course, we know that history says that this moment is not kind to the ruling party. republicans feel good about potentially retaking the house. if they do that, the work of this committee goes out the window. so, they're really on the clock here. >> ali vitali, we thank you, as always. we'll talk to you again soon. still ahead go to cnbc for an early look on what is driving the new week on wall street. 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. frequent heartburn? not anymore. the prilosec otc two-week challenge is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. time now for business. for that, let's bring in cnbc karen who joins us live from london. futures are on the rise after the consumer price index revealed prices jumped 6.8% in november from where they were a year ago. that would be a 39-year high. what can we expect in light of that information from the global markets this week? >> jonathan, it's extraordinary. we have a red hot number. the market setting up for 6. % level and the highest almost four decades and relatively calm response. the s&p 500 tracked to a fresh record on friday and has trickled by on global markets today. setting up for more gains today and futures indicated higher and we are setting up for a risk event. don't forget just about every influential central bank on the planet is meeting this week to discuss monetary policy and the headline with the fed with its two-day meeting and we are expecting to hear potentially an accelerated tapered program and a faster retreat from extraordinary monetary policy that could see an early lift on interest rates. that will be key for markets this week. >> certainly divergence at times between what we're seeing on the consumer prices and wall street. speaking of prices, the cost of food has sky rocketed. in fact, the bureau of labor statistics say grocery prices are now at record highs. what's driving this, karen? >> it's incredible. it's across the board, isn't it. seeing transportation costs go up and commodity prices and, of course, wage pressures, as well. that is driving up food across the board. grocery stores seeing an escalating level and restaurants, too. you cannot avoid it whether you stay at home or eat out. restaurant prices are 5.8% higher over the year and you're seeing this is the largest 12-month increase since 1982. if you want to stay at home and treat yourself to a steak that looks like a mini luxury. beef estimated 21% over the last year or so. across the board from lettuce to fruit and even doughnuts we've seen go up in price. even mcdonald's are saying they are seeing higher prices and prices likely 6% higher this year. but consumers are paying the price. they're soaking up the increases at this stage. it's not impacting demand. keep in mind a disproportionate impact when we talk about higher food prices on the lower income society. >> karen, let's talk about the severe weather that tore through the united states over the last few days. in illinois at least six people were killed and dozens of workers became trapped in an amazon warehouse after a tornado caused major structural damage. i do have some reporting there on how amazon is providing support to the employees affected by this tragedy. >> jonathan, it is still an ongoing situation at this point. we have heard about six people being confirmed dead. one was airlifted. 45 others were rescued safely, but still not known how many more workers are in danger in that facility. we saw the collapse of the building, but it happened when it was a shift change so hard to ascertain the number of people on the ground. we heard from amazon founder jeff bezos who was celebrating the return of his space aircraft when it was unfolding. but he tweeted out sympathy and saying they're heartbroken over the loss of their teammates and pledging support forworkers. we are expecting to hear from crews that will work throughout daylight to try to ascertain whether there are any more people trapped in that facility. this will occur over the next three days, jonathan. >> best of luck to those crews, of course. cnbc karen tso live from london. thank you so much. still ahead, america g7 allies back. warning against russia's military build up on the border with ukraine. a look at this date in history. 21 years ago, 21 years ago george w. bush claimed the presidency a day after the u.s. supreme court shut down further recounts of disputed ballots in florida. >> i was not elected to serve one party, but to serve one nation. the president of the united states is the president of every single american. of every race and every background whether you voted for me or not, i will do my best to serve your interests and i will work to earn your respect. feel the difference with downy. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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(vo) visible. switch and get up to $200. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. secretary of state antony blinken is reaffirming the biden administration's warning to russia that the u.s. is prepared to take significant steps if moscow invades ukraine again. >> right now what the president made very clear to president putin, what i made very clear to my counterpart is that we are looking at and we are prepared to take the kinds of steps we refrained from taking in the past that would have massive consequences for russia. >> blinken also said that he was seeking cooperation from g7 leaders as the world's other leading democracies to collectively stop russian aggression and maintain international diplomacy. blinken's warning comes as russia has moved about 100,000 troops to ukraine's border and officials say is potentially planning a multi-front offensive early next year. meanwhile, the g7's issuing its own warning to russia saying, quote, massive consequences if moscow launches a military offensive. during a meeting yesterday the g7 delegates said they were united in russia's military build up in ukraine and called on the kremlin de-escalate and pursue diplomatic channels. in a statement the leader said, quote, russia should be in no doubt that further military aggression against ukraine would have massive consequences and severe costs in response. according to intelligence, the kremlin could be planning a multi-front offensive on ukraine involving what could be up to 175,000 troops. moscow denies it plans to invade ukraine and says the west is gripped. israeli's prime minister naftali bennett has made history. the first time an israeli leader has ever visited the israeli state. he landed yesterday and set to meet with the country's crown prince 16 months after they signed the u.s. brokered abruham accords which normalize relations between the two countries. the leaders are slated to discuss deepening their ties and focusing on economic and regional issue that will contribute to the stability between israel and the are you awake. linda writes, i am up way too early because it's midday here in belgium. terence writes, it's cocktail hour in tokyo. >> it's 5:00 a.m. some where. >> dan, what do you got in there? >> early morning raccoon fisticuts, the dogs are up. >> i am awake so i can get updates on my fellow kentuckians. please pray for us. up next, as we follow the devastating tornados that touched down in six states. we'll hear from homeland security alejandro mayorkas about the federal response. 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>> well, once they are doing a lot of work, increasing signs, jonathan that build back better bill will move into 2022. the white house had hoped to get it done this month before they go -- we are down to legislative days instead of weeks. >> what have senator joe manchin said again and again going back to the fall. he says he's fine with it moving into 2022. when someone says something again and again, you have to listen. that's increasingly the case. the president early this week, there is other fixes technicalities and financial reasons that bbb may be slow. >> how many more days left? >> that's it. >> christmas is one of the few real deadlines because you know when ever they have deadlines, they always move. holidays become more real when these women amend one of the out of town, it's something. >> now there is greater concerns of inflation report we saw on friday pumping more money into the economy. >> and we have been covering the tornados in the midwest. what do climate scientists say we saw. >> we are calling it america's tornado warning. you saw the president and other officials leaning into this weekend and talking about how this extreme weather we are seeing. it's a year of extreme weather, whether it's increase tropical storms of florida or the fire of my home state of california, the heat and the pacific northwest and these devastating tornados you and i were talking. it's going to take years for those towns to come back. >> centers are becoming vocal of the fact that they believed it's the results of climate change. it's going to mean more intense storms and more frequent storms and that adds up top more damage from storms. >> certainly there is been some, democrats in particular who sees this storm, this is climate change and this is why we need to make changes in federal policies and there is some hopes that can motivate votes in favor of. is this a factor? >> that's a great point. we'll hear a lot about it. climate is one of the president's four crisis that he talked about from the beginning. it's weaved into everything that he does and sadly that evidence is before us. >> certainly seems like whether it's wildfires or hurricanes and now these tornados. we expect to hear from the president on this later today from the white house and the trip in the work. mike allen, we really appreciate it. >> have a great week. >> thank you all of you for waking up way too early with us on this monday morning. a jam packed "morning joe" starts now. >> the children think wow, that elf on the show got old. anyway, anyway, as you probably heard there is an omicron wave sweeping the globe. some feared the omicron variant will be a vaccine resistance, kind of like 40% of americans. >> good morning and welcome toll "morning joe," it's monday, december 13th, in a moment we have new reporting on the document that outlines exactly how former president trump and his allies going about to overturn the 2020 election. it ended up in the inbox of trump's chief of staff mark meadows. his lawyer said he did nothing with it but did he meet with someone who did. that's just ahead. the search for survivors continue after a series of devastating tornados affecting six states, close to 60 people confirmed

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And Gentlemen , Hop On The Band Wagon , Helmets , Men , Demaryius Thomas , Honor Thomas , Kneeling In Tribute For A Moment Of Silence , Detroit Lions , 88 , Ten , 38 , Weekend , Bryce Young , Note , Heisman , Honor On Saturday , Alabama , Heisman Trophy , 10 , Reasons , Northeast , Rest , Warmth , Bill Karins , Tornado Outbreak , Snow , Haven T , Enhancement , Middle , Pictures , Scale , October , Houses , Couple , Foundations , Trees , Ef 3 , Ef 5 , Ef 4 , The One , Winds , Experts , Hit Mayfield , 165 , 5 , 206 , 2013 , Outbreak , December , Sunfield , 1950 , 60 , High , Humidity , Set Up , Gulf Of Mexico , Memphis , Temperatures , 70 , 80 , More , Tornado Zones , Mississippi , Oklahoma , 25 , Shifting , Research , Tornado Alley , Arkansas , Storm , Big , Mentioning , Rain , Everyone East Of The Mississippi , West Coast , Isweek , Form , House Select Committee Investigating January 6th , Lesson , Contempt Charges , 6 , January 6th , Chief Of Staff , Few , Answers , Push , Message , Lift , What S Going On , Oh , Downy Wrinkleguard , Hey Joshie , Heartburn , Downy , Difference , Claire , Nexium 24hr , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Nutrients , Emergen C , Best , Peter Navarro , East Coast , Out West , Letter , Refusal , Panel , Navarro , Refuser , Order , Trade , Donald Trump , Executive Privilege , Jim Clyborn , South Carolina , Public , Something , Quote , Subcommittee , Subpoena , Blankal Refusal , Hands , Matter , Recommendation , Support , Counsel , January 6th Select Committee , Deposition , Contempt Of Congress , Report , Meadows , Troops , Supporters , Guard , Safe , Capitol Riot , Questions , Security , Attack , Claim , Lives , Recipient , January 5th , Text , Subpoena Deposition , Direction , Organizer , Crazy , Rally , Committee , Information , Votes , Communication , Reports , Secretary Of State , Request , Georgia , Request For Comment , Powerpoint Presentation , Attorney , E Mail , Emergency , Strategy , Client , Presentation , Retired Army Colonel , Phil , Waldren , Times , Members , Occasions , Spoke , Congress , Capitol , Correspondent Ali Vitali , Guys , Capitol Hill , Consequences , Stand , Post Season , Referral , January 6th Investigation Committee , Timing , Contempt Referral , Cooperation , Movement , Jon , Text Messages , Documents , Shape , Thousands , Contempt , House Floor , Records , Whether , Archives , Devices , Court Victories , Accounts , Cell Phones , Front , Epoen , The National Archives , E Mails , Deployment , National Guard , Presidential Records Act , Issue , Bit , Worth Broadening , Committees , Continuation , Revelation , Muscle , Jaw , Course , Politics , Bottom , Grumbling , Testimony , Left , Aren T Doing Enough , Role , Liz Cheney , Public Relations , Tweets , The End , Favor , Witnesses , Mind , Steve Bannon , Court Hearing , Elections , Summer , Political Standards , Fast By Court Standards , Mid Term , Contempt Prosecution Isn T , 2022 , November 2021 , Work , History , Closer , Play , Ruling Party , Republicans , Wall Street , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Softness , One Million , Kidney Problems , Angioedema , Hospital , Ace Inhibitor , Ace , Baby , Harm , Aliskiren , Arb , Don T Take Ozempic , Blood , Type 2 Diabetes , Potassium , Zone , Weight , Cv Risk , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Risk , Heart Attack , Events , Heart Disease , Stroke , 12 , 7 , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Isn T , Share , Pens , Reuse , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Changes , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Zero , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Cnbc Karen , Futures , Consumer Price Index , London , 6 8 , 39 , Markets , Market Setting Up , Light , Risk Event , Gains , On Global Markets Today , S P 500 , Meeting , Central Bank , Monetary Policy , Retreat , Planet , Program , Headline , Fed , Fact , Consumer Prices , Cost , Interest Rates , Divergence , Sky , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Board , Wage Pressures , Commodity , Grocery Prices , Record Highs , Transportation Costs , Isn T It , Restaurant Prices , Increase , Restaurants , 5 8 , Steak , Lettuce , Luxury , Beef , Fruit , Doughnuts , 1982 , Mcdonald S , Consumers , Increases , Demand , Stage , Workers , Food Prices , Income Society , Talk , Let , Situation , Employees , Collapse , Facility , Building , Shift Change , Others , Danger , Jeff Bezos , Return , Space Aircraft , Crews , Teammates , Sympathy , Support Forworkers , Live From London , Luck , Karen Tso , Three , Presidency , Allies , George W Bush , Party , Recounts , Ballots , Single , Florida , One Nation , Interests , Background , Race , Respect , Money , Family Plans , Data , Low , Chloe , Turkey , Ingestion , Mom Vo , Upset Stomach , Dad Vo , Switch , 200 , Action , Pepto Bismol , Coating , Soothing , Diarrheaaaa , Antony Blinken , President Putin , Counterpart , Kinds , Aggression , Democracies , Diplomacy , World , 100000 , Officials , Military Offensive , Offensive , Saying , Moscow , Leader , No Doubt , Channels , Delegates , Build Up , Kremlin De Escalate , Costs , Kremlin , Planning A Multi Front Offensive , Naftali Bennett , Time , West , Israeli , 175000 , Countries , Relations , Crown Prince , Abruham Accords , 16 , Ties , Stability , Belgium , Linda , Terence , Where , Tokyo , Dan , Raccoon Fisticuts , Updates , Dogs , Kentuckians , Up Next , Joe Manchin , Woman Vo , Man , Pad , Discreet , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , Lisa , Caregiver , Axios Am , Path , Of Axios , Cofounder , 82 , 2024 , Generation , Anybody , Congressman Clyburn , Seat , Interview , Legislation , Voting Rights , Endorsement , Viewers , Voting Rights Bill , Axios , Prediction , Promises , Conversation , Senate , Congressmen , Agents , Whip , Yes , Build , Act , Technicalities , Fixes , Deadlines , Bbb , Holidays , Town , Concerns , Midwest , Climate Scientists , Tornado Warning , My Home State Of California , Fire , Heat , Pacific Northwest , Climate Change , Centers , Results , Vocal , Policies , Factor , Climate , Crisis , Beginning , Evidence , Wildfires , Hurricanes , Trip , Mike Allen , Monday Morning , Jam , Omicron Variant , Elf , Globe , Wow , Vaccine Resistance , Omicron Wave , Toll , December 13th , Monday December 13th , 13 , Trump , Inbox Of Trump ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240709

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is, could we see new restrictions put in place? and new reporting on the document that ended up in mark meadows inbox about overturning the 2020 election. his lawyer says he had nothing to do with it. the question is, did he meet with someone who did? way too early for this week. good morning. welcome to "way too early" the show thinking about all those impacted by the severe weather the last few days. we'll start with the news. the search for survivors continues after a series of devastating tornadoes spanning six states, close to 50 people are confirmed dead. a number that is expected to rise. after the storms touched down in kentucky, illinois, tennessee and missouri, they wreaked havoc friday and early saturday morning. in edwardsville, illinois, six people were killed when an amazon warehouse was hit. a similar tragedy in kentucky, the state with the most widespread damage. eight people were killed while working in a candle factory. >> to the people of america, there is no lens big enough to show you the extent of the damage here in grace county or kentucky. nothing standing in the direct line of this tornado is still standing. >> joining us now live from mayfield, kentucky, nbc news correspondent jay gray. jay, good morning. thank you for being there. we can see the images around. pure devastation. give us a sense on what you're seeing on the ground there and how are people holding up? >> yeah, jonathan, not well. it's a rough go for people not only here, but across the strike zone right now. this is the reason why. give you a first-hand look at some of the devastation. this tree pulled from its roots. this one snapped by the wind thrown on to what is a house behind all this debris. parts of the roof underneath here. even this truck that was pushed into this backyard. it's destroyed, you can see. there is devastation everywhere. and this type of destruction, well, it stretches for miles here, jonathan, and really across, five, six states at this point. this is the kind of thing that so many teams are working through. and as you said, trying, hoping to find someone that may be buried alive under all of this rubble. i have to tell you, though, as the clock continues to tick, that prospect is diminishing, as well. it's only been since early saturday morn in the overnight hours into saturday morning when someone was rescued from the debris here. >> yeah, we're looking at some of the aerial footage some taken by drone and it is hard to put into words just how complete the devastation is in these towns in kentucky. jay, tell us more about we know that the window for finding survivors, closing, not closed, closing. give us a sense, certain areas where rescuers are targeting and looking. is there any signs of hope here? >> yeah. they're pushing forward as if there are people alive and looking in that candle factory you talked about earlier, there were around 100, 110 people working the overnight shift there trying to keep up with the holiday rush. so they're focused there. and then in neighborhood like this one where families -- >> nbc's jay gray. i think we lost your audio there. we really appreciate the update. technical challenges on the ground right now. please continue to be careful. obviously, we will be following this story all day long here on msnbc. i should note coming up on "morning joe" alejandro mayorkas will join the show. he'll be checking in with us a little later. thanks again to jay gray. president biden will get another briefing this morning on the federal response to those tornados and the extreme weather that impacted multiple states friday night. on saturday, the president approved an emergency declaration for kentucky and said his administration is ready to do whatever is needed to help with relief efforts. he also said he plans to visit the state soon to survey the damage. joining us now, white house reporter for the "washington post" tyler pager. tyler, thank you for being here on set this morning here in washington. give us a sense, a broad view of what the president and federal government is doing in terms of response to these purely devastating storms. >> that's what the president said this weekend as he addressed these storms and i think what we're seeing is kind of the usual government in action response to disaster. the president declared national emergencies in the states impacted by these storms. he had multiple phone calls with the kentucky governor, as well as the other governors of the state who were hit by this tragedy. today he's going to meet in the oval office with homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and we expect him to travel to kentucky at some point. he said he would until he wouldn't be a distraction on the ground. >> you don't want to draw first responders away from disaster sites for a presidential visit. but we know visiting a disaster and comforting those in time of tragedy is part of the job for any president. this speaks about grief because how much he suffered in his own life. the florida building collapse is a moment he did this. should we expect similar notes when he does get there, whether it is later this week? >> absolutely. this is one of the jobs that this president in particular has a lot of experience. we've seen that. we just saw as he gave a eulogy last week i think we'll see him on the ground comforting those people impacted by this tragedy. reaching out and showing the federal government can help people. that is one of the highlights of his outlook on how the federal government works. is that it really can be there and deliver for people. >> he spoke about senator bob dole's life the other day. i want to ask you about new polling. amid growing worries over the economy and coronavirus, president biden's approval ratings in both areas have taken a hit. according to cnbc all america economic survey, the president's overall approval rating sits at 41% compared to 50% who disapprove of the job he'ser are doing. when it comes to the pandemic, 46% approve of biden's handling of covid-19 compared to 48% who don't. on the economy, 37% approve the job biden is doing while 56% disapprove. and more than two-thirds of americans now disapprove of how president biden is handling inflation. a new abc news ipsos poll finds that 69% disapprove while only 28% approve. and 54% of democrats said the same. among those important independent voters, 71% disapprove. so, tyler, what do you think of these polls, obviously, not good ones for the white house and what does the biden and his administration and key aides and you talk to them all the time, what do they think they can do to increase how americans perceive the economy. they're trying to say, things are better than it looks. >> absolutely. this is one of the things greatly frustrating from the president on down. they feel very excited about what they've been able to do with job growth and overall economic growth since the president took office. they routinely point to the unemployment rate falling and joblessness claims coming down but that is not where americans are feeling the economic impacts of the recovery from the pandemic. and they see it every day in the prices whether that's gas prices or the price of food. they're hitting the kitchen table issues and that's one of the things frustrating for this administration is the disconnect between the overall economic environment which is largely positive in a lot of ways and the day-to-day economic impact of rising inflation. they're trying to put in steps and say this will improve over time but it's going slower than they wanted. >> that heightened for many americans. tyler pager, thank you. we'll turn to the latest for the pandemic as hospitals face new surge in covid cases just two weeks before christmas. plus, g7 leaders are issuing a new warning to russia amid the country's military build up along the border with ukraine. those stories and a check on the forecast when we come right back. clerk: hello, how can i? 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(vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit unleash the freshness... still fresh. now you know. in wash-scent booster. ♪ downy unstopables small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, ask how to get a great deal for your business. and get up to a $500 prepaid card with select bundles when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. comcast business. powering possibilities. today new yorkers will be required once again to wear masks inside with only a few exceptions. it's part of a wave of tightening covid safety protocols as hospitalizations soar. nbc news correspondent emily has the latest. >> reporter: covid wards packed and health care workers exhausted as hospitalizations climb across much of the country, skyrocketing nearly 40% from a month ago. >> we are in a crisis management situation in new hampshire. >> reporter: a similar story in michigan, where some hospitals are reporting their worst surges since the start of the pandemic. >> it is so draining and so difficult. i honestly dread coming to work. >> reporter: the u.s. nearing a grim milestone. 800,000 deaths from covid-19. that's more people than the population of north dakota. we have more deaths this year with the vaccines available than last year, why do you think that is the case? >> the majority of deaths have occurred in unvaccinated individuals and unfortunately we saw 2021 with the arrival of a much more transmissible variant. >> reporter: it's been one year since the first doses of vaccine rolled out. 72% of adults are fully vaccinated. a definition that does not include booster shots. though dr. anthony fauci telling abc news they're constantly reevaluating. >> if you want to be optimally vaccinated, get a booster. >> reporter: several studies suggest a booster shot offered improved protection against the new variant. still, it's the delta variant fueling a rise in cases across the country. over the past two weeks, numbers spiking more than 100% in rhode island and illinois. but health experts say that doesn't mean traveling this holiday season is out of the question. >> number one, make sure as many people are up to date with boosters. number two, have access to testing. >> reporter: the keys to a festive and safe holiday. >> our thanks again to emily. the supreme court is allowing a challenge to proceed against the highly restrictive abortion law in texas. but it will let the law remain in effect while the case plays out. the court ruled on friday that the justice department cannot pursue its own lawsuit and severely limited the field of possible defendants. that means lawsuits cannot be filed against county clerks or texas attorney general. the surviving challenge to the law will return to the state level for litigation. the law allows private citizens to sue abortion providers who perform one of the operations after about six weeks of pregnancy. meanwhile, california's flipping the script using texas tactics to instead target assault weapon sales in the state. governor gavin newsom has directed state to work with state lawmakers on a new bill. in a statement, newsom's office announced this. we'll work to create the ability for private citizens to sue anyone who manufactures, distributes or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit in any part of california. if the most efficient ways to keep the devastating weapons off our streets is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that. still ahead, we can add another record to tom brady's already impressive resume. plus, the benches at nearby fedex field weren't good enough for the dallas cowboys. i know you're interested. we'll explain that and everything else next in sports. . for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. to be a thriver with metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause 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dominance over chicago. finishing with 341 yards through the air and four touchdown passes on the way to a 45-30 win. the packers now with a comfortable four-game lead atop the nfc north. to tampa and the buccaneers on the brink' quarterback tom brady beat his afc rival bills for the fourth straight time yesterday. brady became the all-time completion leader and tossed the 700th touchdown pass of his career for that winning score. a walkoff in tampa's 23-27 overtime victory. brady against the bills lifetime, he's 33-3. 33-3. that's impossible. but he is. the bills lost their second straight game and potentially their starting quarterback. josh allen ended up in a walking boot after the game. he will undergo a series of tests. the ravens also suffered a setback after lamar jackson's exit. they lost to the browns 24-22. but baltimore still hangs on to a one-game lead in the afc north over the bengals, thanks to san francisco's 26-23 overtime win against cincinnati. also this one, landover, maryland. the cowboys went out of their way to feel at home. dallas shipped in their own sideline benches for the divisional rivalry after getting word that the heated seats on washington's visiting sidelines were out of order the week before. how about that. as for the game despite letting a 24-0 halftime lead slip away the dallas defense held firm forcing four turnovers and recording five sacks in a 27-20 win over the washington football team that allows the cowboys to close in on the nfc east title. my fantasy team which i know a lot of you have been wondering about. we lost yesterday to close the regular season but with a little help still get in as the sixth seed for the playoffs starting next week. hop on the band wagon, ladies and gentlemen. now an emotional day in denver as the broncos remember the late demaryius thomas wearing number 88 on their helmets and kneeling in tribute for a moment of silence before the game. the broncos took the field with just ten men to honor thomas before going on to blow out the detroit lions, 38-10. and one note, this year's heisman trophy was awarded over the weekend. alabama quarterback bryce young earned the honor on saturday giving the crimson tide a rare heisman back to back. unseasonably mild through parts of the northeast. bill karins, great to see you. hope you have had a great weekend. tell us about the rest of the country. >> tell you first about the tornados and the set up and then the warmth. one of the reasons that we had this incredible tornado outbreak in the middle of december is because it's been like october. it's been so warm and we haven't had the snow and that's one of the reasons why. so, when you see all these pictures out there, you know, the enhancement of the scale is how we rate tornadoes. we can tell by estimate by how much the trees are damaged or houses off their foundations and how strong some of these were. a couple that came in at ef-3. the amazon warehouse 165-mile-per-hour winds. the one that hit mayfield we know at least an ef-3 likely an ef-4 and bringing in some experts to make sure it is not an ef-5. those are the rare ones. winds over 206 miles per hour. the last ef-5 we had in this country you had to go back to 2013. it's been a long time since we had one that strong. it's possible this one could get there, but most likely an ef-4. and the last time, by the way, we had an ef-5 tornado it happened in december, but all the way back in 1950. you have to go back to illinois in sunfield, illinois, in december. so, it has happened in december that we had an outbreak like this, but it's been over 60 years since we've seen anything like this. the ingredients for the big set up. it was, obviously, 70s. 80s right before the outbreak happened and a record high in memphis of 80 degrees. it was warm. the gulf of mexico added the humidity and you can see where all of those tornadoes occurred where temperatures were about 25 degrees warmer. the reason we had a december tornado outbreak was because we had october-type weather. we have been watching the tornado zones shifting from what is typical oklahoma and texas and more towards mississippi, alabama, arkansas and areas of tennessee. so, you know, there's still not a lot of research if we're having more tornadoes or intense tornadoes but we know tornado alley has been shifting. for today as jonathan was mentioning, very warm throughout much of the country. a big, huge storm hitting the west coast and that's good. we need the snow, we need the rain and we go throughout the isweek, jonathan. it will feel like october for everyone east of the mississippi. incredibly warm week ahead. >> bill karins, a great point on how the warm weather is fueling the tornadoes. we appreciate the lesson on how these form. we appreciate it. the house select committee investigating january 6th is laying out the case for contempt charges against former white house chief of staff mark meadows. but before we go to break, we want to know, why are you awake? e-mail your reasons to or tweet me. we'll read a few of our favorite answers later in the show. ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ - oh...oh. - what's going on? - oh, darn! - let me help. lift and push and push! there... it's up there. hey joshie... wrinkles send the wrong message. help prevent them with downy wrinkleguard. feel the difference with downy. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. . welcome back to "way too early." 5:30 on the east coast and 2:30 out west. peter navarro is, that's according to a letter from navarro released from the panel. in his refuser the former trade refusal cited a direct order from president donald trump to claim executive privilege. made the letter public saturday when its chairman, south carolina congressman jim clyborn sent a response to navarro's refusal. your blankal refusal to comply with the subpoena is entirely improper. but navarro said, quote, the matter is out of my hands and something the subcommittee should discuss with president trump's counsel. navarro is scheduled for a deposition with the subcommittee on wednesday. in support of a recommendation to hold former white house chief of staff mark meadows in contempt of congress, the january 6th select committee released a report ahead of a house vote later this week that alleges meadows said national guard troops would keep supporters of then president donald trump safe during the capitol riot. the report out yesterday cites a report that meadows sent to an unidentified recipient on january 5th about the security of trump supporters who would be on the streets in d.c. the next day. the claim raises new questions about the government's slow response to the attack in which five people lost their lives. the panel also says meadows, who has twice now failed to appear for a subpoena deposition, received a text from an organizer of the rally seeking direction after things, quote, had gotten crazy, according to the reports quoination of the communication. the report also indicates the committee believes meadows may know significant information about trump's request to georgia's secretary of state to find a precise number of votes that would overturn his loss. an attorney for the former chief of staff did not immediately respond to an nbc news request for comment. there's also this. some new reporting on the, ready for it, powerpoint presentation that meadows handed over to the committee. we reported last week it contained a strategy for how to overturn the 2020 election, including a recommendation that donald trump declare a national security emergency. meadows' lawyer claims his client received the document by e-mail, but never acted on it. meanwhile, a retired army colonel who reportedly contributed to the presentation now says that he's circulated the document that ended up in meadows' inbox. phil told "washington post" he visited the white house on multiple occasions after the election and spoke to chief of staff meadows about eight or ten times. waldren said he spoke with several members of congress the day before the capitol attack and provided them with the document. joining us now for more on this nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali who i'm told, sadly, her fantasy team did not make the playoffs. tough loss. for my guys, anyway, anything can happen in the post-season. mark meadows has been refusing to cooperate with the january 6th investigation committee. where does that stand right now in terms of timing and referral and potential consequences he could face and tell us more about the powerpoint presentation and the impact it could have. >> yeah, jon, all of this movement is coming this week now. the contempt referral, we had long expected to see it. it looked like the committee was going to get some cooperation from meadows. that's how they got all of these thousands of documents and text messages and how we start to see this form taking shape of what meadows knew on january 6th and around that date, as well. and the committee laid out last night 24 hours before they're expected to vote this contempt referral out and then lend it to the house floor later this week. they are laying out why they're holding him in contempt because, yes, he did cooperate in terms of sending them documents and text messages, but they still have a lot of questions for him based on the information that he's given them. some of those questions are about his personal and private devices that he was using. whether or not those records actually got turned over to the national archives. we know that the committee is likely to try to get those. it's still being wrapped up in court although they have seen more court victories on that front as they try to get the information from the national archives. but whether or not meadows personal records and things that he sent off of private cell phones and e-mail accounts, it's an epoen question about whether or not that got turned over which is the law under the presidential records act. they also have questions about things they found in these e-mails about deployment of national guard and other questions on what was going on in the white house at that time and that includes the powerpoint presentation that you mentioned. i also think that it's worth broadening out a little bit here when you talk about people like peter navarro in a very separate case saying that there is executive privilege at foot here. this is a broader ranging issue among people who worked in the white house and for the former president. he is trying to make sure the congressional committees cannot get the information they need. a continuation from when he was in office. we saw people subpoenaed by committees then and he's out of office and trying to flex the muscle as the court is and we all end up expecting adjudicating these. >> seems every day there is another jaw dropping revelation about what happened around january 6th. as much as this is about, of course, getting to the bottom of what happened and preventing something like this from happening again. politics play a role. increased grumbling on those on the left that feel those in the committee aren't doing enough to open this up and calling for testimony. any sense the committee will change its tactics when it comes to the public relations part of this? >> we saw a little bit of this, too, with tweets from congresswoman liz cheney at the end of the week where she was talking about a day where they had several witnesses complying and where they were getting the information that they wanted to see and on the same day they did get that court ruling that ruled in their favor on the national archives issue. so, there is, there are positive things that are happening within the committee. at the same time, though, we do expect to see more public things from them in the new year. you're right. they're up against a clock and the important thing to keep in mind here is that the more that this stuff gets mired in court, the slower it becomes. even someone like steve bannon. his court hearing on this contempt prosecution isn't happening until the summer. that's fast by court standards, but slow by political standards. and it puts them even closer to the november 2021 mid term, to the 2022 midterm elections and the closer that they get to that, the more politics come into play and, of course, we know that history says that this moment is not kind to the ruling party. republicans feel good about potentially retaking the house. if they do that, the work of this committee goes out the window. so, they're really on the clock here. >> ali vitali, we thank you, as always. we'll talk to you again soon. still ahead go to cnbc for an early look on what is driving the new week on wall street. 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ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. frequent heartburn? not anymore. the prilosec otc two-week challenge is helping people love what they love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. time now for business. for that, let's bring in cnbc karen who joins us live from london. futures are on the rise after the consumer price index revealed prices jumped 6.8% in november from where they were a year ago. that would be a 39-year high. what can we expect in light of that information from the global markets this week? >> jonathan, it's extraordinary. we have a red hot number. the market setting up for 6. % level and the highest almost four decades and relatively calm response. the s&p 500 tracked to a fresh record on friday and has trickled by on global markets today. setting up for more gains today and futures indicated higher and we are setting up for a risk event. don't forget just about every influential central bank on the planet is meeting this week to discuss monetary policy and the headline with the fed with its two-day meeting and we are expecting to hear potentially an accelerated tapered program and a faster retreat from extraordinary monetary policy that could see an early lift on interest rates. that will be key for markets this week. >> certainly divergence at times between what we're seeing on the consumer prices and wall street. speaking of prices, the cost of food has sky rocketed. in fact, the bureau of labor statistics say grocery prices are now at record highs. what's driving this, karen? >> it's incredible. it's across the board, isn't it. seeing transportation costs go up and commodity prices and, of course, wage pressures, as well. that is driving up food across the board. grocery stores seeing an escalating level and restaurants, too. you cannot avoid it whether you stay at home or eat out. restaurant prices are 5.8% higher over the year and you're seeing this is the largest 12-month increase since 1982. if you want to stay at home and treat yourself to a steak that looks like a mini luxury. beef estimated 21% over the last year or so. across the board from lettuce to fruit and even doughnuts we've seen go up in price. even mcdonald's are saying they are seeing higher prices and prices likely 6% higher this year. but consumers are paying the price. they're soaking up the increases at this stage. it's not impacting demand. keep in mind a disproportionate impact when we talk about higher food prices on the lower income society. >> karen, let's talk about the severe weather that tore through the united states over the last few days. in illinois at least six people were killed and dozens of workers became trapped in an amazon warehouse after a tornado caused major structural damage. i do have some reporting there on how amazon is providing support to the employees affected by this tragedy. >> jonathan, it is still an ongoing situation at this point. we have heard about six people being confirmed dead. one was airlifted. 45 others were rescued safely, but still not known how many more workers are in danger in that facility. we saw the collapse of the building, but it happened when it was a shift change so hard to ascertain the number of people on the ground. we heard from amazon founder jeff bezos who was celebrating the return of his space aircraft when it was unfolding. but he tweeted out sympathy and saying they're heartbroken over the loss of their teammates and pledging support forworkers. we are expecting to hear from crews that will work throughout daylight to try to ascertain whether there are any more people trapped in that facility. this will occur over the next three days, jonathan. >> best of luck to those crews, of course. cnbc karen tso live from london. thank you so much. still ahead, america g7 allies back. warning against russia's military build up on the border with ukraine. a look at this date in history. 21 years ago, 21 years ago george w. bush claimed the presidency a day after the u.s. supreme court shut down further recounts of disputed ballots in florida. >> i was not elected to serve one party, but to serve one nation. the president of the united states is the president of every single american. of every race and every background whether you voted for me or not, i will do my best to serve your interests and i will work to earn your respect. feel the difference with downy. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. (chloe) wireless family plans save you money, but then you have to deal with family. so i got visible. get unlimited data for as low as $25 a month. no family needed. (dad vo) is the turkey done yet?! (mom vo) here's your turkey! (vo) visible. switch and get up to $200. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. secretary of state antony blinken is reaffirming the biden administration's warning to russia that the u.s. is prepared to take significant steps if moscow invades ukraine again. >> right now what the president made very clear to president putin, what i made very clear to my counterpart is that we are looking at and we are prepared to take the kinds of steps we refrained from taking in the past that would have massive consequences for russia. >> blinken also said that he was seeking cooperation from g7 leaders as the world's other leading democracies to collectively stop russian aggression and maintain international diplomacy. blinken's warning comes as russia has moved about 100,000 troops to ukraine's border and officials say is potentially planning a multi-front offensive early next year. meanwhile, the g7's issuing its own warning to russia saying, quote, massive consequences if moscow launches a military offensive. during a meeting yesterday the g7 delegates said they were united in russia's military build up in ukraine and called on the kremlin de-escalate and pursue diplomatic channels. in a statement the leader said, quote, russia should be in no doubt that further military aggression against ukraine would have massive consequences and severe costs in response. according to intelligence, the kremlin could be planning a multi-front offensive on ukraine involving what could be up to 175,000 troops. moscow denies it plans to invade ukraine and says the west is gripped. israeli's prime minister naftali bennett has made history. the first time an israeli leader has ever visited the israeli state. he landed yesterday and set to meet with the country's crown prince 16 months after they signed the u.s. brokered abruham accords which normalize relations between the two countries. the leaders are slated to discuss deepening their ties and focusing on economic and regional issue that will contribute to the stability between israel and the are you awake. linda writes, i am up way too early because it's midday here in belgium. terence writes, it's cocktail hour in tokyo. >> it's 5:00 a.m. some where. >> dan, what do you got in there? >> early morning raccoon fisticuts, the dogs are up. >> i am awake so i can get updates on my fellow kentuckians. please pray for us. up next, as we follow the devastating tornados that touched down in six states. we'll hear from homeland security alejandro mayorkas about the federal response. 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>> well, once they are doing a lot of work, increasing signs, jonathan that build back better bill will move into 2022. the white house had hoped to get it done this month before they go -- we are down to legislative days instead of weeks. >> what have senator joe manchin said again and again going back to the fall. he says he's fine with it moving into 2022. when someone says something again and again, you have to listen. that's increasingly the case. the president early this week, there is other fixes technicalities and financial reasons that bbb may be slow. >> how many more days left? >> that's it. >> christmas is one of the few real deadlines because you know when ever they have deadlines, they always move. holidays become more real when these women amend one of the out of town, it's something. >> now there is greater concerns of inflation report we saw on friday pumping more money into the economy. >> and we have been covering the tornados in the midwest. what do climate scientists say we saw. >> we are calling it america's tornado warning. you saw the president and other officials leaning into this weekend and talking about how this extreme weather we are seeing. it's a year of extreme weather, whether it's increase tropical storms of florida or the fire of my home state of california, the heat and the pacific northwest and these devastating tornados you and i were talking. it's going to take years for those towns to come back. >> centers are becoming vocal of the fact that they believed it's the results of climate change. it's going to mean more intense storms and more frequent storms and that adds up top more damage from storms. >> certainly there is been some, democrats in particular who sees this storm, this is climate change and this is why we need to make changes in federal policies and there is some hopes that can motivate votes in favor of. is this a factor? >> that's a great point. we'll hear a lot about it. climate is one of the president's four crisis that he talked about from the beginning. it's weaved into everything that he does and sadly that evidence is before us. >> certainly seems like whether it's wildfires or hurricanes and now these tornados. we expect to hear from the president on this later today from the white house and the trip in the work. mike allen, we really appreciate it. >> have a great week. >> thank you all of you for waking up way too early with us on this monday morning. a jam packed "morning joe" starts now. >> the children think wow, that elf on the show got old. anyway, anyway, as you probably heard there is an omicron wave sweeping the globe. some feared the omicron variant will be a vaccine resistance, kind of like 40% of americans. >> good morning and welcome toll "morning joe," it's monday, december 13th, in a moment we have new reporting on the document that outlines exactly how former president trump and his allies going about to overturn the 2020 election. it ended up in the inbox of trump's chief of staff mark meadows. his lawyer said he did nothing with it but did he meet with someone who did. that's just ahead. the search for survivors continue after a series of devastating tornados affecting six states, close to 60 people confirmed

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Lift , What S Going On , Oh , Downy Wrinkleguard , Hey Joshie , Heartburn , Downy , Difference , Claire , Nexium 24hr , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Blend , Nutrients , Emergen C , Best , Peter Navarro , East Coast , Out West , Letter , Refusal , Panel , Navarro , Refuser , Order , Trade , Donald Trump , Executive Privilege , Jim Clyborn , South Carolina , Public , Something , Quote , Subcommittee , Subpoena , Blankal Refusal , Hands , Matter , Recommendation , Support , Counsel , January 6th Select Committee , Deposition , Contempt Of Congress , Report , Meadows , Troops , Supporters , Guard , Safe , Capitol Riot , Questions , Security , Attack , Claim , Lives , Recipient , January 5th , Text , Subpoena Deposition , Direction , Organizer , Crazy , Rally , Committee , Information , Votes , Communication , Reports , Secretary Of State , Request , Georgia , Request For Comment , Powerpoint Presentation , Attorney , E Mail , Emergency , Strategy , Client , Presentation , Retired Army Colonel , Phil , Waldren , Times , Members , Occasions , Spoke , Congress , Capitol , Correspondent Ali Vitali , Guys , Capitol Hill , Consequences , Stand , Post Season , Referral , January 6th Investigation Committee , Timing , Contempt Referral , Cooperation , Movement , Jon , Text Messages , Documents , Shape , Thousands , Contempt , House Floor , Records , Whether , Archives , Devices , Court Victories , Accounts , Cell Phones , Front , Epoen , The National Archives , E Mails , Deployment , National Guard , Presidential Records Act , Issue , Bit , Worth Broadening , Committees , Continuation , Revelation , Muscle , Jaw , Course , Politics , Bottom , Grumbling , Testimony , Left , Aren T Doing Enough , Role , Liz Cheney , Public Relations , Tweets , The End , Favor , Witnesses , Mind , Steve Bannon , Court Hearing , Elections , Summer , Political Standards , Fast By Court Standards , Mid Term , Contempt Prosecution Isn T , 2022 , November 2021 , Work , History , Closer , Play , Ruling Party , Republicans , Wall Street , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Softness , One Million , Kidney Problems , Angioedema , Hospital , Ace Inhibitor , Ace , Baby , Harm , Aliskiren , Arb , Don T Take Ozempic , Blood , Type 2 Diabetes , Potassium , Zone , Weight , Cv Risk , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Risk , Heart Attack , Events , Heart Disease , Stroke , 12 , 7 , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Isn T , Share , Pens , Reuse , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Changes , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Zero , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Cnbc Karen , Futures , Consumer Price Index , London , 6 8 , 39 , Markets , Market Setting Up , Light , Risk Event , Gains , On Global Markets Today , S P 500 , Meeting , Central Bank , Monetary Policy , Retreat , Planet , Program , Headline , Fed , Fact , Consumer Prices , Cost , Interest Rates , Divergence , Sky , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Board , Wage Pressures , Commodity , Grocery Prices , Record Highs , Transportation Costs , Isn T It , Restaurant Prices , Increase , Restaurants , 5 8 , Steak , Lettuce , Luxury , Beef , Fruit , Doughnuts , 1982 , Mcdonald S , Consumers , Increases , Demand , Stage , Workers , Food Prices , Income Society , Talk , Let , Situation , Employees , Collapse , Facility , Building , Shift Change , Others , Danger , Jeff Bezos , Return , Space Aircraft , Crews , Teammates , Sympathy , Support Forworkers , Live From London , Luck , Karen Tso , Three , Presidency , Allies , George W Bush , Party , Recounts , Ballots , Single , Florida , One Nation , Interests , Background , Race , Respect , Money , Family Plans , Data , Low , Chloe , Turkey , Ingestion , Mom Vo , Upset Stomach , Dad Vo , Switch , 200 , Action , Pepto Bismol , Coating , Soothing , Diarrheaaaa , Antony Blinken , President Putin , Counterpart , Kinds , Aggression , Democracies , Diplomacy , World , 100000 , Officials , Military Offensive , Offensive , Saying , Moscow , Leader , No Doubt , Channels , Delegates , Build Up , Kremlin De Escalate , Costs , Kremlin , Planning A Multi Front Offensive , Naftali Bennett , Time , West , Israeli , 175000 , Countries , Relations , Crown Prince , Abruham Accords , 16 , Ties , Stability , Belgium , Linda , Terence , Where , Tokyo , Dan , Raccoon Fisticuts , Updates , Dogs , Kentuckians , Up Next , Joe Manchin , Woman Vo , Man , Pad , Discreet , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , Lisa , Caregiver , Axios Am , Path , Of Axios , Cofounder , 82 , 2024 , Generation , Anybody , Congressman Clyburn , Seat , Interview , Legislation , Voting Rights , Endorsement , Viewers , Voting Rights Bill , Axios , Prediction , Promises , Conversation , Senate , Congressmen , Agents , Whip , Yes , Build , Act , Technicalities , Fixes , Deadlines , Bbb , Holidays , Town , Concerns , Midwest , Climate Scientists , Tornado Warning , My Home State Of California , Fire , Heat , Pacific Northwest , Climate Change , Centers , Results , Vocal , Policies , Factor , Climate , Crisis , Beginning , Evidence , Wildfires , Hurricanes , Trip , Mike Allen , Monday Morning , Jam , Omicron Variant , Elf , Globe , Wow , Vaccine Resistance , Omicron Wave , Toll , December 13th , Monday December 13th , 13 , Trump , Inbox Of Trump ,

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