Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709 : comp

Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709

with the committee. what we know about what went down behind closed doors and what we know about those not cooperating, and when the house plans to hold mark meadows in contempt. if nancy pelosi takes a question on this, you'll see it right here live. plus nbc news conducting an investigation into the trump investigation, the new york ag looking to talk to donald trump himself about fraud inside his business. when that might happen and how the former president is responding. would it surprise you to hear the word witch hunt? i'm hallie jackson along with garrett haake and pete williams. just this afternoon as we were getting ready for the soon, we were getting a bunch of new details about the investigation into the capitol riot, most of it coming from one of the only republicans on the committee, vice chair liz cheney. she says, you see it here, nearly 300 witnesses have been interviewed, including four key figures today. that's interesting, since we only knew for sure about two interviews. congresswoman cheney says they've received what she calls, exceptionally interesting and important documents from witnesses, which include former trump chief of staff mark meadows. and now we know when that contempt vote for meadows will happen. next tuesday, per house majority leader steny hoyer. this is interesting from congresswoman cheney here, more of a glimpse of what we see behind the scenes of the select committee. does it stand out to you she said four key figures. i can think of two, ally alexander and kash patel. i don't know who the other two are. >> we don't. and i'm interested in finding out who they might be. this is a big day for the committee. we've been focused on the back and forth with mark meadows. cheney alludes to that too, where she says, don't be misled. president trump is trying to hide what happened on january 6th and to delay and obstruct. we will not let that happen. i always think that cheney at least believes most of her audience when she tweets, our republicans. so, i think it's interesting the way she is targeting donald trump with those tweets. nevertheless we are seeing two big witnesses today, ally alexander, who is an organizer of the so-called stop the steal movement, and kash patel, who is a name that popped up in various positions, first hill on the hill, then in different elements of the trump administration, including finally at the pentagon. he's someone you see from a distance there, who the committee has been trying to get to come in for a deposition since october. that's a long way of saying even knowing the deadlines and when we expect members to be coming in to be deposed this week doesn't help us fill out the other two. on the ally alexander front, he was trying to perhaps unsay some of the comments he said immediately after the january 6th insurrection when he talked to reporters today. listen to what he told us. >> conspiracy theory that me and members of congress worked to jeopardize the safety of their colleagues. and that couldn't be further from the truth. so, this evidence exonerates those members. this evidence exonerates me. and this evidence is going to exonerate president donald j. trump, and we're really excited about that. >> alexander in the days after january 6th said he had worked with a handful of current active republican lawmakers to plan some of those rallies. here you see him say he's got evidence that might exonerate perhaps even those same members. i don't know what he brought, but if it is in the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, much more fuel for the january 6th committee to work through. >> pete, i want to get your overall reaction to that. but i also want to talk about liz cheney saying meadows has turned over many texts from his private cell phone from january 6th. i asked somebody on the january 6th committee just 24 hours ago, and i have a question for you about his response. here's what congressman schiff told me. >> the point of these messages, among other things, besides their substantive importance, is meadows acknowledges, by providing these to the committee, there's no privilege that covers them. >> so, these texts, which congressman cheney calls exceptionally interesting. congressman schiff is making the point by turning them over, the committee thinks they're very interesting, meadows have undercut the very executive privilege claim he was trying to make. do you think that's a legit point, pete? >> well, i can tell you what his lawyer would say and has said in response, that meadows has agreed to provide a great deal of material already that he considers not privileged. 7,000 pages of documents, lots of details about conversations with various people. so, meadows himself is trying to draw a distinction between material that's privileged and isn't. so, the mere fact that he's handed something over i don't think, at least in his mind, undercuts his idea of privilege. and remember, he's done this all voluntarily. and part of what the lawsuit says is you can't make me do it. you can't subpoena me. >> but he's now suing the committee. he's now suing speaker pelosi. and by the way, again, we expect to see her sometime in the next 15 minutes or so. if she talks about that, we'll bring that answer to folks live. talk a little bit about what meadows is basing this suit on and where this might be likely to go, pete. i know you don't have a crystal ball, but in your professional assessment. >> sure, he sues both speaker pelosi and the members of the committee. and some of what he says is similar to what former president trump has claimed in a separate lawsuit, trying to block the committee from getting the documents, namely that the committee doesn't have the authority to issue subpoenas because it lacks a legitimate legislative purpose. a federal judge in washington has already rejected that argument in the trump lawsuit. the meadows lawsuit makes an important point. it says the democrats didn't follow the house rules in organizing the committee in the first place, so it lacks legitimate authority for that separate reasons. he says, as trump has said, that he can't be compelled to produce documents because of executive privilege, although as you noted he's voluntarily turned over a lot of material he says isn't privileged. he argues as a former top white house official, he is immune from being compelled to come before congress, and that is a view the justice department has repeatedly expressed over the past five decades about both parties about the immunity of top executive branch officials. and he says the subpoenas are vastly overbroad, too much information including from his phone company, and that's not appropriate. >> much appreciated. great reporting. now to new developments into an investigation into the trump organization. nbc news today confirming new york attorney general is looking to serve donald trump with a subpoena to show up for a deposition early next month. the ag's office, was reported before, was looking into whether to file a civil suit against the trump organization as of now. we should note the former president himself has not been accused of wrong doing. the attorney general announced she is suspending her campaign for governor. she's running for re-election in her current job instead. it's good to see all of you. tom, talk a little bit more about what we've learned about why james wants to depose trump. >> right, hallie. this is tied to this ongoing civil and criminal investigation, criminal investigation quarterbacked by cy vance. and the civil investigation is primarily being led i be the attorney general's office, and the attorney general herself, letitia james. when you look at the totality of what is focused here, it is focused on the civil side. if trump were to be ordered to testify on the criminal side under new york state grand jury rules, they could order him to testify. but it would mean they could never charge him for any of the things he discusses, any of the subject matter that he discusses. that's not necessarily true on the civil side. so, if he answers questions in the civil case in this deposition, he could -- that information could certainly be used not only on the criminal case but on the civil side. on the civil side when you plead the fifth, he could be asked 20 questions, 60 questions, 100 questions, him pleading the fifth in a civil proceeding would be helpful when you're presenting that case before a jury or a judge whereas if he did it in a grand jury setting we would never see the light of day of it. >> david, in a statement you had the former president's attorney calling the investigation politicized, a witch hunt, saying the former president did nothing wrong, not altogether surprising. i should note you're one of the bilines on the post who scooped this story. does he have much choice here in showing up? >> he can challenge it on the grounds tom alluded to. basically this is an end around around new york state's criminal laws. what you really want to do is charge him with a crime. you want to interview me and use this against me in a criminal proceeding, but you can't in a criminal investigation so you're going to use this as a back door. i'm sure trump will try to quash the subpoena on that ground. whether that will work, i don't know. but it probably means there will be some delay. remember eric trump, the president's son, was also subpoenaed in this investigation. he tried to avoid it, delayed it by months before he finally had to testify. we may see a repeat of that with donald trump. >> explain why this deposition, kim, is important. tish james would have to stick to the broad outlines or boundaries of what she's investigating them for. this isn't a free for all, but it could be significant. >> depositions actually can at the federal level, anyway -- this is state court -- but can stray beyond what seems relevant. it looks like the question here is around his knowledge and intent relating to financial transactions. that is his tax returns and request for money from banks. so, the argument or the allegation is you took property a owned by donald trump. when he was paying taxes, he valued it very low. when he was seeking to have a loan, he valued the same property very high. the argument is a, which is it? and it suggests one or the other is wrong or untruthful. but unlike other walks of law, when it comes to taxes, the lack of knowledge of the law is sometimes a defense. so, they want to establish what did he understand was his legal obligation. he's going to argue probably, at some point, listen, these are my underlings, i had nothing to do with it. i think his personality it's going to be hard for him to plead the fifth. and that really is -- if i were representing the government here, i would say that's the answer to this claim that there's a conflict between the criminal and civil. come if had had and tell the truth, and then you won't have any problem in the criminal element. so, it'll be interesting to see given his personality is going to not want to back down and potentially to say what he wants to say. and which he's very used to sitting through depositions. this is not someone that's been afraid to do this for many, many years. >> david, we talked about the new york attorney general. she was planning to run for governor. she now will not do that. and that announcement, she cited, quote, a number of important investigations and cases that are underway. listen, how do you think this particular investigation might have played into this. she obviously, you know, was in this race. it is a competitive one. >> well, what we're hearing -- it was a competitive race, but she was not leading. the current governor, kathy hochul, was ahead and ahead by double digits. i think it was a combination of things. letitia james thought, i'm not winning. it's going to be an uphill climb to win this race with a lot of other democrats in the race. and if i run, it'll taint this thing i want to do against donald trump. it will be harder to do what i need to be doing if people think i'm using it as fodder for a gubernatorial race. >> thanks to all of you for that. right now at the white house as we speak, president biden, so far as we know, he's still on the phone. he's still on the phone with the ukrainian president. russia keeps up that troop buildup along the border. and we're keeping an eye on a couple things happening in congress. house speaker nancy pelosi about to speak any minute along with several committee chairs. then on the right side of your screen, the senate floor with moves now with a really important vote to set up debt limit increase. and we've got an exclusive look at the nation's first ever injection site. officials say 17 people have already been saved by overdoses with quick action by workers there. we'll talk about why this is a new blueprint for the rest of the country in a bit. w blueprin the country in a bit superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> kristen, i think it's going to be up to president putin to make a decision about whether he is going to invade ukraine and send a message to the global community that he does not respect the territorial integrity of a country when the united states, our european partners, are sending a clear message that there will be significant economic consequences, beyond, as jake sullivan said the other day, what we have seen in 2014. >> so, mike, the message from jen psaki is the onus is on putin, basically. talk through the message president biden needs to be delivering right now to president zelenski. >> this is an important conversation, one of reassurance to a close allay at a tense moment in the region. the president is going to be reaffirming, of course, the u.s. support for ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. and also going to be reading out the conversation he had with president putin to president zelenski. then it will turn to what the u.s. is prepared to do in the form of additional equipment and training of ukrainian forces if that is called for at this stage. i thought what psaki's answer was so interesting because it matched up with the reporting from me and the others at our team is as much as the white house is preparing for worse case scenarios, there's also a sense among senior officials here that effectively putin has already achieved what he wanted to do. that this is essentially disruption for disruption sake. he knows president biden's political standing is something of a low point in his one year in office. he knows yesterday there was a transegs of power in germany, that the french presidential elections are upcoming. at a time when president biden wants to shift his agenda elsewhere, his international focus beyond russia, this is putin rearing his head, making it clear. i also think it's important to note the call with zelenski still ongoing. the president also going to be speaking with the bucharest nine. if they express concern and want additional deployments of nato forces, u.s. forces, that was something, as jake put it, they would have to respond to positively. that's just as important a call as the call underway with zelenski. >> are you surprised it's lasted this long? >> it's interesting it is. i think there's also something of parody that the u.s. is always careful to engage in as it relates to -- >> mike, i'm sorry to -- this annoying thing happened that i hate because i've been on that side of it before. you should check your email because apparently the call has ended. so, it ended at 2:50. it wasn't quite two hours. but i think, mike, check me here, an hour and 16 minutes. so, you were talking to this point here, not -- the parody with russia piece of it, right, the parody with these conversations. the president is -- i'm sorry. you're talking so i know you can't be looking at your phone. so, i feel you on that. >> i appreciate you've been here before, hallie, literally and figuratively. you saw when the president was meeting and had that summit there was real concern on the part of ukraine officials that they wanted to have a summit as soon as possible with president biden. we saw president zelenski come here. they had a full day of meetings. there was a readout in terms of military and economic assistance that the u.s. was willing to provide to ukraine. that was more than two months ago at this point. obviously the situations have changed. this is a fresh start in terms of what needs to be done to deter russia from a potential invasion at this stage. >> how much longer until you think we get that readout? >> what press secretary jen psaki said during the briefing was she hopes to give that readout as quickly even as she's at the podium. i believe she's still there. this is something we saw with the call with vladimir putin, jake sullivan wanted to come to the briefing room as quickly as possible. that's exactly the case as well. mike memoli, thank you, friend. i appreciate it. appreciate you being so responsive to all this. next up we're taking it to capitol hill, a key process that could have ripple effects in the whole economy. depending on how things go today, maybe tomorrow. we'll get a check on that action as we wait to hear from speaker pelosi. first we'll take you live to minneapolis where the jury has been hearing gut wrenching testimony in the manslaughter trial of a former officer. mans trial of a former officer. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's our everyday price. plus, our plans always come with unlimited talk, text and data included. so, switch to t-mobile and get 2 lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. only at t-mobile. the leader in 5g. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to at progressive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. that's why progressive car insurance covers your pets for up to $1,000 if they're ever in a car accident with you. this mini majorette's gonna march her way right into your heart. -i'm sorry. can we stop? 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is there anything you can tell us about that? >> reporter: yeah, and you know, there was actually one interesting moment where you heard alaina apologize to katie almost in a whisper, katie being daunte wright's mother, saying, i'm sorry i showed you daunte's condition in that video. the jurors have been paying very close attention. they've been leaning in to the testimony, especially when it got extremely emotional during that section right there. as alaina was testifying, katie was inside that courtroom, daunte's mother, again, and she was emotional, sobbing, according to one of the reporters in the courtroom. while it didn't disrupt the proceedings, it was definitely something that connected with a lot of people. we also did get substantive testimony from an officer that responded. you've got brand-new body camera video of the crash that happened after daunte wright reentered the car, was shot, and the car sped off and crashed into another vehicle. that responding officer was answering questions from the prosecution. and you got a sense the prosecution was trying to underscore the idea that kim potter, after she says she used her gun instead of her taser, she never radioed that in to anyone. she didn't tell any other officers that it was an accident. so, what happened at the next scene was this about ten-minute-long standoff with this vehicle after daunte wright was being shot where prosecutors are arguing he could have been helped and could have received medical attention. but there was no word that it was an accident that eventually happened. that is what we're going through now. there's another responding officer who is on the stand right now, who will be back on the stand after this 20-minute break they're in right now. >> shaquille brewster, live on capitol hill. thank you. the senate has just taken the first step to avoid the nation's first ever default on its debt. they voted to advance a bill that would temporarily suspend the filibuster and allow a vote to raise the debt ceiling. democrats needed 10 republicans to go along with this. they got 14. i want to bring in sahil kapur. explain what just happened in regular human terms, right? number two, is this crisis averted? is this it? >> hallie, this was the most significant hurdle to clear because this is the only part of the debt limit process that needed republican cooperation. it needed ten votes in the senate. it got 14 republican votes in the senate. the bill still needs final passage in this chamber. that's likely to happen sometime between now and tomorrow morning. after that, it goes to president biden's desk. once he signs it into law, it triggers a fast-track process where the senate can pass a debt limit increase with a dollar amount with a simple majority, there's no filibuster allowed, just this one time for this one purpose. then it goes to the house, it goes to the president biden's house. they can do the whole thing within a day in the senate, and that gives them enough time to meet the december 15th deadline and avoid default. it's hard to overstate how absurd the process is because this is congress creating a process to perform a simple task. everyone agrees the debt limit needed to be increased, but republicans didn't want to put their fingerprints on it. they want to run against democrats in the 2022 elections. so, they created this process. democrats are aware republicans are going to do this. one democratic aide suggested that if the republicans run against democrats on that, democrats will turn around and say those republicans support medicare cuts because those would be shut off. this is congress at its most absurd. and democrats are planning to increase the debt limit somewhere between $2 trillion and $3 trillion, the idea to be to get them through the midterm elections. >> that's smart analysis and great reporting. on the punch bowl side, you were talking about rank and file republicans with mitch mcconnell. 14 republicans on the senate side did vote to move forward with this and go along. what do you make of that? how do you sort that out? >> well, i mean the reality is the hill kind of alluded to this. nobody believes that the debt ceiling shouldn't be increased. that's not a sustainable position in any way, shape, or form. and that's the crux here. i mean, mcconnell said -- this all started over the summer when mitch mcconnell said democrats have to raise the debt ceiling on their own. >> right. >> they decided to not do it in reconciliation, the fast track process. and mcconnell's hands were tied. and he was forced to blink. and that's the reality because mcconnell's not going to let the nation default on its debt. we've now seen that twice. so, the only other alternative is for him to participate in the process. and some of the anger that senate republicans have at mcconnell is that he said he wasn't going to do this thing that he ultimately did. but in mcconnell's mind, he wants to keep the attention on democrats, on what he thinks is their precarious political position and their large spending plans. we'll see how that all sorts out in the midterm election. but that's kind of the political dynamic here. and what's impressive, if there's anything you could take out of this, what's impressive is that mcconnell could get 15, 14 people to do this, to facilitate this process to raise the debt ceiling basically on a dime. that is impressive, although he has completely flip flopped here. >> let's say the debt ceiling crisis seems to be averted for now -- sorry, i was going to say absurd because you were going to make that point in your session. what is the next point here? >> i assume sahil and i would say the same thing if we could count down to three, and his name is joe manchin and whether joe manchin is going to be willing to support the build back better act this year. that's the only remaining question that people need to be thinking about and it's what sahil and i are asking all day up here on capitol hill. we're asking joe manchin whether he's going to support that bill this year and whether chuck schumer could do anything to get on his side. we were talking to him yesterday in a scrum. he pulled out a note from his pocket and said we're not talking about these enough, meaning we've done all the stuff. why are we focused on this one bill? that is what we're focused on, whether chuck schumer can get this through the senate. >> i'm only sad we didn't get a simultaneous countdown. after the break we have an exclusive look inside a controversial new supervised injection site, the first in the country opening its doors not too long ago, after overdose deaths hit an all-time high during the pandemic. you know how the top of the show we knew two of the four people who met with the january 6th committee. we now who the other two are based on what sources are telling our team. we'll tell you after the break. telling our team we'll tell you after the break or atopic dermatitis under control? 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gordon ramsay? experience the power of sanctuary this is a cold call! nfl teams are turning to cold with tide, will you? that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. seriously! just perfect! and it'll save up to $150 a year. and it's cold! so you will turn to cold? fine! i'll turn to cold! that guy needs to chill out! this was a cold call! so, we have a bit of breaking news on what has been an eventful few hours of developments on the investigation into january 6th by the house select committee. so, if you were joining us 40 minutes ago at the top of the show, you would have seen us reporting on exactly what you're seeing on the screen, right? there's new information out from congresswoman liz cheney, one of the only republicans on that committee. and she said that the committee had interviews with four key figures today. we knew who two of them were, kash patel, ally alexander. now ally voir dire tally is joining us because we know who the other two are. >> reporter: yeah, our colleague garrett haake confirming the other two people who the january 6th committee spoke with today, csia former director chris krebs and then also former trump attorney and ally john eastman. we know that eastman was planning to come in and plead the fifth. it seems like today was his day to come in and do that. at least that was our expectation, and we'll keep reporting out what was actually said in that meeting. but today i think it's really important to note that the conversation has really been around the people who have not complied with the committee's subpoenas and who have not been cooperative. instead today in part because of the way liz cheney framed these tweets and because these four key players showed up for in some cases hours of depositions, you're seeing the committee show case the side of it that's actually working, that actually has people complying, giving information. and even in the case of someone like mark meadows, who's no longer cooperating with the committee, the committee is still highlighting the information they did manage to get from him, things like text messages off of his private cell phone, as well as other documents that they're still in the process of getting. so, a day we're getting to see a little bit behind the curtain of the committee getting its work. >> it's a great point. thank you so much for bringing us that breaking news. now to an nbc news exclusive, taking us inside what is essentially a first of its kind safe haven for people to use drugs, with new york city opening the country's first ever sanctioned site where people can inject illegal drugs professionally supervised. with a record 100,000 people dying of overdoses last year alone. jacob soboroff is the reporter behind that story. jacob, it's great to have you on the show. walk us through what you saw. >> thanks, and i have to say it was collaboration in a team effort with your team on news now and tommy's team. new york city has become the first city in the nation -- this is quite historic -- to have sanctioned supervised injection facilities. they call them overdose prevention centers in new york city. but around the world these have existed for decades in other countries. the reality is people can go inside and use drugs like h.e.r. win and fentanyl under the supervision of professionals who can reverse an overdose if they die. the context, obviously, we have talked about it quite a bit over many years. this past year, 2020, was the deadliest year in american history for overdose. so, we got to go inside. they allowed us inside the facility. and what i saw was -- actually i think will be unbelievable to a lot of people. i spoke to a man who said he was a u.s. marine corp. veteran who used heroine yesterday in new york city, and here's what he told me. >> they sent me to detox. they sent me to rehab. they did everything they could within their power to help me. and they do that for anyone. you know, i'm a united states marine corp. veteran, and i've gotten more help here than i've gotten from, you know, from the va. >> i just want to -- i just want to reiterate what he said. i'm a veteran, and i've gotten more help here than the va. it's the wrap around services that doctors and scientists say can save lives, get people into treatment and recovery. >> this is life saving stuff. we heard from the mayor of new york saying it has saved more than two dozen people's lives because of the professional supervision here. do you see other cities doing this. globally this is old news. what about here in the u.s.? >> i think so. the question is what's the biden administration -- what are they going to say where you are in washington. the biden administration hasn't weighed in on this. and obviously these are illegal drugs. is the department of justice going to prosecute new york city? is there going to be litigation to shut these places down. you can see this move forward to other cities in the country, including philadelphia where they tried to open one of these just a couple years ago and it was shut down in federal court. >> thank you so much. it was a team effort with our team over at nbc news now. you can see jacob talking about the back story at 5:00 eastern. i'll see you then on our streaming channel. and more with jacob on "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. starbucks workers voting ever to form their first ever union at stores in buffalo and new york. there have been these kinds of attempts before in new york city and philly. those votes failed. this one did not. i want to bring in da shah burns. a lot of people are looking at this. this got national attention, including from figures in washington. how did it go down? >> this is all coming in really hot, hallie. this is happening as we speak. three starbucks stores in the buffalo area have been voting on whether or not to unionize. and we just found out that the very first store, a store in elmwood, voted yes. the second store voted no. and voting on the third store is happening right now as we speak. look, this is -- this is important. this is the first ever corporate-owned starbucks with a union officially now in buffalo. it's an unlikely place, and it was frankly led by an unlikely group of people. it was a group of gen z and millennial baristas who wanted a seat at the corporate table. the service sector does not have a long history of unions. but looking ahead, this could -- we could see a pattern here. this movement actually started after a chain in buffalo voted to unionize just a couple yearsing a, another coffee shop chain. and the workers at starbucks saw this and thought, hey, maybe we could do this. then you had the pandemic happen. and over the course of the pandemic all of this labor that before was viewed as disposable suddenly became essential. and these folks were asked to work through really tough conditions, putting their health and safety at risk. and meanwhile they say, look, the company saw record profits over the course of a year that was really hard for a lot of people. and we want a share in that. and we want to have a say and a voice in how things move forward here, hallie. >> live for us covering that. thank you. >> thanks. next up, talk of republicans lining up former president donald trump is maybe the next pick for the next house speaker? getting more and more attention. at least one congressman having that conversation after the break. congressman having that conversation after the break. y cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. there is no place like home y'all! ask your doctor about nucala. and these people know that there is no place like wayfair. i never thought i'd buy a pink velvet sofa, but when i saw it, i was like 'ah'. and then i sat on it, and i was like 'ooh'. ooh! stylish and napable. okay now. i can relate to this one. i'm a working mom with three boys. 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(kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrs! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, go with the general. do i need to pretreat my laundry? nope! with tide pods, you don't need to worry. y 60 years the pre-treaters are built in. tide pods dissolve even when the water is freezing. nice! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. there's a lot of talk about former president trump donald trump running in 2024. but what about 2022? not for president, but for speaker of the house? it is an idea that's out there, it has been out there, and one that the former president himself is not totally saying no to. it is in new movement now. others saying something about it for sure. look at the headlines. calling the concept an insane scenario, a not so elaborate troll, a zany idea trumped up at an opium debt. if republicans take control of the house next year, it could phasebly maybe decide to put the former president in charge, which would put him behind joe biden at the state of the union and give him the final say on what gets voted scan what doesn't in the house. here's what matt gaetz had to say. >> if you do take the house, would you want expresident trump to be the speaker? >> i would. >> have you talked to him about it? >> i have. >> what did he say? >> oh, i keep my conversations with the former president between the two of us. >> let's bring in mark murray. let's just put a few like things out into the universe here. number one, donald trump loves the dangle. he loves the idea of this dangling out there even though some of his closest aides say it is not real, not going to happen. number two, it feels in some ways this is about congressman matt gaetz not just trying to win over former president trump because he loves to see, this loves to see this stare, but also trying to stick a needle in kevin mccarthy, who very much wants to be speaking if the republicans take back the house in 2022. talk about why this is actually significant here. >> hallie, there is a lot going on here. first, how this idea actually came of being, one of those, we are doing to restore donald trump to the white house, into the presidency without him having to run for re-election in 2024. you have seen a lot of those take off on the very pro-trump right on the internet. one of the theories is that somehow when republicans take back the house in 2022 that republicans could impeach and convict president biden. they could do the same thing to vice president harris. then the speaker of the house who is number two in line of suction session to the presidency would become president of the united states. that's how they like to dangle donald trump could be speaker of the house because it gets him closer to the presidency in 2024. >> in the world of the things that are wrl, the world we live in? >> he is more likely to be ascending to the british throne than to have that scenario play out. it is not going to happen. the other thing that's going on, if you want to talk about your loyalty to the former president the way matt gaetz was doing, of course he would love trump to be speaker of the house it would get him closer to the presidency. >> we talked about that donald trump wants this to be dangled out there. he also wants it dangled out there that he might run for president in 2024. we have seen his former number two, mike pence, out in new hampshire this week being vocal doing several interviews talking with members of the media, not saying he's going to run or planning to run. but we have been doing reporting on it. i talked to a source close to the former vice president today who said, yeah, he hasn't made up his mind. but the decision will be made independently, they say, of what his former boss is going to do. how do you see this enticement that donald trump is trying to throw out there for 2024, either freezing or not freezing the rest of the field on the gop side. >> the more people talk about the former president of the united states the more it does freeze the republican 2024 field. of course we are a long way from the 2024 presidential election. we need to get through the mid terms first and see what the environment ends up looking like. whether it was former vice president mike pence, ron de santis, a republican governor of florida. a lot of republicans want to keep their options open in the case that former donald trump decides not to run for president, which would create an absolute wide open field. if you are mike pence, ron de santis, to anyone else, yeah, you might want to have the idea that you might be running for president. but of course we have to actually see what the former president does first. >> our political mind guru man, mark, i'm sorry -- i don't remember your title. political editor, political mastermind. >> editor sounds good. >> his royal highness, mark, thank you for being with us. thank you to you will of a you for watching this hour of hallie jackson reports. i am also some on streaming. 5:00 eastern. 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Video , Katie , Saying , Whisper , Condition , Attention , Jurors , Section , Didn T , Proceedings , Sobbing , Prosecution , Vehicle , Shot , Crash , Accident , Anyone , Officers , Scene , Standoff , Prosecutors , Ten , Stand , Shaquille Brewster , Bill , Debt Ceiling , Debt , Step , Filibuster , 10 , Sahil Kapur , 14 , Votes , Debt Limit Process , Crisis , Human Terms , Hurdle , Cooperation , Chamber , Desk , Passage , Majority , Dollar Amount , Process , Default , December 15th Deadline , December 15th , Everyone , Debt Limit , Task , Fingerprints , 2022 , Republicans , Cuts , Aide , Medicare , Somewhere , Analysis , 2 Trillion , Trillion , 3 Trillion , Reality , Punch Bowl Side , Mitch Mcconnell , File , Kind , Position , Shape , Crux , Nobody , Fast Track Process , Reconciliation , Blink , Hands , Alternative , Anger , Election , Spending Plans , Sorts , Dynamic , Debt Ceiling Crisis , Dime , Joe Manchin , Session , Three , Thinking , Sahil , Build , He , Chuck Schumer , Stuff , 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Sores , Heart Failure , Bruising , Bleeding , Hepatitis B , Flu , Fever , Patients , Visit Enbrel Com , , Cold , Sanctuary , Teams , Tide , Wish List Event , Nfl , Lincoln , Gordon Ramsay , Jerseys , 150 , Fine , Breaking News , The House Select Committee , 40 , Tally , Colleague Garrett Haake , January 6th Committee Spoke With Today , John Eastman , Chris Krebs , Trump Attorney , Least , Csia Former , Expectation , Cooperative , The Committee Show Case , Giving Information , Text Messages , Curtain , Work , Nbc News Exclusive , Drugs , First , Site , Safe Haven , Record , Collaboration , Jacob Soboroff , 100000 , City , Effort , Supervised Injection Facilities , Tommy , Countries , Use , Win , Prevention Centers , Fentanyl , Professionals , Overdose , Context , Supervision , 2020 , Veteran , Man , Facility , Heroine Yesterday , U S Marine , Va , Lives , Doctors , Life Saving Stuff , Recovery , Treatment , Mayor , Scientists , Cities , Places , Move , Litigation , Hasn T , Department Of Justice , Team Effort , Federal Court , Philadelphia , Starbucks , Voting , Union , Back Story , Stores , Nbc Nightly News , Buffalo , Streaming Channel , Lester Holt , Attempts , Kinds , Da Shah Burns , Store , Area , Elmwood , Yes , Group , Seat , Table , Who , Gen Z , Millennial Baristas , Movement , History , Unions , Service Sector , Pattern , Chain , Couple Yearsing A , Coffee Shop Chain , Thought , Labor , Disposable , Company , Profits , Health , Conditions , Share , Say , Congressman , Pick , Breathing Problems , Asthma , Cause , Nucala , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Headache , Face , Tongue , Swelling , Trouble , Mouth , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Velvet Sofa , Ah , Ooh , Wayfair , Therapy , Boys , Working Mom , Yelling , Napable , Amen , Yup , Better , Holiday , Phone Everyone Wants , Kate , Iphone , Betttterrrrrr , Betttttter , Entertainment , Entertainment Subscriptions , Music , Carolers , Singing , Apple , Apple Arcade , 7 , Circle , Therapies , Medicines , Science , Mental Illness , Researchers , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Healthcare , Mental Illness To Wellness , General , Insurance , Turns , Low Rate , Let S Get Ready , Michael Buffer , JalapeÑoooo Popperrrs , Water , Coverage , Pre Treaters , The General , Tide Pods , Nice , Running , 2024 , To , Headlines , House , Scenario , Opium Debt , Control , Concept , Troll , Doesn T In The House , Scan , Charge , State Of The Union , Speaker , Expresident Trump , Two Of Us , Matt Gaetz , Dangle , Universe , Number One , Mark Murray , Stare , Aides , Ways , Wants , Needle , Presidency , Convict , Theories , Harris , President Of The United States , Suction , The World We Live In , Wrl , Doing , Throne , Ascending , Loyalty , British , Mike Pence , Media , Source , New Hampshire , Enticement , He Hasn T , Field , Environment , Ron De Santis , Options , Wide Open Field , Florida , Anyone Else , Mind Guru Man , Title , Political Editor , Editor , His Royal Highness , Mastermind , Deadline , Reason , Fun , Progress , Daring , Inflammation , Relief , Burn , Eye Drops , Ache , Eyes , Eye Disease , Symptoms , Signs , Approved Non Steroid Treatment , Xiidra , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Eye Doctor , Container , Contacts , Side Effects , Vision , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , Eye Irritation , Fifteen , Books , Linda , Advancement , Dry Eye , Small Business Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Expert Bookkeeper , Hair Gel Expenses , Experts , Sounds Good , Felipe , Steve , Heartburn , Anna , It Starts , Night , Sleep , Dream , Acid , Live Bookkeeping , Nexium 24hr , Night Protection , Network Solutions , Guests , Devices , Cyberthreat , 1200 , Security , Activecore Platform , Anywhere , Network Management , Sd Wan , Vo , Device , Small Business Owners Prosper , Business Powering Possibilities , Employees , Largest , Opportunities , Facebook , 200 , Insurrection , The Tick Tock Of Trump , Piecing , 4 , Riot , Speed , Plot , Allies ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709

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with the committee. what we know about what went down behind closed doors and what we know about those not cooperating, and when the house plans to hold mark meadows in contempt. if nancy pelosi takes a question on this, you'll see it right here live. plus nbc news conducting an investigation into the trump investigation, the new york ag looking to talk to donald trump himself about fraud inside his business. when that might happen and how the former president is responding. would it surprise you to hear the word witch hunt? i'm hallie jackson along with garrett haake and pete williams. just this afternoon as we were getting ready for the soon, we were getting a bunch of new details about the investigation into the capitol riot, most of it coming from one of the only republicans on the committee, vice chair liz cheney. she says, you see it here, nearly 300 witnesses have been interviewed, including four key figures today. that's interesting, since we only knew for sure about two interviews. congresswoman cheney says they've received what she calls, exceptionally interesting and important documents from witnesses, which include former trump chief of staff mark meadows. and now we know when that contempt vote for meadows will happen. next tuesday, per house majority leader steny hoyer. this is interesting from congresswoman cheney here, more of a glimpse of what we see behind the scenes of the select committee. does it stand out to you she said four key figures. i can think of two, ally alexander and kash patel. i don't know who the other two are. >> we don't. and i'm interested in finding out who they might be. this is a big day for the committee. we've been focused on the back and forth with mark meadows. cheney alludes to that too, where she says, don't be misled. president trump is trying to hide what happened on january 6th and to delay and obstruct. we will not let that happen. i always think that cheney at least believes most of her audience when she tweets, our republicans. so, i think it's interesting the way she is targeting donald trump with those tweets. nevertheless we are seeing two big witnesses today, ally alexander, who is an organizer of the so-called stop the steal movement, and kash patel, who is a name that popped up in various positions, first hill on the hill, then in different elements of the trump administration, including finally at the pentagon. he's someone you see from a distance there, who the committee has been trying to get to come in for a deposition since october. that's a long way of saying even knowing the deadlines and when we expect members to be coming in to be deposed this week doesn't help us fill out the other two. on the ally alexander front, he was trying to perhaps unsay some of the comments he said immediately after the january 6th insurrection when he talked to reporters today. listen to what he told us. >> conspiracy theory that me and members of congress worked to jeopardize the safety of their colleagues. and that couldn't be further from the truth. so, this evidence exonerates those members. this evidence exonerates me. and this evidence is going to exonerate president donald j. trump, and we're really excited about that. >> alexander in the days after january 6th said he had worked with a handful of current active republican lawmakers to plan some of those rallies. here you see him say he's got evidence that might exonerate perhaps even those same members. i don't know what he brought, but if it is in the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, much more fuel for the january 6th committee to work through. >> pete, i want to get your overall reaction to that. but i also want to talk about liz cheney saying meadows has turned over many texts from his private cell phone from january 6th. i asked somebody on the january 6th committee just 24 hours ago, and i have a question for you about his response. here's what congressman schiff told me. >> the point of these messages, among other things, besides their substantive importance, is meadows acknowledges, by providing these to the committee, there's no privilege that covers them. >> so, these texts, which congressman cheney calls exceptionally interesting. congressman schiff is making the point by turning them over, the committee thinks they're very interesting, meadows have undercut the very executive privilege claim he was trying to make. do you think that's a legit point, pete? >> well, i can tell you what his lawyer would say and has said in response, that meadows has agreed to provide a great deal of material already that he considers not privileged. 7,000 pages of documents, lots of details about conversations with various people. so, meadows himself is trying to draw a distinction between material that's privileged and isn't. so, the mere fact that he's handed something over i don't think, at least in his mind, undercuts his idea of privilege. and remember, he's done this all voluntarily. and part of what the lawsuit says is you can't make me do it. you can't subpoena me. >> but he's now suing the committee. he's now suing speaker pelosi. and by the way, again, we expect to see her sometime in the next 15 minutes or so. if she talks about that, we'll bring that answer to folks live. talk a little bit about what meadows is basing this suit on and where this might be likely to go, pete. i know you don't have a crystal ball, but in your professional assessment. >> sure, he sues both speaker pelosi and the members of the committee. and some of what he says is similar to what former president trump has claimed in a separate lawsuit, trying to block the committee from getting the documents, namely that the committee doesn't have the authority to issue subpoenas because it lacks a legitimate legislative purpose. a federal judge in washington has already rejected that argument in the trump lawsuit. the meadows lawsuit makes an important point. it says the democrats didn't follow the house rules in organizing the committee in the first place, so it lacks legitimate authority for that separate reasons. he says, as trump has said, that he can't be compelled to produce documents because of executive privilege, although as you noted he's voluntarily turned over a lot of material he says isn't privileged. he argues as a former top white house official, he is immune from being compelled to come before congress, and that is a view the justice department has repeatedly expressed over the past five decades about both parties about the immunity of top executive branch officials. and he says the subpoenas are vastly overbroad, too much information including from his phone company, and that's not appropriate. >> much appreciated. great reporting. now to new developments into an investigation into the trump organization. nbc news today confirming new york attorney general is looking to serve donald trump with a subpoena to show up for a deposition early next month. the ag's office, was reported before, was looking into whether to file a civil suit against the trump organization as of now. we should note the former president himself has not been accused of wrong doing. the attorney general announced she is suspending her campaign for governor. she's running for re-election in her current job instead. it's good to see all of you. tom, talk a little bit more about what we've learned about why james wants to depose trump. >> right, hallie. this is tied to this ongoing civil and criminal investigation, criminal investigation quarterbacked by cy vance. and the civil investigation is primarily being led i be the attorney general's office, and the attorney general herself, letitia james. when you look at the totality of what is focused here, it is focused on the civil side. if trump were to be ordered to testify on the criminal side under new york state grand jury rules, they could order him to testify. but it would mean they could never charge him for any of the things he discusses, any of the subject matter that he discusses. that's not necessarily true on the civil side. so, if he answers questions in the civil case in this deposition, he could -- that information could certainly be used not only on the criminal case but on the civil side. on the civil side when you plead the fifth, he could be asked 20 questions, 60 questions, 100 questions, him pleading the fifth in a civil proceeding would be helpful when you're presenting that case before a jury or a judge whereas if he did it in a grand jury setting we would never see the light of day of it. >> david, in a statement you had the former president's attorney calling the investigation politicized, a witch hunt, saying the former president did nothing wrong, not altogether surprising. i should note you're one of the bilines on the post who scooped this story. does he have much choice here in showing up? >> he can challenge it on the grounds tom alluded to. basically this is an end around around new york state's criminal laws. what you really want to do is charge him with a crime. you want to interview me and use this against me in a criminal proceeding, but you can't in a criminal investigation so you're going to use this as a back door. i'm sure trump will try to quash the subpoena on that ground. whether that will work, i don't know. but it probably means there will be some delay. remember eric trump, the president's son, was also subpoenaed in this investigation. he tried to avoid it, delayed it by months before he finally had to testify. we may see a repeat of that with donald trump. >> explain why this deposition, kim, is important. tish james would have to stick to the broad outlines or boundaries of what she's investigating them for. this isn't a free for all, but it could be significant. >> depositions actually can at the federal level, anyway -- this is state court -- but can stray beyond what seems relevant. it looks like the question here is around his knowledge and intent relating to financial transactions. that is his tax returns and request for money from banks. so, the argument or the allegation is you took property a owned by donald trump. when he was paying taxes, he valued it very low. when he was seeking to have a loan, he valued the same property very high. the argument is a, which is it? and it suggests one or the other is wrong or untruthful. but unlike other walks of law, when it comes to taxes, the lack of knowledge of the law is sometimes a defense. so, they want to establish what did he understand was his legal obligation. he's going to argue probably, at some point, listen, these are my underlings, i had nothing to do with it. i think his personality it's going to be hard for him to plead the fifth. and that really is -- if i were representing the government here, i would say that's the answer to this claim that there's a conflict between the criminal and civil. come if had had and tell the truth, and then you won't have any problem in the criminal element. so, it'll be interesting to see given his personality is going to not want to back down and potentially to say what he wants to say. and which he's very used to sitting through depositions. this is not someone that's been afraid to do this for many, many years. >> david, we talked about the new york attorney general. she was planning to run for governor. she now will not do that. and that announcement, she cited, quote, a number of important investigations and cases that are underway. listen, how do you think this particular investigation might have played into this. she obviously, you know, was in this race. it is a competitive one. >> well, what we're hearing -- it was a competitive race, but she was not leading. the current governor, kathy hochul, was ahead and ahead by double digits. i think it was a combination of things. letitia james thought, i'm not winning. it's going to be an uphill climb to win this race with a lot of other democrats in the race. and if i run, it'll taint this thing i want to do against donald trump. it will be harder to do what i need to be doing if people think i'm using it as fodder for a gubernatorial race. >> thanks to all of you for that. right now at the white house as we speak, president biden, so far as we know, he's still on the phone. he's still on the phone with the ukrainian president. russia keeps up that troop buildup along the border. and we're keeping an eye on a couple things happening in congress. house speaker nancy pelosi about to speak any minute along with several committee chairs. then on the right side of your screen, the senate floor with moves now with a really important vote to set up debt limit increase. and we've got an exclusive look at the nation's first ever injection site. officials say 17 people have already been saved by overdoses with quick action by workers there. we'll talk about why this is a new blueprint for the rest of the country in a bit. w blueprin the country in a bit superpowers from a spider bite? 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>> kristen, i think it's going to be up to president putin to make a decision about whether he is going to invade ukraine and send a message to the global community that he does not respect the territorial integrity of a country when the united states, our european partners, are sending a clear message that there will be significant economic consequences, beyond, as jake sullivan said the other day, what we have seen in 2014. >> so, mike, the message from jen psaki is the onus is on putin, basically. talk through the message president biden needs to be delivering right now to president zelenski. >> this is an important conversation, one of reassurance to a close allay at a tense moment in the region. the president is going to be reaffirming, of course, the u.s. support for ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. and also going to be reading out the conversation he had with president putin to president zelenski. then it will turn to what the u.s. is prepared to do in the form of additional equipment and training of ukrainian forces if that is called for at this stage. i thought what psaki's answer was so interesting because it matched up with the reporting from me and the others at our team is as much as the white house is preparing for worse case scenarios, there's also a sense among senior officials here that effectively putin has already achieved what he wanted to do. that this is essentially disruption for disruption sake. he knows president biden's political standing is something of a low point in his one year in office. he knows yesterday there was a transegs of power in germany, that the french presidential elections are upcoming. at a time when president biden wants to shift his agenda elsewhere, his international focus beyond russia, this is putin rearing his head, making it clear. i also think it's important to note the call with zelenski still ongoing. the president also going to be speaking with the bucharest nine. if they express concern and want additional deployments of nato forces, u.s. forces, that was something, as jake put it, they would have to respond to positively. that's just as important a call as the call underway with zelenski. >> are you surprised it's lasted this long? >> it's interesting it is. i think there's also something of parody that the u.s. is always careful to engage in as it relates to -- >> mike, i'm sorry to -- this annoying thing happened that i hate because i've been on that side of it before. you should check your email because apparently the call has ended. so, it ended at 2:50. it wasn't quite two hours. but i think, mike, check me here, an hour and 16 minutes. so, you were talking to this point here, not -- the parody with russia piece of it, right, the parody with these conversations. the president is -- i'm sorry. you're talking so i know you can't be looking at your phone. so, i feel you on that. >> i appreciate you've been here before, hallie, literally and figuratively. you saw when the president was meeting and had that summit there was real concern on the part of ukraine officials that they wanted to have a summit as soon as possible with president biden. we saw president zelenski come here. they had a full day of meetings. there was a readout in terms of military and economic assistance that the u.s. was willing to provide to ukraine. that was more than two months ago at this point. obviously the situations have changed. this is a fresh start in terms of what needs to be done to deter russia from a potential invasion at this stage. >> how much longer until you think we get that readout? >> what press secretary jen psaki said during the briefing was she hopes to give that readout as quickly even as she's at the podium. i believe she's still there. this is something we saw with the call with vladimir putin, jake sullivan wanted to come to the briefing room as quickly as possible. that's exactly the case as well. mike memoli, thank you, friend. i appreciate it. appreciate you being so responsive to all this. next up we're taking it to capitol hill, a key process that could have ripple effects in the whole economy. depending on how things go today, maybe tomorrow. we'll get a check on that action as we wait to hear from speaker pelosi. first we'll take you live to minneapolis where the jury has been hearing gut wrenching testimony in the manslaughter trial of a former officer. mans trial of a former officer. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's our everyday price. plus, our plans always come with unlimited talk, text and data included. so, switch to t-mobile and get 2 lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. only at t-mobile. the leader in 5g. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to at progressive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. that's why progressive car insurance covers your pets for up to $1,000 if they're ever in a car accident with you. this mini majorette's gonna march her way right into your heart. -i'm sorry. can we stop? 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is there anything you can tell us about that? >> reporter: yeah, and you know, there was actually one interesting moment where you heard alaina apologize to katie almost in a whisper, katie being daunte wright's mother, saying, i'm sorry i showed you daunte's condition in that video. the jurors have been paying very close attention. they've been leaning in to the testimony, especially when it got extremely emotional during that section right there. as alaina was testifying, katie was inside that courtroom, daunte's mother, again, and she was emotional, sobbing, according to one of the reporters in the courtroom. while it didn't disrupt the proceedings, it was definitely something that connected with a lot of people. we also did get substantive testimony from an officer that responded. you've got brand-new body camera video of the crash that happened after daunte wright reentered the car, was shot, and the car sped off and crashed into another vehicle. that responding officer was answering questions from the prosecution. and you got a sense the prosecution was trying to underscore the idea that kim potter, after she says she used her gun instead of her taser, she never radioed that in to anyone. she didn't tell any other officers that it was an accident. so, what happened at the next scene was this about ten-minute-long standoff with this vehicle after daunte wright was being shot where prosecutors are arguing he could have been helped and could have received medical attention. but there was no word that it was an accident that eventually happened. that is what we're going through now. there's another responding officer who is on the stand right now, who will be back on the stand after this 20-minute break they're in right now. >> shaquille brewster, live on capitol hill. thank you. the senate has just taken the first step to avoid the nation's first ever default on its debt. they voted to advance a bill that would temporarily suspend the filibuster and allow a vote to raise the debt ceiling. democrats needed 10 republicans to go along with this. they got 14. i want to bring in sahil kapur. explain what just happened in regular human terms, right? number two, is this crisis averted? is this it? >> hallie, this was the most significant hurdle to clear because this is the only part of the debt limit process that needed republican cooperation. it needed ten votes in the senate. it got 14 republican votes in the senate. the bill still needs final passage in this chamber. that's likely to happen sometime between now and tomorrow morning. after that, it goes to president biden's desk. once he signs it into law, it triggers a fast-track process where the senate can pass a debt limit increase with a dollar amount with a simple majority, there's no filibuster allowed, just this one time for this one purpose. then it goes to the house, it goes to the president biden's house. they can do the whole thing within a day in the senate, and that gives them enough time to meet the december 15th deadline and avoid default. it's hard to overstate how absurd the process is because this is congress creating a process to perform a simple task. everyone agrees the debt limit needed to be increased, but republicans didn't want to put their fingerprints on it. they want to run against democrats in the 2022 elections. so, they created this process. democrats are aware republicans are going to do this. one democratic aide suggested that if the republicans run against democrats on that, democrats will turn around and say those republicans support medicare cuts because those would be shut off. this is congress at its most absurd. and democrats are planning to increase the debt limit somewhere between $2 trillion and $3 trillion, the idea to be to get them through the midterm elections. >> that's smart analysis and great reporting. on the punch bowl side, you were talking about rank and file republicans with mitch mcconnell. 14 republicans on the senate side did vote to move forward with this and go along. what do you make of that? how do you sort that out? >> well, i mean the reality is the hill kind of alluded to this. nobody believes that the debt ceiling shouldn't be increased. that's not a sustainable position in any way, shape, or form. and that's the crux here. i mean, mcconnell said -- this all started over the summer when mitch mcconnell said democrats have to raise the debt ceiling on their own. >> right. >> they decided to not do it in reconciliation, the fast track process. and mcconnell's hands were tied. and he was forced to blink. and that's the reality because mcconnell's not going to let the nation default on its debt. we've now seen that twice. so, the only other alternative is for him to participate in the process. and some of the anger that senate republicans have at mcconnell is that he said he wasn't going to do this thing that he ultimately did. but in mcconnell's mind, he wants to keep the attention on democrats, on what he thinks is their precarious political position and their large spending plans. we'll see how that all sorts out in the midterm election. but that's kind of the political dynamic here. and what's impressive, if there's anything you could take out of this, what's impressive is that mcconnell could get 15, 14 people to do this, to facilitate this process to raise the debt ceiling basically on a dime. that is impressive, although he has completely flip flopped here. >> let's say the debt ceiling crisis seems to be averted for now -- sorry, i was going to say absurd because you were going to make that point in your session. what is the next point here? >> i assume sahil and i would say the same thing if we could count down to three, and his name is joe manchin and whether joe manchin is going to be willing to support the build back better act this year. that's the only remaining question that people need to be thinking about and it's what sahil and i are asking all day up here on capitol hill. we're asking joe manchin whether he's going to support that bill this year and whether chuck schumer could do anything to get on his side. we were talking to him yesterday in a scrum. he pulled out a note from his pocket and said we're not talking about these enough, meaning we've done all the stuff. why are we focused on this one bill? that is what we're focused on, whether chuck schumer can get this through the senate. >> i'm only sad we didn't get a simultaneous countdown. after the break we have an exclusive look inside a controversial new supervised injection site, the first in the country opening its doors not too long ago, after overdose deaths hit an all-time high during the pandemic. you know how the top of the show we knew two of the four people who met with the january 6th committee. we now who the other two are based on what sources are telling our team. we'll tell you after the break. telling our team we'll tell you after the break or atopic dermatitis under control? 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gordon ramsay? experience the power of sanctuary this is a cold call! nfl teams are turning to cold with tide, will you? that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. seriously! just perfect! and it'll save up to $150 a year. and it's cold! so you will turn to cold? fine! i'll turn to cold! that guy needs to chill out! this was a cold call! so, we have a bit of breaking news on what has been an eventful few hours of developments on the investigation into january 6th by the house select committee. so, if you were joining us 40 minutes ago at the top of the show, you would have seen us reporting on exactly what you're seeing on the screen, right? there's new information out from congresswoman liz cheney, one of the only republicans on that committee. and she said that the committee had interviews with four key figures today. we knew who two of them were, kash patel, ally alexander. now ally voir dire tally is joining us because we know who the other two are. >> reporter: yeah, our colleague garrett haake confirming the other two people who the january 6th committee spoke with today, csia former director chris krebs and then also former trump attorney and ally john eastman. we know that eastman was planning to come in and plead the fifth. it seems like today was his day to come in and do that. at least that was our expectation, and we'll keep reporting out what was actually said in that meeting. but today i think it's really important to note that the conversation has really been around the people who have not complied with the committee's subpoenas and who have not been cooperative. instead today in part because of the way liz cheney framed these tweets and because these four key players showed up for in some cases hours of depositions, you're seeing the committee show case the side of it that's actually working, that actually has people complying, giving information. and even in the case of someone like mark meadows, who's no longer cooperating with the committee, the committee is still highlighting the information they did manage to get from him, things like text messages off of his private cell phone, as well as other documents that they're still in the process of getting. so, a day we're getting to see a little bit behind the curtain of the committee getting its work. >> it's a great point. thank you so much for bringing us that breaking news. now to an nbc news exclusive, taking us inside what is essentially a first of its kind safe haven for people to use drugs, with new york city opening the country's first ever sanctioned site where people can inject illegal drugs professionally supervised. with a record 100,000 people dying of overdoses last year alone. jacob soboroff is the reporter behind that story. jacob, it's great to have you on the show. walk us through what you saw. >> thanks, and i have to say it was collaboration in a team effort with your team on news now and tommy's team. new york city has become the first city in the nation -- this is quite historic -- to have sanctioned supervised injection facilities. they call them overdose prevention centers in new york city. but around the world these have existed for decades in other countries. the reality is people can go inside and use drugs like h.e.r. win and fentanyl under the supervision of professionals who can reverse an overdose if they die. the context, obviously, we have talked about it quite a bit over many years. this past year, 2020, was the deadliest year in american history for overdose. so, we got to go inside. they allowed us inside the facility. and what i saw was -- actually i think will be unbelievable to a lot of people. i spoke to a man who said he was a u.s. marine corp. veteran who used heroine yesterday in new york city, and here's what he told me. >> they sent me to detox. they sent me to rehab. they did everything they could within their power to help me. and they do that for anyone. you know, i'm a united states marine corp. veteran, and i've gotten more help here than i've gotten from, you know, from the va. >> i just want to -- i just want to reiterate what he said. i'm a veteran, and i've gotten more help here than the va. it's the wrap around services that doctors and scientists say can save lives, get people into treatment and recovery. >> this is life saving stuff. we heard from the mayor of new york saying it has saved more than two dozen people's lives because of the professional supervision here. do you see other cities doing this. globally this is old news. what about here in the u.s.? >> i think so. the question is what's the biden administration -- what are they going to say where you are in washington. the biden administration hasn't weighed in on this. and obviously these are illegal drugs. is the department of justice going to prosecute new york city? is there going to be litigation to shut these places down. you can see this move forward to other cities in the country, including philadelphia where they tried to open one of these just a couple years ago and it was shut down in federal court. >> thank you so much. it was a team effort with our team over at nbc news now. you can see jacob talking about the back story at 5:00 eastern. i'll see you then on our streaming channel. and more with jacob on "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. starbucks workers voting ever to form their first ever union at stores in buffalo and new york. there have been these kinds of attempts before in new york city and philly. those votes failed. this one did not. i want to bring in da shah burns. a lot of people are looking at this. this got national attention, including from figures in washington. how did it go down? >> this is all coming in really hot, hallie. this is happening as we speak. three starbucks stores in the buffalo area have been voting on whether or not to unionize. and we just found out that the very first store, a store in elmwood, voted yes. the second store voted no. and voting on the third store is happening right now as we speak. look, this is -- this is important. this is the first ever corporate-owned starbucks with a union officially now in buffalo. it's an unlikely place, and it was frankly led by an unlikely group of people. it was a group of gen z and millennial baristas who wanted a seat at the corporate table. the service sector does not have a long history of unions. but looking ahead, this could -- we could see a pattern here. this movement actually started after a chain in buffalo voted to unionize just a couple yearsing a, another coffee shop chain. and the workers at starbucks saw this and thought, hey, maybe we could do this. then you had the pandemic happen. and over the course of the pandemic all of this labor that before was viewed as disposable suddenly became essential. and these folks were asked to work through really tough conditions, putting their health and safety at risk. and meanwhile they say, look, the company saw record profits over the course of a year that was really hard for a lot of people. and we want a share in that. and we want to have a say and a voice in how things move forward here, hallie. >> live for us covering that. thank you. >> thanks. next up, talk of republicans lining up former president donald trump is maybe the next pick for the next house speaker? getting more and more attention. at least one congressman having that conversation after the break. congressman having that conversation after the break. y cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. there is no place like home y'all! ask your doctor about nucala. and these people know that there is no place like wayfair. i never thought i'd buy a pink velvet sofa, but when i saw it, i was like 'ah'. and then i sat on it, and i was like 'ooh'. ooh! stylish and napable. okay now. i can relate to this one. i'm a working mom with three boys. 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(kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrs! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, go with the general. do i need to pretreat my laundry? nope! with tide pods, you don't need to worry. y 60 years the pre-treaters are built in. tide pods dissolve even when the water is freezing. nice! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. there's a lot of talk about former president trump donald trump running in 2024. but what about 2022? not for president, but for speaker of the house? it is an idea that's out there, it has been out there, and one that the former president himself is not totally saying no to. it is in new movement now. others saying something about it for sure. look at the headlines. calling the concept an insane scenario, a not so elaborate troll, a zany idea trumped up at an opium debt. if republicans take control of the house next year, it could phasebly maybe decide to put the former president in charge, which would put him behind joe biden at the state of the union and give him the final say on what gets voted scan what doesn't in the house. here's what matt gaetz had to say. >> if you do take the house, would you want expresident trump to be the speaker? >> i would. >> have you talked to him about it? >> i have. >> what did he say? >> oh, i keep my conversations with the former president between the two of us. >> let's bring in mark murray. let's just put a few like things out into the universe here. number one, donald trump loves the dangle. he loves the idea of this dangling out there even though some of his closest aides say it is not real, not going to happen. number two, it feels in some ways this is about congressman matt gaetz not just trying to win over former president trump because he loves to see, this loves to see this stare, but also trying to stick a needle in kevin mccarthy, who very much wants to be speaking if the republicans take back the house in 2022. talk about why this is actually significant here. >> hallie, there is a lot going on here. first, how this idea actually came of being, one of those, we are doing to restore donald trump to the white house, into the presidency without him having to run for re-election in 2024. you have seen a lot of those take off on the very pro-trump right on the internet. one of the theories is that somehow when republicans take back the house in 2022 that republicans could impeach and convict president biden. they could do the same thing to vice president harris. then the speaker of the house who is number two in line of suction session to the presidency would become president of the united states. that's how they like to dangle donald trump could be speaker of the house because it gets him closer to the presidency in 2024. >> in the world of the things that are wrl, the world we live in? >> he is more likely to be ascending to the british throne than to have that scenario play out. it is not going to happen. the other thing that's going on, if you want to talk about your loyalty to the former president the way matt gaetz was doing, of course he would love trump to be speaker of the house it would get him closer to the presidency. >> we talked about that donald trump wants this to be dangled out there. he also wants it dangled out there that he might run for president in 2024. we have seen his former number two, mike pence, out in new hampshire this week being vocal doing several interviews talking with members of the media, not saying he's going to run or planning to run. but we have been doing reporting on it. i talked to a source close to the former vice president today who said, yeah, he hasn't made up his mind. but the decision will be made independently, they say, of what his former boss is going to do. how do you see this enticement that donald trump is trying to throw out there for 2024, either freezing or not freezing the rest of the field on the gop side. >> the more people talk about the former president of the united states the more it does freeze the republican 2024 field. of course we are a long way from the 2024 presidential election. we need to get through the mid terms first and see what the environment ends up looking like. whether it was former vice president mike pence, ron de santis, a republican governor of florida. a lot of republicans want to keep their options open in the case that former donald trump decides not to run for president, which would create an absolute wide open field. if you are mike pence, ron de santis, to anyone else, yeah, you might want to have the idea that you might be running for president. but of course we have to actually see what the former president does first. >> our political mind guru man, mark, i'm sorry -- i don't remember your title. political editor, political mastermind. >> editor sounds good. >> his royal highness, mark, thank you for being with us. thank you to you will of a you for watching this hour of hallie jackson reports. i am also some on streaming. 5:00 eastern. 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Sores , Heart Failure , Bruising , Bleeding , Hepatitis B , Flu , Fever , Patients , Visit Enbrel Com , , Cold , Sanctuary , Teams , Tide , Wish List Event , Nfl , Lincoln , Gordon Ramsay , Jerseys , 150 , Fine , Breaking News , The House Select Committee , 40 , Tally , Colleague Garrett Haake , January 6th Committee Spoke With Today , John Eastman , Chris Krebs , Trump Attorney , Least , Csia Former , Expectation , Cooperative , The Committee Show Case , Giving Information , Text Messages , Curtain , Work , Nbc News Exclusive , Drugs , First , Site , Safe Haven , Record , Collaboration , Jacob Soboroff , 100000 , City , Effort , Supervised Injection Facilities , Tommy , Countries , Use , Win , Prevention Centers , Fentanyl , Professionals , Overdose , Context , Supervision , 2020 , Veteran , Man , Facility , Heroine Yesterday , U S Marine , Va , Lives , Doctors , Life Saving Stuff , Recovery , Treatment , Mayor , Scientists , Cities , Places , Move , Litigation , Hasn T , Department Of Justice , Team Effort , Federal Court , Philadelphia , Starbucks , Voting , Union , Back Story , Stores , Nbc Nightly News , Buffalo , Streaming Channel , Lester Holt , Attempts , Kinds , Da Shah Burns , Store , Area , Elmwood , Yes , Group , Seat , Table , Who , Gen Z , Millennial Baristas , Movement , History , Unions , Service Sector , Pattern , Chain , Couple Yearsing A , Coffee Shop Chain , Thought , Labor , Disposable , Company , Profits , Health , Conditions , Share , Say , Congressman , Pick , Breathing Problems , Asthma , Cause , Nucala , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Headache , Face , Tongue , Swelling , Trouble , Mouth , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Velvet Sofa , Ah , Ooh , Wayfair , Therapy , Boys , Working Mom , Yelling , Napable , Amen , Yup , Better , Holiday , Phone Everyone Wants , Kate , Iphone , Betttterrrrrr , Betttttter , Entertainment , Entertainment Subscriptions , Music , Carolers , Singing , Apple , Apple Arcade 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Royal Highness , Mastermind , Deadline , Reason , Fun , Progress , Daring , Inflammation , Relief , Burn , Eye Drops , Ache , Eyes , Eye Disease , Symptoms , Signs , Approved Non Steroid Treatment , Xiidra , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Eye Doctor , Container , Contacts , Side Effects , Vision , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , Eye Irritation , Fifteen , Books , Linda , Advancement , Dry Eye , Small Business Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Expert Bookkeeper , Hair Gel Expenses , Experts , Sounds Good , Felipe , Steve , Heartburn , Anna , It Starts , Night , Sleep , Dream , Acid , Live Bookkeeping , Nexium 24hr , Night Protection , Network Solutions , Guests , Devices , Cyberthreat , 1200 , Security , Activecore Platform , Anywhere , Network Management , Sd Wan , Vo , Device , Small Business Owners Prosper , Business Powering Possibilities , Employees , Largest , Opportunities , Facebook , 200 , Insurrection , The Tick Tock Of Trump , Piecing , 4 , Riot , Speed , Plot , Allies ,

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