Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709

undermine u.s. democracy largely fueled by the former president and his loyalists who have hijacked and radicalized a part of the republican party. there's a reason the u.s. is considered a backsliding democracy. that is the elephant in the room as president biden kicked off a two-day global virtual summit this morning on renewing democracy at home and abroad. in his opening remarks, he called on the world's dm sis to confront the sustained and alarming challenges facing them and pointed that they are the same and alarming challenges facing the united states. >> here in the united states, we know as well as anyone that renewing our democracy and strengthening our democratic institutions requires constant effort. my administration is going to keep fighting to pass two critical pieces of legislation that will shore up the very foundation of american democracy, the sacred right of every person to make their voice heard through free, fair, and secure elections. we should be making it easy for people to vote, not harder. that's going to remain a priority for my administration until we get it done. inaction is not an option. >> but the uncomfortable reality facing the president is that there's one party that seems willing to pull out all the stops when it comes to the issue of the u.s. democracy, and it isn't his. as mark gelman put it in the tlig -- our two-party system has only one party left willing to lose an election. the other is willing to win at the cost of breaking things that a democracy cannot live without. folks, the lies that incited the january 6th insurrection have so metastasized on the right they have become litmus tests for potential republican candidates, particularly if you're looking for donald trump's endorsement. meanwhile, the president and democrats in congress have yet to make a full-throated push to pass legislation aimed at protecting americans nationally. they botched this a number of ways. you can go through, you can talk about hr-1 and all of this, was there a better and smarter way for them to push these and create more of an urgency for this issue? bottom line, if president biden wants democracy to thrive abroad, he has ha crisis to deal with first at home. joining me, shannon, cynthia, director of american universities, polarization and extremism research and innovation lab and author of "hate in the homeland -- the new global far right." and an author and staff writer for "the new yorker." shannon, i want to start with does the white house acknowledge the idea here of how hard it is for on one hand the united states to play leading democracy in the world and on the other hand, we are not a picture right now of a country that we would want others to emulate? >> yeah. i mean, i think we have heard from administration officials certainly acknowledging this, acknowledging, too, that when the president goes abroad and tries to reassure other countries that the u.s. is back, not just a seat at the table but wants to take a leadership role at the table in negotiating some of these big international agreements, they have acknowledged there are still questions out there about whether this is a -- the biden administration is a blip on the radar or whether it will be something sustained. administration official certainly think the changes we've seen under this administration are things that will be sustained in the long term. but they acknowledge world leaders certainly have those questions in their minds. the administration has tried to show some progress to the world that the u.s. can work together, that both sides can come together. that's why it was so important for president biden to get this infrastructure bill passed before his last overseas trip, which didn't happen, but of course did get passed shortly after he got back to show an example that republicans and democrats might have their disagreements but there are things they can still come together on. you mentioned voting reform, which is one area no indication both sides will come together on. so, yes, we might be able to agree on simple relative things like roads and bridges, the big, thorny issues stim remain out there. and within the administration, of course, there's hope something could get done in 2022, but an acknowledgment that some of those issues aren't going to happen in 2022, certainly not in a bipartisan nature. >> macha, i want to play a quote from president biden from july of this year, because it has an urgency to it that we did not hear today. take a listen. >> i've said it before. we're facing the most significant test of our democracy since the civil war. that's not hyperbole. since the civil war. the confederates back then never breached the capitol as insurrectionists did on january 6th. i'm not saying this to alarm you. i'm saying this because you should be alarmed. >> macha, i don't know whether that sense of urgency should be involved with this summit that is being led by the united states, but it does strike me as sort of a tone that's -- that doesn't -- you know, what he said in july to me matched the urgency of the moment. what he's saying today doesn't. >> i couldn't agree more, chuck. i think that's -- that urgency is the key word and the word we cannot use to describe what's happening today. there's this posturing we're used to, and it's easy for biden, most of his life in government, to fall back into. this certainty about what democracy is and how it's done. and the urgency that we need to be hearing is, look, there's a crisis. the united states over the course of the last ten months is a lesson in how democracies stumble to the edge. we're not hearing the language or the truth. if you don't hear truth, you can't have a conversation. >> cynthia, i'm going to read you a basic news clip from today's axios. and instead of hearing the words donald trump and republican party in here, imagine we were talking about another country and its fledgling democracy. trump and his associates are systematically reshaping the republican party, working to install hand-picked loyalists across federal and state governments and destroy those he feels are disroyal. if most or all of his candidates win, he'll go into the cycle with far more people willing to do his bidding who run the elections in key states. this is about the united states and the republican party. what would you be saying if we were tribing the conservative party in great britain? >> look, i think, chuck, if this were happening anywhere else in the world, we would be sending democracy assistance funds, election monitors to support the democracy building efforts and restoration efforts. but i think -- in some other countries. that quote also shows is that ultimately all this depends on individual voters who are making choices. and, you know, it's one thing to have a lot of words at a summit from presidential leaders that maybe assuage the fears of global leaders who are worried, as they should be, about the united states and our commitment to democracy. but it's another thing to actually commit to making the changes at the community level that really reinvest in renewal and reinvigoration of community support for democracy and its norms and values. and that's really where the disease is, is at the local and community level. that's where it has to be directed, plemt-style commitments to educaing people and working with communities to restore this, because all the talk about ath the global level isn't going to really help change the way that voters support rising political violence or continue to look the other way around voter suppression if issues -- or even support them or storm the capitol. all the things that ordinary citizens have done over the last year and year-plus are the root of the problem in the end. >> cynthia, there's one other uncomfortable fact, though. many of these people that participated in the insurrection, that are following the lead of the former president, they swear they're trying to defend democracy. we have a propaganda problem. >> we absolutely have a propaganda problem and a disinformation problem. but ultimately, i would argue it goes back to same issue. it's also media literacy and digital literacy. it's about equipping communities and individuals with the tools to recognize that propaganda, to be less persuaded by tactics like scapegoating or fear mongering, to understand and recognize this information, which, by the way, will only get worse when we have more deepfakes. we are going to be entering the moment with technology changes where it's even harder to tell what's real and what's not. so really investing and helping everyone from fifth-graders to 50-year-olds understand what is source integrity, how do i distinguish this information, is a kind of investment. after 9/11, we stood up and entire agency devoted to risk, right, the homeland security agency. we need that scale of investment now in building resilience in local communities, and we're so far from understanding and recognizing and investing in that that i think we won't see the end of this crisis until we see this as problem of investing in local community needs. >> masha, we may look back a in five years and say there is only one issue we should have covered the whole time. i feel like it's a real challenge we all face in the reality-based news media. >> i'd like to separate the alarmists from having people tune out problem. because i think you can sound the alarm and you can -- involves, for example, understanding the core of the belief that the election was stolen. i have not actually read or done good reporting on that. i haven't seen people who believe that there's a crisis of democracy make a concerted effort to understand this story of this crisis. i think there are many elements to it. there's the element of the disappearance of local media, which i think is a huge story we have not covered enough. i think there's the element of, you know, the legal, the court legacy of the trump administration, which is hobbling this administration in ways that are woefully undercovered and misunderstood. and that's just two things that can be covered in depth without, you know, coming across as, you know, flying upside down. >> these are the chip-aways. shannon, how does the white house defend who they invited to this summit? i say this -- ian bremer, who, of course, over at your asia group, he had a pretty -- he said you look at the list of who was invited and who wasn't, and it looks like this was about the united states looking for countries that are ready to turn towards the united states and away from china and russia. but in doing that left some countries out there that are democracies that just perhaps are flirting too much with china. do they accept that critique? and is that the basis for how they invited some countries? >> reporter: yeah, i have to say i've seen that criticism a number of places as a list of countries was circulated. the white house hasn't given a full response to that. we'll expect to hear from press secretary jen psaki about that in the briefing ahead. it's also criticism we have heard about other international summits, and it does always appear there is some strategy, whether it's a global climate summit or summit on democracy, there is always a strategy behind the administration and who is included and who is not included. of course, you know, as i said, the white house has not addressed this directly yet, but there is of course that tension of countries trying to decide where they are aligning themselves with in this global order as the tensions between the u.s. and china grow. and so many countries are essentially saying they're caught in the middle and wanting to play both sides and not having to commit to one or the other. not only is it an issue the u.s. is having to deal with but a lot of issues these developing countries are facing as well. >> poland, brazil, philippines, in. hungary, out. can you really explain those four? >> well, i think it is, it is very confusing. there has been no actual rationale to explain it, but we do have sort of an accusation that there are some cherry-picking there among who is an ally or who is not, who's expressing representing the united states' interests. one thing i will say is that it isn't just about which countries are invited to the table. it's about who might have some solutions we could lean into here. when you look at country like germany, say, that rebuilt its post world war ii democracy on the principle of defensive democracy, strengthening the mainstream against the fringes, that built an entire agency at the state and federal levels for federal and civic education to help the public better understand what democracy is and how you restore it, i think there are lessons that can be learned. this has to be not just the u.s. pretending to be a beacon of democracy but also openness to learning from how others have come back from traumatic crises in their democracies, because there are lessons we don't have to reinvent the wheel entirely. >> masha, looking at the fledgling democraies of eastern europe, who are the good examples and who aren't? and is it a mistake to do the cherry-picking the united states did with who was invited and who wasn't? >> it's inevitable that the united states would make selections. there's always some sort of lodge that i can goes into it. and, you know, that logic, i think, in this case is quite questionable. it's extraordinary that we're still referring to the post-soviet countries as fledgling democracies. it's been 30 years for some of them and 32 for others. some of them have gone through an entire lifetime of building democracies and having seen those democracies fail. but of course i would be remiss if i didn't mention ukraine right now, a country that has teetered on -- in this transitional stage. you know, we couldn't call it a functional democracy, whatever that might be. but we also haven't seen the gaslighting in ukraine we've seen in other countries. you know, that's something to i think put on our mental map right now when ukraine is facing another extraordinary military threat from russia, and the united states is trying to figure out what to do. >> an excellent point. a lot of folks in ukraine that are the front lines of democratic movement right now. anyway, shannon, cynthia miller, masha, gessen, i'm out of time but this topic could go on and on. we appreciate all of you. a sneak bit of a little news. jonathan dooents confirmed that letitia james is seeking a deposition of donald trump on january 7th. it's part of a civil investigation to whether the trump committed a fraud in reporting on properties. moments ago, as part two of this breaking news, james announced she is dropping out of the new york governor's race to campaign for reelection as attorney general. trump's business faces a criminal investigation headed by the manhattan district attorney. up next, a somber day on capitol hill as the nation mourns bob dole. i'll speak with his former chief of staff to discuss the lessons of his life and legacy. and day two of police officer kim potter is under way in minneapolis as the girlfriend op daunte wright takes the stand with some emotional testimony. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? 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[thud] [clunk] [ding] ugh... senator bob dole lies in state at the capitol. a live look at the rotunda. his funeral takes place tomorrow at the national cathedral before he's laid to rest in kansas. his casket arrived in the capitol this morning with president biden and congressional leaders honoring their longtime colleague and friend. >> robert joseph dole, he belongs here, in this place, in this temple of liberty -- to liberty -- and temple to possibilities. bob dole loved this capitol. it's where he served the nation, shaped by the figures that surround us. >> i'm joined by sheila burke, who served as bob dole's chief of staff for ten years. thanks for taking a few minutes with me. >> thank you. >> so, look, you know, bob dole, i was thinking today, his nickname was mr. republican, one of his nicknames. he had a bunch. he was mr. republican. i was saying this to some of my younger staff, look, he was a proud partisan but a proud american first. he seemed to find a line that a lot of today's politicians left and right don't distinguish as much anymore. explain it. >> you know, it's interesting, you're wonderful to raise that question. always say that people in opposition were not our enemy but rather this were opponents, but they were, in fact, people with whom we could seek to reach a compromise. that's how he approached every issue. he could be as partisan as was called for and was on occasion, but at the end of the day, it feels legislating, it was seeking solutions, it was seeking middle ground that allowed him to achieve what he achieved over the years. and what we heard this morning in the remarks from speaker pelosi, from mr. mcconnell, from the president and others, it was that desire to find solutions. >> he might say the house is the enemy, as a good senator might say. i'm teasing on that. the other thing that seems to be missing, and, again, i really feel like bob dole epitomized this, frankly, so did tip o'neill and some others, which was if you didn't like an idea that was going to pass, you don't just pout in the corner, you see if you can make some part of it a little bit better. now, there's no voter incentive to reward that anymore, right, but, you know, here's somebody -- you know, bob dole would get attacked, he voted against the expansion of medicare the first time, yet he would spend time after it was passed to have it a conservative type of government program. how has that gotten lost? >> there are extremes and the extreme seems to be driving a great deal of the debate today. there is something wrong with consensus and the middle. dole always found, with respect to social security and working with moynihan, the two of them fought to find some middle ground. certainly true of the work he did. i think today there is value seen at home in many districts where dole from kansas having stuck to his roots and the issues that mattered, and be sup pormtded by his stiltds. constituents. the i think that's one of the challenges today. are they seeking those absolutes? >> sheila, it's not lost on me that people we lionize the most today in our politics when they pass on, many of them have one experience in common -- they served. and it is -- you know, this is something that a lot of people have lamented, the world war ii veterans were their own sort of group in congress that would put country over party. and the vietnam veterans at a time started to embrace that type and now v they're not there. this missing piece of service, i think that's something bob dole and clinton wanted to agree upon, national service. the shared experience in american public service, it's some sort of additive that you can't really -- you don't really see it until after they serve in congress and you see what a veteran is like in congress versus a nonveteran sometimes. >> you're absolutely right. and we see this certainly with the vietnam and world war ii veterans, that class. there it was danny inoue or bob dole, that common experience of serving had a remarkable impact on all of them. as you may recall, bob dole wore john mccain's bracelet, which he only told mccain years after mccain was in the senate. there was that connection, that service, that commitment to the country that gave them a basis on which they could build. no question they had an enormously -- >> he wanted to be president. you don't run three times at different times if you don't want to be president. you know, he would joke about how much he missed not becoming president. but how much did that -- how much would you say that hung over him? >> you know, i honestly don't believe it did. i was there for all three runs. and i think he was someone who came back from those runs obviously not the last run but came back and just committed himself to making progress, whether it feels supporting george bush, whether it was supporting bill clinton. he was committed to essentially finding solutions. and, you know, he didn't look back. he always looked forward and always looked for the opportunity for the next movement. he had some very funny remarks when he was given the presidential medal of freedom to bill clinton about how he had hoped for a different result. but i don't think he ever looked backward. >> well, now joe biden's near 80, donald trump in his mid-70s. little did bob dole know he could have run a couple more times. >> well, we know we had experiences with chuck glassley -- >> right. >> -- who is running again, who was of that class. so you're absolutely right. >> sheila burke, really appreciate you spending a little time with us to remember one of the great american patriots in our nation's history. >> thank you. >> thanks very much. >> appreciate it. coming up, richard engel is on the ground along the ukraine border where more than 100,000 russian troops are poised for a potential invasion. you're watching "meet the press daily." when they can enjoy the best? 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[thud] [clunk] ugh... unbelievable. unbelievable. [ding] ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ welcome back. rising cases of delta and uncertainty around omicron have injected a new sense of urgency around the debate. in new york city, a slew of new vaccine requirements announced this week for children and private sector workers has upped the urgency more. starting tuesday, all children between ages 5 and 11 must be at least partially vaccinated in order to enter the city's venues and participate in extra curricular activities. more than half a million children need to get jabs in the next few days if they want to participate. joining me, mayor bill de blasio. >> good to see you, chuck. >> i'm somebody who is a big advocate of the vaccine mandate because i think there's no other way we're going to get it done. but why are you comfortable mandating a vaccine for 5- to 11-year-olds right now that is only for emergency use? i say this because nobody else has felt comfortable doing that, and, you know, as a parent, 5 to 11, i get wanting to wait until the fda finishes the full process. why aren't you giving parents some leeway here considering this is only emergency use? >> chuck, i'm thinking as a parent myself. when my kids were younger, all i thought about, the first thing i thought about was their health and well-being. we are seeing now with the omicron variant, it's having a particularly big impact on younger people. we also are seeing that it is spreading very, very quickly. this variant is fast. we need to be faster. so this is about protecting kids and protecting our city. this, remember, this particular mandate is for things like indoor dining and entertainment. it's not whether you can go to school or any other thing. it's a choice if a family wants to partake in those things, we're saying help keep your own child safe but also everyone around you safe. part of why the restaurants in new york city are full again is because we have a vaccine mandate in place and the customers know they're safe and the employees know they're safe. we've got to keep building on it because omicron is bearing down on us, winter is bearing down on us. we have to go farther now. >> look, i understand your concern, but i go back to the issue of how you build trust in this, and the issue of the emergency authorization. you know, it's one thing for people that right now where it is available, they're adults, mandating that for them, but maybe your kid has a heart condition, maybe you're worried they do. you want to see a little extra amount of testing here. it's the emergency authorization part that i feel like makes this a harder to make it a no-brainer. are you at all empathetic here of parents that want to just take a pause? they're vaccinated. you know they're keeping their children within a certain set of parameters if they themselves care enough to be vaccinated. why not trust the parents on this for a bit? >> i trust parents entirely, chuck, and i think it's every parent's choice, obviously, to make for their own child. but i haves i got to tell you in the end we're thinking about what's going to stop a pandemic from once again causing our city to shut down. we've been through that before. the restrictions, the shutdown. this is about something bigger. i hear you loud and clear. for example, if a child has a physical condition that makes a vaccination impossible, we do leave space absolutely for medical accommodations, that kind of a situation. but the vast majority of kids, we know that vaccination will keep them safe. we know, we've seen a pattern now over the vaccine for months and months and months that we know it works and the greater danger is the young person getting covid and then bringing it getting covid and then bringing it home, including to older family members who really could be in danger. so i do have empathy. and i think there's been a lot of struggles in families, thinking these issues through. there's also been a lot of misinformation. i'll tell you something, chuck. our medical leadership, one voice that says we need stronger mandates. that's the thing that's moved the numbers in the united states of america. new york city is at 70% of all our residents fully vaccinated because the mandates move people forward. >> so who do you want to enforce this mandate? are you asking very weary small businesses to enforce this mandate? a lot of them are short-staffed as it is. it isn't easy. they're just getting -- i mean, it's not easy to have -- a lot of these businesses are not comfortable having to be bad cop here. >> you know, actually it's a great question. but the reality, with our restaurant mandate, we've now had it for months and months. it's not only for adults. it's been for that 12 to 17-year-old group. and it's been going fine, honestly. what i've heard from folks in the restaurant community is it actually brought a lot of customers back because they knew they were going into a safe environment. it hasn't been so hard. look, restaurants and bars have been checking i.d.s for a long time. it's not that hard to show us your card, good, you're in, thanks. we've had a really good experience. we've had inspections from time to time. but we found, overwhelmingly, cooperation from the restaurant community, from the theaters. you know broadway is booming right now. they've had the mandates in place. and you've got to remember, what brings the business back, when people know they're safe. that's what brings people back to the restaurants, the theaters, et cetera. that's why right now a lot of our economy is coming back in new york city. but what i'm scared about is, that could all come crashing down if we don't stay ahead of omicron and we don't stay ahead of this cold weather reality. covid loves cold weather, we know that. >> nothing is worse for businesses, though, than uncertainty. how closely have you worked with your successor, eric adams, on this decision? he's saying he's going to think it through. it is a lot of whiplash here, if you implement it and the second he takes the oath, he pulls it back. and if that's the case, this feels like a publicity stunt. >> not in the least, chuck. we have been implementing -- you've watched it, mandate after mandate. i started months and months ago. i said we would climb the ladder and add as needed. we need it now. for all our school employees, hospital employees, we did that first. public servants, 94% of the 400,000 employees are vaccinated. we did it with the restaurants, indoor entertainment. it's been a huge success. this has gone on months and months and months. we've proven at every step it works. i've had great conversations with eric adams. i think you know, he's a friend and an ally, someone i believe in. he said very clearly, including publicly, he's going to be -- in making his decisions he's going to listen to the doctors, to the medical leadership. he's going to follow the data and the science. chuck, the medical leadership of this country, locally and nationally, has said this kind of mandate that we have now for private sector businesses is exactly what we need a lot more of in this country if we want to end the covid era. if we want to keep covid stretching out for years and years, well, okay, we can keep to the status quo. but that's not going to work. vaccine mandates is the one thing proven to actually work. >> if you knew eric adams was going to reverse this for sure, would you have implemented it? >> chuck, my job right now is to protect new yorkers and i'm doing what i believe will protect them in the here and now. i also believe the mayor-elect is going to look at the facts and the facts support continuing and deepening this kind of approach. so of course, i would do it because it's the right thing to do right now as we're facing this threat. for businesses, chuck, the worst thing in the world would be another shutdown. i want to emphasize that. we went through hell. people lost a lot of jobs, lost their livelihood. >> are you going to rethink your gubernatorial race now that tish james announced he's not running? >> i've been talking to the people in the state, i want to stay in public service, the issues i'm concerned about, fighting inequality, getting kids more access to education. i have a lot to say on that in the next few weeks. >> bill de blasio, outgoing mayor of new york city, thank you for sharing your perspective. >> thank you, chuck. next, an update from minneapolis as the trial continues for kim potter, the police officer who shot her gun when she thought it was her taser. you're watching "meet the press daily." i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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Variant , Strain , Resulting , South Africa , Hospitals , Delta , National Guard , Long Term Care , Wreaking Havoc Up North , Nursing Homes , Medics , Tech Anythings , Nothing , Connecticut , Rise , Antonia Hilton , Stamford , 60 , Road , Variants , Uptick , That S Right , Hospitalizations , 575 , Vaccination , Terms , Friends , Temperatures , Led , Flipside , Strains , Ones , Protection , Immunity , Kids , Shots , Safe , Gatherings , Trends , Holidays , People Travel , Mandates , Events , Travel , Antonio Hilton , Problems , Rules , Wis , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Stop Rybelsus , Diabetes , 3 , Majority , Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , A1c , Food , Lost , 8 , Don T Take Rybelsus , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , 2 , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Blood Sugar Risk , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Trees , Green Red , 0 , 10 , What A Wonderful World 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Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240709

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undermine u.s. democracy largely fueled by the former president and his loyalists who have hijacked and radicalized a part of the republican party. there's a reason the u.s. is considered a backsliding democracy. that is the elephant in the room as president biden kicked off a two-day global virtual summit this morning on renewing democracy at home and abroad. in his opening remarks, he called on the world's dm sis to confront the sustained and alarming challenges facing them and pointed that they are the same and alarming challenges facing the united states. >> here in the united states, we know as well as anyone that renewing our democracy and strengthening our democratic institutions requires constant effort. my administration is going to keep fighting to pass two critical pieces of legislation that will shore up the very foundation of american democracy, the sacred right of every person to make their voice heard through free, fair, and secure elections. we should be making it easy for people to vote, not harder. that's going to remain a priority for my administration until we get it done. inaction is not an option. >> but the uncomfortable reality facing the president is that there's one party that seems willing to pull out all the stops when it comes to the issue of the u.s. democracy, and it isn't his. as mark gelman put it in the tlig -- our two-party system has only one party left willing to lose an election. the other is willing to win at the cost of breaking things that a democracy cannot live without. folks, the lies that incited the january 6th insurrection have so metastasized on the right they have become litmus tests for potential republican candidates, particularly if you're looking for donald trump's endorsement. meanwhile, the president and democrats in congress have yet to make a full-throated push to pass legislation aimed at protecting americans nationally. they botched this a number of ways. you can go through, you can talk about hr-1 and all of this, was there a better and smarter way for them to push these and create more of an urgency for this issue? bottom line, if president biden wants democracy to thrive abroad, he has ha crisis to deal with first at home. joining me, shannon, cynthia, director of american universities, polarization and extremism research and innovation lab and author of "hate in the homeland -- the new global far right." and an author and staff writer for "the new yorker." shannon, i want to start with does the white house acknowledge the idea here of how hard it is for on one hand the united states to play leading democracy in the world and on the other hand, we are not a picture right now of a country that we would want others to emulate? >> yeah. i mean, i think we have heard from administration officials certainly acknowledging this, acknowledging, too, that when the president goes abroad and tries to reassure other countries that the u.s. is back, not just a seat at the table but wants to take a leadership role at the table in negotiating some of these big international agreements, they have acknowledged there are still questions out there about whether this is a -- the biden administration is a blip on the radar or whether it will be something sustained. administration official certainly think the changes we've seen under this administration are things that will be sustained in the long term. but they acknowledge world leaders certainly have those questions in their minds. the administration has tried to show some progress to the world that the u.s. can work together, that both sides can come together. that's why it was so important for president biden to get this infrastructure bill passed before his last overseas trip, which didn't happen, but of course did get passed shortly after he got back to show an example that republicans and democrats might have their disagreements but there are things they can still come together on. you mentioned voting reform, which is one area no indication both sides will come together on. so, yes, we might be able to agree on simple relative things like roads and bridges, the big, thorny issues stim remain out there. and within the administration, of course, there's hope something could get done in 2022, but an acknowledgment that some of those issues aren't going to happen in 2022, certainly not in a bipartisan nature. >> macha, i want to play a quote from president biden from july of this year, because it has an urgency to it that we did not hear today. take a listen. >> i've said it before. we're facing the most significant test of our democracy since the civil war. that's not hyperbole. since the civil war. the confederates back then never breached the capitol as insurrectionists did on january 6th. i'm not saying this to alarm you. i'm saying this because you should be alarmed. >> macha, i don't know whether that sense of urgency should be involved with this summit that is being led by the united states, but it does strike me as sort of a tone that's -- that doesn't -- you know, what he said in july to me matched the urgency of the moment. what he's saying today doesn't. >> i couldn't agree more, chuck. i think that's -- that urgency is the key word and the word we cannot use to describe what's happening today. there's this posturing we're used to, and it's easy for biden, most of his life in government, to fall back into. this certainty about what democracy is and how it's done. and the urgency that we need to be hearing is, look, there's a crisis. the united states over the course of the last ten months is a lesson in how democracies stumble to the edge. we're not hearing the language or the truth. if you don't hear truth, you can't have a conversation. >> cynthia, i'm going to read you a basic news clip from today's axios. and instead of hearing the words donald trump and republican party in here, imagine we were talking about another country and its fledgling democracy. trump and his associates are systematically reshaping the republican party, working to install hand-picked loyalists across federal and state governments and destroy those he feels are disroyal. if most or all of his candidates win, he'll go into the cycle with far more people willing to do his bidding who run the elections in key states. this is about the united states and the republican party. what would you be saying if we were tribing the conservative party in great britain? >> look, i think, chuck, if this were happening anywhere else in the world, we would be sending democracy assistance funds, election monitors to support the democracy building efforts and restoration efforts. but i think -- in some other countries. that quote also shows is that ultimately all this depends on individual voters who are making choices. and, you know, it's one thing to have a lot of words at a summit from presidential leaders that maybe assuage the fears of global leaders who are worried, as they should be, about the united states and our commitment to democracy. but it's another thing to actually commit to making the changes at the community level that really reinvest in renewal and reinvigoration of community support for democracy and its norms and values. and that's really where the disease is, is at the local and community level. that's where it has to be directed, plemt-style commitments to educaing people and working with communities to restore this, because all the talk about ath the global level isn't going to really help change the way that voters support rising political violence or continue to look the other way around voter suppression if issues -- or even support them or storm the capitol. all the things that ordinary citizens have done over the last year and year-plus are the root of the problem in the end. >> cynthia, there's one other uncomfortable fact, though. many of these people that participated in the insurrection, that are following the lead of the former president, they swear they're trying to defend democracy. we have a propaganda problem. >> we absolutely have a propaganda problem and a disinformation problem. but ultimately, i would argue it goes back to same issue. it's also media literacy and digital literacy. it's about equipping communities and individuals with the tools to recognize that propaganda, to be less persuaded by tactics like scapegoating or fear mongering, to understand and recognize this information, which, by the way, will only get worse when we have more deepfakes. we are going to be entering the moment with technology changes where it's even harder to tell what's real and what's not. so really investing and helping everyone from fifth-graders to 50-year-olds understand what is source integrity, how do i distinguish this information, is a kind of investment. after 9/11, we stood up and entire agency devoted to risk, right, the homeland security agency. we need that scale of investment now in building resilience in local communities, and we're so far from understanding and recognizing and investing in that that i think we won't see the end of this crisis until we see this as problem of investing in local community needs. >> masha, we may look back a in five years and say there is only one issue we should have covered the whole time. i feel like it's a real challenge we all face in the reality-based news media. >> i'd like to separate the alarmists from having people tune out problem. because i think you can sound the alarm and you can -- involves, for example, understanding the core of the belief that the election was stolen. i have not actually read or done good reporting on that. i haven't seen people who believe that there's a crisis of democracy make a concerted effort to understand this story of this crisis. i think there are many elements to it. there's the element of the disappearance of local media, which i think is a huge story we have not covered enough. i think there's the element of, you know, the legal, the court legacy of the trump administration, which is hobbling this administration in ways that are woefully undercovered and misunderstood. and that's just two things that can be covered in depth without, you know, coming across as, you know, flying upside down. >> these are the chip-aways. shannon, how does the white house defend who they invited to this summit? i say this -- ian bremer, who, of course, over at your asia group, he had a pretty -- he said you look at the list of who was invited and who wasn't, and it looks like this was about the united states looking for countries that are ready to turn towards the united states and away from china and russia. but in doing that left some countries out there that are democracies that just perhaps are flirting too much with china. do they accept that critique? and is that the basis for how they invited some countries? >> reporter: yeah, i have to say i've seen that criticism a number of places as a list of countries was circulated. the white house hasn't given a full response to that. we'll expect to hear from press secretary jen psaki about that in the briefing ahead. it's also criticism we have heard about other international summits, and it does always appear there is some strategy, whether it's a global climate summit or summit on democracy, there is always a strategy behind the administration and who is included and who is not included. of course, you know, as i said, the white house has not addressed this directly yet, but there is of course that tension of countries trying to decide where they are aligning themselves with in this global order as the tensions between the u.s. and china grow. and so many countries are essentially saying they're caught in the middle and wanting to play both sides and not having to commit to one or the other. not only is it an issue the u.s. is having to deal with but a lot of issues these developing countries are facing as well. >> poland, brazil, philippines, in. hungary, out. can you really explain those four? >> well, i think it is, it is very confusing. there has been no actual rationale to explain it, but we do have sort of an accusation that there are some cherry-picking there among who is an ally or who is not, who's expressing representing the united states' interests. one thing i will say is that it isn't just about which countries are invited to the table. it's about who might have some solutions we could lean into here. when you look at country like germany, say, that rebuilt its post world war ii democracy on the principle of defensive democracy, strengthening the mainstream against the fringes, that built an entire agency at the state and federal levels for federal and civic education to help the public better understand what democracy is and how you restore it, i think there are lessons that can be learned. this has to be not just the u.s. pretending to be a beacon of democracy but also openness to learning from how others have come back from traumatic crises in their democracies, because there are lessons we don't have to reinvent the wheel entirely. >> masha, looking at the fledgling democraies of eastern europe, who are the good examples and who aren't? and is it a mistake to do the cherry-picking the united states did with who was invited and who wasn't? >> it's inevitable that the united states would make selections. there's always some sort of lodge that i can goes into it. and, you know, that logic, i think, in this case is quite questionable. it's extraordinary that we're still referring to the post-soviet countries as fledgling democracies. it's been 30 years for some of them and 32 for others. some of them have gone through an entire lifetime of building democracies and having seen those democracies fail. but of course i would be remiss if i didn't mention ukraine right now, a country that has teetered on -- in this transitional stage. you know, we couldn't call it a functional democracy, whatever that might be. but we also haven't seen the gaslighting in ukraine we've seen in other countries. you know, that's something to i think put on our mental map right now when ukraine is facing another extraordinary military threat from russia, and the united states is trying to figure out what to do. >> an excellent point. a lot of folks in ukraine that are the front lines of democratic movement right now. anyway, shannon, cynthia miller, masha, gessen, i'm out of time but this topic could go on and on. we appreciate all of you. a sneak bit of a little news. jonathan dooents confirmed that letitia james is seeking a deposition of donald trump on january 7th. it's part of a civil investigation to whether the trump committed a fraud in reporting on properties. moments ago, as part two of this breaking news, james announced she is dropping out of the new york governor's race to campaign for reelection as attorney general. trump's business faces a criminal investigation headed by the manhattan district attorney. up next, a somber day on capitol hill as the nation mourns bob dole. i'll speak with his former chief of staff to discuss the lessons of his life and legacy. and day two of police officer kim potter is under way in minneapolis as the girlfriend op daunte wright takes the stand with some emotional testimony. firefighter maggie gronewald knows how to handle dry weather... ...and dry, cracked skin. new gold bond advanced healing ointment. restore healthy skin, with no sticky feeling. gold bond. champion your skin. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? 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[thud] [clunk] [ding] ugh... senator bob dole lies in state at the capitol. a live look at the rotunda. his funeral takes place tomorrow at the national cathedral before he's laid to rest in kansas. his casket arrived in the capitol this morning with president biden and congressional leaders honoring their longtime colleague and friend. >> robert joseph dole, he belongs here, in this place, in this temple of liberty -- to liberty -- and temple to possibilities. bob dole loved this capitol. it's where he served the nation, shaped by the figures that surround us. >> i'm joined by sheila burke, who served as bob dole's chief of staff for ten years. thanks for taking a few minutes with me. >> thank you. >> so, look, you know, bob dole, i was thinking today, his nickname was mr. republican, one of his nicknames. he had a bunch. he was mr. republican. i was saying this to some of my younger staff, look, he was a proud partisan but a proud american first. he seemed to find a line that a lot of today's politicians left and right don't distinguish as much anymore. explain it. >> you know, it's interesting, you're wonderful to raise that question. always say that people in opposition were not our enemy but rather this were opponents, but they were, in fact, people with whom we could seek to reach a compromise. that's how he approached every issue. he could be as partisan as was called for and was on occasion, but at the end of the day, it feels legislating, it was seeking solutions, it was seeking middle ground that allowed him to achieve what he achieved over the years. and what we heard this morning in the remarks from speaker pelosi, from mr. mcconnell, from the president and others, it was that desire to find solutions. >> he might say the house is the enemy, as a good senator might say. i'm teasing on that. the other thing that seems to be missing, and, again, i really feel like bob dole epitomized this, frankly, so did tip o'neill and some others, which was if you didn't like an idea that was going to pass, you don't just pout in the corner, you see if you can make some part of it a little bit better. now, there's no voter incentive to reward that anymore, right, but, you know, here's somebody -- you know, bob dole would get attacked, he voted against the expansion of medicare the first time, yet he would spend time after it was passed to have it a conservative type of government program. how has that gotten lost? >> there are extremes and the extreme seems to be driving a great deal of the debate today. there is something wrong with consensus and the middle. dole always found, with respect to social security and working with moynihan, the two of them fought to find some middle ground. certainly true of the work he did. i think today there is value seen at home in many districts where dole from kansas having stuck to his roots and the issues that mattered, and be sup pormtded by his stiltds. constituents. the i think that's one of the challenges today. are they seeking those absolutes? >> sheila, it's not lost on me that people we lionize the most today in our politics when they pass on, many of them have one experience in common -- they served. and it is -- you know, this is something that a lot of people have lamented, the world war ii veterans were their own sort of group in congress that would put country over party. and the vietnam veterans at a time started to embrace that type and now v they're not there. this missing piece of service, i think that's something bob dole and clinton wanted to agree upon, national service. the shared experience in american public service, it's some sort of additive that you can't really -- you don't really see it until after they serve in congress and you see what a veteran is like in congress versus a nonveteran sometimes. >> you're absolutely right. and we see this certainly with the vietnam and world war ii veterans, that class. there it was danny inoue or bob dole, that common experience of serving had a remarkable impact on all of them. as you may recall, bob dole wore john mccain's bracelet, which he only told mccain years after mccain was in the senate. there was that connection, that service, that commitment to the country that gave them a basis on which they could build. no question they had an enormously -- >> he wanted to be president. you don't run three times at different times if you don't want to be president. you know, he would joke about how much he missed not becoming president. but how much did that -- how much would you say that hung over him? >> you know, i honestly don't believe it did. i was there for all three runs. and i think he was someone who came back from those runs obviously not the last run but came back and just committed himself to making progress, whether it feels supporting george bush, whether it was supporting bill clinton. he was committed to essentially finding solutions. and, you know, he didn't look back. he always looked forward and always looked for the opportunity for the next movement. he had some very funny remarks when he was given the presidential medal of freedom to bill clinton about how he had hoped for a different result. but i don't think he ever looked backward. >> well, now joe biden's near 80, donald trump in his mid-70s. little did bob dole know he could have run a couple more times. >> well, we know we had experiences with chuck glassley -- >> right. >> -- who is running again, who was of that class. so you're absolutely right. >> sheila burke, really appreciate you spending a little time with us to remember one of the great american patriots in our nation's history. >> thank you. >> thanks very much. >> appreciate it. coming up, richard engel is on the ground along the ukraine border where more than 100,000 russian troops are poised for a potential invasion. you're watching "meet the press daily." when they can enjoy the best? 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[thud] [clunk] ugh... unbelievable. unbelievable. [ding] ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ welcome back. rising cases of delta and uncertainty around omicron have injected a new sense of urgency around the debate. in new york city, a slew of new vaccine requirements announced this week for children and private sector workers has upped the urgency more. starting tuesday, all children between ages 5 and 11 must be at least partially vaccinated in order to enter the city's venues and participate in extra curricular activities. more than half a million children need to get jabs in the next few days if they want to participate. joining me, mayor bill de blasio. >> good to see you, chuck. >> i'm somebody who is a big advocate of the vaccine mandate because i think there's no other way we're going to get it done. but why are you comfortable mandating a vaccine for 5- to 11-year-olds right now that is only for emergency use? i say this because nobody else has felt comfortable doing that, and, you know, as a parent, 5 to 11, i get wanting to wait until the fda finishes the full process. why aren't you giving parents some leeway here considering this is only emergency use? >> chuck, i'm thinking as a parent myself. when my kids were younger, all i thought about, the first thing i thought about was their health and well-being. we are seeing now with the omicron variant, it's having a particularly big impact on younger people. we also are seeing that it is spreading very, very quickly. this variant is fast. we need to be faster. so this is about protecting kids and protecting our city. this, remember, this particular mandate is for things like indoor dining and entertainment. it's not whether you can go to school or any other thing. it's a choice if a family wants to partake in those things, we're saying help keep your own child safe but also everyone around you safe. part of why the restaurants in new york city are full again is because we have a vaccine mandate in place and the customers know they're safe and the employees know they're safe. we've got to keep building on it because omicron is bearing down on us, winter is bearing down on us. we have to go farther now. >> look, i understand your concern, but i go back to the issue of how you build trust in this, and the issue of the emergency authorization. you know, it's one thing for people that right now where it is available, they're adults, mandating that for them, but maybe your kid has a heart condition, maybe you're worried they do. you want to see a little extra amount of testing here. it's the emergency authorization part that i feel like makes this a harder to make it a no-brainer. are you at all empathetic here of parents that want to just take a pause? they're vaccinated. you know they're keeping their children within a certain set of parameters if they themselves care enough to be vaccinated. why not trust the parents on this for a bit? >> i trust parents entirely, chuck, and i think it's every parent's choice, obviously, to make for their own child. but i haves i got to tell you in the end we're thinking about what's going to stop a pandemic from once again causing our city to shut down. we've been through that before. the restrictions, the shutdown. this is about something bigger. i hear you loud and clear. for example, if a child has a physical condition that makes a vaccination impossible, we do leave space absolutely for medical accommodations, that kind of a situation. but the vast majority of kids, we know that vaccination will keep them safe. we know, we've seen a pattern now over the vaccine for months and months and months that we know it works and the greater danger is the young person getting covid and then bringing it getting covid and then bringing it home, including to older family members who really could be in danger. so i do have empathy. and i think there's been a lot of struggles in families, thinking these issues through. there's also been a lot of misinformation. i'll tell you something, chuck. our medical leadership, one voice that says we need stronger mandates. that's the thing that's moved the numbers in the united states of america. new york city is at 70% of all our residents fully vaccinated because the mandates move people forward. >> so who do you want to enforce this mandate? are you asking very weary small businesses to enforce this mandate? a lot of them are short-staffed as it is. it isn't easy. they're just getting -- i mean, it's not easy to have -- a lot of these businesses are not comfortable having to be bad cop here. >> you know, actually it's a great question. but the reality, with our restaurant mandate, we've now had it for months and months. it's not only for adults. it's been for that 12 to 17-year-old group. and it's been going fine, honestly. what i've heard from folks in the restaurant community is it actually brought a lot of customers back because they knew they were going into a safe environment. it hasn't been so hard. look, restaurants and bars have been checking i.d.s for a long time. it's not that hard to show us your card, good, you're in, thanks. we've had a really good experience. we've had inspections from time to time. but we found, overwhelmingly, cooperation from the restaurant community, from the theaters. you know broadway is booming right now. they've had the mandates in place. and you've got to remember, what brings the business back, when people know they're safe. that's what brings people back to the restaurants, the theaters, et cetera. that's why right now a lot of our economy is coming back in new york city. but what i'm scared about is, that could all come crashing down if we don't stay ahead of omicron and we don't stay ahead of this cold weather reality. covid loves cold weather, we know that. >> nothing is worse for businesses, though, than uncertainty. how closely have you worked with your successor, eric adams, on this decision? he's saying he's going to think it through. it is a lot of whiplash here, if you implement it and the second he takes the oath, he pulls it back. and if that's the case, this feels like a publicity stunt. >> not in the least, chuck. we have been implementing -- you've watched it, mandate after mandate. i started months and months ago. i said we would climb the ladder and add as needed. we need it now. for all our school employees, hospital employees, we did that first. public servants, 94% of the 400,000 employees are vaccinated. we did it with the restaurants, indoor entertainment. it's been a huge success. this has gone on months and months and months. we've proven at every step it works. i've had great conversations with eric adams. i think you know, he's a friend and an ally, someone i believe in. he said very clearly, including publicly, he's going to be -- in making his decisions he's going to listen to the doctors, to the medical leadership. he's going to follow the data and the science. chuck, the medical leadership of this country, locally and nationally, has said this kind of mandate that we have now for private sector businesses is exactly what we need a lot more of in this country if we want to end the covid era. if we want to keep covid stretching out for years and years, well, okay, we can keep to the status quo. but that's not going to work. vaccine mandates is the one thing proven to actually work. >> if you knew eric adams was going to reverse this for sure, would you have implemented it? >> chuck, my job right now is to protect new yorkers and i'm doing what i believe will protect them in the here and now. i also believe the mayor-elect is going to look at the facts and the facts support continuing and deepening this kind of approach. so of course, i would do it because it's the right thing to do right now as we're facing this threat. for businesses, chuck, the worst thing in the world would be another shutdown. i want to emphasize that. we went through hell. people lost a lot of jobs, lost their livelihood. >> are you going to rethink your gubernatorial race now that tish james announced he's not running? >> i've been talking to the people in the state, i want to stay in public service, the issues i'm concerned about, fighting inequality, getting kids more access to education. i have a lot to say on that in the next few weeks. >> bill de blasio, outgoing mayor of new york city, thank you for sharing your perspective. >> thank you, chuck. next, an update from minneapolis as the trial continues for kim potter, the police officer who shot her gun when she thought it was her taser. you're watching "meet the press daily." i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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