Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

the country. in michigan, a third party will investigate the events leading up to the fatal shooting at a high school that left four students dead. later, we'll talk to a father who lost his son at parkland. he'll share why he is expecting to meet president biden. meanwhile in washington, lawmakers face a lengthy to-do list between raising debt limit, reaching a deal on biden's economic agenda and so much more. we're going to talk to congressman ro khanna about congress' plan to get it all done by the end of the year. and happening right now, tens of thousands of russian troops have deployed to the ukrainian border, as president biden is set to virtually meet with russian president vladimir putin tomorrow. and turning now to some breaking news on the pandemic. new york city mayor bill de blasio has just announced the vaccine mandate for all private employers. a mayor also announced that kids ages 5 to 11 will need proof of vaccination to dine indoors and to attend other entertainment venues. that program will require two doses of the vaccine, that's an increase from one shot. all of this as those new travel restrictions imposed by the biden administration are playing out in airports across the country right now. nbc's antonia hilton is at new york's jfk airport. antonia, good morning. what are the rules there and how are they playing out on the ground? >> reporter: good morning. so as of 12:01 a.m. this morning, we are looking at a slightly new travel landscape and anyone who is already abroad or planning to travel internationally soon is going to have to follow new testing requirements. and that is going to look like a one-day testing window to get back a negative test in order to fly back and enter the united states. now, many people have been used to getting tests while they travel abroad, was they used to have about a 72-hour window. not only is that a tighter timeline, but we're also going to have to be careful about what tests we get. pcr tests are accepted and some rapid antigen tests and some at-home tests will be accepted, but you'll likely need to talk to a telehealth provider over audio or video call in order for that to be accepted, as well. so for folks who are planning to travel soon, not only will they immediate to schedule this into their travel plans, but they may need to look at their budgets. in some countries with different testing infrastructure, some of these pcr tests can cost north of $100 at times. take a listen to a conversation that our team had with a family this morning, just getting back from travels and logistical hurdles. >> it was very stressful here. because we got a covid test within the time that they requested, but the lab made a mistake, so when we got here -- >> we had to do one. >> we had to do another one, and it wasn't cheap, it was very expensive. so for the three of us, it cost almost $600. just to get another covid test. >> reporter: another change that travelers may start seeing at some of the major international hubs like jfk or newark airport or hartsfield-jackson in atlanta, is that there's going to be increased biosurveillance or health screening at some of these airports. so they're going to take pools of samples from some passengers coming from certain international locations. and the cdc and a company called express check will be collaborating to see if the omicron variant is entering, why not of community spread we might be able to expect. so the real change that people need to pay attention to right now is that testing requirement. plan ahead, make sure that you have the money in case the test is a costly one, depending on your location, jose. >> antonia hilton, thank you so much. dr. irwin redlener is the founding director of the national center for disaster preparedness. he's also a senior research scholar at columbia university's earth institute and an msnbc political health analyst. doctor, great seeing you. what do you make of these new travel restrictions? >> well, actually, it's really interesting. it is an attempt to control the importation of the virus, whether it's the original or the most recently prevalent delta variant or the new omicron. the problem is, in my mind, jose, is that it doesn't go far enough. because i think nobody should be allowed on an airplane or a train, for that matter, without having the ability to show proof of being fully vaccinated. and then tested. we're dealing with a very serious pandemic, jose, which is not going away anytime soon. and i think that really stricter regulations need to be in place in my view. >> do you think that the united states should then say, to any and every passenger, coming in from whatever country it may be, you need to be vaccinated in order to come in, regardless of if you get a pcr or an antigen? >> yeah, i do think so. i think there's slippage, if you're just depending on testing, and by the way, i don't think that we should exclude domestic travel for these rules, either. because we still have a lot of transmission of the virus and the covid-19 from one state to another. so i think local travel, as well as international travel should be subject to a lot stricter rules, jose. >> are we as a country ready to, for example, have tests regularly taken for almost everyone? it seems like that's not something that this country has been really geared to dealing with. >> well, we're inching our way towards that. and that's what i think we're seeing in the new rules from the biden administration. we're definitely inching towards a much greater level of understanding of who's coming into the country, who's moving about, are people testing positive? and mostly, have they been vaccinated. this brings up, of course, this entire debate about whether we should be mandating vaccinations and under what circumstances. and who should be laying down those rules. we've gotten into a very complicated point of this pandemic, and i do think that we need to take some trick-or-treater steps, even if we're not going to lockdown. but the requirement of vaccines something that i believe is going to be necessary, as we just heard that is being imposed in new york city by mayor de blasio. >> meanwhile, doctor, officials in south africa are warning, they're seeing an increase in covid hospitalizations in children under 5. how concerned are you about that? >> well, you know, jose, i am -- i'm a pediatrician and a grandfather and i have to say that i am concerned, and i have been concerned that we may have been seeing some decreased frequency or prevalence of covid in children. but the fact of the matter is, we've had over 700 deaths of children in the united states since the pandemic began. there are now vaccines available for children and i think, you know, there's about 25 million children in the 5 to 11-year age range, which has just been made eligible to get the vaccine. but only about 4 million kids in that age group have been vaccinated. so i think parents should know, jose, that it is really important that your children, as well as your adolescents, get vaccinated as soon as possible. >> and they're safe for kids that age? >> yeah, the vaccine is incredibly safe. you know that the 5 to 11-year-olds get a significantly smaller dose than adults do. and the fact is that it's safe and effective and i know that parents are hesitant in some cases, and there's some people in my own family who are, but look, the reality is, children need to be protected. we're seeing the increased hospitalizations in other countries, including south africa and we have to get serious about that here in the united states. >> dr. redlener, it's a pleasure to see you. thank you for being with us this morning. turning now to the latest following last we can's deadly shooting at oxford high school in michigan. over the weekend, the parents of the alleged shooter were charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter after prosecutors alleged they failed to act following multiple warning signs. the couple arrested early saturday morning in a detroit warehouse after missing their scheduled arraignment. it comes as michigan's attorney general is offering to conduct a comprehensive review of what happened. joining me now from pontiac, michigan, is nbc news correspondent heidi przybyla. heidi, good morning. what more have you learned about the crumbley's interaction with school officials before the shooting? >> reporter: jose, we have a 20-year history of school gun massacres in this country and it's pretty unusual for the parents to be charged. in this case, we have two days of interactions. day one, ethan was caught googling ammunition. the parents were notified. and later, we found text messages between mother and son, from the mother, stating, "lol, i'm not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught." day two, we have ethan writing a note that was found by a teacher that said, "blood everywhere, the thoughts won't stop, help me." the parents were called to the school. they were told that they needed to get ethan counseling within 48 hours and hay tried to send him home, yet the parents resisted, jose, and they left school and left ethan there at school. that is the day that the shooting ensued. but look, there's going to be multiple investigations here and it may be years of investigations and lawsuits. you've got the four counts of manslaughter against ethan, the four counts of involuntary manslaughter against his parents. you have the polish immigrant, who's being investigated now for whether he gave the parents shelter when they were on the run, and then you have the question of whether there may be repercussions for the school. could the school have required ethan to leave? should they have sent him back to class? should they have notified authorities? so the investigations include now the offer from the michigan attorney general, the school is also hiring its own outside security firm to perform an investigation of their best practices. and there is going to be a lot of open answers here for quite a while. this is very much a developing story, jose? >> heidi przybyla, thank you very much for being with me. joining me now, sarah azari. she is a criminal defense attorney. sarah, good morning. the fact that the parents have been charged is rare. do you think the prosecution will have problems prosecuting this case? >> i don't, jose, because i've heard a lot of chatter about this being a case of omission versus action. typically, we think of a criminal case involving criminal acts. there are also acts in this case, these parents bought him a gun, provide access to the gun, taught him how to shoot, posted and boasted about the gun on social media. and then the day before the shooting and the day of the shooting there were all of these raging sirens -- not red flags, raging sirens -- about what he's about to do. and instead, the mother says, lol, just don't get caught. do it, but don't get caught. and then at some point she says, don't do it! these are bad facts for the parents. and i analogize this to cases of child abuse and child neglect, of which i've had many of. in those cases, it's not about what the parents do, it's about what the parents don't do it. and the charges are so unprecedented, i believe for involuntary manslaughter under michigan law, you have criminal negligence and somebody dies, right? that's all you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. i think it's a pretty strong case for this prosecutor? >> and i'm wondering, on friday, the parent's attorney says that they're going to turn themselves in. ultimately, they were arrested in a detroit warehouse. will that have an impact on the case? >> absolutely, jose. number one, we saw it have an impact on their bond. $500,000 bond on involuntary manslaughter being the lowest level homicide is unusually high. so they're detained. they can't put the bond up, they can't get out. secondly down the road, it's evidence of consciousness of guilt. this prosecutor at trial is going to argue, if they didn't do anything wrong, why did they flee? why did they hide? >> then there's the whole issue of the school. when asked about possible missteps by the school, the prosecutor in the case said, quote, any individual who had the opportunity to stop this tragedy should have done so. the question is, what do they know and when did they know it? what do you see on that one? >> that's true. what did they know and when did they know it? and does it rise to a level of criminal liability. i think schools are -- as we've seen in other school shootings, they always have the duty to, you know -- inherent duty to keep the school safe and the staff and the students safe. and so they are civilly, absolutely, liable. they should have expelled ethan. they should have taken more firm action, instead of sort of heeding to the parent's insistence that he stays in school. but ultimately, i don't think it rises to a, you know, criminal negligence like the parents -- but it was interesting, because i was listening to the prosecutor earlier this morning say that, you know, the school may not have known that there was -- that ethan had a gun. the idea is that she turned it back around to the parents. the key fact is that the parents did not mention to the school that this kid had access to a gun. it wasn't until afterwards, after the father heard of the shooting that he went and checked for the gun and saw it was missing. it turns back to the parents in terms of criminal liability, but the school is absolutely civilly culpable here. >> let's say they department know the kid had access or possible access to a gun, but that morning, they called the parents in and they said, this is our concern. don't they have the right or indeed the responsibility to, for example, if the kid is going back into class say, let me check your backpack? >> 100%. and the parents also had that duty, as well. but, you know, the school, what i'm hearing from reporting is that the gun may not have been in his locker, may not have been in his backpack, and what the evidence shows so far that it was somewhere on the school premises. but they're not 100% -- but again, to your point, jose, that doesn't take away from their duty to check, of course. so i think as we learn more about where the gun was, you know, when he accessed the gun , et cetera, i think those duties are going to become more clear to us. >> sara azari, thank you very much for being with me. a lot of questions still remain to be answered. >> good to be here. still ahead, congress is up against several deadlines. we'll talk to democratic congressman ro khanna about what's taking priority. plus, tributes pouring in for senator bob dole who died yesterday at age 98. a look at his life and legacy, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." re watchin diaz-balart reports. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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>> reporter: yeah, jose, they went before the senate parliamentarian last week. that was the third time that the democrats went before the senate parliamentarian to argue to include immigration provisions of some kind in this build back better agenda. on this third time going before them, though, they're basically arguing for what the house already passed in their version of this bill, which is temporary protections from deportation and some work help for undocumented immigrants. that would affect roughly 6.5 million undocumented immigrants in this country, if it were to be included. but what advocates are saying is that regardless of the way the parliamentarian rules on this, this might be, in their words, the formal birdbath, the formal process to move forward, but it's not, in their words, the final part of this. of course for democrats in the house, they knew that immigration was likely one of the things that could change or even fall out of this legislation once it got to the senate, and it's one in a string of things that we're watching to see how it changes now that it's in the hands of the senate. immigration, one of them. the other of them, paid leave. that's something that senator joe manchin has said, he doesn't want to do through this partisan reconciliation process. instead, he wants to do that as a stand-alone bill. so still some changes to come here as we wait for both the policy pieces of this to go through the parliamentarian, but also the personal politics of some of the senators that have long been central to these negotiations, jose. and senate majority leader chuck schumer has said, he wants to do this before christmas. that gets closer every minute. >> yes, there is a countdown and it's on. peter, meanwhile, we learned yesterday that former senator and 1996 presidential nominee bob dole died. he was partisan, but could reach across the aisle to make deals. he was remembered for his work on behalf of veterans. what do you think his legacy is in washington? >> i think bob dole's passing reminds us of a washington that doesn't exist anymore. what we're talking about right now in terms of this build back better act, what we're talking about is, can democrats make a deal with themselves? nobody is even talking about making a deal across the aisle. bob dole understood that if he wanted to pass big things in washington, it was better off if you had both parties. more of a national consensus, more sustainable in society, if both parties had an investment in whatever they were passing. things like the americans with disability act, which he was a prime sponsor for. things like the civil rights act and the voting rights act, which he voted for in the 1960s. his passing reminds us of how much things have changed. i was with him on the 1996 campaign. i covered that campaign, mostly from the white house, when bill clinton was the president and i remember the day in the white house, i was there after the election was over. bill clinton invited robert dole, his opponent, the one he had just vanquished, to the white house to bestow on him the medal of freedom. what an extraordinary moment that was in american life. the victor and the vanquished together to say, you know, look, we still respect each other, we admire each other, we know that each of us is a public servant and gives to this country. we're not going to take our rancor of the campaign and bring it into governance. we believe that it is time to govern the country now. that's what's different today. >> and you know what, peter, it just seems like it was so long ago, because of how things are so different now, peter. >> yeah, totally different, you know, you just can't have the kind of friendships across the aisle. i think of the humor, by the way, that bob dole showed. in that moment, in that ceremony that bill clinton gave him the medal of freedom, bob dole takes the podium and he starts his speech by saying, i, robert j. dole, as if he was about to take the inaugural address, and the room cracks up. he was able to laugh at himself, he was able to laugh at our system. he was sometimes sharp with it, sometimes a little bit of an edge to it. he certainly had a reputation early on as being a partisan hatchet and we shouldn't romanticize that, but he recognized that politics was about people, about relationships that you could be in opposite parties and still have respect and an admiration for each other as public servants. he served in world war ii, gave so much to his country. you see the tributes today coming from both sides of the aisle. i remember from that would be the case with today's politicians. if you look back at what we're saying today about bob dole, will people say that about them in 20 or 30 years. >> that's so interesting. i seem to recall a time when he was on "meet the press," and he was reminded that he was like the one who had been on "meet the press" more times than anybody else. and the question was, have you -- do you at any time say the complete truth? and he said, probably not. it was just like -- the humor and the truthfulness of someone like that will be missed as well. peter baker and ali vitali, thank you both for being with me. with me now is california democratic congressman, ro khanna. he sits on the armed services and oversight committees. he is a deputy whip for the congressional progressive caucus. congressman, a great pleasure to see you this morning. i want to ask you first about, you know, when we're talking about the bob dole legacy and how it's so different now, i was just wondering, congressman, why is it so difficult for people to talk? people with different ideas, with different proposals, why has it become almost impossible for you all to have civil conversations with those with whom you disagree with. >> jose, one of the things i think about senator dole, he was an american patriot. he served in world war ii. and that common experience was defining for many people in that generation. what we have to do is figure out, how do we have a common experience, common bond now. now, i have actually good relationships across the aisle. i've worked with senator young, representative gallagher on the endless frontier that will pass in a bipartisan way. i think there's more conversation across the aisle, sometimes, than people realize. >> well, that's a good thing to hear. we also could find out as early as today, i guess, if the senate parliamentarian will allow immigration provisions in the house version of the build back better act to stand. she's already ruled against a path to citizenship, and a path through green cards for millions of immigrants who have been here since 2011. so what comes next if the parliamentarian, by chance, says three times "no"? >> first of all, jose, this process is broken. one individual, a senate parliamentarian shouldn't be able to overrule what president biden ran on, what house democrats and senate democrats ran on. this is such common sense. we're not talking about a path to citizenship. what we're saying is people who are in this country, who are working, who are paying taxes, they ought to be able to have a work permit. this is actually what president george w. bush proposed. and we need it at a time of supply chain shortages. so we will continue. there are other avenues, you can overrule the parliamentarian, but the house democrats are committed to having this common sense reform passed. >> another major issue facing congress is raising the debt limit. the treasury department says it needs to be done by the 15th. that's nine days from today. house democratic leaders have floated the idea of attaching it to the must-pass national defense authorization act. is that something that you could support? >> i could. i think it's unfortunate, talking about bipartisanship, that we can't get republicans to have the united states live up to its word and pay our debt, debt that was accumulated many previous administrations. but the house democrats are not going to let our country default. we will do whatever it takes. and i trust speaker pelosi and senator schumer to come up with that framework. >> congressman kana, thank you very much for being with me this morning. i appreciate your time. >> jose, always a pleasure. >> thanks. following breaking news this morning, three more of the christian missionaries kidnapped in haiti by an infamous gang have been released. christian aid ministries released the statement saying, quote, we are thankful to god that three more hostages were released last night. those who were released are safe and seem to be in good spirits. the group provided no other adults. 17 missionaries were abducted in october, including five children. two other hostages were released in november. 12 of the missionaries from the united states and canada remain abducted. the remain in mexico policy for migrants is back in effect today. what it means for asylum seekers, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." you're wat diaz-balart reports. ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. cough cough sneeze sneeze... star[ sneezing ]rcle. needs, plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who understands your business. felipe, i've categorized last month's hair gel expenses. steve, i just closed your books. great, how are we looking? 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>> reporter: hey, there, jose, good morning. yes, as you mentioned, the policy change will get started in one location. we actually just found out from customs and board protection, and that will be starting today in el paso, in ciudad juarez. uh see this migrant tent camp. hundreds of migrants are here. this is one of many places along the southern border where a bottleneck might be created. and jose, i want to -- i just spoke with a woman here a short time ago. [ speaking spanish ] she says she's from southern mexico. [ speaking spanish ] jose, she says she's been here for six months. as you know -- [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: she says it's been very difficult, because she has several kids. we just saw two of her daughters here and it's been very dangerous, she said. why has it been so dangerous? [ speaking spanish ] >> she says it's very dangerous here because the children have been playing, you know, in the street and the cars passed, other migrants have told us that, you know, they face the threat of kidnapping here, jose. [ speaking spanish ] why did you decide to come here? [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: jose, as you know, she said that she decided to come here because, you know, something bad happened to her and earlier, when we were talking, she also grew emotional about why she needed to bring her children here. and this is something that is playing out really throughout the southern border, jose. and because of the reimplementation of what's known as the remain in mexico policy, officially known as mpp, migrant protection protocols, in mexico, while their asylum cases are adjudicated. the biden administration says that there are several humanitarian provisions that will improve this policy. they say that now migrants will have better access to lawyers, that their cases will have to be adjudicated within six months. but many migrant advocates, jose, say that they are furious that the biden administration has not done more to do away with this policy entirely. of course, they -- the administration says that it had to reinstate it, at least temporarily, because of this court order. but it will be working to do away with it in the coming months, but there's no timeline on that. but again, this policy, jose, mpp, the remain in mexico policy starting today, as we know it, at one location here along the southern border and plans to be expanded in the coming days. jose? >> gabe gutierrez in tijuana, mexico, think about this. this lady has been living right on the street corner in a tent for the past six months with her little children there. gabe, thanks. coming up, with tensions already running high between the u.s. and russia, president biden is expected to have a call with vladimir putin tomorrow. a preview of what's at stake, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." ing "jose diaz-balart reports. 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i was like no. she researched it. i left there at probably 5:00 in the evening. and she texted me at 7:00 in the morning. she had been up all night, watching youtube. >> reporter: her family wasn't sure how to handle her new-found obsession. she had a history of substance abuse and they were afraid confronting her might push her away. her social media posts began to take on an extreme political tone. do you believe that roseanne was radicalized? >> yes. yeah. >> reporter: her family tried to talk her out of attending the january 6th rally held in washington. but she refused. she went to the rally with a friend, justin, who had been one of the last people to see her alive. her family watched in horror as the events of that day unfolded. >> so we just watched the news, and the second that they said the second person died, or somebody -- yeah, there was more than one death, i knew automatically that it was her. i just had this gut feeling that that was her. >> reporter: late that night her family got the call they had been dreading. roseanne had died at the capitol in the middle of a crowd trying to force its way past the police line. body cam and other footage from the day points a brutal picture. her friend justin who accompanied her to the march can be seen in this footage, dragging people out of the way, but an apparent attempt to save his friend's life. >> save her. she's going to die. save her. >> reporter: roseanne died but according to the medical examiner's office, it was because of a prescription drug overdose. do you believe that the explanation that was given by the medical examiner as to why roseanne died is not -- >> i mean -- prescription adarol? >> i think they did a rush half-hearted investigation because she was a trump supporter who died doing what she said. >> reporter: in the months since her death, the boylens have sought to understand how she was radicalized and what exactly happened to her in the final minutes. some of which they believe were captured on body camera video that has not been released. they also want to speak to justin who was with her at the end, but he has stopped returning the family's calls and texts. >> ultimately we just want to find out what happened to her. >> reporter: jose, as you can see from the family, they have the questions. they're trying to get some more of that body camera footage released, but they also are dealing with the reality that they understand what happened to their loved one, roseanne, over the past six months of her life. she did become a radicalized person. >> an extraordinary reporting as everything you do. i appreciate your time. thank you for being with me. you can catch the first episode of american radical wherever you get your podcasts. still ahead, our next guest knows all too-well the pain of losing a child to gun violence. he says he's in washington d.c. and not leaving until he speaks with the president. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." diaz-balart reports. - [narrator] love the delicious taste of fried foods? 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>> well, thank you for having me here in your show. i need president biden to somehow put some importance in everything that's happening with gun violence. i met him before he was president. we had conversations. he promised me that he will work on this issue hard. and along with us, and i haven't seen much happening, almost nothing, that the final trigger is that i am here in d.c. after there was a shooting in michigan. so i decided to just come over and do something about it. >> and what is it that you want the president to do or to tell you that he's been doing that you haven't heard him yet do? >> well, i guess no one has heard much. it's not that i haven't heard much. if there's a plan, what's the plan? you know? these are things that you have to share with civilians. so we understand that you're really taking a step and a stand for us. for joaquin q for the kids of michigan and more than 150 people have that died since joaquin was shot down inside of his school. what i'm asking for is let's see what you're doing. if you're doing something, what is it? and let's declare war to gun violence. this administration must right now declare war on gun violence. and he should address the state of the union in a very presidential way, letting everybody know that he's the one that will fix this problem. >> manuel, how long are you going to be out there in front of the white house if he doesn't receive you? >> i can be here forever -- you know what? i showed a photo of my kid, this kid. joaquin, in front of the white house a few years ago that he had a trip with his beautiful mother. joaquin cannot stand here in front of the white house, and i'm a father. i'm joaquin's dad. do you think this is a sacrifice for me? i lost my best friend and my son. if i need to be here forever, i will. the white house was putting up christmas decorations while i was waiting here. well, guess who is not having any christmas decorations anymore ever again. the oliver family. and 100 families lose a loved one every single day. i came here 400 victims ago. so to answer your question, i'm not moving from here until i have that conversation with the person that promised me that he would put an end on this. >> thanks for being with us. >> take care, buddy. >>

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, Trip , Joaquin Cannot Stand , Photo , Best Friend , Sacrifice , Decorations , Guess Who , Oliver Family , Families , 400 , End , Take Care , Buddy ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

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the country. in michigan, a third party will investigate the events leading up to the fatal shooting at a high school that left four students dead. later, we'll talk to a father who lost his son at parkland. he'll share why he is expecting to meet president biden. meanwhile in washington, lawmakers face a lengthy to-do list between raising debt limit, reaching a deal on biden's economic agenda and so much more. we're going to talk to congressman ro khanna about congress' plan to get it all done by the end of the year. and happening right now, tens of thousands of russian troops have deployed to the ukrainian border, as president biden is set to virtually meet with russian president vladimir putin tomorrow. and turning now to some breaking news on the pandemic. new york city mayor bill de blasio has just announced the vaccine mandate for all private employers. a mayor also announced that kids ages 5 to 11 will need proof of vaccination to dine indoors and to attend other entertainment venues. that program will require two doses of the vaccine, that's an increase from one shot. all of this as those new travel restrictions imposed by the biden administration are playing out in airports across the country right now. nbc's antonia hilton is at new york's jfk airport. antonia, good morning. what are the rules there and how are they playing out on the ground? >> reporter: good morning. so as of 12:01 a.m. this morning, we are looking at a slightly new travel landscape and anyone who is already abroad or planning to travel internationally soon is going to have to follow new testing requirements. and that is going to look like a one-day testing window to get back a negative test in order to fly back and enter the united states. now, many people have been used to getting tests while they travel abroad, was they used to have about a 72-hour window. not only is that a tighter timeline, but we're also going to have to be careful about what tests we get. pcr tests are accepted and some rapid antigen tests and some at-home tests will be accepted, but you'll likely need to talk to a telehealth provider over audio or video call in order for that to be accepted, as well. so for folks who are planning to travel soon, not only will they immediate to schedule this into their travel plans, but they may need to look at their budgets. in some countries with different testing infrastructure, some of these pcr tests can cost north of $100 at times. take a listen to a conversation that our team had with a family this morning, just getting back from travels and logistical hurdles. >> it was very stressful here. because we got a covid test within the time that they requested, but the lab made a mistake, so when we got here -- >> we had to do one. >> we had to do another one, and it wasn't cheap, it was very expensive. so for the three of us, it cost almost $600. just to get another covid test. >> reporter: another change that travelers may start seeing at some of the major international hubs like jfk or newark airport or hartsfield-jackson in atlanta, is that there's going to be increased biosurveillance or health screening at some of these airports. so they're going to take pools of samples from some passengers coming from certain international locations. and the cdc and a company called express check will be collaborating to see if the omicron variant is entering, why not of community spread we might be able to expect. so the real change that people need to pay attention to right now is that testing requirement. plan ahead, make sure that you have the money in case the test is a costly one, depending on your location, jose. >> antonia hilton, thank you so much. dr. irwin redlener is the founding director of the national center for disaster preparedness. he's also a senior research scholar at columbia university's earth institute and an msnbc political health analyst. doctor, great seeing you. what do you make of these new travel restrictions? >> well, actually, it's really interesting. it is an attempt to control the importation of the virus, whether it's the original or the most recently prevalent delta variant or the new omicron. the problem is, in my mind, jose, is that it doesn't go far enough. because i think nobody should be allowed on an airplane or a train, for that matter, without having the ability to show proof of being fully vaccinated. and then tested. we're dealing with a very serious pandemic, jose, which is not going away anytime soon. and i think that really stricter regulations need to be in place in my view. >> do you think that the united states should then say, to any and every passenger, coming in from whatever country it may be, you need to be vaccinated in order to come in, regardless of if you get a pcr or an antigen? >> yeah, i do think so. i think there's slippage, if you're just depending on testing, and by the way, i don't think that we should exclude domestic travel for these rules, either. because we still have a lot of transmission of the virus and the covid-19 from one state to another. so i think local travel, as well as international travel should be subject to a lot stricter rules, jose. >> are we as a country ready to, for example, have tests regularly taken for almost everyone? it seems like that's not something that this country has been really geared to dealing with. >> well, we're inching our way towards that. and that's what i think we're seeing in the new rules from the biden administration. we're definitely inching towards a much greater level of understanding of who's coming into the country, who's moving about, are people testing positive? and mostly, have they been vaccinated. this brings up, of course, this entire debate about whether we should be mandating vaccinations and under what circumstances. and who should be laying down those rules. we've gotten into a very complicated point of this pandemic, and i do think that we need to take some trick-or-treater steps, even if we're not going to lockdown. but the requirement of vaccines something that i believe is going to be necessary, as we just heard that is being imposed in new york city by mayor de blasio. >> meanwhile, doctor, officials in south africa are warning, they're seeing an increase in covid hospitalizations in children under 5. how concerned are you about that? >> well, you know, jose, i am -- i'm a pediatrician and a grandfather and i have to say that i am concerned, and i have been concerned that we may have been seeing some decreased frequency or prevalence of covid in children. but the fact of the matter is, we've had over 700 deaths of children in the united states since the pandemic began. there are now vaccines available for children and i think, you know, there's about 25 million children in the 5 to 11-year age range, which has just been made eligible to get the vaccine. but only about 4 million kids in that age group have been vaccinated. so i think parents should know, jose, that it is really important that your children, as well as your adolescents, get vaccinated as soon as possible. >> and they're safe for kids that age? >> yeah, the vaccine is incredibly safe. you know that the 5 to 11-year-olds get a significantly smaller dose than adults do. and the fact is that it's safe and effective and i know that parents are hesitant in some cases, and there's some people in my own family who are, but look, the reality is, children need to be protected. we're seeing the increased hospitalizations in other countries, including south africa and we have to get serious about that here in the united states. >> dr. redlener, it's a pleasure to see you. thank you for being with us this morning. turning now to the latest following last we can's deadly shooting at oxford high school in michigan. over the weekend, the parents of the alleged shooter were charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter after prosecutors alleged they failed to act following multiple warning signs. the couple arrested early saturday morning in a detroit warehouse after missing their scheduled arraignment. it comes as michigan's attorney general is offering to conduct a comprehensive review of what happened. joining me now from pontiac, michigan, is nbc news correspondent heidi przybyla. heidi, good morning. what more have you learned about the crumbley's interaction with school officials before the shooting? >> reporter: jose, we have a 20-year history of school gun massacres in this country and it's pretty unusual for the parents to be charged. in this case, we have two days of interactions. day one, ethan was caught googling ammunition. the parents were notified. and later, we found text messages between mother and son, from the mother, stating, "lol, i'm not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught." day two, we have ethan writing a note that was found by a teacher that said, "blood everywhere, the thoughts won't stop, help me." the parents were called to the school. they were told that they needed to get ethan counseling within 48 hours and hay tried to send him home, yet the parents resisted, jose, and they left school and left ethan there at school. that is the day that the shooting ensued. but look, there's going to be multiple investigations here and it may be years of investigations and lawsuits. you've got the four counts of manslaughter against ethan, the four counts of involuntary manslaughter against his parents. you have the polish immigrant, who's being investigated now for whether he gave the parents shelter when they were on the run, and then you have the question of whether there may be repercussions for the school. could the school have required ethan to leave? should they have sent him back to class? should they have notified authorities? so the investigations include now the offer from the michigan attorney general, the school is also hiring its own outside security firm to perform an investigation of their best practices. and there is going to be a lot of open answers here for quite a while. this is very much a developing story, jose? >> heidi przybyla, thank you very much for being with me. joining me now, sarah azari. she is a criminal defense attorney. sarah, good morning. the fact that the parents have been charged is rare. do you think the prosecution will have problems prosecuting this case? >> i don't, jose, because i've heard a lot of chatter about this being a case of omission versus action. typically, we think of a criminal case involving criminal acts. there are also acts in this case, these parents bought him a gun, provide access to the gun, taught him how to shoot, posted and boasted about the gun on social media. and then the day before the shooting and the day of the shooting there were all of these raging sirens -- not red flags, raging sirens -- about what he's about to do. and instead, the mother says, lol, just don't get caught. do it, but don't get caught. and then at some point she says, don't do it! these are bad facts for the parents. and i analogize this to cases of child abuse and child neglect, of which i've had many of. in those cases, it's not about what the parents do, it's about what the parents don't do it. and the charges are so unprecedented, i believe for involuntary manslaughter under michigan law, you have criminal negligence and somebody dies, right? that's all you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. i think it's a pretty strong case for this prosecutor? >> and i'm wondering, on friday, the parent's attorney says that they're going to turn themselves in. ultimately, they were arrested in a detroit warehouse. will that have an impact on the case? >> absolutely, jose. number one, we saw it have an impact on their bond. $500,000 bond on involuntary manslaughter being the lowest level homicide is unusually high. so they're detained. they can't put the bond up, they can't get out. secondly down the road, it's evidence of consciousness of guilt. this prosecutor at trial is going to argue, if they didn't do anything wrong, why did they flee? why did they hide? >> then there's the whole issue of the school. when asked about possible missteps by the school, the prosecutor in the case said, quote, any individual who had the opportunity to stop this tragedy should have done so. the question is, what do they know and when did they know it? what do you see on that one? >> that's true. what did they know and when did they know it? and does it rise to a level of criminal liability. i think schools are -- as we've seen in other school shootings, they always have the duty to, you know -- inherent duty to keep the school safe and the staff and the students safe. and so they are civilly, absolutely, liable. they should have expelled ethan. they should have taken more firm action, instead of sort of heeding to the parent's insistence that he stays in school. but ultimately, i don't think it rises to a, you know, criminal negligence like the parents -- but it was interesting, because i was listening to the prosecutor earlier this morning say that, you know, the school may not have known that there was -- that ethan had a gun. the idea is that she turned it back around to the parents. the key fact is that the parents did not mention to the school that this kid had access to a gun. it wasn't until afterwards, after the father heard of the shooting that he went and checked for the gun and saw it was missing. it turns back to the parents in terms of criminal liability, but the school is absolutely civilly culpable here. >> let's say they department know the kid had access or possible access to a gun, but that morning, they called the parents in and they said, this is our concern. don't they have the right or indeed the responsibility to, for example, if the kid is going back into class say, let me check your backpack? >> 100%. and the parents also had that duty, as well. but, you know, the school, what i'm hearing from reporting is that the gun may not have been in his locker, may not have been in his backpack, and what the evidence shows so far that it was somewhere on the school premises. but they're not 100% -- but again, to your point, jose, that doesn't take away from their duty to check, of course. so i think as we learn more about where the gun was, you know, when he accessed the gun , et cetera, i think those duties are going to become more clear to us. >> sara azari, thank you very much for being with me. a lot of questions still remain to be answered. >> good to be here. still ahead, congress is up against several deadlines. we'll talk to democratic congressman ro khanna about what's taking priority. plus, tributes pouring in for senator bob dole who died yesterday at age 98. a look at his life and legacy, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." re watchin diaz-balart reports. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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>> reporter: yeah, jose, they went before the senate parliamentarian last week. that was the third time that the democrats went before the senate parliamentarian to argue to include immigration provisions of some kind in this build back better agenda. on this third time going before them, though, they're basically arguing for what the house already passed in their version of this bill, which is temporary protections from deportation and some work help for undocumented immigrants. that would affect roughly 6.5 million undocumented immigrants in this country, if it were to be included. but what advocates are saying is that regardless of the way the parliamentarian rules on this, this might be, in their words, the formal birdbath, the formal process to move forward, but it's not, in their words, the final part of this. of course for democrats in the house, they knew that immigration was likely one of the things that could change or even fall out of this legislation once it got to the senate, and it's one in a string of things that we're watching to see how it changes now that it's in the hands of the senate. immigration, one of them. the other of them, paid leave. that's something that senator joe manchin has said, he doesn't want to do through this partisan reconciliation process. instead, he wants to do that as a stand-alone bill. so still some changes to come here as we wait for both the policy pieces of this to go through the parliamentarian, but also the personal politics of some of the senators that have long been central to these negotiations, jose. and senate majority leader chuck schumer has said, he wants to do this before christmas. that gets closer every minute. >> yes, there is a countdown and it's on. peter, meanwhile, we learned yesterday that former senator and 1996 presidential nominee bob dole died. he was partisan, but could reach across the aisle to make deals. he was remembered for his work on behalf of veterans. what do you think his legacy is in washington? >> i think bob dole's passing reminds us of a washington that doesn't exist anymore. what we're talking about right now in terms of this build back better act, what we're talking about is, can democrats make a deal with themselves? nobody is even talking about making a deal across the aisle. bob dole understood that if he wanted to pass big things in washington, it was better off if you had both parties. more of a national consensus, more sustainable in society, if both parties had an investment in whatever they were passing. things like the americans with disability act, which he was a prime sponsor for. things like the civil rights act and the voting rights act, which he voted for in the 1960s. his passing reminds us of how much things have changed. i was with him on the 1996 campaign. i covered that campaign, mostly from the white house, when bill clinton was the president and i remember the day in the white house, i was there after the election was over. bill clinton invited robert dole, his opponent, the one he had just vanquished, to the white house to bestow on him the medal of freedom. what an extraordinary moment that was in american life. the victor and the vanquished together to say, you know, look, we still respect each other, we admire each other, we know that each of us is a public servant and gives to this country. we're not going to take our rancor of the campaign and bring it into governance. we believe that it is time to govern the country now. that's what's different today. >> and you know what, peter, it just seems like it was so long ago, because of how things are so different now, peter. >> yeah, totally different, you know, you just can't have the kind of friendships across the aisle. i think of the humor, by the way, that bob dole showed. in that moment, in that ceremony that bill clinton gave him the medal of freedom, bob dole takes the podium and he starts his speech by saying, i, robert j. dole, as if he was about to take the inaugural address, and the room cracks up. he was able to laugh at himself, he was able to laugh at our system. he was sometimes sharp with it, sometimes a little bit of an edge to it. he certainly had a reputation early on as being a partisan hatchet and we shouldn't romanticize that, but he recognized that politics was about people, about relationships that you could be in opposite parties and still have respect and an admiration for each other as public servants. he served in world war ii, gave so much to his country. you see the tributes today coming from both sides of the aisle. i remember from that would be the case with today's politicians. if you look back at what we're saying today about bob dole, will people say that about them in 20 or 30 years. >> that's so interesting. i seem to recall a time when he was on "meet the press," and he was reminded that he was like the one who had been on "meet the press" more times than anybody else. and the question was, have you -- do you at any time say the complete truth? and he said, probably not. it was just like -- the humor and the truthfulness of someone like that will be missed as well. peter baker and ali vitali, thank you both for being with me. with me now is california democratic congressman, ro khanna. he sits on the armed services and oversight committees. he is a deputy whip for the congressional progressive caucus. congressman, a great pleasure to see you this morning. i want to ask you first about, you know, when we're talking about the bob dole legacy and how it's so different now, i was just wondering, congressman, why is it so difficult for people to talk? people with different ideas, with different proposals, why has it become almost impossible for you all to have civil conversations with those with whom you disagree with. >> jose, one of the things i think about senator dole, he was an american patriot. he served in world war ii. and that common experience was defining for many people in that generation. what we have to do is figure out, how do we have a common experience, common bond now. now, i have actually good relationships across the aisle. i've worked with senator young, representative gallagher on the endless frontier that will pass in a bipartisan way. i think there's more conversation across the aisle, sometimes, than people realize. >> well, that's a good thing to hear. we also could find out as early as today, i guess, if the senate parliamentarian will allow immigration provisions in the house version of the build back better act to stand. she's already ruled against a path to citizenship, and a path through green cards for millions of immigrants who have been here since 2011. so what comes next if the parliamentarian, by chance, says three times "no"? >> first of all, jose, this process is broken. one individual, a senate parliamentarian shouldn't be able to overrule what president biden ran on, what house democrats and senate democrats ran on. this is such common sense. we're not talking about a path to citizenship. what we're saying is people who are in this country, who are working, who are paying taxes, they ought to be able to have a work permit. this is actually what president george w. bush proposed. and we need it at a time of supply chain shortages. so we will continue. there are other avenues, you can overrule the parliamentarian, but the house democrats are committed to having this common sense reform passed. >> another major issue facing congress is raising the debt limit. the treasury department says it needs to be done by the 15th. that's nine days from today. house democratic leaders have floated the idea of attaching it to the must-pass national defense authorization act. is that something that you could support? >> i could. i think it's unfortunate, talking about bipartisanship, that we can't get republicans to have the united states live up to its word and pay our debt, debt that was accumulated many previous administrations. but the house democrats are not going to let our country default. we will do whatever it takes. and i trust speaker pelosi and senator schumer to come up with that framework. >> congressman kana, thank you very much for being with me this morning. i appreciate your time. >> jose, always a pleasure. >> thanks. following breaking news this morning, three more of the christian missionaries kidnapped in haiti by an infamous gang have been released. christian aid ministries released the statement saying, quote, we are thankful to god that three more hostages were released last night. those who were released are safe and seem to be in good spirits. the group provided no other adults. 17 missionaries were abducted in october, including five children. two other hostages were released in november. 12 of the missionaries from the united states and canada remain abducted. the remain in mexico policy for migrants is back in effect today. what it means for asylum seekers, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." you're wat diaz-balart reports. ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. cough cough sneeze sneeze... star[ sneezing ]rcle. needs, plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who understands your business. felipe, i've categorized last month's hair gel expenses. steve, i just closed your books. great, how are we looking? 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>> reporter: hey, there, jose, good morning. yes, as you mentioned, the policy change will get started in one location. we actually just found out from customs and board protection, and that will be starting today in el paso, in ciudad juarez. uh see this migrant tent camp. hundreds of migrants are here. this is one of many places along the southern border where a bottleneck might be created. and jose, i want to -- i just spoke with a woman here a short time ago. [ speaking spanish ] she says she's from southern mexico. [ speaking spanish ] jose, she says she's been here for six months. as you know -- [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: she says it's been very difficult, because she has several kids. we just saw two of her daughters here and it's been very dangerous, she said. why has it been so dangerous? [ speaking spanish ] >> she says it's very dangerous here because the children have been playing, you know, in the street and the cars passed, other migrants have told us that, you know, they face the threat of kidnapping here, jose. [ speaking spanish ] why did you decide to come here? [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: jose, as you know, she said that she decided to come here because, you know, something bad happened to her and earlier, when we were talking, she also grew emotional about why she needed to bring her children here. and this is something that is playing out really throughout the southern border, jose. and because of the reimplementation of what's known as the remain in mexico policy, officially known as mpp, migrant protection protocols, in mexico, while their asylum cases are adjudicated. the biden administration says that there are several humanitarian provisions that will improve this policy. they say that now migrants will have better access to lawyers, that their cases will have to be adjudicated within six months. but many migrant advocates, jose, say that they are furious that the biden administration has not done more to do away with this policy entirely. of course, they -- the administration says that it had to reinstate it, at least temporarily, because of this court order. but it will be working to do away with it in the coming months, but there's no timeline on that. but again, this policy, jose, mpp, the remain in mexico policy starting today, as we know it, at one location here along the southern border and plans to be expanded in the coming days. jose? >> gabe gutierrez in tijuana, mexico, think about this. this lady has been living right on the street corner in a tent for the past six months with her little children there. gabe, thanks. coming up, with tensions already running high between the u.s. and russia, president biden is expected to have a call with vladimir putin tomorrow. a preview of what's at stake, next. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." ing "jose diaz-balart reports. 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i was like no. she researched it. i left there at probably 5:00 in the evening. and she texted me at 7:00 in the morning. she had been up all night, watching youtube. >> reporter: her family wasn't sure how to handle her new-found obsession. she had a history of substance abuse and they were afraid confronting her might push her away. her social media posts began to take on an extreme political tone. do you believe that roseanne was radicalized? >> yes. yeah. >> reporter: her family tried to talk her out of attending the january 6th rally held in washington. but she refused. she went to the rally with a friend, justin, who had been one of the last people to see her alive. her family watched in horror as the events of that day unfolded. >> so we just watched the news, and the second that they said the second person died, or somebody -- yeah, there was more than one death, i knew automatically that it was her. i just had this gut feeling that that was her. >> reporter: late that night her family got the call they had been dreading. roseanne had died at the capitol in the middle of a crowd trying to force its way past the police line. body cam and other footage from the day points a brutal picture. her friend justin who accompanied her to the march can be seen in this footage, dragging people out of the way, but an apparent attempt to save his friend's life. >> save her. she's going to die. save her. >> reporter: roseanne died but according to the medical examiner's office, it was because of a prescription drug overdose. do you believe that the explanation that was given by the medical examiner as to why roseanne died is not -- >> i mean -- prescription adarol? >> i think they did a rush half-hearted investigation because she was a trump supporter who died doing what she said. >> reporter: in the months since her death, the boylens have sought to understand how she was radicalized and what exactly happened to her in the final minutes. some of which they believe were captured on body camera video that has not been released. they also want to speak to justin who was with her at the end, but he has stopped returning the family's calls and texts. >> ultimately we just want to find out what happened to her. >> reporter: jose, as you can see from the family, they have the questions. they're trying to get some more of that body camera footage released, but they also are dealing with the reality that they understand what happened to their loved one, roseanne, over the past six months of her life. she did become a radicalized person. >> an extraordinary reporting as everything you do. i appreciate your time. thank you for being with me. you can catch the first episode of american radical wherever you get your podcasts. still ahead, our next guest knows all too-well the pain of losing a child to gun violence. he says he's in washington d.c. and not leaving until he speaks with the president. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." diaz-balart reports. - [narrator] love the delicious taste of fried foods? 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>> well, thank you for having me here in your show. i need president biden to somehow put some importance in everything that's happening with gun violence. i met him before he was president. we had conversations. he promised me that he will work on this issue hard. and along with us, and i haven't seen much happening, almost nothing, that the final trigger is that i am here in d.c. after there was a shooting in michigan. so i decided to just come over and do something about it. >> and what is it that you want the president to do or to tell you that he's been doing that you haven't heard him yet do? >> well, i guess no one has heard much. it's not that i haven't heard much. if there's a plan, what's the plan? you know? these are things that you have to share with civilians. so we understand that you're really taking a step and a stand for us. for joaquin q for the kids of michigan and more than 150 people have that died since joaquin was shot down inside of his school. what i'm asking for is let's see what you're doing. if you're doing something, what is it? and let's declare war to gun violence. this administration must right now declare war on gun violence. and he should address the state of the union in a very presidential way, letting everybody know that he's the one that will fix this problem. >> manuel, how long are you going to be out there in front of the white house if he doesn't receive you? >> i can be here forever -- you know what? i showed a photo of my kid, this kid. joaquin, in front of the white house a few years ago that he had a trip with his beautiful mother. joaquin cannot stand here in front of the white house, and i'm a father. i'm joaquin's dad. do you think this is a sacrifice for me? i lost my best friend and my son. if i need to be here forever, i will. the white house was putting up christmas decorations while i was waiting here. well, guess who is not having any christmas decorations anymore ever again. the oliver family. and 100 families lose a loved one every single day. i came here 400 victims ago. so to answer your question, i'm not moving from here until i have that conversation with the person that promised me that he would put an end on this. >> thanks for being with us. >> take care, buddy. >>

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Specialist , Benefits , Schedule Appointments , Name , Enrollment Ends December 7th , Em Boy , Let S Go , Walter , Twelve O Clock , Cows Mooing , Twelve , Cat , Windshield , Adventures , Safelite , My Livelihood , Amy Truck Is , Singers , Girl , Boylan , Safelite Repair , Capitol , Attack , Town , January 6th , 6 , Justin , Series , American Radical , Host , Friend , World , Message , Insurrection , Sister , Social Media , Posts , Journals , Cats , Friends , Rabbit Hole , Qanon , Supporter , Family Members , Trump , Grip , Riot , Decisions , Tr , Roseanne Boylen , Most , 2020 , Presents , Family Commitments , She Wasn T , Phone , Opening , On Christmas , Child Trafficking Conspiracy Theories , Obsession , Youtube , Substance Abuse , Rally , Tone , January 6th Rally , Person , Second , Horror , Gut Feeling , Footage , Body Cam , Police Line , Crowd , Middle , Picture , March , Medical Examiner , Explanation , Examiner , Prescription Drug Overdose , Boylens , Rush , Body Camera Video , Texts , Calls , Body Camera Footage , Loved One , Dealing , Everything , Child , Gun Violence , Podcasts , Episode , Pain , Guest , Fried Foods , Taste , Meals , Crunch , Airfryer Toaster Oven , Cuisinart , Broils , Toasts , Multitasking Oven , Food , Technology , Oil , Results , Cleanup , Air , Odors , Functions , Convection Bakes , Seven , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Justice , Chesa Boudin , Liberty , Safety , Both , Public Safety , Pay , Theaters , San Francisco , December 17th , Perspective , Didn T Support The Newsom , Communities , Failure , Crime , Streets Of San Francisco , A Million , Turmoil , Management , Da S Office , Recall , 57 , Joaquin , Victims , School Shooting , Aftermath , Gun Reform Activists , Oxford , 2018 , Show , Importance , Trigger , Happening , Nothing , You Haven T , Him , No One , Haven T , Civilians , School , Stand , Joaquin Q For The Kids , 150 , War , State Of The Union , War To Gun Violence , Front , Manuel , Everybody , Trip , Joaquin Cannot Stand , Photo , Best Friend , Sacrifice , Decorations , Guess Who , Oliver Family , Families , 400 , End , Take Care , Buddy ,

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