Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 2

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709

after 9:00 somebody was banging on the door. and now somebody's bamming on the door again. oh, they screaming. they're still bamming on the door. >> okay. >> they're still bamming on the door. lord jesus, where's the police? >> the fear you heard made possible fueled by fake news and a former president of the united states. and it is beyond time to get a grip on this because the lies and the belief in them now motivating republican politics on the state level. in wisconsin the head of the gop election probe is threatening local mayors with jail time if they refuse to meet with him about the 2020 results. this week we learned one of the investigators involved in that probe has previously filed a lawsuit to overturn wisconsin's 2020 election results. so he might be an investigator but without bias? you decide. in case you need more proof, this constant barrage of i don't know what to call it, it can lead to violence. a reminder of what happened inside the united states capitol on january 6th. ensuring the american people know what led to that violence a top priority for the congressional committee investigating the attack. >> we anticipate next year we will be conducting multiple weeks of public hearings setting out for the american people in vivid color exactly what happened every minute of the day on january 6th here at the capitol and at the white house and what led to that violent attack. >> joining me now nbc news senior reporter ben collins, political national correspondent betsey woodruff swan. betsey and jill are both msnbc contributors. ben, as your reporting bears out, this constant stream of lies from the right has up ended the lives of election workers. it is not just these two women. tell me how so. >> yeah, it upends the lives of anybody who wants to volunteer or, you know, maybe work as a temp worker in this space. and that's what ruby freeman was. ruby freeman just joined on because a bunch of people just got covid, and her daughter who's an election worker said we need more people, please stop by. and what did she do to deserve all this harassment, deserve that 911 call, she moved a box of ballots from under a table and put them on top of a table. complete lies, but they were pushed on the internet by anonymous people, picked up by the gateway pundit and then for months they wouldn't let it go. on january 6th when people were storming the capitol ruby's house had people around it with bull horns, outside in vehicles, people banging on the door again. and, you know, that just continued for months. her life had, you know, fundamentally changed because she decided to try to help out her daughter who was trying to do the right thing and help outlet during an election. >> unbelievable. betsey, the gop it's not just vocalizing these, not just talking about them. we learned a republican running to replace a democrat in the statehouse -- can you only run if you're running on the big lie? >> we'll know within a couple of months as these primary contests are coming up and as these elections play out. it's certainly something that seems to be beneficial to many of these candidates. if it weren't, they wouldn't be betting and running on this fabrication, this dangerous fabrication is something that makes sense for them to do. one thing involving this specific georgia case that's important to note. i obtained internal e-mails from the justice department a few months ago showing that specifically in this incident involving these two women the fbi actually investigated. there was a lower level official in the justice department, a career official who didn't want to dignify these conspiracy theories by having the fbi look into them, but that official was overruled by more senior political appointees in doj. they insisted, no, the fbi needs to look into this suitcase conspiracy theory. and the fbi found nothing. they found no evidence because it was a nonsense conspiracy theory. that means when bill barr said publicly and privately to trump that the fbi had found no evidence of serious fraud that would affect the outcome of the election, he was talking about all the fbi's investigations which includes this one into these two women. first, this conspiracy theory is nonsense, but, second, it's incredibly vetted nonsense. it's been looked into by the fbi and shown to be not true. but that hasn't been enough to disabuse people who are obsessed with these lies from promulgating them and from using them to justify threatening and terrorizing election workers. and it's just a dark moment. >> betsey, let's turn to the january 6th committee and the panel's attempt to depose former doj official jeffrey clark. we know a letter clark sent to pressure georgia state officials in 2020 contained document metadata from the white house communications office. explain why this is a pretty big deal for getting the truth. >> yeah, that's something that's certainly a substantial revelation. there needs to be more investigation into what happened with that letter, who at the justice department viewed it, how they handled it. the most prominent letter that jeffrey clark talked about sending didn't actually go out. other senior doj political appointees looked at the letter and said no way are we sending this out to state legislatures. that was a consequential decision because if clark had sent out those letters to state legislatures telling them that the doj signed off on the lie that the fbi found significant evidence of voter fraud and encouraged them to hold special sessions to try to send in state competing slates of electors to washington, d.c., things would have been even worse, even more horrific than they were on january 6th for this country. so the full back story on how that letter came together, who was involved, who played a role in creating the communications that jeff clark wanted to send out is just absolutely key. and the fact we're only learning about this metadata now signals in many ways when it comes to lifting up the hood on the car and there's still a lot more information that is to be. >> jill, speaking of lifting the hood up on the car, let's talk about jeffrey clark and former trump attorney john eastman. clark was scheduled to be deposed today but asked for a postponement due to a medical condition. i want to know how you see this as a former prosecutor. >> well, they do have the right to plead the fifth. as a former prosecutor, of course, i recognize that constitutional right. and i also know that a jury would be instructed not to take into account and make any conclusions from that. i also know as a human being, as a u.s. citizen that people do reach a conclusion. and the conclusion is that they know they're guilty of a crime, that they could say something used as evidence against them. and if they didn't have something to say that would be used against them they wouldn't need to take the fifth. so it's a pretty dramatic thing. and clark, of course, as we know started out with -- and eastman, too -- they started out with attorney-client privilege and then moved to executive priv l which was equally without any substance. and now we're going to, okay, if i can't get away with not testifying for those reasons, i'm going to claim the fifth amendment. and that says there is a crime that's been committed. i think it's time for the department of justice to get going. it's not enough to find out what laws might need to be passed to prevent this from happening in the future. it has already happened. and that needs to be prosecuted. there are crimes committed. even the people who are subpoenaed think they committed crimes. let's have an investigation. >> all right, ben, betsey, jill, thank you all. next, the political mobilizing around roe. we're going to talk strategy with a top advocate. and later some 20 states already do it, but there are specific areas of concern with florida's governor wanting his own military force, a force the pentagon cannot control. that and more to come. but first to richard louie with the other big stories we're tracking this hour. cnn fired anchor chris cuomo tonight after suspending him earlier this week. the network saying new information arose during a probe by outside investigators leading to his termination effective immediately. cuomo responded thanking his team of producers for their hard work. the parents of the 15-year-old michigan school shooting suspect pled not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges. they were found overnight inside an empty building after an hours long manhunt. here's what officials said a short time ago. >> when the tip came in the person was apparently outside smoking, and they pretty much ran away. and obviously, the way in -- i'm not going to get into specifics, but i think where they were and how they were seems to support the position they were hiding and they weren't looking for surrendering at that point. >> that couple have a combined $1 million bond. their son's currently detained facing murder and terrorism charges, accused of shooting four classmates to death. and president biden says he will meet with russian president vladimir putin tuesday over videoconference. the white house says biden will address concerns over russia's military activities on the ukrainian border. more "american voices" after this break. # voices" after this break oh, it's just a cold. if you have high blood pressure, a cold is not just a cold. unlike other cold medicines, coricidin provides powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure be there for life's best moments with coricidin. now in sugar free liquid. dad are you sure you're up to host? yeah! we want to keep it the way it always was, right? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that's your grandma. she was the best at the holidays. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin. at new chapter. its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body 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for starters look to gubernatorial races in places like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. three states where republicans control the legislatures and might be inclined to enact restrictive bans on abortion where the governor's mansions are in the hands of democrats. the impact would also be felt in senate and congressional races. republican senator susan collins from maine has already said she supports passing a law to protect a woman's right to choose, but as you know any senate bill would need at least 60 votes to overcome the filibuster. that filibuster forms the power to legislate reproductive rights pivots to the states in parts of the country with abortion access will sharply decline. joining us now an msnbc analyst. without roe reproductive rights will be determined state to state. tell us what that looks like and how that has the capacity to change our political landscape. >> well, the day after roe is overturned assuming it's overturned and not just gutted, i believe there are ten states that have what are called trigger laws on the books, which means they already passed laws that say as soon as roe is overturned abortion becomes illegal in the state. other states just have their pre-roe bans on abortions still on the books which would presumably go back into effect. so the day roe is overturned a bunch of states -- women are going to wake up in a bunch of states and find out that abortion has become illegal full stop. i also suspect that we'll find a number of right-wing legislatures, you know, racing to enact greater and greater penalties and restrictions. something i've often said i wouldn't expect post-roe america to look like pre-roe america. in many ways i would expect it to be worse because before roe vs. wade it is actually quite rare for women to be prosecuted for procuring clandestine abortions. but what we've seen is that in states that have passed these so-called fetal -- feticide laws, women have often been prosecuted for things like using drugs that are said to cause a miscarriage. they haven't been able to be prosecuted because of roe for having abortions. but i would expect that we'll start seeing women prosecuted for, you know, for aborting or for suspected -- for suspected inducing their own abortions. >> i feel like i've read pretty much every op-ed that has been written about how this is going to affect 2022. and it feels like in the totality there is some push and pull over who this is going to really motivate and who this is going to tamp down enthusiasm for. i wonder how you see it. >> so great to be with you. and i -- just to clarify on michelle's comments we're tracking 26 states, so over half the country that will ban abortion shortly after the decision if the supreme court overturns roe v. wade. we think it's a motivating issue for the democratic base. so we are -- there's a lot of data, and there's several polls and op-eds i'm sure you've read and you're talking about that indicate overturning roe or banning abortion will be very, very motivating for democratic base voters. and we're counting on it. you know, if this is our year, we have to really make an impact in the mid-terms as you said in your opening. we think that the senate majority is way too narrow. we need to pick up seats actually and not just hold, and that's a challenge in the mid-term. so we are hoping and counting. i guess we should say we're not hoping. we're going to invest significantly. >> michelle, i want to turn to your column on gop hypocrisy on display. you write, quote, at the very moment roe v. wade could be overturned the american right has become obsessed with bodily atonmy and has adopted the slogan my body, my choice about covid vaccines and mask mandates. if men could get pregnant abortion would be a non-issue. the furious reaction to covid mitigation measures demonstrates this more than any hypothetical ever could. many on the right we can now see believe it's tyranny to be told to put something they don't want on or in their bodies in order to save their lives. as you said that hypocrisy on full display. i wonder how you translate and message that hypocrisy to voters who might be on the fence. >> so i'm not even sure it is hypocrisy because i'm not sure that the republican party believes that men and women should be bound by the same set of laws and responsibilities. i'm not sure the republican party believes that republicans should be subject to the same sets of responsibilities as people that they conceive of as lesser citizens, right? i really think they just do believe whose bodies should be controlled, and there are people who should have total bodily atonomy. i do think what this shows us, though, is again to force a woman against her will to carry a pregnancy to term and deliver a baby is usurpation of bodily atonmy that we kind of can't imagine forcing on anyone else in our society. we don't force people to give blood. we don't force people to donate organs to save lives. and you can see when you even try to curb people's bodily atonomy in small bays in order to fight a pandemic, in order to save lives, you can see the furious reaction because there is an expectation in this country that one's body is -- is one's own. >> this is part of why i love talking with michelle because she never allows me to be verbally sloppy or lazy, and to this point about gop hypocrisy, she's right. it is internally consistent. i think the other part internally consistent is denying access to contraception, denying access to good, quality sex education, denying access to pai family leave. it is all part and parcel of a bigger picture who matters and who doesn't matter in this america. is that then the message democrats lead with? >> yes. so we think very strongly democrats need to lead with reproductive freedom as a message but more specifically access to abortion, access to contraception. i know you both covered this extensively, but folks should understand roe is the floor, not the ceiling. and access to reproductive rights has been whittled away steadily since 1973 pretty much my entire life. so there's a whole part of the country where we already have extensive challenges to access to reproductive health including basic things like contraception and access to medically accurate sex education. so, yes, democrats, this is the year we have to really get out front on these issues. it's what's going to motivate our voters. >> thank you both so much. next, governor ron desantis wants to control his own military group. a number of other states do it, so why is it particularly concerning in florida? and later the biden administration says it remains committed to ending the remain in mexico policy, so why are they expanding it? more straight ahead. stay with us. expanding it? more straight ahead. stay with us ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. ♪ ♪ now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. a major power grab by florida's top republican. governor ron desantis proposing a new civilian military force that he would control. he's relaunching the florida state guard, a volunteer militia that will not be, quote, encumbered by the federal government. >> re-establishing the florida state guard will allow civilians from all over the state to be trained in the best techniques and have the ability to mobilize very, very quickly. >> meanwhile desantis is cracking down on voter fraud in florida that does not exist while simultaneously ignoring real election crimes committed by his own party. republicans ran ghost candidates last year. consultants spent more than $1 million on these independent candidates steined to draw votes from democrats. two people including a former state senator now charged with campaign fraud over the scheme. new reporting from the ceptinal reveals dark money came from florida's biggest utility company. joining me now orlando ceptinal senior reporter jason garcia. jason, before we get to your newest reporting i want you to walk us through this. how did the ghost candidates change the outcome of the election? >> yeah, so what happened here is there were three really intense battleground races that were -- for the florida senate. the florida senate is 40 seats. these three races were seen as key to deciding which party would control them. and in those races three independent candidates qualified for the ballot who did no exam pain of their own, but they were promoted by more than half a million dollars in advertising that was designed to appeal to democratic voters. the wording seemed to designed to syphon off votes from the democratic candidates in the races. and the republican candidates won all three of those senate races including one race in miami by 32 votes in which the -- the independent ghost candidate got more than 6,000 votes. >> and all of this happening while there's all this crowing about voter fraud that doesn't exist. jason's paper reports, quote, neither desantis nor gop leaders have released any proposal to increase penalties or crack down on the use of ghost candidates. what does it tell you about governor desantis' true obsession with election fraud? >> well, it tells me that florida as we've discussed on this program before, this is the laboratory, the test market, if you will, for what republican total control would look like in the country. florida being a very diverse state where the republicans in essence had total control over the state for over a generation. they're doing everything in their power whether it's tweaking election law or coming up with these phantom candidates to really rig the system, ironically. and every step of the way you see this very conscientious efforts by desantis, by the republicans to show not only are they not acting in good faith, they don't really seem to care with any political consequences and operate with a sense of seeming immunity, which i think is a very dangerous precedent for what might happen if they're able to take control of the congress and even the presidency in 2024. >> jason, what has your own reporting revealed about how this scheme was funded? >> yeah, so the latest report showed florida power and light, the state's biggest utility -- one of the biggest utilities in the country, it worked very closely with the consultants that ultimately orchestrated this ghost candidate scheme. and what we found in the number of internal records that we obtained is that these consultants who controlled the -- the consultants that controlled the dark money group that provided the funding for this, they billed florida, power and light for more than $3 million in the days before they started moving money through this dark money entity. what we also found they controlled a number of dark money entities. in recent years florida power and light has given more than $10 million to those entities, and executives of the company including the ceo has coordinated with consultant on campaign contributions made out of these entities. >> so all of that happening. and i want to ask you about the fact your governor wants to control a state civilian military force. >> let's talk with the talking point here a lot of people say it's not a big deal. we've seen in 22 states. where's the outrage? first here, context is everything. this existed in florida really in the post-world war ii period. it was last in place i think 1946 or 1947 only because there was a shortage of personnel because so many of the floridian military personnel were serving in the war effort. so the idea now ron desantis wants to revive this without any sort of predicate, there is no compelling issue or reason where you see a lack of personnel. if anything, fema and federal authorities whenever there's a hurricane or any natural disaster that would require this type of personnel has more than done the job. and you had this also with someone in desantis who is not an innocent, you know, poor little good faith actor just trying to abide by the state. you see someone in desantis who we talked about earlier willing to engage in voter fraud manipulation, has presided in over 60,000 deaths here of floridians due to covid, which i think shows a callusness in attitude. and even in his governing style, the signs of the autocrat, the wanna be autocrat, he's had to be sued to do that. you see his administration engaged in open warfare on members of the media, the press, the associated press. so as someone like you who shares cuban-american ancestry this is something we're accustomed to seeing in totalitarian countries, a private militia only accountable in this case to ron desantis the governor, not the pent good-bye. far outside the chain of command. and as i said before this is literally a page out of the dictator's play book. i think it's a chilling development for florida and for the country. >> all right, thank you both so much. ahead, the return and expansion of remain in mexico. what will it take to end the program? plus an intimate look what it is like to be undocumented in this country. an author and her truly american story after this quick break. r n story after this quick break trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes onclook clean,legy. there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. 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(crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. whether democrats can push immigration reforms into the social spending bill depends on the senate parliamentarian who with leaders of both parties this week. as it stands democrats want to provide work permits to over 6 million migrants currently living inside the united states. while it would provide protection from deportation, it would not provide a pathway to citizenship which even in the best of circumstances will leave many hanging in the balance. it is a feeling a generation of immigrant families know well including the family of an author. she spoke about the moment she realized she was undocumented after arriving here from china in the 1990s. >> it wasn't really until i was about to start school, so we arrived in july and late august, early september i remember hearing my parents say we don't have documents. i was very sneaky. i eavesdropped a lot. i heard them say that. i had no idea what it meant. because i wasn't aware of any documents in china. i never had to think about it. and then the day before i was to go into school my father sat me down and said it's best if you just pretend that you were born here. that would save us a lot of trouble. we don't want to draw any attention -- we don't want people to ask any questions. and in my mind i thought i can't even speak the language in the class, so i don't know how i'm going to pretend that i've always been here, but i guess i will try my best. and in that moment all the pieces that i'd been observing and eavesdropping on kind of fit into place. there was a very clear message that something about us was wrong, that we were not allowed here and that i was to evade attention at all costs. and that became the guiding principle by which i lived my life. >> it strikes me now there's an emerging canon from people like yourselves who grew up without papers in the united states. so i think of a few. i wonder what you hope it means to an undocumented kid who's reading those books today knowing this experience happens to other people. you can see yourself to the other side of it, and there are many different ways that this experience emerges in the united states. >> growing up i would wander the public libraries first to try to earn english as quickly as possible, but, second, how to educate myself in how to look and act and behave -- and behave american. >> what were those lessons? >> try to get a dog. speak with zero accent. ideally have blonde hair, which i couldn't pull off. but -- it was very difficult to find reflections of my life. and with that came a sense of inadequacy, like there was something inherently unacceptable, un-american, something inherently illegal about me, that i did not deserve to be portrayed on tv or in books. and i would turn to my mom and say are we the first to live like this? we see people in china town all around living like this and it's not in the books. it felt so mystifying. do i not have a future? people like us get to a point and society is done with us? what happens to us? it was incredibly scary, and most of all i internalized a lot of that shame. >> 2016 you become a u.s. citizen. right, 2016? barack obama's face pops up at your naturalization ceremony, says hello, my fellow american. shortly after, you decide you need to tell your story. >> as he says those words, i felt something get unlocked in me that almost had been tied up, locked and reinforced and then slammed down in the basement of my consciousness of my heart. i realized in that moment how badly i had needed to be called american by anybody, anyone at all. and no one would ever ascribe that term to me. and here was the very first black president of the united states giving me that term. what a profound honor and privilege it was. walking out of that room i was like i need to remember this feeling. i need to hold onto it. i was very afraid that i would take it for granted. there has not been a day since may 2016 that i have taken it for granted. it was always first and foremost in my mind i now have the privilege and luxury of being an american citizen, and that comes with it a duty and a responsibility. so when president trump took on the national debate stage and started using very hurtful and dehumanizing language, casting immigrants in a very skewed and misrepresentative light, i realized that i now had a choice. i could continue to stay quiet and hide everything that i had learned to be ashamed of, or i could for the first time own my story and own my truth. and i realized that that latter choice is not available to millions of immigrants undocumented or not. so i owed it to all of them, my community, my family, really, to speak up. and it wasn't because i thought i could speak up for all of us. anyone who's known more than one immigrant knows our stories are extremy different and beautiful and multiresilient and strong in their own ways. but i wanted to show that behind those debate talking points and the two-dimensional headlines, there were real families, real hearts beating, resilient strength joys, fear, yes, but joys. and a love for this country that persisted no matter what conditions. >> my thanks. her book "beautiful country" is available now. next an effort in the senate to reform america's immigration laws as the white house expands a trump era policy that biden says he ultimately wants to end. more with attorney ted levy and journalist katelyn dickerson after this quick break. dickersn after this quick break ir the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. my go to toothpaste ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. whether you need a single 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policies that cop trudict asylum laws and result in humane consequences. the non-profit has tracked over 1,500 reports of kidnappings and attacks on migrants in the program during the trump administration. in this coming monday the remain in mexico policy will be reinstated in compliance with a federal court order from texasch the biden administration says it's improved the policy with improved access to legal help and a speedier court hearing process. the administration's also expanding the policy's eligibility. a former dhs official telling buzzfeed the expansion has such a broad scope that it now includes migrants from the entire western hemisphere. with me now immigration attorney taylor leve and also with me katelyn dickerson, a staff writer for the atlantic. kaitlyn, how does the administration square the expansion of the remain in mexico policy with its claims it ultimately wants to end it? >> they really can't square the two, and that's the problem. is that the biden administration has been very vocal about wanting to create what they call a more humane immigration system to restore rights to humanitarian protections that have been passed by congress into law. and yet we're seeing basically more of the same, and the expansion or the reintroduction program and the expansion of it as an example of that. of course the administration did face this court order that required them to put the program back into place, but the expansion which extends beyond just spanish speakers to people from other countries, you know, it really calls into question what the administration is actually going to do, and it has a lot of democrats saying, hey, i feel like i voted for a new process, a more, you know -- a more safe process and instead very little is changing. >> right. and katelyn, i do want to loop back and pick up on that political question. but before we do, taylor, what does this mean for the people you represent? >> i mean, it's been absolutely devastating. we expected that the democrats would do the right thing, that they would restore asylum on the southern border, they would give people a fair chance to seek protection as our laws require. and instead we're seeing an expansion of the program and this disingenuous lie over and over again the administration's hands were tied, they have no other option to comply with this court order. when the judge left it open to the possibility of rule making, they could have done other things, they could have fought harder. but instead they're using it as political leverage to say oh, we had to do it because of the court order when that's not true and not accurate, and there hawse not been enough push back there. instead we're expanding the program and putting haitians in it as well. >> katelyn, what legal or legislative options are available for the biden administration to officially end this program? >> well, so here's the problem that the biden administration faces is that i think that, you know, the last administration president trump really underscored this misnomer, this idea that a lot of people seem to have that the president controls immigration laws when really it's congress that can rewrite immigration laws and address the realities that are leading so many people, you know, being siphoned through this ever smaller window of asylum because, you know, there are more and more restrictions on reasylum it feels like on a regular basis. so many people enter the united states through the asylum system because they're legally entitled to and because there is no other legal way to get here. i think that a lot of americans across the political spectrum agree the current system isn't working. but the biden administration and democrats in general, i think, have failed to come up with a way of reforming it and changing it in a way that doesn't chip away at these protections that so many democratic voters are concerned about. and that really will require the help of congress. >> let's talk about those protections. on twitter you laid out the consequences for migrants seeking asylum from specific countries. who is affected most by this expansion? >> the population that is affected most by the expansion is for sure the haitian community. but now haitians will be subject both to the possibility of being put on a plane with no chance to seek asylum and just dumped back in haiti, or perhaps they'll be put in dangerous border cities, they don't speak the language, there's insufficient humanitarian aid. and everything the administration says about we're going to work with the mexican government to provide humanitarian aid is also untrue in effect because it's the mexican government officials who are often doing the kidnapping, doing the rapes, doing the disappearances. they are the ones who i was most afraid of when i was on the ground even as the cartels themselves because they act with the most impunity. >> you've written that the democrats free pass on immigration is over as the biden administration keeps title 42, remain in mexico in place, the fate of immigration passing through the spending bill in the hands of the parliamentarian as we speak. how do democrats prove, then, that they are the party who wants to finally fix this broken system? >> right. it doesn't feel like democrats put their money where their mouth is. our last two democratic presidents have made big promises how they want to reform the system and want to work with congress. both have emphasized president obama and now i'm talking about president biden, have emphasized desire to work across the aisle and try to collaborate with republican said in a way to get some legislation that can truly make a change, and they haven't done it. and that's the difference in many ways between the results of the trump administration and what we're looking at now is that, you know, president trump also made big promises about immigration when he was campaigning. and a lot of them actually came to fruition. and so i think that has a lot of democrats just trying to figure out, you know, what to do. and taylor knows this better than anybody, but, you know, the result is that you have so many people who are stuck living in these mexican border cities, and i wanted to emphasize her point, because i think some of your viewers might say i go on vacation to mexico, what do you mean? what's so bad about it? that's not the part of mexico we're talking about. these are areas that the united states state department categorizes on par as parts of the world actively at war. it advises americans do not go to these regions because they're not safe. american employees in these regions have to adhere to a curfew because it is not safe. i've had to follow safety protocols when i'm traveling there reporting as if i'm in a war torn country. when do you do when we're skad, you go inside your house and lock the door. think of a situation of an asylum seeker where the state department's website says kidnapping is a huge risk, extorz is a huge risk, murder is a huge risk and they're living outside. so that's the result of this intractability in washington. >> taylor and kaitlin as always, thank you both. as the top of the hour on ayman cecil richards on the fight to protect roe and reproductive rights starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. t 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. e you sure you're up to host? yeah! we want to keep it the way it always was, right? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that's your grandma. she was the best at the holidays. why give your family just any eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. only eggland's best. that is all the time i have for today. i'm alicia menendez. i'm going to see you back here tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern for more "american voices." but for now i hand it over to my colleague ayman. >> listen, i've got to give you a warning before you try to make it out of 30 rock tonight. lots and lots of crowds all trying to take pictures with the christmas tree. >> i love to see the enthusiasm. >> yeah, it's a beautiful scene except when crur trying to get to work and leave work. >> thank you for the warning. >> absolutely. good to see you, my friend. enjoy the rest of the night off. welcome to ayman. the future of roe v. wade is in doubt after historic arguments in the supreme court this week. what will this mean for the next generation of women if the rule is overturned? and can democrats use this to their advantage to fire up voters politically speaking? plus sentences continue to be handed down for the participants in the attack on the capitol. this as the january 6

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Callusness In Attitude , 60000 , Governing , Autocrat , Style , Signs , Wanna Be Autocrat , Texasch , Associated Press , Media , Members , Cuban American , Warfare , Countries , Militia , Play Book , Page , Dictator , Development , Chain Of Command , Expansion , Look , Break Trelegy , Copd , Story , Driftin , Coughing , Rn , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Medicines , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Doctor , Breathing Problems , Won T , Heart Condition , Trelegy , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Risk , Mouth , Breathing , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Pain , Stand , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Tongue , Swelling , Problems Urinating , Eye , Clothes , Dirt , Trelegy Com , Save , Bargain Brand , Legy , Surprises , Cleaner , Tide Hygienic , T Mobile , Business , Small Business Owners Prosper , Device , Employees , 5g Network , Largest , Customers , Opportunities , Facebook , 200 , 5 , Narrator , Music , Therabreath , Healthy , Mouthwash , Capful , Smile , Crowd Cheering , Stores 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Debate , Hearts Beating , Strength Joys , Joys , Immigration Laws , Reform America , Ted Levy , Effort , Book , Beautiful Country , Conditions , Thanks , Enamel , Me Katelyn Dickerson , Toothpaste , Basis , Repair Toothpaste , Ir , Dickersn , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Chase Security Features , Banking , Convenience , Lines , Line , Value , Family Members , Plans , 2 , 55 , 27 50 , 7 50 , Tradition , Ride , Season , Tis , Sleigh , Cadillac , Cadillac Showroom , Policies , Apologies , Ending Programs , Trump , Circumstance , Edge , Rio Grande , International Law , On Human Dignity , Biden S First Press Conference , Result , Immigration Policies , Kidnappings , Non Profit , 1500 , Court Order , Migrants , Attacks , Compliance , Speedier Court Hearing Process , Telling Buzzfeed , Immigration Attorney , Eligibility , Scope , Western Hemisphere , Dhs , Claims , Taylor Leve , Kaitlyn , Atlantic , Immigration System , Protections , Reintroduction Program , Example , Same , Congress Into Law , Question , Speakers , Safe Process , Process , Loop Back , Asylum , Taylor , Mean , Chance , Option , Possibility , Leverage , Judge , Rule Making , Hawse , Haitians , Options , Misnomer , Last , Window , Realities , Reasylum , Asylum System , Spectrum , General , Chip , Talk , Population , Plane , Haiti , Government , Aid , Border Cities , Kidnapping , Disappearances , Ground , Rapes , Cartels , Ones , Spending Bill , Fate , Impunity , Title , 42 , System , It Doesn T , Presidents , Promises , Legislation , Change , Aisle , Difference , Desire , Campaigning , Fruition , Vacation , Viewers , Mexican Border Cities , Living , War , Regions , World , United States State Department Categorizes On Par , Safety Protocols , Curfew , Situation , House , Asylum Seeker , The Door , State Department , Skad , Extorz , Website , Intractability , Washington , Kaitlin , Rights , Fight , Ayman Cecil Richards , 8 , Taste , Ayman , Alicia Menendez , Warning , Lots , Pictures , Crowds , Scene , 30 Rock , Christmas Tree , Crur , 30 , Court , Rest , Night Off , Leave , Friend , Doubt , Arguments , Participants , Sentences , Rule , Advantage , January 6 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709

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after 9:00 somebody was banging on the door. and now somebody's bamming on the door again. oh, they screaming. they're still bamming on the door. >> okay. >> they're still bamming on the door. lord jesus, where's the police? >> the fear you heard made possible fueled by fake news and a former president of the united states. and it is beyond time to get a grip on this because the lies and the belief in them now motivating republican politics on the state level. in wisconsin the head of the gop election probe is threatening local mayors with jail time if they refuse to meet with him about the 2020 results. this week we learned one of the investigators involved in that probe has previously filed a lawsuit to overturn wisconsin's 2020 election results. so he might be an investigator but without bias? you decide. in case you need more proof, this constant barrage of i don't know what to call it, it can lead to violence. a reminder of what happened inside the united states capitol on january 6th. ensuring the american people know what led to that violence a top priority for the congressional committee investigating the attack. >> we anticipate next year we will be conducting multiple weeks of public hearings setting out for the american people in vivid color exactly what happened every minute of the day on january 6th here at the capitol and at the white house and what led to that violent attack. >> joining me now nbc news senior reporter ben collins, political national correspondent betsey woodruff swan. betsey and jill are both msnbc contributors. ben, as your reporting bears out, this constant stream of lies from the right has up ended the lives of election workers. it is not just these two women. tell me how so. >> yeah, it upends the lives of anybody who wants to volunteer or, you know, maybe work as a temp worker in this space. and that's what ruby freeman was. ruby freeman just joined on because a bunch of people just got covid, and her daughter who's an election worker said we need more people, please stop by. and what did she do to deserve all this harassment, deserve that 911 call, she moved a box of ballots from under a table and put them on top of a table. complete lies, but they were pushed on the internet by anonymous people, picked up by the gateway pundit and then for months they wouldn't let it go. on january 6th when people were storming the capitol ruby's house had people around it with bull horns, outside in vehicles, people banging on the door again. and, you know, that just continued for months. her life had, you know, fundamentally changed because she decided to try to help out her daughter who was trying to do the right thing and help outlet during an election. >> unbelievable. betsey, the gop it's not just vocalizing these, not just talking about them. we learned a republican running to replace a democrat in the statehouse -- can you only run if you're running on the big lie? >> we'll know within a couple of months as these primary contests are coming up and as these elections play out. it's certainly something that seems to be beneficial to many of these candidates. if it weren't, they wouldn't be betting and running on this fabrication, this dangerous fabrication is something that makes sense for them to do. one thing involving this specific georgia case that's important to note. i obtained internal e-mails from the justice department a few months ago showing that specifically in this incident involving these two women the fbi actually investigated. there was a lower level official in the justice department, a career official who didn't want to dignify these conspiracy theories by having the fbi look into them, but that official was overruled by more senior political appointees in doj. they insisted, no, the fbi needs to look into this suitcase conspiracy theory. and the fbi found nothing. they found no evidence because it was a nonsense conspiracy theory. that means when bill barr said publicly and privately to trump that the fbi had found no evidence of serious fraud that would affect the outcome of the election, he was talking about all the fbi's investigations which includes this one into these two women. first, this conspiracy theory is nonsense, but, second, it's incredibly vetted nonsense. it's been looked into by the fbi and shown to be not true. but that hasn't been enough to disabuse people who are obsessed with these lies from promulgating them and from using them to justify threatening and terrorizing election workers. and it's just a dark moment. >> betsey, let's turn to the january 6th committee and the panel's attempt to depose former doj official jeffrey clark. we know a letter clark sent to pressure georgia state officials in 2020 contained document metadata from the white house communications office. explain why this is a pretty big deal for getting the truth. >> yeah, that's something that's certainly a substantial revelation. there needs to be more investigation into what happened with that letter, who at the justice department viewed it, how they handled it. the most prominent letter that jeffrey clark talked about sending didn't actually go out. other senior doj political appointees looked at the letter and said no way are we sending this out to state legislatures. that was a consequential decision because if clark had sent out those letters to state legislatures telling them that the doj signed off on the lie that the fbi found significant evidence of voter fraud and encouraged them to hold special sessions to try to send in state competing slates of electors to washington, d.c., things would have been even worse, even more horrific than they were on january 6th for this country. so the full back story on how that letter came together, who was involved, who played a role in creating the communications that jeff clark wanted to send out is just absolutely key. and the fact we're only learning about this metadata now signals in many ways when it comes to lifting up the hood on the car and there's still a lot more information that is to be. >> jill, speaking of lifting the hood up on the car, let's talk about jeffrey clark and former trump attorney john eastman. clark was scheduled to be deposed today but asked for a postponement due to a medical condition. i want to know how you see this as a former prosecutor. >> well, they do have the right to plead the fifth. as a former prosecutor, of course, i recognize that constitutional right. and i also know that a jury would be instructed not to take into account and make any conclusions from that. i also know as a human being, as a u.s. citizen that people do reach a conclusion. and the conclusion is that they know they're guilty of a crime, that they could say something used as evidence against them. and if they didn't have something to say that would be used against them they wouldn't need to take the fifth. so it's a pretty dramatic thing. and clark, of course, as we know started out with -- and eastman, too -- they started out with attorney-client privilege and then moved to executive priv l which was equally without any substance. and now we're going to, okay, if i can't get away with not testifying for those reasons, i'm going to claim the fifth amendment. and that says there is a crime that's been committed. i think it's time for the department of justice to get going. it's not enough to find out what laws might need to be passed to prevent this from happening in the future. it has already happened. and that needs to be prosecuted. there are crimes committed. even the people who are subpoenaed think they committed crimes. let's have an investigation. >> all right, ben, betsey, jill, thank you all. next, the political mobilizing around roe. we're going to talk strategy with a top advocate. and later some 20 states already do it, but there are specific areas of concern with florida's governor wanting his own military force, a force the pentagon cannot control. that and more to come. but first to richard louie with the other big stories we're tracking this hour. cnn fired anchor chris cuomo tonight after suspending him earlier this week. the network saying new information arose during a probe by outside investigators leading to his termination effective immediately. cuomo responded thanking his team of producers for their hard work. the parents of the 15-year-old michigan school shooting suspect pled not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges. they were found overnight inside an empty building after an hours long manhunt. here's what officials said a short time ago. >> when the tip came in the person was apparently outside smoking, and they pretty much ran away. and obviously, the way in -- i'm not going to get into specifics, but i think where they were and how they were seems to support the position they were hiding and they weren't looking for surrendering at that point. >> that couple have a combined $1 million bond. their son's currently detained facing murder and terrorism charges, accused of shooting four classmates to death. and president biden says he will meet with russian president vladimir putin tuesday over videoconference. the white house says biden will address concerns over russia's military activities on the ukrainian border. more "american voices" after this break. # voices" after this break oh, it's just a cold. if you have high blood pressure, a cold is not just a cold. unlike other cold medicines, coricidin provides powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure be there for life's best moments with coricidin. now in sugar free liquid. dad are you sure you're up to host? yeah! we want to keep it the way it always was, right? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that's your grandma. she was the best at the holidays. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin. at new chapter. its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body 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for starters look to gubernatorial races in places like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. three states where republicans control the legislatures and might be inclined to enact restrictive bans on abortion where the governor's mansions are in the hands of democrats. the impact would also be felt in senate and congressional races. republican senator susan collins from maine has already said she supports passing a law to protect a woman's right to choose, but as you know any senate bill would need at least 60 votes to overcome the filibuster. that filibuster forms the power to legislate reproductive rights pivots to the states in parts of the country with abortion access will sharply decline. joining us now an msnbc analyst. without roe reproductive rights will be determined state to state. tell us what that looks like and how that has the capacity to change our political landscape. >> well, the day after roe is overturned assuming it's overturned and not just gutted, i believe there are ten states that have what are called trigger laws on the books, which means they already passed laws that say as soon as roe is overturned abortion becomes illegal in the state. other states just have their pre-roe bans on abortions still on the books which would presumably go back into effect. so the day roe is overturned a bunch of states -- women are going to wake up in a bunch of states and find out that abortion has become illegal full stop. i also suspect that we'll find a number of right-wing legislatures, you know, racing to enact greater and greater penalties and restrictions. something i've often said i wouldn't expect post-roe america to look like pre-roe america. in many ways i would expect it to be worse because before roe vs. wade it is actually quite rare for women to be prosecuted for procuring clandestine abortions. but what we've seen is that in states that have passed these so-called fetal -- feticide laws, women have often been prosecuted for things like using drugs that are said to cause a miscarriage. they haven't been able to be prosecuted because of roe for having abortions. but i would expect that we'll start seeing women prosecuted for, you know, for aborting or for suspected -- for suspected inducing their own abortions. >> i feel like i've read pretty much every op-ed that has been written about how this is going to affect 2022. and it feels like in the totality there is some push and pull over who this is going to really motivate and who this is going to tamp down enthusiasm for. i wonder how you see it. >> so great to be with you. and i -- just to clarify on michelle's comments we're tracking 26 states, so over half the country that will ban abortion shortly after the decision if the supreme court overturns roe v. wade. we think it's a motivating issue for the democratic base. so we are -- there's a lot of data, and there's several polls and op-eds i'm sure you've read and you're talking about that indicate overturning roe or banning abortion will be very, very motivating for democratic base voters. and we're counting on it. you know, if this is our year, we have to really make an impact in the mid-terms as you said in your opening. we think that the senate majority is way too narrow. we need to pick up seats actually and not just hold, and that's a challenge in the mid-term. so we are hoping and counting. i guess we should say we're not hoping. we're going to invest significantly. >> michelle, i want to turn to your column on gop hypocrisy on display. you write, quote, at the very moment roe v. wade could be overturned the american right has become obsessed with bodily atonmy and has adopted the slogan my body, my choice about covid vaccines and mask mandates. if men could get pregnant abortion would be a non-issue. the furious reaction to covid mitigation measures demonstrates this more than any hypothetical ever could. many on the right we can now see believe it's tyranny to be told to put something they don't want on or in their bodies in order to save their lives. as you said that hypocrisy on full display. i wonder how you translate and message that hypocrisy to voters who might be on the fence. >> so i'm not even sure it is hypocrisy because i'm not sure that the republican party believes that men and women should be bound by the same set of laws and responsibilities. i'm not sure the republican party believes that republicans should be subject to the same sets of responsibilities as people that they conceive of as lesser citizens, right? i really think they just do believe whose bodies should be controlled, and there are people who should have total bodily atonomy. i do think what this shows us, though, is again to force a woman against her will to carry a pregnancy to term and deliver a baby is usurpation of bodily atonmy that we kind of can't imagine forcing on anyone else in our society. we don't force people to give blood. we don't force people to donate organs to save lives. and you can see when you even try to curb people's bodily atonomy in small bays in order to fight a pandemic, in order to save lives, you can see the furious reaction because there is an expectation in this country that one's body is -- is one's own. >> this is part of why i love talking with michelle because she never allows me to be verbally sloppy or lazy, and to this point about gop hypocrisy, she's right. it is internally consistent. i think the other part internally consistent is denying access to contraception, denying access to good, quality sex education, denying access to pai family leave. it is all part and parcel of a bigger picture who matters and who doesn't matter in this america. is that then the message democrats lead with? >> yes. so we think very strongly democrats need to lead with reproductive freedom as a message but more specifically access to abortion, access to contraception. i know you both covered this extensively, but folks should understand roe is the floor, not the ceiling. and access to reproductive rights has been whittled away steadily since 1973 pretty much my entire life. so there's a whole part of the country where we already have extensive challenges to access to reproductive health including basic things like contraception and access to medically accurate sex education. so, yes, democrats, this is the year we have to really get out front on these issues. it's what's going to motivate our voters. >> thank you both so much. next, governor ron desantis wants to control his own military group. a number of other states do it, so why is it particularly concerning in florida? and later the biden administration says it remains committed to ending the remain in mexico policy, so why are they expanding it? more straight ahead. stay with us. expanding it? more straight ahead. stay with us ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. ♪ ♪ now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. a major power grab by florida's top republican. governor ron desantis proposing a new civilian military force that he would control. he's relaunching the florida state guard, a volunteer militia that will not be, quote, encumbered by the federal government. >> re-establishing the florida state guard will allow civilians from all over the state to be trained in the best techniques and have the ability to mobilize very, very quickly. >> meanwhile desantis is cracking down on voter fraud in florida that does not exist while simultaneously ignoring real election crimes committed by his own party. republicans ran ghost candidates last year. consultants spent more than $1 million on these independent candidates steined to draw votes from democrats. two people including a former state senator now charged with campaign fraud over the scheme. new reporting from the ceptinal reveals dark money came from florida's biggest utility company. joining me now orlando ceptinal senior reporter jason garcia. jason, before we get to your newest reporting i want you to walk us through this. how did the ghost candidates change the outcome of the election? >> yeah, so what happened here is there were three really intense battleground races that were -- for the florida senate. the florida senate is 40 seats. these three races were seen as key to deciding which party would control them. and in those races three independent candidates qualified for the ballot who did no exam pain of their own, but they were promoted by more than half a million dollars in advertising that was designed to appeal to democratic voters. the wording seemed to designed to syphon off votes from the democratic candidates in the races. and the republican candidates won all three of those senate races including one race in miami by 32 votes in which the -- the independent ghost candidate got more than 6,000 votes. >> and all of this happening while there's all this crowing about voter fraud that doesn't exist. jason's paper reports, quote, neither desantis nor gop leaders have released any proposal to increase penalties or crack down on the use of ghost candidates. what does it tell you about governor desantis' true obsession with election fraud? >> well, it tells me that florida as we've discussed on this program before, this is the laboratory, the test market, if you will, for what republican total control would look like in the country. florida being a very diverse state where the republicans in essence had total control over the state for over a generation. they're doing everything in their power whether it's tweaking election law or coming up with these phantom candidates to really rig the system, ironically. and every step of the way you see this very conscientious efforts by desantis, by the republicans to show not only are they not acting in good faith, they don't really seem to care with any political consequences and operate with a sense of seeming immunity, which i think is a very dangerous precedent for what might happen if they're able to take control of the congress and even the presidency in 2024. >> jason, what has your own reporting revealed about how this scheme was funded? >> yeah, so the latest report showed florida power and light, the state's biggest utility -- one of the biggest utilities in the country, it worked very closely with the consultants that ultimately orchestrated this ghost candidate scheme. and what we found in the number of internal records that we obtained is that these consultants who controlled the -- the consultants that controlled the dark money group that provided the funding for this, they billed florida, power and light for more than $3 million in the days before they started moving money through this dark money entity. what we also found they controlled a number of dark money entities. in recent years florida power and light has given more than $10 million to those entities, and executives of the company including the ceo has coordinated with consultant on campaign contributions made out of these entities. >> so all of that happening. and i want to ask you about the fact your governor wants to control a state civilian military force. >> let's talk with the talking point here a lot of people say it's not a big deal. we've seen in 22 states. where's the outrage? first here, context is everything. this existed in florida really in the post-world war ii period. it was last in place i think 1946 or 1947 only because there was a shortage of personnel because so many of the floridian military personnel were serving in the war effort. so the idea now ron desantis wants to revive this without any sort of predicate, there is no compelling issue or reason where you see a lack of personnel. if anything, fema and federal authorities whenever there's a hurricane or any natural disaster that would require this type of personnel has more than done the job. and you had this also with someone in desantis who is not an innocent, you know, poor little good faith actor just trying to abide by the state. you see someone in desantis who we talked about earlier willing to engage in voter fraud manipulation, has presided in over 60,000 deaths here of floridians due to covid, which i think shows a callusness in attitude. and even in his governing style, the signs of the autocrat, the wanna be autocrat, he's had to be sued to do that. you see his administration engaged in open warfare on members of the media, the press, the associated press. so as someone like you who shares cuban-american ancestry this is something we're accustomed to seeing in totalitarian countries, a private militia only accountable in this case to ron desantis the governor, not the pent good-bye. far outside the chain of command. and as i said before this is literally a page out of the dictator's play book. i think it's a chilling development for florida and for the country. >> all right, thank you both so much. ahead, the return and expansion of remain in mexico. what will it take to end the program? plus an intimate look what it is like to be undocumented in this country. an author and her truly american story after this quick break. r n story after this quick break trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes onclook clean,legy. there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. 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(crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. whether democrats can push immigration reforms into the social spending bill depends on the senate parliamentarian who with leaders of both parties this week. as it stands democrats want to provide work permits to over 6 million migrants currently living inside the united states. while it would provide protection from deportation, it would not provide a pathway to citizenship which even in the best of circumstances will leave many hanging in the balance. it is a feeling a generation of immigrant families know well including the family of an author. she spoke about the moment she realized she was undocumented after arriving here from china in the 1990s. >> it wasn't really until i was about to start school, so we arrived in july and late august, early september i remember hearing my parents say we don't have documents. i was very sneaky. i eavesdropped a lot. i heard them say that. i had no idea what it meant. because i wasn't aware of any documents in china. i never had to think about it. and then the day before i was to go into school my father sat me down and said it's best if you just pretend that you were born here. that would save us a lot of trouble. we don't want to draw any attention -- we don't want people to ask any questions. and in my mind i thought i can't even speak the language in the class, so i don't know how i'm going to pretend that i've always been here, but i guess i will try my best. and in that moment all the pieces that i'd been observing and eavesdropping on kind of fit into place. there was a very clear message that something about us was wrong, that we were not allowed here and that i was to evade attention at all costs. and that became the guiding principle by which i lived my life. >> it strikes me now there's an emerging canon from people like yourselves who grew up without papers in the united states. so i think of a few. i wonder what you hope it means to an undocumented kid who's reading those books today knowing this experience happens to other people. you can see yourself to the other side of it, and there are many different ways that this experience emerges in the united states. >> growing up i would wander the public libraries first to try to earn english as quickly as possible, but, second, how to educate myself in how to look and act and behave -- and behave american. >> what were those lessons? >> try to get a dog. speak with zero accent. ideally have blonde hair, which i couldn't pull off. but -- it was very difficult to find reflections of my life. and with that came a sense of inadequacy, like there was something inherently unacceptable, un-american, something inherently illegal about me, that i did not deserve to be portrayed on tv or in books. and i would turn to my mom and say are we the first to live like this? we see people in china town all around living like this and it's not in the books. it felt so mystifying. do i not have a future? people like us get to a point and society is done with us? what happens to us? it was incredibly scary, and most of all i internalized a lot of that shame. >> 2016 you become a u.s. citizen. right, 2016? barack obama's face pops up at your naturalization ceremony, says hello, my fellow american. shortly after, you decide you need to tell your story. >> as he says those words, i felt something get unlocked in me that almost had been tied up, locked and reinforced and then slammed down in the basement of my consciousness of my heart. i realized in that moment how badly i had needed to be called american by anybody, anyone at all. and no one would ever ascribe that term to me. and here was the very first black president of the united states giving me that term. what a profound honor and privilege it was. walking out of that room i was like i need to remember this feeling. i need to hold onto it. i was very afraid that i would take it for granted. there has not been a day since may 2016 that i have taken it for granted. it was always first and foremost in my mind i now have the privilege and luxury of being an american citizen, and that comes with it a duty and a responsibility. so when president trump took on the national debate stage and started using very hurtful and dehumanizing language, casting immigrants in a very skewed and misrepresentative light, i realized that i now had a choice. i could continue to stay quiet and hide everything that i had learned to be ashamed of, or i could for the first time own my story and own my truth. and i realized that that latter choice is not available to millions of immigrants undocumented or not. so i owed it to all of them, my community, my family, really, to speak up. and it wasn't because i thought i could speak up for all of us. anyone who's known more than one immigrant knows our stories are extremy different and beautiful and multiresilient and strong in their own ways. but i wanted to show that behind those debate talking points and the two-dimensional headlines, there were real families, real hearts beating, resilient strength joys, fear, yes, but joys. and a love for this country that persisted no matter what conditions. >> my thanks. her book "beautiful country" is available now. next an effort in the senate to reform america's immigration laws as the white house expands a trump era policy that biden says he ultimately wants to end. more with attorney ted levy and journalist katelyn dickerson after this quick break. dickersn after this quick break ir the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. my go to toothpaste ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. whether you need a single 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policies that cop trudict asylum laws and result in humane consequences. the non-profit has tracked over 1,500 reports of kidnappings and attacks on migrants in the program during the trump administration. in this coming monday the remain in mexico policy will be reinstated in compliance with a federal court order from texasch the biden administration says it's improved the policy with improved access to legal help and a speedier court hearing process. the administration's also expanding the policy's eligibility. a former dhs official telling buzzfeed the expansion has such a broad scope that it now includes migrants from the entire western hemisphere. with me now immigration attorney taylor leve and also with me katelyn dickerson, a staff writer for the atlantic. kaitlyn, how does the administration square the expansion of the remain in mexico policy with its claims it ultimately wants to end it? >> they really can't square the two, and that's the problem. is that the biden administration has been very vocal about wanting to create what they call a more humane immigration system to restore rights to humanitarian protections that have been passed by congress into law. and yet we're seeing basically more of the same, and the expansion or the reintroduction program and the expansion of it as an example of that. of course the administration did face this court order that required them to put the program back into place, but the expansion which extends beyond just spanish speakers to people from other countries, you know, it really calls into question what the administration is actually going to do, and it has a lot of democrats saying, hey, i feel like i voted for a new process, a more, you know -- a more safe process and instead very little is changing. >> right. and katelyn, i do want to loop back and pick up on that political question. but before we do, taylor, what does this mean for the people you represent? >> i mean, it's been absolutely devastating. we expected that the democrats would do the right thing, that they would restore asylum on the southern border, they would give people a fair chance to seek protection as our laws require. and instead we're seeing an expansion of the program and this disingenuous lie over and over again the administration's hands were tied, they have no other option to comply with this court order. when the judge left it open to the possibility of rule making, they could have done other things, they could have fought harder. but instead they're using it as political leverage to say oh, we had to do it because of the court order when that's not true and not accurate, and there hawse not been enough push back there. instead we're expanding the program and putting haitians in it as well. >> katelyn, what legal or legislative options are available for the biden administration to officially end this program? >> well, so here's the problem that the biden administration faces is that i think that, you know, the last administration president trump really underscored this misnomer, this idea that a lot of people seem to have that the president controls immigration laws when really it's congress that can rewrite immigration laws and address the realities that are leading so many people, you know, being siphoned through this ever smaller window of asylum because, you know, there are more and more restrictions on reasylum it feels like on a regular basis. so many people enter the united states through the asylum system because they're legally entitled to and because there is no other legal way to get here. i think that a lot of americans across the political spectrum agree the current system isn't working. but the biden administration and democrats in general, i think, have failed to come up with a way of reforming it and changing it in a way that doesn't chip away at these protections that so many democratic voters are concerned about. and that really will require the help of congress. >> let's talk about those protections. on twitter you laid out the consequences for migrants seeking asylum from specific countries. who is affected most by this expansion? >> the population that is affected most by the expansion is for sure the haitian community. but now haitians will be subject both to the possibility of being put on a plane with no chance to seek asylum and just dumped back in haiti, or perhaps they'll be put in dangerous border cities, they don't speak the language, there's insufficient humanitarian aid. and everything the administration says about we're going to work with the mexican government to provide humanitarian aid is also untrue in effect because it's the mexican government officials who are often doing the kidnapping, doing the rapes, doing the disappearances. they are the ones who i was most afraid of when i was on the ground even as the cartels themselves because they act with the most impunity. >> you've written that the democrats free pass on immigration is over as the biden administration keeps title 42, remain in mexico in place, the fate of immigration passing through the spending bill in the hands of the parliamentarian as we speak. how do democrats prove, then, that they are the party who wants to finally fix this broken system? >> right. it doesn't feel like democrats put their money where their mouth is. our last two democratic presidents have made big promises how they want to reform the system and want to work with congress. both have emphasized president obama and now i'm talking about president biden, have emphasized desire to work across the aisle and try to collaborate with republican said in a way to get some legislation that can truly make a change, and they haven't done it. and that's the difference in many ways between the results of the trump administration and what we're looking at now is that, you know, president trump also made big promises about immigration when he was campaigning. and a lot of them actually came to fruition. and so i think that has a lot of democrats just trying to figure out, you know, what to do. and taylor knows this better than anybody, but, you know, the result is that you have so many people who are stuck living in these mexican border cities, and i wanted to emphasize her point, because i think some of your viewers might say i go on vacation to mexico, what do you mean? what's so bad about it? that's not the part of mexico we're talking about. these are areas that the united states state department categorizes on par as parts of the world actively at war. it advises americans do not go to these regions because they're not safe. american employees in these regions have to adhere to a curfew because it is not safe. i've had to follow safety protocols when i'm traveling there reporting as if i'm in a war torn country. when do you do when we're skad, you go inside your house and lock the door. think of a situation of an asylum seeker where the state department's website says kidnapping is a huge risk, extorz is a huge risk, murder is a huge risk and they're living outside. so that's the result of this intractability in washington. >> taylor and kaitlin as always, thank you both. as the top of the hour on ayman cecil richards on the fight to protect roe and reproductive rights starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. t 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. e you sure you're up to host? yeah! we want to keep it the way it always was, right? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that's your grandma. she was the best at the holidays. why give your family just any eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. only eggland's best. that is all the time i have for today. i'm alicia menendez. i'm going to see you back here tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern for more "american voices." but for now i hand it over to my colleague ayman. >> listen, i've got to give you a warning before you try to make it out of 30 rock tonight. lots and lots of crowds all trying to take pictures with the christmas tree. >> i love to see the enthusiasm. >> yeah, it's a beautiful scene except when crur trying to get to work and leave work. >> thank you for the warning. >> absolutely. good to see you, my friend. enjoy the rest of the night off. welcome to ayman. the future of roe v. wade is in doubt after historic arguments in the supreme court this week. what will this mean for the next generation of women if the rule is overturned? and can democrats use this to their advantage to fire up voters politically speaking? plus sentences continue to be handed down for the participants in the attack on the capitol. this as the january 6

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Worker , Space , Daughter , Table , Covid , Election Worker , Box , Harassment , Internet , Top , Anonymous People , Pundit , Let It Go , The Gateway , Life , Vehicles , Bull Horns , Capitol Ruby , Thing , Help , Outlet , Running , Unbelievable , Statehouse , Democrat , Contests , Couple , Big Lie , Something , Weren T , Candidates , Elections , Fabrication , Many , They Wouldn T , Betting , Justice , Sense , Incident , E Mails , Career Official , Fbi , Didn T , Conspiracy Theories , Appointees , Justice Department , Evidence , Conspiracy Theory , Bill Barr , Suitcase , Nothing , Outcome , Fraud , Investigations , Nonsense , Second , Hasn T , First , Let S Talk About Jeffrey Clark , Let , January 6th Committee And The Panel , Officials , Letter , Deal , Metadata , Truth , Pressure Georgia State , Document , Investigation , Revelation , Haven T , Way , State Legislatures , Senior , Voter Fraud , Decision , Electors , Letters , Special Sessions , Slates , Things , Back Story , Communications , Washington D C , Role , Ways , Fact , Car , Hood , Jeff Clark , Information , John Eastman , Postponement Due , Course , Right , Fifth , Prosecutor , Condition , Jury , Conclusion , Human Being , Citizen , Conclusions , Account , Crime , Attorney Client Privilege , Executive Priv L Which , Reasons , Substance , Fifth Amendment , Cop Trudict Asylum Laws , Crimes , Needs , Roe , States , Advocate , Strategy , 20 , Governor , Florida , More , Military Force , Chris Cuomo , Stories , Force , Concern , Areas , Cannot Control , Richard Louie , Cnn , Parents , Team , Work , Michigan , Termination , Network , School Shooting , Producers , 15 , Manslaughter Charges , Tip , Suspect , Building , Manhunt , Person , Away , Specifics , Smoking , Ran , Hiding , Position , Biden , Point , Murder , Death , Charges , Classmates , Shooting , Surrendering , Son , Terrorism , Bond , Four , 1 Million , Million , Break , Cold , Border , American Voices , Concerns , Videoconference , Activities , Oices , Russian , Vladimir Putin , High Blood Pressure , Blood Pressure , Cold Relief , Liquid , Cold Medicines , Coricidin , Dad , Best , Grandma , Holidays , Chapter , Multi Vitamin , Fermentation , Yes , Body , Holiday , Goodness , Wellness , Kate , Ingredients , Verizon , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , Phone , Better , Singing , Carolers , Everyone , Betttttter , Guy , 1000 , 000 , Eggs , Mom , Show , Don T , Only Eggland S Best , Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Worry Sweetie , Gig , Wifi , Tv , Shot , Claps , Chuckles , Laughter , Xfinity , Nice , Store , Speed , Click , Sleep Number , It S Time , Special , Bed , 360 , Problem , Sleep , Temperature Balancing , Smart Bed , Movements , Night After , All Of Us , Base , Bases , Interest , Care , Science , Plus , 36 , 0 , Restore Rights , Supreme Court , Analysis , Willingness , Earthquake , The Washington Post , Sureary , Effect , Battle Over Abortions Legality , Starters , 2022 , Democrats , Abortion , Races , Impact , Hands , Bans , Places , Legislatures , Felt , Mansions , Pennsylvania , Three , Woman , Florida Senate , Law , Votes , Susan Collins , Bill , Maine , 60 , Access , Power , Filibuster , Parts , Analyst , Roe Reproductive Rights , Capacity , Landscape , Books , Trigger Laws , Ten , Abortions , Number , Restrictions , Penalties , Stop , Post Roe America , Pre Roe America , Wade , Roe Vs , Laws , Fetal , Aborting , Drugs , Miscarriage , Op Ed , Push , Totality , Enthusiasm , To Be With You , Lot , Michelle , Issue , Comments , Roe V Wade , Data , Polls , 26 , Overturning Roe , Base Voters , Seats , Counting , Majority , Mid Terms , Challenge , Opening , Hold , Quote , Hypocrisy , Display , Column , Choice , Men , Reaction , Mask Mandates , Slogan , Vaccines , Non Issue , Bodily Atonmy , Covid Mitigation Measures , Order , Bodies , Tyranny , Voters , Message , Fence , Responsibilities , Sets , Set , Citizens , Bodily Atonomy , Usurpation , Baby , Pregnancy , Though , Society , Blood , Anyone Else , Organs , Bays , Pandemic , Part , Expectation , Contraception , Matter , Doesn T , Sex Education , Family Leave , Good , Picture , Parcel , Pai , Freedom , Floor , Extensively , Folks , Health , Challenges , Ceiling , 1973 , Front , Issues , Administration , Policy , Ron Desantis , Mexico , Military Group , It , Stay , Effects , Experts , Cases , Well Being , Adults , Anxiety , Love , Donor , Subaru , Vo , Retailers , Now Subaru , Meals On Wheels , Fourteen , Love Event , Charity , Aspca , Share , National Park Foundation , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Florida State Guard , Volunteer Militia , Civilians , Encumbered By The Federal Government , Meanwhile Desantis , Techniques , Ability , Consultants , Party , Ghost Candidates Last Year , Scheme , State Senator , Campaign Fraud , Utility Company , Dark Money , Orlando Ceptinal , Ghost Candidates , Reporter Jason Garcia , Were , Ballot , Exam Pain , Battleground , 40 , Advertising , Wording , A Million , A Million Dollars , Race , Ghost Candidate , Miami , 6000 , 32 , Leaders , Crowing , Proposal , Paper Reports , Use , Program , Election Fraud , Laboratory , Test Market , True Obsession , Everything , Generation , Control , Phantom Candidates , Tweaking Election Law , Essence , Isn T Working , Faith , Efforts , Step , Congress , Presidency , Precedent , Immunity , 2024 , The State , Utilities , Utility , Florida Power And Light , Money Group , Ghost Candidate Scheme , Money , Entities , Light , Dark Money Entity , Funding , 3 Million , Consultant , Campaign Contributions , Executives , Company , Ceo , 0 Million , 10 Million , Let S Talk , Talking Point , Happening , State Civilian Military Force , Place , Context , Outrage , War Ii , 1947 , 22 , 1946 , Idea , Personnel , War Effort , Reason , Lack , Predicate , Sort , Military Personnel , Shortage , Someone , Disaster , Anything , Innocent , Authorities , Job , Hurricane , Fema , Type , Deaths , Over , Actor , Voter Fraud Manipulation , Callusness In Attitude , 60000 , Governing , Autocrat , Style , Signs , Wanna Be Autocrat , Texasch , Associated Press , Media , Members , Cuban American , Warfare , Countries , Militia , Play Book , Page , Dictator , Development , Chain Of Command , Expansion , Look , Break Trelegy , Copd , Story , Driftin , Coughing , Rn , Birds Flyin , What S Next , Medicines , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Doctor , Breathing Problems , Won T , Heart Condition , Trelegy , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Risk , Mouth , Breathing , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Pain , Stand , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Tongue , Swelling , Problems Urinating , Eye , Clothes , Dirt , Trelegy Com , Save , Bargain Brand , Legy , Surprises , Cleaner , Tide Hygienic , T Mobile , Business , Small Business Owners Prosper , Device , Employees , 5g Network , Largest , Customers , Opportunities , Facebook , 200 , 5 , Narrator , Music , Therabreath , Healthy , Mouthwash , Capful , Smile , Crowd Cheering , Stores , Target , Walmart , Immigration , Parliamentarian , Spending , Protection , Both , Deportation , Work Permits , 6 Million , Immigrant , Family , Families , Feeling , Hanging , Citizenship , Circumstances , Balance , Pathway , It Wasn T , School , China , 1990 , Documents , Father , Trouble , Language , Attention , Mind , Questions , Class , Pieces , Fit , Kind , Costs , Wrong , Papers , Few , Guiding Principle , Emerging Canon , Experience , Kid , Side , Libraries , English , Hair , Accent , Dog , Act , Lessons , Zero , Reflections Of My Life , Pull Off , Inadequacy , Un American , People Like Us , Say , China Town , Barack Obama , Most , Face , 2016 , Words , Fellow American , Naturalization Ceremony , Hello , Consciousness , Heart , Basement , Term , Honor , No One , Privilege , Room , Luxury , May 2016 , President , Responsibility , Duty , Dehumanizing , Casting , Debate Stage , American Citizen , Immigrants , Time , Millions , Community , Multiresilient , Points , Headlines , Debate , Hearts Beating , Strength Joys , Joys , Immigration Laws , Reform America , Ted Levy , Effort , Book , Beautiful Country , Conditions , Thanks , Enamel , Me Katelyn Dickerson , Toothpaste , Basis , Repair Toothpaste , Ir , Dickersn , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Chase Security Features , Banking , Convenience , Lines , Line , Value , Family Members , Plans , 2 , 55 , 27 50 , 7 50 , Tradition , Ride , Season , Tis , Sleigh , Cadillac , Cadillac Showroom , Policies , Apologies , Ending Programs , Trump , Circumstance , Edge , Rio Grande , International Law , On Human Dignity , Biden S First Press Conference , Result , Immigration Policies , Kidnappings , Non Profit , 1500 , Court Order , Migrants , Attacks , Compliance , Speedier Court Hearing Process , Telling Buzzfeed , Immigration Attorney , Eligibility , Scope , Western Hemisphere , Dhs , Claims , Taylor Leve , Kaitlyn , Atlantic , Immigration System , Protections , Reintroduction Program , Example , Same , Congress Into Law , Question , Speakers , Safe Process , Process , Loop Back , Asylum , Taylor , Mean , Chance , Option , Possibility , Leverage , Judge , Rule Making , Hawse , Haitians , Options , Misnomer , Last , Window , Realities , Reasylum , Asylum System , Spectrum , General , Chip , Talk , Population , Plane , Haiti , Government , Aid , Border Cities , Kidnapping , Disappearances , Ground , Rapes , Cartels , Ones , Spending Bill , Fate , Impunity , Title , 42 , System , It Doesn T , Presidents , Promises , Legislation , Change , Aisle , Difference , Desire , Campaigning , Fruition , Vacation , Viewers , Mexican Border Cities , Living , War , Regions , World , United States State Department Categorizes On Par , Safety Protocols , Curfew , Situation , House , Asylum Seeker , The Door , State Department , Skad , Extorz , Website , Intractability , Washington , Kaitlin , Rights , Fight , Ayman Cecil Richards , 8 , Taste , Ayman , Alicia Menendez , Warning , Lots , Pictures , Crowds , Scene , 30 Rock , Christmas Tree , Crur , 30 , Court , Rest , Night Off , Leave , Friend , Doubt , Arguments , Participants , Sentences , Rule , Advantage , January 6 ,

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