Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709 : comparemel

Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709

right now let's go to the state of georgia where a jury is deliberating on three men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. we have closing arguments from three lawyers, one for each of the defendants. in response to the defense's claims of self-defense to a citizen's arrest gone wrong. >> they do not get to claim self-defense. and, of course, provocation. you can't force someone to defend themselves against you, so you get to claim self-defense. he is just as big of a murderer as travis mcmichael is because he was an accomplice. who gets to say, i'm not responsible for that? in the state of the georgia, no one gets to say that. everyone is responsible. ladies and gentlemen, here's the thing. this isn't about whether these three men are good people or bad people. that's not what this is about. it's about responsibility. it's about holding people accountable and responsible for their actions. >> the panel isn't just tasked with determining the fate of one defendant but all of them, each with their own charges, each with their own potential outcome. travis mcmichael, who pulled the trigger, his father gregory mcmichael who drove the truck in pursuit of arbery, and bryan who drove the truck to track him down. there was a single juror who said one was man was out for a jog, and chased down and killed. all three defendants face a federal hate crimes trial in february. joining me now is nbc news correspondent cal perry from the courthouse in brunswick, georgia, civil rights and veteran from the aclu, maya wylie and two analysts. cal, i'll start with you. it is two days before thanksgiving. what do we know about the timeline and what sort of pressure that will put on them to deliver a speedy verdict? >> reporter: first, it's worth mentioning the jury is not sequestered. they will deliberate at the end of the day if there is a verdict. if there is no verdict, they will deliberate tomorrow. if no verdict, they will break on wednesday until next monday. the defense strategy yesterday was pretty clear. it was to try to separate the defendants. we had william "roddie" bryan's attorney come out and say he thought his client would get off again, and you had the prosecution rebut this morning by saying a party to. if you are a party to this crime, you are responsible for the crime. that was a major theme and it's something the jury is going to have to weigh, katy. >> maya, when i was listening to the prosecutor this morning, the prosecutor made a point to say, yes, they were claiming they were trying to make a citizen's arrest, but remember, they only claimed that down the line. they didn't say that when they were initially interviewed by the cops about the incident. and also they never witnessed a crime take place. they tried to be very clear about that. when the judge read the instructions to the jury, do you think that message got across that the law states that the men need to see the crime, witness the crime happen in order to have the right to say a citizen's arrest? >> i do, katy. and a big reason for that is, remember, that's not the first time the jury heard it was not today. the prosecution made sure that that was in evidence through the trial, including in cross-examining travis mcmichael, where he was able to extract from it even the admission that he didn't know whether or not ahmaud arbery even put his hand on a gun. then again in her closing, and this was her rebuttal, so this point has now been repeated multiple times throughout the trial, and i think she summed it up really well when she said no one has told you that ahmaud arbery had a weapon. nobody has told you that ahmaud arbery was seen committing any crime, no one has told you that he threatened anyone. that is just a summation of the evidence, plain and simple, and reinforced in the jury instructions. >> so, kristen, there were two moments. one of them happened yesterday, the other happened today, that -- i guess people are talking about a lot is the most diplomatic way of saying it. one of them was yesterday when one of the defense attorneys brought in ahmaud arbery's toenails into the discussion, as if his toenails would indicate he was somehow a criminal. the other one was the prosecutor today bringing into the discussion the call that was made to police officers when the men were chasing ahmaud arbery, and they said, what is your state of emergency, and the caller said, there is a black man running down the street. those are two things that i thought the subject of race was brought to the jury's attention in two very different ways. >> katy, i think it's important that we are talking about these two points. i think the reason the defense attorney brought in the dirty toenails, as very rude and inappropriate as it was, because the prosecutor, if you'll remember throughout the trial in various judicial rulings, were not prepared to talk about how mr. arbery was actually an avid jogger. that was something that was important for the prosecution's theme to show that he wasn't there to just try to burglarize or enter into a home. he was a jogger. he always jogged and it was just on this day that when he was jogging, he also stopped by the house. but on that day that he was jogging, he was cornered, chased down and ultimately shot and killed. i think it actually is a reason for discussion because it points to something larger here. i think when you're talking about self-defense, we have to think about what self-defense is and the legal concept. and i think we have to reckon with the fact that the people who are going to be interpreting that legal concept are going to be people like you and i, people who make up the community. when we talk about reasonableness, if a member of that community -- when i talk about the community, i'm talking about the jury pool, which as you pointed out, the majority is white, and is not indicative of the peers of that community. when you talk about reasonableness and it comes within the minds of a majority white jury, you know, you cannot forget the innate fear of blackness. it doesn't require expertise, it doesn't require a judge's interception, and it stands for the politics and mindsets of jurors in the entire judicial system and in their analysis to determine was it reasonable that a white man in a pickup truck who then points his gun in the face of a black man, was all of that reasonable, all because he was a black man jogging? all because he was a black man jogging and refused to stop and a man was pointing a gun at him. to me that's absolutely reasonable. as a black person in society, that's absolutely reasonable. but will it be reasonable in the minds of someone who doesn't have the common experiences of myself as a black american? and that's what we really need to reckon with in our society as jurors interpret the law. >> that is a really interesting point. maya, let's talk about the three different defendants here. they all are charged with multiple counts individually, but they all played different -- at least slightly different roles in this case. travis mcmichael obviously pulled the trigger. he is the one who fataled shot arbery. greg mcmichael was driving a pickup truck, bryan was driving a pickup truck. they argue they hemmed him in with their pickup trucks. do you think we'll see a verdict on this, first, and if we do, how will it play out? >> there is always the possibility of a split verdict. remember, we have malice murder, we have felony murder. the felony murder is the key, because if they find there was a felony committed, then it's felony murder, then they're all three in it. i think that's why -- i want to go back to kristen's important point here. when travis mcmichael took the stand, his entire strategy was to say, this neighborhood used to be safe and it became scary. and it became scary, and then they started talking about ahmaud arbery. that really is a conversation about race, but it's their effort, particularly travis, because travis mcmichael is the one who pulls the trigger three times. he's trying to say, i really did have reason to believe and fear, and i'm going to go back to a prior incident where we think we saw him and we think we saw him do something bad. the thing that we saw when this prosecutor so effectively did her rebuttal today was to go back to the person who is arguably the weakest link, but he's still a link. he says, all i did was film, i was just there filming. and she says, that's what he's telling you now, but he told police that he took his truck, he blocked ahmaud arbery his run so that he was trapped. greg mcmichael said to a police officer, we trapped him like a rat. and so once you have each one of them playing some role, as the prosecutor said, this is like a bank robbery. if you were all playing some role in a bank robbery, you were all involved in the robbery if one person pulls the trigger. and that's why i think they are all in jeopardy of a conviction. >> what happens if we see a hung jury? >> if we see a hung jury, i think the case will be retried. because if we see -- i think the prosecution, let me just state at the onset, the prosecution, i think, put forth a beautiful case. so i don't anticipate there will be a hung jury. but in this particular case, there is a lot of different elements here. i want to keep in mind there is now the rule or state of law which is the citizens' arrest, which has now been repealed. i think there are a lot of societal messages that need to be proven through this case. not that i would necessarily say that's the reason why it's important to retry. but at the core of this is a young boy, really, in my view, who was running away and was gunned down, and many in the black community, i myself agree, that this looked very akin to a lynching. i think with that backdrop, i think it would be very appropriate for the prosecution to retry this case. one of the things we look at in the criminal justice system is deterrence. can we abide by sending forth this message to say we will take these sorts of crimes seriously, even when the victim is a young black man. we will try this case and we will let the jury decide. if they can't decide, we're going to try it again. i would hope based on that backdrop, if there is a hung jury, it will be retried. >> kristen, maya and cal, thank you so much. this is a really fascinating case, a really terrible case, and i know we're following it very closely and we'll bring you a verdict when the jury comes to that decision. meanwhile, let's go over to wisconsin. the man accused of driving his suv into a christmas parade in wisconsin will make his first court appearance this afternoon. 39-year-old darrell brooks is charged with five counts of intentional homicide. meanwhile, new video captured by a doorbell camera show the moments leading up to brooks' arrest. in it brooks is seen on a porch in waukesha about half a mile from the parade route, asking the homeowners for help, claiming he was homeless. they brought him inside and offered him a coat and some food. the homeowners were completely unaware that just minutes earlier, brooks had allegedly driven his truck through a parade, killing five people and injuring more than 40 others, including children. police arrived at the house a short time later and took brooks into custody for questioning. joining me now from wisconsin is nbc news correspondent megan fitzgerald. megan, we're going to see the court appearance. do we know if the officer was in pursuit? >> reporter: that's what everybody wants to know, what was the intent behind this action, why did this happen? as we have more hearings and of course getting to a trial, hopefully this community will get the answer to that lingering question. we know, as you mentioned, later on today darrell brooks is expected to appear in court for the first time. this is the first step in this criminal case against him. we are expecting the judge to read to him the charges against him. we suspect it could be five counts of intentional homicide. certainly that could change depending on the prosecution. then we're expecting the prosecution to ask the judge to restrict his bond, keep him in jail until this case goes to trial. but, as we know, this guy has a long, lengthy criminal history dating back decades of drug charges. just earlier this month, he was arrested and charged with battery and domestic abuse. court documents say that he ran over the mother of his child, leaving a tire mark on her leg and then was able to be released from jail after posting a $1,000 bond. again, more questions being raised about why that bond was so low, how this suspect was able to be released from jail given his background, and even the district attorney here saying that $1,000 was inappropriately low. and so, you know, you fast-forward, then, to sunday, just a couple days ago, and now we have five people dead, 48 people wounded, including 18 children, ten of whom are in the icu, six of them in critical condition, six we know on sunday immediately went into the o.r. two went into the o.r. yesterday. we know that many of these kids right now fighting for their lives as this community continues to mourn and continues to ask questions. as you asked, katy, what was the intent? why would this man allegedly do what he's being charged with doing? and hopefully this community will get those answers. katy? >> he's not being pursued. what in the world was he doing there? megan fitzgerald, thank you so much. the president, meanwhile, is about to speak on the economy, explaining to the public a decision he just made to lower gas prices. we're going to go live to the white house. the january 6 committee. in l.a. and chicago, mobs and thieves are stealing thousands of dollars in merchandise, acting as if no one can stop them. what in the world is going on? . what in the world is going on? in wash-scent booster ♪ downy unstopables no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. for starters, your mom doesn't have a restaurant. if she did, it would be impossible to get in. she'd become famous overnight. she'd get talked into franchising everything. and at that point, they wouldn't really taste like your mom's short ribs. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. - [narrator] every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft condition. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. without surgery, some will die. those who do survive face extreme challenges. operation smile works to heal children born with cleft conditions. we need you. there are still millions in dire need of healing. go to today and become a monthly supporter, or call. 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need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. we're waiting on president biden and he has just walked out, so nice timing. he's talking about the economy and rising prices on seemingly everything. let us listen in. >> -- to celebrate thanksgiving. as they do, i want to take a moment to talk about the economy, both the progress we made and the challenges that remain that we have to face. we made historic progress over the last ten months. unemployment is down to 4.6%, two years faster than everyone expected. when we started this job, it was over 14%. wages are rising. disposable income is up. more people are starting small businesses than ever before and our economy has reported 5.6 million jobs since i became president on january 20. there is a lot to be proud of and a lot to build on for the future. but we still face challenges in our economy. disruptions related to the pandemic have caused challenges in our supply chain which has sparked concern about shortages and contribute to higher prices. moms and dads are worried, asking, will there be enough food we can afford to buy for the holidays? will we be able to get christmas presents to the kids on time? and if so, will they cost me an arm and a leg? i told you before that we're going to take action on these problems. that's exactly what we're doing. it starts with my port action plan, a pro-active three-month effort to invest in our ports and relieve bottlenecks. most of the ports that come into the united states go to two ports, los angeles and long beach. to talk about these ports, i brought in labor and management and asked them to step up and cooperate, to limit those ports to seven days a week. i asked them to help reduce congestion from undue damage done by covid. we also met with the ceos of target, home depot walmart, and others. we asked them to move product more quickly, stock the shelves more quickly, and you may have heard the c eceo of walmart yesterday. he said, and i quote, a compromise of federal government working together has been successful. all across the supply chain, there is innovation. because of the action we've taken, things have begun to change. in the last three weeks, the number of containers sitting on docks blocking movement, are down 33%. shipping prices are down 25%. more goods are moving more quickly and more cheaply onto your doorsteps. so of all of these concerns a few weeks ago, there will not be ample food for thanksgiving. so many people talked about that, understandably. but families can rest easy. grocery stores are well stocked for turkey and everything else you need for thanksgiving. the major retailers i mentioned have confirmed that their shelves will be well stocked in stores this holiday season. that's good news for those moms and dads who are worried about whether their christmas gifts will be available. it goes for everything, from bicycles to ice skates. today, though, i want to address another challenge that families are facing, and the one i think they're most focused on right now: high gas prices. this is a problem, not just here in the united states but around the world. the price of gasoline has reached record levels recently in europe and in asia. and france, at the end of last month, had reached about $7 per gallon. in japan it's about $5.50 a gallon, the highest suspended years. of course, it's always painful when gas prices spike. today the price of gas in america on average is $3.40 a gallon. in california it's much higher. the impact is real. but the fact is we faced even worst spikes before. just in the last decade, we saw in 2012 when gas prices hit $3.90. we saw it in 2014 when it hit $3.69. and as recently as 2019, we saw it surpass $3 in many places. the fact is we always get through those spikes, but we're going to get through this one as well and hopefully faster. but it doesn't mean we should just stand by idly and wait for prices to drop on their own. instead we're taking action. the big part of the reason americans are facing high gas prices is because oil-producing companies and large countries have not ramped up the supply of oil quick enough to meet the demand. and the smaller supply means higher prices globally for oil. to address these issues, i got on the phone with leaders from other countries grappling with this challenge to try to find ways to lower oil prices and ultimately the price you pay at the pump. so today i'm announcing that the largest ever release from the u.s. strategic petroleum reserve to help provide the supply we need as we recover from this pandemic. in addition, i brought together other nations to contribute to the solution, india, japan, republic of korea and the united kingdom have agreed to release additional oil from their reserves, and china may do more as well. this coordinated action will help us deal with a lack of supply which in turn helps us ease prices. the bottom line. today we're launching a major effort to moderate the price of oil, an effort that will span the globe in its reach and ultimately reach your corner gas station, god willing. i've worked hard these last few weeks in calls and meetings with foreign leaders, policymakers, to put together the building blocks for today's announcement. while our combined action will not solve the problem of high gas prices overnight, it will make a difference. it will take time, but before long, you should see the price of gas drop where you fill up your tank. in the longer term, we will reduce our reliance on oil as we shift to clean energy. but right now i will do what needs to be done to reduce the price you pay at the pump. from the middle class and working families that are spending much too much and it's a strain, and you're the reason i was sent here, to look out for you. there is another issue we'll be addressing as well. because the fact is the price of oil was already dropping prior to this announcement and many suggested anticipation of the announcement. the price of gasoline has fallen about 10% over the last few weeks, but the price at the pump hasn't budged a penny. in other words, gas supply companies are paying less and making a lot more. they do not seem to be passing that on to the consumers at the pump. in fact, if the gap between wholesale and retail gas prices was in line with past averages, americans would be paying at least 25 cents less per gallon right now as i speak. instead, companies are pocketing the difference as profit. that's unacceptable. that's why i've asked the federal trade commission to consider whether potentially illegal and competitive behavior in the oil and gas industry is causing higher prices for consumers, so we can assure the american people are paying a fair price for the gasoline. i also want to briefly address one myth about inflated gas prices. they're not due to environmental measures. my effort to combat climate change is not raising the price of gas or increasing its availability. what it's doing, it's increasing the availability of jobs. jobs building electric cars like the one i drove at the gm factory in detroit last week. for the hundreds of thousands of folks who bought one of those electric cars, they're going to save $800 to $1,000 in fuel costs this year. we'll create those savings to reach more americans. jobs making batteries and electronic key pumps, jobs for those electrical devices. each home where they're installed will save folks an additional $100 in energy costs every year. let's do that. let's beat climate change with more extensive opportunities. we can make our economy less vulnerable to these price spikes when we do that. and, finally, even as we meet to work out this challenge, it's important to maintain perspective about where our economy stands today. the fact is, america has a lot to be proud of. we're experiencing the strongest economic recovery in the world. even after accounting for inflation, our economy is bigger and our families have more money in their pockets than they did before the pandemic. america is the only major economy in the world that can say that. it tests the grit and determination of the american people as well as a unique approach to this recovery and the focus on rebuilding our economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down. because of that approach, we're the only leading economy in the world where household income and the economy as a whole are stronger than they were before the pandemic hit. let me close with this. this thanksgiving we have so much to be grateful for, vaccines that are safe, effective and free. providing new treatments, providing for hope that we can bring an end to the worst tragedy of this crisis. record job growth. the strongest recovery in the world. and most of all, the chance to be together again with the people we love on thanksgiving. as you gather together with your family this thanksgiving, i want you to know how grateful i am to serve as your president. and i promised you that i'll never stop working to address your family's needs. and together we're going to confront challenges and we're going to face them honestly. that will keep building this economy around hard-working folks who built this country. happy thanksgiving, god bless you and may god protect our troops, and i'm heading to a food kitchen to serve meals right now. thank you for your time and effort. i'll have plenty of time to talk to you. >> lots of questions for the president there. he is not answering any of them. joining me now to discuss all of this is nbc white house news correspondent mike memoli. susan yen is at a gas station where prices are rising in new york, and correspondent ben white. mike, clearly the president is trying to get out ahead of all the rises in prices that we're seeing, the inflation, the economy not on the track that americans want it, part of the reason why his poll numbers are sinking so precipitously low. how does the white house feel that they are going to be able to do in order to try to right this ship? >> reporter: katy, i thought the most telling word the president used was perspective. the white house feels there has been a real mismatch between the data generally and the u.s. recovering more quickly since the pandemic hit than any other major economy in the world. but some of the real economic challenges that are dragging, as you laid out, the president's approval rating. covid is still very much a concern. the president tried to make clear that some of the disruption, some of the supply chain challenges, are still a result of covid. but you also see the president trying to pivot to more of an aggressive posture. the white house really has been on defense the last few weeks on these issues of the economy, but between the announcement he made yesterday about the fed chair keeping him, retaining jerome powell in that position, and what he's doing today with the strategic petroleum reserve, trying to be seen as acting and doing everything he can to address these concerns, the white house is trying to get back to sort of the mantra of the early days of this administration by taking action and action now. but it is unclear that there are issues the president still needs to address in the eyes of many voters, and that's a messaing challenge for this administration. but he ended with the point that because of the actions he has taken, the economy has recovered quicker than other countries, but it's clear that the concern of average americans, and this president always styled himself as a candidate, an office holder, someone who understood the kitchen table concerns he grew up with. that's why he thought he should make this message today and there are issues he is still trying to commend, katy. >> talk about how gas prices are only a small piece of this puzzle. a core piece that only you and i notice or that the family notices. typically for california, real high prices for clothing, food, toys for christmas and hanukkah. in october you had over a 6% jump in inflation, which is a really big and scary number for people and well above how much money people are making. biden is right that the economy is improving. we continue to add jobs. any politician from jimmy carter on down will tell you the worst situation you can be in is when prices rise. the president needs to come out and say, even if they're limited measures, i'm taking action. i understand particularly. quickly on the oil, it's 50 million gallons the u.s. is probably going to put in from strategic reserve. daily demand globally is over 100 million, so that's less than half of one day's oil. i wouldn't expect this to send prices down sharply or soon, but this is if r. >> so what's the point, then, ben? i know he's doing it with koord nigs -- if it is only a half-day aemd. >> ber willing to work with other and we are with the nations who have not increased production to the extend that the u.s., china and others would like to see given how much demand there is in this economy. we are booming and opec hasn't responded. a little bit is just symbolic and trying to impress the oil producers. >> people want to get out of their house. they want to travel to see family members. a lot of them are doing it by car because it's frankly safer to get in the car with your immediate family than it is to get in a plane. yasmin, you are at a gas station. what is it like there? what are you hearing from folks? >> 40 million expected to travel by car. even with these gas prices, it appears the president will provide relief in the months ahead. it won't affect the immediate price of gas. $3.40 national average. that's up $1.25 from last year. if you have a toyota camry, for instance, katy, you're a family of four and you're traveling to see the grandparents. it's going to cost you $75 to fill up your tank. that's a heck of a lot of money. then you go to the shelves to buy a turkey, some food, wine or beer. despite the method the president is taking right now, people say it's too high. let's take a look at the folks i was speaking to at the gas station earlier today? >> i used to fill the tank with $30, now it takes $45. >> i usually don't have to work. i'm just a housekeeper. everything is going up, i really need a job. >> prices are through the roof, you know? pretty soon we'll have to have a beating if i'm going to drive. hang in there. >> reporter: i tell you, katy, anecdotally the owners of this gas station told us there are folks who come here every single day and put stickers with pictures of president biden saying, you did this. obviously a slipping in poll numbers for the president right now. some advice? plan early. $3.45 for unleaded fuel, that's about the national average. i'm throwing my kids in the car at 10:00 p.m. tonight with pajamas on. hopefully we can make it there without incident, but that tends to not happen. >> my kids hate the car. if it's a five-minute drive they hate it, if it's a five-hour drive, they hate it. i will be here anchoring tv. join me. ben, i know the bipartisan deal will help alleviate some things, but that's going to take some time. what can the president do now to make things go faster? >> i think they're doing most of the things they can, pulling the levers on semiconductors which was a big piece of the slowdown on autos. we've seen some improvement in that. they worked to alleviate some of these port delays, particularly in the west coast and asia. there's just not a lot they can do. we need more people back at work, we need the economy to recover faster from covid and for supply to catch up with demand. that, unfortunately, takes some time. but i think they've had some success with what they tried to do with ports, particularly on semiconductors. >> ben, yasmin and mike. happy thanksgiving to all of it you. i hope you'll get tom good time in -- we never stop hearing about these guys. will they comply? stay with us. e guys will they comply stay 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>> the jury found the defendants liable for four out of six counts and awarded punitive damages. it's at least 12 million and a million per organization and half a million against each of these defendants which, as you'll recall, are some of the white supremacists and nazis who organized the unite the right rally, including richard spencer, the guy who coined the phrase alt-right. james fields, the man who drove the car into the crowd and killed heather hire was a defendant in this case. he's serving life in prison. remember, this is a civil case. he had a punitive damage case against him. this is not the perfect victory the plaintiffs wanted. the jury was deadlocked on two counts of civil conspiracy, but it is a significant victory for these plaintiffs who were trying to send a message. i don't think they expect these organizations will be able to pay all these millions of dollars, but the idea here was to hold them accountable and send a message that beyond the criminal arena, there are consequences when you engage in a civil conspiracy to promote racially motivated violence, because that was the allegation here. the defendant said no, this was just free speech. we may be racist but we didn't conspire for this to happen. this jury clearly found that they did, that they committed these civil violations and they should pay millions of dollars as a result, katy. >> the counts 1 and 2, or claims 1 and 2 that they are deadlocked on, the plaintiffs were asking the judge for an allen charge, which is the judge saying to the jury, strongly encouraging them to come to an agreement on those claims. is that happening, or you tell me, what is going on with those two claims? >> i was leaving to come to the camera just as the judge was asking the jury whether they thought they were hopelessly deadlocked, and i believe they said they were, so this is it. there will be no decision on the first two counts. they found defendants liable on four of the six, so for plaintiffs this is a very good day. this was a complicated trial. there were a lot of questions for the jury to answer. there were nine individual plaintiffs. some of them got different amounts for compensatory damages based on their injuries, but the big headline, really, here are the punitive damages. it's money designed to punish the conduct, and the jury awarded half a million dollars in punitive damages per individual defendant on the conspiracy count and a million dollars each for the white supremacist racist organizations. then separately a $6 million punitive judgment for fields, who drove the car into the crowd, and another 6 million punitive on the count of intentional and conflicted emotional distress. good day for the plaintiffs, not a good day for the defense in that trial. >> ken, thank you so much. we're going to turn now to developing news on capitol hill. the house committee investigating january 6 is widening its net. they have subpoenaed five more allies of former president donald trump. the list includes two high-profile members of trump's world, roger stone and conspiracy theorist alex jones. that brings the total to 40, for many, trump's security advisor and the mypillow guy. today is deadline day to hand over documents to that committee. joining me now from capitol hill is nbc news national political reporter sahil kippur. sahil, will we see compliance? >> it is doubtful they will comply with these subpoenas. they both relish in political combat. both have put out defying statements in the last 24 hours, either through themselves or representatives, criticizing the work of this committee. overall the subpoenas have been fruitless in their investigation. they said, of the 40 that have been subpoenaed a vast number of them are engaging if not fully cooperating. they said they're getting valuable information from these people. they're not revealing what the information is, so it's difficult for us to evaluate. people who are very central to this investigation have very openly refused to cooperate. there's jeffrey clark, the former doj official believed to have pushed former president trump to push word. there's mark meadows, president trump's former chief of staff on january 6th who was a no show at his deposition. there's no sign he will at this point. he gave a radio interview earlier today, and i want to play some of what he had to say. >> i read about them subpoenaing roger stone and alex jones, and, you know, i can tell you that i'm not aware of anybody in the white house that had conversations with either one of those individuals. but it just seems like they are just determined to pull out the phone book and subpoena as many people as they possibly can in hopes that they find a narrative that will stick politically. >> reporter: as you can see there, no expression from mark meadows he's going to change and cooperate. and the committee is going to have some difficult decisions to make if he's going to continue to defy. and coming up next gone in 60 seconds. why coordinated moms of thieves are acting like no one will stop them. l stop them e... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. you got to see this video. police in multiple cities around the country are investigating a series of brazen robberies apparently pulled off by organized thieves. the smash and grab thieves are hitting high end stores like nordstroms and bloomingdale's erin? >> reporter: hey there. authorities are pouring through surveillance footage after an organized mob of thieves tore through a nordstroms over the weekend. they made off with over $1,000 in merchandise. overnight another break in. this one at l.a.'s high end shopping center, the grove, leaving store windows smashed, the suspects still at large after a police pursuit. it comes after a separate string of smash and grab robberies in northern california. from the heart of san francisco to suburban walnut week, highly organized shoplifting crews breaking into high end retailers grabbing merchandise and fleeing. a cluster of get away cars blocking traffic to aid their get aways. the sprees taking place in a matter of minutes. >> i saw people running down the street. i probably saw 50 to # 0 people in like ski masks, crowbars, a bunch of weapons. >> reporter: eyewitness video capturing masked thieves with harmful of stolen goods. police racing to the scene, bashing in a suspect's car window to make an arrest. in all nine stores were hit. police say eight people had been arrested with several weapons and thousands of dollars in merchandise recovered. >> we're not going to allow people to come in and continue to do this in our city. >> reporter: more officers are being assigned to union square, san francisco's holiday shopping and tourism center. the mayor vowing to limit vehicle access to the area. >> there will be traffic delays because we can't continue to allow people to freely flow flout of this city, commit these acts and get away with it. >> reporter: smash and grab robberies are hitting other cities as well including beverly hill and suburban chicago where this louis vuitton store was hit in broad daylight. estimated by one trade organization as more than $68 billion worth of products. multiagency task forces now setup in illinois and california. >> these are crimes of opportunity, but they're very well organized, and they need to be held to account. some current and former law enforcement officials blame downgraded laws that have made crimes that were previously felonies into misdemeanors saying it discourages police pursuits for nonviolent crimes. >> until there's a response, until there's a political will and legislative efforts to support police efforts to stop this sort of activity, we're going to see it proliferate and continue. authorities say the ring leaders are often not present during these organized sprees making prosecutions even more difficult. back to you. >> it's not just those high end stores. in san francisco you're seeing a lot of folks break in cars and take out bags from individual cars. that's happening quite a bit and really disturbing. that is going to do it for me today. join me again tomorrow and thursday and friday. i will be here. hallie jackson picks up our coverage meantime. jackson pick coverage meantime. the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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[thud] [clunk] ugh... unbelievable. unbelievable. [ding] we're coming on the air with breaking news on one of the trials we're watching this afternoon, that partial verdict in the unite the right trial in charlottesville. what the jury was able to agree on, what they could not with the judge set to decide whether to send them back into deliberations. we've got our team watching and

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Client , Party , Roddie , Prosecutor , Crime , Something , Point , Theme , Morning , Yes , Judge , Incident , Place , Cops , Down The Line , Message , Law , Instructions , Reason , Time , Evidence , Trial , Admission , Didn T , Gun , Rebuttal , Times , Hand , Closing , Nobody , Weapon , Kristen , Jury Instructions , Summation , Simple , Anyone , Lot , Discussion , Toenails , Criminal , Defense Attorneys , Way , Call , Police Officers , Things , Race , State Of Emergency , Caller , Subject , Black Man Running Down The Street , Ways , Points , Defense Attorney , Attention , Jogger , Mr , Rulings , Home , Jogging , The House , Community , Fact , Concept , Reasonableness , Majority , Member , Jury Pool , Peers , Fear , Minds , Majority White Jury , Blackness , Doesn T , It Doesn T , Jurors , Mindsets , Politics , System , Analysis , Interception , Expertise , Pickup Truck , Face , Person , Society , Experiences , Black American , Case , Counts , Roles , Let S Talk , Greg Mcmichael , Who , Fataled , Pickup Trucks , First , Felony Murder , Felony , Split Verdict , Key , Malice Murder , Possibility , Strategy , The Stand , Effort , Conversation , Neighborhood , Link , Film , Police , Police Officer , Filming , His Run , Bank Robbery , Role , Rat , Hung Jury , Robbery , Conviction , Jeopardy , Forth A Beautiful Case , Retried , Onset , Arrest , Rule , Citizens , Mind , Elements , Boy , Messages , Core , View , Backdrop , On Down , Many , Lynching , Crimes , Deterrence , Victim , Criminal Justice , Black Man , Decision , Maya And Cal , Let S Go Over To Wisconsin , Court , Darrell Brooks , Video , Camera , Homicide , Appearance , Suv , Christmas Parade In Wisconsin , Five , 39 , Homeowners , Help , Porch , Coat , It Brooks , Parade Route , Food , Children , House , Questioning , Parade , Others , Brooks Into Custody , 40 , Megan Fitzgerald , Wisconsin , Action , Intent , Officer , Everybody , Question , Answer , Step , Hearings , Bond , Jail , Guy , Drug Charges , Battery , Long , Criminal History Dating , Abuse , Court Documents , Questions , Suspect , Leg , Child , Mother , Tire Mark , Posting , 000 , 1000 , Background , District Attorney , Forward , Kids , Condition , Six , O R , Icu , 48 , Ten , 18 , Katy , Lives , Economy , What In The World , Answers , Public , Committee , Gas Prices , White House , January 6 , 6 , Thieves , Merchandise , Thousands , Chicago , L A , Mobs , Mom , Short Ribs , Unstopables , Booster , Starters , Restaurant , Franchising Everything , Some , Instacart , Narrator , Ingredients , Surgery , Challenges , Conditions , Need , Healing , Cleft , Operation Smile , Supporter , Safelite , Windshield , Operationsmile Org , My Truck Is Livelihood , Gentle Music , Experts , Service , Tradition , Girl , Singers , Season , Safelite Repair , Tis , Cadillac , Show , Ride , Why Don T , Sleigh , Anything , Cadillac Showroom , Recording Artist , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Students , Comcast , Internet , Emmanuel , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , 10 , Tools , Possibilities , Everything , U S , Timing , Progress , Unemployment , 4 6 , Job , Disposable Income , Wages , Businesses , 14 , President , Disruptions , 5 6 Million , January 20 , 20 , Moms , Concern , Pandemic , Dads , Supply Chain , Holidays , Shortages , Problems , So , Arm , Port Action Plan , Ports , Most , Bottlenecks , Labor , Management , Long Beach , Damage , Congestion , Seven , Shelves , Product , Ceos , Target , Stock , Covid , Home Depot Walmart , Compromise , Government , Walmart , C Eceo , Number , Shipping Prices , Innovation , Containers , Movement , Docks , 33 , 25 , Doorsteps , Retailers , Families , Grocery Stores , Turkey , Challenge , Stores , News , Gifts , Holiday Season , Ice Skates , Bicycles , Price , Gasoline , Problem , Record Levels , Asia , Facing , Around The World , Europe , Gallon , The End , France , Japan , 7 , , 5 50 , 50 , Gas , Northern California , Impact , America On Average , 3 40 , 40 , Hit 3 69 , Spikes , Places , 2014 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Rally , James Fields , Richard Spencer , Victory , Serving Life In Prison , Killed Heather Hire , Conspiracy , Organizations , Plaintiffs , Dollars , Idea , Consequences , Allegation , Violence , Speech , Arena , Violations , 2 , Agreement , Allen Charge , Happening , This Is It , Nine , Conduct , Injuries , Headline , Amounts , A Million Dollars , Count , Judgment , Supremacist , Fields , Million , 6 Million , Distress , Donald Trump , House Committee Investigating January 6 , List , Capitol Hill , Net , Allies , Alex Jones , Members , Security Advisor , Roger Stone , Documents , Mypillow Guy , Subpoenas , Both , Sahil Kippur , Relish , Combat , Statements , Representatives , 24 , Investigation , Information , Jeffrey Clark , Doj , Mark Meadows , No Show , Radio Interview , Sign , Deposition , Trump To Push Word , January 6th , Subpoenaing , Conversations , Individuals , Anybody , Hopes , Narrative , Subpoena , Phone Book , Decisions , Expression , Mark Meadows He , Skin , Retinol , Powerful , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , 60 , Wrinkles Results , Cities , Robberies , Nordstroms , Series , Smash And Grab , Bloomingdale , Authorities , Weekend , Footage , Mob , Erin , Windows , Break , Shopping Center , Suspects , Over , The Grove , Police Pursuit , Heart , San Francisco , String , Shoplifting Crews , Traffic , Cluster , Get Aways , Matter , Sprees Taking Place , The Street , Weapons , Scene , Crowbars , Car Window , Bunch , Ski Masks , Police Racing , Bashing , Stolen Goods , Eyewitness Video Capturing , 50 , City , Officers , Union Square , Eight , Center , Traffic Delays , Tourism , Area , Vehicle , Mayor , Holiday Shopping , Flow Flout , Louis Vuitton , Acts , Well Including Beverly Hill , Opportunity , Multiagency Task , Illinois , 8 Billion , 68 Billion , Felonies , Laws , Officials , Police Pursuits , Will , Misdemeanors , Law Enforcement , Prosecutions , Activity , Police Efforts , Efforts , Sprees , Ring , Bags , Me , Coverage , Hallie Jackson , Jackson , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Clothes , Detergent , Downy Unstopables , Old , Walks , Jerry , Trust Me , 15 , Wish , Unbelievable , Moon , Clunk Ugh , Thud , Air , Verdict , Deliberations , Set , Team Watching ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240709

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right now let's go to the state of georgia where a jury is deliberating on three men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. we have closing arguments from three lawyers, one for each of the defendants. in response to the defense's claims of self-defense to a citizen's arrest gone wrong. >> they do not get to claim self-defense. and, of course, provocation. you can't force someone to defend themselves against you, so you get to claim self-defense. he is just as big of a murderer as travis mcmichael is because he was an accomplice. who gets to say, i'm not responsible for that? in the state of the georgia, no one gets to say that. everyone is responsible. ladies and gentlemen, here's the thing. this isn't about whether these three men are good people or bad people. that's not what this is about. it's about responsibility. it's about holding people accountable and responsible for their actions. >> the panel isn't just tasked with determining the fate of one defendant but all of them, each with their own charges, each with their own potential outcome. travis mcmichael, who pulled the trigger, his father gregory mcmichael who drove the truck in pursuit of arbery, and bryan who drove the truck to track him down. there was a single juror who said one was man was out for a jog, and chased down and killed. all three defendants face a federal hate crimes trial in february. joining me now is nbc news correspondent cal perry from the courthouse in brunswick, georgia, civil rights and veteran from the aclu, maya wylie and two analysts. cal, i'll start with you. it is two days before thanksgiving. what do we know about the timeline and what sort of pressure that will put on them to deliver a speedy verdict? >> reporter: first, it's worth mentioning the jury is not sequestered. they will deliberate at the end of the day if there is a verdict. if there is no verdict, they will deliberate tomorrow. if no verdict, they will break on wednesday until next monday. the defense strategy yesterday was pretty clear. it was to try to separate the defendants. we had william "roddie" bryan's attorney come out and say he thought his client would get off again, and you had the prosecution rebut this morning by saying a party to. if you are a party to this crime, you are responsible for the crime. that was a major theme and it's something the jury is going to have to weigh, katy. >> maya, when i was listening to the prosecutor this morning, the prosecutor made a point to say, yes, they were claiming they were trying to make a citizen's arrest, but remember, they only claimed that down the line. they didn't say that when they were initially interviewed by the cops about the incident. and also they never witnessed a crime take place. they tried to be very clear about that. when the judge read the instructions to the jury, do you think that message got across that the law states that the men need to see the crime, witness the crime happen in order to have the right to say a citizen's arrest? >> i do, katy. and a big reason for that is, remember, that's not the first time the jury heard it was not today. the prosecution made sure that that was in evidence through the trial, including in cross-examining travis mcmichael, where he was able to extract from it even the admission that he didn't know whether or not ahmaud arbery even put his hand on a gun. then again in her closing, and this was her rebuttal, so this point has now been repeated multiple times throughout the trial, and i think she summed it up really well when she said no one has told you that ahmaud arbery had a weapon. nobody has told you that ahmaud arbery was seen committing any crime, no one has told you that he threatened anyone. that is just a summation of the evidence, plain and simple, and reinforced in the jury instructions. >> so, kristen, there were two moments. one of them happened yesterday, the other happened today, that -- i guess people are talking about a lot is the most diplomatic way of saying it. one of them was yesterday when one of the defense attorneys brought in ahmaud arbery's toenails into the discussion, as if his toenails would indicate he was somehow a criminal. the other one was the prosecutor today bringing into the discussion the call that was made to police officers when the men were chasing ahmaud arbery, and they said, what is your state of emergency, and the caller said, there is a black man running down the street. those are two things that i thought the subject of race was brought to the jury's attention in two very different ways. >> katy, i think it's important that we are talking about these two points. i think the reason the defense attorney brought in the dirty toenails, as very rude and inappropriate as it was, because the prosecutor, if you'll remember throughout the trial in various judicial rulings, were not prepared to talk about how mr. arbery was actually an avid jogger. that was something that was important for the prosecution's theme to show that he wasn't there to just try to burglarize or enter into a home. he was a jogger. he always jogged and it was just on this day that when he was jogging, he also stopped by the house. but on that day that he was jogging, he was cornered, chased down and ultimately shot and killed. i think it actually is a reason for discussion because it points to something larger here. i think when you're talking about self-defense, we have to think about what self-defense is and the legal concept. and i think we have to reckon with the fact that the people who are going to be interpreting that legal concept are going to be people like you and i, people who make up the community. when we talk about reasonableness, if a member of that community -- when i talk about the community, i'm talking about the jury pool, which as you pointed out, the majority is white, and is not indicative of the peers of that community. when you talk about reasonableness and it comes within the minds of a majority white jury, you know, you cannot forget the innate fear of blackness. it doesn't require expertise, it doesn't require a judge's interception, and it stands for the politics and mindsets of jurors in the entire judicial system and in their analysis to determine was it reasonable that a white man in a pickup truck who then points his gun in the face of a black man, was all of that reasonable, all because he was a black man jogging? all because he was a black man jogging and refused to stop and a man was pointing a gun at him. to me that's absolutely reasonable. as a black person in society, that's absolutely reasonable. but will it be reasonable in the minds of someone who doesn't have the common experiences of myself as a black american? and that's what we really need to reckon with in our society as jurors interpret the law. >> that is a really interesting point. maya, let's talk about the three different defendants here. they all are charged with multiple counts individually, but they all played different -- at least slightly different roles in this case. travis mcmichael obviously pulled the trigger. he is the one who fataled shot arbery. greg mcmichael was driving a pickup truck, bryan was driving a pickup truck. they argue they hemmed him in with their pickup trucks. do you think we'll see a verdict on this, first, and if we do, how will it play out? >> there is always the possibility of a split verdict. remember, we have malice murder, we have felony murder. the felony murder is the key, because if they find there was a felony committed, then it's felony murder, then they're all three in it. i think that's why -- i want to go back to kristen's important point here. when travis mcmichael took the stand, his entire strategy was to say, this neighborhood used to be safe and it became scary. and it became scary, and then they started talking about ahmaud arbery. that really is a conversation about race, but it's their effort, particularly travis, because travis mcmichael is the one who pulls the trigger three times. he's trying to say, i really did have reason to believe and fear, and i'm going to go back to a prior incident where we think we saw him and we think we saw him do something bad. the thing that we saw when this prosecutor so effectively did her rebuttal today was to go back to the person who is arguably the weakest link, but he's still a link. he says, all i did was film, i was just there filming. and she says, that's what he's telling you now, but he told police that he took his truck, he blocked ahmaud arbery his run so that he was trapped. greg mcmichael said to a police officer, we trapped him like a rat. and so once you have each one of them playing some role, as the prosecutor said, this is like a bank robbery. if you were all playing some role in a bank robbery, you were all involved in the robbery if one person pulls the trigger. and that's why i think they are all in jeopardy of a conviction. >> what happens if we see a hung jury? >> if we see a hung jury, i think the case will be retried. because if we see -- i think the prosecution, let me just state at the onset, the prosecution, i think, put forth a beautiful case. so i don't anticipate there will be a hung jury. but in this particular case, there is a lot of different elements here. i want to keep in mind there is now the rule or state of law which is the citizens' arrest, which has now been repealed. i think there are a lot of societal messages that need to be proven through this case. not that i would necessarily say that's the reason why it's important to retry. but at the core of this is a young boy, really, in my view, who was running away and was gunned down, and many in the black community, i myself agree, that this looked very akin to a lynching. i think with that backdrop, i think it would be very appropriate for the prosecution to retry this case. one of the things we look at in the criminal justice system is deterrence. can we abide by sending forth this message to say we will take these sorts of crimes seriously, even when the victim is a young black man. we will try this case and we will let the jury decide. if they can't decide, we're going to try it again. i would hope based on that backdrop, if there is a hung jury, it will be retried. >> kristen, maya and cal, thank you so much. this is a really fascinating case, a really terrible case, and i know we're following it very closely and we'll bring you a verdict when the jury comes to that decision. meanwhile, let's go over to wisconsin. the man accused of driving his suv into a christmas parade in wisconsin will make his first court appearance this afternoon. 39-year-old darrell brooks is charged with five counts of intentional homicide. meanwhile, new video captured by a doorbell camera show the moments leading up to brooks' arrest. in it brooks is seen on a porch in waukesha about half a mile from the parade route, asking the homeowners for help, claiming he was homeless. they brought him inside and offered him a coat and some food. the homeowners were completely unaware that just minutes earlier, brooks had allegedly driven his truck through a parade, killing five people and injuring more than 40 others, including children. police arrived at the house a short time later and took brooks into custody for questioning. joining me now from wisconsin is nbc news correspondent megan fitzgerald. megan, we're going to see the court appearance. do we know if the officer was in pursuit? >> reporter: that's what everybody wants to know, what was the intent behind this action, why did this happen? as we have more hearings and of course getting to a trial, hopefully this community will get the answer to that lingering question. we know, as you mentioned, later on today darrell brooks is expected to appear in court for the first time. this is the first step in this criminal case against him. we are expecting the judge to read to him the charges against him. we suspect it could be five counts of intentional homicide. certainly that could change depending on the prosecution. then we're expecting the prosecution to ask the judge to restrict his bond, keep him in jail until this case goes to trial. but, as we know, this guy has a long, lengthy criminal history dating back decades of drug charges. just earlier this month, he was arrested and charged with battery and domestic abuse. court documents say that he ran over the mother of his child, leaving a tire mark on her leg and then was able to be released from jail after posting a $1,000 bond. again, more questions being raised about why that bond was so low, how this suspect was able to be released from jail given his background, and even the district attorney here saying that $1,000 was inappropriately low. and so, you know, you fast-forward, then, to sunday, just a couple days ago, and now we have five people dead, 48 people wounded, including 18 children, ten of whom are in the icu, six of them in critical condition, six we know on sunday immediately went into the o.r. two went into the o.r. yesterday. we know that many of these kids right now fighting for their lives as this community continues to mourn and continues to ask questions. as you asked, katy, what was the intent? why would this man allegedly do what he's being charged with doing? and hopefully this community will get those answers. katy? >> he's not being pursued. what in the world was he doing there? megan fitzgerald, thank you so much. the president, meanwhile, is about to speak on the economy, explaining to the public a decision he just made to lower gas prices. we're going to go live to the white house. the january 6 committee. in l.a. and chicago, mobs and thieves are stealing thousands of dollars in merchandise, acting as if no one can stop them. what in the world is going on? . what in the world is going on? in wash-scent booster ♪ downy unstopables no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. for starters, your mom doesn't have a restaurant. if she did, it would be impossible to get in. she'd become famous overnight. she'd get talked into franchising everything. and at that point, they wouldn't really taste like your mom's short ribs. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. - [narrator] every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft condition. no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. without surgery, some will die. those who do survive face extreme challenges. operation smile works to heal children born with cleft conditions. we need you. there are still millions in dire need of healing. go to today and become a monthly supporter, or call. 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need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. we're waiting on president biden and he has just walked out, so nice timing. he's talking about the economy and rising prices on seemingly everything. let us listen in. >> -- to celebrate thanksgiving. as they do, i want to take a moment to talk about the economy, both the progress we made and the challenges that remain that we have to face. we made historic progress over the last ten months. unemployment is down to 4.6%, two years faster than everyone expected. when we started this job, it was over 14%. wages are rising. disposable income is up. more people are starting small businesses than ever before and our economy has reported 5.6 million jobs since i became president on january 20. there is a lot to be proud of and a lot to build on for the future. but we still face challenges in our economy. disruptions related to the pandemic have caused challenges in our supply chain which has sparked concern about shortages and contribute to higher prices. moms and dads are worried, asking, will there be enough food we can afford to buy for the holidays? will we be able to get christmas presents to the kids on time? and if so, will they cost me an arm and a leg? i told you before that we're going to take action on these problems. that's exactly what we're doing. it starts with my port action plan, a pro-active three-month effort to invest in our ports and relieve bottlenecks. most of the ports that come into the united states go to two ports, los angeles and long beach. to talk about these ports, i brought in labor and management and asked them to step up and cooperate, to limit those ports to seven days a week. i asked them to help reduce congestion from undue damage done by covid. we also met with the ceos of target, home depot walmart, and others. we asked them to move product more quickly, stock the shelves more quickly, and you may have heard the c eceo of walmart yesterday. he said, and i quote, a compromise of federal government working together has been successful. all across the supply chain, there is innovation. because of the action we've taken, things have begun to change. in the last three weeks, the number of containers sitting on docks blocking movement, are down 33%. shipping prices are down 25%. more goods are moving more quickly and more cheaply onto your doorsteps. so of all of these concerns a few weeks ago, there will not be ample food for thanksgiving. so many people talked about that, understandably. but families can rest easy. grocery stores are well stocked for turkey and everything else you need for thanksgiving. the major retailers i mentioned have confirmed that their shelves will be well stocked in stores this holiday season. that's good news for those moms and dads who are worried about whether their christmas gifts will be available. it goes for everything, from bicycles to ice skates. today, though, i want to address another challenge that families are facing, and the one i think they're most focused on right now: high gas prices. this is a problem, not just here in the united states but around the world. the price of gasoline has reached record levels recently in europe and in asia. and france, at the end of last month, had reached about $7 per gallon. in japan it's about $5.50 a gallon, the highest suspended years. of course, it's always painful when gas prices spike. today the price of gas in america on average is $3.40 a gallon. in california it's much higher. the impact is real. but the fact is we faced even worst spikes before. just in the last decade, we saw in 2012 when gas prices hit $3.90. we saw it in 2014 when it hit $3.69. and as recently as 2019, we saw it surpass $3 in many places. the fact is we always get through those spikes, but we're going to get through this one as well and hopefully faster. but it doesn't mean we should just stand by idly and wait for prices to drop on their own. instead we're taking action. the big part of the reason americans are facing high gas prices is because oil-producing companies and large countries have not ramped up the supply of oil quick enough to meet the demand. and the smaller supply means higher prices globally for oil. to address these issues, i got on the phone with leaders from other countries grappling with this challenge to try to find ways to lower oil prices and ultimately the price you pay at the pump. so today i'm announcing that the largest ever release from the u.s. strategic petroleum reserve to help provide the supply we need as we recover from this pandemic. in addition, i brought together other nations to contribute to the solution, india, japan, republic of korea and the united kingdom have agreed to release additional oil from their reserves, and china may do more as well. this coordinated action will help us deal with a lack of supply which in turn helps us ease prices. the bottom line. today we're launching a major effort to moderate the price of oil, an effort that will span the globe in its reach and ultimately reach your corner gas station, god willing. i've worked hard these last few weeks in calls and meetings with foreign leaders, policymakers, to put together the building blocks for today's announcement. while our combined action will not solve the problem of high gas prices overnight, it will make a difference. it will take time, but before long, you should see the price of gas drop where you fill up your tank. in the longer term, we will reduce our reliance on oil as we shift to clean energy. but right now i will do what needs to be done to reduce the price you pay at the pump. from the middle class and working families that are spending much too much and it's a strain, and you're the reason i was sent here, to look out for you. there is another issue we'll be addressing as well. because the fact is the price of oil was already dropping prior to this announcement and many suggested anticipation of the announcement. the price of gasoline has fallen about 10% over the last few weeks, but the price at the pump hasn't budged a penny. in other words, gas supply companies are paying less and making a lot more. they do not seem to be passing that on to the consumers at the pump. in fact, if the gap between wholesale and retail gas prices was in line with past averages, americans would be paying at least 25 cents less per gallon right now as i speak. instead, companies are pocketing the difference as profit. that's unacceptable. that's why i've asked the federal trade commission to consider whether potentially illegal and competitive behavior in the oil and gas industry is causing higher prices for consumers, so we can assure the american people are paying a fair price for the gasoline. i also want to briefly address one myth about inflated gas prices. they're not due to environmental measures. my effort to combat climate change is not raising the price of gas or increasing its availability. what it's doing, it's increasing the availability of jobs. jobs building electric cars like the one i drove at the gm factory in detroit last week. for the hundreds of thousands of folks who bought one of those electric cars, they're going to save $800 to $1,000 in fuel costs this year. we'll create those savings to reach more americans. jobs making batteries and electronic key pumps, jobs for those electrical devices. each home where they're installed will save folks an additional $100 in energy costs every year. let's do that. let's beat climate change with more extensive opportunities. we can make our economy less vulnerable to these price spikes when we do that. and, finally, even as we meet to work out this challenge, it's important to maintain perspective about where our economy stands today. the fact is, america has a lot to be proud of. we're experiencing the strongest economic recovery in the world. even after accounting for inflation, our economy is bigger and our families have more money in their pockets than they did before the pandemic. america is the only major economy in the world that can say that. it tests the grit and determination of the american people as well as a unique approach to this recovery and the focus on rebuilding our economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down. because of that approach, we're the only leading economy in the world where household income and the economy as a whole are stronger than they were before the pandemic hit. let me close with this. this thanksgiving we have so much to be grateful for, vaccines that are safe, effective and free. providing new treatments, providing for hope that we can bring an end to the worst tragedy of this crisis. record job growth. the strongest recovery in the world. and most of all, the chance to be together again with the people we love on thanksgiving. as you gather together with your family this thanksgiving, i want you to know how grateful i am to serve as your president. and i promised you that i'll never stop working to address your family's needs. and together we're going to confront challenges and we're going to face them honestly. that will keep building this economy around hard-working folks who built this country. happy thanksgiving, god bless you and may god protect our troops, and i'm heading to a food kitchen to serve meals right now. thank you for your time and effort. i'll have plenty of time to talk to you. >> lots of questions for the president there. he is not answering any of them. joining me now to discuss all of this is nbc white house news correspondent mike memoli. susan yen is at a gas station where prices are rising in new york, and correspondent ben white. mike, clearly the president is trying to get out ahead of all the rises in prices that we're seeing, the inflation, the economy not on the track that americans want it, part of the reason why his poll numbers are sinking so precipitously low. how does the white house feel that they are going to be able to do in order to try to right this ship? >> reporter: katy, i thought the most telling word the president used was perspective. the white house feels there has been a real mismatch between the data generally and the u.s. recovering more quickly since the pandemic hit than any other major economy in the world. but some of the real economic challenges that are dragging, as you laid out, the president's approval rating. covid is still very much a concern. the president tried to make clear that some of the disruption, some of the supply chain challenges, are still a result of covid. but you also see the president trying to pivot to more of an aggressive posture. the white house really has been on defense the last few weeks on these issues of the economy, but between the announcement he made yesterday about the fed chair keeping him, retaining jerome powell in that position, and what he's doing today with the strategic petroleum reserve, trying to be seen as acting and doing everything he can to address these concerns, the white house is trying to get back to sort of the mantra of the early days of this administration by taking action and action now. but it is unclear that there are issues the president still needs to address in the eyes of many voters, and that's a messaing challenge for this administration. but he ended with the point that because of the actions he has taken, the economy has recovered quicker than other countries, but it's clear that the concern of average americans, and this president always styled himself as a candidate, an office holder, someone who understood the kitchen table concerns he grew up with. that's why he thought he should make this message today and there are issues he is still trying to commend, katy. >> talk about how gas prices are only a small piece of this puzzle. a core piece that only you and i notice or that the family notices. typically for california, real high prices for clothing, food, toys for christmas and hanukkah. in october you had over a 6% jump in inflation, which is a really big and scary number for people and well above how much money people are making. biden is right that the economy is improving. we continue to add jobs. any politician from jimmy carter on down will tell you the worst situation you can be in is when prices rise. the president needs to come out and say, even if they're limited measures, i'm taking action. i understand particularly. quickly on the oil, it's 50 million gallons the u.s. is probably going to put in from strategic reserve. daily demand globally is over 100 million, so that's less than half of one day's oil. i wouldn't expect this to send prices down sharply or soon, but this is if r. >> so what's the point, then, ben? i know he's doing it with koord nigs -- if it is only a half-day aemd. >> ber willing to work with other and we are with the nations who have not increased production to the extend that the u.s., china and others would like to see given how much demand there is in this economy. we are booming and opec hasn't responded. a little bit is just symbolic and trying to impress the oil producers. >> people want to get out of their house. they want to travel to see family members. a lot of them are doing it by car because it's frankly safer to get in the car with your immediate family than it is to get in a plane. yasmin, you are at a gas station. what is it like there? what are you hearing from folks? >> 40 million expected to travel by car. even with these gas prices, it appears the president will provide relief in the months ahead. it won't affect the immediate price of gas. $3.40 national average. that's up $1.25 from last year. if you have a toyota camry, for instance, katy, you're a family of four and you're traveling to see the grandparents. it's going to cost you $75 to fill up your tank. that's a heck of a lot of money. then you go to the shelves to buy a turkey, some food, wine or beer. despite the method the president is taking right now, people say it's too high. let's take a look at the folks i was speaking to at the gas station earlier today? >> i used to fill the tank with $30, now it takes $45. >> i usually don't have to work. i'm just a housekeeper. everything is going up, i really need a job. >> prices are through the roof, you know? pretty soon we'll have to have a beating if i'm going to drive. hang in there. >> reporter: i tell you, katy, anecdotally the owners of this gas station told us there are folks who come here every single day and put stickers with pictures of president biden saying, you did this. obviously a slipping in poll numbers for the president right now. some advice? plan early. $3.45 for unleaded fuel, that's about the national average. i'm throwing my kids in the car at 10:00 p.m. tonight with pajamas on. hopefully we can make it there without incident, but that tends to not happen. >> my kids hate the car. if it's a five-minute drive they hate it, if it's a five-hour drive, they hate it. i will be here anchoring tv. join me. ben, i know the bipartisan deal will help alleviate some things, but that's going to take some time. what can the president do now to make things go faster? >> i think they're doing most of the things they can, pulling the levers on semiconductors which was a big piece of the slowdown on autos. we've seen some improvement in that. they worked to alleviate some of these port delays, particularly in the west coast and asia. there's just not a lot they can do. we need more people back at work, we need the economy to recover faster from covid and for supply to catch up with demand. that, unfortunately, takes some time. but i think they've had some success with what they tried to do with ports, particularly on semiconductors. >> ben, yasmin and mike. happy thanksgiving to all of it you. i hope you'll get tom good time in -- we never stop hearing about these guys. will they comply? stay with us. e guys will they comply stay 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>> the jury found the defendants liable for four out of six counts and awarded punitive damages. it's at least 12 million and a million per organization and half a million against each of these defendants which, as you'll recall, are some of the white supremacists and nazis who organized the unite the right rally, including richard spencer, the guy who coined the phrase alt-right. james fields, the man who drove the car into the crowd and killed heather hire was a defendant in this case. he's serving life in prison. remember, this is a civil case. he had a punitive damage case against him. this is not the perfect victory the plaintiffs wanted. the jury was deadlocked on two counts of civil conspiracy, but it is a significant victory for these plaintiffs who were trying to send a message. i don't think they expect these organizations will be able to pay all these millions of dollars, but the idea here was to hold them accountable and send a message that beyond the criminal arena, there are consequences when you engage in a civil conspiracy to promote racially motivated violence, because that was the allegation here. the defendant said no, this was just free speech. we may be racist but we didn't conspire for this to happen. this jury clearly found that they did, that they committed these civil violations and they should pay millions of dollars as a result, katy. >> the counts 1 and 2, or claims 1 and 2 that they are deadlocked on, the plaintiffs were asking the judge for an allen charge, which is the judge saying to the jury, strongly encouraging them to come to an agreement on those claims. is that happening, or you tell me, what is going on with those two claims? >> i was leaving to come to the camera just as the judge was asking the jury whether they thought they were hopelessly deadlocked, and i believe they said they were, so this is it. there will be no decision on the first two counts. they found defendants liable on four of the six, so for plaintiffs this is a very good day. this was a complicated trial. there were a lot of questions for the jury to answer. there were nine individual plaintiffs. some of them got different amounts for compensatory damages based on their injuries, but the big headline, really, here are the punitive damages. it's money designed to punish the conduct, and the jury awarded half a million dollars in punitive damages per individual defendant on the conspiracy count and a million dollars each for the white supremacist racist organizations. then separately a $6 million punitive judgment for fields, who drove the car into the crowd, and another 6 million punitive on the count of intentional and conflicted emotional distress. good day for the plaintiffs, not a good day for the defense in that trial. >> ken, thank you so much. we're going to turn now to developing news on capitol hill. the house committee investigating january 6 is widening its net. they have subpoenaed five more allies of former president donald trump. the list includes two high-profile members of trump's world, roger stone and conspiracy theorist alex jones. that brings the total to 40, for many, trump's security advisor and the mypillow guy. today is deadline day to hand over documents to that committee. joining me now from capitol hill is nbc news national political reporter sahil kippur. sahil, will we see compliance? >> it is doubtful they will comply with these subpoenas. they both relish in political combat. both have put out defying statements in the last 24 hours, either through themselves or representatives, criticizing the work of this committee. overall the subpoenas have been fruitless in their investigation. they said, of the 40 that have been subpoenaed a vast number of them are engaging if not fully cooperating. they said they're getting valuable information from these people. they're not revealing what the information is, so it's difficult for us to evaluate. people who are very central to this investigation have very openly refused to cooperate. there's jeffrey clark, the former doj official believed to have pushed former president trump to push word. there's mark meadows, president trump's former chief of staff on january 6th who was a no show at his deposition. there's no sign he will at this point. he gave a radio interview earlier today, and i want to play some of what he had to say. >> i read about them subpoenaing roger stone and alex jones, and, you know, i can tell you that i'm not aware of anybody in the white house that had conversations with either one of those individuals. but it just seems like they are just determined to pull out the phone book and subpoena as many people as they possibly can in hopes that they find a narrative that will stick politically. >> reporter: as you can see there, no expression from mark meadows he's going to change and cooperate. and the committee is going to have some difficult decisions to make if he's going to continue to defy. and coming up next gone in 60 seconds. why coordinated moms of thieves are acting like no one will stop them. l stop them e... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. you got to see this video. police in multiple cities around the country are investigating a series of brazen robberies apparently pulled off by organized thieves. the smash and grab thieves are hitting high end stores like nordstroms and bloomingdale's erin? >> reporter: hey there. authorities are pouring through surveillance footage after an organized mob of thieves tore through a nordstroms over the weekend. they made off with over $1,000 in merchandise. overnight another break in. this one at l.a.'s high end shopping center, the grove, leaving store windows smashed, the suspects still at large after a police pursuit. it comes after a separate string of smash and grab robberies in northern california. from the heart of san francisco to suburban walnut week, highly organized shoplifting crews breaking into high end retailers grabbing merchandise and fleeing. a cluster of get away cars blocking traffic to aid their get aways. the sprees taking place in a matter of minutes. >> i saw people running down the street. i probably saw 50 to # 0 people in like ski masks, crowbars, a bunch of weapons. >> reporter: eyewitness video capturing masked thieves with harmful of stolen goods. police racing to the scene, bashing in a suspect's car window to make an arrest. in all nine stores were hit. police say eight people had been arrested with several weapons and thousands of dollars in merchandise recovered. >> we're not going to allow people to come in and continue to do this in our city. >> reporter: more officers are being assigned to union square, san francisco's holiday shopping and tourism center. the mayor vowing to limit vehicle access to the area. >> there will be traffic delays because we can't continue to allow people to freely flow flout of this city, commit these acts and get away with it. >> reporter: smash and grab robberies are hitting other cities as well including beverly hill and suburban chicago where this louis vuitton store was hit in broad daylight. estimated by one trade organization as more than $68 billion worth of products. multiagency task forces now setup in illinois and california. >> these are crimes of opportunity, but they're very well organized, and they need to be held to account. some current and former law enforcement officials blame downgraded laws that have made crimes that were previously felonies into misdemeanors saying it discourages police pursuits for nonviolent crimes. >> until there's a response, until there's a political will and legislative efforts to support police efforts to stop this sort of activity, we're going to see it proliferate and continue. authorities say the ring leaders are often not present during these organized sprees making prosecutions even more difficult. back to you. >> it's not just those high end stores. in san francisco you're seeing a lot of folks break in cars and take out bags from individual cars. that's happening quite a bit and really disturbing. that is going to do it for me today. join me again tomorrow and thursday and friday. i will be here. hallie jackson picks up our coverage meantime. jackson pick coverage meantime. the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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[thud] [clunk] ugh... unbelievable. unbelievable. [ding] we're coming on the air with breaking news on one of the trials we're watching this afternoon, that partial verdict in the unite the right trial in charlottesville. what the jury was able to agree on, what they could not with the judge set to decide whether to send them back into deliberations. we've got our team watching and

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Order , Services , Mechanisms , Servants , Country , Jobs , Millions , Goods , Humanitarians , Sanctions , Carveouts , Afghans , Biden , Story , Katy Tur , Remarks , Prices , Oil , Plan , Reserves , Jury , Chasing Ahmaud Arbery , Men , Let S Go , State Of Georgia , Killing , Arguments , Three , No One , Defendants , Self Defense , Defense , Each , Claims , Response , Lawyers , Wrong , Citizen S Arrest , One , Course , Someone , Provocation , Cross Examining Travis Mcmichael , Murderer , Accomplice , Big , People , State , Thing , Everyone , Responsibility , Isn T , Ladies And Gentlemen , Wall , Defendant , Charges , Actions , Panel , Fate , Trigger , Truck , Gregory Mcmichael , Pursuit , Outcome , Bryan , Juror , Man , Hate Crimes Trial , Jog , Nbc News , Cal Perry , Courthouse , Rights , Maya Wylie , Veteran , Brunswick , Aclu , Sort , Pressure , Timeline , Analysts , Cal , Two , Unite The Right Trial In Charlottesville , Reporter , Worth , Defense Strategy , Prosecution , Attorney , Client , Party , Roddie , Prosecutor , Crime , Something , Point , Theme , Morning , Yes , Judge , Incident , Place , Cops , Down The Line , Message , Law , Instructions , Reason , Time , Evidence , Trial , Admission , Didn T , Gun , Rebuttal , Times , Hand , Closing , Nobody , Weapon , Kristen , Jury Instructions , Summation , Simple , Anyone , Lot , Discussion , Toenails , Criminal , Defense Attorneys , Way , Call , Police Officers , Things , Race , State Of Emergency , Caller , Subject , Black Man Running Down The Street , Ways , Points , Defense Attorney , Attention , Jogger , Mr , Rulings , Home , Jogging , The House , Community , Fact , Concept , Reasonableness , Majority , Member , Jury Pool , Peers , Fear , Minds , Majority White Jury , Blackness , Doesn T , It Doesn T , Jurors , Mindsets , Politics , System , Analysis , Interception , Expertise , Pickup Truck , Face , Person , Society , Experiences , Black American , Case , Counts , Roles , Let S Talk , Greg Mcmichael , Who , Fataled , Pickup Trucks , First , Felony Murder , Felony , Split Verdict , Key , Malice Murder , Possibility , Strategy , The Stand , Effort , Conversation , Neighborhood , Link , Film , Police , Police Officer , Filming , His Run , Bank Robbery , Role , Rat , Hung Jury , Robbery , Conviction , Jeopardy , Forth A Beautiful Case , Retried , Onset , Arrest , Rule , Citizens , Mind , Elements , Boy , Messages , Core , View , Backdrop , On Down , Many , Lynching , Crimes , Deterrence , Victim , Criminal Justice , Black Man , Decision , Maya And Cal , Let S Go Over To Wisconsin , Court , Darrell Brooks , Video , Camera , Homicide , Appearance , Suv , Christmas Parade In Wisconsin , Five , 39 , Homeowners , Help , Porch , Coat , It Brooks , Parade Route , Food , Children , House , Questioning , Parade , Others , Brooks Into Custody , 40 , Megan Fitzgerald , Wisconsin , Action , Intent , Officer , Everybody , Question , Answer , Step , Hearings , Bond , Jail , Guy , Drug Charges , Battery , Long , Criminal History Dating , Abuse , Court Documents , Questions , Suspect , Leg , Child , Mother , Tire Mark , Posting , 000 , 1000 , Background , District Attorney , Forward , Kids , Condition , Six , O R , Icu , 48 , Ten , 18 , Katy , Lives , Economy , What In The World , Answers , Public , Committee , Gas Prices , White House , January 6 , 6 , Thieves , Merchandise , Thousands , Chicago , L A , Mobs , Mom , Short Ribs , Unstopables , Booster , Starters , Restaurant , Franchising Everything , Some , Instacart , Narrator , Ingredients , Surgery , Challenges , Conditions , Need , Healing , Cleft , Operation Smile , Supporter , Safelite , Windshield , Operationsmile Org , My Truck Is Livelihood , Gentle Music , Experts , Service , Tradition , Girl , Singers , Season , Safelite Repair , Tis , Cadillac , Show , Ride , Why Don T , Sleigh , Anything , Cadillac Showroom , Recording Artist , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , Students , Comcast , Internet , Emmanuel , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , 10 , Tools , Possibilities , Everything , U S , Timing , Progress , Unemployment , 4 6 , Job , Disposable Income , Wages , Businesses , 14 , President , Disruptions , 5 6 Million , January 20 , 20 , Moms , Concern , Pandemic , Dads , Supply Chain , Holidays , Shortages , Problems , So , Arm , Port Action Plan , Ports , Most , Bottlenecks , Labor , Management , Long Beach , Damage , Congestion , Seven , Shelves , Product , Ceos , Target , Stock , Covid , Home Depot Walmart , Compromise , Government , Walmart , C Eceo , Number , Shipping Prices , Innovation , Containers , Movement , Docks , 33 , 25 , Doorsteps , Retailers , Families , Grocery Stores , Turkey , Challenge , Stores , News , Gifts , Holiday Season , Ice Skates , Bicycles , Price , Gasoline , Problem , Record Levels , Asia , Facing , Around The World , Europe , Gallon , The End , France , Japan , 7 , , 5 50 , 50 , Gas , Northern California , Impact , America On Average , 3 40 , 40 , Hit 3 69 , Spikes , Places , 2014 , 3 69 , 2012 , 3 90 , 2019 , 69 , 90 , 3 , Idly , Supply , Countries , Demand , Companies , Part , Issues , Oil Prices , Leaders , Phone , Pump , Nations , Largest , Addition , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , Deal , Solution , Lack , China , India , Republic Of Korea , United Kingdom , Ease Prices , Corner Gas Station , Bottom Line , Turn , Globe , Reach , God , Announcement , Policymakers , Calls , Building Blocks For Today , Meetings , Tank , Difference , Reliance , Energy , Gas Drop , Term , Class , Strain , Working Families , Issue , Anticipation , Pump Hasn T , Consumers , More , Gas Supply Companies , Words , Penny , Averages , Retail , Line , Gap , Behavior , Federal Trade Commission , Profit , Industry , Climate Change , Measures , Myth , Cars , Availability , Doing , Jobs Building , Gm Factory In Detroit , Folks , Hundreds , 00 , 800 , Savings , Pumps , Batteries , Devices , Opportunities , Let S Beat Climate Change , 100 , Perspective , World , Inflation , Money , Recovery , Accounting , Pockets , Approach , Determination , Grit , Focus , Bottom Up , Household Income , Whole , Vaccines , End , Safe , Hope , Crisis , Tragedy , Treatments , Job Growth , Family , Chance , Thanksgiving , Needs , God Bless You , Lots , Meals , Food Kitchen , Troops , Gas Station , Mike Memoli , Susan Yen , New York , Ben White , Rises , Poll Numbers , Track , Ship , Hit , Word , Data , Mismatch , Disruption , Approval Rating , Dragging , Supply Chain Challenges , Result , Chair , Posture , Jerome Powell , Fed , Administration , Concerns , Position , Mantra , Voters , Eyes , Office Holder , Candidate , Kitchen Table , Piece , Core Piece , Puzzle , Family Notices , Clothing , Toys , Hanukkah , Add Jobs , Making , Politician , Situation , Say , Jimmy Carter , Strategic Reserve , 50 Million , 100 Million , The Point , Half , R , Koord Nigs , Ber , Bit , Production , Oil Producers , Opec Hasn T , Car , Yasmin , Plane , Family Members , 40 Million , Relief , National Average , Instance , Grandparents , Heck , Toyota Camry , 75 , 1 25 , 5 , 25 , Four , Look , Beer , Method , Housekeeper , 30 , 45 , 0 , Beating , Roof , Stickers , Anecdotally , Numbers , Advice , Saying , Pictures , Average , Pajamas On , Unleaded Fuel , 3 45 , 45 , Drive , Tv , On Semiconductors , Autos , Port Delays , Slowdown , Improvement , Work , Success , West Coast , Semiconductors , Mike , Guys , Hearing , Stay , It , Punches , Th , Subaru , Love , Applebee S , Cheetos Boneless Wings , Vo , Fourteen , Donor , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Black Friday , Love Event , Charity , Sale , Share , Wayfair , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Products , Shipping , Lighting , Credit Card , Ge , 65 , 80 , November 27th , 27 , Beat , Feet , Ken Dilanian , Breaking News , Charlottesville , Unite The Right , National Security , Virginia , Trials , Up To Speed , Damages , Nazis , Organization , Supremacists , 12 Million , A Million , Alt Right , Crowd , Rally , James Fields , Richard Spencer , Victory , Serving Life In Prison , Killed Heather Hire , Conspiracy , Organizations , Plaintiffs , Dollars , Idea , Consequences , Allegation , Violence , Speech , Arena , Violations , 2 , Agreement , Allen Charge , Happening , This Is It , Nine , Conduct , Injuries , Headline , Amounts , A Million Dollars , Count , Judgment , Supremacist , Fields , Million , 6 Million , Distress , Donald Trump , House Committee Investigating January 6 , List , Capitol Hill , Net , Allies , Alex Jones , Members , Security Advisor , Roger Stone , Documents , Mypillow Guy , Subpoenas , Both , Sahil Kippur , Relish , Combat , Statements , Representatives , 24 , Investigation , Information , Jeffrey Clark , Doj , Mark Meadows , No Show , Radio Interview , Sign , Deposition , Trump To Push Word , January 6th , Subpoenaing , Conversations , Individuals , Anybody , Hopes , Narrative , Subpoena , Phone Book , Decisions , Expression , Mark Meadows He , Skin , Retinol , Powerful , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , 60 , Wrinkles Results , Cities , Robberies , Nordstroms , Series , Smash And Grab , Bloomingdale , Authorities , Weekend , Footage , Mob , Erin , Windows , Break , Shopping Center , Suspects , Over , The Grove , Police Pursuit , Heart , San Francisco , String , Shoplifting Crews , Traffic , Cluster , Get Aways , Matter , Sprees Taking Place , The Street , Weapons , Scene , Crowbars , Car Window , Bunch , Ski Masks , Police Racing , Bashing , Stolen Goods , Eyewitness Video Capturing , 50 , City , Officers , Union Square , Eight , Center , Traffic Delays , Tourism , Area , Vehicle , Mayor , Holiday Shopping , Flow Flout , Louis Vuitton , Acts , Well Including Beverly Hill , Opportunity , Multiagency Task , Illinois , 8 Billion , 68 Billion , Felonies , Laws , Officials , Police Pursuits , Will , Misdemeanors , Law Enforcement , Prosecutions , Activity , Police Efforts , Efforts , Sprees , Ring , Bags , Me , Coverage , Hallie Jackson , Jackson , Laundry , Scent Boosters , Clothes , Detergent , Downy Unstopables , Old , Walks , Jerry , Trust Me , 15 , Wish , Unbelievable , Moon , Clunk Ugh , Thud , Air , Verdict , Deliberations , Set , Team Watching ,

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