email article Patients with ultralow-risk breast cancer according to genomic assessment had excellent long-term outcomes regardless of clinical risk or whether they received adjuvant therapy, a new analysis of a randomized trial showed. The 8-year breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) was 99.2% among patients classified as clinically high-risk but ultralow-risk by the MammaPrint 70-gene assay. Patients with an ultralow-risk genomic assessment and low clinical risk had an 8-year BCSS of 99.7%. Freedom from distant metastasis at 8 years was 97.6% in patients who were clinically and genomically low-risk versus 95.0% for those who were clinically high-risk but genomically low-risk. In patients with an ultralow-risk genomic assessment, the 8-year distant metastasis-free interval (DMFI) rate was 97.8% with no adjuvant systemic therapy. That compared with an 8-year DMFI of 97.4% in patients who received only adjuvant endocrine therapy and 94.9% in patients who received chemotherapy with or without endocrine therapy.