Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 12Noon 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 12Noon 20240709

severe lockett with the east bay alliance for a sustainable economy says the city has denied the public a chance to fully understand the report. he released a statement that reads in part what is most alarming is the e i r shows a failure to truly commit to addressing and undoing impacts of environmental racism against oakland communities. he does go on to say the e i r doesn't include critical details about plans to clean toxic waste from the site in order to allow for the safe construction of the expected 3,000 units of housing. he says without a clear plan, oakland families cannot trust they will be able to safely live near or on the site. now, a protest against the project is happening right now at oakland city hall. it's hosted by a local labor party against using public money for the stadium. a survey by a private group recently found the majority of people polled did not want their tax dollars spent on the new stadium. participants in the survey say they would rather have public money go to address issues like homelessness and public safety instead of a new ballpark. >>monday's could be used to help or attempt to help address those issues. should they be diverted to being used to assist with the the development of the stadium in opposition exploded phase one of those say to you. on their own, if you're one of those stadia, a community benefits like every other development does. >>oakland mayor libby schaaf insists no taxpayer money would go toward the project, but with no new stadium, the a's say they'll be leaving. oakland. the oakland planning commission is set to meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon. we'll bring you the outcome of their discussion on kron. 4 news tonight. happening now, police and wildlife officials are searching for an aggressive mountain lion in belmont. the big cat last seen early this morning just outside the water dog lake and open space kron on's charles clifford joining us live now from that area with more on the search for the big all cat charles police say the mount line actually fought and killed another mountain lion. >>yeah, you know, it's not unusual to outlying sightings here in san mateo county. occasionally hear about amount killing a deer, but to hear of one mountain lion attacking another that is i've never even heard of that before. but that's apparently exactly what happened this morning. i've seen belmont police officers driving by higher by here cdfw rangers going by here as well. and they're asking neighbors to be careful and keep an eye out for this aggressive cat. according to the belmont police department, they received a call about 2 o'clock on wednesday morning saying that there are mountain lions fighting in the middle of hastings drive near bridge court when they arrived on scene, they discovered the one mountain lion had killed another and drug. the carcass. >>into a neighbor's yard. they took away the dead mountain lion and game wardens and police searched for the other mountain lion but were unable to locate it. now it's not unusual to see mount lions in this area. these homes, but up against open space. there's a lot of shrub and areas where mountain lions can hide. i talked to one neighbor who lives just down the street. she says that everyone's aware there outlines nearby and it is something you have to worry about a little especially if i have a little animals like little dogs. i did have a little dog one time and i was worried about it. >>so when you hear that 2 of them were fighting down the street from your house and want one online killed another, that's kind of disturbing. yes, is very disturbing that they would be killing each other. but i guess they're fighting for territory. >>you know, it's getting tighter and tighter for them. >>now police did put out a warning to neighbors to be aware that there was an aggressive mountain lion in the area. there's also karl mont a high school down the street from here. and the message went out there as well. warning parents and students about this mountain line, although no lockdown was put in place. all right, back live now, experts say if you do encounter a mountain lion, don't run try to make yourself bigger, make some noise. and also keep an eye on small children and pets as well. but for now in san mateo county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. all right, charles, keep your head on that swivel like we talked about earlier. stay safe out there. >>while from mountain lions to mount tam. we're switching gears now to get a check of our weather forecast. it was looking pretty gloomy up until just a moment ago, i started to see the sunshine kind of peeking through here in the city. but as you can see in this view, there is still quite a thick layer of fog. definitely, of course, going through the golden gate bridge as it usually does. let's check in now with kron on meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez i know charles is a live shot there. it looked pretty clear down in san mateo area. but behind you, like i said, that fog is definitely sticking around. yeah, that's right. now all the fog months are definitely out there in full force. dense fog advisory, though. >>not as bad as what was this morning. so that has been allowed to expire. but we're still noticing some pockets of dense, low clouds and fog around the coast, not just near golden gate bridge, but even as you head into the north bay as well, better lifting and clearing within the next hour or 2. but as you can see, a lot of sunshine everywhere else. just that stubborn marine layer right there around downtown san francisco. and even as you make your way into the north bay valleys, including timber on as well. so it is pretty localized, very unique microclimate forecast. and because of that, let's take a layer of low cloud cover petaluma nevado and tipper 48 degrees out there because they haven't really notice much of the sun, even napa and allay noticing that thick fog bank right now impacting temperatures in that area. 45 degrees for but check out half moon bay in the low 60. so 15 degree difference just because we're noticing better clearing their widespread low to mid 50's for everyone else in the bay area. even santa rosa seeing that sunshine out there right now. that's what you're currently in the mid-fifties. but when tracker for calm winds for now, but we are going to see gusty winds, especially for north bay mountains. tonight at around 30 to 40 miles per hour less. so fortunately below wind advisory level and we're going to see hazy skies with moderate air particles throughout today and a gradual warming trend in the days ahead. details ahead on what you can expect in your full forecast in just a few minutes. noel, back to you. thanks. mabrisa. national news this afternoon. a big announcement from overnight the biden administration is going to be making 400 million 95 masks available for free. >>starting next week, this companies with those free tests that are now available for you to order online. federal officials are continuing to emphasize these types of masks, provide better protection against the omicron variant, which is way more contagious. now, doctors have also said these masks are btter than cloth face coverings. the free ones are expected to be available for pickup at pharmacies and health centers all across the country starting late next week. of course. stay tuned with us here on kron on. president biden is scheduled to start speaking around. 1 o'clock this afternoon to wrap up his first year in office will bring you his remarks live as soon as it begins students at stanford, meanwhile, are opposing the school's covid vaccine booster mandate. hundreds of them signing a petition demanding the university repeal. it kron on sarah stinson has details. >>stanford students have less than 2 weeks to show proof of getting the booster shot. meanwhile, there's an online petition circulating around campus. it already has 1700 signatures and growing, not anti-vaccine anti boosting anything like that. that's not the goal of this position. >>the vision is pro making your own choices, monte fisher is a first year phd student at stanford. he created the online petition and says it's quickly gaining traction from students from from staff from parents and alumni. 95% of students testing on campus. >>are already fully vaccinated. and that's why fisher believes it's now a time when the booster shot should be a choice booster. vaccines are not a cure. all right. they're not going to stop transmission on campus. >>and they're not going they're not going to cut a extraordinarily high hospitalization rate. that's not the situation we're looking at here. we're looking at young, healthy, fully vaccinated. people. >>in response to the petitions, a stanford spokesperson says, quote, our booster requirement for students who are eligible is intended to support sustained immunity against covid-19 and it's consistent with the advice of county and federal public health leaders and quote, stanford says it puts a booster mandate in place due to a continuous rise in covid cases since winter break. 205 students and 287 staff members tested positive last week. right now over 300 students are isolating in student housing either with covid or they've been exposed. the main point that supporters of this petition want to get across is that a booster shot should be a personal decision. it struck me as kind of paternalistic and condescending that stanford would choose to make that decision for us. right. let us look at the data. >>let us look at the evidence and make our own decision. the petition is still gaining more signatures but students hand delivered it to the president yesterday in a physical copy. they've not heard back yet. so far it seems like this booser mandate will continue to go into effect on january 31st. >>i'm sarah stinson reporting back to you. >>down in the south bay, 2 people are dead after being struck by a car while crossing street and san jose. it happened last night around 08:30pm, near made an expressway and foxworthy avenue. police say the 2 victims, 2 adult males and one woman tried to cross the street outside of a nut of any marked crosswalks. the car which had a green light at the intersection, struck the 2 men and woman all 3 were taken to the hospital. the they succumb to their injuries. they mark the city's 6th and 7th traffic fatality victims this year already san jose police spoke today about the crash leaving one message for the community. >>i believe all of our pedestrian fatalities this year have been people that were outside of cross like i said, we're i don't want to do any victim blaming, right? but it was a bad decision crossing and express late at night outside of a crosswalk. but, you know, the message is please use a crosswalk. >>the 3rd victim is in the hospital. she's expected to survive. the driver was also taken to the hospital with moderate injuries. no evidence of alcohol or drugs. us factors of the crash. this is san jose, 6 traffic fatality. so far this year. we're now just 3 days away from san francisco forty-niners taking on the packers as they continue their quest to the super bowl. will they do it again this year? that's the big question. the niners were back on the practice field yesterday. all signs pointing up when it comes to injuries and things like that. we have to start with the most important player on the field, though quarterback jimmy g he was on the practice field. despite that bomb shoulder and thumb, he injured his. he injured his shoulder late in the 2nd quarter on a play. as you can see, though, he was trying to protect as some from a blow and of exposing his shoulder during regular season. the packers beat the niners at levi stadium, both kyle shanahan and jimmy g no, a lot has changed since that matchup. >>i think both teams are a lot you know, it earlier in the air for both of us. you know, i think we had lost a game yet. i think there are 500 at the time and you know, i think i don't think either of us are execute as good as we are now on both sides we've both been a lot through a lot worse than done. i think on both sides of the ball and special teams on both teams are better in all phases. a lot's changed. honestly, personnel has changed. >>they're get some guys they're getting healthier and you can see that and you know, we have some different personnel to them. we have 3 so i you definitely watch that game taking into account. there's a long time ago. a lot things have changed dramatically. personalize, but i know we've got to be prepared for whatever they want to do that had, you know, a lot of time prepare for this one. >>the niners you play the packers this saturday at lambeau field kickoff set for 5.15, in the evening. our time and a lot of people going to be glued to their screens for that one. all right. coming up here on kron on phone, the scam warning where some residents have been getting a call that claim to be from a local sheriff's office. we'll tell you all about it. plus, a food bank in jeopardy. why the facility is blaming the city of san jose for its potential closure. >>you're watching kron on. we'l hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >>up in the north bay, the mill valley community is mourning the loss of a town of highs. high school sophomore who was killed in a 4 car crash that happened sunday morning on highway one, 60 near watt mile road. the victims, twin brother is in critical condition following the crash. the driver of the car that winds were passengers and was arrested for driving under the influence. that driver a 24 year-old man from nevado and he's been released on bond. investigators say speed also played a factor in the crash. >>it was reported as driving recklessly crossing the solid double yellow lines. best other vehicles that traveling westbound. i like to serve as a reminder. people out there just care drive at the speed no drive one of >>the people in the other 3 cars involved in the crash were not seriously hurt. mill valley community is rallying around the boy's family raising money to help them in their time of need. a food pantry that serves hundreds of people each day in the south bay might be forced to close the city of san jose seeking thousands of dollars in order for the pantry to stay open. but as kron on's, dan thorn explains the church that operates the pantry is worried. it will be hard to come up with the money. >>6 days a week, hundreds of people line up for food at light house ministries pantry in san jose. for the past few years, the operation has been trying to help fill the need within the community. but now the service might be forced to stop. we're just trying to help expected more support from the city. i think i expected them to kind of step in and give me a hand here and passed around almost says the city of san jose is asking for a special use permit. the permit costs more than $15,000 and needs to be paid by april. the pastor is not sure they can come up with the money. i understand what they're saying. understand the whole form out is it's just when you weigh that out against the need for food right now, it doesn't really have a comparison before the request for the special use permit. the pantry was notified by the city last week that it was not complying with zoning rules. the notice kept the pantry from operating for several days even before the covid-19 pandemic began. the pantry has been a lifeline for those who need food. many are worried a closure will force them to go hungry. it's very poor because without their help. i don't know her. i would be a spokesperson for the city of san jose says the understand the vital role that food pantries play in the community. but the pantry operates in a small convenience store in a residential neighborhood. >>the permit is required to avoid issues such as parking and other impacts on neighbors and online fundraiser appears to have come up with more than $16,000 to cover the cost of the special use permit. pastor almost says he just wants to continue helping his community. i just really don't see why. >>those issues right now are that important? first is feeding people. let's do the right thing. especially when really counts. reporting in san jose. dan thorn kron, 4 news. >>city of dublin has seen an increase in coyotes around this city. we have some video of coyote seen in other parts of the east bay recently as well. the sightings have been reported in the area of emerald glen park, central parkway and tassel heart creek trail. officials say be cautious when spotting them notify the california department of fish and wildlife. if you do see them. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the have more news after the break. when a truck hit my car, have more news after the bthe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. let our injury attorneys help after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. >>covid case count in california is showing just how transmissible the omicron variant is. the state department of public health reported 1 million cases from january 10th to january 17th at the fastest rate. all pandemic long. even during last winter's disastrous wave new infections increased more slowly. the state health officials say they've recorded 7 million total cases since the pandemic began. despite the rapidly rising case count, there's reason to believe we're approaching the peak of the surge. doctor michael vollmer is an epidemiologist for kaiser permanente. he says their data shows covid case rates may be cresting and expects a big drop sometime this month. i think it's fairly safe to say that will see it over the next week or 2. >>my only hesitation is is any effect at this last period. he's had. >>doctor palmer says the best thing you can do is get boosted the extra protection has proven effective against severe illness from the virus. california's office of emergency services announced it's delivered more than 20 million masks to county boards of education since the start of the new year here in the bay area, santa clara county has received the most masks of nearly 1 million napa county has received about 77,000 officials on each board of education are responsible for distributing the masks to each school district. they may also request additional resources like cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer. to our coronavirus coverage. now, since the start of the pandemic, there's been a big demand for n 95 masks. but there were never enough for everyone. that's only because there are only 7 companies in the united states authorized by the cdc to make 95 masks. chris horne takes us inside a factory where they're making about 500,000 of the masks every week. >>as you might guess, business is booming here at i b watch. they're making n 95 mask. one of only a handful of companies that are authorized to do with the entire country. >>production is running at a high pitch and iv watch in newport news on a roll with spiking demand for masks. the manufacturing is overseen by the federal government. >>the audit a state visit make sure that we make them properly. >>this ceo says no one oversees the manufacture of kaye and 90 five's i can make kn 95 my basement. nobody would knock on my door is i sold with omicron on the rampage orders for n 95. piling up for a company that says its mask that sun filters better than any other were running. one shift now. >>that one shift cells pretty much as fast as we make it. so we're starting a dish. null shifts know american made machinery and raw materials. half a million masks a week. >>and 95 nothing new. they've been used in construction and health care for years. this company is one of only 7 authorized by the cdc and fda to make medical grade. n 95 is in the country. how good are they? we went to a room filled with airborne sodium chloride. here's a mask that i've used occasionally over the past several months. we're going to test it and compare it with an n 95 for their suffering. sodium chloride particles getting into moss. the reading was 1300 particles getting inside the kn. 95 was next and let in about half as many particles but still failed. this n 95 was letting in only about 30 particles. we're about 50 times more effective than the cloth mask. i had the news in newport news. chris horne. >>you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the break. >>breaking news at 12, 30 this afternoon, california attorney general rob bonta. his office is opening a civil rights investigation into the santa clara county sheriff's office. bonta said in a statement today the investigation will seek to determine whether the sheriff's office has engaged in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional conduct as it relates to conditions in its jail facilities, resistance to lawful oversight and other misconduct. you might remember back in december, the santa clara county civil grand jury accused sheriff laurie smith of political favoritism through concealed carry weapons permits and resisting an audit into negligence allegations. she did make a virtual court appearance last week but did not enter a plea. smith has led the santa clara county sheriff's office since 1998. will continue to follow this breaking news today here on kron for as well as on our website. new this afternoon, the cdc has issued a travel advisory to 22 more countries all due to a spike in covid cases. the countries on the list include israel, australia, egypt, albania, argentina and uruguay. the cdc elevated its travel recommendations to these countries to level 4 very high telling americans they should avoid these destinations among others, panama cutter, the bahamas, bermuda and the british virgin islands are also on this list, which overall now includes just over 100 countries and territories now, speaking of international travel, some flights were interrupted today. not necessarily due to covid-19 today, wireless companies rolled out the long-awaited 5 g cell phone service and as kron on's will tran reports major u.s. airlines are worried the rollout could ground some flights. you can still have 5 g today. it is rolling out by the major telecommunications companies. but you will not get 5 g. >>near the airports because they have agreed to delay it within 2 miles of major airports like sfo, the airline industry, they claim the 5 g technology, which is state of the art. it interferes with their all to mutter, which is a piece of equipment in the cockpit that allows the pilots to know how high they are above the ground. it is very important when they can't see during landing, especially when it's dark or foggy. so they don't want 5 g turned on which was scheduled to start today. it is happening across the country, but many airports, they're not doing this for now. the telecommunications companies, they're very upset by this saying that we have told you for a very long time that this was happening. it's already being done at airports in 40 countries across the globe. so what is the problem? the u.s. aviation industry? that's what they're saying to them. but the pilots, they of course they are the ones there. the first line of defense they are for the delay. >>its major concern, the ramifications of the interference at a critical time of the landing could be hundreds lives and we can't do that. we can say, well, we're not going to do anything until something really bad happens. >>it looks like it's business as usual for domestic flights. so if there are delays, you cannot blame it on 5 g. but the international flights coming into america, they had to make a decision yesterday before this was announced that they would delay it. so many international flights have either been rerouted or canceled altogether because of this 5 g snafu. back to it. >>over in the east bay at a major effort to get ghost guns off the streets. the oakland city council has taken a big step towards getting guns off the streets and making the communities safer. kron on's camila barco has the details. this legislation allows law enforcement to step up their efforts. >>and confiscate these ghost guns. people wo are found with these weapons will also be cited and arrested as of march of 2021, the county for nearly 22% of firearms confiscated last year in oakland. so the city council voted to support the ban on ghost guns. and these are weapons that you can make at home using. okay. they are untraceable, unregulated and he don't require any of your personal information to my this people don't have to go through a background check. go through waiting periods or be limited on how many they can buy and said council members decided to move forward with this legislation to strike back on the ongoing gun violence in the city in oakland, the percentage of privately manufactured firearms jumps from nearly 7% in 2019 to 16.5% in 2020 councilmember say that these ghost guns have contributed to the rise in gun violence in oakland and this will make a change. you know, we're out there cleaning the neighborhood's streets every day specifically on saturday and with volunteers and >>and we united one time. it was just picking up trash. but now want to pick up picking up a bullet throughout the neighborhoods. so that activity. >>has to change. oakland is joining other cities in california like los angeles and san diego and banning ghost california is also thinking about implementing a similar law. >>in san francisco, camila barco kron. 4 in palo alto. a man in his 70's was able to scare a burglar from his home by chasing him. >>with a baseball bat, police responded to the call tuesday morning on sequoyah avenue. a woman said her husband was chasing the man who had entered their home as officers were searching the neighborhood. another caller nearby reported she had just found the suspect hiding in her detached garage and that he had stolen a bicycle. police were able to catch up with. 44 year-old won bartolo rios. they arrested him in connection to both incidents. san mateo county sheriff's office is alerting residents about a new scam that's going around right now. authorities saying someone impersonating a sheriff's deputy has been calling people and demanding them to pay warrants that are against them. recently, a caller instructed a victim in san carlos to buy a $2000 prepaid debit card and then provide them the numbers on the back. the victim did not buy a card instead reported this call to the sheriff's office. that's the thing you should do. if you become a victim of a scam call. the sheriff's office says the calls are fake. law enforcement will never call to collect money. and if this happens to you, hang up and call your local law enforcement agency. some more positive news here this afternoon. the historic castro theater has announced a new partnership to bring shows to the neighborhood plans to reinvent the theater has a live event venue. theaters owners are working with another planet entertainment to upgrade and modernize the building. there are some plans to improve the sound system in there. the lighting as well as the iconic marquee that we all know and love along with the tech upgrades, the theater is set to host live music and comedy shows as well as community events. it will still screen select movies as well. so this is kind of all inclusive here at the castro theater. grand reopening has been proposed for 2023. all right. well, 37 times take a live look outside at our sutro camera. it was very, very gloomy. earlier today. the sun is really, really trying to break through. it seems you still got quite a thick layer of fog, though, here across the city kron on meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez standing by with a look at our forecast, a member he said, hey there, no, well, yeah, we're noticing better lifting in clearing for those of you in the east bay over berkeley, but across the bay, as you can see, still tracking that stubborn marine layer blanketing golden gate bridge. but temperatures out there right now. we are seeing sam a tale in the low 60's. so plenty of sunshine there. half moon bay am pacific up. >>in the mid 50's as his downtown san francisco and san jose at 54 degrees. dublin and conquered. 57 degrees for your afternoon highs and we're tracking still 40's for most of our north bay valleys, specifically around the bay from timber on all the way into the still in the mid to upper 40's there just because of that dense low cloud cover. so the sun trying to break through, but we are seeing a lot of clouds out there with when tracker for we are expecting to get wind gusts throughout tonight, especially for those of you in the north bay mountains could see gusts upwards of about 30 to 40 miles per hour or less at was peak sonoma. going to see the gusty east winds tonight with some more windy conditions expected for the bay area friday into saturday. could see wind gusts throughout the valley, 30 miles per hour less and in the highest peaks about 55 miles per hour. going to keep an eye on that in the coming days. and as you can see, kronon planner forecast tracking upper 50's for downtown san francisco. just because of that fog bank there but low to mid 60's from oakland, even for most of our inland valleys like san jose. so temperatures a little bit mild there. but radar for right now tracking stubborn marine layer still around parts of the north bay valleys. and we're going to see another round of dense, low clouds and fog for your thursday morning with better lifting and clearing by the afternoon. and with that warmer temperatures as well in the days to come so future cast for not tracking any rain, a mix of sun and clouds for your thursday, giving way to plenty of sunshine for the next several days after that fog bank lifts. but as you could see, no rain in sight. no well, for at least the next 7 days. but we could see that pattern change in early february. so >>fingers crossed for that. back to you. all right. thanks. mabrisa. we do have an update this afternoon on the island of tonga, 3 of the country's smaller islands are suffering from significant damage due to tsunami waves. those waves were the result of a massive eruption of an undersea volcano just off the coast of the islands. >>the country officials and the red cross say they're getting a better picture now of the magnitude of damage and the help that needs to be done. communications have been down on the island since saturday's eruption, but there are reports a few homes still remain standing will continue to monitor this situation as we receive more updates. back here in america. take a look at this cutie. a critically endangered sumatran orangutan is in new orleans has given birth to this healthy baby boy, officials at the audubon zoo said 12 year-old minari gave birth to the baby on christmas eve. the infant is being bottle fed right now because its mother wasn't producing enough milk. unfortunately, he did have a twin, but it died in the womb. however, this little guy arrived without issue currently doesn't have a name, but they are caring for him around the clock. always good to see endangered species able give birth to healthy babies like this one. all right. coming up here on kron on a bit coin by out why some states are ready to pay you $10,000. you're watching kron on. we're goin >>the shift to working from home has towns and cities fighting to attract remote workers. and in turn, new residents, some are even offering financial incentives like bit coin to encourage people to move across the country. aaron nolan reports. it's a growing trend. >>cities and states are creating incentives to get people to move in. here's an example. tulsa, oklahoma officials are giving $10,000 in an innovative program to bolster the city's economy. and in the northwest corner of arkansas, the life works here initiative is offering $10,000 to relocate to the region and that money can come as cash or in the original crypto bitcoin. now bitcoin has grown and both popularity and in value currently around $43,000. but 5 years ago, the price was less than 500 bucks for one bitcoin. the northwest arkansas council believes this crypto craze will help attract tech professionals and entrepreneurs to the region. it's a trend that technology is fred. brandon believes we'll continue to grow as more regions except this new technology see so of adoption. >>you know, in mainstream, not whether we're talking about to these were talking about were talking about a block chain technology as a whole applicants for the programs will face tough competition, though. >>in tulsa, the exclusive initiative might be harder to get into. then an ivy league school with applicants coming from all over the world. only 2% of the 25,000 applicants get the cash for the program. tulsa, remote, regardless of those numbers, it's a tactic. brandon says more cities will use in the future just like arkansas is trying to do. >>that was aaron nolan reporting for us. >>well, it is the hottest game on the internet. i have started quite competition here at kron 4 on this one. rich demuro talks were dull. and today's tech smart. >>or it all is a free daily online word game that everyone seems to be playing. here's what it's all about. and some tips to help you win. >>so that means we have the are in the right place mortal. and there's also an essendon. even this weren't a simple online work game that suddenly everyone seems to be playing. it's a great game. first of all, right. that's the basis of anything being super popular. the daily game gives you 6 chances to guess a 5 letter word. so i'm thinking scale, but i know isn't the word. so that would not be a good correct? letters are highlighted green means a letter is in the right spot. yellow means the letter is in the word but not in the right spots. it's really nice that it's. bite size and only wanted a big game created by a brooklyn based software developer. the original only available at the website, power language dot co dot uk slash wordle the confusing url has led many searching but there is no official app and no need to pay to play. so it could be shire. and it sure is. for guests is not too bad. you can add a short cut to the daily game on your phone like going to the website and pressing the share icon in choosing add to home screen part of the game's appeal is bragging rights. when you saw the puzzle, you can share how many tries to take you on social media, housing, something that you can share that capitalizes on the way that the internet has to go viral, i think has caused us to like propagate and spread in a major way. if you're ready to dive in, there is a trick to get. you started going to start with a rise because that gives you a three-run fouls and aren't as switch always are very common letters and then burned holds a crossword puzzles, lighter and new fan of mortal buy-in. getting word game brandon for the you know, just as long as having fun with that, i think that's really the main. that's the main now, if you get really good at were all there is a hard mode in the settings that makes the puzzles even more challenging to soft. >>all right. going to we're all you can go to my website. it is rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >>well, you could now win reservations at yosemite national park. the park so popular right now it's opening its own lottery system. the grand prize is early access to booking a site at the park's most popular campground. north pines tickets cost $10 more than 600 winners will be chosen next month after they make the reservations. the remaining campsites will be made available to the general public. if somebody thinks the lottery creates a fair and balanced way to make reservations, we do have a link for you on our website. kron 4 dot com. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the break. >>time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black, safe at home. i kept asking when will you come to the studio, robbie? and then look, i'm out of the studio. back. so it's good to see you at home. 2 years. >>want to come back, but i'm starting to look kind of i can't imagine. so i was gone. you like for a month between vacation and covid and >>2 years. robbie, your beard is getting longer, ok? i digress. so let's talk a stock market. so explain to me if you would, how tech stocks are getting hammered by bond yields going up. what i was a connection. >>yeah. so this is a little complicated for television in under 30 seconds. but as interest rates go higher, it means the value of money is going to reflect inflation, which means earnings are worth last. says they're getting hit hardest right in inflationary periods. companies that earn a lot of money lose little naive in our cash. stocks are tempting a rebound. tech stocks are down 10% from their all-time highs, which is normal. it's normal. don't get upset. be happy. it's on sale. a big winner. data bank of america that slight give some props to our economy because it's a big bank. we do a lot of loans there as consumers. and it's telling that we're getting back to normal, which is getting short term bad news because it creates inflation long-term, good news because it creates jobs. procter gamble, there's a lot of shampoos and they said they got hit by inflation. so, you know, they did. they charge just more money for the goods we buy from procter gamble, toothpaste, toothbrushes. shampoos soaps. you get the idea and i'm housing starts. tara, having the best start touched means permits and swinging of hammers. and since 2000, 6, but housing is getting hit by inflation. that's to be a bumpy twenty-twenty to advise you right now with elections in the year with a lot of drama, what you want to say like a pilot stay tray tables up and see if that's on track to be >>thank you, rob yourself on high bad eyesight as a kid, michigan and be a pilot. oh, yeah. that did it. yeah. >>i don't still say good that we will check on that. okay. so a little bit of that was want want walk because it's so technical coffee, or coffee talk. i can do coffee. talk. i i i buy my own coffee. but you're saying coffee is back like as in going to the coffee shops. >>good for you. but for miners coffee because people like me say 5 bucks a day is all you need to save for and get retirement. so the coffee shop businesses back to prepandemic levels. so our local since the communities, the coffee shop right? and foot traffic is back to prepandemic levels. the 2019 that's positive. the coffee breaks that are interesting because we're now hitting 08:39am, in the morning. i used to get up at 4 to drive to cry. to get coffee on the way at 6 morning. now i can get coffee after i spotted 9 in the morning show the way we're consuming coffee. slightly different. one interesting thing. i don't know anything about this company. so tip in from you would be great. that's brothers. the new drive-thru coffee in the pacific northwest, idaho. they're doing great. that's the big trend in coffee right now. expect starbucks to get more drive-thrus and condone its to continue to expand on the thrives. yeah. i mean, i i've been to the drivers and also the risers were like the people pay for the coffee behind them. and then they call that behind him and that, you know, keep it going, which is cute. i love that. >>have you as >>i'm not participating in that cup of coffee guy. and my my fear is a behind a frappuccino. >>like you know, yeah. it's like $40, but it is. it's a nice little thing that when you go to the drive-thru, i have noticed. so thank you for all that info. rob is good to cheers. mike, i got a big one and it's good to see you again. nice to be back. and i will see you tomorrow. i hope ways. tomorrow, friday night you will see tomorrow. and yes, ready. if you would like to reach rob, you can e-mail him or up on facebook or twitter. all right. want to feel like a slacker. a teenager in georgia just got accepted by more than 40 colleges. can yari sawyer has received scholarship offers totaling more than a half a million dollars. congratulations to her. she is the oldest of 3 kids says her biggest inspiration is her mother who was unable to go to college and now she has her pick of 40 plus colleges where actually apply to more than 90 schools. >>i'm sure those applications are those acceptance letters are probably going to keep on rolling. and we'll see which college she decides to attend. i don't fly august the out of my price of was cleveland and mississippi and i didn't think i was going to get something >>i hasten goes easy process and i just started walking it. >>so he says you have to attend one of her top 5 schools major in criminal justice and eventually become a lawyer. she is well on her way. congratulations once again. thanks for watching. kron on at noon. i'm noelle bellow. we'll see you back here at 3 o'clock. have a good day. the news continues on kron on grab your phone and scanned the qr code on your screen to download the kron on app. also available on roku. amazon fire stick and apple tv. >> judge patricia: you got a temporary restraining order against him. >> threatening me, threatening my life. it's my biggest regret in life. >> judge patricia: stay away. >> announcer: "hot bench." judge tanya acker. judge patricia dimango. judge michael corriero. three judges. three opinions. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. captions paid for by cbs television distribution >> sonia: your honor, this is case number 74, maldonado vs. torres. >> judge patricia: thank you, sonia. ms. maldonado, mr. torres, the two of you were in a relationship, not formally married. you have a child in common plus some other children, and through the course of your marriage, you lived together, filed joint taxes, a y

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 12Noon 20240709

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severe lockett with the east bay alliance for a sustainable economy says the city has denied the public a chance to fully understand the report. he released a statement that reads in part what is most alarming is the e i r shows a failure to truly commit to addressing and undoing impacts of environmental racism against oakland communities. he does go on to say the e i r doesn't include critical details about plans to clean toxic waste from the site in order to allow for the safe construction of the expected 3,000 units of housing. he says without a clear plan, oakland families cannot trust they will be able to safely live near or on the site. now, a protest against the project is happening right now at oakland city hall. it's hosted by a local labor party against using public money for the stadium. a survey by a private group recently found the majority of people polled did not want their tax dollars spent on the new stadium. participants in the survey say they would rather have public money go to address issues like homelessness and public safety instead of a new ballpark. >>monday's could be used to help or attempt to help address those issues. should they be diverted to being used to assist with the the development of the stadium in opposition exploded phase one of those say to you. on their own, if you're one of those stadia, a community benefits like every other development does. >>oakland mayor libby schaaf insists no taxpayer money would go toward the project, but with no new stadium, the a's say they'll be leaving. oakland. the oakland planning commission is set to meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon. we'll bring you the outcome of their discussion on kron. 4 news tonight. happening now, police and wildlife officials are searching for an aggressive mountain lion in belmont. the big cat last seen early this morning just outside the water dog lake and open space kron on's charles clifford joining us live now from that area with more on the search for the big all cat charles police say the mount line actually fought and killed another mountain lion. >>yeah, you know, it's not unusual to outlying sightings here in san mateo county. occasionally hear about amount killing a deer, but to hear of one mountain lion attacking another that is i've never even heard of that before. but that's apparently exactly what happened this morning. i've seen belmont police officers driving by higher by here cdfw rangers going by here as well. and they're asking neighbors to be careful and keep an eye out for this aggressive cat. according to the belmont police department, they received a call about 2 o'clock on wednesday morning saying that there are mountain lions fighting in the middle of hastings drive near bridge court when they arrived on scene, they discovered the one mountain lion had killed another and drug. the carcass. >>into a neighbor's yard. they took away the dead mountain lion and game wardens and police searched for the other mountain lion but were unable to locate it. now it's not unusual to see mount lions in this area. these homes, but up against open space. there's a lot of shrub and areas where mountain lions can hide. i talked to one neighbor who lives just down the street. she says that everyone's aware there outlines nearby and it is something you have to worry about a little especially if i have a little animals like little dogs. i did have a little dog one time and i was worried about it. >>so when you hear that 2 of them were fighting down the street from your house and want one online killed another, that's kind of disturbing. yes, is very disturbing that they would be killing each other. but i guess they're fighting for territory. >>you know, it's getting tighter and tighter for them. >>now police did put out a warning to neighbors to be aware that there was an aggressive mountain lion in the area. there's also karl mont a high school down the street from here. and the message went out there as well. warning parents and students about this mountain line, although no lockdown was put in place. all right, back live now, experts say if you do encounter a mountain lion, don't run try to make yourself bigger, make some noise. and also keep an eye on small children and pets as well. but for now in san mateo county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. all right, charles, keep your head on that swivel like we talked about earlier. stay safe out there. >>while from mountain lions to mount tam. we're switching gears now to get a check of our weather forecast. it was looking pretty gloomy up until just a moment ago, i started to see the sunshine kind of peeking through here in the city. but as you can see in this view, there is still quite a thick layer of fog. definitely, of course, going through the golden gate bridge as it usually does. let's check in now with kron on meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez i know charles is a live shot there. it looked pretty clear down in san mateo area. but behind you, like i said, that fog is definitely sticking around. yeah, that's right. now all the fog months are definitely out there in full force. dense fog advisory, though. >>not as bad as what was this morning. so that has been allowed to expire. but we're still noticing some pockets of dense, low clouds and fog around the coast, not just near golden gate bridge, but even as you head into the north bay as well, better lifting and clearing within the next hour or 2. but as you can see, a lot of sunshine everywhere else. just that stubborn marine layer right there around downtown san francisco. and even as you make your way into the north bay valleys, including timber on as well. so it is pretty localized, very unique microclimate forecast. and because of that, let's take a layer of low cloud cover petaluma nevado and tipper 48 degrees out there because they haven't really notice much of the sun, even napa and allay noticing that thick fog bank right now impacting temperatures in that area. 45 degrees for but check out half moon bay in the low 60. so 15 degree difference just because we're noticing better clearing their widespread low to mid 50's for everyone else in the bay area. even santa rosa seeing that sunshine out there right now. that's what you're currently in the mid-fifties. but when tracker for calm winds for now, but we are going to see gusty winds, especially for north bay mountains. tonight at around 30 to 40 miles per hour less. so fortunately below wind advisory level and we're going to see hazy skies with moderate air particles throughout today and a gradual warming trend in the days ahead. details ahead on what you can expect in your full forecast in just a few minutes. noel, back to you. thanks. mabrisa. national news this afternoon. a big announcement from overnight the biden administration is going to be making 400 million 95 masks available for free. >>starting next week, this companies with those free tests that are now available for you to order online. federal officials are continuing to emphasize these types of masks, provide better protection against the omicron variant, which is way more contagious. now, doctors have also said these masks are btter than cloth face coverings. the free ones are expected to be available for pickup at pharmacies and health centers all across the country starting late next week. of course. stay tuned with us here on kron on. president biden is scheduled to start speaking around. 1 o'clock this afternoon to wrap up his first year in office will bring you his remarks live as soon as it begins students at stanford, meanwhile, are opposing the school's covid vaccine booster mandate. hundreds of them signing a petition demanding the university repeal. it kron on sarah stinson has details. >>stanford students have less than 2 weeks to show proof of getting the booster shot. meanwhile, there's an online petition circulating around campus. it already has 1700 signatures and growing, not anti-vaccine anti boosting anything like that. that's not the goal of this position. >>the vision is pro making your own choices, monte fisher is a first year phd student at stanford. he created the online petition and says it's quickly gaining traction from students from from staff from parents and alumni. 95% of students testing on campus. >>are already fully vaccinated. and that's why fisher believes it's now a time when the booster shot should be a choice booster. vaccines are not a cure. all right. they're not going to stop transmission on campus. >>and they're not going they're not going to cut a extraordinarily high hospitalization rate. that's not the situation we're looking at here. we're looking at young, healthy, fully vaccinated. people. >>in response to the petitions, a stanford spokesperson says, quote, our booster requirement for students who are eligible is intended to support sustained immunity against covid-19 and it's consistent with the advice of county and federal public health leaders and quote, stanford says it puts a booster mandate in place due to a continuous rise in covid cases since winter break. 205 students and 287 staff members tested positive last week. right now over 300 students are isolating in student housing either with covid or they've been exposed. the main point that supporters of this petition want to get across is that a booster shot should be a personal decision. it struck me as kind of paternalistic and condescending that stanford would choose to make that decision for us. right. let us look at the data. >>let us look at the evidence and make our own decision. the petition is still gaining more signatures but students hand delivered it to the president yesterday in a physical copy. they've not heard back yet. so far it seems like this booser mandate will continue to go into effect on january 31st. >>i'm sarah stinson reporting back to you. >>down in the south bay, 2 people are dead after being struck by a car while crossing street and san jose. it happened last night around 08:30pm, near made an expressway and foxworthy avenue. police say the 2 victims, 2 adult males and one woman tried to cross the street outside of a nut of any marked crosswalks. the car which had a green light at the intersection, struck the 2 men and woman all 3 were taken to the hospital. the they succumb to their injuries. they mark the city's 6th and 7th traffic fatality victims this year already san jose police spoke today about the crash leaving one message for the community. >>i believe all of our pedestrian fatalities this year have been people that were outside of cross like i said, we're i don't want to do any victim blaming, right? but it was a bad decision crossing and express late at night outside of a crosswalk. but, you know, the message is please use a crosswalk. >>the 3rd victim is in the hospital. she's expected to survive. the driver was also taken to the hospital with moderate injuries. no evidence of alcohol or drugs. us factors of the crash. this is san jose, 6 traffic fatality. so far this year. we're now just 3 days away from san francisco forty-niners taking on the packers as they continue their quest to the super bowl. will they do it again this year? that's the big question. the niners were back on the practice field yesterday. all signs pointing up when it comes to injuries and things like that. we have to start with the most important player on the field, though quarterback jimmy g he was on the practice field. despite that bomb shoulder and thumb, he injured his. he injured his shoulder late in the 2nd quarter on a play. as you can see, though, he was trying to protect as some from a blow and of exposing his shoulder during regular season. the packers beat the niners at levi stadium, both kyle shanahan and jimmy g no, a lot has changed since that matchup. >>i think both teams are a lot you know, it earlier in the air for both of us. you know, i think we had lost a game yet. i think there are 500 at the time and you know, i think i don't think either of us are execute as good as we are now on both sides we've both been a lot through a lot worse than done. i think on both sides of the ball and special teams on both teams are better in all phases. a lot's changed. honestly, personnel has changed. >>they're get some guys they're getting healthier and you can see that and you know, we have some different personnel to them. we have 3 so i you definitely watch that game taking into account. there's a long time ago. a lot things have changed dramatically. personalize, but i know we've got to be prepared for whatever they want to do that had, you know, a lot of time prepare for this one. >>the niners you play the packers this saturday at lambeau field kickoff set for 5.15, in the evening. our time and a lot of people going to be glued to their screens for that one. all right. coming up here on kron on phone, the scam warning where some residents have been getting a call that claim to be from a local sheriff's office. we'll tell you all about it. plus, a food bank in jeopardy. why the facility is blaming the city of san jose for its potential closure. >>you're watching kron on. we'l hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >>up in the north bay, the mill valley community is mourning the loss of a town of highs. high school sophomore who was killed in a 4 car crash that happened sunday morning on highway one, 60 near watt mile road. the victims, twin brother is in critical condition following the crash. the driver of the car that winds were passengers and was arrested for driving under the influence. that driver a 24 year-old man from nevado and he's been released on bond. investigators say speed also played a factor in the crash. >>it was reported as driving recklessly crossing the solid double yellow lines. best other vehicles that traveling westbound. i like to serve as a reminder. people out there just care drive at the speed no drive one of >>the people in the other 3 cars involved in the crash were not seriously hurt. mill valley community is rallying around the boy's family raising money to help them in their time of need. a food pantry that serves hundreds of people each day in the south bay might be forced to close the city of san jose seeking thousands of dollars in order for the pantry to stay open. but as kron on's, dan thorn explains the church that operates the pantry is worried. it will be hard to come up with the money. >>6 days a week, hundreds of people line up for food at light house ministries pantry in san jose. for the past few years, the operation has been trying to help fill the need within the community. but now the service might be forced to stop. we're just trying to help expected more support from the city. i think i expected them to kind of step in and give me a hand here and passed around almost says the city of san jose is asking for a special use permit. the permit costs more than $15,000 and needs to be paid by april. the pastor is not sure they can come up with the money. i understand what they're saying. understand the whole form out is it's just when you weigh that out against the need for food right now, it doesn't really have a comparison before the request for the special use permit. the pantry was notified by the city last week that it was not complying with zoning rules. the notice kept the pantry from operating for several days even before the covid-19 pandemic began. the pantry has been a lifeline for those who need food. many are worried a closure will force them to go hungry. it's very poor because without their help. i don't know her. i would be a spokesperson for the city of san jose says the understand the vital role that food pantries play in the community. but the pantry operates in a small convenience store in a residential neighborhood. >>the permit is required to avoid issues such as parking and other impacts on neighbors and online fundraiser appears to have come up with more than $16,000 to cover the cost of the special use permit. pastor almost says he just wants to continue helping his community. i just really don't see why. >>those issues right now are that important? first is feeding people. let's do the right thing. especially when really counts. reporting in san jose. dan thorn kron, 4 news. >>city of dublin has seen an increase in coyotes around this city. we have some video of coyote seen in other parts of the east bay recently as well. the sightings have been reported in the area of emerald glen park, central parkway and tassel heart creek trail. officials say be cautious when spotting them notify the california department of fish and wildlife. if you do see them. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the have more news after the break. when a truck hit my car, have more news after the bthe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. let our injury attorneys help after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. >>covid case count in california is showing just how transmissible the omicron variant is. the state department of public health reported 1 million cases from january 10th to january 17th at the fastest rate. all pandemic long. even during last winter's disastrous wave new infections increased more slowly. the state health officials say they've recorded 7 million total cases since the pandemic began. despite the rapidly rising case count, there's reason to believe we're approaching the peak of the surge. doctor michael vollmer is an epidemiologist for kaiser permanente. he says their data shows covid case rates may be cresting and expects a big drop sometime this month. i think it's fairly safe to say that will see it over the next week or 2. >>my only hesitation is is any effect at this last period. he's had. >>doctor palmer says the best thing you can do is get boosted the extra protection has proven effective against severe illness from the virus. california's office of emergency services announced it's delivered more than 20 million masks to county boards of education since the start of the new year here in the bay area, santa clara county has received the most masks of nearly 1 million napa county has received about 77,000 officials on each board of education are responsible for distributing the masks to each school district. they may also request additional resources like cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer. to our coronavirus coverage. now, since the start of the pandemic, there's been a big demand for n 95 masks. but there were never enough for everyone. that's only because there are only 7 companies in the united states authorized by the cdc to make 95 masks. chris horne takes us inside a factory where they're making about 500,000 of the masks every week. >>as you might guess, business is booming here at i b watch. they're making n 95 mask. one of only a handful of companies that are authorized to do with the entire country. >>production is running at a high pitch and iv watch in newport news on a roll with spiking demand for masks. the manufacturing is overseen by the federal government. >>the audit a state visit make sure that we make them properly. >>this ceo says no one oversees the manufacture of kaye and 90 five's i can make kn 95 my basement. nobody would knock on my door is i sold with omicron on the rampage orders for n 95. piling up for a company that says its mask that sun filters better than any other were running. one shift now. >>that one shift cells pretty much as fast as we make it. so we're starting a dish. null shifts know american made machinery and raw materials. half a million masks a week. >>and 95 nothing new. they've been used in construction and health care for years. this company is one of only 7 authorized by the cdc and fda to make medical grade. n 95 is in the country. how good are they? we went to a room filled with airborne sodium chloride. here's a mask that i've used occasionally over the past several months. we're going to test it and compare it with an n 95 for their suffering. sodium chloride particles getting into moss. the reading was 1300 particles getting inside the kn. 95 was next and let in about half as many particles but still failed. this n 95 was letting in only about 30 particles. we're about 50 times more effective than the cloth mask. i had the news in newport news. chris horne. >>you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the break. >>breaking news at 12, 30 this afternoon, california attorney general rob bonta. his office is opening a civil rights investigation into the santa clara county sheriff's office. bonta said in a statement today the investigation will seek to determine whether the sheriff's office has engaged in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional conduct as it relates to conditions in its jail facilities, resistance to lawful oversight and other misconduct. you might remember back in december, the santa clara county civil grand jury accused sheriff laurie smith of political favoritism through concealed carry weapons permits and resisting an audit into negligence allegations. she did make a virtual court appearance last week but did not enter a plea. smith has led the santa clara county sheriff's office since 1998. will continue to follow this breaking news today here on kron for as well as on our website. new this afternoon, the cdc has issued a travel advisory to 22 more countries all due to a spike in covid cases. the countries on the list include israel, australia, egypt, albania, argentina and uruguay. the cdc elevated its travel recommendations to these countries to level 4 very high telling americans they should avoid these destinations among others, panama cutter, the bahamas, bermuda and the british virgin islands are also on this list, which overall now includes just over 100 countries and territories now, speaking of international travel, some flights were interrupted today. not necessarily due to covid-19 today, wireless companies rolled out the long-awaited 5 g cell phone service and as kron on's will tran reports major u.s. airlines are worried the rollout could ground some flights. you can still have 5 g today. it is rolling out by the major telecommunications companies. but you will not get 5 g. >>near the airports because they have agreed to delay it within 2 miles of major airports like sfo, the airline industry, they claim the 5 g technology, which is state of the art. it interferes with their all to mutter, which is a piece of equipment in the cockpit that allows the pilots to know how high they are above the ground. it is very important when they can't see during landing, especially when it's dark or foggy. so they don't want 5 g turned on which was scheduled to start today. it is happening across the country, but many airports, they're not doing this for now. the telecommunications companies, they're very upset by this saying that we have told you for a very long time that this was happening. it's already being done at airports in 40 countries across the globe. so what is the problem? the u.s. aviation industry? that's what they're saying to them. but the pilots, they of course they are the ones there. the first line of defense they are for the delay. >>its major concern, the ramifications of the interference at a critical time of the landing could be hundreds lives and we can't do that. we can say, well, we're not going to do anything until something really bad happens. >>it looks like it's business as usual for domestic flights. so if there are delays, you cannot blame it on 5 g. but the international flights coming into america, they had to make a decision yesterday before this was announced that they would delay it. so many international flights have either been rerouted or canceled altogether because of this 5 g snafu. back to it. >>over in the east bay at a major effort to get ghost guns off the streets. the oakland city council has taken a big step towards getting guns off the streets and making the communities safer. kron on's camila barco has the details. this legislation allows law enforcement to step up their efforts. >>and confiscate these ghost guns. people wo are found with these weapons will also be cited and arrested as of march of 2021, the county for nearly 22% of firearms confiscated last year in oakland. so the city council voted to support the ban on ghost guns. and these are weapons that you can make at home using. okay. they are untraceable, unregulated and he don't require any of your personal information to my this people don't have to go through a background check. go through waiting periods or be limited on how many they can buy and said council members decided to move forward with this legislation to strike back on the ongoing gun violence in the city in oakland, the percentage of privately manufactured firearms jumps from nearly 7% in 2019 to 16.5% in 2020 councilmember say that these ghost guns have contributed to the rise in gun violence in oakland and this will make a change. you know, we're out there cleaning the neighborhood's streets every day specifically on saturday and with volunteers and >>and we united one time. it was just picking up trash. but now want to pick up picking up a bullet throughout the neighborhoods. so that activity. >>has to change. oakland is joining other cities in california like los angeles and san diego and banning ghost california is also thinking about implementing a similar law. >>in san francisco, camila barco kron. 4 in palo alto. a man in his 70's was able to scare a burglar from his home by chasing him. >>with a baseball bat, police responded to the call tuesday morning on sequoyah avenue. a woman said her husband was chasing the man who had entered their home as officers were searching the neighborhood. another caller nearby reported she had just found the suspect hiding in her detached garage and that he had stolen a bicycle. police were able to catch up with. 44 year-old won bartolo rios. they arrested him in connection to both incidents. san mateo county sheriff's office is alerting residents about a new scam that's going around right now. authorities saying someone impersonating a sheriff's deputy has been calling people and demanding them to pay warrants that are against them. recently, a caller instructed a victim in san carlos to buy a $2000 prepaid debit card and then provide them the numbers on the back. the victim did not buy a card instead reported this call to the sheriff's office. that's the thing you should do. if you become a victim of a scam call. the sheriff's office says the calls are fake. law enforcement will never call to collect money. and if this happens to you, hang up and call your local law enforcement agency. some more positive news here this afternoon. the historic castro theater has announced a new partnership to bring shows to the neighborhood plans to reinvent the theater has a live event venue. theaters owners are working with another planet entertainment to upgrade and modernize the building. there are some plans to improve the sound system in there. the lighting as well as the iconic marquee that we all know and love along with the tech upgrades, the theater is set to host live music and comedy shows as well as community events. it will still screen select movies as well. so this is kind of all inclusive here at the castro theater. grand reopening has been proposed for 2023. all right. well, 37 times take a live look outside at our sutro camera. it was very, very gloomy. earlier today. the sun is really, really trying to break through. it seems you still got quite a thick layer of fog, though, here across the city kron on meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez standing by with a look at our forecast, a member he said, hey there, no, well, yeah, we're noticing better lifting in clearing for those of you in the east bay over berkeley, but across the bay, as you can see, still tracking that stubborn marine layer blanketing golden gate bridge. but temperatures out there right now. we are seeing sam a tale in the low 60's. so plenty of sunshine there. half moon bay am pacific up. >>in the mid 50's as his downtown san francisco and san jose at 54 degrees. dublin and conquered. 57 degrees for your afternoon highs and we're tracking still 40's for most of our north bay valleys, specifically around the bay from timber on all the way into the still in the mid to upper 40's there just because of that dense low cloud cover. so the sun trying to break through, but we are seeing a lot of clouds out there with when tracker for we are expecting to get wind gusts throughout tonight, especially for those of you in the north bay mountains could see gusts upwards of about 30 to 40 miles per hour or less at was peak sonoma. going to see the gusty east winds tonight with some more windy conditions expected for the bay area friday into saturday. could see wind gusts throughout the valley, 30 miles per hour less and in the highest peaks about 55 miles per hour. going to keep an eye on that in the coming days. and as you can see, kronon planner forecast tracking upper 50's for downtown san francisco. just because of that fog bank there but low to mid 60's from oakland, even for most of our inland valleys like san jose. so temperatures a little bit mild there. but radar for right now tracking stubborn marine layer still around parts of the north bay valleys. and we're going to see another round of dense, low clouds and fog for your thursday morning with better lifting and clearing by the afternoon. and with that warmer temperatures as well in the days to come so future cast for not tracking any rain, a mix of sun and clouds for your thursday, giving way to plenty of sunshine for the next several days after that fog bank lifts. but as you could see, no rain in sight. no well, for at least the next 7 days. but we could see that pattern change in early february. so >>fingers crossed for that. back to you. all right. thanks. mabrisa. we do have an update this afternoon on the island of tonga, 3 of the country's smaller islands are suffering from significant damage due to tsunami waves. those waves were the result of a massive eruption of an undersea volcano just off the coast of the islands. >>the country officials and the red cross say they're getting a better picture now of the magnitude of damage and the help that needs to be done. communications have been down on the island since saturday's eruption, but there are reports a few homes still remain standing will continue to monitor this situation as we receive more updates. back here in america. take a look at this cutie. a critically endangered sumatran orangutan is in new orleans has given birth to this healthy baby boy, officials at the audubon zoo said 12 year-old minari gave birth to the baby on christmas eve. the infant is being bottle fed right now because its mother wasn't producing enough milk. unfortunately, he did have a twin, but it died in the womb. however, this little guy arrived without issue currently doesn't have a name, but they are caring for him around the clock. always good to see endangered species able give birth to healthy babies like this one. all right. coming up here on kron on a bit coin by out why some states are ready to pay you $10,000. you're watching kron on. we're goin >>the shift to working from home has towns and cities fighting to attract remote workers. and in turn, new residents, some are even offering financial incentives like bit coin to encourage people to move across the country. aaron nolan reports. it's a growing trend. >>cities and states are creating incentives to get people to move in. here's an example. tulsa, oklahoma officials are giving $10,000 in an innovative program to bolster the city's economy. and in the northwest corner of arkansas, the life works here initiative is offering $10,000 to relocate to the region and that money can come as cash or in the original crypto bitcoin. now bitcoin has grown and both popularity and in value currently around $43,000. but 5 years ago, the price was less than 500 bucks for one bitcoin. the northwest arkansas council believes this crypto craze will help attract tech professionals and entrepreneurs to the region. it's a trend that technology is fred. brandon believes we'll continue to grow as more regions except this new technology see so of adoption. >>you know, in mainstream, not whether we're talking about to these were talking about were talking about a block chain technology as a whole applicants for the programs will face tough competition, though. >>in tulsa, the exclusive initiative might be harder to get into. then an ivy league school with applicants coming from all over the world. only 2% of the 25,000 applicants get the cash for the program. tulsa, remote, regardless of those numbers, it's a tactic. brandon says more cities will use in the future just like arkansas is trying to do. >>that was aaron nolan reporting for us. >>well, it is the hottest game on the internet. i have started quite competition here at kron 4 on this one. rich demuro talks were dull. and today's tech smart. >>or it all is a free daily online word game that everyone seems to be playing. here's what it's all about. and some tips to help you win. >>so that means we have the are in the right place mortal. and there's also an essendon. even this weren't a simple online work game that suddenly everyone seems to be playing. it's a great game. first of all, right. that's the basis of anything being super popular. the daily game gives you 6 chances to guess a 5 letter word. so i'm thinking scale, but i know isn't the word. so that would not be a good correct? letters are highlighted green means a letter is in the right spot. yellow means the letter is in the word but not in the right spots. it's really nice that it's. bite size and only wanted a big game created by a brooklyn based software developer. the original only available at the website, power language dot co dot uk slash wordle the confusing url has led many searching but there is no official app and no need to pay to play. so it could be shire. and it sure is. for guests is not too bad. you can add a short cut to the daily game on your phone like going to the website and pressing the share icon in choosing add to home screen part of the game's appeal is bragging rights. when you saw the puzzle, you can share how many tries to take you on social media, housing, something that you can share that capitalizes on the way that the internet has to go viral, i think has caused us to like propagate and spread in a major way. if you're ready to dive in, there is a trick to get. you started going to start with a rise because that gives you a three-run fouls and aren't as switch always are very common letters and then burned holds a crossword puzzles, lighter and new fan of mortal buy-in. getting word game brandon for the you know, just as long as having fun with that, i think that's really the main. that's the main now, if you get really good at were all there is a hard mode in the settings that makes the puzzles even more challenging to soft. >>all right. going to we're all you can go to my website. it is rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro and you are tech smart. >>well, you could now win reservations at yosemite national park. the park so popular right now it's opening its own lottery system. the grand prize is early access to booking a site at the park's most popular campground. north pines tickets cost $10 more than 600 winners will be chosen next month after they make the reservations. the remaining campsites will be made available to the general public. if somebody thinks the lottery creates a fair and balanced way to make reservations, we do have a link for you on our website. kron 4 dot com. you're watching kron on. we'll have more news after the break. >>time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black, safe at home. i kept asking when will you come to the studio, robbie? and then look, i'm out of the studio. back. so it's good to see you at home. 2 years. >>want to come back, but i'm starting to look kind of i can't imagine. so i was gone. you like for a month between vacation and covid and >>2 years. robbie, your beard is getting longer, ok? i digress. so let's talk a stock market. so explain to me if you would, how tech stocks are getting hammered by bond yields going up. what i was a connection. >>yeah. so this is a little complicated for television in under 30 seconds. but as interest rates go higher, it means the value of money is going to reflect inflation, which means earnings are worth last. says they're getting hit hardest right in inflationary periods. companies that earn a lot of money lose little naive in our cash. stocks are tempting a rebound. tech stocks are down 10% from their all-time highs, which is normal. it's normal. don't get upset. be happy. it's on sale. a big winner. data bank of america that slight give some props to our economy because it's a big bank. we do a lot of loans there as consumers. and it's telling that we're getting back to normal, which is getting short term bad news because it creates inflation long-term, good news because it creates jobs. procter gamble, there's a lot of shampoos and they said they got hit by inflation. so, you know, they did. they charge just more money for the goods we buy from procter gamble, toothpaste, toothbrushes. shampoos soaps. you get the idea and i'm housing starts. tara, having the best start touched means permits and swinging of hammers. and since 2000, 6, but housing is getting hit by inflation. that's to be a bumpy twenty-twenty to advise you right now with elections in the year with a lot of drama, what you want to say like a pilot stay tray tables up and see if that's on track to be >>thank you, rob yourself on high bad eyesight as a kid, michigan and be a pilot. oh, yeah. that did it. yeah. >>i don't still say good that we will check on that. okay. so a little bit of that was want want walk because it's so technical coffee, or coffee talk. i can do coffee. talk. i i i buy my own coffee. but you're saying coffee is back like as in going to the coffee shops. >>good for you. but for miners coffee because people like me say 5 bucks a day is all you need to save for and get retirement. so the coffee shop businesses back to prepandemic levels. so our local since the communities, the coffee shop right? and foot traffic is back to prepandemic levels. the 2019 that's positive. the coffee breaks that are interesting because we're now hitting 08:39am, in the morning. i used to get up at 4 to drive to cry. to get coffee on the way at 6 morning. now i can get coffee after i spotted 9 in the morning show the way we're consuming coffee. slightly different. one interesting thing. i don't know anything about this company. so tip in from you would be great. that's brothers. the new drive-thru coffee in the pacific northwest, idaho. they're doing great. that's the big trend in coffee right now. expect starbucks to get more drive-thrus and condone its to continue to expand on the thrives. yeah. i mean, i i've been to the drivers and also the risers were like the people pay for the coffee behind them. and then they call that behind him and that, you know, keep it going, which is cute. i love that. >>have you as >>i'm not participating in that cup of coffee guy. and my my fear is a behind a frappuccino. >>like you know, yeah. it's like $40, but it is. it's a nice little thing that when you go to the drive-thru, i have noticed. so thank you for all that info. rob is good to cheers. mike, i got a big one and it's good to see you again. nice to be back. and i will see you tomorrow. i hope ways. tomorrow, friday night you will see tomorrow. and yes, ready. if you would like to reach rob, you can e-mail him or up on facebook or twitter. all right. want to feel like a slacker. a teenager in georgia just got accepted by more than 40 colleges. can yari sawyer has received scholarship offers totaling more than a half a million dollars. congratulations to her. she is the oldest of 3 kids says her biggest inspiration is her mother who was unable to go to college and now she has her pick of 40 plus colleges where actually apply to more than 90 schools. >>i'm sure those applications are those acceptance letters are probably going to keep on rolling. and we'll see which college she decides to attend. i don't fly august the out of my price of was cleveland and mississippi and i didn't think i was going to get something >>i hasten goes easy process and i just started walking it. >>so he says you have to attend one of her top 5 schools major in criminal justice and eventually become a lawyer. she is well on her way. congratulations once again. thanks for watching. kron on at noon. i'm noelle bellow. we'll see you back here at 3 o'clock. have a good day. the news continues on kron on grab your phone and scanned the qr code on your screen to download the kron on app. also available on roku. amazon fire stick and apple tv. >> judge patricia: you got a temporary restraining order against him. >> threatening me, threatening my life. it's my biggest regret in life. >> judge patricia: stay away. >> announcer: "hot bench." judge tanya acker. judge patricia dimango. judge michael corriero. three judges. three opinions. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. captions paid for by cbs television distribution >> sonia: your honor, this is case number 74, maldonado vs. torres. >> judge patricia: thank you, sonia. ms. maldonado, mr. torres, the two of you were in a relationship, not formally married. you have a child in common plus some other children, and through the course of your marriage, you lived together, filed joint taxes, a y

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