Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

tense russian talks. with more troops heading to russia's border with ukraine, putin's demands tonight about u.s. forces in neighboring countries. police shooting outrage of rage. unanswered questions after an off-dutiy officer kills an unarmed black man. america's opioid epidemic: a new type of treatment that could combat drug addiction. passenger storms the cockpit: the shocking video after a man damages a miami-bound airplane. and remembering ronnie specter. ♪ my little baby ♪ >> o'donnell: the lead singer of the girl group, the ronets. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. we are covering a number of big stories, and tonight i shhh let you know, i'm joining you from a remote studio after coming in contact with someone who tested positive for covid. and like many of you have had to do over the last couple of years, i am working remotely. but the top headline tonight is the breathtaking rise of inflation. consumer prices were up 7% in december compared to a year ago. that means the cost for virtually everything is on the rise-- food, gas, rent, utilities, and cars. unfortunately, economists predict it won't be over any time soon. with inflation remaining high throughout the year. but higher prices aren't the only problems facing consumers. bare shelves are another problem. supply chain shortages are hitting grocery stores on even the most basic of items. cbs' scott macfarlane is at a supermarket in bethesda, marlyand. good evening, scott. >> reporter: norah, this is the sharpest rise in consumer prices in nearly 40 years, creating two problems for grocery shoppers: rising food prices emptying their wallets, and the store shelves emptying, too. dennis stevenson is a military veteran and retired with a fixed income and years of experience bargain hunting. he says he's made new cutbacks to keep the refrigerator full. >> that means cutting corners. it really hurts, like, christmastime, like, for your grand kids. >> reporter: today's report on inflation shows ground beef prices up 13%. double-digit jumps in the price of eggs, crackers, and bread, breakfast cereal up 6%, and the milk you pour in it, up by more than 4%. the white house today argued president biden's build back better plan, which is still stalled in congress would help, but acknowledged the pain isn't going away any time soon. >> if you look at the projections by independent forecasters, then you see moderation over the court of '22. in the short term, in the medium term, i think we'll focus on the practical steps we can take, focus working with congress. >> reporter: amid the omicron wave of the pandemic, the problem isn't just the prices of items on the shelves. it's finding and stocking them. supply chain disruptions have starved stores of staples, from the produce aisle to the paper products. at his grocery store in washington, d.c., roy rodman says it's never been so difficult. >> it could be a very stressful time if we weren't able to navigate or get the products, so we're triumphant in putting things on the shelf. >> reporter: food shipments have also hit a pothole. the nation's truckers tell cbs news they're operating with 80,000 fewer drivers than needed. even a shortage in packaging items from cardboard adhesives to ink for product labels could snarl production. does this problem of unstocked shelves in certain stores last as long as the variant does, the pandemic does? >> yeah, it really does. and we've seen it ebb and flow with past spikes. this one's a little bit more challenging because of transmibility of the omicron variant. >> reporter: and it's challenging for shoppers, like dennis stevenson. it's disorient, isn't it? >> yes, it's disorienting, and it's frustrating. >> reporter: a survey by an association of the nation's grocery stores finds 80% of them are having trouble recruiting or retaining workers right now. and that will cause disruptions in the coming weeks, norah. >> o'donnell: scott macfarlane, thank you. from the rise in inflation to the rise in covid cases, the biden administration has a new plan tonight to keep students in schools as kids in the nation's third-largest school district return to the classroom after a week away. cbs' carter evans has the latest. >> reporter: as the omicron surge swamps the nation, a major announcement from the white house: 10 million freed rapid and p.c.r. tests will be sent to schools each month in an effort to keep kids in the classroom. >> the nation's schools can and should be open. >> reporter: in chicago, students are back in class with additional covid testing, following a week of turmoil after teachers said schools were unsafe. >> the fact that they're back in person with their friends, with their teachers just such a game changer. >> reporter: in los angeles, every student needs to prove they're covid negative, but 78,000 students and staff tested positive after the winter break, and as the newr ten, 30% of students were absent. >> we're not going to eradicate this, but we ultimately will control it. >> reporter: today, dr. anthony fauci gave a blunt assessment of the new normal. >> virtually everybody is going to wind up getting exposed and likely get infected. >> reporter: a new study shows that compared to delta, the risk of death from omicron is 91% lower and the risk of i.c.u. admission is 74% less. but hospitals across the country are still overwhelmed. when it comes to people who are getting very sick in the hospital, who are they? >> it's mostly patients who have not been vaccinated. >> reporter: and nurse zenei triiunfo-cortez says it's creating a strain. it's so bad that asymptomatic healthcare workers in california who have tested positive can return to work immediately. >> as a nurse, coming to nurse knowing that i am covid positive, i have the potential of further infecting my patients, and my fellow coworkers, which is morally wrong. >> reporter: now, at this hospital in burbank, a lot of people are coming to the e.r. for other rea, diovering theye all pitivid most aree to goe, but beuse omicron is transmble, t bidenadministonow s tonighe'scrunew detthe aused guy shooting at oxford high school in michigan. four students were killed, six other classmates and a teacher were wounded. the teenage suspect was arraigned on multiple felony charges today. cbs' elise preston reports. >> reporter: 15-year-old ethan crumbley remained quiet as a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf. >> ask that a not guilty plea be entered. >> reporter: crumbley faces 24 counts, including murder and terrorism charges, linked to the shooting that left four students dead and seven other people injured. a civil lawsuits against oxford community district accuses administrators of putting students in danger by allegedly downplaying crumbley's actions ahead of the shooting when he posted countdowns and threats of bodily harm. at one point, the complaint claims that the teen left a severed bird head in a mason jar containing a yellow liquid in the boys' bathroom. the school then e-mailed students and parents, "there has been no threat to our building nor our students." crumbley's parents are also being accused of ignoring warning signs and allowing him access to the gun used in the shngm down in a detroit warehouse. they are facing involuntary manslaughter charges. at their hearing friday, prosecutors made allegations about their son's mental state. >> ethan crumbley would text his mother, jennifer, on more than one occasion, and always when he was home alone, that he thought there was a demon, a ghost, or someone else inside the home. >> repr: leg ana urino s ed cle protocols. lawsts? yo >>l, great leg grounds foree: grss neglceice the danger, and breach of duty of care. >> reporter: tonight, ethan crumbley remains here at the oakland county jail. now, an attorney for the district tells cbs news some of the claims in the lawsuits are false, adding school officials are cooperating with prosecutors. norah. >> o'donnell: elise preston, thank you. there's breaking news out of the congressional investigation into the january 6 assault on the u.s. capitol. they want to talk to the top republican in the house, kevin mccarthy. in a letter asking for his cooperation, the committee mentions our interview with the california congressman as the riot was unfolding where he revealed he had spoken directly with the president. have you spoken with the president and asked him to perhaps come to the capitol and tell the supporters it's time to leave? >> i have spoken to the president. i asked him to talk to the nation, to tell them to stop this. this is not who we are. >> o'donnell: the committee wants to question mccarthy about what he spoke about with president trump, hoping to getsr esind., nou. i nato allies tryo convince vladimir putin to withdraw his troops from the border with ukraine. but the russian leader is demanding a halt to u.s. military deployments in nato countries, like romania, where there are currently about 1,000 americans. cbs' david martin has more on the tense negotiations. dte to ea wih ukraieve a russiat today with american and allied officials at nato headquarters in brussels. after four hours of talks, chief u.s. negotiator wendy sherman said russian military movements make it all the harder to defuse the crisis. >> is this about invasion? is this about intimidatio? this about trying to be subversive? i don't know. but it is not conducive to getting to diplomatic solutions. >> reporter: russia's putin is trying to roll back the nato alliance, which has expanded dramatically in the last two decades. he is demanding ukraine never be allowed to join and that military deployments be halted just last month, american. f-15s were operating out of one airfield in romania, while u.s. helicopters flew into another. ded nce putin annexed country may. >> it all started with what putin did in 2014. >> reporter: formernateo ambassador douglas lute says the deployments are strictly for defense. there are currently 1,000 u.s. military personnel in romania. >> you would need 10, 20, 50 times the numbers of troops that nato has positioned now to pose any sort of serious offensive threat to russia. and putin knows this. >> reporter: u.s. officials say they are willing to limit nato exercises as long as the same limits apply to russia. but for now, the russian military buildup continues for a possible invasion that could begin as soon as the ground freezes to give their tanks better traction. norah. >> o'donnell: david martin at the pentagon, thanks. tonight, calls for justice are growing louder in fayetteville, north carolina, where an off-dutiy sheriff's deputy shot and killed a black man over the weekend. the deputy is on administrative leave and has not been charged. here is cbs' jericka duncan. >> reporter: this cell phone video captures the moments after off-duty sheriff's deputy jeffery hash shot and killed jason walker in a traffic altercation. havharb, a 16-year police vetern can be seen calling 911. >> reporter: walker, a single father of a 14-year-old, died just 100 yards from his parents' home. he was 37ear old rlowe walker was his oer brother. when you hear that police believe your brother may have jumped on top of this truck and somehow smashed the window, do you think that's what happened? >> there's no way he's able to jump on top of a vehicle, because nobody drives the speed limit in front of my parents' house. there's no way possible that he was able to do something of that matter. >> there may have been an argument that escalated. >> reporter: attorney ethan crumbley represents the walker family. >> we believe a black man shot and killed an unarmed white man, he would be arrested. >> reporter: protesters have called for charges against hash, but fayetteville police chief, gina hawkins says the investigation is still in the fact finding phase. >> individuals are not arrested immediately. so right now evidence is being collected by the state bureau of investigation. >> reporter: the f.b.i. is monitoring the case. jericka duncan, cbs news. >> o'donnell: and we'll be following all the developments. now to this: nearly one million americans have died from drug overdoses in the last two decades, and more than 70% of them involved opioids. now an experimental treatment is in the works that could help fight america's opioid epidemic. cbs' dr. jon lapook takes a look. >> reporter: tackling the opioid crisis requires changing strategies and the way we think about addiction says columbia professor sandra comer. >> one of the mistakes that people make when they think about drug users, "oh, it's somebody's choice to have this disorder." it-- that's not true. >> reporter: it's a medical disease. >> it's a medical disease. an we need to treat it. >> reporter: 100,000 people died from drug overdose over the 12 months ending in may 2021. up 22% from the year before. medically assistive treatments can be effective but have a relapse rate of about 50%. >> that's why we're continuing to look for new medications. >> reporter: that search led to a new type of treatment-- a vaccine that targets the chemical makeup of oxycodone. comer and his research colleague marco pravetoni are testing the vaccine on volunteers with substance abuse disorder. >> the idea behind the vaccine is after a while, the body will produce an antibody to that particular chemical structure. if somebody uses oxycodone, the antibody will bind to that molecule, and it won't allow it to get into the brain. >> reporter: so the drug would never get to the brain to stimulate the pleasure center. >> that's exactly the way it works. >> reporter: comer says the vaccine provides a safety net for people who relapse, despite currently available therapies. >> if they relapse, the vaccine, hopefully, will provide still some level of protection, at least against overdose, and maybe an opportunity for us to reengage them in treatment. >> reporter: comer says the vaccine could be used with current medications that treat drug abuse. and, norah, if it works, researchers hope to target other opioids, including fentanyl and heroin, perhaps in a single vaccine. >> o'donnell: that would be quite a breakthrough. dr. lapook, thank you. just ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," dramatic new images of that miraculous medevac chopper crash near philadelphia. and the bizarre rampage that grounded an american airlines flight. and honoring a civil rights icon with her own barbie doll. ♪ i'm the latest hashtag challenge. and everyone on social media is trying me. i'm trending so hard that “hashtag common sense” can't keep up. this is going to get tens and tens of views. ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for this... yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less. do you take aspirin? 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♪♪ >> o'donnell: one of music's biggest stars of the 60s haas died. ♪ be my baby my one and only baby ♪ ♪ be my baby now ♪ >> o'donnell: ronnie spector, the lead singer of the ronnettes sang such classics as "be my baby," "baby i love you," and "walking in the rain." spector's look and soaring voice turned the ronnettes into one of the premiere acts of era, toring england with the rolling stones and was the only girl group to tour with the beay aftf battle with cancer. she was 78. and we'll be right back. t! also try for cough, mucus & congestion. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. ♪♪ so you can enjoy more of...this. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition foth and energy. okay everyone, woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. for wrinkles results in one week. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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"cbs evening news,e alab poostte's was systems morrow, the that. if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell in the nation's capital. good night. >> judge judy: you were going to be incarcerated. >> i violated probation. >> announcer: legal and money troubles took their toll. >> judge judy: did you return to jail at any time after? >> yes, i did. >> judge judy: your house was in foreclosure for non-payment of mortgage. >> that's correct. >> announcer: but is her house sitter the problem? >> iphone 6, i left in her care. >> i had her children. they also have iphone 6s. >> judge judy: they have iphone 6s, and they can't afford to pay their mortgage? how does that happen? >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution rachelle marvel is suing her former tenant and friend, heather parent, for rent, stolen and damaged property, and unauthorized credit card charges. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 595 on the calendar in the matter of marvel vs. parent. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. folks, have a seat. >> judge judy: ms. marvel, how long do you know the defendant? >> i met, uh, the defendant in the spring of 2015 in outpatient treatment for chemical dependency. so i had not known her that long before after you met her that you wer >> judud wn? >>- i seed mit sentence for my dwi in april. >> judge judy: april of 2015? >> that's correct. and that was to be for 30 days. and i was in there during april for about, uh, 2 weeks, 15 days. >> judge judy: and then what happened? >> then what happened is, um, i went back to treatment, outpatient treatment. we continued our dialogue. and during that time, we had talked about our -- >> judge judy: no, you went back to jail, is what i'm talking about. >> yes, in may. >> judge judy: for what? >> i violated probation. so i -- i went to meet with my probation officer. i told them that i'd been drinking. i was taken into custody. >> judge judy: for how long were you incarcerated in may? >> i was there, um -- that was for 45 days. i th

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Romania , U S Military , 1000 , Officials , Headquarters , Ukraieve A Russiat , Wih , Dte , Brussels , Invasion , Wendy Sherman , Crisis , Movements , Intimidatio , Alliance , Solutions , I Don T Know , Another , F 15s , Helicopters , Airfield , Nce Putin , Ded , Douglas Lute , Defense , Country May , U S Military Personnel , Formernateo , 2014 , 2014 Reporter , Numbers , Times , Offensive Threat , Sort , 10 , 50 , 20 , Buildup , Ground , Limits , Military , Tanks , Fayetteville , Weekend , Deputy , Traction , Calls , Pentagon , Thanks , Justice , Sheriff S Deputy , Off Dutiy , North Carolina , Shot , Jason Walker , Leave , Sheriff , Traffic Altercation , Jericka Duncan , Cell Phone Video , Deputy Jeffery Hash , Police Vetern , Calling , Havharb , 911 , 16 , Oer Brother , Old Rlowe Walker , Police , 14 , 100 , 37 , Way , Window , House , Speed Limit , Truck , Top , Brother , Front , Nobody , Vehicle , Matter , Something , Argument , Walker Family , Protesters , Hash , Police Chief , 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Insurance Coverage , Mayhem , Get Allstate , Vazalore , Ulcers , Aspirin Capsule , Benefits , Lore Ifirst , Heart Protection , Heart Attack , Help , Stroke , Mind , Try Crest Whitening Emulsions , Smile , Don T Settle , Teeth , Peroxide Droplets , Shop Crestwhitesmile Com , Faster , Baby , View , Impact , Photos , Chopper Crash , Medevac , Church Near Philadelphia , Home Security Camera , Infant , Member , Crash , Cause , Safety , Bystanders , Wreckage , Pilot , Chopper Crew , Being Called A Hero , Passengers , Passenger , Police Custody , Controls , Jet , Planes , Airline , St Ofe Wells , Crew , Delay , Civil Rights Icon , Honbi , Harry Belafonte , Editor , Born Boslavery , Music , Ronnie Spector , Right , Journalist , Cofounder , Life , Antilynchin Activist , Naacp , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Customization , Car Insurance , Dj , Throwback , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Combination , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Spread , Adults , Response , Immune System , Cancer , Family , Gene , Alk , Ways , Egfr , Pd L1 , Doctor , Cough , Opdivo , Yervoy , Lead , Parts , Changes , Joint Pain , Fever , Flushing , Appetite , Breath , Thirstur Weakness , Chest Pain , Shortness , Reess , Nervous System Problems , Mediconditionstor , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Trials , Organ , Th Pr Dl , Rock , Anything , Millions , Strength , Prudential , Dreams , Guidance , Haas , Stars , 60 , Classics , Be My Baby , Ronnettes , Walking In The Rain , I Love You , Voice , Toring , Acts , Beay Aftf Battle With Cancer , The Rolling Stones , England , Congestion , Mucus , 78 , Advisor , Planning Effect , Picture , Wealth , Reward , Balance , Protein , Mission , Nutrition , Energy , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , Nutrition Foth , 27 , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Find Themself , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Retinol , Powerful , Pro Plus , Neutrogena , 5 , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Money , Unitedhealthcare Medicare , Rv , Neuriva , Rumba Lessons , Zero Copays , Otezla , Choices , Moderate , Psoriasis , Splash , Entrance , Get Medicare , Depression , Pill , Cream , Plaque Psoriasis , Don T , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , History , 75 , Feelings , Weight Loss , Planning , Medicines , Headache , Weight , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , E Alab Poostte S , Dvr , Systems Morrow , Live , Judge Judy , Announcer , Probation , Troubles , Jail , Foreclosure , Toll , Non Payment , Mortgage , Children , House Sitter , Care , Iphone 6 , Iphone 6s , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Rachelle Marvel , Friend , Tenant , Heather Parent , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Credit Card , Property , Calendar , Byrd , Marvel Vs , 595 , Defendant , Outpatient Treatment , Parent , Parties , Ms , Chemical Dependency , Spring , You Re Welcome , Seat , Folks , Uh , Marvel , 2015 , Seed , Sentence , Dwi , Judud Wn , April Of 2015 , Dialogue , Um , 2 , I Th , Probation Officer , Custody , Drinking , In May , 45 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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tense russian talks. with more troops heading to russia's border with ukraine, putin's demands tonight about u.s. forces in neighboring countries. police shooting outrage of rage. unanswered questions after an off-dutiy officer kills an unarmed black man. america's opioid epidemic: a new type of treatment that could combat drug addiction. passenger storms the cockpit: the shocking video after a man damages a miami-bound airplane. and remembering ronnie specter. ♪ my little baby ♪ >> o'donnell: the lead singer of the girl group, the ronets. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. we are covering a number of big stories, and tonight i shhh let you know, i'm joining you from a remote studio after coming in contact with someone who tested positive for covid. and like many of you have had to do over the last couple of years, i am working remotely. but the top headline tonight is the breathtaking rise of inflation. consumer prices were up 7% in december compared to a year ago. that means the cost for virtually everything is on the rise-- food, gas, rent, utilities, and cars. unfortunately, economists predict it won't be over any time soon. with inflation remaining high throughout the year. but higher prices aren't the only problems facing consumers. bare shelves are another problem. supply chain shortages are hitting grocery stores on even the most basic of items. cbs' scott macfarlane is at a supermarket in bethesda, marlyand. good evening, scott. >> reporter: norah, this is the sharpest rise in consumer prices in nearly 40 years, creating two problems for grocery shoppers: rising food prices emptying their wallets, and the store shelves emptying, too. dennis stevenson is a military veteran and retired with a fixed income and years of experience bargain hunting. he says he's made new cutbacks to keep the refrigerator full. >> that means cutting corners. it really hurts, like, christmastime, like, for your grand kids. >> reporter: today's report on inflation shows ground beef prices up 13%. double-digit jumps in the price of eggs, crackers, and bread, breakfast cereal up 6%, and the milk you pour in it, up by more than 4%. the white house today argued president biden's build back better plan, which is still stalled in congress would help, but acknowledged the pain isn't going away any time soon. >> if you look at the projections by independent forecasters, then you see moderation over the court of '22. in the short term, in the medium term, i think we'll focus on the practical steps we can take, focus working with congress. >> reporter: amid the omicron wave of the pandemic, the problem isn't just the prices of items on the shelves. it's finding and stocking them. supply chain disruptions have starved stores of staples, from the produce aisle to the paper products. at his grocery store in washington, d.c., roy rodman says it's never been so difficult. >> it could be a very stressful time if we weren't able to navigate or get the products, so we're triumphant in putting things on the shelf. >> reporter: food shipments have also hit a pothole. the nation's truckers tell cbs news they're operating with 80,000 fewer drivers than needed. even a shortage in packaging items from cardboard adhesives to ink for product labels could snarl production. does this problem of unstocked shelves in certain stores last as long as the variant does, the pandemic does? >> yeah, it really does. and we've seen it ebb and flow with past spikes. this one's a little bit more challenging because of transmibility of the omicron variant. >> reporter: and it's challenging for shoppers, like dennis stevenson. it's disorient, isn't it? >> yes, it's disorienting, and it's frustrating. >> reporter: a survey by an association of the nation's grocery stores finds 80% of them are having trouble recruiting or retaining workers right now. and that will cause disruptions in the coming weeks, norah. >> o'donnell: scott macfarlane, thank you. from the rise in inflation to the rise in covid cases, the biden administration has a new plan tonight to keep students in schools as kids in the nation's third-largest school district return to the classroom after a week away. cbs' carter evans has the latest. >> reporter: as the omicron surge swamps the nation, a major announcement from the white house: 10 million freed rapid and p.c.r. tests will be sent to schools each month in an effort to keep kids in the classroom. >> the nation's schools can and should be open. >> reporter: in chicago, students are back in class with additional covid testing, following a week of turmoil after teachers said schools were unsafe. >> the fact that they're back in person with their friends, with their teachers just such a game changer. >> reporter: in los angeles, every student needs to prove they're covid negative, but 78,000 students and staff tested positive after the winter break, and as the newr ten, 30% of students were absent. >> we're not going to eradicate this, but we ultimately will control it. >> reporter: today, dr. anthony fauci gave a blunt assessment of the new normal. >> virtually everybody is going to wind up getting exposed and likely get infected. >> reporter: a new study shows that compared to delta, the risk of death from omicron is 91% lower and the risk of i.c.u. admission is 74% less. but hospitals across the country are still overwhelmed. when it comes to people who are getting very sick in the hospital, who are they? >> it's mostly patients who have not been vaccinated. >> reporter: and nurse zenei triiunfo-cortez says it's creating a strain. it's so bad that asymptomatic healthcare workers in california who have tested positive can return to work immediately. >> as a nurse, coming to nurse knowing that i am covid positive, i have the potential of further infecting my patients, and my fellow coworkers, which is morally wrong. >> reporter: now, at this hospital in burbank, a lot of people are coming to the e.r. for other rea, diovering theye all pitivid most aree to goe, but beuse omicron is transmble, t bidenadministonow s tonighe'scrunew detthe aused guy shooting at oxford high school in michigan. four students were killed, six other classmates and a teacher were wounded. the teenage suspect was arraigned on multiple felony charges today. cbs' elise preston reports. >> reporter: 15-year-old ethan crumbley remained quiet as a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf. >> ask that a not guilty plea be entered. >> reporter: crumbley faces 24 counts, including murder and terrorism charges, linked to the shooting that left four students dead and seven other people injured. a civil lawsuits against oxford community district accuses administrators of putting students in danger by allegedly downplaying crumbley's actions ahead of the shooting when he posted countdowns and threats of bodily harm. at one point, the complaint claims that the teen left a severed bird head in a mason jar containing a yellow liquid in the boys' bathroom. the school then e-mailed students and parents, "there has been no threat to our building nor our students." crumbley's parents are also being accused of ignoring warning signs and allowing him access to the gun used in the shngm down in a detroit warehouse. they are facing involuntary manslaughter charges. at their hearing friday, prosecutors made allegations about their son's mental state. >> ethan crumbley would text his mother, jennifer, on more than one occasion, and always when he was home alone, that he thought there was a demon, a ghost, or someone else inside the home. >> repr: leg ana urino s ed cle protocols. lawsts? yo >>l, great leg grounds foree: grss neglceice the danger, and breach of duty of care. >> reporter: tonight, ethan crumbley remains here at the oakland county jail. now, an attorney for the district tells cbs news some of the claims in the lawsuits are false, adding school officials are cooperating with prosecutors. norah. >> o'donnell: elise preston, thank you. there's breaking news out of the congressional investigation into the january 6 assault on the u.s. capitol. they want to talk to the top republican in the house, kevin mccarthy. in a letter asking for his cooperation, the committee mentions our interview with the california congressman as the riot was unfolding where he revealed he had spoken directly with the president. have you spoken with the president and asked him to perhaps come to the capitol and tell the supporters it's time to leave? >> i have spoken to the president. i asked him to talk to the nation, to tell them to stop this. this is not who we are. >> o'donnell: the committee wants to question mccarthy about what he spoke about with president trump, hoping to getsr esind., nou. i nato allies tryo convince vladimir putin to withdraw his troops from the border with ukraine. but the russian leader is demanding a halt to u.s. military deployments in nato countries, like romania, where there are currently about 1,000 americans. cbs' david martin has more on the tense negotiations. dte to ea wih ukraieve a russiat today with american and allied officials at nato headquarters in brussels. after four hours of talks, chief u.s. negotiator wendy sherman said russian military movements make it all the harder to defuse the crisis. >> is this about invasion? is this about intimidatio? this about trying to be subversive? i don't know. but it is not conducive to getting to diplomatic solutions. >> reporter: russia's putin is trying to roll back the nato alliance, which has expanded dramatically in the last two decades. he is demanding ukraine never be allowed to join and that military deployments be halted just last month, american. f-15s were operating out of one airfield in romania, while u.s. helicopters flew into another. ded nce putin annexed country may. >> it all started with what putin did in 2014. >> reporter: formernateo ambassador douglas lute says the deployments are strictly for defense. there are currently 1,000 u.s. military personnel in romania. >> you would need 10, 20, 50 times the numbers of troops that nato has positioned now to pose any sort of serious offensive threat to russia. and putin knows this. >> reporter: u.s. officials say they are willing to limit nato exercises as long as the same limits apply to russia. but for now, the russian military buildup continues for a possible invasion that could begin as soon as the ground freezes to give their tanks better traction. norah. >> o'donnell: david martin at the pentagon, thanks. tonight, calls for justice are growing louder in fayetteville, north carolina, where an off-dutiy sheriff's deputy shot and killed a black man over the weekend. the deputy is on administrative leave and has not been charged. here is cbs' jericka duncan. >> reporter: this cell phone video captures the moments after off-duty sheriff's deputy jeffery hash shot and killed jason walker in a traffic altercation. havharb, a 16-year police vetern can be seen calling 911. >> reporter: walker, a single father of a 14-year-old, died just 100 yards from his parents' home. he was 37ear old rlowe walker was his oer brother. when you hear that police believe your brother may have jumped on top of this truck and somehow smashed the window, do you think that's what happened? >> there's no way he's able to jump on top of a vehicle, because nobody drives the speed limit in front of my parents' house. there's no way possible that he was able to do something of that matter. >> there may have been an argument that escalated. >> reporter: attorney ethan crumbley represents the walker family. >> we believe a black man shot and killed an unarmed white man, he would be arrested. >> reporter: protesters have called for charges against hash, but fayetteville police chief, gina hawkins says the investigation is still in the fact finding phase. >> individuals are not arrested immediately. so right now evidence is being collected by the state bureau of investigation. >> reporter: the f.b.i. is monitoring the case. jericka duncan, cbs news. >> o'donnell: and we'll be following all the developments. now to this: nearly one million americans have died from drug overdoses in the last two decades, and more than 70% of them involved opioids. now an experimental treatment is in the works that could help fight america's opioid epidemic. cbs' dr. jon lapook takes a look. >> reporter: tackling the opioid crisis requires changing strategies and the way we think about addiction says columbia professor sandra comer. >> one of the mistakes that people make when they think about drug users, "oh, it's somebody's choice to have this disorder." it-- that's not true. >> reporter: it's a medical disease. >> it's a medical disease. an we need to treat it. >> reporter: 100,000 people died from drug overdose over the 12 months ending in may 2021. up 22% from the year before. medically assistive treatments can be effective but have a relapse rate of about 50%. >> that's why we're continuing to look for new medications. >> reporter: that search led to a new type of treatment-- a vaccine that targets the chemical makeup of oxycodone. comer and his research colleague marco pravetoni are testing the vaccine on volunteers with substance abuse disorder. >> the idea behind the vaccine is after a while, the body will produce an antibody to that particular chemical structure. if somebody uses oxycodone, the antibody will bind to that molecule, and it won't allow it to get into the brain. >> reporter: so the drug would never get to the brain to stimulate the pleasure center. >> that's exactly the way it works. >> reporter: comer says the vaccine provides a safety net for people who relapse, despite currently available therapies. >> if they relapse, the vaccine, hopefully, will provide still some level of protection, at least against overdose, and maybe an opportunity for us to reengage them in treatment. >> reporter: comer says the vaccine could be used with current medications that treat drug abuse. and, norah, if it works, researchers hope to target other opioids, including fentanyl and heroin, perhaps in a single vaccine. >> o'donnell: that would be quite a breakthrough. dr. lapook, thank you. just ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," dramatic new images of that miraculous medevac chopper crash near philadelphia. and the bizarre rampage that grounded an american airlines flight. and honoring a civil rights icon with her own barbie doll. ♪ i'm the latest hashtag challenge. and everyone on social media is trying me. i'm trending so hard that “hashtag common sense” can't keep up. this is going to get tens and tens of views. ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for this... yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less. do you take aspirin? 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♪♪ >> o'donnell: one of music's biggest stars of the 60s haas died. ♪ be my baby my one and only baby ♪ ♪ be my baby now ♪ >> o'donnell: ronnie spector, the lead singer of the ronnettes sang such classics as "be my baby," "baby i love you," and "walking in the rain." spector's look and soaring voice turned the ronnettes into one of the premiere acts of era, toring england with the rolling stones and was the only girl group to tour with the beay aftf battle with cancer. she was 78. and we'll be right back. t! also try for cough, mucus & congestion. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. ♪♪ so you can enjoy more of...this. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition foth and energy. okay everyone, woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. for wrinkles results in one week. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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"cbs evening news,e alab poostte's was systems morrow, the that. if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell in the nation's capital. good night. >> judge judy: you were going to be incarcerated. >> i violated probation. >> announcer: legal and money troubles took their toll. >> judge judy: did you return to jail at any time after? >> yes, i did. >> judge judy: your house was in foreclosure for non-payment of mortgage. >> that's correct. >> announcer: but is her house sitter the problem? >> iphone 6, i left in her care. >> i had her children. they also have iphone 6s. >> judge judy: they have iphone 6s, and they can't afford to pay their mortgage? how does that happen? >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution rachelle marvel is suing her former tenant and friend, heather parent, for rent, stolen and damaged property, and unauthorized credit card charges. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 595 on the calendar in the matter of marvel vs. parent. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. folks, have a seat. >> judge judy: ms. marvel, how long do you know the defendant? >> i met, uh, the defendant in the spring of 2015 in outpatient treatment for chemical dependency. so i had not known her that long before after you met her that you wer >> judud wn? >>- i seed mit sentence for my dwi in april. >> judge judy: april of 2015? >> that's correct. and that was to be for 30 days. and i was in there during april for about, uh, 2 weeks, 15 days. >> judge judy: and then what happened? >> then what happened is, um, i went back to treatment, outpatient treatment. we continued our dialogue. and during that time, we had talked about our -- >> judge judy: no, you went back to jail, is what i'm talking about. >> yes, in may. >> judge judy: for what? >> i violated probation. so i -- i went to meet with my probation officer. i told them that i'd been drinking. i was taken into custody. >> judge judy: for how long were you incarcerated in may? >> i was there, um -- that was for 45 days. i th

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Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Money , Unitedhealthcare Medicare , Rv , Neuriva , Rumba Lessons , Zero Copays , Otezla , Choices , Moderate , Psoriasis , Splash , Entrance , Get Medicare , Depression , Pill , Cream , Plaque Psoriasis , Don T , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , History , 75 , Feelings , Weight Loss , Planning , Medicines , Headache , Weight , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , E Alab Poostte S , Dvr , Systems Morrow , Live , Judge Judy , Announcer , Probation , Troubles , Jail , Foreclosure , Toll , Non Payment , Mortgage , Children , House Sitter , Care , Iphone 6 , Iphone 6s , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Rachelle Marvel , Friend , Tenant , Heather Parent , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Credit Card , Property , Calendar , Byrd , Marvel Vs , 595 , Defendant , Outpatient Treatment , Parent , Parties , Ms , Chemical Dependency , Spring , You Re Welcome , Seat , Folks , Uh , Marvel , 2015 , Seed , Sentence , Dwi , Judud Wn , April Of 2015 , Dialogue , Um , 2 , I Th , Probation Officer , Custody , Drinking , In May , 45 ,

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