Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

and alex morgan are furious. the league canceling this weekend's matches amid allegations of a cover-up and sexual abuse. slower mail delivery? the new rules that take effect today. what it means for millions who rely on the postal service for deliveries of medicine and paychecks. of fenta one pill can kill: overdoses hit record highs, fueled by a flood of fentanyl-laced pills, heroin, and cocaine. tonight, a mother's pain. >> i have a huge hole in my heart. >> o'donnell: sunscreen recall: why coppertone is pulling these popular items off the shelves. and, "on the road." with floodwaters rising, a driver's prayers were answered by the few and the proud. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening to our viewers in the west and thank you for joining us on this busy friday night. we begin with a flurry of major developments in the covid pandemic from coast to coast. california's governor made a monumental announcement today, requiring covid vaccines for all school kids from kindergarten to 12th grade, once vaccines for kids are fully approved by the federal government. well, tonight, as the u.s. nears 700,000 deaths from the coronavirus, the u.s. drug company merck says it has developed a new pill that could be a game changer when it comes to treating coronavirus. merck is now planning to seek emergency use authorization from the f.d.a. for the world's first antiviral pill to treat covid. and, there's breaking news in new york city, where a group of public school teachers askedf the supreme court to block a vaccine mandate that's set to kick in today. cbs' nikki battiste is in the big apple right now to lead off our coverage. good evening, nikki. >> reporter: norah, good evening. here in new york city, the deadline has just passed for all public school staff to get at least one vaccine dose or face termination. and we've just learned, the supreme court has refused to block that mandate. and today, another mandate in california: all eligible school-aged children must be vaccinated against covid as soon as the f.d.a. gives full approval for the shot. >> we want to end this pandemic. >> reporter: california governor gavin newsom took a bold step today, making his state the first to mandate covid vaccinations for eligible children in public and private schools, once the vaccine is approved by the f.d.a. >> in fact, i anticipate other states to follow suit as well. >> reporter: the vaccine will be added to the list of other vaccinations, like measles and chicken pox, required by schools in california. about a third of california kids 12 to 17 are not vaccinated against covid. >> i'm 100% in favor of it. >> reporter: meanwhile, today, drug company merck announced its experimental pill, molnupiravir, could be a game changer to treat covid. >> this is quite impactful data, that-- that we hope offers a little ray of hope during this dark time of the pandemic. >> reporter: in the trial, patients with mild to moderate covid, at risk for serious illness, were given treatment over five days. data showed it reduced the risk of hospitalization by 50% with no deaths. there were eight deaths in the group given a placebo. the results were so promising, the trial stopped recruiting participants, and the company is now racing to file an emergency use authorization with the f.d.a. nationwide, cases of covid continue to decline after the summer surge. but 56-year-old supreme court justice brett kavanaugh didn't escape its reach, testing positive for covid. the fully-vaccinated justice is asymptomatic, but likely won't be on the bench when the new term starts on monday. and in new york city tonight, the deadline for all school employees to get at least one shot has passed. about 20% of nearly 4,600 school safety agents still have not been vaccinated against covid, d bib to work monday. hundreds could be forced to take unpaid leave or lose their jobs. do you think schools will be less safe on monday? >> schools will definitely be less safe on monday, because you have less school safety agents. >> if i don't want to live on the streets, i need this job to pay my bills. >> reporter: the threat of losing her job pushed school cafeteria worker allison boston to get her first dose this week, reluctantly. now that you have the vaccine dose, do you feel safer going into school? >> yes... honestly, yes. >> reporter: we learned today, an f.d.a. advisory committee is meeting on october 26 to discuss a vaccine for younger kids-- a positive development for the prospect of shots being available for kids ages 5 to 11 around halloween. norah. >> o'donnell: all right, nikki battiste, thank you. back here in washington, president biden left the oval office and went to the capitol today, hoping to salvage the major pieces of his legislative agenda. and tonight, we're learning new details about what the president told members of his own party.>t biden urged the fighting factions in his party to compromise, and he isn't putting a timetable on when to get it done. president biden trekked to capitol hill late friday to rally fellow democrats aroundca his signature priorities. >> it doesn't matter whether it's in six minutes, six days, or six weeks-- we're going to get it done. >> reporter: the high-stakes visit capped off a day of discussions among democrats... >> we're in the middle of mashed potatoes or sausage making. that's what legislation is. >> reporter: ...dug in over differences. >> we need to be real. are we going to deliver universal pre-k. to this country or not? are we going to expand healthcare to our seniors, and include vision and dental, or not? >> reporter: progressives continue to push for a massive $3.5 trillion social spending package, but moderates want a number at least half the size. you acknowledge that you may have to concede on that, and come down? >> i think i've already said we have to get everybody on board. >> reporter: without a resolution, a vote on a smaller, bipartisan infrastructure bill has been put on hold at least twice. how disappointed are you that-- >> well, look, i'm a legislator. i understand this thing. we set certain timetables. we're trying to get this moving. we're trying to get momentum. we understand where everybody is at. >> reporter: the impasse over infrastructure is already having an impact on the department of transportation, where 3,700 workers were temporarily furloughed. >> 4,000 lives, and families, too, that might be furloughed because of us. i mean, come on. >> reporter: lawmakers are working on a short-term measure to restore some of that transportation funding until that bipartisan infrastructure bill can happen. norah. >> o'donnell: so interesting, the president telling those members that $3.5 trillion isn't happening. nile killion, thank you.ll, toto professional women's soccer is turned upside down after a shocking report that a prominent male coach is accused of coercing players into having sex. the top league canceled all of its games for this weekend, and now soccer's international governing body is investigating. cbs' dana jacobson reports. >> megan rapinoe, into the top corner! >> reporter: outrage tonight from one of soccer's top women players, reacting to allegations of sexual misconduct by coach paul riley. megan rapinoe accused the national women's soccer league of failing to address allegations of abuse against players, writing on twitter, "men protecting men who are abusing women. burn it all down. let all their heads roll." riley is the third coach since august to be fired over allegations of abuse. the north carolina courage let him go after he was accused of sexual coercion by former players sinead farrelly and, b" when she was 22, and recruited her to three different teams he coached. her portland thorns teammate meleana shim says she was manipulated by riley as well. >> farrelly, they said, were brought back to paul riley's house after a night of drinking out with the team, and he encouraged them to kiss in his apartment. >> reporter: in canceling this weekend's games, league president lisa baird apologized to the players and staff, saying, "i am so sorry for the to the players and staff, saying, "i am so pain so many are feeling." but star player alex morgan says she reported riley's behavior back in 2015. in a statement, she said, "the league was informed of these allegations multiple times, and refused multiple times to investigate the allegations." riley has denied the allegations. >> he has a huge role in the professional league, but he also has influence across the entire sport. so there was always a level of concern that something still might happen to them. >> reporter: dana jacobson, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: all right, tonight, investigators are looking into what caused a deadly midair collision in chandler, arizona. a single-engine plane and a helicopter collided not far from an airport. the chopper crashed in a field, and two people inside were killed. the plane landed safely. a flight instructor and student who were on board were not hurt. the u.s. postal service is hitting americans with a one-two punch. today, first class mail delivery times were slowed down. sunday, the price of sending a package goes up. cbs' kris van cleave on how this will impact customers. >> reporter: for kiani wong's hawaii-based footwear business, the postal office's slower shipping and holiday surcharge, up to $5 a package, will deliver a hit to her bottom line. >> i really do feel like it's just another nail in the coffin. >> reporter: as part of a ten-year plan to slash billions in debt and modernize the post office, controversial trump appointee, postmaster general louis dejoy, ordered the slowdown. now, about 30% of first class mail and packages will take up to five days to arrive, instead of two to three, meaning longer waits for letters, bills, even prescription medication for millions of americans. you will pay more and get less. >> yes. does that make sense? >> reporter: congresswoman brenda lawrence, who spent 30 years as a postal worker, is demanding answers, after the postal regulatory commissionulan questioned if raising prices while reducing service is good business. >> i would be more receptive if they said, "we're going to try this, and pilot this program." but to change the standards without it being vetted is unacceptable. >> reporter: the post office will now rely largely on ground transportation, not airplanes, to move first class mail, something it says is cheaper and more reliable. for wong, it means a holiday season without much cheer. >> not only are we paying more for our postal service-- ourtal. o customers' packages may or may not arrive on time, which is huge for the holiday season. >> reporter: making snail mail slower, the post office says, will help it make a 95% on-time delivery goal. last quarter, they were around 88% on-time delivery for first class mail. and these changes come just weeks after the agency raised the cost of postage. norah. >> o'donnell: yeah, i read one expert say that mail delivery is going to be slower than it was in the 1970s. kris van cleave, thank you. and tonight, an urgent warning from the d.e.a. about fentanyl: laced drugs on the street of america. there are millions of these dangerous, fake pills out there, and they are killing thousands of americans. cbs' jeff pegues reports. >> reporter: matthew loudon was a star hockey player in high school.r: 21, he wasead his mother, deena, found him in the basement.tanyl overdose. his mot i can tell you miss him. >> i do, i do. i miss him every day. i have a huge hole in my heart. >> reporter: matthew, who struggled with depression, had taken a pill laced with fentanyl, an opioid 100 times more potent than heroin. >> i saw matthew and, you know, quickly turned him over and i knew he was gone. >> reporter: nearly 75% of the drug-related deaths last year were attributed to illegal fentanyl. it's smuggled into the u.s., mainly from mexico, hidden in tires, trucks, even loads of tires, trucks, even loads of frozen fish. in laredo, texas, seizures at the border are up 1,500% this year. >> we're seeing them in very small packages, which makes it even more challenging for our workforce to interdict. >> reporter: the cartels lace drugs like cocaine and heroin with fentanyl, and use it to make fake pain pills that end up on american streets. the u.s. government seized 1.8 million counterfeit pills in the last two months. >> one pill can kill. >> reporter: deputy attorney general lisa monaco said the pills look like real drugs. >> they're being sold over the internet and on social media platforms, like facebook marketplace, or snapchat. and they're being marketed to teenagers. >> to me, it's just... its horrible. >> reporter: deena has stitched together matthew's hockey jerseys to remind her of her son, who she says was her life. >> we have to get the word out. people need to know what fentanyl is. >> reporter: because fentanyl and those fake pills are killing unsuspecting americans at an unprecedented rate, the d.e.a. has issued a public safety alert for the first time in six years. norah. >> o'donnell: it is so true. we have to get the word out about these fake pills that are out there that are so deadly. jeff pegues, thank you. and there is still much more news ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." newly-released video of gabby petito's interview with police. what she told them about an alleged assault by her fiancé. and, what you need to know about a nationwide sunscreen recall. e. one, two! one, two, three! only pay for what you need! with customized car insurance from liberty mutual! nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [ sneeze ] are you ok? 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(background talking and laughing) ♪ ♪ (child) ...some people just go there immediately... at kaiser permanente, your entire care team is connected. so even a routine appointment can save your life. i am so glad you did this mammogram, so we can detect it early. everything looks great with your eyes, and i see you're due for a mammogram. should we schedule it? oh yeah that'd be great. a leader in the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer. >> o'donnell: everyone knows marines are always ready, and they proved it once again with an unexpected amphibious mission. here's cbs' steve hartman, "on the road." >> traffic and weather on the 8s. >> reporter: it was a deceptively beautiful morning in the nation's capital. >> severe weather is not expected today. >> reporter: but by that afternoon, several inches of heavy rain had fallen in parts of the district. and no one was caught more off-guard that september day than virginia waller of hagerstown, maryland. virginia was coming down this exit ramp when she ran head-long into a flash flood. hit the water with such force, it tore off her license plate. water so deep, her car wouldn't budge. >> it was scary. >> reporter: had you ever felt that scared before? >> no. no, i thou i thought i could die. >> reporter: virginia is au woan of faith, but she says she's never prayed harder than she did at that moment. >> clinging onto the hope that god heard me. >> reporter: a minute passed. you had to think you were seeing things. >> yeah, for a second, it was like, is this real?anart cordin. so cool! it. so cool! >> reporter: what virginia saw was the next best thing to the hand of god. >> the marines are going to help us! >> reporter: marines, in dress blues, who seemed to appear out of nowhere. >> thank you so much! >> reporter: believe it or not, i've actually met these same men before, and can personally vouch for their strength of character, and their strength. back in 2019, we did a story on this elite group, known as "the body bearers." their mission here at arlington cemetery is to shoulder the burden of american grief, literally. men so humble in their charge, they rarely do interviews, and were especially reluctant to talk about rescuing virginia that day. >> yeah. >> reporter: we had to fight to get you on camera. ( laughter ) >> yeah, well... >> reporter: but they sat foraue they thought there cou me, because they thought there could be a lesson in this. >> the more i thought about it, it was like, well, that's-- this is kind of a platform to tell people, be the one to get out of your car. like, that's got to be the takeaway. >> reporter: in other words, it should be the motto of all americans: to leave no man behind-- not in a war, not in a flood, not anywhere, in any wayy >> oh, my god. they didn't ask who we were. they just helped, selflessly. and they didn't leave us behind that day. >> reporter: and there's the first push... >> oh, yeah! >> reporter: this american rescue plan. >> oh, my god! this is the most american thing ever. thank you! >> reporter: steve hartman, "on the road," in washington, d.c. >> o'donnell: how much do you love our u.s. marines? i just love that story. thank you. we'll be right back. w house. seeing what people left behind in the attic. well, saving on homeowners insurance with geico's help was pretty fun too. ahhhh, it's a tiny dancer. they left a ton of stuff up here. welp, enjoy your house. nope. no thank you. geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ what's the #1 retinol brand you're walking the same path they did. used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena® age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. ♪ ♪ we see a close up of the grille overhead shot. she drives hands free along the coast. make it palm springs. cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off - script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyric. what makes new salonpas arthritis gel so good for arthritis pain? if you want to be bold, you have to go off - script. salonpas contains the most prescribed topical pain relief ingredient. it's clinically proven, reduces inflammation and comes in original prescription strength. salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ when you hear 'cough cough sneeze sneeze' ♪ it's time for ♪ 'plop plop fizz fizz' ♪ alka seltzer plus cold relief, dissolves quickly... instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. >> o'donnell: sunday on "face the nation," margaret brennan's guests include new jersey senator cory booker, and west virginia governor jim justice. and if you can't watch the "evening news" live, set your dvr so you can watch us later. that's tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell. i hope you have a great weekend. see you monday. right now at 7:00 -- i can't take this anymore. most parents i want to get this behind us. >> governor ducey mandates a covid vaccine for nearly every school kid in the state. how soon it could take effect, and what parents are saying tonight. >> i can't wait. warm temperatures to start the month of october. today was the warmest day so far this year and severn cisco at 85 degrees. more warmth this weekend, but more wildfire smoke. is a new spin on sideshow enforcement. a south bay man is being sued over social media posts. we confronted him at the courthouse. >> reporter: are you the guys organizing all the sideshows? the accident that transformed these bay area streets into streams in the middle of our historic drought. right now on the kpix 5 news at 7:00, and streaming on cbsn bay area , just hours after west contra costa became the fourth area school district to mandate student vaccines, governor newsom has made california the first in the country to issue the order statewide. >> i have four young kids. i can't take this anymore. i'm like most parents. want to get this behind us, get the economy moving again. >> at evening. the mandate could take effect in s&s 3 months. first, for students 12 and over, and then for the younger kids, once a vaccine is approved for them. >> kpix 5's betty yu as parents about it. >> reporter: parents in mission bay were generally in favor of this mandate. upuntil no gove left the decision upto lo i've been .

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Emergency Use Authorization , Group , Breaking News , Fda For The World , New York City , Public School Teachers Askedf The Supreme Court , Reporter , Norah , Staff , Cbs , Face , Wall , Vaccine Dose , Evening , Termination , Public School , Nikki Battiste , Coverage , Big Apple , Shot , Approval , Schools , Vaccine , Gavin Newsom , Covid Vaccinations , First , Fact , Step , Suit , Vaccinations , Measles , List , Chicken Pox , Third , 17 , Molnupiravir , Data , Favor , 100 , Hope , Treatment , Risk , Trial , We Hope , Illness , Ray , Patients , Five , Recruiting Participants , Hospitalization , Placebo , Results , Eight , Brett Kavanaugh Didn T Escape , Justice , Cases , Nationwide , Asymptomatic , Won T , Summer Surge , Reach , Supreme Court Justice , Testing Positive , 56 , School Safety Agents , Term , Bench , School Employees , One Shot , 4600 , 20 , Hundreds , Safe , Leave , Jobs , Bib , D , Bills , Job , School , Streets , Threat , School Cafeteria Worker , Yes , Boston , Shots , Development , Prospect , Fda Advisory Committee , October 26 , 26 , In Washington D C , Pieces , Capitol Today , Oval Office , 11 , 5 , He Isn T , Members , Party , Compromise , Fighting Factions , Details , Party , It Doesn T , Timetable , Matter , Signature Priorities , Legislation , Visit , Middle , Discussions , Sausage Making , Mashed Potatoes , Differences , Dug In , Number , Country , Package , Progressives , Healthcare , Vision , Pre K , Seniors , Moderates , Size , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Everybody , Infrastructure Bill , Vote , Without A Resolution , Thing , Impasse , Timetables , Momentum , Moving , Infrastructure , Legislator , Hold , Impact , Lives , Families , Measure , Lawmakers , Some , Come On , Workers , Department Of Transportation , 3700 , 4000 , Transportation Funding , Toto Professional Women S Soccer , Nile Killion , Thank You Ll , Players , Coach , Soccer , Report , Games , Governing Body , Sex , Paul Riley , Women , Outrage Tonight , Corner , Sexual Misconduct , Dana Jacobson , Abuse , Men Protecting , Twitter , Heads , National Women S Soccer League , Down , Coercion , B , North Carolina Courage , Meleana Shim , Teams , Portland , 22 , Three , Lisa Baird , House , Team , Kiss , Drinking , Apartment , Farrelly , Times , Behavior , Statement , Feeling , Many , Star Player , 2015 , Something , Influence , Level , Sport , Role , Concern , Plane , Investigators , Arizona , Cbs News , Midair Collision , Helicopter , Chandler , People , Student , Flight Instructor , Chopper , Airport , Punch , Field , U S Postal Service , On Board , Two , Sunday , First Class , Postal Office , Kris Van Cleave , Customers , Footwear Business , Holiday Surcharge , Shipping , Kiani Wong S Hawaii , Feel , Plan , Louis Dejoy , Part , Hit , Bottom Line , Appointee , Billions , Coffin , Nail , Debt , Trump , , Ten , Packages , Mail , Class , Prescription Medication , Slowdown , Letters , 30 , Brenda Lawrence , Worker , Answers , Prices , Sense , Regulatory Commissionulan , It , Business , Program , Pilot , Standards , Holiday Season , Postal Service , Ground Transportation , Airplanes , Cheer , Wong , Ourtal , O Customers , Snail Mail , Goal , 95 , Agency , Changes , Postage , Delivery , Cost , Expert , 1970 , 88 , Fentanyl , Drugs , Jeff Pegues , Dea , Warning , The Street Of America , Killing Thousands , Matthew Loudon , Star Hockey Player , Overdose , Basement Tanyl , R , 21 , Opioid , Depression , Mot , Quickly , Mexico , 75 , Tires , Trucks , Fish , Border , Seizures , Texas , Laredo , 1500 , Counterfeit Pills , Pain Pills , Workforce , Interdict , Cartels , 1 8 Million , Lisa Monaco , Internet , Social Media Platforms , Facebook , Snapchat , Life , Son , Hockey Jerseys , Teenagers , Word , Alert , Public Safety , Rate , News , Gabby Petito , Video , Police , Interview , Sunscreen , FiancÉ , Recall , Assault , E One , Pay , Nothing , Cold , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Sneeze , Cold Relief , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Liquid , Cold Medicines , Coricidin , Age , Protein , High Protein , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Immune Support , Boost , Town , Pizza , 16 , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Scenario , Possibility , Brian Laundrie , Officers , Body Cam Video , Argument , Utah , Parents , Right , Sister , Whereabouts , Host , Hit Laundrie First , Pat Robertson , 700 Club , 700 , Gordon , Chemical , Aerosol Sunscreens , Cancer , Products , Christian Broadcasting Network , Benzene , Exposure , 91 , Hasn T , Steve Hartman , Reports , Stores , Illnesses , Marines , Motto , My Name Is Cherrie , Oregon Coast , Hi , 76 , Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Memories , 53 , Memory , Puzzle Pieces , Click , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Wealth , Investment , Worth , Partner , Share , Load , Extra , Background , Mammogram , Care Team , Child , Appointment , Entire , Kaiser Permanente , Everything , Prevention , Eyes , Detection , Leader , Mission , Weather , Everyone , 8s , Traffic , 8 , Parts , District , Off Guard , Heavy Rain , West Virginia , Water , Car , License Plate , Exit Ramp , Force , Flash Flood , Maryland , Hagerstown , Virginia Waller , Wouldn T Budge , Au Woan Of Faith , Clinging , God , Things , Second , Anart Cordin , Out Of Nowhere , Virginia Saw , Hand Of God , Dress Blues , Men , Strength , Story , Character , Back , Elite Group , The Body Bearers , Arlington Cemetery , 2019 , Interviews , Charge , Grief , Burden , More , Foraue , Platform , Laughter , Lesson , Kind , Camera , Man , Words , Takeaway , War , Anywhere , Wayy , Push , Rescue Plan , The Attic , Stuff , Geico , Homeowners Insurance , Help , Dancer , Ton , Ahhhh , Shingles , Camera Man , Lifetime , Insurance , Homeowners , Renters , Welp , 1 , 3 , Anybody , Uncle , Don T , Rash , Whaaaat , 2 , Eggs , Best , Family , Doctor , Baby , Pharmacist , We Care , Anything , Taste , Digging , Ancestry , Superior Nutrition , Eggland S Best , Grandparents , Lot , Fun , Person , Path , Picture , Dermatologists , Wrinkles , Lines , Look , Rapid , Neutrogena , Deep Wrinkles , Wrinkle Repair , 4 , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , Overhead Shot , Up , Grille , All Electric Cadillac , Arthritis Pain , Coast , Cadillac , Arthritis Gel , Palm Springs , Salonpas , Prescription Strength , It S Time , Cough Sneeze , Inflammation , Pain Relief Ingredient , Plop Fizz , Alka Seltzer Plus , Dissolves , Jim Justice , Cory Booker , Guests , Dvr , Margaret Brennan , New Jersey , Face The Nation , 7 , 00 , Ducey , School Kid , Temperatures , Spin , Warmth , Wildfire Smoke , 85 , Posts , Social Media , Courthouse , Sideshow Enforcement , Guys , South Bay , Kpix 5 , Accident , Student Vaccines , Sideshows , Area School District , Drought , Bay Area Streets Into Streams , Cbsn Bay Area , Contra Costa , Order , Four , Economy , Upuntil No Gove , Mission Bay , Decision ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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and alex morgan are furious. the league canceling this weekend's matches amid allegations of a cover-up and sexual abuse. slower mail delivery? the new rules that take effect today. what it means for millions who rely on the postal service for deliveries of medicine and paychecks. of fenta one pill can kill: overdoses hit record highs, fueled by a flood of fentanyl-laced pills, heroin, and cocaine. tonight, a mother's pain. >> i have a huge hole in my heart. >> o'donnell: sunscreen recall: why coppertone is pulling these popular items off the shelves. and, "on the road." with floodwaters rising, a driver's prayers were answered by the few and the proud. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening to our viewers in the west and thank you for joining us on this busy friday night. we begin with a flurry of major developments in the covid pandemic from coast to coast. california's governor made a monumental announcement today, requiring covid vaccines for all school kids from kindergarten to 12th grade, once vaccines for kids are fully approved by the federal government. well, tonight, as the u.s. nears 700,000 deaths from the coronavirus, the u.s. drug company merck says it has developed a new pill that could be a game changer when it comes to treating coronavirus. merck is now planning to seek emergency use authorization from the f.d.a. for the world's first antiviral pill to treat covid. and, there's breaking news in new york city, where a group of public school teachers askedf the supreme court to block a vaccine mandate that's set to kick in today. cbs' nikki battiste is in the big apple right now to lead off our coverage. good evening, nikki. >> reporter: norah, good evening. here in new york city, the deadline has just passed for all public school staff to get at least one vaccine dose or face termination. and we've just learned, the supreme court has refused to block that mandate. and today, another mandate in california: all eligible school-aged children must be vaccinated against covid as soon as the f.d.a. gives full approval for the shot. >> we want to end this pandemic. >> reporter: california governor gavin newsom took a bold step today, making his state the first to mandate covid vaccinations for eligible children in public and private schools, once the vaccine is approved by the f.d.a. >> in fact, i anticipate other states to follow suit as well. >> reporter: the vaccine will be added to the list of other vaccinations, like measles and chicken pox, required by schools in california. about a third of california kids 12 to 17 are not vaccinated against covid. >> i'm 100% in favor of it. >> reporter: meanwhile, today, drug company merck announced its experimental pill, molnupiravir, could be a game changer to treat covid. >> this is quite impactful data, that-- that we hope offers a little ray of hope during this dark time of the pandemic. >> reporter: in the trial, patients with mild to moderate covid, at risk for serious illness, were given treatment over five days. data showed it reduced the risk of hospitalization by 50% with no deaths. there were eight deaths in the group given a placebo. the results were so promising, the trial stopped recruiting participants, and the company is now racing to file an emergency use authorization with the f.d.a. nationwide, cases of covid continue to decline after the summer surge. but 56-year-old supreme court justice brett kavanaugh didn't escape its reach, testing positive for covid. the fully-vaccinated justice is asymptomatic, but likely won't be on the bench when the new term starts on monday. and in new york city tonight, the deadline for all school employees to get at least one shot has passed. about 20% of nearly 4,600 school safety agents still have not been vaccinated against covid, d bib to work monday. hundreds could be forced to take unpaid leave or lose their jobs. do you think schools will be less safe on monday? >> schools will definitely be less safe on monday, because you have less school safety agents. >> if i don't want to live on the streets, i need this job to pay my bills. >> reporter: the threat of losing her job pushed school cafeteria worker allison boston to get her first dose this week, reluctantly. now that you have the vaccine dose, do you feel safer going into school? >> yes... honestly, yes. >> reporter: we learned today, an f.d.a. advisory committee is meeting on october 26 to discuss a vaccine for younger kids-- a positive development for the prospect of shots being available for kids ages 5 to 11 around halloween. norah. >> o'donnell: all right, nikki battiste, thank you. back here in washington, president biden left the oval office and went to the capitol today, hoping to salvage the major pieces of his legislative agenda. and tonight, we're learning new details about what the president told members of his own party.>t biden urged the fighting factions in his party to compromise, and he isn't putting a timetable on when to get it done. president biden trekked to capitol hill late friday to rally fellow democrats aroundca his signature priorities. >> it doesn't matter whether it's in six minutes, six days, or six weeks-- we're going to get it done. >> reporter: the high-stakes visit capped off a day of discussions among democrats... >> we're in the middle of mashed potatoes or sausage making. that's what legislation is. >> reporter: ...dug in over differences. >> we need to be real. are we going to deliver universal pre-k. to this country or not? are we going to expand healthcare to our seniors, and include vision and dental, or not? >> reporter: progressives continue to push for a massive $3.5 trillion social spending package, but moderates want a number at least half the size. you acknowledge that you may have to concede on that, and come down? >> i think i've already said we have to get everybody on board. >> reporter: without a resolution, a vote on a smaller, bipartisan infrastructure bill has been put on hold at least twice. how disappointed are you that-- >> well, look, i'm a legislator. i understand this thing. we set certain timetables. we're trying to get this moving. we're trying to get momentum. we understand where everybody is at. >> reporter: the impasse over infrastructure is already having an impact on the department of transportation, where 3,700 workers were temporarily furloughed. >> 4,000 lives, and families, too, that might be furloughed because of us. i mean, come on. >> reporter: lawmakers are working on a short-term measure to restore some of that transportation funding until that bipartisan infrastructure bill can happen. norah. >> o'donnell: so interesting, the president telling those members that $3.5 trillion isn't happening. nile killion, thank you.ll, toto professional women's soccer is turned upside down after a shocking report that a prominent male coach is accused of coercing players into having sex. the top league canceled all of its games for this weekend, and now soccer's international governing body is investigating. cbs' dana jacobson reports. >> megan rapinoe, into the top corner! >> reporter: outrage tonight from one of soccer's top women players, reacting to allegations of sexual misconduct by coach paul riley. megan rapinoe accused the national women's soccer league of failing to address allegations of abuse against players, writing on twitter, "men protecting men who are abusing women. burn it all down. let all their heads roll." riley is the third coach since august to be fired over allegations of abuse. the north carolina courage let him go after he was accused of sexual coercion by former players sinead farrelly and, b" when she was 22, and recruited her to three different teams he coached. her portland thorns teammate meleana shim says she was manipulated by riley as well. >> farrelly, they said, were brought back to paul riley's house after a night of drinking out with the team, and he encouraged them to kiss in his apartment. >> reporter: in canceling this weekend's games, league president lisa baird apologized to the players and staff, saying, "i am so sorry for the to the players and staff, saying, "i am so pain so many are feeling." but star player alex morgan says she reported riley's behavior back in 2015. in a statement, she said, "the league was informed of these allegations multiple times, and refused multiple times to investigate the allegations." riley has denied the allegations. >> he has a huge role in the professional league, but he also has influence across the entire sport. so there was always a level of concern that something still might happen to them. >> reporter: dana jacobson, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: all right, tonight, investigators are looking into what caused a deadly midair collision in chandler, arizona. a single-engine plane and a helicopter collided not far from an airport. the chopper crashed in a field, and two people inside were killed. the plane landed safely. a flight instructor and student who were on board were not hurt. the u.s. postal service is hitting americans with a one-two punch. today, first class mail delivery times were slowed down. sunday, the price of sending a package goes up. cbs' kris van cleave on how this will impact customers. >> reporter: for kiani wong's hawaii-based footwear business, the postal office's slower shipping and holiday surcharge, up to $5 a package, will deliver a hit to her bottom line. >> i really do feel like it's just another nail in the coffin. >> reporter: as part of a ten-year plan to slash billions in debt and modernize the post office, controversial trump appointee, postmaster general louis dejoy, ordered the slowdown. now, about 30% of first class mail and packages will take up to five days to arrive, instead of two to three, meaning longer waits for letters, bills, even prescription medication for millions of americans. you will pay more and get less. >> yes. does that make sense? >> reporter: congresswoman brenda lawrence, who spent 30 years as a postal worker, is demanding answers, after the postal regulatory commissionulan questioned if raising prices while reducing service is good business. >> i would be more receptive if they said, "we're going to try this, and pilot this program." but to change the standards without it being vetted is unacceptable. >> reporter: the post office will now rely largely on ground transportation, not airplanes, to move first class mail, something it says is cheaper and more reliable. for wong, it means a holiday season without much cheer. >> not only are we paying more for our postal service-- ourtal. o customers' packages may or may not arrive on time, which is huge for the holiday season. >> reporter: making snail mail slower, the post office says, will help it make a 95% on-time delivery goal. last quarter, they were around 88% on-time delivery for first class mail. and these changes come just weeks after the agency raised the cost of postage. norah. >> o'donnell: yeah, i read one expert say that mail delivery is going to be slower than it was in the 1970s. kris van cleave, thank you. and tonight, an urgent warning from the d.e.a. about fentanyl: laced drugs on the street of america. there are millions of these dangerous, fake pills out there, and they are killing thousands of americans. cbs' jeff pegues reports. >> reporter: matthew loudon was a star hockey player in high school.r: 21, he wasead his mother, deena, found him in the basement.tanyl overdose. his mot i can tell you miss him. >> i do, i do. i miss him every day. i have a huge hole in my heart. >> reporter: matthew, who struggled with depression, had taken a pill laced with fentanyl, an opioid 100 times more potent than heroin. >> i saw matthew and, you know, quickly turned him over and i knew he was gone. >> reporter: nearly 75% of the drug-related deaths last year were attributed to illegal fentanyl. it's smuggled into the u.s., mainly from mexico, hidden in tires, trucks, even loads of tires, trucks, even loads of frozen fish. in laredo, texas, seizures at the border are up 1,500% this year. >> we're seeing them in very small packages, which makes it even more challenging for our workforce to interdict. >> reporter: the cartels lace drugs like cocaine and heroin with fentanyl, and use it to make fake pain pills that end up on american streets. the u.s. government seized 1.8 million counterfeit pills in the last two months. >> one pill can kill. >> reporter: deputy attorney general lisa monaco said the pills look like real drugs. >> they're being sold over the internet and on social media platforms, like facebook marketplace, or snapchat. and they're being marketed to teenagers. >> to me, it's just... its horrible. >> reporter: deena has stitched together matthew's hockey jerseys to remind her of her son, who she says was her life. >> we have to get the word out. people need to know what fentanyl is. >> reporter: because fentanyl and those fake pills are killing unsuspecting americans at an unprecedented rate, the d.e.a. has issued a public safety alert for the first time in six years. norah. >> o'donnell: it is so true. we have to get the word out about these fake pills that are out there that are so deadly. jeff pegues, thank you. and there is still much more news ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." newly-released video of gabby petito's interview with police. what she told them about an alleged assault by her fiancé. and, what you need to know about a nationwide sunscreen recall. e. one, two! one, two, three! only pay for what you need! with customized car insurance from liberty mutual! nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [ sneeze ] are you ok? 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(background talking and laughing) ♪ ♪ (child) ...some people just go there immediately... at kaiser permanente, your entire care team is connected. so even a routine appointment can save your life. i am so glad you did this mammogram, so we can detect it early. everything looks great with your eyes, and i see you're due for a mammogram. should we schedule it? oh yeah that'd be great. a leader in the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer. >> o'donnell: everyone knows marines are always ready, and they proved it once again with an unexpected amphibious mission. here's cbs' steve hartman, "on the road." >> traffic and weather on the 8s. >> reporter: it was a deceptively beautiful morning in the nation's capital. >> severe weather is not expected today. >> reporter: but by that afternoon, several inches of heavy rain had fallen in parts of the district. and no one was caught more off-guard that september day than virginia waller of hagerstown, maryland. virginia was coming down this exit ramp when she ran head-long into a flash flood. hit the water with such force, it tore off her license plate. water so deep, her car wouldn't budge. >> it was scary. >> reporter: had you ever felt that scared before? >> no. no, i thou i thought i could die. >> reporter: virginia is au woan of faith, but she says she's never prayed harder than she did at that moment. >> clinging onto the hope that god heard me. >> reporter: a minute passed. you had to think you were seeing things. >> yeah, for a second, it was like, is this real?anart cordin. so cool! it. so cool! >> reporter: what virginia saw was the next best thing to the hand of god. >> the marines are going to help us! >> reporter: marines, in dress blues, who seemed to appear out of nowhere. >> thank you so much! >> reporter: believe it or not, i've actually met these same men before, and can personally vouch for their strength of character, and their strength. back in 2019, we did a story on this elite group, known as "the body bearers." their mission here at arlington cemetery is to shoulder the burden of american grief, literally. men so humble in their charge, they rarely do interviews, and were especially reluctant to talk about rescuing virginia that day. >> yeah. >> reporter: we had to fight to get you on camera. ( laughter ) >> yeah, well... >> reporter: but they sat foraue they thought there cou me, because they thought there could be a lesson in this. >> the more i thought about it, it was like, well, that's-- this is kind of a platform to tell people, be the one to get out of your car. like, that's got to be the takeaway. >> reporter: in other words, it should be the motto of all americans: to leave no man behind-- not in a war, not in a flood, not anywhere, in any wayy >> oh, my god. they didn't ask who we were. they just helped, selflessly. and they didn't leave us behind that day. >> reporter: and there's the first push... >> oh, yeah! >> reporter: this american rescue plan. >> oh, my god! this is the most american thing ever. thank you! >> reporter: steve hartman, "on the road," in washington, d.c. >> o'donnell: how much do you love our u.s. marines? i just love that story. thank you. we'll be right back. w house. seeing what people left behind in the attic. well, saving on homeowners insurance with geico's help was pretty fun too. ahhhh, it's a tiny dancer. they left a ton of stuff up here. welp, enjoy your house. nope. no thank you. geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. shingles? 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the accident that transformed these bay area streets into streams in the middle of our historic drought. right now on the kpix 5 news at 7:00, and streaming on cbsn bay area , just hours after west contra costa became the fourth area school district to mandate student vaccines, governor newsom has made california the first in the country to issue the order statewide. >> i have four young kids. i can't take this anymore. i'm like most parents. want to get this behind us, get the economy moving again. >> at evening. the mandate could take effect in s&s 3 months. first, for students 12 and over, and then for the younger kids, once a vaccine is approved for them. >> kpix 5's betty yu as parents about it. >> reporter: parents in mission bay were generally in favor of this mandate. upuntil no gove left the decision upto lo i've been .

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Cbs O Donnell , Fo Captioning Sponsored , Mandate , Vaccine Mandate , Students , State , Kids , Children , California S , Millions , Private School , Nation , Public , Covid Vaccine , Biden , Pill , Deaths , States , Meeting , Hospitalizations , Plus , Trip , Capitol Hill , 50 , Agenda , Democrats , Deal , Megan Rapinoe , Women S Soccer Scandal , Six , Allegations , Weekend , Effect , League , Mail Delivery , Sexual Abuse , Cover Up , Matches , Rules , Alex Morgan , Pills , Medicine , Deena , Flood , Service , Pain , Heroin , Cocaine , Deliveries , Hit Record Highs , Paychecks , One , On The Road , Hole In My Heart , Floodwaters , Driver , Coppertone , Shelves , Items , Prayers , Sunscreen Recall , Norah O Donnell , Proud , Few , West , Viewers , Nation S Capital , Pandemic , Governor , Covid , Vaccines , School Kids , Developments , Kindergarten , Flurry , Announcement , Coast To , Friday Night , 12th Grade , 12 , Company , U S , Game Changer , Government , Drug , Merck , 700000 , Emergency Use Authorization , Group , Breaking News , Fda For The World , New York City , Public School Teachers Askedf The Supreme Court , Reporter , Norah , Staff , Cbs , Face , Wall , Vaccine Dose , Evening , Termination , Public School , Nikki Battiste , Coverage , Big Apple , Shot , Approval , Schools , Vaccine , Gavin Newsom , Covid Vaccinations , First , Fact , Step , Suit , Vaccinations , Measles , List , Chicken Pox , Third , 17 , Molnupiravir , Data , Favor , 100 , Hope , Treatment , Risk , Trial , We Hope , Illness , Ray , Patients , Five , Recruiting Participants , Hospitalization , Placebo , Results , Eight , Brett Kavanaugh Didn T Escape , Justice , Cases , Nationwide , Asymptomatic , Won T , Summer Surge , Reach , Supreme Court Justice , Testing Positive , 56 , School Safety Agents , Term , Bench , School Employees , One Shot , 4600 , 20 , Hundreds , Safe , Leave , Jobs , Bib , D , Bills , Job , School , Streets , Threat , School Cafeteria Worker , Yes , Boston , Shots , Development , Prospect , Fda Advisory Committee , October 26 , 26 , In Washington D C , Pieces , Capitol Today , Oval Office , 11 , 5 , He Isn T , Members , Party , Compromise , Fighting Factions , Details , Party , It Doesn T , Timetable , Matter , Signature Priorities , Legislation , Visit , Middle , Discussions , Sausage Making , Mashed Potatoes , Differences , Dug In , Number , Country , Package , Progressives , Healthcare , Vision , Pre K , Seniors , Moderates , Size , 5 Trillion , 3 5 Trillion , Everybody , Infrastructure Bill , Vote , Without A Resolution , Thing , Impasse , Timetables , Momentum , Moving , Infrastructure , Legislator , Hold , Impact , Lives , Families , Measure , Lawmakers , Some , Come On , Workers , Department Of Transportation , 3700 , 4000 , Transportation Funding , Toto Professional Women S Soccer , Nile Killion , Thank You Ll , Players , Coach , Soccer , Report , Games , Governing Body , Sex , Paul Riley , Women , Outrage Tonight , Corner , Sexual Misconduct , Dana Jacobson , Abuse , Men Protecting , Twitter , Heads , National Women S Soccer League , Down , Coercion , B , North Carolina Courage , Meleana Shim , Teams , Portland , 22 , Three , Lisa Baird , House , Team , Kiss , Drinking , Apartment , Farrelly , Times , Behavior , Statement , Feeling , Many , Star Player , 2015 , Something , Influence , Level , Sport , Role , Concern , Plane , Investigators , Arizona , Cbs News , Midair Collision , Helicopter , Chandler , People , Student , Flight Instructor , Chopper , Airport , Punch , Field , U S Postal Service , On Board , Two , Sunday , First Class , Postal Office , Kris Van Cleave , Customers , Footwear Business , Holiday Surcharge , Shipping , Kiani Wong S Hawaii , Feel , Plan , Louis Dejoy , Part , Hit , Bottom Line , Appointee , Billions , Coffin , Nail , Debt , Trump , , Ten , Packages , Mail , Class , Prescription Medication , Slowdown , Letters , 30 , Brenda Lawrence , Worker , Answers , Prices , Sense , Regulatory Commissionulan , It , Business , Program , Pilot , Standards , Holiday Season , Postal Service , Ground Transportation , Airplanes , Cheer , Wong , Ourtal , O Customers , Snail Mail , Goal , 95 , Agency , Changes , Postage , Delivery , Cost , Expert , 1970 , 88 , Fentanyl , Drugs , Jeff Pegues , Dea , Warning , The Street Of America , Killing Thousands , Matthew Loudon , Star Hockey Player , Overdose , Basement Tanyl , R , 21 , Opioid , Depression , Mot , Quickly , Mexico , 75 , Tires , Trucks , Fish , Border , Seizures , Texas , Laredo , 1500 , Counterfeit Pills , Pain Pills , Workforce , Interdict , Cartels , 1 8 Million , Lisa Monaco , Internet , Social Media Platforms , Facebook , Snapchat , Life , Son , Hockey Jerseys , Teenagers , Word , Alert , Public Safety , Rate , News , Gabby Petito , Video , Police , Interview , Sunscreen , FiancÉ , Recall , Assault , E One , Pay , Nothing , Cold , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Sneeze , Cold Relief , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Liquid , Cold Medicines , Coricidin , Age , Protein , High Protein , Muscle Health , Nutrients , Immune Support , Boost , Town , Pizza , 16 , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Scenario , Possibility , Brian Laundrie , Officers , Body Cam Video , Argument , Utah , Parents , Right , Sister , Whereabouts , Host , Hit Laundrie First , Pat Robertson , 700 Club , 700 , Gordon , Chemical , Aerosol Sunscreens , Cancer , Products , Christian Broadcasting Network , Benzene , Exposure , 91 , Hasn T , Steve Hartman , Reports , Stores , Illnesses , Marines , Motto , My Name Is Cherrie , Oregon Coast , Hi , 76 , Sam , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Memories , 53 , Memory , Puzzle Pieces , Click , Taking Prevagen , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Wealth , Investment , Worth , Partner , Share , Load , Extra , Background , Mammogram , Care Team , Child , Appointment , Entire , Kaiser Permanente , Everything , Prevention , Eyes , Detection , Leader , Mission , Weather , Everyone , 8s , Traffic , 8 , Parts , District , Off Guard , Heavy Rain , West Virginia , Water , Car , License Plate , Exit Ramp , Force , Flash Flood , Maryland , Hagerstown , Virginia Waller , Wouldn T Budge , Au Woan Of Faith , Clinging , God , Things , Second , Anart Cordin , Out Of Nowhere , Virginia Saw , Hand Of God , Dress Blues , Men , Strength , Story , Character , Back , Elite Group , The Body Bearers , Arlington Cemetery , 2019 , Interviews , Charge , Grief , Burden , More , Foraue , Platform , Laughter , Lesson , Kind , Camera , Man , Words , Takeaway , War , Anywhere , Wayy , Push , Rescue Plan , The Attic , Stuff , Geico , Homeowners Insurance , Help , Dancer , Ton , Ahhhh , Shingles , Camera Man , Lifetime , Insurance , Homeowners , Renters , Welp , 1 , 3 , Anybody , Uncle , Don T , Rash , Whaaaat , 2 , Eggs , Best , Family , Doctor , Baby , Pharmacist , We Care , Anything , Taste , Digging , Ancestry , Superior Nutrition , Eggland S Best , Grandparents , Lot , Fun , Person , Path , Picture , Dermatologists , Wrinkles , Lines , Look , Rapid , Neutrogena , Deep Wrinkles , Wrinkle Repair , 4 , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , Overhead Shot , Up , Grille , All Electric Cadillac , Arthritis Pain , Coast , Cadillac , Arthritis Gel , Palm Springs , Salonpas , Prescription Strength , It S Time , Cough Sneeze , Inflammation , Pain Relief Ingredient , Plop Fizz , Alka Seltzer Plus , Dissolves , Jim Justice , Cory Booker , Guests , Dvr , Margaret Brennan , New Jersey , Face The Nation , 7 , 00 , Ducey , School Kid , Temperatures , Spin , Warmth , Wildfire Smoke , 85 , Posts , Social Media , Courthouse , Sideshow Enforcement , Guys , South Bay , Kpix 5 , Accident , Student Vaccines , Sideshows , Area School District , Drought , Bay Area Streets Into Streams , Cbsn Bay Area , Contra Costa , Order , Four , Economy , Upuntil No Gove , Mission Bay , Decision ,

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