Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20171229 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20171229

times." and nearly half of american consumers are returning a holiday gift this week. find out why retailers are competing to make returns easier. we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> we're he at the scene of an unspeakable tragedy. this will rank as one of the worst losses of life to a fire in many, many years. >> a deadly fire stuns new york city. >> 12 people have died. we're shocked by this loss. >> i hate it. i hate it the. >> millions are bundling up to ring in the new year in bone-chilling temperatures that are gripping much of the great lakes place and the midwest. >> trump tells "the new york times" he thinks bob mueller will be fair. >> cities around the country are facing security ahead of new year's eve. >> all hands on deck for new york. >> certified doug jones as the winner of the special election for the u.s. senate. >> there's a 1 in 15 billion mathematical chance that was not correct. >> apple is apologizing for secretly slowing down apple iphones. it's going to cut the price of the battery replacement by 50 bucks. >> desperately trying to escape police, going off the pier and splashing into the river. he was arrested. >> and all that matters. >> hollywood is mourning the loss of beloved actress rose marie. she was best known for her role as sally rogers on "the dick van dyke show." >> on cbs this morning. >> a banana! banana! >> this video of giving his adorable nephew a banana for christmas has taken twitter by storm. >> i got a banana. i'm going to bring it home. >> what do you say? >> thank you. i got a banana! >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota, let's go places. >> and welcome to cbs this morning. i'm bianna golodryga with dana jacobson and vladimir duthiers of our cbs network cbsn. we begin with the deadliest fire in new york city in 27 years. it ripped through a five-story apartment building last night. one block west of the famous bronx zoo. >> 12 people were killed, including 4 children. and that number could rise. the ages of those who died range from 1 to 63. the cause of the fire is unknown. >> survivors inside the building were forced out into the bitter cold with no warning. don dahler is at the scene of the fire in the bronx. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. police officials here at the scee tell us the investigation is active and ongoing. of the at least 12 people who were killed here, 5 were pronounced dead at the scene. which indicates the flames were dangerously fast moving. >> people trapped. we got a baby in there. also apartment 6, people trapped. >> reporter: it took only three minutes for firefighters to respond thursday night in the bronx. >> get out of the way. >> reporter: but for many trapped inside, the burning five-story, roughly 100-year-old building, it wasn't fast enough. >> i'm very sorry to report 12 new yorkers are dead, including one child as young as 1 year old. the search of the building continues, so we may lose others as well. >> reporter: officials say the victims killed range in age from 1 to 63 years old. about 170 members of the fdny were on hand to battle the fire. at least 12 other people were rescued. >> the fire started on the first floor, quickly spread upstairs into this building, five-story building, with 25 apartments. people died on various floors of the apartment. >> looking real bad. what a sad christmas for everyone. >> reporter: stunned neighbors and victims flooded out of the burning building and into the sub-freezing temperatures outside. >> i just woke up to a bunch of smoke and that's it, man. the whole building was on fire. >> people were screaming, fire, help, fire, help. >> everyone this evening, hold your families close and keep these families here in the bronx in your prayers. >> reporter: reports say city records indicate the building had a number of safety violations, including a faulty smoke detector on the first floor. which is where the fire is believed to have originated. >> absolutely heartbreaking. done, thank you very much. a deadly cold snap is gripping more than half the country this morning. in western new york, the waterfront along lake erie is crusted with wind-driven ice and snow. parts of the northeast are expected to feel windchills of 20 to 40 degrees below zero. rock port harper is freezing over for the first time in years. dean reynolds is in chicago where at least two people have died from the freezing weather. dean, good morning. >> reporter: lake michigan behind me is beginning to freeze up and chicago officials are urging everyone to stay indoors and, if possible, off the roads. especially this evening, when it's expected to be snowing. >> i hate it. i hate it. >> you can see your breath in the car. it's just -- it's crazy. >> reporter: across the midwest and northeast, millions are shivering. >> it's very cold out. i don't like the cold weather. >> reporter: and doing what they can to fight the deep freeze. >> thermal, two sweaters, a turtle neck, two pairs of gloves. >> reporter: water fountains in philadelphia and new york city are now mountains of ice. in new hampshire, boiling water instantly froze due to a record temperature of negative 34 degrees. at chicago's midway airport, it was too cold to fly. more than 80 flights were canceled and nearly 250 were delayed. >> it was like really hectic and a whole lot of people here. >> reporter: chicago emergency officials say the temperatures can be deadly. >> extreme weather is more than an inconvenience, it remains a life threatening event. >> reporter: shelters are overflowing with people trying to escape the brutal cold. >> pretty much die in the street, you'll freeze to death. >> reporter: the executive director of the francis can outreach shelter. he says they're not turning anyone away. >> this bitter cold weather is extremely dangerous. a lot of our guests have health issues already. we want to make sure they are inside where it's safe and warm. >> reporter: now, the deep freeze is expected to last well but, hey, there are only 174 days before summer gets started. >> we like the optimism, dean. thanks for braving the cold. please get a hat. we want you to get a hat, not just the ear muffs. dean reynolds, thank you. >> daniel niles has it is fridge jill fo frigid forecast. >> it's been windchills running 10 to 20 below stezero from bos to maine. 10 to 20 below for much of the great lakes and midwest as well. tomorrow, no big storms. there will be a quick-moving disturbance, some enhanced lake-effect snow again and some slippery travel across the northeast. last day of 2017, these temperatures this is without the wind factors in, we're talking about some record cold high temperatures for the next several days from the midwest into the northwest. 30s all the way back down to dallas for high temperatures on sunday. and the first day of the new year will feature single digit readings from billings to minneapolis, 11 in boston, teens in philly as well. 30s back down to atlanta. at least the precipitation forecast is quiet. staying on that positive note, bianna, will at least take a lot of sunshine across the nation for the first day of 2018. >> danielle, trying to find something positive, but there's nothing normal about the digital temperature on my watch being lower than the date. don't like it. don't like it. >> i know, it's brutal. >> thanks, danielle, we appreciate the forecast. the bitter cold could force some cities to change their new year's plans. omaha, nebraska, is postponing its celebration by a philadelphia is considering a delay for the historic mummers parade. for cities like new york that are going ahead with the festivities, police are taking unprecedented measures to strengthen security. tony dokoupil is in times square where up to 2 million brave people are expected to gather, tony, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's important to point out that there are no specific direct threats to the celebration here in times square, where about 1 million people are expected to turn up, but with two terror attacks in new york since halloween, the nypd is still putting together some of its strongest security measures in years. as new york city prepares for its famed times square celebration, the nypd is taking no chances. police commissioner james o'neil. >> i have an abundance of caution. you'll see a stronger police presence. >> reporter: heavy weapons, canine units and snipers in hotels will help protect the nearly 2 million people watching the clock strike midnight. the increased measures follow a pipe bomb explosion this month in a subway passageway just steps from times square. and a truck attack on halloween that killed eight people. >> the takeaway from the preparation is people will be safe and they should feel safe. >> reporter: several cities are stepping up their efforts. the los angeles police department says they will have an increased visible police presence. in miami, random security checks will be in place at its outdoor concert at bay front park. in chicago, extra teams and salt trucks will be strategically placed to prevent vehicle attacks. following october's deadly shooting in las vegas, 800 steel pylons, plus snipers and twice as many rapid response teams will be there as protection. the department of homeland security gave the city its highest security designation. clark county sheriff joseph lombardo. >> as always, law enforcement can't do this alone, so i'm asking while you are out enjoying the festivities that you also be observant and notify police if you notice anything suspicious. >> reporter: back here in new york, the nypd is also closing 125 parking garages out of an abundance of caution. one more of those security measures, markings on the exterior. in the event of a sniper-style attack, the nypd will be able to identify the floor quickly. no specific credible threat to this city or any other. >> all right, tony, thank you. president trump says the current special counsel investigation is bad for the country. in a "new york times" interview, the president denied colluding with russia during the 2016 presidential race 16 times. he also defended his tax plan and took a tough stance on china. chip reid is traveling with the president in west palm beach florida. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the interview took place in the grill room of the trump international golf club here in west palm beach. no white house staff members were anywhere in sight. the reporter was introduced to the president by a club member who brought him in as a guest. >> russia did not help me, that i can tell you, okay. >> reporter: president trump has repeatedly denied that russian interference in the u.s. election helped him in anyway. and in an interview with "the new york times," the president said special counsel robert mueller's investigation into russian meddling was bad for the country. it makes the country look very bad and it puts the country in a very bad position, he said. but when asked about mueller himself, the president said, i think that bob mueller will be fair. the president's vote of confidence comes after conservative allies have spent days attacking investigators for political bias. >> if bob mueller were any more biased, we've have to give him credentials for the mainstream media. >> reporter: saying, i have absolute right to do what i want to do with the justice department. >> this is, again, the biggest tax cut, biggest reform of all time. >> reporter: the president also fired back at critics of the tax bill he signed into law last week. it will be more money than people anticipate, he said. i know the details of taxes better than anybody, better than the greatest cpa. and he touted his, quote, great chemistry with chinese president xi jinping but suggested he may go after china on trade if it doesn't do more to curb north korea's nuclear ambitions. i have been soft on china. china can solve the north korea problem. and they're helping us but they're not helping us enough. on other matters, the president suggested he would be open to bipartisan compromise on health care and infrastructure. he'll be talking about those issues and other issues on his 2018 agenda at camp david next week with republican leaders. >> all right, chip reid for us, thank you, chip. democrat doug jones will be sworn in wednesday as alabama's newest senator. state election officials certified jones' victory yesterday. he beat republican roy moore by nearly 22,000 votes earlier this month. a judge rejected a last-minute lawsuit by moore who claimed there was evidence of voter fraud. alabama's secretary of state found no evidence of that. jones said on twitter he would work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get washington back on track. apple is apologizing after admitting a software update deliberately slowed some older iphones. the tech giant says the update is intended to prevent sudden shutdowns in the iphone 6. as a side effect, apps and other functions run slower. in a new message to customers, the company says, quote, we know that some of you feel apple has let you down. we apologize. we have never and would never do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any apple product. apple is discounting the cost of battery replacements on certain phones. dan ackerman is a section eder to at our partner c-net. great to have you back with us at the table. apple is apologizing but not for what some of its users are accusing it of doing. explain how this all went down. >> it's a complicated issue. what apple did was come up with a not entirely unreasonable solution to a problem that's not very easy to fix. that's the batteries that we use in everything, as they get older, they don't hold as much charge and they also can't give out energy at the same peak levels. when you have newer apps on phones that really want to do impressive stuff, they need a lot of energy and people found on their older phone, sometimes not only was the battery life not as long, the phones would just shut down. i found that happen to me with my iphone 6-plus. they had a software update because so many things are determined by software updates that come after you buy the original device. that said we're going to smooth out some of those peaks, do some power management to say the phone can't give out as much energy to the apps as the apps sometimes ask for to make the battery last longer. you have one that will last most of the day. >> it does make me think when i read this story when you used to have a blackberry, you could take the battery out yourself and put a new one in. with the iphone, it's not easy to do. you have to go into the store and have it done for you. apple is now saying they're going to allow you to follow your battery life more easier, easily on your iphone. explain that. >> yes, they're not going to change what the software update did in terms of doing the power management in slowing down your phone to extend the battery life but they say they're going to add something to the software for it that will let you monitor it and give you more information, more transparency about what's happening. and that's kind of the entire gave he game here, is providing transparency. the apology after the fact. that's what people were more upset about, the lack of transparency, they weren't telling you they were doing this to your product. >> how big of a deal was it? we heard sort of a little apology and now a full apology. >> that's true. apple, over the years, they've had a handful of these situations where they've done big apologies. the one that comes to mind is what they call antenna gate, which is back in 2010 where first they said you're holding the phone wrong if you can't get a call through. then they said we'll give you a little bumper to go around it and we're sorry about that. it is rare, but apologies are very important for these big companies. look at samsung last year when they had their own battery problems. they came to a big apology, a big investigation, shared a lot of information with people and now people are still buying samsung, you know, galaxy and note phones. that apology really worked well for them. >> you and i have had conversations about this. psneaking suspicion the reason these phones didn't work is so you would be forced to upgrade to the newest model of an iphone. is apple addressing that? they've denied that, by the way. >> i think what they were trying to do is the opposite, make your phone feel like it will last longer because the battery doesn't run out as quickly and you don't have to feel like you have to get a new phone. but by making the phone feel sluggish, they did the opposite. i had an iphone 6-plus that was getting pokey and i upgraded to a 10 this year. the first thing they did was said, you have to get a new knowone, it felt slow to them. >> while they did offer an apology, they also explained in their apologies that batteries don't last forever. >> it's true. batteries in everything we own, not just phones. >> it is the sluggishness that leads all of us to new purposes. fake makeup found online and on street corners can have real health consequences for customers. ahead, what we learned when we a family blames an airline for a great-grandmother's horrific fall down an escalator. >> the lawsuit over the woman's death after the fall and why the airline says her family made an important error. you're watching cbs this morning. you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. looking to lose weight this year? try fda-approved alli®. for every 5 lbs you lose, alli® can help you lose two to three more by preventing about 25% of the fat you 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change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. walgreens. trusted since 1901. ahead, what an investigation found about the dangers from tired truck drivers near the country's business yeftd ports. >> plus, how a miss america winner's responding to the organization's outrea islamic state- inspired attack in san francisco remains in custody. during a hearing yesterday... a judge ordere the man accused of plan an attack in san francisco remains in custody. during a hearing yesterday, a judge ordered everitt jameson to stay in a fresno county jail. a disaster loan outreach center will open in santa rosa today to help small businesses affected by the wine country wildfires. it's on mendocino avenue where a fema assistance center was operating until yesterday. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. looking at the roads now, minor trouble spots out there. no accidents but some debris in the road. we are getting word of a christmas stuck in lanes eastbound 4 at hillcrest. westbound 4 our commute direction though is checking in problem-free with no delays. easy ride out of antioch as you go to pittsburg. looks like from loveridge to 680, no delays. westbound 580 at the castro valley y an accident blocking lanes. we have a news beautiful morning off to a mild start warmer thanks to clouds taking a live look out of the transamerica pyramid at the horizon your temperatures right now in san francisco 49 degrees. 39 in concord. cooler in the north bay. 33 degrees in santa rosa. your high temperatures today are going to be mostly in the 60s. rain tuesday and wednesday. ♪ a polish skier made an incredible run while competing in a world cup race in italy. pavel lost his left ski yesterday. he managed to balance on one ski for nearly two minutes. he finished just 36 seconds behind the winner. well, that's probably a lifetime in skiing. still, only hitch, you saw it right there. couldn't exactly stop well. >> i'm impressed. >> i am too because i would probably do that if i tried to stop on two skis. welcome back to "cbs this morning." here are three things you should know this morning. two people blamed for hacking more than 100 washington, d.c. police surveillance progrcamerat days before president trump's inauguration have been charged. the suspects were arrested two weeks ago in romania. american prosecutors are pursuing extradition. a photographer is accusing twins third baseman miguel sanu of sexual assault. a woman saying the all-star forcibly tried to attempt to kiss her. she said she screamed and resisted until he gave up. quote, after a solid ten minutes of fighting. he unequivocally denies the allegation, major league baseball is investigating. accessories retailers claire's is testing at least nine children makeup products for possible asbestos contamination. they've been voluntarily pulled from store shelves. a rhode island mother claims she found asbestos in her daughter's makeup. asbestos is linked to lung danger and others. claire's said in a statement the safety of our customers and products is our top priority. the items can be returned for a refund. counterfeit makeup is raising health concerns after some consumers reported negative physical reactions. u.s. customs and border protections seized a record number of counterfeit goods last year worth nearly $1.4 billion. agents say fake personal care items and toiletries are now even more common than knockoff handbags. jamie yuckecas visited a warehoe in california where agents inspect suspicious packages. >> reporter: these custom officers are the first line of defense for catching illegal shipments. while the products here may be fake, they can have very real health consequences for consumers. >> welcome back to my channel. >> reporter: beauty blogger tonya found that out firsthand when she purchased a popular eye shadow from this downtown los angeles street market last year. u.s. customs officers say most of the discounted goods sold here likely snuck in under the radar at seaports like long beach. >> i just wanted to know can this possibly be as good as the $50 that i just spent. she tested both eye shadows. when she woke up the next morning. >> my eye's uncomfortable and really itchy and i'm going to have to go to the doctor to get this taken care of so it doesn't get worse. within the first 45 minutes, i realized that it was an eye infection. i couldn't get my contacts on. i look back at the footage and it was on the fake side, on the side that i'd used the fake product. 100%. >> reporter: she isn't alone. other people who have used counterfeit makeup have reported allergic reaction. skin rashes. swollen lips and chemical burns. we wanted to find out how easy it is to find these products. so we went shopping under cover at the same downtown alley. most of the fake makeup sold here is half the price of the original. some vendors admitted the products were knockoffs but assured us they were just as good. >> it's the same thing as original. >> reporter: back at her studio, we compared our purchases with the same makeup from traditional retail stores. the packaging is nearly identical. >> that's interesting. the color show up different. >> reporter: some fake makeup made in factories like these has reportedly been found to contain dangerous chemicals such as arsenic, mercury and aluminum. we sent the fake and real versions of this mac lipstick and this jacqueline hill eye shadow palette to a lab where they were tested for different metals. some in the fake palette has nearly four times the amount of lead in the real version. exceeding the recommended fda maximum. the fake lipstick had nearly 15 times the amount of lead as the real thing. >> often the unsafe consumer goods are made in factories that have unsanitary conditions so the quality is not what you need it to be. >> reporter: customs and border protections says these counterfeit products are costing the cosmetics industry about $75 million a year. they say reducing the amount of fake products smuggled into the country could be as simple as educating customers. >> they think i'm just buying a fake palette. they don't think there could be ingredients here that could put my health at risk. >> reporter: for cbs this morning, jamie yuccas, los angeles. a great-grandmother's family is suing alaska airlines after she tumbled down an escalator. the troubling incident was caught on video. the 75-year-old woman in a wheelchair died three months after the fall that left her badly injured. adriana diaz is here with the allegations and the airline's response. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the family of bernice kekona hired help to make sure she arrived safely to her connecting flight but now they're suing, arguing that the airline and its contractor did not provide the service as promised. bernice kekona was coming home from a family vacation in maui. she landed in portland. the family's attorney says they requested a wheelchair assistance service to escort her to a connecting flight. but surveillance video shows her wandering the terminal alone. attorney brook cunningham. >> she was provided assistance off the airline and into her wheelchair by alaska's company that they contract with huntley and then she was left there and she became confused and that led to the fall. >> reporter: kekona appeared to confuse the escalator for an elevator. she fell down head first while others tried to help her. the attorneys took video statements from family members. >> that was so devastating. >> reporter: kekona suffered multiple injuries. >> she was in constant pain. >> reporter: a wound on her right foot became infected, leading to amputation below the knee. a day after that surgery, kekona died. >> all they needed was somebody to get her off the plane, use the escort service that they're required by law to provide. she would have been home perfectly fine. >> reporter: alaska airlines says in a statement it appears kekona declined ongoing assistance in the terminal and decided to proceed on her own to her connecting flight. the airline also noted her reservation did not note any cognitive visual or auditory impairment. we reached out for comment from the contractor but have not heard back. the family's wrongful death complaint does not specify any monetary damages but it says kekona's medical bills from the fall totaled nearly $300,000. dana. >> adriana, thank you, hard to get those images out of your mind of her on that escalator. terrible. people around trying to help her. thousands of people convicted of drug crimes could walk free in massachusetts. ahead, how drug use inside a state crime lab is behind the push for at least 8,000 dismissals. and we invite you to subscribe to our cbs this morning podcast. you'll get the news of the day, extended interviews and podcast originals. find them all on i-towns and apple's podcast app. you're watching "cbs this morning." 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supposed to be testing. paula reid is here with the latest problems tied to the massachusetts drug lab. >> reporter: good morning. if these cases are thrown out, many people will be getting out of prison and it will be the second time in two years that thousands of drug convictions are being thrown out for official misconduct in the state. at least 8,000 cases are now in the hands of the massachusetts supreme judicial court. for eight years, sonya farik worked at the department of public health as a chemist, responsible for analyzing samples in criminal drug cases. in january of 2013, authorities discovered unlabeled drugs at fa farik's workstation. during a trial, farik admitted to using drugs in the lab and even manufacturing in the lab of crack cocaine for her own use. she was given an 18-month jail sentence. >> this is really an historic case here in massachusetts. >> reporter: carol rhodes is the executive direct effort of the massachusetts aclu. the group is seeking the dismissal of all the convictions based in part on evidence farik handled. >> tens of thousands of families who have been impacted because their loved ones had to serve time in jail and prison. >> reporter: this isn't the first drug lab scandal in massachusetts. in 2013, chemist annie ducon who worked at a state lab in boston pled guilty to falsifying the results of drug tests over an eight-year span. in april, the massachusetts supreme judicial court made the historic decision to dismiss nearly 22,000 wrongful drug convictions in cases that she worked on. >> her output was predacious and frankly unrealistic so she was making it up. >> the magnitude of this disaster is grand to say the least. >> reporter: she is a former assistant district attorney. she says the cases involving farik will likely be thrown out and will be difficult to prosecute again. >> they're going to have to undue all these cases which will take more time than it probably did to prosecute them in the first place. >> reporter: 11 of the state's districts attorneys believe some of the cases are still pursuable. the drug lab where farik worked is now closed. the aclu hopes a decision can come in the early spring. up next, a look at this morning's other headlines, including the rule changes for fracing on federal land. plus, the two lottery jackpots up for grabs this weekend worth a total of nearly 700 million bucks. that's a lot arunti >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. sporty new 2018 camry and more. and that means huge year end savings for a very short time. right now during toyotathon. get great year end savings on a huge selection of our most popular models. offer ends january second. for great deals on other toyota's visit this is short too. toyota let's go places. >> announcer: this portion of shawn evans: it's 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. and at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on 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for good years ahead. that's thanks to research funded by the american cancer society. the same folks giving me free rides to treatments, insurance advice, and a place to stay during chemo. i need that stuff like you don't know. and now that you do, please give at her hair's a hot mess. her eyes are like... "oh, i'm late for work. i have to go." your dunkin' doesn't make you, you, but it helps. dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. see ya. -take care. ♪ so probably take it at night. and if you have any questions, the instructions are here in spanish as you requested. gracias. ♪ at walgreens, how we care will change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. walgreens. trusted since 1901. welcome back to "cbs this morning." here's a look at some of the things we are talking about today. "the wall street journal" reports the trump administration is rescinding fracing rules for government land. companies would have had to disclose the chemicals used in fracing. environmentalists say the method of recovering oil and natural gas can be dangerous for ground water. "usa today" says road weary truckers are risking lives on the job. it studied data on truck drivers who entered or exited the ports of long beach or los angeles. it shows 580,000 time violations. some port trucking companies dispatch truckers for shifts that last up to 20 hours a day, six days a week. federal rules say truck drivers who spend up to 14 hours on the road must take a ten hour break. executives denied breaking the fatigue rules. the press of atlantic city reports several miss americas say all miss america board members must resign. a former board member gretchen carlson to be the chair. some accuse them of failing to take action. 2013 miss america mallory hagen is leading a petition drive. she says the board needs to accept responsibility and step aside quickly to allow new leadership to save the miss america program. about 12,000 people have signed it. the hill says a date's been set for donald trump's first physical exam as president. he'll undergo the physical january 12th at walter reed national military center. president trump is the oldest elected commander in chief. the white house says the results will be made public by the president's military physician. and forbes says both the powerball and mega millions jackpots are each over $300 million. tonight's mega millions jackpot stands at $306 million. tomorrow night's power ball lottery will be at least $384 million. it's only the second time ever in the u.s. that two lottery jackpots are over $300 million at the same time. >> i may just stand out in the cold for that. it's worth it. >> a dollar from all of us, right? >> you never win it. >> come on, vlad. >> can't win if you don't play. >> imagine giving airline food a good review. ahead, we visit united airlines secret restaurant that's become a destination location for some high-flying celebrities. destination for some high-flying celebrities. there's only one national orange juice brand that only uses 100% american oranges. simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. he's a nascar champion who's she's a world-class swimmer who's stared down the best in her sport. but for both of them, the most challenging opponent was... pe blood clots in my lung. it was really scary. a dvt in my leg. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. my doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®... to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner... ...that's proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. here's how xarelto works. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective... ...targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you've had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you've got to learn all you can... help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there's more to know. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. today, police and san francisco's acting mayor... london breed... will start finalizing security plans for new year's eve. the midnight good morning, i'm kenny choi . today london breed will start finalizing security plans for new year's eve. the midnight fireworks show in san francisco is one of the bay area's biggest new year's eve event every year. stanford university and palo alto have applied for permission to use drones to deliver blood. the goal is to fly the unmanned aircraft between stanford blood center and stanford hospital when blood is needed fast. we'll have traffic and weather in just a moment. not a bad drive. it's "holiday light" on the freeways. san mateo looks good as well as the bay bridge. traffic is moving nicely in both directions. there you go. westbound from 880 to 101. 14 minutes in that area. bay bridge not bad at all if you have to hit the roads this morning heading to work. it will be an easy commute 10 minutes from the maze to 101 central freeway so not a problem into san francisco. same for 880 the nimitz. off to a great start here. emily. thanks so much. well, looking out live out of the transamerica pyramid you can see just a little bit of haze out there right now. that's keeping our temperatures pretty moderate. your temperatures right now in san francisco, 49 degrees. santa rosa 32. concord 38. your high temperatures for the day the mid-60s for the most part flirting with 70 in livermore. 67 degrees there. 63 degrees in santa rosa. 60 in pacifica. your seven-day forecast: ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. quite some talent. happy friday. i'm bianna golodryga with dana livings. >> it's tragic. the cause sunday investigation. forecaster says the hard-hit great lakes region says they'll get hit by more snow. that's 2 feet on top of the record-breaking 65 inches dropped on the city already this week. the frigid temperatures are moved south. they'll see windchills of zero degrees on new year's eve. windchills are expecting 40 below zero in areas of the midwest. president trump is using the extreme cold to make light of the climate change. perhaps we could use a little bit of that global warming that our country but not oth ps going to pay trillions of tolars to protect against. mr. trump pulled the u.s. out of the paris climate agreement earlier this year. dems blasted the president's tweet. warren white house called it embarrassing. senator elizabeth warren responded "climate change is is r >> t." >> there's new confusion this morning for homeowners trying to yearay next year's property taxes. too want to take advantage of stateisting state and local tax deduction before it is capped on january 1stst. januar from starules vary from state to state. in massachusetts, today is the deadline to prepay, but over in in york officials are working to allow it through the first half of next year. >> other states including california and pennsylvania do ot allow prepayment of 2018 taxes.ty taxes. the different rules and unclear irs guidelines reportedly are areing anger and frustration at many tax offices around the ountry. cbs news confirms this sorning that white house chief of staff john kelly plans a of sta ashuffle of president trump's political team ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. this comes after a tumultuous electif white house staff shakeups. the brookings institution says t least one-third of the seniornt's senior staff have quit, been fired or were reassigned since inauguration day in january. chip reid is in west palm beach, florida near mar-a-lago with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. e'ser previous presidents staff has increased in the second year, but under president trump there's been an unprecedented neparture and more are expected to leave in 2018. ays white house says it is not a big problem. >> this administration is running like a fine-oiled machine. >> that was president trump days after the first major resignation of a white house major staffer. national security adviser michael flynn. n. general flynn is over here. put up your hand, mike. what a good guy. >> reporter: the president's of d heise became the kiss of death learned ary when he learned flynn lied to the vice president about his communications with the russians. over the summer more firing and resignations rippled through the west wing. press secretary sean spicer stepped down when he objected to president trump's new pick of anthony scaramucci. isthe president is a winner and we're going to do a lot of winning. >> reporter: chief of staff reince priebus resigned. enen the new chief of staff john kelly compelled the president to fire scaramucci. he says the turnover numbers at the white house are decade unprecedented. for trump it is 34% at this point in the president george w. bush was at 6%, obama at 9%, and closestas closest to trump at 17%. >> if the team keeps changing and you keep bringing people in and you have to train them, it is very disruptive. >> reporter: but thurber said h e hiring of john kelly smoothed out the west wing. >> we'll see what happens with mr. bannon. >> even if it led to more firings of people like steve bannon and tom price, who got re y warning from the president months before. votes?going to get the votes? otherwise i'll say, tom, you're fired. fi reporter: the main difficulty or this president has been ontinuesreplacements. but during the campaign he continues to rely on a small dvisersof top advisers with a agh priority on loyalty. vlad. >> thank you, chip. "48 ahead, "48 hours" reveals new information about the deadly siege of a cult in waco, texas in 1993. >> reporter: i'm peter van sant, "48 hours" here in waco, texas. it has been nearly a quarter century since more than 75 followers of the religious escher david koresh perished in a fiery standoff with federal agents. new revelations of the branch davidian cult. that's coming up on "cbs this morn ♪ next year's tax cuts are predicted to increase the federal deficit and some charities are worried about their bottom line, too. ahead, why the tax bill could lower donations. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ ♪ ex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. with a great selection of our armost popular models. like the adventurous rav4, well equipped corolla, sporty new 2018 camry and more. and that means huge year end savings for a very short time. right now during toyotathon. get great year end savings on a huge selection of our most popular models. offer ends january second. for great deals on other toyota's visit this is short too. toyota let's go places. essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. morning." morning." xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. a must for vinyl. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". when food is good and clean and real, it's ok to crave. and with panera catering, there's more to go around. panera. food as it should be. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. [indistinct conversations] man: looking for these? you drive buzzed, it could be one very expensive ride. first you got to make bail. then pay me to get your car back. your insurance premiums will go through the roof. and my legal fees just keep adding up. all told, it could end up costing you $10,000. [siren in distance] announcer: buzzed, busted, and broke. because buzzed driving is drunk driving. ♪ republican leaders say the new tax code will save millions of americans money. but it could cause problems for charities. nonprofits received about $390 billion in h donations last year. but by some estimates, the new code could result in a drop of $20 billion in donations a year. jan crawford is at a charity that feeds the homeless in washington with why the people are concerned the new law could mean less giving. good morning. >> good morning. for organizations like so others might eat, here, the end of the year tends to mean a spike in donations because people see this as a way to cut the tax bill. but next year that might change. >> with temperatures in washington dipping below freezing, these salvation army volunteers are hitting the street. hot chocolate or water? >> handing out food for those in need. organizations like these rely on donations. in 2017, as many as 30% of taxpayers could reduce their tax bill by itemizing deductions. but under the new law, around 90% of taxpayers are likely to choose the new doubled standard deduction instead. eliminating the tax incentive to give to charity. >> there will be 30 million fewer people itemizing their taxes. >> united way coe brian gallagher says his organization is able to serve millions. >> the average contribution is about $350. >> those are the donors that will have no incentive. >> less incentive. >> additional changes to the estate tax to contribute to a further decline in schaecharita giving each other. this woman says such a decline would force charitable organizations nationwide to cut back on services. >> for hospitals it's about surfing people who are sick, for day care centers, kitchens, if you can imagine 10% of the budgets of all the charities in the united states perhaps being affected that could be substantial. >> now, nonprofit leaders are quick to point out most people don't give to charity just to get a tax break but even a 4% or 5% decrease could have a big impact. jan, thank you very much. sort of bad to think of some of those charities that may lose out just because of the loss of the deduction. >> attacking the people that need it most. new secrets revealed about the events surrounding the deadly siege of a cult in waco texas. you're watching cbs this morning. ♪ morning." 2018 marks 25 years since the deadly 51-day standoff between the davidian cult and the government in waco, texas. davidkoresh. for the first time a retired ups driver reveals how he unknowingly delivered weapons to the compound in the weeks before the confrontation. peter van sant revealed the secrets from waco that haven't been told until now. >> i've kept my story secret for the last 25 years. i didn't want to take this to my grave. >> tell them there are women and children in here. >> reporter: this delivery man unwittingly armed the cult. >> i have been blamed for what happened out there. >> waco was a tale of a religious fringe group that decided to fight back against the federal government. >> reporter: their leader, david kore koresh, a self-proclaimed son of god. ♪ there's a mad man living in waco ♪ >> he was incredibly charismatic. >> i waited patiently on the lord. >> he was spellbindin. >> he was god in the human flesh. >> they would do anything for this man. >> even unholy acts. >> hue many young girls did he have sex with? >> i think at least ten. >> he was a gee zuft christ who loved guns, drug, and rock and roll, and he was going bring the end of times. >> reporter: lee hancock covered the investigation. she's a cbs consultant. >> my mom made the bulletproof vests. >> reporter: joann vega moved into the compound with her parents when she was an infant. >> they were getting shipments from an arms dealer. >> reporter: the davidian arms race turned more ominous when larry was checking a box in his truck. >> about six to eight grenades fell out of it. >> reporter: he told his wife deborah. >> somebody had to do something. >> reporter: deborah told the sheriff's department who called theal alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, the atf. >> we were all concerned. >> reporter: a two months of reconnaissance, atf authorized arresting david koresh and confiscating any weapons. >> showtime, showtime. >> my mom grabbed me off the bed. there were people lying on the floor that were dead. >> i took a flash bang and threw it in the window. when i get through the window, there's a man standing in the room with an ak-47. i shot him several times. >> reporter: several seconds later like this agent, he was shot buford on the hood of the vehicle was rescued by fellow agents. the fbi takes over. after 51 days, they begin ramming the main building. the horror was unimaginable. >> there were people who killed one another. david koresh actually had a bullet wound into the center of his head. >> reporter: joann vega's parents died in the flames. >> she saved your life. >> i think about that all the time. >> your mother saved you. >> mm-hmm. >> reporter: when people see the names, they're just names. i see faces. >> i've never failed at much in my life, but i failfailed. every day it crosses my mind. >> peter van zandt joins us now. millions of americans remember this siege. what was happened inside this compound? >> it was a real horror show on the inside. they were restricted on the amount of food they had. koresh decide all of the with imin the compound were his and he began having sex with girls as young as 14 years of able. itt it's believed he may have fathered 20 children. he committed statutory rape. >> they were his. he allowed others to leave. >> it wasn't long into the siege he let the children leave but inside those were biological children and he wanted to keep them with him. >> to see the pain on the ups driver's face that he has to live with this so many years later. we all remember this. >> he is a fantastic individual who telling his story for the first time on "48 hours." >> fascinating. we'll be watching. thank you so much. you can see peter's full report "the secrets of waco" right here at 8:00 p.m., 7:00 central right here on cbs. more than half are returning their gifts this holiday season. i hope you're not doing that. leigh gallagher is in studio 57 with how retailers are making it easier to return more than ever. your local news is next. new surveillan shows a suspect jumping a counter and beating a clerk at a berkeley gas station. it happened last week at a good morning, it's 8:25. i'm anne makovec. new surveillance video shows the suspect jumping a counter and beating a clerk at a gas station in berkeley. it happened last week at a chevron on san pablo avenue. the cash register wouldn't open. so the suspect fled empty- handed. a homicide in san jose happened at around midnight. officers closed off east nobody is street at sunset avenue after they found the victim stabbed in the torso. he died at the hospital. no word on a suspect or motive. traffic and weather coming up next. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. welcome back. taking a look at the roads right now, it's been an easy ride all morning long. here's a live look at the richmond/san rafael bridge. traffic is moving pretty nicely. it's pretty much been like this all morning long. you haven't had any delays across the span as you head out of richmond towards marin county. richmond parkway to the west end of the bridge will take you five minutes this morning. if you are on the 101, just heads up at 580 interchange, traffic clear to the golden gate bridge 11 minutes from 580 into san francisco. westbound 37 from 80 to 101, 21 minutes there. 54 miles per hour for the most part moving along nicely. eastshore freeway moving along nicely, as well. no trouble spots westbound in fact you're clear from here all the way to the bay bridge where traffic is light. off to a mild start this morning. a live look at sfo, you can see a little haze there out of this camera but you know what? for the most part it is clear. we'll have a few high clouds throughout the day however. in san francisco your temperatures 49 degrees. still at freezing in santa rosa. 32 degrees. concord 38. back up in the 40s in oakland. 48 degrees there also in the 40s in the south bay. your high temperatures today in the mid-60s, cooler at the coast. rain tuesday and beyond. ♪ it's your thing ♪ do what you want to do welcome back to "cbs this morning." right now it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines. minneapolis star tribune reports that senator al franken is thanking supporters before he resigns next week. he spoke in minneapolis last night. >> here is my promise to you. i may be leaving the senate but i'm not giving up my voice. >> the minnesota democrat agreed to step down under pressure from other democrats after a string of sexual harassment allegations. bloomberg reports citiy group was fined. they will pay $11.5 million if accused of harming after displaying wrong reports. the company agreed to resolve the claims without admitting wrong doing. >> "the new york times" reports that the game on your phone may be tracking what you're watching on tv. software from the company alfonso collects tv viewing data. it is used by more than 250 games. the software uses a smartphone's microphone. it can detect what people watch by identifying audio signals in tv ads and shows. the data can be used to target ads more precisely. alphonso says its app is ex complained and the consumer can opt out at any time the "wall street journal" reports tax accountants are the center of attention at holiday parties. the accountants say now that the bill has been signed into law they've been inundated with questions. they're paying the price with with 16-hour days but they say there's never been a better time to be a cpa. >> centers of attention. >> good for them. international business times says there will be two super moons and a total lunar eclipse in january. the fist, nicknamed a wolf moon, comes new year's night. the full moon appears bigger and brighter since it is at the closest point to earth. a rare second super moon comes january 31stst. it is called a blue moon since it is the second full moon in the same month. there's also a total lunar eclipse that same night. >> hopefully it gets warmer so we can go outside and look at the moon. our station in dallas/ft. worth says a big rig carry avocados crashed and caught fire on a busy texas interstate. it was filled with thousands of pounds of avocados when it crashed, creating a mushy mess on the row. firefighters raked through it putting out hot spots. traffic was backed up for miles. >> kwaguacamole for everyone. >> charleston courier reports on the disappearance of a famous and beloved great white shark named mary lee. the 16-foot spot was spotted in june off new jersey. a nonprofit that studies great whites tagged her in 2012. she has been tracked throughout the north atlantic. it is possible that the transmitter battery lost power. mary lee has more than 100,000 followers on twitter. mre than all of us combined on twitter. >> congratulations to her. holiday retail sales set a new record this year. shoppers spent more than $800 billion. some reports say it is up almost 5% from last year. online purchases rose more than 18%. the record sales mean retailers will deal with a huge number of returns though. 45% of consumers will return at least one item between december 26th and december 31st. it will be part of the $90 billion of returns over the entire holiday season. that is forcing shops to find new ways to make returns convenient. "fortune" senior editor lee gallagher is here with more. good morning. >> good morning. >> we know we want to get it quickly when we are talking about shipping, but what about the returns? how are they changing things? >> returns have been a huge headache for the consumer, for the retailers as well. as online shopping has grown, it has become a huge point of friction in the process. retailers spent the past few years really trying to address this because it is not good for them. this will be such a huge part of their business, they need to find a way to deal with it. the consumer, by the way, we have been so spoiled we expect everything to be seamless and easy and, you know, they have to meet that need. so there's all kinds of creative ways to process returns this year. we are starting to see more of them. a big thing is the movement to buy online and return in store. so that's actually easier for the consumer in many ways, also cheaper for the retailer. it brings the cost down. a lot of companies will have kiosks. walmart has kiosks in its store. it is promising you can return in under five minutes. amazon bought whole foods so you can return at whole foods. never did we think we would see this with amazon, they've forged a relationship with kohl's where you can buy on amazon and return at kohl's and also lockers. >> make it easier. >> make it easier. and then, of course, a lot of retailers are extending the length of time that you have and paying for shipping, doing everything they can to make it easy. it is still going to require an errand, which is what trips me up. >> i always thought it was a big no-no because i actually do return things i order online back to the physical store. so it is good to hear they welcome that now. >> they want it. it is better for them. >> are some online policies changing? >> yes, they're changing a little bit, like extending the window and having the labels to printout at home. of course, you need a printer, but they're doing all they can. this is what they call reverse logistices bringing the product back. the customer doesn't care about reverse logistics we just want it taken care of. a lot of people are returning this week. i returned things yesterday. >> there's been a growth in online shopping. what are some of the third party vendors out there helping people return things? you guys were talking about that during the commercial. i had no idea what that was about. >> that's the other thing. there's a cottage industry that sprung up to help retailers to address this problem. any time anyone is spending a lot of money on anything, it is a big headache. entrepreneurs come in to try to take a portion of that margin. there's a company called "happy returns." there are companies trying to make it at the front end easier to know what you're buying so reducing the likelihood of a return. >> so how does it work? i mean -- i hate returning things. would they send somebody to my apartment and pick up? >> no, it is more about taking the pressure off the retailer. you can go to a kiosk in a mall or something like that. there are ways a lot of retailers are being told put better photos online in the first place, so there's a lot of innovation in that. there's a lot of innovation around 3d, being able to put yourself in the clothes online or look at the furniture, how it would look in your space. those things are important because, you know, the end goal would be to reduce the amount of returns in the first place. >> it is needed. >> in the holidays you are desperate, under a time crunch, i will buy it and i can always return it. that return likelihood goes up during holiday season with all of the pressures and all of the convenience it office. >> none of the gifts i'm returning that i received. i love my gifts. >> thank you for having me. >> lee gallagher, thank you very much. happy new year. >> to you, too. thanks. >> kris van cleave shows us a secret restaurant that takes airport dining to the highest level. >> this hidden hallway leads to one of the most exclusive restaurants in all of the new york area, but we're nowhere near manhattan. this is the newark airport. the restaurant? it's classified. but coming up on "cbs this morning" we have your reservation inside. >> there's a velvet rope at the airport too for ♪ when you think of an exclusive restaurant, you typically do not think of airport dining. hidden inside newark liberty international airport is one of the trendiest and hard-to-get-into restaurants. united airline teamed up with hospitality group otg to create the classified dining experience, and kris van cleave scored an invitation to show us around. >> reporter: good morning. the people walking through terminal c here at newark airport have no idea they're walking right by one of the most sought-after restaurants in all of the new york area. we can't show you where it is because it is hidden on purpose, but we will be able to take you inside. through this door and down this secret hallway a speak-easy meets fine dining. it is classified. here your taste buds will delight if you can score an invite. >> do you want to have the salmon? >> the invite-only restaurant has only 36 seats and is steps from your gate. it's exclusive guest list boasts ceos and celebrities like madonna. >> it is very much like new york. it is secret. had to take a little bit of time to find it. the hostess was very discrete, so i felt very special. >> reporter: united frequent flyer bri morrow was one of the first invited to make a reservation. >> i just had oysters and i'm eating a fresh salad with shrimp. i appreciate having a heltdy meet with a nice glass of wine. >> reporter: it rivals anything you see at a trendy new york restaurant and can set you back $100 a person, that's if you don't order a $500-plus bottle of wine. >> it is an oasis, a restaurant inside an airport. >> reporter: award winning chef nate appleman that turned this forgotten room into classified. we talked with him as he prepared a 42-ounce tomahawk stake. >> most airports have prepackaged foods cooked before that somebody is heating in a make r microwave. we are cooking from scratch and using great products. >> it is an unusual plan to create a restaurant people don't know where it is and have to be invited into. >> it is not a fun to say that. >> reporter: rick blacksten is the ceo. >> we wanted to create a space out of the way, a little speak-easy to get to, but somewhere to enjoy a great meal listening to nice music, have a delicious glass of wine, take it easy, get yourself away from everything else. >> reporter: people don't think of newark airport as a spots for trendy dining. >> they don't. but they soon will. >> reporter: rick hope is with united airlines. who is invited? >> there's not just one perspective or one way to the look at the invitation list, but right now it is classified and remains a secret. >> reporter: was the idea to create one of the elite restaurants in new york here in the newark airport? >> we didn't set out to make the most elite restaurant and most difficult to get into, but it kind of worked out that way. >> reporter: so this is your ticket inside, the e-mail invitation. united says for the flyers who haven't gotten one yet, they requested to be invited to classified but they won't say how long the wait list is. >> our kris van cleave there. i checked, i have not gotten my invitation. >> my big pet peeve is that they don't have bathrooms in the restaurant. that's my one question, do you have to go out to the actual airport to go to the restroom? they don't have one. >> if classified has one you'll love it. >> i would hope they help you get through security. i mean you already have a lot of time spent at the airport. it would be good if that invite came with a little help. >> yes. although as a frequent traveller anything that ups the game is appreciated. >> that steak looked good. >> it did. coming up next, we will look at all that mattered this week. you are watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. we would be remiss if we didn't say gayle king had a birthday yesterday. happy birthday. >> it was fun. >> it was with you both. be sure to tune in to "cbs evening news" tonight. as we leave you, let's take a look back at all that mattered this week. have a great weekend. >> top, thermal, two sweaters, a turtleneck. >> a deadly cold snap is gripping more than half the country minus double-digit windchills can cause frostbite in as little as ten minutes. >> this weather is going nowhere fast. >> more than five feet of snow pummeled erie, pennsylvania. >> it's beautiful. >> the deadliest fire in new york city in 27 years. >> of the aft least 12 people dead, five were pronounced dead at the scene. >> north korea is lashing out calling the sanctions an act of wafrmt north korea says its missiles can now reach anywhere on the mainland, u.s. >> the president claims he signed more bills into law than any modern president since truman. >> this is a big, big beautiful ship we're turning around. >> the allegations from unwanted kissing to propositions for sex. >> it certainly felt like there were a few more ways. >> an ohio woman who went to prison for a crime she said she did not commit. >> a former bachelor asks a former president -- >> cigarettes or gum? >> gum now, baby. >> flight 175 had been in the air for about four hours when it turned around and flew home. >> hey, guys. chrissy teigen here live. >> in this case cbs stands for chrissy broadcasting live. >> in this case we had an intrepid reporter. >> we have called it in. >> so inspirational. i feel so inadequate. >> i'll stay here at the table. >> i'll stay where it's warm. >> i'm fully inadequate, but i'll stay here. >> ll cool j is hot. >> ll cool j. >> ladies love cool j. >> i decided not to act for ten years because i thought, i don't want to do it. i don't want to take my hat off. >> he's got a great head. i don't know why he won't. ♪ all night long >> lionel richie said he joined the band to meet women in college. not a surprise. are you a romantic? >> i'm a hopeless disgusting romantic. i can fall in love in 15 seconds on everything and everybody. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year note. >> a dinosaur is snowblowing. >> demarco, you cwe can barely you. >> one amish man had a creative way to get around. >> are we sure that's not demarco? >> i didn't get your christmas present this year. is it coming later? >> i don't -- >> i got you the same thing as last year but a different color. >> i know you did. i poured it into the coffee. that's why i'm in a good mood. of planning an islamic state- inspired attack in san francisco remains in custody. during a good morning. 5 minutes before 9:00. i'm anne makovec. the man accused of planning an "islamic state"-inspired attack is in custody. jameson was ordered to tale stay in jail without bail. new year's eve is this weekend and some bay area transit agencies are offering free service to passengers so you can enjoy some alcoholic benches without having to drive home. caltrain, vta, samtrans and muni all offering free rides between 8 p.m. and and 5 a.m. monday. check their websites for schedules. and a university of california regent is stepping down amid allegations of sexual misconduct. norman pattiz has apologized for his behavior. a woman released a recording of comments. your bay area weather and traffic coming up next. the mercedes-benz winter event is back and you won't want to stop for anything else. [ barks ] ho! lease the gla 250 for $349 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. good morning from the traffic center. a couple of new trouble spots to report in the south bay but overall traffic is still moving despite these accidents. we'll start off with a first one along 85 as you work your way northbound just south of blossom hill road getting word of a wreck to the right shoulder but lots of green there. not really causing any delays or issues as we pass through the area. northbound 101 just north of old bayshore, looks like a vehicle overturned here. it is over to the right side. there is a lot of activity on scene there. expect some slight delays as a result. your drive time northbound 101 not too bad from hellyer to san antonio avenue. emily. well, it's looking good out there as far as the weather is concerned. taking a live look out now, looking at the golden gate bridge, a little haze but things are clear. your temperatures in santa rosa warming up 36 degrees everywhere else in the 40s. highs today mostly in the 60s. rain next tuesday and beyond. >> george: what a year on "the price is right!" we celebrated drew's ten year anniversary as host. >> ten years! woo! >> drew: thank you so much. i really appreciate that. >> george: for halloween the prize league defeated the evil dr. trombones. >> drew: have no fear, the prize league is here. take that, dr. trombones. >> george: we had some of the biggest celebrities come on down! >> we're taking over. >> george: and we made history at the wheel. >> drew: gave away $80,000 just on this wheel spin! >> george: best of 2017! ferrari! ( "the price is right" theme playing ) here it

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20171229 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20171229

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times." and nearly half of american consumers are returning a holiday gift this week. find out why retailers are competing to make returns easier. we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> we're he at the scene of an unspeakable tragedy. this will rank as one of the worst losses of life to a fire in many, many years. >> a deadly fire stuns new york city. >> 12 people have died. we're shocked by this loss. >> i hate it. i hate it the. >> millions are bundling up to ring in the new year in bone-chilling temperatures that are gripping much of the great lakes place and the midwest. >> trump tells "the new york times" he thinks bob mueller will be fair. >> cities around the country are facing security ahead of new year's eve. >> all hands on deck for new york. >> certified doug jones as the winner of the special election for the u.s. senate. >> there's a 1 in 15 billion mathematical chance that was not correct. >> apple is apologizing for secretly slowing down apple iphones. it's going to cut the price of the battery replacement by 50 bucks. >> desperately trying to escape police, going off the pier and splashing into the river. he was arrested. >> and all that matters. >> hollywood is mourning the loss of beloved actress rose marie. she was best known for her role as sally rogers on "the dick van dyke show." >> on cbs this morning. >> a banana! banana! >> this video of giving his adorable nephew a banana for christmas has taken twitter by storm. >> i got a banana. i'm going to bring it home. >> what do you say? >> thank you. i got a banana! >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota, let's go places. >> and welcome to cbs this morning. i'm bianna golodryga with dana jacobson and vladimir duthiers of our cbs network cbsn. we begin with the deadliest fire in new york city in 27 years. it ripped through a five-story apartment building last night. one block west of the famous bronx zoo. >> 12 people were killed, including 4 children. and that number could rise. the ages of those who died range from 1 to 63. the cause of the fire is unknown. >> survivors inside the building were forced out into the bitter cold with no warning. don dahler is at the scene of the fire in the bronx. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. police officials here at the scee tell us the investigation is active and ongoing. of the at least 12 people who were killed here, 5 were pronounced dead at the scene. which indicates the flames were dangerously fast moving. >> people trapped. we got a baby in there. also apartment 6, people trapped. >> reporter: it took only three minutes for firefighters to respond thursday night in the bronx. >> get out of the way. >> reporter: but for many trapped inside, the burning five-story, roughly 100-year-old building, it wasn't fast enough. >> i'm very sorry to report 12 new yorkers are dead, including one child as young as 1 year old. the search of the building continues, so we may lose others as well. >> reporter: officials say the victims killed range in age from 1 to 63 years old. about 170 members of the fdny were on hand to battle the fire. at least 12 other people were rescued. >> the fire started on the first floor, quickly spread upstairs into this building, five-story building, with 25 apartments. people died on various floors of the apartment. >> looking real bad. what a sad christmas for everyone. >> reporter: stunned neighbors and victims flooded out of the burning building and into the sub-freezing temperatures outside. >> i just woke up to a bunch of smoke and that's it, man. the whole building was on fire. >> people were screaming, fire, help, fire, help. >> everyone this evening, hold your families close and keep these families here in the bronx in your prayers. >> reporter: reports say city records indicate the building had a number of safety violations, including a faulty smoke detector on the first floor. which is where the fire is believed to have originated. >> absolutely heartbreaking. done, thank you very much. a deadly cold snap is gripping more than half the country this morning. in western new york, the waterfront along lake erie is crusted with wind-driven ice and snow. parts of the northeast are expected to feel windchills of 20 to 40 degrees below zero. rock port harper is freezing over for the first time in years. dean reynolds is in chicago where at least two people have died from the freezing weather. dean, good morning. >> reporter: lake michigan behind me is beginning to freeze up and chicago officials are urging everyone to stay indoors and, if possible, off the roads. especially this evening, when it's expected to be snowing. >> i hate it. i hate it. >> you can see your breath in the car. it's just -- it's crazy. >> reporter: across the midwest and northeast, millions are shivering. >> it's very cold out. i don't like the cold weather. >> reporter: and doing what they can to fight the deep freeze. >> thermal, two sweaters, a turtle neck, two pairs of gloves. >> reporter: water fountains in philadelphia and new york city are now mountains of ice. in new hampshire, boiling water instantly froze due to a record temperature of negative 34 degrees. at chicago's midway airport, it was too cold to fly. more than 80 flights were canceled and nearly 250 were delayed. >> it was like really hectic and a whole lot of people here. >> reporter: chicago emergency officials say the temperatures can be deadly. >> extreme weather is more than an inconvenience, it remains a life threatening event. >> reporter: shelters are overflowing with people trying to escape the brutal cold. >> pretty much die in the street, you'll freeze to death. >> reporter: the executive director of the francis can outreach shelter. he says they're not turning anyone away. >> this bitter cold weather is extremely dangerous. a lot of our guests have health issues already. we want to make sure they are inside where it's safe and warm. >> reporter: now, the deep freeze is expected to last well but, hey, there are only 174 days before summer gets started. >> we like the optimism, dean. thanks for braving the cold. please get a hat. we want you to get a hat, not just the ear muffs. dean reynolds, thank you. >> daniel niles has it is fridge jill fo frigid forecast. >> it's been windchills running 10 to 20 below stezero from bos to maine. 10 to 20 below for much of the great lakes and midwest as well. tomorrow, no big storms. there will be a quick-moving disturbance, some enhanced lake-effect snow again and some slippery travel across the northeast. last day of 2017, these temperatures this is without the wind factors in, we're talking about some record cold high temperatures for the next several days from the midwest into the northwest. 30s all the way back down to dallas for high temperatures on sunday. and the first day of the new year will feature single digit readings from billings to minneapolis, 11 in boston, teens in philly as well. 30s back down to atlanta. at least the precipitation forecast is quiet. staying on that positive note, bianna, will at least take a lot of sunshine across the nation for the first day of 2018. >> danielle, trying to find something positive, but there's nothing normal about the digital temperature on my watch being lower than the date. don't like it. don't like it. >> i know, it's brutal. >> thanks, danielle, we appreciate the forecast. the bitter cold could force some cities to change their new year's plans. omaha, nebraska, is postponing its celebration by a philadelphia is considering a delay for the historic mummers parade. for cities like new york that are going ahead with the festivities, police are taking unprecedented measures to strengthen security. tony dokoupil is in times square where up to 2 million brave people are expected to gather, tony, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's important to point out that there are no specific direct threats to the celebration here in times square, where about 1 million people are expected to turn up, but with two terror attacks in new york since halloween, the nypd is still putting together some of its strongest security measures in years. as new york city prepares for its famed times square celebration, the nypd is taking no chances. police commissioner james o'neil. >> i have an abundance of caution. you'll see a stronger police presence. >> reporter: heavy weapons, canine units and snipers in hotels will help protect the nearly 2 million people watching the clock strike midnight. the increased measures follow a pipe bomb explosion this month in a subway passageway just steps from times square. and a truck attack on halloween that killed eight people. >> the takeaway from the preparation is people will be safe and they should feel safe. >> reporter: several cities are stepping up their efforts. the los angeles police department says they will have an increased visible police presence. in miami, random security checks will be in place at its outdoor concert at bay front park. in chicago, extra teams and salt trucks will be strategically placed to prevent vehicle attacks. following october's deadly shooting in las vegas, 800 steel pylons, plus snipers and twice as many rapid response teams will be there as protection. the department of homeland security gave the city its highest security designation. clark county sheriff joseph lombardo. >> as always, law enforcement can't do this alone, so i'm asking while you are out enjoying the festivities that you also be observant and notify police if you notice anything suspicious. >> reporter: back here in new york, the nypd is also closing 125 parking garages out of an abundance of caution. one more of those security measures, markings on the exterior. in the event of a sniper-style attack, the nypd will be able to identify the floor quickly. no specific credible threat to this city or any other. >> all right, tony, thank you. president trump says the current special counsel investigation is bad for the country. in a "new york times" interview, the president denied colluding with russia during the 2016 presidential race 16 times. he also defended his tax plan and took a tough stance on china. chip reid is traveling with the president in west palm beach florida. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the interview took place in the grill room of the trump international golf club here in west palm beach. no white house staff members were anywhere in sight. the reporter was introduced to the president by a club member who brought him in as a guest. >> russia did not help me, that i can tell you, okay. >> reporter: president trump has repeatedly denied that russian interference in the u.s. election helped him in anyway. and in an interview with "the new york times," the president said special counsel robert mueller's investigation into russian meddling was bad for the country. it makes the country look very bad and it puts the country in a very bad position, he said. but when asked about mueller himself, the president said, i think that bob mueller will be fair. the president's vote of confidence comes after conservative allies have spent days attacking investigators for political bias. >> if bob mueller were any more biased, we've have to give him credentials for the mainstream media. >> reporter: saying, i have absolute right to do what i want to do with the justice department. >> this is, again, the biggest tax cut, biggest reform of all time. >> reporter: the president also fired back at critics of the tax bill he signed into law last week. it will be more money than people anticipate, he said. i know the details of taxes better than anybody, better than the greatest cpa. and he touted his, quote, great chemistry with chinese president xi jinping but suggested he may go after china on trade if it doesn't do more to curb north korea's nuclear ambitions. i have been soft on china. china can solve the north korea problem. and they're helping us but they're not helping us enough. on other matters, the president suggested he would be open to bipartisan compromise on health care and infrastructure. he'll be talking about those issues and other issues on his 2018 agenda at camp david next week with republican leaders. >> all right, chip reid for us, thank you, chip. democrat doug jones will be sworn in wednesday as alabama's newest senator. state election officials certified jones' victory yesterday. he beat republican roy moore by nearly 22,000 votes earlier this month. a judge rejected a last-minute lawsuit by moore who claimed there was evidence of voter fraud. alabama's secretary of state found no evidence of that. jones said on twitter he would work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get washington back on track. apple is apologizing after admitting a software update deliberately slowed some older iphones. the tech giant says the update is intended to prevent sudden shutdowns in the iphone 6. as a side effect, apps and other functions run slower. in a new message to customers, the company says, quote, we know that some of you feel apple has let you down. we apologize. we have never and would never do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any apple product. apple is discounting the cost of battery replacements on certain phones. dan ackerman is a section eder to at our partner c-net. great to have you back with us at the table. apple is apologizing but not for what some of its users are accusing it of doing. explain how this all went down. >> it's a complicated issue. what apple did was come up with a not entirely unreasonable solution to a problem that's not very easy to fix. that's the batteries that we use in everything, as they get older, they don't hold as much charge and they also can't give out energy at the same peak levels. when you have newer apps on phones that really want to do impressive stuff, they need a lot of energy and people found on their older phone, sometimes not only was the battery life not as long, the phones would just shut down. i found that happen to me with my iphone 6-plus. they had a software update because so many things are determined by software updates that come after you buy the original device. that said we're going to smooth out some of those peaks, do some power management to say the phone can't give out as much energy to the apps as the apps sometimes ask for to make the battery last longer. you have one that will last most of the day. >> it does make me think when i read this story when you used to have a blackberry, you could take the battery out yourself and put a new one in. with the iphone, it's not easy to do. you have to go into the store and have it done for you. apple is now saying they're going to allow you to follow your battery life more easier, easily on your iphone. explain that. >> yes, they're not going to change what the software update did in terms of doing the power management in slowing down your phone to extend the battery life but they say they're going to add something to the software for it that will let you monitor it and give you more information, more transparency about what's happening. and that's kind of the entire gave he game here, is providing transparency. the apology after the fact. that's what people were more upset about, the lack of transparency, they weren't telling you they were doing this to your product. >> how big of a deal was it? we heard sort of a little apology and now a full apology. >> that's true. apple, over the years, they've had a handful of these situations where they've done big apologies. the one that comes to mind is what they call antenna gate, which is back in 2010 where first they said you're holding the phone wrong if you can't get a call through. then they said we'll give you a little bumper to go around it and we're sorry about that. it is rare, but apologies are very important for these big companies. look at samsung last year when they had their own battery problems. they came to a big apology, a big investigation, shared a lot of information with people and now people are still buying samsung, you know, galaxy and note phones. that apology really worked well for them. >> you and i have had conversations about this. psneaking suspicion the reason these phones didn't work is so you would be forced to upgrade to the newest model of an iphone. is apple addressing that? they've denied that, by the way. >> i think what they were trying to do is the opposite, make your phone feel like it will last longer because the battery doesn't run out as quickly and you don't have to feel like you have to get a new phone. but by making the phone feel sluggish, they did the opposite. i had an iphone 6-plus that was getting pokey and i upgraded to a 10 this year. the first thing they did was said, you have to get a new knowone, it felt slow to them. >> while they did offer an apology, they also explained in their apologies that batteries don't last forever. >> it's true. batteries in everything we own, not just phones. >> it is the sluggishness that leads all of us to new purposes. fake makeup found online and on street corners can have real health consequences for customers. ahead, what we learned when we a family blames an airline for a great-grandmother's horrific fall down an escalator. >> the lawsuit over the woman's death after the fall and why the airline says her family made an important error. you're watching cbs this morning. you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. looking to lose weight this year? try fda-approved alli®. for every 5 lbs you lose, alli® can help you lose two to three more by preventing about 25% of the fat you 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you've got to get in i know what a bath is smile honey this thing is like... first kid ready here we go by their second kid, every parent is an expert and... ...more likely to choose luvs, than first time parents. live, learn and get luvs feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. and this is how i freestyle!rs freestyle program, ♪ ♪ this is how i freestyle! i've lost 82 lbs., and i can eat wherever i want. i'm freestyling with dessert, and i'm down 46 lbs. the new weight watchers freestyle program has over 200 foods that are zero points®. now you can count less and enjoy more. i freestyle any way i like. join for free and lose 10 lbs. on us! hurry, offer ends january 8th! see ya. -take care. ♪ so probably take it at night. and if you have any questions, the instructions are here in spanish as you requested. gracias. ♪ at walgreens, how we care will change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. walgreens. trusted since 1901. ahead, what an investigation found about the dangers from tired truck drivers near the country's business yeftd ports. >> plus, how a miss america winner's responding to the organization's outrea islamic state- inspired attack in san francisco remains in custody. during a hearing yesterday... a judge ordere the man accused of plan an attack in san francisco remains in custody. during a hearing yesterday, a judge ordered everitt jameson to stay in a fresno county jail. a disaster loan outreach center will open in santa rosa today to help small businesses affected by the wine country wildfires. it's on mendocino avenue where a fema assistance center was operating until yesterday. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. looking at the roads now, minor trouble spots out there. no accidents but some debris in the road. we are getting word of a christmas stuck in lanes eastbound 4 at hillcrest. westbound 4 our commute direction though is checking in problem-free with no delays. easy ride out of antioch as you go to pittsburg. looks like from loveridge to 680, no delays. westbound 580 at the castro valley y an accident blocking lanes. we have a news beautiful morning off to a mild start warmer thanks to clouds taking a live look out of the transamerica pyramid at the horizon your temperatures right now in san francisco 49 degrees. 39 in concord. cooler in the north bay. 33 degrees in santa rosa. your high temperatures today are going to be mostly in the 60s. rain tuesday and wednesday. ♪ a polish skier made an incredible run while competing in a world cup race in italy. pavel lost his left ski yesterday. he managed to balance on one ski for nearly two minutes. he finished just 36 seconds behind the winner. well, that's probably a lifetime in skiing. still, only hitch, you saw it right there. couldn't exactly stop well. >> i'm impressed. >> i am too because i would probably do that if i tried to stop on two skis. welcome back to "cbs this morning." here are three things you should know this morning. two people blamed for hacking more than 100 washington, d.c. police surveillance progrcamerat days before president trump's inauguration have been charged. the suspects were arrested two weeks ago in romania. american prosecutors are pursuing extradition. a photographer is accusing twins third baseman miguel sanu of sexual assault. a woman saying the all-star forcibly tried to attempt to kiss her. she said she screamed and resisted until he gave up. quote, after a solid ten minutes of fighting. he unequivocally denies the allegation, major league baseball is investigating. accessories retailers claire's is testing at least nine children makeup products for possible asbestos contamination. they've been voluntarily pulled from store shelves. a rhode island mother claims she found asbestos in her daughter's makeup. asbestos is linked to lung danger and others. claire's said in a statement the safety of our customers and products is our top priority. the items can be returned for a refund. counterfeit makeup is raising health concerns after some consumers reported negative physical reactions. u.s. customs and border protections seized a record number of counterfeit goods last year worth nearly $1.4 billion. agents say fake personal care items and toiletries are now even more common than knockoff handbags. jamie yuckecas visited a warehoe in california where agents inspect suspicious packages. >> reporter: these custom officers are the first line of defense for catching illegal shipments. while the products here may be fake, they can have very real health consequences for consumers. >> welcome back to my channel. >> reporter: beauty blogger tonya found that out firsthand when she purchased a popular eye shadow from this downtown los angeles street market last year. u.s. customs officers say most of the discounted goods sold here likely snuck in under the radar at seaports like long beach. >> i just wanted to know can this possibly be as good as the $50 that i just spent. she tested both eye shadows. when she woke up the next morning. >> my eye's uncomfortable and really itchy and i'm going to have to go to the doctor to get this taken care of so it doesn't get worse. within the first 45 minutes, i realized that it was an eye infection. i couldn't get my contacts on. i look back at the footage and it was on the fake side, on the side that i'd used the fake product. 100%. >> reporter: she isn't alone. other people who have used counterfeit makeup have reported allergic reaction. skin rashes. swollen lips and chemical burns. we wanted to find out how easy it is to find these products. so we went shopping under cover at the same downtown alley. most of the fake makeup sold here is half the price of the original. some vendors admitted the products were knockoffs but assured us they were just as good. >> it's the same thing as original. >> reporter: back at her studio, we compared our purchases with the same makeup from traditional retail stores. the packaging is nearly identical. >> that's interesting. the color show up different. >> reporter: some fake makeup made in factories like these has reportedly been found to contain dangerous chemicals such as arsenic, mercury and aluminum. we sent the fake and real versions of this mac lipstick and this jacqueline hill eye shadow palette to a lab where they were tested for different metals. some in the fake palette has nearly four times the amount of lead in the real version. exceeding the recommended fda maximum. the fake lipstick had nearly 15 times the amount of lead as the real thing. >> often the unsafe consumer goods are made in factories that have unsanitary conditions so the quality is not what you need it to be. >> reporter: customs and border protections says these counterfeit products are costing the cosmetics industry about $75 million a year. they say reducing the amount of fake products smuggled into the country could be as simple as educating customers. >> they think i'm just buying a fake palette. they don't think there could be ingredients here that could put my health at risk. >> reporter: for cbs this morning, jamie yuccas, los angeles. a great-grandmother's family is suing alaska airlines after she tumbled down an escalator. the troubling incident was caught on video. the 75-year-old woman in a wheelchair died three months after the fall that left her badly injured. adriana diaz is here with the allegations and the airline's response. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the family of bernice kekona hired help to make sure she arrived safely to her connecting flight but now they're suing, arguing that the airline and its contractor did not provide the service as promised. bernice kekona was coming home from a family vacation in maui. she landed in portland. the family's attorney says they requested a wheelchair assistance service to escort her to a connecting flight. but surveillance video shows her wandering the terminal alone. attorney brook cunningham. >> she was provided assistance off the airline and into her wheelchair by alaska's company that they contract with huntley and then she was left there and she became confused and that led to the fall. >> reporter: kekona appeared to confuse the escalator for an elevator. she fell down head first while others tried to help her. the attorneys took video statements from family members. >> that was so devastating. >> reporter: kekona suffered multiple injuries. >> she was in constant pain. >> reporter: a wound on her right foot became infected, leading to amputation below the knee. a day after that surgery, kekona died. >> all they needed was somebody to get her off the plane, use the escort service that they're required by law to provide. she would have been home perfectly fine. >> reporter: alaska airlines says in a statement it appears kekona declined ongoing assistance in the terminal and decided to proceed on her own to her connecting flight. the airline also noted her reservation did not note any cognitive visual or auditory impairment. we reached out for comment from the contractor but have not heard back. the family's wrongful death complaint does not specify any monetary damages but it says kekona's medical bills from the fall totaled nearly $300,000. dana. >> adriana, thank you, hard to get those images out of your mind of her on that escalator. terrible. people around trying to help her. thousands of people convicted of drug crimes could walk free in massachusetts. ahead, how drug use inside a state crime lab is behind the push for at least 8,000 dismissals. and we invite you to subscribe to our cbs this morning podcast. you'll get the news of the day, extended interviews and podcast originals. find them all on i-towns and apple's podcast app. you're watching "cbs this morning." 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supposed to be testing. paula reid is here with the latest problems tied to the massachusetts drug lab. >> reporter: good morning. if these cases are thrown out, many people will be getting out of prison and it will be the second time in two years that thousands of drug convictions are being thrown out for official misconduct in the state. at least 8,000 cases are now in the hands of the massachusetts supreme judicial court. for eight years, sonya farik worked at the department of public health as a chemist, responsible for analyzing samples in criminal drug cases. in january of 2013, authorities discovered unlabeled drugs at fa farik's workstation. during a trial, farik admitted to using drugs in the lab and even manufacturing in the lab of crack cocaine for her own use. she was given an 18-month jail sentence. >> this is really an historic case here in massachusetts. >> reporter: carol rhodes is the executive direct effort of the massachusetts aclu. the group is seeking the dismissal of all the convictions based in part on evidence farik handled. >> tens of thousands of families who have been impacted because their loved ones had to serve time in jail and prison. >> reporter: this isn't the first drug lab scandal in massachusetts. in 2013, chemist annie ducon who worked at a state lab in boston pled guilty to falsifying the results of drug tests over an eight-year span. in april, the massachusetts supreme judicial court made the historic decision to dismiss nearly 22,000 wrongful drug convictions in cases that she worked on. >> her output was predacious and frankly unrealistic so she was making it up. >> the magnitude of this disaster is grand to say the least. >> reporter: she is a former assistant district attorney. she says the cases involving farik will likely be thrown out and will be difficult to prosecute again. >> they're going to have to undue all these cases which will take more time than it probably did to prosecute them in the first place. >> reporter: 11 of the state's districts attorneys believe some of the cases are still pursuable. the drug lab where farik worked is now closed. the aclu hopes a decision can come in the early spring. up next, a look at this morning's other headlines, including the rule changes for fracing on federal land. plus, the two lottery jackpots up for grabs this weekend worth a total of nearly 700 million bucks. that's a lot arunti >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. sporty new 2018 camry and more. and that means huge year end savings for a very short time. right now during toyotathon. get great year end savings on a huge selection of our most popular models. offer ends january second. for great deals on other toyota's visit this is short too. toyota let's go places. >> announcer: this portion of shawn evans: it's 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. and at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on 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"usa today" says road weary truckers are risking lives on the job. it studied data on truck drivers who entered or exited the ports of long beach or los angeles. it shows 580,000 time violations. some port trucking companies dispatch truckers for shifts that last up to 20 hours a day, six days a week. federal rules say truck drivers who spend up to 14 hours on the road must take a ten hour break. executives denied breaking the fatigue rules. the press of atlantic city reports several miss americas say all miss america board members must resign. a former board member gretchen carlson to be the chair. some accuse them of failing to take action. 2013 miss america mallory hagen is leading a petition drive. she says the board needs to accept responsibility and step aside quickly to allow new leadership to save the miss america program. about 12,000 people have signed it. the hill says a date's been set for donald trump's first physical exam as president. he'll undergo the physical january 12th at walter reed national military center. president trump is the oldest elected commander in chief. the white house says the results will be made public by the president's military physician. and forbes says both the powerball and mega millions jackpots are each over $300 million. tonight's mega millions jackpot stands at $306 million. tomorrow night's power ball lottery will be at least $384 million. it's only the second time ever in the u.s. that two lottery jackpots are over $300 million at the same time. >> i may just stand out in the cold for that. it's worth it. >> a dollar from all of us, right? >> you never win it. >> come on, vlad. >> can't win if you don't play. >> imagine giving airline food a good review. ahead, we visit united airlines secret restaurant that's become a destination location for some high-flying celebrities. destination for some high-flying celebrities. there's only one national orange juice brand that only uses 100% american oranges. simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. he's a nascar champion who's she's a world-class swimmer who's stared down the best in her sport. but for both of them, the most challenging opponent was... pe blood clots in my lung. it was really scary. a dvt in my leg. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. my doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®... to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner... ...that's proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. here's how xarelto works. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective... ...targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you've had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you've got to learn all you can... help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there's more to know. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. today, police and san francisco's acting mayor... london breed... will start finalizing security plans for new year's eve. the midnight good morning, i'm kenny choi . today london breed will start finalizing security plans for new year's eve. the midnight fireworks show in san francisco is one of the bay area's biggest new year's eve event every year. stanford university and palo alto have applied for permission to use drones to deliver blood. the goal is to fly the unmanned aircraft between stanford blood center and stanford hospital when blood is needed fast. we'll have traffic and weather in just a moment. not a bad drive. it's "holiday light" on the freeways. san mateo looks good as well as the bay bridge. traffic is moving nicely in both directions. there you go. westbound from 880 to 101. 14 minutes in that area. bay bridge not bad at all if you have to hit the roads this morning heading to work. it will be an easy commute 10 minutes from the maze to 101 central freeway so not a problem into san francisco. same for 880 the nimitz. off to a great start here. emily. thanks so much. well, looking out live out of the transamerica pyramid you can see just a little bit of haze out there right now. that's keeping our temperatures pretty moderate. your temperatures right now in san francisco, 49 degrees. santa rosa 32. concord 38. your high temperatures for the day the mid-60s for the most part flirting with 70 in livermore. 67 degrees there. 63 degrees in santa rosa. 60 in pacifica. your seven-day forecast: ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. quite some talent. happy friday. i'm bianna golodryga with dana livings. >> it's tragic. the cause sunday investigation. forecaster says the hard-hit great lakes region says they'll get hit by more snow. that's 2 feet on top of the record-breaking 65 inches dropped on the city already this week. the frigid temperatures are moved south. they'll see windchills of zero degrees on new year's eve. windchills are expecting 40 below zero in areas of the midwest. president trump is using the extreme cold to make light of the climate change. perhaps we could use a little bit of that global warming that our country but not oth ps going to pay trillions of tolars to protect against. mr. trump pulled the u.s. out of the paris climate agreement earlier this year. dems blasted the president's tweet. warren white house called it embarrassing. senator elizabeth warren responded "climate change is is r >> t." >> there's new confusion this morning for homeowners trying to yearay next year's property taxes. too want to take advantage of stateisting state and local tax deduction before it is capped on january 1stst. januar from starules vary from state to state. in massachusetts, today is the deadline to prepay, but over in in york officials are working to allow it through the first half of next year. >> other states including california and pennsylvania do ot allow prepayment of 2018 taxes.ty taxes. the different rules and unclear irs guidelines reportedly are areing anger and frustration at many tax offices around the ountry. cbs news confirms this sorning that white house chief of staff john kelly plans a of sta ashuffle of president trump's political team ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. this comes after a tumultuous electif white house staff shakeups. the brookings institution says t least one-third of the seniornt's senior staff have quit, been fired or were reassigned since inauguration day in january. chip reid is in west palm beach, florida near mar-a-lago with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. e'ser previous presidents staff has increased in the second year, but under president trump there's been an unprecedented neparture and more are expected to leave in 2018. ays white house says it is not a big problem. >> this administration is running like a fine-oiled machine. >> that was president trump days after the first major resignation of a white house major staffer. national security adviser michael flynn. n. general flynn is over here. put up your hand, mike. what a good guy. >> reporter: the president's of d heise became the kiss of death learned ary when he learned flynn lied to the vice president about his communications with the russians. over the summer more firing and resignations rippled through the west wing. press secretary sean spicer stepped down when he objected to president trump's new pick of anthony scaramucci. isthe president is a winner and we're going to do a lot of winning. >> reporter: chief of staff reince priebus resigned. enen the new chief of staff john kelly compelled the president to fire scaramucci. he says the turnover numbers at the white house are decade unprecedented. for trump it is 34% at this point in the president george w. bush was at 6%, obama at 9%, and closestas closest to trump at 17%. >> if the team keeps changing and you keep bringing people in and you have to train them, it is very disruptive. >> reporter: but thurber said h e hiring of john kelly smoothed out the west wing. >> we'll see what happens with mr. bannon. >> even if it led to more firings of people like steve bannon and tom price, who got re y warning from the president months before. votes?going to get the votes? otherwise i'll say, tom, you're fired. fi reporter: the main difficulty or this president has been ontinuesreplacements. but during the campaign he continues to rely on a small dvisersof top advisers with a agh priority on loyalty. vlad. >> thank you, chip. "48 ahead, "48 hours" reveals new information about the deadly siege of a cult in waco, texas in 1993. >> reporter: i'm peter van sant, "48 hours" here in waco, texas. it has been nearly a quarter century since more than 75 followers of the religious escher david koresh perished in a fiery standoff with federal agents. new revelations of the branch davidian cult. that's coming up on "cbs this morn ♪ next year's tax cuts are predicted to increase the federal deficit and some charities are worried about their bottom line, too. ahead, why the tax bill could lower donations. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ ♪ ex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. with a great selection of our armost popular models. like the adventurous rav4, well equipped corolla, sporty new 2018 camry and more. and that means huge year end savings for a very short time. right now during toyotathon. get great year end savings on a huge selection of our most popular models. offer ends january second. for great deals on other toyota's visit this is short too. toyota let's go places. essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. morning." morning." xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. a must for vinyl. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". when food is good and clean and real, it's ok to crave. and with panera catering, there's more to go around. panera. food as it should be. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. [indistinct conversations] man: looking for these? you drive buzzed, it could be one very expensive ride. first you got to make bail. then pay me to get your car back. your insurance premiums will go through the roof. and my legal fees just keep adding up. all told, it could end up costing you $10,000. [siren in distance] announcer: buzzed, busted, and broke. because buzzed driving is drunk driving. ♪ republican leaders say the new tax code will save millions of americans money. but it could cause problems for charities. nonprofits received about $390 billion in h donations last year. but by some estimates, the new code could result in a drop of $20 billion in donations a year. jan crawford is at a charity that feeds the homeless in washington with why the people are concerned the new law could mean less giving. good morning. >> good morning. for organizations like so others might eat, here, the end of the year tends to mean a spike in donations because people see this as a way to cut the tax bill. but next year that might change. >> with temperatures in washington dipping below freezing, these salvation army volunteers are hitting the street. hot chocolate or water? >> handing out food for those in need. organizations like these rely on donations. in 2017, as many as 30% of taxpayers could reduce their tax bill by itemizing deductions. but under the new law, around 90% of taxpayers are likely to choose the new doubled standard deduction instead. eliminating the tax incentive to give to charity. >> there will be 30 million fewer people itemizing their taxes. >> united way coe brian gallagher says his organization is able to serve millions. >> the average contribution is about $350. >> those are the donors that will have no incentive. >> less incentive. >> additional changes to the estate tax to contribute to a further decline in schaecharita giving each other. this woman says such a decline would force charitable organizations nationwide to cut back on services. >> for hospitals it's about surfing people who are sick, for day care centers, kitchens, if you can imagine 10% of the budgets of all the charities in the united states perhaps being affected that could be substantial. >> now, nonprofit leaders are quick to point out most people don't give to charity just to get a tax break but even a 4% or 5% decrease could have a big impact. jan, thank you very much. sort of bad to think of some of those charities that may lose out just because of the loss of the deduction. >> attacking the people that need it most. new secrets revealed about the events surrounding the deadly siege of a cult in waco texas. you're watching cbs this morning. ♪ morning." 2018 marks 25 years since the deadly 51-day standoff between the davidian cult and the government in waco, texas. davidkoresh. for the first time a retired ups driver reveals how he unknowingly delivered weapons to the compound in the weeks before the confrontation. peter van sant revealed the secrets from waco that haven't been told until now. >> i've kept my story secret for the last 25 years. i didn't want to take this to my grave. >> tell them there are women and children in here. >> reporter: this delivery man unwittingly armed the cult. >> i have been blamed for what happened out there. >> waco was a tale of a religious fringe group that decided to fight back against the federal government. >> reporter: their leader, david kore koresh, a self-proclaimed son of god. ♪ there's a mad man living in waco ♪ >> he was incredibly charismatic. >> i waited patiently on the lord. >> he was spellbindin. >> he was god in the human flesh. >> they would do anything for this man. >> even unholy acts. >> hue many young girls did he have sex with? >> i think at least ten. >> he was a gee zuft christ who loved guns, drug, and rock and roll, and he was going bring the end of times. >> reporter: lee hancock covered the investigation. she's a cbs consultant. >> my mom made the bulletproof vests. >> reporter: joann vega moved into the compound with her parents when she was an infant. >> they were getting shipments from an arms dealer. >> reporter: the davidian arms race turned more ominous when larry was checking a box in his truck. >> about six to eight grenades fell out of it. >> reporter: he told his wife deborah. >> somebody had to do something. >> reporter: deborah told the sheriff's department who called theal alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, the atf. >> we were all concerned. >> reporter: a two months of reconnaissance, atf authorized arresting david koresh and confiscating any weapons. >> showtime, showtime. >> my mom grabbed me off the bed. there were people lying on the floor that were dead. >> i took a flash bang and threw it in the window. when i get through the window, there's a man standing in the room with an ak-47. i shot him several times. >> reporter: several seconds later like this agent, he was shot buford on the hood of the vehicle was rescued by fellow agents. the fbi takes over. after 51 days, they begin ramming the main building. the horror was unimaginable. >> there were people who killed one another. david koresh actually had a bullet wound into the center of his head. >> reporter: joann vega's parents died in the flames. >> she saved your life. >> i think about that all the time. >> your mother saved you. >> mm-hmm. >> reporter: when people see the names, they're just names. i see faces. >> i've never failed at much in my life, but i failfailed. every day it crosses my mind. >> peter van zandt joins us now. millions of americans remember this siege. what was happened inside this compound? >> it was a real horror show on the inside. they were restricted on the amount of food they had. koresh decide all of the with imin the compound were his and he began having sex with girls as young as 14 years of able. itt it's believed he may have fathered 20 children. he committed statutory rape. >> they were his. he allowed others to leave. >> it wasn't long into the siege he let the children leave but inside those were biological children and he wanted to keep them with him. >> to see the pain on the ups driver's face that he has to live with this so many years later. we all remember this. >> he is a fantastic individual who telling his story for the first time on "48 hours." >> fascinating. we'll be watching. thank you so much. you can see peter's full report "the secrets of waco" right here at 8:00 p.m., 7:00 central right here on cbs. more than half are returning their gifts this holiday season. i hope you're not doing that. leigh gallagher is in studio 57 with how retailers are making it easier to return more than ever. your local news is next. new surveillan shows a suspect jumping a counter and beating a clerk at a berkeley gas station. it happened last week at a good morning, it's 8:25. i'm anne makovec. new surveillance video shows the suspect jumping a counter and beating a clerk at a gas station in berkeley. it happened last week at a chevron on san pablo avenue. the cash register wouldn't open. so the suspect fled empty- handed. a homicide in san jose happened at around midnight. officers closed off east nobody is street at sunset avenue after they found the victim stabbed in the torso. he died at the hospital. no word on a suspect or motive. traffic and weather coming up next. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. welcome back. taking a look at the roads right now, it's been an easy ride all morning long. here's a live look at the richmond/san rafael bridge. traffic is moving pretty nicely. it's pretty much been like this all morning long. you haven't had any delays across the span as you head out of richmond towards marin county. richmond parkway to the west end of the bridge will take you five minutes this morning. if you are on the 101, just heads up at 580 interchange, traffic clear to the golden gate bridge 11 minutes from 580 into san francisco. westbound 37 from 80 to 101, 21 minutes there. 54 miles per hour for the most part moving along nicely. eastshore freeway moving along nicely, as well. no trouble spots westbound in fact you're clear from here all the way to the bay bridge where traffic is light. off to a mild start this morning. a live look at sfo, you can see a little haze there out of this camera but you know what? for the most part it is clear. we'll have a few high clouds throughout the day however. in san francisco your temperatures 49 degrees. still at freezing in santa rosa. 32 degrees. concord 38. back up in the 40s in oakland. 48 degrees there also in the 40s in the south bay. your high temperatures today in the mid-60s, cooler at the coast. rain tuesday and beyond. ♪ it's your thing ♪ do what you want to do welcome back to "cbs this morning." right now it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines. minneapolis star tribune reports that senator al franken is thanking supporters before he resigns next week. he spoke in minneapolis last night. >> here is my promise to you. i may be leaving the senate but i'm not giving up my voice. >> the minnesota democrat agreed to step down under pressure from other democrats after a string of sexual harassment allegations. bloomberg reports citiy group was fined. they will pay $11.5 million if accused of harming after displaying wrong reports. the company agreed to resolve the claims without admitting wrong doing. >> "the new york times" reports that the game on your phone may be tracking what you're watching on tv. software from the company alfonso collects tv viewing data. it is used by more than 250 games. the software uses a smartphone's microphone. it can detect what people watch by identifying audio signals in tv ads and shows. the data can be used to target ads more precisely. alphonso says its app is ex complained and the consumer can opt out at any time the "wall street journal" reports tax accountants are the center of attention at holiday parties. the accountants say now that the bill has been signed into law they've been inundated with questions. they're paying the price with with 16-hour days but they say there's never been a better time to be a cpa. >> centers of attention. >> good for them. international business times says there will be two super moons and a total lunar eclipse in january. the fist, nicknamed a wolf moon, comes new year's night. the full moon appears bigger and brighter since it is at the closest point to earth. a rare second super moon comes january 31stst. it is called a blue moon since it is the second full moon in the same month. there's also a total lunar eclipse that same night. >> hopefully it gets warmer so we can go outside and look at the moon. our station in dallas/ft. worth says a big rig carry avocados crashed and caught fire on a busy texas interstate. it was filled with thousands of pounds of avocados when it crashed, creating a mushy mess on the row. firefighters raked through it putting out hot spots. traffic was backed up for miles. >> kwaguacamole for everyone. >> charleston courier reports on the disappearance of a famous and beloved great white shark named mary lee. the 16-foot spot was spotted in june off new jersey. a nonprofit that studies great whites tagged her in 2012. she has been tracked throughout the north atlantic. it is possible that the transmitter battery lost power. mary lee has more than 100,000 followers on twitter. mre than all of us combined on twitter. >> congratulations to her. holiday retail sales set a new record this year. shoppers spent more than $800 billion. some reports say it is up almost 5% from last year. online purchases rose more than 18%. the record sales mean retailers will deal with a huge number of returns though. 45% of consumers will return at least one item between december 26th and december 31st. it will be part of the $90 billion of returns over the entire holiday season. that is forcing shops to find new ways to make returns convenient. "fortune" senior editor lee gallagher is here with more. good morning. >> good morning. >> we know we want to get it quickly when we are talking about shipping, but what about the returns? how are they changing things? >> returns have been a huge headache for the consumer, for the retailers as well. as online shopping has grown, it has become a huge point of friction in the process. retailers spent the past few years really trying to address this because it is not good for them. this will be such a huge part of their business, they need to find a way to deal with it. the consumer, by the way, we have been so spoiled we expect everything to be seamless and easy and, you know, they have to meet that need. so there's all kinds of creative ways to process returns this year. we are starting to see more of them. a big thing is the movement to buy online and return in store. so that's actually easier for the consumer in many ways, also cheaper for the retailer. it brings the cost down. a lot of companies will have kiosks. walmart has kiosks in its store. it is promising you can return in under five minutes. amazon bought whole foods so you can return at whole foods. never did we think we would see this with amazon, they've forged a relationship with kohl's where you can buy on amazon and return at kohl's and also lockers. >> make it easier. >> make it easier. and then, of course, a lot of retailers are extending the length of time that you have and paying for shipping, doing everything they can to make it easy. it is still going to require an errand, which is what trips me up. >> i always thought it was a big no-no because i actually do return things i order online back to the physical store. so it is good to hear they welcome that now. >> they want it. it is better for them. >> are some online policies changing? >> yes, they're changing a little bit, like extending the window and having the labels to printout at home. of course, you need a printer, but they're doing all they can. this is what they call reverse logistices bringing the product back. the customer doesn't care about reverse logistics we just want it taken care of. a lot of people are returning this week. i returned things yesterday. >> there's been a growth in online shopping. what are some of the third party vendors out there helping people return things? you guys were talking about that during the commercial. i had no idea what that was about. >> that's the other thing. there's a cottage industry that sprung up to help retailers to address this problem. any time anyone is spending a lot of money on anything, it is a big headache. entrepreneurs come in to try to take a portion of that margin. there's a company called "happy returns." there are companies trying to make it at the front end easier to know what you're buying so reducing the likelihood of a return. >> so how does it work? i mean -- i hate returning things. would they send somebody to my apartment and pick up? >> no, it is more about taking the pressure off the retailer. you can go to a kiosk in a mall or something like that. there are ways a lot of retailers are being told put better photos online in the first place, so there's a lot of innovation in that. there's a lot of innovation around 3d, being able to put yourself in the clothes online or look at the furniture, how it would look in your space. those things are important because, you know, the end goal would be to reduce the amount of returns in the first place. >> it is needed. >> in the holidays you are desperate, under a time crunch, i will buy it and i can always return it. that return likelihood goes up during holiday season with all of the pressures and all of the convenience it office. >> none of the gifts i'm returning that i received. i love my gifts. >> thank you for having me. >> lee gallagher, thank you very much. happy new year. >> to you, too. thanks. >> kris van cleave shows us a secret restaurant that takes airport dining to the highest level. >> this hidden hallway leads to one of the most exclusive restaurants in all of the new york area, but we're nowhere near manhattan. this is the newark airport. the restaurant? it's classified. but coming up on "cbs this morning" we have your reservation inside. >> there's a velvet rope at the airport too for ♪ when you think of an exclusive restaurant, you typically do not think of airport dining. hidden inside newark liberty international airport is one of the trendiest and hard-to-get-into restaurants. united airline teamed up with hospitality group otg to create the classified dining experience, and kris van cleave scored an invitation to show us around. >> reporter: good morning. the people walking through terminal c here at newark airport have no idea they're walking right by one of the most sought-after restaurants in all of the new york area. we can't show you where it is because it is hidden on purpose, but we will be able to take you inside. through this door and down this secret hallway a speak-easy meets fine dining. it is classified. here your taste buds will delight if you can score an invite. >> do you want to have the salmon? >> the invite-only restaurant has only 36 seats and is steps from your gate. it's exclusive guest list boasts ceos and celebrities like madonna. >> it is very much like new york. it is secret. had to take a little bit of time to find it. the hostess was very discrete, so i felt very special. >> reporter: united frequent flyer bri morrow was one of the first invited to make a reservation. >> i just had oysters and i'm eating a fresh salad with shrimp. i appreciate having a heltdy meet with a nice glass of wine. >> reporter: it rivals anything you see at a trendy new york restaurant and can set you back $100 a person, that's if you don't order a $500-plus bottle of wine. >> it is an oasis, a restaurant inside an airport. >> reporter: award winning chef nate appleman that turned this forgotten room into classified. we talked with him as he prepared a 42-ounce tomahawk stake. >> most airports have prepackaged foods cooked before that somebody is heating in a make r microwave. we are cooking from scratch and using great products. >> it is an unusual plan to create a restaurant people don't know where it is and have to be invited into. >> it is not a fun to say that. >> reporter: rick blacksten is the ceo. >> we wanted to create a space out of the way, a little speak-easy to get to, but somewhere to enjoy a great meal listening to nice music, have a delicious glass of wine, take it easy, get yourself away from everything else. >> reporter: people don't think of newark airport as a spots for trendy dining. >> they don't. but they soon will. >> reporter: rick hope is with united airlines. who is invited? >> there's not just one perspective or one way to the look at the invitation list, but right now it is classified and remains a secret. >> reporter: was the idea to create one of the elite restaurants in new york here in the newark airport? >> we didn't set out to make the most elite restaurant and most difficult to get into, but it kind of worked out that way. >> reporter: so this is your ticket inside, the e-mail invitation. united says for the flyers who haven't gotten one yet, they requested to be invited to classified but they won't say how long the wait list is. >> our kris van cleave there. i checked, i have not gotten my invitation. >> my big pet peeve is that they don't have bathrooms in the restaurant. that's my one question, do you have to go out to the actual airport to go to the restroom? they don't have one. >> if classified has one you'll love it. >> i would hope they help you get through security. i mean you already have a lot of time spent at the airport. it would be good if that invite came with a little help. >> yes. although as a frequent traveller anything that ups the game is appreciated. >> that steak looked good. >> it did. coming up next, we will look at all that mattered this week. you are watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) get zero percent financing for 63 months on select models, plus we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. we would be remiss if we didn't say gayle king had a birthday yesterday. happy birthday. >> it was fun. >> it was with you both. be sure to tune in to "cbs evening news" tonight. as we leave you, let's take a look back at all that mattered this week. have a great weekend. >> top, thermal, two sweaters, a turtleneck. >> a deadly cold snap is gripping more than half the country minus double-digit windchills can cause frostbite in as little as ten minutes. >> this weather is going nowhere fast. >> more than five feet of snow pummeled erie, pennsylvania. >> it's beautiful. >> the deadliest fire in new york city in 27 years. >> of the aft least 12 people dead, five were pronounced dead at the scene. >> north korea is lashing out calling the sanctions an act of wafrmt north korea says its missiles can now reach anywhere on the mainland, u.s. >> the president claims he signed more bills into law than any modern president since truman. >> this is a big, big beautiful ship we're turning around. >> the allegations from unwanted kissing to propositions for sex. >> it certainly felt like there were a few more ways. >> an ohio woman who went to prison for a crime she said she did not commit. >> a former bachelor asks a former president -- >> cigarettes or gum? >> gum now, baby. >> flight 175 had been in the air for about four hours when it turned around and flew home. >> hey, guys. chrissy teigen here live. >> in this case cbs stands for chrissy broadcasting live. >> in this case we had an intrepid reporter. >> we have called it in. >> so inspirational. i feel so inadequate. >> i'll stay here at the table. >> i'll stay where it's warm. >> i'm fully inadequate, but i'll stay here. >> ll cool j is hot. >> ll cool j. >> ladies love cool j. >> i decided not to act for ten years because i thought, i don't want to do it. i don't want to take my hat off. >> he's got a great head. i don't know why he won't. ♪ all night long >> lionel richie said he joined the band to meet women in college. not a surprise. are you a romantic? >> i'm a hopeless disgusting romantic. i can fall in love in 15 seconds on everything and everybody. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year note. >> a dinosaur is snowblowing. >> demarco, you cwe can barely you. >> one amish man had a creative way to get around. >> are we sure that's not demarco? >> i didn't get your christmas present this year. is it coming later? >> i don't -- >> i got you the same thing as last year but a different color. >> i know you did. i poured it into the coffee. that's why i'm in a good mood. of planning an islamic state- inspired attack in san francisco remains in custody. during a good morning. 5 minutes before 9:00. i'm anne makovec. the man accused of planning an "islamic state"-inspired attack is in custody. jameson was ordered to tale stay in jail without bail. new year's eve is this weekend and some bay area transit agencies are offering free service to passengers so you can enjoy some alcoholic benches without having to drive home. caltrain, vta, samtrans and muni all offering free rides between 8 p.m. and and 5 a.m. monday. check their websites for schedules. and a university of california regent is stepping down amid allegations of sexual misconduct. norman pattiz has apologized for his behavior. a woman released a recording of comments. your bay area weather and traffic coming up next. the mercedes-benz winter event is back and you won't want to stop for anything else. [ barks ] ho! lease the gla 250 for $349 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. good morning from the traffic center. a couple of new trouble spots to report in the south bay but overall traffic is still moving despite these accidents. we'll start off with a first one along 85 as you work your way northbound just south of blossom hill road getting word of a wreck to the right shoulder but lots of green there. not really causing any delays or issues as we pass through the area. northbound 101 just north of old bayshore, looks like a vehicle overturned here. it is over to the right side. there is a lot of activity on scene there. expect some slight delays as a result. your drive time northbound 101 not too bad from hellyer to san antonio avenue. emily. well, it's looking good out there as far as the weather is concerned. taking a live look out now, looking at the golden gate bridge, a little haze but things are clear. your temperatures in santa rosa warming up 36 degrees everywhere else in the 40s. highs today mostly in the 60s. rain next tuesday and beyond. >> george: what a year on "the price is right!" we celebrated drew's ten year anniversary as host. >> ten years! woo! >> drew: thank you so much. i really appreciate that. >> george: for halloween the prize league defeated the evil dr. trombones. >> drew: have no fear, the prize league is here. take that, dr. trombones. >> george: we had some of the biggest celebrities come on down! >> we're taking over. >> george: and we made history at the wheel. >> drew: gave away $80,000 just on this wheel spin! >> george: best of 2017! ferrari! ( "the price is right" theme playing ) here it

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