Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

also tonight, the fed announcing the interest rate hike, hoping to slow down the economy. but what it means in the meantime for your credit cards, your loans, your new mortgages. overseas tonight, russian forces now entering the last stronghold in mariupol. video released now by pro-russian acseparatists showi the bombing of that massive steel factory. hundreds of ukrainian fighters and civilians still believed to be inside. ian pannell reporting from inside ukraine tonight. the severe storm threat as we come on the air. strong tornadoes possible across several states. and then dallas to memphis, atlanta, all watching this. rob marciano timing it out. comedian dave chappelle attacked by an armed suspect. the suspect carrying a replica gun with a knife blade inside. what we've learned tonight about the suspect. that nationwide manhunt for an escaped murder suspect and corrections officer seen on surveillance leaving the jail together. news coming in tonight on their getaway car. also the images coming in, workers trapped after the collapse of a former power plant in boston. rescuers at this hour searching for victims. the breaking headline tonight involving alzheimer's. there is late word today that the fda has now authorized the first diagnostic test for the disease. why this could be significant and how it works. and she's in. dolly parton and the rest of the inductees into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. it is quite a list tonight. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. the shockwaves felt across this country tonight. americans on both sides of a deeply personal issue, abortion rights. after that unprecedented leak of the supreme court draft opinion showing five conservative justices ready to overturn roe versus wade. and while the court says it is not the final opinion, across this country, the reaction now to the idea that after 50 years, roe versus wade could be overturned in a matter of weeks. the protests and demonstrations, crowds gathering at the supreme court again today. the leak only heightening concerns that the highest court in the land has become even more politicized. chief justice john roberts, who called the leak an egregious breach, has now tapped the court's marshal to lead the investigation into the leak. and president biden warning again today the landmark decision is about more than abortion, sayi ing of former president trump's movement, quote, maga is the most extreme political organization that's existed in recent american history. if the final ruling does overturn roe, 26 states are ready to ban abortion likely very quickly, including 13 states that have so-called trigger laws that ban it immediately. tonight, we take you to those states ahead of any decision that could be coming from the court, imposing new restrictions already. the women who have made very difficult decisions because of that, and the women who are cheering on those states. abc's rachel scott leading us off tonight. >> reporter: across america, from san francisco to michigan to texas to the steps of the supreme court, women on both sides of the abortion debate taking to the streets after the draft of a coming supreme court decision revealed roe versus wade is likely to be overturned. this after republican legislatures in a growing number of states already passed strict new laws making it extremely difficult to get the procedure. in oklahoma, the governor just signed a law banning abortion at six weeks -- before most women even know they are pregnant. before it went into effect, women were traveling to oklahoma from other states with similar bans already in place. we met up with one of them. >> i never thought that i would be one of the people desperate, you know, looking, driving across state lines for help in this situation. >> reporter: marie -- who did not want us to show her face -- came here after she was unable to get an abortion back here in texas. >> you're here today because you no longer want to continue with your pregnancy? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: marie had to wait weeks for an appointment to open up. >> i think it was like 37 days. so, you know, having to -- to mentally fight that every day was really rough, too. >> reporter: before its own strict law went into effect, oklahoma's planned parenthood says they saw a nearly 2,500% increase in the number of women traveling here from texas to end their pregnancies. nicole, who lives here, could not find an available appointment and had to look elsewhere. when did you first learn that you were pregnant? what was your reaction? >> very upset. very upset. very life changing. very upset. i can barely make ends meet at the moment with my two other boys. >> reporter: we were there once she crossed into kansas. >> i'm willing to do whatever's necessary, because there's no way i can afford another baby, i can't. >> reporter: did you ever think that that would be the length that you would have to go through? >> no. i never did. i had to take a vacation day. i had to make sure both my kids were taken care of. it was really hard. >> reporter: but on the other side of this issue are women like wendy stearman, herself a mother of six. >> i very much agree with the founding principles of our country, which are to defend life and liberty and life is the first one. >> reporter: she runs a home school cooperative for more than 400 kids and she's a new member of the oklahoma state legislature. >> the purpose in my position as a legislator, my goal is to make sure that the state of oklahoma does outlaw abortion. as an individual citizen, my hope is that it will save the lives of babies. >> reporter: do you feel like the public support is behind you? >> in the state of oklahoma, absolutely. >> reporter: and the states, she tells me, are the places where these decisions should be made. she's eagerly awaiting a day when the supreme court overturns roe versus wade, and individual states once again, have that power. >> and rachel scott here with us in new york tonight. always great to are have you in person. as we await this final ruling on roe versus wade, in washington, i know democrats say they want to make a federal law to protect roe v. wade. they likely don't have the votes, which you reported last night here. but there is news late today from a republican senator who said she would look at anything this would be a shift for republican senator lisa murkowski, because when this legislation came to the floor in the senate earlier this year, she did not support it, she said it was too broad. now, she does seem interested in trying to find a pathway forward to codify roe versus wade. she is one of two republican senators that does support abortion rights, the other is senator susan collins. and she says that she felt misled by justices kavanaugh and gorsuch, that it would be inconsistent with what they said to her face. even with the support of those two republicans, democrats still don't have the votes they need, david. >> rachel, thank you. and you'll have much more of your reporting later tonight right here on "nightline." thank you, rachel. in the meantime, we do have one more note on this tonight. president biden again warning if the supreme court overturns roe versus wade, it could be just the beginning. the president warning of what republicans and president trump's maga movement, he says, could do next. >> what happens if you have state changes the law saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit under the way that the decision's written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history. >> and so the political warnings begin. he hinted at this yesterday, terry, when back at it today and went even further. let's go to terry moran at the court. and terry what did you make of what the white house is already signaling tonight? >> reporter: well, david, justice alito says that's not true. he says in his draft opinion that this ruling should only apply to abortion, because the profound issues it raises. but the problem is, the way justice alito overrules roe versus wade that has president biden and many legal scholars alarmed. alito says that unless a right is specified in the constitution or deeply rooted in our nation's history and traditions, it doesn't qualify as a constitutional right. and scholars say there are many things we think of as rights that weren't around when the constitution was written, not in our history. there weren't a lot of gay marriages when the constitution was written, contraceptives were illegal. and they say that alito's argument could cut those rights down, no matter what he says, if someone brings a challenge to them. and they note that the last time the republican party wrote a platform in 2016, it called for overruling roe versus wade and the case that legalized gay marriage. er david? >> terry moran at the supreme court. thank you. in the meantime, we do turn to the economy. the other major headline tonight. your credit cards, loans, and new mortgages. the federal reserve raising interest rates a half a point to try to slow down this economy and inflation. the largest interest rate hike since the year 2000, 22 years. investors knew this was coming and they were relieved the fed doesn't plan to get even more fe 20 markets with the do 2, here'sef business correspondent is breaking it down tonight. >> reporter: tonight, federal reserve chair jerome powell announcing the largest interest rate hike in 22 years. >> inflation is much too high, and we understand the hardship it is causing. and we're moving expeditiously to bring it back down. >> reporter: the fed increasing rates half a percentage point, sending the cost of borrowing on everything from your credit card to a new car or home loan higher. mortgage rates already up. in just the last five months, the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has jumped from 3.4% to more than 5.4% today. in real terms, that means the mortgage payment on the median priced home has jumped from $1,511 a month to about $1,900 today. a $419 difference. the fed hoping the moves will help cool demand and stabilize prices. but some now asking -- did the fed act too late to stave off a recession? >> the fed is now not just hitting the brakes, but in some ways driving in reverse, using the rearview mirror to get to see where we're going. >> reporter: and david, while this means it will cost you more to borrow, it also means you'll be paid more to save your money in a bank or cd. the federal reserve expects to continue hiking interest rates throughout the year. david? >> rebecca jarvis with us tonight. thank you, rebecca. overseas tonight, and to the war in ukraine. russia tonight intensifying its attacks, its troops entering the last stronghold in mariupol, that steel plant. in fact tonight, video posted by pro-russian separatists showing explosions at the plant, that those troops have now breached the outer perimeter there. video circulating online showing a missile strike. and in kharkiv, the second-largest city, where ukraine's troops are making gains, russian rockets slamming into an amusement park, including a children's playground. but of course, the concern in mariupol, are the civilians and the fighters still inside that plant? our senior foreign correspondent ian pannell in ukraine again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, large explosions at the azovstal steel plant, seen in undated video posted by pro-russian separatists. putin's troops breaking through today into the mariupol factory where ukrainian fighters in the city are making a last stand. up to 200 civilians are still believed to be trapped underground there. and in avdiivka, an explosion near a bus stop killing at least ten people, seen in video posted by ukrainian officials. but in the northeast, russia's invasion is starting to look more like a retreat. these gruesome images show dead russian soldiers lying in the open as ukrainian troops retake territory. some bodies even arranged in the "z" pattern that russia uses as an insignia for its war. the kremlin now increasingly resorting to missile and rocket attacks, the targets often indiscriminate. we were in kharkiv when this happened yesterday. an amusement park in the city hit by at least two russian rockets. we're at the scene of one of the bombings inside kharkiv. this is gorky park. this was a children's playground. you can see the ferris wheel over there, there was a beer garden, a photo booth, even a child's playground. luckily, there was no one playing here at the time, but it just tells you everything you need to know about whether or not the russians are actually targeting anything or not. these are civilian sites. these are being repeatedly hit across this city. in response to russia's brutality, the european union tightening sanctions and proposing a total ban on russian oil by the end of the year. if it passes, it could be a serious blow to russia's economy and its war machine. david, those battles raging in mariupol. we spoke to someone from the far right azov battalion who is at the steel plant, what he says now that surrender is not an option. so, unless the russians give them safe passage to leave the complex, they're going to have no choice but to stand and fight to the death. david? >> just incredible, the world watching now with civilians inside that plant. ian, thank you. back here at home tonight, and to the investigation into that attack on comedian dave chappelle during a performance at the hollywood bowl. a man jumping on stage and then going after chappelle. the suspect was armed with what's called a replica gun with a knife blade inside. what we've learned tonight about the suspect, and here's abc's kaylee hartung. >> reporter: tonight, the man seen here tackling dave chappelle at the hollywood bowl venue in los angeles is in custody. 23-year-old isaiah lee is being held on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. authorities say he was carrying this replica handgun with a knife blade. tmz video shows the assailant climbing on stage and attacking chappelle in the middle of his set. >> subject's wearing a black hat, blue flannel, grey pants. >> reporter: lee then continues to run behind a screen, where he was swarmed by the venue's security. chappelle telling the crowd that the suspect was being "stomped." the attacker was later taken to the hospital with injuries. moments later, chris rock, who also performed at the "netflix is a joke: the festival," joining chappelle. >> was that will smith? >> reporter: rock referencing the infamous slap that occurred at the oscars. also among the star-studded crowd, jamie foxx, who rushed to help security. tmz video showing foxx and chappelle on stage together to close the show. >> whenever you're in trouble, jamie foxx will show up in a sherriff's hat. >> reporter: tonight, chappelle's rep releasing a statement saying, "as unfortunate and unsettling as the incident was, chappelle went on with the show." adding, "chappelle is fully cooperating with the active police investigation into this incident." and david, it's unclear how lee got that knife inside the hollywood bowl. the district attorney here in l.a. will decide in the next few days what charges he'll face. david? >> kaylee hartung tonight. kaylee, thank you. now to the nationwide manhunt for that escaped murder suspect and a corrections officer in alabama. authorities now say surveillance shows officer vicky white and inmate casey white, of course, no relation, in a patrol car eight minutes after leaving the jail, heading for their getaway car. the sheriff now says the two were romantically involved. security video from the jail showing them leaving together. the sheriff urging vicky white tonight to surrender. to the pandemic and a new forecast from the cdc tonight. now predicts there will be as many as 9,600 more depths by the end of this month, as the nation now approaching that somber milestone, 1 million covid deaths. and as the fda reviewing moderna's request for authorization for its vaccine. there's a new poll tonight that says just 18% of parents will vaccination their children right away. there is a tornado watch, severe weather alert, dangerous storms for text texas and oklahoma and then that threat moves east. pdallas, memphis, atlanta all watching this. let's get right to senior meteorologist rob marciano timing it out for us tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. may is peak tornado season for the plains and mother nature is abiding. we are stacked with tomorrow threats, tornado watches expanding tonight. west texas up through oklahoma. big winds, big hail, and, yes, tornadoes. dallas may get clipped. heavy rains into missouri and then the storms refire tomorrow. shreveport up through little rock, same severe threat. and then getting to the east on friday. new orleans, montgomery, atlanta, and another storm in the northwest that will be dropping out of the rockies for the weekend. david? >> rob marciano tonight. rob, thank you, as always. and we turn to politics tonight and a high profile victory in the first major primary of the midterm election year. in ohio tonight, j.d. vance securing the republican senate nomination. vance, a venture capitalist and an author. he was once harshly critical of former president trump, surging from behind after trump endorsed him in this primary. in november, vance will now face democratic congressman time ryan who easily won his own primary against several challengers to be the democratic senate candidate there. when we come back here tonight, workers trapped after the collapse of a former power plant in boston. the images coming in at this hour. rescuers working to find them. . it's a beautiful word. neighborhoods "open". businesses "open". fields "open". who doesn't love "open"? offices. homes. stages. possibilities. your world. open. and you can help keep it that way. ♪♪ cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪♪ the world is full of make or break moments. especially if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis visit to find your cfp® professional. and a high risk for fracture, it's time to make your move to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. don't wait for a break. call your doctor now and ask how prolia® can help you. tonight, rescuers are still on the scene of a building collapse at an old power plant this boston. at least three workers were injured. one person trapped for about 3 1/2 hours, suffering life-threatening injuries. two others are expected to recover. when we come back here, that major headline, the new test for alzheimer's. i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. 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Questions , World News Tonight , On The Air , Stories , Interest Rate Hike , Leak , Supreme Court , Roe Versus Wade , Sides , Mortgages , Credit Cards , Demonstrations , Americans , Abortion Issue , Outlaw Abortion , States , Biden , Court , Trigger Laws , Sid Wade , Roe Verve , 13 , 26 , Trump , Warning , Reporting , Investigation , Rachel Scott , Terry Moran , Maga Movement , Economy , Fed , Loans , Forces , Russian , Video , Civilians , Fighters , Stronghold , Factory , Hundreds , Bombing , Acseparatists Showi , Ian Pannell , Mariupol , Dave Chappelle , Suspect , Rob Marciano , Atlanta , Tornadoes , Storm Threat , Inside Ukraine Tonight , Memphis , Jail , Knife Blade , Corrections Officer , Replica Gun , Surveillance , Manhunt , Murder , Rescuers , News , Power Plant , Images , Collapse , Getaway Car , Breaking Headline Tonight Involving Alzheimer S , Workers , Victims , Boston , Test , Dolly Parton , Fda , Disease , Word , Rest , List , The Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame , Inductees , Country , Issue , Abortion Rights , Justices , Supreme Court Draft Opinion , Five , Reaction , Matter , Opinion , Idea , Protests , 50 , John Roberts , Breach , Concerns , Land , Supreme Court Again Today , Marshal , Organization , Ruling , Quote , History , President , Biden Warning Again Today The Landmark Decision , Maga , Sayi Ing , Former , Decision , Roe , Restrictions , Women , Reporter , Us , Decisions , Steps , Abc , San Francisco , Streets , Republican , Of A Coming Supreme Court Decision , Number , Laws , Legislatures , Abortion Debate , Governor , Effect , Oklahoma , Procedure , Place , Law Banning Abortion , Bans , Six , Marie , Help , People , One , Face , State Lines , Situation , Appointment , West Texas , Yes , Pregnancy , Ma Am , 37 , Law , Planned Parenthood , 2500 , Nicole , Pregnancies , Increase , Elsewhere , Way , Baby , Ends , Life Changing , Boys , Kansas , Two , Kids , Length , Care Of , Life , Side , Mother , Liberty , Principles , Home School Cooperative , Wendy Stearman , Estate , Legislator , Goal , Member , Position , Purpose , Oklahoma State Legislature , 400 , Hope , Places , Support , Citizen , Babies , Public , Person , Power , New York , In Washington , Senator , Anything , Votes , Democrats , Shift , It , Senators , Pathway , Legislation , Senate , Floor , Lisa Murkowski , Susan Collins , Other , Kavanaugh , Gorsuch , David , Nightline , Note , Children , Lgbtq Can T , Republicans , Things , Classrooms , Crowd , Warnings , American History , Justice Alito , Justice , Draft Opinion , Let S Go , White House , Constitution , Right , Scholars , Problem , Issues , Rights , Nation , Lot , Written , Marriages , Traditions , There Weren T , Doesn T , Someone , Argument , Platform , Challenge , Contraceptives , 2016 , Headline , Case , Gay Marriage , Overruling Roe Versus Wade , Er David , Inflation , Reserve , Fed Doesn T Plan , Interest Rates , Point , Investors , Half , 2000 , 22 , Markets , Here Sef Business Correspondent , 20 , 2 , Interest Rate , Hardship , Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell , Cost , Everything , Rates , Credit Card , Percentage Point , Borrowing , Home , Mortgage Rates , Fixed Rate Mortgage , Car , Higher , Mortgage Payment , Terms , 5 4 , 30 , 3 4 , Moves , Difference , Cool Demand , Prices , Recession , Brakes , Fed Act , 1511 , 900 , 1900 , 419 , 19 , 511 , Ways , Money , Rearview Mirror , Reverse , Bank , Cd , Rebecca , Troops , War , Hiking Interest Rates , Attacks , Ukraine , Rebecca Jarvis , Kharkiv , Plant , Explosions , Steel Plant , Fact , Perimeter , Pro Russian Separatists , Missile Strike , Course , Playground , Rockets , Foreign Correspondent , Concern , Amusement Park , Making Gains , Azovstal Steel Plant , Mariupol Factory , Putin , Officials , Explosion , Bus Stop , Last Stand , Avdiivka , Ten , 200 , Territory , Invasion , Northeast , Bodies , Retreat , Troops Retake , Soldiers , Rocket Attacks , Missile , Insignia , Z , Targets , Hit By , Kremlin , Playing , Child , Scene , Bombings , No One , Photo Booth , Beer Garden , Whether , Gorky Park , Ferris Wheel , Russians , Sanctions , Response , Brutality , Sites , European Union , Battalion , It Passes , Oil , Ban , Blow , Those Battles Raging In Mariupol , War Machine , Death , World , Complex , Option , Surrender , Choice , Passage , Home Tonight , Attack , Stage , Performance , Man Jumping , Hollywood Bowl , Isaiah Lee , Suspicion , Kaylee Hartung , Assault , Man , Weapon , The Hollywood Bowl Venue , Los Angeles , 23 , Blue Flannel , Screen , Assailant Climbing On Stage , Authorities , Attacking Chappelle , Replica Handgun , Set , Middle , Pants , Subject , Tmz , Security , Injuries , Attacker , Joke , Venue , Hospital , Chris Rock , Festival , Netflix , Will Smith , Rock Referencing The Infamous Slap , Jamie Foxx , Trouble , Show , Oscars , Chappelle On Stage , Incident , Statement , Police Investigation , Sherriff , Hat , Saying , Rep , The Show , District Attorney , Knife Inside The Hollywood Bowl , Sheriff , Casey White , Urging Vicky White , Murder Suspect , Patrol Car , Relation , Alabama , Eight , Security Video , Pandemic , Forecast , Cdc , Vaccine , Reviewing Moderna , Authorization , Deaths , Covid , Milestone , Depths , Request , 9600 , 1 Million , Threat , Parents , Pdallas , Storms , Tornado Watch , Poll , Weather , Alert , Text , 18 , Tornado , Mother Nature , Threats , Tornado Season , Plains , May , Little Rock , Rains , Dallas , Missouri , Big Winds , Big Hail , Storms Refire , Shreveport , East , Rockies , Weekend , Storm , Profile , Northwest , Politics , Montgomery , New Orleans , Vance , Primary , Ohio Tonight , Author , Victory , Election , Nomination , Venture Capitalist , J D , Challengers , Behind , Candidate , Democratic , Businesses , Neighborhoods , Fields , Offices , Homes , Stages , Possibilities , Doesn T Love Open , Plan , Professional , Cfp , Cal , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Risk , Fracture , Break , Make , Osteoporosis , Blood , Prolia , Calcium , Bones , Move , Take Xgeva , 1 , 6 , Doctor , Pain , Reactions , Jaw Bone Problems , Swelling , Blood Pressure , Dental Problems , Trouble Breathing , Thigh Bone Fractures , Thigh , Tongue , Rash , Throat Tightness , Hives , Lip , Hip , Groin , Side Effects , Skin Problems , Bone Fractures , Bone , Muscle Pain , Stopping , Infections , Spine , Joint , Hospitalization , Can , Building Collapse , Don T Wait , Alzheimer S , Others , Robert Strickler , Three , 3 1 2 , Basis , Benefit , Prevagen , Communications , Media , 45 , Healthier Brain , Lung Cancer , Smoking , Rose H , Some , April 28th To May 4th , Tip , Announcer , Fluid , Chest Tube , Offers , Vo , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now , April 28th , 28 , May 4th , 4 , 5g Business Internet , Cover , Small Business , 5 , Patients , Index , Detection , Plaque , 55 , Results , Impairment , Need , Signs , Ability , Lumbar Puncture , Skin , Step , Scans , Dupixent , Vision , Don T , Changes , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Itch , Eczema , Joint Aches , Infection , Asthma , Doctors , Grandparents , Brand , Music , Jelly Beans , Hair , Nature S Bounty , The Inside Out , Income Planning , More , Times , Bountifully , Nails , Biotin , Beauty , Cash Flow , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Saving , Adults , A1c , Weight , 7 , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Attack , Events , Stroke , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Needles , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Pens , Reuse , Family , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Provider , Touch , Pampers , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Pediatrician , 3 , 25 , First , Jolene , Plea , Hall Of Famer , Contention , Honor , Fearing She Hadn T Made A Rock N Roll Album , O One Genre , Duran , Pat Benatar , Eminem , Carly Simon , Lionel Richie , Rhyt Rhythmics , This , Building A Better Bay Area , I Will Always Love You , Finding Solutions , Newsom , Evening Commute , Drivers , Road , Access , Traffic , Breaking News , Thanks , Police Activity , Highway 20 , Carino , 42 , 80 , Freeway , Law Enforcement Vehicles , Officers , Look , Edge , Technology , Larry , Backup , Rockbridge , 24 , Bit , Wall , Stretch , Cars , Tunnel , Bike Lane , Newsroom , Traffic Nightmare , Sf Mca Planning , Battery , Luz Pena , Luz , Part , Impact , Director , Project , Sf Mta ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

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also tonight, the fed announcing the interest rate hike, hoping to slow down the economy. but what it means in the meantime for your credit cards, your loans, your new mortgages. overseas tonight, russian forces now entering the last stronghold in mariupol. video released now by pro-russian acseparatists showi the bombing of that massive steel factory. hundreds of ukrainian fighters and civilians still believed to be inside. ian pannell reporting from inside ukraine tonight. the severe storm threat as we come on the air. strong tornadoes possible across several states. and then dallas to memphis, atlanta, all watching this. rob marciano timing it out. comedian dave chappelle attacked by an armed suspect. the suspect carrying a replica gun with a knife blade inside. what we've learned tonight about the suspect. that nationwide manhunt for an escaped murder suspect and corrections officer seen on surveillance leaving the jail together. news coming in tonight on their getaway car. also the images coming in, workers trapped after the collapse of a former power plant in boston. rescuers at this hour searching for victims. the breaking headline tonight involving alzheimer's. there is late word today that the fda has now authorized the first diagnostic test for the disease. why this could be significant and how it works. and she's in. dolly parton and the rest of the inductees into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. it is quite a list tonight. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. the shockwaves felt across this country tonight. americans on both sides of a deeply personal issue, abortion rights. after that unprecedented leak of the supreme court draft opinion showing five conservative justices ready to overturn roe versus wade. and while the court says it is not the final opinion, across this country, the reaction now to the idea that after 50 years, roe versus wade could be overturned in a matter of weeks. the protests and demonstrations, crowds gathering at the supreme court again today. the leak only heightening concerns that the highest court in the land has become even more politicized. chief justice john roberts, who called the leak an egregious breach, has now tapped the court's marshal to lead the investigation into the leak. and president biden warning again today the landmark decision is about more than abortion, sayi ing of former president trump's movement, quote, maga is the most extreme political organization that's existed in recent american history. if the final ruling does overturn roe, 26 states are ready to ban abortion likely very quickly, including 13 states that have so-called trigger laws that ban it immediately. tonight, we take you to those states ahead of any decision that could be coming from the court, imposing new restrictions already. the women who have made very difficult decisions because of that, and the women who are cheering on those states. abc's rachel scott leading us off tonight. >> reporter: across america, from san francisco to michigan to texas to the steps of the supreme court, women on both sides of the abortion debate taking to the streets after the draft of a coming supreme court decision revealed roe versus wade is likely to be overturned. this after republican legislatures in a growing number of states already passed strict new laws making it extremely difficult to get the procedure. in oklahoma, the governor just signed a law banning abortion at six weeks -- before most women even know they are pregnant. before it went into effect, women were traveling to oklahoma from other states with similar bans already in place. we met up with one of them. >> i never thought that i would be one of the people desperate, you know, looking, driving across state lines for help in this situation. >> reporter: marie -- who did not want us to show her face -- came here after she was unable to get an abortion back here in texas. >> you're here today because you no longer want to continue with your pregnancy? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: marie had to wait weeks for an appointment to open up. >> i think it was like 37 days. so, you know, having to -- to mentally fight that every day was really rough, too. >> reporter: before its own strict law went into effect, oklahoma's planned parenthood says they saw a nearly 2,500% increase in the number of women traveling here from texas to end their pregnancies. nicole, who lives here, could not find an available appointment and had to look elsewhere. when did you first learn that you were pregnant? what was your reaction? >> very upset. very upset. very life changing. very upset. i can barely make ends meet at the moment with my two other boys. >> reporter: we were there once she crossed into kansas. >> i'm willing to do whatever's necessary, because there's no way i can afford another baby, i can't. >> reporter: did you ever think that that would be the length that you would have to go through? >> no. i never did. i had to take a vacation day. i had to make sure both my kids were taken care of. it was really hard. >> reporter: but on the other side of this issue are women like wendy stearman, herself a mother of six. >> i very much agree with the founding principles of our country, which are to defend life and liberty and life is the first one. >> reporter: she runs a home school cooperative for more than 400 kids and she's a new member of the oklahoma state legislature. >> the purpose in my position as a legislator, my goal is to make sure that the state of oklahoma does outlaw abortion. as an individual citizen, my hope is that it will save the lives of babies. >> reporter: do you feel like the public support is behind you? >> in the state of oklahoma, absolutely. >> reporter: and the states, she tells me, are the places where these decisions should be made. she's eagerly awaiting a day when the supreme court overturns roe versus wade, and individual states once again, have that power. >> and rachel scott here with us in new york tonight. always great to are have you in person. as we await this final ruling on roe versus wade, in washington, i know democrats say they want to make a federal law to protect roe v. wade. they likely don't have the votes, which you reported last night here. but there is news late today from a republican senator who said she would look at anything this would be a shift for republican senator lisa murkowski, because when this legislation came to the floor in the senate earlier this year, she did not support it, she said it was too broad. now, she does seem interested in trying to find a pathway forward to codify roe versus wade. she is one of two republican senators that does support abortion rights, the other is senator susan collins. and she says that she felt misled by justices kavanaugh and gorsuch, that it would be inconsistent with what they said to her face. even with the support of those two republicans, democrats still don't have the votes they need, david. >> rachel, thank you. and you'll have much more of your reporting later tonight right here on "nightline." thank you, rachel. in the meantime, we do have one more note on this tonight. president biden again warning if the supreme court overturns roe versus wade, it could be just the beginning. the president warning of what republicans and president trump's maga movement, he says, could do next. >> what happens if you have state changes the law saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit under the way that the decision's written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history. >> and so the political warnings begin. he hinted at this yesterday, terry, when back at it today and went even further. let's go to terry moran at the court. and terry what did you make of what the white house is already signaling tonight? >> reporter: well, david, justice alito says that's not true. he says in his draft opinion that this ruling should only apply to abortion, because the profound issues it raises. but the problem is, the way justice alito overrules roe versus wade that has president biden and many legal scholars alarmed. alito says that unless a right is specified in the constitution or deeply rooted in our nation's history and traditions, it doesn't qualify as a constitutional right. and scholars say there are many things we think of as rights that weren't around when the constitution was written, not in our history. there weren't a lot of gay marriages when the constitution was written, contraceptives were illegal. and they say that alito's argument could cut those rights down, no matter what he says, if someone brings a challenge to them. and they note that the last time the republican party wrote a platform in 2016, it called for overruling roe versus wade and the case that legalized gay marriage. er david? >> terry moran at the supreme court. thank you. in the meantime, we do turn to the economy. the other major headline tonight. your credit cards, loans, and new mortgages. the federal reserve raising interest rates a half a point to try to slow down this economy and inflation. the largest interest rate hike since the year 2000, 22 years. investors knew this was coming and they were relieved the fed doesn't plan to get even more fe 20 markets with the do 2, here'sef business correspondent is breaking it down tonight. >> reporter: tonight, federal reserve chair jerome powell announcing the largest interest rate hike in 22 years. >> inflation is much too high, and we understand the hardship it is causing. and we're moving expeditiously to bring it back down. >> reporter: the fed increasing rates half a percentage point, sending the cost of borrowing on everything from your credit card to a new car or home loan higher. mortgage rates already up. in just the last five months, the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has jumped from 3.4% to more than 5.4% today. in real terms, that means the mortgage payment on the median priced home has jumped from $1,511 a month to about $1,900 today. a $419 difference. the fed hoping the moves will help cool demand and stabilize prices. but some now asking -- did the fed act too late to stave off a recession? >> the fed is now not just hitting the brakes, but in some ways driving in reverse, using the rearview mirror to get to see where we're going. >> reporter: and david, while this means it will cost you more to borrow, it also means you'll be paid more to save your money in a bank or cd. the federal reserve expects to continue hiking interest rates throughout the year. david? >> rebecca jarvis with us tonight. thank you, rebecca. overseas tonight, and to the war in ukraine. russia tonight intensifying its attacks, its troops entering the last stronghold in mariupol, that steel plant. in fact tonight, video posted by pro-russian separatists showing explosions at the plant, that those troops have now breached the outer perimeter there. video circulating online showing a missile strike. and in kharkiv, the second-largest city, where ukraine's troops are making gains, russian rockets slamming into an amusement park, including a children's playground. but of course, the concern in mariupol, are the civilians and the fighters still inside that plant? our senior foreign correspondent ian pannell in ukraine again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, large explosions at the azovstal steel plant, seen in undated video posted by pro-russian separatists. putin's troops breaking through today into the mariupol factory where ukrainian fighters in the city are making a last stand. up to 200 civilians are still believed to be trapped underground there. and in avdiivka, an explosion near a bus stop killing at least ten people, seen in video posted by ukrainian officials. but in the northeast, russia's invasion is starting to look more like a retreat. these gruesome images show dead russian soldiers lying in the open as ukrainian troops retake territory. some bodies even arranged in the "z" pattern that russia uses as an insignia for its war. the kremlin now increasingly resorting to missile and rocket attacks, the targets often indiscriminate. we were in kharkiv when this happened yesterday. an amusement park in the city hit by at least two russian rockets. we're at the scene of one of the bombings inside kharkiv. this is gorky park. this was a children's playground. you can see the ferris wheel over there, there was a beer garden, a photo booth, even a child's playground. luckily, there was no one playing here at the time, but it just tells you everything you need to know about whether or not the russians are actually targeting anything or not. these are civilian sites. these are being repeatedly hit across this city. in response to russia's brutality, the european union tightening sanctions and proposing a total ban on russian oil by the end of the year. if it passes, it could be a serious blow to russia's economy and its war machine. david, those battles raging in mariupol. we spoke to someone from the far right azov battalion who is at the steel plant, what he says now that surrender is not an option. so, unless the russians give them safe passage to leave the complex, they're going to have no choice but to stand and fight to the death. david? >> just incredible, the world watching now with civilians inside that plant. ian, thank you. back here at home tonight, and to the investigation into that attack on comedian dave chappelle during a performance at the hollywood bowl. a man jumping on stage and then going after chappelle. the suspect was armed with what's called a replica gun with a knife blade inside. what we've learned tonight about the suspect, and here's abc's kaylee hartung. >> reporter: tonight, the man seen here tackling dave chappelle at the hollywood bowl venue in los angeles is in custody. 23-year-old isaiah lee is being held on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. authorities say he was carrying this replica handgun with a knife blade. tmz video shows the assailant climbing on stage and attacking chappelle in the middle of his set. >> subject's wearing a black hat, blue flannel, grey pants. >> reporter: lee then continues to run behind a screen, where he was swarmed by the venue's security. chappelle telling the crowd that the suspect was being "stomped." the attacker was later taken to the hospital with injuries. moments later, chris rock, who also performed at the "netflix is a joke: the festival," joining chappelle. >> was that will smith? >> reporter: rock referencing the infamous slap that occurred at the oscars. also among the star-studded crowd, jamie foxx, who rushed to help security. tmz video showing foxx and chappelle on stage together to close the show. >> whenever you're in trouble, jamie foxx will show up in a sherriff's hat. >> reporter: tonight, chappelle's rep releasing a statement saying, "as unfortunate and unsettling as the incident was, chappelle went on with the show." adding, "chappelle is fully cooperating with the active police investigation into this incident." and david, it's unclear how lee got that knife inside the hollywood bowl. the district attorney here in l.a. will decide in the next few days what charges he'll face. david? >> kaylee hartung tonight. kaylee, thank you. now to the nationwide manhunt for that escaped murder suspect and a corrections officer in alabama. authorities now say surveillance shows officer vicky white and inmate casey white, of course, no relation, in a patrol car eight minutes after leaving the jail, heading for their getaway car. the sheriff now says the two were romantically involved. security video from the jail showing them leaving together. the sheriff urging vicky white tonight to surrender. to the pandemic and a new forecast from the cdc tonight. now predicts there will be as many as 9,600 more depths by the end of this month, as the nation now approaching that somber milestone, 1 million covid deaths. and as the fda reviewing moderna's request for authorization for its vaccine. there's a new poll tonight that says just 18% of parents will vaccination their children right away. there is a tornado watch, severe weather alert, dangerous storms for text texas and oklahoma and then that threat moves east. pdallas, memphis, atlanta all watching this. let's get right to senior meteorologist rob marciano timing it out for us tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. may is peak tornado season for the plains and mother nature is abiding. we are stacked with tomorrow threats, tornado watches expanding tonight. west texas up through oklahoma. big winds, big hail, and, yes, tornadoes. dallas may get clipped. heavy rains into missouri and then the storms refire tomorrow. shreveport up through little rock, same severe threat. and then getting to the east on friday. new orleans, montgomery, atlanta, and another storm in the northwest that will be dropping out of the rockies for the weekend. david? >> rob marciano tonight. rob, thank you, as always. and we turn to politics tonight and a high profile victory in the first major primary of the midterm election year. in ohio tonight, j.d. vance securing the republican senate nomination. vance, a venture capitalist and an author. he was once harshly critical of former president trump, surging from behind after trump endorsed him in this primary. in november, vance will now face democratic congressman time ryan who easily won his own primary against several challengers to be the democratic senate candidate there. when we come back here tonight, workers trapped after the collapse of a former power plant in boston. the images coming in at this hour. rescuers working to find them. . it's a beautiful word. neighborhoods "open". businesses "open". fields "open". who doesn't love "open"? offices. homes. stages. possibilities. your world. open. and you can help keep it that way. ♪♪ cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪♪ the world is full of make or break moments. especially if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis visit to find your cfp® professional. and a high risk for fracture, it's time to make your move to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. don't wait for a break. call your doctor now and ask how prolia® can help you. tonight, rescuers are still on the scene of a building collapse at an old power plant this boston. at least three workers were injured. one person trapped for about 3 1/2 hours, suffering life-threatening injuries. two others are expected to recover. when we come back here, that major headline, the new test for alzheimer's. i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. 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Interest Rate , Hardship , Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell , Cost , Everything , Rates , Credit Card , Percentage Point , Borrowing , Home , Mortgage Rates , Fixed Rate Mortgage , Car , Higher , Mortgage Payment , Terms , 5 4 , 30 , 3 4 , Moves , Difference , Cool Demand , Prices , Recession , Brakes , Fed Act , 1511 , 900 , 1900 , 419 , 19 , 511 , Ways , Money , Rearview Mirror , Reverse , Bank , Cd , Rebecca , Troops , War , Hiking Interest Rates , Attacks , Ukraine , Rebecca Jarvis , Kharkiv , Plant , Explosions , Steel Plant , Fact , Perimeter , Pro Russian Separatists , Missile Strike , Course , Playground , Rockets , Foreign Correspondent , Concern , Amusement Park , Making Gains , Azovstal Steel Plant , Mariupol Factory , Putin , Officials , Explosion , Bus Stop , Last Stand , Avdiivka , Ten , 200 , Territory , Invasion , Northeast , Bodies , Retreat , Troops Retake , Soldiers , Rocket Attacks , Missile , Insignia , Z , Targets , Hit By , Kremlin , Playing , Child , Scene , Bombings , No One , Photo Booth , Beer Garden , Whether , Gorky Park , Ferris Wheel , Russians , Sanctions , Response , Brutality , Sites , European Union , Battalion , It Passes , Oil , Ban , Blow , Those Battles Raging In Mariupol , War Machine , Death , World , Complex , Option , Surrender , Choice , Passage , Home Tonight , Attack , Stage , Performance , Man Jumping , Hollywood Bowl , Isaiah Lee , Suspicion , Kaylee Hartung , Assault , Man , Weapon , The Hollywood Bowl Venue , Los Angeles , 23 , Blue Flannel , Screen , Assailant Climbing On Stage , Authorities , Attacking Chappelle , Replica Handgun , Set , Middle , Pants , Subject , Tmz , Security , Injuries , Attacker , Joke , Venue , Hospital , Chris Rock , Festival , Netflix , Will Smith , Rock Referencing The Infamous Slap , Jamie Foxx , Trouble , Show , Oscars , Chappelle On Stage , Incident , Statement , Police Investigation , Sherriff , Hat , Saying , Rep , The Show , District Attorney , Knife Inside The Hollywood Bowl , Sheriff , Casey White , Urging Vicky White , Murder Suspect , Patrol Car , Relation , Alabama , Eight , Security Video , Pandemic , Forecast , Cdc , Vaccine , Reviewing Moderna , Authorization , Deaths , Covid , Milestone , Depths , Request , 9600 , 1 Million , Threat , Parents , Pdallas , Storms , Tornado Watch , Poll , Weather , Alert , Text , 18 , Tornado , Mother Nature , Threats , Tornado Season , Plains , May , Little Rock , Rains , Dallas , Missouri , Big Winds , Big Hail , Storms Refire , Shreveport , East , Rockies , Weekend , Storm , Profile , Northwest , Politics , Montgomery , New Orleans , Vance , Primary , Ohio Tonight , Author , Victory , Election , Nomination , Venture Capitalist , J D , Challengers , Behind , Candidate , Democratic , Businesses , Neighborhoods , Fields , Offices , Homes , Stages , Possibilities , Doesn T Love Open , Plan , Professional , Cfp , Cal , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Risk , Fracture , Break , Make , Osteoporosis , Blood , Prolia , Calcium , Bones , Move , Take Xgeva , 1 , 6 , Doctor , Pain , Reactions , Jaw Bone Problems , Swelling , Blood Pressure , Dental Problems , Trouble Breathing , Thigh Bone Fractures , Thigh , Tongue , Rash , Throat Tightness , Hives , Lip , Hip , Groin , Side Effects , Skin Problems , Bone Fractures , Bone , Muscle Pain , Stopping , Infections , Spine , Joint , Hospitalization , Can , Building Collapse , Don T Wait , Alzheimer S , Others , Robert Strickler , Three , 3 1 2 , Basis , Benefit , Prevagen , Communications , Media , 45 , Healthier Brain , Lung Cancer , Smoking , Rose H , Some , April 28th To May 4th , Tip , Announcer , Fluid , Chest Tube , Offers , Vo , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now , April 28th , 28 , May 4th , 4 , 5g Business Internet , Cover , Small Business , 5 , Patients , Index , Detection , Plaque , 55 , Results , Impairment , Need , Signs , Ability , Lumbar Puncture , Skin , Step , Scans , Dupixent , Vision , Don T , Changes , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Itch , Eczema , Joint Aches , Infection , Asthma , Doctors , Grandparents , Brand , Music , Jelly Beans , Hair , Nature S Bounty , The Inside Out , Income Planning , More , Times , Bountifully , Nails , Biotin , Beauty , Cash Flow , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Saving , Adults , A1c , Weight , 7 , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Attack , Events , Stroke , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Needles , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Pens , Reuse , Family , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Provider , Touch , Pampers , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Pediatrician , 3 , 25 , First , Jolene , Plea , Hall Of Famer , Contention , Honor , Fearing She Hadn T Made A Rock N Roll Album , O One Genre , Duran , Pat Benatar , Eminem , Carly Simon , Lionel Richie , Rhyt Rhythmics , This , Building A Better Bay Area , I Will Always Love You , Finding Solutions , Newsom , Evening Commute , Drivers , Road , Access , Traffic , Breaking News , Thanks , Police Activity , Highway 20 , Carino , 42 , 80 , Freeway , Law Enforcement Vehicles , Officers , Look , Edge , Technology , Larry , Backup , Rockbridge , 24 , Bit , Wall , Stretch , Cars , Tunnel , Bike Lane , Newsroom , Traffic Nightmare , Sf Mca Planning , Battery , Luz Pena , Luz , Part , Impact , Director , Project , Sf Mta ,

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