Mike Dreith was elected Fairfield Mayor last night, defeating Teresa Robinson and Nate McGaha. Dreith collected a total of 762 votes. His opponents had 302 and 48, respectively, after unofficial totals. In Cisne, Roy Atwood was re-elected Mayor, defeating Ken Neff and Christy King. Atwood had 77 votes compared to 68 and six from his opponents. Fairfield’s Alderman races were tightly contested, with one still up in the air. In Ward 2, Larry Vest, Angel Maguire, and Clifford Reever each had 58 votes. County Clerk Liz Ann Woodrow says three mail-in ballots remain at large. Dewey Eckleberry defeated Cody Attebury in Ward 1, Eugene McGill defeated Dick Clark in Ward 3, and Terry Stahl beat challenger Ed Prince in Ward 4. In Albion, the only contested race was for Ward 1, where Heather Borowiak defeated Levi Fenton.