Reply WCSU Theatre Arts announces Spring Virtual Production Series DANBURY, CT — The Western Connecticut State UniversityDepartment of Theatre Arts announces its Spring Virtual Production Series. The series comprises four unique productions that will be broadcast twice over two weekends spanning Thursday, April 29, through Sunday, May 9. A ticket to each performance date will allow the purchaser to access the show over the course of 24 hours that day. Tickets are available at "The WCSU Theatre Arts faculty is very proud of what we've been able to accomplish this year regarding our virtual productions," said Department of Theatre Arts Associate Chair and Assistant Professor of Musical Theatre Justin P. Cowan. "Between last fall and this spring, our department will have fully produced and streamed a total of nine productions. Considering that most of our professional industry has been on hold for over a year, we are thrilled to not only be providing theatre to our community and beyond, but also to be providing such meaningful opportunities for our students. These productions have allowed our students to develop new skills; broaden their performance, design and technical experiences; and perhaps most importantly: taught them the importance of creation and expression during challenging times."