THE STANDARD OPINION Kenya secular artiste Susanna Owiyo perform on stage at a past Koroga festival. [File, Standard] I have had a debate with some friends whether Kenya has more talent than Tanzania. They are adamant that Tanzania has better talent. After all, Tanzania's Bongo music is preferred to Kenyan music in our clubs and matatus. As such, people are voting in favour of Tanzanian and Nigerian music. They argue that Tanzanians have better lyrics because they have better songwriters and the Nigerians have better music than we do. To understand this industry better, I invited Akothee, Tanasha Donna and Mike Strano to discuss. Akothee has been struggling to break into the music business for a long time. Tanasha Donna only managed to get a breakthrough once she went to Tanzania and did some music with Diamond. Why does Tanzania produce better music than we do? This debate was educative on the challenges our artistes face, and what we need to do to catch up with Nigeria and Tanzania.