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>> everything we have to do with. look, if we finally beat medicare. >> thank you. president biden, biden crashesee and burns. is it time for the old: switch guru? >> i really don't know what he a said at the end of this and i don't think he knowsd ofsentenc said, that at the end of the day, joe biden looks likeof the caricature that conservative media has been painting. and there were no clips tonigh t . >> right. this was you saw it before your eyes. the media cover upyour f is officially over. it's not just panic. n. s pai >> i'm here in north carolina for one reason, because i intend to win this stateree o wiin november. ot >> joe says he's not going. anywhere. do we believe him? doi'm plus his favorite part par of the debate. the en d. it's amazing how 90 minutes can change the course of humanity. lastn night, history changed as soon as two men walked onto a stage. welcome. the 46th president of u the united states, joe biden. and please welcome the 45th president of the united states, udonald trump. >> biden didn't look like a guy who'd been resting at camp david, poundineegg lasagna for a week and 13 minutes in the debate was officially over. >> making sure that we're able to make everything single, solitary person and eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid excuse me, with dealing with everything w-t have to do with what if we finally beat medicare? thank you, president biden, president trump was right. he did beat medicare, beat ite to death. e on >> biden did the one thingg he he couldn't afford to do, and he did it at the start of the debate when everyone was watching, democrats across the country begin to panic. demontrybiden sounded hoarse, le and exhausted, was babbling nonsense, and it got worse. >> we're going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we can doe with more bordergoin patrol and more monsters. president trum morp i really doa know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knowsd what he said either. >> biden, staring slack jawed and confused whiletrump trump pounded his points across, was one thing. but whended trump paused, was disciplined. >> when his mike was muted. >> that's hard to beat. trump didn't flinch an inch when biden slandered him with hoaxes, but the minute he brought u.p his measurements golf game and life, it waslife a different stority. morals have the morals of an alley cat digging matter.rn sta i didn't have sex with a porn star. you can see he is 6'5" and only 223, followed by £35. well, he said six for 200. anyway. that's it. and i just won two clubn tw championships. not even senior to regular club championships. to do that, you have to be hiite smaro tht and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way. and i do it. he doesn't dt a lo it. look, i'd be happy to have a driving contest with three. i got my handicap, which when we i was vice president, down to a six. and by the way, i told you before, i'm happy to play golf if i carry on bagf , i thik you can do it. that's the biggest one.t' s the is a six. handicap of all. i was a handicap. yeahas at handic, eight. but i. you know how many i've . i've seen you swing. i know your swing may not. have been like president trump. >> 21. let's not act like children. we pulled the tape, and withg th that swing, there's no wayer he's a six handicap. . as gutfeld said, maybere biden thought he was being askesaidd how many handicy he has. six. andicapsi have six. >> after the longestafive drive debatedeba, the bothh othe called each other for the next thtminutes, the wors president in history. >> watch his presidency. preswithou t question, the worst president, the worst presidency in the history of our country, worst president history, hundren d and 59 presidential scholars voted him the worst president in history. united states of america. they can't stand him, they think is the worsot standt commander in chief. the idea that we're talking . out worse presidentse i wasn't joking. look it up or go online. presidential historiant s. he they've had meetings and they voted. they said he was the worst orstin all of american history. he is the worst president.hie is he just said about me because i said it. but look, he's the worst president in the history of our country. >> we don't need historians to tell us is the worsdt. r we were around for both. and trump was dialed in on wascreating that contrast, anchoring his entire presentation on the border . we are living right now in a. l rat's nestivin. they are killing our people in new york and california. and ever k peoy state in the unn because we don't have borders anymore. people are comin dnog in and they're killing our citizens at a level that we've never seena . we call it migrant crime. i call it biden migrant crime. they're living in luxury hotels in new york city and other places. our veterans are on the street. they're dyinour ven g because he doesn't care about our veterans. he knows care isn't like s no mill, and her vete doesn't care about our veterans that you fire anybody that allowed our countryrau fi e destroyed. joe, our country is being our cdestroyed. lot as you and i sit up here o and waste a lot of time on this debate, this shouldn't be a debate. >> trump constantly pivoted a debump coback to voters top c the economy and illegal immigration. >> the formeond illegalr presidn fought to a draw on abortion. >> and january d sixth. e >> those are the two pillarso of the biden campaign and biden never scored. he couldn't even leave the debate stage without helpget from a doctor. >> jill escortinhog him down a six inch step like they were it wending mount kilimanjaro. it was such a catastrophic performance. the emotioa can i felt was pity after he choked at minute 13,atn it was like watching an old journeyman fighter in there with a champurneyman getting oue and peppered with jabs withr. b in the corne guy asking, you still want to go back out there? aroun the faces of americans around the country watching the debatce told the whole story. >> it was over when he stepped into the ring during the debate, the biden campaign leaked to the media that bidenih had a cold. >> i've neveadr had a cold that bad. >> when the debate was over, thethe campaign fed kamala to e wolves. >> he was a very differentoago n person on the stage four years ago. when when you debated him, you must. s ce >>rt i mean that that's certainy true, is it not? i got the point that you're , is i got themaking about a onf hour debate tonight. i'm talkindebateg about three aa half years of performance in work that has been historic.. but the man who we saw the other night is that the other guy on the stage every day. >> i'm not you see going to spendd al all night with you talking about the last 90 minuteght witv i've been watching the last three and a half years of performancg the when andersonma. cooper's interrogating kamala like a republica>> jessen, you , it's a calamity. kamala couldn't spin it. and the democrat.d s had to lean the spin room early. their job is literally to spinyo . and joe is so bad they couldn't do it. they jusuld they just left the only oneef left willing to spin was the first lady. >> joe, you did such a great job. you answered every questiojob.n. on the let me ask the crowd. what did trump drump do?o? >> oh, that's how my wife talkso to jesse junior when he says his abcse little joe, you did su well. you want to waffle d? >> yeah. jill took joe to a waffle house as a reward for being a good little debater. you tried your best, that' s all that counts. >> ss.o i think you did well. you're ready to learn that right now. >> your job, your voice, ce your performance. don't you have any concerns about your performance? no, i doubt it. it's harder and harder to debate. a lot of new york times toda liar.y, july 26 times big of you see see the woman in line standing at the waffle house at midnighaa . president walks in, shouldn't even really turn around. she's likelks , shesn', what? >> who's that? no one should have been shocked that biden flopped. if you've been paying attentiovn ,biden's been like thisr ye for four years. he was like this before the last electioarn. en they've just kept him hidden. and now he's been exposed without his little traininnow ho wheels to 50 millionlion people they can't cover for him toda peoy. >> he looked like he had a concussion. i loved hi m from the start. i saw in him then the samen hi character that i see in him today. and even though he has facedgeds unimaginable tragedies, his optimism is undaunted. all day, democrats have been openly discussing replacing him at the convention. we'll have more on that later. >> but it's not really about joe biden or trump.standi >>ng it's about whatever standig in the way of a progressive takeover of americe a. last night, the left sufferedth a massive car wreck. >> they'll get another card, but they have to figure out what to do with the driver. >> in 90 minutes, their eight year dream0 of open borders d i deficit spending was t spshattered, but biden wasn't the only loser last night. it was the mediabu who have been lying and hiding them and the administrative state who inserted biden into the whit en inte house four years ago thanks to covid and hoaxes. and today are watching aghastlle their puppet collapse as donald trump ricochets back into the oval office, promisingtrum to close borders and wars and seek revenge and by revenge, of course, we mean success. >> the only optionss biden has left is prison. >> he's got more trials. he's got more trials coming up . oh, it's time for that. >> you hear that? there's still time to lock him up. judge mercha l n sentences the former president on july the 11th and apparentlth.y bides crowd today, did they even see the debate? how far can four more years? >> biden can't make itmake four more months. is dr. jill goin ig to keep the nuclear football in her purse? isd our enemies knowe that trump's coming back by january 2025, so they'll be making move bs they could get pretty dangerous. it already is. north dakota governor doug burgum is a former 20244 pres presidential candidate, is on the short list for vidcandidp. . >> doug, what happened last night to joe biden?yo knll, jesse, what you and i know and have known in all your viewers have known what america didn'hat know, whie is about the cover up you're talking about and joe biden's inability. talkabout and jok yourself who s running the country the last eight days? you have to ask yourself, who'er running the country today? and at the very end, when you brought up the adversariesy ,the people that are debat watching most closely this debate were china, russista, rua iran, venezuela, our adversaries and the world became a more dangerouspl place last night. i mean, joe biden is a walking national securitace lay risk for country. his weakness has invited wars. president trump strength. you didn't you see it se the debate stage last night . but when he was in office, president trump himself is a deterrenwa pret to aggression al our allies. and so it's very concerninies.g on the world stage to see what happened last night. it do we even need to wait for the election or is it time t for the 25th amendmenth am? l be well, i think there's going to be plenty of people in the cabinet that have to makye ine that discussion. but there's a bigger thing that happened than just a ba t therd debate performance. as you alluded to. this is reallyormance.lluded t g government coalition that was negotiated during the 2020 election when you had the elizabeth warren, bernie sanders represented climate. all of these people get together, the obamas and thee clintons, and say, look, we're going to take joe biden,cl who in fifth place in new hampshire. we're going to make him the candidatd make he. everybody else has got to fall in line. kamala will be the viceent, t president. they created a deal. they put it in place and they thought that they coulhed d, n you know, basically pass one off on the american people, amd ged this fall,harris and let kamala be the b new person that this rulingresie coalition holds up as president. but nontt now is they as the old you know, said the king's got no clothes is the olesd saying says. and so now everybody has been exposed, so they're in a freefall. been expey wer in a panic today to try to figure out how do you put this ruling coalitiourn. back. but on the flip side, the republican party's never been more united. but e erepubl party is aboutt working people, people that have paychecksle t and this coalition that they had was the coalition of elite, elite universities, elite politicians ,elite union leaders, eliteel academics. lite it's elite everything. and they're losing touch with the working people becausee joe biden had no answer on inflation, no answer on the border. these are the issueson infla ane affecting every american every day. >> you know, the coalition's completely collapsday.e. presid >> so you're right, governor, shouldn't the former president, donalden trump, do anotherr debate? can you just say really,debate , do you want me to put you through that again? >> is it really worth itist?? i i mean, it's udep to presidentt trump, but he's going to have so many options goinhel g forwad i don't know why w they would want to put joe biden back up there on the stage again joe for round two. like you said, this is a heavyweight fight. it was d a knockout in the w firstt r. round. >> sometimes you got to throw in the towels you ha. get the fighter wants to get back out there. you just got to know your fighter may ere, yve be don't let him hurt himself. >> all right, doug, thank you very muchilf.uch. >> have a great weekend. i'm sure it will be. jesse.ou,>> tha biden's hoax presidency, the biggest media scandal of our lifetime. and later, johnny gets debate reaction. >> do do you think it's time that democrats 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to saturday. >> we've never seen anything like this in american history. that. i'll ask it for action items in the channel. and maria already asked for budget reminder campaign smart bike. >> got it. got it. boss otter, you got this. >> last night, joe biden endedeo the cheap fake hoax. turns out biden's the hoax. ax 50 million americans sawr-in-chi the commander in chief for an hour and a half whiffing w at questions he knew were coming and straining to remember the lines and remem made him memorize. >> the headlines wermeeadline unprecedentes d babbling. and of course, biden's debate performance sends democrats into a panic. dems freak out over biden's debate performance. biden is toast. f m l expect a full blownl-blow democrat freak out. time magazine sums it up this way panic. >> there's a lot of blame go around, joe. 16 camp counselors at campe's david conducte16d prep and sent a fighter out. not ready for prime time destroyingtme his legacy even more than he'd already destroyed it himself. orthan hsome democrats in watchg the debate made him suicidal. >> president biden was talking about the national debt and seemed to lose his trainonds of thought. pause for several seconds and then gave a confused answer .hed he said that when that happened, the entire roomtt was just completely silent and in shock and that thisre member's own reaction was that he wanted to jump off of a are ge. >> the same media that are shocked and want to swap him out 40 8 hours ago told us he's fresh as aag spring chicken.ingh >> f you if you can'ict handle the truth. this version of biden intellectually, analytically is the best biden ever. >> he is visible he is v even ir physical shape than donaldiden trump. >> biden was out riding a bike, swimming in the ocean. he's, you know, 80-year-old,f you know, can do all those things. >> joe biden is in far better shape physically. joe biden is physically activee. . >> he's on a bike. he's literallyiterally answerede question, is you old enough? h? >> is he strong enough?s fier he was on fire. he's fiery, joe. i'm excited for thedent american people to get to see president biden on the campaign trail. get to see what he campaign i ge behind the scenes all the time about his energy. one of the themes this electionc cycle is that joe biden is too old to leati joed and so everyoe is seizing upon this. and it is a classic disinformations tactic. on tac >> the entire joe biden presidency has been a litithe ee sh was never fit, never in shape, never had the mental claritady to do the job.e and the entire political media antablishment deceived the voters and today pretend they weren't in on the hoay pre >> the entire biden presidency was a massive cover up. e ma the machine that orchestrated this, that's the threat to democracy that all the media cares about. >> it's their own powe r. shed >> and a diminished biden seen by 50 million people is a threat to their credibility. and theye pretended to act liket last night was the first time they realized biden was too old. >> biden's answers they were, in a lot of cases, not coherent. >> he did nothin g disabuse.abus i think the country of the notion that he is veryy of old and was lost frequently. >> his biggest issue he had to prove to the american people was he had the energy, the stamine hae ena, and he did that. >> it's kind of a def con one moment that was painfua biln i love joe biden. i work for joe biden. he didn't do well at all. he he did not do well at all. >> the only job the joe biden had last night was to reassure america that he was noo ret too old to do the job and he failed. >> i was disappointed, too,appon devastatedte by joe biden's performance last night. >> i don't believe he's our bestsperforma i don't choice at. >> wow. these aren't jus>>t people who d observed biden over the air or even as reporters at the white house. maenr or many of these people tt you just saw have spent timepern with the president personally just a few months ago. as paul krugmaaljust aago,n wro. >> as anyone who has recently spent time with bidehan and have can tell you, he is in full possession of his faculties, tey lucid and with excellent grasp of detail. with excelbut this very morningn wrote this. >> given wherey morn we are, i t very reluctantly join the chorus asking biden voluntarily step aside with emphasis on the voluntary aspect. krugman said he's just joiningdt the chorus, and that's what the media does. they just do what the rest of .itthe media does until they nee to pivot to save their hide. biden's debate was such a problem. it's causing issues. in morning joe's marriage. >> everybody calm down and i'll tell you why. i mean, it's fine to not spin what happened last night, g to and we're not going to need a terrible night. everybody's calm here. you know, you're the only one raising your voice. it wm here.s cal. but again, it's the let's just immediately pull this. let's end this. let's find someone elsimmediat >> that's not that's not mik what makes sense. nobody's panicking. noi, i said these were questions that democrats and joe hesek themselves.d mi and mike said he he heke missed pitch down the middle after another and wasn't up to it last night. >> right. okay. he said snap to it. he said last, night, morning aft joe. >> lied to your faceer another and they're only upset because they got caught. >> the media nuked the audiencewat la>> he sas trut on the heels of russia covered in the laptop and they put the democraticupset ot caugn impossible position late in an election year, needingthey putnn to decapitate the top of the ticket. can't say we didn't warnyear n n if the media was honest, it y would have never gotte mn this far. >> ohio senator j.d. vance, ons on the vp shortlist, joins us now. >>r wh so suddenlyso sud they're surprised joe biden doesn't have what it takes. are you buying that senatodenlee >> no, not at all, jesse. i mean, you really hit the nail on the head this is a massive scandal where for years now the media has lied to thewhat american people about what is obvious. and it has been obviou is for a very long time. >> and now they're trying to pivot because they realizebie that joe biden had such a disastrous performance that he's non astrousw a massive political problem not just for himself, but forl democratic senators, democratic house candidates. and they want to toss this guy overboarates d because now the american people see what has been obvious se conservatives and republicans and close watchers of joe biden for a long time. d closrsi think it's also impor, jesse, to point out here that the contrast really matters here. >> it's not just that joe biden had a disastrous debat mac performance. it's that donald trump did extremely well. he was in commane, thadonaldd on he was funny.nyas he was joking about his golf game. howe he showed some compassion to people who had lost relatives and loved onesio to te biden migrant crime crisis. and you take all that together and compare the two. togey hardhajust ver to conclude that swing voters won't be heavily swayet tersd in trump's direction. so last night was a disaster, la because biden was so bad for the biden campaign, but also because trump t was soa good. >> and that contrast, i think, is going to really drive debate coveragest i t and how swing vos see this election over the next few weeks. >> the former president'tion is probably not eve nn getting the credit he deserves because biden was so bad, but he was disciplined. he created great contrast on illegal immigration in the economy and wa os funny and was not the genocidal dictator that the media had portrayed him. and that's probablyed him asy ws him even more. >> yeah, that's that's exactly right, jesse. i mean, he did he really had ance year masterful performance here. and the comparison to biden just illustrates how big of a difference we have. >> and just we have to remembere here, the biggest problem here is not that jom heree biden hads a disastrous debate performance. it's that he has been debate per i as president. >> and the real contrast that matters was not just laste nighret, but that trump'st ni presidency was successful. biden's has been a disasteght, r. the american people get to get an opportunity to correct this e geovembe r. ve and i think we have to dodo e everything we can to encourage them to make that correction. very cthe country really needs o and i think we really need to reelect donald trump. >>unreally ni thin yeah, you're. >> i t wasn't just one bad night. it's beet onn one bad term.term and i think that was exploited very well by the former president last night. and i'm sure the polls will be even more impressive a i'me over the weeks to come. over th senator., >> thanks, jesse. so who's on deck to replace joe biden and what's trump going to do about it? we have the story next. two men misunderstood each other. >> it was a two. don't, man, what's wrong between joe first got to consume 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( these happen or worsen or if you've had a vaccine or plan to start to get yourself back with beams. alex ask your dermatology is to duggins alex today get if there's one thing we know about biden it's he is a big ego bigger than trump' kabo well maybe the same while his party begs him to drop out, he says he's just getting starte d. >> i'm here in north carolinaa for one reason because i intend to win the state in november . i want[ to see him. biden might intend on continuing, but he's destinedden may intend for a st. democrat kingmakers were watching the debate with their mouthsmocratwere hanging as opeo leaking to the media, theresatin is a conversation happening inside biden. i think the conversations range from whether he should be inerso this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him. >> i too was on the phon himee phon throughout much of the debatecho with obama world people, with the democrats, with people who are political operatives, with campaign operatives. my phone really never stopped sp buzzing throughout. and theduzzinge universal reacts somewhere approaching panic. senators, governors, congresspeople, biggest >>. lers, biggest donors >> there were conversations about what do we d e ino now? >> some of those conversations include, should we go to the white house and ask .the president step aside?o it looks like the anonymous >>otes from democrattos were tragic. >> we are effed. i am in essea stat: thquotese o. i picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glupie and the "new york times" editorial board with thie nes just breakig to serve his country, president biden should leave the race. biden's drowning and his aidesee are reportedly polishing their resumes. po president held an all hands on deck meeting with his entire campaign today, trying hold itkt together at 81. let's be reag l. you're a little stubborn. and when you're the president of the free world, you knowe and when, even more so. >> this is a guy who nevers changes his position, even whenh he's dead wrong. >> look at the border. wronn. afghanistaen dea >> the man wanted to be president his whole life . >> you think he's going to quit now? bill clinton and baracs gok let biden twist in the wind all dayt until the late afternoon, finally sending out statements saying they still support hifim >> michelle obama reportedly refusing to campaign with joe biden because of the way the biden family treated hunter's ex-wife . and msnbc says michelle is the only one who can replace joe. >> the question becomes, well, is there a democrat out theres who has national stature known by almost everybodrey and is popular two significantly st everymore popular than bidena and here is somebody who could step in the party could unit ana around, maybe avoid a messy convention. we're trying to think of a name andesheresy con, the only one p and there is absolutelhey zero indication she'd be interested. but this should just give you an ide ea. >> michelle obama, the former first lady, michelle, doesn'tt, want it. >> wives too good. and carmel is peeved too that sn hasn't been asked to tap in. newsome doesn't want to beo tap avenue sthe sacrificial lam he'd rather wait until 28. i get it. and neither of those two or anybody polls better than two biden, so joe might just be inbe it to lose itter tt. l is >> michael larosa is the formers press secretary to first lady jill biden. all right, michael, michae what happened last night? it wa it was a bad night. that's what happened last nighta . we you and i talked about what he needed to do. and i was very specifit heeded o wasn't really a focus on policy or memorizing stats. it all he needed to do is show strength, showed that he was agil to doe to show that he coud counterpunch, show that he could contextualize where wee were when he inherited the white house and where we are noe whene inheriw. he wasn't able to do any of those things. and look able to, i was a compea swimmer for 17 years and i hadjo one job and it was to touch w the wall first. and if i didn'as tt, i lost last night. my team lost. we los nightt the debate. >> i got it. and you probably had the best te pre analysis of anybody.ld maybe you should have been prepping him over at camphave david. >> you could have been the 17th camp counselor over there. eewhat what are people saying, michael? demode the innerwhat are circler inside democrats circles? no chance. no chance of replacing president. i would never expect him to be replaced. that's not how parties work. you know, they the republican party rallied around mr party. trump after his convictions. it's the same thing here. the party will not leave the leader of the party. it rarelader oy happens. it won't happen this time. sonot ha it's kind of like a bue up kind of feeling, you know, there's really nobody who has said anything publicly, any of the has elected officials,s that that they would like to see him replaced. like t they did, they would be a minority. >> oka wy. >> so it's hang on in there and buckle up. ther to be a bumpy rided and let's see if we can land this plane. got it w. thank you so much. s touch that wall first., >> see you laterse, michael. >> well, the media and the democratic kingmakers are convulsing over the biden switcheroo. >> trump's not buying itswitche >> people are saying that after last night's performance people that joe biden is leaving the race. but the fact the race. is i dony believe that because he does better in polls than any of thee democrats. >> they're talking about jasons miller as a trump senior adviser. >> so good night trump se for your guy.obviousl obviously not even close. how has last night changed the races ? >> well, i think the american public finally saw that joe b biden is a complete disaster. this is going to bidee way, president trump, who, by the g way, had the greatest debate performance in history last nigh t against joe biden in theth fall. and we'll tell you why. number one, you can't force fal joe biden to leave 3700 of the 3800 regular democrat delegates at the convention are boun ad to biden on the first ballot. but joe doesn't want to leave. that would be the end of thee en biden family business. they've been selling access and taking political bribed of 50for 50 years. what are you going to tell a biden to learn how to code yr >> but besides, we know that every new job that's beenge created under biden has gone to a migrant. >> so the bidens would really be out of luck if they had to leave politica migrant bes. o leav >> all right. so the race is not changing. it's still trumpse: so t, biden, you guys were competitive in virginia. you were competitived in minnesota. >> is this is this redrawing map after last night? well, it is. and also new polling out today shows president trump leading in new jersey. everyone said presiden p shows t, whyw jers are you going to new jersey? he said, we're going to win. you e we why are you goingey to new york? he said, we're going to put it in play. the map has completely changed dyut the dynamic here. and you touched on this earlier in the show. na - americans are saying, wait a minute, why are we just finding out about this now? he weren't going to push them overboard after 20 million illegals or the afghanistan disaster or record inflation. but because of president trump's performance last night, millions of americans waking up today with hopnce laste restorei that we can turn it all around. >> it was a very, very stark . ntrast >> real quick, is the former quk president obligated to doptembe the debate in september? could he just say, you know, whr?t say do you want me to tor, you anymore, joe biden? i mean, this is just unfaijoe b? >> why don't you just rest? yeah, great question. thknow if we're going to have the opportunity. the bidens are not going to put joe up to gos will through h that humiliation again. the other thing is president trump is just tonn.o good. >> you're not going to beat him. no one's going to beat him. all right. we'll leave it at that. jason miller, thank you so much. probably a good night to celebrate. have a good weekend. trump >> thank you.was to voters rate the debate. him. that's straight ahead. who won that debate last night? put it>> jes this way.n, i think the country lost. >> we are people living with a fair. fair. and over 400,000 of us have left blood thinners behind for life. we've cut our stroke risk and said goodbye to our bleeding. bleeding. worry with the watchman implant. . we may be getting older, but we've never squeezed more out of life and wewatc are just gettinghman started. join us at watch watchmenen. >> it's one time for a lifetime. every body match and body, an >> siri, a city client, uses citi's financial expertise citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving so more pet parents can ♪ need right whe they need it. >> keeping more petsf prog and familiesre happy. >> for the love of moving our clients forward for the love of progress. >> parents show your kids how president trump can win back the white house with the free kids guide to president trump and the kids guide to the presidential election. plus free benefits and the 1776 kids club to order now at free trump >> that's free trump guy .com. i avoided the mirror. i felt alone for a long time. i remember going home and praying for it to go away and not thinking it was something wrong with me. i go into a lot of things thinking it's not going to work, and i thought measly was would be the same thing, but it actually worked. >> more than seven hundred thousand patients have regained their confidence with using these prescription treatments. >> and you're hopeless. and then you find other women who are in the same boat with you. you suddenly feel, okay, we're going to get out of itu drink? 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>> msnbc was this morning. johnny hit the streets early. how about that last night? >> that was a comedy show. i was very underwhelmed to say the least. >> was kind of a train wreck. are you a democrat? yes. are you happain wrecou democy w? >> not at all. we've won the debate laston t night. >> trump won it. president trump handhes down. t put it this way. i think the country lost. i don't think it was a great nighth.t for the democrats. >> okay, ready? .one we go one, two, three. >> ithree.f you had to describe> donald trump's if yo performance in one word, what would it be? outstanding. focuse d. . >> typical. direct. aggressive. theatrical. better typical. r. >> better. right. how about joe biden's performance? >> sad. oh. scattered. disappointing. poor better,? >> about j. stumble. >> s. >> favorite part of the debate. the end. >> if i were smart, i'd say thank you. >>d and leave. what happened to joe biden? got lost in his own script. it looked worse last night than t was in anden i out of it. >> you can even see it in his yot e glazing back and forth. i'm not going to make a judgment call over one night. t ma jyou do know he's like that the time? no, not all the time. alsaw hi m at the state of the union. >> is that the only time you see biden during majorf events? >> well, pretty much. watch me, dr e. joe wants to be in the white house. she wants the power. e, >> should joe biden step down? he absolutely should . , i di okay. because i didn't know whether i had to, like, do my own performancdn knord toe or myselg >> joe biden says it was justus too cold last night. >> do you buy that? i don't buy i'm not buying none of that. no ght. you . he i mean, he couldn't finish a sentence. that means he gets a cold every time he's on tv. oh couldn' sentenc, donald trumn last time he was calm.ald t he waswell, different trump. fro what happened? you live and you learn what. he knew that he had to present a certain type of demeanor. >> it was well prepared. so he's trying to win over voters. they're after you. strong to s.i just happened to a in their way. >> do you think it's time s replace joe biden? i think it probably will happen. it's something that they definitely?hey prob need to con. i believe so, yes. who would you replace hisilence? don't go. >> joe biden on me now. the election's, what, four months away? time to take tickin in gavin newsom. >> the only option that makes sense is probably kamala.amala a harris. >> this is democracy in action. this is what democracy looks like onthis i. night? where's your mind changed last night? no, it's the same. nos th., no, no. >> i was leaning more towardsho joe biden as a president. however, what i saw lastwe night was pretty disappointing. >> this and it's horse. t but i'm too polite to say anything because i'm a class ac at by the way. gol >> what's your golf handicap? 7 72. i don't golf. ng, i'm it's boring. >> i'm sorry. what a disgusting assertion. sew you're going to be on.e" on fo jesse watters, primetime fox news channel. what do you want to tell jesse? pleasex news chann wan look out. biden and harris 2024, i guess. >> bidbut we'll see what happenn the road. >> hi, jesse. >> he show.d he's up there. is he by jesse? >> by jesse. >> the supreme court released some major rulings today. senior national correspondent kevin corke joinss us now kevin. >> yes, indeed. a pair of major rulings today, jesse. ajor of which is a pry big development for some of the people who are arrestedeved durt the capitol riot on the 6th of january in 2021. in a63 opinion, the high court found the justice department's applicaion of a federal obstruction statute crafted in the wake of the enron crafs flawed, giving january 6 defendants, including former president trump, a chance to fight the charges trumagainst them and perhaps evn have them tossed altogether. also today, the high court dealt a major blow to the authority of federal agenciesabt and their ability to regulate every facet of american lifeevee relatively unchecked. you know, areas like the environment, climatela unch, health care, workplace safety, consumer protections. , carethe justice john robertsse pinning the majority opinion writin g this part, quote, courts need not and may not defer an agency interpretation of the law simply because, a statute is ambiguous. so there. the court also sided with communities using ordinances like bans on campin g and, sleeping in certain public spaces as a way to try to manage the issuy toe of homes encampments. critics had challenged the measures as crueencampmel, a punishment and a violation of the eighth amendment. tion they said they don't solvee the underlying problem either. and of course, on mondayderlyin my friend, a very big day here in washington as we learned the court's decisiony d th on formernt president trump's bid for immunity from prosecution, for access r immuni took place duringncy. his presidency. grab your popcorn. i'll here for you. t >> but for now, back to all right. thanks so much, kevin. slow news dase: thy, as always.w >> yeah, more primaye times. ne >> did you know something is your favorite news programs for just $40 a month? 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who knows? from south carolina. if biden had a cold, why would they let him to a waffle house and spread his germs? >> something, wh tells me theree no cold. craig from ohiths meo lete the election be decided with a golf game between trump and biden. >>delf gam it'll just be like l caddyshack. dennisik is from seabrook, south carolina. biden's challenging trump toarry carry his bag. biden can't even carry a beachis . i said that today on the five. what are you stealinchi saidg l? >> evan from florida. how do i get my handicap to at six like biden? practice, practice, practicep d. >> they say if you shoot in the nineties, you need to play more. they say if you shoot in the eighties, you need to practice more. they say i thef you shoot in the sixties, you need to work more. >>t in phil from bellville, texs democrats should just dump biden and ruemocratsn. junior harold ford jr. what do you think of already formed harolo youd ford junior super pac? >> i'm ready to go. former brian from north carolina. another biden cannibalized this time nor by the media. >> biden takes pretty good pat from springhill, florida. >> i think dr. jill is pushingil joe to run again because she hates kamala and would hate to see her ands an joe's shoes. >> rob from new york better get a crisp $100 bill out get00 for tomi lahre-dollan. it looks like you're aboutno to lose another bet. wait a second. did i bether it with tomi lahren? >> what did i bet tomi lahren a about? and still joe's going to stay as the nominee. trust me, i'm not losings to her. i'm waters and this is m y d.

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Answer , Inflation , Collapsday E Presid , Lite It S Elite Everything , Elite Union Leaders , Eliteel Academics , Becausee , Issueson Infla Ane , Itist , Udep , Donalden Trump , Presidentt Trump , Governor , Options , Shouldn T The Former , Anotherr , Knockout In The W Firstt R Round , Fight , Ground , Towels , Ere , I Don T Know Why W , Lifetime , Weekend , Hoax Presidency , Media Scandal , Jesse Ou , Yes , Don T Go , Bideyo Timn , Home , Groceries , Cooking , Brand , Trouble , Second , Supplement , Nature , Vitamin , Pharmacist , 47 , Life Insurance , Selectquote , Trust Me , Aneurism , Peace Of Mind , Muscle Cramps , Coverage , Policy , Exam , Whatcom , A Million , 2 Million , Gentle , Relief , Spasms , Aid Formula , Mess , Odor , Works , App , Choice , Financing , Lenders , Real Estate , Realtor Com , Top Rated , Pros , Area , Angie , Certified , Quotes , Pricing , Jobs , Angie Ecom , Customers , Legacy Box , Film Reels , Thumb Drive , Box , Legacyls , Photos , Videotapes , Dvds , 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Morning Joe , Issues , Marriage , Someone , Nobody , Sense , Elsimmediat , Let , It Wm Here S Cal , Another , Wasn T , Noi , Themselves D , Pitch , Middle , Snap , Joe Hesek , Mi , Sas Trut , Heels , Morning Aft Joe , Democraticupset , Faceer , Laptop , La , Audiencewat , Russia , Position , It Y , Senator , Top , Ticket , Vp , Ons , Can T Say We Didn Warnyear Nn , Needingthey Putnn , Ohio , Gotte Mn , Head , Wh , Nail , Joe Biden Doesn T , Scandal , Access R Immuni , Thewhat , Senatodenlee No , Obviou , Non Astrousw , Forl , House Candidates , Watchers , Democratic , Conservatives , Guy Overboarates D , Senators , Golf Game , Relatives , Commane , Compassion , Loved Onesio , Funny Nyas , Thadonaldd , Howe , To Te Biden Migrant Crime Crisis , Disaster , Swing Voters , Direction , Togey Hardhajust Ver , Swayet Tersd , Ohiths Meo Lete , President Tion , Trump T , Biden Campaign , Soa Good , Vos , Credit , Dictator , Wa Os Funny , Comparison , Big , Probablyed , Dance , Asy , Difference , 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Summer Star , Tube , Pants , Locking , Players , Championship , Business , Sky , Bicester Credit , Americas Usa Uruguay Monday On Fs , Problems , Leader , Weight , Challenge , Else , Off Clock , Gutters , Credit Funding , Determination , Successes , Filter , Porch , Leigh , Flooding Problems , Fo , Righ Gutter Inspection , Inspectionhee , Schedule , Inspection , Visit , Psoriasis , Damage , Leaf , Leaor Visitl , Cal 833 , Wingsge , 833 , Duggins Alex , Piece , Confidence , Inflammation , Skinf , Blocks , Noth Bimze , Breath Bends , Il 17 , 17 , Plaques , Results , Psoriasis Control Plaques , Adults , Moderate , Head To Toe , Freedodo , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Ability , Infections , Dose , Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Skin Saw , 100 , Dermatology , Beams , Vaccine , Party , Kabo , Lego , North Carolinaa , Starte D , Continuing , St , Mouthsmocratwere Hanging , Kingmakers , Destinedden , Opeo Leaking , Race , Conversations , Conversation , Theresatin , Phon Himee , Debatecho , Phone , Campaign Operatives , Buzzing , Operatives , Obama , Theduzzinge Universal , Sp , We De Ino , Some , Governors , Donors , Somewhere , Congresspeople , Biggest , Lers , Thquotese O , Stat , Step , Democrattos , Anonymous Otes , Editorial Board , Nes , Essea , Sniffing Glupie , Aidesee , Resumes , Meeting , Trying Hold Itkt , Hands On Deck , Po , Nevers , Reag L , Wronn , Afghanistaen Dea , 81 , Statements , Wind , Dayt , The Man , Bill Clinton , Baracs Gok Let Biden Twist , Hifim , Michelle Obama , Question , Msnbc , Ex Wife , Hunter , Somebody , Stature , Everymore , Sn Hasn T , Indication , Wives , Doesn Tt , Carmel , Ide Ea , Zero , Beo Tap Avenue Sthe Sacrificial Lam , Newsome Doesn T , Sl , Itter Tt , 28 , Jill Biden , Michael Larosa , It Wa , Last Nighta , Michae , Formers , O Wasn T Really A Focus On Policy , He Coud Counterpunch , Show Strength , Stats , Doe , Wee , Swimmer , The Wall First , Compea , Noe Whene Inheriw , We Los Nightt , Demode , Team , 17th Camp Counselor , Camphave David , Te Pre Analysis , Circler Inside Democrats Circles , Anybody Ld , Innerwhat , Eewhat , Chance , Parties , Convictions , It Rarelader Oy , Mr , Sonot Ha It , Bue Up , Officials , Feeling , Minority , Oka Wy , Ther , Plane , S Touch , Hang On , Got It W , Wall First , Bumpy Rided , You Laterse , Convulsing , Fact , Biden Switcheroo , Senior Adviser , Thee , Jasons Miller , Guy Obviousl , Races , Bidee Way , Who , Number One , Thee En Biden , Ballot , Sad , Delegates , Theth Fall , Convention Are Boun , 3800 , 3700 , Bidens , Beenge Created Under Biden , Migrant , Family Business , Politica Migrant Bes , Selling , Yr , Luck , Access , Xa Virginia , Redrawing Map , So T , O Leav , Polling , Competitived , Minnesota , Guys , New Jersey , Dyut , Presiden P Shows , You E , Map , Play , Whyw Jers , Millions , Na Americans , He Weren T , Illegals , Record , Afghanistan , 20 Million , Tor , Hopnce Laste Restorei , Quk , Ntrast , Whr , Great Question , Unfaijoe B , 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Monday On Fox , Sirius Xm , America Is Listening , 1 , Dissecting , Joe Biden E Off Last Night , People Watchedse , Smart One , Budget Reminder , Comedy Show , Johnny Hit The Streets , Disappointedf La , Guys Ceof , Laston T Night , Train Wreck , Least , Happain Wrecou , Trump Handhes Down , Democy W , Nighth T , Focuse D , Ithree F , Outstanding , S Favorite Part , Disappointing , R Better , Scattered , J Stumble , Leave , Got , Script , Forth , Judgment Call , Yot E Glazing , T Ma Jyou , Events , Power , State Of The Union , Alsaw Hi M , Watch Me , Toe , None , Performancdn Knord , No Ght , He Couldn T Finish , Tv , Trump , Donald Trumn , Ald T , Demeanor , Type , Sentenc , Oh Couldn , He Waswell , Con , Option , Tickin , Action , Gavin Newsom , Same , Lastwe Night , Mind , Horse , Onthis , Nos Th , Towardsho , Golf Handicap , Class , Ng , I Don T Golf , Gol , Assertion , On Fo , 72 , 7 , Road , He Show D , Primetime Fox News Channel , News Chann Wan Look Out , Hi , Pleasex , Bidbut , 2024 , Rulings , Ajor Rulay One , Pair , Supreme Court , Pry Big Development , Senior National Correspondent , Kevin Corke , Joinss , Arrestedeved Durt , Statute , High Court , Capitol , 6th , Wake , A63 Opinion , Enron Crafs Flawed , Justice Department S Applicaion Of A Federal Obstruction , 2021 , 6th Of January , Former , Charges , Blow , Defendants , Authority , January 6 , Majority Opinion Writin G , Justice , Consumer Protections , Workplace Safety , Areas , American Lifeevee , Facet , Quote , Environment , Health Care , Carethe , Climatela Unch , John Robertsse , Court , Courts , Communities , Agency Interpretation , Ordinances , Law , Bans , Campin G , Critics , Measures , Amendment , Spaces , Punishment , Violation , Mondayderlyin , Issuy Toe Of Homes Encampments , Crueencampmel , Tion , Prosecution , Immunity , Bid , Popcorn , News Dase , Formernt , Friend , Always W Yeah , Decisiony D Th , You Es , Place Duringncy , Washington , Thy , News , More Primaye Times , News Programs , 0 , Faster , Gels , Newews , Sling , Spain , Shouts , Sourc E , Release , Cabello G , Pain Relief Advil , Pain Awa , Commitment , Dedication , Gratitude , Disco , Discount , Salute Discount , Words , Heroes , Dna , Selflesslyun , Freedoms , Isn T Leather , Adventure , Thankk , Everywhere , Everywhe , Seat , Fbi , Er Obut , Grandmey , Motorcycle Insurer , Motorcycle , Wolf , Sizwhat , Identity , Rob , One Plus , Jamie , Brushstrokes , Jami Gas Tank , Ways , Opening , Credit Card Fraud , Identity Thieves , Social Security Number , Criminal Activity , Bank Account , Driver S License , Data Breaches , Banking , Wonder , 3 , Name , Loan , Yes Button , No Button , Somebody Fighting , Case , Members , Restoration Specialist , Lifelock Million Dollar Protection Package , Experts , Expenses , Funds , Lawyers , Lifelock Forever , 1 Million , Plans , Visit Lifelock , Money Back Guarantee , 60 , 7104654 , 800 , 800 7104654 , Doggy Hush , Identity Theft Protection , Fun , Weather , Shower , Dog , Ear Infections , Worry , Rain , Thunderstorms Fireworks Car Rides , Toy Worth , Weight Loss Shots , Doggie , Gift , 30 , Insurance , Provider , Providers , Weight Management Meds , Secrets , Ingredient , Henry Meds , Semaglutide , Medication , Weight Management Medication , Treatment , Thousands , Money , Door , 297 , Trump Versus Biden , Fox News Media , Ones , Experian , Cnn , Event , Network , Jes , California Biden , Assignment , Rwhen I , Text Messages , Report , Bese B , Norco , Deep Covere Undercover , Daysr , Bill , Sounds , Collegeo , Collegesi , Toughm , Chesapeake , Joe E , Dino , It Dino , Bar , Low , South Carolina , Tuckerton , House , Germs , Dennisik , Craig , L Caddyshack , Delf , Seabrook , Toarry , Beachis , Bag , Five , Florida , Texs Democrats , Sixties , Practice , Nineties , Eighties , Practicep D , Bellville , Harold Ford Jr , Ruemocratsn , Harolo Youd Ford Junior Super Pac , Brian , Pushingil Joe , Pat , Shoes , Springhill , Out Get00 , Aboutno , Bet , Tomi Lahre Dollan , Tomi Lahren , 00 , Joe S , Nominee , Waters , D ,

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