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>> okay. thank you. >> save some for my guests. they're much less famous than i am. speaking of its friday you know what that means let's welcome our guests. so tough even is a lawn nose to stay off the lawn. fox news contributor paul mauro. if you get her piston she will water board you with cheesy grit. dag and make a dowel. he looks like he owns a skateboard shop that sells weed comedian adam hunter. and just like a heat wave she gets old men to stay inside and watch tv. year tayn's best selling and fox news contributor cat tenth. before we get to some news stories let's do this great leftovers yum. >> it's leftovers where i read the jokes we did news it's my first time reading them so if they suck we staple joe mackey to a wall and use his face as a dartboard. the heat wave continues in the east so hot nancy pelosi put on her backup face. so hot replacing the stick up her ass with an ice pop. so hot you'll han omar actually showed some ankle. so hot maxine waters replaced her way with a back there's a bag of party ice. for once bill clinton even took off his own pants. so hot jerry nadler sold the shade under his ass to the highest bidder. so hot he filled his sports bra with häagen-dazs. so hot he put a klondike bar under each testicle. seriously it's so hot rachel levine called him in the national guard to fan his nuts. all right a new poll has trump leading biden in 6 swing states so depressed he struck up a conversation with the nearby female. nearly mist qualifying for the presidential debate relieving the biting campaign to didn't want the president to have to memorize 2 names. axioms reports the share of double haters those who like dislike both presidential candidates hasn't been this many since killed mead filled in on the 5. a new study shows eating meat can get you to live to 100 they are terrified this info falls into the wrong hands. terrible. and democrat strategists suggests obama clinton pelosi and schumer could band together to get biden to resign clinton said that she could have him murdered and fed to pigs. biden that administration targeting the cartel with sanctions someone feels they are paying too much for cocaine. how do you sanction that. apparently the arresting officer in the timberlake case was so young he didn't know who he was which is odd until you see the cop. nationwide insurance dropped coverage for 100,000 american pets the hardest hit dogs who smoke. a new law in louisiana requires 10 commandments in public school great now we have to teach them to read. san francisco wooing tourists who want to escape the enticing them with chile weather. did someone say chilly said 1 man in new study claims rope women are attracted to men with feminine features explaining the homeless woman i saw making out with this guy. jamaal bowman is as much as 17% behind in his reelection bid maybe sound an alarm? actor just see small that is a 42 which means he's probably 50. on thursday hundreds spent an entire day doing yoga in times square the largest gathering of homeless men masturbating in times square coincided. keep your clothes on ladies. finally a loss to watch believed to be eaten by account turned up 50 years later no wonder i have had stomach issues says 1 lady. >> i smell a new segment. [ ♪♪ ] why you don't hate the media enough. a young mother is no longer alive but she got on the 5. on the other show i do we discussed the rape and murder of a woman by an illegal immigrant. >> when you see the list of female victims of crime and the harm done to their families you have to ask where is the empathy there as they pivot to another story whether there's nothing but fear mongering. they are harrowing and infuriating. you do have to feel that. what if the human happens to be left-wing slime in the media. here's what they gleamed from our segment on a dead mother. a picture of me below it. great got fill is wearing this t-shirt on fox news to say it's an interesting take that what eyewear somehow trumps the death of a mom that's what you noticed when faced with real repeat successive stories of her horrible tragedy they wonder what are you wearing. about this. witnessing i like brit hume's time when george floyd was killed even though they don't value victims list they fit our narrative evie believe thousands of unarmed black men diet the hands of cops without access to june -- genital mutilation but 3 her into sacks of brutality in a week and it's what are you wearing. it's a perfect encapsulation a bottom feeding banality of the status obsessed media. forget the dead woman we love your shirt. i guess the media doesn't take these murders seriously because they aren't in a protected class. less important than people who report on them. the even a laugh over the tragedy. >> here the reporting said this our banner said biden announces legal protections of undocumented spouses for citizens. cnn similar. here's the fox and/or migrant arrested for raping a 13. that's part of the problem they are mongering. >> what a pair of seriously ugly people you can take that in any way you want. on thursday 2 illegal aliens were arrested over the death of a 12-year-old in houston maybe they can address what they are wearing now that i mentioned her name in the photo for his ex account the shirt says, seems to be wearing stylish sunglasses which makes me wonder when he sits and ponders the shallowness of his paltry existence are those gucci or tom ford. paul you've been in the police force a long time strange time don't you think what you think now because i think there's been 3 heinous crimes like the last 8 days the media pivots away from it. >> it's an election year that's all it is doesn't feel somebody in washington is made the calculus there is an acceptable level of human collateral damage in order to have a permanent democrat majority in the electorate because this is consistent we always hear of it's not all of that nobody's saying that when you lift 20 million people in with no border protection we don't know who they are where they are whatever 1% means we've imported 200,000 criminals we don't have enough purpose of our own we have to get them out of venezuela as well's insanity we don't who they are and it will continue the idea they are focusing on your shirt doesn't help obviously. just wrap and all you can do is vote in november because i'm see it won't even comment on won't even allude to it. >> it's incredible to me that in the old days when crime like this would kill an entire career another media ignores it what are you wearing. >> what are you wearing? >> rage more in the inside than the outside though we've known this about the media forever i've said this before these journalists if you call them that they've always been the most vital cocktail of arrogance and insecurity like toilet water and turpentine have a swig of that. so they only care about those in their own profession and those of their own politics driven by insecurity they will only say and do things and read about things which cater to those groups to be accepted they will never report on the rape of a 13-year-old or the murder of a mother the murder of a 12-year-old all by illegals because again then they wouldn't get invited to a book party or aoc might look their way or god forbid they might get ostracized by jimmy kimmel because that's more important than the murder and wave repo women by illegal aliens that's how disgusting the media is. >> adam. i want to ask you who you are wearing and by the way which almost menu still your close from. >> 's name was ross dress for less. when joy behar covered the story the media focused on our moustache so much. it's crazy though slick is if the o.j. simpson thing happened today he's running away they focus on whether the boron co. was a hybrid. they miss the whole thing by the way he got cremated recently so he could finally fit the glove. >> seamlessly done my friend anymore? the bora dish the borders more open then stormy daniels. >> there you go. cat what are you wearing. >> address dana perino didn't want anymore. >> isn't that amazing and fox women just trade there dresses because they'll same seem to fit which makes no sense i can't borrow a shirt from charles payne. >> nobody can my favourite thing about the tweet is i'm guessing he was trying to show you because it was a designer shirt is trying to be like he's rich but you love talking about how rich you are. >> that was a $60 shirt. >> yes, it's like what is the point goes against your man of the people image you don't want that image elicits rich people i am and of the rich people great title for a book. man of the little rich in red. >> have never heard you say i'm just a regular guy. then it would make sense but just a position with the headline at that still really bad but if we are talking about anything i wouldn't understand why you would be upset the people know you're rich you love that. >> i don't know if i love that i don't want to be kidnapped. >> that's also not true. >> okay it has been a fan of this fancy mine. it's called a role-playing. >> i like the idea this media person was freeze framing the show staring at your nipples to figure out the designer was because i did that myself at home alone in private. >> i'm used to that sort of thing let's move on up next despite 0 debates trump leads in key states. [ cheering and applause ] - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. >> a story and 5 words. trump leads sweetly 6 swing states so a lot of interesting news out there so trump is leading in arizona georgia michigan nevada pennsylvania wisconsin tide in minnesota. what i find interesting is the new york times says biden standing among women is the leak is sweet a democrat has had in 20 years. it undermines my narrative because i've said repeatedly the democrat party is the party of women the republican party is becoming the party of men and married people what's going on here? >> more women are just done with hearing them say what they are seeing and hearing and feeling and experiencing every single day is all in our heads our reality is not our reality. >> that's what husbands are for. >> 's not the husbands. we've all at least dated, delivered with our married and maybe divorce someone who forced us. a sociopathic played mind games and manipulated us into believing we they were crazy and psychotic when they weren't. they knew it was going on with them why they smell like my friend kimi's body cream. that's not in my head. where did her range rover come from on my credit. you need to look like you need to have a job when you get a job very specific examples. >> i didn't put body glitter on your crotch that 1 wasn't me. >> i had a dollar every time i've heard that. so cat it's interesting right from support among men is a double-digit lead in 2016 but their biggest drop in female support has been among black and hispanic women again it surprises me is this all just inflation that's what they seem to say. >> that's what the experts say but also the thing about inflation is you don't have to be an expert as it is crazy actually going shopping for groceries you are like how much does this cost. >> inflation might be back to 3% it's 3% on top of the previous 4% you are at when he percent. >> unlike biden the rest of us haven't been blacked out for like 10 years. a lot of people remember what things used to cost and the people i know who support trump they say that but also say what she said. they support him the more people tell them don't do that. like you can't do that how could you possibly do that when they are like my eggs are $45. people are willing to be like let's try something else even people who don't like him biden is also acting as though everything is fine. people known their own lives it doesn't matter what they hear on tv from a stranger that doesn't know them it's what they see in their own lives they are unhappy with let's try something else. >> radio think this is heading what you think of the pole numbers. >> people there looking they can see that biden has fallen down so many stairs yet identifies as a slinky. he's making more women disappeared then owes them back. and it's not just women it's black people he lost more black men than the kardashians. if his numbers dropped any lower they would date bill belichick. and like you said it's inflation and abortion those are the big issues. pretty much the opposite if you think about it. i had an abortion joke but it was way too premature. as far as inflation goes women aren't into it less it's a bb l. forget it. so her implants. my daughter asked me about all this like dad when do i get big boobs and it's like your grandma dies new get the inheritance probably. of these are more and more disgusting. >> enough for me. you've ruined everything. has what are you make of these polling's. i feel like trump is becoming like your dad he gets smarter the older you get. maybe that guy was right 5 years ago has that the border and i see in myself and where the finding these women who are so doggedly supportive of biden's in nursing homes where do they find these people. i think they hitting constituency and narrative goes back to it we said in the a block right the newsflash is there are 2 channels 1 of them are mothers if you have a kid and father skid too but if you see what's going on at the border you have 12-13-year-old there walking home from school that's the unspoken aspect of this fussy young girls getting victimized. very politically incorrect but if your mom you have to say to yourself. grandpa wake up say something. and whenever i'm listening to you i was imagine myself 1 of those interrogation rooms with law & order and you are trying to get me to -- >> keep your fantasies to yourself. is this is a weird show tonight. >> up next could heat explain jo's mushy brain. ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> speaker-01: climate change makes politicians stupid. adam let me explain this a new study delving into temperature effects on politicians speech and cognitive abilities. they analyse 7 million speeches finding that warmer temperatures negatively impacted their cognitive speaking abilities making them speak more simply and perhaps colder temperatures negatively impacted women's political speech more than dudes. why are they doing this? >> you don't know who is time to listen to 7 million speeches that's why there's an arrow shortage i think i used to smoke pot focus really hard on nothing but they said the hotter you are the less hard you work and i think that applies to women as some women are so hot they are terrible in bed they lay there and they think being there is enough let me tell you something ladies it is. >> you shoehorn these jokes into the climate segment we aren't even trying to finesse it. were talking about heat well hot women. but what's funny right hot women make you stupid speaking as a guy like going to a girl he talked to them your brain just goes stupid that's on my mind is with everything. >> you look at community colleges it's the hottest women you've ever seen. harvard there's like 1 hot chick >> and she goes by he. so cat you want to know what kills me about the study they conflate correlation with causation set the same time the speeches were being done it was warmer want to know what else happened during that time everything. you could connect it to anything. >> if i was warmer i would be way better. and everyone's like that put on more close. first of all know second when i do them so cold i just want everyone to know. you're too afraid to let me really shine. >> keep her freezing. trainer frees you up. >> yes, i know. i think they are getting them or because they don't have to be smart because there's so much corruption in the government and the government's power grows and grows like look at who our leaders are. they don't have to say intelligent things let alone do something and that's why we should have a much smaller government than we do and a much warmer room in here. >> so polat poses an interesting problem does climate change cook the brains of politicians which makes them more susceptible to believing all of this dumb climate models the end up being wrong so if you reduce climate change they would no longer believe in it? >> that struck you as an interesting question? anyway if you read the beginning i read the first 2 sentences of the study they, yeah, notarized parliamentary speeches in other words these guys took their time and money and analyse to government speech as a gauge of intelligence. right and they are surprised it didn't correlate. listen if you read all the way through to the end it turns out they say if you're having trouble thinking, ice cream. do the mast and there you go. there you go that explains it all. it does show you that you can take any particular topic are subject matter and inject the phrase climate change and you get money for research. >> it shows you that you can take any topic and make it a war on women. women of a certain age soonest macon to be about cold it's about hotness and heat and don't give me that look i know any time you bring up things like women going through a change in life i mean menopause. men look at you like i just told you i see it pubic hair and the french fries your eating. >> you act like that's a bad thing. >> it says heat has been associated with decreased productivity and cognitive performance to try to keep any woman 55 or older out of politics full because when you hit that period in your life the middle of [ bleep ] january and you are standing outside wearing shorts and a tank top sweating like chris christie on the beach. >> all right. i agree but i don't think the jab was necessary at chris christie he's doing his best. >> anyways was going to say i did run into chris christie and he was not happy to see me. but i can outrun him thankfully. >> jerry nadler's scrotum and >> coming up answering viewer mail. with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. how do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink? my secret lumineux whitening strips. i mean, that is white. and because there's no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often. and you can get this at walmart or target. you'll get better when you're not blamed for a condition you can't control. you'll get better when your pain isn't minimized, dismissed, forgotten. we will never stop trying to get better. because when medicine gets better, all of us can get better. (♪) [ ♪♪ ] >> these are actual questions from viewers we always love our viewers and reward them by making fun of them. she asks what is the absolutely worst thing you've ever put in your mouth and did you spit it out or swallow it. don't be sexual because you know way too easy to say things like that let's keep it somewhat r-rated. cat? >> why would you go to me first. >> you the a lot of unusual foods what's the worst thing and did you spit it out or swallow it wet don't like at me like i'm going to hr adam we answer the question instead. >> a girl had a cold sore wanted to kiss me i was so repulsed i almost pulled out. [ laughter ] >> would you like a second chance? >> are some things yes. >> a8 some tree sap off the bottom of a christmas tree stand when i was a child to be clear not recent. >> that is pretty disgusting in. paul? >> a tainted waster the good news is a eights another outlook i got cholera from it. a 17th century disease the side effects were charming let me tell you especially on the plane on the way home. >> did you go to tobago? >> yeah, they put them in a glass with put tabasco sauce i didn't see the signs that said cholera be careful if you drink 1 you might get it but with the f11, yeah,. >> you went to a bag goes what did trinidad say about that? >> we're working on it. >> it next could you describe the person sitting to your right in 5 words. which is right. paul you can do me i guess. >> which is your right. 5 words i get a guy i know awhile. >> that's good. >> your rate is her. >> do not mess with her but i will tell you why is because she seems like the kind of woman who would sleep with you call you an uber and make you leave even though it was your place. >> cat you get to do adam. >> in 1993 manager at spencer's gifts. [ laughter ] >> a guess you're doing paul. >> friend who will shoot you. >> i have, i will say nice smart , and knows human resources. >> feeling blue? are animals will see you for reminder, bent finger appointment. i don't want to wait or have surgery for my dupuytren's contracture. i want a nonsurgical treatment. and if nonsurgical treatment isn't offered? i'll get a second opinion. take charge of your treatment. if you can't lay your hand flat, visit to get started. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. >> tonight's great animal friends is sponsored by christie for governor. [ laughter ] what do you have? >> i got some little bodies. here to show you. so look at you know how your animals love you and they look up to you and want to be like you? this guys doing that. and look at that doggy! so cute! isn't that the cutest thing! look at that! >> that's amazing! >> i want to go to the gym. >> all right, "enough of that. getting me excited. all right paul, you have any pets? you don't really seem like a pet owner. may be paratore parakeet? >> animals are food. [ laughter ] >> what you have? >> you have a video to show, don't you? >> somewhere. gosh pack i wish my eyes were working. what are we looking at? >> i'm not sure myself. all right. so australia has to be the strangest place in the world, sincerely. that is a garden passed in australia. that's what it looks like, that's their version of a snail. in fact, it is some sort of a sea lion that went into someone's backyard and all i can say if that was my backyard and i saw that thing, it would not be a good day. but it is a sea lion trying to get into a garage, that's what they told me anyway, on a what the hell that thing is. >> could be a dead mermaid. >> notice i did not make the chris christie joke. >> good for you. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> he is at home right now going thank you, paul. as he bites into a giant hoagie. >> and put to hit out on me. >> what do you have? >> dudes at the gym doing some dumbbell deadlifts. and he has got his dog holding the phone, filming. watch. [ laughter ] >> here is what the dog is thinking, though. dude! eat some doughnuts, fatten up your got, suck the fat out and shoot it into your ass so we can go to the dog park. [ laughter ] oh, and you need some calf implants. >> how do we know that's his dog? dog could be a pervert. [ laughter ] >> that is the detective i know and love! pet detective! they should make a movie like that! all right adam, close this segment out, what you have? >> here's a dog going shopping for halloween and all of a sudden he is gone, he's going down the aisle and then he gets spooked by this thing. yeah. and personally, i love animals, i have six bunnies, three cats and a dog. because i would get into a relationship and we would break up and i would end up with a pet but i named all my pets after my exes, i have needy, bipolar, intervention. [ applause ] >> all right, don't go away, we will be right back. [ cheering and applause ] the cockroach. resilient creatures. true miracles of evolution. where there is one, others aren't far behind. always scavenging for food, the cockroach... well that's horrifying. ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. not in my house you don't. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you! taking it down, adam, arse did you audience. love you america! [ cheering and applause ] >> good evening, i'm jonathan hunt and for trace gallagher. i

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Website , Volunteer Member , June 24th Mondays , June 24th , 24 , Heart , Weekend , Greg Gutfeld , Guests , Lawn Nose , Fox News , Paul Mauro , Piston , Lawn , Grit , Water Board , Make A Dowel , Dag , Men , Heat Wave , Adam Hunter , Skateboard Shop , Weed Comedian , Leftovers , News Stories , Tv , Contributor , Selling , Cat Tenth , Year Tayn , News , Joe Mackey , Time , Wall , Face , Reading , Nancy Pelosi , Backup Face , Dartboard , Ass , Ice Pop , Maxine Waters , Ankle , Way , Bill Clinton , Bag , Back , Party Ice , Pants , Jerry Nadler , Bidder , Shade , Testicle , Sports Bra , HÄagen Dazs , Klondike Bar , Poll , Guard , Nuts , Rachel Levine , Swing States , Female , Conversation , 6 , Didn T , Share , Names , Debate , President , Mist , Campaign , Axioms , 2 , Candidates , Many , Haters , Mead , 5 , Study , Hands , Eating Meat , Info , 100 , Schumer , Democrat , Strategists , Terrible , Clinton Pelosi , Someone , Him Biden , Pigs , Sanctions , Cartel , Administration , Cocaine , 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, Class , Protections , Laugh , Reporting , Spouses , Banner , Problem , Part , Citizens , Similar , Migrant , Pair , Mongering , The Fox , Cnn , 13 , Illegal Aliens , Houston , 12 , Sunglasses , Name , Photo , Existence , Shallowness , Gucci , Tom Ford , Crimes , Police Force , Media Pivots , 8 , Somebody , Level , Order , Election , Calculus , Human Collateral Damage , Washington , Nobody , Majority , Saying , Electorate , 20 Million , Idea , Criminals , Border Protection , Insanity , Purpose , Venezuela , 200000 , Won T , Vote , Help , Career , Journalists , Outside , Forever , Insecurity , Toilet Water , Cocktail , Arrogance , Swig , Turpentine , Things , Politics , Profession , Groups , Illegals , Aoc , Book Party , God , Jimmy Kimmel , Women , Aliens , Wave , Repo , Close , Ross Dress For Less , S Name , Menu , Joy Behar , Thing , Slick , Moustache , Hybrid , O J , Boron Co , Glove , Friend , Dish , Stormy Daniels , Bora , Cat , Sense , Isn T , Address , Fox , Dana Perino , Designer Shirt , Tweet , Charles Payne , Point , Yes , 60 , 0 , Book , Image , Title , Little , Red , Position , Anything , Headline , Fan , Designer , Role Playing , Nipples , Media Person , Sort , Applause , Trump , Cheering , States , Life , Ear Ringing , Lipo Flavonoid , Narrator , Experience , Couldn T Escape , Train Whistle , Brand , Doctor , One , Words , Lot , Arizona Georgia , Pennsylvania Wisconsin Tide , Minnesota , Nevada , Michigan , Narrative , New York Times , Leak , 20 , Republican Party , Hearing , Heads , Feeling , Reality , Husbands , Sociopathic , Us , Divorce , Mind Games , Weren T , Rover , Body Cream , Head , Kimi , Credit , Job , Examples , Right , Body Glitter , Crotch , Dollar , Wasn T Me , Support , Drop , Lead , 2016 , Inflation , Expert , Experts , Haven T , Cost , Groceries , Biden The Rest , 4 , Who , Something , Eggs , 45 , Everything , Lives , Don T , Fine , Matter , Radio , Stranger , Let , Something Else , Pole Numbers , Stairs , Slinky , Kardashians , Abortion , Numbers , Opposite , Issues , Bill Belichick , It , Joke , Bb L , Dad , Implants , Daughter , Grandma , Inheritance , Boobs , Polling , Border , Nursing Homes , Constituency , Newsflash , Channels , Mothers , Skid , Block , Kid , Home , School , Girls , What S Going On , Aspect , Say Something , Interrogation Rooms , Law Order , Fantasies , Citi , Chewy , Expertise , Growth , Mushy Brain , Supply Chain Moving , Jo , Love , Pet , Parents , Clients , Progress , Choices , Rodeo Drive , Body Doubles , Horse , Farm Stay , Wild Tina , Feys , Splurgy , That S My Line , Possibilities , Millions , Booking Com , Glenn Close , Tools , Settles , Wallet , Engine , Harbor Freight , Whatever , Price , Climate Change , Speaker , 01 , Politicians , Abilities , Politicians Speech , Temperature Effects , Study Delving , 7 Million , Temperatures , Speaking , Speech , Dudes , Speeches , Arrow Shortage , Bed , Jokes , Heat , Climate Segment , Finesse , Girl , Community Colleges , Brain , Mind , 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F11 , Person , Rate , Place , Kind , Manager , Spencer S Gifts , 1993 , Guess , Smart , Human Resources , Animals , Nonsurgical Treatment Isn T , Charge , Opinion , Treatment , Reminder , Surgery , My Dupuytren S Contracture , Nonsurgical Treatment , Hand Flat , Bent Finger Appointment , Walk In Tub , Fast Fill Faucet , Seat , Findahandspecialist Com , Safe Step , Safe Step Walk In Tub , Safety , Warm Bath , Bathing , Tubs , Comforts , Animal Friends , Governor , Christie , Bodies , Doggy , Gym , Food , Pet Owner , Paratore Parakeet , Somewhere , Eyes , Video , Australia , Don T You , Gosh Pack , Sea Lion , Backyard , Garden , World , Snail , Version , Fact , Garage , Shell , Mermaid , Giant Hoagie , Dog , Thinking , Phone , Watch , Filming , Dumbbell Deadlifts , Got , Fat , Doughnuts , Calf Implants , Dog Park , Detective , Pervert , Adam , Pet Detective , Segment Out , Movie , Shopping , Aisle , Halloween , Cats , Bunnies , Six , Three , Bipolar , Exes , Relationship , Don T Go Away 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