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story. iran is reportedly at spending their nuclear program at a rate that was not fully understood on's -- until some new issues and effects came to light. that just as its proxy terror group the largest and most powerful one it has hesbollah ramps up their rocket does rocket attacks. this facility could soon triple their production of rich uranium it could be turned into fuel for nuclear bombs according to a new report in the washington post. state department of foreign policy correspondent julia turner gives us what we need to know to get up to speed on the situation reporting live from the state department hi julian. >> hi martha. u.s. and israeli intelligence agencies have new information about a computer modelling system the iranian regime as required. dutch acquired. we are learning for all intensive purposes it's meant to help them produce nuclear weapons and produce them more quickly. take a listen to what matt miller said just now to a question about it. >> if iran continues to spend its nuclear program in ways that have no credible or peaceful purpose we remain deeply concerned with iran's nuclear activities and will continue to vigilantly monitored them. iran must cooperate with the iea without further delay. >> the republican congressman said this could be the key that unlocks even faster progress for iran to have enough enriched uranium to build a weapon. >> when people talk about a breakout and weeks or months by them to be able to break out that's basically having in a fully enriched uranium to have upon. this other element, this computer simulation is how do you get the actual balm formed and build the warhead it fits on top of the missile. >> while the iaea the top nuclear watchdog confirms one of iran's most secretive sensitive nuclear sight is also now expending. ejected the iranian regime's plan first obtained by reuters revealed hope to soon triple the sites production of enriched uranium with new centrifuges which would in turn allow iran to grow their arsenals nuclear warheads even faster. >> i won't comment obviously on intelligence matters as you have heard us say before we do not see indications iran is currently undertaking the key activities that would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear device but of course this is something we continue to monitor closely. >> martha different experts produce different estimates about the breakout time pretty constantly now the latest from the bite and a ministration is they believe the breakout time for iran to get a nuclear warhead is about 18 months. the israelis view it as much shorter time line. they estimate one year. martha. >> martha: jillian thank you. with that let's bring in the former u.s. ambassador to israel tom nieves who just visited and was back in israel, back in for quite a bit. he joins us now. ambassador great to have you with us will come back to the program. >> can you martha. >> martha: how concerning is this to you for the united states and israel? >> exceptionally. at thank as president biden has said over and over we will not stand buy to let the iranians obtain a nuclear weapon. cleaved and focused on this from day one. there is a reason why the president, lend the threats to israel with hezbollah lee scent large ships in the mediterranean khaki pointed towards that to make sure we had israel's back. there is a reason why the president said sent -- to israel when iran was shooting off muscles walk on months ago and managed the crisis quite effectively with israel. we have israel's back and we will be focused on supporting israel in any way we need to. >> martha: i mean it is clearly getting to a different stage here, it certainly feels that way. you got increased hostility is coming from the north from has the law, let's play this soundbite. >> voice of interpreter: if the war was imposed on live and on the resistance with no regulations capital wheels and no ceilings -- lebanon. it knows there we'll be no place say from our missiles and our drones. >> martha: he is speaking about israel there at the end of that when he says, it knows there we'll be no place in the entities safe from our missiles and drones. what do you make of that? what does it tell you? >> there's a reason why a close advisor to the white house on the president has been in the region the past few days, trying to de-escalate what's going on in lebanon. make no mistake here there is a reason why we have israel's back. there's a reason why we have done the activities we've done. israel should not be standing still and watching part of the northborough and. the idea that almost 125,000 israelis cannot go back to the homes in the north is heartbreaking for those of us who spent time in the north, many communities have been burned, have been destroyed and we need, this needs to stop and they understand hezbollah understands, iran understands, joe biden and calm a lot harris has israel's back as a relates to hezbollah and i ran. and yes hamas. >> martha: i'm not sure what that means anymore really because we heard these support was rocksolid for israel. and then we here witch i know -- very upset about and not happy with prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu when he came out and said look you don't treat an ally like this you have to send the weapons you promised us we desperately need them. >> martha let me be clear, okay,, when joe biden went to israel six days after the war and embraced benjamin netanyahu, when hezbollah and hamas were attacking, we sent two very large ships to sit as a mediterranean that say don't screw with israel. during, two months ago when iran shot almost 325 rockets at israel it was our calm commander in israel directed by the president and vice president to protect the state of israel and coordinate. to be clear, as her -- everything israel has wanted they have received. the prime mr knows that quite well. there's been no better friend to the state of israel than joe biden and kamala harris. the fact of the matter is that on occasion one set of, 1,200,000 -- one balm, 2000 pounds wasn't delivered, everything united states has done for israel what they wanted. at thank the president knows that and we all know the support of this country to the state of israel. >> martha: former ambassador to israel tom nieves thank you. i've been feeling we will ask you to come back there's a lot going on in the region you know. good to see you circa thank you. >> take you for having me. >> martha: absolutely windy to get to this breaking news, an update from houston where a 12 euro girl was found dead in a creek monday morning and we have details on that let's listen in -- >> street in every direction from the incident of the scene of the crime. i watched homicide work around the clock, i've seen swat show up to make certain they were apprehended properly. so, the first thing i want to emphasize is condolences. the family is that you said is devastated. i've spoken with the alkyl. if you just put yourself in their place, they don't know which way to turn they have limited resources. but they are strong, their brave , the mother just wants to see her baby and hasn't been able to examine the body due to investigation, but she is making arrangements as we talk. number 2 and i touched on it briefly but i want to expand on it, the police work, i want houstonians to know the proud and excited about you're police department. the men and women go to work, they have families. but, there so passionate and so professional about their work. it does aggravate me in some sources say, we've got to restore our confidence in the please, know, the confidence is there i've witnessed it. i'm sharing it with houstonians. all the resources necessary, collaboration, the scene of the crime. we are seeing the result of this hard, old-fashioned police work using social media, new technologies, but also just footwork and collaboration. language skills. you couldn't be more proud of a police department and we are seeing living evidence of it as i stand before you. and number 3, i want to reach out to the court system, the justice system. we are going to be watching you. the charges have been filed, the rest is taken place, now we want the justice system to do it's job. if there was ever a circumstance where you do not give someone bail this is it. there are circumstances allowed if you can prevent failed. take into consideration flight risk, take into consideration the severity of this crime. so, i'm going to be monitoring the court system. i want these suspects to have their day in court and want to be held accountable and i want to done sooner than later. that said i will yield to lieutenant hope who is led an effective investigation investigation. bank user. >> take you and thank you everyone for being here today. yes, ma'am, my name is stephen hope. i am here today because our team has worked tirelessly tracking evidence in this case since the discovery of jocelyn by a citizen on the morning of june 17th 2024 years because of the assistance of the area community at a surveillance our officers have tirelessly chart downs and other evidence in pieces, we have found and learned that the suspects began their evening at a northborough area restaurant together. they left it on foot southbound. the suspects continued south and were first seen on camera those were the images we released to all of you and to the public. suspects scene meeting the victim and talking for a few minutes. later the suspects and the victim blocked together to a convenience store and those images are also released to you guys and the public. after a few minutes, all three together walk to a bridge where ultimately jocelyn was murdered. 's suspects continue south toward their residence after leaving jocelyn there. i want to thank the media further assistance and greatly and probably releasing images of the suspect. i want to thank all the misses who have been brave coming forward and talking to the police and giving us the information we needed to identify these suspects. so that on this morning thursday june 20th officers with the houston swat team gang division north felt the vision and homicide did a coordinated operation at 13355 and there we were able to find the suspects and transfer them back here to travis for questioning. while they are, csu continue to process their location searching for more evidence which they found. the suspects are not facing charges of capital murder. one being johan martinez add the second male franklin josé. it's because of the hard work of the police officers, the teams, the media and community at large that we were able to do this and i'm very proud of everyone who is involved. thank you johan josé run help martinez. -- rangel. franklin josé pena ramos. we will be updating you guys was images once the booking process is completed. >> martinez is 21 years old and pena ramos is 26 years old. [ speaking alternate language ] >> martha: okay another tragic murder in america. and this time it is a 12-year-old girl heartbreakingly you heard at the top of this, the houston-area said this child's mother has been waiting to see her body. she is not been able to because of this ongoing investigation and today the process can begin because they have indeed apprehended the two individuals who they believe or the colours in this case. a 12-year-old girl was confronted by these two individuals according to the report we heard and was taken to another area and then they were seen returning to their homes. their names are johan martinez and franklin josé pena ramos oath in their twenties we will continue to follow the story but the houston mayor calling out the police department in houston for the excellent detective work and utilizing social media and all the capabilities available to them to bring these people to justice. also interestingly he said the eyes of houston are on the justice department in terms of not giving these individuals fail. he said they would be a flight risk and he said we are watching you to the court system and justice department. very forceful point on that we will continue to tell you more details as we get them on this horrific case. and we have kate staley back in california rachel morley killed recently on a trail at 13-year-old in new york city's rate thankfully she survived and this is a 12-year-old in houston. to many of these heinous attacks and stories we've been covering for you recently but we'll get you more details on this one as we get one. -- as we get them. president biden as we understand it has moved operations to camp david as he gets ready. former president trump is preparing to hit the trail and also working on his preparation for the big debate next week two very different strategies. our political panel digs in the next ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards drumroll is starting the first presidential debate which everyone said wouldn't happen now certainly looks like it will. goods looming large and there is a lot of trepidation i think on both sides but panic perhaps on the part of the few. problem that democrats watch this that came in a couple hours ago. >> this is the entire election as i'm concerned if biden goes out there and messes up, it is game over. if he walks out of there and a week later is lower in the polls it is panic in the party. >> martha: the stakes are high on both sides of course president biden hunkering down to camp david to repair maybe he is there all week former president trump reportedly meeting with policy experts and allies to get ready for his side of the debate and also hitting the campaign trail with a big rally in philadelphia over the weekend and the races separated by two points according to fox polling within the margin of error as you can see in the bottom of the screen. how will this debate move the needle and how will both presidents come across four years after this memorable debate in ohio back in 2020. >> it's hard to get any word and with this clown. >> don't ever use the word smart with me don't abuse that wood. >> give me a break. >> you know what there's nothing smart about you joe. >> you're the worst president america has ever had been a china eight-year lunch joe you treated the black community about as bad as anybody in this country. >> everyone he knows he is a liar. >> i was in there that night as tug at the weird feeling want to watch that that we all got that night. so it's bringing brian run burger cohost of the big-money show on foxbusiness and richard fowler both channel contributors. richer than we start with you do you agree with him their queen. >> i don't know if i agree with them all the way but i think for the biden team they understand the stakes of the debate pair at the good news for them is the trump team has made the barlow by calling him sleepy joe, showing tapes of him staring at the wrong parachute are. ignorant -- made the barlow so if he stands up and delivers a couple good lines and doubles -- doesn't stumble over his words that's a win. but i think biden and his base will have to do a lot more. that's why we're seeing he's going to camp david he has top aides there and there we'll be mock debates, similar to what we've seen former president stu. george bush did this in thing and the hard part for the president's presidents are not often challenged when their president of the u.s. pierced so the idea of getting used to summon challenging him on on television on a debate be very difficult. president obama struggled to his first debate so how he further. at thank what you're going to see from the biden team is a strong biden coming out like we saw in the state of the union. >> martha: it's very true and mean when you look back at the debate history incumbency do not fare well in their first debate. the tricky thing is they are both incumbent presidents which is an unusual situation. usually there is a person out there who's got nothing to lose in some ways. frank i want to start with you by playing this from chuck todd which i thought was interesting. this is from yesterday. watch. >> donald trump's rhetoric even at even his swagger looks more like 2016. when trump is losing, the worst version of him shows up and when he is winning or thanks he is ahead he is actually different person and a different candidate. donald trump in detroit and those events he did khaki was oddly loose, he was trained to be funny. >> martha: so this is what we are hearing and seeing from the former president, people say he is more disciplined, one of the possible pitfalls for president trump though? >> etiquettes where he said he was oddly lose, i think he is loose all the time. his strength is that he could do that. he is finding. 's challenge is staying on message, being a little bit less loose and remembering what the american people want to hear and what independents want to hear like a he came out of the business roundtable meeting last week he was awesome. it was like ten minutes he was on taxes, border, crime, use on all the issues it was wonderful. that is not how he always is khaki wasn't that weigh in 2020 and that first debate but if he can do the thing he's done lately, you know, they are two different, biden now and biden 2020 watch those videos sorry completely different people. that's going to be his big problem. trump looks like just like -- trump looks just like he didn't want a 60. >> martha: everyone lowers the expectations for president biden, they said i don't think he could stand up their fortified mitts but richard i've got to go superquick he does everything with a teleprompter or node to camping anything out there khaki can't bring a single thing. there is water, pen and paper out there. will that be an issue? >> i thank the present has to do two things khaki has to -- >> martha: will that be an issue? >> yes. >> he has to acknowledge inflation is real and also acknowledge economic gains people have made under his administration. if he can do both those thanks he wants the debate. >> okay but he can't bring in notes. it's all got to come from a peer. >> we will sea. >> yes absolutely. we are prepared for anything. thank you you guys get to see you both. later this hour, very exciting i talked with dennis quaid about playing the role of ronald reagan. very tricky role to take on as an actor because he is such an icon in people's eyes and people have such a clear image of him. the trailer looks amazing for this movie, we will talk with him and just a little while. rachel moran's family heard from president trump a couple hours ago by phone. they say they have not so far heard from the current president joe biden on that. so you will see what that is about on paul moreau joins us and we also talked about this vicious murder of the mother -- mother of five allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant and new information on what happened in the parking queens to these two kids 13 years old coming up. >> this monster should never have been allowed into our country. if i was present he would never have been able to come and khaki would never have been able to come in. what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. after the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number 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was found dead in the outdoor running trail in bel air maryland 30 miles northeast of baltimore. police made the arrest in connection with a right and definitely last week victor hernandez was picked up in tulsa oklahoma as i said he is back in maryland. on friday authorities arrested him at a bar. he is 23, not only charged with her rape and murder as i mention he is from el salvador at authorities say before he illegally crossed the border in the u.s. and fairbury 2023 he killed a woman and also woodard before escaping to the u.s. it's highly of the political room can occasions of the border crisis. understandably the family is devastated. president trump spoke with her earlier today and reached out but she said so far the biden family or biden white house i should say martha is silent. wasn't. >> no one has contacted me personally and as far as i know, no one has reached out and contacted anybody in the family. >> after the rest a few days ago that one person at the subject up but we expected to come up in the debate next week even if it's brought up by one of the candidates. martha. >> martha: we will seek activity can very much. so, here in new york the migrant charged with raping a 13-year-old girl here in new york. this detail turns her stomach. he took a video of the attack. the prosecutors say he told them that he took a video during this attack on a 13-year-old girl. they also say he revealed that he had gagged the girl and the boy, cut off her clothing, raped her and after all that these two teenagers managed to give the police a detailed description of everything that they could remember. that is one of the reasons this monster who allegedly did this to these children is now in custody. thanks also to the people of the neighbourhood because they saw the sketches, very detailed. they recognized him. they waited for him to come out of bodega and they held him down as he fought back tried to tell them they should get off of him. they held him until the officers in. a fox news contributor dries as you know him well paul good to have you. whenever these new details this morning i don't know what's wrong with this guy but there is a special place for this man if these crimes are true. >> absolutely. the case couldn't look stronger. as we discussed earlier they had dna on the water bottle he left at the seen. it already matches his dna the hold of the border when he pumped border patrol. he is locked in but now that you have this horrific new detail the fact that he recorded the event. he apparently made a confession that likely means he let them into his phone. that's what significant, as we also discussed sex predators tend to be creatures of habit. his phone is going to give us some insight just like the morning case where the purpose wanted in el salvador for homicide what has he done there but also since he got here. that's the problem with the illegal immigration issue, we don't anything about these people, we have to piece it together from what we can find. that phone is go tell us a lot and i think that's likely what the detectives are concentrating on. >> martha: you're right. they come across the board or that we put them on air planes and buses linda hotels all of this caretaking and there are legitimate asylum cases, small in number. when i read these details today there is a long list of charges here, predatory sexual assault, rate kidnapping raped social abuse obstructing government ministries and i looked up another charge which is depravity. depravity means especially heinous churches cruel exceptional behaviour in a crime consciousness delist crime parity think that could be added to this list of charges creek. >> it could. the devil we'll be in the details what he told them and of course what the victims we'll the willing to say and can say. the problem is do we really want them to go through that character we want them to go into trial and make them testify quick and remember something else the first and the cops would've done is find the phones but that didn't work. boarded the phones go? he likely finds them and of course wind projects. where did he fence than? you get to that in where he brought the drugs pushed out the drugs you will find other illegals doing at the least larceny's and robberies. there's a lot here and i'm fairly sure of escaping at it. >> martha: our hearts go out to these families and were also just learning this used in case a toprol girl found in a ditch essentially in houston and they've just made an arrest there. thank you paul very much for your expertise always good to have you here. later this our story exclusive with actor dennis quaid on his blockbuster portrayal of president ronald reagan in the upcoming biopic that we'll be a huge movie this summer and it's called reagan. >> i'm curious wrong what would you say is the issue of our time? >> no question about communism and the soviet union. >> get in the game run for office energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. the wall street journal reports instagram recommends sexual videos to accounts for 13 -year-olds according to the tests they ran. they say they set up instagram accounts and listed the user agent as 13. after simply watching a racy video, not clicking on them or liking them or sharing them none of the engagement. the app started to push this content at them nonstop. these are some of the images from some of the more tame videos that were being pushed to 13 -year-olds. mehta spokesman andy stone said it was an artificial experiment that doesn't match the reality of how teens use instagram. he said they are working to reduce the volume of sensitive content teens might see and have been successful. my next guesses on a crusade to help teens navigate safely social media. >> the mental health crisis three young people we are witnessing will only continue to rise. so we cannot wait another year, we cannot wait another month, another week or another day to begin to protect the next generation from the harms we have witnessed and heard about today. >> martha: that was powerful and memorable testimony and i think it was one of the things that's brought us to where we are. ml lemke joins me now cofounder and executive director of the mission. great to have you with us. when you hear that this is was being pushed to 13 -year-olds my guess is you're not surprised at all. >> not surprised at all. really i think any young person who's been on the internet over the past decade would not be shocked by this. i think what is shocked as we continue to live in an era where big tech companies can do this, they can jeopardize the safety and well-being of america's youth at the cost of their well-being. >> martha: so you heard about the surgeon general saying these companies have to figure out a way to put some kind of warning on these products because of the rates of anxiety and depression and suicide in every thing else. hears governor hogle who is just signed a bill requiring social media companies to restrict addictive feeds. watch. >> these kids aren't set up for success. how are they going to turn their lives around and be fulfilled back healthy adults we when there that place as children, the most carefree time of their lives. >> martha: manoll in los angeles a public school system is going to ban bones in schools. do you feel like you're getting somewhere? to feel like this is starting to click? for lack of a better word, and people are changing their attitudes about this? >> i think so. i think what we are seen as americans and lawmakers and parents and educators are standing a pair kids themselves and saying we no longer can accept the status quo because what we are whisked risking his america's future. we are risking america's youth being continuously harmed being pulled back into these addictive devices for another big check for a big tech companies? we need to take action and i think you're beginning to see that action play out in dc with kids online safety act and other bills being brought into the conversation. >> martha: yet is been such a long time coming though emma and there is so much damage that's already happened. it feels almost like it's too late for an entire generation. >> what i would say this a lot has happened my generation has been the guinea pig generation and we're going to be the ones to stand up and say its no longer acceptable there can only be a guinea pig generation we must act now. >> martha: companies are pushing back on this very hard. saying it is not damaging, there's good content out there. does it follow ultimately and on the companies or parents who make a difference? >> i thank the responsibility, the onus needs to follow the companies because there's only so much you can do as a parent. my parents knew i was on social media and related everything they could at the time to make sure i had a positive experience. but i was still harmed. that onus should never fall on the parents the companies should be responsible for the harm they are causing an america's youth they do better to protect kids online. >> martha: mle think you. logoff movement check it up she's done great work on this ended so important that kids see other young people speaking out about this issue. emma thank you. great to have you with us best of luck to you. coming up we have a big treat for you ahead. actor dennis quaid previews the highly anticipated biopic reagan and how he got into character to play the president. he has special guest his dog peaches after this. >> governor reagan again typically such a proposal. >> there you go again. >> is nothing a retired government can do about the soviets. but a president khaki can do a thing or two oh, why leaffilter? 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[ ♪♪ ] >> out as a lifeguard on the record. and i learned how to read the currents. 's not just the ones on the surface, but also the ones deep underneath the water. but the stars the biggest war of the century and i'm not to cannot fire a single shot. >> eight years of the policies. >> you just wait. >> what did the president know and when did he know it? >> what would you have had me do? >> i want you to fight. [ ♪♪ ] >> mr gorbachev turned down this wall. >> that is a great trailer it gives me a true -- chose i can't wait to see it. dennis quaid and his special guest his dog peaches joining us now. >> yes. peaches come over here. come on. jump up there you go. could grow. >> martha: oh my gosh. wow that was impressive. >> blatant advertising with her by the way just a walking billboard. what do you think we could. always. say hello to martha's. >> martha: hello peaches. >> hi i think you have an equally. >> martha: thank you for being here and to give her joining us for a national bring you're dog to workday and you get to bring used to work on this project. >> yes, but i work at home so much that she is here but, yeah, peaches warmed her weigh into reagan she place the family dog although that's not historically accurate. >> martha: so, with peaches permission and going to ask a few questions about the movie ended peaches wants to chime and of course its bring you're dog to workday. >> okay. >> martha: i do want to talk to you about this role and i meant it when i said this trailer gives me chills i washed it several times. but these are historic moments, moments wheel grew up watching and why this role and how intimidating was it to take this on dennis? >> it was very intimidated i was intimidated when i got the operated and say yes for couple months. everyone knows reagan just like everyone knows muhammad ali and away. he was also a hero of mine and my favourite president. i didn't want to do an impersonation but i went to the reagan branch and that's where i really felt on. use a very humble man actually and that's when i decided to take the roll. >> martha: that so interesting to me because, you know, we all think of the reagan library but not far from there is the reagan branch where they lived. and you say its really like a moment in time its as if they walked out the door and never came back to let on about that. >> that's exactly what it is. it is not a public place like a and there clothes are still in the closet and they left it exactly like they left it. his library carcass bookshelf it's filled with books going back to when he was like nine years old or there. and the house itself is only about 1200 square feet and they had a king-size bed but it's two single beds zip tied together. still had a little basket with the tv controllers with an explanation for nancy and how to use the three controllers to get the tv to work but you can see he really did all the work there and you could really feel him. >> martha: i think that so interesting, you know, when you think of them there and spending time together and the bond between nancy and ron's ragged tell me about what you learned about that relationship. >> their relationship essential to the movie because i think it was really so important to them, it was a long low story that they had. they were very close. she knew how much better than anybody knew him maybe his mother knew him as all. but there's something very private as well about reagan which i found interesting just as a character he now exploring someone's personality have very private place were so many people in my research that knew him said he was unknowable in a certain sense and that very private place. >> martha: it's interesting. >> and this is the great communicator they were talking about. >> martha: it's interesting they say that and i know he was a diary keeper. did you read a lot about those periods? i know you deal with the tear down this wall speech and his intense drive to and communism in the world. tell us about that. >> that really started from a very early age and really officially started at thank when he began vice president and then president of the screen actors guild and was dealing with soviet communist infiltration into our unions and everyone thought that was may be a big rumour at the time or conspiracy theory but after the soviet union fell come to find out it really was true car that they were doing things to take over our unions. >> martha: and no usually said you support president trump in this election, you know, having gone back and studied reagan and played him in this film weiser take away in terms of the current electoral, political scene? >> i think i've stated that in my interviews i've done that i am supporting trump this time around. but, you know, for a number of reasons but the most is just the weaponization of power judicial system. i see it as a constitutional issue which like a that's my convictions. and also, you know, we were talking about reagan and the way it's pieced through strain really there a lot of bad actors out in the world who are certainly here at and, you know, respect is something that goes a long way in the world instead of appeasement. i think sometimes america chose to be everybody's friend and it's great character but it doesn't work with everyone. >> martha: dennis quaid thank you so much. portrays ronald reagan in the movie dragon comes out in august. you know, argument for you and all of your early movies like breaking away and right stuff and big easy so it's so great to get an opportunity to talk to you. i admire you're work thank you for being here today. >> take you very much it's been a wonderful ride at so i can say. >> martha: for free. thank you so much, dennis quaid. in the podcast you will hear also with dennis quaid i talked with him about this next piece of news today and that is the legendary actor donald sutherland has died the star so many memorable roles and movies, the dirty dozen pack animal house, ordinary people, jfk the hunger games. here he is in mash and my favourite pride and prejudice. >> i think you will find these accommodating there quite dry. >> to use all those? >> we have to make certain concessions to the war we are 3 miles from the front line. >> usually do love him to you? >> very much. >> i cannot believe anyone can deserve you. so i heartily give my consent. >> martha: i'll watch one of those tonight. after keeper sutherland announcing his dad's death today saying he loved what he did and he did what he loved. no one can ask for more than that. a life well lived. donald sutherland one of america's great treasures on film and on stage he was 88 years old. that is the story for today on those thursday june 20th as always the story goes on. thank you for joining us today, rate to be with he would look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow at 3:00, have a bang up afternoon and a great evening we will see you back here for friday. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> the hea

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