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but will he be held accountable? brke peter navarro, steve bannon? don't hold your breath. full details tonight straight ahead. ahea according to a new poll, your vice president, harris, might be the most disliked politician of all time. i'm going to shothe mow you thep dismal numbers. that's coming up. but first, as we have beend agai warning you again and again and again, joe biden is playing russian roulette with the safety and the security of you and your family for forlong y more than three long years, this programea and others on ths channel, they have been sounding the alarm the media mob, state run media. they have been complicittate. they have been lying to you, the world's most dangerous terrorists. ross joe they are coming across joe biden's wide open southern border and terrorist cells are now already right here inside of new york, plotting and planning and scheming attacks against all of us. the fbi director, well, he's issued multiple dire warnings on capitol hill that have fallen on deaf earhase at the white house.ther he should have gone a lot further and forced joe biden to enforce the law. we'll get to that. and now the threat that is posed by has not been this high since nine 1101 and you thi are not safe. joe biden has created what issa a clear and present thery danger forfe our country. and neither his attorney general nor as fbi dir director have demanded, as they should, that he shouldhaven' st, enforcing our nation's laws and not aid and abet in the lasw breaking. they too bear responsibility for what is coming. it is no longer if an attack i is coming. it is an attack is coming. now, said this before. i'll say i t again. i i pray to god in heaven that ith am wrong. but i have eyeat i am wrons to e i'm not wrong. last year, the new york times, they actually fact checked this warning and pretended that it was false. acros they said terrorists are not coming across our border. thd every 11 million people. no, they haven't. and we have nothing to worry about. but as per usual, the new yorkgn . they were wrong. they were lying to you. watch. they'll probablyd wain get anotp phony pulitzer prize over there. lie. take a loo there lk at. your screen. eight joe biden, unvetted illegal immigrants from g tajikistan with suspected ties withs. a they were just apprehended in a multi city operation, at least two of the accused. terrorists have been operating inside of our countrheristy for more than a year according to all of these suspected terrorists were, quote, fully vetted at the border before biden released them into the country, fullycountr vetteda really another lie like what? the three year lie that thet th border is secure and the borderd is closed that we heard over and over again. and by the way, breaking n s ago from our very own bill illusion, a bombshell,t new from the department of homeland security's inspector general. itfrom theartmenof found that ia immigrants have not been effectively screenedgrants h ate southern border. let me quote from the inspector general directly . i quote, dhs will remain at of admitting dangerous persons into the countryinto the or enae asylum seekers who may pose significanrs wt threats to publc safety and national security to continutye to reside in the united states. well, we're talking about well ,10 million unvettednted joe biden, illegal immigrants pouring into the country in just a little ovey inr three years, along with another million or so. it's anybody's guess got a ways that were never apprehended. obviously, no serious vetting. v there never has been anyetti serious vetting going on. and keep in mind, most special interest, high risk illegal immigrants come from countries that do not cooperate with the united states. you know, our top geopolitical foes that hatege us, you know, think about this. the countries that hate us,f th they're not helping us vet. they're terrorists, they're criminals. r terror and crithey're spies.ea many of these illegal immigrants, they don't even have documentsts when they cross making it impossible to even know who they really are. and joe biden is letting all of them into the country, forcing you to pay for their fooorcingdd and their housing and their transportation, their health care, their medicine ansporta. and of course, if they have children, free education to their kids. according to a report, more than 30,000 chinese nationals, 30,000. our number one geopoliticalsi foe, have crossed the border justng the since october this fl year. that's on top of the 26,000 that came the year before. the most recent official j numbers show that in just two years, more than 12,000 russians poured across the bordern 12,0 along with neal 1000 illegal immigrants from iranthousa and more than 500 frm syria, over 3000 from egypt, over 6000 from afghanistan. then we have people from yemen and venezuela, kazakhstan and that's just the tip of the iceberg. thanks to your thresident, there has been unfettered illegal immigration fromit's everyom single terrorist hotspot on the globerroris. rror and in case anybody forgot, terror groups likeisis isis, a they want as many dead americans as possible to remembead amerir what their o is. joe, did you forget, convert or die? >> isis has already carried out dozens of large scalrriee terroa attacks all over the world for the last decade and sincldethe u biden has now opened up our borders. well, some of these suspected terrorists have been living in a neighborhood right near you. near they?plottingen livood they're plotting, organizing, waiting to strike. to and dozens of illegal immigrants are even using logan airport in boston as a makeshift shelter with more than 100 sleeping on the floor. do we evene floo know who they y are? no, we don't. but nobody on the left. seems to care. they've just lied to us. no, the border is secure. don't believ toe your own eyes. the borders closed. joe biden's executiv e order. you know this. this election year conversion a jo it did absolutely nothing. there has been no impact at the border. the border czar kamala harris and other joke refuses to liftto a finger to address the crisis. she refuses to eve then go to a single border hotspot, doesn't want to go down to the bordert does and do her job. democrats on capitol hill, they just want to speed up the process for illegal immigrants with more judges, more bureaucrats. and, by the way, the mob and the medi tn tha is more than happy to put their heads in the sand and lie, as per usualo pu. the only thing they care about is hoping that donald trump doesn't wi s n and joe biden does. and by the way, remember the new york times fact checkt e that we mentioned at the top? yeah, the times falsely reportedalsely that terrorists not crossing, coming across the borderross the, according th illusion. as of this morning, the new york timesise ne they didn't mae a single mention of the suspected isis terrorists who were apprehended, even though some of the arrests tookw place in new york where the new york times. so what's it going to take for the left in this country to wake up? sadly, it is clear that the worst is yet to come. again, i will say it over and over. i pray to god i'm wrong.d but thanks to the biden administration, itwron a r appears that a future terrorist attack inside of yortackk county is all but certain blood will o be on his hands and all the other liars along with him. >> herlawyers e with more, texas senator ted cruz. i don't know what the inspector general everything in what frustrates me, senator, is they have known this the entire time. they have lied to us the entire time. now they try to create a false image that the 153 days that was the date joe biden decd decided to move forward with an executive order in january. e fohe said he had no power to o forward with. and along with that, you have a department of homeland security secretary who lies whoa with the vice president, allies with them, and thelln you have n attorney general that allows joe biden to aid and abet in the law breaking, notd no enforce the law. likeop of everythingrce the, ite one big conspiracy to basically allow the united states tos get attacked. >> and it's going to happen, senator. ated it's f. >> sean that is exactly right. every word you said in the opening monologuf.e is exactlys accurate. >> we are today at a greater risk for a major terrorist attack than at any time since11h september 11th. and have seen for three ander a half years a wide open border effectively an invitation from a joe biden and the democrats for terrorists to come into thisme country. we have seen customs and border patrol seein to be on the lookor hamas terrorists. be on the lookout for hezbollalr terrorists. be on the lookout for palestinian islamic, terrorist. pale all of them have called for against america. ag called for against america. >> and you look at these eight tajik terrorists that came. they came in from tajikistan. they have to isis k the radical terrorist group. they cross the border illegally at the southern border. em they were apprehended. joe biden had them. the democrats had them. all they had to do dem l he putthe the terrorists on a plane and send them home. but they didn't. baplansend tthey, quote, vettedh means he patted them on the back of the head and saidhead, i we need more terrorists. and they let them go and y le understand the you just broke. everyone needs to understand what what this is. the caught them in a sting for terrorism across three cities, w new york, l.a. and philadelphia. . theykhe tactics in isis are the same people that carried out the terror attack in moscow, russia that killed 145 people at an opera house. >> and sadly, sean, we're living on borrowed time because dee democrats are opening the door and laying out the redr carpet for terrorists to come and threaten the lives of americans. >> i don't even know. and there was a poll out and ii y came know the media mob was shocked by the poll. that62% of americans actually believe that if you're going to come into our country, you got to come in legally, respect our lawsme, our borders, our sovereignty. it's really that simple. % beli 62% of americans think that ifev you enter this country illegallyou entetry illey, you s home. now, australia doe thas that. i don't see australia get criticized very often. if you tryiticized make it to to shores of australia, they will meet you. shor you need medical attentione it will be provided, but you'll never put footl be australian si wiey will give you fooand and water and supplies to turnd around and go home. now why, don't we do that here?e >> because joe biden, the democrats put politics above our national security. they put it abov ande the of americans. we have seen it's amazing how people's views chang in we have a criminal invasionte of the united states with 11 million people crossing illegally every single day. joe biden, the democrats are releasing gang members. they're releasing murderers. they're releasing chilhed. wee we see week after week afterer week, another american killed, anotheanother child, by illegag immigrants that joe biden and the democratals have released. o and when it comes to terrorists, we have seen hundreds. you know, you put up we've s ths a minute ago about china wod russia. if i told you 30,000 chinesenese are going to invade thiseen do country. i've been down at the border. i've seen hundreds of military age malewn s from china just lined up. and they keep saying, i want to go to this cityth. i want to go to this city. every city in america is a border city, 12,000 a year and a half, 56,000 chinese nationals. now, do you think that coming they, senator, because they want a better life for themselves and their children. a bee are they buying up our rah land, farmland? instsands and thousandthey as of acres and land near military installations just because they like the view or is it because they're probably enemie vies our state. >> look, they are invading this country. and it and one thing to understand, it's not just biden ever'sy democrat in the senate has voted for these open borders overenat and over and over agai. they go jon tester goes to montana and he triesders to pretend he's not for open borders and then he votes for open borders over and over again. bob casey in ohio, in pennsylvania, does this the samen thohing thing?ro sherrod brown in ohio, my opponent in texas, collin, oe all red, has voted over and over and over again in favorn in of open bordersppoi against deporting criminal illegal aliensngl who physicallyt assault police officers. this is the positionce offic ofs democrat party. >> they look at open borders posiarty is their policy.y it's what they want because they see them all as futury wane democrat voters. and if people have to dieoc do teep them in powerat vofr, s, democrats are willing to do that for the state of texas. honestly, it's been you andxa governor greg abbott on the frontit's bee lines fighn the safety and security of the people in your statesecurity. and what do you get as a as aa t matter of thankser, you get to c the number one target of chuck schumer and yohuu know, $200 million are going to be thrown at you and negative ad throws br far left. schumer supporting opponent in texas. greas byt. >> lucky you. well, they're coming after me with everything they'vego you're right. chuck schumer and george soros are spending millions of dollars to go after me. schumer has said i'm his number one target in the country. obama has said i'm his numbe ar one target in the country. >> collin already is already mis dollars in tvon'to ads. i haven't run any tv ads because we don't have the money . and so i want to encourage people go to ted cruz, .org, ted cruz dot ted cruz .org. make a contribution right now because we are gettingas massively outspent and the left wantsy ar texas to be a han for illegal immigrants. they want more of this invasion. >> that's what they're trying to do in this race in texas. and they're spending that money not only to hurt you, but they want texas blue desperatelyt and they're paid any amount of money that they have toof to and make that happen. senator, thank you. all right. we turn now to the white retu house where hunter biden is top of mind. hie presidene white hot promised he wouldn't pardon his own son, but according to karine jean-pierre here, it appears that a commutation of any prison sentence not be out of the question. >> take a listen. you sentence.ntence what i'm saying is that the president and i, i have notd spoken to the president about this. and what i'm saying is he was askeis wha is d about a pardon. he was asked about. he was asked about the trial specifically. and he answered it t very clearly, very forthright. as we know, the sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet. i don't have anything beyond what the president said. >> he's been very clear that we'll see what happens. but according to one report, president biden recently complained 1t bi hunter's prosen was political, quote, by warren running for reelection and he ge would have gotten the plea deal. in reality, it was a federal plea d who squashed biden's dreams of that plea deal after shee str started asking legitimate questions about the unprecedenteteegitimatestiond ne sweetheart deal. even biden's defense team had to acknowledge his to the judge they'd never seen a sweetheart deal like that beforart deal e. right but no one is above the law, right, joe? well, unless of course,merric you're merrick garland. that would be biden's garleyey general refusin g u to comply with a congressional subpoena because the u.s. constitutioncomply fal and frant means nothing to him. hioseems to believe he can d whatever he wants because he's the attorney general. and as of toda of y, the house officially voted to hold garland in contempt. don'e voted tot hold your breatr a criminal prosecution like peter navarrno bannon that are both going to jail for the exact same because biden's weaponized, politicized doj. those charges are reserved only for trump supporters, s conservatives and republicans and people that refuse to complpeoplee refusey with lis predetermined outcome and show triae anl on january six,d abou about january 6th. here nowt januar is the author h "new york times" bestseller, the war on warriornes behindu the betrayal of the men who keep us free. "fox and friends" weekend co-hos ft pete hegseth, formeree trump white house chief of staff reince priebus. >> let's get your reaction. pete. no doubt any time the white house says sean, let me,hi be clear. let's be very clear about this. just the news about two weeks later. there's nothing clear about it. there'later noout its no doubt l biden will never see the inside of a jail cell regardlesrssenten of the sentencing, whether it's a pardon or a commutation. joe bideci commutatn use that power. he can claim what he wants w about why his son wasom prosecuted, but they tried. >> as you've laid out fo r years, your show year after year, to try to not bring any t charges at all. they worked hard to make sure the lightest charge possible what was actually brought, whereas this guy was a foreign agenis thit and they never regid as such and never was charged as such. >> so all aspects of this point to preference ill treatment fore the biden white house to include to wrap it un whe p. merrick garland, as you mentioned, who should be just released the tapes of what the interview look like on the special counsel. >> intervi loo he won't becauseg he's guarding the biden family. you remember what obam bidena ad for loyalty? well, biden's getting his loyalty, and that's what garland is doing right now. republicans doing the right thing. but of course, the justice departmentt no doing thin in this instance't m won't move an inch. >> i'vove never seen anything like this range in terms of the >>aponization of and we saw this on full display. merolaseen a goes not worth $18 million. it's worth close ira bill to $1,000,000,000. we know that. maybe more. we knoios wew that w, for example, that letitia james and album brag ran on campaigns to get one man, one organization,d one person, one family, and they successfull y did so wit with an abusively biased judge. in both casesivelys. and i'm looking at this. everybody sees it fomr what it is. is that the reason why donald trump not only is nos istht in polls, but he's leading in the polls? well, it could be. als and it also could be that in the end, what people really care about aret what the border the economy, the price of groceries the price of gas. people are hurting out there. but look at what the democrats do. picking up where he left off and where you left off in the politics of this, think about round one on this laptop. round one in 2020 started with a 51 intelligence officer saying 5 this laptop deal isn't real. it's a russian. this att disinformation. then in 2020, joe biden it up on the debate stage and says this is russian disinformation e . and the media follow suit. so that was round one. it was all a bunch of garbage. now, round two is we're going to use this conviction as a shield to biden to say, you see the doj and all of these things are fair because my son couldn't have been convicted if it wasn'e t. although you rightfully point out, the doj actually did but give him a sweetheart plea deal. but the court of appeals said, wait a second, something's of appea not. something's not right here. but in the end, the last chapter of this is that hunter is going to be pardoned. whetheter biden or loses, i thik he's going to lose. but he's going to get pardoned either way. eitherwill g pardo on the way or the first few daysst of biden's last four years. >> so, look, this and you're right, this whole thing is two way. when mar-a-lags iso was rated, d the president trump get a heads up? now when delawar whee was ratedy did president biden get a heads up? yes, it was biden convicted on documents? no. why diminish faculties? >> right. and look at where trump saidea on the same deal. look, you're right. alvin braggel.d from the verympn beginning campaign on the fact that he went after the kidedn tw he knew better than any other candidate how to go after trump. whn anhecandidaty? becaus because he said, i did ite 100 times and i'm the best guy to do it again. and he sure did. he revived the statute that was dead hook the felony under the the statute got what he wanted. so, look, i think the people see through it, as you, say, the polls are moving. if anything, look, trump is tied in virginia. tig i think he's tied in minnesota to the map, expanding forap trump, not getting worse. you knows expa, garland and hisj and his fbi, they knew for four years that that laptop was real and they didn't use anyinft of the information in that laptop, including hunter implicating his own father in terms of paymentshe that were made to him when he got all of these millions with no experience while addicted to drugs. i mean you just can't make it up. but merrick garland didn't lift a fingers . contempt? yeah, more than contempt. thank you both. congrats on the book. all right. when we come back, democrats are getting and you're notspera going to believe how they plan to reach out to voters. you'll love this. oh, how they're going to go for all the voters. and waiting. unger hear what they're doing for younger voters. we'll check in with newt gingrich. alsovoters also , protesters wet arrested at the congressional baseball game. >> we'll explain that and more straight ahead. there are certain eras in american history that define us where fortunes were made, rules broken, and legends, they were born. this was an of outlaws and lawmen surrounded by businesses down here. some heroes. some were villains. and that's where the fun begins. this dark crater was marsh grass. this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox nation. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium. sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. >> relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a 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harris aren' either. according to a new poll, just one third of voters and onlyr ha 60% of democrats think she would win a general election- and her favorability, well, that's similarl to biden's ten point underwater. and joe actually has one point f higher in terms of approval. campaignal is now resortingerat to very desperate pandering to win over voterspa . they are launching seniors for biden. harris promoting pickleball and and phone banks. and meanwhile, democrats , they're trying to win back younger voters, many of which are abandonin of whgt their support for biden. james carville has been screaming about this and you can't make this up. >> how are they trying to attract young votersters w with beer and birth control freeit and beer, free birth con, and i guess free college tuition? vote for us. the bad news for biden doesn't end there. a new poll out today from marisw shows trump leading biden by two in the all important swing state of pennsylvania, which biden did eke out in 2020, which could be the decidingcidig come november. now, things have gotten so bad e for the biden campaign. national review writer charles cook is calling biden's candidatles coe see a, quote, dy presidential candidacy. here with reaction, fox news contributor, former speaker of the house newt gingrichf . e it's kind of hard for the vice president to have a lower approval than the president. beer and birth control and free college. what a nice deal. please vote for us. is that going to work? no. i mean, look, it's lumped together two or three different things here. >> i mean, camilla's hopeless wo because she's camilla. i mean, anybody who watches her knows that the idea of her being president makes biden look good, which is really hard nowadays. so you have to start with the idea that she's imprinted on the country permanently, that she is a really shallow, t uneducated and uneducated personed will . and that other than her weird laugh, there's no really significant part, you know. i do think her efforts in the last month or two on abortion running around the country o, women's rights, she's actually stabilized and sounded semi-serious. but i think basically she's huge drag on the ticket. and when you ask people, do you think biden survive four more years, the people who say no now have to face. i say you're voting for kamala harris to be president. and i think that makes it really increases the challenge fotr biden.e >> i think there's stuff with beer and contraception. this is this is childish. this assumes that young people are so simple minded tha that they are they have a single point reference. doey don't have to they don't think about not getting a job. they don't think about not being able to buy a house. bout beithey don't think about s price of groceries this week. you know, they're supposed w to just go, oh, my gosh, i get a free beer. gee, i really likefree biden.. that's stupid. i mean, mostst peopl people most americans are just much more complicated than the people in the white house. and that's a reality. n: may and the fact that i'm olbed fashioned is vote buying legal now. if you buying beer and birth control and free collegecolleg and pickleball and phone bankse, i know. does that sounds like you're trying to bribe people to melike you bribe but. i come from new york. i guess i'm very cynical. i don't livere there >> by the way, forthe the reco well, look, whent george washington first ran for office, the tradition and therga tradition in virginia was everybody got together for election day w gotction da and s bought free liquor. washington who'd been a military hero, thought that he was above that and refuseought het d buy any free r and came in last at the next election. washington bought more free liquor than any other candidate. e ht any r candidnow, i don't know if ths bribery or just the way w they campaigayn, but i can tell you that this is a very deep american tradition. the problem for the democrats is it doesn't counthist. you know, i keep telling people, biden, inflation is so bad that you cannot buy enough g to offset going to the grocery store and go to the groceryroce store every time. >> plus, can i go to the grocery store? we'rry see stunned. you're either getting smaller packages oe eir higher prices or in some cases you're getting smaller packages and higher prices. so no matter how many ads biden buys, you know, he's faced with the reality that mos realityt american famis are going to go to their g and they're going to realizeandl we're talking to some of the other day who said that their friendr fries who can no longer afford to buy jif peanut butter, they now buy the generic because literally for their family, they can't afford something like jif peanut butter. well, that's a faile that's d presidency and i think people see it. plus, you have a president who freezes for a full minute at a public event and you begin to think, you know, to be nice to me, to be the commander in chief is really a big job. and you really have to be aware and have to be capable. >> historically, in the historian, peace and prosperity drive elections. okayace and prosperi, let's asss true. ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago? you're payin youg about 12 grand more a year than you were paying four years ago for the exacyog fot same items. i don't think people are better off. we'll get into some of the economic numbers. but two thirds of americans are struggling mightily to pay t s an bills and nearly 25%of ame of americans have haveriy literally been had to forgo meals they can't afford them. that's biden's america, of course, our top geopolitical foes, including people withith terror ties, have been crossing our country. teabout 11 million unvetted joe biden, illegal immigrants. how's that working out? mantle how's defund? dismantled? no bail laws, working out in small and big cities across the country. how's peace and prosperitythe co the world doing with war in europe and war in the middle east? not to i ando well. bide or joe biden surrendering in the war on terror. how does it work it outfair i with this new lawfare and the weaponization of justiceaponiza to what extent does all of this cumulatively in the mindse of americans say they've had enough? doof americans you think they'vh enough? and 145 days, will they change this a? well, look, i think, first of all, this is more than any election in my lifetime, my a survival election. >> people have to say to themselvee ction ths, can i e four more years of joe biden in the whiteau house, at thery o grocery store? can i survivre e four more years of my culture, my values, my country being undermined? can i survive? and amazingly and incompetentin commander in chief in -chiefa si dangerous world. and on the basis of survival. donald jva. >> is going to be president. we can only hope.d i'd like to say i thinlikke tk that americaamer gets this righr mr. speaker, thank you. when we come back, we're goingft to tell you why the left is responsible for makinrespong one of america's best. one of my favorite fast food places of all time more expensive. >> we'll check in with florida governor ron desantis in just a moment. oh, and where do you see the guy that got tased at a mlb major league baseball game earlier? straight ahead, some people would rather crash than slow down. >> i built this club out of nothing. this is my family. housan this is wadsr. >> and the bike riders with it are only leaders. june 21st. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the support, the needs that these forgotten jew eaten have are something beyond have are something beyond anything you can imaginesoerday. have you eaten this morning? yeah, i ate a carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. the jacket. the jacket. >> and this is what she ate in two days. thternatio, the sugar, salt. >> people asked of you. please pray to 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your kids super chews are packedt vitamin with healthy bite of inner absolutely delicious fine force back your kids in the vitamin aisle today when you can watch listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. the socialist utopia, californiae social, their minime for fast food workers to 20 bucks an hour. and to the surprise of no one, fast food restaurants in these states started well, they were forced to basically raise pricesprices or close down altogether. now, if you get a double double of fries and a drink at in-n-out burger, one ofe my favorite burger places in the entire world, that and plentire we, ake.alt lak it's going to set you back over ten bucks at some locations in. the state and to their credit, by the way, in and out, they resiste thed these price increases as long as they possibly could. they nees asd to move to florida now, the state government out in california is back is in abo and it is about as bad as shape as you would expect. ee california now facing anywhere between 45 and a $70 billion budget deficit, depending on whoon. it depending on who you ask, because state leaders have already promised to spend too much. revenues are not meeting expectations. free compare that to the free state of florida. my state where florida governorn desantis has just signed a budget that reduces spendingsm by about $1,000,000,000 from last year and is only roughlst n a third of what california wants to spend. and florida's budget is onlyrk state about half of that of new york state and florida is no state income tax. and a few million more peoplcome than new york. and now with more florida governor ron desantis with us. governor. look, there's a lot of reasons i moved here and i've been i wanting to do it for years, but certain commitments prevented me from doin g. so let's see, better infrastructure, better weather. i actually in law and order. you have better schools for less money. you have lower taxes by far. and especially compared to new york city. >> not where i lived in long island long . the people are a of a lot esy to becausell i'm pretty hostile environment for me, walking through the streets of york city, i gotr to tell you.>> we well, man, sean, we should make you an ambassador for florida. that's a chamber of commerce presentation right there. and you've a only been a reside for six months. now, just think about it. 1 th one thing we don't have, we don't have double double animal in florida, in and out is not come this far east. and they may never do. but i also think that with california's current policiecals been and that we're just starting right now they probably wouldn't have been able to succeed like they did back when california was a prosperous lik state.ur fr and you're right, you're a former state in new york, has millionsmerk fewer people than florida now. >> yet our budget, the budget i signed into law today actually reduces spending from last m and is less than half t of new york's budget. but anyone that's driven in new york roads and florida roads, no, we have better. ed we're number ranked number one in educationucatio and we've have the lowest per capita tax. our burden in the countryn the and i've paicod down 36% of our6 state's total debt from the entire history of florida. it rof the taxpayer supported. so we're doing it right.n as but even as we're reducing spendingreduce, sean we are usix dollars prudently to expandd infrastructure because i've got people move in here. of g peopl. et ahead we're going to end up accelerating road projects by between and 15 years that we're in the pipeline because we're prudently using our resources. we have the most education spending spendin we've ever had, largely driven by our school choice scholarship s, which is really important. and we're raising pay for teachers and providing bonuses for law enforcement. so we're doing the things that i thinkenforcem the taxpaye we're very prudent with what we're doinh whatg. and our state has a triple-a credit rating. that's something that the federal government can't match. in-nouble double animal style, if in and out wants to come to florida, i will invest in them moving here. if they'd ever want a partner,d i'd be glad to. >> it would be my honor tot . all right, let me move on. i decided to come to florida. they would print money in the state of florida. it would be so successfu l. but, you know, i thinky th the company, you know, they like being where they are. ikand i respect that. but they certainly would do very well in florida. i have friends of mine. they have a chicken salad. hachicken out of tampa, floridat they have five, six restaurants now. south fdait's -- it's it's kil. they work there. now they're killing themselves becaus thee they work really ha. but it's doing phenomenal. and i couldn't be happier. linsey and paul at friends of mine, they do great. but here's my my, my next question. the new york times fact checked you, didn't they? and they fact checked you on the issue of whether i or not,he terrorists were crossing the border under biden's open border policies. unvetted, illegal from our topow geopolitical foes. i've mentioned the list of countries over and over.i thn i think they owe you an apology. governor. >> yeah, i mean, i said this last fall that and it wasn't even just me spitballingt bawli biden's own dhs has acknowledged there were hundreds of people on the terror watch list. sean, you can'tchlist have 10 mn people come and not have potential0 millio come acrp the border, especially we have people from the middle east. the middle e we know without a w of a doubt that we have ice's folks who have been identifiedsn and apprehended. the new york times wastified a w york times was putting forth a narrative, were running interference for joe biden. what i said was correct at the time was and it remains correct today, but i am not going to hold my breath asking for ant apology. i think a lot of these corporate media outlets,media o it's drive by journalism. they say what they want and then they just forgenalism t about when it's obvious they were wrong. >> when you debaterongd newsom on this program and we went issue by issue went over the issue of crime, we went over the issue of taxes. we went over the issueof tendinp of spending per capita education and result you were number one in the country and you spent far less money than did on everyorni single statistic. florida is outperforming and this is common in a lot its of red states, but florida is doing particularly well. govedo you think so? people are allowing the government, for example, you get an income tax in california if you're a couple making $84,000 a year, you still paying six and a half percent income84,000 a tax out . now you're not paying the fullal 13 and a half percent, but that's a serious amount of money for a couple, especiallyrcent bu with the cost of living out there. >> oh, they absolutely therehamr they hammer middle class families and small businesses in california. why that's why a lot of themo flor have fled to florida. it used to never happeidn that.e people would really leave california because the weather's so great leavliforniat all these greatnaa natural advantages, but they're now doing that. but i'll telntagesbut theyl you, in terms of education, k-12, for example, we believeieve in education. california believes in in doctrine ilifornia. they are using their schools. the teachers unions are using the schools to impose a left wing political agende teaca on the students. first of all, that's wrong. second of all, that's noirstlt how you have good performance. and i'd also say this we're ranked number one in higherd nu education now for public universitygher system. and we have the same philosophy universities should fulfil l their classic mission of pursuing truth academic, rigor and preparing students to be citizens of a republic. they should not be indoctrination camps like columbia universityy and.d th when we had these pro-hamas people at our universities, weop to set up a tent. they were kicked off in 10 minutes. we didn't let the inmates run the asylum. and i thin inmates rk people take notice of that. and i've always had people come up to mey se who who maybe in te past would not have thought florida for higher education. a othey say, why go to columbia and be treated like that when you go to florida, where the harbor for the young woke thew? by the way, governor, if the owners of in and out would be willing to meet with you and me, i will go with you and i will raise as much money as humanly possible to get them to move to the great state get, florida, because i want to get back to my new state. i would like to do that and i would love to have my bubble to i and we are going to deliver this day in and out corporate. e >> all right. we appreciate it. thanrnor ron desantis, thank you. >> when we come back, we'll tell you how trump will literally end the biden nomics disaster. that and more straight ahead. the day you get your clear choice, dental implants makes choice, dental implants makes ever - .. day a take a big.a bite day,arce a perfectly delicious day. i love my new teeth day because you're clear. >> choice day is the day sche . >> a clear choice day changes every day. >> schedule a free consultation . did you now taking xyz all at night relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day. get 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. >> be wise all take zazen at night. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have anys c! idea that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? they're basically sitting on a gold mine. i don't think they have a clueer . >> that's crazy. well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousand e justs of people sell their policies for cash, even 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service heavyng s swing stattatee and more importantly, the people that work hard deserve that money. he worked hardhere with reactiom fox business, david asman and brian greenberg. brian, i love the idea. i mean, they they just go aftero every the warrior for the gold ,your teeth when you're dead, for crying out loud. you make a few bucks in tipsn yt i spent ten years working in restaurants. let the people keep the tis p money. they earned it. leave it alone. why do you have to go after every penny. totally. this is the thing biden wantsy. to takhee one set of people's money and give it to another set of people who went to collegey. >> and that's his plan for the economy. >> sean:, you put out zero. brian, you forgot free beer and control. >> get it right? oh, yeah. i don't go far enough. e tr that's that's the biden plan. here's the trump plan. how about you keep more ofd gues your own money. and guess what? that's the thing. that'ss to make this economy grow. that's the thing that's going to bring inflation . that's going to be the thing that's going to make people feel like they have hopse for the future. but don't stop at tips. take down the tax on all wage income. everybody who goes out and earns paycheck should payane less in taxes. n thatcut regulation.the gr cut all the green spending. make thiees private economy maks go and we will have growth. unlike anything we have seensees since. >> you know, i don't know, maybe four years agoince may ye >> let's get your take, david. well, i want to pick up on that, because this is this wh one of those incredible elections in which you have two presidents, both of which have had a fulpresidenl to prove whether their plans work or not. and we've has work od we have th example of what happened under president trump, not only the growth nt trump, real growth in incomed as opposed to a 4% loss in income. under president biden, we've had real growth in tax revenue. for those people who think that the government shouldto d have some more money to do things, you got more money comingou'v in from president trump's tax cuts. and of course, president, if he is reelected, god help us. we're going to see all kinds of new tax increases. that's going to make an enormous mess ma s. we're probably going to end upbl with less revenue, which means greater which means more inflation and higher interest rates. and by the way, it's not just inflation. everybody's happy that it went down a tic k last month in may. but it's not just inflation. it's also the cost of interest rates. >> three, two, three, five, three, four, three, three. up year over year,>> 3 every235h . >> that's not a tick down. qu. is that is status quo >> that's why the fed can't reduce interest rates. am i wrong? that's right. it's exactly no, you're exactly right. >> the point is, is thatmericans americans are underwater eater when it comes to the real amount of money they have and they makun e it when you compare that to the costs that are keep going up notd oni in inflation but in interest rates, double the pricea home of owning a home now in america. >> yeah i was i was a dishwasher, cook, busboy, waiter, bartender. it was right wit as h leavee. the leave the service workers alone. >> lean that money they go above and beyond. stop taking every penny have. >> thank you both. our video of the day next. >> well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. >> now, how about something to put a smile dentist? >> your face. aspen dental provides complete, affordablepatients care with des and labs in one place, plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way. aspen dental in your corner. >> my name is mike cannon, founder of signal relief. much of my career has been working in construction. i love the outdoors and. that active lifestyle is what has caused my body to hurt. i didn't want to let 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cincinnati reds fan going viral after he ran onto the field in the ninth inning of the reds game last night and was tased aftedding tar a ba in front of a police officer. the fan was arrested officer, c banned from the great american ballpark. >> it's all the time wballparke. please set your dvr. in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. >> greg is next. have a great night. so

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Economy , Groceries , Gas , Als , The End , Aret , Laptop , Ground , Intelligence Officer , Laptop Deal Isn T Real , 5 , 2020 , 51 , Media , Disinformation E , Debate Stage , Garbage , Bunch , Suit , Att Disinformation , Things , Wasn E T , Couldn T , Conviction , Shield , Something , Whetheter Biden , Second , Hunter , Sweetheart Plea Deal , Chapter , Point Out , Court Of Appeals , Appea , Few Daysst Of Biden S , Iso , Eitherwill G Pardo , A Lags , Four , Documents , Faculties , Biden Get , Ratedy , Trump Saidea , Delawar Whee , Alvin Braggel D , Deal , Candidate , Ite 100 Times , Tw , Verympn Beginning Campaign , Whn Anhecandidaty , Kidedn , Statute , Felony , Expa , Forap Trump , Map , Tig , Virginia , Minnesota , Hisj , Hunter Implicating , Experience , Anyinft , Information , Father , Drugs , Paymentshe , Didn T Lift A , Congrats , Fingers , Book , Notspera , Baseball Game , Waiting , Protesters , Newt Gingrich , Alsovoters , Unger , American History , Lawmen , Fortunes , Outlaws , Legends , Eras , Businesses , Dark Crater , Heroes , Villains , Fun , Marsh Grass , Sleep Deprivation , Mike Huckabee , Fox Nation , Arkansas , Health Crisis , The Reds Game Last Night , Visit Try Relaxium , Neurologist , Support , Blood Pressure , Cardiovascular System , Immune System , Relief , Focus , Health , Clarity , Thousands , Benefits , Body , Sleep , Calm , Sleep Cycle , Bottle , Sleep Doesn T , Prescription Sleeping Pills , Chemicals , Control , Trouble , Bottles , Dot Com , Relaxium Macomb , 8064851 , 800 8064851 , 800 , Tomorrow Trump , Spring , Loose , Cage , Gagged , Balance , Mobility , Flexibility , Circulation , Turng To Biden , Situation , Thigh , Congressional Baseball Game , Fiel Annuae , Campaign , Onlyr Ha , Matters , Either , Aren , 60 , Campaignal , Approval , Pickleball , Similarl To Biden , Higher , Favorability , Voterspa , Pandering , Launching Seniors , Ten , Phone Banks , Cup , Abandonin , Whgt , James Carville , Beer , Vote , There , Biden Doesn T , 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Store , Plus , Groceryroce , We Rry , Mos Realityt American Famis , G , Cases , Matter , Biden Buys , Fries , A Faile That S D , Friendr , Jif Peanut Butter , Commander In Chief , Presidency , Event , Peace , Elections , Historian , Prosperi , Prosperity Drive , Okayace , Let S Asss True , Bills , Items , Exacyog , 25 , 12 , Meals , Withith , Terror Ties , Bail Laws , Prosperitythe Co The World , War In Europe , Mantle How S Defund , Extent , Bide , Mindse , The Middle East , Weaponization , Surrendering , Lawfare , War On Terror , Lifetime , Doof Americans , Incompetentin , Thery O Grocery Store , Culture , Whiteau House , Values , Themselvee Ction Ths , Survival , Basis , In Chiefa Si Dangerous World , Donald Jva , Tk , Florida , Mr , Makinrespong One Of America S Best , Places , Fast Food , Americaamer , Righr , Ron Desantis , Game , Major League Baseball , Club , Housan , Leaders , Bike Riders , Wadsr , Holocaust , Chance , Save Thousands , Jew , Suffering , Soviet Union , Imaginesoerday , 21 , June 21st , Thternatio , Jacket , Carrot , Helpor , Around The World , Fellowship , Giftdiet , Ministry , Jews , Christians , Heart , Gifts , Save Lives , Survival Food Box , Need , Diet , Lives , Holocaustns Ima , Survivors , Conditions , Pensions , Nowgi , , 2 , Hunger , Storyg , Dela Scan , Match Ai , Wh , Brush , Lip , Sav , Holocaust Survivor , Nowng , Just Feeo Act Now , Voice , Season , Grow , Technology , Growth Tracks , Track , Climates , Fertilizer , Mulch , Roll , Pantry Lawn , Grade Seed , Patch , Shipping , Blend , Whole , Seed , Expert , Concrete , Home Improvement , Score Com , Roof , Roofs , Granules , Damage , Black , Driveway , Call , Gutters , Bundle , Aneurism , Assessment , 47 , Life Insurance , Selectquote , Peace Of Mind , Trust Me , Coverage , Exam , Policy , Day Coverage , Visitsews , Whatcom , 2 Million , A Million , Chews , Kid , Vitamin , Force , Number , Sauce K , News Business , Bite , Brand , Dinner , Socialist Utopia , News Headlines , Audio , Fox News , America Is Listening , Sirius Xm , Anywhere , Californiae Social , Fast Food Restaurants , States , Double , No One , Fast Food Workers , Surprise , 20 , 20 Bucks , Ofe , Burger , Credit , Drink , Locations , In N Out Burger , Plentire We , Ten Bucks , California S , State Government , Asd , Shape , Fee , 70 Billion , 45 , 0 Billion , New York State , Revenues , State Leaders , Expectations , Budget Deficit , Governorn Desantis , Whoon , Budget , State Income Tax , Florida S Budget Is Onlyrk , Roughlst Na , Doin G So Let S See , Reasons , Taxes , Schools , Law And Order , Long Island , Streets , Environment , York City , Becausell , Ambassador , Esy , Presentation , Animal , Reside , Chamber Of Commerce , Far East , Policiecals , Prosperous Lik State Ur Fr , Spending , Roads , Anyone , Bed , Tax , Capita , Countryn , Debt , Burden , History Of Florida , Paicod , 36 , G Peopl , Spendingreduce , Taxpayer , Infrastructure , It Right N , School Choice 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675 , 66 , Retailers , Charts , Vitality , Bedroom , Gym , Turbochargers , Stamina , Wife , Mail , Pepper , Dog Food , Food , Bread , Fridge , Meat , Veggies , Harris Faulkner , Fresh , Answers E Get , Step , Ngone Survey , Steps , Smart Mat , Quarter , Americansro , That Spio Saveey , Gasping For Air , Paycheck , Tax Free , Hard Times , Solutions , Nevada , Very Beea , Service , Brian Greenberg , Heavyng , Swing , Reactiom Fox Business , Hardhere , David Asman , Gold , Penny , Warrior , Teeth , Bucks , Set , Plan , Collegey , Zero , E Tr , Gues , Ofd , Biden Plan , That Ss , Wage Income , Hopse , Don T Stop At Tips , Growth , Stake , I Don T Know , Economy Maks Go , May Ye Let , Thatcut Regulation , Gr , Make Thiees , Presidents , Plans , Fulpresidenl , Both , Work Od , Income , Tax Revenue , Shouldto D , Loss , Incomed , Growth Nt Trump , 4 , Kinds , Tax Cuts , Tax Increases , Mess Ma S , Money Comingou V , Interest Rates , Upbl , Revenue , Cost , Tic K Last Month In May , Status Quo 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Ingredient , Eighties , Wine Coolers , Leg Warmers , Dependable Seneca , Parachute Pants , Delicious Gummies , Connection A Game Show Legend Return , Aftedding Tar A Ba , Winning , The Field , Cincinnati Reds , Pop Culture Trivia , 83 , Police Officer , Officer , Fan , Front , C , Wballparke , Dvr , Greg , Great American Ballpark ,

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