Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

chaos continues on college campuses all across the country. alexis mcadams will join us live from new york university where tonight agitators are desperately trying to regroup after many arrest today. this includes florida university where trespassers set up tents inside an academic building and even unfurled their very own giant intifada banner over a bridge. meanwhile on the left coast, ucla classes have been canceled after what was a brutal night of violence and widespread hand-to-hand fighting as college administrators looked on and did nothing. at the university of wisconsin, four police officers were injured and nearly three dozen so-called protesters were arrested after anti-israel agitators clashed with law enforcement. at ut, numerous weapons including firearms were confiscated as police began making arrests there. and last night right on this program as it was unfolding, columbia university thankfully was liberated from the radical pro- hamas agitators that were squatting on campus for weeks and recently pillaged an academic building, reportedly even detaining three janitors in the process. the order thankfully was restored in a manner of hours without any serious injuries or incidents. all thanks to frankly the swift professional work at the nypd. they deserve a round of applause. anyway, they were forced to storm hamilton hall at columbia through a second-floor window after the rioters barricaded the building and the building entryway. but the big question moving forward is will any of these criminals, any of them, be held accountable? according to the manhattan district attorney's office, 280 arrests were made at columbia and city college last night. of those 280 arrests, 170 perpetrators were already released with a mere summons. that's basically a little more than a parking ticket or traffic ticket. the rest were issued a appearance ticket which is typically used for low-level misdemeanors and a few might be charged with felonies but that is tbd, to be determined. in new york, that would likely only happen to somebody with the last name trump so as of right now it appears that very few will be held accountable and are now free to continue going right back to rioting. just imagine if they were trump supporters breaking into a building, holding staff against their will, do you really think that joe biden would be as silent as he is now? do you think is weaponized department of justice, you think the state of new york would let them go off scott free? i tend to doubt it. keep in mind, those participating in joe biden's summer of love, they aren't all students at columbia. a professional protest consultant was apparently spotted "instructing a mob of anti-israel agitators" as they were taking over hamilton hall. so how is that not a conspiracy to commit a crime? and last night inside of hamilton hall, just listen to what the police were covered. -- recovered. >> this is not what students bring to school. >> don't think so. >> these are heavy industrial chains, locks with bike locks and this is what we encountered on every door inside hamilton hall. in order for our emergency services group to enter into the building, they had to first cut through these chains, but also get rid of debris and barricaded doors that were barricaded with refrigerators, vending machines, chairs, you name it they push it up against the doors to try to stop us from coming in. >> sean: it's not just columbia. at ut austin, of the 79 rioters arrested, more than half were not students at all. at the university of south florida, this 39-year-old was arrested while carrying a gun at an anti-israel riot on campus. this is a recipe for disaster and yet your president joe biden is still in hiding. today only one closed-door event on his calendar and why would he ever deviate from that rigourous schedule? pardon reportedly penciled -- is penciled into give a speech and address and he will address this on may 7th. he needs another, what, six whole days to prepare and rest up for it. even then i would not expect much. joe desperately needs the boats from the anti-semites that are in his party, the people in congress, the squat, people that hate the jewish people, people that hate israel that can really people that are not particularly fond of this country as well. but we do have some good news tonight, all is not lost in every corner of america there are many people that love this country. we don't hear from them a lot because, well, they have jobs and kids and lives and they are responsible, but these hard-working, peaceloving americans are everywhere. at the university of north carolina amid what is a wave of projectiles, a group of frat brothers, they actually rallied around the school's american flag, protecting it from pro- palestinian rioters who had already ripped the flag down once and replaced it with the palestinian flag. last night right here in new york city, the nypd ripped down another palestinian flag, threw it on the ground, returning our country's flag to it's rightful place. take a look at this. >> that's our flag, folks. don't take over our buildings and put another flag up. that may be fine to other people, but not to me. my uncle died defending this country and these men and women put their lives on the line. it's despicable that schools will allow another country's flag to fly in our country. so blame me for being proud to be an american. i think the commissioner for putting the flag back up. we are not surrendering our way of life to anyone. >> sean: that was new york city mayor eric adams filling the void left by our president who was unable and unwilling to stand up for our country and tonight the hate filled protests continue. joining us with the latest, live tonight on the ground, she is in new york city, alexis mcadams is with us. alexis, i hear a lot of noise behind you yet again. >> reporter: that's right. another night in new york city and another protest. this time at nyu here in the big apple. we will walk you a bit closer to the crowd. it's a pretty big crowd here at nyu. this is right in front of one of their buildings just on campus not far from washington square park. the different thing about this compared to columbia is this is more in the middle of the city so some of these people can come from outside groups a lot more easily according to nypd and mix into the crowds. we will have to see how things play out but the crowd continues to grow and we've been trying to talk to people on the ground about what they feel about the nypd showing up asking about what happened at columbia university last night and why so many of them were wearing masks. why are you out here today? why are you out here today? oh, okay, domask there but no answer either. we will move a bit closer and see if anyone wants to talk. what are you out here today? why are you at this protest tonight? >> i don't feel comfortable speaking. >> reporter: okay. why are you guys at this protest tonight? anything you want to mention at about how the university is handling it? why are you guys wearing masks? are you worried about people knowing who you are? why are you guys out here tonight at this protest? anything you want to tell people who want to know what's going on? >> press liaison... >> reporter: audit. nobody really wants to talk. when we ask people last night, they had a lot more to say when the nypd was moving end, they thought it was wrong and they were taking too much action but they clear that out and two hours at columbia. the police haven't had to moving here just yet but when you have a crowd like this kind of growing and getting bigger and bigger, that is a concern, that things could get out of hand. we saw some of the top nypd brasso here as they continue to chant for the end of the occupation. they are saying that the school should completely divest from israel and they don't say too much more than that when you ask them the questions that we've been trying to ask them. also why are they wearing masks if this is what they believe and? >> sean: i think we know why, they don't want anybody to identify them and they are probably afraid to talk to you for that reason. alexis, great work last night and tonight, we appreciate you working so hard for the channel, thank you. last night before the nypd stormed columbia university hamilton hall, a spokesperson for the squatters was widely mocked because they were demanding water and food and other humanitarian aid less than 24 hours after occupying the academic building. really? they were hungry? i guess they probably had the munchies. take a look. >> that is largely in the hands of the university. it's up to them to commit to not threatening us with food insecurity, evictions and soldiers and militarized police. that would be a great first step. >> ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation columbia feels it has to it's students. do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you? if the answer is no then you should allow basic -- i mean it's crazy to say because we are on an ivy league campus but this is basic humanitarian aid we are asking for. good people have a glass of water? >> sean: guess what, if you want a glass of water, just leave the building that you should not be in any way. it's that simple. if you think that is bad, look at this document obtained by our very own bill. it's a list of needs from protesters that are now squatting at ucla including, get this, vegan food, rope, zip ties, kneepads, lotion, but absolutely no bananas or bagels are allowed and no sunscreen. i wonder if they like a big thick juicy steak. i don't know. anyway here with the full report from ucla tonight, bill, pretty darn demanding. >> reporter: yeah they are. just moments ago ucla police just announced on a loudspeaker that this encampment behind us is on -- unlawful, they say everyone has to leave or potentially face arrests. the encampment ignore them and evidently this income it believes that walls work. take a look behind me. all afternoon they have build a wall around there encampment made out of wooden pallets and plywood that they have bound together with zip ties and screws that they have drilled in. they are preparing for some sort of siege they believe is coming, whether from counter protesters like we saw last night or from law enforcement. in the meantime, you just mentioned the google document we obtained, let's take a look at it. this is a list of things that people inside the camp say they need donated to them. on that list, vegan and gluten-free food, superbright flashlights with strobe capability, rope and zip ties, helmets, shields and would, kneepads and elbow pads, lotion, no sunscreen, then goggles and gas masks. they also ask that everything be be ds compliant meaning boycott divestment and sanctions, essentially don't give them anything that has anything to do with israel. but back out here live as that announcement was made that this is unlawful, we continue to see more lapd show up, some of them with crowd control helmets. they're sheriff's department deputies gathering off campus, there's california highway patrol gathering. a lot of different law enforcement agencies are gathering here. you certainly get the vibe that something is about to happen this evening and we will be here in case it does. >> sean: bill, we will check and throughout the night. thank you for being out there, it got very violent at ucla last night and we've been showing a lot of that video. joining us now, former arkansas governor mike huckabee and harvard law professor alan. professor, you spent a lot of years teaching at harvard and i know you are proud of that for a big part of your life. i would not be proud to be associated with that institution ever again. >> i agree with you completely. there isn't a single harvard professor that i know of, you wish, not jewish, who's prepared to speak up on behalf of the jewish students. they are silent, they are unwilling to do anything. and the end result is that these protesters are being allowed to win. they are being allowed to win. brown university says we are going to give in to you, northwestern, we are going to given to you. we will admit especially some palestinian students who are qualified, we will hire palestinian professors to encourage more of these kinds of protests. can you imagine if a clue clocks clan riot had occurred at a university campus, that the campus authorities would negotiate with the clan, the clan would say we want about six racist professors because we don't have any diversity here that we don't have any racists on the faculty, would like a few who favor segregation. nobody would dream of doing that, but they are prepared to hire hamas supporters, hamas professors, kind of hitler youth oriented professors. you cannot give into these protesters because if you do it just encourages more and more of these unlawful protests. you've given if students sign a petition. then you negotiate with them. you negotiate with them if they have totally and completely lawful protests but once they cross the line, and of negotiation. no more giving in, otherwise you are just encouraging this kind of lawlessness. >> sean: mike huckabee, we watch this unfold in the violence got bad last night in los angeles. they are expecting may be more tonight and i agree with the professor, you are negotiating with a group of people, it's very hard to understand where they are coming from, why there is any moral ambiguity about the 1200 israelis slaughtered on october 7th, the hundreds taken hostage, the videos of people being burned to death, women, men, women and children being beheaded, rapes that we know occurred in huge numbers, whatever happened to woke campuses and pc campuses? >> people have lost their minds. i don't ever want to here anybody talk about the right side of history anymore. we need to be talking about the right side of sanity because what we have here is simply indefensible. it is people who are supposed to be smart, smart enough to get into a school like this, but they are showing how utterly ignorant they are of the middle east, of israel, of the so-called palestinians, of hamas , and in their ignorance they are really eliminating themselves from any serious consideration. but if there are no consequences for this ridiculous savage behavior, then they are just going to keep doing it. i still look at the fact that there are people who did stupid things on january 6th. you and i are among many conservatives, most all conservatives who said everything they did was completely unacceptable. when they hit a cop or broke a window or did something like that. but there are people who did none of those things, they just showed up and walked around, they are still in jail. these people, if they are not put in jail for a significant period of time, we are just going to get a lot more of it because without consequences, that is what happens. >> sean: don't forget the summer of 2020, the summer of love and what happened then. you can see there is now unfolding on your screen. 574 riots, a couple dead, a couple dozen dead americans, cops injured with bricks, rocks clock bottles, monitor -- molotov cocktails that were thrown. billions in property damage. i did not see liz chaney or anybody calling committee hearings and holding those people responsible even though we have the video governor huckabee, thank you, doctor dershowitz, thank you. while many on the left work to so division and hatred, robert kraft, the owner of the new england patriots, is trying to bring people together through the foundation to combat anti-semitism. you might remember this ad, it aired during the super bowl this past year. >> sometimes i imagine a brighter day for my dear friend martin. i would remind people that all he thrives on one thing, silence. the people who will change the nation are those who speak out. >> sean: now amid the latest unrest, robert kraft is publishing this full page ad. it will be in major newspapers across the country in the next two days, it reads in part, instead of colleges and universities teaching the core principles of free speech and debate that our country was founded on, they are emboldening hatred that is tearing their campuses and our youth apart. joining us now with more, the founder of the foundation to combat anti-semitism, also the owner of the new england patriots, our friend robert kraft is back with us. you went to columbia, you watch what happened last night, you had already taken a strong stand , you took it during the super bowl, you've taken it since october 7th and look where we are. robert, i never thought we would see this in our lifetime. >> you and me both. i think our universities were one of our competitive advantages as a country. i think what is going on now throughout america is scaring a lot of people. they want to know that we are going to win this battle and i just ask all of your good listeners who care about this country to speak up now. universities used to be where you had critical debate and different points of view. we did not teach hate and intimidation. >> sean: let me ask you a question and maybe i will use a football analogy. let's say the new england patriots have the number 1 draft pick and you have a tom brady star in the making that is going to go in the first round, first pick and you found out that that individual was a part of any of what we have been witnessing on television and believe that. would you pick that player? >> no and i know tom brady pretty well and he represents the best values of america. >> sean: i agree with that, i'm not insinuating else. i was not insinuating anything else. >> we had the privilege of picking a pretty special guy, number 3 this year, who i think we are very proud of and represents his family, represents the values that all of us in america hold dear. the reason i took these ads out, i want people to know that good people, and they come to our foundation, they really care and they have to speak up and not be silent the way martin luther king spoke about it with clarence. >> sean: yeah, i agree with you. i wish more people like yourself , of prominence, that have -- when robert kraft speaks, a lot of people listen. i've known you as a friend for many years and i'm really proud of the fact that you have taken a strong stand. i remember when the issue of social justice came up in the nfl. correct me if i'm wrong, didn't you go to your players and say if there's any charity that is near and dear to your heart, whatever money you raise and put into it, that you would match it? and didn't you go out with some of your players? >> yes, thank you for saying that, and it's true. look, i'm one of the greatest beneficiaries of what america has to offer. i got a full academic scholarship to columbia, i jumped big dreams, i went through tough times, but it's the greatest country in the world and i'm privileged to own an nfl franchise in my hometown when i did not have a car until i was 25. i want to keep those values alive for everyone that comes to this country. you know, i had a dinner tonight with a woman who runs one of the best hospitals in boston and she came here from nicaragua at age ten and she lived the american dream and they left nicaragua and now she's worried about what's happening here. good people care and we just need to van together and speak out and not be afraid. we need empathy here and not hatred. >> sean: yeah, so your ad will be in major newspapers starting tomorrow. coast-to-coast. i hope people will read the entire letter that you are putting in this add and really take the time to contemplate the message you are trying to send. it is a critical one at a critical point and i admire you for doing it. thank you for being with us. when we come back in, you won't know who biden is considering letting into the country. i can't even believe it myself. and i'm not easily shocked anymore. he looks plain straight ahead. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? 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[♪♪] >> sean: this is pretty unbelievable. according to a report, joe biden is thinking about bringing refugees from gaza into this country and today the white house press secretary did not deny that report. instead claimed that the white house was evaluating the situation. okay so here are some things that the white house might want to evaluate or consider in their evaluation. first, jordan and egypt and other arab muslim nations around the middle east, why have they all explicitly refused to take in palestinian refugees? think about that. why is that? second, the people of gaza have long been subject to anti-jewish, anti-american indoctrination, all starting at an early age. just take a look at these disgusting antisemitic cartoons that target young children and it's far worse than that. by the way, polling after october 7th showed that 72% of the palestinian people thought those attacks on israel were correct. now joe biden wants these same people to be your neighbors? how would you ever know if they were radicalized? kids, cartoons, schoolbooks, teaching even the youngest kids to hate jews, hate israel and hate america. also tonight, according to new dhs documents obtained by bill melugin, we are learning more about the administration's efforts to quietly okay -- "relocate illegal immigrants immigrants around the country via the mass parole program." applying them indirectly from their country into the united states. one of 45 cities, the top five cities for these new arrivals? miami, florida. fort lauderdale, florida. new york city, houston, orlando, florida. hopefully governor ron desantis will sue the biden a ministration or maybe just said them all to nantucket or joe's house in delaware. here with reaction, former house speaker newt gingrich. mr speaker, tv cartoons depicting quran based stories of jews being transformed into apes animated music video including footage from stabbing and cart ramming attacks, lyrics, i will attack you, tear you apart, i will stab you, i will cleanse my country of every jew. children on hamas tv. we want to wage jihad and blow up the jews, a young boy reciting a song on hamas tv. the jews are barbaric apes, the most evil of creatures. mr speaker, i've got pages of examples of that. i could read it for the full hour probably and not get through it all. my point to you is, how would joe biden ever know if these palestinians that he wants to taken as refugees were not radicalized as kids? >> but i think you are assuming that he cares. the biden administration gets up every morning and tries to find new ways to weaken and undermine and change america. this is the most anti-american presidency in american history and i use those words deliberately. they want to profoundly change our country, they want to bring as many illegal people in as they can, they are already in some cities trying to get permission for them to vote. they presently hope they will be able to shift the balance of power in terms of the senses by counting everybody who's here illegally. these are not stupid people. the biden team really deeply wants to weaken america and wants to undercut america and wants to do everything they can to change and destroy traditional american culture. so in many ways they are closer to hamas in their belief that the united states is a colonial power. they are closer to the students who have been out chanting. there's a reason for all of this. this is not an accident, there are people in the administration who basically are far more sympathetic to hamas, to radical islam and to destroying the west then they are to israel or to the united states. some politicians have to tell the truth, this is a bad, dangerous administration trying to stay in power by destroying the rule of law, by putting their major opponent out of the way, making sure he can't run. watch everything they are doing and say to yourself, what if they know what they are doing and they are doing it deliberately? >> sean: i mean that's the great danger here. mr speaker, we've been friends a long time and you always have a very fun way of telling me you are thinking that joe biden might care. how good a president of the united states of america be contemplating bringing in people that we do know have all been indoctrinated since they are young children? do you agree with me that there is a reason that egypt and jordan wants no part of that indoctrinated population? >> osher. look, the saudi's don't want them, the united arab emirate doesn't want them, qatar doesn't want them. nobody what's radicalized islamists it wants to set up a dictatorship. this is why egypt for example has waged war on the muslim brotherhood. only in the west where you have liberal professors who are out of touch with reality, you have this fantasy that somehow this can all work out. nobody in the middle east believes that you can coexist with hamas because it is a regime dedicated, as you said at the beginning, to eliminating every jew in israel. now this is not complicated but when you have somebody like secretary blinken or president biden who refuse to deal with reality, then you are faced with dangers like this. >> sean: all right mr speaker, thank you for being with us. scary times. when we come back, jim jordan demanding answers on the x federal prosecutor who came from joe biden's weaponize doj. he will explain why this is important. and later... >> characteristic of the propaganda. >> you retweeted. are you going to call me a sick [ bleep ]? >> sean: senator kennedy at his finest, confronting a climate professor at a recent hearing, we will play you his full remarks and governor christie straight ahead. 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[♪♪] >> sean: this is a fox news alert, anti-israel protesters have once again gathered outside of nyu in new york city, our very own alexis mcadams is live on the ground. alexis, what's going on now? >> reporter: the crowd has grown a little bit in size outside of nyu. you can see what's going on, the palestinian flags and the group of students, but it's not all students. this is also people living in the area who are out here saying they should end the siege on gaza. also saying that nyu should divest from israel at this point. we've been talking -- trying to talk with protesters asking why they are wearing masks and also what their messages to protesters and to the school. i'm going to check in right now with some students here on campus, including a freshman student who is jewish who says they aren't feeling the safest at nyu. are you regretting choosing this university? >> to be honest i'm a little ashamed i go to nyu. my friends all go to -- and they are definitely protected and safe. i've been walking around feeling unsafe, hiding and switching my necklace out. >> reporter: what you think about what happened at columbia? there's been a lot going on at the university, there were those arrests, you think there will be arrests here? >> i hope the nypd steps in even more than they already are to ensure the safety of all students on campus. >> reporter: there has been some people coming up to you, still chanting right now, what are they saying to you? >> they are saying i'm a baby killer, that i'm a baby killer. i have to say i've never killed one baby in my life. >> reporter: what is your response? >> i will have to say that i am for peace and the middle east as well as all of the jewish people and hamas is also killing babies >> reporter: thank you for talking to us, that's the latest here, what you were students are feeling. we will flip around so you can see the group of people. they don't want to show their faces but have a lot to say. >> she lied, she does not go to nyu. i don't know why they always lie >> reporter: a lot going out here -- going on out here. she does go to nyu but yeah, this guy had a lot to say before. you don't have anything to say now you are on camera? >> talked to my crew. >> reporter: i'm with fox news, who are you with? >> i watched you set up that whole thing. >> reporter: to talk with students? yeah, you don't want to say anything? okay, that's all we can hear out on the ground. we will keep you posted on what else we get. >> sean: alexis, great job, please tell that young woman that she's in our prayers and to please be careful. also tonight, jim jordan sent a letter to the attorney general merrick garland requesting more information on the former doj prosecutor who left joe biden's department of justice to join braggs prosecution against trump for the misdemeanor of mislabelling business records whose statute of limitations have long since passed presided over by a judge who donated to biden and his family could very likely benefit from this and who should have recused himself. anyway, here with reaction, house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. if i can i want to go to this guy, his name is matthew. wasn't he the third highest ranking doj official? why would he give up that prestigious job to go be helping a da in new york city? that seems strange to me unless there's maybe coordination of some kind? maybe joe biden wanted him there? >> that's why we are going after every single document and communication this guy had while he was at the doj. any communications, any documents he had exchanged with willis, bragg, james. bragg is saying president trump conspired to influence the 2016 election, jack smith is saying president trump conspired to influence the 2020 election. what's really going on here is everybody that i just mentioned, they all or conspiring to go after -- to influence the 2024 election. so we are going to get every communication this guy had, that's what we are pursuing. understand the history. first we had a hearing in manhattan where we talked about all of the crime going on and alvin bragg not dealing with it. then we subpoenaed mark pomerance, the guy who wrote the book, bringing this ridiculous case. then bragg took us to court. we won in court and then we deposed mr pomerance and he took the fifth teen times. now we want to get all of the communications just to see this conspiracy. they are all involved with it on the left to impact the 2024 election. >> sean: so let me ask you, the department of justice, you are looking into how it's been weaponized and politicized. they have not been forthcoming, they have not been cooperative. you've sent a subpoena after subpoena. what other potential powers might you have? >> well there's always contempt. i mean look, we know that merrick garland, we are looking at contempt for the attorney general because he won't give us the audiotape that the special council had when they interviewed joe biden and they decided not to charge this guy with knowingly having and giving out classified information. they will recommend charges -- won't recommend charges. there's contempt when they don't apply those comply with subpoenas. we've issued 90 some subpoenas. i've signed and 90 some. >> sean: congressmen, who would have to sign off on a contempt prosecution like they did with bannon and navarro wait with that have to be joe's department of justice? >> you can also go -- it depends on if it civil or criminal but typically to the justice department so it's the same justice department but still again we are the legislative branch, we have to use every tool we have. we can't indict, we can't prosecute, all we can do is go after the facts, use the subpoena power, the hearing power and the power of the purse to influence these things and get control of these agencies. >> sean: jim jordan, thank you, we appreciate your time. when we come back, south dakota governor will join us for an exclusive interview responding to what has been a backlash over her upcoming no more where she wrote about killing a dog. she will explain as we continue. ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? 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[♪♪] >> sean: south dakota governor kristi noem facing backlash after an excerpt from her memoir was released. now the governor tells a story about how she had to shoot and kill her 14-year-old dog -- 14-month-old dog because the dog was on trainable and "less than a worthless as a hunting dog" also writing about killing her family's goat shortly after paying the goat was "nasty and mean and smell the disgusting". these stories quickly went viral. she's being attacked by both republicans and democrats, dog lovers and goat lovers. joining us for her first interview since the backlash is the author of the upcoming book. governor. you have responded, you responded on x on sunday and you gave more explanation to this but you talk about this 14-month-old dog as on trainable you describe it as a trained assassin. how the dog was killing chickens of a local neighbor and how the dog even went to bite you and i believe bit others as well. tell us in your words why it came to that decision. i mean unfortunately dogs that are violent sometimes have to be put down but i guess people, because you shot the dog, is there a difference which way you put a dog down? i'm not really sure but i don't think people understood it. i want to give you a chance to explain. >> well, you know, how the fake news works. they leave out some or most of the facts of a story, they part the worst spin on it and that's what's happened in this case. i hope people buy the book and they find out the truth of the story because the truth is that this was a working dog and it was not a puppy, it was a dog that was extremely dangerous, it had come to us from a family who found her way too aggressive, we were her second chance and she was -- the day she was put down was a day that she massacred livestock that were part of our neighbors, she attacked me and it was a hard decision. the reason it's in the book is because this book is filled with tough that challenging decisions i've had to make throughout my life and i hope that people understand from this that what the point of the story is is that most politicians, they will run from the truth, they will shy away and hide from making tough decisions. i don't do either of those. i tell the truth and i make tough decisions. people attacked me during covid for keeping my state open, they called me wrong and attacked me night after night on tv for not doing mandates and forcing people to get vaccines or wear masks. they are doing it again now with this. i just hope people read the book, find out the truth because this was a dangerous animal and i had a choice between keeping my small children and other people safe or a dangerous animal and i chose the safety of my children. >> sean: you know, i was shocked when we learned that joe biden, he has a german shepherd, that when all is said and done, 24 secret service agents were bitten by a german shepherd, by a big dog. i want to go back to something you say. you said you followed the law in your book. what is the law? >> virtually every state has a law in place that says that animals that attack and kill livestock can be put down in situations like this, but i will tell you back to farmers and ranchers, they expected. they know that once an animal like this start scaling and start scaling just because they enjoy it, that is a very dangerous animal. that was the situation we were dealing with and i'm a dog lover, a train to dogs for years, i've been around hundreds of them of course and so this was a tough situation and very difficult but that's what happens in rural america many times and, you know, i hope people read the facts of the story and understand that i'm a mother and the time i had small children, a lot of small kids that worked around our business and people and i wanted to make sure they were safe and the dogs that have this kind of a problem, that up into training for months and still kill for fun, they are extremely dangerous and a responsible owner does what they need to do and what the law will allow. >> sean: a dog trainer friend of mine actually describes every dog as a baby wolf and they have a pack mentality. once they get aggressive, it's very difficult to alter and change that behavior. look at the case of joe biden. initially we heard okay may be secret service agent, maybe three, and then at one point we read 24? in that particular case, if somebody is biting people and in large numbers like that, it's a sad thing to do but at some point doesn't it become the responsible thing for the safety of others that you don't allow a dog at least around anybody else, at the very least? >> well and that was our situation. this dog had come to us from another family that had found her to be too aggressive. they'd had issues before and we put her through months of training and were working with her. it's an unfortunate situation but one that i hope people understand that they need to here the truth, not what the media has been spending. the media continuously through the fake news does not always tell the truth, they spin the story, they did the same thing to me during covid and they are doing it again here. i hope people by the book and read the truth. >> sean: the book is available by the way online at amazon. you can read it for yourself. as always, you decide. governor, thank you. when we come back senator john kennedy grilling a climate professor during a hearing, classic tape straight ahead. 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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. 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Building Entryway , More , Last Night , Summons , Office , Traffic Ticket , Parking Ticket , Perpetrators , City College , Manhattan District Attorney , 170 , 280 , Ticket , Few , Tbd , Misdemeanors , Rest , Appearance , Felonies , Name , Supporters , Trump , Somebody , Rioting , Staff , Estate , Mind , Will , Department Of Justice , Students , Protest Consultant , Summer Of Love , Instructing A Mob Of Anti Israel Agitators , Don T , Conspiracy , Crime , Chains , Emergency Services Group , Door Inside Hamilton Hall , Bike Locks , Doors , Chairs , Debris , Vending Machines , Refrigerators , University Of South Florida , Ut Austin , Half , 79 , Hiding , Recipe , Event , Gun , Disaster , Calendar , One , 39 , Speech , Address , On May 7th , 7 , Six , May 7th , People , Joe , Boats , Hate Israel , Jewish , Party , Squat , Anti Semites , Congress , Lives , Rural America , Kids , News , Corner , Jobs , It , Group , Everywhere , Wave , University Of North Carolina , Peaceloving Americans , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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chaos continues on college campuses all across the country. alexis mcadams will join us live from new york university where tonight agitators are desperately trying to regroup after many arrest today. this includes florida university where trespassers set up tents inside an academic building and even unfurled their very own giant intifada banner over a bridge. meanwhile on the left coast, ucla classes have been canceled after what was a brutal night of violence and widespread hand-to-hand fighting as college administrators looked on and did nothing. at the university of wisconsin, four police officers were injured and nearly three dozen so-called protesters were arrested after anti-israel agitators clashed with law enforcement. at ut, numerous weapons including firearms were confiscated as police began making arrests there. and last night right on this program as it was unfolding, columbia university thankfully was liberated from the radical pro- hamas agitators that were squatting on campus for weeks and recently pillaged an academic building, reportedly even detaining three janitors in the process. the order thankfully was restored in a manner of hours without any serious injuries or incidents. all thanks to frankly the swift professional work at the nypd. they deserve a round of applause. anyway, they were forced to storm hamilton hall at columbia through a second-floor window after the rioters barricaded the building and the building entryway. but the big question moving forward is will any of these criminals, any of them, be held accountable? according to the manhattan district attorney's office, 280 arrests were made at columbia and city college last night. of those 280 arrests, 170 perpetrators were already released with a mere summons. that's basically a little more than a parking ticket or traffic ticket. the rest were issued a appearance ticket which is typically used for low-level misdemeanors and a few might be charged with felonies but that is tbd, to be determined. in new york, that would likely only happen to somebody with the last name trump so as of right now it appears that very few will be held accountable and are now free to continue going right back to rioting. just imagine if they were trump supporters breaking into a building, holding staff against their will, do you really think that joe biden would be as silent as he is now? do you think is weaponized department of justice, you think the state of new york would let them go off scott free? i tend to doubt it. keep in mind, those participating in joe biden's summer of love, they aren't all students at columbia. a professional protest consultant was apparently spotted "instructing a mob of anti-israel agitators" as they were taking over hamilton hall. so how is that not a conspiracy to commit a crime? and last night inside of hamilton hall, just listen to what the police were covered. -- recovered. >> this is not what students bring to school. >> don't think so. >> these are heavy industrial chains, locks with bike locks and this is what we encountered on every door inside hamilton hall. in order for our emergency services group to enter into the building, they had to first cut through these chains, but also get rid of debris and barricaded doors that were barricaded with refrigerators, vending machines, chairs, you name it they push it up against the doors to try to stop us from coming in. >> sean: it's not just columbia. at ut austin, of the 79 rioters arrested, more than half were not students at all. at the university of south florida, this 39-year-old was arrested while carrying a gun at an anti-israel riot on campus. this is a recipe for disaster and yet your president joe biden is still in hiding. today only one closed-door event on his calendar and why would he ever deviate from that rigourous schedule? pardon reportedly penciled -- is penciled into give a speech and address and he will address this on may 7th. he needs another, what, six whole days to prepare and rest up for it. even then i would not expect much. joe desperately needs the boats from the anti-semites that are in his party, the people in congress, the squat, people that hate the jewish people, people that hate israel that can really people that are not particularly fond of this country as well. but we do have some good news tonight, all is not lost in every corner of america there are many people that love this country. we don't hear from them a lot because, well, they have jobs and kids and lives and they are responsible, but these hard-working, peaceloving americans are everywhere. at the university of north carolina amid what is a wave of projectiles, a group of frat brothers, they actually rallied around the school's american flag, protecting it from pro- palestinian rioters who had already ripped the flag down once and replaced it with the palestinian flag. last night right here in new york city, the nypd ripped down another palestinian flag, threw it on the ground, returning our country's flag to it's rightful place. take a look at this. >> that's our flag, folks. don't take over our buildings and put another flag up. that may be fine to other people, but not to me. my uncle died defending this country and these men and women put their lives on the line. it's despicable that schools will allow another country's flag to fly in our country. so blame me for being proud to be an american. i think the commissioner for putting the flag back up. we are not surrendering our way of life to anyone. >> sean: that was new york city mayor eric adams filling the void left by our president who was unable and unwilling to stand up for our country and tonight the hate filled protests continue. joining us with the latest, live tonight on the ground, she is in new york city, alexis mcadams is with us. alexis, i hear a lot of noise behind you yet again. >> reporter: that's right. another night in new york city and another protest. this time at nyu here in the big apple. we will walk you a bit closer to the crowd. it's a pretty big crowd here at nyu. this is right in front of one of their buildings just on campus not far from washington square park. the different thing about this compared to columbia is this is more in the middle of the city so some of these people can come from outside groups a lot more easily according to nypd and mix into the crowds. we will have to see how things play out but the crowd continues to grow and we've been trying to talk to people on the ground about what they feel about the nypd showing up asking about what happened at columbia university last night and why so many of them were wearing masks. why are you out here today? why are you out here today? oh, okay, domask there but no answer either. we will move a bit closer and see if anyone wants to talk. what are you out here today? why are you at this protest tonight? >> i don't feel comfortable speaking. >> reporter: okay. why are you guys at this protest tonight? anything you want to mention at about how the university is handling it? why are you guys wearing masks? are you worried about people knowing who you are? why are you guys out here tonight at this protest? anything you want to tell people who want to know what's going on? >> press liaison... >> reporter: audit. nobody really wants to talk. when we ask people last night, they had a lot more to say when the nypd was moving end, they thought it was wrong and they were taking too much action but they clear that out and two hours at columbia. the police haven't had to moving here just yet but when you have a crowd like this kind of growing and getting bigger and bigger, that is a concern, that things could get out of hand. we saw some of the top nypd brasso here as they continue to chant for the end of the occupation. they are saying that the school should completely divest from israel and they don't say too much more than that when you ask them the questions that we've been trying to ask them. also why are they wearing masks if this is what they believe and? >> sean: i think we know why, they don't want anybody to identify them and they are probably afraid to talk to you for that reason. alexis, great work last night and tonight, we appreciate you working so hard for the channel, thank you. last night before the nypd stormed columbia university hamilton hall, a spokesperson for the squatters was widely mocked because they were demanding water and food and other humanitarian aid less than 24 hours after occupying the academic building. really? they were hungry? i guess they probably had the munchies. take a look. >> that is largely in the hands of the university. it's up to them to commit to not threatening us with food insecurity, evictions and soldiers and militarized police. that would be a great first step. >> ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation columbia feels it has to it's students. do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you? if the answer is no then you should allow basic -- i mean it's crazy to say because we are on an ivy league campus but this is basic humanitarian aid we are asking for. good people have a glass of water? >> sean: guess what, if you want a glass of water, just leave the building that you should not be in any way. it's that simple. if you think that is bad, look at this document obtained by our very own bill. it's a list of needs from protesters that are now squatting at ucla including, get this, vegan food, rope, zip ties, kneepads, lotion, but absolutely no bananas or bagels are allowed and no sunscreen. i wonder if they like a big thick juicy steak. i don't know. anyway here with the full report from ucla tonight, bill, pretty darn demanding. >> reporter: yeah they are. just moments ago ucla police just announced on a loudspeaker that this encampment behind us is on -- unlawful, they say everyone has to leave or potentially face arrests. the encampment ignore them and evidently this income it believes that walls work. take a look behind me. all afternoon they have build a wall around there encampment made out of wooden pallets and plywood that they have bound together with zip ties and screws that they have drilled in. they are preparing for some sort of siege they believe is coming, whether from counter protesters like we saw last night or from law enforcement. in the meantime, you just mentioned the google document we obtained, let's take a look at it. this is a list of things that people inside the camp say they need donated to them. on that list, vegan and gluten-free food, superbright flashlights with strobe capability, rope and zip ties, helmets, shields and would, kneepads and elbow pads, lotion, no sunscreen, then goggles and gas masks. they also ask that everything be be ds compliant meaning boycott divestment and sanctions, essentially don't give them anything that has anything to do with israel. but back out here live as that announcement was made that this is unlawful, we continue to see more lapd show up, some of them with crowd control helmets. they're sheriff's department deputies gathering off campus, there's california highway patrol gathering. a lot of different law enforcement agencies are gathering here. you certainly get the vibe that something is about to happen this evening and we will be here in case it does. >> sean: bill, we will check and throughout the night. thank you for being out there, it got very violent at ucla last night and we've been showing a lot of that video. joining us now, former arkansas governor mike huckabee and harvard law professor alan. professor, you spent a lot of years teaching at harvard and i know you are proud of that for a big part of your life. i would not be proud to be associated with that institution ever again. >> i agree with you completely. there isn't a single harvard professor that i know of, you wish, not jewish, who's prepared to speak up on behalf of the jewish students. they are silent, they are unwilling to do anything. and the end result is that these protesters are being allowed to win. they are being allowed to win. brown university says we are going to give in to you, northwestern, we are going to given to you. we will admit especially some palestinian students who are qualified, we will hire palestinian professors to encourage more of these kinds of protests. can you imagine if a clue clocks clan riot had occurred at a university campus, that the campus authorities would negotiate with the clan, the clan would say we want about six racist professors because we don't have any diversity here that we don't have any racists on the faculty, would like a few who favor segregation. nobody would dream of doing that, but they are prepared to hire hamas supporters, hamas professors, kind of hitler youth oriented professors. you cannot give into these protesters because if you do it just encourages more and more of these unlawful protests. you've given if students sign a petition. then you negotiate with them. you negotiate with them if they have totally and completely lawful protests but once they cross the line, and of negotiation. no more giving in, otherwise you are just encouraging this kind of lawlessness. >> sean: mike huckabee, we watch this unfold in the violence got bad last night in los angeles. they are expecting may be more tonight and i agree with the professor, you are negotiating with a group of people, it's very hard to understand where they are coming from, why there is any moral ambiguity about the 1200 israelis slaughtered on october 7th, the hundreds taken hostage, the videos of people being burned to death, women, men, women and children being beheaded, rapes that we know occurred in huge numbers, whatever happened to woke campuses and pc campuses? >> people have lost their minds. i don't ever want to here anybody talk about the right side of history anymore. we need to be talking about the right side of sanity because what we have here is simply indefensible. it is people who are supposed to be smart, smart enough to get into a school like this, but they are showing how utterly ignorant they are of the middle east, of israel, of the so-called palestinians, of hamas , and in their ignorance they are really eliminating themselves from any serious consideration. but if there are no consequences for this ridiculous savage behavior, then they are just going to keep doing it. i still look at the fact that there are people who did stupid things on january 6th. you and i are among many conservatives, most all conservatives who said everything they did was completely unacceptable. when they hit a cop or broke a window or did something like that. but there are people who did none of those things, they just showed up and walked around, they are still in jail. these people, if they are not put in jail for a significant period of time, we are just going to get a lot more of it because without consequences, that is what happens. >> sean: don't forget the summer of 2020, the summer of love and what happened then. you can see there is now unfolding on your screen. 574 riots, a couple dead, a couple dozen dead americans, cops injured with bricks, rocks clock bottles, monitor -- molotov cocktails that were thrown. billions in property damage. i did not see liz chaney or anybody calling committee hearings and holding those people responsible even though we have the video governor huckabee, thank you, doctor dershowitz, thank you. while many on the left work to so division and hatred, robert kraft, the owner of the new england patriots, is trying to bring people together through the foundation to combat anti-semitism. you might remember this ad, it aired during the super bowl this past year. >> sometimes i imagine a brighter day for my dear friend martin. i would remind people that all he thrives on one thing, silence. the people who will change the nation are those who speak out. >> sean: now amid the latest unrest, robert kraft is publishing this full page ad. it will be in major newspapers across the country in the next two days, it reads in part, instead of colleges and universities teaching the core principles of free speech and debate that our country was founded on, they are emboldening hatred that is tearing their campuses and our youth apart. joining us now with more, the founder of the foundation to combat anti-semitism, also the owner of the new england patriots, our friend robert kraft is back with us. you went to columbia, you watch what happened last night, you had already taken a strong stand , you took it during the super bowl, you've taken it since october 7th and look where we are. robert, i never thought we would see this in our lifetime. >> you and me both. i think our universities were one of our competitive advantages as a country. i think what is going on now throughout america is scaring a lot of people. they want to know that we are going to win this battle and i just ask all of your good listeners who care about this country to speak up now. universities used to be where you had critical debate and different points of view. we did not teach hate and intimidation. >> sean: let me ask you a question and maybe i will use a football analogy. let's say the new england patriots have the number 1 draft pick and you have a tom brady star in the making that is going to go in the first round, first pick and you found out that that individual was a part of any of what we have been witnessing on television and believe that. would you pick that player? >> no and i know tom brady pretty well and he represents the best values of america. >> sean: i agree with that, i'm not insinuating else. i was not insinuating anything else. >> we had the privilege of picking a pretty special guy, number 3 this year, who i think we are very proud of and represents his family, represents the values that all of us in america hold dear. the reason i took these ads out, i want people to know that good people, and they come to our foundation, they really care and they have to speak up and not be silent the way martin luther king spoke about it with clarence. >> sean: yeah, i agree with you. i wish more people like yourself , of prominence, that have -- when robert kraft speaks, a lot of people listen. i've known you as a friend for many years and i'm really proud of the fact that you have taken a strong stand. i remember when the issue of social justice came up in the nfl. correct me if i'm wrong, didn't you go to your players and say if there's any charity that is near and dear to your heart, whatever money you raise and put into it, that you would match it? and didn't you go out with some of your players? >> yes, thank you for saying that, and it's true. look, i'm one of the greatest beneficiaries of what america has to offer. i got a full academic scholarship to columbia, i jumped big dreams, i went through tough times, but it's the greatest country in the world and i'm privileged to own an nfl franchise in my hometown when i did not have a car until i was 25. i want to keep those values alive for everyone that comes to this country. you know, i had a dinner tonight with a woman who runs one of the best hospitals in boston and she came here from nicaragua at age ten and she lived the american dream and they left nicaragua and now she's worried about what's happening here. good people care and we just need to van together and speak out and not be afraid. we need empathy here and not hatred. >> sean: yeah, so your ad will be in major newspapers starting tomorrow. coast-to-coast. i hope people will read the entire letter that you are putting in this add and really take the time to contemplate the message you are trying to send. it is a critical one at a critical point and i admire you for doing it. thank you for being with us. when we come back in, you won't know who biden is considering letting into the country. i can't even believe it myself. and i'm not easily shocked anymore. he looks plain straight ahead. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? 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[♪♪] >> sean: this is pretty unbelievable. according to a report, joe biden is thinking about bringing refugees from gaza into this country and today the white house press secretary did not deny that report. instead claimed that the white house was evaluating the situation. okay so here are some things that the white house might want to evaluate or consider in their evaluation. first, jordan and egypt and other arab muslim nations around the middle east, why have they all explicitly refused to take in palestinian refugees? think about that. why is that? second, the people of gaza have long been subject to anti-jewish, anti-american indoctrination, all starting at an early age. just take a look at these disgusting antisemitic cartoons that target young children and it's far worse than that. by the way, polling after october 7th showed that 72% of the palestinian people thought those attacks on israel were correct. now joe biden wants these same people to be your neighbors? how would you ever know if they were radicalized? kids, cartoons, schoolbooks, teaching even the youngest kids to hate jews, hate israel and hate america. also tonight, according to new dhs documents obtained by bill melugin, we are learning more about the administration's efforts to quietly okay -- "relocate illegal immigrants immigrants around the country via the mass parole program." applying them indirectly from their country into the united states. one of 45 cities, the top five cities for these new arrivals? miami, florida. fort lauderdale, florida. new york city, houston, orlando, florida. hopefully governor ron desantis will sue the biden a ministration or maybe just said them all to nantucket or joe's house in delaware. here with reaction, former house speaker newt gingrich. mr speaker, tv cartoons depicting quran based stories of jews being transformed into apes animated music video including footage from stabbing and cart ramming attacks, lyrics, i will attack you, tear you apart, i will stab you, i will cleanse my country of every jew. children on hamas tv. we want to wage jihad and blow up the jews, a young boy reciting a song on hamas tv. the jews are barbaric apes, the most evil of creatures. mr speaker, i've got pages of examples of that. i could read it for the full hour probably and not get through it all. my point to you is, how would joe biden ever know if these palestinians that he wants to taken as refugees were not radicalized as kids? >> but i think you are assuming that he cares. the biden administration gets up every morning and tries to find new ways to weaken and undermine and change america. this is the most anti-american presidency in american history and i use those words deliberately. they want to profoundly change our country, they want to bring as many illegal people in as they can, they are already in some cities trying to get permission for them to vote. they presently hope they will be able to shift the balance of power in terms of the senses by counting everybody who's here illegally. these are not stupid people. the biden team really deeply wants to weaken america and wants to undercut america and wants to do everything they can to change and destroy traditional american culture. so in many ways they are closer to hamas in their belief that the united states is a colonial power. they are closer to the students who have been out chanting. there's a reason for all of this. this is not an accident, there are people in the administration who basically are far more sympathetic to hamas, to radical islam and to destroying the west then they are to israel or to the united states. some politicians have to tell the truth, this is a bad, dangerous administration trying to stay in power by destroying the rule of law, by putting their major opponent out of the way, making sure he can't run. watch everything they are doing and say to yourself, what if they know what they are doing and they are doing it deliberately? >> sean: i mean that's the great danger here. mr speaker, we've been friends a long time and you always have a very fun way of telling me you are thinking that joe biden might care. how good a president of the united states of america be contemplating bringing in people that we do know have all been indoctrinated since they are young children? do you agree with me that there is a reason that egypt and jordan wants no part of that indoctrinated population? >> osher. look, the saudi's don't want them, the united arab emirate doesn't want them, qatar doesn't want them. nobody what's radicalized islamists it wants to set up a dictatorship. this is why egypt for example has waged war on the muslim brotherhood. only in the west where you have liberal professors who are out of touch with reality, you have this fantasy that somehow this can all work out. nobody in the middle east believes that you can coexist with hamas because it is a regime dedicated, as you said at the beginning, to eliminating every jew in israel. now this is not complicated but when you have somebody like secretary blinken or president biden who refuse to deal with reality, then you are faced with dangers like this. >> sean: all right mr speaker, thank you for being with us. scary times. when we come back, jim jordan demanding answers on the x federal prosecutor who came from joe biden's weaponize doj. he will explain why this is important. and later... >> characteristic of the propaganda. >> you retweeted. are you going to call me a sick [ bleep ]? >> sean: senator kennedy at his finest, confronting a climate professor at a recent hearing, we will play you his full remarks and governor christie straight ahead. 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[♪♪] >> sean: this is a fox news alert, anti-israel protesters have once again gathered outside of nyu in new york city, our very own alexis mcadams is live on the ground. alexis, what's going on now? >> reporter: the crowd has grown a little bit in size outside of nyu. you can see what's going on, the palestinian flags and the group of students, but it's not all students. this is also people living in the area who are out here saying they should end the siege on gaza. also saying that nyu should divest from israel at this point. we've been talking -- trying to talk with protesters asking why they are wearing masks and also what their messages to protesters and to the school. i'm going to check in right now with some students here on campus, including a freshman student who is jewish who says they aren't feeling the safest at nyu. are you regretting choosing this university? >> to be honest i'm a little ashamed i go to nyu. my friends all go to -- and they are definitely protected and safe. i've been walking around feeling unsafe, hiding and switching my necklace out. >> reporter: what you think about what happened at columbia? there's been a lot going on at the university, there were those arrests, you think there will be arrests here? >> i hope the nypd steps in even more than they already are to ensure the safety of all students on campus. >> reporter: there has been some people coming up to you, still chanting right now, what are they saying to you? >> they are saying i'm a baby killer, that i'm a baby killer. i have to say i've never killed one baby in my life. >> reporter: what is your response? >> i will have to say that i am for peace and the middle east as well as all of the jewish people and hamas is also killing babies >> reporter: thank you for talking to us, that's the latest here, what you were students are feeling. we will flip around so you can see the group of people. they don't want to show their faces but have a lot to say. >> she lied, she does not go to nyu. i don't know why they always lie >> reporter: a lot going out here -- going on out here. she does go to nyu but yeah, this guy had a lot to say before. you don't have anything to say now you are on camera? >> talked to my crew. >> reporter: i'm with fox news, who are you with? >> i watched you set up that whole thing. >> reporter: to talk with students? yeah, you don't want to say anything? okay, that's all we can hear out on the ground. we will keep you posted on what else we get. >> sean: alexis, great job, please tell that young woman that she's in our prayers and to please be careful. also tonight, jim jordan sent a letter to the attorney general merrick garland requesting more information on the former doj prosecutor who left joe biden's department of justice to join braggs prosecution against trump for the misdemeanor of mislabelling business records whose statute of limitations have long since passed presided over by a judge who donated to biden and his family could very likely benefit from this and who should have recused himself. anyway, here with reaction, house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan. if i can i want to go to this guy, his name is matthew. wasn't he the third highest ranking doj official? why would he give up that prestigious job to go be helping a da in new york city? that seems strange to me unless there's maybe coordination of some kind? maybe joe biden wanted him there? >> that's why we are going after every single document and communication this guy had while he was at the doj. any communications, any documents he had exchanged with willis, bragg, james. bragg is saying president trump conspired to influence the 2016 election, jack smith is saying president trump conspired to influence the 2020 election. what's really going on here is everybody that i just mentioned, they all or conspiring to go after -- to influence the 2024 election. so we are going to get every communication this guy had, that's what we are pursuing. understand the history. first we had a hearing in manhattan where we talked about all of the crime going on and alvin bragg not dealing with it. then we subpoenaed mark pomerance, the guy who wrote the book, bringing this ridiculous case. then bragg took us to court. we won in court and then we deposed mr pomerance and he took the fifth teen times. now we want to get all of the communications just to see this conspiracy. they are all involved with it on the left to impact the 2024 election. >> sean: so let me ask you, the department of justice, you are looking into how it's been weaponized and politicized. they have not been forthcoming, they have not been cooperative. you've sent a subpoena after subpoena. what other potential powers might you have? >> well there's always contempt. i mean look, we know that merrick garland, we are looking at contempt for the attorney general because he won't give us the audiotape that the special council had when they interviewed joe biden and they decided not to charge this guy with knowingly having and giving out classified information. they will recommend charges -- won't recommend charges. there's contempt when they don't apply those comply with subpoenas. we've issued 90 some subpoenas. i've signed and 90 some. >> sean: congressmen, who would have to sign off on a contempt prosecution like they did with bannon and navarro wait with that have to be joe's department of justice? >> you can also go -- it depends on if it civil or criminal but typically to the justice department so it's the same justice department but still again we are the legislative branch, we have to use every tool we have. we can't indict, we can't prosecute, all we can do is go after the facts, use the subpoena power, the hearing power and the power of the purse to influence these things and get control of these agencies. >> sean: jim jordan, thank you, we appreciate your time. when we come back, south dakota governor will join us for an exclusive interview responding to what has been a backlash over her upcoming no more where she wrote about killing a dog. she will explain as we continue. ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? 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[♪♪] >> sean: south dakota governor kristi noem facing backlash after an excerpt from her memoir was released. now the governor tells a story about how she had to shoot and kill her 14-year-old dog -- 14-month-old dog because the dog was on trainable and "less than a worthless as a hunting dog" also writing about killing her family's goat shortly after paying the goat was "nasty and mean and smell the disgusting". these stories quickly went viral. she's being attacked by both republicans and democrats, dog lovers and goat lovers. joining us for her first interview since the backlash is the author of the upcoming book. governor. you have responded, you responded on x on sunday and you gave more explanation to this but you talk about this 14-month-old dog as on trainable you describe it as a trained assassin. how the dog was killing chickens of a local neighbor and how the dog even went to bite you and i believe bit others as well. tell us in your words why it came to that decision. i mean unfortunately dogs that are violent sometimes have to be put down but i guess people, because you shot the dog, is there a difference which way you put a dog down? i'm not really sure but i don't think people understood it. i want to give you a chance to explain. >> well, you know, how the fake news works. they leave out some or most of the facts of a story, they part the worst spin on it and that's what's happened in this case. i hope people buy the book and they find out the truth of the story because the truth is that this was a working dog and it was not a puppy, it was a dog that was extremely dangerous, it had come to us from a family who found her way too aggressive, we were her second chance and she was -- the day she was put down was a day that she massacred livestock that were part of our neighbors, she attacked me and it was a hard decision. the reason it's in the book is because this book is filled with tough that challenging decisions i've had to make throughout my life and i hope that people understand from this that what the point of the story is is that most politicians, they will run from the truth, they will shy away and hide from making tough decisions. i don't do either of those. i tell the truth and i make tough decisions. people attacked me during covid for keeping my state open, they called me wrong and attacked me night after night on tv for not doing mandates and forcing people to get vaccines or wear masks. they are doing it again now with this. i just hope people read the book, find out the truth because this was a dangerous animal and i had a choice between keeping my small children and other people safe or a dangerous animal and i chose the safety of my children. >> sean: you know, i was shocked when we learned that joe biden, he has a german shepherd, that when all is said and done, 24 secret service agents were bitten by a german shepherd, by a big dog. i want to go back to something you say. you said you followed the law in your book. what is the law? >> virtually every state has a law in place that says that animals that attack and kill livestock can be put down in situations like this, but i will tell you back to farmers and ranchers, they expected. they know that once an animal like this start scaling and start scaling just because they enjoy it, that is a very dangerous animal. that was the situation we were dealing with and i'm a dog lover, a train to dogs for years, i've been around hundreds of them of course and so this was a tough situation and very difficult but that's what happens in rural america many times and, you know, i hope people read the facts of the story and understand that i'm a mother and the time i had small children, a lot of small kids that worked around our business and people and i wanted to make sure they were safe and the dogs that have this kind of a problem, that up into training for months and still kill for fun, they are extremely dangerous and a responsible owner does what they need to do and what the law will allow. >> sean: a dog trainer friend of mine actually describes every dog as a baby wolf and they have a pack mentality. once they get aggressive, it's very difficult to alter and change that behavior. look at the case of joe biden. initially we heard okay may be secret service agent, maybe three, and then at one point we read 24? in that particular case, if somebody is biting people and in large numbers like that, it's a sad thing to do but at some point doesn't it become the responsible thing for the safety of others that you don't allow a dog at least around anybody else, at the very least? >> well and that was our situation. this dog had come to us from another family that had found her to be too aggressive. they'd had issues before and we put her through months of training and were working with her. it's an unfortunate situation but one that i hope people understand that they need to here the truth, not what the media has been spending. the media continuously through the fake news does not always tell the truth, they spin the story, they did the same thing to me during covid and they are doing it again here. i hope people by the book and read the truth. >> sean: the book is available by the way online at amazon. you can read it for yourself. as always, you decide. governor, thank you. when we come back senator john kennedy grilling a climate professor during a hearing, classic tape straight ahead. [♪♪] it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection. call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit >> are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive nutritional supplements that don't contain more than 12 minerals? now, try immuno 150 with its 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients. look at the two videos on our website listed on the screen and consider placing an order online or call our toll-free number. and, by all means check the number of minerals in the product you take. i know you can be just as sharp and as healthy as i am and in as good of shape when you are 90 years old if you consume a full spectrum of minerals every day. order now. you'll be glad you did. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. harry & david makes mother's day easy. share a gift, made with love, with the mom in your life. choose from hundreds of stunning baskets and towers. it's the perfect way to say thank you - for everything. harry & david. life is a gift. share more. >> speaker-01: john kennedy grilled a far left professor hearing today, classic kennedy. >> i would like to submit all the good doctors objected to this scientific analysis for the record. >> you often retreats to -- retweet stuff is that what you are saying that you don't sport. >> i didn't tweet it. >> but you retweeted it. >> it's not characteristic of the propaganda tapings. >> are you going to call me sick [ bleep ] >> speaker-01: i wish i could've played at that's all the time we have left that your dvr and let not your heart be troubled, a grey get got felt will put a small in your face have a good night. [ ♪♪ ]

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