Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

pro-palestinian protesters from the campus of columbia university in new york. dozens were arrested after ivy league school decided it was finally time to call in the reinforcements. hello, i'm jonathan hunt, live in los angeles with continuing coverage of the campus. chaos across country. the situation at columbia escalated about 24 hours ago when the protesters broke into historic hamilton hall building. and just a few hours, officers in riot gear entered that building and swiftly made arrests. columbia university has, of course, been the epicenter for pro-palestinian protests that have now spread to campuses around the country. >> hundreds of students have been arrested nationwide and upcoming commencements are in danger being canceled. >> let's get straight to fox news correspondent richardson for the latest on how it all unfolded at columbia. good evening, rick. good evening, jonathan. columbia university is given the all clear after school officials told students to shelter in this past evening. >> hundreds of new york city police officers arrested dozens of protesters who'd occupied and barricade themselves in a columbia university building. officers scaled a police vehicle to enter columbia's hamilton hall from a second floor window. >> zip tied protesters and let them out in police buses. the university says early tuesday, a group broke into the hall. >> some were students, though columbia, says they were led by individuals who are not affiliated with the university. columbia had threatened to expel students involved in occupying and vandalizing the hall. in a letter to the nypd university, president, manu shafiq requested police clear. hamilton hall and all tent encampments. >> shafiq says she informed in the encampments on the west lawn that they would be suspended. they refused to leave by 2 p.m. monday, nearly two weeks ago, the nypd arrested more than 100 protesters. >> many were released shortly after and demonstrators pitched new tents. the pro-palestinian groups have demanded that columbia from israel. jewish students have accused the university fostering an anti-semitic environment and say they were subjected harassment on campus. the encampment at columbia lasted about three weeks and began when shafiq and senior columbia administrators testified before a house committee hearing here in d.c., house speaker mike johnson and senior republican lawmakers have called on shafiq resign over what they say is columbia's refusal to protect jewish students. more than 20 house democrats urged columbia to act decisively. pro-palestinian encampments have grown at campuses across the country. the white house has refused to comment how individual universities are handling these protests. only to say president biden respects the right to free expression and believes protests must be peaceful. back in new york, mayor eric adams is scheduled to speak at 9 a.m. on the columbia demonstrate. jonathan rich, thank you very much. i know i am just getting a of live pictures now from the campus of ucla here in los angeles. there has been a violence breaking out there. counter-protesters moved on to that campus to confront some of the pro palestinians who have been camped there for days now. and there is a scene of some chaos. we have been watching over the last couple of minutes, fights breaking out. you can what i believe, of firecrackers going off. there is. no, as far as we know, no los angeles police department presence on campus at this point, although given the scenes that we are witnessing right now, that may change very quickly because now you have the pro-palestinian protesters who have been there for some time. and there you see on camera counter-protesters. one of them clearly carrying an israeli flag who are now clashing. there's only been over the last few days, campus security there on the campus of ucla. and they have clearly failed at this point to keep the two sides up pop that were essentially two lines of metal barriers. there. but the protesters on both sides now appear to have taken those down and they are involved in clashes. it looks as though some semblance of order may be being restored in that the two sides are a little further apart than we have been witnessing over the last couple of minutes. but there was certainly some violence scuffles there. i still do not see any major security or any major law enforcement presence there. we there are journalists on scene. i know that some of them were up in the violence going on there. and as you see now, these are hard to tell which side these protesters are, but they're trying essentially to put back the barriers. so i believe what you are seeing there with the pro-palestinian protesters trying to put the barriers back, which had been torn down by the pro-israeli counter-protesters that you're at right now. this is an important scene we're looking at right now because those counter-protesters, the pro-israeli protesters, are moving directly towards the pro palestinian protesters. there you see them confronting each other again. it looks as though they are keeping a few yards of distance right now. but clearly items are being thrown from side to side. a very tense situation. and as i was mentioning, the lapd has not been on site. they have not been requested by the administration of ucla. so they have not been there. and it has been mainly campus security. who clearly outnumbered badly by the number of protests on both sides right now. and as we look at those pictures, it is hard to see any security presence whatsoever. so clearly a very, very tense situation unfolding on the campus of ucla, one of the finest universities in the state of california. indeed in the country. and now we are seeing these sad scenes of pro-palestinian and pro-israeli protesters clashing and you see them holding parts of what were the fence there. they are holding the poles from signs. and if they do come together, it is a terrible thought what might happen. so i one imagines the los angeles police department might be on the way there. one would certainly hope that something is going to happen and in a short time to keep those two sides apart. and out of here, you hear you have two protesters in a standoff, both of them carrying large poles and getting very close to each other, both threatening each other on the left, on screen left, i believe, of the pro-palestinian protesters on the right the pro israeli counter-protesters. and let's bring in now joe cardinal, a retired nypd lieutenant. joe, as you are as you watch these scenes, how surprised are you on this is? i have to i would should point out this is only unfolded in about i would say the last 10 minutes maybe 20 at the most but how surprised are you that we're not seeing a police presence on what is a public university campus? >> well, i'm not surprised. all because look how long it took them to bring the nypd into columbia. i mean, at what point do you turn around and say the safety of the public and the students is paramount above everything else and bring them in? the police should go in and the governor should be bringing the police in. but, you know, that's not going to happen because they can't hold them. they got all these protesters and they give in to their demands. i mean, jonathan, i was listening to your interview of the student press, the person representing the student press, and they're like, oh, you know, we didn't want the pd. >> we didn't want this kind of presence. it's not what you want. it's what it needs to be done. i know this already. this is getting to the point where it's outright dangerous. and she's saying they were nervous about police being there. what about the jewish students that were nervous walking on campus and couldn't even get to class? what about, their rights? i mean, at this point in this country, do we turn around and say enough is enough? when does the president of the united step in and say, listen, if you don't adhere to certain things that we want you to when it comes to the safety of our students, going to stop the funding for this school? and that's the only thing going to make them realize what's going on. never mind suspensions. all right. these these individuals should not even make commencement exercises that are coming up in two weeks at columbia. >> but, joe, just to go back to the law enforcement part of this. >> this this would be they, the owner on the on the campus of a public university, the l.a. pd does not or does it need the permission of ucla administration to go in? if there is anarchy, there, as we are seeing right now and straight out brawls between two sets of protesters, can the lapd just move straight in there? oh, absolutely. they can. but who's holding them back? no, the court of public opinion is holding them back because they kowtow to them every single time. it's enough already. bring it. bring the lapd in there. let them do what they have to do. bring them mounted units in. if you have to separate two sides, clear that campus and don't let them make it in camp and out of it again, because once there they had these encampments and they were emboldened to do this. that's what that's the outcome you're going to get. and jonathan, here's something else we're. going to see what happens over the next couple of weeks with what happening in new york city. let's see what kind of arrest. stick with this. let's see who bails them out. the fines going to be paid. let's see if it's going to be a slap on the wrist because we do not make an example of this right now. it's only going to rekindle the fire. and this time it's going to be a blaze that's going to be out of control. >> yeah. and we're just seeing now, joe, as we watch that some of the counterprotest fighters are throwing large wooden poles at the pro-palestinian protesters. i should i should point out my wife is a reporter for kptv. our local fox affiliate is down there. they she and her crew just got pepper sprayed by some of the protesters who are taking out their anger against the media as usual as well. >> it seems we're we're on the brink of anarchy on the on a major university campus. and nobody is doing anything about it. it really does seem an extraordinary situation. and i know you said the nypd. it took a while for them to be asked in by columbia. they did go in and performed what appeared to be a pretty textbook operation to clear out the campus. and surely we have to that on more campuses now. we go way beyond first amendment free speech rights, haven't we, joe? >> oh, they most certainly have. and you know, jonathan, they really should be in there ready? not for just one side of this, the pro palestinian, but for both sides, because it's going to get to the point where somebody is going to get hurt very badly or possibly killed over on this campus. and then they're going to oh, now we can move in. no, you do not. you get proactive with this. you don't get reactive. you get proactive and you go in there and you take control of the situation. you do not wait for somebody to get hurt. yeah. and i we've been watching today, joe, over the last few days some jewish students who are very fearful on the of ucla and some jewish students who are frankly very, very angry that their freedom of movement is being trumped by what the protesters say is their freedom of speech. >> jewish students who say they cannot walk across campus. some of them are scared, too. some of them have tried to and simply have their path blocked. and i know, having spoken to some friends there among the jewish community, some friends of mine, they have been running out of patience and. i think i don't know who these people are now, the kind of protesters, but clearly people have run out of patience. >> clearly, they've had enough. and these are some of the pro-palestinian protesters once again, going after the media here. there you go. sorry, joe. and that's the problem though when you don't take action. you let them. that's when the people take the action into their own hands. they take the law into their own hands and make their own actions. and this is the result of it. so if you curb this from the beginning and you don't allow this to happen and you make enforce the laws that are already there, then you can take control of it. why do you wait for a situation to get blown out of control? it is point. why do you wait? you should send in the police department right now. they should be in there. the government should say enough is enough. go in there and take control of the situation. >> do what you have to do before somebody gets killed. yeah, and it really does joe seem like this could get so out of hand so quickly. and i wonder, in your experience with the nypd do you look at something like this, these pictures we're looking now and this is an absolute flashpoint. this is where we absolutely have to draw the line. i know you say that they should have drawn a line much earlier ,but at this point, i mean, we are we are in a really dangerous situation. it seems to me that for a lot of young people. absolutely. and jonathan, years ago and i'm not sure, you know, you have to compare we never let it get to this point. we have the crown heights riots at one time, and i remember that very well. but, you know, we got to the point where we made the even said, all right, we have to do something here. you can only go so far with the peaceful approach and allowing people to as said, you know, peacefully protest. but this is so peaceful protest. this is so beyond that. four days and four weeks now and they are involved in and you don't stop that from the beginning. this is the point they get to and they think that they can get away just about anything because they have gotten away with everything. so, joe, stop sending the police department right now . >> take control here. joe, stand by for one second. let ask the control room and our executive producer, linda lombardi, if we can take kateb sound, our fox affiliate here, and listen to their reporter. >> the ground by name on a scale other than make your piece. and then everybody has got report, it seems we're having it's hard to hear the reporter there but you can very plainly hear the noise that has been going on. i'm told about an hour ago the the counterprotesters, the pro-israeli protesters were playing very loud music. at one point on loudspeakers. and then they were broadcasting the sound of a baby crying clearly, trying to make it uncomfortable for the for the protesters. >> let's listen again to that, that kgtv reporter chelsea edwards, many, many, many, many moms, many, many, many, many moms. >> yeah, they're clearly having trouble with their audio there. that reporter chelsea edwards texted me just short time ago telling me that she and her crew had been pepper sprayed. you can see the the marks of that on on the reporter's face there. those tears caused by pepper spray, which is not a fun substance to be sprayed with, i can tell you from experience. we don't have her audio right now. but clearly, we're getting a very good view from our fox affiliate katv of what is going on on the campus. and this this now with columbia ,a university of new york cleared out ucla, the blue ribbon university of the uc system in many ways, as has now become the epicenter of ongoing protest movement, which as we were talking with joe and joe, if you're still there, we were talking about how it's gone beyond beyond to free speech here. and joe, if you were as an nypd officer, if you were looking at this, what the lapd do. do they just to form a line and get between the two sides? >> how do you how do you game plan on operation like this to keep these people from really hurting each other? >> joe? >> you put on the gear the way they did at columbia. you go in there, you form wedges, you make a path to separate the two sides and you control the situation the best you can until you get those two sides separated. you start effecting arrests. she starts, arrest us. so important. all right. you really need to effect the arrest because that's showing the count. and i'm not saying arrest all of everybody. you get the combatants that of with those sticks, you start them and then you work your way. but you must separate those two sides and you need to clear that area out. that area must be cleared out. if they do not comply, you affect an arrest. very simple so level of tolerance. i've never seen this before. >> yeah, it really is. it really is to watch this this tolerance for for for protests that has become violent. it has been harassing. it has been intimidating. it has been according to many jewish students on the campus, it has been outright anti-semitic in places. and now the anger among counterprotesters. we we assume that some of those counterprotesters are jewish. they aren't necessarily they might just among that number have students who are angry to see so much of their campus taken in this way. but clearly, we are seeing a complete breakdown of law and order on the campus. and that appears to me on the left that we were just seeing that appears to me to be campus security, simply standing to one side on the steps there. and i see i see some flashing lights in the background there . yeah. so those are lapd vehicles, joe, but still, that doesn't seem to be many officers out of those vehicles. what is the practically speaking, joe this happened this started happening about 30 minutes ago. how quickly should they be able to get enough officers in place to carry out the kind operation you're talking about? >> this operation have planned . it should've been planned a while ago, not 30 minutes ago, hours ago, because they knew the numbers were growing, that the nypd calculated, what was happening, they picked a time when they said they were going to do when they were invited in by the president of columbia. so they they had a plan in place well before that that when we do get the go has to go in to a private school, this is what we're going to do. this is not a private school, a public school. so they have the right to go in there. they could have gotten many, many officers to stand by and say, if we get to this level, we move right in. you have a show of force them. they are not they are very you know, they'll be more likely to disperse by to different areas. all right. and not go confront each other the way they do. so you need that show of force that you're going to give these students that like to see a police officer in uniform with, you know, with the revenue guarantee. i don't care what they don't like. right. this is a matter of public safety. and for the students that actually want to learn. right. and it's it's imperative that we protect and get them to, you know, the classes, never mind canceling classes or going remotely another day. so you have these characters that are constantly doing it. expel them. do not, you know, suspend them, get rid of them. all right. and so it's supposed to be a learning institution. all right. but i think the next thing should be one on one, the class of one on one consequences after this. >> yeah. joe, stay with us. if you would, please. your expertise is so valuable in this situation, but i want to bring in now as well to our conversation former fbi special and fox news contributor nicole parker. >> nicole, as you see this outright breakdown in order on the campus of ucla here in l.a., what are your thoughts as you watch these pictures? you know, i go to talk to joe. he is absolutely spot on an nypd they are the best. they are the finest. and they handled that situation as soon as they were given the right to do their job and enforce the law, they got it taken care of in less than 2 hours. and what you're seeing in los angeles campus security is not equipped to handle these types of situations. i'm sorry. with all due respect, they are not law needs to get in there. and these individuals, you do not have a choice what laws you're going to abide by. you're going to abide by the laws. there will be law and order. and that is the message that needs to be sent. i do not believe that many of these agitators and protesters are even students at many these universities. i think this is an opportunity for those that want express their grievances, you know, act in violent manners, you know, be a part of something bigger than themselves. i don't believe that these people are even students. and frankly, did your students and those who support israel on these campuses have had to quietly sit on the sidelines this entire time and take so much persecution? and i can understand that they're there, they're dying. you know, they they want to have their voice heard as well. but i can tell you that the solution is not to act in violence. and they need to get in there and enforce the law now and send the message loud and clear. this will not be tolerated. it cannot spin out of control. they shut it down in new york. and they need to shut it down in los angeles. yeah. >> and nicole, if this was if we moved two blocks, maybe a quarter of a mile, half a mile sort of east from where we're looking right now on the campus of ucla, we'd be in the middle of of a major street, los angeles, in the westwood neighborhood. this would not be allowed to happen. so why? two blocks away are is any law enforcement organization just letting this play out. these people would not be allowed to fight to throw huge wooden poles at each other to brawl on the ground, to pepper spray each other on any normal street. how this public university any different? it absolutely should not be any different, like you mentioned. the key point there is this is a public university. you know, i'm very familiar with watching it. i used to live in los angeles and there they don't have to be invited on to campus. columbia, the nypd had to wait on to be invited by the president, columbia, because it's a private institution. and that's an agreement that i understand that they have with the nypd. this is very different. this is ucla. this is a state run university. law order must occur. now, the fact that you have reporters, i my my advice is, even in the media, you need to be extremely careful because these people do not care. and the fact that they're, you know, spreading pepper spray media, they don't care who you are. now as an fbi agent. and in law enforcement, we are trained for that. you know, they do an oath spray on us to make sure if we are sprayed that we can continue to carry out our duties to execute an arrest and do what we need to do. but if you're not trained for that, you know, you could be quickly. so i would just my advice is media, be careful, be safe. but yeah, this can't be tolerated. i mean, look, people are taking a ballot and throwing things at individuals. these people are acting like animals. this is not your first amendment right. this is now turning into violence. it is breaking the law. yeah, and let me bring joe connolly back in. joe and nicole was pointing out quite rightly. campus security there. they're there to keep order in on a normal day of students walking around campus. >> as nicole says, they are in no way mentally, physically geared wise to deal with this kind of breakdown of law and order. are they? no, absolutely not. and as nicole said, their training only goes so far because they're the security guards. all right. they're not on security guards because once again, they don't want any armed personnel on campus. that's like a major. no, no. so when you sit back and you watch everything that's going on right now and you see this, you know, to the point that there's so many people there, you don't know what the weapons are on campus right now because you don't even know if these individuals have a screen to go onto the campus. they just put everybody go on to make them encampment over there. and this is outrageous insanity across this country because one school picked up from another and then they get this little network together and they've got to tell you about those networks better than i can, because they all think together. there is an organization, all of this. and right now they're very proud of what's happening. right. and they are accomplishing accomplishing everything they wanted to accomplish. they created having in our country from us, from afar. all right. and they're winning on that point. but you want to know something, the pushback is here right now. this one, this should never happen again in new york city. the governor in new york should be stepping in and saying enough is enough. the president of the united states should be stepping in saying, i am pulling funding from every one of these schools right now because i believe columbia gets something to the tune of maybe $1,000,000 a day or better from what the government supplements them with. so enough is enough. i think they should just yeah, think about public safety and think about all the students, not just some of the students. yeah. and nicole parker, let me bring you back in. you know, i'm watching these pictures, nicole, and we have been watching this now for 27 minutes or so. and i am about absolutely stunned by the complete and utter absence still between two lines of people who clearly want to do harm to each other of any law. how does this happen in a major city in the united states? how have we got to a point where law enforcement isn't in there within minutes of seeing this that happen? frankly, i think what it comes down to is law enforcement has been crucified for at least the last four years, since the summer of 2020, when they were just completely demonize ice after the summer of love. and there's no respect for law enforcement and frankly, a lot of leadership see it across the country, especially in democratic cities. they do not respect law enforcement. they really don't care. do you think that these individuals on, this campus, really care about law enforcement? they don't care. they respect cops. they couldn't care less. but you know what? they're going to respect you when you've got handcuffs on and you're being sent to jail. but again, they'll probably be released the next day. you know, no bail, you know, be free. and that is the problem. this is an underlying larger problem that our nation is that we allowed this behavior to go unchecked for years for at least the last four years. and you know what is catching up to america. and if it spirals out of control, you will not be able to get a grip on it. and that's why this is the key moment. you do not get to choose which laws. you're going to obey. you will respect law enforcement. and frankly, with lapd, it appears that there's vehicles that are nearby. why aren't they doing their job? maybe they're developing a plan, but now is not the time to develop the plan. this had been planned way in advance. and the other thing i'd like to continue to bring up that i have noticed since day one of this, these individuals that have faced covering their face, you know, you act like you're so brave and courageous for your cause. you take that face cover, you take that face mask off of your face and you proudly go out there and you do what you're doing. the bottom line is they know what they're doing is wrong. and law enforcement, we know that covering that face is the biggest telltale sign that you are doing something wrong and you are trying to evade law enforcement. >> and this is not acceptable because of covid. it became normalized. thank you so much, kelvin. this is a problem because now these people know that they can get away with things and they will not. that person can't necessarily track them down. and that that's the problem. so they need to remove that. from what i understood that they were told no face coverings, no masking in the state of california, particularly los angeles. these people don't care what you to say, but they're going to care when they start enforcing the law. and at the local level won't be able to step in. the feds need to step in because for some reason do tend to listen more when they think that there's going to be more of a consequence. all right. let me bring in if there's no consequence for your behavior, the bad behavior continues. >> it's common sense, right? absolutely. let me bring in paul morrow, fox news contributor as well here. paul, we're looking there at a campus security, clearly powerless to do much here. what do you make of this situation unfolding on what is one of the blue ribbon campuses of the u.s. system? >> well, jonathan, let me expand the canvas a little bit here. >> so i think everything that your guest has been saying is absolutely accurate. >> you do have to wonder where lapd is here. but remember something, lapd is ultimately taking their orders from a mayor. >> okay. and, you know, the d.a. in l.a. has been nothing but anti-police to put too fine a point on it. >> and what i think you're really seeing finally is the beginning of the end point of the policies that have taken hold in our blue cities. the assault in new york is you're seeing it not only in l.a. wait until the dnc in chicago in august. that's going to be another showcase for the failure of the decarceration and defund movement. and why also said the civic leaders, they are all missing. where is the governor? where is the mayor? where is the new york governor? where is the governor? where is gavin newsom? >> and all of these people seem to be hiding under their desks. thanks. >> but paul, let me just jump in there. i believe kateb fox affiliate here in l.a. is interviewing somebody at the scene there. >> let's just see if we can drop in and listen to that again. you can hear the frustration there, pepper spraying each other. how are they allowed to have weapons on campuses like this? this is a complete disregard for law and society has collapsed. that's what i call it. society is completely collapsing. it's unbelievable that they're allowing this to happen. this is. listen, everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech, but this is not right. this what's happening here is absolutely not. there are people getting injured. these are gang members in here throwing gang signs. society is completely collapsed. it's unbelievable that they're allowing this to happen. this is this. listen, everyone is entitled to the freedom of speech, but this is not right. this what's happening here is absolutely not correct. there are people getting injured. there are people throwing these are gang members in here throwing gang signs. this is crazy. and the police come here and they leave. unbelievable. it's very sad. what's your name? my name is sean. how long have you lived here? oh, i've been here all my life, you know, since 1978. since the revolution. and, you know, we saw what happened then. and look what's happening over here. there are people that are living here, all right? oh, is that fire. is that fire that there's going to be an explosion right now? yeah, another explosion. okay. so that other firework people going to get hurt? yeah, people already have gotten hurt. i don't care what side the people are going to get hurt. this is this is you see these responsibility. ucla is responsible for this and they are they need to shut this down. now. you know that, chelsea, i think ,speaks for a lot of people tonight that are watching this and wondering about where are the consequences for these folks that are out there tonight. if you're just joining us at this time, usually malia would have already said good night, l.a. but we are staying on the air with you for special live breaking news coverage of a situation at ucla. we were just witnessing there was ktvu fox affiliate reporter chelsea edwards reporting talking to one of the counterprotesters there. sean was his name. it appeared to me he mentioned coming to l.a., being here most of his life, coming after the revolution in the late seventies. so i'm presuming he came from iran in that case. clearly very angry. and what he was talking about, nicole parker, bring you back in was exactly what you were just mentioning. i think he referred to the complete collapse of law and order. he said people are getting hurt. there's fires are breaking. firecrackers are being thrown at each other. people are hitting each other with large wooden poles that we have seen. and as that of that man, sean said, nicole, it's a complete breakdown in law and order. and i heard him say, i cannot. and confirm this from our own reporting. but he said the lapd came to the campus and just left, which seems extraordinary. nicole. it's not extraordinary. it's quite frankly, disgraceful and disgusting. that's their job. they need to come back. but like paul mentioned, it's really up to the local leadership. if they don't allow law enforcement do their job, their hands are completely tied. and we've seen that happen over the last four years. who you elect let officials out of your city. they matter. your governors matter, your local mayors, your city council members matter because they're the ones that allow the law enforcement to do their jobs. you heard him say there are gang members throwing up gang signs. i would not be shocked if several of these people have nothing to do with this original cause of, you know, this palestinian. i think many of them are just looking at this as an opportunity to wreak havoc, cause violence, and to, you know, make their voices heard, express grievances. and, you know, they have no control. when there's no control, you can expect violence to continue. people are going to get hurt. >> but again, this is not shocking. this is not the time to plan this. these universities should have had this a lockdown a long time ago. >> there should been something in order to stop this immediately. this cannot be tolerated. >> it just cannot. and let me bring joe cardinal lee back in. joe, as i look at this, i see a crowd growing rather than diminishing it. and you know that in a city like l.a., bad actors are going to think, oh, looks entertaining, let's go and cause a little bit of trouble there. so you've got you've got the protesters, the original protesters, you've got the counter-protesters. and i'm pretty sure we could say fairly certainly that other bad are now coming in to stir up trouble. would that be your experience of these kind of situations, joe? like, oh, absolutely. this is just a big party for them now. this is like, let's everybody go down is all we can do. it's a free for jonathan. it's a free for all right now. and if it doesn't get controlled very fast. all right. by the lapd, who they have to call in. they may have to call in the national guard as well, because we do know that this can get to the point that that's going to happen. and it happened so fast. you have to get a handle on it. you know, it's just amazing that call these institutions places of higher learning. i'm telling you right now, people are going to start thinking twice before they send their children to colleges like columbia or uc l.a. and say, listen there, they don't like my best interest of my child. >> and in their minds, they're just worried about what the political movements are, what the ramifications are on catering to a select few. enough is enough looks at sanity back. you know, holding these institutions accountable. right. it's enough. people should not get hurt. students should not be held back from classes and then worried about columbia is worried about two weeks from now, the commencement exercises . are you kidding me? worry about the students that have to make it to the commencement exercises. >> yeah, i'm pull. i'm just turned to go back a little bit to what we saw happening at columbia a few ago . we'll keep up these live pictures of ucla just because they are so compelling. but it seemed to me a pretty textbook operation by the nypd and columbia. and it should be, one would think, the model for what the lapd needs to do. now. i wonder if you can give us your thoughts on the nypd action team. do we have paul as we lost paul in the afternoon? >> let's go to nicole parker. nicole, are you are you are you still there? and i wonder what you think. the lapd should learn from the from the nypd? >> oh, absolutely. like i said, you know, nypd, they had their hands tied for four weeks as well. and it finally came to the head where they president of columbia said, i can't handle this anymore. i need your help. and the insecurity students are protesters. again, i don't think lot of them are even students at these universities to say, oh, but i don't like enforcement on my campus. you know, we don't like you causing problems and violence in our country and frankly, you're violating the law. and i don't appreciate not having law and order. i really don't care what you think. and if you don't like it, then you can leave this country because that's what we expect in america. we expect you to abide by the laws. and as we're watching on the screen, people are now getting hurt. they are fighting. look, look, look at this. this is this is very nasty. right this minute. we've just seen in an hour, an hour brawl between protesters on both sides. there are fighting, hitting each other with sticks again on the way. the piers to we're getting fireworks, firecrackers literally thrown in to the middle of that tent encampment there. this this is just a serious danger, joe cup, not only if you left this is an absolute breakdown of law and order, a real danger to people on both sides. and leaving aside what anybody thinks about the causes in this, the pro-palestinian calls, the pro-israeli calls. leaving that aside, this is simply lawlessness on a public university campus in the heart of los angeles that we are looking at now. joe, this is this this surely has nothing to do with protests. this is something that just has to be nipped in the bud, although it's too late for that already. but it just has to be shut down right now, does it not, joe? oh, absolutely. this is a riot. this is a riot. no matter how you look at it. this is a riot. and the more they let it continue is going to get hurt. somebody could possibly die from this. like i said before, you could you have a crowd this large here, have no way of knowing what was brought into that crowd. i mean, this is fireworks. it could easily be something else. but at what point does the government step in? others may step in and say then the troops then then the mounted units then do what we have to do, get control back from situation right now? why are they waiting? all right. why are they waiting? it's beyond me. i think, you know, nicole said it best before. we have politicians that step in and say, well, we have to weigh out. you know what? you know, this could cost us votes. a lot of your vote, a lot of everything we say, dismantle the first line of defense in this country, which is your police department. they dismantle them, they demoralize them. and this is the end result of it. you have got to do that, has to be reactive and not proactive. and this is the problem across america right now. and as the said, it's in democratic city. all right. because you do not see this in other areas. you go to texas, the only problem you see is in austin. and we know why it's in austin. all right. it's a very liberal town over there. but this is what happens when you allow this level of power. all right. you know, you allow and there's no consequences at the end of all their actions. they're slap on the wrist. somebody pays their fines for them, especially in new york. and if you look at it, you have the dea, like gascon and like gregg that just do not do their job. they pick and choose what cases they want to prosecute. this is the disastrous stuff. all right. elections have consequences. >> yeah. let me bring in julian epstein, who's standing by for us as well. julian, of course, is a former chief counsel, the house judiciary committee. >> julian, as look at this from a legal perspective, what do you see unfolding in front of you here on the campus of ucla? >> well, i think, first of all, good morning. thank you for having me. i think what joe and nicole are saying, when will the lesson to be learned? the more you try to appease extremists, the more extremism you get and all you really need to do is look at the example of what's happening in where university officials have said ,if you cross the line, you will be arrested for criminal trespass and you will be suspended. and this isn't. if you break the law, you there will be consequence. we have long moved past free speech and we have moved into criminal violence, criminal intimidation and criminal trespass and we are allowing essentially a group of people who are either propagandists. and when i say propaganda, so i'm referring to people who have essentially adopted the political rhetoric of hamas and have it attempted to advance their cause on the u.s. political scene. they are either propaganda or their father useful idiots. and to the extent that these paid organizers and i think a lot of these are paid organizer who are driving this, think that they are going to get away with a slap on the wrist. i think there's news for them. there are two important federal statutes. one is 1983 of title 42, which a civil provision which says that if you try to attempt to deprive someone of their civil rights in this case, it is the repeated and systematic attempt of these protesters to criminally attack, criminally harass jews, their campus. if you try to impede their civil rights, than you are civilly liable. and i think what you're going to see in the aftermath of this is a lot of civil lawsuits that are going to rise up against the organizers and particularly the paid. there's just another statute that i think is important that this conversation, which joe and nicole, i think are very well aware of, which is title 18, 1942, which is a criminal civil rights provisions, which says that anyone attempting to deprive any other american of their civil rights, their right to free movement, their right to assembly, the right to just be who they are, jews in this case, that's a criminal violation. now, we've heard a lot from the west and a democrat, although i think a lot of what's happened on the left here is just shameful. we've heard a lot on the left about how january 6 and the trump trials and all these other things are threats to democracy. well, if this is not a threat to democracy, literally advocates of extremists, terrorism groups in the middle east who are doing their bidding here on u.s. soil ,and we are attempting to appease them because we're worried about potential election consequences if that is not a threat to democracy then and more specifically, i think if the justice department does not look at using 1942, then i think the left is going to be really exposed for arguing about the importance of democracy the importance of fighting racism. and i think they will be sort of exposed as invoking those kind that kind of rhetoric only when it's convenient. but when it comes to a hard test in terms of using those laws against people that they may think could cause an adverse consequence for them on election time, then i think that the hypocrisy on the left is going to be grossly exposed here. so the left is going to have to take on the biden administration is going to have some real tough questions to to answer in terms of whether they are going to enforce basic civil rights here in defense of a minority that has been persecuted for 3500 years. there is no group earth that has been persecuted as consistently as many continents as the jews have. and this is a continuous of about this is like 1938 germany. what we're seeing on campuses where a lot of the movement started. if the biden administration cannot stand up to this kind of racism and bigotry and persecution and then i think the whole claim that they are defending democracy or protecting diversity and inclusion and all that, i will be exposed as a bit. >> sorry. yeah. >> nicole, i wonder what you think of julian's point about the potential charges that the federal that these protesters could face. i mean, he's spot on. he's absolutely spot on. first of all, the tail end of the statement, he talked about the diversity, equity and inclusion. how much money have these universities spent talking about how, you know, we're going to be diverse and we're going to love everyone and accept everyone's differences and this is a safe space, and that's a bunch of nonsense. do you think that these jewish students feel safe now? there's anything but diversity, equity and inclusion going on in university campuses. so to that, i think that it's complete, that it's been a total waste of your time and resources. it has been absolutely useless . and also, to take you back on what he said as a special agent, i can tell you when the fbi and doj want to aggressively something, they will when you have an aggressive prosecutor and you are told by doj, this is our top priority, like they did for january 6, the january six misdemeanors, they are very creative and they find ways to charge you federally to make sure that you there's a very loud and clear message. and unfortunately, i don't see much going on right now on the federal level where it's christopher wray who's been out there saying, hey, you know, testifying before congress, saying, hey, this is a massive problem. well, what are you doing, fbi? now's the time to. step it up. and i strongly recommend any students, those that feel that their civil rights have been violated. you should be calling 1-800- call fbi file a complaint. let the fbi show you that they are fair and equal and that they support everyone, that they care about your safety. because i can tell you that the civil rights act of 1964, section six would cover this type of action of behavior that is occurring on these campuses. >> interesting as you were talking, nicole, we were just watching somebody being wheeled into an l.a. fire department ambulance there. so the fire department is on scene. we still have not i still cannot see a single lapd officer. but that is interesting. nicole, you you say that anybody who feels they've had their rights trampled in any way in this and there are obviously a lot of people who would feel that way, can simply call the fbi and file a complaint and put it in the fbi's court to deal with something. >> look i'm not saying that they're going to do something necessarily about it, but you do have the. right, if you feel that you have the right and it is straight from the doj website and i am happy to read it one more time on your program. as i have read it several times, quote, no person in the united states shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded participation and be denied the benefits of or be subjected discrimination under any program or activity receiving. federal financial assistance, close quote. and i believe that all of these universities are receiving financial you know, assistance from the federal government and therefore it would fall into that category. so, look, let them let them support you. you are paying your taxpayer dollars. and that is the fbi job is to protect american citizens from any sort of threats, violence, fear, violence and most importantly, their number one job is to stop a potential terrorist attack on u.s. soil. >> period. yeah, we got we got paul moreau back with us. paul, i we've been watching these pictures now for the last hour on the campus of ucla for over an hour. people have been fighting. they've been brawling. their firecrackers have been thrown from one side to the other, directly into crowds of people. i do not see and have not seen a single law enforcement officer in that crowd anywhere. and frankly, paul, that boggles the mind that this is complete and utter lawlessness on the campus of a public university. >> and there is no law enforcement presence as far as i can see. >> how is this happening, paul? i wish i had an answer for you, but this is truly appalling. >> and i have to tell you something. there's somebody, you know, who's been involved in the criminal justice system for 30 years or more. i've never seen anything like this. i just i cannot understand where the police are. i can only think that up the chain at the molecular level, mayor bass has made some decision to hold them back. >> but i have to say, this is a major media center of america, and it better be a real recounting of what the heck went wrong here, because i have to say, this is inexcusable. i mean, you couldn't have this in york. i mean, obviously, my experience is new york city and a federal task force. so a lot of exposure to a lot of other cities and law enforcement agencies around the world. i've never seen anything like this. and it's being televised live on all the networks. so it's not like they can say they didn't know what was going on. i really you know, it's very rare that i'm short words. >> i don't know what to tell you. i don't know where they are. i know it's a it's -- it's extraordinary. i just want to dip in once again to our friends at our fox affiliate here in los angeles, kttv. their reporter, chelsea edwards, who full disclosure, is married to me, has been doing some stellar work there. let's listen in to how kttv is covering this with our cameras on the scene again, right now. >> when we lost our light for a little bit, it was just it was quite something. and that was around the time that chelsea and her photographer, elliot mendoza, were pepper sprayed and. and that's part of the reason for that as well. they've doing such a great job out there in very, very difficult circumstances from professional who do not want to be there, do not want them to be documenting all of this. it's interesting how many of them know, although the pro-palestinian protesters are wearing masks, many of these you know, professional agitator types are not as they go out there. this was video from earlier. you're seeing them using these barricades and, you know, some of them causing a problem. the strategy of what they were doing, it was hard to make sense of. right. this whole thing is hard to make of. so our our colleague in glasgow has just arrived on this scene. and i know you were near the u.s. campus earlier tonight. describe what you're seeing on the ground right now. well, we are at this point away about a block away, dixon, right where it comes in. this is where the first responders have been moving in here l.a. city fire. michael, walk us over here. we've been watching one or two of the people who are coming out of the area itself. pepper sprayed, evidently brought over here to paramedics ,brought inside. they were washing out. the one fellow came in. his eyes were burning. he was in a bit of agony as we walk over here. so they've been trying, in a sense, clean out his eyes and calm him down. he's in the back of the unit. so we've seen about two of the victims of this chaos over who've been brought over here to the paramedics who are taking care of the situation. but this is where the first responders have basically been mobilized and they're they're they're coming in with the the fire department as well . again, away from the security forces that are about a if you will, on the other side of the plaza dixon court, dixon plaza. and this is where we've some fire trucks over here, some more paramedics, some more units coming in as we back over this way. so this entire area now has become a hotbed. first responders are moving in here. they're settling up. a lot of the media off to our right and down that block. as you look down, michael, giving you a look, that's part of the plaza. that big screen we see down there is where the the counter-protest ushers have set up showing a lot of the video from the october 7th attack. and on the other side is really unfortunately ground zero for this attack that we've been seeing play out here the last hour or so getting chaotic. and there are people have been coming out here. they're they're wearing their masks, but they're screaming. they're saying it's crazy and they're they're pepper spraying. so it's a wild scene here. and as we keep hearing over and over, a lot of folks have been walking, running, buying, saying, where is security? where are the police? and this point, all from our vantage point, all we are seeing are the first responders and medical first responders coming here to try to help out. and since you were just reporting from u.s., not on the protests, but we're just across the street right on the u.s. side, can you compare and contrast the scenes of the u.s. campus and what it looks like from the outside and the ucla campus now? >> yeah, you know, it's an interesting point and an interesting comparison. i would say almost like two different worlds. and i'm not trying to be funny saying that because the usc, the campus, this evening was quiet. there was a feeling of really no tension and you come over here and being here last night before all of this craziness broke out, you could feel the tension in the air. mike, we'll give you a look again, some more cars, some more activity, the hotbed of activity, but it's entirely different situation. usc very calm tonight. no sense any type of activity in terms of a protest or any kind of tension. and you come over here and you just felt through the last several hours through midday as this thing was continuing. and then the the sort of the ultimatum coming up from the university telling the protesters they had to break up. they had to move, they had to get out of the area. you just felt something was going to blow sooner or later here. and frankly, i'm not surprised because remember last night around 1130, 12:00 midnight, we had a group of protesters, counterprotesters mixing it up again. the campus police had to come in and some of their their tactical gear and break that up. but nothing like what we've been seeing here tonight in terms of the explosiveness and the violence and the of the crowds of protesters, counter-protesters going at each other. a lot of the folks over there that mike is giving you a look at are some of the the students who've been running over here. and i say that because you actually see them running up some of the side streets coming over here. they they've been hearing that all of this was breaking loose and they wanted to come and get a firsthand look at it with their cell phones out. but again, a lot of folks are telling them back, stay back here where it's safe. don't go down the next block, past that screen, past some of these all those orange cones over there, because that's where that's where it's all breaking loose. and you can see a lot of the activity going on. >> yeah, skyfox i know you can't see it, ed, but skyboxes that very squad and it looks like more objects are being thrown, people running periodically here and there in spurts. you know. ed it was what, six days ago. >> so tomorrow i believe it's one day that you were on the usc campus when lapd moved in and you 93 people arrested on that night. it was completely not like this to hit home that point even more in that it was orderly. there was none of this extreme violence or anarchy by any stretch. >> yes, extreme violence, anarchy, very good adjectives, i think if you look at this, we can see and it from my vantage point, i see a lot of people running. yeah, they're running out back toward this direction. as i said, the pepper spray and even we're on the other side of the plaza here. we're going to get a get a sense of that as well, playing in the air. but a lot of folks running this way trying to get away from all that that is that's playing out there. unbelievably so. yeah. this picture here, when this young guy who was obviously pepper sprayed and they're trying to wash out his eyes, he's in significant pain. there's still no sign of lapd. it was. and that is you're at picture at chelsea edwards. go ahead. this chelsea ready? can you talk to us about what you're seeing from your perspective? >> yes, this is fox news coverage o

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1983 , 42 , Someone , Attempt , Lawsuits , Aftermath , Statute , Provisions , Of , Criminal , 1942 , 18 , Movement , Violation , Assembly , Anyone , Democrat , West , Trials , 6 , January 6 , Democracy , Threat , Soil , Threats , Terrorism , Bidding , The Middle East , Department , Election , Justice , Racism , Importance , Terms , Test , Hypocrisy , Questions , Earth , Minority , Continents , 3500 , Bigotry , Claim , Germany , 1938 , Diversity , Inclusion , Charges , Equity , Tail End , Statement , Spot On , Space , Differences , Bunch , Nonsense , University Campuses , Special Agent , Resources , Waste , Doj , Priority , Want , Misdemeanors , Prosecutor , Six , Christopher Wray , Congress , Complaint , Feel , 800 , 1 , Type , Equal , Section , Civil Rights Act Of 1964 , 1964 , L A Fire Department , Single , Talking , Program , Plaza Dixon Court , Times , Quote , Website , Grounds , Participation , Discrimination , Activity Receiving , Origin , Race , Benefits , Color , Close Quote , Assistance , Category , Taxpayer Dollars , Sort , Terrorist Attack , Citizens , Fear , Paul Moreau , Brawling , Crowds , Law Enforcement Officer , Mind , Anywhere , Criminal Justice System , Answer , Chain , Decision , Bass , Check , Recounting , Task Force , Law Enforcement Agencies , Exposure , It S , Words , Dip , Cameras , Work , Who Full Disclosure , Light , Elliot Mendoza , Circumstances , Professional , Masks , Video , Barricades , Agitator , Colleague , Sense Of , Strategy , Glasgow , Block , Dixon , Paramedics , Responders , Walk Us , Michael , Fellow , Sense , Eyes , Unit , The One , Agony , Victims , Inside , Security Forces , Hotbed , Fire Trucks , Dixon Plaza , Look , Plaza , Attack , Ushers , October 7th , Ground Zero , 7 , Zero , Hearing , Screaming , Pepper Spraying , Chaotic , Running , Buying , Tension , Broke Out , Feeling , Comparison , Worlds , Usc , Activity , Mike , Cars , University , Ultimatum , Campus Police , 12 , 1130 , 00 , Explosiveness , Side Streets , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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pro-palestinian protesters from the campus of columbia university in new york. dozens were arrested after ivy league school decided it was finally time to call in the reinforcements. hello, i'm jonathan hunt, live in los angeles with continuing coverage of the campus. chaos across country. the situation at columbia escalated about 24 hours ago when the protesters broke into historic hamilton hall building. and just a few hours, officers in riot gear entered that building and swiftly made arrests. columbia university has, of course, been the epicenter for pro-palestinian protests that have now spread to campuses around the country. >> hundreds of students have been arrested nationwide and upcoming commencements are in danger being canceled. >> let's get straight to fox news correspondent richardson for the latest on how it all unfolded at columbia. good evening, rick. good evening, jonathan. columbia university is given the all clear after school officials told students to shelter in this past evening. >> hundreds of new york city police officers arrested dozens of protesters who'd occupied and barricade themselves in a columbia university building. officers scaled a police vehicle to enter columbia's hamilton hall from a second floor window. >> zip tied protesters and let them out in police buses. the university says early tuesday, a group broke into the hall. >> some were students, though columbia, says they were led by individuals who are not affiliated with the university. columbia had threatened to expel students involved in occupying and vandalizing the hall. in a letter to the nypd university, president, manu shafiq requested police clear. hamilton hall and all tent encampments. >> shafiq says she informed in the encampments on the west lawn that they would be suspended. they refused to leave by 2 p.m. monday, nearly two weeks ago, the nypd arrested more than 100 protesters. >> many were released shortly after and demonstrators pitched new tents. the pro-palestinian groups have demanded that columbia from israel. jewish students have accused the university fostering an anti-semitic environment and say they were subjected harassment on campus. the encampment at columbia lasted about three weeks and began when shafiq and senior columbia administrators testified before a house committee hearing here in d.c., house speaker mike johnson and senior republican lawmakers have called on shafiq resign over what they say is columbia's refusal to protect jewish students. more than 20 house democrats urged columbia to act decisively. pro-palestinian encampments have grown at campuses across the country. the white house has refused to comment how individual universities are handling these protests. only to say president biden respects the right to free expression and believes protests must be peaceful. back in new york, mayor eric adams is scheduled to speak at 9 a.m. on the columbia demonstrate. jonathan rich, thank you very much. i know i am just getting a of live pictures now from the campus of ucla here in los angeles. there has been a violence breaking out there. counter-protesters moved on to that campus to confront some of the pro palestinians who have been camped there for days now. and there is a scene of some chaos. we have been watching over the last couple of minutes, fights breaking out. you can what i believe, of firecrackers going off. there is. no, as far as we know, no los angeles police department presence on campus at this point, although given the scenes that we are witnessing right now, that may change very quickly because now you have the pro-palestinian protesters who have been there for some time. and there you see on camera counter-protesters. one of them clearly carrying an israeli flag who are now clashing. there's only been over the last few days, campus security there on the campus of ucla. and they have clearly failed at this point to keep the two sides up pop that were essentially two lines of metal barriers. there. but the protesters on both sides now appear to have taken those down and they are involved in clashes. it looks as though some semblance of order may be being restored in that the two sides are a little further apart than we have been witnessing over the last couple of minutes. but there was certainly some violence scuffles there. i still do not see any major security or any major law enforcement presence there. we there are journalists on scene. i know that some of them were up in the violence going on there. and as you see now, these are hard to tell which side these protesters are, but they're trying essentially to put back the barriers. so i believe what you are seeing there with the pro-palestinian protesters trying to put the barriers back, which had been torn down by the pro-israeli counter-protesters that you're at right now. this is an important scene we're looking at right now because those counter-protesters, the pro-israeli protesters, are moving directly towards the pro palestinian protesters. there you see them confronting each other again. it looks as though they are keeping a few yards of distance right now. but clearly items are being thrown from side to side. a very tense situation. and as i was mentioning, the lapd has not been on site. they have not been requested by the administration of ucla. so they have not been there. and it has been mainly campus security. who clearly outnumbered badly by the number of protests on both sides right now. and as we look at those pictures, it is hard to see any security presence whatsoever. so clearly a very, very tense situation unfolding on the campus of ucla, one of the finest universities in the state of california. indeed in the country. and now we are seeing these sad scenes of pro-palestinian and pro-israeli protesters clashing and you see them holding parts of what were the fence there. they are holding the poles from signs. and if they do come together, it is a terrible thought what might happen. so i one imagines the los angeles police department might be on the way there. one would certainly hope that something is going to happen and in a short time to keep those two sides apart. and out of here, you hear you have two protesters in a standoff, both of them carrying large poles and getting very close to each other, both threatening each other on the left, on screen left, i believe, of the pro-palestinian protesters on the right the pro israeli counter-protesters. and let's bring in now joe cardinal, a retired nypd lieutenant. joe, as you are as you watch these scenes, how surprised are you on this is? i have to i would should point out this is only unfolded in about i would say the last 10 minutes maybe 20 at the most but how surprised are you that we're not seeing a police presence on what is a public university campus? >> well, i'm not surprised. all because look how long it took them to bring the nypd into columbia. i mean, at what point do you turn around and say the safety of the public and the students is paramount above everything else and bring them in? the police should go in and the governor should be bringing the police in. but, you know, that's not going to happen because they can't hold them. they got all these protesters and they give in to their demands. i mean, jonathan, i was listening to your interview of the student press, the person representing the student press, and they're like, oh, you know, we didn't want the pd. >> we didn't want this kind of presence. it's not what you want. it's what it needs to be done. i know this already. this is getting to the point where it's outright dangerous. and she's saying they were nervous about police being there. what about the jewish students that were nervous walking on campus and couldn't even get to class? what about, their rights? i mean, at this point in this country, do we turn around and say enough is enough? when does the president of the united step in and say, listen, if you don't adhere to certain things that we want you to when it comes to the safety of our students, going to stop the funding for this school? and that's the only thing going to make them realize what's going on. never mind suspensions. all right. these these individuals should not even make commencement exercises that are coming up in two weeks at columbia. >> but, joe, just to go back to the law enforcement part of this. >> this this would be they, the owner on the on the campus of a public university, the l.a. pd does not or does it need the permission of ucla administration to go in? if there is anarchy, there, as we are seeing right now and straight out brawls between two sets of protesters, can the lapd just move straight in there? oh, absolutely. they can. but who's holding them back? no, the court of public opinion is holding them back because they kowtow to them every single time. it's enough already. bring it. bring the lapd in there. let them do what they have to do. bring them mounted units in. if you have to separate two sides, clear that campus and don't let them make it in camp and out of it again, because once there they had these encampments and they were emboldened to do this. that's what that's the outcome you're going to get. and jonathan, here's something else we're. going to see what happens over the next couple of weeks with what happening in new york city. let's see what kind of arrest. stick with this. let's see who bails them out. the fines going to be paid. let's see if it's going to be a slap on the wrist because we do not make an example of this right now. it's only going to rekindle the fire. and this time it's going to be a blaze that's going to be out of control. >> yeah. and we're just seeing now, joe, as we watch that some of the counterprotest fighters are throwing large wooden poles at the pro-palestinian protesters. i should i should point out my wife is a reporter for kptv. our local fox affiliate is down there. they she and her crew just got pepper sprayed by some of the protesters who are taking out their anger against the media as usual as well. >> it seems we're we're on the brink of anarchy on the on a major university campus. and nobody is doing anything about it. it really does seem an extraordinary situation. and i know you said the nypd. it took a while for them to be asked in by columbia. they did go in and performed what appeared to be a pretty textbook operation to clear out the campus. and surely we have to that on more campuses now. we go way beyond first amendment free speech rights, haven't we, joe? >> oh, they most certainly have. and you know, jonathan, they really should be in there ready? not for just one side of this, the pro palestinian, but for both sides, because it's going to get to the point where somebody is going to get hurt very badly or possibly killed over on this campus. and then they're going to oh, now we can move in. no, you do not. you get proactive with this. you don't get reactive. you get proactive and you go in there and you take control of the situation. you do not wait for somebody to get hurt. yeah. and i we've been watching today, joe, over the last few days some jewish students who are very fearful on the of ucla and some jewish students who are frankly very, very angry that their freedom of movement is being trumped by what the protesters say is their freedom of speech. >> jewish students who say they cannot walk across campus. some of them are scared, too. some of them have tried to and simply have their path blocked. and i know, having spoken to some friends there among the jewish community, some friends of mine, they have been running out of patience and. i think i don't know who these people are now, the kind of protesters, but clearly people have run out of patience. >> clearly, they've had enough. and these are some of the pro-palestinian protesters once again, going after the media here. there you go. sorry, joe. and that's the problem though when you don't take action. you let them. that's when the people take the action into their own hands. they take the law into their own hands and make their own actions. and this is the result of it. so if you curb this from the beginning and you don't allow this to happen and you make enforce the laws that are already there, then you can take control of it. why do you wait for a situation to get blown out of control? it is point. why do you wait? you should send in the police department right now. they should be in there. the government should say enough is enough. go in there and take control of the situation. >> do what you have to do before somebody gets killed. yeah, and it really does joe seem like this could get so out of hand so quickly. and i wonder, in your experience with the nypd do you look at something like this, these pictures we're looking now and this is an absolute flashpoint. this is where we absolutely have to draw the line. i know you say that they should have drawn a line much earlier ,but at this point, i mean, we are we are in a really dangerous situation. it seems to me that for a lot of young people. absolutely. and jonathan, years ago and i'm not sure, you know, you have to compare we never let it get to this point. we have the crown heights riots at one time, and i remember that very well. but, you know, we got to the point where we made the even said, all right, we have to do something here. you can only go so far with the peaceful approach and allowing people to as said, you know, peacefully protest. but this is so peaceful protest. this is so beyond that. four days and four weeks now and they are involved in and you don't stop that from the beginning. this is the point they get to and they think that they can get away just about anything because they have gotten away with everything. so, joe, stop sending the police department right now . >> take control here. joe, stand by for one second. let ask the control room and our executive producer, linda lombardi, if we can take kateb sound, our fox affiliate here, and listen to their reporter. >> the ground by name on a scale other than make your piece. and then everybody has got report, it seems we're having it's hard to hear the reporter there but you can very plainly hear the noise that has been going on. i'm told about an hour ago the the counterprotesters, the pro-israeli protesters were playing very loud music. at one point on loudspeakers. and then they were broadcasting the sound of a baby crying clearly, trying to make it uncomfortable for the for the protesters. >> let's listen again to that, that kgtv reporter chelsea edwards, many, many, many, many moms, many, many, many, many moms. >> yeah, they're clearly having trouble with their audio there. that reporter chelsea edwards texted me just short time ago telling me that she and her crew had been pepper sprayed. you can see the the marks of that on on the reporter's face there. those tears caused by pepper spray, which is not a fun substance to be sprayed with, i can tell you from experience. we don't have her audio right now. but clearly, we're getting a very good view from our fox affiliate katv of what is going on on the campus. and this this now with columbia ,a university of new york cleared out ucla, the blue ribbon university of the uc system in many ways, as has now become the epicenter of ongoing protest movement, which as we were talking with joe and joe, if you're still there, we were talking about how it's gone beyond beyond to free speech here. and joe, if you were as an nypd officer, if you were looking at this, what the lapd do. do they just to form a line and get between the two sides? >> how do you how do you game plan on operation like this to keep these people from really hurting each other? >> joe? >> you put on the gear the way they did at columbia. you go in there, you form wedges, you make a path to separate the two sides and you control the situation the best you can until you get those two sides separated. you start effecting arrests. she starts, arrest us. so important. all right. you really need to effect the arrest because that's showing the count. and i'm not saying arrest all of everybody. you get the combatants that of with those sticks, you start them and then you work your way. but you must separate those two sides and you need to clear that area out. that area must be cleared out. if they do not comply, you affect an arrest. very simple so level of tolerance. i've never seen this before. >> yeah, it really is. it really is to watch this this tolerance for for for protests that has become violent. it has been harassing. it has been intimidating. it has been according to many jewish students on the campus, it has been outright anti-semitic in places. and now the anger among counterprotesters. we we assume that some of those counterprotesters are jewish. they aren't necessarily they might just among that number have students who are angry to see so much of their campus taken in this way. but clearly, we are seeing a complete breakdown of law and order on the campus. and that appears to me on the left that we were just seeing that appears to me to be campus security, simply standing to one side on the steps there. and i see i see some flashing lights in the background there . yeah. so those are lapd vehicles, joe, but still, that doesn't seem to be many officers out of those vehicles. what is the practically speaking, joe this happened this started happening about 30 minutes ago. how quickly should they be able to get enough officers in place to carry out the kind operation you're talking about? >> this operation have planned . it should've been planned a while ago, not 30 minutes ago, hours ago, because they knew the numbers were growing, that the nypd calculated, what was happening, they picked a time when they said they were going to do when they were invited in by the president of columbia. so they they had a plan in place well before that that when we do get the go has to go in to a private school, this is what we're going to do. this is not a private school, a public school. so they have the right to go in there. they could have gotten many, many officers to stand by and say, if we get to this level, we move right in. you have a show of force them. they are not they are very you know, they'll be more likely to disperse by to different areas. all right. and not go confront each other the way they do. so you need that show of force that you're going to give these students that like to see a police officer in uniform with, you know, with the revenue guarantee. i don't care what they don't like. right. this is a matter of public safety. and for the students that actually want to learn. right. and it's it's imperative that we protect and get them to, you know, the classes, never mind canceling classes or going remotely another day. so you have these characters that are constantly doing it. expel them. do not, you know, suspend them, get rid of them. all right. and so it's supposed to be a learning institution. all right. but i think the next thing should be one on one, the class of one on one consequences after this. >> yeah. joe, stay with us. if you would, please. your expertise is so valuable in this situation, but i want to bring in now as well to our conversation former fbi special and fox news contributor nicole parker. >> nicole, as you see this outright breakdown in order on the campus of ucla here in l.a., what are your thoughts as you watch these pictures? you know, i go to talk to joe. he is absolutely spot on an nypd they are the best. they are the finest. and they handled that situation as soon as they were given the right to do their job and enforce the law, they got it taken care of in less than 2 hours. and what you're seeing in los angeles campus security is not equipped to handle these types of situations. i'm sorry. with all due respect, they are not law needs to get in there. and these individuals, you do not have a choice what laws you're going to abide by. you're going to abide by the laws. there will be law and order. and that is the message that needs to be sent. i do not believe that many of these agitators and protesters are even students at many these universities. i think this is an opportunity for those that want express their grievances, you know, act in violent manners, you know, be a part of something bigger than themselves. i don't believe that these people are even students. and frankly, did your students and those who support israel on these campuses have had to quietly sit on the sidelines this entire time and take so much persecution? and i can understand that they're there, they're dying. you know, they they want to have their voice heard as well. but i can tell you that the solution is not to act in violence. and they need to get in there and enforce the law now and send the message loud and clear. this will not be tolerated. it cannot spin out of control. they shut it down in new york. and they need to shut it down in los angeles. yeah. >> and nicole, if this was if we moved two blocks, maybe a quarter of a mile, half a mile sort of east from where we're looking right now on the campus of ucla, we'd be in the middle of of a major street, los angeles, in the westwood neighborhood. this would not be allowed to happen. so why? two blocks away are is any law enforcement organization just letting this play out. these people would not be allowed to fight to throw huge wooden poles at each other to brawl on the ground, to pepper spray each other on any normal street. how this public university any different? it absolutely should not be any different, like you mentioned. the key point there is this is a public university. you know, i'm very familiar with watching it. i used to live in los angeles and there they don't have to be invited on to campus. columbia, the nypd had to wait on to be invited by the president, columbia, because it's a private institution. and that's an agreement that i understand that they have with the nypd. this is very different. this is ucla. this is a state run university. law order must occur. now, the fact that you have reporters, i my my advice is, even in the media, you need to be extremely careful because these people do not care. and the fact that they're, you know, spreading pepper spray media, they don't care who you are. now as an fbi agent. and in law enforcement, we are trained for that. you know, they do an oath spray on us to make sure if we are sprayed that we can continue to carry out our duties to execute an arrest and do what we need to do. but if you're not trained for that, you know, you could be quickly. so i would just my advice is media, be careful, be safe. but yeah, this can't be tolerated. i mean, look, people are taking a ballot and throwing things at individuals. these people are acting like animals. this is not your first amendment right. this is now turning into violence. it is breaking the law. yeah, and let me bring joe connolly back in. joe and nicole was pointing out quite rightly. campus security there. they're there to keep order in on a normal day of students walking around campus. >> as nicole says, they are in no way mentally, physically geared wise to deal with this kind of breakdown of law and order. are they? no, absolutely not. and as nicole said, their training only goes so far because they're the security guards. all right. they're not on security guards because once again, they don't want any armed personnel on campus. that's like a major. no, no. so when you sit back and you watch everything that's going on right now and you see this, you know, to the point that there's so many people there, you don't know what the weapons are on campus right now because you don't even know if these individuals have a screen to go onto the campus. they just put everybody go on to make them encampment over there. and this is outrageous insanity across this country because one school picked up from another and then they get this little network together and they've got to tell you about those networks better than i can, because they all think together. there is an organization, all of this. and right now they're very proud of what's happening. right. and they are accomplishing accomplishing everything they wanted to accomplish. they created having in our country from us, from afar. all right. and they're winning on that point. but you want to know something, the pushback is here right now. this one, this should never happen again in new york city. the governor in new york should be stepping in and saying enough is enough. the president of the united states should be stepping in saying, i am pulling funding from every one of these schools right now because i believe columbia gets something to the tune of maybe $1,000,000 a day or better from what the government supplements them with. so enough is enough. i think they should just yeah, think about public safety and think about all the students, not just some of the students. yeah. and nicole parker, let me bring you back in. you know, i'm watching these pictures, nicole, and we have been watching this now for 27 minutes or so. and i am about absolutely stunned by the complete and utter absence still between two lines of people who clearly want to do harm to each other of any law. how does this happen in a major city in the united states? how have we got to a point where law enforcement isn't in there within minutes of seeing this that happen? frankly, i think what it comes down to is law enforcement has been crucified for at least the last four years, since the summer of 2020, when they were just completely demonize ice after the summer of love. and there's no respect for law enforcement and frankly, a lot of leadership see it across the country, especially in democratic cities. they do not respect law enforcement. they really don't care. do you think that these individuals on, this campus, really care about law enforcement? they don't care. they respect cops. they couldn't care less. but you know what? they're going to respect you when you've got handcuffs on and you're being sent to jail. but again, they'll probably be released the next day. you know, no bail, you know, be free. and that is the problem. this is an underlying larger problem that our nation is that we allowed this behavior to go unchecked for years for at least the last four years. and you know what is catching up to america. and if it spirals out of control, you will not be able to get a grip on it. and that's why this is the key moment. you do not get to choose which laws. you're going to obey. you will respect law enforcement. and frankly, with lapd, it appears that there's vehicles that are nearby. why aren't they doing their job? maybe they're developing a plan, but now is not the time to develop the plan. this had been planned way in advance. and the other thing i'd like to continue to bring up that i have noticed since day one of this, these individuals that have faced covering their face, you know, you act like you're so brave and courageous for your cause. you take that face cover, you take that face mask off of your face and you proudly go out there and you do what you're doing. the bottom line is they know what they're doing is wrong. and law enforcement, we know that covering that face is the biggest telltale sign that you are doing something wrong and you are trying to evade law enforcement. >> and this is not acceptable because of covid. it became normalized. thank you so much, kelvin. this is a problem because now these people know that they can get away with things and they will not. that person can't necessarily track them down. and that that's the problem. so they need to remove that. from what i understood that they were told no face coverings, no masking in the state of california, particularly los angeles. these people don't care what you to say, but they're going to care when they start enforcing the law. and at the local level won't be able to step in. the feds need to step in because for some reason do tend to listen more when they think that there's going to be more of a consequence. all right. let me bring in if there's no consequence for your behavior, the bad behavior continues. >> it's common sense, right? absolutely. let me bring in paul morrow, fox news contributor as well here. paul, we're looking there at a campus security, clearly powerless to do much here. what do you make of this situation unfolding on what is one of the blue ribbon campuses of the u.s. system? >> well, jonathan, let me expand the canvas a little bit here. >> so i think everything that your guest has been saying is absolutely accurate. >> you do have to wonder where lapd is here. but remember something, lapd is ultimately taking their orders from a mayor. >> okay. and, you know, the d.a. in l.a. has been nothing but anti-police to put too fine a point on it. >> and what i think you're really seeing finally is the beginning of the end point of the policies that have taken hold in our blue cities. the assault in new york is you're seeing it not only in l.a. wait until the dnc in chicago in august. that's going to be another showcase for the failure of the decarceration and defund movement. and why also said the civic leaders, they are all missing. where is the governor? where is the mayor? where is the new york governor? where is the governor? where is gavin newsom? >> and all of these people seem to be hiding under their desks. thanks. >> but paul, let me just jump in there. i believe kateb fox affiliate here in l.a. is interviewing somebody at the scene there. >> let's just see if we can drop in and listen to that again. you can hear the frustration there, pepper spraying each other. how are they allowed to have weapons on campuses like this? this is a complete disregard for law and society has collapsed. that's what i call it. society is completely collapsing. it's unbelievable that they're allowing this to happen. this is. listen, everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech, but this is not right. this what's happening here is absolutely not. there are people getting injured. these are gang members in here throwing gang signs. society is completely collapsed. it's unbelievable that they're allowing this to happen. this is this. listen, everyone is entitled to the freedom of speech, but this is not right. this what's happening here is absolutely not correct. there are people getting injured. there are people throwing these are gang members in here throwing gang signs. this is crazy. and the police come here and they leave. unbelievable. it's very sad. what's your name? my name is sean. how long have you lived here? oh, i've been here all my life, you know, since 1978. since the revolution. and, you know, we saw what happened then. and look what's happening over here. there are people that are living here, all right? oh, is that fire. is that fire that there's going to be an explosion right now? yeah, another explosion. okay. so that other firework people going to get hurt? yeah, people already have gotten hurt. i don't care what side the people are going to get hurt. this is this is you see these responsibility. ucla is responsible for this and they are they need to shut this down. now. you know that, chelsea, i think ,speaks for a lot of people tonight that are watching this and wondering about where are the consequences for these folks that are out there tonight. if you're just joining us at this time, usually malia would have already said good night, l.a. but we are staying on the air with you for special live breaking news coverage of a situation at ucla. we were just witnessing there was ktvu fox affiliate reporter chelsea edwards reporting talking to one of the counterprotesters there. sean was his name. it appeared to me he mentioned coming to l.a., being here most of his life, coming after the revolution in the late seventies. so i'm presuming he came from iran in that case. clearly very angry. and what he was talking about, nicole parker, bring you back in was exactly what you were just mentioning. i think he referred to the complete collapse of law and order. he said people are getting hurt. there's fires are breaking. firecrackers are being thrown at each other. people are hitting each other with large wooden poles that we have seen. and as that of that man, sean said, nicole, it's a complete breakdown in law and order. and i heard him say, i cannot. and confirm this from our own reporting. but he said the lapd came to the campus and just left, which seems extraordinary. nicole. it's not extraordinary. it's quite frankly, disgraceful and disgusting. that's their job. they need to come back. but like paul mentioned, it's really up to the local leadership. if they don't allow law enforcement do their job, their hands are completely tied. and we've seen that happen over the last four years. who you elect let officials out of your city. they matter. your governors matter, your local mayors, your city council members matter because they're the ones that allow the law enforcement to do their jobs. you heard him say there are gang members throwing up gang signs. i would not be shocked if several of these people have nothing to do with this original cause of, you know, this palestinian. i think many of them are just looking at this as an opportunity to wreak havoc, cause violence, and to, you know, make their voices heard, express grievances. and, you know, they have no control. when there's no control, you can expect violence to continue. people are going to get hurt. >> but again, this is not shocking. this is not the time to plan this. these universities should have had this a lockdown a long time ago. >> there should been something in order to stop this immediately. this cannot be tolerated. >> it just cannot. and let me bring joe cardinal lee back in. joe, as i look at this, i see a crowd growing rather than diminishing it. and you know that in a city like l.a., bad actors are going to think, oh, looks entertaining, let's go and cause a little bit of trouble there. so you've got you've got the protesters, the original protesters, you've got the counter-protesters. and i'm pretty sure we could say fairly certainly that other bad are now coming in to stir up trouble. would that be your experience of these kind of situations, joe? like, oh, absolutely. this is just a big party for them now. this is like, let's everybody go down is all we can do. it's a free for jonathan. it's a free for all right now. and if it doesn't get controlled very fast. all right. by the lapd, who they have to call in. they may have to call in the national guard as well, because we do know that this can get to the point that that's going to happen. and it happened so fast. you have to get a handle on it. you know, it's just amazing that call these institutions places of higher learning. i'm telling you right now, people are going to start thinking twice before they send their children to colleges like columbia or uc l.a. and say, listen there, they don't like my best interest of my child. >> and in their minds, they're just worried about what the political movements are, what the ramifications are on catering to a select few. enough is enough looks at sanity back. you know, holding these institutions accountable. right. it's enough. people should not get hurt. students should not be held back from classes and then worried about columbia is worried about two weeks from now, the commencement exercises . are you kidding me? worry about the students that have to make it to the commencement exercises. >> yeah, i'm pull. i'm just turned to go back a little bit to what we saw happening at columbia a few ago . we'll keep up these live pictures of ucla just because they are so compelling. but it seemed to me a pretty textbook operation by the nypd and columbia. and it should be, one would think, the model for what the lapd needs to do. now. i wonder if you can give us your thoughts on the nypd action team. do we have paul as we lost paul in the afternoon? >> let's go to nicole parker. nicole, are you are you are you still there? and i wonder what you think. the lapd should learn from the from the nypd? >> oh, absolutely. like i said, you know, nypd, they had their hands tied for four weeks as well. and it finally came to the head where they president of columbia said, i can't handle this anymore. i need your help. and the insecurity students are protesters. again, i don't think lot of them are even students at these universities to say, oh, but i don't like enforcement on my campus. you know, we don't like you causing problems and violence in our country and frankly, you're violating the law. and i don't appreciate not having law and order. i really don't care what you think. and if you don't like it, then you can leave this country because that's what we expect in america. we expect you to abide by the laws. and as we're watching on the screen, people are now getting hurt. they are fighting. look, look, look at this. this is this is very nasty. right this minute. we've just seen in an hour, an hour brawl between protesters on both sides. there are fighting, hitting each other with sticks again on the way. the piers to we're getting fireworks, firecrackers literally thrown in to the middle of that tent encampment there. this this is just a serious danger, joe cup, not only if you left this is an absolute breakdown of law and order, a real danger to people on both sides. and leaving aside what anybody thinks about the causes in this, the pro-palestinian calls, the pro-israeli calls. leaving that aside, this is simply lawlessness on a public university campus in the heart of los angeles that we are looking at now. joe, this is this this surely has nothing to do with protests. this is something that just has to be nipped in the bud, although it's too late for that already. but it just has to be shut down right now, does it not, joe? oh, absolutely. this is a riot. this is a riot. no matter how you look at it. this is a riot. and the more they let it continue is going to get hurt. somebody could possibly die from this. like i said before, you could you have a crowd this large here, have no way of knowing what was brought into that crowd. i mean, this is fireworks. it could easily be something else. but at what point does the government step in? others may step in and say then the troops then then the mounted units then do what we have to do, get control back from situation right now? why are they waiting? all right. why are they waiting? it's beyond me. i think, you know, nicole said it best before. we have politicians that step in and say, well, we have to weigh out. you know what? you know, this could cost us votes. a lot of your vote, a lot of everything we say, dismantle the first line of defense in this country, which is your police department. they dismantle them, they demoralize them. and this is the end result of it. you have got to do that, has to be reactive and not proactive. and this is the problem across america right now. and as the said, it's in democratic city. all right. because you do not see this in other areas. you go to texas, the only problem you see is in austin. and we know why it's in austin. all right. it's a very liberal town over there. but this is what happens when you allow this level of power. all right. you know, you allow and there's no consequences at the end of all their actions. they're slap on the wrist. somebody pays their fines for them, especially in new york. and if you look at it, you have the dea, like gascon and like gregg that just do not do their job. they pick and choose what cases they want to prosecute. this is the disastrous stuff. all right. elections have consequences. >> yeah. let me bring in julian epstein, who's standing by for us as well. julian, of course, is a former chief counsel, the house judiciary committee. >> julian, as look at this from a legal perspective, what do you see unfolding in front of you here on the campus of ucla? >> well, i think, first of all, good morning. thank you for having me. i think what joe and nicole are saying, when will the lesson to be learned? the more you try to appease extremists, the more extremism you get and all you really need to do is look at the example of what's happening in where university officials have said ,if you cross the line, you will be arrested for criminal trespass and you will be suspended. and this isn't. if you break the law, you there will be consequence. we have long moved past free speech and we have moved into criminal violence, criminal intimidation and criminal trespass and we are allowing essentially a group of people who are either propagandists. and when i say propaganda, so i'm referring to people who have essentially adopted the political rhetoric of hamas and have it attempted to advance their cause on the u.s. political scene. they are either propaganda or their father useful idiots. and to the extent that these paid organizers and i think a lot of these are paid organizer who are driving this, think that they are going to get away with a slap on the wrist. i think there's news for them. there are two important federal statutes. one is 1983 of title 42, which a civil provision which says that if you try to attempt to deprive someone of their civil rights in this case, it is the repeated and systematic attempt of these protesters to criminally attack, criminally harass jews, their campus. if you try to impede their civil rights, than you are civilly liable. and i think what you're going to see in the aftermath of this is a lot of civil lawsuits that are going to rise up against the organizers and particularly the paid. there's just another statute that i think is important that this conversation, which joe and nicole, i think are very well aware of, which is title 18, 1942, which is a criminal civil rights provisions, which says that anyone attempting to deprive any other american of their civil rights, their right to free movement, their right to assembly, the right to just be who they are, jews in this case, that's a criminal violation. now, we've heard a lot from the west and a democrat, although i think a lot of what's happened on the left here is just shameful. we've heard a lot on the left about how january 6 and the trump trials and all these other things are threats to democracy. well, if this is not a threat to democracy, literally advocates of extremists, terrorism groups in the middle east who are doing their bidding here on u.s. soil ,and we are attempting to appease them because we're worried about potential election consequences if that is not a threat to democracy then and more specifically, i think if the justice department does not look at using 1942, then i think the left is going to be really exposed for arguing about the importance of democracy the importance of fighting racism. and i think they will be sort of exposed as invoking those kind that kind of rhetoric only when it's convenient. but when it comes to a hard test in terms of using those laws against people that they may think could cause an adverse consequence for them on election time, then i think that the hypocrisy on the left is going to be grossly exposed here. so the left is going to have to take on the biden administration is going to have some real tough questions to to answer in terms of whether they are going to enforce basic civil rights here in defense of a minority that has been persecuted for 3500 years. there is no group earth that has been persecuted as consistently as many continents as the jews have. and this is a continuous of about this is like 1938 germany. what we're seeing on campuses where a lot of the movement started. if the biden administration cannot stand up to this kind of racism and bigotry and persecution and then i think the whole claim that they are defending democracy or protecting diversity and inclusion and all that, i will be exposed as a bit. >> sorry. yeah. >> nicole, i wonder what you think of julian's point about the potential charges that the federal that these protesters could face. i mean, he's spot on. he's absolutely spot on. first of all, the tail end of the statement, he talked about the diversity, equity and inclusion. how much money have these universities spent talking about how, you know, we're going to be diverse and we're going to love everyone and accept everyone's differences and this is a safe space, and that's a bunch of nonsense. do you think that these jewish students feel safe now? there's anything but diversity, equity and inclusion going on in university campuses. so to that, i think that it's complete, that it's been a total waste of your time and resources. it has been absolutely useless . and also, to take you back on what he said as a special agent, i can tell you when the fbi and doj want to aggressively something, they will when you have an aggressive prosecutor and you are told by doj, this is our top priority, like they did for january 6, the january six misdemeanors, they are very creative and they find ways to charge you federally to make sure that you there's a very loud and clear message. and unfortunately, i don't see much going on right now on the federal level where it's christopher wray who's been out there saying, hey, you know, testifying before congress, saying, hey, this is a massive problem. well, what are you doing, fbi? now's the time to. step it up. and i strongly recommend any students, those that feel that their civil rights have been violated. you should be calling 1-800- call fbi file a complaint. let the fbi show you that they are fair and equal and that they support everyone, that they care about your safety. because i can tell you that the civil rights act of 1964, section six would cover this type of action of behavior that is occurring on these campuses. >> interesting as you were talking, nicole, we were just watching somebody being wheeled into an l.a. fire department ambulance there. so the fire department is on scene. we still have not i still cannot see a single lapd officer. but that is interesting. nicole, you you say that anybody who feels they've had their rights trampled in any way in this and there are obviously a lot of people who would feel that way, can simply call the fbi and file a complaint and put it in the fbi's court to deal with something. >> look i'm not saying that they're going to do something necessarily about it, but you do have the. right, if you feel that you have the right and it is straight from the doj website and i am happy to read it one more time on your program. as i have read it several times, quote, no person in the united states shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded participation and be denied the benefits of or be subjected discrimination under any program or activity receiving. federal financial assistance, close quote. and i believe that all of these universities are receiving financial you know, assistance from the federal government and therefore it would fall into that category. so, look, let them let them support you. you are paying your taxpayer dollars. and that is the fbi job is to protect american citizens from any sort of threats, violence, fear, violence and most importantly, their number one job is to stop a potential terrorist attack on u.s. soil. >> period. yeah, we got we got paul moreau back with us. paul, i we've been watching these pictures now for the last hour on the campus of ucla for over an hour. people have been fighting. they've been brawling. their firecrackers have been thrown from one side to the other, directly into crowds of people. i do not see and have not seen a single law enforcement officer in that crowd anywhere. and frankly, paul, that boggles the mind that this is complete and utter lawlessness on the campus of a public university. >> and there is no law enforcement presence as far as i can see. >> how is this happening, paul? i wish i had an answer for you, but this is truly appalling. >> and i have to tell you something. there's somebody, you know, who's been involved in the criminal justice system for 30 years or more. i've never seen anything like this. i just i cannot understand where the police are. i can only think that up the chain at the molecular level, mayor bass has made some decision to hold them back. >> but i have to say, this is a major media center of america, and it better be a real recounting of what the heck went wrong here, because i have to say, this is inexcusable. i mean, you couldn't have this in york. i mean, obviously, my experience is new york city and a federal task force. so a lot of exposure to a lot of other cities and law enforcement agencies around the world. i've never seen anything like this. and it's being televised live on all the networks. so it's not like they can say they didn't know what was going on. i really you know, it's very rare that i'm short words. >> i don't know what to tell you. i don't know where they are. i know it's a it's -- it's extraordinary. i just want to dip in once again to our friends at our fox affiliate here in los angeles, kttv. their reporter, chelsea edwards, who full disclosure, is married to me, has been doing some stellar work there. let's listen in to how kttv is covering this with our cameras on the scene again, right now. >> when we lost our light for a little bit, it was just it was quite something. and that was around the time that chelsea and her photographer, elliot mendoza, were pepper sprayed and. and that's part of the reason for that as well. they've doing such a great job out there in very, very difficult circumstances from professional who do not want to be there, do not want them to be documenting all of this. it's interesting how many of them know, although the pro-palestinian protesters are wearing masks, many of these you know, professional agitator types are not as they go out there. this was video from earlier. you're seeing them using these barricades and, you know, some of them causing a problem. the strategy of what they were doing, it was hard to make sense of. right. this whole thing is hard to make of. so our our colleague in glasgow has just arrived on this scene. and i know you were near the u.s. campus earlier tonight. describe what you're seeing on the ground right now. well, we are at this point away about a block away, dixon, right where it comes in. this is where the first responders have been moving in here l.a. city fire. michael, walk us over here. we've been watching one or two of the people who are coming out of the area itself. pepper sprayed, evidently brought over here to paramedics ,brought inside. they were washing out. the one fellow came in. his eyes were burning. he was in a bit of agony as we walk over here. so they've been trying, in a sense, clean out his eyes and calm him down. he's in the back of the unit. so we've seen about two of the victims of this chaos over who've been brought over here to the paramedics who are taking care of the situation. but this is where the first responders have basically been mobilized and they're they're they're coming in with the the fire department as well . again, away from the security forces that are about a if you will, on the other side of the plaza dixon court, dixon plaza. and this is where we've some fire trucks over here, some more paramedics, some more units coming in as we back over this way. so this entire area now has become a hotbed. first responders are moving in here. they're settling up. a lot of the media off to our right and down that block. as you look down, michael, giving you a look, that's part of the plaza. that big screen we see down there is where the the counter-protest ushers have set up showing a lot of the video from the october 7th attack. and on the other side is really unfortunately ground zero for this attack that we've been seeing play out here the last hour or so getting chaotic. and there are people have been coming out here. they're they're wearing their masks, but they're screaming. they're saying it's crazy and they're they're pepper spraying. so it's a wild scene here. and as we keep hearing over and over, a lot of folks have been walking, running, buying, saying, where is security? where are the police? and this point, all from our vantage point, all we are seeing are the first responders and medical first responders coming here to try to help out. and since you were just reporting from u.s., not on the protests, but we're just across the street right on the u.s. side, can you compare and contrast the scenes of the u.s. campus and what it looks like from the outside and the ucla campus now? >> yeah, you know, it's an interesting point and an interesting comparison. i would say almost like two different worlds. and i'm not trying to be funny saying that because the usc, the campus, this evening was quiet. there was a feeling of really no tension and you come over here and being here last night before all of this craziness broke out, you could feel the tension in the air. mike, we'll give you a look again, some more cars, some more activity, the hotbed of activity, but it's entirely different situation. usc very calm tonight. no sense any type of activity in terms of a protest or any kind of tension. and you come over here and you just felt through the last several hours through midday as this thing was continuing. and then the the sort of the ultimatum coming up from the university telling the protesters they had to break up. they had to move, they had to get out of the area. you just felt something was going to blow sooner or later here. and frankly, i'm not surprised because remember last night around 1130, 12:00 midnight, we had a group of protesters, counterprotesters mixing it up again. the campus police had to come in and some of their their tactical gear and break that up. but nothing like what we've been seeing here tonight in terms of the explosiveness and the violence and the of the crowds of protesters, counter-protesters going at each other. a lot of the folks over there that mike is giving you a look at are some of the the students who've been running over here. and i say that because you actually see them running up some of the side streets coming over here. they they've been hearing that all of this was breaking loose and they wanted to come and get a firsthand look at it with their cell phones out. but again, a lot of folks are telling them back, stay back here where it's safe. don't go down the next block, past that screen, past some of these all those orange cones over there, because that's where that's where it's all breaking loose. and you can see a lot of the activity going on. >> yeah, skyfox i know you can't see it, ed, but skyboxes that very squad and it looks like more objects are being thrown, people running periodically here and there in spurts. you know. ed it was what, six days ago. >> so tomorrow i believe it's one day that you were on the usc campus when lapd moved in and you 93 people arrested on that night. it was completely not like this to hit home that point even more in that it was orderly. there was none of this extreme violence or anarchy by any stretch. >> yes, extreme violence, anarchy, very good adjectives, i think if you look at this, we can see and it from my vantage point, i see a lot of people running. yeah, they're running out back toward this direction. as i said, the pepper spray and even we're on the other side of the plaza here. we're going to get a get a sense of that as well, playing in the air. but a lot of folks running this way trying to get away from all that that is that's playing out there. unbelievably so. yeah. this picture here, when this young guy who was obviously pepper sprayed and they're trying to wash out his eyes, he's in significant pain. there's still no sign of lapd. it was. and that is you're at picture at chelsea edwards. go ahead. this chelsea ready? can you talk to us about what you're seeing from your perspective? >> yes, this is fox news coverage o

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