Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

i won't go to. hannity and tonight, in just a moment, we will bring you an explosive new report surrounding hunter biden, china and nuclear. john solomon will join us with all these details. you're not going to get it from the media mob. but first, the ever wonder. do you ever wonder why your president, joe biden, is is not allowed to answer impromptu questions? oh, a mystery. many people want to know. take a look. >> my right to take any questions. and anybody here to stay. >> i very much thought your questions are going to. come on. i'm sorry. going to just the last question. i'll take an oath that i'm really going to get in trouble . i'm going to get in trouble with staff. i don't do this the right way. i'm going to get in trouble with my my staff. yeah, go ahead. but not pretend that the issue for you guys are bad. >> i'm not supposed to be answering all these questions and supposed to lead. thank you. and i'm happy to take questions, if that's who i'm supposed to do. nance. whatever you want me to do. >> now, white house staffers, campaign officials and the first lady, they all try their best to keep jolie away from the press and anyone else with a question. anyway, even the easter bunny might recall, once shielded joe from answering questions on the white house. well, today in michigan, more of the same. now, one stop, the press pool. they were confined to a tent that was 20 feet away. no one could really hear what the president was even saying. and of course, reporters, they were blocked asking any questions he might get in trouble. take a look look. i think if you think you can, i think we're happy because it is a big game. >> joe is the president of the united states, you know, running for reelection? but you have to ask your staff if you can take a question seriously. now, unless the reporter's name, as we know and preplan topic is written on a giant no card of time. he may not get his ice cream and everyone's going to be mad at him and everything. >> it's not acceptable. many in the press corps just don't really seem to care or even bother to ask. why? i guess it's par for the course with joe. now the answer is obvious. joe. joe's a cognitive wreck. everybody knows it. so he's clearly not capable of performing the duties of his job. jo you know, he's obviously not jacked up. joe like he was at the state uni of the union. screaming iseaming h screaming s speech to an entire country. and every day when he's notets jacked up, joey gets worsend woe and worse. it's no secret that hi. it's nsa president, by the way, could be called in action at any moment. and that would be a almos huge problem because almost nobody actually like nobody s oa the vice president. now she is even worse. poll numberss , nbc that's even possible. in fact, according to onet nbc news survey. yep. vs worstsident harris ha approval rating of any vice president ever. she has zero accomplishments in office and her role as borders office,r role a are e well, to put it lightly. but today she did visit a high school softball team for some very awkward small talk.. >> take a look. i'm so proudso proud of you guy and i just wantetod to come by, you guys. i do what i do, and loi give love. your competitive spirit. and i love how you guys are. justyou g working at it. you are ready to be a team, and you're ready to compete. meo and i just. that makes me sopr proudoud, so proud of how you guys do it. >> yes, we can. so anyway, while in minnesota, well, kamala harris also stopped by. and clinic to celebrate the right to choose. now, there once was a president named bill clinton. remember him? he oncim? he oe said about abor. it should be it should be safe d ,legal. wh he should have added rare. whatever happened to tha ttway, democratic party? now, by the way, now democrats want abortioabortionn to limitl and honored without any restrictions. thin the ninth monthof pre of pregnancy. and then in the case of remember, the goverm from virginia, even while personal deliver the baby, makgv e the baby comfortable. and then the mother and doctor will talk about whether the baby lives mothill talk abo. that's the exception for sure. but a lot of democrats, when you ask them what restrictions at all would you put res all wouon abortion, they wr that question. here's an example. california governor gavin newsom, our buddy. >> do you support any restrictions at all on abortion, especially amongily seven, eight and nine? past viability? i'm going to that question, but let's talk about the issue of abortion. let's talk about the issue o. >> i'm going to answer it. i'm going to answer that question. i'll repeat that. i trusg to ans tot and answer i your question. >> i trust the mother and her doctor to make that decision. sond, in other words, i want wat to be clear on this. if a woman and her doctor, any reason for any reason seemingly sharreasone, should this is it t i know where you guys are going on your evenole issu with wholee and i'm not sure this is where you guys how i'm askingou to to cover for george karine jean-pierre agenda veronica shouldfor therey be. >> would you support a banou suo on the abortion in 7/8 or ninth month if the if the mother's life is in jeopardy during extreme exceptio n, aren't going unles on and having abortion, should it be illegal? >> that's somethinsg different in this house. >> should it be up be to thupea mother and her doctor and a conscience and it. the answer is no restrictionnd . >> i've already answered it. no restrictions. there no moderation in this radical left-wing democratic party. not on abortion, not on spending, not on taxenot on t on illegal immigration, where it's really bad thing to even. n say the word illegal. and by the way, nod byt on covi we know that, god forbid, if you held a different view au on the emergency authorization vaccine that's not been properlyn vaccineen prop studied scientifically, follow the science. this is a party with radical and extreme positions on pretty much everything. y muchso for many on the left c, left, even the democratic part is totally abandon them. they're now looking for new options. comenor op the and i guess they willy i have other choices. looks likell hher robert f kenn. naturally, the dnc is in panic mode over this. is he going to bring back jesse the body ventura t? any how great would that be? anyway, don't expect them to moderate an ex to modey of tr policies now. instead, biden's 2024 campaignfn will continue to focus on the four issues. they will demagogu fe, they will obsess over january 6th and democracy in peril. the same people that would take will allowimperi wo elective ofg to decide. i'm going to take that person's nt person the ballot, because da i'm going to declare them guilty of insurrectionre, even t though they haven't been charged or let alone convicted an alon and td, they'y evidence out of january six. you know, like the facike thet w know and we played it last night, trump ball for the national guard and in the days leading up to january sixth, why didn't liz cheney and the january 6 committee watch with a predetermined outcome? why didn'tome they let us knowtm that or exculpatory testimony that donald trump never tried to commandeer the presidential motorcade? we learned that from the driver of the presidential motorcade that they knew about, that they interviewed, that they didn't tell, that trviewed, about. the left flat out lie. they spread fear, hysteria, e all things hate trump. trump 24 seven. and of cours4 overn.e, democrats will call republicans racist, sexist, xenophob see of a comma phobic, islamophobic transphobic that want dirty air and water. in other words, democrats are using fear and division a to mask what has been a terrible four years under biden. i repeat, they cannot run on.e are you better off? you are four years ago. this is all they have left. they don't realley y care about democracy or freedom or your rights. as an american.e no, they prefer a one party rule where republicans are completely erless and then ifish them they want to punish them and use the justice department to go after them, this is the party of censorship and cancel culture, high taxation, record inflation woke everything and regulations galore. regulas galorethe party that des supporters, riots and crime. they ignorotse that and lawlessness. they support open borders, sanctuary citiesthey sup and stt this is thy e partthaty that weaponized our department of justiceaponized and politici. the party that wants to abolish the u.s. supreme court as weinst know it, and any other institution that dares get in s their way or their agenda. so don't be fooled by the political smear tactics of the left in the next in 235 days. however, you deserve better. ne here now is reaction. fox news contributor kellyanne conwaylyanneay, form, former whe house chief of staff reince priebus and the host of outkicek . tomi lahren is fearless tomi lahren. all right, kellyanne, i don'tru think they have anything to run on. this is what we're going to be on, stucthise willk with. it's predictable. now, if republicans are not prepared for it, i blame them because we know what's coming, no question. so have a flawed messenger. but their messages are terrible. joe biden's under wate messar handling of every major issue. his personal attributes at in the tank. people don't think he's got the energy, the acuity, the ability the agility.ey don they don't think he cares about people like them. has a plan for the middl'tthee s and has vision. so what does he do? he's going to michiganhao , ny pennsylvania, wisconsin. this is a smart political strategy because politics is about addition. you have to ge yout more votes n the other person. electoral votes, t o all six swg states right now, sean, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania arizona, georgia, nevada are states that donald trump won five or six of them in 2016. if you add north carolin sia, t in he won that, too. but in 2020, joe biden carried0v michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, georgia, by the slimmest of margins. when you add it all togetherby i the problem for joe biden is people already know the wayay they feel about him. he lost independents in his approvalth rating in august of 2021 after the chaotic, unnecessary withdrawal fromc an afghanistan. i looked at kamala harris' polling numbers,dthdrawal the lr any vice president in modern history, and they're particularly low among hispanics, a group that they need to count big time, a groupb that donald trump is really reaching inte o right now, te hispanics, african-americans, even young people, some wome ntrump and independents. donald trump doesn't need to win a majoritdot needn y of h five groups i just mentioned. he can get a plurality of them. ea plhe can get a third of them. he can get 20% of african-americans. and it's gamercent of afe. bidn so joe biden can fly to michigan. he can go to wisconsiny to, he n double their staffs. they're worried about this third party candidates because thir far, robert kennedy, junio, cornel west, jill stein, all take votes from joe biden. d and they know that joe trippi, a smart political strategist today was quoted by saying, what will hurt biden, what will lose this election ford or t, this, quote, not his age, not trump's indictment, but these third party candidates chipping away from him. last point, i am personallawayy offended and everybody should be that kamala harris flew to minnesota on air force two and taxpayer dollars to go to an abortion clinic when ae her boss surprised the united states, wouldn't even dare say the word abortion in hises s ste of the union over an hour. he wouldn't say. they call it reproductive freedom, women's healtr he y callh care. they care about women's health care. what about maternal mortality? what about heart diseaset health c? gs what about all the things that are cancer? all the things that ar e cancere top of the list that are really, truly women's health? she wentnd to an abortion clinic today she's the abortion czard n and on taxpayer dollars and they're calling it showing last point they're callingxpayet she made history. >> no other vice president has ever visited an abortion clinioc . there's a reason for that, lady. thatpid idea. idea >> oh, tommy, let's get your take. i think all thes>> seae issuesde will be front and center, but it's all going to be about attacking donald i trump about january 6. keep out the exculpatoryerou that either disappeared or they purposely did not disappe o the american people. they allowed outright lies and falsle they e narratives. liz cheney did liz, where is your character you by the way? really, liz, you kept on you didn't think it was importan yoh to bring out the driver of amoun limousine on january six after you allowed other testimony that said somethinrg the contrary or the fact that. f chris miller i have it on tapeas and mark meadows and donald annto joh cash patel and eve milley, according to johnl on solomon on record saying donald trump wanted to call up the national guard. they will do and they will say anything. tomi lahren to make sure that they slanders smear, and besmirch, character, assassinate anybody that get ths their way. >> they've been trying it. but still, donald trump is ahead in the polls so far not working. >> right. well kellyanne is exactly right. they have a bad message. they have a bad messengeessagerh as president and vice president, but something sident athat they have that unfortunately we don't is this they have unity and they have loyalty. you mentioned liz cheney, adam kinzinger. ce r there's still plenty that are in office right now that are not unified with theblican m republican message that are not unified with they ar america fio agenda. they're not unified behind donald trump as our candidatifie e. t have so they have what we don'ty have. they all fall in line. they allal i the line because they also want something that i'm not convinced wantey wn and that's that they want to win. they want victorn theyy. ot and i'm not as worried about the third party candidates either forla joe biden's sake or donald trump. >> i'm far more worried about them replacingcing joe bi. >> leapfrog over kamala. i say that's bs. democrats can do whatever they want if they replace kamala oreu with gavin newsom, you're going to get social media outrage fromltaneous them. >> shat's it. let me play along with you. okay. in they bring in newsom. tha >> he's the head of sanctuary state free health care for illegal immigrants. and , that has come up time and time again throughout the primary season aughouts the number one issue on people's minds. how's that one issue going to go over houses? answer on no. estricti not even having restrictions in the seventh, eighthwill and ninth month of pregnancy. how's that going to go over with thevele american people? i worry because right nowecause donald is ahead in the polls, but he's ahead of joe biden,r wh who is a horrible messenger with a horrible record. what happens when you pu horrict 40 something year old in that position? you've got a lot of peoplet posk that they might look at california and think it's a mess, but it's that many but vote forllings as joe biden again. i'm really worried that they'll worriebe more than happy to votr gavin newsom so noat republicans need to unify. they need to unify now. we have to want to win and i'lll say the last point on the abortion message, if poinhedcans have a har abortion stance when they talk about a federal abortion ban, we will loseabortione lose. >> that's not helpful. and that's just the reality. ae i agree 100%. and as d 1o i thin00 pk a lot of people that would. we saw that in pennsylvania with doug mastriano no exceptionst ina with mothers . and i think if you want to know why we didn't se life a red wava in 22, that was a big reason why. a right?hers >> probably you were one of the most successful rnc chairs of all timl timee. let's get your take on what the republican party behind nee the scenes needs to do. >> we have talkeo dod about republicans, conservatives overcoming their reluctance, the resistance voting, early voting by mail. we have talked about democratic efforty mails at legal ballot harvesting. those efforts need to be matched, hopefully surpassedt is by republicans. it's now march. that's this election is in november. that is not a lot of time. they need to make sure every single precinct in every swing state and beyond has trained partisan observers watching thet voting all day, the vote counting all night and havint ae some measure to to watch at least mai leal in wheree th they're not in the hands of god inknows, who for god knows how long. >> well, you're right, sean.t so what i would be doing and it's pretty simple stuff, number one, at the committee, you got to raise about $40t $40 million in the next 60 days, number one. 6number two, you have to put ot paid workers, about 5000 people in michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsinli that are paid full time on the ground, targetinge early the vote, absentee ballot voting, using the data. and i'd put an artificial deadline to get all of that preliminary data work done by the end of may. >> and that has to happen now. they can figure out a lot of the other things as they go. at the same time, followin thing g court cases, going back to pre-covid laws so that we don't have gazilliongoin mail in ballots going out to people that didn't or don't them or didn't request them, and they need to lock down the procedures in these states. you know, tommy is right and so is kelly in what the democrats are doing by sending joe biden w. ou sagina saginaw has about 190,000 people. people joew by 300na votes. and his national image is terrible. as you'v ne ase all pointed outn >> but what he's trying to doo by going to saginaw on these little, little events that he'st doing, he's trying to get local coverage, locacal news and then harris, going into an abortion clinic, yet we find it to be ridiculous. but she now wants to become ridn the bullhorn on the abortion issue. and so all that micro-targetin h ,all that all that boring stuff that i just laid out, they're going to useathere g to that micro-targeting. they're going to send ten people every sen ten blockss with ten names on a piece of paper. they'll get paid a certains of of money for every person that they bring in. they'll go ty perso madison theg go to lansing, they'll go to state college in pennsylvania. y and that's what they're doing. the democrats are obsessed with processe doar. aper pro they love it. they love the process. their donors pay for process. >> and unfortunately, a lot of our folks, you know, they're crazy about candidates. they lik our craze to talk about who's going to win. you know, brad barrett calls it candidate casino. t of that's what a lot of our people love. democrats love process. our party needt ourpeoples to ge with the process, the boring stuf f and that's how you win and lose an election. >> all right. thank you.d to we appreciate it. reince priebus. kellyanne, tomi lahren joining us nowinin car is south carolina senator tim scott is with us. one of the more interesting things we keep seeing in every poll interesp are the is the democratic party, the demographics traditionallyrl make up their coalition and their base. african-american ses, americans, asian-americans, women are now moving in massive numbers to theving republican party. now, we have seen past movemente not as large as this, but inth the end, it seemis buts that, w, democrats tend to return home yourlection day. is this year different? well, sean, 1,000% this year iss different in football. it's not the x's and o's, it's the jimmies and the joes. we have a once in a lifetime trumer called donald trump who's bringing a coalition together like before. i will predict that president trump will receives th more republican votes than any republican in the history of the country n th. re afric i predict that he will have more african american support this cycle than any othern 30 republican in 30 years. and i predicrst he will likelyyi win the hispanic vote. he's up 4745 right now.but but the question is why? whth isy are african-americans, hispanics, asians, republicat men, women, all looking at donald trump with new eyep wr >> it is simple. we were better offunde under trump economically. the lowest unemployment rates for all racial demographicsor wm and a 70 year low for women. encrime. >> we had law and order, african-americanss vote in minneapolis voted to defund the policed th and overturn their own city council, city funde heareal the police. >> here's what we know about americans. s what weamericans want a fair f playing field, and there's onl only one candidate and one party that represents that. >>e and that's donald trump. >> we want a border that is close. i tell you, this is the truth. my great crime is devastating black communities and white communities. >>itie when you look at lake rin and we come to one conclusion, preventable. we have joe talking about isn tn she with the illegal immigrant a or was it an undocumented? >> it was a murderer. we should be up in arms on our feet talking about the issues that every single table is talking about tonight. and it starts with our border. y it starts with lake and riley. and then it goes to our economyr it goes to crime. >> we are going to win becauseg we have the right candidate e with theht tim record. all right. on everything issue that matters to americans are issues enough. scusse or what about what ryan was discussing and let's processer i and attention to those other details. well, let me tell you what. if there's anyone paying attention to the detailt in 2024, it's donald trump who trum co running the rnc. lara trump, why? e he because he understands that the devil's in the detailsnds th. so he puts his brilliantut daughter-in-law in charge of our rnc apparatus so that. all right. it's talke. apd about wise wise he is. >> we'll be taking care of himtt . we're going to focus on getting the vote out earlyte elder, oftl in whatever it takes. we will match fire with fire.e but at the end of the day you want the ball in the hands of the best player, the field. that player is donald trump. i guarantee you we will win because we're coming together. all right, senator, i hope you're right. we can't take four more years of this corpse as presidentt ta. anyway, we appreciate you being with us. thank you. when we come back, u johnson and breaking news, an explosive report about hunter biden and his business associates. and it has to do with the nuclear energy. also, hunter biden's former business partner, l tony bobulinski, he's now calling out hunter biden. we'll explain that aheadcallingx is proud to bring you this cheesy hero moment. >> and he was interested in working with students we havook out. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe on space. i am autistic and i am a performer and i'm really t it. can s once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's realleey. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you see her, you can be her attention baring. in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option, offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. call the meyers blair law firm at one 846 seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. >> doctors recommend colleagues daw software for gentle, dependable relief from constipation. it's so gentle. doctors even recommend it during pregnancy and after surgery. the increases water in the stool, making it softer so it's easier to go. no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining police a heart attack. do they have life insurance? 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>> well, i think the committeen. and certainly chairman are doing all they can dooing to get at those documents.e dept the department of justice is not coughing up the documents that are out not cougi woul there. the one area that i would like to see them dive deeper intod lv thoutes to louis freeh and the $100,000 that goes into joe biden's grandkids account g you know, there was a point algre this allegedly, accordin to these articles, you have this russian this romanian real estate tycoon who's chargedw mac with bribery. somehow he matches up with hunter biden, who then matchehes ups with the former fp director, louis freeh. louis freeh is then engage witds in that case. >> and guess what? wh communicates, according to articles he communicates with, are the united states department of justice to trye to to weigh in potentially on thate case. the guy actually get guys convicted. he's actually convicted. mystys he is mysteriousl $100,000 goes into joe biden's grandkids account. i think the committee has to call those grandkids committed you do to get $100,000? yo what did you do to do that? and i want to hear from louis freeh. i want him to come testify publicly a and say, why is it the that you gave the bidens $100,000, two grand kids and, you know, all these democratscr keep saying, oh, there's going to be this look at the reporting fromkesimultan johnso. >> look at the $100,000 going to the grandkids, tens m of millions of dollars. they've identified all these shell corporationss ars they, ty members being paid. riley, you point out the grandkid is hunter admitserm at the time he was addicted to hard drugits and admits he ho no experience. then, of course, you've got joe' exper os big lie that he nr talked to his son, brother or anybody about the farm businesss deal, jason. and we all know juste tr the opposite is trueue. molano devin archer's testimony, tony bobulinski is testimony, big guy. at what point do you say something really nefarious went on here and no evidence that any services ever rendered ? >> yeah. and remember, hunter biden's flying on air force two. he's going with his dad to china. there's a there's a caseo he's o he's going to mexico and he'sd texting with the people in mexicos taxing and he's saying,t coming there. i want to introduce you to my dad. we're goinhe introduceg to land. >> i expect you to be there. i've opened up the white house. you've been to the white house.s you've met my dad. you've done all these things. now i want y deal. and guess what? hunter biden's business partne r goes on air force to explain to us. >> joe biden, explain to us, white house, if you weren't involved and engaged in hunterus biden's businesses, why is his business partner flying on air force two at our expense, taxpayers expense? soloell, it's a great point, john solomon, if this wass abou about the trump family, we know the media, the mob and every democrat, they wouldever be on television in the paper, every second of every day. they're trying to ignore all ofg and so far, maybe you can argued somewhat successfully. >> well, 67% of people in the ap-norc poll last month said that they now believe joe biden did something unethical or illegalyw believ. they're getting the news somehow from shows like this in the work we're doing. here's the mos likt important b thing. i've got to draw a bull's eye around something that i think could changes the dynamiot somec the next few weeks. it is improbable that joe biden didn't get defensive briefings when his son wasalingi dealing with a a military contractor. i can't believy contracte that y to buy our nuclear energy that we knew the chinese were trying to hack w to get. i think congress needs to focus on did joe biden get a defensiv thise and if he did an' still let his son do these things, i think that becomest ht very easy story fora ve the american people to understandstor. >> all right. we'll continue to follow it. if the mob in the media ignore.s it. thank you both. up next, as biden's border crisis medignores spiraling evo of control even more. well, gues s what. now our country has to brace for a wave of illegal immigrants. well a, a new wave of prisoners from venezuela. but of course, nowa an immigrans from haiti. now, governor ron desantis, he's just assuming biden won'thi do his job. he'll do it. he'll do it for wil it forwe'll check in withson as victor davis hanson, pete hegseth, as we continucontine ee today. here to show you the easiest way to get new floors. shop at home. empire brings samples to you. hundreds of options carpet, hardwood, tile, vinyl and laminate will help you pick the right floor and measure your rooms for free. you'll get a price estimate for your entire job, and you can even finance it right on the spot. it's that easy shopper for us at home. >> that's empire today. eight hundred 88 300 and today. >> hello i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. i know it's scary unless use relaxium sleep relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it. relaxium sleep is study tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium sleep worked from the very first night i took, i had more focus and mental clarity than i've had in years. i wake up feeling alert and like i've had the best night's sleep. >> stop being afraid and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium sleep your body and your mind. well, thank you. take relaxium. it'll work. i promise you it'll work. mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. visit, try relaxium dot com or call hundred 8011737. >> did you hear that? 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according to a new report, the administrationophate h is ay discussing the possibility of actually using guantanamoisto bay gitmo to process them. what does that mean, process t that? meanwhile, more disturbing crimes committed by illegals , commi they're coming to light. three illegal immigrants from guatemala have beetty illeming assault and kidnapping of a woman in florida. anotheasd appingr el salvador wd with 20 counts of abuse, sex offenses of minors while working at a church in afterftee previously being deported twice ,according to ice and a womane in the u.s. illegally from venezueld tha was arrested forwa driving the wrong way down a highway, causing a heahe high collision that resulted in the death of a 12-year-old boy. here with reaction is hoover institution, senior fellowvis ha victor davis hanson, "fox and friends" weekend co-hosnst hegseth. frien all right. it's all happening and it' s interesting. governor desantis is smart enough to figure outsantis thero way biden is going to do d abouy largeout what is likel going to be a large influx from haiti. so he's already put in measures to protect his own state. kind of like what governor abbott's been havingnd to do. tn >> your reaction? to dn well,s hanso i think we're getting back to every man for himself, every state for themselves. there is no federaf everl immigi law. biden destroyed it and it shows you how desperate they aret sho to do something stupid to let 8 million people in from some of the moststtpeople i vios in the world. and why are they doing it, sean? thi the the prime directive is o get future constituencies who under mail in ballots. >> he may be of value and they figure that, you know, to makeie this beautiful, diverse the eye omelet, they have to break a few eggs like you know unfortunately like lincoln riley or kate stanley, whom they consider just collaterae ls damage. e they don't really care about these people who were tragically killed or harmed or maimed, and they feel they're going to be protected. sean, they have the moneiny, p o the influence, the zip codes that these policies will never allow. pode licies will nevep on their shory >> the irony and my irony really quickly is if they bring all these people in and they're located in the barrid o in the t inner city and east palestine, ohiohet , and working classe communities, they're going to alienate a lot of people. and if they alienate their base, they'll close the border in one second b because they don't have any principles other than the retention of powerorcausthe you know, and then here we are, pete hegseth with the president apologizing for using the term illegal. ident apfor we played a tape law i don't play it again tonightag of chuck schumerai. ck this is chuck back in 2009 saying they're illegal aliens. they're not they're not respectingt laws. and it's wrong to use the term undocumented because minimiz we as is the crime that they're committing. it kind of sounded likf e us, but obviously that democratic party's dead, buried, neverr her to be seen or heard from again. that's kind of hows ho i'm viewg it. >> your thoughts your, sean?o be you're right. they used to believe in the basicse in. the basics are borders. the basics are citizenship. >> the idea of citizenship is,pt in retrospect for the democrat't party. >> they don't care about it any more. you hear about whether it's charities or politicians or local nonprofits, they want anyone they can get for reasonsu ,as victor said, for votes or for a future, a census and congressional districts. >> citizenship is a bygone word for them because they believe no person can be illegal. >>them b sean i served in guanto bay, cuba for a year. >> it had been set up to process people coming acrosso the sea for a long time before we it was a detention facility for islamistres. was >> it was meant to repatriate meaning if you were on a boao rf seeking a better life and you landed at guantanamo bay, we sent you bac na bk to your home country. >> you you noted the word. it was processyo s with this administration. send them back. or would they immediatelyr process them to put them on wour flight and senocd to somewhere in the continental united states that we're not told about? we have no idea at all. and ultimately, this is alsothii the administration that said we want to close guantanamo because they didn't want to process islamists who were there trying to kill us. >> so they're full of contradictions, not putting the country first and putting illegals first, but they won't call them illegals. >> make sense of that. no kno, no, they do in australi. victor davis hanson. if you're not ifaustractor dav,r to enter australia illegally. you will be met at sea. now you'll be handed food, medicine, if you needed water, whatever necessities you need,dh whatever you need, and then you're going to be sent home. if you need medica aresent homlt even bring it to the country. they'll bring it to another island. they will providyo e that medical care and then send you back. why is it america just simpla jy adopt that strategy? >> well, i think we got. to dispense with the idea, sean think w, that we all say tr europeans or the australians or all of these kindredop thered do democracies are socialists and they're left-wing and they're crazy. we're the craz ist and -wing y ones now.w if you look at the immigration revolution that's goink g on in europe and australia and other places, they're fa australr more reasonable than we are. we're the outlier of the family of democratic nationths. we're in that we're on the verge of insanity and suicidal destruction. wer and they look at us and they think we're crazy. so this is serious and welonger can't any longer judges other countries and say they're naiver ,letting in immigrants acrosse the mediterranean or the pacific. what we do in is far worse thanat w they've done. they've learned their lesson and they're juste do in timeheir to self-correct. and we're not we're doubling down. well lesself-correcting , trump. >> he has promised to deport>> a evern:y illegal immigrant ill people that didn't respect our laws. our bordereg immigrans are >> that time has come. all right. victor davis hanson hegseth, thank you both. >> when we come back, california, it is falling apart . they're having trouble literally covering their electricity bills. t are havinoublhear that?e th a love their redistribution of wealth idea hereion e. i lonely out in california. could some proposal like this cali? 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that because that's ostensibly what they're doing anywa's e y. >> yeah, give it. yeah, give us your money. wha give us your money. i mean, what's so wonderful about this sout this californiag is it's not even tied to electricity use. it's just an end. it's an income increase. and by the way, yes, the upper end pays more. but the stupid part of this and this is where there's going to be a revolt. you look at the numbers here, shawn, the middle claslt youse is going to be charged significantly. i did the maths is here. the middle class right now payst about 3200 bucks a year for their electricity bills. that, by the way, is at w the highest in the nation. ay ithis would add about 1200 bucks. whether you consume more or less, electricity is going to go on your bill.wi ll it's almost a one third increase on middle class. and yeah, up the income ladder. it pays more. this jus r itt it's not it's not a carbon tax. it has nothing to do with reducing. in fact, energy use may go upt o under thing in certain cases. >> and the whole problem in california is they don't have enough electricity because renewables don't work. not sus they're not sustainable. they break down. they're very expensive. they should use oil, which they have a lot of. they should use natural gas. gaey couldhe use coal. they could use nuclear power. but theys ol don't. so they're you can't plug in your car if have a heavyu ca electric vehicle. >> you can't plug it in because they're alwaysn becau brownoutse and blackouts of electricity. this thing is justalways b a dub middle class tax hike in california. that's all it is. and then when they tax corporations and then they sue corporations like the sewer and oil companies. who paysations l the bill for te expensive law firms that have to defenose exd themselves. >> wouldn't that be the consumer? the. you're the expert yeah. yeah. no, no, no. that stuff getthat gets passed e all the time. >> and by the wa timy, you knowt they're going to start losing stuff in the courts. i mean, they're noff itht thesea mandates that california is making up mak that had nevera been adjudicated. there are no congressional. sla the state legislature may or may not pass this thing.m wh from what i gather, there's a tax revolt going rthis is dumb. d and the bernie sanders 32 hour workweek is dumber or or as dumb because there you've got let's not work. okay. already the participate nation rate among their prime workers is at an all time there'sw ther probably 10 million people outside the workforce prl that could be producing thy irowing the econom and creating it. so let's not work shot, okay? let's just hanlet'g around watch tv, video games, have a joint. let's not work. how dumb is that? i've got to go larry kudlow. thank you. when we come back, west point has made a major change to the e mission statement and we expect big new developmentsmee in fulton county, georgia. will fani willis be disqualified next ? 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you wanted me to find out about her. she's got a kid, a dead husband. she's. i'm just the cleaning lady. she's clearly much more than that. everything i've done to something i never wanted in anything that happened to you. the cleaning lady. all new tuesdays on fox spring football kicks off march 30 at the usfl champs versus the xfl champs. the heavyweight matchup that the fans deserve. spring just got stronger. afl kickoff weekend begins saturday, march 30th at one on fox news sunday on espn. donald trump on media buys media scrutiny, campaign tactics and a deep dive into his expected rematch with joe. plus, trump's first order of business if he wins back the white house, how he sits down with the former president. it's a can't miss interview sunday on mediabuzz. >> all right. the u.s. military academy at west point. well, guess what? they are dropping the phrase, r quote, duty, honor and country from their mission statement, replacing it t mission with the, quote, army values. however, west point did make ita clear that the phrase is foundational to their culture and that ir thatt will t remain their motto? welcome to joe biden's american nightmare. also t also tonight, big news out of georgia. the judge has said the rulinewsg should come out tomorrow. well, fannie fani willis speedt disqualified. more of that news tomorrow night. that's all the time we have left tonighhtl t. thank you for being with us. please set your dvr. see, nothe meantim your heart. be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your facenot yo arbia fac

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Independents , Rating , Slimmest , Margins , Wayay , Togetherby , Arizona , Approvalth , August Of 2021 , Hispanics , Groupb , Group , Dthdrawal , Polling Numbers , Big Time , Withdrawal , Afghanistan , Lr , 2021 , Ea Plhe , African Americans , Third , Doesn T , Groups , Needn , Plurality , Inte O , Te Hispanics , Wome Ntrump , Majoritdot , Candidates , Staffs , He N , Gamercent , Wisconsiny To , Cornel West , Robert Kennedy , Afe , Bidn , Far , Junio , Jill Stein , R Quote , Point , Election , Saying , Will Hurt Biden , Age , This , Indictment , Smart Political Strategist , Ford , Joe Trippi , Abortion Clinic , He Y Callh Care , Abortion , Wouldn T , Taxpayer , Air Force Two , Union , Boss , Women S Healtr , Ae , He Wouldn T Say , Hises S Ste , Two , List , Taxpayer Dollars , Women S Health Care , Women S Health , Health C , Cancer , Mortality , Gs , Abortion Czard N , Ar E Cancere , Heart Diseaset , Thes , Take , Callingxpayet , Lady , Seae Issuesde , Center , Thatpid Idea , Idea Oh , Abortion Clinioc , Tommy , Exculpatoryerou , The American , That Is Liz , Narratives , Falsle , Disappe O , Donald I , Character , Somethinrg , Yoh , Chris Miller , Tapeas , Amoun Limousine , Johnl On Solomon , Say Anything , Mark Meadows , Eve Milley , Annto Joh Cash Patel , Polls , Besmirch , Smear , Well Kellyanne , Something , Message , Unity , Loyalty , Bad Messengeessagerh , Adam Kinzinger , Line , Office , Candidatifie E T Have , Theblican M , America Fio Agenda , Sake , Victorn Theyy , Forla , Wantey Wn , Replacingcing , Joe Bi , Social Media , Bs , Outrage Fromltaneous Them , Leapfrog Over Kamala , Kamala Oreu , Immigrants , Health Care , Sanctuary State , Tha , Head , Season , Shat , Nowecause Donald , Houses , Minds , Seventh , Thevele , Estricti , Eighthwill , Mess , Position , Pu Horrict , Peoplet Posk , 40 , I Lll , Forllings , Votr , Pk A Lot , Reality , Abortion Ban , No Exceptionst , Doug Mastriano , 100 , 1 , Rnc , Mothers , Timl Timee , Chairs , We Didn T Se Life A Red Wava , 22 , Mail , Conservatives , Resistance Voting , Scenes , Reluctance , Ballot Harvesting , Efforty Mails , Talkeo Dod , Observers , Swing State , Thet Voting , Efforts , Hopefully Surpassedt , Precinct , Vote , Hands , Measure , Wheree Th , Havint Ae , Mai Leal , Stuff , Sean T , Committee , Number One , 6number Two , 0 , 40 Million , 60 , 0 Million , Ground , Workers , Data , Wisconsinli , Absentee Ballot Voting , Targetinge , 5000 , Wall , Laws , Cases , Thing G Court , The End , Gazilliongoin , Ballots , Them , Didn T , Procedures , Joe Biden W Ou , You V Ne Ase , Events , Image , Sagina Saginaw , He St Doing , 300na , People Joew , Outn , 300 , 190000 , Locacal News , Abortion Issue , Coverage , Micro Targetin H , Ridn , Money , Paper , Names , Certains , State College , Micro Targeting , Piece , Ty Perso , Useathere G , Blockss , Madison Theg Go To Lansing , Ten , Process , Donors , Craze , Folks , Processe Doar , Thank You D , F , Stuf , It Candidate Casino , Brad Barrett , Needt Ourpeoples , Tim Scott , Poll , Demographics , Interesp , South Carolina , Nowinin Car , Women , Numbers , Base , Coalition , Americans , Asian Americans , Theving , African American Ses , Football , Inth , Iss , W , Seemis Buts , 1000 , Country N Th , President , Trump , Jimmies , Joes , The X S And O , Once In A Lifetime Trumer , Afric , History , Hispanic Vote , Cycle , 4745 , 30 , Republicat , Offunde , Asians , Eyep , Whth Isy , Policed Th , African Americanss , Rates , Law And Order , Low , Unemployment , Minneapolis , Demographicsor Wm , Encrime , 70 , E , Police , City Council , Candidate , What , Onl , Fair F Playing Field , City Funde Heareal , Weamericans , Border , Communities , Itie , Preventable , Truth , Lake Rin , Immigrant , A , Undocumented , Murderer , Arms , Joe Talking , Candidate E , Becauseg , Table , Lake , Economyr , Theht Tim Record , Attention , Scusse , Lara Trump , Who , Detailt , Trum Co Running The Rnc , Caseo , Charge , Devil , Apparatus , Taking Care Of Himtt , Detailsnds Th , Daughter In Law , Wise , Brilliantut , Apd , Player , Ball , Fire E , Fire , The Field , Earlyte Elder , Oftl , Corpse , Presidentt Ta , Tony Bobulinski , U Johnson , Breaking News , Business Associates , Hero , Aheadcallingx , Care , Looks , Each Other , Safe , Students , Space , Dance , Journey , Performer , Havook Out , Realleey , U S Navy , 2023 , September 2023 , Option , Cancers , Victims , Kidney Disease , Navy , Exposure , Conditions , Blood , Parkinson S , Offering Cash Awards , Camp Lejeune , 550000 , 50000 , Civilians , Marines , Children , Injuries , Spouses , Costs , No Risk Consultation , Law Firm , Fee , Option Claims , Attorney , Share , Meyers Blair , 3800 , 846 , 80 , Constipation , Help , Doctors , Relief , Colleagues Daw Software , Gentle , 1 800 467 3800 , 800 , 467 , Life Insurance , Straining , Surgery , Stool , Heart Attack , Laxatives , Cramping , John A , Policy , Selectquote , Wife , 00000 , 29 , 9 , 21 , 500000 , Insurance , Energym , Family Needs , Price , Qualcomm , Circle Icon , Circle , Ice , Level , Migrants , Walmart , Whicar Drinkch , Fast , Newscom , Johnsoreport An Gellman Chis , 2321321 , It D , Energy Company , Conglomerate , Chinese , Cfc , The American Company Westinghouse , Bee Ce , Han Tellingu , Global Nuclear Energy Sector , Joe Biden Didn T , Woey , Partner , Computers , Hunter , Businessletr , Letter , Toshiba , T Toshib , Businesss Deal , Knowttin Thate , Chances , Hackers , Coe , Westinghouse , Thial , G , Someone , Support , Computer System , Plan B , Gu Y No , Washington , Experience , Offer , Father , Spite , Justg , Congresfese , Publiclyf , Jason Chaffetz , Quote , A News Com , Business Associate , John Solomonon , Hi Well , Hunter Is , Running Away Hunte , Willky Wil , The Truth , Coweringm , Nuclea T Chinrtechno Reactor Technology , Transaction , The Hunter , Plab John S , It Didn T Work , Plan B John Solomonidwork , Namebide , Famy , Hunter Biden Inr , Reactor , Plants , Model , Westinghouselo , Everery , Envy , Pivot , Charges , Business20 Partne , Chance , Eric Holder , Ae Militart , Chines Holdetoes , Company , It Impos , Jamen Somes Biden , Workingl , Wasnew , Jane James Biden , Companiellion Dos , Cot , 8 Million , Million , Brother , Government , Blanking Spy Chief , Chairmanwa , Chairman B , Th , Trod Who , Fbi , Son , Nuclear Reactor Technology , Of Chinat , Relationship , N , Goingn On , Investigations , Congress , Vic , Documents , Oversightth , Judiciary , They Veee , Gettingso Bank Records , Factnts , Verythattere Investn , Sor Exi , Impeachmentrg Inquiret Abo Y , Family Members , Foes , Bank Records , Bin Familye , Evidency , Transferans Theys , Committeen , Chairman , Investigation , View , Referrals , Whaty , Area , Louis Freeh , Cougi Woul , Department Of Justice , Intod Lv Thoutes , Documents E Dept , Grandkids , Articles , Real Estate Tycoon , Accordin , Chargedw Mac , 100000 , Fp Director , Bribery , Ups , Witds , Trye , Guy , Mystys He , Thate , Mysteriousl 100000 , Say , Yo , Bidens 100000 , Reporting , Look , Millions , Dollars , Fromkesimultan Johnso , Democratscr Keep Saying , Two Grand Kids , Tens M , Shell Corporationss Ars , Ty Members Being , Lincoln Riley , Hunter Admitserm , Big Lie , Grandkid , Exper , Services , Trueue , Big Guy , Know Juste Tr The Opposite , Molano Devin Archer , Dad , Flying , O , Mexicos , Texting , Mexico , Business Partne R , Goinhe Introduceg To Land , Businesses , Hunterus Biden , You Weren T , Expense , Soloell , Taxpayers , Air Force , Media , Mob , Family , Second , Television , Wass Abou , News , Work , 67 , Shows , Mos Likt Important B , Illegalyw Believ , Ap , Norc , 67 , Briefings , Dynamiot Somec , Wasalingi Dealing With Aa Military Contractor , Believy Contracte , Bull S Eye , Defensiv , Story Fora , Understandstor , Becomest Ht , Ignore , Nowa An Immigrans , Wave , Control , Gues S What , Well A , Border Crisis Medignores , Evo , Prisoners , Venezuela , Up Next , Ron Desantis , Victor Davis Hanson , We Continucontine Ee Today , Haiti , Withson , Forwe , Biden Won Thi , Pete Hegseth , Hundreds , Floors , Laminate , Options Carpet , Hardwood , Vinyl , Floor , Tile , Shop At Home , Empire , Rooms , Price Estimate , Arkansas , Shopper , Spot , Empire Today , At Home , 88 300 , Eight Hundred , Sleep , Mike Huckabee , Product , Times , Amount , Ingredients , Sleep Relaxium , Night , Relaxium Sleep , Focus , Neurologist , Mind , Fears , Body , Clarity , Take Relaxium , Bottles , Visit , Try Relaxium , Dot Com , 8011737 , Take A Deep Breath , Superstar , Shooting Star , Rock Star , You Bet , Formula , Fungus , Toenails , Nail , Nail Fungus , Appearance , Results , Climbing Ladders , Makeover , Vehicle Accidents , Fighting Fires , Pounds , Weight , Friends , Luck , On My Own , Weight Loss Supplement , Body Fat , Life Design , Study , Aid Users , Labor , Ingredient , Foods , Weight Loss , Fat , 78 , Good , Diet , Appetite , Calorie Intake , Exercise , Bunch , Light Losing , 3 , 19 , 10 , 23 , 13 , 11 , Fizzy , 35 Million , 12 , 112 , Bottle , Station , Self , Diet Disaster , Risk , Friend Library , Trial , Guaranteed , 2995 , Size , Throw , 35 , 2608 , 2608 35 Order , News Business , Clearparet Biden , Anywhere , Sirius Xm , America Is Listening , Fox News Radio , Nowd , Crisis , Administrationophate H , Situation , He Himsel Cf , Illegals , Crimes , Guantanamoisto Bay Gitmo , Ay , Process T , Possibility , Three , Church In Afterftee , Counts , Sex Offenses , Kidnapping , Minors , Abuse , Beetty Illeming Assault , Guatemala , El Salvador , Wd , Anotheasd Appingr , Heahe High Collision , Highway , Womane , Boy , Death , Forwa , Venezueld Tha , Hoover Institution , Weekend Co Hosnst Hegseth , Governor , D , Frien , S Interesting , Happening , Figure , Fox And Friends , Abouy Largeout , Senior Fellowvis Ha , Kind , Hanso , Influx , Like , Measures , Havingnd , Some , Everl Immigi Law , Moststtpeople , Federaf , Constituencies , O Get , Value , Prime Directive , Thi , Moneiny , Kate Stanley , Eggs , Maimed , Ls Damage , Eye Omelet , Policies , Irony , Influence , Working Classe Communities , Barrid O In The T , Zip Codes , Shory , Inner City , Ohiohet , Po , East Palestine , Pode Licies , Principles , Apologizing , Retention , Powerorcausthe You Know , Ident Apfor We , Term , Aliens , Tape Law , Tonightag , Chuck Schumerai , 2009 , Thoughts , Dead , Hows , It Kind , Neverr , Viewg , Buried , Likf E , Idea , Citizenship , Basics , Democrat T Party , Borders , Retrospect , Pt , Basicse , Nonprofits , Bygone Word , Victor , Charities , Census , Districts , Reasonsu , Detention Facility , Guanto Bay , Acrosso The Sea , Cuba , Home Country , Word , Meaning , Bk , Islamistres , Guantanamo Bay , Boao Rf Seeking , Administration , Somewhere , Flight , Senocd , Wour , Islamists , Contradictions , Medicine , Sea , Food , Kno , Australi , Sense , Ifaustractor Dav , Island , Providyo E , Home , Dh , Necessities , America Just Simpla Jy Adopt , Medica Aresent Homlt , Tr Europeans , Democracies , Socialists , Kindredop Thered , Australians , Craz Ist , Immigration Revolution , Places , Outlier , Insanity , Destruction , Verge , Democratic Nationths , Goink G On In Europe , Countries , Timeheir , Judges , Lesson , Welonger , Naiver , Pacific , Evern , Bordereg Immigrans , Lesself Correcting , Electricity Bills , Proposal , Wealth , Redistribution , Hereion E I Lonely Out , Havinoublhear , Nails , Cali , Gel , Ward , Roof , Cost , Fraction , Solution , Money Back Guarantee , Roof Stock , Neonics Made In The Usa , 90 , Bio Oil , Protection , Treatment , 15 , Roofs , Shingle , Neighbors , Asphalt Shingle , Test , 17 , Flexibility Testing , Storms , Ohio State University , Roofer , Roof Mats , Reviews , Roof Max , 8000 , 200 Million , Home Inspection , Rails , Winds , Application , Shingles , Restore , Spend Tens Of Thousands , Partners , Call , Pro , Thread , Tuneup , Maintenance , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

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i won't go to. hannity and tonight, in just a moment, we will bring you an explosive new report surrounding hunter biden, china and nuclear. john solomon will join us with all these details. you're not going to get it from the media mob. but first, the ever wonder. do you ever wonder why your president, joe biden, is is not allowed to answer impromptu questions? oh, a mystery. many people want to know. take a look. >> my right to take any questions. and anybody here to stay. >> i very much thought your questions are going to. come on. i'm sorry. going to just the last question. i'll take an oath that i'm really going to get in trouble . i'm going to get in trouble with staff. i don't do this the right way. i'm going to get in trouble with my my staff. yeah, go ahead. but not pretend that the issue for you guys are bad. >> i'm not supposed to be answering all these questions and supposed to lead. thank you. and i'm happy to take questions, if that's who i'm supposed to do. nance. whatever you want me to do. >> now, white house staffers, campaign officials and the first lady, they all try their best to keep jolie away from the press and anyone else with a question. anyway, even the easter bunny might recall, once shielded joe from answering questions on the white house. well, today in michigan, more of the same. now, one stop, the press pool. they were confined to a tent that was 20 feet away. no one could really hear what the president was even saying. and of course, reporters, they were blocked asking any questions he might get in trouble. take a look look. i think if you think you can, i think we're happy because it is a big game. >> joe is the president of the united states, you know, running for reelection? but you have to ask your staff if you can take a question seriously. now, unless the reporter's name, as we know and preplan topic is written on a giant no card of time. he may not get his ice cream and everyone's going to be mad at him and everything. >> it's not acceptable. many in the press corps just don't really seem to care or even bother to ask. why? i guess it's par for the course with joe. now the answer is obvious. joe. joe's a cognitive wreck. everybody knows it. so he's clearly not capable of performing the duties of his job. jo you know, he's obviously not jacked up. joe like he was at the state uni of the union. screaming iseaming h screaming s speech to an entire country. and every day when he's notets jacked up, joey gets worsend woe and worse. it's no secret that hi. it's nsa president, by the way, could be called in action at any moment. and that would be a almos huge problem because almost nobody actually like nobody s oa the vice president. now she is even worse. poll numberss , nbc that's even possible. in fact, according to onet nbc news survey. yep. vs worstsident harris ha approval rating of any vice president ever. she has zero accomplishments in office and her role as borders office,r role a are e well, to put it lightly. but today she did visit a high school softball team for some very awkward small talk.. >> take a look. i'm so proudso proud of you guy and i just wantetod to come by, you guys. i do what i do, and loi give love. your competitive spirit. and i love how you guys are. justyou g working at it. you are ready to be a team, and you're ready to compete. meo and i just. that makes me sopr proudoud, so proud of how you guys do it. >> yes, we can. so anyway, while in minnesota, well, kamala harris also stopped by. and clinic to celebrate the right to choose. now, there once was a president named bill clinton. remember him? he oncim? he oe said about abor. it should be it should be safe d ,legal. wh he should have added rare. whatever happened to tha ttway, democratic party? now, by the way, now democrats want abortioabortionn to limitl and honored without any restrictions. thin the ninth monthof pre of pregnancy. and then in the case of remember, the goverm from virginia, even while personal deliver the baby, makgv e the baby comfortable. and then the mother and doctor will talk about whether the baby lives mothill talk abo. that's the exception for sure. but a lot of democrats, when you ask them what restrictions at all would you put res all wouon abortion, they wr that question. here's an example. california governor gavin newsom, our buddy. >> do you support any restrictions at all on abortion, especially amongily seven, eight and nine? past viability? i'm going to that question, but let's talk about the issue of abortion. let's talk about the issue o. >> i'm going to answer it. i'm going to answer that question. i'll repeat that. i trusg to ans tot and answer i your question. >> i trust the mother and her doctor to make that decision. sond, in other words, i want wat to be clear on this. if a woman and her doctor, any reason for any reason seemingly sharreasone, should this is it t i know where you guys are going on your evenole issu with wholee and i'm not sure this is where you guys how i'm askingou to to cover for george karine jean-pierre agenda veronica shouldfor therey be. >> would you support a banou suo on the abortion in 7/8 or ninth month if the if the mother's life is in jeopardy during extreme exceptio n, aren't going unles on and having abortion, should it be illegal? >> that's somethinsg different in this house. >> should it be up be to thupea mother and her doctor and a conscience and it. the answer is no restrictionnd . >> i've already answered it. no restrictions. there no moderation in this radical left-wing democratic party. not on abortion, not on spending, not on taxenot on t on illegal immigration, where it's really bad thing to even. n say the word illegal. and by the way, nod byt on covi we know that, god forbid, if you held a different view au on the emergency authorization vaccine that's not been properlyn vaccineen prop studied scientifically, follow the science. this is a party with radical and extreme positions on pretty much everything. y muchso for many on the left c, left, even the democratic part is totally abandon them. they're now looking for new options. comenor op the and i guess they willy i have other choices. looks likell hher robert f kenn. naturally, the dnc is in panic mode over this. is he going to bring back jesse the body ventura t? any how great would that be? anyway, don't expect them to moderate an ex to modey of tr policies now. instead, biden's 2024 campaignfn will continue to focus on the four issues. they will demagogu fe, they will obsess over january 6th and democracy in peril. the same people that would take will allowimperi wo elective ofg to decide. i'm going to take that person's nt person the ballot, because da i'm going to declare them guilty of insurrectionre, even t though they haven't been charged or let alone convicted an alon and td, they'y evidence out of january six. you know, like the facike thet w know and we played it last night, trump ball for the national guard and in the days leading up to january sixth, why didn't liz cheney and the january 6 committee watch with a predetermined outcome? why didn'tome they let us knowtm that or exculpatory testimony that donald trump never tried to commandeer the presidential motorcade? we learned that from the driver of the presidential motorcade that they knew about, that they interviewed, that they didn't tell, that trviewed, about. the left flat out lie. they spread fear, hysteria, e all things hate trump. trump 24 seven. and of cours4 overn.e, democrats will call republicans racist, sexist, xenophob see of a comma phobic, islamophobic transphobic that want dirty air and water. in other words, democrats are using fear and division a to mask what has been a terrible four years under biden. i repeat, they cannot run on.e are you better off? you are four years ago. this is all they have left. they don't realley y care about democracy or freedom or your rights. as an american.e no, they prefer a one party rule where republicans are completely erless and then ifish them they want to punish them and use the justice department to go after them, this is the party of censorship and cancel culture, high taxation, record inflation woke everything and regulations galore. regulas galorethe party that des supporters, riots and crime. they ignorotse that and lawlessness. they support open borders, sanctuary citiesthey sup and stt this is thy e partthaty that weaponized our department of justiceaponized and politici. the party that wants to abolish the u.s. supreme court as weinst know it, and any other institution that dares get in s their way or their agenda. so don't be fooled by the political smear tactics of the left in the next in 235 days. however, you deserve better. ne here now is reaction. fox news contributor kellyanne conwaylyanneay, form, former whe house chief of staff reince priebus and the host of outkicek . tomi lahren is fearless tomi lahren. all right, kellyanne, i don'tru think they have anything to run on. this is what we're going to be on, stucthise willk with. it's predictable. now, if republicans are not prepared for it, i blame them because we know what's coming, no question. so have a flawed messenger. but their messages are terrible. joe biden's under wate messar handling of every major issue. his personal attributes at in the tank. people don't think he's got the energy, the acuity, the ability the agility.ey don they don't think he cares about people like them. has a plan for the middl'tthee s and has vision. so what does he do? he's going to michiganhao , ny pennsylvania, wisconsin. this is a smart political strategy because politics is about addition. you have to ge yout more votes n the other person. electoral votes, t o all six swg states right now, sean, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania arizona, georgia, nevada are states that donald trump won five or six of them in 2016. if you add north carolin sia, t in he won that, too. but in 2020, joe biden carried0v michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, georgia, by the slimmest of margins. when you add it all togetherby i the problem for joe biden is people already know the wayay they feel about him. he lost independents in his approvalth rating in august of 2021 after the chaotic, unnecessary withdrawal fromc an afghanistan. i looked at kamala harris' polling numbers,dthdrawal the lr any vice president in modern history, and they're particularly low among hispanics, a group that they need to count big time, a groupb that donald trump is really reaching inte o right now, te hispanics, african-americans, even young people, some wome ntrump and independents. donald trump doesn't need to win a majoritdot needn y of h five groups i just mentioned. he can get a plurality of them. ea plhe can get a third of them. he can get 20% of african-americans. and it's gamercent of afe. bidn so joe biden can fly to michigan. he can go to wisconsiny to, he n double their staffs. they're worried about this third party candidates because thir far, robert kennedy, junio, cornel west, jill stein, all take votes from joe biden. d and they know that joe trippi, a smart political strategist today was quoted by saying, what will hurt biden, what will lose this election ford or t, this, quote, not his age, not trump's indictment, but these third party candidates chipping away from him. last point, i am personallawayy offended and everybody should be that kamala harris flew to minnesota on air force two and taxpayer dollars to go to an abortion clinic when ae her boss surprised the united states, wouldn't even dare say the word abortion in hises s ste of the union over an hour. he wouldn't say. they call it reproductive freedom, women's healtr he y callh care. they care about women's health care. what about maternal mortality? what about heart diseaset health c? gs what about all the things that are cancer? all the things that ar e cancere top of the list that are really, truly women's health? she wentnd to an abortion clinic today she's the abortion czard n and on taxpayer dollars and they're calling it showing last point they're callingxpayet she made history. >> no other vice president has ever visited an abortion clinioc . there's a reason for that, lady. thatpid idea. idea >> oh, tommy, let's get your take. i think all thes>> seae issuesde will be front and center, but it's all going to be about attacking donald i trump about january 6. keep out the exculpatoryerou that either disappeared or they purposely did not disappe o the american people. they allowed outright lies and falsle they e narratives. liz cheney did liz, where is your character you by the way? really, liz, you kept on you didn't think it was importan yoh to bring out the driver of amoun limousine on january six after you allowed other testimony that said somethinrg the contrary or the fact that. f chris miller i have it on tapeas and mark meadows and donald annto joh cash patel and eve milley, according to johnl on solomon on record saying donald trump wanted to call up the national guard. they will do and they will say anything. tomi lahren to make sure that they slanders smear, and besmirch, character, assassinate anybody that get ths their way. >> they've been trying it. but still, donald trump is ahead in the polls so far not working. >> right. well kellyanne is exactly right. they have a bad message. they have a bad messengeessagerh as president and vice president, but something sident athat they have that unfortunately we don't is this they have unity and they have loyalty. you mentioned liz cheney, adam kinzinger. ce r there's still plenty that are in office right now that are not unified with theblican m republican message that are not unified with they ar america fio agenda. they're not unified behind donald trump as our candidatifie e. t have so they have what we don'ty have. they all fall in line. they allal i the line because they also want something that i'm not convinced wantey wn and that's that they want to win. they want victorn theyy. ot and i'm not as worried about the third party candidates either forla joe biden's sake or donald trump. >> i'm far more worried about them replacingcing joe bi. >> leapfrog over kamala. i say that's bs. democrats can do whatever they want if they replace kamala oreu with gavin newsom, you're going to get social media outrage fromltaneous them. >> shat's it. let me play along with you. okay. in they bring in newsom. tha >> he's the head of sanctuary state free health care for illegal immigrants. and , that has come up time and time again throughout the primary season aughouts the number one issue on people's minds. how's that one issue going to go over houses? answer on no. estricti not even having restrictions in the seventh, eighthwill and ninth month of pregnancy. how's that going to go over with thevele american people? i worry because right nowecause donald is ahead in the polls, but he's ahead of joe biden,r wh who is a horrible messenger with a horrible record. what happens when you pu horrict 40 something year old in that position? you've got a lot of peoplet posk that they might look at california and think it's a mess, but it's that many but vote forllings as joe biden again. i'm really worried that they'll worriebe more than happy to votr gavin newsom so noat republicans need to unify. they need to unify now. we have to want to win and i'lll say the last point on the abortion message, if poinhedcans have a har abortion stance when they talk about a federal abortion ban, we will loseabortione lose. >> that's not helpful. and that's just the reality. ae i agree 100%. and as d 1o i thin00 pk a lot of people that would. we saw that in pennsylvania with doug mastriano no exceptionst ina with mothers . and i think if you want to know why we didn't se life a red wava in 22, that was a big reason why. a right?hers >> probably you were one of the most successful rnc chairs of all timl timee. let's get your take on what the republican party behind nee the scenes needs to do. >> we have talkeo dod about republicans, conservatives overcoming their reluctance, the resistance voting, early voting by mail. we have talked about democratic efforty mails at legal ballot harvesting. those efforts need to be matched, hopefully surpassedt is by republicans. it's now march. that's this election is in november. that is not a lot of time. they need to make sure every single precinct in every swing state and beyond has trained partisan observers watching thet voting all day, the vote counting all night and havint ae some measure to to watch at least mai leal in wheree th they're not in the hands of god inknows, who for god knows how long. >> well, you're right, sean.t so what i would be doing and it's pretty simple stuff, number one, at the committee, you got to raise about $40t $40 million in the next 60 days, number one. 6number two, you have to put ot paid workers, about 5000 people in michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsinli that are paid full time on the ground, targetinge early the vote, absentee ballot voting, using the data. and i'd put an artificial deadline to get all of that preliminary data work done by the end of may. >> and that has to happen now. they can figure out a lot of the other things as they go. at the same time, followin thing g court cases, going back to pre-covid laws so that we don't have gazilliongoin mail in ballots going out to people that didn't or don't them or didn't request them, and they need to lock down the procedures in these states. you know, tommy is right and so is kelly in what the democrats are doing by sending joe biden w. ou sagina saginaw has about 190,000 people. people joew by 300na votes. and his national image is terrible. as you'v ne ase all pointed outn >> but what he's trying to doo by going to saginaw on these little, little events that he'st doing, he's trying to get local coverage, locacal news and then harris, going into an abortion clinic, yet we find it to be ridiculous. but she now wants to become ridn the bullhorn on the abortion issue. and so all that micro-targetin h ,all that all that boring stuff that i just laid out, they're going to useathere g to that micro-targeting. they're going to send ten people every sen ten blockss with ten names on a piece of paper. they'll get paid a certains of of money for every person that they bring in. they'll go ty perso madison theg go to lansing, they'll go to state college in pennsylvania. y and that's what they're doing. the democrats are obsessed with processe doar. aper pro they love it. they love the process. their donors pay for process. >> and unfortunately, a lot of our folks, you know, they're crazy about candidates. they lik our craze to talk about who's going to win. you know, brad barrett calls it candidate casino. t of that's what a lot of our people love. democrats love process. our party needt ourpeoples to ge with the process, the boring stuf f and that's how you win and lose an election. >> all right. thank you.d to we appreciate it. reince priebus. kellyanne, tomi lahren joining us nowinin car is south carolina senator tim scott is with us. one of the more interesting things we keep seeing in every poll interesp are the is the democratic party, the demographics traditionallyrl make up their coalition and their base. african-american ses, americans, asian-americans, women are now moving in massive numbers to theving republican party. now, we have seen past movemente not as large as this, but inth the end, it seemis buts that, w, democrats tend to return home yourlection day. is this year different? well, sean, 1,000% this year iss different in football. it's not the x's and o's, it's the jimmies and the joes. we have a once in a lifetime trumer called donald trump who's bringing a coalition together like before. i will predict that president trump will receives th more republican votes than any republican in the history of the country n th. re afric i predict that he will have more african american support this cycle than any othern 30 republican in 30 years. and i predicrst he will likelyyi win the hispanic vote. he's up 4745 right now.but but the question is why? whth isy are african-americans, hispanics, asians, republicat men, women, all looking at donald trump with new eyep wr >> it is simple. we were better offunde under trump economically. the lowest unemployment rates for all racial demographicsor wm and a 70 year low for women. encrime. >> we had law and order, african-americanss vote in minneapolis voted to defund the policed th and overturn their own city council, city funde heareal the police. >> here's what we know about americans. s what weamericans want a fair f playing field, and there's onl only one candidate and one party that represents that. >>e and that's donald trump. >> we want a border that is close. i tell you, this is the truth. my great crime is devastating black communities and white communities. >>itie when you look at lake rin and we come to one conclusion, preventable. we have joe talking about isn tn she with the illegal immigrant a or was it an undocumented? >> it was a murderer. we should be up in arms on our feet talking about the issues that every single table is talking about tonight. and it starts with our border. y it starts with lake and riley. and then it goes to our economyr it goes to crime. >> we are going to win becauseg we have the right candidate e with theht tim record. all right. on everything issue that matters to americans are issues enough. scusse or what about what ryan was discussing and let's processer i and attention to those other details. well, let me tell you what. if there's anyone paying attention to the detailt in 2024, it's donald trump who trum co running the rnc. lara trump, why? e he because he understands that the devil's in the detailsnds th. so he puts his brilliantut daughter-in-law in charge of our rnc apparatus so that. all right. it's talke. apd about wise wise he is. >> we'll be taking care of himtt . we're going to focus on getting the vote out earlyte elder, oftl in whatever it takes. we will match fire with fire.e but at the end of the day you want the ball in the hands of the best player, the field. that player is donald trump. i guarantee you we will win because we're coming together. all right, senator, i hope you're right. we can't take four more years of this corpse as presidentt ta. anyway, we appreciate you being with us. thank you. when we come back, u johnson and breaking news, an explosive report about hunter biden and his business associates. and it has to do with the nuclear energy. also, hunter biden's former business partner, l tony bobulinski, he's now calling out hunter biden. we'll explain that aheadcallingx is proud to bring you this cheesy hero moment. >> and he was interested in working with students we havook out. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe on space. i am autistic and i am a performer and i'm really t it. can s once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's realleey. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you see her, you can be her attention baring. in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option, offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. call the meyers blair law firm at one 846 seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. >> doctors recommend colleagues daw software for gentle, dependable relief from constipation. it's so gentle. doctors even recommend it during pregnancy and after surgery. the increases water in the stool, making it softer so it's easier to go. no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining police a heart attack. do they have life insurance? 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>> well, i think the committeen. and certainly chairman are doing all they can dooing to get at those documents.e dept the department of justice is not coughing up the documents that are out not cougi woul there. the one area that i would like to see them dive deeper intod lv thoutes to louis freeh and the $100,000 that goes into joe biden's grandkids account g you know, there was a point algre this allegedly, accordin to these articles, you have this russian this romanian real estate tycoon who's chargedw mac with bribery. somehow he matches up with hunter biden, who then matchehes ups with the former fp director, louis freeh. louis freeh is then engage witds in that case. >> and guess what? wh communicates, according to articles he communicates with, are the united states department of justice to trye to to weigh in potentially on thate case. the guy actually get guys convicted. he's actually convicted. mystys he is mysteriousl $100,000 goes into joe biden's grandkids account. i think the committee has to call those grandkids committed you do to get $100,000? yo what did you do to do that? and i want to hear from louis freeh. i want him to come testify publicly a and say, why is it the that you gave the bidens $100,000, two grand kids and, you know, all these democratscr keep saying, oh, there's going to be this look at the reporting fromkesimultan johnso. >> look at the $100,000 going to the grandkids, tens m of millions of dollars. they've identified all these shell corporationss ars they, ty members being paid. riley, you point out the grandkid is hunter admitserm at the time he was addicted to hard drugits and admits he ho no experience. then, of course, you've got joe' exper os big lie that he nr talked to his son, brother or anybody about the farm businesss deal, jason. and we all know juste tr the opposite is trueue. molano devin archer's testimony, tony bobulinski is testimony, big guy. at what point do you say something really nefarious went on here and no evidence that any services ever rendered ? >> yeah. and remember, hunter biden's flying on air force two. he's going with his dad to china. there's a there's a caseo he's o he's going to mexico and he'sd texting with the people in mexicos taxing and he's saying,t coming there. i want to introduce you to my dad. we're goinhe introduceg to land. >> i expect you to be there. i've opened up the white house. you've been to the white house.s you've met my dad. you've done all these things. now i want y deal. and guess what? hunter biden's business partne r goes on air force to explain to us. >> joe biden, explain to us, white house, if you weren't involved and engaged in hunterus biden's businesses, why is his business partner flying on air force two at our expense, taxpayers expense? soloell, it's a great point, john solomon, if this wass abou about the trump family, we know the media, the mob and every democrat, they wouldever be on television in the paper, every second of every day. they're trying to ignore all ofg and so far, maybe you can argued somewhat successfully. >> well, 67% of people in the ap-norc poll last month said that they now believe joe biden did something unethical or illegalyw believ. they're getting the news somehow from shows like this in the work we're doing. here's the mos likt important b thing. i've got to draw a bull's eye around something that i think could changes the dynamiot somec the next few weeks. it is improbable that joe biden didn't get defensive briefings when his son wasalingi dealing with a a military contractor. i can't believy contracte that y to buy our nuclear energy that we knew the chinese were trying to hack w to get. i think congress needs to focus on did joe biden get a defensiv thise and if he did an' still let his son do these things, i think that becomest ht very easy story fora ve the american people to understandstor. >> all right. we'll continue to follow it. if the mob in the media ignore.s it. thank you both. up next, as biden's border crisis medignores spiraling evo of control even more. well, gues s what. now our country has to brace for a wave of illegal immigrants. well a, a new wave of prisoners from venezuela. but of course, nowa an immigrans from haiti. now, governor ron desantis, he's just assuming biden won'thi do his job. he'll do it. he'll do it for wil it forwe'll check in withson as victor davis hanson, pete hegseth, as we continucontine ee today. here to show you the easiest way to get new floors. shop at home. empire brings samples to you. hundreds of options carpet, hardwood, tile, vinyl and laminate will help you pick the right floor and measure your rooms for free. you'll get a price estimate for your entire job, and you can even finance it right on the spot. it's that easy shopper for us at home. >> that's empire today. eight hundred 88 300 and today. >> hello i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. i know it's scary unless use relaxium sleep relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it. relaxium sleep is study tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium sleep worked from the very first night i took, i had more focus and mental clarity than i've had in years. i wake up feeling alert and like i've had the best night's sleep. >> stop being afraid and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium sleep your body and your mind. well, thank you. take relaxium. it'll work. i promise you it'll work. mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. visit, try relaxium dot com or call hundred 8011737. >> did you hear that? 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according to a new report, the administrationophate h is ay discussing the possibility of actually using guantanamoisto bay gitmo to process them. what does that mean, process t that? meanwhile, more disturbing crimes committed by illegals , commi they're coming to light. three illegal immigrants from guatemala have beetty illeming assault and kidnapping of a woman in florida. anotheasd appingr el salvador wd with 20 counts of abuse, sex offenses of minors while working at a church in afterftee previously being deported twice ,according to ice and a womane in the u.s. illegally from venezueld tha was arrested forwa driving the wrong way down a highway, causing a heahe high collision that resulted in the death of a 12-year-old boy. here with reaction is hoover institution, senior fellowvis ha victor davis hanson, "fox and friends" weekend co-hosnst hegseth. frien all right. it's all happening and it' s interesting. governor desantis is smart enough to figure outsantis thero way biden is going to do d abouy largeout what is likel going to be a large influx from haiti. so he's already put in measures to protect his own state. kind of like what governor abbott's been havingnd to do. tn >> your reaction? to dn well,s hanso i think we're getting back to every man for himself, every state for themselves. there is no federaf everl immigi law. biden destroyed it and it shows you how desperate they aret sho to do something stupid to let 8 million people in from some of the moststtpeople i vios in the world. and why are they doing it, sean? thi the the prime directive is o get future constituencies who under mail in ballots. >> he may be of value and they figure that, you know, to makeie this beautiful, diverse the eye omelet, they have to break a few eggs like you know unfortunately like lincoln riley or kate stanley, whom they consider just collaterae ls damage. e they don't really care about these people who were tragically killed or harmed or maimed, and they feel they're going to be protected. sean, they have the moneiny, p o the influence, the zip codes that these policies will never allow. pode licies will nevep on their shory >> the irony and my irony really quickly is if they bring all these people in and they're located in the barrid o in the t inner city and east palestine, ohiohet , and working classe communities, they're going to alienate a lot of people. and if they alienate their base, they'll close the border in one second b because they don't have any principles other than the retention of powerorcausthe you know, and then here we are, pete hegseth with the president apologizing for using the term illegal. ident apfor we played a tape law i don't play it again tonightag of chuck schumerai. ck this is chuck back in 2009 saying they're illegal aliens. they're not they're not respectingt laws. and it's wrong to use the term undocumented because minimiz we as is the crime that they're committing. it kind of sounded likf e us, but obviously that democratic party's dead, buried, neverr her to be seen or heard from again. that's kind of hows ho i'm viewg it. >> your thoughts your, sean?o be you're right. they used to believe in the basicse in. the basics are borders. the basics are citizenship. >> the idea of citizenship is,pt in retrospect for the democrat't party. >> they don't care about it any more. you hear about whether it's charities or politicians or local nonprofits, they want anyone they can get for reasonsu ,as victor said, for votes or for a future, a census and congressional districts. >> citizenship is a bygone word for them because they believe no person can be illegal. >>them b sean i served in guanto bay, cuba for a year. >> it had been set up to process people coming acrosso the sea for a long time before we it was a detention facility for islamistres. was >> it was meant to repatriate meaning if you were on a boao rf seeking a better life and you landed at guantanamo bay, we sent you bac na bk to your home country. >> you you noted the word. it was processyo s with this administration. send them back. or would they immediatelyr process them to put them on wour flight and senocd to somewhere in the continental united states that we're not told about? we have no idea at all. and ultimately, this is alsothii the administration that said we want to close guantanamo because they didn't want to process islamists who were there trying to kill us. >> so they're full of contradictions, not putting the country first and putting illegals first, but they won't call them illegals. >> make sense of that. no kno, no, they do in australi. victor davis hanson. if you're not ifaustractor dav,r to enter australia illegally. you will be met at sea. now you'll be handed food, medicine, if you needed water, whatever necessities you need,dh whatever you need, and then you're going to be sent home. if you need medica aresent homlt even bring it to the country. they'll bring it to another island. they will providyo e that medical care and then send you back. why is it america just simpla jy adopt that strategy? >> well, i think we got. to dispense with the idea, sean think w, that we all say tr europeans or the australians or all of these kindredop thered do democracies are socialists and they're left-wing and they're crazy. we're the craz ist and -wing y ones now.w if you look at the immigration revolution that's goink g on in europe and australia and other places, they're fa australr more reasonable than we are. we're the outlier of the family of democratic nationths. we're in that we're on the verge of insanity and suicidal destruction. wer and they look at us and they think we're crazy. so this is serious and welonger can't any longer judges other countries and say they're naiver ,letting in immigrants acrosse the mediterranean or the pacific. what we do in is far worse thanat w they've done. they've learned their lesson and they're juste do in timeheir to self-correct. and we're not we're doubling down. well lesself-correcting , trump. >> he has promised to deport>> a evern:y illegal immigrant ill people that didn't respect our laws. our bordereg immigrans are >> that time has come. all right. victor davis hanson hegseth, thank you both. >> when we come back, california, it is falling apart . they're having trouble literally covering their electricity bills. t are havinoublhear that?e th a love their redistribution of wealth idea hereion e. i lonely out in california. could some proposal like this cali? 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that because that's ostensibly what they're doing anywa's e y. >> yeah, give it. yeah, give us your money. wha give us your money. i mean, what's so wonderful about this sout this californiag is it's not even tied to electricity use. it's just an end. it's an income increase. and by the way, yes, the upper end pays more. but the stupid part of this and this is where there's going to be a revolt. you look at the numbers here, shawn, the middle claslt youse is going to be charged significantly. i did the maths is here. the middle class right now payst about 3200 bucks a year for their electricity bills. that, by the way, is at w the highest in the nation. ay ithis would add about 1200 bucks. whether you consume more or less, electricity is going to go on your bill.wi ll it's almost a one third increase on middle class. and yeah, up the income ladder. it pays more. this jus r itt it's not it's not a carbon tax. it has nothing to do with reducing. in fact, energy use may go upt o under thing in certain cases. >> and the whole problem in california is they don't have enough electricity because renewables don't work. not sus they're not sustainable. they break down. they're very expensive. they should use oil, which they have a lot of. they should use natural gas. gaey couldhe use coal. they could use nuclear power. but theys ol don't. so they're you can't plug in your car if have a heavyu ca electric vehicle. >> you can't plug it in because they're alwaysn becau brownoutse and blackouts of electricity. this thing is justalways b a dub middle class tax hike in california. that's all it is. and then when they tax corporations and then they sue corporations like the sewer and oil companies. who paysations l the bill for te expensive law firms that have to defenose exd themselves. >> wouldn't that be the consumer? the. you're the expert yeah. yeah. no, no, no. that stuff getthat gets passed e all the time. >> and by the wa timy, you knowt they're going to start losing stuff in the courts. i mean, they're noff itht thesea mandates that california is making up mak that had nevera been adjudicated. there are no congressional. sla the state legislature may or may not pass this thing.m wh from what i gather, there's a tax revolt going rthis is dumb. d and the bernie sanders 32 hour workweek is dumber or or as dumb because there you've got let's not work. okay. already the participate nation rate among their prime workers is at an all time there'sw ther probably 10 million people outside the workforce prl that could be producing thy irowing the econom and creating it. so let's not work shot, okay? let's just hanlet'g around watch tv, video games, have a joint. let's not work. how dumb is that? i've got to go larry kudlow. thank you. when we come back, west point has made a major change to the e mission statement and we expect big new developmentsmee in fulton county, georgia. will fani willis be disqualified next ? 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you wanted me to find out about her. she's got a kid, a dead husband. she's. i'm just the cleaning lady. she's clearly much more than that. everything i've done to something i never wanted in anything that happened to you. the cleaning lady. all new tuesdays on fox spring football kicks off march 30 at the usfl champs versus the xfl champs. the heavyweight matchup that the fans deserve. spring just got stronger. afl kickoff weekend begins saturday, march 30th at one on fox news sunday on espn. donald trump on media buys media scrutiny, campaign tactics and a deep dive into his expected rematch with joe. plus, trump's first order of business if he wins back the white house, how he sits down with the former president. it's a can't miss interview sunday on mediabuzz. >> all right. the u.s. military academy at west point. well, guess what? they are dropping the phrase, r quote, duty, honor and country from their mission statement, replacing it t mission with the, quote, army values. however, west point did make ita clear that the phrase is foundational to their culture and that ir thatt will t remain their motto? welcome to joe biden's american nightmare. also t also tonight, big news out of georgia. the judge has said the rulinewsg should come out tomorrow. well, fannie fani willis speedt disqualified. more of that news tomorrow night. that's all the time we have left tonighhtl t. thank you for being with us. please set your dvr. see, nothe meantim your heart. be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your facenot yo arbia fac

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