oh, yeah. yeah, all right. let's welcome tonight's. e >> he looks like a car salesman. it smells an air freshener. co-host of fox and friends. first, todd pyro, don't let the accent fool you. she's here to school yet. co-host of the you bottom onwel! fox business, dagen mcdowell. o he knows eight ways to kill a man with a paperclip. nine if it's rusty, a formert of cia operative and host of the president's daily brief podcast, mike baker. s coul and if walls could talk, new yo her office would be in witness protection. "new york times" best sellinrkg aug author and fox news contributor carter. all right. well, that's about it for me. >> before we get to some new stories, do this. >> greg'>>s leftover birds. i mm. yeah, it's leftoversd . i read the jokes we didn't use this week. and as always,rsme it's my firsc time reading them. so if they or staple joe joe mackie to a wall and use his head as a dartboard. earlier this week, the white house unveiled its 2023 holidayons. decorations. and whil e of course, there are no stockings for president biden's grandchildren, there is is one for joe's living nurse. >> she's caribbean. ly >> not that that matters. meanwhile, the family does plank to still leave out cookies and milk for santa and a woman's witag. >> no one in particular. >> a retired health official says the chinese government may have killed a pandemicwi researcher by throwingng him off the wuhan lab roof. or as the cde calls it, a typicl covid related death. >> chicago mayor branded johnson is blaming his city's problems on right wingwi extremisngm. >> not surprising as it is maggot country. >> in a new interview, france'se first lady opened up about dating french president emmanuel macron while he was her student when he was 15 and she was 40. >> so take notes, kids. ban if your teacher wants to bang. >> you too could become president. see, they always say it's a bad thing. wet's it's goodsays thing, but i say it's a bady it thing. a pack of canadian super pig'ss may reportedly soon cross the border into the united states. apparently, it's payback for the ones we once sent to canadua . >> the fda has approved an at-h f chlamydia. here's how it works. if you have with hunter biden,h you have chlamydiaav tac. >> that's really not an at home test. right. blneties boy band new kids on the block have announced they're goinocg on a 2024 tour, although they've since changedg their name to old guys at the villages. a according to a new study, women have more regret anxiety study,r depressing thoughts after than men does , especially if they have it with the wrong person. i i knew that was coming. i saw that coming a mile away. >> a new survey says that 43% of americans are frequently constipate ad. t don't come back to be great. the other 57% eat at taco bell s . >> and finally, a new studtuy claims that prehistoric womenn were better at hunting than men. well i didn't even know they had shoe stores back then . now to the news.s, ellen leaves no doubt that he won't sell out. yes, it's for it's coming your way. hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.ido >> a video of the day. >> it comes to us from a new york times conference this week when elon musk addressed the cowardly advertisers that are leaving act thas likeeo joy bay. >> when the producy behae hits,s and learn how it's done. >> there's public perception that that was part of a apologyr tour. l you will. this had been said online. there waofs all the criticism. >> there was advertisers leaving. we talked to bob iger, but they stopped aboud. h you don't advertisope. you don't want them to advertise? no. what do you meane. o. ? if somebody did tryto to blackmail me with advertising blackmail, with money yourself? >>it you know, but go yourself.o is that clear? i hope ipet is.. hey, bob, if you're in the audience. >> wow. he really has it in for bob. but which bob? this one. this one. it's bob marley. or this one? of course, it was a shout out to bob iger, the ceo of the disney disaster, which is one of the companies that did x. ellen was also given another xa, to walk this back.di >>d but did he? >> how do you think that about the economics of x. if if if imof part of the underlying model at least today maybe it needs to shift. maybe the answer is it needs to shift away from advertisingw . if you believeon that this is te one part of your business where you would be beholden to thosee who have this view. >>have what do f what g f y? y.ok at that stand for. gutfeld frickin yummy. y but he's got a point. a how insane is it that companiesi are trying to blackmail the world's richestht man with money? that's money extorting jerry nar with salad or blackmailingin sports fans by threatening to cancel pbs? >> the fact is, musk may be thel last man standing betweenoc freedom of speech and the suffocating block of the censorship industrial complex, which is made up of government, media and tech forcego s. he realizes that advertisers have no spine and coul dt be easily cowed by special interest groups in cahoots with politicalgrin cahoots alli. if you don't believe me, i got two words for you. tucker carlson. wow >> woo hoo hoo!. oh, wow. >> look at that room.m all righall rit todd, your mothr called me this morning and asked me a favor to haveo seated in the first chair. >> so here you are. so you have to be on good you h behaviore d . have a >> understood. you know, you've got a thing for my mom. yeah. ever since she was herhing e in seats. t >> right over there. yes. you mentioned her at every occasion. it's kind of weird. yeahhere y occasion, maybe i'm like president macron. oh, yeah. the funny thing is, todd, your mom and i were talking about that very thing. oh, my god, mariana. lord, she just hip surgery. i don't want to know why she got after. because my dad's watching, too. hio? >> mariana, where doese: hello the professor? this anyway, so this has beenon a fight that has been going on for years f . if you don't do what we say, wet will kill your business. i but it's not the advertisers that are doing it. it's theses thes left front gros that are scaring these advertiser rs to run away. so they capitalize on the moral cowardice of advertisers. and airlines basically saying is, okay, you do this to us. let's see how the earth handless thisayin right. the yeah, and that's one ofrt the best things about having f-you money. you geh handthist to tell peopl. yeah, that's exactly what this a is. >> yeah. and so it's so great for free speech. . and we thought whenim p he purchased this thing, free speech would be saved iturch obviously has taken a lot of hits. yeah. because they're coming after him full bore and the bobbyy me mentioned i know he's mentioning bob iger. what i love about that. yeahntng iw . b iger bob iger may be fine when it comes to his theme park because they cost a lo t of to go toy to and people go over it. but take a look at the latest disneyo too. movie not doing vey well. >> he can get all the eyeballs and all the either all free advertising on x or realti advertising on xsing o that.a lo he can get also, a lot of his tv properties utilize x drive viewership. >> so before he says, you know f-you to to mr. twitter over there mr. x he better realiz she he should wake uphe and ultimately at the end of the day, elon musk i thin en making a key point here. >> so go on. yeah. you know. dage begann he said, well, let's sen what earth thinks. he's basically bankingks on public opinion. >> the fact that wehat we are addicted to twitter and we are addicted to x and we now use it, it's like hive mind. gog he knows that this thing is going to survive no matter cm what and we completely relply on it and to keep speech free. >> but he is also with talent. the to go pound dirt. od luc i'm being trying to be a lady. yes. good luck with that. >> he's also playing on the petty jealousy of these ceos. so bob iger, a company that has told generations of young women that the only path to prosperity and happinesperits is getting our mitts on some himbo prince and then hanging for dear life. that's bob iger's job. yeah. david zaslavr ., who runs warner bros. discovery, took on $55 billion in debt to buy a company that cnn so that maxax streaming porthole a total hole. >> yeah. so what is elon muskho run. any >> he runs a brand new car company that just came out witha truck. >> looks like a don morrison it. up >> it looks like it was carved with laser shooting out his hand. >> and then he also he alse o hn a rocket company. what mann th on the planet doest want to own a rocket company where they can shoot into the sky? yeah, i didn't. i didn't see that last part comn coming. yeah. nog. >> mik, but you have a point th. he also owns the boring company. do you know what thahe alst is?e >> yeah.ahre underground tunnels. he makes. you know, the thing: undnels. mike. this is what mike isn in the richest man the worldan should be doing, right? >> and i just love how he he basically, in one sentence, kind of humiliated them, going like you're trying to blackmail me with money like do not realizney.e i have more money ty everybody. yeah. you know, you couleah.d also mae a joke about the boring company. yeah, right. soe bori company, you know, tun. >> all right, like, i put him over there because i figured you behave well norew. you put me over here. is this the first time the cat right next to you? yeah. we get to sit next to each other for the very time. >> and thank you, by the way, for pointing out who bob marley is. that wass i okay. e >> i like this, bob. that's bob marley. >> so, yeah, look, i agree with dave and 100% on the fact that that you knowthat g go by n musk right this is this is what you you count on him for j because he does have the juiceoe right? it's like joe rogaen. n roganey tri is the same way. he's got the money to tell me they tried to cancel himed righ. they tried they got all outraged over his is covid perspective. ve got >> and the next thing you know, you've got joni mitchell or neil young or whomever, you know, some hundred and 20 year old, you know, por, sarp sr saying, i'm taking my money and going off on spotify. and people are saying, peopg alive. yeah, yeah. and so having that leveld of cash i speak also from experience. i'm the same way. really? >> gye mike: os. that the money money that i sit on daily, it's -- it's crazy . yes, it's crazy. and when the advertisers threaten to leave you, mike, you just have them disappear havpear.. into i just fly another peanuts right into space. that's. what i do with myself. yeah. i don't know why, i. yeah, why? all right, cat, imagine you run the cat network or the cat social platform. >> would pla you? >> how would you deal with advertisers trying to pressure you on content?u list would you listen to them oren would you listen to that? oh, well, here's the thing. this is what i do understand. >> people say money can't buy happiness. happiness., i. >> i know. happy. it makes you feel to tell someone to kill themselves. to. g it's one of the best feelings in the whole entire world.and yeah. and i think that forin himk thab choice. because he bought this platform because he wanted to stand ecauseo against that.o deal so w he. eve i don't know how he would be able to deal with it. didn if you didn't have all the money that he has. but also, i think one of the issues with elonth is whylo. he puts himself out there a lot. he likes t on twitter and just tweet stuff that comes into his head. >> so i thinso i thik part of te reason people are so upset by him because if there were other ceoshim.other ce of doing, i think that we might find that not all of their thoughts were acceptable according to people who think of things that sorto peoplt of way.eall >> you know, the thing is thaty there's a really good thing that's happeningappening and a d thing. >> the good thing is, is thattok he took the to they out of the left hand. right. they could use twitterright?theh elon to cancel anybody out. >> and then when he added community noteens now you know rumor can't amplify like it did with covington and instead it implodes because the community notemplodes comes out and hits but the sad thing about itsa is beginning to realize that the only people with real freeh are people with billions of dollars. what about the rest ofbout the ? and that was my point, is that like, you know, if you if you are beholden advertisers, you could be gone. >> i take market ris k every i open my mouth. that is true. we all do. when you open your mouth o when. oh, that means you think i'm an integral part of the show. m anthat a track that what i sa. >> that's what i'm goingchronic to write up next. kamala ran out the clock when asked about tick tock. >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the riskcan caus of failure witt sicker because there are places sicker because there are places you' cause serious side effects, cause serious side effects, includingar. be fatal dehydration, urinaryin yeast infections in low blood sugar, a rare life threatening bacterial infectioif you hn in n of the perineum could occur. >> stop taking for zika and call your doctor away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosi hes fasting. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember her neighbor? 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well, step back for a moment i'l and say that one of the things that should keep all of us up at night is the level annl ofing disinformatio that is rampant and has been facilitated in a most extremelyy by social media. russia interfered in 2016 election targeting specific groups of americans with dissent, misinformation, and with an intention to undermine american people's u confidence in our institutionsu. . so wait, is this half baked bozo suggesting the 2016 election isn't legit? >> hmm. i guess it pays to remember it . denying an election result is only bad when trump doelys. >> but does she have a specific view on tik tok itself o? you don't have a specific view on tik tiktok itself. k toitself. or are you on tikto? i'm not. do you not lik e boy, a boy or and girl in my family are, i'll tell you that. >> you tell them to get ofem tf you know, you can tell young people in your family all kinds of things to say she makeshe the joker sound like eeyore.ng it's about as convincinginar as jesse watters giving a seminar on humility. but you know what would make it better? we used too iink it was bong shows, but not anymore.s we realize it takes something more that to happen to tik tok. >> well, ste well,p for a momenp and say that one of the things that should keep all of us u op at night is the level of misleading information that is rampant and has beenhasn facilitated in a most extreme by social media. those are we did an mri on tha her and we found those are the sounds that are inside her head when she's talking. >> slking.o dig in. >> okay. y, >> she relies on the russian thing instead of using her own d brain and, she basically just did what the democrats have been accusin g trump of doing. >> does she even realize this? probably. she doesn't want to talk about the talk. yeah, and have i don't think it's because they need the voters. e i think it's because she needg a job. yeah t, because this one is coming to an end pretty quickly. and she's got everything got that tick tock needs. she loves comics. she has that weird singsong a valley cowley speech pattern. she knows little or nothingsubjc about every important subjecttak on planet yet. >> can talk at length for hours about those very subjects. she should hosts "fox and friends" first. merciless. >> for example, kamala harris. remember the community? banks are in the community. they understand the capacity and opportun ande cities such as the capacity and opportunity of community that's perfect for the top. yeah. don't run it. here's the thing. you know, mikey, so that theg mn the host asks about is her kids on it. and that's the key thing. it's really no thit data capture.s it's about brain capture. you have kids doing sorts of weird. you see these protests, it's all tryinu see thtsg to trn this weapon because we can't do back to them. right. they can focus on identity politics ut, but no identity politics in china. so this is definitely like it's -- it's psych warfare. >> yeah. it if kamala harris wasn actually an intelligent individual, she have talkedy about this in a very serious matter. right. becauss manne the chinese regime under xi is actively engagedon a in a massive disinformation campaign and have been for r several years. and they refer to it in a variety of ways. >> camouflage, dragon bridge, there's all sorts of code names that are used for it, but it scal in a large scale, very well resourced effortwe to trye u.s. to influence us public opinion and also not not just to playnoi off the paranoia in america and causn e which they do. they understand the dynamics of racismplem. an example and how to make theyl that divide on social media. they also to changeive ab the narrative about how the americans viewou the chinesv regime. right. so she could have discussed these various thingsscusseriouse my concern every time i see lomala harris is is is agree with the and i don't thinkso she's going to be looking for a job soon . i think the democrats see no way out from under biden and. harris as a ticket. and i think we're going to end up with president harris in a couple of years time because i don't think president biden is going to be abl e likext continue serving through a next four year term. >> syearo they are we are goinge to have her as the leader of the free oh, man. you know, but as i always. ] hey, hey, hey, hey. as i always say, the messenger . yeah, god, as i always say, bad for america. great for my ratings cat.big all right, big question here. big question. why did she deflect?efle why do you think she deflected? there'ctedthere's s to be like h had she had the russian thingg o prepared. yes. that's what was interesting to me is that sh me ie the chinn question was coming and she was like, okay, if this s comes up, that's how you deflect. i love you like that sound effect? i love how you spit everywhere with them. yeah. yeah. well, what exactly i d kat: wioh the stomach flu. it's coming out of a differentgu place. am i going to do i think someared is a strong word because i have concerns with some of the legislation that has put forth already in terms of banning tiktok, because what a lot of it would really wou would be giveovernmn the government these broad, vague powers to control our speechd rs to co. >> and i'm also concerned about free speech in this segment. thienbut isn't it interesting i researched all that? the reason i know all of that is because i read, researched is e that to preparr a segment on fox, which seems to be a lot more than what she does before she's in front of people. >> yeaont ofh, i want to knowe o what she does all day. i don't think she preparesn' think she comes up there. >> she's like, well, as long as i say some wordlikewells thae tangentially related, it's i haven't gotten fired so far right. th so i don't think she concerns herself with that. i would love to know what a typical dawould lo ay looks lik. it's an excellent point because i think about like i think about the perfect t show. pirro and harris, you and kamala, like nine, 10 a.m., her cackling, you beinggoofy your goofy self, going back to there, booing this. de n i know. i have them on my side now. grea t. >> i'm i'm curious about this. yeah, i thini makek more money at this. yeah, i think you could i think like, good. i like it. but what do you think? wh >> ty do you think she deflecte? yeah, i. i love you, dave. and i 100% disagree with youe y on this point. this is all about the votes because democrats knowdagan butu that within tiktok they can do their brand of misinformation. s it's not just that it's stupidity and basically fooling these naivt e of young voters into saying like, look, do everything the democrats are sayingivrs is perfect. if they don't have that capacity, those individualhes. io a, are you able to getrealiz their information elsewhere and realize democrat policiee co are going to ruin their futures and be they're not going to be able to do this massiv e outt to the vote effort to these individuals who wouldn't otherwise unless they wereg it forced into doing it by our friends at tech, that i'm not saying they should vote. they should go the normal rout e . but to be told by the democrats, if you don't vote donaly thdemocrats d trump is goinga to put you in a concentration camp. >> that probably shouldn't be then camp, thathouldn't that. that's why it is essentialit i right now that they if united states government figure out a way, if they want to keep tiktok, somebody in america has to buy it from the chinese, run it through america, makechin su, that ccp could get no hold on any information and clean that thing up ca aholdp. otherwise you're just going to have more of this and the democrats are not going to stop it. arthey in 2024 is 100% interesting. >> it's like they don't want they lost control of x, so contl they need to get rid of that, but they still have control of tik tokf tik is. even going to have to buy tiktok too. and would it be a bad idea. all right. all right. coming up, a dems theory flops wi about hunter's laptoth jp get hp reaching goals with jpmorgan wealth. can the digital money coach in the chase mobile app use it to set track your goals big ando today could help put them within reach ? 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it was the same contents. how do you know?e to because. because it's the same.ca i meante it , you would have to authenticate it to know what it was. the same contents. yo, you know,deaontent. hard drives can manipulate it. are you suggesting the new york postsugges participated in a conspiracy to construct the contentsconstruc of the hunh buying a laptop? no, sir. the problem is that hard drives caobleis n manipulated by rudy giuliani or russia. >> yeah yeah. a cat that was democratcong congressman dan goldman, who basically denied hunter biden'ressn dan whs laptop is rn and i think he's right. we all know that rudy giuliani a is really good at working. have you seen his have you seen his podcast? right. attackright. e doesn's like this, he doesn't know it's on half the time. this guy's sayinaying that rudy giuliani is like a technologicanological. - yo >> and also, i don't know. i mean, you know, who's notng t sayingha it wasn't hunter's laptop? hunter i know. likehunter., why is like, how dn you get people to do that for you? this is it t, hunter.er >> all these. even remember that letter that all these people signed? peop hunter's name was not on that list. exactly. he wasn't like. it's not lik . n't likee. . he was like, i don't remember. yeah, i don't know which, honestly, if you watch doknow. , possiblee i >> yeah, yeah, yeah.pt okay. raises a good question. whop, y would he do that?possib >> and i'm going to you, mike,g: as a former cia person kat r, is goldman a cia cutout? a form >> like, is there a reason for him taking these views? i'm not a conspiracy theorist. no, no, i've never i've knownn'e you a long time. and i actually. i don't believe you are in any way. but there's somethinlie ny way.g. e take why? why do people take deliberately idiotic stance delibs? >> you know why is because we send the stupidest people to capitol hill. >> america has 330 millionn so some odd people.s >> and if you look at the that we tend to vote in to office. that doesn't surprise me at all. th that gets outs there and is is so asinine. yeah, that's another day upapitl on capitol hill, as far as i'm concerned. far aso you think is the reason for him saying this? >> i have a completely different theory. and whil todd: ie i agree with your overall premise, mike, that the people in d.c. are , not goldmahan and hear me out., no goldman is a specific, i would thy plant. yes, but the democrats are using him because he provides veneer of being. >> if i can put my lawyer hat on for a moment, a good lawyer because he comes from a prettye prestigious legal background. you've seecomen him in hearings as a top notch attorney. at least the democrats put see so that whenn he he comes up with an asinine theory likomese and an asinine , of questioning like that, otherm people, the mainstream media who love him, who love these democratic talking pointsemocrae it and now it becomes part of the truth. ethe o r for those otherhe individuals. >> so don't be surprised if you starr be surt in the mainstm media. >> a little bit of a walka litt back oacf, oh, maybe the laptopu wasn't true because of this line of questioning the democratestione democrs are this isn't the first time, by the way. that's why this is a pattern with dan goldman goldmawe've . we've seen it before.n is we will see it again. dan goldman is being use beibyd by democrat and he is a willing foil. watch it. i'm tellina willing g you, it dv by us is with dan gold. >> i can't believe they would put a lawyer on tv t to look>> stupid as i see how you do your. i'm not even been beaten up by the cia. i haven't been shamed. shamcia is coming aften upr. me? i have to be on a tv show withti kamala harris. >> i've run i don't know a lot about, like, good lawyering, a but i feel like if my. if i had a lawyer and he's like, your honor, it wasn't my clien lawyerit was rudy giul. i'd be like, i need anothere lawyer if what he said is true. >> yeah, but it's more than that. i did on the binatg engine thats run by chatgpt for i mean, it's run with the gpt four engine. it's supposed to be the best search engine. i aske i asked about the authenticity of the hunter biden laptop. what it out was according to the news and web search results there are different o claims and opinions raised about the authenticityt th of te hunter biden laptop. some democrat and media outletst have dismissed the laptop as a russian plant or falsefals narrative. >> what goldmanatel said immediately starts coming up in search results even in the best search engines and you have to start digging to what he said and digging into the actual article that they use to deliver those search results to find outreal u what real truth the dems are always and i would say the left are alwaye ys aheads ad of the right in this sort of thing. it's like if if they don't like like you and they're after you, knur someone's for your name or anything. >> not that i would know because i don't searchow becau e that's got egotistical, but if your name comes upur and all, all the bad things come up because they planted. >> all right. oh yeah. up nexughh, yet our wisdom shins through when we answer questions from. >> so we decided to put in an in-ground pool. i literally went on angie and typed in pool and got choices. getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids ,can kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. and it's nice to know that you're meeting with people who already are at a certain level. we wanted something beautiful. we wanted something that our children would feel happy in, and we love it and still love it. >> connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done. well, get started today at and .com. >> what secret celebrity is hidden inside our super screen. >> i don't have a clue. that's my mama. january 3rd. it's the ultimate new celebrity guessing game. hear their talented relatives sing for you. >> figure which superstar they're related to. oh, god. to remind you of. >> looks like she could be in his family. i know that boy. and when legend de money. who is the celebrity behind the relative? 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wher you in a situation where wg it's going wrong, right. everybody starts locking up. yes. whether whether it's a gunfigh t or whether it's somebody choking out. so you have to be very calm. soave toyou a few breaths and yt to talk in a very calm voice and, you know, i just said, look, can you can you breathe? and the guy was like, nowa, i'm good. he was he was trying to say he was good, but he couldn't breathe. so anyway, so yeaht anyway, hade had to dislodge the large piece of t bone. >> turns out>> greurns out latey found out you had shot him. >> yeah. yeah. i was in you. i was in a similar situation at del frisco's, and i'm i'y locked up. in fact, i was. we were on the stock table. i won't sawhy who the persono ts that was choking out. >> he's no longer with us. but anyway, not from that. but it was kind of interesting. interesi just sitting there bee like i thought here's okay gorys ,the person who was chokinong ci had pretended he was chokingo mo about two months before camera.s so when he started choking, we all thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. >>just figured out who it was. ye ds, it was prince charles. ge >> yes.g: y escat, you have the veneere of somebody that's always in a statveneere of panic, but i thik people can rely on you. people can rely on you. when someone the so-calledr cond hits the air conditioner. >> no, he's right. you already know this about me. i'm amazini'm amg in an emergeny situation. >> i can always handle it. i'm calm. >> i. you have that? yeah. i'm on the phone call when people are trouble, they call me and i'm great. because if wn n troubl us i'm not in an emergency situation that i'm creating one in my min d right? so if there's an actual emergency, i can focus on that. i'm focused on that and i'm actually calmer in that situatior inn. this is why i arrive 3 to 4 hours prior to a flight, because i'm ready. i'm just ready. but then i drive rea everybody crazy and there's never an emergency. so everything's an emergency. s >> dagen yep. >>a panic all the time about myself. like i'm on the verge of an a anxiety attack, worried about having lipstick on my teeth right noxietw. >> but with other people i am cold focused. >> i manage my mother throughg e having a stroke and getting her to the hospitahel 2 hoursh n away on live tv with an oncologist, one phone and my dad in the car with my momalkint stroking out on the other, talking to both of them in,no the commercial breaks and she lived. >> but nowou know i'm about like my stomach's cramping and worrying about the interest lipstick. >> is that interesting? then i guess we don't have time for you. >> i panic, i guess. i bet you're the typ're of guyuy who leaps into action. i >> you're like, somebody cuts in line when you're getting some yogur t. n' you don't stand for that . i'm a strict adherence to the line rules. yeah crap. but. but beyond that, look, i think preparation is the key. if i thought through ths.n emerge when an emergency happens, i'm like a quarterback going through my progressions. myy, i haven'tio the thought through the scenario. then you get a little panic. yeah, it's that's what it is.m a i'm always thinking about the scenarios. unfortunately, nonysg e of them ever happen. >> well, and the problem is scenarios never go according to plan. ohscenarording to right. it's like, it's like an ambush. you know, once that thing kicks off, it never the way you expect it to. >> yeah. and you're speaking as the guy who does the ambus y whh. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. yeah. if i have my way. >> yeah, yeah. that's exactly like body way disposal. , it's a >> it's always the same. yeah, yeah, yeah. nothing new unde ther the sun.ea >> we've talked about that before. yeah, yeah, yeah. bout >> gall right.aughter] >> that's why i never get rid of the body. y mutu of the body. y mutu up next lifetime, let's loosale, with people. >> knock in boots, liberty mutualsiness., my car insurancei saved hundreds. but the money i saved, but the money i saved, i starte ! business. li no money.icy ho li no money.icy ho >> only pay fot.r what you need every day, every day, every i had. it makes it less feel the power of contrast. there so you can rise from pain. i see the attention boring families. >> in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's, kidney disease, cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune with qualifying injuries. >> cash rewards are also available to the surviving spouses and children, these same qualifying marines and civilians, before they die, you may qualify. even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if win called the meyer blair law firm at one 800 467 3800 for a free no risk consultation that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights . >> biden's foreign policy. what's the impact on israel? >> they'r. >> listen to your aunt ellen. ti this is a pretty big story, in my opinion. aunt. >> thank you. and i. whatever. deck the halls with jingle. lifetime recently announced its first ever christmas movie bo scene and a cowboy christmas romancs e. yeah, because nothing gets america in the holiday spirit than sittingthanit with grandma the grandkids watching the grinch get a lap dance for mrs. clau s. strip and a warning to all you stripping elves. ebenezer scrooge, a lousy. tipper. the late actress boasts that the film barely mentionss christmas at all and lacks many of the familiar cliches of holiday films. >> but is a lifetime channel making the right move by injecting intoim in their christmas movies? >> i guess we shouldn't be surprised in this day chris and when your product. you just addda just like public school. y >> oh yeah. cat even movies that haven sex scenes that are unnecessary, they justmovies t e everybody uncomfortable. why are they doing this to america? no. you know what? my favoritwhy are theye christm? >> what? eyes wide shut. >>, you. greg: it's technically a christmas. it really did happen in december. >> so. yeah. yeah : eyes w. >> and tom cruise is technically an elf, but also ,i mean, yeah, but the whole. >> it is lifetime movies,do christmas movies. people do watch those with their family. yeahatchh thei so sometimes thes something hasn't been done yet is because it's just this greao new. >> it's because everybody else is realize it's not a good idea. yeah. cause ybody eltodd, will you be watchs with your family? >> absolutely not. i has no place in basic cablewi made for women. christmas movies. that's why, greg, by my family. and i'll be watching the hallmark with such'l wholesome titles as norwegian holida waty, a not so royal christmas magic in mistletoe and. christmas with a kiss. just a kiss, greg. i will not a be watching christmas in bone town on lifetime. >> that'town os about my channel will be on fox, where we will be airing christmas in bone town. >> gutfeld that'll be every. christma s. >> everybody will have a a little, you know, cut and paste jobs. you know, i won't be a cutaste and paste jobs. that's what we call it in tv t land day again. is this what women want? >> you're a woman redneck dagen first, and this is their fallin: g back on the old hee hw stereotype with this. oh, they get it on and straw. i which is the worst. ye is. t no, the worst day. where's the sand? no, it's notsugg . no, it's not. do you guys argue that after. no, it's bromides and blister beetles that is all you need to know when it comes toou and straw? >> yeah, especially. especially when afterwards a woma terwardsn says talk about a i needle in a haystack. thank you. oh even with the flu can entertain you. mike, do you think there's some kind of cia relationship with the lifetime channel? why would they be? there has to be somethingous nefarious, even. >> no, no, no, no.. it's. we are not associated. >> the cia has a longstanding association with the hallmark channe ith thl. thank you. you could name a hallmark christmas movis movie that my we and i haven't watched. yes, it it's the perfect romantic thing, you know. >> wow. it's that sort of talk that really attracted my wifrea me?f yeah. if they're going to do it about scenes in christmasthey't movies, what is next?s th you know what they should do? i was thinking about this. you know, every companinki thise corporate training films. tr. harassmeual harassment >> they should put sex scenessc in that meanenes i. you're see what they're doing right there. can't do that if you're workin g . you guys work together. shouldn't be doing, be doi that. the other, not bad either. y >> no series. that thing with the copier. isd no.le all right. don't go away. am, who back. the chasing business premier card is made for people like sam, who make everyday products designed smarter brea like ab coffee grinder. >> vittoria, scratch beans for you. ohack purcha, genius. >> for more breakthroughs like that, i need a breakthrough that, i need a breakthrough card like ours. >> with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, plus smar unlimited 2% cash bak on all other purchases. on all other purchases. >> and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas. brilliant reality through the ink business, premier card and chase for business. and chase for business. >> mak >> because when you are ready to begin treatment for chronicer lymphocytic leukemia, calquence helps you do the fighting and you can do the exploring. you can doherapy the splashing f and the sightseeing and the playin treatmeg. immuno calquence is an oral targeted therapy for seals. more patientths with calquence more patientths with calquence than any treatment of its kind and calquence is prove n workce better than chemo immunotherapy in patients with previously untreateh fever,d clo. ners. calquence may cause serious side effects which may lead to death. to death. thes with fever, chills or flu like symptoms and bleedinw cancerg ps that may increase with blood thinners. decreased blood counts are commonegular h and be sever. new cancers have happened, new cancers have happened, including skin cancers, hear problems with faster irregular heartbeat, dizziness, feeling heartbeat, dizziness, feeling faint, chest of breath have happened. tell your doctor if you have rhythm or liverngs yo problems, infection, or if you are or plan to be pregnantu' or breastfeeding, calquence helps you do the fighting and you can focus on the things you're loving. ask your doctor if calquence is right for find me a pot of gold streaming exclusively on fox nation. show me the great. the robertsons are back with all new episodes. what are your hopeful sort of new adventures? 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