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>> sean: welcome to "hannity." two leading governors who had two vastly different ideologies. they squared off here on the show "hannity" and last night explosive and informative read state-blue state debate between florida governor ron desantis, california governor gavin newsom, he did not disappoint. take a look. >> california does have freedoms that some people -- other states don't. you have the freedom to defecate in public, the freedom to pitch a tent on sunset boulevard, create a homeless encampment and lighting on fire. >> a guy, devising teachers, doctors, librarians, and women that seek their reproductive care. you're making it harder to vote, you are banning books. spare me this notion of freedom. >> you almost have to try to mess california. that's what gavin newsom has done since he's been governor. >> you're on a banning binge, cultural purge intimidating and he relating people that you disagree with. >> he's very good at spinning these tales. he's good at being slick and slippery. he'll tell a blizzard of lives to be able to mask the failures. >> he's running away from these records. he's running away from the fact. >> we do count gavin's in-laws at some of the people that a flood california and come to the state of florida. >> it's about the united states of america. i thought this guy was running for the president of the united states. >> you just won't admit it. >> i'm the only guy here that's a border state governor. you're trolling folks trying to find migrants to play political games and get news and attention so you can out-drove trump. how's that going for you? >> try to put lipstick on that pig but he has failed people. >> intimidating and he relating people is your calling card. >> sean: we will hear reaction. also newt gingrich, senator rand paul and stay tuned. we have a major announcement having the program. spoiler alert here we have another big show in the works that will happen next week. unlike the other networks we're not afraid of spirited debate. none of this would've been possible without both governor newsom, governor desantis. they both deserve a lot of credit and they seem to really enjoy the opportunity. both thanked me after the bait. governor newsom tweeted out what a good time he had and wanted to go longer. there was only one clear-cut loser and we will look at the debate objectively. that's president joe biden. here's the reality. joe biden could never come on this program for a debate like last night because he's not mentally capable. think about this. look, i really don't believe joe biden could be a walmart or a target greeter. okay. if you shop like i do. you never walk into walmart or target. anyway there are these wonderful, kind, amazing, helpful often retired people that will greet you. say "welcome to walmart." "welcome to target. what might you be looking for customer" they'll help you find it. i like that because when i go to a star like to go in. i like to get out. now, i don't think joe will be able to remember where the departments are. at 81 years of age and steep cognitive decline by designing our time talking, walking, even staying awake. his hearing is not good. his vision is terrible. the font size on his teleprompter is gigantic. he's not fit to serve. he should definitely not be running for reelection. in fact, he is one major trip and follow it from ending his campaign and based on last night, we know that the democratic party has a much better option who can walk and talk and form sentences and debate and speak eloquently about the liberal issues that they're passionate about and i've been warning conservatives and republicans to watch out for potential replacements for joe and gavin newsom, like it or not, would be on the short-list i've been warning people. newsom does have one big problem. he's the governor of california, the golden state has a lot of problems. maybe in fairness it's not all governor newsom's fault but after more than a decade of single party democratic rule, its citizens are leaving the state in droves. they are leaving with their feet and their money. by the way, california, it should never struggle. it has more natural resources than any other state in the country. i lived there five years. it's a beautiful state. they have year-round agriculture, the best wine growing region in the entire world, silicon valley they have, hollywood, disney. it's also a major private equity and financial hub with some of the largest international ports in the entire world. it is a gateway to asia. but now california's population, it is shrinking and shrinking dramatically and while the u.s. population grows recently or, well, california is one of the only states in history with negative growth. just three states, california, new york and illinois had a net loss of more than 100,000 people in the years 2021 and 2022. one question, the cost of living. the state's taxes are among the highest in the country, a whopping 13% top marginal rate. if you're a married couple in california and you make $84,000 a year, you are taxed, your income tax rate is 6%. that is a ton. it's expensive to live in california. in florida, income taxes are 0. nobody pays income taxes. the state regulations are also extreme when it comes to california. housing costs are through the roof. it's a homeless population. it's the highest in the country. crime is also a massive problem in california, the violent crime rate in the state is double the rate of florida, significant higher than the national average. these are real problems facing the citizens in california. some of the most extreme at the time covid policies in the country. kids were kept out of schools longer than most other states and yet this is an interesting fact anything about the different approaches to covid. covid death rate in california was similar to florida as, according to the cdc and interestingly both below the national average. the bottom people are leaving california for a reason, the bottom line here. it's a hard place to live especially for middle-class americans. california's government, it has stiefel developing, raising taxes, increase costs, failing to maintain important infrastructure like the electric grid and the state has also dropped the ball when it comes to public safety but it's not the result of incompetency. instead these problems are caused by ideology. california can be turned around. sadly a lot of these policies are driven by what i call the climate alarmist religious cult and these woke social justice warriors out there. california has thrown reason and logic too often to the wind in order to appease the emotions of far left ideologues, and now the numbers speak for themselves. despite all this, everyone on earth knows that gavin newsom would be a democratic candidate, better democratic candidate than joe biden. now, will joe biden subside? will vice president harris step aside? because in case of joe, he seems to only care about himself. anyway, here with reaction factors contribute her former speaker of the house newt gingrich. all right, first your general thoughts. what you think? why is this mass migration out of new york, illinois, new jersey, california. but they are moving to florida, texas, tennessee, the carolinas. why? >> well, first of all, listen, i watched last night with great interest. i've known you a long time. you were the big winner last night. you did a great job. you are very fact-based. i love the way you put up charts. it was factual. you are balanced and you stayed in control and really i think it was may be as good a performance as you had in your entire career. that set the stage. i think on substance, desantis clearly won but that's because desantis has a heck of a lot better case and i thought gavin, i've known gavin since he was mayor of san francisco. wrote a very smart book on modern technology and citizenship. gavin is very clever but if you watched him last night, there were two things going on. praising joe biden to prove to the democratic party he's loyal. and personally attacking governor desantis because he couldn't answer the questions. i thought the most obvious was when he said, i thought it was a great question. you said to each of them, tell me something you like about the other state. desantis was prepared, had lived there, like california. frankly his answer could be a commercial for california. newsom could not say a single word about florida, even though his in-laws live in florida. i just thought it was an interesting contrast. newsom had to go on the attack and be personal rather than deal with the issues. >> sean: we go back a long time. i was the mc that i.q. you became speaker. that was for me like a dream come true. we've been really good friends, almost family ever since. you're been a mentor in so many ways to me. one of the things that i wanted to do is where i spent the most time, i wanted to focus on two things. one, what are the issues that impact everybody? that would be taxes. that would be immigration. that would be energy. that would be gas prices et cetera crying. and then the second thing was i had to get my facts line up, fact-check everything because i knew the media would want to attack me if i one thing wrong. the migrate staff, we really did a lot of due diligence to get it right. i thought it was worthwhile for the country to hear from both sides. i think it's beneficial. >> it was really a model. let me just say i thought it was a model because when you would put up a chart, it was all fact-based. it wasn't slanted. it wasn't right or left. this wasn't hannity the commentator who can be pretty aggressive. this was a guy trying to give two significant governors the largest and third-largest states states in the country a chance to explain why they're different. of course the great problem for gavin newsom is when you get down to the facts, it's a fact people are fleeing california. he doesn't want to talk about that so he attacks newsom. it's a fact that gasoline is about $2.50 since a gallon higher in california. he doesn't want to talk about that. it's a fact, as you pointed out, probably newsom was the least touch with reality, if you have a zero income tax in florida and a 7% income tax california, how can you argue that floridians pay higher taxes than people in california? it was just a fascinating moment. but all of it, what i admired was two things. all of it was fact-based. you were putting up charts. you could see where the facts came from. second, when it got contentious, you didn't get sucked in. you didn't become the third debater. you were more mature and more a real moderator than almost anybody i've seen in the so-called presidential debates. >> sean: coming from you that's a high compliment. i do think the years i have moderated debates on radio certainly helped. mr. speaker, we appreciate you being with us. thank you. all right, now to an honest question. how would you grade last night's debate and would you like to see more of these debates in the future? joining is now fox news contributor joe concha. great media show host. along with a cohost of "the five," jessica tarlov. jessica, let's start with you. coming from the left, what did you think of last night? >> well, i was first and foremost thrilled to see it. i think it's an important conversation to be having. i think gavin newsom is probably the best surrogate that joe biden is out there so obviously i want him front and center ready to shine. ron desantis really needed this moment. he has faded away in the g.o.p. debates. he obviously feels like he has a lot of ground to make up for. gavin newsom certainly threw that in his face. i thought one of the best lines he had was about, you know, how's that working out for you, you're 41 by donald trump. in your home state. i love the fact-based questions. i enjoy using data and numbers. it was a net benefit for both men. the california governor was definitely my winter since he had nothing to lose, first of all. i don't think ron desantis moved the needle and got himself any closer to donald trump. >> sean: wasn't really about presidential politics. we are very clear about it. it was about -- >> well, desantis is a candidate. >> sean: innocenti kind of took a break from that but i understand your point. joe, let's get your take. >> for starters this was nonpresent political and television event that you and your staff execute and on. we've never seen two governors from two different parties from two major states go head-to-head in a national stage like this and they're not even running against each other. so this will go down as were the highest rated cable news vans of the air. you had stiff competition, nfl football fijian cowboys cowboys. glenn bachelor and abc which was awkward to watch but that's a story for another time. so i appear is that we see these kinds of debates more in the future. who wouldn't want to see, jessica would love to see this. glenn youngkin, versus gretchen whitmer. or greg abbott, texas republican versus kathy hochul, new york. the contrast can be -- couldn't be any more stark. give governor newsom credit. he did what very few democrats have an appetite to do lately and that is debate but newsom showed up in the problem he had was he didn't show up with very much the way fact or truth behind him because she defend the state of the state of california to defend the indefensible. he argued for example california doesn't have one that highest tax rates in the country well of course it does while florida has one of the lowest tax rates. newsom argued that desantis was somehow a lockdown governor. that's some great unintentional comedy. because newsom was literally the face of lockdowns for 2020, 2021, even into 2022 all while breaking his own mask mandates time and again. overall that i belonged to desantis. i think he won by tko. he came prepared, impassioned. the question is that jessica asked, will it have any impact as far as his presidential campaign and closing the secretariat-like gap with donald trump. >> sean: i guess we'll find out soon. when you look at the facts, and jessica, spent a lot of time fact-checking everything and getting everything right on all the issues that matter. if it's gas prices, if its taxes, if it's homelessness, if it's crime. all of those issues. why are these big states experiencing these higher rates and worse numbers than red states? why are people in droves leaving new york, new jersey, illinois, california. why are they going to red states like texas, florida, tennessee and the carolinas? how do you explain it? >> well, it's about tax rates, that's how i would ask plaintiff. the tax rate is lower. that's something that was a prominent issue. >> sean: why -- if you're chasing people away why don't you fix what's making them angry and keep them? >> well, i think that a lot of blue state governors, gavin newsom included, are trying to do that. he's been much more open discussing the homelessness issue when he was in san francisco. when xi jinping visited. >> sean: he's in his second term. >> deep-seated long-term problems. they don't get six to 20 minutes. i'm acknowledging their issues. but there was so much -- >> sean: are you saying cutting taxes was knocked global? in four years? homelessness or crime? >> where is there not a homelessness problem? there's a homelessness problem in florida. ron desantis doesn't want to talk about it. i thought gavin newsom was brilliant to bring it up. >> sean: you look at the fbi statistics and we'll put that up on the screen if you want, as well. if you compare florida to california and then compared to the national average, the fbi says there is twice much murder, rape, robberies going on in california on a percentage basis. that's a homeless population difference. it's dramatic. on the fbi side of it, those numbers couldn't be any more clear. it's 258 i believe her 100,000 if my memory serves me well. double in california and way above the national average. let me bring joe in. i want to be fair to you. those numbers scream at you. >> they do and the images on our screens that we see out of san francisco and los angeles and sacramento they also speak volumes and we don't see as much of that out of the miamis and tampas of the world and i think it would be wise for donald trump or whoever the g.o.p. nominee is to point directly to california or illinois or new york and see if you want the rest of the country to emulate their economies, their budget deficits, their crime rates, their educational standards or lack thereof and there sanctuary cities, then by all means vote for joe biden because that's exactly what this administration wants and it's hard to see what democrats could run on in 2024 outside of abortion and vote for us to save democracy or something. so if it's an issues-based campaign and all those issues that you brought up last night, economy and immigration border poverty homeless crime it's going to be a hard argument for democrats to make. >> but the economy is the perfect example. talking about bidenomics. ron desantis and it's on twitter. he received $28 million. loin bulbar, nancy mace, tommy tuberville have publicly humiliated themselves as they voted against the policies and they are excited to get the cash from it and you almost made ron desantis cry without abortion question. that six-week band and will be his downfall. >> sean: thank you both. appreciate it. newsom and desantis' degree in almost everything. that includes gas prices and why are they so high and as a new consumer report survey says you know the electric vehicles that the government is trying to shove down your throat, most people don't want them. by the way nearly 80% more problems within ev than with a gas-powered car. and a big announcement at the and a big announcement at the end of the program about next week. week. you don't want to miss it. heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. my most important kitchen tool? 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because of their policies. that's why people are paying more. >> sean: in just the latest example of how the -- in the report says electric vehicles are less reliable than conventional cars and trucks. finding that electric vehicle models from 2021 through 2023 encountered 80% more problems. here with reaction, economists, distinct fellow in economics. the cohost of the big money show business. we just had 3,000 dealers sign a letter to joe biden and say these stop these mandates. people don't want these electric vehicles. ford lost $4.5 billion on their ev line. between that and all the economic issues that came up last night, what is this climate alarmism doing to the average american in terms of what it cost them to live. speaker i don't think joe biden or the democrats really understand something very important about america is that we have a love affair with our . so now you have policies i think at like five or six major democratic states including new york, including new jersey, connecticut and california and others where they are basically outlined, did you know this? they are going to outlaw gas cars, i don't know in five years or 68 years and meanwhile he look at what people are doing and saying. allowing -- most americans don't want an ev and i'm not against evs. i'm just think this is america. you should have freedom to choose. we don't want the government telling us what kind of car want to buy so you have the auto dealers. i spoke at one of their conventions recently and some of these auto dealers cannot me and said hey, we got acres and acres in our show rooms filled with electric vehicles because that's what the car companies are sending us and the consumers are coming in saying i don't want an electric vehicle. i want to gas card. they can't sell them. now they have to give more discounts and as you say they are losing money. this is going to be the ruination of the american car companies. >> sean: brian, let's get your take. speak i love what steve decided he mentioned those states that tied their ev policy to california. one was connecticut. connecticut said we've got to back away. why? it's not going to work in the governor of connecticut, a democrat, had to back away from the policy. gavin newsom put out policies and energy, oil, gas that he wants to force down california's throat and the rest of america is looking at it. they are looking at evs, these mandates to convert, looking at the price of gas in california and the data on that is absolutely spot on and they are saying you can't do it. consumers are saying you can't do it. dealers are saying you can't do it. manufacturers are saying you can't do it. politicians are admitting you can't do it. because you can't do it. that's why newsom dodged that question last night. >> sean: all right, let me get to the overall issue of the economy in terms of the debate last night. steven moore, when you heard about this debate, we've been friends a long time, you kind of me -- if it's okay for me to reveal this. you and art laffer are writing a book about this blue state exodus and what is going on in the states and what is chasing people away from these states. i think it will be out in about six months or somewhere around there. what is this phenomenon about and how much is it related to the economy? because to me money is pretty much driving everything on something like this. >> sean, i only correct one thing that you said earlier when you said the last two or three years people have been leaving states like california and new york and illinois. that's true but it's not just the last two or three years. this has been going on for 30 years where you've seen states with low taxes, less regulation, right to work laws that are substantially out competing these big old blue states. i'm from illinois. i hate as he was happening in my state. california, new york. there's a major study that just came out about a month ago that showed for the first time in history of the economic epicenter of the country is no longer the northeast. it's not new york and boston and those areas. now it's the southeast, sean. it's florida. it's north carolina. it's south carolina. it's georgia. it's tennessee. so we are seeing kind of the center of gravity economically shifting to the states with lower taxes, less regulation, you said it best. why don't they do something about it in california? why don't they cut their taxes? why don't they get rid of some of the relations and make these places affordable? >> sean: brian, we have about 25 seconds. i'm so glad you brought up the data, sean. he posed a question and you let the two governors have at it. it's most revealing economic debate i've seen in a very long time and if you put data in front of americans, the data will wind back. they will see through everything else. >> sean: let me tell you. americans are suffering nearly, what, two-thirds of the country are living paycheck to paycheck. i've been there, done that. it's not fun. they are struggling. we are capable of doing so much better. we both know that, being the brilliant economic minds that you are. thank you. when we come back, governor ron desantis, governor newsom took extremely different measures during covid and the outbreak and they called each other out last night. we'll check in with senator rand paul, get his take. and a big announcement at the end of the show about next week that youe fo don't want to miss. straight ahead." sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. what is cirkul? 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"my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! >> sean: during last night's debate between governors gavin newsom and governor ron desantis, covid-19 was a big topic of discussion. california had some of the most restricted covid policies while florida remained a beacon of freedom. take a look at your screen as of yesterday. both states had nearly identical death rates and both were well below the national average. you wouldn't think that would happen, right? but it did. here's what both men had to say. take a look. >> on a per capita age adjusted basis california and florida were basically the same. it gavin newsom do damage to people in california. he ruined livelihoods. query open to the state very quickly. we saved thousands of jobs, hundreds of thousands of jobs, thousands of businesses, we had our kids in school. he had the kids locked out of school because of the teachers union. that's having a generational impact. california has one of the lowest literacy rates in the country and the most recent exam, florida cayman number three for fourth grade reading. california was far, far behind. you should apologize for not getting your kids in school. why did you get the kids in school in the summer of 2020 like we did. you bowed to the teachers union. he didn't do the job. >> sean: one at a time, quick answer. >> ron desantis for the tens of thousands of lives that died unnecessarily because you played to the fringe of the party. >> sean: we've got to take a break. >> schools, you better be careful, more learning lost during covid than the national average in the state of california. it's a fact. more learning loss. your economy contracted more in 2020. slower than california. in 2021. more to come on this topic. >> sean: we could be giving some new answers about the nations covid responds very soon because you got it, anthony fauci is set to test if the -- testify. coming up in january. so far fo anthony fauci has wild under the pressure. senator rand paul is also a medical doctor. dr. paul had uses medical expertise this week when he stopped his own colleague, iowa senator joni ernst, from choking. he used the heimlich method. anyway, joni ernst later joked he was choking on policies of te left. anyway. joining us now, senator rand paul joins me know. i'm glad you saved her life. if i'm going out to eat i wouldn't mind having you sit next to me. that was nice of you to do. great to have you back. you for a long time now, you chronicle this in your book, its chapter and verse about what is probably the greatest cover-up i can think of in our lifetime in terms of anything having to do with anything medical and you have all the evidence. can you outline what you have found, you have discovered and why this is important? >> what we discovered is everything anthony fauci was saying in private he was saying the opposite in public so when he came to congress, he basically lied to congress and said that they weren't funding dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan, research that in all likelihood lead to the virus but in private he was saying with the other scientists were saying of course we are worried because the virus looks like it's been manipulated. of course we are worried because we know they are doing gain-of-function research in that lab. the dishonesty is just remarkable but the real question is, does the cover-up -- was the top of the food chain of the cover-up anthony fauci or was there someone above him, either a private source of funds that was influencing his decisions to make it appear as if nothing, no blame what attached to china or was there perhaps someone at the cia? there is a whistle-blower who has had the scientists of the cia were voting and they voted to say the virus looks like it came from a lab and then they were overruled. was there something in the cia that was the top of the food chain as far as covering it up or was it anthony fauci? there's also rumors anthony county was going to the cia and these visits were recorded. there's a lot of questions that are going to come out under oath in january and i hope we can get to the bottom of this. >> sean: it might even go deeper. i remember because the first initial i guess you could say cache of emails we got a hold of. i remember when it came out. early january of 2020, remember it was fauci seriously writing late into the night with fellow nih people asking the question, wondering aloud whether or not gain-of-function research had taken place and whether or not they funded it. the eco-health alliance for the nih gave money to, they were in charge of that. they knew some of it went to the wuhan lab they knew what this wuhan lab was about and then we got more emails that came out. the intercept had some. we got actual emails i believe in october of either 2020 or 2021 that you put in your book, right? >> we also discovered in the book there was a committee. it's a somewhat secret committee about pathogens, potential pandemic pathogens and that the research and china should have gone to this committee to be overseen, to study whether or not this was too dangerous of her research to be done in a totalitarian country. we know the research was never reviewed. how did that happen? only with anthony fauci's permission. what i've asked anthony fauci, how do you know this wasn't gain of function he says all of my experts told me. so we've been asking hhs, which oversees nih. we've been asking for over two years, give us the dialogue. give us the debate, the discussion of whether or not this was gain-of-function research because there has to be a reason why anthony fauci decided not to send this to the safety committee. this may be the worst medical decision ever made by a scientist or physician in government not to review this for safety before allowing this money to go to china. >> sean: the book is great. i hope people get a hold of it. thank you for that warning. we appreciate you being with us. senator rand paul. all right, when we come back, things got a little heated last night after i asked governor desantis, governor newsom about biden's apparent cognitive decline. biden made a blunder after blunder after blunder this week. you've got it. got the tape. later, big announcement page and want to miss it come about next weekend a big event atching the , mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. "the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back. >> sean: last night i did ask governor desantis henderson about joe biden's cognitive decline and whether they think he's fit to serve this country. here's what they both had to s say. >> yes, he is in decline. yes it's a danger to the country. he has no business running for president and gavin newsom agrees. he won't say it but that's why he's running his shadow campaign. >> i would take joe biden at 100 versus ron desantis any day of the week. >> sean: all right, i agree with ron desantis on this one and joe biden's cognitive decline we have chronicled it probably more than anybody. it's never been more apparent. this week the president had some of his worst blunder since taking office. let's take a look. >> look, my [indistinct] of code to blow up the world. all right, okay. but i am friends with your leader, mr. moon. we are good guys. here in colorado, the wind turbine manufacturing business is investing $40 billion to expand the factory and hire an additional 1,000 employees. solar manufacturing -- building a new solar cell factory down the road in colorado springs. incentive cutting them like congressman trump would want to do -- we could use it to help millionaires, millions of families instead of millionaires millions of families. little help with senior care. >> sean: the american people clearly can see that biden is incapable of serving his second term. donald trump is leading biden in almost every national poll and up almost two points warning to the real clear politics average. here with reaction fox news conservators tammy bruce, charlie hurt. tammy, your reaction. >> this is of course we know this is the problem with biden. we've seen it. it's interesting with the newsom comment that he would take biden at 100. you know what that reveals? he's acknowledging biden is not the president, he's not making the decisions anymore than he would be if he was 100 years old or if he was already past and this was weekend at bernie's. this is an acknowledgment that the president is not making the decisions, it's a different group of people and they seem to not care, this is what -- these are people who are not answerable to the voters. i think we see the results that you've got a dynamic here in this country where the nation is on fire, where no one is taking responsibility, the republicans do have better ideas. they have to start presenting them. it's not only embarrassing, sean. it's now a national security threat. we can just look around the world at the emerging threats to the entire western civilization that's not a coincidence or an accident. it's because the bad actors around the world know that america is not a player right now. >> sean: what's your take, charlie? >> i think one of the most important things about a debate like this is -- and you did i thought a workable job of focusing on actual issues that voters really care about. the numbers of people of americans who tuned in to watch it reveals that people are thirsty for that kind of issues oriented debate. one of the other things in addition to the issues that people look for, they look for quite ability. and when gavin newsom says something like that, that he doesn't see anything wrong with joe biden's brain and that he would rather -- he would be delighted to have a past president of 100, that's another 20 some years -- or 20 years. 19, 18 years from now. he has no court ability. he shoots himself in the foot when he says something like that. any honest observer watching that kind of have to discount everything else gavin newsom just because you can't believe what he is saying. then when you get into the issues, man. i thought he told some of the biggest whoppers even for politics. we heard some lies. that was pretty sure gary's mother thinks he was making up on the flyer during that debate. >> sean: let me ask you both about this. i thought this was an important issue. we always talk about immigration. when you count got-aways and the number of people we know in the country we are at about 8 million. most of them unvented. look at where the countries they are coming from. we have the communist chinese for example. look at this number. afghan, afghanistan 6,300. egypt, 3,153. then you have iran, the number one state sponsor of terror, 659. syria, 538. russia, 12,605. the communist chinese, 26,113. tammy, these are our top geopolitical flows. do not think that people that want to bring harm to this country are in that group? >> yeah, it's amazing because it also takes a certain amount of money to get from those nations. they haven't been living in mexico city for the last 20 years waiting and hoping to cross the southern border. it takes a lot to get to that point so there is an investment in that which is externally. and then of course we know a lot of our enemies like al qaeda, have all the patience in the world and they do this. it is inexplicable. that's why the american people now recognize that something is not right and i think when it comes to any great job yesterday, sean, absolutely. especially gavin newsom. showing the american people that's the old way, this slick, smarmy, smug guy who speaks like kamala harris in word salads. americans know what the differences between donald trump and whether you like him 100% or not versus these con men who think they're going to smile their way through when it's our lives who are at stake. >> sean: last word, charlie. >> i just pray when you look at those numbers, people coming from places like iran, that we are not forced to pay another price, learn another lesson from our failures when it comes to this. >> sean: i said i think i'm 100% correct with those numbers in those countries that we know, like iran, it's probably 100% certain that there are terror cells here are. >> hate to say it but it's true. >> sean: i pray to god i'm wrong. hope all three of us are wrong. all right, thanks, guys. when we come back my final thoughts on last night's debate and a big, big announcementis about next week and our program straight aheadbut . so uncomfort. now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? "my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ >> sean: before we go tonight, i do want to thank both governor newsom and governor desantis once again. no doubt, there are a million reasons that each of them could have said, no, i'm not doing this and avoided last night's debate instead they shared a stage. they were both passionate they argued for what they believe in, their governing philosophy came out. in tend despite all the differences, i know both governors love their respective states, i know they love their country. one thing i also know is they deeply believe everything they're saying. they are committed to their philosophy. but, anyway, i think that last night was a good sign that hopefully maybe our best days are still ahead of us. now the big announcement, this tuesday december 5th buckle up because we will be in davenport if iowa, an exclusive town hall with the 45th president of the united states, who is now number one in the polls, donald trump, who currently has that commanding lead in that primary. that caucus is going to be here sooner than you think. if you want tickets, they're free, go to free tickets. and we also have free tickets available for next week's live audience shows in new york, they take place on wednesday and thursday., more details, free tickets. everything's free tonight. all right. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvrs so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is next. hope you have a great weekend. ♪

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Everything , Impact , Energy , Immigration , Everybody , Media , Line Up , Staff , Due Diligence , Model , It Wasn T Right , Chart , Sides , It Wasn T Slanted , Course , Chance , Commentator , Wasn T Hannity , Last Night Governor Newsom , Gasoline , 2 50 , 50 , Floridians , Income Tax , 7 , Zero , It , Anybody , Debates , Debater , Moderator , Second , Mr , Radio , Compliment , Joe Concha , Jessica Tarlov , Fox News , Cohost , Let , Host , Surrogate , Left , Conversation , Face , Ground , Lines , Gop , Data , Donald Trump , Home State , Benefit , 41 , Men , Politics , Nothing , Wasn T , Winter , Needle , Stake , Point , Break , Starters , Innocenti , Each Other , Parties , Television Event , Highest Rated , Cable News Vans , Story , Abc , Kinds , Wouldn T , Competition , Football , Glenn Bachelor , Versus , Fijian Cowboys , Nfl , Who , Glenn Youngkin , Appetite , Stark , Gretchen Whitmer , Kathy Hochul , Greg Abbott , Tax Rates , California Doesn T , Indefensible , Truth , Lockdowns , 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Neuriva Ultra , Brain Health Indicators , Kitchen Tool , Mental Alertness , Hope , Heart , Thousands , Female Narrator , Step , Hospital , Ravette , Mercy Ships , Number , Suffering , Surgeries , Surgery , Don T Wait , 19 , 9 , Upbeat Music , Dads , Moms , Mom , Futures , Diplomas , Vo , Adult Education , Visit Finishyourdiploma Org , George Santos , Election , Ouster , Favor , Fox News Live , In Washington , Woman , Campaign Cash , Colleagues , Use , Chamber , Member , Ethics , Supreme Court Has Diaper Retired , Ronald Reagan , John Roberts , Challenge , Dementia , High Court , Sandra Day O Connor , Respiratory Illness , Phoenix , 1981 , Ability , Determination , Moore Hannity , Engaging Candor , 93 , Gas , Soil , Democratic Admin Assertions , Administrations , Stewardship , 1980 , Foe , Big Oil , Lies , Gouging Question , Oil Companies , Georgia , Vehicle , Models , Cars , Report , Trucks , 2023 , Economists , Economics , Show Business , Fellow , Big Money , Dealers , Mandates , Letter , Ford , 3 5 Billion , 3000 , 4 5 Billion , Terms , Climate Alarmism Doing , American , Ev Line , I Don T , Love Affair , Connecticut , Gas Cars , 68 , Auto Dealers , Conventions , Evs , Consumers , Car Companies , Show Rooms , Gas Card , Ruination , Discounts , Brian , Steve , Ev Policy , Price , Policy , Manufacturers , Politicians , Question Last Night , Steven Moore , Blue State Exodus , Art Laffer , Phenomenon , Driving Everything , Somewhere , 30 , Regulation , Laws , Big Old Blue States , Study , Time , Northeast , Epicenter , Areas , Boston , Southeast , North Carolina , South Carolina , Center Of Gravity , Relations , 25 , Front , Everything Else , Paycheck , Measures , Minds , Each Other Out Last Night , Outbreak , Sotyktu , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Youe , Fo Don T Want To , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Feeling , Thighs , Splendor , Doctor , Infection , Infections , Reactions , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Liver , Changes , Tb , Labs , Lymphoma , Cancers , Triglycerides , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Part , Find , Jak Family , Vaccine , Risks , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Life , Flight , Fuel , Cirkul , Level , Water , Bucket , Veteran , Wars , Franklin Graham , Jesus Christ , God , Demonstrations , Chaos , Faith , Trust , Sins , Blood , Prayer , Heaven , Cross , You Haven T , Son , Sinner , Savior , Discussion , Topic , Death Rates , Look , Beacon Of Freedom , Livelihoods , Same , Damage , Capita , School , Hundreds Of Thousands , Jobs , Businesses , Teachers Union , Exam , Fourth Grade Reading , Literacy , Summer , Cayman , Tens Of Thousands , Party , Learning , Fringe , More , Learning Loss , Anthony Fauci , Nations Covid , Answers , Dr , Joni Ernst , Iowa , Pressure , Colleague , Expertise , Choking , Heimlich Method , Te Left , Chapter , Cover Up , Lifetime , Verse , Evidence , Congress , Opposite , Research , Virus , Scientists , Lead , Likelihood , Wuhan , Decisions , Lab , Someone , Top , Dishonesty , Funds , Source , The Food Chain , China , Cia , Whistle Blower , Blame , Voting , Rumors Anthony County , Visits , Oath , Initial , Emails , Cache , Hold Of , January Of 2020 , Wondering Aloud Whether , Charge , Eco Health Alliance For The Nih Gave Money To , Intercept , Committee , Pandemic Pathogens , Pathogens , Function , Gain , Permission , Hhs , Experts , Whether , Dialogue , Nih , Safety Committee , Decision , Scientist , Physician , Hold , Warning , Atching The , Blunder , Announcement Page , Tape , Globe , Lord , In The Air , Video Footage , Clouds , Mind Boggling , Billions , Eye , Incredible , Twinkling , Instant , Planet , David Jeremiah , Glorious Joy In The Skies , Announcer , Event , Disappearance , Chapters , Glimpse , Rapture , Calendar , 31 , Sign , Weight , Most , Belly , Insulin Resistance , The Great Disappearance , Michael , 62 , Thanks , Health , Release , Golo , Desantis Henderson , Fit , Say , Danger , Business Running , Yes , Shadow Campaign , 100 , Indistinct , Office , Code , Wind 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Differences , Salads , Places , Lesson , Terror Cells , Hate , Wrong , Dupixent , Big , Pitch , Big Announcementis , Straight Aheadbut , Uncomfort , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Joint Aches , Asthma , Upbeat Music Sean , Reasons , No Doubt , A Million , Governing Philosophy , Philosophy , Tuesday December 5th , Town Hall , Davenport , 5 , 45 , Tickets , Caucus , Go To Hannity Com , Primary , Polls , Evening , Audience , Details , Dvrs , Weekend , Episode , Greg Gutfeld ,

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