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tonight -- >> i continue to believe they won. i don't care what they say. >> jesse: what is going on? they had fear of wanda jeter gauze she made threats to someone. did wanda win? ivanka takes on judge nudey. >> only one thing that all women want. it's our ability to manipulate a man. last night's elections were test runs for abortion and marijuana. it was also a test run for election security. america must, and i mean must, iron out the wrinkles in the system when 150 million of us are voting. a little fraud goes a long way. yesterday in pennsylvania, north hampton county's voting machines flipped votes from one candidate to the other. the county said it was a glitch. the voting machine company blames human error. are you kidding me? are we going to be using these same machines next year? this cannot happen. they have to figure this out. but it's not just the machines. we're keeping an eye on connecticut. yesterday we told you about wanda, the woman who works for the city of bridgeport. she sits at the front desk of the mayor's office. her rap sheet goes back to the '80s. she was caught on surveillance allegedly stuffing illegal ballots in a drop box. it was right around the corner from her desk. a judge had to overturn the primary election because of wanda's stuffing. this was the second election wanda got caught stuffing ballots. after the first time the democrats gave her an award. last night wanda's boss, the mayor of bridgeport, declared victory. >> tonight vengeance and bullying loses. the people and his crew have been beaten twice now. sports terms you call them two-time losers. withdraw the planes, they have now lost their legitimacy. >> jesse: winning after being accused of voter fraud doesn't clear your name. just makes your win suspicious. no one's more suspicious than wanda. she's tight with the mayor. she runs the desk in his office, controls who goes in and out. wanda hasn't been at her desk. she's been on paid leave since the scandal. today fox 61 reporter matt caron asked the mayor, why don't you just fire wanda? >> can you give us an update on wanda? >> we're good, okay. >> people want to know that. >> what do they want to know? >> what's the status with wanda? she's on paid administrative leave. when are you going to make a decision? >> i don't make the decision. >> you're the mayor. >> jesse: so the mayor can't fire wanda. wanda kind of the mayor's best ballot harvester. the mayor loves him some wanda. the mayor says everyone knows and loves wanda. primetime did some digging. turns out everyone does know wanda but they don't love her. in fact, they're scared of her. through the freedom of information act, fox 61 obtained these sworn affidavit complaints sent to the state elections enforcement commission. among the allegations, ms. geter promised a voter she can get her a section 8 voucher if she votes. another says she aulsz comes and fills it out for me. another said they had fear of wanda geter because she makes threats to people. >> jesse: according to sworn affidavit, i have got a thick stack of these. thick. wanda was targeting senior homes, poor neighbors and communities who don't speak english to harvest ballots. one affidavit claims wanda promised a woman and her sick kid that she could get them in section 8 housing if they switched their vote to her boss, the mayor. also says wanda went to a woman's house, helped her fill out her ballot, told her to call over her neighbor, filled out the neighbor's ballot then left with their votes. the woman didn't even realize this was illegal. she thought wanda was trying to help her. another said when a different candidate was trying to get petition signatures, none of the people would sign her sheet. they said, we support you, but we can't sign because wanda knows who signs the petitions and threatens us. so how many wandas are out there? because another affidavit said witnesses saw people walking out of apartment buildings with bags full of ballots. this city reeks of fraud, reeks. want e wanda's boss, the mayor, did seven years in prison for racketeering and extortion. and he just got re-elected. in all likelihood thanks to wanda. the mayor doesn't like talking to the press when wanda got caught on camera with the ballots, the mayor had police block our reporters. >> as the protests grew -- security watched from the roof line and bridgeport police gathered inside. >> come out! show your face! >> blocking access to the mayor's office on the second floor. >> what law says we can't go knock on the mayor's door? >> go right to the security guard and ask to make an appointment. >> in our quest to conduct journal oeus tick due diligence, police made their intentions clear. >> if you go up stairs and security wants you remove, we have to do what we have to do. >> removed under what law? >> keep in mind the government center is a public building funded by the taxpayers. >> jesse: so the corrupt mayor controls the cops who block our reporters from exercising their constitutional right. last night two bridgeport city council members were arrested at a polling station in front of the school. one was charged with assaulting a senior citizen. the other with breach of peace. >> i don't do nothing. i don't do nothing. >> you ask for it, you get it. you ask for it, i got the other parties arrested. now you're leaving. that's called karma. >> keep your hands to your own body. if my preschool kid can do it, you can do it, too. >> jesse: when elections aren't fair, people get angry. bridgeport connecticut is boiling hot. there are hundreds of cities like bridgeport all over the country. if you extrapolate, there must be thousands of wandas up to no good. bravo to our local news team. bravo to the judge who ordered a new election. thank godness for cameras. the only way americans can trust the process is to pull it out up from the roots. clean it up, clear it up. we only have a year to do it. turn now to dominic rapipi. he ran for secretary of state in connecticut. so tell me about wanda. how big of a deal is she? >> well, wanda is a big deal. this is not her first rodeo, as you pointed out. she had the exact same play book back in 2019. she represents, when it comes to voter fraud, an entirely different type of machine fraud. this is a political machine that's completely designed to illegally harvest ballots against connecticuts' code. she's so brazen and feels so immuned to any type of prosecution or being caught that she's out there openly on video thinking nobody will ever find out what she's doing. this is a really good opportunity for your viewers to understand that when it comes to voter fraud, you cannot go back and find out that it happened after the fact. it is almost impossible. i have been looking at this for years now. it only happens with the help of whistle blowers and surveillance cameras. >> jesse: yes. >> what we have to do is eliminate the raw materials of this type of voter fraud and the only way we'll secure our election. >> jesse: i have got whistle blower testimony right here. these are affidavits signed under penalty of perjury testifying the fact that wanda and other people were up to no good. they were bullied. they were harassed. it's obviously this is more widespread than anybody realizes. we're just starting to crack the surface. wanda is now under two investigations for election fraud. two. but she's best friends with the mayor. so is she ever going to be held accountable? >> here's my concern. after a four year investigation, our election enforcement division finally referred criminal charges back in june. took them four years to investigate this. this should have taken four days. so our state's attorney had an opportunity to press for criminal charges and find out what's going on. but they've done nothing with it. here she is doing it again under the belief that she is invincible or untouchable. and she's made of teflon. this is a problem, what happened in bridgeport. >> jesse: i was taking the fifth on advice of counsel. i was getting awards by democrats in the state. i sat outside the office of the mayor, who's posting photos on facebook saying, i love wanda. everybody loves and knows wanda. she's a made woman. she probably never has to pay for a drink everyone in bridgeport. if you get anything, if you hear anything more about wanda or any other election shenanigans, let us know. we have to clear this up by next november. >> i ran for secretary of state. for four years i warned about what was happening in bridgeport. for my efforts i was called an election denier. so many conspiracy theories we are hearing about today, they're coming true right before our eyes. we have to be vigilant. >> jesse: it is voter suppression and you've got the surveillance footage so it's pretty clear cut. dominic, thank you. democrats send out their wandas for election shenanigan, they think they were done in 2016. the press still pretends it's real. >> by the way, mrs. clinton did win the popular vote. >> yeah. >> i continue to believe that you won. i don't care what they say. >> jesse: joy, did you just say what i think you just said? because after a quick commercial break joy was forced to apologize in one of my favorite corp rat hostage videos. >> but i have to correct something. >> you do. >> i don't want the impression to be made that i didn't accept the results of the trump administration. but i don't like the electoral college. you won the popular vote. he won the electoral college. that's the thing that needs to be addressed. >> jesse: hillary clinton was on "the view" promoting a documentary about something i don't feel comfortable talking about it. i'm not knowledgeable enough to talk about it. it's a woman's issue. we just hope everything is okay. hillary, though, not okay. she called trump hitler. >> people would get legitimately elected and then they would try to do away with elections and do away with opposition and do away with a free press. you could see it in countries where -- hitler was dually elected, right? all of a sudden somebody with those tendencies, those tendencies would be like, okay, we're gonna shut this down. we're gonna throw these people in jail. they didn't usually telegraph that. trump is telling us what he intends to do. >> jesse: biden won't talk to the press and he's throwing trump in jail. then you have trump who never locked hillary up and won't stop talking to the press. who's the dictator? how is biden losing to the guy he's throwing in jail? is biden the best candidate? >> people are always saying, well, maybe there's somebody better out there. let me look over here. i see somebody i like. or i just saw him give a speech or her position. that's natural. >> jesse: totally natural for voters to look around, see what other options there are. i mean, hillary knows all about wandering eyes. if hillary thinks biden is the one, then he's not, because hillary's political instincts are nothing like bill's. this is why hillary can't persuade you. she must program you. >> there are people who still support him, they say they're going to vote for him. we just have to limit the number of those people and reach out to those who are having second thoughts. >> jesse: what does it mean we she says we have to limit the number of trump voters. how do you limit trump voters? tell us. what's your technique? you're notorious for dirty tricks. i'd love to know what's coming this election after the last couple elections went so smoothly. does joy have an idea? >> we should lock him up now. >> there's a kind of cult like dimension here. he's like a walking id. you know, in psychology the ego and super ego. it's like watching a constant entertainment show. so people get hooked into that and they don't want to give it up. >> jesse: hillary is jealous that trump has a personality and she doesn't. that's it. the constant entertainment show? notice how they never discuss trump policies. the policies that people like. the peace, prosperity and the strong border. kayleigh joins me now. is hillary running? >> i don't think she's running, but i think she's delusional enough to think she can win. you got to try very, very hard to be that unlikable. but she always manages to come off as so out of touch, so narrow minded. in this case, i mean, hypocritical. she said trump is like a dictator because he wants to limit opposition and limit the press. i was in the white house with him when he welcomed governor phil murphy, democrat from new jersey. governor andrew cuomo, democrat from new york. during a pandemic they came into the oval office. i was there when he said, kayleigh, i did a press conference with the coronavirus task force, but why don't you do one, too. two is better than one. when's the last time you got any of that from joe biden? in the next breath she said, let's limit the cult-like trump voters. limit the cult-like trump voters? to your point, how are you going to do that when trump is winning by 11 points in nevada and five of the six swing states. to your point, i want to know about the dirty tricks. >> jesse: i need to know about the dirty tricks. we had the dossier, lap top cover-up. i have to know what's coming. we need to know what's coming. i hope it's not 1,000 wandas. that would make me very nervous. do you see those ladies on "the view" talking to hillary about how she really won. you actually really did. how does that make you feel? >> yeah. it's crazy what they have done to trump voters. you're all election deniers. you can't even question things. don't ask a question. shut up or hide in a closet. that's what they told us. joy behar, as long as a producer gets in your ear. that's what happened. the producers got in her ear. you got to apologize. and then she did it like you said, like a hostage. it's crazy and hypocritical. it's a special level of delusion on "the view." >> jesse: i wish i had the producers get in my ear more often. maybe couple times a week that could be helpful. kayleigh -- no producer ever needs to be in your ear. you got it covered. thank you very much. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: ivanka meets judge nudey. straight ahead. for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. what is cirkul? 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(christmas music) ( ♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... seat protector... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> jesse: fox news alert. james comer has subpoenaed hunter biden and james biden. the president's son and brother are being hauled in to be deposed under oath in front of house investigators. if i were the bidens and i did nothing wrong, i'd want to come in to clear the air. >> we're talking about tax violation. we're talking about money lawnering. we're talking about bribery. so now we're going to give the bidens the opportunity to come in and clear their good name, larry. if they're innocent, they should want to come in front of the house oversight committee. >> jesse: despite the checks of joe biden from china that ended up being exactly 10% to the big guy, the diamonds, the sports cars, dinners, tax evasion, the white house says it's baseless. >> republicans continue to double down on a baseless smear campaign against the president and his family. instead of, instead of being focused on the american people's needs, what they're asking for, what is it that they truly want us to focus on? they continue to double down on this. >> jesse: hunter buyen could refuse to comply with the subpoena but then he'd get arrested because when steve bannon refused to comply, he was arrested. so i'm sure they'll both be treated the same way. today another trump was in court. ivanka trump, forced to testify and take the stand in her father's real estate empire trial. don jr. and eric had already testified. if the trump family were just a bunch of corrupt drug addicts they would be left alone, like hunter. but, no, judge engoron was tickled to see the president's daughter in his very own courtroom. judge nudey even flirting with ivanka asking with a dead pan expression, who's she? yeah. all a joke when you're trying to financially assassinate a presidential front runner. now if i had just been caught posting nude selfies all over the internet, i wouldn't be cracking jokes. but the judge knows no shame. typical former drummer. judge nudey could be on the chopping block though because of his exhibitionism. the new york state judicial code of conduct very clearly on how judges should behave, right? section 100.4a2 says a judge shall conduct all of the judges extra tkeurbl activities so they do not detract from the dignity of judicial office. now, i'm no lawyer. thank god. but throwing your robe over the stall in your birthday suit in a public bathroom of all places, photographing yourself not leaving quite enough to the imagination and snapping a photo then posting it online in a high school news letter where 18-year-old boys and girls, some graduate at 17 and captioning it bonus torso picture. fair to say that detracts from the dignity of the office. it's hard to think of anything less dignified than 74-year-old men exposing their near naked bodies to high school grads on the internet. this should disqualify judge nudey and bring mediate sanctions and shame. if clarence thomas were to strip off his nose and snap a selfie nudey and post it to his high school alum page could he still serve effectively on the bench? i think not. think about the judgment that that shows. that same judgment is being used to oversee the future of the president's empire. is he in violation of judicial conduct code? >> jesse, he's not only in violation of the code by posting half naked selfies, he's also in violation of the code while fully dressed on the bench as evidenced by his completely unbelievable bias against the trump family and in favor of leticia james. let me say something else about this. i didn't see the pictures until i did my homework for your show. the fact that he called them bonus torso pics, the bonus is that he is stra taoepblgly covers south of his belly button with his cell phone because were it not for that, we would have seen a lot more of judge engoron and that would not have been pretty. inappropriate, yes. >> jesse: okay. so this is not a dating website. this is not a photo that was sent via text to his wife and happened to leak. he purposely posted this not only on the internet, jonna, he posted it on a high school news letter page that he operates, that he knows is seen by 18-year-olds, some 17, but mostly 18, 19 and everybody beyond that. what kind of judgment does that show? >> it's very inappropriate judgment. along with the code that you cited, jesse, an additional part of that code, the judge must act appropriately in all aspects of his life essentially. is it inappropriate -- i think he creates this news letter, to be honest, which makes it even more inappropriate. forget the code for a second. from a human standpoint, if somebody sends you a picture, a text or post and your immediate reaction is cringe, it's inappropriate. >> jesse: yeah. >> nobody can look at these pictures and think it's okay. >> jesse: if i get this judge's torso on my phone and i see that, it's disgusting. it's disgusting to everybody. hopefully, ivanka didn't see that before she entered the courtroom. she probably didn't. she probably would have brought it up. no one should have to see that. jonna, we gotta go. we just should have had a viewer warning up before the second photo aired. very pale torso. fox news alert. police have arrested the suspect who murdered the jewish synagogue leader but the case isn't closed. matt finn has the latest. matt? >> reporter: jesse, detroit police say they arrested a suspect in the stabbing death of a beloved detroit jewish leader, but right now police are not releasing any details about the suspect or a potential motive. 40-year-old political strategist and synagogue president samantha wohl was found stabbed to death outside her detroit home october 21st. police say she was stabbed inside her home, then stumbled outside and collapsed, leaving behind a trail of blood. the gruesome musheder in an upstale neighborhood raised questions as whether she was murdered as part of an anti-semitic hate crime. after the murder the detroit police chief said the department does not think it was motivated by anti-semitism and the suspect acted alone. the chief posted a new statement today writing in part, as part of my continuing commitment to transparency in this matter, i am sharing with this community that a suspect has been taken into custody for the murder of samantha wohl. this is an encouraging development, it does not represent the conclusion of our work in this case. the details of the investigation will remain confidential to ensure the integrity of the important steps that remain. samantha woll was a well liked leader who also forged a relationship with congress woman tlaib. tlaib wrote on her face book page that the community is devastated. jesse? >> jesse: thanks. keep us posted on that. >> sure. >> jesse: breaking news in the transgender manifesto. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. ♪ upbeat, catchy music ♪ >> tech vo: this couple counts on their suv... as they travel for their small business. so when they got a chip in their windshield... they brought it to safelite... for a same-day in-shop repair. we repaired the chip right away. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech vo: plus, to protect their glass, we installed new wipers too. that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert. seven members of the national police department have been place dz on administrative leave after letters from the transshooter's manifesto were released to podcaster steven crowdser. it shows how the trans school shooter was motivated by race and privilege. quote, those crackers going to private fancy schools. want to kill all you little crackers with your white privileges. the day has finally come. can't believe i'm doing this, but i'm ready. i hope my victims aren't. god let my rath take over my anxiety. why is the city of nashville fighting to keep this au pressed? why do they care more about who leaked the information than providing the information to the public? these are the public servants who are supposed to serve us, not dead mass shoot erers. mayor pete's on a one man mission no one asks for. building ukraine back better, with your money of course. making a surprise trip to ukraine because every trip he makes is a surprise trip where he announced his buddy would be the country's new infrastructure czar. something pete claims was a top ask but didn't say who did the asking. and where mayor pete gets the authority to appoint international infrastructure czars? we don't know. but the man mayor pete is propping up is robert mariner. we did a deep dive on mariner. besides jerome powell, no one, i mean no one in america, likes to spend money more than he does. so what's with the secret trip? and what's the rush? and shouldn't pete be stopping kamikazes from taking down commercial jets? because money's disappearing in ukraine. if it's going to disappear in ukraine, it needs to disappear into american pockets rb not ukrainian pockets. we're supposed to be getting the no bid contracts, not the ukrainians. but isn't mayor pete's career trajectory astonishing? he went from not being able to fill pot holes in indiana to rae building the largest country in europe. when you shatter the sky's the limit. here pete making a dillon sandwich. days later you're pressing the flash with zelenskyy. pete checking all those foxes to be president. gavin newsom's surprise trip to ukraine, that's got to be coming up. here now texas senator ted cruz, author of "unwoke." what's going on with mayor pete in ukraine, senator? >> listen, it's all politics all the time. pete wants to run for president. the democratic party signaling on ukraine as an essential part of that. i gotta say the idea that there's a u.s. infrastructure adviser in ukraine is insane. i understand why we're giving military assistance to defeat russia. that's in america's interest for putin to lose. it is not in america's interest to be building roads and highways and buildings and bridges in ukraine. that's not our bloody job. that's not the taxpayers' jobs. europe ought to pay for the rebuilding of ukraine. but when it comes to joe biden, when it comes to pete buttigeg, it is all politics all the time. >> jesse: when you write a book about defeating cultural marqmarques marxism is this how you plan to defeat it? >> the book that came out yesterday called "unwoke how to defend cultural marxism in america." what it does is examines how the radical left has taken over just about every institution in america. so it starts with universities. i call universities the wuhan lab of the woke virus. it's where the virus was invented. it's where it mutated. it's where it spread. every chapter in the book takes a different institution. so it goes from universities to k-12 education, to journalism, to government, to big business, to big tech, to entertainment, to science. and the final chapter is china, which is a nexus that connects them all. how and why did the radical left take over these institutions from the inside? you think about it. ten years ago the idea big business would be the woke enforcers of the left wing agenda would have sounded bizarre. that's the reality we're in today. number two, this is the most important piece, jesse. this book lays out a practical and direct step for how we take these institutions back. a battle plan. because if we don't recover these institutions, we're going to lose this country. >> jesse: got to have the battle plan in the back of the book because that's what people are really after. we're dying for a little leadership here. senator cruz, thank you very much. everybody go check out "unwoke" where books are sold. i love saying that, where books are sold. >> thank you, jesse. buy it on amazon tonight. it's a best seller. it's also filled with stories that are interested and real. it's not abstract and academic. you want to know why crazy anti-semitic zealots are protesting on college campuses, it will tell you how. >> jesse: now i'm really interested. thank you. joe biden putting a kill switch in all of our new cars. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. >> jesse: remember night rider? when i was growing up, i wanted to be david hasselhoff so i could drive kit. >> what would you like to hear? >> what the hell was that? >> do you wish further information on silicon valley? >> hell no. i want to know who you are and how are you listening in? >> jesse: thanks to joe biden you're going to have a car that tracks your every move. democrats want every car armed with a kill switch that will turn your car off if it doesn't like how you drive. lobbyists slipped language into the infrastructure bill that says all new cars sold in the u.s. must have the ability to disable your car based on your driving performance as early as 2026. they claim it's to stop drunk drivers but we don't believe them because here's the language. in order to prevent advance drunk and impaired driving the cars will need to vote passively monitor their performance of a driver in order to identify if their driving is impaired and limit the car's ability to be used. when is the federal government ever passively monitored anything? after big government partnered with big tech and big pharma to monitor free speech last election, do you trust the big three automakers to partner with big tech an big government to monitor your freedom of movement? i can't wait for the federal government to stop me from driving, steal my biomet tricks and monitor my car conversations. that's funny. they hit the kill switch on every pickup truck in pennsylvania on election day. oops, sorry about that. human error. i'm sure the cia would never want to listen to what my blue tooth speakers are saying. joining me now political strategist kinsly wilson. are you nervous? >> absolutely, jesse. i think all americans should be nervous. let's call this what it is. this is the radical left attempt to cause play as big brother. what's worse, 19 house republicans actually voted for this. they voted to give joe biden the power to literally turn off your vehicle and track your every move the second that you start your car. i mean, listen. if cars are going to be monitoring impaired drivers, senator federman better get a personal driver asap. in all seriousness, this is crazy. we cannot allow this. this is clear massive federal overreach. it is a violation of the spirit of the 4th amendment. we have to put a stop to it. a single generation, we have gone from ending drunk driving, and have gone to this which is ludicrous. it's totally big brother. we have to put a stop to it. this is the highway to the danger zone. republicans need to find the guts to fight back against it. they cannot be asleep at the wheel. >> jesse: good luck. asleep at the wheel. here's what they want to do. infrared cameras that monitor driver behavior. shining a light under the skin's surface to detect alcohol. they're just gonna hit me with laser beams in the face while i drive. monitoring the level of alcohol present in the air of the entire car. so if i pick up my boys and they're in the back seat and they're just, won't shut up, it's gonna kill switch my car before we even get to the better. >> exactly. you should be particularly nervous. so should anyone, any white guy out there who drives a ford f150 with a trump bumper sticker on the back. you should be nervous come 2026. say what the government is good at doing. what they're good is the doing is targeting and weaponizing government agencies to go after traditional americans with conservative values. right? we've seen this with joe biden and merrick garland's department of justice. they've gone after school board parents, peaceful january 6th protesters. they've colluded with big tech to censor your opinions online. the play book is clear. they are going to use this to target conservatives and do it with the help of big tech. we can't as americans allow this. we have to stand up against this and fight back. i hope republicans do that. it's shameful that they voted against massey's amendment. >> jesse: we're going to have a climate emergency. kill switch all the vehicles in the united states. there we go. that will never happen. but maybe. who knows? kingsley, thank you. so what do women really want? we found out. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. 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"the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. >> let's do the cooler, julie is here, first up, julie, arnold schwarzenegger showed up on espn with a donkey in his kitchen. >> what is that? that donkey looks like you eating. [laughter] >> so why does schwarzenegger have a donkey inside the house? >> because he has money and he can. >> is that what people with money do? >> he has six acres, a donkey, a puppy. my kids eat like that, rather have a donkey in my kitchen. is it okay? >> i don't know. >> you think arnold is high? >> he looks high on life or something -- >> you just diagnosed him. >> you know when people are high? >> i can't see his eyeballs. >> i love donkeys. >> next up, men know what women have been wanting this whole time, guys, you will not like it. >> there is only one thing that all women want. people tell you they want money, they want someone stronger, taller, only one metric, our ability to manipulate a man. >> so you only want men who you can manipulate? >> she's lying. >> she is lie something >> she is. she is lying. >> how do we know she's lying? how do you know she's not manipulating us. she said, we don't care if you are short or poor. i'm sorry, do you know real women? >> short poor guys. we don't want weak men, i think she's trying to say we don't want a weak man who key can manipulate and that is true. >> now i know what women don't want, what do women want? >> strong, smart man who tells it like it and doesn't put up -- >> you don't want us to put up with your bologna? >> you're out. >> don't scratch me. patrick dempsey, won people magazine's sexiest man alive. >> congratulations. what took them so long? >> i am glad they made a decision it was me. >> hasn't he won before? >> no, he hasn't. he was on "grey's anatomy," i don't know why he's finally getting it now. well deserved. >> do you think he would lie down and put up with bologna? >> no -- >> would you rub his belly? >> i would. he's so hot. he is america's dream boat, except you, jesse. >> dana perino told me something that is important to repeat to the audience. dana judges a man by his shoes, if your shoes are not freshly shined, she will judge you. guys, what women want, pay attention. if i switched my votes, it would get shown on jesse watters. what wanda promise, she delivers. >> you look stunning this even patrick dempsey, is that you? >> my head is screwed on straight. mine is screwed on straight, too. always remember, i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪

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And Girls , 18 , Detracts , It Bonus Torso Picture , Graduate , Captioning , Fair , 74 , 17 , Men , High School Grads , Bodies , Sanctions , Clarence Thomas , Judgment , Nose , Bench , Shows , High School Alum Page , Violation , Judicial Conduct Code , Empire , Trump Family , Bias , Favor , Naked Selfies , Pictures , Show , Stra Taoepblgly , Bonus , Homework , Belly Button , Torso Pics , Leticia James , South , More , Dating Website , Cell Phone , Lot , Text , High School News Letter Page , Wife , Jonna , Part , 19 , News Letter , Aspects , Reaction , Picture , Cringe , Second , Post , Human Standpoint , Ivanka Didn T , Torso , Phone , Nobody , Disgusting , Hopefully , Viewer Warning , We Gotta Go , Suspect , Jewish Synagogue Leader , Latest , Matt Finn , Case Isn T Closed , Kinsly Wilson , Samantha Wohl , Details , Stabbing Death , Synagogue , Detroit , Beloved Detroit Jewish Leader , 40 , Death , Home , Blood , Trail , Gruesome Musheder , October 21st , 21 , Questions , Department , Murder , Anti Semitism , Hate Crime , Upstale Neighborhood , Police Chief , Community , Statement , Commitment , Transparency , Matter , Chief , Custody , Writing , Steps , Integrity , Development , Conclusion , Work , Samantha Woll , Woman Tlaib , Leader , Breaking News , Face Book Page , Relationship , Manifesto , Transgender , Tardive Dyskinesia , Treatment , Mental Health Meds , Mental Health , Movements , Pill , Ingrezza , Td Treatment , Td Movements , Adults , 1 , 7 , Changes , Ingredients , Behaviors , Feelings , Attention , Actions , Side Effects , Patients , Depression , Mood , Suicide , Huntington S Disease , Ingrezza May , Problems , Heart Rhythm Problems , Side Effect , Sleepiness , Muscles , Angioedema , Report Fevers , Chip , Windshield , Small Business , Suv , Ingrezza Tech , Safelite , Upbeat , Trust Safelite , Music Tech Vo , Service , Wipers , Cost , Insurance , Tech Vo Plus , Singers , Safelite Repair , Place , National Police Department , Crackers , Letters , Privilege , School Shooter , Race , Quote , Transshooter , Podcaster Steven Crowdser , Schools , My Victims Aren T , Privileges , God Let My Rath , Information , Anxiety , Servants , Fighting , Public , Au , City Of Nashville , Pete Buttigeg , Money , Trip , Ukraine , Course , Mission , Shoot Erers , Didn T Say , Buddy , Infrastructure Czar , Asking , Mask , Pete Claims , Jerome Powell , Infrastructure Czars , Authority , Dive , Robert Mariner , Mariner , Disappearing , Jets , Shouldn T Pete , Brush , Kamikazes , Isn T , Bid Contracts , Ukrainians , Pockets , Career Trajectory , The Sky S Limit , Pot Holes , Europe , Indiana , Here Pete Making A Dillon Sandwich , Rae , Ted Cruz , Flash , Gavin Newsom , Foxes , Zelenskyy , Texas , Politics , Unwoke , Senator , Signaling , Interest , , Infrastructure Adviser , Military Assistance , Putin , Russia , Bridges , Buildings , Highways , Roads , Job , Jobs , Rebuilding , Marqmarques Marxism , Institution , Universities , In America , Left , Virus , Chapter , Lab , Wuhan , Big Tech , Nexus , Entertainment , Journalism , Big Business , Science , K 12 Education , 12 , Institutions , Stake , Enforcers , Inside , Wing , Ten , Piece , Agenda , Step , Reality , Back , Leadership , Battle Plan , Books , Seller , Stories , Amazon , Cars , Kill Switch , College Campuses , Zealots , Script , Health , Concerns , Accomplishment , Astonishment , Doc , Delay , Cologuard , Colon Cancer , Non Invasive , Provider , 45 , Skin , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Feeling , Psoriasis Treatment , Chance , Finding Psoriasis , Thighs , Splendor , Cancers , Lymphoma , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Tb , Liver , Labs , Triglycerides , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Risks , Jak Family , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Upbeat Music , Inflammation Support , Turmeric , Toll , Skating , Joints , Absorption , Qunol , Tony Hawk , Brand , Night Rider , Shell , Kit , David Hasselhoff , Car , Move , Silicon Valley , Language , Infrastructure Bill , Lobbyists , Drivers , Order , Driving Performance , 2026 , Driving , Driver , Performance , Automakers , Big Tech And Pharma , Freedom Of Movement , Big Three , Three , Biomet Tricks , Car Conversations , Pickup Truck , Election Day , Cia , Speakers , Blue Tooth , Attempt , Big Brother , Vehicle , Federman , Seriousness , Generation , Stop , Drunk Driving , Overreach , Spirit , 4th Amendment , 4 , Guts , Highway , Asleep At The Wheel , Danger Zone , Luck , Alcohol , Infrared Cameras , Driver Behavior , Laser Beams , Hit , Boys , Back Seat , Better , Doing , Targeting , Anyone , Bumper Sticker , Weaponizing , Ford F150 , Peaceful January 6th Protesters , Government Agencies , Values , Parents , Department Of Justice , Merrick Garland , School Board , 6 , January 6th , Conservatives , Play Book , Opinions , Amendment , Climate Emergency , Vehicles , Massey , Kingsley , Eczema , Pitch , Rinvoq , Rash , Steroid , Saw , Injection , Topical , Relief , Fast , Blood Clots , Rinvoq Relief , 2 , 100 , Intestines , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Skin Cancer , Stroke , Tears , Stomach , Heart Attack , 50 , World , Rapture , David Jeremiah , Strange , Video Footage , Globe , Lord , In The Air , Clouds , Mind Boggling , Christ , Billions , Instant , Planet , Twinkling , Chaos , Disappearance , Chapters , Incredible , Glimpse , Announcer , Dr , Event , Glorious Joy In The Skies , 31 , Calendar , The Great Disappearance , Size , Golo , Sholeh , 75 , 20 , Weight , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Cooler , Julie , First Up , Espn , Donkey , Schwarzenegger , Kitchen , Laughter , Puppy , Kids , I Don T Know , Guys , Donkeys , Eyeballs , Metric , Smart , Key , Strong , Women Don T Want , Bologna , Patrick Dempsey , Don T Scratch Me , People Magazine , Hasn T , Congratulations , Sexiest Man Alive , Grey S Anatomy , Dana Perino , Belly , Dream Boat , Shoes , Audience , What Women Want , Pay Attention , Wanda Promise , Head , Watters ,

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