Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

>> brian: here we go. fox news alert. two major stories are still moving this morning. overseas a second round of incursion into gaza. targeting anti-tank weapons to, quote. prepare the battlefield for a full scale attack. >> steve: this as the pentagon has confirmed that two u.s. airstrikes happened overnight our time in syria on bases that the u.s. department of defense says were being used by iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps. the pentagon says it was done in response to the 20 attacks on u.s. bases in the region over the last 10 days. today was payback. >> ainsley: they hit syria, right? who really won't fight back. meanwhile back here at home right now, we are 36 hours no an all-out manhunt in maine for 40-year-old robert card. he is the prime suspect. he is in that picture there. in the mass shooting that took the lives of at least 18 people. lawrence? >> lawrence: good morning, ainsley, we have team coverage on the man hunt. i'm here in main outside the lewiston police department all morning long. we also have todd piro on what we are learning about the shooting victims. but we start with nate foy with the latest on the investigation. nate, what can you tell us? >> lawrence, i can tell that you more federal resources are coming in on day two of this manhunt including the elite tactical unit who found the prisoner who recently escaped in pennsylvania. state authorities, local authorities, federal authorities are spread out throughout maine. they did focus last night on a couple of residents, a couple properties in bowdoin. that's where the accused shooter lives. take a listen as authorities were trying to convince him to come outside. . . . >> so, lawrence, maine state police confirmed they served search warrants at the residence. no gunshots were fired. after about two hours they left with no sign of robert card. now, authorities did find his white subaru at a boat landing in nearby lisbon, maine. so there is concerns that he may be on a boat right now. the u.s. coast guard confirms with fox news that aviation units are searching booth behar bore which is about 50 miles east of lewiston. here is the lisbon police chief talking about the investigation. >> this is an active scene in lisbon. we are not going to narrow down to any area. obviously you can see we are in specific areas due to different evidence that's been obtained. >> card is accused of murdering 18 people and injuring 13 more at two locations wednesday night. a bowling alley and a bar. at least three victims remain in critical condition. here are some of those 18 victims. card is wanted for eight murders right now. but authorities expect that number to increase to 18 when they identify the 10 remaining victims, one of the victims you see here, right in the middle is joseph walker. his father talked about losing his son so suddenly and so tragically. >> i go to church. i believe in the lord. i believe in jesus christ. but, why do we have to go through these kind of miserable, miserable times? this has never happened in our two cities. i know if my son was here with me he would say that he is sorry for all the others that are lost and the families that are going through, what i'm going through right now. >> this is a very dangerous man. he is an army reservist, certified firearms instructor, and has a documented history of mental health issues. according to law enforcement made threats to shoot up a national guard base. reportedly heard voices and was committed to a mental health facility as recently as this summer back out here live canadian officials are here to make sure he doesn't cross the border. federal resources invested in this manhunt now in its second day. back to you. >> brian: nate, do you know if there was a reason besides it just being being his house that they surrounded it and is it true the reports that they found a note and it was suicidal? therereports that a noted was f. we have not independently confirmed that. reports that a gun was found in the car that was found right near the boat landing in lisbon. as far as why they are not at the house. there have not been any confirmed sightings of card. buff his family has two properties in bowdoin. so, they were just executing those search warrants to try to find more information and try to find outer with is. >> steve: all right, nate, we thank you very much. and meanwhile, lawrence is live from lewiston maine, is he outside the police station this morning. and lawrence brian is right, there are these stories that are circulating. abc broke that apparently they found a note in the house which we just saw them surround in nate's report and apparently reportedly, it was addressed to his son. they have also found a gun in the white subaru and he left his phone behind. >> ainsley: how many children deshave? >> brian: just one. >> steve: suicide note appeared to be addressed to his son. >> lawrence: yeah. so i have been working with my sources. they have a complicated job doing not just with a marksman but someone trained in the methods that they use. so what you are seeing right now is a split when it comes to the fbi swat team. the local police swat team where they're clearing these areas that are known addresses that are either his or associated with him. there is also some concern he he could be in the woods in the terrain. law enforcement aren't really familiar with that area. this is why you are bringing in the vortek guys in to sit on these areas and sweep them that's what they do. special operations are not able to operate on u.s. soil. they know how to navigate within the terrain. each sector in the country border sector has special operating group but they are kind of split out. and they are not really needed in this area as much so you are looking at the vermont area or detroit area. now the detroit area they were responsible for response calf c. >> this is a guy has a good shot and knows methods and techniques and wait and sees a they do their job. still telling people here to shelter in place. as i arrived late last night, people are very scared, guys. >> ainsley: they are going to do a good job. if there is anyone that can find this guy it's going to be the bortac unit. they're the ones who found calf can't at a who shimmied up the side of the wall. >> steve: helped with uvalde. carrie card married to this guy's brother. she said over the last year he was hearing people say things. we said he was hearing voices. she said this happened within the last few month. i have known rob my whole life quiet but most loving person i know. he had acute episode of mental health. and then when he was training at camp smith training center which is near west point he began behaving erratically according to the defense department 17th when he flight checked into facility. out of concern they thought law enforcement should be contacted. >> brian: thought alcohol may have played a role. >> steve: he was taken to the hospital to be evaluated from there we don't know. lawrence was talking about law enforcement. bring in author of 30 years on the run, the hunt for the most prolific bank robber in history. good morning, ray. >> good morning, everybody, thanks for having me this morning. >> steve: you bet. so, yesterday, we announced that they had found his car, white subaru outback over by a boat launch. now we have learned that apparently the guy owned a jet ski and also had a 15-foot bay liner boat which is missing. >> yeah. that's -- those are all concerning factors. the issue for me we don't know how much planning went into this but there was planning that went into this. you don't wake up one morning and say i think i'm going to become a mass killer today. there is a boston to violence and it starts with a grievance and goes with the ideation and from there the research and the preparation. and so those things take time. and during those times, when he is planning and preparing for this, there is usually behavior that we call leakage, where is he leaking behavior to people that know him. and i have heard others say on this show that, yeah, there is a lot of things about his mental hillness. is he hearing voices. by the way, emotionally disturbed people. when you look at mass shooters, the history of mass shooters, emotionally disturbed people is the largest group of those people that engage in mass shootings. so, this is a very -- this is a big concern because we really don't know exactly what he had in that vehicle. did he have additional weapons? >> steve: right. >> you say he left his phone. why we left his phone unless he had bribe brian because it could locate him. >> you are correct. the phone could locate him. you are correct with that. that's why he probably left that and probably took something else. i'm sure and law enforcement knows this, is that everything they say and everything that is carried out on the news he may be listening. so it's important that law enforcement makes sure that they don't say the wrong thing so that he picks something up. >> brian: why would you think he went to this detail to get away and not cover his face? >> well, most of the times, this is a little bit different in this case most times cases like this either end in suicide by offender or usually suicide by cop. killed by the police. he was able to hit two different locations, some people call that a spree. i think he is more mission-oriented. i think he was looking for something and he had this planned and he was looking to do something or looking for someone. and he didn't find that person at either of those locations then he said i'm done and he went in and shot. and went into a restaurant four miles away. and wound up shooting up that place as well. so, the biggest concern i probably have for this individual right now at least for law enforcement. you don't know the amount of fireplace he has. if he is lying in weight for law enforcement when they go out and they start searching for him in this rugged terrain that they're going to be pl place faced with. >> brian: i heard another statement that he said the military ruined his life. >> well, i don't know, you know, when someone is speaking in different tones talking about things. anything he says you really can't take -- i wouldn't take with -- as being very credible. i don't know what occurred during his military career or during his state. but he was only in the researchers. he was never active duty from my understanding. >> steve: right. the army says he was not a trained firearms instructor which is different than what the cops had released yesterday. >> ainsley: you have to be out of your mind to do, this obviously. wouldn't you think as a parent you would think about your child. how is this going to effect my child down the road. everything we do as parents we do for our children. to not think that through. this guy has to be deranged and at a really low point in his life. most of the victims are men. i don't know if there is anything to that i was reading the seven people at the bowling alley, including a father and 14-year-old son and manager there was one female that he shot and six men. and then they bar there were 8 people. seven men inside, one man outside. and then three people died at the hospital. i don't know their gender. >> steve: sounds like -- i read a couple of things it sounds like he was looking for his exwhich could be the motivation. ray carr, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: this morning we are learning the names and the storms of some of those killed in this horrific attack. >> steve: todd piro joins us live from our world headquarters here in new york with the latest. todd? >> todd: heart breaking to see the photos of the first victims identified as wednesday's tragic shooting. we now know the names of the five of the 18 people who lost their lives. we are learning how some lost their lives. the act in which they lost their lives. many of them trying to get help. one individual trisha asselin reportedly shot at the bowling alley while running to a counter to call 911. her sister says she did not know her sister was killed until hours later. she is calling tricia a hero. >> one of the victims a 14-year-old boy reportedly bowling with his father when the gunman opened fire. and joseph walker, he was a bar manager, was working when the gunman opened fire. his family says their hearts are absolutely broken. and his father leroy walker will be joining us later on is the know. back over to you. >> steve: all right, todd, thank you very much. the cover of the "new york post," lawrence, and brian and ainsley, says definition of insanity. suspect heard voices yet was free to open weapon of war used to kill 18. i was reading one of the local papers up in maine this morning. it says the maine state bureau of investigation, this robert card was categorized as a federal firearms disqualified status. so he couldn't have a gun under federal law. it's unclear which of the laws though barred him from having a gun. but then when you look because they have got the yellow flag laws in maine. then when you look at a list of maine people who had weapons confiscated through the yellow flag laws, mr. card does not appear to be on that list. so, we don't know nip yet a what exactly designated him as a person who could not have a gun under federal law, lawrence. >> lawrence: steve, in these moments i'm often in conflict because, obviously, the main objective is to catch this guy. the second objective is to honor the life and legacy of those that were lost here we have to have a an honest conservation about the sharing of information. if they are not getting to the we can't prevent these situations from happening. if the bureau doesn't know that this person has mental health issues and i'm not talking about someone that is just simply depressed. he said he was going to shoot up a base. he said he was hearing voices. and if the people that runt background checks don't know that is happening then we are bound to repeat this over and o'er again. >> steve: 100 percent. >> ainsley: look at those ace if as they all thought the same thing we do. it won't happen to me. it won't happen in my town. we report it on the news. earpt that of time it's happening over and over and over it. started with the columbine shooting and we have seen more of those type of shootings. that was unheard of whether we were growing up. we never thought we would be reporting on something like that. here we are, this keeps happening. it's always the same story, isn't it, brian? it seems that people that have red flags and no one pays attention to this. >> brian: we know in dallas, too, people knew his background but the military didn't tell the cops. they put him on a list and take his guns and did he keep one back in and did anyone in those bars or bowling alley did they know him? i recognize him. does this make sense and do we know where he might be because of that? meanwhile 17 minutes after the hour, to another fox news alert. the u.s. is carrying out airstrikes in two bases in syria reportedly being used by terrorists. >> steve: pentagon reporting after 20 military bases in the region came under fire over the last two weeks. >> ainsley: mike tobin is on the ground in southern israel with the latest for us. mike? >> mike: ainsley, of course, that's a huge development the fact that u.s. warplanes have struck at bases in the region here. eastern syria, very near the iraqi border, two different bases used by the iranian revolutionary guard. as you mentioned there, it was in response to some 19 different attacks with drones and missiles at u.s. personnel resulting in some 21 injuries of u.s. personnel. one u.s. contractor died of a heart attack through all of the panic and the physical necessity to take cover when those strikes were inbound. but, u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin made it very clear in his statement that this does not represent a shift toward the iranian -- the israel-hamas war which is taking place in the gaza strip with hezbollah's involvement and all of the iran backing it does threaten to open up other fronts in this particular war more airstrikes went into the gaza strip overnight. warplanes are working constantly. remarkable video though as israeli jets hit a tunnel network that was used to store at least some kind of explosive and you can see that it causes a chain reaction in the tunnel network where these explosives were stored. beyond that, israel did go in on the ground again. this was the second night in a row they went in ground. this time a neighborhood described as hamas strong hold. israel says they went in with, new england other things, a combat engineers and on the ground for a long time and that speaks to the idea that these quick incursions into the gaza strip really precursors or preparation work for the larger anticipated ground invasion. guys, back to you. >> steve: all right. mike tobin from the region. mike, thank you very much. >> brian: wow, things are moving quick on all fronts. 19 minutes after the hour. coming up, anti-israeli protesters marched through manhattan. what an embarrassment. closing down streets, causing chaos again. our panel of new york city college students share the hostility that they are seeing on campus. >> ainsley: back to our top story, right now 36 hours into the manhunt for the suspect accused of killing 18 people at a bowling alley and at a restaurant in maine. >> steve: our next guest hid in a church just down the road and says her bible study group sat in total darkness. just waiting. her story coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure. for these services. for the 336 million of us living here. ♪ look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> lawrence: fox news alert manhunt continues for the suspect accused of killing 18 people in lewiston, maine tuesday night downtown road from where card opened fire at bowling alley. next guest attending weekly bible studies. she spent hour and a half hiding in total darkness before law enforcement arrived at the church. versey churchill joins us with more. thanks so much for joining us ermly this morning we are praying for you. you were at a bible study and you heard the gunshots. what did you do next? >> we heard a lot of sirens, actually. wondering what was happening and so we were notified by technology that the shooting was occurring, and so our pastor made sure that the building was secure. we were notified we should shelter in place. we had children downstairs in the building, we brought them upstairs we turned the lights out. we were there in total darkness for an hour and a half. we spent time praying for the victims and their families and the first responders and for our own families who were not with us at the time. overall i felt that we handled the situation very well there was not a lot of panic an awful lot of concern, obviously why were calm and worried and doing what we knew we should be doing. that was obeying the orders by law enforcement officers we spent some time praying and spent some time singing peaceful songs. it was an attitude and atmosphere of peace there which we are thankful for. god did that for us gave us peace we needed through a very traumatic time worrisome time. concern for our city and concern for awe all the people involved in. this. >> lawrence: lawrence ver ssi y to interrupted you, to your point about peace, this is a peaceful town, everyone i speak to they tell me they are not used to this here. even right now used to having guests on set with me. you are still having to shelter in place. what is the mood from your perspective as this manhunt continues? >> i feel like everybody is anxious for the man to be found. concerned it for more shootings. also concerned about the fact, this is affect go ahead so many people affecting people economically, effecting them emotionally. just need to have closure to this as much as we can. >> lawrence: yeah. law enforcement continues to tell everyone to shelter in place. are you confident that they will be able to catch this person? >> i believe they are doing everything they possibly can. if he can be caught, they will catch him, yes. i feel like law enforcement has done an excellent job. i am very thankful for them and for them keeps us safe and the information they give us. i feel like they're being very careful and not doing anything to jeopardize the case against the suspect, which is a good thing i feel like they are doing everything they can for the city. we are a close nit city. we will get through this this gives all of us an to love our neighbor as our several, and we are a supportive close knit city. praying for better days for your community. >> thank you so much. i appreciate the privilege to be on here and to share my love for my community and my faith. >> lawrence: yes, ma'am. thank you so much all right. carley, got some headlines for us. >> carley: special woman. got bless her. new york city reportedly offering migrant as free one way plane ticket for the destination of their choice anywhere in the world because it's cheaper than housing them. according to politico mayor. sending migrants to manhattan office plane tickets after seeing more than 4,000 flood the city each weaker. asylum seekers have booked flights as far as colombia and morocco as well as states like michigan. and the world series starts tonight. the arizona diamondbacks are taking on the texas rangers in game one at arlington. and former president george w. bush is set to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. this will be his fourth pitch in the fall classic. the most memorable was before game three of the 2001 world series at yankee stadium following the 9/11 terror attacks. a memorable moment indeed. be sure to tune in to fox for all the action. coverage starts tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. the game starts at 8:00. those are your headlines. lawrence over to you, my friend. >> lawrence: interesting fact, carley, president bush before he got into politics he used to own the texas rangers. >> carley: he did. they say you learn something new every day and that's my fun fact. >> thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. so fox news alert. overnight anti-israel protest erupting. [chanting] >> lawrence: wow, the talking points of hamas. our panel of college students share the hostility they are seeing on their own college campuses. that's next. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. how do we decide what hotel to book? fear not, i got you. choice hotels has a hotel for every type of stay. like a comfort with the kiddos. spacious! that's what they all say. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. 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[chanting] >> ainsley: uptown, more demonstrators this week seen banging on windows and doors at cooper union college while the jewish students were locked inside at the library. [chanting] >> ainsley: and that college responding to the incident saying, quote: the library was closed for approximately 20 minutes while student protesters moved through our building. some students who were previously in the library remained during this time. let's bring in our panel of college students. thank you all for waking up early and joining us. we appreciate it. we have students from all different schools in the new york area. and you were telling me during the break you are at u penn how some of the big donors are not giving money to these colleges because they are not standing up to pro-hamas protests. what is hang at your school? >> i think big donors and myself penn what they're worried about the university of pennsylvania the reputation is going away at the hands of a few bad apples in the bunch and being guised as free speech. with free speech comes thoughtful, you know thoughtfulness. what we are witnessing right now is students who are chanting antifada a stabbings in israel. we have calls to violence. what we are witnessing across college campuses across the country, is not just speech but actions of violence which we saw cooper union tulane yesterday and berkeley. it's really going to take university administrators to not just condemn it but taking actions against pro-hamas, pro-terrorists rallies. >> ainsley: these are all jewish students. raise your hands if you know someone who lives in israel. if you have family in israel, or served in israel or know someone who being held hostage. all of you. i will start with you down here in the front middle. nyu graduate student. you were a medic in the idf, right? how are you feeling about all of this that there it's almost that people are praising hamas which is a terrorist organization for brutalizing so many innocent people. >> yeah. i'm heart-broken. i think i didn't have a chance to grieve what is happening in my country. i had to go straight and defend its right to defend itself. i walk around campus, and i feel so much hate. i feel like i have who hide the fact that i served in the idf. i was called a child murderer two days ago when someone found out i served in the idf. >> ainsley: someone to your face. >> yes. >> ainsley: how did that make you feel? >> i don't understand how they can make a connection between a terrorist organization and the military democratic country. >> ainsley: right. >> it's really sad to see. i think the educational system they failed everyone. >> ainsley: you are a barnard student which is affiliated with colombia. your school has been in the news a lot. professors aren't speaking out against this. the presidents of universities aren't. what is happening to you on your campus? >> just last week, there was a student who sent out a flier to her student group, and in the email text she wrote zionists aren't invited. when a student then expressed why this is wrong and exclusionary and border line segregation, she responded with abhorrent anti-semitic email. she said things like the holocaust wasn't that special. the university has not yet spoken up about it. i emailed many deans of columbia university and none of them have responded to me. >> what organization is that that said no zionists are allowed? >> it was someone on the board of an lgbtq group. >> ainsley: what if you had said that about someone in their group? what if you had said that about someone of a different race? >> i assume that the university would have automatically condemned me. as they should. as they should. if i say anything hateful about any minority group, they should -- that person should receive repercussion from the university and the university should denounce it. >> ainsley: all right, gideon, what are you seeing at your school, you are at hunter college in the city. >> i am -- similarly seeing a lot of students coming and joining in these protests and not just the various palestinian students on the campus but it's a wide swath of this intersectional group coalescing around this issue. a lot of them are like the lgbtq clubs and there has been a very prominent people explains this well a picture of chickens holding a sign chickens for kfc and below it says years for palestine that captures the issue. if these people were to protest in gaza with hamas, hamas wouldn't take too kindly to their breaking news. >> ainsley: jack, how about you. nyu jr. tell me what you are seeing. >> the thing to me most disturbing the advance every single protest inat initfada ats against jewish people. see people chanting for terrorist attacks against random jewish people is extremely scary. >> ainsley: nathan how about you? you are at ncu. >> it's getting worse and worse by the day. we are at day 20. day 21 now. these acts of anti-semitism are getting more and more extreme. it doesn't feel like we are in america in 2023 anymore it. feels like 1939 nazi germany. it's extremely, extremely hard to believe what we are seeing in today's day and age. >> ainsley: school at nyu tearing down pictures of hostages. >> writing on top of the pictures. they will not come home alive. do you have any sense of humanity? forget about israel. forget about palestine, forget about judaism and islam. this is about humanity. civilians being killed on both sides of this war. have you not seen videos of families being mowed down on live video? have you not seen orphaned children mourning the death of their entire family? do you not have any sense of humanity that you could call something like this resistance? it's unbelievable. >> ainsley: thank you so much for joining us today. we are praying for israel and all of you. i'm sorry you are going through. this we have a fox news alert. 36 hours into the manhunt for a firearm instructor accused in the mass shooting in maine. lawrence is at the lewiston police department all morning long with the latest on this investigation. plus, we're going to speak to our nypd police panel on how neighboring cities are preparing to jump in now. that's next. ♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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( ♪ ) >> steve: back with a fox news alert. we are now 36 hours into the search for robert card, the man accused of killing 18 people at a bar and bowling alley in maine as you know. is he considered to be armed and dangerous. there is he going into the bowl alley. the fbi, u.s. marshals, atf and coast guard joining other agencies in the manhunt and knew border patrol source is telling fox news border patrol agents from the bortac unit will be helping in the search as well. bortac helped with several who he profile cases far from the border, including the capture of escaped murderer daniel cleaft last month in pennsylvania and also helped down in. good morning both of you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: in that list of law enforcement. it is curious that they called in the coast guard, paul. >> i think what that goes to is the fact that there is this river, the androscoggin river runs throughout the area this all occurred in, and that's a big, long river we know he had boats, one reportedly two. coast guard deployed. what does that tell us good chance one of those boats is missing and starting to accept the idea that he might have got on the boat. the car that was abon donned was found by a boat ramp. not by his house, halfway to his house. argue get out of the car on a boat ramp, there could be on that river. >> steve: dr. porcher, sounds like according to sources up there. it sounds like he left a gun. we don't know if it's the gun in that subaru outback. >> yes there was a weapon was that recovered. but we also have to take into consideration because of his marksmanship, he probably had another weapon. he is on the lamb. he had exit strategy. he didn't intend to stick around to engage in suicide by cop. or commit suicide. he wanted to get out of there. so i genuinely believe this is a person that's armed and dangerous and presents a tremendous level of danger to us as the public. therefore, it's necessary for us to take him into custody as quick as possible. i'm thankful that we have all of these resources that are conjoining to do this. >> steve: yeah. there is also a report that from abc, paul, that apparently when they searched the house, they found suicide note addressed to his son, which would suggest that he was trying to -- he knew he would be killed and that's why he his face was uncovered or it's one of those things like, okay, i killed myself, don't look for me. >> right. you know, as darren says, he seems to have had an exit strategy. you have to admit that possibility here that all of this is a ploy. right? and, you know, with all of the dogs and the resources that were poured into this quite quickly, after the event, if he was dead nearby, my gut tells me that they would have located him. if i had auto to bet i'm not sure obviously. under the facts that we have i think is he outdoorsman all these survival skills and military skills. i think is he likely alive. here's the one of the reasons i'm really troubled by that the scope that he bought, reportedly according to some interviews 2,000ed scope that's mounted on that gun you see it in the video skills. it's a thermal imaging scope. what does that mean he? can see in the same way police are using thermal imagery find him at night he can see them. he has the same tech the cops have. it's very good and dangerous at night. >> steve: you know, and dr. porcher, he grew up in that area. the family has got hundreds of acres around there. he knows the forests like the back of his hand. and they are very thick, which, you know, traditional thermal imaging from a chopper might have a problem finding somebody particularly if he is dead they're not going to find a cold body. >> landscape such as this drone technology would be the best course of resource to find this person because, thousands of acres is very challenging for police officers on foot; however, we fly these drones that have thermal imaging as well as intrared. granted, he knows the terrain but the local law enforcement should be at the forefront. local law enforcement is going to understand the terrain better than the state troopers i'm confident he will be taken in soon. however remains the million dollars question as to where he is. >> steve: absolutely paul, speaking of the federal level. according to the maine state bureau of investigation this guy was categorized as federal firearms disqualified status they did not detail why he can't buy a gun. it's presumed to perhaps be related to that incident at west point early in the summer but he is not on the yellow flag list for the people of maine. the feds say you can't have a gun and the state doesn't know whether or not he did. >> yeah. so, you know, this goes to the red flag, yellow flag law. the yellow flag law is unique in maine across the country and what the distinction is only law enforcement can rear you for the due process to get essentially your second amendment right taken away. you can't have the guns and you have to get treatment. red flag laws, family can do it as well. >> steve: right. >> the maine law was something that was considered working. 60 incidents of it. teledoc involved do it remotely. they felt like it was going to be the model for the rest of the country. i think that's out the window. where we are going relative to this event. very clearly imports a lot of these red flag, yellow flag issues. more productive way to look at this. rather than having a second amendment constitutional argument which never gets anywhere. we don't progress on it, coming at it from a mental health side and trying to standardize some of the procedures and protocols for saying this is what you need, this is the due process. there is a limit on the second amendment and go through the courts to do it. >> steve: right. >> that could be a better take away than having the same old argument. >> steve: figure maine is looking at the laws they are probably going to change. >> sure. >> steve: doctor, paul, thank you very much for joining us today. >> sure. >> steve: carley has some other news. >> i certainly do, steve. we're going to start with a fox weather alert. rescue and recovery efforts are ongoing in acapulco. 27 deaths caused by hurricane ottis. four people are still missing two days after the category 5 storm devastated the popular resort city. the main airport is still closed for stranded tourists to sleep on airport baggage carousels. for more on the story download the fox weather app. or stream fox weather on any connected ktv device. mike johnson sitting down with sean hannity in first interview since taking the gavel. the louisiana republican says he is concerned the biden administration is taking the country in the wrong direction and he thinks americans are losing faith in the justice system. >> in my assessment, almost every federal agency under the biden administration has been weaponized. the very agencies that were designed to protected and serve the people are now being used against them and we have many examples of that. >> carley: speaker johnson thinks it has been a, quote, failed presidency. those are your headlines, brian, over to you. >> brian: thanks so much. carley. update on what is hang in the war. another fox news alert. if seems israel is hammering hamas positions from above as ground forces launch raids for the second day in a row. lucas tomlinson is live in tel aviv as the u.s. launches strikes of its own finally in syria. lucas? >> brian, for the second consecutive day, israeli forces launched a mechanized assault on the gaza strip pushing all the way into central gaza before pulling out. they are backed by targeted airstrikes. killing senior hamas leaders and that has continued since the october 7th. as you mentioned, last night on the orders of president biden, u.s. f-16 fighter jets a pair of vipers opposed iranian backed proxies. a statement from the defense secretary reads in part these narrowly tailored strikes in self-defense were intended solely to protect and defend u.s. personnel in iraq and syria. they are separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas. of course some of our viewers might not believe this last sentence. these strikes were the first response after u.s. forces in middle east came under attack 1 times in the past 10 days. similar strike in march after similar troops came under attack. today uss strike group still in the atlantic. some of our escorts just left the azores. carrier should be in the med the next day or two. pentagon rushing other forces to the region. >> approximately 900 troops have subsequently deployed or are in the process of beef ploying to the u.s. central command area of responsibility. these include forces that have been on prepared to deploy orders and which are deploying from the continental united states. >> and those soldiers include soldiers who will separate the antiballistic missile systems, guys. >> brian: lucas, quick question four. you can't see us, just know we have some maps up. the first map is where we hit. it's on the iraq-syria border. yet, that's one area and i'm sure it's vital, i'm sure we are looking to not to make a huge number of casualties. they are very concerned about escalating this thing. and, also concerned about making sure they know we're hitting back not because of israel, because of us. why is that important for the pentagon? >> well, the pentagon thinks israel can handle hamas and hezbollah should they get more involved in this war. this strike was intended only in self-defense after u.s. forces in this region came under attack 19 different times. this is step one in the escalation ladder. as you know, brian, eastern syria is largely ungoverned area, forcest territory. benjamin hall end of isis bakhmut not too far away. this is step one. don't kill a lot of people. do it early in the morning. if they keep fighting you will see more airstrikes. >> brian: fully support that we see this one area here. if we move a map, and you are not seeing this but you know, this lucas, all the places we have been hit since october 17th august around here. we pick within area where there was three attacks. we know iraq almost better than the iraqis does it surprise you. >> here is the problem, brian, iraq's prime minister most likely wouldot

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Area , Detroit , Split Out , Border Sector , Vermont , Response Calf C , Guy , Shot , Techniques , Place , Anyone , Ones , Bortac Unit , Guys , Who Shimmied Up , Can T , Wall , Uvalde , Things , Life , Hearing Voices , Carrie Card , Brother , Person , Training Center , Department 17th , Training , Episode , West Point , Camp Smith , 17 , Hospital , Facility , Alcohol , Role , Thanks , Ray Carr , On The Run , Author , Hunt , Bank Robber , You Bet , 30 , Bay Liner Boat , Jet Ski , White Subaru Outback Over , 15 , Planning , Me We Don T , Issue , Factors , Violence , Boston , Preparation , Killer , Ideation , Research , Grievance , Wake Up , Behavior , Leakage , Lot , Way , Show , Shooters , Mental Hillness , Shootings , Group , Vehicle , Bribe , Something Else , Something , Everything , Thing , News , Listening , Case , Face , Cases , Most , Detail , Cop , Suicide , Locations , Offender , Spree , Restaurant , Four , Individual , Amount , Weight , Statement , Fireplace , Military , Don T 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

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>> brian: here we go. fox news alert. two major stories are still moving this morning. overseas a second round of incursion into gaza. targeting anti-tank weapons to, quote. prepare the battlefield for a full scale attack. >> steve: this as the pentagon has confirmed that two u.s. airstrikes happened overnight our time in syria on bases that the u.s. department of defense says were being used by iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps. the pentagon says it was done in response to the 20 attacks on u.s. bases in the region over the last 10 days. today was payback. >> ainsley: they hit syria, right? who really won't fight back. meanwhile back here at home right now, we are 36 hours no an all-out manhunt in maine for 40-year-old robert card. he is the prime suspect. he is in that picture there. in the mass shooting that took the lives of at least 18 people. lawrence? >> lawrence: good morning, ainsley, we have team coverage on the man hunt. i'm here in main outside the lewiston police department all morning long. we also have todd piro on what we are learning about the shooting victims. but we start with nate foy with the latest on the investigation. nate, what can you tell us? >> lawrence, i can tell that you more federal resources are coming in on day two of this manhunt including the elite tactical unit who found the prisoner who recently escaped in pennsylvania. state authorities, local authorities, federal authorities are spread out throughout maine. they did focus last night on a couple of residents, a couple properties in bowdoin. that's where the accused shooter lives. take a listen as authorities were trying to convince him to come outside. . . . >> so, lawrence, maine state police confirmed they served search warrants at the residence. no gunshots were fired. after about two hours they left with no sign of robert card. now, authorities did find his white subaru at a boat landing in nearby lisbon, maine. so there is concerns that he may be on a boat right now. the u.s. coast guard confirms with fox news that aviation units are searching booth behar bore which is about 50 miles east of lewiston. here is the lisbon police chief talking about the investigation. >> this is an active scene in lisbon. we are not going to narrow down to any area. obviously you can see we are in specific areas due to different evidence that's been obtained. >> card is accused of murdering 18 people and injuring 13 more at two locations wednesday night. a bowling alley and a bar. at least three victims remain in critical condition. here are some of those 18 victims. card is wanted for eight murders right now. but authorities expect that number to increase to 18 when they identify the 10 remaining victims, one of the victims you see here, right in the middle is joseph walker. his father talked about losing his son so suddenly and so tragically. >> i go to church. i believe in the lord. i believe in jesus christ. but, why do we have to go through these kind of miserable, miserable times? this has never happened in our two cities. i know if my son was here with me he would say that he is sorry for all the others that are lost and the families that are going through, what i'm going through right now. >> this is a very dangerous man. he is an army reservist, certified firearms instructor, and has a documented history of mental health issues. according to law enforcement made threats to shoot up a national guard base. reportedly heard voices and was committed to a mental health facility as recently as this summer back out here live canadian officials are here to make sure he doesn't cross the border. federal resources invested in this manhunt now in its second day. back to you. >> brian: nate, do you know if there was a reason besides it just being being his house that they surrounded it and is it true the reports that they found a note and it was suicidal? therereports that a noted was f. we have not independently confirmed that. reports that a gun was found in the car that was found right near the boat landing in lisbon. as far as why they are not at the house. there have not been any confirmed sightings of card. buff his family has two properties in bowdoin. so, they were just executing those search warrants to try to find more information and try to find outer with is. >> steve: all right, nate, we thank you very much. and meanwhile, lawrence is live from lewiston maine, is he outside the police station this morning. and lawrence brian is right, there are these stories that are circulating. abc broke that apparently they found a note in the house which we just saw them surround in nate's report and apparently reportedly, it was addressed to his son. they have also found a gun in the white subaru and he left his phone behind. >> ainsley: how many children deshave? >> brian: just one. >> steve: suicide note appeared to be addressed to his son. >> lawrence: yeah. so i have been working with my sources. they have a complicated job doing not just with a marksman but someone trained in the methods that they use. so what you are seeing right now is a split when it comes to the fbi swat team. the local police swat team where they're clearing these areas that are known addresses that are either his or associated with him. there is also some concern he he could be in the woods in the terrain. law enforcement aren't really familiar with that area. this is why you are bringing in the vortek guys in to sit on these areas and sweep them that's what they do. special operations are not able to operate on u.s. soil. they know how to navigate within the terrain. each sector in the country border sector has special operating group but they are kind of split out. and they are not really needed in this area as much so you are looking at the vermont area or detroit area. now the detroit area they were responsible for response calf c. >> this is a guy has a good shot and knows methods and techniques and wait and sees a they do their job. still telling people here to shelter in place. as i arrived late last night, people are very scared, guys. >> ainsley: they are going to do a good job. if there is anyone that can find this guy it's going to be the bortac unit. they're the ones who found calf can't at a who shimmied up the side of the wall. >> steve: helped with uvalde. carrie card married to this guy's brother. she said over the last year he was hearing people say things. we said he was hearing voices. she said this happened within the last few month. i have known rob my whole life quiet but most loving person i know. he had acute episode of mental health. and then when he was training at camp smith training center which is near west point he began behaving erratically according to the defense department 17th when he flight checked into facility. out of concern they thought law enforcement should be contacted. >> brian: thought alcohol may have played a role. >> steve: he was taken to the hospital to be evaluated from there we don't know. lawrence was talking about law enforcement. bring in author of 30 years on the run, the hunt for the most prolific bank robber in history. good morning, ray. >> good morning, everybody, thanks for having me this morning. >> steve: you bet. so, yesterday, we announced that they had found his car, white subaru outback over by a boat launch. now we have learned that apparently the guy owned a jet ski and also had a 15-foot bay liner boat which is missing. >> yeah. that's -- those are all concerning factors. the issue for me we don't know how much planning went into this but there was planning that went into this. you don't wake up one morning and say i think i'm going to become a mass killer today. there is a boston to violence and it starts with a grievance and goes with the ideation and from there the research and the preparation. and so those things take time. and during those times, when he is planning and preparing for this, there is usually behavior that we call leakage, where is he leaking behavior to people that know him. and i have heard others say on this show that, yeah, there is a lot of things about his mental hillness. is he hearing voices. by the way, emotionally disturbed people. when you look at mass shooters, the history of mass shooters, emotionally disturbed people is the largest group of those people that engage in mass shootings. so, this is a very -- this is a big concern because we really don't know exactly what he had in that vehicle. did he have additional weapons? >> steve: right. >> you say he left his phone. why we left his phone unless he had bribe brian because it could locate him. >> you are correct. the phone could locate him. you are correct with that. that's why he probably left that and probably took something else. i'm sure and law enforcement knows this, is that everything they say and everything that is carried out on the news he may be listening. so it's important that law enforcement makes sure that they don't say the wrong thing so that he picks something up. >> brian: why would you think he went to this detail to get away and not cover his face? >> well, most of the times, this is a little bit different in this case most times cases like this either end in suicide by offender or usually suicide by cop. killed by the police. he was able to hit two different locations, some people call that a spree. i think he is more mission-oriented. i think he was looking for something and he had this planned and he was looking to do something or looking for someone. and he didn't find that person at either of those locations then he said i'm done and he went in and shot. and went into a restaurant four miles away. and wound up shooting up that place as well. so, the biggest concern i probably have for this individual right now at least for law enforcement. you don't know the amount of fireplace he has. if he is lying in weight for law enforcement when they go out and they start searching for him in this rugged terrain that they're going to be pl place faced with. >> brian: i heard another statement that he said the military ruined his life. >> well, i don't know, you know, when someone is speaking in different tones talking about things. anything he says you really can't take -- i wouldn't take with -- as being very credible. i don't know what occurred during his military career or during his state. but he was only in the researchers. he was never active duty from my understanding. >> steve: right. the army says he was not a trained firearms instructor which is different than what the cops had released yesterday. >> ainsley: you have to be out of your mind to do, this obviously. wouldn't you think as a parent you would think about your child. how is this going to effect my child down the road. everything we do as parents we do for our children. to not think that through. this guy has to be deranged and at a really low point in his life. most of the victims are men. i don't know if there is anything to that i was reading the seven people at the bowling alley, including a father and 14-year-old son and manager there was one female that he shot and six men. and then they bar there were 8 people. seven men inside, one man outside. and then three people died at the hospital. i don't know their gender. >> steve: sounds like -- i read a couple of things it sounds like he was looking for his exwhich could be the motivation. ray carr, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: this morning we are learning the names and the storms of some of those killed in this horrific attack. >> steve: todd piro joins us live from our world headquarters here in new york with the latest. todd? >> todd: heart breaking to see the photos of the first victims identified as wednesday's tragic shooting. we now know the names of the five of the 18 people who lost their lives. we are learning how some lost their lives. the act in which they lost their lives. many of them trying to get help. one individual trisha asselin reportedly shot at the bowling alley while running to a counter to call 911. her sister says she did not know her sister was killed until hours later. she is calling tricia a hero. >> one of the victims a 14-year-old boy reportedly bowling with his father when the gunman opened fire. and joseph walker, he was a bar manager, was working when the gunman opened fire. his family says their hearts are absolutely broken. and his father leroy walker will be joining us later on is the know. back over to you. >> steve: all right, todd, thank you very much. the cover of the "new york post," lawrence, and brian and ainsley, says definition of insanity. suspect heard voices yet was free to open weapon of war used to kill 18. i was reading one of the local papers up in maine this morning. it says the maine state bureau of investigation, this robert card was categorized as a federal firearms disqualified status. so he couldn't have a gun under federal law. it's unclear which of the laws though barred him from having a gun. but then when you look because they have got the yellow flag laws in maine. then when you look at a list of maine people who had weapons confiscated through the yellow flag laws, mr. card does not appear to be on that list. so, we don't know nip yet a what exactly designated him as a person who could not have a gun under federal law, lawrence. >> lawrence: steve, in these moments i'm often in conflict because, obviously, the main objective is to catch this guy. the second objective is to honor the life and legacy of those that were lost here we have to have a an honest conservation about the sharing of information. if they are not getting to the we can't prevent these situations from happening. if the bureau doesn't know that this person has mental health issues and i'm not talking about someone that is just simply depressed. he said he was going to shoot up a base. he said he was hearing voices. and if the people that runt background checks don't know that is happening then we are bound to repeat this over and o'er again. >> steve: 100 percent. >> ainsley: look at those ace if as they all thought the same thing we do. it won't happen to me. it won't happen in my town. we report it on the news. earpt that of time it's happening over and over and over it. started with the columbine shooting and we have seen more of those type of shootings. that was unheard of whether we were growing up. we never thought we would be reporting on something like that. here we are, this keeps happening. it's always the same story, isn't it, brian? it seems that people that have red flags and no one pays attention to this. >> brian: we know in dallas, too, people knew his background but the military didn't tell the cops. they put him on a list and take his guns and did he keep one back in and did anyone in those bars or bowling alley did they know him? i recognize him. does this make sense and do we know where he might be because of that? meanwhile 17 minutes after the hour, to another fox news alert. the u.s. is carrying out airstrikes in two bases in syria reportedly being used by terrorists. >> steve: pentagon reporting after 20 military bases in the region came under fire over the last two weeks. >> ainsley: mike tobin is on the ground in southern israel with the latest for us. mike? >> mike: ainsley, of course, that's a huge development the fact that u.s. warplanes have struck at bases in the region here. eastern syria, very near the iraqi border, two different bases used by the iranian revolutionary guard. as you mentioned there, it was in response to some 19 different attacks with drones and missiles at u.s. personnel resulting in some 21 injuries of u.s. personnel. one u.s. contractor died of a heart attack through all of the panic and the physical necessity to take cover when those strikes were inbound. but, u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin made it very clear in his statement that this does not represent a shift toward the iranian -- the israel-hamas war which is taking place in the gaza strip with hezbollah's involvement and all of the iran backing it does threaten to open up other fronts in this particular war more airstrikes went into the gaza strip overnight. warplanes are working constantly. remarkable video though as israeli jets hit a tunnel network that was used to store at least some kind of explosive and you can see that it causes a chain reaction in the tunnel network where these explosives were stored. beyond that, israel did go in on the ground again. this was the second night in a row they went in ground. this time a neighborhood described as hamas strong hold. israel says they went in with, new england other things, a combat engineers and on the ground for a long time and that speaks to the idea that these quick incursions into the gaza strip really precursors or preparation work for the larger anticipated ground invasion. guys, back to you. >> steve: all right. mike tobin from the region. mike, thank you very much. >> brian: wow, things are moving quick on all fronts. 19 minutes after the hour. coming up, anti-israeli protesters marched through manhattan. what an embarrassment. closing down streets, causing chaos again. our panel of new york city college students share the hostility that they are seeing on campus. >> ainsley: back to our top story, right now 36 hours into the manhunt for the suspect accused of killing 18 people at a bowling alley and at a restaurant in maine. >> steve: our next guest hid in a church just down the road and says her bible study group sat in total darkness. just waiting. her story coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure. for these services. for the 336 million of us living here. ♪ look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> lawrence: fox news alert manhunt continues for the suspect accused of killing 18 people in lewiston, maine tuesday night downtown road from where card opened fire at bowling alley. next guest attending weekly bible studies. she spent hour and a half hiding in total darkness before law enforcement arrived at the church. versey churchill joins us with more. thanks so much for joining us ermly this morning we are praying for you. you were at a bible study and you heard the gunshots. what did you do next? >> we heard a lot of sirens, actually. wondering what was happening and so we were notified by technology that the shooting was occurring, and so our pastor made sure that the building was secure. we were notified we should shelter in place. we had children downstairs in the building, we brought them upstairs we turned the lights out. we were there in total darkness for an hour and a half. we spent time praying for the victims and their families and the first responders and for our own families who were not with us at the time. overall i felt that we handled the situation very well there was not a lot of panic an awful lot of concern, obviously why were calm and worried and doing what we knew we should be doing. that was obeying the orders by law enforcement officers we spent some time praying and spent some time singing peaceful songs. it was an attitude and atmosphere of peace there which we are thankful for. god did that for us gave us peace we needed through a very traumatic time worrisome time. concern for our city and concern for awe all the people involved in. this. >> lawrence: lawrence ver ssi y to interrupted you, to your point about peace, this is a peaceful town, everyone i speak to they tell me they are not used to this here. even right now used to having guests on set with me. you are still having to shelter in place. what is the mood from your perspective as this manhunt continues? >> i feel like everybody is anxious for the man to be found. concerned it for more shootings. also concerned about the fact, this is affect go ahead so many people affecting people economically, effecting them emotionally. just need to have closure to this as much as we can. >> lawrence: yeah. law enforcement continues to tell everyone to shelter in place. are you confident that they will be able to catch this person? >> i believe they are doing everything they possibly can. if he can be caught, they will catch him, yes. i feel like law enforcement has done an excellent job. i am very thankful for them and for them keeps us safe and the information they give us. i feel like they're being very careful and not doing anything to jeopardize the case against the suspect, which is a good thing i feel like they are doing everything they can for the city. we are a close nit city. we will get through this this gives all of us an to love our neighbor as our several, and we are a supportive close knit city. praying for better days for your community. >> thank you so much. i appreciate the privilege to be on here and to share my love for my community and my faith. >> lawrence: yes, ma'am. thank you so much all right. carley, got some headlines for us. >> carley: special woman. got bless her. new york city reportedly offering migrant as free one way plane ticket for the destination of their choice anywhere in the world because it's cheaper than housing them. according to politico mayor. sending migrants to manhattan office plane tickets after seeing more than 4,000 flood the city each weaker. asylum seekers have booked flights as far as colombia and morocco as well as states like michigan. and the world series starts tonight. the arizona diamondbacks are taking on the texas rangers in game one at arlington. and former president george w. bush is set to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. this will be his fourth pitch in the fall classic. the most memorable was before game three of the 2001 world series at yankee stadium following the 9/11 terror attacks. a memorable moment indeed. be sure to tune in to fox for all the action. coverage starts tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. the game starts at 8:00. those are your headlines. lawrence over to you, my friend. >> lawrence: interesting fact, carley, president bush before he got into politics he used to own the texas rangers. >> carley: he did. they say you learn something new every day and that's my fun fact. >> thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. so fox news alert. overnight anti-israel protest erupting. [chanting] >> lawrence: wow, the talking points of hamas. our panel of college students share the hostility they are seeing on their own college campuses. that's next. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. how do we decide what hotel to book? fear not, i got you. choice hotels has a hotel for every type of stay. like a comfort with the kiddos. spacious! that's what they all say. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. 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[chanting] >> ainsley: uptown, more demonstrators this week seen banging on windows and doors at cooper union college while the jewish students were locked inside at the library. [chanting] >> ainsley: and that college responding to the incident saying, quote: the library was closed for approximately 20 minutes while student protesters moved through our building. some students who were previously in the library remained during this time. let's bring in our panel of college students. thank you all for waking up early and joining us. we appreciate it. we have students from all different schools in the new york area. and you were telling me during the break you are at u penn how some of the big donors are not giving money to these colleges because they are not standing up to pro-hamas protests. what is hang at your school? >> i think big donors and myself penn what they're worried about the university of pennsylvania the reputation is going away at the hands of a few bad apples in the bunch and being guised as free speech. with free speech comes thoughtful, you know thoughtfulness. what we are witnessing right now is students who are chanting antifada a stabbings in israel. we have calls to violence. what we are witnessing across college campuses across the country, is not just speech but actions of violence which we saw cooper union tulane yesterday and berkeley. it's really going to take university administrators to not just condemn it but taking actions against pro-hamas, pro-terrorists rallies. >> ainsley: these are all jewish students. raise your hands if you know someone who lives in israel. if you have family in israel, or served in israel or know someone who being held hostage. all of you. i will start with you down here in the front middle. nyu graduate student. you were a medic in the idf, right? how are you feeling about all of this that there it's almost that people are praising hamas which is a terrorist organization for brutalizing so many innocent people. >> yeah. i'm heart-broken. i think i didn't have a chance to grieve what is happening in my country. i had to go straight and defend its right to defend itself. i walk around campus, and i feel so much hate. i feel like i have who hide the fact that i served in the idf. i was called a child murderer two days ago when someone found out i served in the idf. >> ainsley: someone to your face. >> yes. >> ainsley: how did that make you feel? >> i don't understand how they can make a connection between a terrorist organization and the military democratic country. >> ainsley: right. >> it's really sad to see. i think the educational system they failed everyone. >> ainsley: you are a barnard student which is affiliated with colombia. your school has been in the news a lot. professors aren't speaking out against this. the presidents of universities aren't. what is happening to you on your campus? >> just last week, there was a student who sent out a flier to her student group, and in the email text she wrote zionists aren't invited. when a student then expressed why this is wrong and exclusionary and border line segregation, she responded with abhorrent anti-semitic email. she said things like the holocaust wasn't that special. the university has not yet spoken up about it. i emailed many deans of columbia university and none of them have responded to me. >> what organization is that that said no zionists are allowed? >> it was someone on the board of an lgbtq group. >> ainsley: what if you had said that about someone in their group? what if you had said that about someone of a different race? >> i assume that the university would have automatically condemned me. as they should. as they should. if i say anything hateful about any minority group, they should -- that person should receive repercussion from the university and the university should denounce it. >> ainsley: all right, gideon, what are you seeing at your school, you are at hunter college in the city. >> i am -- similarly seeing a lot of students coming and joining in these protests and not just the various palestinian students on the campus but it's a wide swath of this intersectional group coalescing around this issue. a lot of them are like the lgbtq clubs and there has been a very prominent people explains this well a picture of chickens holding a sign chickens for kfc and below it says years for palestine that captures the issue. if these people were to protest in gaza with hamas, hamas wouldn't take too kindly to their breaking news. >> ainsley: jack, how about you. nyu jr. tell me what you are seeing. >> the thing to me most disturbing the advance every single protest inat initfada ats against jewish people. see people chanting for terrorist attacks against random jewish people is extremely scary. >> ainsley: nathan how about you? you are at ncu. >> it's getting worse and worse by the day. we are at day 20. day 21 now. these acts of anti-semitism are getting more and more extreme. it doesn't feel like we are in america in 2023 anymore it. feels like 1939 nazi germany. it's extremely, extremely hard to believe what we are seeing in today's day and age. >> ainsley: school at nyu tearing down pictures of hostages. >> writing on top of the pictures. they will not come home alive. do you have any sense of humanity? forget about israel. forget about palestine, forget about judaism and islam. this is about humanity. civilians being killed on both sides of this war. have you not seen videos of families being mowed down on live video? have you not seen orphaned children mourning the death of their entire family? do you not have any sense of humanity that you could call something like this resistance? it's unbelievable. >> ainsley: thank you so much for joining us today. we are praying for israel and all of you. i'm sorry you are going through. this we have a fox news alert. 36 hours into the manhunt for a firearm instructor accused in the mass shooting in maine. lawrence is at the lewiston police department all morning long with the latest on this investigation. plus, we're going to speak to our nypd police panel on how neighboring cities are preparing to jump in now. that's next. ♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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( ♪ ) >> steve: back with a fox news alert. we are now 36 hours into the search for robert card, the man accused of killing 18 people at a bar and bowling alley in maine as you know. is he considered to be armed and dangerous. there is he going into the bowl alley. the fbi, u.s. marshals, atf and coast guard joining other agencies in the manhunt and knew border patrol source is telling fox news border patrol agents from the bortac unit will be helping in the search as well. bortac helped with several who he profile cases far from the border, including the capture of escaped murderer daniel cleaft last month in pennsylvania and also helped down in. good morning both of you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: in that list of law enforcement. it is curious that they called in the coast guard, paul. >> i think what that goes to is the fact that there is this river, the androscoggin river runs throughout the area this all occurred in, and that's a big, long river we know he had boats, one reportedly two. coast guard deployed. what does that tell us good chance one of those boats is missing and starting to accept the idea that he might have got on the boat. the car that was abon donned was found by a boat ramp. not by his house, halfway to his house. argue get out of the car on a boat ramp, there could be on that river. >> steve: dr. porcher, sounds like according to sources up there. it sounds like he left a gun. we don't know if it's the gun in that subaru outback. >> yes there was a weapon was that recovered. but we also have to take into consideration because of his marksmanship, he probably had another weapon. he is on the lamb. he had exit strategy. he didn't intend to stick around to engage in suicide by cop. or commit suicide. he wanted to get out of there. so i genuinely believe this is a person that's armed and dangerous and presents a tremendous level of danger to us as the public. therefore, it's necessary for us to take him into custody as quick as possible. i'm thankful that we have all of these resources that are conjoining to do this. >> steve: yeah. there is also a report that from abc, paul, that apparently when they searched the house, they found suicide note addressed to his son, which would suggest that he was trying to -- he knew he would be killed and that's why he his face was uncovered or it's one of those things like, okay, i killed myself, don't look for me. >> right. you know, as darren says, he seems to have had an exit strategy. you have to admit that possibility here that all of this is a ploy. right? and, you know, with all of the dogs and the resources that were poured into this quite quickly, after the event, if he was dead nearby, my gut tells me that they would have located him. if i had auto to bet i'm not sure obviously. under the facts that we have i think is he outdoorsman all these survival skills and military skills. i think is he likely alive. here's the one of the reasons i'm really troubled by that the scope that he bought, reportedly according to some interviews 2,000ed scope that's mounted on that gun you see it in the video skills. it's a thermal imaging scope. what does that mean he? can see in the same way police are using thermal imagery find him at night he can see them. he has the same tech the cops have. it's very good and dangerous at night. >> steve: you know, and dr. porcher, he grew up in that area. the family has got hundreds of acres around there. he knows the forests like the back of his hand. and they are very thick, which, you know, traditional thermal imaging from a chopper might have a problem finding somebody particularly if he is dead they're not going to find a cold body. >> landscape such as this drone technology would be the best course of resource to find this person because, thousands of acres is very challenging for police officers on foot; however, we fly these drones that have thermal imaging as well as intrared. granted, he knows the terrain but the local law enforcement should be at the forefront. local law enforcement is going to understand the terrain better than the state troopers i'm confident he will be taken in soon. however remains the million dollars question as to where he is. >> steve: absolutely paul, speaking of the federal level. according to the maine state bureau of investigation this guy was categorized as federal firearms disqualified status they did not detail why he can't buy a gun. it's presumed to perhaps be related to that incident at west point early in the summer but he is not on the yellow flag list for the people of maine. the feds say you can't have a gun and the state doesn't know whether or not he did. >> yeah. so, you know, this goes to the red flag, yellow flag law. the yellow flag law is unique in maine across the country and what the distinction is only law enforcement can rear you for the due process to get essentially your second amendment right taken away. you can't have the guns and you have to get treatment. red flag laws, family can do it as well. >> steve: right. >> the maine law was something that was considered working. 60 incidents of it. teledoc involved do it remotely. they felt like it was going to be the model for the rest of the country. i think that's out the window. where we are going relative to this event. very clearly imports a lot of these red flag, yellow flag issues. more productive way to look at this. rather than having a second amendment constitutional argument which never gets anywhere. we don't progress on it, coming at it from a mental health side and trying to standardize some of the procedures and protocols for saying this is what you need, this is the due process. there is a limit on the second amendment and go through the courts to do it. >> steve: right. >> that could be a better take away than having the same old argument. >> steve: figure maine is looking at the laws they are probably going to change. >> sure. >> steve: doctor, paul, thank you very much for joining us today. >> sure. >> steve: carley has some other news. >> i certainly do, steve. we're going to start with a fox weather alert. rescue and recovery efforts are ongoing in acapulco. 27 deaths caused by hurricane ottis. four people are still missing two days after the category 5 storm devastated the popular resort city. the main airport is still closed for stranded tourists to sleep on airport baggage carousels. for more on the story download the fox weather app. or stream fox weather on any connected ktv device. mike johnson sitting down with sean hannity in first interview since taking the gavel. the louisiana republican says he is concerned the biden administration is taking the country in the wrong direction and he thinks americans are losing faith in the justice system. >> in my assessment, almost every federal agency under the biden administration has been weaponized. the very agencies that were designed to protected and serve the people are now being used against them and we have many examples of that. >> carley: speaker johnson thinks it has been a, quote, failed presidency. those are your headlines, brian, over to you. >> brian: thanks so much. carley. update on what is hang in the war. another fox news alert. if seems israel is hammering hamas positions from above as ground forces launch raids for the second day in a row. lucas tomlinson is live in tel aviv as the u.s. launches strikes of its own finally in syria. lucas? >> brian, for the second consecutive day, israeli forces launched a mechanized assault on the gaza strip pushing all the way into central gaza before pulling out. they are backed by targeted airstrikes. killing senior hamas leaders and that has continued since the october 7th. as you mentioned, last night on the orders of president biden, u.s. f-16 fighter jets a pair of vipers opposed iranian backed proxies. a statement from the defense secretary reads in part these narrowly tailored strikes in self-defense were intended solely to protect and defend u.s. personnel in iraq and syria. they are separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas. of course some of our viewers might not believe this last sentence. these strikes were the first response after u.s. forces in middle east came under attack 1 times in the past 10 days. similar strike in march after similar troops came under attack. today uss strike group still in the atlantic. some of our escorts just left the azores. carrier should be in the med the next day or two. pentagon rushing other forces to the region. >> approximately 900 troops have subsequently deployed or are in the process of beef ploying to the u.s. central command area of responsibility. these include forces that have been on prepared to deploy orders and which are deploying from the continental united states. >> and those soldiers include soldiers who will separate the antiballistic missile systems, guys. >> brian: lucas, quick question four. you can't see us, just know we have some maps up. the first map is where we hit. it's on the iraq-syria border. yet, that's one area and i'm sure it's vital, i'm sure we are looking to not to make a huge number of casualties. they are very concerned about escalating this thing. and, also concerned about making sure they know we're hitting back not because of israel, because of us. why is that important for the pentagon? >> well, the pentagon thinks israel can handle hamas and hezbollah should they get more involved in this war. this strike was intended only in self-defense after u.s. forces in this region came under attack 19 different times. this is step one in the escalation ladder. as you know, brian, eastern syria is largely ungoverned area, forcest territory. benjamin hall end of isis bakhmut not too far away. this is step one. don't kill a lot of people. do it early in the morning. if they keep fighting you will see more airstrikes. >> brian: fully support that we see this one area here. if we move a map, and you are not seeing this but you know, this lucas, all the places we have been hit since october 17th august around here. we pick within area where there was three attacks. we know iraq almost better than the iraqis does it surprise you. >> here is the problem, brian, iraq's prime minister most likely wouldot

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