Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

israel once again hammers the gaza strip with airstrikes. according to the israeli military, it struck 750 hamas targets overnight, including underground hamas terror tunnels, military compounds and posts, as well as the homes of senior terrorist operatives. it comes as the military, the israeli military informs the united nations that all palestine missions in northern gaza should relocate in the next 24 hours. the israeli military also revealing that it will continue to operate significantly in gaza city in the coming days. a un spokesperson says that amounts to more than 1 million people and us cities and universities are on high alert after hamas calls on its supporters to hold worldwide a day of rage. protests friday, that is today. there are mounting fears those protests could turn violent. now for more on these latest developments, let's turn to senior national correspondent kevin corke. kevin, lauren, i have to say this is one of those circumstances that will have people talking, not just about what's happening from a policy perspective, but again, as you mentioned from a humanitarian perspective, because if the israeli military is trying to usher out more than a million people, the real question becomes what happens? will this have a devastating humanitarian consequence as has been feared, by the way? we also know, in addition to this idea of getting people to get out of the area. usually what happens is the israeli military will tip their hand just a bit to at least to potentially create a corridor. but the issue here is where do you go? do you end up over in egypt or other places perhaps lebanon? and can you make safe passage? i should also point this out. we're still dealing with a major crisis in terms of kidnaping victims. at last report, lauren, at least 150 people had been taken into gaza and had been kidnaped. we don't know exactly how many of those people are americans and this obviously creates another set of circumstances for our policymakers here in washington . how do you go in there? who do you work with? what international partners can get in there? and how do you get on the ground to secure their freedom, if at all possible? and lastly, i want to point this out as well. in addition to this being an obvious devastate eating humanitarian crisis, this is something that could obviously escalate. there are real deep concerns this morning that other nations in the region may decide to get involved. we've already talked about what the possibility that hezbollah could join hamas. what happens if this becomes a wider regional conflict? secretary of state anthony blinken is obviously in the region. he's attempting to coordinate with our partners there. it obviously makes for a very, very concerning time here in the nation's capital, lauren. well kevin, you know, it's very interesting because the pope has actually called on hamas to release those hostages. obviously they have no religious affiliation. but, you know, his humanitarian plea means something. i also just listened to a speech the that reverend johnny moore, who is the head of the congress of christian leaders, is a former head of trump's faith advisory board. he actually flew to brussels to make the speech to call on european leaders. the european parliament, to do something they don't have to just issue statements that they support israel. they can actually do some kind of work. i mean, have you heard anything about any of the european leaders or any thing other than the united states making some really key definite statements about what's happening in this is israel? no, that's a great question. this is one of the things that whenever i and we have these conference calls in the morning, as you know, and even along a beat call, you might hear someone ask that question, tell me exactly who is partnering with the us. is it germany in this circumstance or perhaps france? these are countries that have had long standing relationships in the region. how about other regional powers like saudi arabia, for example? and yet at this hour, at this very moment, it is a conversation that's being had without a lot of progress. because as you well can imagine, there is a great deal of concern that for the next 24, 48, 72 hours, things could likely, lauren, get a lot worse before they even have a chance to get better. it's amazing. you know, you mentioned germany and germany of course, has the history of the holocaust past and they're very sensitive to their treatment of jews and there arn germany, as many of them german citizens. but the german leaders are saying we're not hearing anything from you. you need to speak up because this is part of our history about the holocaust and we don't play that. we need to hear from you. and i think that's going to be important. what we hear from out of germany. yeah, i think that's especially well said. and i would end with just saying this, lauren. it's also going to be important to make sure we hear from other nations in the region. what will they be willing to do to welcome in these refugees? because we're not just talking about a temporary circumstance. and i can even point you and you and i have had this conversation before. i can point you to what happened over in ukraine, you know, poland and other countries in the region were very welcoming, saying, listen, if you need to get out of harm's way, please come to us. we'll do what we can. i think that's another unfolding story and we'll have to keep a very close eye on that in the days ahead, lauren. and obviously, iran is going to be a huge player in how the rest of the countries actually deal with iran. one leader calling on european european parliament to say, you know, you can refuse iran airplanes from landing in europe. that's one thing you can do to make a statement. so spot on. yeah i mean, there are going to be a lot of things that we're going to hear about iran's involvement. that's kind of not a sidebar, but it's certainly an issue that's going to be front and center not too long. yeah, i think you're right on that. and especially as we talked at length obviously today, not just here on fox, but around the country, about the $6 billion and frozen assets. now being held by the qataris and in coordination with the americans. what might happen to that money there are sticks and carrots that perhaps can be utilized not just by the us, but also by our global partners, our global economic partners. what can you do to apply the pressure on iran to make certain that they're not continuing to foster an environment, be that directly or indirectly that allows hamas to continue to operate in this barbaric fashion? lauren kevin, you were just as always right spot on. thank you so much. you bet. and you want to stay with the fox news channel for the very latest on the israeli hamas war. i'm lauren green. now back to regular programing now back to a regular the programming already in progressb . this is our country. how isle this happening on universities in this woke era of this era of political correctness? this era of, oh, if you hurt somebody, it's a little feelings. why is it being accepted by administrations at the top universities in this country? now, these modern i'll call them rallies. you know, you you won't hearor sympathy or condolences for the dead babie condos in israel you're going to blame the victims. you know, just pure hatred for,o quote, the jews and a callpl to push israel into the sea,nihe annihilate israel, wipe it off the map. the face, the that's stuff you hear out of iran from the mullahs there. hef iran fe and now notable figl street. well, they want the namesewin of everybody spewing this hate from these ivy league institutions. g hate from they don't want to e freshly indoctrinated bigots an- and anti-semites, even if they have a degree from harvarsd or other so-called prestigious universities. one private equity billionaire.v he is noersitiw halting all and urging others to follow to you. penn demand the school's leaders resign. why? because they failed to address the very late antisemitism on campus. and it's notnti-semitism just y it's not just the 31 groups at harvard. theyhave dozens of american universities, big and small, are hostinuniversig pro-hamas r. i'm for free speech. but you know what? these are the same campuses that conservatives get kicked ofs kicked of of all the time i. they dare open their mouths. this includes georgetownis incln nation's capital. students reportedly shared what chipss and oreos at a pro-hamas vigil. manygetown, many of the prominent universities, cornell, carnegie mellon, vcu, texas a&m, have deep ties. qatar. setting up official branches in their country's capital city. and wouldn't you know it, qatar also hosts the leaders. of hamas, where they're now living the lifivine of luxurythi in their high rises, all while the people of gaza are being told to give up their lives in the name of allah and that they'll be rewarded with 72 if they kill innocent men, women and children. >> men, people from america, tg satan or israel. the little satansata. tol you know, qatar needs to bed told, by the way, that i fown they're known terrorists, those places will become targets thosr that these terrorist leaders will be taken out. they nees be d to be told in norms, uncertain terms. it'd be nice if we had i nicet that knew what daye mi of the week it was. he might be able to conveyght e that messageto . we'll have to wait for the next president to do that. at least qatar. o presidehat.maybe helping then administration re freeze the $6 billion ransom payment headed for iran. be refrthat was joe's ransom fr five us hostages. you know, joe kind of changedis his mind, but why am i soe is certain he's so committed to giving this money commi to? iran, the number one state sponsor of terror. why do i believe joe biden find some other way to pay off iranian mullahs? maybe he will use, i don't know, maybe one hunter or his families. many shellthose, corporations. now, as it turns out, terr money was apparently going to fund terrorism throughout the world. yes, we've talked about ithe wod and over again in anyway, a pill. now, suddenly too big to swallow for the biden administration. what it only took the worsowt i attack in israel's history for these idiots to evensrl begin thinking about delaying and finally seeing the lighthath of the kind of people that they're dealing with. clearley are y this was only do. i will tell you here firstwill r political purposes now on truth social. former president trump'sh social the biden white house quote, biden's massive loosening of sanctions allowed 80 to $100i billion of iranian oil sales, much of whiconil h the regime pd into financing its bloody campaigns of terror around absolute chaos. and with president trump back in office, israel and everyone else will be safe again. more reaction and analysiswill t to all of today's news in justod a moment. but first, we take you to the groundwe tak in israel tonit where our very own great power court is standing by with the very latest. it seems like this this. for h im4 a.m. 5 a.m. hour that these nextbe 2 hours happen to be hous where all week long, pretty much that israel was striking stris all throughout gaza.peni is that happening yeng yt tonig absolutely, sean. and we're wrapping up night six of israel's war against hamas and isup night s only getg more intense much of the night . we've been witnessing extended strikewitness against gaza, agat the hamas militants. we've been seeing the glow of blasts on the rise. and we're just up the coast from gazn just oa. 00 >> we've been hearing the thousands of explosions, 6000 bombs have been dropped on gaza in just the last six days. that's that's hitting hamas. also getting civilians caught in the crossfire. >> some 1500 palestinians dead . >> at the same time, sean, we are seeing a continuing build of ground forces all around us here in southern israel armored tanks, artillery, some of that artillery actually already being used on this side of the border with gaza, ready to go in along with tens of thousands of reservists that have been called ervists up from all the and in fact, coming from all the world, the unitedg in t states ready to go in whenhe a decision is made. >> and you're right, the grim numbers are building up, 13 200 killed in israel thanks to. the hamas militants, 27 americansthe gr, 150 remained hostage inside. the number of americans now 14. secretary of state. >> blinken was here today. the u.s. is planning some charter missions to get americans out of israel startingng chart tomorrow. and we're seeing a build up of tension along all the othero borders, john. >> israeli soldierong ths killed between lebanon and northern israel. which is a strikes against syria, which is a highway of aid from from iran into into israel. also, skirmishes in the west bank and shootings in jerusalem. it is only getting intense. and believe it or not, we're wel finding some hamas militan militants on this side of the border. si forces tracking themn down even today, just a couple of milestoda down the road from where we are. >> back to you. all right. it's 4:14 a.m. where you are. greg palka, thank you for staying up so late to be with us. good morning to you over there. thank you for that report. joining us now, florida senator marco rubio's with a senator. great to have you. let's get your overall view of how you assess the situation and what america's rolmarco e response should be and what should israel's response be? resp b well, first of all, hamas is an organization that exists blatantly and explicitlydon't to wipe out israel. they say it openly. they don't hide that. and some for whatever reason. n,, us or would ask people in the west like we don't believe these people when they say these things. weingst's it's just a figure of speech. they actually mean this and they're willing to slaughterthey are babies ands teenage girls out in the desert and whatever to doert . and so israel cannot coexist alongside a group like thiss. nation on earth should be asked to coexist with an armed element that, wants to wipe you off the face of the earth and is willing to commit these sorts of atrocities. so israel has no choice. they have no choice. they have no option hereisrael m eliminate hamas. now, what does hamas do? it's part of their strateg y they've done it over and over again. and hezbollah does it as well. they attack israel. they kill jews. then they take off running and they go hide under behind civilians. israel responds, and for a few days, everyone's out there on behalf of israel, now you see a tremendous amount of sympathy for israeleryone i. but then as the days go on, hamas and the others come out and say, look what they'vemas ae look what they've bombed, look what's happened. not telling you, of course, that they're hidintug behind these people. and then people the pressure builds from the west and, the media and others for israel to stop. this time has to be different. e it hasisrael cannot stop until the job is done and america's is to supply them with what they need to get that job done. they're not asking us to fightt . they're not asking for our soldiers. they're not asking for airstrikes. they are sayinthey're not asg ia of ammunition, if we run out of equipment, we'll buy it fromm you, but resupply us. and our answer should be absolutely yes. and that's our job here and it has to get done. well, let's talk about the n factor in all of this. hamas leaders, hezbollah leaders, they're thanking iran ,their logistical support. i don't think there's a single rocketupportthink they would ht iranian support and of iran's desire to wipe israel off the map, their stated desire. so my question is, if it is true that the iranianand revolutionary guard and i have talk in yourople position in washington, my sources have been ver in yprd clear that there is evidence that proves beyond any doubt bt that iran was active and involved in the planning and the plotting d involv of these terror attacks. what do you, number one, agreeta that? can you talk publicly about it? and number two, what should the consequencesn yoan for irans the number one state sponsor of terror? >>te well, it's what the consequences should have always been. it's the reason why these sanctions have always made alway sense, because iran takes every dollar you give them not to build hospitals , not hospi to create prosperity for their people. they take this money to sponsor terroristam, not just hamas.m. it's the houthis, it's hezbollah. it's all of these shia it's all militia groups inside of iraq that target americans. it's what they did in for thos all those years, those ideas that were being built that killed, killee idd, maimedr americans. all of that came from iran. here's the bottom line. nonean.tom li of this stuff mat. all the silly talk people debating. did iran know we're not? no, that's actually irrelevant. hamas does not exist. that is they do not exist as a r entity without iranian support. and they do not have any of the weapons or equipment orme technologynt, or was used in ths attack without iranian support. i think the messagi in supe of e united states needs to be iran is israel is going to take care of hamas if an american is killed or harmed anywhere in the region by, iran or by iranian proxies, these groups, they hide behind. we will consider it an attack by the iranian state against the unitedstat states.ll and we will immediately and strongly respond to. t that message has to be abundantly clear to iran. look, i'm not looking to engagaa in another regional war. i don't think that's what israel's asking for. but wear, cannot allow iran toe this as an opportunity to attack american troops in the region or s american personnel in the region and hide behindre some some group out there that they can then claim wasn't themre that he. >> but we know it wass. that message i hope, has been delivered. it is inexplicable to me, what, senator, that i don't know why. i just can't explainplain, it. just why is it that the obamaon administration or so obsessed with getting money to the iranian mullahs, we know where they stand, that we know that they are cleatheye r and p danger to world peace. a scenariohat created that i never thought would unfold. but it happened in the trump yearwe nevs where israel, the u.s., the saudis, the jordanians, the egyptians, the emirates, all united togethere against iranian hegemony. i've been trying to ask this questiontrying. what is it about about barack obama, joe biden,wants the democratic party that wants to be business with people peop that are state sponsors of. what part of terrorism are they having a hard time understanding? a dise >> because we have a disease in the west of people that are incredibly naiveas at best. nicest thing i can say about them. they think these people think like us. their priorities are like ours. these are radical islamic regimes. that's what governs iran, and that's the ideology behind groups like hama thand, hezbollah as well. they do not value life the way we do for them. deateyh is a form of worship fo them. martyrdom is something to aspire to. they actually openly talk about how israelis in the westerners actually valu about e ,and they actually don't and are willing to die and sacrifice and be martyre ar' for it. and so we think that they're belgians, we think that they're french. wey are frie think that that yoh down with them and reach an agreement on any misunderstandingreach an. not w you cannot not with these people. the only language they understand is strengtitthe i wish that weren't so. but that is the case. th, eis the cultur of difference between their ideology and ours. and we get bit by it every single time. iran will use every dollar we give the y dom to sponsor terrorismm to if, god forbid, they ever get a nuclear weaponsm., they willon use it not not to threaten israel, but to try to destroy it. that is their mindset. that is the mindset of the ideology. i'm not talkin.g about the people. there are plenty of iranians that would love to get rid of the ayatollahs. but thosthat w f the e are the people in charge in that country. and just like gaza, the people in charge therof the ce, people run it, the people who want their own country, by the way, so they can be the governmen sot of this own country, are these bloodthirsty killers, these savages, these degeneratestr? and to believe that somehow weho could peacefully or israel could peacefully coexistw coex . is just not true. it's not real. it's not a reality. they need to be wiped out. israel is going to do it. we need to help them and stick with them, not them. two weeks from now, when the new york times starts writing articles about how terrible this is. every single civilian that dies of hamas. the fault they don't let them leave and they hide behind the deliberatem e, a they do it on purpose. we can't keep falling for this or they'll be backkeep y will l more jews. >> and if they could get their hands on us, more americans. let me asknd if thheir nds on yn senator joe biden is failing to uphold his oath of office hio and enforce the laws of the land and our constitution. atseven and a half millionally people illegally have entered this countryered thi, aided andd by joe biden and his open borders policy. we will have 8 million illegal immigrants, joe biden, illegal immigrants by the end of this year. >> i ai m 100% certain you tell me if i'm wrong. 99% of those people, according to last week's congressional reportaccordin, were never depo. why am i so certain that amongg that group of 8 million people that there are terrorists, people with terrorist sympathies, terrorist le with cells, that have made io this country? y am i i so certain that oneille day we will wake up, we will b e experiencing god, and i pray to god that i'm wrong. but anotheg, br 911 or a bigattk terrorist attack on this country and it will be from people that he allowed into this country with no vettingsoer at all whatsoever. what are the odds that i'm correc the ot in my belief here? >> well, very high. and the reason why is if you take 8 million people from anywhere in the world, any at least 1% of them are going to be bad people. and you don't vet him, but you1 take 8 million from anywhere. i don't care where. and 1% of them are bad people, whicpem h i the number, you know, lot let's say that's the number. that's a lot of people and that's a big problem. but here's the other thing. a lot of people don't realize you can bu's the o.y a passportn buy documents. venezuela will actually give it to these guy, zuela wis, but yoy them in many countries in latin america, someone who comes from some part of the world can buy a document that says their name is, you know, and it makest makt sound like they're from that country. so in many cases, we're looking at documentationco anlook from people that that they bought or that was given to them by an official government document, even though it's a false one. and they come to this country thr their identity. if you put yourself in the position of a terrorist organization, why woulde to you send someone here to go through tsa vetting and all the other things that go throug go a vettin ah when you p walk up to the border of the united states and walk right in? >> border and w they the news, thei how easy it is to get into this country. sos.ountry the next if you were al qaida today, you wouldn't wos in visashese guy . you just tell them, go to the border, turn yourself in, claim asylum, and you'll be released into the country. and in some placesenefit with benefits along the way. th that's just common sense. it tells you that. and the thing that i fear the most is not the organizeg do plot. that's a big deal.u but you have some chance s of identifying and disruptinomg it. it's the lone wolf. it's the one or two individuals tho hear the loa about this daye that's supposed to happen tomorrow. and they are inspireatd to do to take that moment, to attack a synagogue, to kill people in the streets, to turn it in, to kill a day, which is, kill of thef thrts world, a terminology that's actually used. i think that'se worl worrisome. i'm not trying to panic anybody. but, you know, tomorrow, not just tomorrow but in the dayse e to come, the lone wolf attack, that's a real threat in americ w a and across the world as you have this effort to inspire violence coming from these elements. >> it's called the day of . tomorrow. and i would take it i would tell every american, everybody watching, i think you'd agree with meverybwae to be vigilant,t seriously. if they sait, i believe i they mean it. senator rubio, thank you for senat. me tonight. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. all right. and now we turn our attentiourn the 2024 gop primary where the vivek ramaswamy is actually accusing nikki haley of trying to get rich off the war in israel. well, here now to respond is formeespondr and governor nii haley. you know, i've interviewedi ha vivek a number of times. everyone's entitled to theirmasw opinioamy n, you know, but i dot think she's a child i think she is somebody that, like many politicians in a position to get wealthier from war. what the doesn mean? tonigh now he's on later tonight. what would you like to telt,l hm and what's your response to himg ? i mean, sean, i quit responding to him. i don't trus tt him. any c i don't think that he has anyre credibility. he throws the things he blames ,says everybody's bought and paid for with no evidence whatsoever. orit's why i think he's sinkinn in the polls and, you know, quit te honestly, his commentsms on israel disqualified him for me a long time . and so, you know, it doesn't bother me what he says. what i do want to talk. about is the fact that five years ago i gave a speech at, the unalked and that speech talkedabat about the fact that we i had worked with the israelis and they had and those maps were from hamas and hamas basically these maps that said if they were able to get if, these werequic the quickest, easiest ways to get into the israeli kecommunities to kill as manypee jews as they could. and what i said then was we have to make sure that we never let them get cross wt them bar now, i have actually been in israel and seen the tunnels. i've beehen on the border of lebanon and seen 130,000 rockets. looking back at israel i'veaza, been on the border of gaza. i've been in at i a refugeeam camp. i've actually seen how the palestinians live.builg i looked at the buildingsd solv and saw the graffiti that said kill the jews, hate the jews. i've worked with thesh peo organizationpls, the un funds that i stopped u.s. funding that would actually have textbooks and they would have math problems. like itextbof you have five jews and you kill four jews, how many jews are left? so when you hear of anything trying to give sympathy to what is happening in gaza, don't iflisten to because i've beent t there. i've been in those tunnels. where do they put those tunneles ? what do they put in those tunnels? they put equipment. they put ammunition. ththey hide hostages. hide and that's where they hide to try and do harmtory , to isr and where are those tunnels? they put them under schoolwhs, under hospitals, because they know israelis value liftha and when you look at what happened the other day, how horrifice rific it it was wn they were dragging bodies around the streets, what wereyig they saying, death to israel, death to america. that's what we're dealin?g with. >> that's why we have to eliminate hamas. governor, ambassador, like you. i've been in those tunnels like you. i've actually been there durineg ,you know, flare ups that have happened. i've been there when bordern towns. i've been to the bordetherrr of of gaza, where a nearby town the night before had beent hit with a rocket. i've seen the iron dome i'n. tioro i driving a car with a group of people when we were there duringwa the flare up, about 150, 200 yards away, wer sa15w a rocket land and blow up. we saw a kibbutz that had hit the night before and nothing but shrapnel to destroy human beings. i mean, glass and nails. i mean, maximum the hope is maximum destruction capability. and this is a real clear present danger. now, my interpretation of prime minister netanyahu's remarks is gaza will no longer exist in its current form and thatll hamas will no longer be able to operate from there with such close proximity as you have seen with your own eyes, you asi have seen, and fired their rockets from gaza into israeli towns any longer. i believe that capability will wiped out. >> i believe that's the only answer. do you agree? we have to completely eliminate . but what i want the american people to remember is we've seen the imaget what is. and as horrific as they are and as heartbreaking as alisl of ths is, we are saying right now, eliminate hama s. i can tell you, because it happened all the time at the u.n., when they start that ground game, when israel starts to move in to eliminate hamas further, you're going to have all these other countries and you're going to have americans say you need to show constraintg have ame. you need to be able to pull b back. no, they need to eliminateack g. hamas. we are supporting israel now we ag . they've been hit but the more important part is we have to support them when they hitt is whave to back as . don't tell them to stop. they saw toot tell much death. they saw too much destruction. and hamas will do it again.n. we have to eliminate them regardless of how they try hav and intimidate us. and we have to remember the reason we have israel'sthatw back is because it's not that we need that israele . america. america needs israel. they're the frontline of defense, a needs to , terroh and that the next thing they want is america. >> and we should never be soo ao arrogant to think that we don't need friendsga . >> governor, ambassador, thank you for being with us. we appreciate your tim.>> gove. >> by the way, we only haves this fox news alert. there is growing concern deng contonight about these ter threats around the world, as we've been telling you. a callas from the former head of hamas for mass protests tomorrow, support of the palestinians in gaza as asght ty we've been telling you all night, they are trying to call it a day of . >> security is being ramped up . now all across the countryg wher tonight, including where we are in new york citye rk city.,y own jeff paul has the very latest on all of this from our west coast newsroom tonight, where they're also gearing up their for possible unrest tomorrow in los angeles and other cities. >> what's the latest out there, jeff? well, ye. s, john, we'll start were in d.c., where capitol police say they are aware of multiple social media posts calling for that, quote, day of . but they say at this time they are not currently tracking any specific threats. pital po nonetheless, capitol police will be enhancing security on fridaancingy the 13th when ts supposed day of is supposed to occur. in new york, the nypd is all hands on deck tomorrow. cancel they've canceled all vacations and they want every single officer show up in full uniform. new york city mayor eric adams says while thereup is no credibs threat at this time, there will be a lot of protests which coul d spiral out of control. tha >>t new york city is the most diverse city in the world andhe protecting our residents is they most sacred responsibility that we have. we w directed the nypd to surge additional resources to schools, houses of worship to ensure that the y are safe in there, and that our city remains a placthate of peace. >> now, back here in los angeles, we reached out to the fbi field office in l.a. they tell us they are awarnde and, are adding extra security measures tomorrow sean. >> all right, jeff a, paul thank you. also tonight, backlash continuing to grow ove r a letter signed by over two dozen student groups at harvard university, the ones blaming israel alone for the brutal hamas terrorcks ar that have killed now 1300. there's a growing movemente expe tonight by some to expose the names of every individualppe that supported the letter, in part because they don'td ire to hire them at major corporations. they don't want bigotsthem at m they don't want anti-semites. and i don't blame them. and they would liki-semitee to y those people employment opportunities. so what are harvaro deny thoseds and alumni think of all this? well, we sent our very own sara carter to cambridge to find out. >> take a look. harvard became cambr a focal pog we had groups signing letterros opposing the state of israel after this horrific terrorist attack on these communities. and there's been a big backlasha and now it's kind of been retracted. these letters have been d. racteee >> can you tell me your feelings about that? i think it's disgusting. .i think it's shameful. i think it's appalling. i think matter where you come out politically, this is unconscionable. indefensiblecome , unequivocal.fe we should be denied without any hesitation whatsoevensibleouldr i think the school has been weak in terms of responding. it needs to be firm. and when i saw these letters, this lette resr signed by 36 something groups, uh, predominantly arabic and asian ,um, as saying that israel was responsible for the murder of its own kids foot on foot. so people and i felt, okay, you know, calm down, virginia, calm down. you know, people tend to be stupid. i think a lot of people are starting to go or a lot of these organizations are starting>> a lot to go back their word and on signing and saying they don't actually want to have signed th that iecially now think it kind of took off and became national news when it was really just like a harvard thing. yes, there are politics involved, but children on both sides are hurt. like both sides need help,p. as we keep saying, never again ,never again. and once again, never again. >> now, our very own sara carter with us right now. i have to. hey, sara, by the way, it's amazing that some of these people actually go to harvard university because they to be some of the dumbest people i've ever heard. >> but go right ahead. well, yes, you heard the lady in the end, sean. she's a adjunct professor. she's an alumnus from harvard. her family suffered through the pogroms in russibe a and theysuffered fled russia. her and her family, she russeved comin g to the united states would actually change things. she would be in a country, shewr said, where she would be free from anti-semitie shwoulc ism,ah and especially the growing anti-semitism that she faced in moscow. and she said she was stunnede wa and shocked at thes in in anti-semitism in the united states over the past years. ited sta past and how it's grown more so, sean. i've been talkineven g to membes of the idf by phone, by text all night long, all day long. and they say they have a message fo havr the people. they want the american people to see the face people s ,to see the face of terror. i was in actually in israel several months ago, sean. i was along the border. along thi a border tour with thf all along the border of the areas that were targeted by these hamas terrorists. ese terrand in one of the kibbua is that i visited over 29 people were murdered, including two families. er 2and we've seen those horribi pictures. and i think what'sctures and st the people here in boston and those that were shocked by the lettersse thahocked , the that came afterwards was the fact that so that so young people have such a lack of knowledge of what is happeningve such e of in the east. and many of the professors that i spoke to both t on offhes camera and many of the people here said it's because be are being taught and it's because of growing anti-semitisughtm in the united states. and that really, truly is their biggesly t fear. >> you know, by the way,eport, s my great reports are my advice is to get out of harvard as soon as you can in case there ignorance is contagious. thank you for that report. we appreciate it. contaall right.r seni joining us now with moreor reaction, a former senior adviser to president mic stephen miller, former michigan gubernatorial candidate tutor dicksohin and the host of tomil lahren is fearless. there's nois such thing as a fearful tomi lahren. anyway, she's with us tonight. welcome,onight all you comment. let's get your reaction, especially, you know, you are p very influential young people and then you se e theseinto kids getting into the most prestigious universities and they t are as dumb, ignoran, bigoted as any kids i've ever seen. ny kid >> can you explain that? >> i can't explain it. but you're right, sean. it's either evil or it's ignorance. and i'm hoping that it's just ignorance because ignorance can be corrected. evils just ignorance and a lot o but, sean,t. you and i talked about this the other night, ned and i'm still so stunned because this isn't just harvard, these protest s thesestrati demonstrations are going on on college campuses around the countron y. some of them simply saying free palestine, others being much g much more anti-semitic, transparently anti-semitic, saying gas the jew more anitic r horrible propaganda statements from terror organizations that these terror organizations use. this is ugly. this is disgusting. but sean tis and, we talked abs the other night. i am still so perplexed and perplexem still d and so cor where are the other students on these campuses, the students that show out in mass from the lgbtq community and othermps groups on college campuses that are supposedly loving , tolerant, that protest conservative speakers that come to campus? e where are you? where is your voice? you have one.oue you should use it. >> it shouldn't just be the jewish students coming out shoul this. it should be every student with morals and decencd y. d they should be out shaming those that are pro-hamasbe out a and pro-terrorist. but unfortunately, these loud college kids that are always so riled up when conservatives come to campus, they areervativs deafeningly silent right now. that needs to changeil. >> well, tommy, that was well y said. really well said. tutoour reactionr your reaction? >> well, i think that we are watching of what we called w indoctrination for so long. rememberrs, blm has been around for a very long time and thisti blmem has been embracednion by teachers unions, by schools. they've been brought our k through 12. and we know that years ago, the founde2 r of blm was out there talking about palestine and talking about taking dow n the jews. and it was very, very nasty about this. d so they brought this into the schools. the students have been taught schoe stud. sities now, you see in our universities, our students are coming out and signing these documents. well, they should own that. they need to own that. s. their name should be out there so that these businesses can see who signed these. because it's just like when these students come out and say, we don't have to our our school bill because we didn't know. no, we're going to be no longer be the country of no responsibility from. now on you take responsibility, whether it is paying for takf you decidet on to come out on the side of a terrorist group and you put your name to it, own t it, put your name out there. >> let's get your take. stephen miller. well, i had the privilege of working for president trumpda on securing our immigration system from jihadistld tcuring what many americans do not realize is that the foreign students, these schools are often the ones who are agitating against israel, against america, and for hamas. there is immense sympathy among certain populations of students who are here on visas for terrorism. this is a national securityfety issue. it's a student safety issue. ist here suppoy studen on a visa who is expressing support for terrorism, their visa needs to be terminated and revoked and that student needs to be deported th >> and we need to re-introduce president trump's travel bantr e on jihadist regions that threaten our national security because we shouldt of t have sympathizers of hamas, sympathizers of terrorism sympathizers of the destruction and death of innocenthe destt people attending our universities and becoming part of america. >> i tell you, a powerfuoues an th comments by all three of you. steven thank you. tutor thank you. and tomi, thanrok. e come when we come back, hug be news out of washington tonight. earlie my huger before air time, steve scalise withdrew from the speaker's. chad pergram, he will join us live to explain. we'll get fuller analysis from newt gingrich live right here in studio as we 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republicans tonight in the basement of the capitol, and he said he would not stand for speaker. >> so to do next. >> they are on day ten of not having a speaker. that's a problem here. they don't have an operational speaker of the house. weional sp might go to the next. could that be jim jordan, the republican from ohio? you know, he lost not by much, but to steve scalise, icans the closed ballot on wednesday. there's a lot of republicans, th jim banks, the republican from indiana, indicated that he though that het he should be thn that they look at. jeff van drew, republican from new jersey, indicated that they should give him a shot. >> they a bit if it's obvious, over a couple of days, this is van drew, then maybe they should move on to somebody . here's what's going to happen tomorrow. the house republicans will meet again, head to meetings today. they'll have another meeting tomorrow because you can never have enough meetings here on capitol hill. they will meet at 10:00 in the morning and try to figure out what is the course forward. >> will they put up kind of some guardrails, some parameters to what they want to do? >> but there's a lot of republican members who don't think that anybody can get to 217 and they started with steve scalise. >> they believe that might be the case with jim jordan, although it seems like there's a lot more boisterous support for him. >> maybe not as broad there, but we'll see in the next couple of days. it's very hard to read this. zach nunn, a republican from iowa, indicated earlier today that he just wanted somebody who could be the speakers the and they could start to to move legislation. >> so that'slem. the the probled the house can't advance bills. they want to adopt a resolution ,to support israel and condemn hamas. they can't even do do that. and. and there's another quartet of people here on capitol hill who are saying n't get if we can't get somebody like scalise or jordan or anybodywe shoul else maybe wd try to go back to kevin mccarthy, the former speaker. >> you know, he didn't rule that out. during an interview on bret bprogra program earlier tonight. he ignored a question to that effect in the basement of the capitol earlier tonight. and the other thing to watch for, there's another group of republicans who think maybe they should try to empower the spea patrick mchenry. >> he is the speaker pro tempro and say let's formally elect him or give him some temporary powers about 45 days or 60 days or something like that. and that way, sean, they can avoid a government shutdown and have the house run and pass legislation, vote on government funding or be it on dealing with israel. >> ted, can you repeat all that? no. on a serious. >> i know, i know you could. thank you for staying up late tonight. we reallu fog, we y appreciate . we know you've been working hard the last number of days, as always. thank you, sirst couple of all joining us now with reaction. great to have him in studio. let's a warm new york welcome.r >> former speaker of the house news contributor newt gingrich. i walked out. i did not get a standingt ovation. you did get a standinga ovation when you walked in. >> you were tired of sitting. i don't know about that. you know, i'll just say this before we talk about what this mess on washington, you balance the budget four times. yes. it wasn't balanced for decades before. correct me if i'm wrong and it been balanced since. >> right. amazing. only tim e in your lifetime that we've had for a balanced budget. >> you have to remind, as i left alan greenspan, the head of the federal reserve, actually gave a speech saying he thought we would pay off the debt by. 2009. well, that that's the track we were on. so, you know, it takes leadership and it takes an approach like in 1856, it tookvo two months and 103 ballots to getsomeon. mccarthy had 180 votes when. they first went through around scalise, who's a great guy wasn. at 113. well, it's a big mountain. the key number here for all of you is to 17 the current a couple of vacancies to 17 peol the majority. i keep telling people you goe,'t to 17 or you got nothing. and so all these guys ought to look carefully and talk this through. in the interim, i think given what's happening around the world that having the speaker pro tem mchenry empowered, which they could doto bipartisan agreement, had minimum power to bringpowerend the house in, passed significant legislation, particularly about israeicant lp moving forward, which frankly gives him a leg on potentially becoming speaker. but i think you got you can't just sit around for week after week in the modern world. it's a very different environment. at some point, the hardest nosed, most difficult members have to get a grip on themselves and understand this. gea gryou had when they had thee on firing the speaker, the fact is that he had kevin mccarthy had 96% of the house conference vote for him. m fo there were 24 votes for him for every vote against him. but the eight people who i think of as benedict arnole dd sided with the democrats to defeat their owth the dn ande got to come to grips with all this. i mean, it's a, you know, it's such a thin majority. >> right. >> what that's what makes it hard. >> and in the modern world, much more than when i was. enog speaker if you're noisy enough and nasty enough and youh nastyn tv enough and then you use social media to raise money,re some of these guys are raising millions just by being negative and nasty. and so for them, it's a profit business. and i think that's something we're going to again, we have to come to grips with all thistu . the long term solution is to elect 30 or 40 more republicans next year, and then you can afford to have five people who are idiots and it doesn't matter. but if your total margin is five or six, it better get their act together. >>ericans rican people's six patience will run thin very quickly on their side. >> but -- but on the other but hand, you know, the alternative is joe biden. okay. >> on the border. checkmate. i lost. you won. l unfo let me let me asldk you this. you're watching this all unfold in israel. happen overall thoughts, what should happen? well, i would i've been talkin? g to people all day about this. first of all, we ought to state in a positive wawey goal way of liberating the people of gaza from hamas. if hamas was no there,nger the people of gaza could live in peace. they could, theyually have prosperity. they could be neighbors. that will never happen. hamas is there. so destroying hamas is not de for israel. destroying hamas is important for the palestinian people. second, and i hope the congressg will adopt a verrey strong resolution in both house and senate that sayst says the destruction of hamas is a strategic goal of the united states a goal of s, and l will totally stay with israel as long as it takeh israels to y hamas. for us to go through this horrible thing and have hamasng still survive a year from now is an enormous strategic defeat. >> doesn't it really meaat forn though, the gaza has got to be eliminated, the proximity you'vebe elimi there. >> i've been there. it all has to end up looking like hamburg or dresden or tokyo at the end of world war two. you there? what they have to do is allowo e everybody who's a civilian to leave and build basicallyildc build places in the desert as refugee centers long enoughna to clean out gaza, track down single hamas member, and then allow powerful people back in. pet if they if if people refuse to leave there in effect,nd siding with hamas and there then they're going to suffer the consequence of siding the c with hamas. >> by the way, you can see whyoe itquencean see w is heart. a e thing i love about newt is he's a great historian. and ingrhistoria heart is a pro >> and i learn every time frhave you on. you have always been a dear friend of mine with me through my crazy employment journey. and we love having you in studio. do you like the audience you like out of news here?? >> we'll bring it back. we've got to standing upe]. all right. thank you for being here. our continuing coverage of the >> oing covef r israel, when wen as we continue hearing different ways for me to screen different ways for me to screen for colon cancer. ♪ it's time to use my voice. i've got a choice. >> i sat down with my dog. way >> i sat down with my dog. way we had a you just want to say i askedvase for a color guard and di.d itpoi my way. >> color guard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancerve negativ. my way! that's effective and noninvasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false, positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard . >> identify whether because of discomfort, lack of mobility, your lifestyle or occupation you sit in actively way too many hours a day. we all do that sedentary inactivity is terrible for your health and standing for hours is just as bad. it's 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continuing our coverage of israel being at war with hamas. some of our upcoming guests include senator joshs hawley, former secretary of state condoleezza rice. f stather first comments vivek ramaswamy in a battle with nikki haley.he and other breaking news on right on "hannity", e including who's going to be the next speaker of the house as hour of. >> the second hour of hannity starts right now. all right. it0 p.m. o is 10 p.m. on the eat coast, 7 p.m. on the west coast, west coas t, and it is now 5 a.m. in gaza. we begin this hour with a foxexs . troubling news from the leaders of hamas. the terroramasthe terror is nowr tomorrow to be a global day word to take place all around the world, launching. all around this country. they are on high alert tonight, especiallyer many of our. big cities. many universitie s and majorh anot cities are moving forward with another round of pro-hamas rallies in the middle of day. alreadady thisy this week at the university of washington. terrorist sympathizers calling for a violent solution to the, quote, israel problem. for years, these far left universities, they have been punishinave beeng students foro so-called micro-aggressions and missed gendering others ande giving people the vaporsd and you know, they're told words are are violence . but now with actual threats of real violence and threats against the israeli people, threats against the jews, these colleges and universities, their silencuniversie deafeningy do nothing despite the pleas from fearful students that arekr in a state of shock over the hatred and the rabid and virulent anti-semite autism that every university. i want you to pause all of you people on these big school boards. i want you te bi school bo. ty whe every president of every university where this is taking place direg didd, you just hea? that girl. they want us dea d, and you'rewh doing nothing to stop it. why,who is the victim here? why? when you. when you refushen yorefusee to s conservatives on your campuses to speak, it's okay to support openly terrorism. but don't worry. gating they're going after moms speainvestigating with the fbi a as domestic terrorists because they dare to speak out at a schoolchoog board meeting orate people that are pro-life. that rhetoric is atos as it getr supporting terrorism as long, it's directed at people they don't like. you knowokaythey, they can doav whatever they want. we have a serious festering, very real problem at america's colleges. they're in colleg doctrine, nation centers. this is not an education. t and must be addressed in thise country. but tonight, all eyes remainmair on gaza, where strikes are continuing even into this hour. here witit was the very latest.i he's on the ground. he is in israel. elit is now. 5:03 a.m.. his time. greg powell card is withs us greg. the latest now. yeah, hi, sean.p to yeah, we are wrapping upni night six of israel's war against hamas. >> it's a bit quie. t now, but it has been intense through this night. >> much of this night we'ven been witnessing extended harstrikes by thsinge israeli fe against hamas militants targetsa in gaza. sometimes one bombing we witnessed. we see the glow. we hea e see thr they one one every o 5 minutes or so. of course, that'.s doing a lotas of damage, not just to the militants, but the civilians caught in the crossfire. 1500 palestinians are now thought to be dead. bed yes, we cae osn to see the build up here in southernwec israel of the army waiting for the word to go in to gaza. we're seeing armor, tanks, artillerd to gy some of that acy actually being used against gaza right nows an on the other side of the border, as well as tens of thousands of reservists being called, called up, waiting fors bein wod and the grim numbers to build 1300. now thought to be killeds he by hamas militants here a in israel. 27 americanscans, 150 people re. hostage inside gaza. wewe think it's about 14 americans right now. >> on thursdayput , we put a fae to those numbers and we wentf to the funeral of a 22-year-old young lady who went to thatt music on saturday that turneda into a hamas bloodbath. k an >> take a look and listen. . pure, unfiltered, raw emotion. a >> tears and pain and the huge crowd gathered at the cemeteryll in the town of dara in central israelr th. for the young woman kim dante, who hid in a bomb shelterterror at that festival and then died in the terror bloodbath followinina shorg a short life h she gave much to her country, her people, the arts in attendance, family, friendsto ,ones, townspeople coming outs o to pay their respects to showy their love. >> she was full of life, very happy, very intelligent. she just wanted to do everything good in her life. just went to a party and neverom came home bee because those people just murdered them in cold blood without any chance. >> she was amazing. girl with a big smile, always like sure her love to everyone when she was there, everything was a little bit better. >> sean we asked kim's mother if she could sum up her late daughter in a word or two. she just replied, a smile. a smile, no more. back to you. powe thank y r cut. thank you for the report. thanks for staying up early in the morning like this. joining now, missourith u senator josh hawley is with we here to explain explain. well, let's start with our colleges, our universities. we had a debate on thisan show last night, senator. we had cornell west and alan dershowitz debating this issue. cornel west mostly. agreeing the with the harvard groups, all 31 e of them on issue of blaming israel and israel. only. >> and he said they just needed to be more nuanced. talking and i'm like, we're talking about supporting terror lists. how is it that, you know,a a prestigious university that i covered can be so could could have students this, frankly dut makes me wants to to send my kids to a state school. state any day over that institu you know, and that same institution, sean, as i recall, was quicquick fly the fy of ukraine over harvard yard. but now when israel is under attack, they're terrorists are murdering children cuttingwt off the heads of babies. they want to wipe israel off the face of the facee let'sy je be honest. they want to they would kill every in the world if they could. in thecould.what these terroris and to be silent in the face o of that or celebrate it c as these crazy student groups are doing what i want to know, sean, is who's funding these student groups. i hope that the do ing thj is investigating where the money is coming from. >> are there terro err groups who are part of these networks who are infiltrating our campuses? i mean this is crazy stuff t that we're seeing on these campuses. and for these administrators to have their hand out to take federal money, taxpayer money, and atl and the same time be silent or silently condone this kind of terrorism is just it is grotesque. >> let me ask you about the letter >> sean: that you sentt to to secretary of state blinken demanding more travel assis and guidance for americans stuck in the conflict. tad guidanthe initial comments e biden and his administration. pretty much wes admini are sorr. commercial flights are canceled. stay in touch with the statestat department official. sounded an awful lot like, o lih we will not abandon americans in afghanistan. and to this dad toy, theredn't e are americans caught behind enemy lines because joe didn't keep his promiseise, nor didn th he keep his promise to our allies in the region many of which have been killed as a result of him not keeping that promise and get them out of there if such a day ever occurred. so i ask you. b they had no plan. they seemed to be pressured into doingto that. they don't want to do. and this is one of them, because i gues s they today they will do it finally. >> well, thi s is the secondd amer time in two years now, sean, where we've had americans who are strandedice n in a war zon. and the administration seems to have no ide a what do and you're exactly right. their initial response was literally buallybuy a ply planen that's what the pentagon spokesman said. i'll go buy a plan e ticket. americans can't buy buy plane tickets. there are no flights. there are administration comest today, says, oh, we're going to try to get them out. they are makine g some effort. e it's too little too late, in my view. we'v ie americans who have been kidnapped, we have americans who have been killedo . somebody from my home state of missouri is among those who have murdereamond thererrors in israel by these terrorists. so there's a lotts the for the administration to explain. and let's not forget, the ultimate explanationthe isi joe biden give $6 billion to iran when they were helping plot? itwhen they were h seems these s unforgivable? >> can you can you can you answer your own question? why? why why is this obsession with obama and biden to give all those money, billions of dollars to, iranian mullahs?n >> you know, i don't know jus the answer to that other than i think, frankly, they just don't seem to like the staten'tt of israel very much. and listen to this. i mean, they've also given li, millions treds of dollars to the corrupt palestinian leader s. and we now see where that money is going. i mean, we see what it is being for in these attacks. there shouldn't be a dime giveee to these corrupt leaders, not a further dime. and, of course, that iran mone that should never, ever have been given it needs to be withdrawn immediately. weo berawn shouldn't be negotiag with terrorists. this is joe biden's foreign. . on display on exhibit. it is total chao s. it is disaster around the world. and ultimately it is danger for r the united states of america. >> we can now hear and seeherou, in the background, and this has happened every night this week when we've been on that 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. in gaza, where, eing you know, we are now seeing explosions seen and reportedt in gaza. you can hear it. you can see it in the backgroundin. of there's been a number of ofthat rockets that have gone off w in just the last, you know, literally 3 minutes as we've been on the air. and they continue to come in. apparently rently m every minute or so. this seems to be a moment. prim if you believe prime minister netanyahu, the middle east will never be thmie and that that this will be his militaryn reaction when this ground incursion begins. this will reconfir wilm securell the middle east. and number two, he said that it will be talked about for generations by people in gaza. that sounds to m sounds e he's g to annihilate the threat that has been gaza. as beethat has existed now for h a long period of time, decades-d . the israelis. it sounds like those days are over l. well, i certainly hope that the prime minister doer. s whatever heisrael needs to do to keep israel safe. they need to be able to keep say their people safe and listen. by keeping israel safe, he will help make the united states ofgl america safer because these are terrorists. we shouldn't be shy about saying it. they are terroristthese are s are butchers, they are murderers, and they would kill every terrobutche americanw they were finished killing the israelis. so it is important that israelhe be able to defend itself and that the united states give israel all the the support thatt needs. and frankly, we need to be we need to be putting togetheralito a coalition of people. if i may. hang on. >>ator hanget back to the coalih that is a live bombing that you're hearing right now in the the the real sights and sounds live in happeningse as you're speaking. please go back to your commentos . >> did not mean to interrupt you. not at all. i justt i justs impo think it's importab that right now that the united states is very whning happening's here. we need to speak with moral clarity, which is what we se as evil. anrit what we are seeing is terrorism and the right the state to israestate ofael has a right. it has a right to defend itself . and the united states needs to be 100% clear. we are going to stan00% clead ws they defend themselves and their people. >> all right. josh hawlethemselvy, senator, m thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate it. no, thank fog w you can hear the bomb going off in gaza 1 as speak. here it is now2 mi, 12 minutes after 10:00 here on the east coast. that's 12 minutes after 5 a.m.. ha gaza tonight, it seems that these hours that we have been on have been hourn ons of heavy fire by israel into gaza. obviously leading the way intoae what is now a very predictable w incursion that will be taking place. we now have the positioning of israeli troops right near the border. over over 100,000 of them ready to go in, over 500,000 reservists are on the ready as well. all right. we saw this, by the way, in our first hour. we heard from 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley, who joined us and, hadho this to say about her gop rival who attackedvek vivek ramaswam. >> take a look. i don't trust him i don't thinks that he has any credibility. he throws the things he blamesh. ,says everybody's bought and paid for with no evidence whatsoever. it's i think he's sinking in the polls. and, you know, quite honestlw, e his comments on israel disqualified him for me a long time agofied him. >> and so, you know, it doesn't bother me what he says. all right. here, noys.>> seaw to respond, d republican presidential candidate, the vake ramaswamy ll is with us. you know, i was a little surprised. i know you were on with tucker. and i'm open to anybody's opinion. but you kind of what you're doing here is sayingayin about nikki haley is you're saying that her concerthn, isran is is driven by financial and the corrupting influence and your explanation that there's disproportionour and focus on , kidnapping and murder of of jewish you the jewish people in this attack and that they're in your quote and that there are frankly financial and corrupting influence says that lead them exactly to speak the way they d o sean thatthat i is sean that is a shamefulshamef mischaracterization. >> wait a starting right >> i mean the exact waew.y you u this and, every single interview from you say, and you deny it and you deny your own words. so, you know, why don't you just always say and stand by it and stop playing these games? >> what i sa these gamesy. ownn >> sean. well, i'm just telling you what you said. morning. what i say. what? . you.well, i'm telling you, you' guy to see me, remember? >> what are you, six any timei o they want. yeah, i absolutely do. and solutely sean maybe we haveur a debate that we need to have in our party. >> what's happeninga was in azerbaijan and armenia was a separate discussion that i had. and i do believe iscussion that i that. >> it is shameful that azerbaijan is getting away with what they are because . rful >> they have a powerful lobby in the u.s. but it is shameful to extrapolate to the comments e in israel where, to be honest, i have been crystaful clear, that what's happened is barbaric, it is medieval, it is wrong. and israel absolutely said this since day one. say it. now has the right to defend itself to the fullest extent. where i differm from other candidates in this field is that i also believe ak that this is israel's decision to make. >> the u.s. should stand with israee l, but we need to be very careful not to enter a broader regionalroader war ina middle east. >> that is the single i have not madeave no single republicas vague. i've not heard a singl ie republican call for that, but i really want an explanation here. >> ai don't. i want an explanation to disagree with. can i finish? y i an exact explanation for ext your exact comment that there are, frankly, financial and corrupting influences lead them exactly to speak the way that they do. >> now, why why would you sendl cr a lot of the financial corrupting influences that nikki haley is taking a position on? we've got pictures of dead babies, the capitobabiesl raide, burn babies, bodies. sean, we've got the equivalent of what would be population wise in the u.s., over 37,000de dead americans. so how muc youh more evidence, steve, what are you talkingppenn about? sean what i'm talking about is what's happening in israel is an atrocity. >> the u.s. absolutely, in answer to my question, should>> sea stand with israel. >> answer the question. question which is the corrupt the influence on our politicians? well, the fact of the matter is, i think anybod politicit ofy who has been a military contractor, anybody who has made $8g on million, including on serving on the board of boeing, collecting options while running for us president on corporate board ps. >> has money made money from thr military contracting through family business? is disqualified from being the us president in a time of war? i think we cannot see our march to world war three in this country. my top priority from a foreign policy perspective my top of ist we avoidable. >> let me be straight with let me let me let me . >> because would you choose to secure the u.s. homeland? what youexcuse all words? >> if you want me to answer. the question now, i've given you plenty of time to answer the question e givety . i'm going to now restate your words. frankly, financialg to influencs that lead them exactly to tothey speak the way that they do when they talk about atrocities with israel that know now i you're telling me that if somebody in some capacitacity w they talk about atrocities from israel, sean, don't mislead your audience. >> that was noatrocitiisraelt we talking about your life, you want to know what yo u you a are saying. >> okay. you are saying that there are frankly, dre sayine e franklo i audience and corrupting influences that lead themnfluence to speaki that they do. now, if you're saying those with those exact words of yours, you're not denying them you again, are you? those are your exact words, if that's what you're saying. my questioe n is simple to you.s you're saying that if somebody works for a defense contract , that that is a financial corrupting position when when ci national security and defenscaem is critical to the cause of freedom and has been throughout human history. i want to know why would cor you accuse them of being corrupt? i don' >>t believe? >> well, i don't believe n that somebody should be ablenete to be the next commander in chief if they have monetized their timer time in government,i from being in debt to making $8 million through military contracting businesses, through servichroughe on, the boardsomeo of boeing. >> frankly, it is shameful for somebody to be collecting stock optiondy tk s from corporate bos while they're running for us president. we already havng fore one familw in the white house who i believe has sold off our foreign policy to advance their private interests. >> the republican party needs to be better than that. >> needs to be a party where if your campaign is principally giv being run by super pacs, people can give unlimited amounte unlimis money to your c. i don't think that befits to the republican party. n >> think we need to be better iv than that. so, sean, you and i may have a different view of a different my view is if you're making money off your time in government, then i don't think you're fiterent view. mone e in to bemportant president of united states. >> well, more importantly, though, what's our policr y stad with our allies while avoiding world war three? >> and that's where i'm at. wh thra lot of people don't thik you're qualified because you weren't even a republican or a votinreg republican.can whathat, 2020, right. >> well, sean, when did you first depends on what your objectives with this interview are. >> i voted libertarian in my first election. el id republican in 2020. you're right. i'm not a partisan hack. i coming from the forgive you for your strong, independent minded patriotism, it sounds to me like you just wantde to jump from the from the private sector yourself where you made a lot of monee p by the way, i applaud capitalism. i applaud successful people. >> sean, i thank you for w being so transparent about the people working in thorn the of a country in the defense industry are playing a vita l role for the role role for the cause of freedom. soso i don't rea i really call t a corrupting influence, which suggests that somehow that's a corruptingat s news alert. i'm kevin corke in washington. us defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in tel aviv moments ago, according to a defense official. he's expected to meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the minister of defense, as well as the israeli war cabinet secretary austin's visit comes as the israel-hamas war enters its seventh day. just hours ago , the israeli military informed the united nations that all palestinians in northern gaza should relocate within the next 24 hours. the israeli military also revealing that it will continue to operate six efficiently in gaza city in the coming days. a un spokesperson says that amounts to more than 1.1 million people having to leave. meantime, us cities and university here are on high alert after hamas calls on its supporters to hold a worldwide day of rage protest on friday. there are mounting fears that those protests could turn violent once again. us defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in tel aviv moments ago. he is expected to meet with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as the minister of defense for the country and the israeli war cabinet. of course, we will continue our look at what's happening and bring you live pictures and updates throughout the morning right here on fox news channel. in the meantime, i'm kevin corke, washington. we're going to send you back to our regularly scheduled program after this quick time outout. have you ever felt leg pain, restlessness, cramps tingling, swelling, numbness, itchiness or if 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prevention. >> welcome back to hannity. hamare continuinuing tg to monir the war in israel with hamas. here for a a exclusive intervie, her first since the terror attacks this past weekend, former secretary of state, current director odirectorf, tha institution. and by the way, member of august, of whicugusta wh i'my jealous. condoleezza rice is with us. dr j. rice, great to have i've not seen in a long time.. i know you in a long time, sean. >> good to be with you. great to have you, as usuag l ta you know a lot about terror, you knowve , when you extrapolate out, i've been trying to give perspective as tveo how this attack was over 1200 dead israelis as of now and probablyw will bile by the time the count is full and complete. >>lete. and when you extrapolatn that out and you look at the the population and you apply that same precisio applyn age te us population, it would be the equivalent of losing over 37,000 americans in a single day. wegl 2977 people on a day, you know. well. nine 1101 and the magnitude of that. i don't know if people understand that around the world. what does it mean to you? well, the magnitude of it is extraordinary and i'veean, said to people, sean, yes, there are the live, thers that e lost in that way, but it would new s if the terrorists then went into small new york towns and slaughtered up close,y that they exterminated people, that they cut off the heads of babies. this, the scal the scale of this brutality and this barbarity is something that we really haven't seen in a very, very long time. and i thinbarity ithing ween't to look at both sides of it. the loss of lifeit is horrendous for what the people of israel are feeling, terms of the shock, of what this was like. i just can't even imagine it, even after having been myself, the national security adviser, on september 11th. septr 11i aml of ants at the level of anti-semitism that we've seen both around the world on our own college campuses and cities and towns across this country? did you ever think you'd see gas thople in australia saying gas the jews, the jews, or have you? no. tomorrow day of all over the world, which should scare anybody in any city that wouldn't be a targe t. ghti pretty frightening times. madame secretaryng madam, is tht i'm very i'm i'm i'm shocked by it and i'm saddened by itan sean because that anti-semitismo is just beneath the surface in a lot of places. i did a lot of work with thees. the anti-defamation league when i was secretar when y i spoke aa couple of events that they had. and this kind of hatred is something that i afraid hase been a part of the fabric, unfortunately, of civilizeic unm a long time. and so, yes, i'm saddened, but i am hopeful that there hopf are voicesul that speaking strongly about the hate, thathat this is are speaking about and condemning this terrorist attackeeming. and that's that's what it was. it's a brutal terrorist of thef kind that we haven't seen since perhaps, perhaps isis's wasperhp roaming around the middle east. and so, yes, it's -- it'iss i do think it's an opportunity. and places lik oppe our ownes t universities to say to our studentssa take the timeim to understand this this unde in the middle east, to understand that israelis have triedt, to help palestinias to a two state solution. and a lot decent palestinians have tried to. we've gottene close to peace. hamas and hezbollah and palestinian islamic haved done to dash the hopes hopes of innocent palestinians. and so they they these are note the the liberators of the palestinian people. these are the painian e oppresse palestinian people. and these, of course are the barbarians who attacked the israelis. >> what do you make of the reports "wall street journal" and many other and even hamas sc and hezbollah leaders admitting that iran's involvement in this iraning iran is the number one e sponsor of terror? to me, yes, i think they've gota to be held accountable. to me, that would mean military action in this sense. and i'm not saying necessarily even by tht necessare united stu taking out their refineries, because that is source of theird income to fund terror. >> and number two, we knowcleara where these nuclear facilities are and if there was ever a marriage between the radicallh mullahs ideology and weapons of mass destruction, i believe s they would use them. but these sites where we know or deep buried underground, it would be a very militarym mission to take them out. but i the world has to atly soo some point, probably soon, take them out. >> your reaction? >>d start by saying that, yes, iran, a state sponsor of terrorism bears some responsibility for what has happened. i know there are questions ppened.e know about how directly were they involved. but, you know, we knowt iran that iran is the major the primary funder of hezbollah of of hamas and palestinian islamic. they are the the trainer of thee groups. ced of course they were celebrating in tehran when this happened. en thithe question of what we do more broadly about iran, i think, is an important one for starts. let's not go back to the pretense that we can have an agreement with the iranians about nuclear facilities. let's not go back to the place where we're releasing funding to the iranian mullahs. for then just use that funding foron hezbollah, hamas.n that would be a good start. and let's try again to isolate the iranians in the way that we had earlier in the bushstrati administration and in the trump administrationon t. ith the idea that you can you can deal with the iranians, th you might find reasonable ways to deal with the iranians. it seems to me that this is just one more example. what we've seen over the last few days that the iraniansians are a revisionist power.n they are the most dangerous power in the region. regi, sean wee waye gave up military facilitiesy in afghanistanfa a country that has a hundreds long border. with iran. that wasthat w a in its own rig. and so how to deal with iran? in i think it starts with isolating them. i think it starts with whattualy actually biden administration has done. i think sending the carrier battle group t bidenration hs in is a good idea, but this should really is erase any notion that the iranian regime can be dealt with. >> former secretary of state condoleezza rice has been too long. great to have you back. good to see you. thank you for being with us. wrngt. h and straight ahead tonight, tray yanks caught on camera. israeli capturing a palestinian today. we're going to show you that tape. and growing questions over captckraeli intelligence was unprepared for saturday's attack and concernr th fore the future. what does that mean? that's next as we continueconti thank you for being with us. >> hello. i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting if you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy. i 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actually had to dodge bullets while reporting on the ground. >> take a look at this. takewe just heard a gunshot and they're yelling at people to get out of the area. can e thsoldiers get down, get down, get up, lay down, lay down. >> totally flat. so here you can see things are very tense herre.e were te. there were two gunshots and now they have someone on the grounon . >> go backow right now. very tense right now as these soldiers appear to be arresting a palestinian man. they havmae in handcuffs right now. and you can see they've blindfolded and they are taking him away. you can see here, lem . e leading him away they've blindfolded this man. and it appearst they haveho captured yet another militantro who entered from the gaza strip. >> you can see how dangerous it is for l all reporters, all networks. we know exactly what hast happened. for example, you know, look at look at our own benjamin hall and whabenjaminl t happened to him anyway. look at these images. they are livt thesimage. this is gaza now. israel is is that is live that. those are real bombs off as they continue. i guess what is the lead preparation up until you know what we expect to be a groundo incursioben any moment even.e wi anyway, who is more israelithe counciisraell for media affairs? itai milner is with us. sir, thank you for being here. >> everybody. welcome him. him. israel has been sending messages to the innocent people of gaza. >> get oute innoce peopl. because if you stay, you will die. it shows the concernit, compassion for not having what we call collateral damage g ,innocent people losing their lives. that has gone on for for days. we now know that israel hase fo amassed massivrce force on the border. a ground incursion is expectedc. . the prime minister's been very clear. what are we expectin e g? and the only thing that we can expect is that we will do everythingeverythi possible to eradicate this threat. we cannot live with this anymor te. tried we tried to contain it fornd years. we try to defend ourselves to all kind of like protective defense machinery, like rockets. but, you know, nothing works. at the end of the day, it's a threat it'reat t it' us and it't to the world. it is a threat to thhee world terrorism is a threat to the world. >> again, live bombing going agn gaza as israel now pre preparing the way for the ground incursionpa . >> let me let me ask you if israel wants to neutralize forever the threat that is the close geographical proximity of gazicala to israeli towns, border towns. does it havengs do to eliminate? >> because it seems like w that would be the only wayould h are not there to wipe out gaza. we are thereer to. wipe out hamas. yes, it is challenging because it's a very smalg l area. i'm sure you know i've been there. yes. know.and hamas will do everytht can to actually put its people in the frontline. and this time, even our people and your peoplpl people. and it's going to be challenging. know, has beenthe idf there before, never in a situation like this. but i'm sure that they're going to do the right the right job. g toso but how do you possiblyu distinguispoh. >> you know, we know the tactics of hamas. it's a terrorist terro. we know they use innocent men,s women and children as human shieldhuman s. how do you possibly, you know, delineate between those that sympathize with terrorists, those that are terrorists, are with innocent? civilians? >> how do you possibly do that? you know hamas, is responsible for what's going on there. and we can't b e responsible fore everything. we're going to try to avoid collateral damagtr avoide. and we were doing it for years.o but at the end of the day, it's on hamas. d e puand if he puts his people on the on the front lines, if he uses thes pe people as human shields, that's for them to blame. >> sean: wd expect us any any m now the ground incursion. >>rsion. i don't want to put more details, you know, to reveal when where we're going to attack. i can can say that it's goingyo to happen. >> you know, can you tell me privatelknow can youaftey and a later on, i'll i'll text you. >> they give me all the detaili . >> anyway, i'm praying forr inno innocent people that their lives be saved. and it is a devastating. blow and a shock to you and to the conscience. you have a very smallous. population. you have a very small geographic area and you deserve peace. and you deserve and have every e right to defend yourselves to whatever need you have to use, whatever need of force you need to use. thanank you,k you, sir, for bei. >> thank you. and thank you to the united states. well, thanouk you, sweetheart.o thank you.ns o tonight, there are growing concernsle intel of a possible l failures connected to the brutal hamas terror attacks. u.s. officials are now saying that iran may se sayine ans opportunity to attack american forces with growing instabilitinstabily in the regi meanwhile, house foreign affairs committee chair mike mccauchl now saying egyptel warned israel days before brutal attacks. he joins us more along with former deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force developmente . our elbridge colby is back with us. congressman, let mbaite with yo. you know for sure that egypt gave intelligence in this ga warning that this was coming to israel days before. >> there were signs, sean. the fact is hamas had beenprep preparinarg for months, maybe six months to a year, goingwe dn undetected. we don't kno'tw what levels intelligence was shared with. i seriously doubt it got to be if prime minister netanyahu's desk. i know him very well. if it had,t i think he would have been fully prepared for the assault. but it's there. 911 as you've talked 9/1 about d as we had a failurek, y of intelligence, i thinkou k, k, you have to look back on this. both israel and th thee united states is how how did this happen? why 't we segg ee it comin before it happened when they were preparing for maybe six months to a year in gaza before this horrific attacisk m, occurred? >> well, i mean, at the end of this, i'm sur ae that goinggg to be a lot of, you know, second guessing how this could possibly happed possn. congressman, you would agree with me? i'm pretty sursuree that israele the gold standard when it comes to intelligence gathering between the cia and israel's intelligence forces. i think you're looking at the best in the world takingin, asiw deep staters that would abuse their power, which is only the upper echelohin not the rank and file in our country. would you agree with that? im i it seems like almost an impossibility that they could miss this, especiallthat they if they had a direct warning. correct. i think the gaza very difficult in terms of human intelligence, sigint, intelligence. it's hard to break through. therugh there. but the fact is, you know, it this happened. i and i think moving forwardth, i support prime minister force a netanyahu's full force attackroh in gaza to eliminate these terrorists from the face of the earte e rth.h. i think he's absolutely right in that. i was at this this kibbutz one year ago with kevin mccarthy, where they had beforec they dropped 4000 rockets ary on them. e peop and, you know, i saw all theseli people in the daycare center and i got a call last sunday after the attack telling messace that everyone was massacred in that villagd e and the daycae center, the babies and the children tren, slaughtereded. and beheaded. this is just evil and al l roadsads le lead to iran. i agree with all of that. >> se are live imagesrigh right now. gaza under heavyt no israeli fi this just breaking this fox news alert. , foisrael has told the u.n. t to evacuate the northern gaza strip within 24 hours. means maybe sometime this time tomorrow night, the ground war will have begun. let me go to you, if you don't l mind, elbridge colbyby a, and ar you first your reaction. israel telling the u.n. to evacuate the northern gazae a strip within 24 that is about as clear a sign. itlear is.em >> this is imminent. you >> well, i think that's right.pb and i think this is thisabf is probably a harbinger loo of what's to come. i think the way to look at it is president herzog of israek l in response to some questions from reporters, said, you knowsg ,i if somebody is preparing to shoot a missile out of their kitchen, what are you supposed to do? so, i mean, clearldy's pretoot l was just saying they are takingc precautionautis and should and that's right. but they also have to be effective. and, you know, hamas s conducte has has conducted what is equivalent to their 911. an. we right to respond to 911 by going after al qaeda in afghanistanaeda and so forth with with, you know, a sort of cold furyf cold and, you kno, israel has the same. >> right, i think. yeah. let me ask you y as you watch this, this is livoe fire that we're watching at this hour. as you seehour , and you put thisn to together with this israeli warning to the u.n. to evacuate gaza within s 24 hours. it seems to meeems that the israelis are making their final preparations terms of taking out specific strategic sitesad u in gaza for the lead up for this war. one of the things i would be most afraid of if i was with the idf or planning this attack and, sending troops into leza, is that i would imagine in these days leading up to this, that the hamas has many booby trap, probably many ieds probably would attempt to stop any movement of any israeli troops. how big a danger would that be, in your viewdanger w? i think it's very dangerous'r and i thine trk they're trying to prepare the battlespace. but i mean, what we've seen, i actually tak ie. exactly. you're in congressman nichols view about the quality of thabte israeli intelligence services, but even this rightly vaunted intelligence service wasan surprised by an area that they really kind of control from an intelligence point of view or ll have high level of surveillance over. so my sense is theovery are take the precautions, but they are prepared for a bloody fight that might look like some oftions the expeditions they've had in the north forth had the 2014t campaign. it's going to be a long, hard struggleo beg hard, but they hae to restore deterrence and we should have our, you know, have t askinget they're not asking us to get involved. we don't want to get enmeshed in another m large middle easten war. but we should be able to back up our very close allyt we , israel. and, you know, my basic view on the president, the remark s other night is he was getting very, very much on his high horse. and i'm sayingh d to myself, you know, today, lloyd austin saying they can walk and chew gum. that's totallyselfy not right.. they've been spending a lot of weapons, a lot of money. we should be in a position do something like what we did in 1973. and unfortunately, we're notwean as well positioned as we should be, especially with a very close ally that's to fight itsbt own battles. >> let me ask you, congressman mccaul, and yole me asu are the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. how would you interpreirs commto comments that the u.n. to evacuate northern gaza and the strip within 24 hours?ke this breaking news? and what do you make oat of we'e seeing live unfolding right now at this hour anda that is a lot of a lot of fire in gaza a as israel now clearly preparing the final steps before a ground invasionfore. thi >> well, this is the second phase. the first phase is a knockout command and contrommand anl ope. the second is to go house to house like we did in iraq,cio in fallujah, house to house building to buildingus the difference between hamas and israel. isl warn the enemy before teey attack as opposed to hamas . that goes in like terrorist and kills women and childrenists and innocent civilians. >> they are warning them becauscie they are going in and it is going to be difficult. diffice with the guest.oing t it's going to be difficult in a scream bloodo y and they're gog to try to get these hostages out and going to try to exterminate every terrorist they can finate everd in the gaa >> yeah, stay right there, congressman, if you don't minde . >> mccaul joining us now, florida congressman cory mills. ll joinidahe is in israel helpig americans evacuate. congressman, first of all, thank you for what you're doing. i did not. i the administration, in their initial comments, people youe fg just get a plane ticket. but one problem, what commercial airline flights out of israel have been stopped at that time. so it was not the bestht .t th advice. finally, now the administration has said they're going to be goingbeg airplanes over l to rescue americans that want to leave. nenow, in light of this breaking news, which is the is telling the u.n. to evacuate the northern gaza stripee 24 hours. and as you can see, unfolding live now before your eyes. barael now firing at gaza, retaliatory strikes to whatt th they done over the last week. clearly, that seems imminenteyr this ground war is about to begin. your thoughts on all of it your? >> well, absolutely, sean. and first of all, this is ththi whole reason i continue to drive media harder and harder is go ahead and shame the administration doing their job to protect and save american is for israel's defense. and so the whole that, idea tha, you know, i can make it real simple for biden that it is the mill's 77 americans that i've rescued team biden zero. you know when you've goten the entire full force of thetire u.s. government, you can't send a single charter aircraft. but here's the question, john.he was he was able to send in military aircraft to drop off supplies. t why wasn't the military aircraft loaded up with americans to try and get them out beforh trye actually occurred? and so there's a lot of questions. so there is his is reminiscenty of 2021 afghanistan. and you covered this with me, john, whenafghanis i conductedan the first overland rescue that had ever been done of americans from there. ththis is reminiscent of 2023 when it comes to the attack that's going20n it on right now, as you noticed. what israel did was they actually waited tilrael dlr the pledge of prayer, which is the very morning prayer, so they can actually knowprayery kn that they're where people most are going to be. whether or not that was actually limit collateral damage, a very smart strategic tactic. but also they're going after now the softenint s caateralcti and getting sure the un and others are out so they don't have thisofso damageu even though i would argue the un has been completely useless at this stage e as they. were during the jcpoa and resolutions 31 and manyin other areas. but the bottom line is that israel is now going to move into the full defense they need. they know that they have to eliminate its entirety. if they don't invites aggression, my administratiot tn is all about that. you would have hassan nasrallah from hezbollah cominuld hag in.. you'd have high israeli and high dalmeny from the iraq coming in. you would have the golan heights being hit agaid han in syria. so they know that this is their chance to eliminate areaso theyd take a real stand against the iranian process or i gotyou to give you a lot of credit because who could ever trust us administratioo n again? w this is the same president that said he would never leave saidr leav behind in afghanistan and he abandoned hundreds if of them. he said he would never abandon our allies of the day evere da came that ,that they needed to gethe our people that helped us with wetelligenceintellig, etc., durg the conflict that we were having in afghanistan, m they were abandoned. many of them have been murdered. and meanwhilurd meanwhe take a commercial. airlines that aren't even flying out of israel israe is te support you would expect from the u.s. government. they have finally caughtcaught r to you, but thank goodness there are people like you. the into a war zone forr the purpose of rescuinthgo ge americans while you still had time. have you been able to get everybody out that you wanteeve. to get out? >> no, john, we still got mor plenty that we'd like to get out. i got 32 out yesterday. y. i got 45 more out today. i i've got mor many more. my list. i've gone from everywhere to tiberius and nazareth, haifai to jerusalem to tel aviv, making that we can go ahead soy and do coalition or sorry, consolidations and get them back across various points into jordan. the bottom line is, john, is that, you know, biden is not representative. the american spirit, american people who are willing to stand up and step when it's needed to be able to help americans. and that'ss neededbe did it whyt in afghanistan. that's why i'm doing it here today, because as now a member of congress, one of my rights, one of my duties, my obligations is to protecthe c our constitution and defend the safety of american people. n an if he's not going to do his job, that being joe biden, then i'll step up and do his job fothat mea, i'llr him.e >> well, i givyoe you a lot of credit. cory mills, congressman florida, sta.y. you are. congressman mccaul, stay where you are. thank you for bothssmatay wher being flexible with your time. now, by the way, axiosorting and reuters now both reporting that israel has officially informedl ha the united nations, that all palestinians in the northern gaza strip shouldte wit relocate withihin the nextst and 24 hours. here with the latest. and as you can see, there been a lot of activity as israel continues its aerosoes itsl on h as we speak. greg powell is on the ground. ts greg, it seems to be have happened every night this week. that is in the four and 5 hour. israel gaza time that these airstrikes are taking place. here we are agaie again and theg to be coming at a much quicker pace than last nightht. >> yeah, no, sean, this is the most intense nights of airstrikes that have seen in the four days that we have been on the ground here in southern israel. sometime,s every 5 minutes. we we're just up the coast from gaza, but we can see it on the horizon. we see the glow of the air strikes and then the the detonation. we hear a little bit later this has been going on all night. but frankly, this is veryy new, new breaking and serious information. i'm quoting reuter acco i don't have it for my own information, but according to the reliable reuters news agency, let me read it out to you again. the united nations said early friday it was told by the israeli military that some 1.1 million palestinians in gaza should relocate to the enclaveu. south within the next 24 hours. the un saying that this is going to be impossible. the un is making strong appealgs ,but if this is accurate and according to reuters, pretty reliable news agency, this is accurate. israel is preparing gaza, accure something that we've been looking at for the past several days. that is a land incursion by by israel. of we've been seeing a build up of tens of thousands of troops either or an even more intense bombardment. we've been intens this bombardment tonight, again, the strongest that we have seetrongest we'vene been here. it is those two options, either more intense bombardment, attackin,g the hamas militants in their gaza strip orfor preparations for what a lot of analysts are saying could be in the offing. nd incurand that is a land incu. >> sean, do me a favor, please ,greg, because be saferible on the ground. we had a terriblaccident we acct with an injury to our friend halll. . hal thankfully, ben amazing. and hioverins recovery. anyway, we're going to continue. let me get your reactionntinue. mike mccaul to what this breaking news is. >> first of al, l, you see heava air fire tonight and then thisnt mornino thatg. want to get back to that. how would the u.n. interpret it? and as the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, how do you interpret it and when would you expectet o to happen if it's 24 hours nin 4e from now, does that mea in 24 hours this begins, or could it be within 48 or 72? thk or do you even think later thans that? >> no, i think. in 24 hours, i mean, they were giving noticef to civilians to flee. you know, they're giving theleet the opportunity to leave and to get out. a lot and that's a lot more thanmo t hamas gave to the israelis who were massacred. the united nations secretary general put out a statement, c, ha seems to be sympathetic to hamas and the palestinian cause. and what worries me, sean, is that, you know, today or tody last week, israel is a victim.e, but tomorrow you're going to have this lik ue this hamas global movement, making hamas somehow the victim and israel the boy. >> and that's not the case. casegoinand i think it's going on the ground. i know this for a fact. is two of this military operation. they are going to going the house to house. and the the direct orders from the prime minister are tster aro exterminate hamas from the gazae stri gazp. n, we >> all right. thank you both. congressman, we appreciate you bothap us. appreci

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Response , Politicians , Tonigh , Himg , L Hm , Telt , Why Don T , Orit , Credibility , Polls , Commentsms , Sinkinn , Trus Tt Him , Anyre , Speech Talkedabat , Speech At , Unalked , Ways , Werequic , Quickest , Kecommunities , Maps , Tunnels , Rockets , Israel I Veaza , 130000 , Graffiti , Palestinians Live Builg , Ia Refugeeam Camp , Peo Organizationpls , Thesh , Buildingsd Solv , Textbooks , Math Problems , Funding , Funds , Four , Beent T There , Tunneles , Ththey , Don T Iflisten , Schoolwhs , Harmtory , Bodies , Isr , Israelis Value Liftha , Ambassador , Death , Death To America , Bordetherrr , Town , Flare Ups , Of Gaza , Rocket , Bordern Towns , Beent , Iron Dome I N , Tioro , Rocket Land , Nothing , Kibbutz , Flare Up , Human Beings , Car , Shrapnel , Wer Sa15w , 200 , Destruction , Capability , Maximum , Netanyahu , Danger , Interpretation , Remarks , Nails , Glass , Proximity , Eyes , Thatll Hamas , Towns , Imaget , Ground Game , Alisl , Hama S , Tb , Eliminateack G Hamas , We Ag , Constraintg Have Ame , Toot , Whave , America Needs Israel , Defense , Terroh , Frontline , Governor , Haves , Gove , Fox News Alert , Friendsga , Soo Ao , Threats , Palestinians , Callas , Asght Ty , Security , Newsroom Tonight , West Coast , Countryg Wher Tonight , Citye Rk City , Jeff Paul , Capitol , Day Of , Social Media , Latest , Unrest , Los Angeles , Police , Ye , Nypd , Capitol Police , Fridaancingy , Pital Po Nonetheless , Hands On Deck , 13 , Out Of Control , Credibs Threat , Eric Adams , Officer , Vacations , Tha T , Show , Thereup , Coul D , Uniform , Responsibility , Schools , City , Houses , Residents , We W , Safe , Peace , Placthate , Field Office , Fbi , In L A , Student Groups , Ove Ra , Ones , Jeff A , Backlash , Terrorcks Ar , Paul , Names , Individualppe , They Don T , Expe , Movemente , Want Bigotsthem , 1300 , Take A Look , Cambridge , Alumni , Pog , Want Anti Semites , Sara Carter , People Employment Opportunities , Cambr , Thoseds , Letters , Communities , Letterros , Big Backlasha , D Racteee , Indefensiblecome , Whatsoevensibleouldr , Hesitation , School , Asian , Lette Resr , 36 , Kids , Murder , Calm Down , Virginia , Word , Organizations , Signing , Iecially , Politics , Children , Sides , Help , Lady , Family , Yes , Russibe A , Adjunct Professor , Alumnus , Pogroms , She Russeved Comin G , Anti Semitie , Theysuffered , Russia , Shewr , Shwoulc Ism , Phone , Ited Sta Past , Thes , Membes , Text , Talkineven G , Stunnede Wa , Idf , Moscow , People S , Thi A Border Tour , Thf , Areas , Ese Terrand , Er 2and , Kibbua , Horribi Pictures , 29 , Black , What Sctures , Lettersse Thahocked , Knowledge , Boston , Anti Semitisughtm , Professors , Biggesly T Fear , Offhes Camera , Ignorance , Reports , Advice , Senior Adviser , Moreor Reaction , Contaall Right , Stephen Miller , Michigan , Host , Candidate , Onight All You Comment , Tomil Lahren Is Fearless , Tomi Lahren , Tutor Dicksohin , Ignoran , Theseinto , Ny Kid , O , Night , Protest S Thesestrati Demonstrations , Evils , Isn T Just Harvard , T , Ned , Gas , College Campuses , Terror Organizations , Propaganda Statements , G , Palestine , Countron Y , Jew , Anitic , Community , Perplexem Still D , Abs , It Shouldn T , Speakers , Voice , Tolerant , One Oue , Student , College Kids , Pro Terrorist , Decencd Y D , Morals , Areervativs Deafeningly Silent , Blm , Well Y , Changeil , Tutoour Reactionr , W Indoctrination , Rememberrs , Tommy , Founde2 R , Dow N The Jews , Thisti Blmem , Embracednion , Teachers Unions , 12 , Schoe Stud , Sities , School Bill , Businesses , Terrorist Group , Stake , Privilege , Trumpda , You Decidet , Takf , Immigration System , Jihadistld Tcuring , Student Safety Issue , Securityfety , Suppoy Studen On A , Populations , Visas , Visa Needs , Regions , Travel Bantr E On , Visa , Comments , Sympathizers , Tutor , Terrorism Sympathizers , Three , Powerfuoues , Thanrok , Innocenthe Destt , Tomi , Speaker , Steve Scalise , Studio , Chad Pergram , Newt Gingrich , Air Time , Analysis , Hug Be News Out Of Washington , Earlie My Huger , Home , Bath , Shower , Bath Remodel , Jacuzzi , Gold , Offer , Donald , Mess , Payments , Price , Installation Costs , Stress , Water , 65 , Safer , Tab , Waiting , Goal , Call 800 , Change , Mirror , Seven N Gecall Now He Mir Hi , Sharon , Ro , Seven , 800 , 348286 , 52 , Results , Weren T , Commercial , Themselvee , Dog Food , , Me And I M Real , Try Goal , Fridge , Bread , Meat , Veggies , Pepper , Kevin Mccarthy , Big News Saturday On Fox , The Big House , Blake Corn , T J , Indiana Hoosiers , Wolverines , Pregame , Games , Starts , Game , Hoosiers , Noon Kick , Announcers , Indiana , Epic , South Bend , Product , It Snake Oil , Scam , Diabetes , Finger Sticks , Attention Medicare , Snake Oil Wednesdays , It Eliminateals , Hulu , Sensor Glucose Numbers , Dexcom , G7 , Latency , Dexcom G7 , Receiver , Medicar Dexcome , Stuck Dexcom , K The Arrow , Fingerstice Dexcome Cgm , Direction , Medication , Food , Decisions , Cge M , Activity , Glucose , Everything , Confidence , Moday Y , Line Dancing , Movingghedi , Ri , Ha Itss , Coverage , Chrome , Browser , Calling Today , Advantage , Medicare , Duckduckgo , Fox Corporation , Alternative , Duckduckgo Browser , Ads , Desktop , Searches , Mobile , Devices , T Spy , Cookies , Catch , Google Search , Millions , Privacy , Desktop Today , Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile , House Majority Leader , Bid , Sewer Swamp , Of The House , Pandemonium , Saga , Twists , The Hitchhiker S Guide , Things Dc , Majority , Conference , Superlative , Coming , Math , Nobody , Meeting , Basement , Ballot , Votes , Ten , Jim Jordan , Icans The , Ohio , Weional Sp , Jeff Van Drew , Jim Banks , Het , Thn , Shot , New Jersey , Meetings , Capitol Hill , 10 , Members , Guardrails , Parameters , 217 , Zach Nunn , Iowa , Resolution , Legislation , The House , Bills , That Slem , Probled , Interview , Shoul , Program , Quartet , Anybodywe , Bret Bprogra , Effect , Pro Tempro , Spea , Patrick Mchenry , House Run And Pass Legislation , Government Shutdown , Government Funding , 45 , We Y , Serious , Fog , Ted , Sirst , Ovation , Sitting , Standingt , Welcome , Budget , It Wasn T , Tim E , Amazing , By 2009 , Track , Alan Greenspan , Federal Reserve , 2009 , Leadership , Approach , Ballots , Getsomeon , 1856 , 180 , 103 , Number , Who S A Great Guy Wasn , Vacancies , Big Mountain , 113 , 17 , Mchenry Empowered , Interim , House , Power , Leg , Forward , Israeicant Lp , Point , Hardest Nosed , Gea Gryou , Conference Vote , Grip , 96 , Vote , Owth , Dn Ande Got , Arnole Dd , Eight , Tv , Youh Nastyn , Enog , Solution , Thistu , Term , Profit Business , Mother , Ericans Rican People , Total , Margin , Patience , Doesn T Matter , 30 , 40 , Thoughts , Destroying Hamas , Congressg , Neighbors , Verrey , Theyually Have Prosperity , Second , Senate , Takeh Israels , Y Hamas , Goal Of S , Sayst , Meaat Forn Though , There , Defeat , Doesn T , Hamburg , Dresden , Basicallyildc Build Places , Allowo E , Refugee , Enoughna , Desert , Track Down Single , Member , Siding , Pet , Whyoe Itquencean See W Is Heart , Historian , C , Pro , Friend , Ingrhistoria Heart , Audience , Oing Covef , My Crazy Employment Journey , Standing Upe , Colon Cancer , Way , Dog , Risk , Talk Er , Color Guard , Noninvasive , Di D Itpoi , Colon Cancerve Negativ , Mobility , Lifestyle , Discomfort , Provider , Occupation , Cologuard , Legs , Steps , Health , Exerciser , Quality , Inactivity , Sight , Eclipse , Circulation , Joints , Exercise , Impact , Pain , Strain , Ellipses , Ellipse , Balance , Flexibility , Desk , Leg Muscles , None , Coworkers , Muscles , Move , Workout , Therapy , Leg Exercise , Activities , Stiffness , Ellipse Power , Function , Back , Feet , Speed , Knees , Whisper Quiet , Swelling , Cramps , Use , Movement , Exercises , Diameter , Smooth Motion , Exercise Plus Ultra , 46 , Callers , Seated Exerciser , Boost , Physical Strain , Deluxe Bundle , 300 , Motor , Step Counter , Calls , Mat , Value , Operators , Ingredients , Sleep Support , Blend , Brand , Salmon , Qnol , Urologist , Super Beta Prostate , Jinx , Row , Real Dog , Bathroom Trips , Emptying , Place , Housekeeper , Bathroom , Kitchen , Laundry , Gummies , Walmart , 9 , 19 , Cleaner , Spotless House , News Headlines , News Business , Sirius Xm , Is Listening , Fox News Radio , World War Three , Joshs Hawley , F Stather , Guests , Vivek Ramaswamy In A Battle With Nikki Haley , Condoleezza Rice , Hannity , Breaking News , The , E Including , It0 P M , Terroramasthe Terror , West Coas T , Foxexs , 7 , Universitie S , Launching , All Around The World , Majorh , Especiallyer , Terrorist Sympathizers , Middle , University Of Washington , Alreadady Thisy , Rallies , Israel Problem , Words , Vaporsd , Punishinave Beeng , Micro Aggressions , Students Foro , Colleges , Pleas , Silencuniversie , Deafeningy , State Of Shock , Autism , University , Big School Boards , Girl , Ty Whe , Victim , Dea D , Direg Didd , You Rewh , Bi School Bo , Moms Speainvestigating , Refushen Yorefusee , Don T Worry , Schoolchoog Board Meeting , Atos , Rhetoric , You Knowokaythey , It Getr , Nation Centers , Education , Serious Festering , Colleg Doctrine , Witit , Greg Powell , Sean , Card , Hi , Elit , Wrapping Upni , 03 , War , Militants Targetsa In Gaza , Israeli Fe , Bit Quie , Harstrikes , Thsinge , Bombing , We Hea E , Thr , Crossfire , Doing A Lotas Of Damage , Bed Yes , To Gaza , Army Waiting , Armor , Acy , Artillerd To Gy , We Cae Osn , Called Up , Killeds , Tens Of Thousands Reservists , Waiting Fors Bein Wod , In Israel , Hostage Inside Gaza , Funeral , Fae , Wewe , Thursdayput , 22 , Bloodbath , Music , Turneda , Pure , Raw Emotion , Unfiltered , Kim Dante , Who , Festival , Tears , Cemeteryll , Dara , Crowd , Bloodbath Followinina Shorg A Short Life H , Bomb Shelterterror , Outs O , Respects , Attendance , Parts , Townspeople , Friendsto , Love , Party , Smile , Neverom , Bee , Cold Blood , Josh Hawley , Powe , Daughter , More , Missourith U , Thank Yr Cut , Debate , Thisan , Cornell West , Last Night , Alan Dershowitz , Terror Lists , Aa , State School , Institu , Frankly Dut , Heads , Institution , Facee , Harvard Yard , Quicquick Fly The Fy , Let Sy Je , Silent , Thecould , Ing Thj , Administrators , Taxpayer Money , Err Groups , Networks , Stuff , Atl , Letter , Blinken , Guidance , Tad Guidanthe , Travel Assis , You Sentt , Flights , Theredn T E , Wes Admini , O Lih , Statestat Department Official , Afghanistan , Sorr , Dad Toy , We V Ie Americans , Promise , Joe Didn T , Allies , Result , His Promiseise , Behind Enemy Lines , Thi S , Plan , Secondd , Doingto , Buallybuy A Ply Planen , Ide A , Plan E Ticket , Plane Tickets , Spokesman , Pentagon , Strandedice N In A War Zon , Fiterent View , My Home State Of Missouri , Makine G , Comest Today , Killedo , Lotts , Murdereamond Thererrors , Explanationthe Isi , Itwhen 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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israel once again hammers the gaza strip with airstrikes. according to the israeli military, it struck 750 hamas targets overnight, including underground hamas terror tunnels, military compounds and posts, as well as the homes of senior terrorist operatives. it comes as the military, the israeli military informs the united nations that all palestine missions in northern gaza should relocate in the next 24 hours. the israeli military also revealing that it will continue to operate significantly in gaza city in the coming days. a un spokesperson says that amounts to more than 1 million people and us cities and universities are on high alert after hamas calls on its supporters to hold worldwide a day of rage. protests friday, that is today. there are mounting fears those protests could turn violent. now for more on these latest developments, let's turn to senior national correspondent kevin corke. kevin, lauren, i have to say this is one of those circumstances that will have people talking, not just about what's happening from a policy perspective, but again, as you mentioned from a humanitarian perspective, because if the israeli military is trying to usher out more than a million people, the real question becomes what happens? will this have a devastating humanitarian consequence as has been feared, by the way? we also know, in addition to this idea of getting people to get out of the area. usually what happens is the israeli military will tip their hand just a bit to at least to potentially create a corridor. but the issue here is where do you go? do you end up over in egypt or other places perhaps lebanon? and can you make safe passage? i should also point this out. we're still dealing with a major crisis in terms of kidnaping victims. at last report, lauren, at least 150 people had been taken into gaza and had been kidnaped. we don't know exactly how many of those people are americans and this obviously creates another set of circumstances for our policymakers here in washington . how do you go in there? who do you work with? what international partners can get in there? and how do you get on the ground to secure their freedom, if at all possible? and lastly, i want to point this out as well. in addition to this being an obvious devastate eating humanitarian crisis, this is something that could obviously escalate. there are real deep concerns this morning that other nations in the region may decide to get involved. we've already talked about what the possibility that hezbollah could join hamas. what happens if this becomes a wider regional conflict? secretary of state anthony blinken is obviously in the region. he's attempting to coordinate with our partners there. it obviously makes for a very, very concerning time here in the nation's capital, lauren. well kevin, you know, it's very interesting because the pope has actually called on hamas to release those hostages. obviously they have no religious affiliation. but, you know, his humanitarian plea means something. i also just listened to a speech the that reverend johnny moore, who is the head of the congress of christian leaders, is a former head of trump's faith advisory board. he actually flew to brussels to make the speech to call on european leaders. the european parliament, to do something they don't have to just issue statements that they support israel. they can actually do some kind of work. i mean, have you heard anything about any of the european leaders or any thing other than the united states making some really key definite statements about what's happening in this is israel? no, that's a great question. this is one of the things that whenever i and we have these conference calls in the morning, as you know, and even along a beat call, you might hear someone ask that question, tell me exactly who is partnering with the us. is it germany in this circumstance or perhaps france? these are countries that have had long standing relationships in the region. how about other regional powers like saudi arabia, for example? and yet at this hour, at this very moment, it is a conversation that's being had without a lot of progress. because as you well can imagine, there is a great deal of concern that for the next 24, 48, 72 hours, things could likely, lauren, get a lot worse before they even have a chance to get better. it's amazing. you know, you mentioned germany and germany of course, has the history of the holocaust past and they're very sensitive to their treatment of jews and there arn germany, as many of them german citizens. but the german leaders are saying we're not hearing anything from you. you need to speak up because this is part of our history about the holocaust and we don't play that. we need to hear from you. and i think that's going to be important. what we hear from out of germany. yeah, i think that's especially well said. and i would end with just saying this, lauren. it's also going to be important to make sure we hear from other nations in the region. what will they be willing to do to welcome in these refugees? because we're not just talking about a temporary circumstance. and i can even point you and you and i have had this conversation before. i can point you to what happened over in ukraine, you know, poland and other countries in the region were very welcoming, saying, listen, if you need to get out of harm's way, please come to us. we'll do what we can. i think that's another unfolding story and we'll have to keep a very close eye on that in the days ahead, lauren. and obviously, iran is going to be a huge player in how the rest of the countries actually deal with iran. one leader calling on european european parliament to say, you know, you can refuse iran airplanes from landing in europe. that's one thing you can do to make a statement. so spot on. yeah i mean, there are going to be a lot of things that we're going to hear about iran's involvement. that's kind of not a sidebar, but it's certainly an issue that's going to be front and center not too long. yeah, i think you're right on that. and especially as we talked at length obviously today, not just here on fox, but around the country, about the $6 billion and frozen assets. now being held by the qataris and in coordination with the americans. what might happen to that money there are sticks and carrots that perhaps can be utilized not just by the us, but also by our global partners, our global economic partners. what can you do to apply the pressure on iran to make certain that they're not continuing to foster an environment, be that directly or indirectly that allows hamas to continue to operate in this barbaric fashion? lauren kevin, you were just as always right spot on. thank you so much. you bet. and you want to stay with the fox news channel for the very latest on the israeli hamas war. i'm lauren green. now back to regular programing now back to a regular the programming already in progressb . this is our country. how isle this happening on universities in this woke era of this era of political correctness? this era of, oh, if you hurt somebody, it's a little feelings. why is it being accepted by administrations at the top universities in this country? now, these modern i'll call them rallies. you know, you you won't hearor sympathy or condolences for the dead babie condos in israel you're going to blame the victims. you know, just pure hatred for,o quote, the jews and a callpl to push israel into the sea,nihe annihilate israel, wipe it off the map. the face, the that's stuff you hear out of iran from the mullahs there. hef iran fe and now notable figl street. well, they want the namesewin of everybody spewing this hate from these ivy league institutions. g hate from they don't want to e freshly indoctrinated bigots an- and anti-semites, even if they have a degree from harvarsd or other so-called prestigious universities. one private equity billionaire.v he is noersitiw halting all and urging others to follow to you. penn demand the school's leaders resign. why? because they failed to address the very late antisemitism on campus. and it's notnti-semitism just y it's not just the 31 groups at harvard. theyhave dozens of american universities, big and small, are hostinuniversig pro-hamas r. i'm for free speech. but you know what? these are the same campuses that conservatives get kicked ofs kicked of of all the time i. they dare open their mouths. this includes georgetownis incln nation's capital. students reportedly shared what chipss and oreos at a pro-hamas vigil. manygetown, many of the prominent universities, cornell, carnegie mellon, vcu, texas a&m, have deep ties. qatar. setting up official branches in their country's capital city. and wouldn't you know it, qatar also hosts the leaders. of hamas, where they're now living the lifivine of luxurythi in their high rises, all while the people of gaza are being told to give up their lives in the name of allah and that they'll be rewarded with 72 if they kill innocent men, women and children. >> men, people from america, tg satan or israel. the little satansata. tol you know, qatar needs to bed told, by the way, that i fown they're known terrorists, those places will become targets thosr that these terrorist leaders will be taken out. they nees be d to be told in norms, uncertain terms. it'd be nice if we had i nicet that knew what daye mi of the week it was. he might be able to conveyght e that messageto . we'll have to wait for the next president to do that. at least qatar. o presidehat.maybe helping then administration re freeze the $6 billion ransom payment headed for iran. be refrthat was joe's ransom fr five us hostages. you know, joe kind of changedis his mind, but why am i soe is certain he's so committed to giving this money commi to? iran, the number one state sponsor of terror. why do i believe joe biden find some other way to pay off iranian mullahs? maybe he will use, i don't know, maybe one hunter or his families. many shellthose, corporations. now, as it turns out, terr money was apparently going to fund terrorism throughout the world. yes, we've talked about ithe wod and over again in anyway, a pill. now, suddenly too big to swallow for the biden administration. what it only took the worsowt i attack in israel's history for these idiots to evensrl begin thinking about delaying and finally seeing the lighthath of the kind of people that they're dealing with. clearley are y this was only do. i will tell you here firstwill r political purposes now on truth social. former president trump'sh social the biden white house quote, biden's massive loosening of sanctions allowed 80 to $100i billion of iranian oil sales, much of whiconil h the regime pd into financing its bloody campaigns of terror around absolute chaos. and with president trump back in office, israel and everyone else will be safe again. more reaction and analysiswill t to all of today's news in justod a moment. but first, we take you to the groundwe tak in israel tonit where our very own great power court is standing by with the very latest. it seems like this this. for h im4 a.m. 5 a.m. hour that these nextbe 2 hours happen to be hous where all week long, pretty much that israel was striking stris all throughout gaza.peni is that happening yeng yt tonig absolutely, sean. and we're wrapping up night six of israel's war against hamas and isup night s only getg more intense much of the night . we've been witnessing extended strikewitness against gaza, agat the hamas militants. we've been seeing the glow of blasts on the rise. and we're just up the coast from gazn just oa. 00 >> we've been hearing the thousands of explosions, 6000 bombs have been dropped on gaza in just the last six days. that's that's hitting hamas. also getting civilians caught in the crossfire. >> some 1500 palestinians dead . >> at the same time, sean, we are seeing a continuing build of ground forces all around us here in southern israel armored tanks, artillery, some of that artillery actually already being used on this side of the border with gaza, ready to go in along with tens of thousands of reservists that have been called ervists up from all the and in fact, coming from all the world, the unitedg in t states ready to go in whenhe a decision is made. >> and you're right, the grim numbers are building up, 13 200 killed in israel thanks to. the hamas militants, 27 americansthe gr, 150 remained hostage inside. the number of americans now 14. secretary of state. >> blinken was here today. the u.s. is planning some charter missions to get americans out of israel startingng chart tomorrow. and we're seeing a build up of tension along all the othero borders, john. >> israeli soldierong ths killed between lebanon and northern israel. which is a strikes against syria, which is a highway of aid from from iran into into israel. also, skirmishes in the west bank and shootings in jerusalem. it is only getting intense. and believe it or not, we're wel finding some hamas militan militants on this side of the border. si forces tracking themn down even today, just a couple of milestoda down the road from where we are. >> back to you. all right. it's 4:14 a.m. where you are. greg palka, thank you for staying up so late to be with us. good morning to you over there. thank you for that report. joining us now, florida senator marco rubio's with a senator. great to have you. let's get your overall view of how you assess the situation and what america's rolmarco e response should be and what should israel's response be? resp b well, first of all, hamas is an organization that exists blatantly and explicitlydon't to wipe out israel. they say it openly. they don't hide that. and some for whatever reason. n,, us or would ask people in the west like we don't believe these people when they say these things. weingst's it's just a figure of speech. they actually mean this and they're willing to slaughterthey are babies ands teenage girls out in the desert and whatever to doert . and so israel cannot coexist alongside a group like thiss. nation on earth should be asked to coexist with an armed element that, wants to wipe you off the face of the earth and is willing to commit these sorts of atrocities. so israel has no choice. they have no choice. they have no option hereisrael m eliminate hamas. now, what does hamas do? it's part of their strateg y they've done it over and over again. and hezbollah does it as well. they attack israel. they kill jews. then they take off running and they go hide under behind civilians. israel responds, and for a few days, everyone's out there on behalf of israel, now you see a tremendous amount of sympathy for israeleryone i. but then as the days go on, hamas and the others come out and say, look what they'vemas ae look what they've bombed, look what's happened. not telling you, of course, that they're hidintug behind these people. and then people the pressure builds from the west and, the media and others for israel to stop. this time has to be different. e it hasisrael cannot stop until the job is done and america's is to supply them with what they need to get that job done. they're not asking us to fightt . they're not asking for our soldiers. they're not asking for airstrikes. they are sayinthey're not asg ia of ammunition, if we run out of equipment, we'll buy it fromm you, but resupply us. and our answer should be absolutely yes. and that's our job here and it has to get done. well, let's talk about the n factor in all of this. hamas leaders, hezbollah leaders, they're thanking iran ,their logistical support. i don't think there's a single rocketupportthink they would ht iranian support and of iran's desire to wipe israel off the map, their stated desire. so my question is, if it is true that the iranianand revolutionary guard and i have talk in yourople position in washington, my sources have been ver in yprd clear that there is evidence that proves beyond any doubt bt that iran was active and involved in the planning and the plotting d involv of these terror attacks. what do you, number one, agreeta that? can you talk publicly about it? and number two, what should the consequencesn yoan for irans the number one state sponsor of terror? >>te well, it's what the consequences should have always been. it's the reason why these sanctions have always made alway sense, because iran takes every dollar you give them not to build hospitals , not hospi to create prosperity for their people. they take this money to sponsor terroristam, not just hamas.m. it's the houthis, it's hezbollah. it's all of these shia it's all militia groups inside of iraq that target americans. it's what they did in for thos all those years, those ideas that were being built that killed, killee idd, maimedr americans. all of that came from iran. here's the bottom line. nonean.tom li of this stuff mat. all the silly talk people debating. did iran know we're not? no, that's actually irrelevant. hamas does not exist. that is they do not exist as a r entity without iranian support. and they do not have any of the weapons or equipment orme technologynt, or was used in ths attack without iranian support. i think the messagi in supe of e united states needs to be iran is israel is going to take care of hamas if an american is killed or harmed anywhere in the region by, iran or by iranian proxies, these groups, they hide behind. we will consider it an attack by the iranian state against the unitedstat states.ll and we will immediately and strongly respond to. t that message has to be abundantly clear to iran. look, i'm not looking to engagaa in another regional war. i don't think that's what israel's asking for. but wear, cannot allow iran toe this as an opportunity to attack american troops in the region or s american personnel in the region and hide behindre some some group out there that they can then claim wasn't themre that he. >> but we know it wass. that message i hope, has been delivered. it is inexplicable to me, what, senator, that i don't know why. i just can't explainplain, it. just why is it that the obamaon administration or so obsessed with getting money to the iranian mullahs, we know where they stand, that we know that they are cleatheye r and p danger to world peace. a scenariohat created that i never thought would unfold. but it happened in the trump yearwe nevs where israel, the u.s., the saudis, the jordanians, the egyptians, the emirates, all united togethere against iranian hegemony. i've been trying to ask this questiontrying. what is it about about barack obama, joe biden,wants the democratic party that wants to be business with people peop that are state sponsors of. what part of terrorism are they having a hard time understanding? a dise >> because we have a disease in the west of people that are incredibly naiveas at best. nicest thing i can say about them. they think these people think like us. their priorities are like ours. these are radical islamic regimes. that's what governs iran, and that's the ideology behind groups like hama thand, hezbollah as well. they do not value life the way we do for them. deateyh is a form of worship fo them. martyrdom is something to aspire to. they actually openly talk about how israelis in the westerners actually valu about e ,and they actually don't and are willing to die and sacrifice and be martyre ar' for it. and so we think that they're belgians, we think that they're french. wey are frie think that that yoh down with them and reach an agreement on any misunderstandingreach an. not w you cannot not with these people. the only language they understand is strengtitthe i wish that weren't so. but that is the case. th, eis the cultur of difference between their ideology and ours. and we get bit by it every single time. iran will use every dollar we give the y dom to sponsor terrorismm to if, god forbid, they ever get a nuclear weaponsm., they willon use it not not to threaten israel, but to try to destroy it. that is their mindset. that is the mindset of the ideology. i'm not talkin.g about the people. there are plenty of iranians that would love to get rid of the ayatollahs. but thosthat w f the e are the people in charge in that country. and just like gaza, the people in charge therof the ce, people run it, the people who want their own country, by the way, so they can be the governmen sot of this own country, are these bloodthirsty killers, these savages, these degeneratestr? and to believe that somehow weho could peacefully or israel could peacefully coexistw coex . is just not true. it's not real. it's not a reality. they need to be wiped out. israel is going to do it. we need to help them and stick with them, not them. two weeks from now, when the new york times starts writing articles about how terrible this is. every single civilian that dies of hamas. the fault they don't let them leave and they hide behind the deliberatem e, a they do it on purpose. we can't keep falling for this or they'll be backkeep y will l more jews. >> and if they could get their hands on us, more americans. let me asknd if thheir nds on yn senator joe biden is failing to uphold his oath of office hio and enforce the laws of the land and our constitution. atseven and a half millionally people illegally have entered this countryered thi, aided andd by joe biden and his open borders policy. we will have 8 million illegal immigrants, joe biden, illegal immigrants by the end of this year. >> i ai m 100% certain you tell me if i'm wrong. 99% of those people, according to last week's congressional reportaccordin, were never depo. why am i so certain that amongg that group of 8 million people that there are terrorists, people with terrorist sympathies, terrorist le with cells, that have made io this country? y am i i so certain that oneille day we will wake up, we will b e experiencing god, and i pray to god that i'm wrong. but anotheg, br 911 or a bigattk terrorist attack on this country and it will be from people that he allowed into this country with no vettingsoer at all whatsoever. what are the odds that i'm correc the ot in my belief here? >> well, very high. and the reason why is if you take 8 million people from anywhere in the world, any at least 1% of them are going to be bad people. and you don't vet him, but you1 take 8 million from anywhere. i don't care where. and 1% of them are bad people, whicpem h i the number, you know, lot let's say that's the number. that's a lot of people and that's a big problem. but here's the other thing. a lot of people don't realize you can bu's the o.y a passportn buy documents. venezuela will actually give it to these guy, zuela wis, but yoy them in many countries in latin america, someone who comes from some part of the world can buy a document that says their name is, you know, and it makest makt sound like they're from that country. so in many cases, we're looking at documentationco anlook from people that that they bought or that was given to them by an official government document, even though it's a false one. and they come to this country thr their identity. if you put yourself in the position of a terrorist organization, why woulde to you send someone here to go through tsa vetting and all the other things that go throug go a vettin ah when you p walk up to the border of the united states and walk right in? >> border and w they the news, thei how easy it is to get into this country. sos.ountry the next if you were al qaida today, you wouldn't wos in visashese guy . you just tell them, go to the border, turn yourself in, claim asylum, and you'll be released into the country. and in some placesenefit with benefits along the way. th that's just common sense. it tells you that. and the thing that i fear the most is not the organizeg do plot. that's a big deal.u but you have some chance s of identifying and disruptinomg it. it's the lone wolf. it's the one or two individuals tho hear the loa about this daye that's supposed to happen tomorrow. and they are inspireatd to do to take that moment, to attack a synagogue, to kill people in the streets, to turn it in, to kill a day, which is, kill of thef thrts world, a terminology that's actually used. i think that'se worl worrisome. i'm not trying to panic anybody. but, you know, tomorrow, not just tomorrow but in the dayse e to come, the lone wolf attack, that's a real threat in americ w a and across the world as you have this effort to inspire violence coming from these elements. >> it's called the day of . tomorrow. and i would take it i would tell every american, everybody watching, i think you'd agree with meverybwae to be vigilant,t seriously. if they sait, i believe i they mean it. senator rubio, thank you for senat. me tonight. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. all right. and now we turn our attentiourn the 2024 gop primary where the vivek ramaswamy is actually accusing nikki haley of trying to get rich off the war in israel. well, here now to respond is formeespondr and governor nii haley. you know, i've interviewedi ha vivek a number of times. everyone's entitled to theirmasw opinioamy n, you know, but i dot think she's a child i think she is somebody that, like many politicians in a position to get wealthier from war. what the doesn mean? tonigh now he's on later tonight. what would you like to telt,l hm and what's your response to himg ? i mean, sean, i quit responding to him. i don't trus tt him. any c i don't think that he has anyre credibility. he throws the things he blames ,says everybody's bought and paid for with no evidence whatsoever. orit's why i think he's sinkinn in the polls and, you know, quit te honestly, his commentsms on israel disqualified him for me a long time . and so, you know, it doesn't bother me what he says. what i do want to talk. about is the fact that five years ago i gave a speech at, the unalked and that speech talkedabat about the fact that we i had worked with the israelis and they had and those maps were from hamas and hamas basically these maps that said if they were able to get if, these werequic the quickest, easiest ways to get into the israeli kecommunities to kill as manypee jews as they could. and what i said then was we have to make sure that we never let them get cross wt them bar now, i have actually been in israel and seen the tunnels. i've beehen on the border of lebanon and seen 130,000 rockets. looking back at israel i'veaza, been on the border of gaza. i've been in at i a refugeeam camp. i've actually seen how the palestinians live.builg i looked at the buildingsd solv and saw the graffiti that said kill the jews, hate the jews. i've worked with thesh peo organizationpls, the un funds that i stopped u.s. funding that would actually have textbooks and they would have math problems. like itextbof you have five jews and you kill four jews, how many jews are left? so when you hear of anything trying to give sympathy to what is happening in gaza, don't iflisten to because i've beent t there. i've been in those tunnels. where do they put those tunneles ? what do they put in those tunnels? they put equipment. they put ammunition. ththey hide hostages. hide and that's where they hide to try and do harmtory , to isr and where are those tunnels? they put them under schoolwhs, under hospitals, because they know israelis value liftha and when you look at what happened the other day, how horrifice rific it it was wn they were dragging bodies around the streets, what wereyig they saying, death to israel, death to america. that's what we're dealin?g with. >> that's why we have to eliminate hamas. governor, ambassador, like you. i've been in those tunnels like you. i've actually been there durineg ,you know, flare ups that have happened. i've been there when bordern towns. i've been to the bordetherrr of of gaza, where a nearby town the night before had beent hit with a rocket. i've seen the iron dome i'n. tioro i driving a car with a group of people when we were there duringwa the flare up, about 150, 200 yards away, wer sa15w a rocket land and blow up. we saw a kibbutz that had hit the night before and nothing but shrapnel to destroy human beings. i mean, glass and nails. i mean, maximum the hope is maximum destruction capability. and this is a real clear present danger. now, my interpretation of prime minister netanyahu's remarks is gaza will no longer exist in its current form and thatll hamas will no longer be able to operate from there with such close proximity as you have seen with your own eyes, you asi have seen, and fired their rockets from gaza into israeli towns any longer. i believe that capability will wiped out. >> i believe that's the only answer. do you agree? we have to completely eliminate . but what i want the american people to remember is we've seen the imaget what is. and as horrific as they are and as heartbreaking as alisl of ths is, we are saying right now, eliminate hama s. i can tell you, because it happened all the time at the u.n., when they start that ground game, when israel starts to move in to eliminate hamas further, you're going to have all these other countries and you're going to have americans say you need to show constraintg have ame. you need to be able to pull b back. no, they need to eliminateack g. hamas. we are supporting israel now we ag . they've been hit but the more important part is we have to support them when they hitt is whave to back as . don't tell them to stop. they saw toot tell much death. they saw too much destruction. and hamas will do it again.n. we have to eliminate them regardless of how they try hav and intimidate us. and we have to remember the reason we have israel'sthatw back is because it's not that we need that israele . america. america needs israel. they're the frontline of defense, a needs to , terroh and that the next thing they want is america. >> and we should never be soo ao arrogant to think that we don't need friendsga . >> governor, ambassador, thank you for being with us. we appreciate your tim.>> gove. >> by the way, we only haves this fox news alert. there is growing concern deng contonight about these ter threats around the world, as we've been telling you. a callas from the former head of hamas for mass protests tomorrow, support of the palestinians in gaza as asght ty we've been telling you all night, they are trying to call it a day of . >> security is being ramped up . now all across the countryg wher tonight, including where we are in new york citye rk city.,y own jeff paul has the very latest on all of this from our west coast newsroom tonight, where they're also gearing up their for possible unrest tomorrow in los angeles and other cities. >> what's the latest out there, jeff? well, ye. s, john, we'll start were in d.c., where capitol police say they are aware of multiple social media posts calling for that, quote, day of . but they say at this time they are not currently tracking any specific threats. pital po nonetheless, capitol police will be enhancing security on fridaancingy the 13th when ts supposed day of is supposed to occur. in new york, the nypd is all hands on deck tomorrow. cancel they've canceled all vacations and they want every single officer show up in full uniform. new york city mayor eric adams says while thereup is no credibs threat at this time, there will be a lot of protests which coul d spiral out of control. tha >>t new york city is the most diverse city in the world andhe protecting our residents is they most sacred responsibility that we have. we w directed the nypd to surge additional resources to schools, houses of worship to ensure that the y are safe in there, and that our city remains a placthate of peace. >> now, back here in los angeles, we reached out to the fbi field office in l.a. they tell us they are awarnde and, are adding extra security measures tomorrow sean. >> all right, jeff a, paul thank you. also tonight, backlash continuing to grow ove r a letter signed by over two dozen student groups at harvard university, the ones blaming israel alone for the brutal hamas terrorcks ar that have killed now 1300. there's a growing movemente expe tonight by some to expose the names of every individualppe that supported the letter, in part because they don'td ire to hire them at major corporations. they don't want bigotsthem at m they don't want anti-semites. and i don't blame them. and they would liki-semitee to y those people employment opportunities. so what are harvaro deny thoseds and alumni think of all this? well, we sent our very own sara carter to cambridge to find out. >> take a look. harvard became cambr a focal pog we had groups signing letterros opposing the state of israel after this horrific terrorist attack on these communities. and there's been a big backlasha and now it's kind of been retracted. these letters have been d. racteee >> can you tell me your feelings about that? i think it's disgusting. .i think it's shameful. i think it's appalling. i think matter where you come out politically, this is unconscionable. indefensiblecome , unequivocal.fe we should be denied without any hesitation whatsoevensibleouldr i think the school has been weak in terms of responding. it needs to be firm. and when i saw these letters, this lette resr signed by 36 something groups, uh, predominantly arabic and asian ,um, as saying that israel was responsible for the murder of its own kids foot on foot. so people and i felt, okay, you know, calm down, virginia, calm down. you know, people tend to be stupid. i think a lot of people are starting to go or a lot of these organizations are starting>> a lot to go back their word and on signing and saying they don't actually want to have signed th that iecially now think it kind of took off and became national news when it was really just like a harvard thing. yes, there are politics involved, but children on both sides are hurt. like both sides need help,p. as we keep saying, never again ,never again. and once again, never again. >> now, our very own sara carter with us right now. i have to. hey, sara, by the way, it's amazing that some of these people actually go to harvard university because they to be some of the dumbest people i've ever heard. >> but go right ahead. well, yes, you heard the lady in the end, sean. she's a adjunct professor. she's an alumnus from harvard. her family suffered through the pogroms in russibe a and theysuffered fled russia. her and her family, she russeved comin g to the united states would actually change things. she would be in a country, shewr said, where she would be free from anti-semitie shwoulc ism,ah and especially the growing anti-semitism that she faced in moscow. and she said she was stunnede wa and shocked at thes in in anti-semitism in the united states over the past years. ited sta past and how it's grown more so, sean. i've been talkineven g to membes of the idf by phone, by text all night long, all day long. and they say they have a message fo havr the people. they want the american people to see the face people s ,to see the face of terror. i was in actually in israel several months ago, sean. i was along the border. along thi a border tour with thf all along the border of the areas that were targeted by these hamas terrorists. ese terrand in one of the kibbua is that i visited over 29 people were murdered, including two families. er 2and we've seen those horribi pictures. and i think what'sctures and st the people here in boston and those that were shocked by the lettersse thahocked , the that came afterwards was the fact that so that so young people have such a lack of knowledge of what is happeningve such e of in the east. and many of the professors that i spoke to both t on offhes camera and many of the people here said it's because be are being taught and it's because of growing anti-semitisughtm in the united states. and that really, truly is their biggesly t fear. >> you know, by the way,eport, s my great reports are my advice is to get out of harvard as soon as you can in case there ignorance is contagious. thank you for that report. we appreciate it. contaall right.r seni joining us now with moreor reaction, a former senior adviser to president mic stephen miller, former michigan gubernatorial candidate tutor dicksohin and the host of tomil lahren is fearless. there's nois such thing as a fearful tomi lahren. anyway, she's with us tonight. welcome,onight all you comment. let's get your reaction, especially, you know, you are p very influential young people and then you se e theseinto kids getting into the most prestigious universities and they t are as dumb, ignoran, bigoted as any kids i've ever seen. ny kid >> can you explain that? >> i can't explain it. but you're right, sean. it's either evil or it's ignorance. and i'm hoping that it's just ignorance because ignorance can be corrected. evils just ignorance and a lot o but, sean,t. you and i talked about this the other night, ned and i'm still so stunned because this isn't just harvard, these protest s thesestrati demonstrations are going on on college campuses around the countron y. some of them simply saying free palestine, others being much g much more anti-semitic, transparently anti-semitic, saying gas the jew more anitic r horrible propaganda statements from terror organizations that these terror organizations use. this is ugly. this is disgusting. but sean tis and, we talked abs the other night. i am still so perplexed and perplexem still d and so cor where are the other students on these campuses, the students that show out in mass from the lgbtq community and othermps groups on college campuses that are supposedly loving , tolerant, that protest conservative speakers that come to campus? e where are you? where is your voice? you have one.oue you should use it. >> it shouldn't just be the jewish students coming out shoul this. it should be every student with morals and decencd y. d they should be out shaming those that are pro-hamasbe out a and pro-terrorist. but unfortunately, these loud college kids that are always so riled up when conservatives come to campus, they areervativs deafeningly silent right now. that needs to changeil. >> well, tommy, that was well y said. really well said. tutoour reactionr your reaction? >> well, i think that we are watching of what we called w indoctrination for so long. rememberrs, blm has been around for a very long time and thisti blmem has been embracednion by teachers unions, by schools. they've been brought our k through 12. and we know that years ago, the founde2 r of blm was out there talking about palestine and talking about taking dow n the jews. and it was very, very nasty about this. d so they brought this into the schools. the students have been taught schoe stud. sities now, you see in our universities, our students are coming out and signing these documents. well, they should own that. they need to own that. s. their name should be out there so that these businesses can see who signed these. because it's just like when these students come out and say, we don't have to our our school bill because we didn't know. no, we're going to be no longer be the country of no responsibility from. now on you take responsibility, whether it is paying for takf you decidet on to come out on the side of a terrorist group and you put your name to it, own t it, put your name out there. >> let's get your take. stephen miller. well, i had the privilege of working for president trumpda on securing our immigration system from jihadistld tcuring what many americans do not realize is that the foreign students, these schools are often the ones who are agitating against israel, against america, and for hamas. there is immense sympathy among certain populations of students who are here on visas for terrorism. this is a national securityfety issue. it's a student safety issue. ist here suppoy studen on a visa who is expressing support for terrorism, their visa needs to be terminated and revoked and that student needs to be deported th >> and we need to re-introduce president trump's travel bantr e on jihadist regions that threaten our national security because we shouldt of t have sympathizers of hamas, sympathizers of terrorism sympathizers of the destruction and death of innocenthe destt people attending our universities and becoming part of america. >> i tell you, a powerfuoues an th comments by all three of you. steven thank you. tutor thank you. and tomi, thanrok. e come when we come back, hug be news out of washington tonight. earlie my huger before air time, steve scalise withdrew from the speaker's. chad pergram, he will join us live to explain. we'll get fuller analysis from newt gingrich live right here in studio as we 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republicans tonight in the basement of the capitol, and he said he would not stand for speaker. >> so to do next. >> they are on day ten of not having a speaker. that's a problem here. they don't have an operational speaker of the house. weional sp might go to the next. could that be jim jordan, the republican from ohio? you know, he lost not by much, but to steve scalise, icans the closed ballot on wednesday. there's a lot of republicans, th jim banks, the republican from indiana, indicated that he though that het he should be thn that they look at. jeff van drew, republican from new jersey, indicated that they should give him a shot. >> they a bit if it's obvious, over a couple of days, this is van drew, then maybe they should move on to somebody . here's what's going to happen tomorrow. the house republicans will meet again, head to meetings today. they'll have another meeting tomorrow because you can never have enough meetings here on capitol hill. they will meet at 10:00 in the morning and try to figure out what is the course forward. >> will they put up kind of some guardrails, some parameters to what they want to do? >> but there's a lot of republican members who don't think that anybody can get to 217 and they started with steve scalise. >> they believe that might be the case with jim jordan, although it seems like there's a lot more boisterous support for him. >> maybe not as broad there, but we'll see in the next couple of days. it's very hard to read this. zach nunn, a republican from iowa, indicated earlier today that he just wanted somebody who could be the speakers the and they could start to to move legislation. >> so that'slem. the the probled the house can't advance bills. they want to adopt a resolution ,to support israel and condemn hamas. they can't even do do that. and. and there's another quartet of people here on capitol hill who are saying n't get if we can't get somebody like scalise or jordan or anybodywe shoul else maybe wd try to go back to kevin mccarthy, the former speaker. >> you know, he didn't rule that out. during an interview on bret bprogra program earlier tonight. he ignored a question to that effect in the basement of the capitol earlier tonight. and the other thing to watch for, there's another group of republicans who think maybe they should try to empower the spea patrick mchenry. >> he is the speaker pro tempro and say let's formally elect him or give him some temporary powers about 45 days or 60 days or something like that. and that way, sean, they can avoid a government shutdown and have the house run and pass legislation, vote on government funding or be it on dealing with israel. >> ted, can you repeat all that? no. on a serious. >> i know, i know you could. thank you for staying up late tonight. we reallu fog, we y appreciate . we know you've been working hard the last number of days, as always. thank you, sirst couple of all joining us now with reaction. great to have him in studio. let's a warm new york welcome.r >> former speaker of the house news contributor newt gingrich. i walked out. i did not get a standingt ovation. you did get a standinga ovation when you walked in. >> you were tired of sitting. i don't know about that. you know, i'll just say this before we talk about what this mess on washington, you balance the budget four times. yes. it wasn't balanced for decades before. correct me if i'm wrong and it been balanced since. >> right. amazing. only tim e in your lifetime that we've had for a balanced budget. >> you have to remind, as i left alan greenspan, the head of the federal reserve, actually gave a speech saying he thought we would pay off the debt by. 2009. well, that that's the track we were on. so, you know, it takes leadership and it takes an approach like in 1856, it tookvo two months and 103 ballots to getsomeon. mccarthy had 180 votes when. they first went through around scalise, who's a great guy wasn. at 113. well, it's a big mountain. the key number here for all of you is to 17 the current a couple of vacancies to 17 peol the majority. i keep telling people you goe,'t to 17 or you got nothing. and so all these guys ought to look carefully and talk this through. in the interim, i think given what's happening around the world that having the speaker pro tem mchenry empowered, which they could doto bipartisan agreement, had minimum power to bringpowerend the house in, passed significant legislation, particularly about israeicant lp moving forward, which frankly gives him a leg on potentially becoming speaker. but i think you got you can't just sit around for week after week in the modern world. it's a very different environment. at some point, the hardest nosed, most difficult members have to get a grip on themselves and understand this. gea gryou had when they had thee on firing the speaker, the fact is that he had kevin mccarthy had 96% of the house conference vote for him. m fo there were 24 votes for him for every vote against him. but the eight people who i think of as benedict arnole dd sided with the democrats to defeat their owth the dn ande got to come to grips with all this. i mean, it's a, you know, it's such a thin majority. >> right. >> what that's what makes it hard. >> and in the modern world, much more than when i was. enog speaker if you're noisy enough and nasty enough and youh nastyn tv enough and then you use social media to raise money,re some of these guys are raising millions just by being negative and nasty. and so for them, it's a profit business. and i think that's something we're going to again, we have to come to grips with all thistu . the long term solution is to elect 30 or 40 more republicans next year, and then you can afford to have five people who are idiots and it doesn't matter. but if your total margin is five or six, it better get their act together. >>ericans rican people's six patience will run thin very quickly on their side. >> but -- but on the other but hand, you know, the alternative is joe biden. okay. >> on the border. checkmate. i lost. you won. l unfo let me let me asldk you this. you're watching this all unfold in israel. happen overall thoughts, what should happen? well, i would i've been talkin? g to people all day about this. first of all, we ought to state in a positive wawey goal way of liberating the people of gaza from hamas. if hamas was no there,nger the people of gaza could live in peace. they could, theyually have prosperity. they could be neighbors. that will never happen. hamas is there. so destroying hamas is not de for israel. destroying hamas is important for the palestinian people. second, and i hope the congressg will adopt a verrey strong resolution in both house and senate that sayst says the destruction of hamas is a strategic goal of the united states a goal of s, and l will totally stay with israel as long as it takeh israels to y hamas. for us to go through this horrible thing and have hamasng still survive a year from now is an enormous strategic defeat. >> doesn't it really meaat forn though, the gaza has got to be eliminated, the proximity you'vebe elimi there. >> i've been there. it all has to end up looking like hamburg or dresden or tokyo at the end of world war two. you there? what they have to do is allowo e everybody who's a civilian to leave and build basicallyildc build places in the desert as refugee centers long enoughna to clean out gaza, track down single hamas member, and then allow powerful people back in. pet if they if if people refuse to leave there in effect,nd siding with hamas and there then they're going to suffer the consequence of siding the c with hamas. >> by the way, you can see whyoe itquencean see w is heart. a e thing i love about newt is he's a great historian. and ingrhistoria heart is a pro >> and i learn every time frhave you on. you have always been a dear friend of mine with me through my crazy employment journey. and we love having you in studio. do you like the audience you like out of news here?? >> we'll bring it back. we've got to standing upe]. all right. thank you for being here. our continuing coverage of the >> oing covef r israel, when wen as we continue hearing different ways for me to screen different ways for me to screen for colon cancer. ♪ it's time to use my voice. i've got a choice. >> i sat down with my dog. way >> i sat down with my dog. way we had a you just want to say i askedvase for a color guard and di.d itpoi my way. >> color guard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancerve negativ. my way! that's effective and noninvasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false, positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard . >> identify whether because of discomfort, lack of mobility, your lifestyle or occupation you sit in actively way too many hours a day. we all do that sedentary inactivity is terrible for your health and standing for hours is just as bad. it's 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continuing our coverage of israel being at war with hamas. some of our upcoming guests include senator joshs hawley, former secretary of state condoleezza rice. f stather first comments vivek ramaswamy in a battle with nikki haley.he and other breaking news on right on "hannity", e including who's going to be the next speaker of the house as hour of. >> the second hour of hannity starts right now. all right. it0 p.m. o is 10 p.m. on the eat coast, 7 p.m. on the west coast, west coas t, and it is now 5 a.m. in gaza. we begin this hour with a foxexs . troubling news from the leaders of hamas. the terroramasthe terror is nowr tomorrow to be a global day word to take place all around the world, launching. all around this country. they are on high alert tonight, especiallyer many of our. big cities. many universitie s and majorh anot cities are moving forward with another round of pro-hamas rallies in the middle of day. alreadady thisy this week at the university of washington. terrorist sympathizers calling for a violent solution to the, quote, israel problem. for years, these far left universities, they have been punishinave beeng students foro so-called micro-aggressions and missed gendering others ande giving people the vaporsd and you know, they're told words are are violence . but now with actual threats of real violence and threats against the israeli people, threats against the jews, these colleges and universities, their silencuniversie deafeningy do nothing despite the pleas from fearful students that arekr in a state of shock over the hatred and the rabid and virulent anti-semite autism that every university. i want you to pause all of you people on these big school boards. i want you te bi school bo. ty whe every president of every university where this is taking place direg didd, you just hea? that girl. they want us dea d, and you'rewh doing nothing to stop it. why,who is the victim here? why? when you. when you refushen yorefusee to s conservatives on your campuses to speak, it's okay to support openly terrorism. but don't worry. gating they're going after moms speainvestigating with the fbi a as domestic terrorists because they dare to speak out at a schoolchoog board meeting orate people that are pro-life. that rhetoric is atos as it getr supporting terrorism as long, it's directed at people they don't like. you knowokaythey, they can doav whatever they want. we have a serious festering, very real problem at america's colleges. they're in colleg doctrine, nation centers. this is not an education. t and must be addressed in thise country. but tonight, all eyes remainmair on gaza, where strikes are continuing even into this hour. here witit was the very latest.i he's on the ground. he is in israel. elit is now. 5:03 a.m.. his time. greg powell card is withs us greg. the latest now. yeah, hi, sean.p to yeah, we are wrapping upni night six of israel's war against hamas. >> it's a bit quie. t now, but it has been intense through this night. >> much of this night we'ven been witnessing extended harstrikes by thsinge israeli fe against hamas militants targetsa in gaza. sometimes one bombing we witnessed. we see the glow. we hea e see thr they one one every o 5 minutes or so. of course, that'.s doing a lotas of damage, not just to the militants, but the civilians caught in the crossfire. 1500 palestinians are now thought to be dead. bed yes, we cae osn to see the build up here in southernwec israel of the army waiting for the word to go in to gaza. we're seeing armor, tanks, artillerd to gy some of that acy actually being used against gaza right nows an on the other side of the border, as well as tens of thousands of reservists being called, called up, waiting fors bein wod and the grim numbers to build 1300. now thought to be killeds he by hamas militants here a in israel. 27 americanscans, 150 people re. hostage inside gaza. wewe think it's about 14 americans right now. >> on thursdayput , we put a fae to those numbers and we wentf to the funeral of a 22-year-old young lady who went to thatt music on saturday that turneda into a hamas bloodbath. k an >> take a look and listen. . pure, unfiltered, raw emotion. a >> tears and pain and the huge crowd gathered at the cemeteryll in the town of dara in central israelr th. for the young woman kim dante, who hid in a bomb shelterterror at that festival and then died in the terror bloodbath followinina shorg a short life h she gave much to her country, her people, the arts in attendance, family, friendsto ,ones, townspeople coming outs o to pay their respects to showy their love. >> she was full of life, very happy, very intelligent. she just wanted to do everything good in her life. just went to a party and neverom came home bee because those people just murdered them in cold blood without any chance. >> she was amazing. girl with a big smile, always like sure her love to everyone when she was there, everything was a little bit better. >> sean we asked kim's mother if she could sum up her late daughter in a word or two. she just replied, a smile. a smile, no more. back to you. powe thank y r cut. thank you for the report. thanks for staying up early in the morning like this. joining now, missourith u senator josh hawley is with we here to explain explain. well, let's start with our colleges, our universities. we had a debate on thisan show last night, senator. we had cornell west and alan dershowitz debating this issue. cornel west mostly. agreeing the with the harvard groups, all 31 e of them on issue of blaming israel and israel. only. >> and he said they just needed to be more nuanced. talking and i'm like, we're talking about supporting terror lists. how is it that, you know,a a prestigious university that i covered can be so could could have students this, frankly dut makes me wants to to send my kids to a state school. state any day over that institu you know, and that same institution, sean, as i recall, was quicquick fly the fy of ukraine over harvard yard. but now when israel is under attack, they're terrorists are murdering children cuttingwt off the heads of babies. they want to wipe israel off the face of the facee let'sy je be honest. they want to they would kill every in the world if they could. in thecould.what these terroris and to be silent in the face o of that or celebrate it c as these crazy student groups are doing what i want to know, sean, is who's funding these student groups. i hope that the do ing thj is investigating where the money is coming from. >> are there terro err groups who are part of these networks who are infiltrating our campuses? i mean this is crazy stuff t that we're seeing on these campuses. and for these administrators to have their hand out to take federal money, taxpayer money, and atl and the same time be silent or silently condone this kind of terrorism is just it is grotesque. >> let me ask you about the letter >> sean: that you sentt to to secretary of state blinken demanding more travel assis and guidance for americans stuck in the conflict. tad guidanthe initial comments e biden and his administration. pretty much wes admini are sorr. commercial flights are canceled. stay in touch with the statestat department official. sounded an awful lot like, o lih we will not abandon americans in afghanistan. and to this dad toy, theredn't e are americans caught behind enemy lines because joe didn't keep his promiseise, nor didn th he keep his promise to our allies in the region many of which have been killed as a result of him not keeping that promise and get them out of there if such a day ever occurred. so i ask you. b they had no plan. they seemed to be pressured into doingto that. they don't want to do. and this is one of them, because i gues s they today they will do it finally. >> well, thi s is the secondd amer time in two years now, sean, where we've had americans who are strandedice n in a war zon. and the administration seems to have no ide a what do and you're exactly right. their initial response was literally buallybuy a ply planen that's what the pentagon spokesman said. i'll go buy a plan e ticket. americans can't buy buy plane tickets. there are no flights. there are administration comest today, says, oh, we're going to try to get them out. they are makine g some effort. e it's too little too late, in my view. we'v ie americans who have been kidnapped, we have americans who have been killedo . somebody from my home state of missouri is among those who have murdereamond thererrors in israel by these terrorists. so there's a lotts the for the administration to explain. and let's not forget, the ultimate explanationthe isi joe biden give $6 billion to iran when they were helping plot? itwhen they were h seems these s unforgivable? >> can you can you can you answer your own question? why? why why is this obsession with obama and biden to give all those money, billions of dollars to, iranian mullahs?n >> you know, i don't know jus the answer to that other than i think, frankly, they just don't seem to like the staten'tt of israel very much. and listen to this. i mean, they've also given li, millions treds of dollars to the corrupt palestinian leader s. and we now see where that money is going. i mean, we see what it is being for in these attacks. there shouldn't be a dime giveee to these corrupt leaders, not a further dime. and, of course, that iran mone that should never, ever have been given it needs to be withdrawn immediately. weo berawn shouldn't be negotiag with terrorists. this is joe biden's foreign. . on display on exhibit. it is total chao s. it is disaster around the world. and ultimately it is danger for r the united states of america. >> we can now hear and seeherou, in the background, and this has happened every night this week when we've been on that 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. in gaza, where, eing you know, we are now seeing explosions seen and reportedt in gaza. you can hear it. you can see it in the backgroundin. of there's been a number of ofthat rockets that have gone off w in just the last, you know, literally 3 minutes as we've been on the air. and they continue to come in. apparently rently m every minute or so. this seems to be a moment. prim if you believe prime minister netanyahu, the middle east will never be thmie and that that this will be his militaryn reaction when this ground incursion begins. this will reconfir wilm securell the middle east. and number two, he said that it will be talked about for generations by people in gaza. that sounds to m sounds e he's g to annihilate the threat that has been gaza. as beethat has existed now for h a long period of time, decades-d . the israelis. it sounds like those days are over l. well, i certainly hope that the prime minister doer. s whatever heisrael needs to do to keep israel safe. they need to be able to keep say their people safe and listen. by keeping israel safe, he will help make the united states ofgl america safer because these are terrorists. we shouldn't be shy about saying it. they are terroristthese are s are butchers, they are murderers, and they would kill every terrobutche americanw they were finished killing the israelis. so it is important that israelhe be able to defend itself and that the united states give israel all the the support thatt needs. and frankly, we need to be we need to be putting togetheralito a coalition of people. if i may. hang on. >>ator hanget back to the coalih that is a live bombing that you're hearing right now in the the the real sights and sounds live in happeningse as you're speaking. please go back to your commentos . >> did not mean to interrupt you. not at all. i justt i justs impo think it's importab that right now that the united states is very whning happening's here. we need to speak with moral clarity, which is what we se as evil. anrit what we are seeing is terrorism and the right the state to israestate ofael has a right. it has a right to defend itself . and the united states needs to be 100% clear. we are going to stan00% clead ws they defend themselves and their people. >> all right. josh hawlethemselvy, senator, m thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate it. no, thank fog w you can hear the bomb going off in gaza 1 as speak. here it is now2 mi, 12 minutes after 10:00 here on the east coast. that's 12 minutes after 5 a.m.. ha gaza tonight, it seems that these hours that we have been on have been hourn ons of heavy fire by israel into gaza. obviously leading the way intoae what is now a very predictable w incursion that will be taking place. we now have the positioning of israeli troops right near the border. over over 100,000 of them ready to go in, over 500,000 reservists are on the ready as well. all right. we saw this, by the way, in our first hour. we heard from 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley, who joined us and, hadho this to say about her gop rival who attackedvek vivek ramaswam. >> take a look. i don't trust him i don't thinks that he has any credibility. he throws the things he blamesh. ,says everybody's bought and paid for with no evidence whatsoever. it's i think he's sinking in the polls. and, you know, quite honestlw, e his comments on israel disqualified him for me a long time agofied him. >> and so, you know, it doesn't bother me what he says. all right. here, noys.>> seaw to respond, d republican presidential candidate, the vake ramaswamy ll is with us. you know, i was a little surprised. i know you were on with tucker. and i'm open to anybody's opinion. but you kind of what you're doing here is sayingayin about nikki haley is you're saying that her concerthn, isran is is driven by financial and the corrupting influence and your explanation that there's disproportionour and focus on , kidnapping and murder of of jewish you the jewish people in this attack and that they're in your quote and that there are frankly financial and corrupting influence says that lead them exactly to speak the way they d o sean thatthat i is sean that is a shamefulshamef mischaracterization. >> wait a starting right >> i mean the exact waew.y you u this and, every single interview from you say, and you deny it and you deny your own words. so, you know, why don't you just always say and stand by it and stop playing these games? >> what i sa these gamesy. ownn >> sean. well, i'm just telling you what you said. morning. what i say. what? . you.well, i'm telling you, you' guy to see me, remember? >> what are you, six any timei o they want. yeah, i absolutely do. and solutely sean maybe we haveur a debate that we need to have in our party. >> what's happeninga was in azerbaijan and armenia was a separate discussion that i had. and i do believe iscussion that i that. >> it is shameful that azerbaijan is getting away with what they are because . rful >> they have a powerful lobby in the u.s. but it is shameful to extrapolate to the comments e in israel where, to be honest, i have been crystaful clear, that what's happened is barbaric, it is medieval, it is wrong. and israel absolutely said this since day one. say it. now has the right to defend itself to the fullest extent. where i differm from other candidates in this field is that i also believe ak that this is israel's decision to make. >> the u.s. should stand with israee l, but we need to be very careful not to enter a broader regionalroader war ina middle east. >> that is the single i have not madeave no single republicas vague. i've not heard a singl ie republican call for that, but i really want an explanation here. >> ai don't. i want an explanation to disagree with. can i finish? y i an exact explanation for ext your exact comment that there are, frankly, financial and corrupting influences lead them exactly to speak the way that they do. >> now, why why would you sendl cr a lot of the financial corrupting influences that nikki haley is taking a position on? we've got pictures of dead babies, the capitobabiesl raide, burn babies, bodies. sean, we've got the equivalent of what would be population wise in the u.s., over 37,000de dead americans. so how muc youh more evidence, steve, what are you talkingppenn about? sean what i'm talking about is what's happening in israel is an atrocity. >> the u.s. absolutely, in answer to my question, should>> sea stand with israel. >> answer the question. question which is the corrupt the influence on our politicians? well, the fact of the matter is, i think anybod politicit ofy who has been a military contractor, anybody who has made $8g on million, including on serving on the board of boeing, collecting options while running for us president on corporate board ps. >> has money made money from thr military contracting through family business? is disqualified from being the us president in a time of war? i think we cannot see our march to world war three in this country. my top priority from a foreign policy perspective my top of ist we avoidable. >> let me be straight with let me let me let me . >> because would you choose to secure the u.s. homeland? what youexcuse all words? >> if you want me to answer. the question now, i've given you plenty of time to answer the question e givety . i'm going to now restate your words. frankly, financialg to influencs that lead them exactly to tothey speak the way that they do when they talk about atrocities with israel that know now i you're telling me that if somebody in some capacitacity w they talk about atrocities from israel, sean, don't mislead your audience. >> that was noatrocitiisraelt we talking about your life, you want to know what yo u you a are saying. >> okay. you are saying that there are frankly, dre sayine e franklo i audience and corrupting influences that lead themnfluence to speaki that they do. now, if you're saying those with those exact words of yours, you're not denying them you again, are you? those are your exact words, if that's what you're saying. my questioe n is simple to you.s you're saying that if somebody works for a defense contract , that that is a financial corrupting position when when ci national security and defenscaem is critical to the cause of freedom and has been throughout human history. i want to know why would cor you accuse them of being corrupt? i don' >>t believe? >> well, i don't believe n that somebody should be ablenete to be the next commander in chief if they have monetized their timer time in government,i from being in debt to making $8 million through military contracting businesses, through servichroughe on, the boardsomeo of boeing. >> frankly, it is shameful for somebody to be collecting stock optiondy tk s from corporate bos while they're running for us president. we already havng fore one familw in the white house who i believe has sold off our foreign policy to advance their private interests. >> the republican party needs to be better than that. >> needs to be a party where if your campaign is principally giv being run by super pacs, people can give unlimited amounte unlimis money to your c. i don't think that befits to the republican party. n >> think we need to be better iv than that. so, sean, you and i may have a different view of a different my view is if you're making money off your time in government, then i don't think you're fiterent view. mone e in to bemportant president of united states. >> well, more importantly, though, what's our policr y stad with our allies while avoiding world war three? >> and that's where i'm at. wh thra lot of people don't thik you're qualified because you weren't even a republican or a votinreg republican.can whathat, 2020, right. >> well, sean, when did you first depends on what your objectives with this interview are. >> i voted libertarian in my first election. el id republican in 2020. you're right. i'm not a partisan hack. i coming from the forgive you for your strong, independent minded patriotism, it sounds to me like you just wantde to jump from the from the private sector yourself where you made a lot of monee p by the way, i applaud capitalism. i applaud successful people. >> sean, i thank you for w being so transparent about the people working in thorn the of a country in the defense industry are playing a vita l role for the role role for the cause of freedom. soso i don't rea i really call t a corrupting influence, which suggests that somehow that's a corruptingat s news alert. i'm kevin corke in washington. us defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in tel aviv moments ago, according to a defense official. he's expected to meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the minister of defense, as well as the israeli war cabinet secretary austin's visit comes as the israel-hamas war enters its seventh day. just hours ago , the israeli military informed the united nations that all palestinians in northern gaza should relocate within the next 24 hours. the israeli military also revealing that it will continue to operate six efficiently in gaza city in the coming days. a un spokesperson says that amounts to more than 1.1 million people having to leave. meantime, us cities and university here are on high alert after hamas calls on its supporters to hold a worldwide day of rage protest on friday. there are mounting fears that those protests could turn violent once again. us defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in tel aviv moments ago. he is expected to meet with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as the minister of defense for the country and the israeli war cabinet. of course, we will continue our look at what's happening and bring you live pictures and updates throughout the morning right here on fox news channel. in the meantime, i'm kevin corke, washington. we're going to send you back to our regularly scheduled program after this quick time outout. have you ever felt leg pain, restlessness, cramps tingling, swelling, numbness, itchiness or if 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prevention. >> welcome back to hannity. hamare continuinuing tg to monir the war in israel with hamas. here for a a exclusive intervie, her first since the terror attacks this past weekend, former secretary of state, current director odirectorf, tha institution. and by the way, member of august, of whicugusta wh i'my jealous. condoleezza rice is with us. dr j. rice, great to have i've not seen in a long time.. i know you in a long time, sean. >> good to be with you. great to have you, as usuag l ta you know a lot about terror, you knowve , when you extrapolate out, i've been trying to give perspective as tveo how this attack was over 1200 dead israelis as of now and probablyw will bile by the time the count is full and complete. >>lete. and when you extrapolatn that out and you look at the the population and you apply that same precisio applyn age te us population, it would be the equivalent of losing over 37,000 americans in a single day. wegl 2977 people on a day, you know. well. nine 1101 and the magnitude of that. i don't know if people understand that around the world. what does it mean to you? well, the magnitude of it is extraordinary and i'veean, said to people, sean, yes, there are the live, thers that e lost in that way, but it would new s if the terrorists then went into small new york towns and slaughtered up close,y that they exterminated people, that they cut off the heads of babies. this, the scal the scale of this brutality and this barbarity is something that we really haven't seen in a very, very long time. and i thinbarity ithing ween't to look at both sides of it. the loss of lifeit is horrendous for what the people of israel are feeling, terms of the shock, of what this was like. i just can't even imagine it, even after having been myself, the national security adviser, on september 11th. septr 11i aml of ants at the level of anti-semitism that we've seen both around the world on our own college campuses and cities and towns across this country? did you ever think you'd see gas thople in australia saying gas the jews, the jews, or have you? no. tomorrow day of all over the world, which should scare anybody in any city that wouldn't be a targe t. ghti pretty frightening times. madame secretaryng madam, is tht i'm very i'm i'm i'm shocked by it and i'm saddened by itan sean because that anti-semitismo is just beneath the surface in a lot of places. i did a lot of work with thees. the anti-defamation league when i was secretar when y i spoke aa couple of events that they had. and this kind of hatred is something that i afraid hase been a part of the fabric, unfortunately, of civilizeic unm a long time. and so, yes, i'm saddened, but i am hopeful that there hopf are voicesul that speaking strongly about the hate, thathat this is are speaking about and condemning this terrorist attackeeming. and that's that's what it was. it's a brutal terrorist of thef kind that we haven't seen since perhaps, perhaps isis's wasperhp roaming around the middle east. and so, yes, it's -- it'iss i do think it's an opportunity. and places lik oppe our ownes t universities to say to our studentssa take the timeim to understand this this unde in the middle east, to understand that israelis have triedt, to help palestinias to a two state solution. and a lot decent palestinians have tried to. we've gottene close to peace. hamas and hezbollah and palestinian islamic haved done to dash the hopes hopes of innocent palestinians. and so they they these are note the the liberators of the palestinian people. these are the painian e oppresse palestinian people. and these, of course are the barbarians who attacked the israelis. >> what do you make of the reports "wall street journal" and many other and even hamas sc and hezbollah leaders admitting that iran's involvement in this iraning iran is the number one e sponsor of terror? to me, yes, i think they've gota to be held accountable. to me, that would mean military action in this sense. and i'm not saying necessarily even by tht necessare united stu taking out their refineries, because that is source of theird income to fund terror. >> and number two, we knowcleara where these nuclear facilities are and if there was ever a marriage between the radicallh mullahs ideology and weapons of mass destruction, i believe s they would use them. but these sites where we know or deep buried underground, it would be a very militarym mission to take them out. but i the world has to atly soo some point, probably soon, take them out. >> your reaction? >>d start by saying that, yes, iran, a state sponsor of terrorism bears some responsibility for what has happened. i know there are questions ppened.e know about how directly were they involved. but, you know, we knowt iran that iran is the major the primary funder of hezbollah of of hamas and palestinian islamic. they are the the trainer of thee groups. ced of course they were celebrating in tehran when this happened. en thithe question of what we do more broadly about iran, i think, is an important one for starts. let's not go back to the pretense that we can have an agreement with the iranians about nuclear facilities. let's not go back to the place where we're releasing funding to the iranian mullahs. for then just use that funding foron hezbollah, hamas.n that would be a good start. and let's try again to isolate the iranians in the way that we had earlier in the bushstrati administration and in the trump administrationon t. ith the idea that you can you can deal with the iranians, th you might find reasonable ways to deal with the iranians. it seems to me that this is just one more example. what we've seen over the last few days that the iraniansians are a revisionist power.n they are the most dangerous power in the region. regi, sean wee waye gave up military facilitiesy in afghanistanfa a country that has a hundreds long border. with iran. that wasthat w a in its own rig. and so how to deal with iran? in i think it starts with isolating them. i think it starts with whattualy actually biden administration has done. i think sending the carrier battle group t bidenration hs in is a good idea, but this should really is erase any notion that the iranian regime can be dealt with. >> former secretary of state condoleezza rice has been too long. great to have you back. good to see you. thank you for being with us. wrngt. h and straight ahead tonight, tray yanks caught on camera. israeli capturing a palestinian today. we're going to show you that tape. and growing questions over captckraeli intelligence was unprepared for saturday's attack and concernr th fore the future. what does that mean? that's next as we continueconti thank you for being with us. >> hello. i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting if you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy. i 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actually had to dodge bullets while reporting on the ground. >> take a look at this. takewe just heard a gunshot and they're yelling at people to get out of the area. can e thsoldiers get down, get down, get up, lay down, lay down. >> totally flat. so here you can see things are very tense herre.e were te. there were two gunshots and now they have someone on the grounon . >> go backow right now. very tense right now as these soldiers appear to be arresting a palestinian man. they havmae in handcuffs right now. and you can see they've blindfolded and they are taking him away. you can see here, lem . e leading him away they've blindfolded this man. and it appearst they haveho captured yet another militantro who entered from the gaza strip. >> you can see how dangerous it is for l all reporters, all networks. we know exactly what hast happened. for example, you know, look at look at our own benjamin hall and whabenjaminl t happened to him anyway. look at these images. they are livt thesimage. this is gaza now. israel is is that is live that. those are real bombs off as they continue. i guess what is the lead preparation up until you know what we expect to be a groundo incursioben any moment even.e wi anyway, who is more israelithe counciisraell for media affairs? itai milner is with us. sir, thank you for being here. >> everybody. welcome him. him. israel has been sending messages to the innocent people of gaza. >> get oute innoce peopl. because if you stay, you will die. it shows the concernit, compassion for not having what we call collateral damage g ,innocent people losing their lives. that has gone on for for days. we now know that israel hase fo amassed massivrce force on the border. a ground incursion is expectedc. . the prime minister's been very clear. what are we expectin e g? and the only thing that we can expect is that we will do everythingeverythi possible to eradicate this threat. we cannot live with this anymor te. tried we tried to contain it fornd years. we try to defend ourselves to all kind of like protective defense machinery, like rockets. but, you know, nothing works. at the end of the day, it's a threat it'reat t it' us and it't to the world. it is a threat to thhee world terrorism is a threat to the world. >> again, live bombing going agn gaza as israel now pre preparing the way for the ground incursionpa . >> let me let me ask you if israel wants to neutralize forever the threat that is the close geographical proximity of gazicala to israeli towns, border towns. does it havengs do to eliminate? >> because it seems like w that would be the only wayould h are not there to wipe out gaza. we are thereer to. wipe out hamas. yes, it is challenging because it's a very smalg l area. i'm sure you know i've been there. yes. know.and hamas will do everytht can to actually put its people in the frontline. and this time, even our people and your peoplpl people. and it's going to be challenging. know, has beenthe idf there before, never in a situation like this. but i'm sure that they're going to do the right the right job. g toso but how do you possiblyu distinguispoh. >> you know, we know the tactics of hamas. it's a terrorist terro. we know they use innocent men,s women and children as human shieldhuman s. how do you possibly, you know, delineate between those that sympathize with terrorists, those that are terrorists, are with innocent? civilians? >> how do you possibly do that? you know hamas, is responsible for what's going on there. and we can't b e responsible fore everything. we're going to try to avoid collateral damagtr avoide. and we were doing it for years.o but at the end of the day, it's on hamas. d e puand if he puts his people on the on the front lines, if he uses thes pe people as human shields, that's for them to blame. >> sean: wd expect us any any m now the ground incursion. >>rsion. i don't want to put more details, you know, to reveal when where we're going to attack. i can can say that it's goingyo to happen. >> you know, can you tell me privatelknow can youaftey and a later on, i'll i'll text you. >> they give me all the detaili . >> anyway, i'm praying forr inno innocent people that their lives be saved. and it is a devastating. blow and a shock to you and to the conscience. you have a very smallous. population. you have a very small geographic area and you deserve peace. and you deserve and have every e right to defend yourselves to whatever need you have to use, whatever need of force you need to use. thanank you,k you, sir, for bei. >> thank you. and thank you to the united states. well, thanouk you, sweetheart.o thank you.ns o tonight, there are growing concernsle intel of a possible l failures connected to the brutal hamas terror attacks. u.s. officials are now saying that iran may se sayine ans opportunity to attack american forces with growing instabilitinstabily in the regi meanwhile, house foreign affairs committee chair mike mccauchl now saying egyptel warned israel days before brutal attacks. he joins us more along with former deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force developmente . our elbridge colby is back with us. congressman, let mbaite with yo. you know for sure that egypt gave intelligence in this ga warning that this was coming to israel days before. >> there were signs, sean. the fact is hamas had beenprep preparinarg for months, maybe six months to a year, goingwe dn undetected. we don't kno'tw what levels intelligence was shared with. i seriously doubt it got to be if prime minister netanyahu's desk. i know him very well. if it had,t i think he would have been fully prepared for the assault. but it's there. 911 as you've talked 9/1 about d as we had a failurek, y of intelligence, i thinkou k, k, you have to look back on this. both israel and th thee united states is how how did this happen? why 't we segg ee it comin before it happened when they were preparing for maybe six months to a year in gaza before this horrific attacisk m, occurred? >> well, i mean, at the end of this, i'm sur ae that goinggg to be a lot of, you know, second guessing how this could possibly happed possn. congressman, you would agree with me? i'm pretty sursuree that israele the gold standard when it comes to intelligence gathering between the cia and israel's intelligence forces. i think you're looking at the best in the world takingin, asiw deep staters that would abuse their power, which is only the upper echelohin not the rank and file in our country. would you agree with that? im i it seems like almost an impossibility that they could miss this, especiallthat they if they had a direct warning. correct. i think the gaza very difficult in terms of human intelligence, sigint, intelligence. it's hard to break through. therugh there. but the fact is, you know, it this happened. i and i think moving forwardth, i support prime minister force a netanyahu's full force attackroh in gaza to eliminate these terrorists from the face of the earte e rth.h. i think he's absolutely right in that. i was at this this kibbutz one year ago with kevin mccarthy, where they had beforec they dropped 4000 rockets ary on them. e peop and, you know, i saw all theseli people in the daycare center and i got a call last sunday after the attack telling messace that everyone was massacred in that villagd e and the daycae center, the babies and the children tren, slaughtereded. and beheaded. this is just evil and al l roadsads le lead to iran. i agree with all of that. >> se are live imagesrigh right now. gaza under heavyt no israeli fi this just breaking this fox news alert. , foisrael has told the u.n. t to evacuate the northern gaza strip within 24 hours. means maybe sometime this time tomorrow night, the ground war will have begun. let me go to you, if you don't l mind, elbridge colbyby a, and ar you first your reaction. israel telling the u.n. to evacuate the northern gazae a strip within 24 that is about as clear a sign. itlear is.em >> this is imminent. you >> well, i think that's right.pb and i think this is thisabf is probably a harbinger loo of what's to come. i think the way to look at it is president herzog of israek l in response to some questions from reporters, said, you knowsg ,i if somebody is preparing to shoot a missile out of their kitchen, what are you supposed to do? so, i mean, clearldy's pretoot l was just saying they are takingc precautionautis and should and that's right. but they also have to be effective. and, you know, hamas s conducte has has conducted what is equivalent to their 911. an. we right to respond to 911 by going after al qaeda in afghanistanaeda and so forth with with, you know, a sort of cold furyf cold and, you kno, israel has the same. >> right, i think. yeah. let me ask you y as you watch this, this is livoe fire that we're watching at this hour. as you seehour , and you put thisn to together with this israeli warning to the u.n. to evacuate gaza within s 24 hours. it seems to meeems that the israelis are making their final preparations terms of taking out specific strategic sitesad u in gaza for the lead up for this war. one of the things i would be most afraid of if i was with the idf or planning this attack and, sending troops into leza, is that i would imagine in these days leading up to this, that the hamas has many booby trap, probably many ieds probably would attempt to stop any movement of any israeli troops. how big a danger would that be, in your viewdanger w? i think it's very dangerous'r and i thine trk they're trying to prepare the battlespace. but i mean, what we've seen, i actually tak ie. exactly. you're in congressman nichols view about the quality of thabte israeli intelligence services, but even this rightly vaunted intelligence service wasan surprised by an area that they really kind of control from an intelligence point of view or ll have high level of surveillance over. so my sense is theovery are take the precautions, but they are prepared for a bloody fight that might look like some oftions the expeditions they've had in the north forth had the 2014t campaign. it's going to be a long, hard struggleo beg hard, but they hae to restore deterrence and we should have our, you know, have t askinget they're not asking us to get involved. we don't want to get enmeshed in another m large middle easten war. but we should be able to back up our very close allyt we , israel. and, you know, my basic view on the president, the remark s other night is he was getting very, very much on his high horse. and i'm sayingh d to myself, you know, today, lloyd austin saying they can walk and chew gum. that's totallyselfy not right.. they've been spending a lot of weapons, a lot of money. we should be in a position do something like what we did in 1973. and unfortunately, we're notwean as well positioned as we should be, especially with a very close ally that's to fight itsbt own battles. >> let me ask you, congressman mccaul, and yole me asu are the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. how would you interpreirs commto comments that the u.n. to evacuate northern gaza and the strip within 24 hours?ke this breaking news? and what do you make oat of we'e seeing live unfolding right now at this hour anda that is a lot of a lot of fire in gaza a as israel now clearly preparing the final steps before a ground invasionfore. thi >> well, this is the second phase. the first phase is a knockout command and contrommand anl ope. the second is to go house to house like we did in iraq,cio in fallujah, house to house building to buildingus the difference between hamas and israel. isl warn the enemy before teey attack as opposed to hamas . that goes in like terrorist and kills women and childrenists and innocent civilians. >> they are warning them becauscie they are going in and it is going to be difficult. diffice with the guest.oing t it's going to be difficult in a scream bloodo y and they're gog to try to get these hostages out and going to try to exterminate every terrorist they can finate everd in the gaa >> yeah, stay right there, congressman, if you don't minde . >> mccaul joining us now, florida congressman cory mills. ll joinidahe is in israel helpig americans evacuate. congressman, first of all, thank you for what you're doing. i did not. i the administration, in their initial comments, people youe fg just get a plane ticket. but one problem, what commercial airline flights out of israel have been stopped at that time. so it was not the bestht .t th advice. finally, now the administration has said they're going to be goingbeg airplanes over l to rescue americans that want to leave. nenow, in light of this breaking news, which is the is telling the u.n. to evacuate the northern gaza stripee 24 hours. and as you can see, unfolding live now before your eyes. barael now firing at gaza, retaliatory strikes to whatt th they done over the last week. clearly, that seems imminenteyr this ground war is about to begin. your thoughts on all of it your? >> well, absolutely, sean. and first of all, this is ththi whole reason i continue to drive media harder and harder is go ahead and shame the administration doing their job to protect and save american is for israel's defense. and so the whole that, idea tha, you know, i can make it real simple for biden that it is the mill's 77 americans that i've rescued team biden zero. you know when you've goten the entire full force of thetire u.s. government, you can't send a single charter aircraft. but here's the question, john.he was he was able to send in military aircraft to drop off supplies. t why wasn't the military aircraft loaded up with americans to try and get them out beforh trye actually occurred? and so there's a lot of questions. so there is his is reminiscenty of 2021 afghanistan. and you covered this with me, john, whenafghanis i conductedan the first overland rescue that had ever been done of americans from there. ththis is reminiscent of 2023 when it comes to the attack that's going20n it on right now, as you noticed. what israel did was they actually waited tilrael dlr the pledge of prayer, which is the very morning prayer, so they can actually knowprayery kn that they're where people most are going to be. whether or not that was actually limit collateral damage, a very smart strategic tactic. but also they're going after now the softenint s caateralcti and getting sure the un and others are out so they don't have thisofso damageu even though i would argue the un has been completely useless at this stage e as they. were during the jcpoa and resolutions 31 and manyin other areas. but the bottom line is that israel is now going to move into the full defense they need. they know that they have to eliminate its entirety. if they don't invites aggression, my administratiot tn is all about that. you would have hassan nasrallah from hezbollah cominuld hag in.. you'd have high israeli and high dalmeny from the iraq coming in. you would have the golan heights being hit agaid han in syria. so they know that this is their chance to eliminate areaso theyd take a real stand against the iranian process or i gotyou to give you a lot of credit because who could ever trust us administratioo n again? w this is the same president that said he would never leave saidr leav behind in afghanistan and he abandoned hundreds if of them. he said he would never abandon our allies of the day evere da came that ,that they needed to gethe our people that helped us with wetelligenceintellig, etc., durg the conflict that we were having in afghanistan, m they were abandoned. many of them have been murdered. and meanwhilurd meanwhe take a commercial. airlines that aren't even flying out of israel israe is te support you would expect from the u.s. government. they have finally caughtcaught r to you, but thank goodness there are people like you. the into a war zone forr the purpose of rescuinthgo ge americans while you still had time. have you been able to get everybody out that you wanteeve. to get out? >> no, john, we still got mor plenty that we'd like to get out. i got 32 out yesterday. y. i got 45 more out today. i i've got mor many more. my list. i've gone from everywhere to tiberius and nazareth, haifai to jerusalem to tel aviv, making that we can go ahead soy and do coalition or sorry, consolidations and get them back across various points into jordan. the bottom line is, john, is that, you know, biden is not representative. the american spirit, american people who are willing to stand up and step when it's needed to be able to help americans. and that'ss neededbe did it whyt in afghanistan. that's why i'm doing it here today, because as now a member of congress, one of my rights, one of my duties, my obligations is to protecthe c our constitution and defend the safety of american people. n an if he's not going to do his job, that being joe biden, then i'll step up and do his job fothat mea, i'llr him.e >> well, i givyoe you a lot of credit. cory mills, congressman florida, sta.y. you are. congressman mccaul, stay where you are. thank you for bothssmatay wher being flexible with your time. now, by the way, axiosorting and reuters now both reporting that israel has officially informedl ha the united nations, that all palestinians in the northern gaza strip shouldte wit relocate withihin the nextst and 24 hours. here with the latest. and as you can see, there been a lot of activity as israel continues its aerosoes itsl on h as we speak. greg powell is on the ground. ts greg, it seems to be have happened every night this week. that is in the four and 5 hour. israel gaza time that these airstrikes are taking place. here we are agaie again and theg to be coming at a much quicker pace than last nightht. >> yeah, no, sean, this is the most intense nights of airstrikes that have seen in the four days that we have been on the ground here in southern israel. sometime,s every 5 minutes. we we're just up the coast from gaza, but we can see it on the horizon. we see the glow of the air strikes and then the the detonation. we hear a little bit later this has been going on all night. but frankly, this is veryy new, new breaking and serious information. i'm quoting reuter acco i don't have it for my own information, but according to the reliable reuters news agency, let me read it out to you again. the united nations said early friday it was told by the israeli military that some 1.1 million palestinians in gaza should relocate to the enclaveu. south within the next 24 hours. the un saying that this is going to be impossible. the un is making strong appealgs ,but if this is accurate and according to reuters, pretty reliable news agency, this is accurate. israel is preparing gaza, accure something that we've been looking at for the past several days. that is a land incursion by by israel. of we've been seeing a build up of tens of thousands of troops either or an even more intense bombardment. we've been intens this bombardment tonight, again, the strongest that we have seetrongest we'vene been here. it is those two options, either more intense bombardment, attackin,g the hamas militants in their gaza strip orfor preparations for what a lot of analysts are saying could be in the offing. nd incurand that is a land incu. >> sean, do me a favor, please ,greg, because be saferible on the ground. we had a terriblaccident we acct with an injury to our friend halll. . hal thankfully, ben amazing. and hioverins recovery. anyway, we're going to continue. let me get your reactionntinue. mike mccaul to what this breaking news is. >> first of al, l, you see heava air fire tonight and then thisnt mornino thatg. want to get back to that. how would the u.n. interpret it? and as the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, how do you interpret it and when would you expectet o to happen if it's 24 hours nin 4e from now, does that mea in 24 hours this begins, or could it be within 48 or 72? thk or do you even think later thans that? >> no, i think. in 24 hours, i mean, they were giving noticef to civilians to flee. you know, they're giving theleet the opportunity to leave and to get out. a lot and that's a lot more thanmo t hamas gave to the israelis who were massacred. the united nations secretary general put out a statement, c, ha seems to be sympathetic to hamas and the palestinian cause. and what worries me, sean, is that, you know, today or tody last week, israel is a victim.e, but tomorrow you're going to have this lik ue this hamas global movement, making hamas somehow the victim and israel the boy. >> and that's not the case. casegoinand i think it's going on the ground. i know this for a fact. is two of this military operation. they are going to going the house to house. and the the direct orders from the prime minister are tster aro exterminate hamas from the gazae stri gazp. n, we >> all right. thank you both. congressman, we appreciate you bothap us. appreci

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Response , Politicians , Tonigh , Himg , L Hm , Telt , Why Don T , Orit , Credibility , Polls , Commentsms , Sinkinn , Trus Tt Him , Anyre , Speech Talkedabat , Speech At , Unalked , Ways , Werequic , Quickest , Kecommunities , Maps , Tunnels , Rockets , Israel I Veaza , 130000 , Graffiti , Palestinians Live Builg , Ia Refugeeam Camp , Peo Organizationpls , Thesh , Buildingsd Solv , Textbooks , Math Problems , Funding , Funds , Four , Beent T There , Tunneles , Ththey , Don T Iflisten , Schoolwhs , Harmtory , Bodies , Isr , Israelis Value Liftha , Ambassador , Death , Death To America , Bordetherrr , Town , Flare Ups , Of Gaza , Rocket , Bordern Towns , Beent , Iron Dome I N , Tioro , Rocket Land , Nothing , Kibbutz , Flare Up , Human Beings , Car , Shrapnel , Wer Sa15w , 200 , Destruction , Capability , Maximum , Netanyahu , Danger , Interpretation , Remarks , Nails , Glass , Proximity , Eyes , Thatll Hamas , Towns , Imaget , Ground Game , Alisl , Hama S , Tb , Eliminateack G Hamas , 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Night , Protest S Thesestrati Demonstrations , Evils , Isn T Just Harvard , T , Ned , Gas , College Campuses , Terror Organizations , Propaganda Statements , G , Palestine , Countron Y , Jew , Anitic , Community , Perplexem Still D , Abs , It Shouldn T , Speakers , Voice , Tolerant , One Oue , Student , College Kids , Pro Terrorist , Decencd Y D , Morals , Areervativs Deafeningly Silent , Blm , Well Y , Changeil , Tutoour Reactionr , W Indoctrination , Rememberrs , Tommy , Founde2 R , Dow N The Jews , Thisti Blmem , Embracednion , Teachers Unions , 12 , Schoe Stud , Sities , School Bill , Businesses , Terrorist Group , Stake , Privilege , Trumpda , You Decidet , Takf , Immigration System , Jihadistld Tcuring , Student Safety Issue , Securityfety , Suppoy Studen On A , Populations , Visas , Visa Needs , Regions , Travel Bantr E On , Visa , Comments , Sympathizers , Tutor , Terrorism Sympathizers , Three , Powerfuoues , Thanrok , Innocenthe Destt , Tomi , Speaker , Steve Scalise , Studio 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Bret Bprogra , Effect , Pro Tempro , Spea , Patrick Mchenry , House Run And Pass Legislation , Government Shutdown , Government Funding , 45 , We Y , Serious , Fog , Ted , Sirst , Ovation , Sitting , Standingt , Welcome , Budget , It Wasn T , Tim E , Amazing , By 2009 , Track , Alan Greenspan , Federal Reserve , 2009 , Leadership , Approach , Ballots , Getsomeon , 1856 , 180 , 103 , Number , Who S A Great Guy Wasn , Vacancies , Big Mountain , 113 , 17 , Mchenry Empowered , Interim , House , Power , Leg , Forward , Israeicant Lp , Point , Hardest Nosed , Gea Gryou , Conference Vote , Grip , 96 , Vote , Owth , Dn Ande Got , Arnole Dd , Eight , Tv , Youh Nastyn , Enog , Solution , Thistu , Term , Profit Business , Mother , Ericans Rican People , Total , Margin , Patience , Doesn T Matter , 30 , 40 , Thoughts , Destroying Hamas , Congressg , Neighbors , Verrey , Theyually Have Prosperity , Second , Senate , Takeh Israels , Y Hamas , Goal Of S , Sayst , Meaat Forn Though , There , Defeat , Doesn T , Hamburg , Dresden , Basicallyildc Build Places , Allowo E , Refugee , Enoughna , Desert , Track Down Single , Member , Siding , Pet , Whyoe Itquencean See W Is Heart , Historian , C , Pro , Friend , Ingrhistoria Heart , Audience , Oing Covef , My Crazy Employment Journey , Standing Upe , Colon Cancer , Way , Dog , Risk , Talk Er , Color Guard , Noninvasive , Di D Itpoi , Colon Cancerve Negativ , Mobility , Lifestyle , Discomfort , Provider , Occupation , Cologuard , Legs , Steps , Health , Exerciser , Quality , Inactivity , Sight , Eclipse , Circulation , Joints , Exercise , Impact , Pain , Strain , Ellipses , Ellipse , Balance , Flexibility , Desk , Leg Muscles , None , Coworkers , Muscles , Move , Workout , Therapy , Leg Exercise , Activities , Stiffness , Ellipse Power , Function , Back , Feet , Speed , Knees , Whisper Quiet , Swelling , Cramps , Use , Movement , Exercises , Diameter , Smooth Motion , Exercise Plus Ultra , 46 , Callers , Seated Exerciser , Boost , Physical Strain , Deluxe Bundle , 300 , Motor , Step Counter , Calls , Mat , Value , Operators , Ingredients , Sleep Support , Blend , Brand , Salmon , Qnol , Urologist , Super Beta Prostate , Jinx , Row , Real Dog , Bathroom Trips , Emptying , Place , Housekeeper , Bathroom , Kitchen , Laundry , Gummies , Walmart , 9 , 19 , Cleaner , Spotless House , News Headlines , News Business , Sirius Xm , Is Listening , Fox News Radio , World War Three , Joshs Hawley , F Stather , Guests , Vivek Ramaswamy In A Battle With Nikki Haley , Condoleezza Rice , Hannity , Breaking News , The , E Including , It0 P M , Terroramasthe Terror , West Coas T , Foxexs , 7 , Universitie S , Launching , All Around The World , Majorh , Especiallyer , Terrorist Sympathizers , Middle , University Of Washington , Alreadady Thisy , Rallies , Israel Problem , Words , Vaporsd , Punishinave Beeng , Micro Aggressions , Students Foro , Colleges , Pleas , Silencuniversie , Deafeningy , State Of Shock , Autism , University , Big School Boards , Girl , Ty Whe , Victim , Dea D , Direg Didd , You Rewh , Bi School Bo , Moms Speainvestigating , Refushen Yorefusee , Don T Worry , Schoolchoog Board Meeting , Atos , Rhetoric , You Knowokaythey , It Getr , Nation Centers , Education , Serious Festering , Colleg Doctrine , Witit , Greg Powell , Sean , Card , Hi , Elit , Wrapping Upni , 03 , War , Militants Targetsa In Gaza , Israeli Fe , Bit Quie , Harstrikes , Thsinge , Bombing , We Hea E , Thr , Crossfire , Doing A Lotas Of Damage , Bed Yes , To Gaza , Army Waiting , Armor , Acy , Artillerd To Gy , We Cae Osn , Called Up , Killeds , Tens Of Thousands Reservists , Waiting Fors Bein Wod , In Israel , Hostage Inside Gaza , Funeral , Fae , Wewe , Thursdayput , 22 , Bloodbath , Music , Turneda , Pure , Raw Emotion , Unfiltered , Kim Dante , Who , Festival , Tears , Cemeteryll , Dara , Crowd , Bloodbath Followinina Shorg A Short Life H , Bomb Shelterterror , Outs O , Respects , Attendance , Parts , Townspeople , Friendsto , Love , Party , Smile , Neverom , Bee , Cold Blood , Josh Hawley , Powe , Daughter , More , Missourith U , Thank Yr Cut , Debate , Thisan , Cornell West , Last Night , Alan Dershowitz , Terror Lists , Aa , State School , Institu , Frankly Dut , Heads , Institution , Facee , Harvard Yard , Quicquick Fly The Fy , Let Sy Je , Silent , Thecould , Ing Thj , Administrators , Taxpayer Money , Err Groups , Networks , Stuff , Atl , Letter , Blinken , Guidance , Tad Guidanthe , Travel Assis , You Sentt , Flights , Theredn T E , Wes Admini , O Lih , Statestat Department Official , Afghanistan , Sorr , Dad Toy , We V Ie Americans , Promise , Joe Didn T , Allies , Result , His Promiseise , Behind Enemy Lines , Thi S , Plan , Secondd , Doingto , Buallybuy A Ply Planen , Ide A , Plan E Ticket , Plane Tickets , Spokesman , Pentagon , Strandedice N In A War Zon , Fiterent View , My Home State Of Missouri , Makine G , Comest Today , Killedo , Lotts , Murdereamond Thererrors , Explanationthe Isi , Itwhen , Billions , Obsession , Unforgivable , Jus , Mullahs N You Know , Staten Tt , Being , Corrupt Palestinian Leader S , Li , Mone , Attacks , There Shouldn T , Dime Giveee , Dime , Weo Berawn Shouldn T Be Negotiag , Chao S It , Background , Disaster , Display , Exhibit , Seeherou , Reportedt In Gaza , Eing You Know , Backgroundin , Prim , Last , The Middle East , Thmie , 3 , Will Reconfir Wilm Securell , Ground Incursion , Militaryn , Generations , Sounds E He S G , Prime Minister Doer , Decades D , Beethat , Whatever , We Shouldn T , Murderers , America Safer , Heisrael , Israel Safe , Butchers , Ofgl , Israelhe , Terrobutche Americanw , Support Thatt Needs , Togetheralito , Coalih , Commentos , Coalition , Hearing , Hang On , Sights , Happeningse , Ator Hanget , Right , Clarity , Happening , Importab , Evil , Israestate Ofael , Anrit , Josh Hawlethemselvy , Bomb , Fog W , Ws , Clead , Speak , Ha Gaza , East Coast , Hourn Ons Of Heavy Fire , Incursion , Positioning , Intoae , Dover , Hadho , 100000 , 500000 , Him , Attackedvek , Rival , Vivek Ramaswam , He Blamesh , Vake Ramaswamy Ll , Honestlw , Noys , Seaw , Isran , Concerthn , Sayingayin , Opinion , Tucker , Explanation , Corrupting Influence , Focus On , Kidnapping , Jewish , Disproportionour , Corrupting , Lead , Influence , Sean Thatthat , Shamefulshamef Mischaracterization , Waew Y , Stop , Happeninga , You Well , Gamesy , Discussion , Iscussion , Azerbaijan , Lobby , Armenia , Rful , Day One , Extent , Ak , Field , Republicas , Decision , Candidates , Israee L , Regionalroader War Ina Middle East , Comment , Ai Don T , Yi , Singl , Ie , Influences , Population , Equivalent , Pictures , Burn Babies , Youh , Capitobabiesl Raide , 37000 , Atrocity , Absolutely , Sea Stand , Steve , Military Contractor , Options , Serving , Matter , On Million , Board Of Boeing , On Corporate Board Ps , Anybod Politicit Ofy , 8 , Thr Military Contracting , Family Business , Foreign Policy Perspective , Top , Priority , Mist , Frankly , Homeland , Financialg To Influencs , E Givety , Tothey , Capacitacity W , Don T , Noatrocitiisraelt , Themnfluence , Dre Sayine E Franklo , My Questioe N , Defense Contract , Yours , I Don T Believe N , Human History , Cause , Defenscaem , National Security , Ablenete , Commander In Chief , Government , Tk S , Military Contracting Businesses , Servichroughe On , Bos , Boardsomeo Of Boeing , Million , Fore One Familw , Campaign , Interests , Needs , Foreign Policy , White House , Giv Being Run , Mone E , Super Pacs , Befits , Iv , Amounte Unlimis , People Don T Thik , President Of United States , Policr , Votinreg Republican , Whathat , Wh Thra , 2020 , Patriotism , Election , Hack , Sector , Objectives , El Id , Capitalism , Monee P , 2 5 , 1200 , 1101 , 2977 , Nine , 11 , September 11th , 1000 , 800 9196467 , 9196467 , 70 , 25 , 00000 , 798 , 800 798 6200 , 6200 , 9 1 , 4000 , 2014 , 1973 , 77 , Zero , 2021 , 2023 , 32 ,

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