Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

pete: we begin this hour with a fox news alert and israel defense ministry launching real tear air strike attacks against suspected hamas air targets along the gaza strip this. is after the israeli prime minister declared war following islamist infiltrating israeli territory in a multi-front surprise terrorist attack against civilians. carly: the white house is responding and national security spokeswoman addressing the attack saying "the u.s. unequivocally condemns the unprovoked attacks by hamas terrorist against israeli civilians. there's never any justifyification for any terrorism". more than 22 dead and 500 hurt. will: trey yingst is on the ground in southern israel with the latest. trey. reporter: absolutely. we're getting new numbers now indicating at least 40 israelis are dead and more than 700 wounded, and dozens taken hostage into the gaza strip. right now off in the distance there's an israeli attack helicopter firing missiles into the northern part of the gaza strip. we've heard explosions from fighter jets that are targeting hamas positions but the major, major focus for israeli troops is trying to secure the border and ensure that they get all of the palestinian militants that have infiltrated into israel and capture or kill them. one militant body brought to this evacuation point and we do know there's gun battles unfolding not only close to here but further down the border with the gaza strip. all of this started early this morning when hamas, the group in control of gaza ordered a multi-front attack sending militants over the border in -- there's a helicopter in the distance over the border. the hamas militants using motorcycles and also pickup trucks to infiltrate into the border communities and they shot and killed many civilians taking others hostage. they also want to a music festival and open fire on the crowd there. the number of casualties is expected unfortunately to rise in the situation and this evacuation point critical with israeli civilians and soldiers here to get much needed medical attention. look at the scene. people are using personal cars to drop off their loved ones who are hit by gunfire or wounded by shrapnell. this has been a constant scene along the gaza boarder and the military also bringing injured troops here. severely wounded soldiers are being evacuated from the front here and there's active fighting continuing in the distance and machine gunfire as israeli police believe dozens of pal tip indian militant -- palestinian militants are inside israel and explosions are still happening every few seconds and a war erupted between israel and gaza. today the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said citizens of israel, we're at war. that's what we've seen throughout the morning and day and jeeps of soldiers kitted out and prepared for ground operations just past headed towards the gaza border and again, there's an understanding there's palestinian militants currently taking hostages and fighting ziti really soldiers in southern israel and they've retained territory following their operation this morning and the israeli response we're told is just beginning. back to you. >> trey, i've seen images of entire jewish israeli families slaughtered in their own homes and it was a surprise attack in communities in the south of israel, largely vertical communities used to rocket attacks and iron dome and missile defense system can block them but the volume of 2-3,000 missiles overwhelmed that and at the same time there's an unprecedented ground attack. so it was too much at one time for israeli forces at the border to manage it. can you speak to -- ongoing territory controlled by hamas or neighborhoods in south of israel and israelis are still under threat. >> absolutely. there's groups that control gaza and they are trying to send in commando units and other soldiers and the israelis are to rescue some of those held hostage but the surveillance video was the border communities and others along the gaza strip. it's unlike anything and i've covered many wars between israel and gaza they're horrific video out of the gaza strip of palestinian militants dragging the body of the israelis through the streets and photos on mel gram and israeli civilians alived and pulled into hamas and jihad tunnels and this is unprecedented. there are really no words to describe what israel is femaling at this moment. except a state of shock. there's an ongoing response by the military to try and rescue some of the hostages in the southern part of the country. c. carly: speaking of unprecedented situation and shock people are feeling, you have to wonder how the international community will respond. british prime minister rishi sunak posted israel has an absolute right to defend exist you said this is unprecedented situation and you have to wonder if the united states or great britain or other european nations will go further than words in their support for israel. reporter: i've spent much time speaking to people and i've been with commando units here and we've seen israeli military operation withs our cameras and eyes and there's a difference between soldiers from fighting milimilitants and militants figg children and the level of this conflict and the sheer brutality displayed this morning by the militants in southern israel will certainly not only change the israeli response but also likely the international response. condemnation coming in from around the world including the u.s. embassy in israel but we expect stronger statements throughout the day. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordering a severe response and not guessing what's going to take place and i can give you a sense of what conflict was like in the past. in 2024, there was a war that erupted and start when had three people were kidnapped and we're getting reports ophidianses kidnapped. pete: gaza is a terrorist state controlled by hamas supplied by iran. it was given to the guys of peace from palestine and the israeli government is the might right wing government it's ever been is because the argument has been land for peace for so long. get every time you give land to the palestinian authority, it gets taken over by groups that turn it into a militant cam and they get supplies and weapons and they basically just rearm to try and attack israel and wipe it off the map. in this case, it's been a spectacular attack and israeli defense forces caught off guard but this for bb netanyahu coming out and saying this is war, it's one thing. carly: one if i think there are soldier against soldier fighting and go out there and fight if he's talking civilian on civilian and kidnapping children. pete: find an ax if you can to kill a jew is the viewpoint of the islamists there. will: back here at home, joe biden made an about face coming to the border wall. synergy home? in part because you've heard from democrat mayors of new york or chicago start to decry the problems or weight of the effects of illegal immigration on their sanctuary cities and there's a little taste of what those mayors are dealing with from their own residence. this is chicago resident. speaking about the pro problemsn chicago. >> i don't understand why our mayor has not stepped in and asked to at least temporarily suspend chicago's sanctuary city status at least until we have a handle on this crisis that is at hand. i don't understand why it's not apart of the conversation and i don't understand why they're not turning buses around. we're not helping these people. they're here primarily living in squaller. we're cass cassioppi cementing - accepting it as if it's the way things are supposed to be and it's unacceptable. pete: i spoke to a chicago alderman in the program and put a lot of blame in the biden administration and that's not going to stop the problem chicago is facing right now with their question saying we're a sanctuary city or state. that's on democrat politicians and on the mayor and alderman to say no more. it was a nice little project to talk about and till the reality came to our doorstep and our citizens are turning against us and rightfully so. you wonder if it'll cause the rethinking on the hard left. i don't know what does. carly: this situation is unbelievable and chicago is expecting 25 bus loads of migrants per day. 1,200 people per day and now what they're doing is they're turning these parks and sports facilities into migrant shelters and that is so horrible. there was a meeting that took place a couple days ago and the abilities of the images of the communities of people coming together and saying this isn't right and if you think about it, these sports facilities are so important and especially one thing that's keep ago young child turning into a gang is football. being on a football team and another shutting these facilities down and saying the migrants are more important and that's how the residents feel and they're fed up. will: you know, for the last several decades there's illegal immigration in texas and entire country has seen the effects of illegal immigration and whether or not you're from minnesota or texas, you've seen the affects or change of america. at the hands of illegal immigration. what's interesting is in the past, what you've probably seen as illegal labor, you've seen essentially economies in towns absorb. pete: underground thing? will: yeah, it's like they absorb this and if they walk around midtown new york or haven't been to chicago with these shelters and either because of the massive influx in a short amount of time or the changing nature of illegal immigration. pete: at o'hare, that's thousands of illegals camping out and it's unsustain and will it's going to get cold. it's not just the buss and it's the flights that the biden administration is facilitating.. carly: if you change the policy maybe something else will change in a better way and this will stop but till then, expect this to keep continuing. pete: yeah, till democrats grow a brain and doesn't seem likely. will and i go off the wall to break down the hypocrisy on the reversal of a lot of levels too little too late. why is that the case? will and i will break it down off the wall. carly: yes. when you think of manly men, who do you think of? will? pete? arnold schwarzenegger maybe? he's warning that the next generation may be a generation of wimps. listen to him here. >> what built this country is it people that slept in? people that are wimping out and say i want to feel good and be comfortable? no, these were ballsy women and men that went out at 5:00 in the morning and went out and struggled and fought and they worked their butts off. that's what made this country great. so now let's continue this way. don't start creating a generation of wimps and weak peek and stuff like that where we go and be concerned about how are you feeling today? oh, i don't want to hurt your feelings. the human mind can only really grow through resistance. carly: i love that message. the united states did not become the number one super power in the world by doing four day workweeks and work from home. that's what's happening now and he's send ago great warning message to everybody to stop and get back to work and toughen up. will: ironic it's on a program with a man that's quarantined himself into a room wearing gloves and a mask and ensuring he never comes across a germ. the program for howard stern. carly: that's true. pete: love your kids but they're not your bruh. your buddy. like owe. >> i sit and stare at their freaken i pads all day long. name the age. 4-14. engage with maine talk to me here. get up, do something. make your bed. get outside. i sound like a keystone lake mud john but it's the basic stuff that adds up to a bunch of wimps. carly: over the summer there was a trend that went viral on social media and called the lazy girl job trend where it really was a big thing on tiktok. all these girls were talking about the best lazy girl job to get. it was like -- nothing against marketing, i'm sure there's a lot of people in marketing that work hard -- will: was it news anchor? pete: weekend news anchor, yeah. carly: get something in pr and marketing that lets you work from home and four hour as week and you can clock off at 5:00 and that's the best lazy girl job. that, listen, if you want a lifestyle balance that's fine, but there's a ceiling to that. will: yeah. bunch of wimps i guess. i like arnold. i do. pete: i do too. will: i don't agree with everything he's said or done but what a great personal success. i watched a documentary recently and bill bur has a great riff on arnold being a great man. pete: i'd like to watch that. will: maybe check it out. turning now to headlines and friends of social justice activist stabbed to death in brooklyn on monday facing a backlash for making a go fund me to take time off work to properly mourn. critics claim the go fund me organizers are using ryan carson's death to make a quick death cal cal calling it app ab. some are making minimal donation to comment retched theft. it's climbing past the $70,000 mark. the friends are saying we need to properly mourn but we have to take time off work and you need to give us money. pete: offsetting the working class people to properly mourn. so i'm sure it'll be great. will: kaiser permanente workers heading back to work without a contract and another walkout could be on the horizon and negotiations sed yuled on thursday and 7,000 picketing on wednesday and demanding higher wages and solutions to a staffing crisis. these cruets were made for walking. these are crocs with a special cowboy boot version. carly: oh, wow. oh my gosh. will: croc skin texture and spurs and their own charms. buy a pair for $120 on october 23rd. national croc day and find them online or in select croc stores. pete: i feel like themselves fighting words for you, l. will: look like your square toe boots. will: i like squared toed boots. i have every pair. never had a pair of crocs. pete: know what the charms are? will: my son's had crocs. pete: giblets. i'll make it a personal mission otomake sure we get a pair of these croc boots on the show and get you in a pair. just for a second. will: that weekend i'm off. carly: i have an exciting announcement to make, next week is a big day for me because cooking with friends is coming out on tuesday. by me, i should say all of us. it's not my cook book but it's he can be's. pete, you have two recipes in it. know what they are? pete: one is my steak. carly: no, minnesota wild rice soup. your mom's recipe. actually three, pete. you have -- pete: three, will. three. carly: let's look at pictures. pete: we're not on the front cover but the back cover. is there a picture of the back? hold it up for tomorrow. carly: i have one of the books. let me backtrack for those that haven't heard me say, cooking with friends is obviously one of the classic "fox & friends" segments that have been happening for years. it's where people come on "fox & friends" and it's a compilation of recipes and some of my own and pink jell-o and stuffing. pete: pink jell-o, thank you, grandma edith. it's a norwegian classic. how many recipes does will have in the book? will: i'm not. i don't cook or have recipes and you meanwhile cook minnesota wild rice so you felt that's what you'd have us believe. pete's at home with wild rice going. this is going to be wonderful, kids. carley: buy it on tuesday. that's all i'll say. pete: do i make pink jell-o. it's an amazing extra for your meal. really easy. jell-o and whip cream. kids love it. carley: get the full story at cooking with friends. will: yep, tuesday. carley: goodness. pete: check it out. coming up, a win for parents in wisconsin, a mother's fight against gender identity policies in wisconsin schools and joining us with her daughter. carley: a 7 month old speaking out months after brutally beaten by repeat offender on his way to volunteer at a hospital. he and his wife are up next. pete: after over two months in the hospital, a 70-year-old navy veteran in miami is out and recovering after being brutally beaten by a repeat offender while on his way to volunteer at the va hospital. the suspect, 36-year-old daniel was arrested shortly after the incident and facing multiple charges including battery. joining us now to share his story is navy veteran, his name is joseph and his wife leah. thank you for being here. joseph, thank you for your service. you're continuing to serve by helping out at the va yet you were brutally attacked. from what i understand, the guy that did it said i have something for veterans so had something out for you. what happened and how are you, sir? >> i'm recovering. it's been, it's been literally hell for the last two or three months. but i'm getting better. i've been volunteering at the va for numerous years in miami and i wait for the bus in the morning to take me to the va and the train. i was standing bit cvs. this individual came by and says i have something for veterans. when he said that, i thought in my little brain, let me walk to the bus stop, which is only about five feet away and let me go where there's people, you know, there. z i walked, he sucker punched me and knocked me out and i fell to the ground and i went to sit up and he started stomping me on my head and my back. pete: you don't know this guy obviously? no connection at all, totally random, totally unprovoked in what did the people around you do? >> that's the other thing. the people around me, someone might have called 911 but there's another individual, no one really came to my aid. the thing is after he stomped me the first time, the individual walked away maybe 20 feet or maybe further, i'm not sure. dazzled and he came back and continued to stomp me again. i didn't expect people to help me when he first sucker punched me but once he walked away, maybe somebody should have came to my aid and stood there and maybe wouldn't have come back and continued to stomp me. pete: at any moment, someone older vet being attacked, i mean, it is -- the fact it's not in our dna to stand up for that person, it's incredibly de-moralizing. leah, i have to believe this has been a tough situation for you as well. talktous. >> yes, indeed. i was feeling safe in my neighborhood and we've been there for a long type. this is two and a half blocks away from home. there was the worst phone call to receive that your loved one has been attacked or a victim of this heinous crime and the three months has been trying. my husband suffer spinal cord injury. he went to a very invasive and traumatic surgical intervention. and he's recuperating. he's not to the fullest yet. he must obtain physical therapy and other types of treatments to regain a list of strain on the upper body. and other complications and other complications butler joined to his attack. yes. pete: he couldn't do it without you. the attacker scheduled to appear in court later this month and of course, a repeat offender. someone that's -- i mean, this is something that could have been prevented. joseph, thank you for your service. real quick, last word. >> i would like to say, i would hope maybe with all this thing, we can make attacking veteran as hate crime. we can start with the different states. and national hate crime. make a national thing for attacking veterans. being a hate crime as well because i was wearing the hat that i'm wearing now. this hat here is the only thing he knew i was a veteran and not carrying any badges from the va. and he said i got something for veterans and he came and attacked me. i believe maybe we can get this done. i want to thank you listening to my story and everything. thank you for inviting us here. pete: thank you for everything you've gone for our country and continue to co. i don't like hate crimes and if we categorize everybody else, vets should be as well. to your point. >> him leaving and coming back, i think there should be harder punishments because he walked away. pete: he's going for more. throw the book at this guy. keep us posted. i >> i don't know anything about law -- >> but this is very frequent legal actions with repeat offenders. pete: you're exactly right. joseph and leah, we have to leave it there but god bless you. >> thank you very much. pete: coming up, house republicans sort out who to nominate for house speakers and what issues to voters really care about? we'll talk to our panel coming up next. carley: the search is on for a new house speaker and while republicans hold an internal election on wednesday morning, what message do voters have for their elected leaders to fulfill campaign promises in bring our panel and defendant voter kim brown and republican voter beth parlatto and jim boyer, who's an iowa former and republican voter. good morning. talk about campaign promises and, jim, i'll start with you. what's your message to republicans in congress? are they doing a good job of filling the campaign promises they made? >> good morning. carly. there's room for definitely room for improvement. we need to get spending under control and i know there was some promises made as far as getting inflation under control and getting spending under control. we cannot continue as a nation on this reckless course the biden administration put us on in terms of going to put debt on the backs of kids and grand kids and we run a farming operation here and we have to have a budget every year. if i borrow or win, i borrow money and have to make sure i pay that money pack they have the income in order to service that debt. there's no reason that the federal government can't live by the same rules. carley: i hear you and getting spending under control is one of the reasons the whole speakership battle is happening in the first place. kim, you are an independent voter and republicans that are very divided right now would love to give you to vet for them. what do they need to do in order for that to happen? >> well, the number one thing is people have to mean what they say and say what they mean and get the job done. i think what's happening right now across america is that people are no longer really trusting in our government system. yet and still they keep voting for the same people over and over and over again and expect for a change. now, when it comes to them ousting kevin mccarthy, we know that he had a good -- he has a good relationship with president biden is of course they came up with the act of 2023 regarding the fiscal responsibility act and that was a good act. but it's very unfortunately when you have leaders in position. you still have people who are jealous and envy and they're part of your simply cal party and this is something the american people are tired of. we want people to get the job done. make sure that you make good on your promise and if you can't, then guess what, give someone else the opportunity to hold that seat because maybe then only americans with real live move the country forward. carley: get the job done and fulfill the promises and move the country in the right direction. bet, you're a republican voter attorney and form ore new york congressional candidate and how do you feel about the whole speakership bat and will kevin mccarthy getting ousted and jim jordan and steve scalise are up for the speakership role and two candidates that say they want the job and what are the issues that matter most to you and have not been fulfilled? >> well, as a republican voter, i'm angry at circus that happened this week in dc. >> we have in my opinion eight rogue members and they have rogue members and they cause a lot of chaos this week and what they did was put dc politics ahead of what's important to the american people. we have issues that are facing this nation and we have a crisis at the border and we have immigration issues, crime rampant throughout our country. look at the economy. what's going on with interest rates and issues that are so important and these eight rogue members put this chess game ahead of the issues that are facing this nation. and quite honesty, i think there should be repercussions that should happen, and i think it's going to happen in the 2024 election. look at nancy mace, her congressional district in south carolina is supposed to be redistricted this year and very likely the democrats could go ahead and turn this cement i think that what they did is a circus. it's a chess game. they shouldn't have done it to us. there's so many more issues facing our country. carley: right, yeah, and they still struggling to funneled the government and that can only happen if there's a house speaker so certainly something to watch when the vote comes down on wednesday. kim, beth, jim, thank you all so much for joining us this morning. it was great to hear from you. >> thank you. carley: you're very welcome. coming up, president biden facing backlash over his u-turn on the border. >> even biden now is admitting that the migrant crisis is real. he said today [bleep] build the wall. carley: and he's not the only democrat changing his tune. will and pete go off the wall, that wall, coming up next. 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(announcer) whether you need to lose 10, 20, 50, or over a hundred pounds, lose it the right way with golo. go to that's ♪ pete: ahead of 2024 election and democrats are changing their tune on the border and building the wall. pete: build the wall. go off the wall to see a few examples and we'll start here in new york city. so eric adams gets elected and when he was first elected he was coming as a new mayor and had a different points in the paint of view than today on welcoming illegals into the city. take a listen to eric adams. >> new york is a city that's always represented the democratic values of our city and showing our compassion. that's what we're doing today. many families that want to stay here, we're going to assure they can get the proper shelter. will: so compassionate city, always have our arms open. shelters are ready. and that invitation was accepted, 122,000 migrants have arrived in new york city since the spring of 2022. it's estimated something like $5 billion in costs. pete: any family that wants to come. we've had a networks have had cameras trained on the buses arriving, but that's only a small fraction of this 122,000. it's probably higher than this number too by the way. the vast majority of these are facile ited bay the biden administration into newark airport, la guardia and jfk into the dead of night and eric adams has a sense of probably how many are coming and most new yorkers don't. will: that's because eric adams has experienced this as the mayor of new york city and changed his too . >> many people there giving them false hopes and false promises. we want to give people a true picture of what is here. we're going tell them that coming to new york doesn't mean you're going stay in a five star hotel. it doesn't mean that the minute you come here, you're going to be allowed to work. pishes the problem is that's exactly what it's penalty. pete: hotels around the city full of illegals because there's a right to shelter law in the city. new york city, new york state and sanctuary state and say those words and hasn't changed the policy. i he's not alone. take a look ate with the governor of illinois, jb pritzker signed into legislation iny making it the "most welcoming state in the nation. like so many other democratic mayors and governors, he's said, hey, we are full of compassion. pete: not just welcoming but the most welcoming and 15,000 at least took them up on it in chicago costing -- that's probably a low number as well, $400 million and jb pritzker facing the backlash and a segment on this morning and as a result he's now saying to biden, it's untenable. will: this situation is now untenable. that's occ occurred in massachusetts. in 2019, then attorney general mar ragaini haley sued the trump administration for declare ago national emergency over illegal immigration. pete: this was back when we were trying to secure the border. she was suing him. now 20,000 have gone to emergency shelters and many of those sheltered are illegal and it's costing them $45 million a month. will: yeah and our annual army navy game being disrupted by illegal immigrants in hotel rooms and what now is happening in massachusetts? they are now declaring their own state of emergency. pete: from suing for a national emergency to declaring your own and there's no more stark example than this one here, will. because of a right to shelter law, they're canceling reservations for military families in the bos tan area that have reservations going to the army navy game and put illegals in the hotel room. will: perhaps the greatest flip-flop and best illustration of the entire change of tone amies reality is the biden administration. you have the biden administration that's switched their tune on this issue as well. i think we have that wall as well where joe biden had said this earlier in his presidency. >> trump campaigned on build that wall. are you willing to tear that wall down? >> there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. pete: not a foot constructed. if anything, they were tearing it down and selling it off as we know. the numbers came n the receipts and highest record ever of illegals, and these are encounters that we know of, almost 7 million total encounters since taking office and so something's changing. will: regarding that extra foot of wall and alejandro mayorkas said there's an acute need to construct physical barriers on the border of the united states in order to prevent unlawful entries into the united states. pete: not an inch of border wall guy is now a 20-mile border wall guy and his far left is upset. will: new york to chicago and president of the united states. sing ago different song. pete: amazing. will: still ahead, a court ruling a school's gender identity policy is a violation of parent's constitutional rights. the next guest is a mother whose daughter was impacted directly and they join us next. (vo) in three seconds, pam will decide... (pam) i'm moving closer to the grandkids! wait. i got to sell the house! (vo) don't wait, just sell directly to opendoor. easy as pie. (pam) piece of cake. (vo) whichever. get your competitve offer at will: a win for parents in wisconsin where a judge ruled schools must notify them about a child's transition. our next guest were involved in the lawsuit. after their district decided to socially "affirm their daughter as a transgender boy without their permission". here with more, tammy and her daughter autumn and their lawyer kate anderson. thanks for being with us. first of all, tammy, i think we'll start with you and autumn. tell me about the fight with the school district. what happened with the path you and autumn chose to pursue and how that was handled differently with the school. >> well, in 2020 my daughter was experiencing some pretty severe anxiety and depression. my husband and i, it spiraled into gender dysphoria and the school and other institutions were with the affirmative care model and my husband and i did our reservice connected and have decided we're not going to do the affirmative care model and informed the school district and let us know they were an advocate of the child and not the parent and they could take her back to school with whatever name and pro noun she chose so we immediately removed her from the school. will: i want to come back to you and just one moment, autumn, check in with your attorney quickly and i'm fascinated by that argument that the school made. hey, we represent the kid, not the family or parent. how did that argument go for you versus the school district? >> well, school districts should never hide information from parents and they should never ignore a parent's expressed instructions and that's exactly what happened there. so we had to go to court and get a judge to weigh in on this. good news, we got a great decision this week with the court weighing in resoundingly protecting parental rights, the rights and responsibilities of parents to make the important decisions with their kids. as you see, kids need their parents and schools need to respect t that. will: kate, the superintendent said the district will work with all students, parents and staff and we'll require written parental consent when using student pronounce at odds with sex at birth. in the future, they need parental sign off on this path. autumn, i want to ask you, how are you doing, you know, i know that your mom has talked about how you as a family chose to deal with these mental health issues versus the way the school wanted to handle it. how are you doing today? >> i'm doing great. i mean, i'm a 14-year-old girl. there's going to be mental ups and downs. i just started high school. but overall i'm really comfortable with myself. the relationship with my mom is great after the wall they built between us, making her out as overall my hardest challenge in life but our relationship got better because of that. will: that's incredible and great to hear. that is a -- really quick, you said you're 14; is that right? >> yes, sir. will: this all went down when you were 11. i heard your mom say in 2020. that's incredible. congratulations to all of you on this victory for not just for family but for family rights in general. thank you so much. more fox and friends coming up in one moment. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri.

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