Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

pirro along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, martha maccallum, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this iths "the five" ♪ crime, homelessness, violence and filth are now the norm in liberal cities and the voters don't seem to mind. take the chaos in seattle. the blue city has surpassed last year's homicide total with three months left in the year.r and violent crime is up 25%. jesse sent johnny to the progressive hell scape where residents mocked the idea that the city is spiraling out of control. >> i've never seene anyin crimr seattle. i've never seen any of i've seen fun and laughter and laughter and don fun. >> i don't believe that number. >> people are getting robbed out here, car jacked. >> i've never herd of anyone getting robbed. >> crimeof is aa social issue s could be solved by giving people their basic needs. >> it's not something that happens to the street people don't come up and rob people on the street. do youe is walk up every day li somebody's going to rob you. >> seattle decriminalized drug use annad thenli criminalized i again. >> where are you getting these facts?w you're from new yorkyo you're g listenintog to the wrong people >> i saw people shooting up on my way down here. >> oh, okay. did they bother you? >> i was in a car. >> oh, no, you were in a car.e oh, no, they were hurting you so bad.>> oh, no. >> judge jeanine: this situation sounds leak a big vote to voters but target is taking notice. they are now closing stores in seattle and other liberal cities over concerns of theft and worker safety and now the liberal media is throwing in the towel on the progressive movement. the new york times is admitted black lives matter occupy wall street andt me too are total failures that didn't change anything and are just symbolic. quote, for instance, polling showr s thatin most black ameri t major changes to policing but not less policing. much of black lives matter, however, focused on cutting police funding. jesse, i have to go to you. the arrogance and the ignorance of seattle residents that johnn interviewed is shocking. i mean, how could they be le clueless? >> jesse: wellss?, they're in denial and if you look at the demographicsof of the city it's understandable. it is a very highly-educated city, very white, very lgbtq, very secular and they all believe in the same thing which is, criminalizing crime is racistis. someone, a victim's advocate who just quit after 25 yeart afs because she said crim victims are being pressured by courts to recommend non-prison sentences. so if you get assaulted, you're supposed to want that person to go to rehapposb instead of pris and d they're being bullied int doing this. it's about white guilt and it's about people learning from these professors that in order to make been equal, they can't punish criminality. and it's gotten so bad criminals are now coming into the city, wo diffd it with sex offenders we used to see them go to vermont or california where they know theyere can get away with prey on children because they know there's soft sentences, they'rec doing the same thing here and it's predatory. and it's such a shame because the city is the fourth largest port in north america, huge trade with asia, they have being and microsoft so much potential buatt you see what they've done politically they never vote ev republican and so they continue to vote democrat year after year, referendum, after remember dumbof l and the quality of lie keeps going down and they've accepted to. i don't leak to speak generalities but when you go there there's a dark paw r. happening over the city. you're not getting sunlight there. people are depressed. i saw an abundance of purple rp hair, an abundance of masks, more masks the there than i seee per capita, and remember nevada, the grunge scene, it's the same type of people, too much pad gone i can't judge, a very healthy looking crowd and i can't help but notice it's all tied together. simon cowell noticed it too, they had the worst bunch of miserable singers i ever met in my life, two days of misery. >> judge jeanine: oakland businesses went on strike today because of the crime and house judiciary actually queenened in chicago, we just found out before w wene went on air, targs closing nine stores across four states all in democrat cities and yen t they're doubling downn this social justice no cash bail. how do you justify this? >> well, i don't have to justify is which is the beauty of not being in an administration. >> judge jeanine: do you agree with i t >> jessica: obviously policies h that these da have been carryinn out is not working and there is a dichotomy about what the policemocr chiefs think which a alabamas andu do democrats as w. and you see across some democratic cities there has been push back you seen said london breed is changing in the way she's talking in san francisco. you saw chesa boudin got thrown out there. philadelphia, a little tougher talk but if you have larry kudlow ae s the da it won't chae the people that are punished. what i wanny wt to say about th people johnny are interviewing, though, is that this is a deeply personal thing when your city changes. and as a native new yorker i have to take about a downward by ra i grew upg goingon on the sy every sickle day with my mom anu i would not bring my daughter oh there. these arere places that we love they're important american cities, talked about that with san francisco?it it's one have our biggest attractions, it's gorges,'s the best od off us. and actually when someone puts m cameraer in your face that you' not going to want to sa i my city is a disaster. ti will point out that the fbi statistic, show that 30 cities, that homicides have dropped by 9.4% compared the same period last year, not below pre at pandemic levels but it is better. violeny t crimthe in some place isn't a problem.'t but there is a larger story here than just everything is a hell scape. >> a you know, martha jessica talks aboueanit prosecutors, th cases don't even goat prosecutors because the defendants, if they are arrested are let out and don't come back. whatut about the takoma piers li county health department, kids tellint tog them have a safely d fentanyl as opposed to don't do drunks. what happened to dare and all these other programs? >> great point. it's very hard, because drug use these days because marijuana is legal in so many states across the new york city teachers are so upset because so made kids are coming to school high in the ey morning. they're already set them all back and now, you know, now they show up for school high in large number enoughsy that teachers e concern about it. we don't need to tell kids how to safely take fentanyl what we should tell them is they shouldn't take any drug that b wasn't handed to them by their a parent or their doctor might be laced with and we've seen so ve many people lose their lives that way. i find it really interesting, jessica, about your point about not wanting to admit that the city that you love is in trouble. k there's an interesting divide on that because you do hear from people in new york city who are very upset about what's happening ann very open about it. and they want to complain about it because they want it to get better.le but what we see in that video are people that don't want to have what agencies happening between their eyes. and i find that curious because, the truth hurts unless we accept wh what's. i think th wasiee woman whose hs bloodied who pushed to defund ne the police in minneapolis and sh thee said you have to arresth these teen abling that ares did that to me in my driveway. they have to go to jail. i sense a change but we have to be clear eyed about what's goine on and those people do not appear to r tobe. >> judge jeanine: greg what do you make aboute: the fact that e new york times seem to be becoming arounrogrd progressive policies and a lot of these cities have been a failure. >> greg: well, when you've been acting stupid for a long time, you still have to pretend to be smart so they attribute all of this called elite capture ratheo than purcye literally. this was a leadership ra campaign of some actions usualle propel gated by white liberals and ended up resulting in a loss of life all around, it diverted, attention from real practical er solutions, this is great, the time. the winners of prestigious cultural wars become diverse. media corporations now capitalize the word black and president biden changed it none of this stopped crime but it made the white liberals feel really good inside and it kept them from saying the brave stuff which is we've got a receiverius crime em.problem. on this show for years we were saying to the left, changing school names, team mascots, getting rid of status, that t doesn't help fight crime or isolation or mental illness. how many lives did they actually cost chasing status instead of criminals, telling us that this was the action that you had to take. it didn't alleviate any crime or illness or any during ughh addiction. peo hardly it amplified it because it kept people from doing work. it was never about the public to begin it was activists elevating themselves sayindefug the most stride dent thing, defund the police, all whites are racist, they would get funding, they would get houses and book deals and no one would speak again this out of fear because nobody wants to be call a racist. w so in turn they amplified their position without making a buck. i think the worst thing i did was interfere with the privacy of the individual, every person isn't part of a person, they're part of a th ye reason they did that is s you could pick group versus blah. and white person could have more in common with a black person ant.d mexican can have more in common you with others. what you have instead is riots t looting crime because you can't speak out because if you did you would be racist.w so now we're living in the world of elite capture when before it waitigs some unmitigated coward heis o say. >> judge jeanine: coming up team biden is on a tough. ♪ ♪ push ♪ - wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. 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what do you think other world leaders think of this man? at some point you have to say maybe it's time for me to exit the stage. i'm embarrassing myself. but forget all that. let's assume that he does enough pt and doesn't have any more stumbles. all he has to do is open his mouth. it's still over then. >> martha: greg. >> greg: you hold your breath around joe biden i hold my breath around eric swalwell. isn't it funny how joe and his polls are in in perfect semtary. they're both falling figuratively and literally in perfect parallel. talk about a low bar they're setting, it's not let's get joe to tackle the issues or take on trump maybe create a system or plan to fight crime ordeal the immigration or the economy. no it's make sure he doesn't fall on his face and he a is not even drinking which could explain it. everyone with a facade begins with with the word don't. don't let him speak too long, don't let him walk or ride a bike or wand der off or ease greasy shows, don't et let him sniff kids hairsor passionately kiss teen-age daughters. but they can't expect him to do anything, it's all don't don't don't. he really is like a caged bird. he's not running the company he doesn't mind that he doesn't nined role because he was born to be a figure head or a hood wornment just wear the aviator sunglasses and make sure i get a hot meal. >> martha: jessica it makes me wonder when i read these stories who's leaking this and is there a movement to try to nudge him in the direction of saying i'm going to step aside >> jessica: there's a very public movement happening, congressman dean phillips ended up being the i say fa of it but you doie so it in the numbers about whether people want him to run again and whether they think that he's up to the job and the democratic numbers are lower than the republican numbers on that but they still exist. and it's a conversation. i think the white house is taking it on more than they were before, which i think is important, and you can see a shift in the way president biden is talking about the age issue. talk about -- why me on my accomplishments, i know that i'm old. it used to be. the core of the axios piece was about the sneakers, that he switched to sneakers and then our very own peter doocy is on fox and friends wearing the same sneakers that joe biden wore and he said everyone from capitol hill from 36 to 80 is wearing these sneakers. >> martha: we were worried about peter doocy falling down, too. >> jesse: peter doocy also, when they were on their latest overseas trip was talking about biden's schedule, remember he said i'm going to go take a nap or it was late. peter said he was working until the wee hours of the night and held a complete schedule and our perception of the world has been up since biden came into the presidency. >> judge jeanine: based on what >> jessica: what other world leaders think of america. but you said we don't have to watch him let's just look at what comes out of his mouth. and i will a put together trump's from the last ten days. he said you need an id to buy bread. has anyone schoen an id to get wonder bread. he said he ran against obama in 2016, he ran against hillary clinton. he warned biden would get us into world war ii which i think we already fought and won and yesterday he confused jeb bush and george bush saying jeb got us involved in the middle east. and on truth he's calling for the joint chiefs of staffs to be executed and saying he's going to investigate media companies he doesn't like. can you imagine if biden said i'm going to look into fox news. >> this may be the choice people have, trump versus biden. >> at least trump can say ll cool j. in the prompter. so biden has to stay upright and trump has to stay out of prison. think about how low that is, that is the most corrupt situation where joe biden has to not fall flat on his face to have a shot at reelection. and he promised us he would get us back to formal but all he's worried about is making himself look normal. it's not inflation, inflation is -- if i could just get my rates down and crime down. then i would have a shot. i just need to stay on my two feet then i could get back into the white house. he's forgotten about us and his people have forgotten about us too, because wheel they're talking healthcare and access, they're worried about the commander in chief not fall over a sandbag, and have the right shoes and lower the stairs to get back onto air force one. those aren't the things they should be concerned about. they're working with us they should be concerned with us. they should not be concerned with the pop of a president being affidavit up. from the fake press to fake press conses, lack of acc. this guy can't even stand and is about this close to falling down again and that's how scared they are >> jessica: i would just say today, he was standing upright on the picket line with the auto workers, right? and tomorrow trump will be showing up at a nonunion plant in michigan he was not invited by the unonto come and speak. >> jesse: well i brought bed with an id the other day. >> standing up is a low bar. >> what about --. >> judge jeanine: straight ahead, justin trudeau, a nazi, after calling the anti-lockdown truckers just that. ♪ it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every me i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back. angel: when i received the diagnosis for my daughter, my hope was gone. but when you get there, everyone's like, hey, we've got your back. we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, that makes all the difference in the world. st. jude has been that rock to be there and support us and have our back through all of this. they saved my baby's life. ♪ you remember we were sitting there by the water ♪ you put your arm around me for the first time ♪ ♪ >> jesse: when woke virtue signaling goes horribly wrong. justin trudeau profusely apologizing after the canadian parliament accidentally honored a naughtsyment they were trying to impress zelenskyy while he was in town by giving a standing ovation for a 98 ukrainian who fought the russians in the world war ii. he was part of the notorious nazi ss unit during the world war. canada house speaker is resigning for inviting the guy and trudeau is very sorry. >> this is something that is deeply embarrassing to the parliament of canada and by extension to all canadians. it's going to be really important that all of us push back again russian propaganda russian disinformation and ten our steadfast support for ukraine. >> of course this is rich because, remember, trudeau attacked the anti-lockdown truckers as nazis? conservative party members can stand with people who waive swastikas. we will choose to stand. >> jesse: so jessica as a jewish american and liberal american, how do does this make you snell >> jessica: i'm not canadian. >> jesse: that close >> jessica: close when i drive north. it's obviously deeply embarrassing that this happened and i understand in the remote world it isn't wrong. i was impressed the speaker resigned so quickly. give it a couple days and ride it out obviously, it made it more intense that it was part of zelenskyy's visit and paying oh imagine to him. i have a hard rule, don't call anyone a nazi who's not a at thatsy because a special group that has a special plays in hell coming towards them. but he was saying, the truckers he was talking about, people waving swastikas is not the same thing as calling people nazis and if you have a swastika hanging from your truck i have a problem with you. >> i think it was more he was a nazi for shutting everything down, they weren't nazis holding the sign. >> exactly? judge jeanine pirro your thoughts on our neighbors up north. >> i thought it was disturbing he thought it was embarrassing for everyone other than himself, he didn't take any responsibility didn't appear in the house of commons to speak, he's been literally under a rock since this happened. i want to know how this guy ended up being called in, who did the background on him? who decided to bring him in and applaud him? he was a nazi and they decide to recognize him. but the amazing thing is, in canada, if they don't like you, you are i a a nazi if you're a conservative. in the united states if they don't like you then you are a racist. okay? it's just these words have a meaning and i think that it's a shames that they use these terms as ceasely as they do but in this case the guy's the real deal so didn't deserve it. >> there'son one response and that ose butts oh the ground in ottawa people will recognize us as liberateers. justin trudeau is a excuse me bucket. i take this personally and i'll tell you why. this canadian mp said that just honking your horn in the protest, honk honk was code for heil hitler. apparently unvaxxed truckers were treated worse than nazis. >> i'm wheel cost memoir and i said you have to have a skill to survive not a as a good thing but a tragedy now. i want to know where those people are now. where are they now when a real nazi is there. where's that white house [bleep] who condemned me? do you remember that? where are those smelly loser blockers sniffing their dingy fingers and firing klonopin. why aren't they speaking up now when they actually have a real nazi. because it's not about nazis it's about gathering scalps of political adversaries. like a real one would. >> jesse:. >> judge jeanine: has the biden white house commented? >> jesse: they commented on the five i agree, in this country or anywhere else these days quickly but i thought trudeau's statement was weak, he sort of gambled into russian misinformation for no apparent reason and it is pauling. i chalk it up to either, either intentional or absolute terrible slop country homework on the part of staffers who don't know enough to dig in and make sure they have their is dotted and ts crossed for such a place of prominent. >> as long as you have the ukrainian. this is how i had happened, because this was all about ukraine so they didn't bother to look. bunch of losers. >> jesse: what's klonopin again? >> greg: i have no idea. >> jesse: up next dana perino gearing up to host the second debate tomorrow and she has something very special in store for us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: the second republican debate is tomorrow and only one moderator needs a special booster seat to see the candidates and that's dana perino. she'll be sitting alongside stuart varney and youtube a visions calderon presented by fox business network and smut cast right here on the fox news network at 9:00 p.m. eastern. dana is already putting my amazing gift to good use by plastering my beautiful head shot all over the candidate podiums. look at this. >> hey gutfeld thank you so much for sending me the head shots i have placed them just as you and i talked about. here is the podium reveal. it is just gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld. bus what else does american need but more gutfeld. >> greg: dana i think you spoke words of wisdom right there. when will you be removing them? >> i left them up there because i figured that everyone needs a souvenir when they come to the reagan library and what better than a head shot of you. maybe instead of covid tests they should send out your head shots all across america to make people happy. >> that is so true. jessica who do you think would be most tweeted about my head shot >> jessica: i think vivek. because he wants to on your show. >> greg: i tried to have him on my show he turned me down >> jessica: a vote for vivek is a vote against greg. >> are you going to tell me i have trivia. >> greg: here's the deal dana they told me to banter and i wantered and now i'm done bantering. so we know you studied. do you have a trivia about it. >> yes. i'm going to test your knowledge. are you ready. question number one, which two candidates tried to win over voters by posting workout videos. >> judge jeanine: okay. >> greg: there's vivek. not that one, not that one. i'm going to go with tease two. >> okay. the answers are vivek ramaswamy and tim scott. did everybody get it? >> judge jeanine: i won, i won, i won. >> greg: greg, there was a picture. >> i actually don't remember seeing the tim scott one so that is news to me. >> he was at the gym, yep. >> here's another one. which candidate is the huge fan of the cartoon garfield? >> are you going to show a picture? >> garfield the cat? >> i don't know. i have no idea. well this is a very tough question and i expect it to come up tomorrow night tomorrow night at the debate. the answer is mike pence. >> to pay a happy birthday wish to garfield, a large orange lazy cat. >> and there you have it. >> i won. in your face loss. >> name the candidate that compared dr. fauci to an elf. let me sew what jesse put up. >> judge jeanine: oh, i don't know. i probably would do this. >> oh, wow. okay. is there unanimity? oh you guys got it right. here is ron desantis. >> i'm just sick of seeing him. i know he says he's going to retire. someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the both. >> greg: elf toss. >> greg i'm surprised he didn't call you and i little he was. >> he has a problem with short people. >> i don't think he's that tall. >> he's not i jessica would know. >> question number four whose favorite movie is the god father. >> oh, come on. >> did i paining the trivia too easy? >>no, we know him. he's from new jersey. >> absolutely. okay. and this candidates compared the senate to a snoresing home. that could be any of them. >> no, this one. >> i'll just go with this. >> oh, i got one. >> what i will say is right now the senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. >> jesse: that's so mean. >> judge jeanine: i like that. >> that's all the trivia. >> thank you dana >> jessica: are you excited? >> yeah, i'm excited. i'm ready for it to happen, i think. i don't know. it's been a long day but a great day. i love being here at the reagan library. i have to say i really wish you were here with me, i miss you guys, i have foe mow and your support means a lot so thank you for your notes and for letting me put greg's picture everywhere at the reagan library. >> greg: you have foe mow? you know there's an indiansment for that. >> could you send that tow me in the hotel? >> greg: yes, i was. >> buy guys. >> buy taylor. >> coming up soldier tickets to the ♪ ♪ i r s w a nts a wo r d . why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices. for all americans! force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health, but they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling superfoods brand in america. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. ♪ i'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh, yeah ♪ >> greg: so many great songs >> jessica: so many great songs steely dan. but look at what you made the irs do, if you scored tickets for taylor swift or beyonce the irs is cracking down and wants to know if you pocketed more than $600 in profit while trying to resell. martha, this is kind of like a long time coming, right, that they're trying to regulate. >> martha: i find this extremely annoying. i mean, i think this is ridiculous. the old rule was that if you did $20,000 or over in business, then you have a business selling tickets. okay? if you are just a person whose plans changed and you sell your tickets, you shouldn't be taxed. tell the irs to get off these people's backs. that's the way stubhub works, you buy the tickets, your plans change you get to sell them. and my favorite part is only congress would come up with the red tape reduction act which puts it at 10,000 right in the middle. i think if you have a business, you have a business, if not, you don't >> jessica: taylor swift has come out herself against ticketmaster in terms of when the system crashed and her fans who signed up for vip stuff couldn't get it and people really preyed upon young fans. >> judge jeanine: here's the thing. i mean, the idea that you're going to go after middle americans for $600, they started with venmo last year wasn't it? >> martha: yep. >> judge jeanine: now if you sell a ticket for 600. we want to be in every aspect of your life. if. it's $600 we want to know. isn't this a party going after billionaires? leave middle americana loan. i'm not sure it's about the inability to get tickets as opposed to making sure they crush middle america who just decided they had to sell a ticket. >> martha: greg, how do you feel about this? >> greg: you know what? i'm okay with this. but i would ask the irs, do the people who steal up to $900 worth of merchandise from wall green's or target, do they pay taxes on the stuff that they steal? because that might be something you should look into. >> judge jeanine: bravo. >> greg: you idiots. >> additional 80,000 irs agents. >> you have guns now. >> jesse: jesse you can comment on this. >> jesse: it's a great point but it's also great if you're hunter biden you can take a tax deduction for escorts and lose a chinese and not claim money from china. we have a person who will be nameless who spent hours mining ticketmaster and buying the tickets and selling them on the sub market and he cleaned up. he cleaned up. >> judge jeanine: where is he now is he in jail. >> jesse: he's swill the company >> jessica: he has the 8:00 slot. >> jesse: that's not true >> jessica: not true. one more thing's up next. ♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing" and i go first. this past weekend i gave a speech at the faith and freedom coalition. their salt and light conference in north carolina. there i am on the stage. i had a great time. i want to thank jason williams, who is right there, for the invitation and all the people who were so gracious to me. i had a fun time. a lot of great people. so,. >> jessica: awesome. >> judge jeanine: thank you. greg? >> greg: all right. tonight we have got a great show. brian kilmeade. ugh. emily compagno. first time guest kelly o'grady, her name sounds like a pub. mackey how sweet. let's do this. a man fulfilled a big dream of mine and i would be landing on top of a unicorn. watch this. here he comes. he is skydiving. i don't know where this is. ed inothing ham, sure. england. he was the only guy to land directly on top of a unicorn. he hit it on the right spot. if he hit it on the horn, he would be -- he had would have to use a different bathroom. >> martha: very impressive. >> judge jeanine: martha? >> martha: check this out. >> jesse: i know him. >> martha: i love that, very own dancing weather mani mann, nick kosir. raise awareness for the fox corporate match initiative. great time to donate to tunnel 2 towers because fox will match the donation to up to $250,000 until saturday. so go to dot fox/22 t to donate. >> steve: jesse? >> jesse: eagles 3 and 0. look at the highlights. we got huretsd. plenty of time. plenty of time. that's a strike in the end zone. i haven't seen the game since i was on the air yesterday. what else do we have? swift up the middle, untouched. leaps over the defender. right down the guts of the defense. there going to sneak it in, hurts. beautiful execution. all right, 3-0. go birds. "jesse watters primetime." britney is on the show. >> greg: as a topic. >> jesse: as a topic. [laughter] >> jesse: the knife dance is featured. >> jessica: incredible off her nice video. not much time but you should know that 219 dogs went to a squeak for the sequel and broke the quinonez world record. the party took place park in los angeles. >> greg: how many were kudlow and then with hannity. see you tomorrow. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." >> joe biden

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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pirro along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, martha maccallum, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this iths "the five" ♪ crime, homelessness, violence and filth are now the norm in liberal cities and the voters don't seem to mind. take the chaos in seattle. the blue city has surpassed last year's homicide total with three months left in the year.r and violent crime is up 25%. jesse sent johnny to the progressive hell scape where residents mocked the idea that the city is spiraling out of control. >> i've never seene anyin crimr seattle. i've never seen any of i've seen fun and laughter and laughter and don fun. >> i don't believe that number. >> people are getting robbed out here, car jacked. >> i've never herd of anyone getting robbed. >> crimeof is aa social issue s could be solved by giving people their basic needs. >> it's not something that happens to the street people don't come up and rob people on the street. do youe is walk up every day li somebody's going to rob you. >> seattle decriminalized drug use annad thenli criminalized i again. >> where are you getting these facts?w you're from new yorkyo you're g listenintog to the wrong people >> i saw people shooting up on my way down here. >> oh, okay. did they bother you? >> i was in a car. >> oh, no, you were in a car.e oh, no, they were hurting you so bad.>> oh, no. >> judge jeanine: this situation sounds leak a big vote to voters but target is taking notice. they are now closing stores in seattle and other liberal cities over concerns of theft and worker safety and now the liberal media is throwing in the towel on the progressive movement. the new york times is admitted black lives matter occupy wall street andt me too are total failures that didn't change anything and are just symbolic. quote, for instance, polling showr s thatin most black ameri t major changes to policing but not less policing. much of black lives matter, however, focused on cutting police funding. jesse, i have to go to you. the arrogance and the ignorance of seattle residents that johnn interviewed is shocking. i mean, how could they be le clueless? >> jesse: wellss?, they're in denial and if you look at the demographicsof of the city it's understandable. it is a very highly-educated city, very white, very lgbtq, very secular and they all believe in the same thing which is, criminalizing crime is racistis. someone, a victim's advocate who just quit after 25 yeart afs because she said crim victims are being pressured by courts to recommend non-prison sentences. so if you get assaulted, you're supposed to want that person to go to rehapposb instead of pris and d they're being bullied int doing this. it's about white guilt and it's about people learning from these professors that in order to make been equal, they can't punish criminality. and it's gotten so bad criminals are now coming into the city, wo diffd it with sex offenders we used to see them go to vermont or california where they know theyere can get away with prey on children because they know there's soft sentences, they'rec doing the same thing here and it's predatory. and it's such a shame because the city is the fourth largest port in north america, huge trade with asia, they have being and microsoft so much potential buatt you see what they've done politically they never vote ev republican and so they continue to vote democrat year after year, referendum, after remember dumbof l and the quality of lie keeps going down and they've accepted to. i don't leak to speak generalities but when you go there there's a dark paw r. happening over the city. you're not getting sunlight there. people are depressed. i saw an abundance of purple rp hair, an abundance of masks, more masks the there than i seee per capita, and remember nevada, the grunge scene, it's the same type of people, too much pad gone i can't judge, a very healthy looking crowd and i can't help but notice it's all tied together. simon cowell noticed it too, they had the worst bunch of miserable singers i ever met in my life, two days of misery. >> judge jeanine: oakland businesses went on strike today because of the crime and house judiciary actually queenened in chicago, we just found out before w wene went on air, targs closing nine stores across four states all in democrat cities and yen t they're doubling downn this social justice no cash bail. how do you justify this? >> well, i don't have to justify is which is the beauty of not being in an administration. >> judge jeanine: do you agree with i t >> jessica: obviously policies h that these da have been carryinn out is not working and there is a dichotomy about what the policemocr chiefs think which a alabamas andu do democrats as w. and you see across some democratic cities there has been push back you seen said london breed is changing in the way she's talking in san francisco. you saw chesa boudin got thrown out there. philadelphia, a little tougher talk but if you have larry kudlow ae s the da it won't chae the people that are punished. what i wanny wt to say about th people johnny are interviewing, though, is that this is a deeply personal thing when your city changes. and as a native new yorker i have to take about a downward by ra i grew upg goingon on the sy every sickle day with my mom anu i would not bring my daughter oh there. these arere places that we love they're important american cities, talked about that with san francisco?it it's one have our biggest attractions, it's gorges,'s the best od off us. and actually when someone puts m cameraer in your face that you' not going to want to sa i my city is a disaster. ti will point out that the fbi statistic, show that 30 cities, that homicides have dropped by 9.4% compared the same period last year, not below pre at pandemic levels but it is better. violeny t crimthe in some place isn't a problem.'t but there is a larger story here than just everything is a hell scape. >> a you know, martha jessica talks aboueanit prosecutors, th cases don't even goat prosecutors because the defendants, if they are arrested are let out and don't come back. whatut about the takoma piers li county health department, kids tellint tog them have a safely d fentanyl as opposed to don't do drunks. what happened to dare and all these other programs? >> great point. it's very hard, because drug use these days because marijuana is legal in so many states across the new york city teachers are so upset because so made kids are coming to school high in the ey morning. they're already set them all back and now, you know, now they show up for school high in large number enoughsy that teachers e concern about it. we don't need to tell kids how to safely take fentanyl what we should tell them is they shouldn't take any drug that b wasn't handed to them by their a parent or their doctor might be laced with and we've seen so ve many people lose their lives that way. i find it really interesting, jessica, about your point about not wanting to admit that the city that you love is in trouble. k there's an interesting divide on that because you do hear from people in new york city who are very upset about what's happening ann very open about it. and they want to complain about it because they want it to get better.le but what we see in that video are people that don't want to have what agencies happening between their eyes. and i find that curious because, the truth hurts unless we accept wh what's. i think th wasiee woman whose hs bloodied who pushed to defund ne the police in minneapolis and sh thee said you have to arresth these teen abling that ares did that to me in my driveway. they have to go to jail. i sense a change but we have to be clear eyed about what's goine on and those people do not appear to r tobe. >> judge jeanine: greg what do you make aboute: the fact that e new york times seem to be becoming arounrogrd progressive policies and a lot of these cities have been a failure. >> greg: well, when you've been acting stupid for a long time, you still have to pretend to be smart so they attribute all of this called elite capture ratheo than purcye literally. this was a leadership ra campaign of some actions usualle propel gated by white liberals and ended up resulting in a loss of life all around, it diverted, attention from real practical er solutions, this is great, the time. the winners of prestigious cultural wars become diverse. media corporations now capitalize the word black and president biden changed it none of this stopped crime but it made the white liberals feel really good inside and it kept them from saying the brave stuff which is we've got a receiverius crime em.problem. on this show for years we were saying to the left, changing school names, team mascots, getting rid of status, that t doesn't help fight crime or isolation or mental illness. how many lives did they actually cost chasing status instead of criminals, telling us that this was the action that you had to take. it didn't alleviate any crime or illness or any during ughh addiction. peo hardly it amplified it because it kept people from doing work. it was never about the public to begin it was activists elevating themselves sayindefug the most stride dent thing, defund the police, all whites are racist, they would get funding, they would get houses and book deals and no one would speak again this out of fear because nobody wants to be call a racist. w so in turn they amplified their position without making a buck. i think the worst thing i did was interfere with the privacy of the individual, every person isn't part of a person, they're part of a th ye reason they did that is s you could pick group versus blah. and white person could have more in common with a black person ant.d mexican can have more in common you with others. what you have instead is riots t looting crime because you can't speak out because if you did you would be racist.w so now we're living in the world of elite capture when before it waitigs some unmitigated coward heis o say. >> judge jeanine: coming up team biden is on a tough. ♪ ♪ push ♪ - wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. 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what do you think other world leaders think of this man? at some point you have to say maybe it's time for me to exit the stage. i'm embarrassing myself. but forget all that. let's assume that he does enough pt and doesn't have any more stumbles. all he has to do is open his mouth. it's still over then. >> martha: greg. >> greg: you hold your breath around joe biden i hold my breath around eric swalwell. isn't it funny how joe and his polls are in in perfect semtary. they're both falling figuratively and literally in perfect parallel. talk about a low bar they're setting, it's not let's get joe to tackle the issues or take on trump maybe create a system or plan to fight crime ordeal the immigration or the economy. no it's make sure he doesn't fall on his face and he a is not even drinking which could explain it. everyone with a facade begins with with the word don't. don't let him speak too long, don't let him walk or ride a bike or wand der off or ease greasy shows, don't et let him sniff kids hairsor passionately kiss teen-age daughters. but they can't expect him to do anything, it's all don't don't don't. he really is like a caged bird. he's not running the company he doesn't mind that he doesn't nined role because he was born to be a figure head or a hood wornment just wear the aviator sunglasses and make sure i get a hot meal. >> martha: jessica it makes me wonder when i read these stories who's leaking this and is there a movement to try to nudge him in the direction of saying i'm going to step aside >> jessica: there's a very public movement happening, congressman dean phillips ended up being the i say fa of it but you doie so it in the numbers about whether people want him to run again and whether they think that he's up to the job and the democratic numbers are lower than the republican numbers on that but they still exist. and it's a conversation. i think the white house is taking it on more than they were before, which i think is important, and you can see a shift in the way president biden is talking about the age issue. talk about -- why me on my accomplishments, i know that i'm old. it used to be. the core of the axios piece was about the sneakers, that he switched to sneakers and then our very own peter doocy is on fox and friends wearing the same sneakers that joe biden wore and he said everyone from capitol hill from 36 to 80 is wearing these sneakers. >> martha: we were worried about peter doocy falling down, too. >> jesse: peter doocy also, when they were on their latest overseas trip was talking about biden's schedule, remember he said i'm going to go take a nap or it was late. peter said he was working until the wee hours of the night and held a complete schedule and our perception of the world has been up since biden came into the presidency. >> judge jeanine: based on what >> jessica: what other world leaders think of america. but you said we don't have to watch him let's just look at what comes out of his mouth. and i will a put together trump's from the last ten days. he said you need an id to buy bread. has anyone schoen an id to get wonder bread. he said he ran against obama in 2016, he ran against hillary clinton. he warned biden would get us into world war ii which i think we already fought and won and yesterday he confused jeb bush and george bush saying jeb got us involved in the middle east. and on truth he's calling for the joint chiefs of staffs to be executed and saying he's going to investigate media companies he doesn't like. can you imagine if biden said i'm going to look into fox news. >> this may be the choice people have, trump versus biden. >> at least trump can say ll cool j. in the prompter. so biden has to stay upright and trump has to stay out of prison. think about how low that is, that is the most corrupt situation where joe biden has to not fall flat on his face to have a shot at reelection. and he promised us he would get us back to formal but all he's worried about is making himself look normal. it's not inflation, inflation is -- if i could just get my rates down and crime down. then i would have a shot. i just need to stay on my two feet then i could get back into the white house. he's forgotten about us and his people have forgotten about us too, because wheel they're talking healthcare and access, they're worried about the commander in chief not fall over a sandbag, and have the right shoes and lower the stairs to get back onto air force one. those aren't the things they should be concerned about. they're working with us they should be concerned with us. they should not be concerned with the pop of a president being affidavit up. from the fake press to fake press conses, lack of acc. this guy can't even stand and is about this close to falling down again and that's how scared they are >> jessica: i would just say today, he was standing upright on the picket line with the auto workers, right? and tomorrow trump will be showing up at a nonunion plant in michigan he was not invited by the unonto come and speak. >> jesse: well i brought bed with an id the other day. >> standing up is a low bar. >> what about --. >> judge jeanine: straight ahead, justin trudeau, a nazi, after calling the anti-lockdown truckers just that. ♪ it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every me i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back. angel: when i received the diagnosis for my daughter, my hope was gone. but when you get there, everyone's like, hey, we've got your back. we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, that makes all the difference in the world. st. jude has been that rock to be there and support us and have our back through all of this. they saved my baby's life. ♪ you remember we were sitting there by the water ♪ you put your arm around me for the first time ♪ ♪ >> jesse: when woke virtue signaling goes horribly wrong. justin trudeau profusely apologizing after the canadian parliament accidentally honored a naughtsyment they were trying to impress zelenskyy while he was in town by giving a standing ovation for a 98 ukrainian who fought the russians in the world war ii. he was part of the notorious nazi ss unit during the world war. canada house speaker is resigning for inviting the guy and trudeau is very sorry. >> this is something that is deeply embarrassing to the parliament of canada and by extension to all canadians. it's going to be really important that all of us push back again russian propaganda russian disinformation and ten our steadfast support for ukraine. >> of course this is rich because, remember, trudeau attacked the anti-lockdown truckers as nazis? conservative party members can stand with people who waive swastikas. we will choose to stand. >> jesse: so jessica as a jewish american and liberal american, how do does this make you snell >> jessica: i'm not canadian. >> jesse: that close >> jessica: close when i drive north. it's obviously deeply embarrassing that this happened and i understand in the remote world it isn't wrong. i was impressed the speaker resigned so quickly. give it a couple days and ride it out obviously, it made it more intense that it was part of zelenskyy's visit and paying oh imagine to him. i have a hard rule, don't call anyone a nazi who's not a at thatsy because a special group that has a special plays in hell coming towards them. but he was saying, the truckers he was talking about, people waving swastikas is not the same thing as calling people nazis and if you have a swastika hanging from your truck i have a problem with you. >> i think it was more he was a nazi for shutting everything down, they weren't nazis holding the sign. >> exactly? judge jeanine pirro your thoughts on our neighbors up north. >> i thought it was disturbing he thought it was embarrassing for everyone other than himself, he didn't take any responsibility didn't appear in the house of commons to speak, he's been literally under a rock since this happened. i want to know how this guy ended up being called in, who did the background on him? who decided to bring him in and applaud him? he was a nazi and they decide to recognize him. but the amazing thing is, in canada, if they don't like you, you are i a a nazi if you're a conservative. in the united states if they don't like you then you are a racist. okay? it's just these words have a meaning and i think that it's a shames that they use these terms as ceasely as they do but in this case the guy's the real deal so didn't deserve it. >> there'son one response and that ose butts oh the ground in ottawa people will recognize us as liberateers. justin trudeau is a excuse me bucket. i take this personally and i'll tell you why. this canadian mp said that just honking your horn in the protest, honk honk was code for heil hitler. apparently unvaxxed truckers were treated worse than nazis. >> i'm wheel cost memoir and i said you have to have a skill to survive not a as a good thing but a tragedy now. i want to know where those people are now. where are they now when a real nazi is there. where's that white house [bleep] who condemned me? do you remember that? where are those smelly loser blockers sniffing their dingy fingers and firing klonopin. why aren't they speaking up now when they actually have a real nazi. because it's not about nazis it's about gathering scalps of political adversaries. like a real one would. >> jesse:. >> judge jeanine: has the biden white house commented? >> jesse: they commented on the five i agree, in this country or anywhere else these days quickly but i thought trudeau's statement was weak, he sort of gambled into russian misinformation for no apparent reason and it is pauling. i chalk it up to either, either intentional or absolute terrible slop country homework on the part of staffers who don't know enough to dig in and make sure they have their is dotted and ts crossed for such a place of prominent. >> as long as you have the ukrainian. this is how i had happened, because this was all about ukraine so they didn't bother to look. bunch of losers. >> jesse: what's klonopin again? >> greg: i have no idea. >> jesse: up next dana perino gearing up to host the second debate tomorrow and she has something very special in store for us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: the second republican debate is tomorrow and only one moderator needs a special booster seat to see the candidates and that's dana perino. she'll be sitting alongside stuart varney and youtube a visions calderon presented by fox business network and smut cast right here on the fox news network at 9:00 p.m. eastern. dana is already putting my amazing gift to good use by plastering my beautiful head shot all over the candidate podiums. look at this. >> hey gutfeld thank you so much for sending me the head shots i have placed them just as you and i talked about. here is the podium reveal. it is just gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld, gutfeld. bus what else does american need but more gutfeld. >> greg: dana i think you spoke words of wisdom right there. when will you be removing them? >> i left them up there because i figured that everyone needs a souvenir when they come to the reagan library and what better than a head shot of you. maybe instead of covid tests they should send out your head shots all across america to make people happy. >> that is so true. jessica who do you think would be most tweeted about my head shot >> jessica: i think vivek. because he wants to on your show. >> greg: i tried to have him on my show he turned me down >> jessica: a vote for vivek is a vote against greg. >> are you going to tell me i have trivia. >> greg: here's the deal dana they told me to banter and i wantered and now i'm done bantering. so we know you studied. do you have a trivia about it. >> yes. i'm going to test your knowledge. are you ready. question number one, which two candidates tried to win over voters by posting workout videos. >> judge jeanine: okay. >> greg: there's vivek. not that one, not that one. i'm going to go with tease two. >> okay. the answers are vivek ramaswamy and tim scott. did everybody get it? >> judge jeanine: i won, i won, i won. >> greg: greg, there was a picture. >> i actually don't remember seeing the tim scott one so that is news to me. >> he was at the gym, yep. >> here's another one. which candidate is the huge fan of the cartoon garfield? >> are you going to show a picture? >> garfield the cat? >> i don't know. i have no idea. well this is a very tough question and i expect it to come up tomorrow night tomorrow night at the debate. the answer is mike pence. >> to pay a happy birthday wish to garfield, a large orange lazy cat. >> and there you have it. >> i won. in your face loss. >> name the candidate that compared dr. fauci to an elf. let me sew what jesse put up. >> judge jeanine: oh, i don't know. i probably would do this. >> oh, wow. okay. is there unanimity? oh you guys got it right. here is ron desantis. >> i'm just sick of seeing him. i know he says he's going to retire. someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the both. >> greg: elf toss. >> greg i'm surprised he didn't call you and i little he was. >> he has a problem with short people. >> i don't think he's that tall. >> he's not i jessica would know. >> question number four whose favorite movie is the god father. >> oh, come on. >> did i paining the trivia too easy? >>no, we know him. he's from new jersey. >> absolutely. okay. and this candidates compared the senate to a snoresing home. that could be any of them. >> no, this one. >> i'll just go with this. >> oh, i got one. >> what i will say is right now the senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. >> jesse: that's so mean. >> judge jeanine: i like that. >> that's all the trivia. >> thank you dana >> jessica: are you excited? >> yeah, i'm excited. i'm ready for it to happen, i think. i don't know. it's been a long day but a great day. i love being here at the reagan library. i have to say i really wish you were here with me, i miss you guys, i have foe mow and your support means a lot so thank you for your notes and for letting me put greg's picture everywhere at the reagan library. >> greg: you have foe mow? you know there's an indiansment for that. >> could you send that tow me in the hotel? >> greg: yes, i was. >> buy guys. >> buy taylor. >> coming up soldier tickets to the ♪ ♪ i r s w a nts a wo r d . why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices. for all americans! force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health, but they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is now the number one best selling superfoods brand in america. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. ♪ i'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh, yeah ♪ >> greg: so many great songs >> jessica: so many great songs steely dan. but look at what you made the irs do, if you scored tickets for taylor swift or beyonce the irs is cracking down and wants to know if you pocketed more than $600 in profit while trying to resell. martha, this is kind of like a long time coming, right, that they're trying to regulate. >> martha: i find this extremely annoying. i mean, i think this is ridiculous. the old rule was that if you did $20,000 or over in business, then you have a business selling tickets. okay? if you are just a person whose plans changed and you sell your tickets, you shouldn't be taxed. tell the irs to get off these people's backs. that's the way stubhub works, you buy the tickets, your plans change you get to sell them. and my favorite part is only congress would come up with the red tape reduction act which puts it at 10,000 right in the middle. i think if you have a business, you have a business, if not, you don't >> jessica: taylor swift has come out herself against ticketmaster in terms of when the system crashed and her fans who signed up for vip stuff couldn't get it and people really preyed upon young fans. >> judge jeanine: here's the thing. i mean, the idea that you're going to go after middle americans for $600, they started with venmo last year wasn't it? >> martha: yep. >> judge jeanine: now if you sell a ticket for 600. we want to be in every aspect of your life. if. it's $600 we want to know. isn't this a party going after billionaires? leave middle americana loan. i'm not sure it's about the inability to get tickets as opposed to making sure they crush middle america who just decided they had to sell a ticket. >> martha: greg, how do you feel about this? >> greg: you know what? i'm okay with this. but i would ask the irs, do the people who steal up to $900 worth of merchandise from wall green's or target, do they pay taxes on the stuff that they steal? because that might be something you should look into. >> judge jeanine: bravo. >> greg: you idiots. >> additional 80,000 irs agents. >> you have guns now. >> jesse: jesse you can comment on this. >> jesse: it's a great point but it's also great if you're hunter biden you can take a tax deduction for escorts and lose a chinese and not claim money from china. we have a person who will be nameless who spent hours mining ticketmaster and buying the tickets and selling them on the sub market and he cleaned up. he cleaned up. >> judge jeanine: where is he now is he in jail. >> jesse: he's swill the company >> jessica: he has the 8:00 slot. >> jesse: that's not true >> jessica: not true. one more thing's up next. ♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing" and i go first. this past weekend i gave a speech at the faith and freedom coalition. their salt and light conference in north carolina. there i am on the stage. i had a great time. i want to thank jason williams, who is right there, for the invitation and all the people who were so gracious to me. i had a fun time. a lot of great people. so,. >> jessica: awesome. >> judge jeanine: thank you. greg? >> greg: all right. tonight we have got a great show. brian kilmeade. ugh. emily compagno. first time guest kelly o'grady, her name sounds like a pub. mackey how sweet. let's do this. a man fulfilled a big dream of mine and i would be landing on top of a unicorn. watch this. here he comes. he is skydiving. i don't know where this is. ed inothing ham, sure. england. he was the only guy to land directly on top of a unicorn. he hit it on the right spot. if he hit it on the horn, he would be -- he had would have to use a different bathroom. >> martha: very impressive. >> judge jeanine: martha? >> martha: check this out. >> jesse: i know him. >> martha: i love that, very own dancing weather mani mann, nick kosir. raise awareness for the fox corporate match initiative. great time to donate to tunnel 2 towers because fox will match the donation to up to $250,000 until saturday. so go to dot fox/22 t to donate. >> steve: jesse? >> jesse: eagles 3 and 0. look at the highlights. we got huretsd. plenty of time. plenty of time. that's a strike in the end zone. i haven't seen the game since i was on the air yesterday. what else do we have? swift up the middle, untouched. leaps over the defender. right down the guts of the defense. there going to sneak it in, hurts. beautiful execution. all right, 3-0. go birds. "jesse watters primetime." britney is on the show. >> greg: as a topic. >> jesse: as a topic. [laughter] >> jesse: the knife dance is featured. >> jessica: incredible off her nice video. not much time but you should know that 219 dogs went to a squeak for the sequel and broke the quinonez world record. the party took place park in los angeles. >> greg: how many were kudlow and then with hannity. see you tomorrow. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." >> joe biden

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, God , Gorges , Attractions , One , Statistic , Disaster , Homicides , Ti , Fbi , 30 , Isn T A Problem , Violeny T Crimthe , Everything , Story , Martha Jessica , You , 9 4 , Defendants , Prosecutors , Goat Prosecutors , Th Cases , Aboueanit , Takoma Piers Li County , Whatut , Fentanyl , Programs , Tog , Great Point , Do Drunks , Kids Tellint , Health Department , Kids , States , Marijuana , Teachers , Citcountry So , Enoughsy , Concern , School , Ey , Wasn T , Doctor , Parent , Point , Trouble , Divide , Video , Truth , Better Le , Agencies , Eyes , Teen Abling , Wh , Th Wasiee Woman Whose Hs Bloodied , Ares , Defund Ne The Police In Minneapolis , Lot , Jail , Fact , Change , Aboute , Driveway , Arounrogrd Progressive Policies , Goine On , Dr , Tobe , Wall , Failure , Elite Capture Ratheo , Life , Liberals , Actions , Loss , Attention , Her , Campaign , Leadership Ra , Usualle , Media Corporations , Word , Black , Solutions , Wars , Winners , Wow To Coming Up Team Biden , Stuff , Show , Status , That T Doesn , Crime Em Problem , Changing School Names , Mental Illness , Team Mascots , Isolation , Left , Receiverius , It Didn T , Action , Illness , Ughh Addiction , Work , Peo , Stride , Public , Racist , Houses , Police , Whites , Funding , W , Deals , No One , Fear , Nobody , Book , Part , Position , Person Isn T , Buck , Individual , Privacy , Group , Reason , Th Ye , Versus Blah , Mexican , World , Racist W , Coward Heis , Elite Capture , Others , Riots , Looting , Tough , Wounded Warrior Project , Pushups , Step , Journey , Family , Feel , Gentle Music , Question , Platform , Everywhere , Safe , Comcast Business , Cyberthreats , Every Single Day , Customer Data , King , Anywhere , Operations Issues , Monitoring , Health Care , Aww Yeah , Guests , Mind , Power Thousands , Sir , Traffic , Locations , Analytics , Rooms , Mobile Check Ins , Wifi , Thousands , Networking , Intelligence , Connectivity , White House , Top Secret Mission , Operation Don T Let Him Trip , Reelection Chances Axios Reports , Team , Conversation , Measures , Election , Season , Doesn T , Stairs , Tennis Shoes , Plan , Air Force One , With A Physical Therapist Biden , Balance , Exercises , Motion , Steps , Trip Strategy , Saw , Far Cry , Joe Biden , Health , Things , Cape Ann , Bet , Job , Functioning , Incredible Demand , Martha , Wisdom , Energy , I Don T , Jeannine , Pieces , Legislation , Kid , Breath , Stumbles , Problemment , Them , 11 , 77 , Eric Swalwell , Saying , He Doesn T , 10 , Countries , Beach , Vacation , Nap Doesn T Go Out , Man , Stage , World Leaders , Mouth , Pt , Setting , Issues , Polls , Bar , Parallel , Perfect Semtary , System , Everyone , Trump , Make , Economy , Immigration , Facade , Don T Et , Shows , Him , Wand , Bike , Kids Hairsor , Der , Don T , Daughters , Company , Bird , Role , Kiss , He Doesn T Nined , Stories , Sunglasses , Figure Head , Meal , Hood Wornment , Numbers , Congressman Dean Phillips , There S A Very Public Movement Happening , Movement , Direction , Fa , Republican , Shift , Issue , Core , Accomplishments , Axios , Sneakers , Peter Doocy Is On Fox And Friends , Capitol Hill , 36 , 80 , Schedule , Trip , Nap , Peter Doocy , Falling Down , Presidency , Perception , Bread , Put Together Trump S , Ten , World War Ii , Wonder Bread , Jeb Bush , Hillary Clinton , Obama , 2016 , Media Companies , Staffs , Middle East , George Bush , Trump Versus Biden , Choice , Prompter , Least , Fox News , Ll Cool J , Corrupt Situation , Low , Prison , Shot At Reelection , Inflation , Shot , Rates , Healthcare , Feet , Wheel , Access , Aren T , President Being Affidavit Up , Chief , Commander , Shoes , Sandbag , Pop , Guy , Press , Press Conses , Acc , Auto Workers , Plant , Picket Line , Michigan , Bed , Unonto , Nazi , Justin Trudeau , Truckers , Tiktok , Shower , Website , Me , Experience , Pitch , Bulb , Goat Milk Soap , Kinda , Business , Diy , Building , Michael , 62 , Weight , Sign , Most , Insulin Resistance , Belly , Release , Thanks , Golo , Diagnosis , Angel , Back , Child , Hope , Rock , Baby , Difference , Jude , Knife Dance , Virtue Signaling , Time , Water , Arm , Parliament , Zelenskyy , Standing Ovation , Naughtsyment , Town , Profusely Apologizing , Ukrainian , Who , Unit , Canada , Russians , House Speaker , Nazi Ss , 98 , Propaganda Russian Disinformation , All Of Us , Extension , Parliament Of Canada , Nazis , Swastikas , Support , Course , Members , Conservative Party , Ukraine , Snell Jessica , Jewish American , Isn T Wrong , Don T Call , Rule , Speaker , Visit , Paying , Shell , Plays , Problem , Truck , Swastika Hanging , Everything Down , The Sign , They Weren T Nazis Holding , Didn T , Thoughts , House Of Commons , Neighbors , Background , In , Words , Conservative , Meaning , Iaa , Terms , Shames , Response , There Son One , Case , The Real Deal , Ground , Mp , Ose Butts Oh , Liberateers , Excuse Me Bucket , Horn , Protest , Code , Honk , Heil Hitler , Tragedy , Cost Memoir , Skill , Loser Blockers , Firing Klonopin , Fingers , Bleep , Adversaries , Gathering Scalps , Country , Statement , Misinformation , Pauling , Staffers , Its , Dig , Dana Perino , Losers , Prominent , Up Next , Debate , Store , Candidates , Booster Seat , Moderator , Fox Business Network , Fox News Network , Eastern , Stuart Varney , Youtube A Visions Calderon , Smut Cast , 9 , Head , Shots , Podium Reveal , Use , Candidate Podiums , Gift , Bus , Reagan Library , Head Shot , Souvenir , Covid , Trivia , Knowledge , Bantering , Yes , Banter , Here S The Deal , There S Vivek , Workout Videos , Number One , Tease Two , Picture , Everybody , Answers , Tim Scott , Vivek Ramaswamy , Candidate , News , Fan , Tim Scott One , Gym , Cartoon , Garfield , Yep , I Don T Know , Cat , Answer , Wish , Birthday , Mike Pence , Elf , Fauci , Unanimity , Ron Desantis , Both , Elf Toss , Movie , Come On , Senate , Snoresing Home , New Jersey , Nursing Home , Jessica , I Like That , Foe , Mow , Notes , I Miss You Guys , Indiansment , Foe Mow , Hotel , Tow , Soldier , Buy Guys , Buy Taylor , Irswa Nts A Wo Rd , Supplements , Companies , Vitamins , Force Factor , Products , Prices , Ingredients , Walmart , Superfoods Brand , Rush To Walmart , Dirty Work , Yeah Greg , Fool , Tickets , Taylor Swift , Songs , Edo , Irs , Beyonce , Steely Dan , Kind , Profit , Long Time Coming , 20000 , 0000 , 600 , Plans , Backs , Business Selling Tickets , Shouldn T , Way Stubhub Works , Congress , Red Tape Reduction Act , Middle , 10000 , You Don T Jessica , Fans , Here S The Thing , Ticketmaster , Vip Stuff , Ticket , Venmo Last , Party , Aspect , Billionaires , Leave Middle Americana Loan , Inability , 900 , Taxes , Merchandise , Wall Green , Bravo , Hunter Biden , Agents , Guns , 80000 , Tax Deduction , Money , Escorts , Chinese , China , Sub Market , He S Swill The Company , 8 , It S Time , Speech , Light , Conference , Salt , Faith And Freedom Coalition , North Carolina , Jason Williams , Invitation , Emily Compagno , Name , First Time , Pub , Brian Kilmeade , Kelly O Grady , Top , Unicorn , Ed Inothing Ham , Skydiving , Landing , Dream , Mackey , Spot , England , Bathroom , Check This Out , Towers , Weather , Awareness , Fox , Nick Kosir , Mani Mann , Fox Corporate Match Initiative , 2 , Donation , Go To Dot Fox 22 T , 250000 , 22 , 50000 , Haven T , Highlights , Zone , Game , Steve , T2t Org , Eagles 3 , Huretsd , 0 , 3 , Defender , Defense , Hurts , Untouched , Leaps , Guts , Execution , Swift Up The Middle , Topic , Britney , Jesse Watters Primetime , Go Birds , The Party , Sequel , Dogs , Squeak , Los Angeles , Quinonez World Record , 219 , Many , Hannity ,

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