Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

now polling at 1%. >> high level trade talks with commerce secretary gina raimondo in beijing drawing a hard line between improving economic ties and protecting our national security. >> we're not compromising or negotiating. >> the environmental mob blocking the road to burning man causing one hell of a traffic jam. >> 40 minutes. >> airlines are offering child free zones. >> airline is out of turkey it's the first in europe to create a no kid zone on their planes. >> good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 on the east on this tuesday, august 29th, 2023. we start this hour with a fox weather alert. we are tracking hurricane idalia as it intensifies to a category 1 overnight swirling off cuba as it barrels now toward florida's gulf coast. the question is where. >> ainsley: cat 1 right now. the hurricane is expected to grow stronger before it does make landfall tomorrow morning. >> brian: meanwhile. fox weather correspondent robert ray is in clearwater, florida with the very latest. robert? >> yeah. good morning to you. you wouldn't know a hurricane is on its way here on the gulf coast this morning. but it is. idalia tracking up. it's a cat 1 right now. and residents are on edge and preparing. listen. >> it's better to be prepared versus not prepared and have regrets. >> since i have been up this morning, people have been back and forth hauling trash, hauling boats. getting everything put away the best they can. hoping and praying for the best. >> hoping for the best. you know, we do this each time that we leave every single time. this one looks like a biggie. >> mandatory evacuations in flood zones like where i'm at in the barrier islands and lower level geography pockets. people are preparing. sandbags are out. they are boarding up businesses and getting ready. they have until about later this evening to get out of these areas. we have already seen damage in cuba as idalia has spun its way up. now a category 1. and increasing. governor ron desantis has been updating the country and the state and the days previous. let's hear what he has to say. >> you should assume that there's going to be noticeable impacts and some of these impacts could end up becoming catastrophic. so, buckle up for this one. it's going to be a major hurricane. >> and where i'm at on clearwater beach, expected up to 7 feet of storm surge. that is the huge concern along the gulf coast especially in tampa bay which essentially acts as a catcher's mitt for that water when it r rushes in. wobbles to the storm. anything that tracks more east puts the gulf coast specifically here and to the north to the big bend in even bigger jeopardy. people need to be careful. this could be catastrophic and deadly if you're in the stowrng area. time is now to pack up and leave if you are. guys, back to you. >> steve: robert, the x fax factor this time is that the water in the gulf is at record high temperatures. >> oh, yeah look at the gulf of mexico. surface temperatures in the high 80's. potentially even 90. for a hurricane to rapidly intensify, which is what is expected right now, you need three things, that is high surface water temp. high humidity and a lack of shear. the shear is what drops down and kicks that storm around and breaks it up. we don't expect that unfortunately. and after it heads into florida, guys, up into georgia and the carolinas. this is going to be going on for days. >> steve: here it comes. robert, thank you very much. >> ainsley: janice is over there. she is tracking the tropical st. we were talking. you said it's a cat 1 now definitely going to get much stronger. >> major hurricane. border wall category 4. we are expecting rapid intensification in the next 24 hours which we expect it making landfall around this time around the big bend of florida. so 75 mile-per-hour sustained winds. robert was talking about the water temperatures way above average this time of year in the path of this storm. at least 86 trees. that's the fuel that this storm needs to rapidly intensify. and not a lot of harv winds in the upper level of the 00 moss fear. nothing in its way. rapid intensification. here is your plan in the green areas you are making your plan, paying attention to the forecast. in the yellow area preparing for potential storm impacts including georgia and the carolinas. we are expecting a category 1 hurricane to move through georgia and go plan here finalizing preparations and evacuate going you are told to do. so you want to listen to your local authorities in the next 24 to 48 hours. are seeing outer bands moving approaching the west coast of florida and the key west. >> this is the track. the exclusive fox model here. we are expecting a landfall overnight tonight into tomorrow morning around "fox & friends" 8:00 a.m. hour as it moves and brings the worst of the storm surge. i want to make mention of this. the storm surge is going to be the worst part of this storm because along the big bend, we have a susceptible storm surge. we could see upwards of 12 feet. and that will inundate homes, it will overtop homes. and that's why it's really important to listen to the governor and the local officials. i know we're going to be talking to governor desantis in the 8:00 a.m. hour. he's going to advise floridians what to do. your time is running out, basically, if you live in the impact zone. we are going to feel the effects not only in the whole state of florida but up towards georgia and carolinas. the storm surge, i can't stress this enough, this is the biggest killer when it comes to hurricanes and when you are talking about a storm surge of 12 feet, you know, that could be potentially historic for this area. we will continue to monitor it and wring you the very latest. fox is streaming live the next couple of days. we're are going to be talking about this through the day and workweek and through the weekend as it stalls off the coast of the carolinas. stay tuned bottom line. >> brian: this just the beginning. >> janice: peak of hurricane season. >> steve: started in may. >> janice: this is when we see the worst of the storms. >> ainsley: going into labor day weekend. a lot of people had travel plans, buy trip insurance if you are planning a trip around this time next year. >> ainsley: ains. >> janice: absolutely. keep you posted. >> steve: florida governor ron desantis coming up at 8:00 a.m. he is had a live briefing for the world yesterday 6:00 hour during the bret baier show. i would imagine he is going to give us a preview of what florida is thinking coming up one hour from now. in the meantime, speaking of politics, new polling reveals a dip in support for former president donald trump following his decision to skip last week's debate here on fox. >> ainsley: some candidates who did take the stage are seeing gains. >> brian: all right. maybe he will be at the business debate later in september. griff jenkins live in washington with the details. griff? >> griff: hey, brian, steve and ainsley good morning. did skipping that first debate hurt the former president? well at least one new poll from emerson college shows he is still at strong 50% g.o.p. voters. his lead took a hit. 6 point drop in just nine days. desantis, by the way, holding second place, but he dropped a little bit, too at 2%. ramaswamy in third dropped 1%. pence also up 4% meanwhile senator tim scott didn't appear to register in that poll but announced his plans yesterday education plan to empower parents. watch this. >> that's why i'm coming out with a parents' bill of rights. because parents should be in charge of their kids, not a system. [applause] and our parents bill of rights don't start at k through 12. it starts with adoption it. starts with making sure that we protect crisis pregnancy centers. >> griff: we're following the money on the campaign trail. nikki haley touting a huge haul of a million bucks in just 72 hours. it comes as haley continues to tangle with vivek ramaswamy after vivek used nikki's given indian name even misspelling it on vivek's truth website taking a shot at haley's criticism that he doesn't support israel. now, vivek wrote, this quote. wrong. keep lying ma'am rad da. the desperation is showing, but haley hit back in interview with fox digital. >> i'm not going to get into the childish name calling or whatever making fun of my name that he is doing finally it appears ramaswamy has eminem problem. the famous rapper has taken notice of vivek's happening on the campaign trail and want him to stop using his music heretofore on the campaign trail. >> steve: is he gonna? >> we'll find out. i don't know. he seems to like it. we have seen a lot of vivek and the eminem. he obviously likes him. see if he continues to use it or listens to the threat to stop using it. >> ainsley: use his own is he a rapper, too. >> steve: make up your own tune. >> brian: he has a billion dollars. can he pay the fines. it's worth it to play eminem songs. [laughter] >> griff: listen, i'm going to refer you have to vivek's campaign for that i don't know whether he is going to keep happening eminem or whether he will decease and stop using it. >> steve: he did rap on this show. >> ainsley: thank you so much. when he was on our show we asked him about ukraine and he defended himself, you know, about funding ukraine or not funding ukraine or not funding that war. brian, you also hammered him about taiwan and he basically said and/or i think i asked him that question. you asked him about ukraine. it's been reported that you don't -- you are fine with china taking taiwan, he said that's not what i said. he said after we get the chips, then basically they're on their own. and then we were all questioning about israel because people said he doesn't want to support israel. he doesn't want to give any funding to israel. and nikki haley hammered him on the debate on that. and because republicans are so pro-israel it's an important issue and sean asked him about it. listen to this. >> you said aid to israel number one ally democracy in the region. integrated with their neighbors. >> that's false. >> bret: that was exact quote. do you want me to read it. >> yeah. i can tell you the exact quote. what i secretary of defense it would would be a mark of success if we ever got to a point in our relationship with israel if israel never needed the united states' aid. and sean, you know how politics is played. a lot of the other professional politicians who have been threatened by my rise have used that statement to say that i would cut off aid to israel. that's not correct. the reality is this. by the end of my first term, our relationship with israel will be stronger than it ever has been because i will treat it as a true friendship. not just a transactional relationship. >> then why did you -- >> brian: i didn't get it. >> steve: is he wrong about all that foreign policy stuff. >> brian: you could have cutting edge foreign policy. i watched it last night. he said, look, what i was saying is right now we have a one china policy. strategic ambiguity. so, we don't say exactly what we would do if china goes to take taiwan. he says i'm telling you right now, i will say we will back taiwan militarily until 2028. at that time, we will have our chip capacity here, domestically, theoretically and then we will go back to what the current policy we have right now. it's a long way to go. >> steve: well, and when you look at this emerson poll that griff started with, after the debate. vivek actually went down 1 point. ron desantis went up 2. mike pence went up 4, nikki haley up 5. mike pence increased his support with people in the midwest. donald trump support with people in the midwest dropped 12. nikki haley's support with people over 50 went up from 2 to 9. and donald trump's support with people people 50 over dropped 7 points. as we had said before the debate, the debate was the official starting gate, essentially, for 2024. and people started shopping. and now people started shopping and they looked at the people on the stage you know what? i i understand could 6 like that person, too. after skipping the first debate. it's going to look like is he getting in because is he losing. >> ainsley: right. when you think about foreign policy, it's so important, right? but, when you walched him on the debate stage, you saw how charismatic he was. and how young he was: vivek. no one knew much about him. is he a fresh face. >> steve: is he a smooth talker. >> ainsley: fun. rapping on the campaign trail. his wife is a surgeon. he is ivy league trained. and he has two young children so you imagine the family, a young family back in the white house it. would be sweet. so people are interested in him. but, you know, you really have to talk about what matters to these families. >> steve: issues. >> ainsley: and the issues really do. >> brian: the fox debate in the end of september. and then you have an alabama debate in three. at one point you have got think that trump has got to get in there. i'm not sure why not the next one. might be worth it if the stage can shrink. right now you think mayor suarez and larry elder and the others didn't make the stage are they still viable? with the criteria going up you got to think one or two at least aren't going to make it and even with a shorter stage we could have more substantive debate. >> steve: trump already said is he going to skip that debate because he doesn't like the guy who runs the ronald reagan library mr. ryan. >> ainsley: he said he was going to skip all the debates at one point. we'll see. >> steve: maybe the fact he went down he gets. in stay tuned. you never know. >> ainsley: ashley is standing by with headlines. >> ashley: going to start with maui. hawaii electric now saying the fire line sparked the first fire but the utility denies responsibility for the deadly lahaina fire and is blaming the local fire department for letting the flames out of control. and some g.o.p. state lawmakers say the white house is lacking a response. >> response from the federal, state and county governments have been pretty quiet. when asked what the death count was for children? the answer was "i don't know." when asking fema and calling fema for more resources, they get the voice mail. so people are frustrated here in hawaii. >> ashley: maui officials are putting the island back on a fire watch tomorrow and thursday with strong winds and low humidity in the forecast. 80,000 students in new york city could be stuck without any way to get to school when classes start next week. the yellow bus driver's union is ready to strike if they can't reach a new deal with the city by september 7th. city officials say they have a back-up plan which includes paying for ride share services and metro cards for tens of thousands of children. and then a massive alligator caught in mississippi is now in the record books. >> all right. where did it go? >> ashley: alligator hunter will thomas wrangling 14-foot 800-pound monster. that is the largest ever caught in mississippi. thomas is joining us later this morning. i would not want to wrangle that thing. >> ainsley: no thanks. leave that to them. thanks, ashley. >> ashley: you're welcome. >> brian: when you are running from an alligator don't go straight. >> ainsley: they say to do it. we said that on air before and people have written in and said that doesn't work. >> brian: fake left and go right. like a running back. >> ainsley: and if you have a big slab of meat in your hand just drop it. >> brian: they are pro-meat. >> steve: right. let's tell you a little bit, a lot of people are traveling this summer. we're at record levels post pandemic. and there is an airline that travels from i believe amsterdam to the caribbean. it is called will core dawn airlines. what they have come up with they are going to have child free zones on the airplane over 100 seats for passengers 16 and up. there is going to be a separation between the kids and the adults by walls and curtains. it's going to be in the front of the airplane where it's child-free. and here's a great thing it. just cost 48 bucks amsterdam to the caribbean which is unbelievably great deal. >> ainsley: they have a section though for children, right? >> right. behind the wall. >> ainsley: great for everyone, right? can you sit in the section you want. if you are a parent you always feel so horrible when your child starts crying. >> steve: 100 percent. >> ainsley: disrupts everyone around you. most people are e friendly, sometimes you get a stare. you wish you were sitting in a child section. before having children i liked sitting in the peaceful section that didn't have children. >> steve: in the back complete chaos. all parents together. your kid starts screaming i know what you are in to. steve. >> ainsley: if you want a child free airline or plane do not go to orlando, florida. everyone is going to disney world and there are lots of kids on the plane. i personally love it now, now that i'm a mom. but, before, i kind of liked to have the quiet. >> steve: what do you think about this airline that has a child-free zone? remember, once upon a time they used to do the know smoking zones. >> ainsley: i still did not believe people could smoke on planes that blows my mind. brian, what did you think about this did you seat in the child free zone. >> brian: i don't know. another member of the biden administration is in china. will this visit do anything to ease tensions? why are we sending one official after another to make amends with a country that hates us? the chairman of the house select committee on china congressman mike gallagher joins us next. >> ainsley: a virginia man meets his mother for the first time after he was stolen at birth. the unbelievable reunion. >> steve: what a story. ♪ ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. oh, hello! hi! do you know that every load of laundry could be worth as much as $300? 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(soft music) i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> we are not compromising or negotiating in matters of national security, period. but this is meant to be a dialogue where we increase transparency and when we are clear about what we are doing as it relates to export control enforcement. >> brian: here we go. another official over in china. biden's commerce secretary gina raimondo is in china with hopes of improving the deteriorating relationship between the communist country. the visit comes as china face dramatic downturn in their economy. raising alarms around the globe and others are saying maybe this will tame this wild beast. potus pandemic growth fallen well short of expectation and caused wide instability domestically and abroad. let's take a look. here she is another one to visit. she is just the latest one to visit. you would think that china, who is sucking economically sending people over here. no, we keep saying please, meet with us. let's have a dialogue. meanwhile, take a look at their economy. look at how steady it was. then they poisoned the world with a pandemic, which they never paid for or admitted to. they immediately spike and start mocking the rest of the world that they are back. then they get hit. then they lock down and the economy loses trust amongst its people and has never recovered as president xi consolidates power. janet yellen goes over, treasury secretary put mushrooms in her tea that was nights. blinken was the first to go over after first curtailing visit because of the balloon that flew over our country. and we ended up going over anyway. secretary kerry get over there and says please, build some more solar panels. we will see how that goes. has this made america safer? has this solidified our economy? are we taking advantage of the weakness in china? joining us now is wisconsin congressman and chairman of the select committee on china mike gallagher. great to see you, chairman. i'm wondering how you feel about gina raimondo being the latest to go over to china? are you pleased with the dialogue? >> i'm not. and, remember, that raimondo went to china after it was revealed that the chinese hacked her emails? why go? after you have been robbed you don't track down the robber only to ask them if there is anything that they missed. why are all our top officials flying to china? it makes us look desperate and weak when we send all our cabinet officials there. even though the ccp continues its aggression and especially since neither blinken nor yellen nor kerry came home with any tangible concessions from the ccp. beijing has refused to take serious action on fentanyl. won't establish a military-to-military dialogue with us to avoid war and the ccp is still openly supplying moscow with war materials. and it also appears on this trip we made concessions as raimondo agreed to enter into negotiations over our export controls, which will make it much more difficult to get other countries to match our export controls. and strengthen the arguments made by u.s. companies to lift our export control restrictions. we need to be strengthening our export controls, closing the loopholes and right now i fear that we're going soft on them. >> brian: we are doing some other things like trying to bring chip manufacturing home. not -- selling certain elements they need to make their own chips. and then we are consolidating with our neighbors who see a common enemy and challenge in china like japan and australia. are we working from two sides of the fence in giving off mixed signals? are we going to look at them as a challenger or look at them as a threat which we all can conclude they are? >> well, i think that raises a good point that it might have been far more productive for the secretary of commerce to spend time negotiating with our allies and strengthening the economies of the united states and our allies. as opposed to taking a trip to beijing. congress can also take steps to improve our foreign policy vis-a-vis china by stopping the flow. u.s. technology to huawei. stopping these licensing exemptions that we continue to give. strengthening our export controls on advanced semiconductors. we have the october 7th interim rule. finalize that real. computer firm inspur. tangible steps. biden is engagement, diplomatic and economic, that's profoundly misguided. raimondo also said one thing that troubles me. we believe a strong chinese economy is a good thing. to say me it's far more important to protect americans than it is to protect the chinese economy. in so much as the chinese economy fuels war machine and general silgtedz ambitions it's not clear it's a good thing we are allowing american cash to continue to flow into the chinese economy. we need to cut that off right now as well. >> brian: so hard. because you do have a bipartisan consensus almost on everything you said in your committee. but people at home should understand this. china is right now in a slow down biggest slow down in decades talking about nixon era. young people can't get work. the building has virtually stopped. the people of china have lost faith of the ability of the government to grow the economy. therefore they are saving, not spending causing this downturn. even though they have so much to do with the world economy, we should be taking advantage of this that in many ways outside our debt we are coming out of this stronger than the pandemic they fist on the world. final thought on that? >> well, can make them more aggressive as they face economic and itemmographic headwinds. that's the risk we need to be. china in the largest military build up possibly ever. again, part of the reason we should cut off the flow of u.s. technology and cash to china which would help us prevent a war and enhance peace and stability in the region. >> brian: thanks so much. congressman mike gallagher. you always say these candidates should come up with a china policy first and foremost and that didn't happen on the stage last week. thank you, congressman. >> thank you. >> brian: straight ahead, a fox weather forecast, hurricane idalia now a category 1 is barreling towards florida's gulf coast. one storm chaser calls it a brewing monster. that storm chaser is next. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪ ♪ it's a new day... ♪ ...stop settling. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy makes breathing easier for a full 24 hours, improves lung 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morning, we are doing well why are wanting to hear what you are experiencing and what do you and why you do this. >> right now i'm in tallahassee. on on the western edge of the cone of uncertainty for the path of hurricane idalia. i plan to make my way a little bit further south toward perry florida, which looks more to be like where the projected center of the hurricane is now. i'm trying to track these storms tracking major hurricanes especially here with i storms idalia this time life stream and streaming to youtube channel and warn the public. get the public the information, get those warnings out and try to save lives essentially with information on where these hurricanes are going. >> brian: what do you see personally up close and personal that you couldn't do from afar? >> >> i'm a lover of weather. i love storms. and getting -- i like getting hit by those strong winds and being in the force. feeling that force of nature capturing what is happening, documenting essentially documenting history of these hurricanes and storms for future generations. i want people to be a to see wht has happened. i want people to see what the perspective from my eyes, my veteran storm chaser eyes getting out here in these storms. and experiencing, this is my passion, i love storms, unfortunately they cause damage and they cause problems and i can't control that. but i can document history and share my information with the world. >> steve: one of the things, aaron, about this storm is if it hits the big bend area. they will haven't had a major one since gladys back in the 1960s. it's been 50 years or something like that. so it's going to be march land. largely rural. what kind of a we have seen essentially driving tanks. >> this is a difficult one as a storm chaser to track down. largely coastal marshes, wood lend that has absorb the brunt of these storms there has not been a lot of storms. this is an area of florida that does not frequently get hurricanes that will be a test for buildings that are on the coast. there is not a lot of infrastructure. roads. i'm actually going to drive a regular car. i try to stay mobile and get in the eye of the storm. that makes it difficult for me but formally for residents of florida this is a low population area that is the one silver lining of the hurricane. >> steve: stay safe. good luck to you. >> thank you very much. >> brian: best last name for a storm chaser. jayjack. means action. download the fox weather app. for continuing coverage if you are not jayjack. >> ainsley: coming up. millions of children could lose their day care when a federal grant program expires at the end of sent. nancy mace and ro khanna launching a bipartisan caucus to find a solution for your children, next. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. the 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funding, the consequences could be dire for families all across our country. south carolina congresswoman nancy mace and california congressman ro khanna launched this congressional bipartisan affordable child care caucus to deal with this issue and they both join us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> ainsley: congresswoman mace, how did you hear about this and what is the solution? >> well, first of all, row canna, ro and i have worked together on a number of issues, particularly cybersecurity and we decided to team up and start having this conversation about child care. so, first off, i want to thank ro for his friendship and thank him for working with me on this issue. i'm willing to work with anyone who is willing to work with me. but we know that when parents have freedom to choose a child care for their family, that meets their values and that is affordable, more families are better off, their children are better off and we have got to figure this out together. >> ainsley: congressman, what's the story here do these day cares get money after covid? i know they lost a third of their employment. did they get this money and now it's being taken away and you are concerned that many of them are going to have to close? >> yes. first, i want to thank representative mayes as well for bipartisan leadership on cyber and other issues. there is a lot more cooperation sometimes in congress than people see on the media. i appreciate your highlighting this 86% think we need do or mr. to make child care affordable. covid, a $10,000 a year for an average family. and those grants come to an end. we need to make sure that we have some funding for families so that it is not out of reach and we need to have more flexibility and training for child care workers and investment in healthcare workers. >> ainsley: congresswoman it's being reported that 70,000 child care centers will have to close because of this. how do we know if it's going to be our day care? >> it's hard to say. and, in fact, i am dealing with child care centers here in south carolina that are trying to develop -- that we're trying to develop right now. the impact fees, local fees, state fees and permitting, the expenses are extraordinary. so what i would like us to also do is highlight some of the ways that states can make child care more affordable. there are some areas where you have to have a four-year degree to be a child care worker. that just increases the cost exponentially. there are other states where you might be trained in child care when you move to another state no reciprocity for education. that increases the cost of child care. there is a lot of low hanging fruit that states can also address. i would like to see states highlight those things as congress fights over the money which is going to happen this fall. >> ainsley: all right, congressman. where do you see this going? >> i do there are bipartisan areas. having more flexibility and training makes sense. not necessarily having a four year degree. having more pay for child care workers. look, in investment in america's children should be common sense. it's pro-family. it's pro-economic growth. corporations are losing billions of dollars because of women, particularly not being age to work with child care republican initiative. general ford and george w. bush who actually had a child care tax credit. it's been bipartisan and i'm hoping we can get bipartisan funding for this. >> ainsley: i hope so, too. it seems no-brainer especially if it's a bipartisan issue. the average family spends $850 a month on day care. thank you all so much for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you, ainsley, as always. >> ainsley: you are welcome. hand it over to ashley for headlines for us. >> u.s. supreme court justice out telling a judicial conference in wisconsin yesterday public scrutiny. i have acquired a thick skin and i think that's what other figures have to do. this follows months of criticism and protest over controversial stolen from her more than 40 years ago. >> how do you hug someone in a way that makes up for 42 years? that's what you are doing in that moment, 42 years robbed. >> the heart-warming moment comes after a month's long international search for the man's biological family. he began his search after reading an article about children adoptees being reunited with their real families. he also got meet his biological father, four brothers and his sister. and those are your headlines, ainsley, back to you. >> ainsley: that is incredible. wow, so he was stolen. the mom never knew what happened to him and they were reunited. >> ashley: no, so sad. >> ainsley: nevada rangers plow through protesters signatures on the street. what are loud laborers and how are they running the workforce? jimmy failla on all of that, next. ♪ ♪ when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, 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family immigrated here for. they always and never forgot for one second the freedoms and the liberties afforded to them here because of those that made the ultimate sacrifice. ♪ ♪ >> steve: here's a video you are going to be talking about today, climate protesters causing a miles' long traffic jam when they blocked the only road leading into the burning man festival and then this happened. [sirens] [screams] >> wow. [sirens] >> take all of you out. you better move. [screams] >> get down now! on the ground. all of you on the ground now. get on the ground. >> we're nonviolent. >> get on the ground. >> we're not violent. >> we have no weapons at all. >> officers, will you tell me. >> we're environmental protesters. >> steve: okay. she is not happy. jimmy failla hosts fox across america on fox news video. they made a big mistake. >> very insensitive of the cop who should have run them over in an electric pickup truck out of sensitivity to the cause of them blocking the road. how do you not watch this and just rejoice because we're so long overdue for some pushback on this garbage where people are inconvenienced whether it's at a museum or people chaining themselves to the runway. one note i want to add they are going to you said burning man. it is burning person. let's net get ourselves canceled here. what's funny is burning man is known for people getting in the desert. none of whom figured out they could drive around this road block has 20 feet on the side of the road flat land. i guess we are stuck. i love these cops. they are heroes. they are not regular cops. this is tribal land. tribal rangers. they have different rules aberrantly different than the cops here in new york city. >> jimmy: i'm down with them policing everything because they didn't worry about getting, you know, heaven forbid having to go protest or get, you know, go viral for the wrong reasons. they actually just protected the rights of everybody on that road who had somewhere to be. listen, on a serious note. if you have a medical procedure to get. to say. >> steve: look at all the traffic. >> jimmy: you have no right to do that to people. you don't know what is going on in that drastic jam you are causing. so good for them. >> steve: what if there is an emergency. >> that's what i mean. cops hero. >> we heard about quiet quitters people go to work but they just do the minimum. we know people like that. >> jimmy: hey, hey, hey. now. >> steve: something called loud labor where they are at work and they are loud about how fantastic they are. >> jimmy: they are trying to draw attention to how much work they are doing. this is where we are supposed to stop and praise president biden. it turns out he is just pushing back against the need to show people you are working. this whole time he has been sleeping with no shirt on on the beach. it's a pushingback. do you know what the strategy is, right? this is the whole squeaky wheel gets the most grease. people want who promotions now are trying to get it through performance art instead of production working now there is a little push back. >> steve: before the pandemic show boater. >> jimmy: bragging if you show up to the office. you get street cred with that. >> steve: unless you show up at burning man with a trailer. >> jimmy: you can't get there. >> steve: people need to show up for work. the guy who runs amazon. if you are not going to show up three days a week. maybe this isn't a good place for you. >> jimmy: this was fascinating announcement. they have to be in the office three days or two if they have amazon prime. there it is jimmy is selling shipping jokes. it's about time. first of all, who do people think they are. two years removed from the pandemic. that you are still playing under the old guy rules? you have to go to work. it's more productive on a collaborative sense. just this idea that people got so broken they thought they were entitled to stay home. you are better off in work. day drinking in your pajamas it's fun for like three weeks. if you are not at work people are starting to talk. leave the house. >> steve: so you day drank for three weeks? >> jimmy: have you heard my radio show? three is setting it low, man. >> steve: jimmy is going to be doing his radio show from home because of construction. >> jimmy: better believe it. i'm home prepping for stand up special. things are happening, dude. >> steve: thank you. >> jimmy: you're the best. >> steve: fox weather alert that hurricane is strengthening. currently a category 1. could be a category 4 by the time it hits florida. the governor, ron desantis, joining us next. ♪ ♪ my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. my wife magda and i have been married for 39 years. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i wanted to try something that was over-the-counter. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. introducing the limited edition disney collection from blendjet. nine exciting designs your whole family will adore blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere! recharge quickly via usb-c. it even cleans itself. order yours now from and bring a little disney into your life. listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪ >> this is going to be a major impact. >> we are tracking idalia. >> state of emergency declared in dozens of counties. >> 5400 alias e-mails to his son. >> he sold apeerance of access. >> peter, i will not get into this.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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now polling at 1%. >> high level trade talks with commerce secretary gina raimondo in beijing drawing a hard line between improving economic ties and protecting our national security. >> we're not compromising or negotiating. >> the environmental mob blocking the road to burning man causing one hell of a traffic jam. >> 40 minutes. >> airlines are offering child free zones. >> airline is out of turkey it's the first in europe to create a no kid zone on their planes. >> good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 on the east on this tuesday, august 29th, 2023. we start this hour with a fox weather alert. we are tracking hurricane idalia as it intensifies to a category 1 overnight swirling off cuba as it barrels now toward florida's gulf coast. the question is where. >> ainsley: cat 1 right now. the hurricane is expected to grow stronger before it does make landfall tomorrow morning. >> brian: meanwhile. fox weather correspondent robert ray is in clearwater, florida with the very latest. robert? >> yeah. good morning to you. you wouldn't know a hurricane is on its way here on the gulf coast this morning. but it is. idalia tracking up. it's a cat 1 right now. and residents are on edge and preparing. listen. >> it's better to be prepared versus not prepared and have regrets. >> since i have been up this morning, people have been back and forth hauling trash, hauling boats. getting everything put away the best they can. hoping and praying for the best. >> hoping for the best. you know, we do this each time that we leave every single time. this one looks like a biggie. >> mandatory evacuations in flood zones like where i'm at in the barrier islands and lower level geography pockets. people are preparing. sandbags are out. they are boarding up businesses and getting ready. they have until about later this evening to get out of these areas. we have already seen damage in cuba as idalia has spun its way up. now a category 1. and increasing. governor ron desantis has been updating the country and the state and the days previous. let's hear what he has to say. >> you should assume that there's going to be noticeable impacts and some of these impacts could end up becoming catastrophic. so, buckle up for this one. it's going to be a major hurricane. >> and where i'm at on clearwater beach, expected up to 7 feet of storm surge. that is the huge concern along the gulf coast especially in tampa bay which essentially acts as a catcher's mitt for that water when it r rushes in. wobbles to the storm. anything that tracks more east puts the gulf coast specifically here and to the north to the big bend in even bigger jeopardy. people need to be careful. this could be catastrophic and deadly if you're in the stowrng area. time is now to pack up and leave if you are. guys, back to you. >> steve: robert, the x fax factor this time is that the water in the gulf is at record high temperatures. >> oh, yeah look at the gulf of mexico. surface temperatures in the high 80's. potentially even 90. for a hurricane to rapidly intensify, which is what is expected right now, you need three things, that is high surface water temp. high humidity and a lack of shear. the shear is what drops down and kicks that storm around and breaks it up. we don't expect that unfortunately. and after it heads into florida, guys, up into georgia and the carolinas. this is going to be going on for days. >> steve: here it comes. robert, thank you very much. >> ainsley: janice is over there. she is tracking the tropical st. we were talking. you said it's a cat 1 now definitely going to get much stronger. >> major hurricane. border wall category 4. we are expecting rapid intensification in the next 24 hours which we expect it making landfall around this time around the big bend of florida. so 75 mile-per-hour sustained winds. robert was talking about the water temperatures way above average this time of year in the path of this storm. at least 86 trees. that's the fuel that this storm needs to rapidly intensify. and not a lot of harv winds in the upper level of the 00 moss fear. nothing in its way. rapid intensification. here is your plan in the green areas you are making your plan, paying attention to the forecast. in the yellow area preparing for potential storm impacts including georgia and the carolinas. we are expecting a category 1 hurricane to move through georgia and go plan here finalizing preparations and evacuate going you are told to do. so you want to listen to your local authorities in the next 24 to 48 hours. are seeing outer bands moving approaching the west coast of florida and the key west. >> this is the track. the exclusive fox model here. we are expecting a landfall overnight tonight into tomorrow morning around "fox & friends" 8:00 a.m. hour as it moves and brings the worst of the storm surge. i want to make mention of this. the storm surge is going to be the worst part of this storm because along the big bend, we have a susceptible storm surge. we could see upwards of 12 feet. and that will inundate homes, it will overtop homes. and that's why it's really important to listen to the governor and the local officials. i know we're going to be talking to governor desantis in the 8:00 a.m. hour. he's going to advise floridians what to do. your time is running out, basically, if you live in the impact zone. we are going to feel the effects not only in the whole state of florida but up towards georgia and carolinas. the storm surge, i can't stress this enough, this is the biggest killer when it comes to hurricanes and when you are talking about a storm surge of 12 feet, you know, that could be potentially historic for this area. we will continue to monitor it and wring you the very latest. fox is streaming live the next couple of days. we're are going to be talking about this through the day and workweek and through the weekend as it stalls off the coast of the carolinas. stay tuned bottom line. >> brian: this just the beginning. >> janice: peak of hurricane season. >> steve: started in may. >> janice: this is when we see the worst of the storms. >> ainsley: going into labor day weekend. a lot of people had travel plans, buy trip insurance if you are planning a trip around this time next year. >> ainsley: ains. >> janice: absolutely. keep you posted. >> steve: florida governor ron desantis coming up at 8:00 a.m. he is had a live briefing for the world yesterday 6:00 hour during the bret baier show. i would imagine he is going to give us a preview of what florida is thinking coming up one hour from now. in the meantime, speaking of politics, new polling reveals a dip in support for former president donald trump following his decision to skip last week's debate here on fox. >> ainsley: some candidates who did take the stage are seeing gains. >> brian: all right. maybe he will be at the business debate later in september. griff jenkins live in washington with the details. griff? >> griff: hey, brian, steve and ainsley good morning. did skipping that first debate hurt the former president? well at least one new poll from emerson college shows he is still at strong 50% g.o.p. voters. his lead took a hit. 6 point drop in just nine days. desantis, by the way, holding second place, but he dropped a little bit, too at 2%. ramaswamy in third dropped 1%. pence also up 4% meanwhile senator tim scott didn't appear to register in that poll but announced his plans yesterday education plan to empower parents. watch this. >> that's why i'm coming out with a parents' bill of rights. because parents should be in charge of their kids, not a system. [applause] and our parents bill of rights don't start at k through 12. it starts with adoption it. starts with making sure that we protect crisis pregnancy centers. >> griff: we're following the money on the campaign trail. nikki haley touting a huge haul of a million bucks in just 72 hours. it comes as haley continues to tangle with vivek ramaswamy after vivek used nikki's given indian name even misspelling it on vivek's truth website taking a shot at haley's criticism that he doesn't support israel. now, vivek wrote, this quote. wrong. keep lying ma'am rad da. the desperation is showing, but haley hit back in interview with fox digital. >> i'm not going to get into the childish name calling or whatever making fun of my name that he is doing finally it appears ramaswamy has eminem problem. the famous rapper has taken notice of vivek's happening on the campaign trail and want him to stop using his music heretofore on the campaign trail. >> steve: is he gonna? >> we'll find out. i don't know. he seems to like it. we have seen a lot of vivek and the eminem. he obviously likes him. see if he continues to use it or listens to the threat to stop using it. >> ainsley: use his own is he a rapper, too. >> steve: make up your own tune. >> brian: he has a billion dollars. can he pay the fines. it's worth it to play eminem songs. [laughter] >> griff: listen, i'm going to refer you have to vivek's campaign for that i don't know whether he is going to keep happening eminem or whether he will decease and stop using it. >> steve: he did rap on this show. >> ainsley: thank you so much. when he was on our show we asked him about ukraine and he defended himself, you know, about funding ukraine or not funding ukraine or not funding that war. brian, you also hammered him about taiwan and he basically said and/or i think i asked him that question. you asked him about ukraine. it's been reported that you don't -- you are fine with china taking taiwan, he said that's not what i said. he said after we get the chips, then basically they're on their own. and then we were all questioning about israel because people said he doesn't want to support israel. he doesn't want to give any funding to israel. and nikki haley hammered him on the debate on that. and because republicans are so pro-israel it's an important issue and sean asked him about it. listen to this. >> you said aid to israel number one ally democracy in the region. integrated with their neighbors. >> that's false. >> bret: that was exact quote. do you want me to read it. >> yeah. i can tell you the exact quote. what i secretary of defense it would would be a mark of success if we ever got to a point in our relationship with israel if israel never needed the united states' aid. and sean, you know how politics is played. a lot of the other professional politicians who have been threatened by my rise have used that statement to say that i would cut off aid to israel. that's not correct. the reality is this. by the end of my first term, our relationship with israel will be stronger than it ever has been because i will treat it as a true friendship. not just a transactional relationship. >> then why did you -- >> brian: i didn't get it. >> steve: is he wrong about all that foreign policy stuff. >> brian: you could have cutting edge foreign policy. i watched it last night. he said, look, what i was saying is right now we have a one china policy. strategic ambiguity. so, we don't say exactly what we would do if china goes to take taiwan. he says i'm telling you right now, i will say we will back taiwan militarily until 2028. at that time, we will have our chip capacity here, domestically, theoretically and then we will go back to what the current policy we have right now. it's a long way to go. >> steve: well, and when you look at this emerson poll that griff started with, after the debate. vivek actually went down 1 point. ron desantis went up 2. mike pence went up 4, nikki haley up 5. mike pence increased his support with people in the midwest. donald trump support with people in the midwest dropped 12. nikki haley's support with people over 50 went up from 2 to 9. and donald trump's support with people people 50 over dropped 7 points. as we had said before the debate, the debate was the official starting gate, essentially, for 2024. and people started shopping. and now people started shopping and they looked at the people on the stage you know what? i i understand could 6 like that person, too. after skipping the first debate. it's going to look like is he getting in because is he losing. >> ainsley: right. when you think about foreign policy, it's so important, right? but, when you walched him on the debate stage, you saw how charismatic he was. and how young he was: vivek. no one knew much about him. is he a fresh face. >> steve: is he a smooth talker. >> ainsley: fun. rapping on the campaign trail. his wife is a surgeon. he is ivy league trained. and he has two young children so you imagine the family, a young family back in the white house it. would be sweet. so people are interested in him. but, you know, you really have to talk about what matters to these families. >> steve: issues. >> ainsley: and the issues really do. >> brian: the fox debate in the end of september. and then you have an alabama debate in three. at one point you have got think that trump has got to get in there. i'm not sure why not the next one. might be worth it if the stage can shrink. right now you think mayor suarez and larry elder and the others didn't make the stage are they still viable? with the criteria going up you got to think one or two at least aren't going to make it and even with a shorter stage we could have more substantive debate. >> steve: trump already said is he going to skip that debate because he doesn't like the guy who runs the ronald reagan library mr. ryan. >> ainsley: he said he was going to skip all the debates at one point. we'll see. >> steve: maybe the fact he went down he gets. in stay tuned. you never know. >> ainsley: ashley is standing by with headlines. >> ashley: going to start with maui. hawaii electric now saying the fire line sparked the first fire but the utility denies responsibility for the deadly lahaina fire and is blaming the local fire department for letting the flames out of control. and some g.o.p. state lawmakers say the white house is lacking a response. >> response from the federal, state and county governments have been pretty quiet. when asked what the death count was for children? the answer was "i don't know." when asking fema and calling fema for more resources, they get the voice mail. so people are frustrated here in hawaii. >> ashley: maui officials are putting the island back on a fire watch tomorrow and thursday with strong winds and low humidity in the forecast. 80,000 students in new york city could be stuck without any way to get to school when classes start next week. the yellow bus driver's union is ready to strike if they can't reach a new deal with the city by september 7th. city officials say they have a back-up plan which includes paying for ride share services and metro cards for tens of thousands of children. and then a massive alligator caught in mississippi is now in the record books. >> all right. where did it go? >> ashley: alligator hunter will thomas wrangling 14-foot 800-pound monster. that is the largest ever caught in mississippi. thomas is joining us later this morning. i would not want to wrangle that thing. >> ainsley: no thanks. leave that to them. thanks, ashley. >> ashley: you're welcome. >> brian: when you are running from an alligator don't go straight. >> ainsley: they say to do it. we said that on air before and people have written in and said that doesn't work. >> brian: fake left and go right. like a running back. >> ainsley: and if you have a big slab of meat in your hand just drop it. >> brian: they are pro-meat. >> steve: right. let's tell you a little bit, a lot of people are traveling this summer. we're at record levels post pandemic. and there is an airline that travels from i believe amsterdam to the caribbean. it is called will core dawn airlines. what they have come up with they are going to have child free zones on the airplane over 100 seats for passengers 16 and up. there is going to be a separation between the kids and the adults by walls and curtains. it's going to be in the front of the airplane where it's child-free. and here's a great thing it. just cost 48 bucks amsterdam to the caribbean which is unbelievably great deal. >> ainsley: they have a section though for children, right? >> right. behind the wall. >> ainsley: great for everyone, right? can you sit in the section you want. if you are a parent you always feel so horrible when your child starts crying. >> steve: 100 percent. >> ainsley: disrupts everyone around you. most people are e friendly, sometimes you get a stare. you wish you were sitting in a child section. before having children i liked sitting in the peaceful section that didn't have children. >> steve: in the back complete chaos. all parents together. your kid starts screaming i know what you are in to. steve. >> ainsley: if you want a child free airline or plane do not go to orlando, florida. everyone is going to disney world and there are lots of kids on the plane. i personally love it now, now that i'm a mom. but, before, i kind of liked to have the quiet. >> steve: what do you think about this airline that has a child-free zone? remember, once upon a time they used to do the know smoking zones. >> ainsley: i still did not believe people could smoke on planes that blows my mind. brian, what did you think about this did you seat in the child free zone. >> brian: i don't know. another member of the biden administration is in china. will this visit do anything to ease tensions? why are we sending one official after another to make amends with a country that hates us? the chairman of the house select committee on china congressman mike gallagher joins us next. >> ainsley: a virginia man meets his mother for the first time after he was stolen at birth. the unbelievable reunion. >> steve: what a story. ♪ ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. oh, hello! hi! do you know that every load of laundry could be worth as much as $300? 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(soft music) i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> we are not compromising or negotiating in matters of national security, period. but this is meant to be a dialogue where we increase transparency and when we are clear about what we are doing as it relates to export control enforcement. >> brian: here we go. another official over in china. biden's commerce secretary gina raimondo is in china with hopes of improving the deteriorating relationship between the communist country. the visit comes as china face dramatic downturn in their economy. raising alarms around the globe and others are saying maybe this will tame this wild beast. potus pandemic growth fallen well short of expectation and caused wide instability domestically and abroad. let's take a look. here she is another one to visit. she is just the latest one to visit. you would think that china, who is sucking economically sending people over here. no, we keep saying please, meet with us. let's have a dialogue. meanwhile, take a look at their economy. look at how steady it was. then they poisoned the world with a pandemic, which they never paid for or admitted to. they immediately spike and start mocking the rest of the world that they are back. then they get hit. then they lock down and the economy loses trust amongst its people and has never recovered as president xi consolidates power. janet yellen goes over, treasury secretary put mushrooms in her tea that was nights. blinken was the first to go over after first curtailing visit because of the balloon that flew over our country. and we ended up going over anyway. secretary kerry get over there and says please, build some more solar panels. we will see how that goes. has this made america safer? has this solidified our economy? are we taking advantage of the weakness in china? joining us now is wisconsin congressman and chairman of the select committee on china mike gallagher. great to see you, chairman. i'm wondering how you feel about gina raimondo being the latest to go over to china? are you pleased with the dialogue? >> i'm not. and, remember, that raimondo went to china after it was revealed that the chinese hacked her emails? why go? after you have been robbed you don't track down the robber only to ask them if there is anything that they missed. why are all our top officials flying to china? it makes us look desperate and weak when we send all our cabinet officials there. even though the ccp continues its aggression and especially since neither blinken nor yellen nor kerry came home with any tangible concessions from the ccp. beijing has refused to take serious action on fentanyl. won't establish a military-to-military dialogue with us to avoid war and the ccp is still openly supplying moscow with war materials. and it also appears on this trip we made concessions as raimondo agreed to enter into negotiations over our export controls, which will make it much more difficult to get other countries to match our export controls. and strengthen the arguments made by u.s. companies to lift our export control restrictions. we need to be strengthening our export controls, closing the loopholes and right now i fear that we're going soft on them. >> brian: we are doing some other things like trying to bring chip manufacturing home. not -- selling certain elements they need to make their own chips. and then we are consolidating with our neighbors who see a common enemy and challenge in china like japan and australia. are we working from two sides of the fence in giving off mixed signals? are we going to look at them as a challenger or look at them as a threat which we all can conclude they are? >> well, i think that raises a good point that it might have been far more productive for the secretary of commerce to spend time negotiating with our allies and strengthening the economies of the united states and our allies. as opposed to taking a trip to beijing. congress can also take steps to improve our foreign policy vis-a-vis china by stopping the flow. u.s. technology to huawei. stopping these licensing exemptions that we continue to give. strengthening our export controls on advanced semiconductors. we have the october 7th interim rule. finalize that real. computer firm inspur. tangible steps. biden is engagement, diplomatic and economic, that's profoundly misguided. raimondo also said one thing that troubles me. we believe a strong chinese economy is a good thing. to say me it's far more important to protect americans than it is to protect the chinese economy. in so much as the chinese economy fuels war machine and general silgtedz ambitions it's not clear it's a good thing we are allowing american cash to continue to flow into the chinese economy. we need to cut that off right now as well. >> brian: so hard. because you do have a bipartisan consensus almost on everything you said in your committee. but people at home should understand this. china is right now in a slow down biggest slow down in decades talking about nixon era. young people can't get work. the building has virtually stopped. the people of china have lost faith of the ability of the government to grow the economy. therefore they are saving, not spending causing this downturn. even though they have so much to do with the world economy, we should be taking advantage of this that in many ways outside our debt we are coming out of this stronger than the pandemic they fist on the world. final thought on that? >> well, can make them more aggressive as they face economic and itemmographic headwinds. that's the risk we need to be. china in the largest military build up possibly ever. again, part of the reason we should cut off the flow of u.s. technology and cash to china which would help us prevent a war and enhance peace and stability in the region. >> brian: thanks so much. congressman mike gallagher. you always say these candidates should come up with a china policy first and foremost and that didn't happen on the stage last week. thank you, congressman. >> thank you. >> brian: straight ahead, a fox weather forecast, hurricane idalia now a category 1 is barreling towards florida's gulf coast. one storm chaser calls it a brewing monster. that storm chaser is next. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪ ♪ it's a new day... ♪ ...stop settling. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy makes breathing easier for a full 24 hours, improves lung 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morning, we are doing well why are wanting to hear what you are experiencing and what do you and why you do this. >> right now i'm in tallahassee. on on the western edge of the cone of uncertainty for the path of hurricane idalia. i plan to make my way a little bit further south toward perry florida, which looks more to be like where the projected center of the hurricane is now. i'm trying to track these storms tracking major hurricanes especially here with i storms idalia this time life stream and streaming to youtube channel and warn the public. get the public the information, get those warnings out and try to save lives essentially with information on where these hurricanes are going. >> brian: what do you see personally up close and personal that you couldn't do from afar? >> >> i'm a lover of weather. i love storms. and getting -- i like getting hit by those strong winds and being in the force. feeling that force of nature capturing what is happening, documenting essentially documenting history of these hurricanes and storms for future generations. i want people to be a to see wht has happened. i want people to see what the perspective from my eyes, my veteran storm chaser eyes getting out here in these storms. and experiencing, this is my passion, i love storms, unfortunately they cause damage and they cause problems and i can't control that. but i can document history and share my information with the world. >> steve: one of the things, aaron, about this storm is if it hits the big bend area. they will haven't had a major one since gladys back in the 1960s. it's been 50 years or something like that. so it's going to be march land. largely rural. what kind of a we have seen essentially driving tanks. >> this is a difficult one as a storm chaser to track down. largely coastal marshes, wood lend that has absorb the brunt of these storms there has not been a lot of storms. this is an area of florida that does not frequently get hurricanes that will be a test for buildings that are on the coast. there is not a lot of infrastructure. roads. i'm actually going to drive a regular car. i try to stay mobile and get in the eye of the storm. that makes it difficult for me but formally for residents of florida this is a low population area that is the one silver lining of the hurricane. >> steve: stay safe. good luck to you. >> thank you very much. >> brian: best last name for a storm chaser. jayjack. means action. download the fox weather app. for continuing coverage if you are not jayjack. >> ainsley: coming up. millions of children could lose their day care when a federal grant program expires at the end of sent. nancy mace and ro khanna launching a bipartisan caucus to find a solution for your children, next. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. the 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funding, the consequences could be dire for families all across our country. south carolina congresswoman nancy mace and california congressman ro khanna launched this congressional bipartisan affordable child care caucus to deal with this issue and they both join us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> ainsley: congresswoman mace, how did you hear about this and what is the solution? >> well, first of all, row canna, ro and i have worked together on a number of issues, particularly cybersecurity and we decided to team up and start having this conversation about child care. so, first off, i want to thank ro for his friendship and thank him for working with me on this issue. i'm willing to work with anyone who is willing to work with me. but we know that when parents have freedom to choose a child care for their family, that meets their values and that is affordable, more families are better off, their children are better off and we have got to figure this out together. >> ainsley: congressman, what's the story here do these day cares get money after covid? i know they lost a third of their employment. did they get this money and now it's being taken away and you are concerned that many of them are going to have to close? >> yes. first, i want to thank representative mayes as well for bipartisan leadership on cyber and other issues. there is a lot more cooperation sometimes in congress than people see on the media. i appreciate your highlighting this 86% think we need do or mr. to make child care affordable. covid, a $10,000 a year for an average family. and those grants come to an end. we need to make sure that we have some funding for families so that it is not out of reach and we need to have more flexibility and training for child care workers and investment in healthcare workers. >> ainsley: congresswoman it's being reported that 70,000 child care centers will have to close because of this. how do we know if it's going to be our day care? >> it's hard to say. and, in fact, i am dealing with child care centers here in south carolina that are trying to develop -- that we're trying to develop right now. the impact fees, local fees, state fees and permitting, the expenses are extraordinary. so what i would like us to also do is highlight some of the ways that states can make child care more affordable. there are some areas where you have to have a four-year degree to be a child care worker. that just increases the cost exponentially. there are other states where you might be trained in child care when you move to another state no reciprocity for education. that increases the cost of child care. there is a lot of low hanging fruit that states can also address. i would like to see states highlight those things as congress fights over the money which is going to happen this fall. >> ainsley: all right, congressman. where do you see this going? >> i do there are bipartisan areas. having more flexibility and training makes sense. not necessarily having a four year degree. having more pay for child care workers. look, in investment in america's children should be common sense. it's pro-family. it's pro-economic growth. corporations are losing billions of dollars because of women, particularly not being age to work with child care republican initiative. general ford and george w. bush who actually had a child care tax credit. it's been bipartisan and i'm hoping we can get bipartisan funding for this. >> ainsley: i hope so, too. it seems no-brainer especially if it's a bipartisan issue. the average family spends $850 a month on day care. thank you all so much for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you, ainsley, as always. >> ainsley: you are welcome. hand it over to ashley for headlines for us. >> u.s. supreme court justice out telling a judicial conference in wisconsin yesterday public scrutiny. i have acquired a thick skin and i think that's what other figures have to do. this follows months of criticism and protest over controversial stolen from her more than 40 years ago. >> how do you hug someone in a way that makes up for 42 years? that's what you are doing in that moment, 42 years robbed. >> the heart-warming moment comes after a month's long international search for the man's biological family. he began his search after reading an article about children adoptees being reunited with their real families. he also got meet his biological father, four brothers and his sister. and those are your headlines, ainsley, back to you. >> ainsley: that is incredible. wow, so he was stolen. the mom never knew what happened to him and they were reunited. >> ashley: no, so sad. >> ainsley: nevada rangers plow through protesters signatures on the street. what are loud laborers and how are they running the workforce? jimmy failla on all of that, next. ♪ ♪ when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, 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family immigrated here for. they always and never forgot for one second the freedoms and the liberties afforded to them here because of those that made the ultimate sacrifice. ♪ ♪ >> steve: here's a video you are going to be talking about today, climate protesters causing a miles' long traffic jam when they blocked the only road leading into the burning man festival and then this happened. [sirens] [screams] >> wow. [sirens] >> take all of you out. you better move. [screams] >> get down now! on the ground. all of you on the ground now. get on the ground. >> we're nonviolent. >> get on the ground. >> we're not violent. >> we have no weapons at all. >> officers, will you tell me. >> we're environmental protesters. >> steve: okay. she is not happy. jimmy failla hosts fox across america on fox news video. they made a big mistake. >> very insensitive of the cop who should have run them over in an electric pickup truck out of sensitivity to the cause of them blocking the road. how do you not watch this and just rejoice because we're so long overdue for some pushback on this garbage where people are inconvenienced whether it's at a museum or people chaining themselves to the runway. one note i want to add they are going to you said burning man. it is burning person. let's net get ourselves canceled here. what's funny is burning man is known for people getting in the desert. none of whom figured out they could drive around this road block has 20 feet on the side of the road flat land. i guess we are stuck. i love these cops. they are heroes. they are not regular cops. this is tribal land. tribal rangers. they have different rules aberrantly different than the cops here in new york city. >> jimmy: i'm down with them policing everything because they didn't worry about getting, you know, heaven forbid having to go protest or get, you know, go viral for the wrong reasons. they actually just protected the rights of everybody on that road who had somewhere to be. listen, on a serious note. if you have a medical procedure to get. to say. >> steve: look at all the traffic. >> jimmy: you have no right to do that to people. you don't know what is going on in that drastic jam you are causing. so good for them. >> steve: what if there is an emergency. >> that's what i mean. cops hero. >> we heard about quiet quitters people go to work but they just do the minimum. we know people like that. >> jimmy: hey, hey, hey. now. >> steve: something called loud labor where they are at work and they are loud about how fantastic they are. >> jimmy: they are trying to draw attention to how much work they are doing. this is where we are supposed to stop and praise president biden. it turns out he is just pushing back against the need to show people you are working. this whole time he has been sleeping with no shirt on on the beach. it's a pushingback. do you know what the strategy is, right? this is the whole squeaky wheel gets the most grease. people want who promotions now are trying to get it through performance art instead of production working now there is a little push back. >> steve: before the pandemic show boater. >> jimmy: bragging if you show up to the office. you get street cred with that. >> steve: unless you show up at burning man with a trailer. >> jimmy: you can't get there. >> steve: people need to show up for work. the guy who runs amazon. if you are not going to show up three days a week. maybe this isn't a good place for you. >> jimmy: this was fascinating announcement. they have to be in the office three days or two if they have amazon prime. there it is jimmy is selling shipping jokes. it's about time. first of all, who do people think they are. two years removed from the pandemic. that you are still playing under the old guy rules? you have to go to work. it's more productive on a collaborative sense. just this idea that people got so broken they thought they were entitled to stay home. you are better off in work. day drinking in your pajamas it's fun for like three weeks. if you are not at work people are starting to talk. leave the house. >> steve: so you day drank for three weeks? >> jimmy: have you heard my radio show? three is setting it low, man. >> steve: jimmy is going to be doing his radio show from home because of construction. >> jimmy: better believe it. i'm home prepping for stand up special. things are happening, dude. >> steve: thank you. >> jimmy: you're the best. >> steve: fox weather alert that hurricane is strengthening. currently a category 1. could be a category 4 by the time it hits florida. the governor, ron desantis, joining us next. ♪ ♪ my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. my wife magda and i have been married for 39 years. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i wanted to try something that was over-the-counter. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. introducing the limited edition disney collection from blendjet. nine exciting designs your whole family will adore blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere! recharge quickly via usb-c. it even cleans itself. order yours now from and bring a little disney into your life. listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪ >> this is going to be a major impact. >> we are tracking idalia. >> state of emergency declared in dozens of counties. >> 5400 alias e-mails to his son. >> he sold apeerance of access. >> peter, i will not get into this.

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Luck , Stay Safe , Day Care , Coming Up , Grant , Action , Program , Coverage , Millions , Jayjack , App , Solution , Caucus , Nancy Mace , Sent , Ro Khanna , Round Brush Head , Add Power , Teeth , Dentist , Tooth , Plaque , Feeling , Oral B Round , Dinosaur , Build , Website , Sale , Pro , Town , Colorado , Superior Clean , Oral B Brush , Godaddy , Order , Partner , Godaddy Com , Materials , Stearns Foster , Stearns Foster That , Memory Foam , Savings , Comfort , Labor Day Sale , Ultra Conforming Intellicoils , Beautiful Mattress , Isn T , Mattress Sets , Wheezing , Asthma Symptoms , Medicine , Asthma , Death , Events , Hospitalizations , Corticosteroid , Reactions , Emergency Care , What A Wonderful World , Infections , Can , 3 2 Million , Child Care , Grants , Consequences , Programs , Foundation , September 30th , 30 , South Carolina , California , Ro , Row Canna , Congresswoman Mace , Number , Cybersecurity , Anyone , Freedom , Conversation , First Off , Values , Day Cares , Mayes , Many , Employment , Third , Covid , Yes , Media , Leadership , Cooperation , Cyber , End , 0000 , 10000 , Child Care Workers , Training , Investment , Flexibility , Healthcare Workers , Child Care Centers , Reach , Being , 70000 , Impact Fees , Fees , State Fees , Expenses , Permitting , States , Cost , Degree , Child Care Worker , Four , Fruit , Low , State No Reciprocity , Sense , Fights , Dollars , Women , Corporations , Billions , Common Sense , George W Bush , Child Care Tax Credit , Initiative , Ford , Hand It , No Brainer , 850 , Public Scrutiny , Justice , Skin , Conference , U S Supreme Court , Protest , Figures , Someone , 42 , Article , Search , Brothers , Sister , Wow , Father , Laborers , Protesters , Workforce , Signatures , Rangers , The Street , Nevada , Jimmy Failla , Choice , Migraine Strikes , Push , Anywhere , Ubrelvy , Dose , Tracks , Migraine , Trade Offs , Option , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Sleepiness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Store , Deals , Most , Projects , Lowe S , 0 , Health , Friend , Step , Centrum Silver , Youuu , Concept , Elections , Co Host , Outnumbered , Uniqueness , Emily Compagno , Freedoms , Liberties , Sacrifice , Video , Traffic Jam , Burning Man Festival , Sirens , Ground , Weapons , Officers , Mistake , Fox Across America On News , Pushback , Sensitivity , Cop , Pickup Truck , Cause , Garbage , Note , Runway , Museum , Funny , Let , Cops , Land , Side , Desert , None , Heroes , 20 , Rules , Reasons , Heaven , Get , Somewhere , Jam , Procedure , Listen , Emergency , Minimum , Cops Hero , Loud Labor , Work , Praise , Need , On The Beach , Strategy , Pushingback , Sleeping , Wheel , Shirt , Grease , Promotions , Office , Show Boater , Performance Art , Production , Trailer , Street Cred , Amazon , Shipping Jokes , Isn T A Good , Announcement , Idea , Guy Rules , Pajamas , Radio Show , It Low , Radio , Hurricane , Construction , Home Prepping For Stand Up Special , Dude , Over The Counter , 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