Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

jacksonville sheriff's office. they are about an hour late on that update. food read the latest information if we get it. but as of right now, what we do know is jacksonville fire and rescue confirm with fox news that four people are dead in a mass shooting event at that dollar general store in northwest jacksonville. a shooting that began about 1:1. the player d layer describing tt who is dead as a white male who barricaded himself inside that dollar general store. there was a massive police response including the swat team. the dollar general store is located less than a mile down the road from edward waters university private historically black christian university with about 2000 students per this is significant because jacksonville local news station, news for jx multiple sources say at 12:45 p.m. today a suspicious individual was seen behind the on-campus library putting on a ballistic vest a great security chase that individual tried to catch them for the suspect fled and went inside the dollar general store but we do not know the identity of the shooter or his motivation. but this reporting from a news report jx is accurate and raises questions where the suspect had initially wanted to target the college for instance. the edward waters university campus safety alert sent an alert about two hours ago reading in part this, quote earlier today there was a fatal off-campus shooting on kings road near the ew you campus right reports do not implicate the involvement of students faculty or staff, the jacksonville sheriff's office is at the scene and our campus police have secured all campus facility students are being kept in their residence halls through the afternoon until the scene is cleared up. it is notable though this a mass shooting and jacksonville has happened exactly five years to the day of the 2018 mass shooting in jacksonville at the nfl game tournament that left two people dead and 11 injured before the shooter took his own life that was exactly five years to the day back in 2018 for now again, john, what we know jacksonville fire rescue telling us four people are dead. the suspect is dead. we are waiting for the news conference with the latest information, john. jon: do we know it yet is the shooting that was near the campus, is that related to the dollar general massacre? >> just to reiterate here, news for ja x they believe the shooter that once the dollar general store was spotted a half hour before putting on a ballistic vest at the ew college campus. when they saw him on campus they chased him. do inside the dollar general store they have a mass shooting about four people dead that suspect dead. we cannot independently confirm that that is what news for jax is reporting. jon: expect to hear it from the news conference i c that could e within the hour. bryan llenas thank you. more deadly gunfire in oklahoma. that sent players and fans sent for cover during high school football game. the chaos spooked the announcers calling the game. listen. >> what is going on? [background noises] >> we've got people shooting, oh my goodness where question chris i don't know people are down on the field. that is crazy. oh man. >> everybody get down. >> it took place at choctaw high just east of okemos city police confirm at least three people were shot one of them a 16-year-old boy was killed. there were no arrests. police said gunfire broke out after at least two males got into an argument. and yet more gunfire today in boston buried seven people wounded at the city's annual caribbean carnival. two suspects in custody, police say none of the victims had life-threatening injuries. the scene is still active. the investigation ongoing. well, florida get ready. we are just learning a hurricane is set to make landfall there on tuesday. much of florida is now under a state of emergency. fox news and meteorologist adam klotz is here to take us through the latest forecast. >> hey john, this update just coming up from the national hurricane center right now just a tropical depression tropical depression 10 but it is forecast to become a hurricane and make landfall in florida late tuesday or early wednesday morning. so currently kind of a messy storm system we are looking at there. we do secretly tropical storm warnings in cozumel, cancún is as is were at the coast of the yucatán peninsula. now the storm is going to ultimately really strengthen it. missy the forecast cohen from the national hurricane center running you up into the west coast of florida by the florida bend is stretching off to the west there including the floor pan handle all areas where this could ultimately go. you talk about windsor forecasting of the 75 miles per hour by tuesday evening, that is enough to make this a hurricane as it ultimately approaches the florida coast there. ultimately probably making some sort of landfall tuesday night into wednesday. there's still a little bit and unknown with the system. there is going to take a little time till ultimately starts moving away from cancún. these are several different forecast models producing fairly good agreement from the fort of big bend maybe stretching towards panama city, all places where the storm could ultimately go. this is an in-house forecast model that we have here with "fox weather." you can pay attention to the timestamp in the corner. interesting of the storm continues to spin up the coast of mexico all the way until monday morning. that is a wild to go into ultimate lifts up until very warm gulf of mexico starts to come together. tuesday morning 7:00 a.m. and rushes to the north tuesday during the day by the time to get into tuesday evening, that is when the strengthens into potentially a hurricane. and he went up to 75000 hour or greater making some sort of landfall tuesday evening into wednesday. this is going to be when we will have to watch us for the repairs with us in a week ahead. jon: are right adam klotz keep us updated thanks adam. president biden is honestly back to washington and the stunning new corruption allegations are there waiting for him for those include claims of bribery by one-time ukrainian prosecutor general viktor shokin exclusive fox news interview airing tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on "one nation" per a little less than two hours from now. lucas tomlinson life at the white house with the latest. >> john, president biden is in the air is going to land suited andrews air force base. is notable from the print pool while president biden's motorcade was in route to the airport in carson city to fly back east, some people gave him the middle finger it says. then of course he was booed. we talk about for president trump's mug shot the other day. [inaudible] quickly using donald trump's mug shot yet? >> >> excited seen on television. [inaudible] >> ukraine's former top prosecutor says he was fired because then vice president joe biden's had to stop them from investigating burisma the former ukrainian energy company were sent hunter was a board member. >> i did not want to deal in unproven facts. but my firm personal conviction is that yes, this was the case. they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing. isn't that alone a case of corruption? >> viktor shokin said this admission from joe biden years later validates his claim. >> is i'm leaving in six hours the prosecutors not fired you are not getting the money. will son of a gun. [laughter] he got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. cocooksey or some reaction early chose comments from joe biden earlier today on fox. >> then vice president biden sure wishes he could take back that ridiculously inappropriate childish amateurish comment b back. that also goes to the point of if he truly were trying to help his son, why in god's name would he be so dumb as to basically announce it to the world with that ridiculous statement? >> the white help pushing back on viktor shokin accusation saying a former ukrainian prosecutor general whose office on deputy called a hotbed of corruption drawing demands for reform not only from then vice president joe biden but also from u.s. diplomats, international partners and republican senators like ron johnson. now hunter biden was not on air force one flight back east according to reports he is renting a home to the tune of $15000 a month in malibu, california secret service is across the street we are told. jon: and more to come on that story i am sure. lucas tomlinson, thanks. again, you can watch brian's exclusive energy for recruitment prosecutor jen for him brian's program at "one nation" right here less than two hours from now tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern. legendary pr "price is right" ht bob barker passed away today at his home in los angeles. he was 99 years old. the entertainment icon hosted the game show or than three decades was a high profile animal-rights activists as well. christina coleman live in our l.a. beer on the tributes pouring in from fans and fellow game show host. christie network. >> good evening john. bob barker died in his los angeles home this morning of natural causes according to his publicist for the 99-year-old was born in darrington, washington in 19203 and led an incredible life on instagram. the show, the "price is right," posted a tribute part it reads during 35 years as a host of the "price is right," bob made countless people's dreams come true for everyone felt like a winner when they were called to come on down for it today on fox news former host of the newlywed game bobby banks shared how he learned from barker skill delivery. >> he could have contestants there and read their eyes, read their body language and such. i was able to take that ability and transfer that to the newlywed game. i sent bob eubanks said he was a legend. so many game show host learning from barker. barker 119 enemies during his career. five of them for outstanding game show host barker hosted mss from 1967 until 1987. he famously start alongside adam sandler in the comedy happy gilmore at left back you see the video there are some of you might remember the hilarious fight scene printed at instagram sandler wrote the man, the myth, the best such a sweet funny guy to hang out with. loved talking to him. loves laughing with him for it left him kicking the crab out of me. he will be missed by everyone i know. worker was also dedicated animal-rights activists he ended every "price is right" episode by urgent pet owners to be responsible for this is his final signoff on his final show. >> i want to thank you very, very much for inviting me into your home for the last 50 years. i am deeply grateful. and please remember help control the pet population. have your pet spayed or neutered. >> u.s. naval institute also paying tribute to barker today paid prior to becoming a legendary game show host barker served as a navy pilot during world war ii. he flew eight different aircraft's. the war ended before he was deployed. you can see even though he was as legendary show host he also served in the military. now he did not see it, but he went on to attend college in missouri, worked for a radio station in florida and then move to california to chase his dreams and as we all know became a legendary tv icon leaving us with tons of fun loving game show memories. jon: the men who were the navy wings, good for him he will be missed. christina coleman and los angeles thank you. former president trump's top two rivals in the 2024 gop polls are spending the weekend campaigning in iowa florida governor desantis making two stops in the northern part of the state with his wife casey. vivek ramaswamy making four stops in the hawkeye state. we are 32 days away from the second republican debate hosted by foxbusiness at the ronald reagan presidential library in california break two candidates who made wednesday's debate former governor asa hutchinson governor doug bergen has met the art and see new polling threshold to qualify. both said earlier today on fox news they are confident they will make the cut. >> we have almost got our donor limit already. and so then it is a question of making sure the right place in the polls. it is up to your listeners and we have got some help i think we will be able to continue and be there in the debate engage in it and catch momentum. >> of more days between now when the voting starts then we'll them will meetlaunched on june . we know we are just gaining momentum. i have been in new hampshire we have done so many events the last two days here we know our message around the economy, energy, national security is really resonating. >> will have more 2024 coverage tomorrow former un ambassador nikki haley will be on "sunday morning futures" with maria at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. former senator joe lieberman will be on "fox news sunday." he is not running but he is pushing a possible third party candidate. that interview will be on your local fox station check your local listings. it also will be carried in a special time 5:00 p.m. eastern here on fox news channel. it is a sobering anniversary today, two years since 13 u.s. service members were killed in a suicide bombing during the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan at the abbey gate. some of the family members of those heroes will speak at a house committee roundtable next week. congressman brian amassed to lost his legs serving in afghanistan is on that committee. he joins us next. so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) uh, yea. i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. switch now and they'll give you nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv, on them. (hero fan) this plan is amazing! (josh allen) another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. (fan #1) that was josh allen. (fan #2) mmhm. (vo) football season is here. get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. jon: today marked two years suicide bombing near kabul airport in afghanistan killed 13 service members are helping evacuate civilians or in the chaotic u.s. withdrawal. gold star families of those service members say they still want answers and accountability from the bi by administration alexandria hoff has more pressboard affairs committee is combing through 300 state department documents related to the withdrawal while still waiting for specific documents to be turned over. the timeline and evacuation efforts have been in the scrutiny of the past years worth of republicans accusing high-ranking officials of ignoring intel the signal and abrupt pullout from afghanistan would put americans in harm's way's and leave alice behind. gold star families it h is been two years of darkness with the kind produced by unimaginable loss and a lack of answers or goals or father lance corporal gerry schmidt was widely served 13 by a suicide bomber on the kabul airport on this in 2021 he was just 20 years old. >> gerry cared about everybody especially his brothers and sisters in the core. he is just an amazing young man. in his life is taken way too soon for what is been on a quest for accountability believing clear errors by the by administration led to the deadly chaos that unfolded. >> you do not make these kind of mistakes and still have your job at the end of the day. these guys should have resigned progress just yesterday commerce from cory mills introduced a resolution of a call for impeachment of defense secretary lloyd austin riding in" the fact it has been two entire years without any member of this administration been held accountable is unfathomable. secretary austin often releasea statement today writing as a mark this painful milestone in my heart is with the families of these 13 american heroes. today the entire department of defense is and start with them. along with the families whose loved ones gave their lives during our 20 years in afghanistan. secretary often testified in march's and have any regrets how it unfolded requests on center half thank you. for more on this florida congressman and afghan war vet ryan mulvey with family members of those heroes who lost during a roundtable with the house foreign affairs committee on tuesday. it is been two years yet it seems like this family still do not have answers of exactly what led up to that bombing, congressman. do you? does your committee have those answers yet? quickly do not have answers because answers refuse to be given. you heard a quote from lloyd austin he stands in sorrow party stands in sorrow but does not stand apologetic. they refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing. in the lack of planning that they only planned for the best case scenarios. not what you truly plan for the military is that things go wrong you have something called murphy where you always plan for the worst case scenario. said the fact nobody has been fired for the fact that they only thing that really cared about and all of this was the politics of the situation part which is where the chose the withdrawal date original september 11. they apologize for none of that or anything beyond that. >> him to play through a samplee of what the pentagon spokesman john kirby had to say regarding all of this and his anniversary. listen. >> is not a day that goes by that he and the first lady are not thinking about them morning with them in the loss and the sacrifice and the anguish they are still feeling and we understand that but we're going to stay with them as they deserved to. but pulling out of afghanistan was the right decision than national security. to be prepared for other national security concerns. that war is over. that should have been ended mission was accomplished rivers going out of afghanistan that's the way it was handled. has so many people still upset. >> is exactly right. driving down the road is a fair decision to make. whether you stop at the stop lights. whether you look at the other cars over they are coming from that all plays a role and how do you get to the final destination you are trying to seek? this entire process going back to the beginning of the biden administration, they failed to plan for anything other than politics. that is the literal situation we had going on predicted not hold the telegram to what they said. they would agree to under president trump. the withdrawal should not have taken place on september 11 as their dimension there should not have been thousands of left behind were it not americans let behind. all that was not because of bad luck it's because of bad planning. that is what the families cannot accept. they cannot live with a case of bad planning with an unapologetic administration. i spoke to them many times for they know they're not getting their loved ones back. what they want to see happen is the administration acknowledge what went wrong for that they know something has been learned and the same thing will not ever happen again. jon: meanwhile the special investigators the inspectorate should say for afghanistan relief says the taliban is taking american funds that are supposed to go to afghan children. he said not the state department not talking to us u.s. agency for international development. the taliban are already diverting funds. i have not seen a starving taliban fighter on tv. they seem to be fat, dumb, and happy. i see starving afghan children on tv. it is absolutely appalling the united states might still be financially supporting the taliban, congressman. >> the united states is literally financially supporting the taliban. they are the de facto government in afghanistan. of thing that happens there, happens through them. there is most well armed terrorist organization across the globe for their well fed and that's always a result of the biden administration. jon: you serve, as we mentioned come in the military but right now according to the latest gallup polling the americans confidence in that military is at all-time low, the lowest since 1997 anyway. about 60% of americans say they have confidence in our military. why do you think that is? and how to be turned around? quick subpoint if you spoke to everyone who spoke took that pole would not be a lack of confidence in the individual war fighter that goes out there, raises her hand, puts on a uniform, goes a basic trading for the grants that are out there. it's a lack of confidence in our military leadership. the way they are demanding our forces be trained about being awoke instead of being tactical. the way they are going out there and not planning for missions other than a political way. where the political objectives nof the national security objectives? does the upper echelon that is eroding the morale in the military in eroding the confidence in the military one 100%. jon: congressman again afghanistan veteran we thank you for your service and thank you for coming on tonight. >> i wish you the best. jon: still have the fox report, reports of new spikes in covid-19 cases. word of yet another new variance in making the rounds. docdoctor marty kerry has detais on that and calls for new vaccination mandates. and yes masks. next. there he is! it's right there! ♪ oh, he's straight ahead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪ cover more ground in the kia sportage turbo-hybrid. kia. movement that inspires. jon: fox news alert. authority is in jacksonville, florida holding a news conference about the deadly shooting earlier today at the dollar general store. let's listen in to the sheriff. >> information i've been able to verify. the shooter was believed to reside in clay county with his parents. he was involved in 2016 domestic call in clay county with no arrest. in 2017 he did have. we know 11:30 9:00 a.m. today sheriff cook gave us information left clay county headed to jacksonville at 1:18 p.m. he text his father, and told his father to check his computer. at 1:53 p.m. the shooter's family members called the clay county sheriffs office. by that time he already began shooting in jacksonville. the clay county sheriff's office a bit assisting our agency of this investigation. received information after the shooting the shooter had authored several manifestoes one to his parents, one to the media, and onto federal agents. portions of these manifest of detail the shooter's disgusting ideology of hate. plainly put the shooting was racially motivated but he hated black people. he wanted to kill that's the one and only time i'll use that word. i want to be very clear there is absolutely no evidence the shooter was part of any large group. we know he acted completely alone. if you take a look at the images on the screen you will be able to see what utilize. the weapons the shooter used today are a glock and ar-15 cell rifle. this is a dark day jacksonville history. any loss of life is tragic. the hate that motive in the shooter's killing an additional layer of heartbreak. there is no place for hate in our community. this is not jacksonville. as a member of this jacksonville community i am sickened by the cowardly shooters personal ideology of hate. homicide detectives are actively investigated this tragedy on despite the fact the shooter is dead, they will continue to investigate this until we have a complete understanding of what happened and why he did it. our jacksonville committee collectively cries tonight for the victims and victims families, our thoughts and prayers are with you now and will remain with you. please know that in the face of this tragedy this agency and or city stands with you. we stand united and resolved in our commitment of accountability. we stand united with each other. those have personally suffered loss of those who have been touched by this tragedy, we are with you. we stand united and resulting as all forms of hate. at this time i'll take any questions that i can. questionnaires, the sheriff's office. [inaudible] >> yes it is a mass shooting it's an active shooting whatever you want to label it is a shooting that should not of have happened under any circumstances. i don't think names of the shooting really matter what matters is three people lost their lives today. >> report said the suspect then on he was seen in person went down the road can you confirm that. [inaudible] >> it did not tie well's mindset was there will he's there he did go there he did put his vest on and a mask on and went directly to dollar general. chris sheriff, university catch the incident. [inaudible] >> is part of our vesting process. [inaudible] healing that process. [inaudible] music. [inaudible] clicks you see a stand here together, right? that is an outlier. that does not represent who we are as a city and who we are as a people. right? our mayor is here. our political leaders from all over the city are here. it shows where we stand and how we believe as a community. politics aside none of that matters but what matters is who we are as a community where they stand together as a community we live together as a community we fight together as a community when someone comes into our city and dozens were not going to stanford we are do not accept that we are always would fight against it. cooks beer you were out of the senior thoughts about this? let's am going to take this off they are not going to see me behind there. i am sorry dan? >> you out at your senior thoughts. [inaudible] her reaction would have this community again? >> i'm heartbroken obviously but this is a community that has suffered again and again. so many times this is where we end up. there were so many people out today obviously grieving, upset, it is just something that should not and must not continue to happen in our community. it is too often the same folks. this type of hate, you see the swastikas on the gun. we must do everything that we can. we must do everything that we can to dissuade this type of hate. i cannot even begin to tell you frustrating this is for all of us. because we have seen it too much. we have seen it too much. on this, as you know is the anniversary of them have the hae shooting at the landing. i believe that was also indicated in that manifesto that he was aware of that. and perhaps chose this date in alignment with that. there is a lot here. but as the sheriff said this is a hate field crime. we trust should not have that kind of hate and jacksonville. [inaudible] >> it is still under investigation also prayer before going further i want to give sherry cox for a local fbi an opportunity to address you all about a few things. sherry? dick's think is sheriff waters. first, on behalf of the entire fbi, which express my deepest sympathies to the loved ones of those innocent souls that we lost in today's attack. no life should ever be lost to this kind of violence and our thoughts are with the families tonight after this tragic event. immediately upon learning about the shooting, fbi agents rushed rush tothe scene to assist our s at js o. as we speak members of our evidence response team and our investigative specialists continued to work alongside js o to ensure every fbi resource is brought to bear, to aid in this investigation. i have committed to sheriff waters that our assistance will continue for as long as necessary. in addition fbi jacksonville is coordinated with the civil rights division of the department of justice and the u.s. attorney's office for the middle district of florida. we have opened a federal civil rights investigation and we will pursue this incident as a hate crime. hate crimes are always and will always remain a top priority for the fbi. they're not only an attack on a victim they are meant to threaten and intimidate an entire community. everyone has a right to feel safe in their communities and in their homes. i assure you the fbi will bring every resource we have two bear to bring justice to the families of those innocent lives we lost today. thank you, i will turn it back over sheriff waters. click swastikas are found in the gun? [inaudible] >> yes. then on for their parent's guns? wicks know, those were not as parents guns i cannot say he owned them but he does parents did not they did not want them in their house. [inaudible] asked what we can tell we do not know yet that is still up deep part of the investigation we have to get into. [inaudible] >> again, that is something we cannot get into week don't know yet i want to get on out here d tell us much as we could. right now so our community will know that one, there is no danger no further danger. and two, i want to be as transparent as possible. i want you to know exactly what his intentions or parade there's no reason not to tell our community what went on. i think that i is important for people to note. reporter: there's also a shooting last night and on. >> jack's games and events are very well covered one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the edits is quite frankly a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives. >> is this a targeted crime sheriff? >> you know, he targeted a certain group of people that is black people. that is what he said he wanted to kill. that is very clear. and i do not know the targets were specific was at time and danger of the black race. any other questions? is any reason why your office yet can you clarify? was i love to identify and we are not identifying him we do not a positive identification. it is very important for us as an agency to make sure we have an official positive id. when a person is deceased in jacksonville that body is in the custody of the medical examiner's office. so, we have to wait until we can make a positive id but once we do that that i will to exactly who he is. reporter: can you give an age range? >> early 20s. >> white mail. cooks thank you sheriff. reporter: omar q will more quest dodollar tree or dollar general? >> is dollar general. dollar general. dollar general. all right, thank you. jon: somber sheriff at tk waters jacksonville, florida talking about the awful events when a gunman stormed into a dollar general store, shot two males and one female dead. he then either took his old life or was killed by police. it is not yet clear. four people are dead and what the sheriff said is a racially motivated shooting. the young man in his early 20s apparently had had some mental issues. mental commitment in the past. and they are continuing to investigate. will bring you more updates on that terrible situation as they come in. reporter: have you said anything about. [inaudible] >> yes i can. [inaudible] it's going to present to congress additional findings. [inaudible] i have decided tentatively is recommended that. [inaudible] jon: preside president bite anng plans to ask congress for money as covid cases on the rise of it comes as kids at back to the classroom. some schools are already returning to pandemic air at restrictions like remote learning and masked man david fox's medical contributor dr. marty makary joins joins us now. and masked mandates again, doctor? it seemed like the science said the masked mandates did not do much the last time around? >> that's right if someone insists on a mask mandate in your organization or school, ask them for the data but asked him to point that you to the studyt supported part if it's the hairdresser study of the cdc, it hasis been debunked. if it's the booster -- the study of masks in boston schools, that is said is been repeated by tracy tracy beth hoag they have found the reserve first results. the cochran reviews the ultimate authoritative study it found no evidence that it affects the overall trajectory of transmission. in such a highly contagious virus. jon: at the same time some school district's are going bak to remote learning because of this new variance. in your view is that appropriate? >> look, remote learning has had a tremendous toll on children. within a study out of stanford we are dealing with a lot of chronic absenteeism 28% of students now have missed almost a month of school. we have to consider the harm we talk about putting cloth masks on children in school after we just did that for two years. it is as if we did not learn from the european experience in the studies that are abundantly clear right now. jon: according to a study published in august the economist 28% of american kids they're not attending school they missed a lot of school because of remote learning and not paying attention frankly. >> at m baand in baltimore it i% this disproportionately affects low income and poor communities. this is the result of the pandemic. it's not just a result for other reasons. in connecticut alone it is clearly the result of the pandemic. it's hard hard own your behind n school makes harder more stressful people's many kids are skipping as a way to cope. jon: or look at footage of children, young children wearing masks. that has been proven to be a problem in terms of their learning. >> that is right. kids need to see the visual cues and expressions on other faces in order to develop the normal way, to talk to speech pathologist talk to school psychologist them all pointed to the tremendous harm now from two years of covering the faces of children. to show me one study that shows wearing cloth masks on children reducing community transmission and maybe i could support it. we do not have that data. jon: doctor marty makary is good to get your viewpoint, thank you. >> thanks john. ♪ where is messi? where is messi? he is in my heart i love this guy how could i not come and see him? jon: messi made it comes to the new york metro area inter- miami plays the red bulls tonight what could be messi mls debut ticket prices for tonight's game are soaring as fans hope to get a glimpse of the soccer legend. cb cotton lie that red bull arena in harrison, new jersey she has more. >> hi jon, ticket prices have soared and so has excitement. speaking of excitement i'm joand joynow by some of the bigi fan three tell me how excited are you guys for tonight's game? lex i am super excited. he is an amazing player. he is helping out this team really well paid. >> wow, you think is going to start in tonight's game? >> he might start but i think he needs a little he hopefully comes in as a substitute. >> what inspires you question a cure all soccer players what inspires you the most about messi's plan? >> i like his dribbling and he really dribbles quick the ball is really close to his feet. >> nice. >> inspires me too be a better player every day. i love the way his placed elements everyone better around him. that is why they won the league's cup. >> gives some pretty stellar receipts, or he sitting at question requester sitting right behind a red bulls so if messi scores will be right there. >> he literature ladin shiver him even to see them for a few minutes you can achie shiver him question of alexi gasper. >> can i get chairs right now? messi. [cheering] >> they go a lot of excitement out here. tickets would normally cost about 50 or $60. some have gone for the tens of thousands. a lot of interest out here. starts at 7:30 p.m. it will be shown live in new york city's times square back to you. jon: those youngsters had really good analysis to, cb cotton vacancies are soccer pros. >> thanks f resells a cup on the fox report, thousands converge on the national mall to mark the anniversary of martin luther king jr. i have a dream speech. the messages has for his family 60 years after march. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. with purple's new mattresses fall asleep 20% faster have less aches and pains and sleep uninterrupted. right now save up to $900 off mattresses sets during purple's labor day sale. visit or a store near you more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. jon: the latest on today's a tragedy in jacksonville, florida pig to man and a woman shot and killed at a dollar general store. just moments ago the sheriff saying the suspect, a white male in his early 20s is also dead. he made it clear in the bluntness a possible terms the gunman was racially motivated. officials say the suspect told his parents to check their computers before the incident where they found several manifestoes dates eat detailing each detailinghis plans to kill. no word yet on the suspects identity. today, thousands gathered at our nation's capitol to honor the 60th anniversary of doctor martin luther king jr. i have a dream speech. his oldest living son addressed the crowd in the same spot in front of the lincoln memorial. kevin reports. >> as you know, 60 years is hardly a blink of time. during the course of history. yet we have learned in this country at least, 60 years can bring a measurable change in a positive change at that. that is why the event taking place here at the lincoln memorial and throughout washington marking 60 years since the 1963 march on washington are so important that organizers f. because of frankly a reflection of how far they have come that fateful day. the sp spoken 1960 recorded by people witness what would become a moment in history. but it's what has happened since then say organizers that is truly historic. historic gains across a political, economic and social strata reflecting dignity and the importance of cooperation. and fidelity the american family we mee made all of us to be engd that a problem say now is the time you must preserve, protect and expand democracy. >> jonathan gets important to point out the really the message today was one of unison which is to say we are one american family. and yes, we have made incredible progress. even though the dream remains elusive in some areas of our country. the battle and the progress continues. jon: kevin thanks. meantime across the pond, crafted enthusiasts from around the globe are gathering in scotland this weekend to search for the loch ness monster but here's the famous the best known picture of nessie. no one has been able to get a more detailed photo or to see the mysterious creature in the flesh. kenny logan has more. >> hi jon, hundreds of loch ness monster enthusiasts are spending this weekend on a new hunt for the mythical creature. researchers are using the latest technology from hunt for nessie thermal drones infrared cameras and listening devices. people from around the world can watch all of this online. he'll be looking for breaks and the services of the water and any unnatural movements. loch ness is in the north of scotland in the scottish highlands. it is over seven or 50 feet deep and 23 miles long. this very poor visibility all this adds to the sense of mystery here which is still a draw for tourists from all over the world. and for nessie hunters of course there have been new rumors of unsuccessful searches in the past some have dedicated decades of their life to the hunted. any reported sightings have previously turned out to be a hoax. organizers now say they want to inspire a new generation of monster hunters. the myth began in 1933 when a local hotel manager spotted what she called a water beast. there have been no confirmed sightings in separate a previous survey 2019 indicated dna traces of giant eels in the lock. so far there but no confirmed sightings of any type of monster. jon. jon: what a mystery at kitty ki, thanks kitty. four astronauts from four different nations are on their way to the international space station after a successful launch in florida this morning. >> four, three, 21. full power and lift off go falcon. jon: brings nasa one step closer to a return to the moon. jonathan serrie has details. >> the dragon spacecraft endurance is in low earth orbit with four astronauts on board. scheduled to dock with the international space station on sunday. it launched atop a spacex falcon nine rocket that lit up the night sky as it lifted off from nasa's kennedy space center at 3:27 a.m. in the morning f coronado's loft picked by the children of danish astronaut andreas serves as the mission zero gravity indicator. the crew seven mission also includes a russian cosmonaut, japanese astronaut and is under the command of american astronaut jasmine. >> he may have for crew members on board from four different nations. denmark, russia, uas we are united team with a counter mission broke this morning's launch comes days after india successfully landed a space probe near the moon's south pole. russia failed at a similar attempt last weekend. on the south pole by the end of the decade. the discovery of ice they are the potential for other minerals is a driving a new space race. >> could space turn out to be a dud? sure. but it could also turn out to be the next great landgrab. and that is why space is important. >> professor j of university classroom school of business at the u.s. still leads and space the sector is not growing rest rapidly as the rest of the economy that could potentially help china realize its goal of the matching or surpassing the u.s. in space bar the middle of the century. jon: jonathan serrie in florida, jonathan thank you. and that is how fox reports this saturday, august 26 of 2023. i am john scott thanks very much for spinning part every day with us. we will see you tomorrow, the big weekend show is next. ♪ ♪ >> hello, i am katie pavlich former griff jenkins mckay benson and welcome to the big weekend show. the big story tonight. ♪ cancel culture from alice cooper. now kinsley after comments he made in an interview with daria gone. i was cooper said i'm understanding there are cases of transgender but i'm afraid it's

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Questionnaires , Forms , Office , Have , Names , Circumstances , Person , Report , Mindset , Mask , Vesting Process , Chris Sheriff , University Catch The Incident , Stand , Music , Outlier , Leaders , Dozens , Matters , Cooks Beer , Folks , Upset , Everything , Type , Gun , Swastikas , Wall , Hae Shooting , Landing , Manifesto , Lot , Crime , Field , Alignment , Local Fbi , Prayer , Opportunity , Sherry Cox , Sheriff Waters , Sherry , Think , Behalf , Sympathies , Dick , First , Attack , Souls , Violence , Learning , Team , Specialists , Us , Js O , Resource , Bear , Assistance , Js O , U S Attorney Office , Addition , Federal Civil Rights Investigation , Department Of Justice , Middle District Of Florida , Civil Rights Division , Incident , Hate Crime , Hate Crimes , Priority , Communities , Right , Victim , Homes , Safe , Click Swastikas , Justice , Guns , Parent , House , Wicks Know , Don T , Danger , Reason , Intentions , Parade , Reporter , Crime Sheriff , Maniac , Games , Jack , Edits , Nothing , Specific , Targets , Race , Id , Body , Identification , Examiner , Mail , Early 20s , Cooks , Omar Q Will More Quest Dodollar Tree , Gunman , Somber Sheriff At Tk Waters Jacksonville , Issues , Updates , Findings , Plans , Congress , Bite Anng , Kids , Schools , Contributor , David Fox , Classroom , Rise , Restrictions , School , Marty Makary , Mandates , Organization , Mask Mandate , Science , Study , Data , Studyt , Hairdresser Study , Booster , Hasis , Cdc , Debunked , Results , Trajectory , Cochran , Tracy Beth Hoag , Transmission , School District , View , Virus , Bak , Harm , Cloth , Toll , Absenteeism , Stanford , 28 , Experience , Studies , European , The Economist , Income , Baltimore , At M Baand , Pandemic , Reasons , Connecticut , Footage , Behind , Cope , Problem , Terms , Faces , Expressions , Cues , Order , Cloth Masks , Speech Pathologist Talk , Community Transmission , School Psychologist , Viewpoint , Thanks John , Messi , Ticket Prices , Debut , Inter , The Red Bulls , New York Metro Area , Miami , Mls , Glimpse Of The Soccer Legend , Cb Cotton Lie , Harrison , Red Bull Arena , New Jersey , Excitement , Player , Lex , Bigi , Joand Joynow , Soccer Players , Little , Substitute , Cure , Most , Wow , Feet , Ball , Elements , Dribbling , Nice , League , Question Requester , Receipts , Cup , Messi Scores , He Literature Ladin Shiver Him , Tickets , Chairs , Him , Cheering , Alexi Gasper , Tens Of Thousands , 0 , Interest , Starts , Soccer Pros , Youngsters , Analysis , Cb Cotton Vacancies , Times Square , Jr , Messages , I Have A Dream Speech , Cup On The Fox Report , Mall , Thanks F , Martin Luther King , Choices , Fun Dining , Red Lobster , Mattresses , Store , Purple , Rejuvenated , Pains , Labor Day Sale , Aches , Visit Purple Com , 900 , Spending Honey , Shopping , Mom , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , Phone , Liberty Mutual , 700 , 00 Dollars , Dad , Ohhhhhh , Stools , Trust Colace , Brand , Stimulants , Pinching , 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, Survey , 2019 , Nations , Astronauts , Monster , Eels , Lock , Kitty Ki , Space Station , Launch , Power , Step , Lift Off Go Falcon , 21 , Details , Dragon Spacecraft Endurance , Return , Jonathan Serrie , Moon , Earth Orbit , Night Sky , Rocket , Loft , Kennedy Space Center , Spacex Falcon , Nasa , Coronado , 27 , Nine , 3 , Astronaut , Command , Indicator , Astronaut Andreas , Crew , Gravity , Cosmonaut , Danish , Japanese , Russian , American Astronaut Jasmine , Zero , Crew Members , Morning , Counter , Space Probe , South Pole , India , Uas , Denmark , Space Race , Attempt , Potential , Ice , Minerals , Discovery , The End , Space , Landgrab , Dud , Professor J Of University Classroom School Business , Goal , Middle , Space Bar , Sector , Rest , China , John Scott , Saturday August 26 Of 2023 , 2023 , 26 , The Big Story Tonight , Culture , Griff Jenkins Mckay Benson , Katie Pavlich , Now Kinsley , Transgender , Daria , It S , Cooper ,

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jacksonville sheriff's office. they are about an hour late on that update. food read the latest information if we get it. but as of right now, what we do know is jacksonville fire and rescue confirm with fox news that four people are dead in a mass shooting event at that dollar general store in northwest jacksonville. a shooting that began about 1:1. the player d layer describing tt who is dead as a white male who barricaded himself inside that dollar general store. there was a massive police response including the swat team. the dollar general store is located less than a mile down the road from edward waters university private historically black christian university with about 2000 students per this is significant because jacksonville local news station, news for jx multiple sources say at 12:45 p.m. today a suspicious individual was seen behind the on-campus library putting on a ballistic vest a great security chase that individual tried to catch them for the suspect fled and went inside the dollar general store but we do not know the identity of the shooter or his motivation. but this reporting from a news report jx is accurate and raises questions where the suspect had initially wanted to target the college for instance. the edward waters university campus safety alert sent an alert about two hours ago reading in part this, quote earlier today there was a fatal off-campus shooting on kings road near the ew you campus right reports do not implicate the involvement of students faculty or staff, the jacksonville sheriff's office is at the scene and our campus police have secured all campus facility students are being kept in their residence halls through the afternoon until the scene is cleared up. it is notable though this a mass shooting and jacksonville has happened exactly five years to the day of the 2018 mass shooting in jacksonville at the nfl game tournament that left two people dead and 11 injured before the shooter took his own life that was exactly five years to the day back in 2018 for now again, john, what we know jacksonville fire rescue telling us four people are dead. the suspect is dead. we are waiting for the news conference with the latest information, john. jon: do we know it yet is the shooting that was near the campus, is that related to the dollar general massacre? >> just to reiterate here, news for ja x they believe the shooter that once the dollar general store was spotted a half hour before putting on a ballistic vest at the ew college campus. when they saw him on campus they chased him. do inside the dollar general store they have a mass shooting about four people dead that suspect dead. we cannot independently confirm that that is what news for jax is reporting. jon: expect to hear it from the news conference i c that could e within the hour. bryan llenas thank you. more deadly gunfire in oklahoma. that sent players and fans sent for cover during high school football game. the chaos spooked the announcers calling the game. listen. >> what is going on? [background noises] >> we've got people shooting, oh my goodness where question chris i don't know people are down on the field. that is crazy. oh man. >> everybody get down. >> it took place at choctaw high just east of okemos city police confirm at least three people were shot one of them a 16-year-old boy was killed. there were no arrests. police said gunfire broke out after at least two males got into an argument. and yet more gunfire today in boston buried seven people wounded at the city's annual caribbean carnival. two suspects in custody, police say none of the victims had life-threatening injuries. the scene is still active. the investigation ongoing. well, florida get ready. we are just learning a hurricane is set to make landfall there on tuesday. much of florida is now under a state of emergency. fox news and meteorologist adam klotz is here to take us through the latest forecast. >> hey john, this update just coming up from the national hurricane center right now just a tropical depression tropical depression 10 but it is forecast to become a hurricane and make landfall in florida late tuesday or early wednesday morning. so currently kind of a messy storm system we are looking at there. we do secretly tropical storm warnings in cozumel, cancún is as is were at the coast of the yucatán peninsula. now the storm is going to ultimately really strengthen it. missy the forecast cohen from the national hurricane center running you up into the west coast of florida by the florida bend is stretching off to the west there including the floor pan handle all areas where this could ultimately go. you talk about windsor forecasting of the 75 miles per hour by tuesday evening, that is enough to make this a hurricane as it ultimately approaches the florida coast there. ultimately probably making some sort of landfall tuesday night into wednesday. there's still a little bit and unknown with the system. there is going to take a little time till ultimately starts moving away from cancún. these are several different forecast models producing fairly good agreement from the fort of big bend maybe stretching towards panama city, all places where the storm could ultimately go. this is an in-house forecast model that we have here with "fox weather." you can pay attention to the timestamp in the corner. interesting of the storm continues to spin up the coast of mexico all the way until monday morning. that is a wild to go into ultimate lifts up until very warm gulf of mexico starts to come together. tuesday morning 7:00 a.m. and rushes to the north tuesday during the day by the time to get into tuesday evening, that is when the strengthens into potentially a hurricane. and he went up to 75000 hour or greater making some sort of landfall tuesday evening into wednesday. this is going to be when we will have to watch us for the repairs with us in a week ahead. jon: are right adam klotz keep us updated thanks adam. president biden is honestly back to washington and the stunning new corruption allegations are there waiting for him for those include claims of bribery by one-time ukrainian prosecutor general viktor shokin exclusive fox news interview airing tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on "one nation" per a little less than two hours from now. lucas tomlinson life at the white house with the latest. >> john, president biden is in the air is going to land suited andrews air force base. is notable from the print pool while president biden's motorcade was in route to the airport in carson city to fly back east, some people gave him the middle finger it says. then of course he was booed. we talk about for president trump's mug shot the other day. [inaudible] quickly using donald trump's mug shot yet? >> >> excited seen on television. [inaudible] >> ukraine's former top prosecutor says he was fired because then vice president joe biden's had to stop them from investigating burisma the former ukrainian energy company were sent hunter was a board member. >> i did not want to deal in unproven facts. but my firm personal conviction is that yes, this was the case. they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing. isn't that alone a case of corruption? >> viktor shokin said this admission from joe biden years later validates his claim. >> is i'm leaving in six hours the prosecutors not fired you are not getting the money. will son of a gun. [laughter] he got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. cocooksey or some reaction early chose comments from joe biden earlier today on fox. >> then vice president biden sure wishes he could take back that ridiculously inappropriate childish amateurish comment b back. that also goes to the point of if he truly were trying to help his son, why in god's name would he be so dumb as to basically announce it to the world with that ridiculous statement? >> the white help pushing back on viktor shokin accusation saying a former ukrainian prosecutor general whose office on deputy called a hotbed of corruption drawing demands for reform not only from then vice president joe biden but also from u.s. diplomats, international partners and republican senators like ron johnson. now hunter biden was not on air force one flight back east according to reports he is renting a home to the tune of $15000 a month in malibu, california secret service is across the street we are told. jon: and more to come on that story i am sure. lucas tomlinson, thanks. again, you can watch brian's exclusive energy for recruitment prosecutor jen for him brian's program at "one nation" right here less than two hours from now tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern. legendary pr "price is right" ht bob barker passed away today at his home in los angeles. he was 99 years old. the entertainment icon hosted the game show or than three decades was a high profile animal-rights activists as well. christina coleman live in our l.a. beer on the tributes pouring in from fans and fellow game show host. christie network. >> good evening john. bob barker died in his los angeles home this morning of natural causes according to his publicist for the 99-year-old was born in darrington, washington in 19203 and led an incredible life on instagram. the show, the "price is right," posted a tribute part it reads during 35 years as a host of the "price is right," bob made countless people's dreams come true for everyone felt like a winner when they were called to come on down for it today on fox news former host of the newlywed game bobby banks shared how he learned from barker skill delivery. >> he could have contestants there and read their eyes, read their body language and such. i was able to take that ability and transfer that to the newlywed game. i sent bob eubanks said he was a legend. so many game show host learning from barker. barker 119 enemies during his career. five of them for outstanding game show host barker hosted mss from 1967 until 1987. he famously start alongside adam sandler in the comedy happy gilmore at left back you see the video there are some of you might remember the hilarious fight scene printed at instagram sandler wrote the man, the myth, the best such a sweet funny guy to hang out with. loved talking to him. loves laughing with him for it left him kicking the crab out of me. he will be missed by everyone i know. worker was also dedicated animal-rights activists he ended every "price is right" episode by urgent pet owners to be responsible for this is his final signoff on his final show. >> i want to thank you very, very much for inviting me into your home for the last 50 years. i am deeply grateful. and please remember help control the pet population. have your pet spayed or neutered. >> u.s. naval institute also paying tribute to barker today paid prior to becoming a legendary game show host barker served as a navy pilot during world war ii. he flew eight different aircraft's. the war ended before he was deployed. you can see even though he was as legendary show host he also served in the military. now he did not see it, but he went on to attend college in missouri, worked for a radio station in florida and then move to california to chase his dreams and as we all know became a legendary tv icon leaving us with tons of fun loving game show memories. jon: the men who were the navy wings, good for him he will be missed. christina coleman and los angeles thank you. former president trump's top two rivals in the 2024 gop polls are spending the weekend campaigning in iowa florida governor desantis making two stops in the northern part of the state with his wife casey. vivek ramaswamy making four stops in the hawkeye state. we are 32 days away from the second republican debate hosted by foxbusiness at the ronald reagan presidential library in california break two candidates who made wednesday's debate former governor asa hutchinson governor doug bergen has met the art and see new polling threshold to qualify. both said earlier today on fox news they are confident they will make the cut. >> we have almost got our donor limit already. and so then it is a question of making sure the right place in the polls. it is up to your listeners and we have got some help i think we will be able to continue and be there in the debate engage in it and catch momentum. >> of more days between now when the voting starts then we'll them will meetlaunched on june . we know we are just gaining momentum. i have been in new hampshire we have done so many events the last two days here we know our message around the economy, energy, national security is really resonating. >> will have more 2024 coverage tomorrow former un ambassador nikki haley will be on "sunday morning futures" with maria at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. former senator joe lieberman will be on "fox news sunday." he is not running but he is pushing a possible third party candidate. that interview will be on your local fox station check your local listings. it also will be carried in a special time 5:00 p.m. eastern here on fox news channel. it is a sobering anniversary today, two years since 13 u.s. service members were killed in a suicide bombing during the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan at the abbey gate. some of the family members of those heroes will speak at a house committee roundtable next week. congressman brian amassed to lost his legs serving in afghanistan is on that committee. he joins us next. so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) uh, yea. i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. switch now and they'll give you nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv, on them. (hero fan) this plan is amazing! (josh allen) another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. (fan #1) that was josh allen. (fan #2) mmhm. (vo) football season is here. get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. jon: today marked two years suicide bombing near kabul airport in afghanistan killed 13 service members are helping evacuate civilians or in the chaotic u.s. withdrawal. gold star families of those service members say they still want answers and accountability from the bi by administration alexandria hoff has more pressboard affairs committee is combing through 300 state department documents related to the withdrawal while still waiting for specific documents to be turned over. the timeline and evacuation efforts have been in the scrutiny of the past years worth of republicans accusing high-ranking officials of ignoring intel the signal and abrupt pullout from afghanistan would put americans in harm's way's and leave alice behind. gold star families it h is been two years of darkness with the kind produced by unimaginable loss and a lack of answers or goals or father lance corporal gerry schmidt was widely served 13 by a suicide bomber on the kabul airport on this in 2021 he was just 20 years old. >> gerry cared about everybody especially his brothers and sisters in the core. he is just an amazing young man. in his life is taken way too soon for what is been on a quest for accountability believing clear errors by the by administration led to the deadly chaos that unfolded. >> you do not make these kind of mistakes and still have your job at the end of the day. these guys should have resigned progress just yesterday commerce from cory mills introduced a resolution of a call for impeachment of defense secretary lloyd austin riding in" the fact it has been two entire years without any member of this administration been held accountable is unfathomable. secretary austin often releasea statement today writing as a mark this painful milestone in my heart is with the families of these 13 american heroes. today the entire department of defense is and start with them. along with the families whose loved ones gave their lives during our 20 years in afghanistan. secretary often testified in march's and have any regrets how it unfolded requests on center half thank you. for more on this florida congressman and afghan war vet ryan mulvey with family members of those heroes who lost during a roundtable with the house foreign affairs committee on tuesday. it is been two years yet it seems like this family still do not have answers of exactly what led up to that bombing, congressman. do you? does your committee have those answers yet? quickly do not have answers because answers refuse to be given. you heard a quote from lloyd austin he stands in sorrow party stands in sorrow but does not stand apologetic. they refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing. in the lack of planning that they only planned for the best case scenarios. not what you truly plan for the military is that things go wrong you have something called murphy where you always plan for the worst case scenario. said the fact nobody has been fired for the fact that they only thing that really cared about and all of this was the politics of the situation part which is where the chose the withdrawal date original september 11. they apologize for none of that or anything beyond that. >> him to play through a samplee of what the pentagon spokesman john kirby had to say regarding all of this and his anniversary. listen. >> is not a day that goes by that he and the first lady are not thinking about them morning with them in the loss and the sacrifice and the anguish they are still feeling and we understand that but we're going to stay with them as they deserved to. but pulling out of afghanistan was the right decision than national security. to be prepared for other national security concerns. that war is over. that should have been ended mission was accomplished rivers going out of afghanistan that's the way it was handled. has so many people still upset. >> is exactly right. driving down the road is a fair decision to make. whether you stop at the stop lights. whether you look at the other cars over they are coming from that all plays a role and how do you get to the final destination you are trying to seek? this entire process going back to the beginning of the biden administration, they failed to plan for anything other than politics. that is the literal situation we had going on predicted not hold the telegram to what they said. they would agree to under president trump. the withdrawal should not have taken place on september 11 as their dimension there should not have been thousands of left behind were it not americans let behind. all that was not because of bad luck it's because of bad planning. that is what the families cannot accept. they cannot live with a case of bad planning with an unapologetic administration. i spoke to them many times for they know they're not getting their loved ones back. what they want to see happen is the administration acknowledge what went wrong for that they know something has been learned and the same thing will not ever happen again. jon: meanwhile the special investigators the inspectorate should say for afghanistan relief says the taliban is taking american funds that are supposed to go to afghan children. he said not the state department not talking to us u.s. agency for international development. the taliban are already diverting funds. i have not seen a starving taliban fighter on tv. they seem to be fat, dumb, and happy. i see starving afghan children on tv. it is absolutely appalling the united states might still be financially supporting the taliban, congressman. >> the united states is literally financially supporting the taliban. they are the de facto government in afghanistan. of thing that happens there, happens through them. there is most well armed terrorist organization across the globe for their well fed and that's always a result of the biden administration. jon: you serve, as we mentioned come in the military but right now according to the latest gallup polling the americans confidence in that military is at all-time low, the lowest since 1997 anyway. about 60% of americans say they have confidence in our military. why do you think that is? and how to be turned around? quick subpoint if you spoke to everyone who spoke took that pole would not be a lack of confidence in the individual war fighter that goes out there, raises her hand, puts on a uniform, goes a basic trading for the grants that are out there. it's a lack of confidence in our military leadership. the way they are demanding our forces be trained about being awoke instead of being tactical. the way they are going out there and not planning for missions other than a political way. where the political objectives nof the national security objectives? does the upper echelon that is eroding the morale in the military in eroding the confidence in the military one 100%. jon: congressman again afghanistan veteran we thank you for your service and thank you for coming on tonight. >> i wish you the best. jon: still have the fox report, reports of new spikes in covid-19 cases. word of yet another new variance in making the rounds. docdoctor marty kerry has detais on that and calls for new vaccination mandates. and yes masks. next. there he is! it's right there! ♪ oh, he's straight ahead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪ cover more ground in the kia sportage turbo-hybrid. kia. movement that inspires. jon: fox news alert. authority is in jacksonville, florida holding a news conference about the deadly shooting earlier today at the dollar general store. let's listen in to the sheriff. >> information i've been able to verify. the shooter was believed to reside in clay county with his parents. he was involved in 2016 domestic call in clay county with no arrest. in 2017 he did have. we know 11:30 9:00 a.m. today sheriff cook gave us information left clay county headed to jacksonville at 1:18 p.m. he text his father, and told his father to check his computer. at 1:53 p.m. the shooter's family members called the clay county sheriffs office. by that time he already began shooting in jacksonville. the clay county sheriff's office a bit assisting our agency of this investigation. received information after the shooting the shooter had authored several manifestoes one to his parents, one to the media, and onto federal agents. portions of these manifest of detail the shooter's disgusting ideology of hate. plainly put the shooting was racially motivated but he hated black people. he wanted to kill that's the one and only time i'll use that word. i want to be very clear there is absolutely no evidence the shooter was part of any large group. we know he acted completely alone. if you take a look at the images on the screen you will be able to see what utilize. the weapons the shooter used today are a glock and ar-15 cell rifle. this is a dark day jacksonville history. any loss of life is tragic. the hate that motive in the shooter's killing an additional layer of heartbreak. there is no place for hate in our community. this is not jacksonville. as a member of this jacksonville community i am sickened by the cowardly shooters personal ideology of hate. homicide detectives are actively investigated this tragedy on despite the fact the shooter is dead, they will continue to investigate this until we have a complete understanding of what happened and why he did it. our jacksonville committee collectively cries tonight for the victims and victims families, our thoughts and prayers are with you now and will remain with you. please know that in the face of this tragedy this agency and or city stands with you. we stand united and resolved in our commitment of accountability. we stand united with each other. those have personally suffered loss of those who have been touched by this tragedy, we are with you. we stand united and resulting as all forms of hate. at this time i'll take any questions that i can. questionnaires, the sheriff's office. [inaudible] >> yes it is a mass shooting it's an active shooting whatever you want to label it is a shooting that should not of have happened under any circumstances. i don't think names of the shooting really matter what matters is three people lost their lives today. >> report said the suspect then on he was seen in person went down the road can you confirm that. [inaudible] >> it did not tie well's mindset was there will he's there he did go there he did put his vest on and a mask on and went directly to dollar general. chris sheriff, university catch the incident. [inaudible] >> is part of our vesting process. [inaudible] healing that process. [inaudible] music. [inaudible] clicks you see a stand here together, right? that is an outlier. that does not represent who we are as a city and who we are as a people. right? our mayor is here. our political leaders from all over the city are here. it shows where we stand and how we believe as a community. politics aside none of that matters but what matters is who we are as a community where they stand together as a community we live together as a community we fight together as a community when someone comes into our city and dozens were not going to stanford we are do not accept that we are always would fight against it. cooks beer you were out of the senior thoughts about this? let's am going to take this off they are not going to see me behind there. i am sorry dan? >> you out at your senior thoughts. [inaudible] her reaction would have this community again? >> i'm heartbroken obviously but this is a community that has suffered again and again. so many times this is where we end up. there were so many people out today obviously grieving, upset, it is just something that should not and must not continue to happen in our community. it is too often the same folks. this type of hate, you see the swastikas on the gun. we must do everything that we can. we must do everything that we can to dissuade this type of hate. i cannot even begin to tell you frustrating this is for all of us. because we have seen it too much. we have seen it too much. on this, as you know is the anniversary of them have the hae shooting at the landing. i believe that was also indicated in that manifesto that he was aware of that. and perhaps chose this date in alignment with that. there is a lot here. but as the sheriff said this is a hate field crime. we trust should not have that kind of hate and jacksonville. [inaudible] >> it is still under investigation also prayer before going further i want to give sherry cox for a local fbi an opportunity to address you all about a few things. sherry? dick's think is sheriff waters. first, on behalf of the entire fbi, which express my deepest sympathies to the loved ones of those innocent souls that we lost in today's attack. no life should ever be lost to this kind of violence and our thoughts are with the families tonight after this tragic event. immediately upon learning about the shooting, fbi agents rushed rush tothe scene to assist our s at js o. as we speak members of our evidence response team and our investigative specialists continued to work alongside js o to ensure every fbi resource is brought to bear, to aid in this investigation. i have committed to sheriff waters that our assistance will continue for as long as necessary. in addition fbi jacksonville is coordinated with the civil rights division of the department of justice and the u.s. attorney's office for the middle district of florida. we have opened a federal civil rights investigation and we will pursue this incident as a hate crime. hate crimes are always and will always remain a top priority for the fbi. they're not only an attack on a victim they are meant to threaten and intimidate an entire community. everyone has a right to feel safe in their communities and in their homes. i assure you the fbi will bring every resource we have two bear to bring justice to the families of those innocent lives we lost today. thank you, i will turn it back over sheriff waters. click swastikas are found in the gun? [inaudible] >> yes. then on for their parent's guns? wicks know, those were not as parents guns i cannot say he owned them but he does parents did not they did not want them in their house. [inaudible] asked what we can tell we do not know yet that is still up deep part of the investigation we have to get into. [inaudible] >> again, that is something we cannot get into week don't know yet i want to get on out here d tell us much as we could. right now so our community will know that one, there is no danger no further danger. and two, i want to be as transparent as possible. i want you to know exactly what his intentions or parade there's no reason not to tell our community what went on. i think that i is important for people to note. reporter: there's also a shooting last night and on. >> jack's games and events are very well covered one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the edits is quite frankly a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives. >> is this a targeted crime sheriff? >> you know, he targeted a certain group of people that is black people. that is what he said he wanted to kill. that is very clear. and i do not know the targets were specific was at time and danger of the black race. any other questions? is any reason why your office yet can you clarify? was i love to identify and we are not identifying him we do not a positive identification. it is very important for us as an agency to make sure we have an official positive id. when a person is deceased in jacksonville that body is in the custody of the medical examiner's office. so, we have to wait until we can make a positive id but once we do that that i will to exactly who he is. reporter: can you give an age range? >> early 20s. >> white mail. cooks thank you sheriff. reporter: omar q will more quest dodollar tree or dollar general? >> is dollar general. dollar general. dollar general. all right, thank you. jon: somber sheriff at tk waters jacksonville, florida talking about the awful events when a gunman stormed into a dollar general store, shot two males and one female dead. he then either took his old life or was killed by police. it is not yet clear. four people are dead and what the sheriff said is a racially motivated shooting. the young man in his early 20s apparently had had some mental issues. mental commitment in the past. and they are continuing to investigate. will bring you more updates on that terrible situation as they come in. reporter: have you said anything about. [inaudible] >> yes i can. [inaudible] it's going to present to congress additional findings. [inaudible] i have decided tentatively is recommended that. [inaudible] jon: preside president bite anng plans to ask congress for money as covid cases on the rise of it comes as kids at back to the classroom. some schools are already returning to pandemic air at restrictions like remote learning and masked man david fox's medical contributor dr. marty makary joins joins us now. and masked mandates again, doctor? it seemed like the science said the masked mandates did not do much the last time around? >> that's right if someone insists on a mask mandate in your organization or school, ask them for the data but asked him to point that you to the studyt supported part if it's the hairdresser study of the cdc, it hasis been debunked. if it's the booster -- the study of masks in boston schools, that is said is been repeated by tracy tracy beth hoag they have found the reserve first results. the cochran reviews the ultimate authoritative study it found no evidence that it affects the overall trajectory of transmission. in such a highly contagious virus. jon: at the same time some school district's are going bak to remote learning because of this new variance. in your view is that appropriate? >> look, remote learning has had a tremendous toll on children. within a study out of stanford we are dealing with a lot of chronic absenteeism 28% of students now have missed almost a month of school. we have to consider the harm we talk about putting cloth masks on children in school after we just did that for two years. it is as if we did not learn from the european experience in the studies that are abundantly clear right now. jon: according to a study published in august the economist 28% of american kids they're not attending school they missed a lot of school because of remote learning and not paying attention frankly. >> at m baand in baltimore it i% this disproportionately affects low income and poor communities. this is the result of the pandemic. it's not just a result for other reasons. in connecticut alone it is clearly the result of the pandemic. it's hard hard own your behind n school makes harder more stressful people's many kids are skipping as a way to cope. jon: or look at footage of children, young children wearing masks. that has been proven to be a problem in terms of their learning. >> that is right. kids need to see the visual cues and expressions on other faces in order to develop the normal way, to talk to speech pathologist talk to school psychologist them all pointed to the tremendous harm now from two years of covering the faces of children. to show me one study that shows wearing cloth masks on children reducing community transmission and maybe i could support it. we do not have that data. jon: doctor marty makary is good to get your viewpoint, thank you. >> thanks john. ♪ where is messi? where is messi? he is in my heart i love this guy how could i not come and see him? jon: messi made it comes to the new york metro area inter- miami plays the red bulls tonight what could be messi mls debut ticket prices for tonight's game are soaring as fans hope to get a glimpse of the soccer legend. cb cotton lie that red bull arena in harrison, new jersey she has more. >> hi jon, ticket prices have soared and so has excitement. speaking of excitement i'm joand joynow by some of the bigi fan three tell me how excited are you guys for tonight's game? lex i am super excited. he is an amazing player. he is helping out this team really well paid. >> wow, you think is going to start in tonight's game? >> he might start but i think he needs a little he hopefully comes in as a substitute. >> what inspires you question a cure all soccer players what inspires you the most about messi's plan? >> i like his dribbling and he really dribbles quick the ball is really close to his feet. >> nice. >> inspires me too be a better player every day. i love the way his placed elements everyone better around him. that is why they won the league's cup. >> gives some pretty stellar receipts, or he sitting at question requester sitting right behind a red bulls so if messi scores will be right there. >> he literature ladin shiver him even to see them for a few minutes you can achie shiver him question of alexi gasper. >> can i get chairs right now? messi. [cheering] >> they go a lot of excitement out here. tickets would normally cost about 50 or $60. some have gone for the tens of thousands. a lot of interest out here. starts at 7:30 p.m. it will be shown live in new york city's times square back to you. jon: those youngsters had really good analysis to, cb cotton vacancies are soccer pros. >> thanks f resells a cup on the fox report, thousands converge on the national mall to mark the anniversary of martin luther king jr. i have a dream speech. the messages has for his family 60 years after march. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. with purple's new mattresses fall asleep 20% faster have less aches and pains and sleep uninterrupted. right now save up to $900 off mattresses sets during purple's labor day sale. visit or a store near you more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. jon: the latest on today's a tragedy in jacksonville, florida pig to man and a woman shot and killed at a dollar general store. just moments ago the sheriff saying the suspect, a white male in his early 20s is also dead. he made it clear in the bluntness a possible terms the gunman was racially motivated. officials say the suspect told his parents to check their computers before the incident where they found several manifestoes dates eat detailing each detailinghis plans to kill. no word yet on the suspects identity. today, thousands gathered at our nation's capitol to honor the 60th anniversary of doctor martin luther king jr. i have a dream speech. his oldest living son addressed the crowd in the same spot in front of the lincoln memorial. kevin reports. >> as you know, 60 years is hardly a blink of time. during the course of history. yet we have learned in this country at least, 60 years can bring a measurable change in a positive change at that. that is why the event taking place here at the lincoln memorial and throughout washington marking 60 years since the 1963 march on washington are so important that organizers f. because of frankly a reflection of how far they have come that fateful day. the sp spoken 1960 recorded by people witness what would become a moment in history. but it's what has happened since then say organizers that is truly historic. historic gains across a political, economic and social strata reflecting dignity and the importance of cooperation. and fidelity the american family we mee made all of us to be engd that a problem say now is the time you must preserve, protect and expand democracy. >> jonathan gets important to point out the really the message today was one of unison which is to say we are one american family. and yes, we have made incredible progress. even though the dream remains elusive in some areas of our country. the battle and the progress continues. jon: kevin thanks. meantime across the pond, crafted enthusiasts from around the globe are gathering in scotland this weekend to search for the loch ness monster but here's the famous the best known picture of nessie. no one has been able to get a more detailed photo or to see the mysterious creature in the flesh. kenny logan has more. >> hi jon, hundreds of loch ness monster enthusiasts are spending this weekend on a new hunt for the mythical creature. researchers are using the latest technology from hunt for nessie thermal drones infrared cameras and listening devices. people from around the world can watch all of this online. he'll be looking for breaks and the services of the water and any unnatural movements. loch ness is in the north of scotland in the scottish highlands. it is over seven or 50 feet deep and 23 miles long. this very poor visibility all this adds to the sense of mystery here which is still a draw for tourists from all over the world. and for nessie hunters of course there have been new rumors of unsuccessful searches in the past some have dedicated decades of their life to the hunted. any reported sightings have previously turned out to be a hoax. organizers now say they want to inspire a new generation of monster hunters. the myth began in 1933 when a local hotel manager spotted what she called a water beast. there have been no confirmed sightings in separate a previous survey 2019 indicated dna traces of giant eels in the lock. so far there but no confirmed sightings of any type of monster. jon. jon: what a mystery at kitty ki, thanks kitty. four astronauts from four different nations are on their way to the international space station after a successful launch in florida this morning. >> four, three, 21. full power and lift off go falcon. jon: brings nasa one step closer to a return to the moon. jonathan serrie has details. >> the dragon spacecraft endurance is in low earth orbit with four astronauts on board. scheduled to dock with the international space station on sunday. it launched atop a spacex falcon nine rocket that lit up the night sky as it lifted off from nasa's kennedy space center at 3:27 a.m. in the morning f coronado's loft picked by the children of danish astronaut andreas serves as the mission zero gravity indicator. the crew seven mission also includes a russian cosmonaut, japanese astronaut and is under the command of american astronaut jasmine. >> he may have for crew members on board from four different nations. denmark, russia, uas we are united team with a counter mission broke this morning's launch comes days after india successfully landed a space probe near the moon's south pole. russia failed at a similar attempt last weekend. on the south pole by the end of the decade. the discovery of ice they are the potential for other minerals is a driving a new space race. >> could space turn out to be a dud? sure. but it could also turn out to be the next great landgrab. and that is why space is important. >> professor j of university classroom school of business at the u.s. still leads and space the sector is not growing rest rapidly as the rest of the economy that could potentially help china realize its goal of the matching or surpassing the u.s. in space bar the middle of the century. jon: jonathan serrie in florida, jonathan thank you. and that is how fox reports this saturday, august 26 of 2023. i am john scott thanks very much for spinning part every day with us. we will see you tomorrow, the big weekend show is next. ♪ ♪ >> hello, i am katie pavlich former griff jenkins mckay benson and welcome to the big weekend show. the big story tonight. ♪ cancel culture from alice cooper. now kinsley after comments he made in an interview with daria gone. i was cooper said i'm understanding there are cases of transgender but i'm afraid it's

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Jacksonville , Residence Halls , 2018 , Five , Life , Game Tournament , Nfl , Fire Rescue , 11 , Campus , News Conference , Massacre , Ew College Campus , Ja X , Jax Is Reporting , Gunfire , Fans , Ic , High School Football Game , Cover , Players , Oklahoma , Game , Chaos , People Shooting , Announcers , Background Noises , The Field , Oh My Goodness , Man , Everybody , City Police , Boy , Choctaw High , Okemos , Three , One , 16 , New York City , Males , Arrests , Argument , Annual Caribbean Carnival , Boston , Seven , Hurricane , Investigation , Victims , None , Custody , Injuries , Suspects , Forecast , Landfall , Much , State Of Emergency , National Hurricane Center , Adam Klotz , Storm Warnings , Storm System , CancÚn , Cozumel , 10 , Storm , Areas , Coast , Floor Pan Handle , West , Missy , West Coast , Florida Bend , Yucatan Peninsula , Sort , Landfall Tuesday , Miles Per Hour , Windsor Forecasting , 75 , Bit , Agreement , System , Models , Panama City , Big Bend , The Fort , Way , Attention , Model , Timestamp , Wild , Corner , Monday Morning , Mexico , Fox Weather , Lifts , Gulf Of Mexico , 75000 , 00 , 7 , Joe Biden , Repairs , Thanks Adam , Prosecutor General , Washington , Corruption Allegations , Viktor Shokin Exclusive Fox News , Claims , Bribery , Ukrainian , Interview Airing , 8 , Hair , Latest , Print Pool , One Nation , Lucas Tomlinson Life , White House , Air Force Base , Inaudible , Donald Trump , Course , Airport , Mug Shot , Back East , Motorcade , Route , Finger , Carson City , Top Prosecutor , Television , Energy Company , Board Member , Hunter , Facts , Fact , Money , Case , Yes , Conviction , Exchange , Dismissal , Billion , 1 Billion , Admission , Prosecutors , Corruption , Claim , Firing , Viktor Shokin , Isn T , Six , Someone , Will Son Of A Gun , Comments , Reaction , Laughter , Cocooksey , Vice President , Comment B , Point , Biden Sure , Help , World , Statement , Son , Accusation , God S Name , Clay County Sheriff S Office , Partners , Hunter Biden , Air Force One , Whose , Corruption Drawing , Senators , Republican , Hotbed , Ron Johnson , Diplomats , Deputy , Reform , Home , California , Secret Service , Tune , Street , Flight , Malibu , 15000 , 5000 , Him Brian , Jen , Story , Thanks , Program , Eastern , Lucas Tomlinson , Exclusive Energy For Recruitment , Price Is Right , Game Show , Bob Barker , Los Angeles , Pr , Entertainment Icon , 99 , Animal Rights Activists , Christina Coleman , Game Show Host , Tributes , Profile , L A Beer , Christie Network , Big Weekend Show , Tribute Part , Host , Publicist , Causes , Instagram , Darrington , 19203 , 35 , Everyone , It , Game Show Host Barker , Newlywed Game , Dreams Come True , Skill Delivery , Winner , Bobby Banks , Ability , Eyes , Body Language , Contestants , Game Show Host Barker Hosted Mss , Bob Eubanks , Legend , Career , Enemies , Game Show Host Learning From Barker , 119 , Some , Myth , Fight Scene , Adam Sandler , Instagram Sandler , Happy Gilmore , 1967 , 1987 , Worker , Best , Funny , Loves , Crab , Episode , Signoff , Pet Owners , 50 , Pet , Pet Population , Tribute , U S Naval Institute , War , Show Host , Aircraft , Pilot , World War Ii , Navy , Eight , Military , Radio Station , Know , Tv Icon , Missouri , Polls , Memories , Fun , Tons , Navy Wings , Rivals , Former , 2024 , Casey , Estate , Campaigning , Governor , Desantis Making Two Stops , Iowa , Vivek Ramaswamy , 32 , Doug Bergen , Debate , Candidates , Polling Threshold , Art , Ronald Reagan Presidential Library , Foxbusiness , Asa Hutchinson , Question , Both , Listeners , Cut , Donor Limit , Catch Momentum , Momentum , Voting , Meetlaunched On June , Message , Events , Economy , Nikki Haley , Energy , National Security , New Hampshire , Sunday Morning Futures , Un , Joe Lieberman , Interview , Eastern Time , Third Party , Candidate , Fox News Sunday , Members , Service , Listings , 5 , 13 , Family Members , Withdrawal , Afghanistan , Suicide Bombing , Heroes , Legs , House Committee Roundtable , Abbey Gate , Committee , That S My Boy , Next , Huh , Liberty , Pay , Freeways , Uncle Limu , Plan , Fan , Josh Allen , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Verizon , Youtubetv , Yea , Uh , Myplan , Football Season , Mmhm , Value , Get Nfl Sunday Ticket , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Vo , 449 , 2 , 49 , Civilians , Kabul Airport , Administration , Families , Accountability , State Department , Pressboard Affairs Committee , Documents , Service Members , Gold Star , Bi , Alexandria Hoff , 300 , Officials , Timeline , Signal , Republicans , Evacuation , Efforts , Scrutiny , Pullout , Intel , Black , Gerry Schmidt , Answers , Loss , Kind , Alice Cooper , Goals , Darkness , Put Americans In Harm S Way , It H , Suicide Bomber , Brothers And Sisters , 2021 , 20 , Quest , Core , Errors , Led , Mistakes , Job , Progress , Lloyd Austin Riding In , Call , Guys , Resolution , Defense Secretary , Impeachment , Cory Mills , Member , Heart , Accountable 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Confidence , Polling , Low , Lowest , Gallup , 60 , 1997 , Trading , War Fighter , Pole , Hand , Uniform , Subpoint , Grants , Missions , Forces , Military Leadership , Being , Objectives , Echelon , Morale , Congressman Again Afghanistan Veteran , 100 , Word , Cases , Reports , Variance , Rounds , Spikes , Detais , Docdoctor Marty Kerry , 19 , Masks , Vaccination Mandates , Calls , Go , Movement , Ground , Kia , Kia Sportage , Turbo Hybrid , Sheriff , Authority , Clay County , Parents , Sheriff Cook , Arrest , Information Left , 9 , 2016 , 2017 , 30 , Father , Headed To Jacksonville , Computer , Clay County Sheriffs Office , 18 , 53 , Agency , Agents , Media , Hate , Ideology , Detail , Manifest , Portions , Evidence , Group , Look , Screen , Images , Dark Day Jacksonville , Heartbreak , Motive , Layer , Rifle , Weapons , Glock , Ar 15 , 15 , Tragedy , Community , Shooters , Homicide Detectives , Understanding , Our Jacksonville , Thoughts , Commitment , Each Other , Face , Prayers , Questionnaires , Forms , Office , Have , Names , Circumstances , Person , Report , Mindset , Mask , Vesting Process , Chris Sheriff , University Catch The Incident , Stand , Music , Outlier , Leaders , Dozens , Matters , Cooks Beer , Folks , Upset , Everything , Type , Gun , Swastikas , Wall , Hae Shooting , Landing , Manifesto , Lot , Crime , Field , Alignment , Local Fbi , Prayer , Opportunity , Sherry Cox , Sheriff Waters , Sherry , Think , Behalf , Sympathies , Dick , First , Attack , Souls , Violence , Learning , Team , Specialists , Us , Js O , Resource , Bear , Assistance , Js O , U S Attorney Office , Addition , Federal Civil Rights Investigation , Department Of Justice , Middle District Of Florida , Civil Rights Division , Incident , Hate Crime , Hate Crimes , Priority , Communities , Right , Victim , Homes , Safe , Click Swastikas , Justice , Guns , Parent , House , Wicks Know , Don T , Danger , Reason , Intentions , Parade , Reporter , Crime Sheriff , Maniac , Games , Jack , Edits , Nothing , Specific , Targets , Race , Id , Body , Identification , Examiner , Mail , Early 20s , Cooks , Omar Q Will More Quest Dodollar Tree , Gunman , Somber Sheriff At Tk Waters Jacksonville , Issues , Updates , Findings , Plans , Congress , Bite Anng , Kids , Schools , Contributor , David Fox , Classroom , Rise , Restrictions , School , Marty Makary , Mandates , Organization , Mask Mandate , Science , Study , Data , Studyt , Hairdresser Study , Booster , Hasis , Cdc , Debunked , Results , Trajectory , Cochran , Tracy Beth Hoag , Transmission , School District , View , Virus , Bak , Harm , Cloth , Toll , Absenteeism , Stanford , 28 , Experience , Studies , European , The Economist , Income , Baltimore , At M Baand , Pandemic , Reasons , Connecticut , Footage , Behind , Cope , Problem , Terms , Faces , Expressions , Cues , Order , Cloth Masks , Speech Pathologist Talk , Community Transmission , School Psychologist , Viewpoint , Thanks John , Messi , Ticket Prices , Debut , Inter , The Red Bulls , New York Metro Area , Miami , Mls , Glimpse Of The Soccer Legend , Cb Cotton Lie , Harrison , Red Bull Arena , New Jersey , Excitement , Player , Lex , Bigi , Joand Joynow , Soccer Players , Little , Substitute , Cure , Most , Wow , Feet , Ball , Elements , Dribbling , Nice , League , Question Requester , Receipts , Cup , Messi Scores , He Literature Ladin Shiver Him , Tickets , Chairs , Him , Cheering , Alexi Gasper , Tens Of Thousands , 0 , Interest , Starts , Soccer Pros , Youngsters , Analysis , Cb Cotton Vacancies , Times Square , Jr , Messages , I Have A Dream Speech , Cup On The Fox Report , Mall , Thanks F , Martin Luther King , Choices , Fun Dining , Red Lobster , Mattresses , Store , Purple , Rejuvenated , Pains , Labor Day Sale , Aches , Visit Purple Com , 900 , Spending Honey , Shopping , Mom , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , Phone , Liberty Mutual , 700 , 00 Dollars , Dad , Ohhhhhh , Stools , Trust Colace , Brand , Stimulants , Pinching , Porcupine , Loo Colace , Shot , Pig , Woman , Bluntness , Computers , Nation , Capitol , Detailinghis , Crowd , Front , Spot , 60th Anniversary , Lincoln Memorial , Kevin , Oldest Living Son , Country , Change , History , Blink , Organizers , Reflection , March On Washington , F , 1963 March , 1963 , Gains , Sp , 1960 , All Of Us , Cooperation , Dignity , Importance , Strata , Engd , The American , Say , Democracy , Unison , Incredible Progress , Dream , Battle , Pond , Of Nessie , Enthusiasts , Photo , No One , Famous , Scotland , Gathering , Loch Ness Monster , Hunt , Creature , Flesh , Hundreds Of Loch Ness Monster , Kenny Logan , Researchers , Cameras , Technology , Listening Devices , Nessie Thermal , Loch Ness , Water , Services , North , Breaks , Movements , Visibility , Scottish Highlands , 23 , Thanks Kitty , Nessie Hunters , Sense , Draw , Tourists , Searches , Rumors , Sightings , Generation , Hunted , Hoax , Monster Hunters , 1933 , Hotel Manager , Dna Traces , Water Beast , Survey , 2019 , Nations , Astronauts , Monster , Eels , Lock , Kitty Ki , Space Station , Launch , Power , Step , Lift Off Go Falcon , 21 , Details , Dragon Spacecraft Endurance , Return , Jonathan Serrie , Moon , Earth Orbit , Night Sky , Rocket , Loft , Kennedy Space Center , Spacex Falcon , Nasa , Coronado , 27 , Nine , 3 , Astronaut , Command , Indicator , Astronaut Andreas , Crew , Gravity , Cosmonaut , Danish , Japanese , Russian , American Astronaut Jasmine , Zero , Crew Members , Morning , Counter , Space Probe , South Pole , India , Uas , Denmark , Space Race , Attempt , Potential , Ice , Minerals , Discovery , The End , Space , Landgrab , Dud , Professor J Of University Classroom School Business , Goal , Middle , Space Bar , Sector , Rest , China , John Scott , Saturday August 26 Of 2023 , 2023 , 26 , The Big Story Tonight , Culture , Griff Jenkins Mckay Benson , Katie Pavlich , Now Kinsley , Transgender , Daria , It S , Cooper ,

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