Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

authorities releasing this historic mug shot. trump calling what happened a travesty of justice. >> what has taken place here's a travesty of justice. we did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. everybody knows it. that goes with the other ones, to. >> biden and the democrats are spiking the football. joe posting conveniently timed fundraising link. "apple pro of nothing. a great day to give to my campaign. president biden reacting earlier [inaudible] >> i did see it on television. >> biden's friends in the left-wing media are loving it. >> generally, he had his father to help bail him out. he has moved from one thing to another without having to face the consequences that other people may have in other circumstances. this is an unusual moment. >> he looks in a rage. what i see there is a pathos to that look. there is an anger to the outlook donald trump has sort of thrived on the anger of a certain demographic. >> he spent days rehearsing that pose. that is the picture he wanted. >> i can't help but wonder if he practiced that pose. >> they were not finished yet. the media going crazy over the reported height and weight measurement. 6-foot 3 inches tall and weighs 215 pounds. >> his staff filled out that in advance which is why he is listed at a height of 6-foot 3 inches and a weight of 215. wildly, wildly off. i am not going to tell you where the over under is on donald trump's way in. it is a good, let's just say it is a good 70 or 80 pounds higher than what the staff reported. >> i was not there, but -- >> self reporting. >> you better be careful what you wish four. trumps campaign fundraising selling merchandise. maybe we should start with the mug shot. i will start with you, jesse. this is the fourth indictment. the president has been arraigned in miami, new york city and washington. fulton county decided he should go to fulton county jar were seven people died in the last six or seven months. why do they need a mug shot in georgia, not everywhere else. >> the sheriff said that his protocol and they will not make an exception. i will now book the fulton county photographer for my christmas card. [laughter] >> judge, i say this within unblemished record of heterosexuality, he looks good. and he looks hard. why would you think you would not prop this? is that a surprise? of course you practice the mug shot. you only don't practice if you are drunk. talking about hunter? [laughter] doreen says he is angry. he is getting booked. this is the fourth indictment. democrats you can tell are nervous because the media understands how powerful imagery is. it is their business. they have handed this guy a huge political gift which will last until eternity. it is a cultural phenomenon now. he is banking off of it. black americans all minor saying i am voting for trump now because they too have sometimes felt like they have been unfairly targeted by the criminal justice system. nationally, one or 2% of the black votes swing to republicans that is the election right there they have done something that no one else has ever been able to do and that is make trump a sympathetic character. they made him a martyr appeared now i want to get arrested because i definitely need some sympathy. >> no, you don't, jesse. trump apparently is listed as 6- foot 3 inches, 215 pounds. that is what msnbc said. he or his people listed it. then i read the daily mail. the height and weight were recorded at the jail as well as his hair, eye color, fingerprints, booking photo all taken at the jail. the left is so excited to say trump is the one who did it. does it really matter? >> it matters not at all. 6-foot 3 inches 250 pounds. that is a professional wide receiver in the nfl. to jesse's point, when it comes to the mug shot, two different types of mugshots that go out there. the tiger woods bill cosby pathetic figure mug shot and then there is a mug shot you see people like frank sinatra when he was young or janis joplin. these mugshots include people like mlk. these project a different image. not sad and pathetic but an image of defiance. what you are seeing right there is defiance. this is defiance in his estimation and his supporters and for much of america against a broken system. >> people are looking at this because this is a concrete reminder that the president is now considered a criminal or, you know, he has a defendant in a criminal case. the truth is that, the president is also using this proactively by selling the mugs in the t-shirts and all of that. do you think the mug shot really shows there is a two-tiered system of justice? >> 100%. to laugh it off and call him a handsome guy, that sends a message to the world. nikki haley said it. this is a sad day for america. nobody should want to see a 77 -year-old former american president obviously stand for his mug shot. jonathan captured it the best. the scowl likely to launch the ships all in the wrong directions. it will be the rallying cry extremes in our system. both relish rage. it is addictive. we have more matters to resolve together. that is not a word we are using a whole lot right now when crime is running rampant. drugs are flowing over our border. we need to come together. this is certainly not one of those moments. >> jessica, one of the things joe biden tweeted, apropos to nothing. that is a gutsy move. given that the bidens are under investigation. >> i don't think it's gutsy. it is right after the gop debate a day where the person who, it seems like will be the nominee up 30-40 points is being indicted, arraigned for the fourth time. i think that that is a clear indication that the system is working for and it is not. anyone except the biggest donald trump fan sitting there thinking that mugshots has anything to do with what it looked like when mlk had his mug shot taken. do the stuff about how much he weighs in all of that, i don't like that kind of commentary. it is completely useless and it distracts from the point which is donald trump was indicted in four jurisdictions around this country by juries of regular americans in new york, d.c., atlanta and south florida where he calls home. this was not joy reed and rachel maddow's sitting there. it was regular people that listen to the evidence brought before them. his diehard base is. 62% think he committed a crime. 67% of independents. 61% think you must stand trial before the election. you do not want to put someone in office who is going to jail. 59% think that the doj is being fair. straight through the argument that this is a two-tiered system of justice. if you don't like joe biden's fundraising off of it, donald trump is doing the same thing. mitch mcconnell fund raised off of cocaine mitch. people need the money. >> we will find out. a two-tiered system of justice. >> i don't think they think of a white billionaire that tried to overthrow the election. >> they think of hunter biden and his father as well. >> when you talk to average people that respond to these surveys, that is not what they are thinking about. if hunter biden is guilty of something, come up. if joe biden is guilty of something, lock him up. you are be living what is going on here and how serious it is. >> prosecutors are democrats. >> that's not true. >> yes, it is. the one in atlanta and the one in new york are all democrats. >> what you have to say to that? >> i don't -- >> he is a democrat. >> what? >> coming up. the shocking interview that joe biden and his son hunter do not want you to hear. ♪ with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. ♪ >> joe biden would love if you just forgot about the time when he flexed his muscles as vice president and got a ukrainian prosecutor fired. the same one looking into a ukrainian energy company his son hunter was on the board of. if the prosecutor is not fired you are not getting the money. well son of a [bleep]. he got fired. [laughter] put in place someone who was solid at the time. >> that sop that biden got fired will not be silent. former ukrainian prosecutor spilling the beans to brian in an exclusive interview. believing joe biden and his son hunter took bribes. >> i did not plan to deal unproven facts, but my first conviction is that, yes, this was the case. they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing is alone a case of corruption. >> the white house claiming he is lying, but you can be the judge of that. the interview airing tonight at 8:00 o'clock eastern on one nation. starting to see light on biden family corruption. the atlantic putting out this article saying it now seems quite likely that hunter biden broke some laws. will you be watching at 8:00 o'clock eastern one nation, jessica? >> absolutely. i think everyone should. it is important to hear from all sides on these kinds of things. >> not answering any questions. [laughter] sorry. >> i do not get what that is a reference to, but, shokin should be under oath if he has a real story to tell there. what we saw on that little preview of the interview. i would fire with the support of the entire european union. the parliament all voted to kick him out because a guy was not doing his job. he was not investigating corruption. >> you know who was not into firing him? the obama administration. >> that is not true. >> it was joe biden's purview. >> victor shokin deputy has even confirmed that he was investigating burisma, our own u.s. ambassador to ukraine. they all confirmed it. if you think the entirety cares enough about hunter biden $50,000 -- >> why would joe biden want him gone? >> because he was not doing his job. >> the sons company. >> why would he want him gone, jessica? >> because he was hired to investigate corruption and. [inaudible] >> thank you for that segway. when archer testified before the oversight committee, that is exactly what he said. he was being asked about victor shokin role. he said he was "good for burism" he did not pursue it against the owner. you should watch it. >> that is not true. >> yes, it is true. >> that is not true. >> the state department's top point person on ukraine, okay, said that victor shokin was doing a good job fighting crime. john kerry was saying the same thing that victor shokin was specifically doing a good job fighting corruption. this was june of 2015. all of a sudden in january 2016, victor shokin is corrupt and joe biden says he's got to go. the fact is that the obama state department was in favor of victor shokin because everybody knew there was corruption going on in ukraine. that is why victor shokin was hired. they may cherokee prosecuted corruption. when they got too close to burisma they wanted to bring to the united states to do business , that is when they said , joe, you have to come in here and save this country. [inaudible] >> i am not finished. what did you say? >> i said you caught us off. >> all of a sudden, the prosecutor for the state department, all of a sudden now the hunter biden just gets on the board, everybody is like he has to go. >> if you're dangling that money don't you think it may be able to force the prosecutor to investigate? why could you not just tell them to investigate this company? >> the pushback for victor shokin and burisma is to make sure it does not come back to joe biden. there seems to be a growing that hunter was up to growing business. not just china, but ukraine as well. it is essentially a taxi service for hunter biden's businesses. it takes an imaginary leap, a huge leap to think that joe biden was at least ignorant if not involved in all the on goings of this taxing service. sure i will take you to serbia, sure i will take you to china, sure i will take you to canada. what do you do when you get there? >> i have never said hunter could be guilty of wrongdoing. what i have said consistently, sandra, you have done it on your own show. where the payments? >> jason smith was on our program today. >> where the payments? $20,000 they have already found. [laughter] >> no wrongdoing. why not encourage congress to turn over any information they have. jason smith made the point today , we have been stonewalled. this is a pattern we are seeing over and over. stalling any revelations they can possibly provide to the committee in order to block the prosecution of the president's son. the headline in the atlantic, it now seems quite likely that he broke laws, the president can do better. at what point will they say, you know what, we've got to start talking. we have to encourage providing answers for these questions. >> hunter biden breaking laws and joe biden breaking laws are very different. nobody cares about hunter biden. they don't. >> he is an accessory, jessica. taken him all over the world. >> i look forward to his mug shot then. hope that it is stern. >> he is a very handsome man. >> he is. >> san francisco's homeless crisis. the mayor going ballistic on activists. holding the city hostage. ♪ book your exam today. i suffer with 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homeless coalition has held san francisco hostage for decades and it is time for their brain to into. the city is being taken advantage of them we are tired of it. the fact that the polls have crippled our ability to do our jobs, to help get people into shelter is criminal. anything goes in san francisco is not the way. >> i am very impressed with her. she started as pretty far left and now she realizes the harm the damage to her city with businesses moving out. what these homeless encampment organizations are saying is interesting. we are trying to get them, meaning the city of san francisco to stop illegally confiscating the property and criminalizing them when they have no choice but to be on the streets. that is a lie. they do have a choice. we put illegals in. they don't want to be in hotels. that is the problem. the sweeps are being used to criminalize their rights. you don't have a right. you don't even have a right in their neighborhood to put something like a fence if it is a foot higher than it is supposed to be. they say we are punishing them because they have nowhere else to go. it is facetious and it is false. we have to have a policy in this country where we take these homeless people that want to live on the street, let's make no mistake about it. they are not interested in living in a hotel. we have illegals and 50% of the new york city hotels. they don't want to go there. we've got to make sure that they are not allowed to set up a camp , do drugs, fornicate and do whatever they want to do in areas they should not be in. we have to outlaw it and move them. >> we see they are throwing money at the departments. it is not working. we seen billions of dollars thrown at these issues coast to coast. those that took to the streets were chanting those for the 10th getting cleared save our streets for those that want the homeless to reside there stop the sweeps. there will be nothing left of the cities if no one wants to live there. you have no unclaimed taxes. nobody working there. what is left if they don't do something about this. >> i am not sure it will turn into nothing left anytime soon but it is certainly making it a less attractive place to live. >> listen, this is not one of those subjects where not with the general crowd on these kinds of things. i am not interested in rounding people up and moving them somewhere against their will. what is going on right now is not working. i think london breed is right on talking about this. democrats beat democrats. not the republican position on it, the activist classes completely out of step with what the average people in these liberal cities feel. martha was interviewing the guy that owns a store that is been there for over 100 years, i think. talking about how the businesses have to come back because that is the only way they will be able to push people out of these streets. it seems like that could be part of the solution. >> democrats against democrats because that is all that is left in san francisco. >> there weren't republicans in san francisco ever. >> quality-of-life issues. and i walked down the street safely? actually make my way down the street and that has failed. even that is open the eyes of london breed. >> the homeless industrial complex that fights these things the drug addiction problem. that is what this is. in part a bunch of drug addicts shooting up on the street. the part that nobody talks about that is now i half a century in the making as a closing of mental institutions that basically pushed everybody back on the streets. people that need mental help used to be in hospitals. we have balls that did away with that because we don't want to put people away against their will. they went from those beds to the streets. >> jesse, no doubt they are losing money hand over fist. old navy announcing it is closing its flagship store. whole foods, nordstrom have close their business over safety issues. they could not tell their employees they could safely work in their store there. they have lost half the business since the start of the pandemic. this is an emergency all hands on deck situation. >> bragging about how democrat cities were thriving? >> she was the mayor of madison wisconsin. >> you said it well. i hate to say it, you said it well, too. we don't have a homeless problem , we have a drug problem. this is an enormous country. they could find a place to live. they want to do drugs and they want to do drugs in tents. where activists bring them things like drug paraphernalia. as long as we are encouraging that, it will never change. i do support physically removing people that do not need to be there. i do support that. what is the option? >> there is no other option. thank you so much. rock 'n' roll legends alice cooper and carlos santana causing controversy after transgender ideology. ♪ i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars 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of course the left demanding the rock ledge and be canceled. he was forced to apologize posting this on social media. i am sorry for my insensitive comments. i want to honor and respect all persons ideals and beliefs. he went on to delete his original apology. he is not the only rock ledge in speaking his mind. alice cooper is saying it is " fad." senator, do you think what we are seeing here is reality? >> it is hard to believe where you are in a world where we say a woman is a woman and a man is a man. so co-authored -- it was really interesting today. making the case that gender dysphoria immediately jumps to treatment. immediately jumps to treatment. hormones, puberty blockers. discussing formal consent when it comes to all of this. she makes a case we are turning children into guinea pigs with all of this. little is discussed in the way that most of these questions that you have are tied to mental problems and mental challenges with those children that are immediately jumped over and not addressed first before jumping into treatment and surgery. >> i think my kids are little older than yours but i think alice cooper has a good point as well. it is a fad. >> it is a fad. the fad is over once they start suing these doctors and hospitals performing these surgeries. you know what wealth provides? these guys are wealthy. wealth gives you the opportunity to tell the truth. a couple hundred million dollars they can say whatever they want, plus they are old. coming up in this business, the entertainment business, you have to tiptoe around stuff. these people have that. even a publicist, you don't have to do what the publicist wants. i have told publicist to go many times. some of those times was a bad idea. if you have that kind of success , you can tell the truth. you still cannot tell the truth yet. >> i can't? >> neither can i. >> there is no such thing. >> he has to make more money in china. [laughter] have you deleted us carlos santana on spotify? >> no. i'm not the largest school carlos santana fan. i would say to bethany mandel's point this morning about how this is happening easily, it's not. kids go through years of psychiatric evaluation before they are able -- >> not the case. no. >> i heard that was being discussed earlier. no one can say to their mom or dad i want puberty blockers and then you go to the doctor -- [inaudible] >> and then the nurse does a behind the parents back and you have gender affirming care without telling the parents? that is just not how this works. >> if you tell your mom you think you are a boy in the mom takes you to the doctor, probably within weeks. we have interviewed people that have had that happen. >> a couple of things. you talk about a certain level of wealth appeared carlos santana, as soon as he made that statement tried to nuance it a little bit and then got rid of his so-called nuance. alice cooper who just signed up with vampire cosmetics a couple weeks ago was just dumped by vampire cosmetics. we still have the big bad big brother saying you can't say something we do not agree with. one of the problems is dave chappelle and what he says, he is a comedienne, he makes fun of culture and the cultural worlds -- wars going on. i have always loved carlos santana music but unless it is part of the discussion, i don't want to listen to, i don't want to see somebody kneel at a football game. i want to go to a music concert enough somebody talking. even if i agree with him. we ought to leave -- we can all be a little calmer. what has happened, courts just came down and supported the school spirit not the parents that these kids have a right to go to the school and say i have gender dysphoria. they need mental help before they actually make these decisions. a small minority is taking over. in a few years it will be over. >> i have thought a lot about this. i don't believe in that kind of money. if you were weak before, you are weak -- >> a test case. jesse watters the next test case on that kind of money. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. here's why you should switch fro to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ >> welcome back. first appeared all mushy and your drink, paper straws, they may not be as environmentally friendly as you think. eco- friendly utensils are just as harmful as the plastic ones and contain potentially coccyx -- toxic as though plastic ones. >> legislation before thought. now we are all going to get cancer from them? >> because they disintegrated? [laughter] >> we always end up shooting ourselves in the foot. climate change. we have to get an electric car. to get an electric car, there are all kinds of problems. if we get rid of the battery there is an environmental hazard and we have to support china and they will build more coal fire plants. >> child labor in africa digging the kobold out for the battery. >> not an issue for me. men should never ever drink from a straw. >> what if you got a smoothie? >> they should never and i mean never drink a smoothie. [laughter] >> a sporting event. >> he is onto something. >> yes. the smoothie deserves that. >> exemption granted. >> thank you. >> i want to bring back foam cups. they are the greatest thing. >> why? >> a beer out of a styrofoam cup your experience will be multiplied. >> tell us how many beers we will have a day. >> up next. no greater disappointment than being refused a cold refreshing beer -- the teleprompter. [laughter] >> no meat, no cheese and no beer. >> no beer? [laughter] that is it, kitty. you have killed me. [laughter] i see the light. >> the alcohols are making some with americans limiting themselves to just to drink so weak under strict guidelines. you know how you go to the doctor and they say how many alcoholic beverages you have a week. >> i know a very famous surgeon that told me whatever the number the patient provides double. >> who knew that there was an alcohol czar. there is an alcohol czar. confessing he consumes two glasses of white wine per week. so definitely double that. [laughter] >> all over the place on this stuff. >> they don't know. it is like covid. the vaccine will prevent you from getting it until you've got it. >> i thought the alcohol czar was a good thing. that should be promoting alcohol it sounds amazing. >> can you imagine the swag he gets. >> it's not like a lady at the beer garden. >> i cannot find a job description. one more thing is up next. ♪ with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ ♪ >> time for one more thing in the teleprompter says i go first so i will. a porch pirate referring to a suspect accused of stealing packages off of someone's doorstep. this took the theme to a whole new level. a manager adjustable and entire eight by 10 porch from his neighbor's property. eventually arrested for theft. deemed as the porch pirate by local police. also -- i will be on hannity tonight so tune in at 9:00 p.m. and next is will. >> on sunday tune in writing on the fox news channel for a new show 10:00 p.m. eastern time clay travis, tommy laren, they will talk about issues out there in the country including mary catherine -- 10:00 p.m. eastern time on sunday. also, check this out. sergeant perry, first day of school. he has been deployed to the middle east a year. has not seen his son. thompson dressed as a tiger. and then takes the head off. hits him like a middle linebacker. emotions hit. the best feeling, the best moment he has ever had. >> kids are the best. jesse. >> jesse's lax highlights. let's see it. there it is. look at his hairy legs. these two canadian guys duking it out. total lax pros just dropping the gloves. goodbye. that is what lacrosse is all about. prime time the fire festival guide. he is doing another festival. i would highly recommend the hulu documentary. i want to see what this guy did to people. >> jessica, it is your turn. >> my script. inflation is still high. soul cycle still costs a lot. sometimes you just have to get creative. check out this group of new yorkers so determined to stay in shape they are using a wreck of city bites as a makeshift spin glass -- class. they have an instructor and everything. >> are they paying for using the bikes? >> no. you know what they are doing, though, drinking smoothies through a straw. >> and then they drinking a beer at the end. >> and/or bouncy castle. who does not enjoy a good bouncy castle. we thought it was friday. video like that can brighten a day. >> are they from the same place? >> i don't have that information , judge. >> look at them. they are so cute. >> that is your military and police dog right there. >> anyway, that is it for us. have a great fox news alert america jacksonville, florida mastered a result a number of fatalities ffor good evening i am john scot and this is the fox report. ♪. jon: jacksonville fire address using four people were killed in the shooter is dead. the mayor told local networks the shooter apparently barricaded himself in a dollar general store. bryan llenas is live with more. >> john, good evening but we are so awaiting an update from

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Concert , Anti Trans , Whatever , Closet , Cue , The Rock Ledge , Persons , Ideals , Beliefs , Apology , Social Media , Rock Ledge , Fad , Reality , Senator , Gender Dysphoria , Consent , Puberty Blockers , Hormones , Problems , Little , Children , Challenges , Guinea Pigs , Kids , Jumping , Guys , Wealth , Doctors , Surgeries , Opportunity , The Truth , Publicist , Entertainment Business , Times , Some , Publicist Wants , Idea , Success , Tell The Truth , School , On Spotify , Evaluation , Bethany Mandel , Dad , Parents , Care , Nurse , Works , Level , Boy , Couple , Nuance , Statement , Bit , Vampire Cosmetics , Dave Chappelle , Big Bad , Big Brother , Worlds , Comedienne , Culture , Music , Wars , Fun , Somebody , Football Game , Music Concert , Somebody Talking , Discussion , School Spirit , Courts , Calmer , Minority , Decisions , Test Case , Before , Protein , Sugar , Uuuhhhh , 1 , 10000 , Scooter , Patriotic Kenny , Depression , Sad , Protein Max Challenge , Life , Veterans , None , Mobility Scooters , Patriotic Kenny Foundation , 5000 , 24 , 000 , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Pill , Goal , Me Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Prescription , Changes , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Provider , 0 , Fro , Duckduckgo , Ads , Device , Companies , Built , Searches , Engine , Spy , Google , Chrome , Pri , Privacy , Devices , Catch , Millions , First , Paper Straws , Utensils , Cancer , Coccyx , Legislation , Car , Climate Change , Battery , Hazard , Coal Fire Plants , Child Labor , Kobold , Africa , Smoothie , Straw , Issue , Men , Sporting Event , Exemption , Back Foam Cups , Beer , Beers , Disappointment , Styrofoam Cup , Teleprompter , Cheese , Meat , Kitty , Alcohols , Guidelines , The Light , Surgeon , Number , Alcoholic Beverages , Patient , Alcohol Czar , Double , Glasses , They Don T Know , Covid , Alcohol , Swag , Lady , Job Description , Beer Garden , Medicare , Dogs , Food , Feeding Food , Real Food , Dog , Eating , Living Being , Meal , Better , Farmer , Porch Pirate , Suspect , Stealing , Manager , Neighbor , Theme , Doorstep , Theft , Porch Pirate By Local Police , Eight , Eastern Time , Fox News Channel , Clay Travis , Hannity Tonight , On Sunday Tune In Writing , Tommy Laren , Sergeant Perry , First Day Of School , Eastern Time On Sunday , Mary Catherine , Tiger , Head , Middle East , Thompson , Linebacker , Emotions , Feeling , Legs , Jesse S Lax Highlights , Pros , Lacrosse , Prime Time , Gloves , The Fire Festival Guide , Goodbye , Hulu , Festival , Turn , Group , Everything , Inflation , Class , Spin Glass , Instructor , Wreck , Script , Shape , New Yorkers , Soul Cycle , City Bites , Smoothies , Bikes , Doing , Bouncy Castle , The End , Video , Police Dog , Florida , Result , Fatalities , Fox Report , America Jacksonville , John Scot , Jacksonville Fire Address , Jon , Shooter , More , Networks , Update , Dollar General Store , Bryan Llenas ,

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