Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

southern california tonight. the storm officially made landfall four hours to go over mexico baja peninsula. it's expected to move up through southern california and into the data over the next 24 hours spread fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is looking how much rate and where it is awkward default. >> lots of rain we are really kind of in the heart of it as we speak right on the big bands of showers continuing to push their way into southern california. everevery one of these little gn boxes is a plush flood warning that's currently in place. they have been in place here for a little while. this one in los angeles county really running into the northern part of the county pretty get a little bit more of elevation in the hills very heavy rain will be racing doubt into the city but you'll see some of these warnings pop up in portions of san diego county as well. very heavy rain it's going to go on for hours and hours and hours. this the first initial heavy round of showers here's the forecast model you can pay attention to timestamp up in the court specific this is specific time. where in it right of center of circulation is still down along going to lift up to the north but as it makes that move, these are kind of like the heavy showers taking all the way into 6:00 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m. we're still looking very heavy rain in that region before it started to lift up into central california, ultimately running into northern california and over too northern nevada. it does take a while for this to clear off. you are looking at some light precipitation than to early bending morning but followed by lunch sunil dried off across southern california in the near look at rain and northern california for this whole system is excellent be tracking slip to the pacific northwest. a lot of people are ultimately going to see this. rain to still to come as you look at some of the areas of origin. that's a good and the four -- 6 inches of rain we are going to seaford there will be isolated areas at the higher elevations in total get eight -- 10 inches of rain. very dangerous situation for that is when you start to think about mudslides and early walls of water rushing down for as i said this ultimately does track further to the north. we are going to be looking at significant rainfall can we get a portions of eastern oregon up into idaho. again it runs over to the northern rockies its way to squeeze out a little bit more the moisture. a lot lot of folks are going to get in on the action here but southern california right now, although with your monday it willbe tracking this across the northwest. jon: an awful lot of rain to be fouling on some areas that just do not get that kind of water. adam klotz, thank you. southern california it might not have seen the worst in tropical storm hilary yet. let's go just west of los angeles is where fox correspondent jeff jonathan hunt is a weathering the storm in santa monica. what's happening there? >> just a few minutes ago we felt that earthquake you were talking about. it was about 20 minutes ago i would say. it was centered some 60 miles north of us near the town of ojai. our crew here on the edge of the pacific ocean felt it quite clearly. fortunately, jon, we are being told by the weather service in the u.s. gs there is not any danger of a tsunami which is fortunate for us given we are about 10 feet from the pacific ocean here. you can see the bands of rain coming in more and more thickly now. we have been standing in this for around eight hours and i have to say the rain is heavier than it has been any point during those eight hours. you look at some of the lie that cameras we've got further south into san diego area imperial beach, coronado for instance they are also in the thick of this right now as the storm crosses the center of the storm. crosses the border from mexico and will begin its move through southern california. it is going to be intensive. officials are warning there will be flash flood in many areas. that quilt may be landslides to the l.a. mayor karen bass says it is all about safety and being prepared, listen here. >> it is critical that angelina stay safe and stay home unless otherwise directed by safety officials. avoid unnecessary travel but if you do not need to be on the road, please don't get in your car. >> now overnight the storm hit the mexican very popular resort town of call us and lucas. we are getting reports of widespread flooding on many streets not just there but along the baja california peninsula. we do not have reports of widespread damage at this point that is the good news. everyone here in southern california is braced for what is to come over the next 12 -- 18 hours or so. and as you so aptly put it a few moments ago, when it rains it pours we now have that earthquake on top of tropical storm hilary. jon: tropical storm, earthquake, and what is it coming to california? >> it really is a question of when it rains it pours. everybody is brays for everything we are used to earthquakes of course what we are not used to at this time of year in particular is this kind of down port that is what is so dangerous for the next 24 hours or so. jon: i do have to ask with all the rain coming in the end the high surf i imagine there's the possibility of some of those cliffs at the edge of the ocean falling down? >> that is a major concern jon. in particular areas where we have had wildfires over the last 12 months or so. what are called burn scars they tend to be unstable in the first place because there is no vegetation left holding the earth together. those are the areas officials are particularly concerned about. those stretching the coastline here we've got some on the pacific coast highway but also as you go inland, north of pasadena the foothills there et cetera there is a lot of areas people are extremely concerned about. remember it with landslides once the rain passes around 5:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning there is still a danger of landslides because the water sits there and sits there it soaks into this landslides could be a danger for 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours beyond when the rate moves through. jon: a lot of nervous people in southern california tonight, jonathan hunt thank you. while spring orange county california sheriff coroner don barnes. sheriff barnes, how is your department handling this torrential rain? and how are the folks you take care of? >> our department is handling it well. natural disasters and critical incidents are not foreign to us we've had plenty of practice lately in the last several years with fbut fires and other thing. this is one more circumstance we face that we've been preparing for this for the last week. and i think we are well prepared. what i'm hoping as a is a puble serve are heeding the warnings and given that we're asking them to do which is stay home unless you have to leave but please stay home. stay out of the water sale the waterways response or 42 miles of coastline the orange county we have some significant burn scar areas from recent buyers that are significant risk of debris flow. jon: you are quite a ways south of ojai where the earthquake was centered i guess center is the right word for it. i'm wondering if you felt that there in orange county? but i did not feel personally about 130 miles away from ojai. we do have some responsibilities when there is a contiguous earthquakes are counted we are doing wind chill surveys, looking for water tables makes it very difficult we are experiencing up to an inch of water an hour. we're still following protocols for response to an earthquake we here in orange county. jon: you were saying you wanted people to stay off the streets just as we are running some video of trucks and cars plowing through water over flooded intersections. it is kind of hard to tell people not to get in their cars. it is the car culture there in southern california. brexit is the car culture that is causing some challenges as we have some light rain that started. i think people thought that was a storm headed our way. the right into the heat of it at the moment. between now and 7:00 p.m. the pacific time they should experience the heaviest rain falls through this. and runoff will be significant. the potential for flash flood still exists, debris flow we had coastal areas this pastor that gave way to mudslides but we are experiencing a lot of challenges at the same time. i hope we will heat our morning home stay home for the remainder of this evening. jon: things can change quickly and go out in a storm like this and everything looks hunky-dory that all the sudden a wash comes in out of the hill country and cuts off cars or washes out a road whatever. it can change very fast. >> it can change very fast. what i am asking our residents here in orange county in southern california for the most part is we are busy enough already. we do not need to be busier going out and saving people from themselves were driving into water, driving into flooded areas. we are going to be busy for the next several hours i hope they do not create more workforce. jon: we hope you are right everyone should listen to those words. the sheriff and orange county. good luck and thank you. >> thank you. for complete upson fox weather coverage of tropical storm hilary take out your cell phone, snap a picture of the qr code on your screen right now but that will get you a download of fox weather app. it is free or you can go to while we are monitoring the start were keeping an eye on who will be the republican debate stage in milwaukee on wednesday night? it was on it? who has just qualified? that is next. and a acid reducer that relieves occasional heartburn all day. other brands can't do both. pepcid complete. 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dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. jon: we are continuing to follow tropical storm hilary as it moves to southern california for the area also had a short time ago by magnitude 5.1 earthquake centered north of los angeles to the city of ojai. thankfully there is no stew nami alert. this after california declared a state of emergency over the arrival of its first tropical storm and 84 years. hilary is expected to drop up to 3 inches of rain an hour later tonight. meantime, don't forget this wednesday's first 2024 republican debate it is live from milwaukee, wisconsin only on your own fox news channel. so far a candidate say they have met the pledge polling and fundraising criteria to secure a spot on the stage. the lineup is not set in stone a few candidates are still trying to get a chance to make a first impression lucas thompson has more from the white house, lucas? rex good evening sean. that is right. there will be eight gop presidential candidates on the stage in milwaukee getting ready to receive answers from our own bbret baier at martha mccallum t 9:00 p.m. wednesday night but here's a list of eight as you can see here. vivek ramaswamy, ron desantis, nikki haley, doug bergen, tim scott, chris christie, mike pence, and asa hutchinson are chairwoman s that unscented morning a future one day is the unofficial start of the general election candidates season. practice of going to the debate stage will build a tower or republicans can do versus the failure to abide in. longshot can asa hutchinson save never support donald trump ip is a gop -- make a trump of the gop but he said he would eventually support the nominee he thanks trump will not be the candidate. here's what he said earlier. >> i will sign the pledge great i am confident donald trump it's not going to be the nominee of the party. what some would like to see virginia governor glenn youngkin can and georgia republican brian kemp jump in the race. shannon bream asked i was governor kim reynolds about that earlier today on "fox news sunday." >> i think we have a great field of candidates right now but i think we do not need more candidates in the field crew probably need less and that's kind of what we do with the iowa caucus. our role is not really to protect the winner but we start to narrow the field. >> the debate stage is set there will be eight candidates this wednesday night in milwaukee. with our own host bret baier and martha mccallum getting gray to fire the questions get your popcorn ready, jon. >> it will be something lucas thompson thank you. the three latest gop white house candidates to say they are qualified for wednesday nights first debate chris christie, mike pence and asa hutchinson all sign the rnc pledge just three days before the big face-off here in fox news let's bring it rnc national spokesperson madison gilbert parade thank you for being with us this evening. >> good to be with you, jon. >> we have eight candidates on the stage everyone is wondering whether donald trump might change his mind but beside from trump do you suspect there will be others qualified before wednesday night? >> all of the candidates have until 9:00 o'clock tomorrow night to qualify to meet all the criteria come to sign the pledge but right now we have seven candidates that have actually qualified we have a couple on the cusp so we are very excited to see who will ultimately ends up on the stage with us on wednesday. we very much hope donald trump will be one of those people. jon: are you reaching out to his campaign at all or does he just know that you would like him to be there? >> of course he knows we would like them to be there but they have not confirmed one way or another as to whether he will over not becoming he has just like everybody else until tomorrow night to do that. we hope the president will reach out to make that decision to come on wednesday. just because of the debate but also because of the fact if he were to become our nominee after the primary place at next year this is a huge opportunity for every single independent democrat that will be watching out wednesday to hear the message of our candidates but we have two offered ocs for president trump at the same with him but we do not just need republicans and hard-core republicans to get out and vote for a six november to win we need to win independence. many of the swing races in 2022 including my own when i was a candidate last year end the midterms were lost because of the independent vote not swinging our weight we its critically important for our win and to be invited in november. jon: what you think the republican party party at largs coming wednesday night? >> sent the message is very clear. look at what you have been going through for the past two and half years but look at the money your families had to spend. look at what you been forced to live with you did not have to live with and open your eyes and your ears to the message of what can be different but i think republicans on the stage on state onwednesday will have dift ideas and small differentiations between their campaigns and their visions but as a whole as a republican party our vision is economic prosperity our vision is to empower american families in a wage abided simply has not. he made so many promises both on the campaign trail and after becoming president to american families. especially when it comes to the economy. saying if you make under $400,000 you will never pay a penny more in taxes paid we saw that not to be true, not just for people making under $40000 but for people making as little as $25000. not only are they feeling the effects of inflation they are also paying more in taxes as a result of joe biden and the democrats bad policies. as her republicans a better policy is to offer and we will be presenting many of those through our candidates and campaigns on wednesday. jon: again the invitation is out there for former president trump to join in the fray. he has got until about this time tomorrow night? >> yes, just a little bit past 24 hours tomorrow night 9:00 p.m. jon: madison gilbert spokesperson for the gop, thank you. >> thank you jon. jon: monday night's debate will be monitored by bret baier and martha mccallum as welts 9:00 p.m. eastern right here and only here on fox news channel. well former president trump speaking of deadlines has until friday to surrender the fulton county jail in georgia. there he will be arraigned and processed on election meddling charcharges his fourth and latet indictment. trump and 18 others are charged in georgia pretty faces 13 counts in this case alone 91 counts in all four indictments combined f but fox senior correspondent steve harrigan's life in atlanta with more on this, steve? that is right on the fulton county district attorney has given former president trump and 18 others until friday at noon to turn emnto be booked by the former president charges. including racketeering and conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. the indictment alleges rather than abide by george's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's george's presidential election results. fixed number of georgia republicans who have frequently sparred his former president trump have come out to say they feel the timing of the indictment is wrong. >> one thing is certain about these indictments in my mind and my opinion. this trial despite what dates anyone's asking for anything else is not going to happen before the election. the democrats want us to be focus on things like this so we are not focused on joe biden's record it. >> it is expected all 19 will be booked at the right to street jail in atlanta that that is open 24 hours a day. jon, back to you. jon: i'm sure you will be watching it will be interesting week. steve harrigan a in atlanta thas steve. up next as a southwest and southern california braces for the worse, tropical storm hilary is arty causing mudslides in california at which also just got hit with an earthquake. bill to give their lives, next. mr. senna's into nature. professor kot's into science. but together, we work! like our senokot laxatives. to relieve occasional constipation, senokot's made from the senna plant. refined by science to be reliable. perfect match! just like us! hmph! senokot. jon: we are continuing to watch tropical storm hilary after made landfall in mexico earlier today but they are not used to tropical storms and southern california. the last one to hit their 1939. this one could bring catastrophic flooding to the area over the next 24 hours. fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is here now with the forecast, adam. >> hey they are not used to tropical storm us is the one that habit 241 local time 5.1 magnitude this was felt in los angeles at the exact same time that yes they had their first ever tropical storm warning in the history of the state. covering los angeles down to san diego and points inward. we are really right in the thick of it as we speak some really heavy bands of rain are now move across portions of southern california. everything you're looking at in these green boxes is a flash flood warning that is currently activated. but what across all of los angeles county so a large area they are seeing very heavy rain it is kind of been rounds of rain. especially some of the hills to the north of the city. there were for the water to go so it rushes very quickly doubt you can talk about flooding happening pretty quick print this is rain so the comfort we have seen at least a couple of inches across los angeles. we are still looking at a situation two -- 3 inches that's everything in the ring colors. he starts look at the yellows and oranges that again is because of a little more elevation you're suddenly looking at more like two -- 34 -- 5 inches of rain. so more rain is deafly right in that region. all that will ultimately be flooding as we are working as a backup for the ocean. widespread this is a little wider look a lot of spots are still going before 5 inches to come. higher elevations you are talking maybe when it's all said and done eight -- 10 inches sprayed a lot of rain here now. the whole system is just now really working its way onto southern california but it's going to lift to the north and extra bring a lot of moisture quite a long ways. lots of eggs dropped into central california but into the matter, only up into idaho and portions of eastern oregon. heavy rain is going to be here working its way through but not just today but all the way through monday to start looking for the to the north. you are looking at extreme threat here or flash flooding. we already see some of those warnings out there but it's already happening in areas where you really do not see it. death valley could see as much rain here of the next 24 hours than they see in several years. it is a unique situation all around but as we said we still have a little ways to go through. jon: very concerning forecasts and plots thank you. thankfully no tsunami alert after the earthquake that adam mentioned let's head back to santa monica just west of los angeles chief correspondence and jonathan hunt's been out in the middle of the storm for the last several hours, jonathan. >> jon, our crew here on the pacific coast highway in santa monica certainly felt that earthquake. it was centered just about 60 miles north of us here. the icing on the cake if you like, tropical storm hilary comes through this area now with some degree of force. it has been raining for something like nine hours pretty solidly. it is heavier now than it has been through any of those nine hours. and already around the l.a. area we are seeing some spots of flooding on roads and the freeways. officials are warning everyone, please if you do not need to go out then please, please just stay at home. this has been all about preparation for the last 48 hours. for the next 24 it's all about safety. listen to the mayor of l.a., karen bass progress our message to the is clear. stay safe, stay home and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather event. los angeles has deep extremes responding to crisis. whether it be wildfire or earthearthquakes, the city is prepared. >> now, and all of the area of southern california and that is getting hit perhaps no worse being hit harder right now then imperial beach down in san diego county just north of the border with mexico that is where really the center of the storm is beginning to hit now. it is going to rain there for several more hours. they are already warning a flash flooding and eastern san diego county. in all of the rain over the next 12 hours or so perhaps even more than that is going to move up here into l.a. county particularly out east street riverside county and out to palm springs and obviously in areas like palm springs the desert they are even less used to this kind of weather. they are very concerned about flooding in palm springs but we heard officials in the desert communities earlier today, appealing to people not to go into any standing water that they see. that they needed any other reason not to do that, they added that this is snake season out there. that water will be full of rattlesnakes so please do not go into any standing water you see lying around over the next 24 hours. evacuation orders are in place are parts of southern california gavin newsom declared a state of emergency for much of their yesterday hilary is expected to be true bring torrential rain tube typically bone dry areas in the southwest before moving north toward idaho and beyond. fox weather corresponded nicole valdez with more. >> good evening jon it. palm springs and much of the coachella valley could see as much rain in the next 48 our as they usually see in a year. it is why experts warn of the danger of potentially catastrophic flash flooding across the region and went many say they are taking drastic measures to protect those in and around the region. right now major arteries in and out of palm springs have already been shut down ahead of expected flooding in those areas. not only barricade about police officer's position on either side to keep people from driving through what could turn into raging rivers if the forecast holds up. meanwhile hundreds of people preparing for the worst has a majority of the impacts of tropical storm hilary could move it overnight tonight too. already more than 60000 sandbags have been given out across palm springs as people tried to load up their cars and protect their homes and their lives ahead of this dangerous storm. we know already some evacuation orders are in place for portions of san bernardino county. jon: "fox weather" corresponded nicole valdez thank you. our coverage of the impact of tropical storm hilary continues too. we will be right back. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser-drilled holes. they release medicine fast... for fast pain relief. and now... ...get relief without a pill. with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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(intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. jon: we are continuing to follow tropical storm hilary as a moves to southern california. there he also had a short time ago by a magnitude 5.1 earthquake. centered north of los angeles to the city of ojai. there is no sunol may alert thankfully. this, after california declared a state of emergency over its first tropical storm in 84 years. hilary expected to drop as much as 3 inches of rain per our later tonight. in new york city, 10 firefighters entered today battling a fire in brooklyn. the six alarm fire destroyed at least nine storefronts, more than 200 police and fire personnel responded. the cause under investigation. and after an unrelated fire in brooklyn, three children are in critical condition. their fathers under arrest after they're found alone in an apartment. new york city is also struggling to house a surge of migrants. shelters are maxed out the big apple is also looking for help from the state. governor kathy has slammed the response to aggregate mentoring crisis and taken a fellow democrat mayor eric adams. cb cotton has a look at that story. >> hi jon the state led new york city are not as a light in their strategy to handle the migrant crisis as once thought new york city mayor eric adams is calling on governor kathy hochul to issue an executive order so reluctant communities in other parts of the state will be forced to welcome migrants from here in the city. >> we only make .05 of the land mass in new york state. .05. t.05 that is what we make up.yef the migrants. that is unfair to new york city piglets this past thursday adams called for action came after the city asked the state for more help which was met with sharp criticism from governor kathy hochul are turning the attorney wrote in the state filed court documents quote the state has identified numerous additional state owned properties and nonstate owned sites that are viable options for sheltering migrants. but the city is not accepted these offers. so to break this down more than five filing accuses city of rejecting more than a dozen sites that could house more than 3000 migrants. acting too slow to preserve shelter capacity help migrants with work permits. the attorney also said the city needed to better manage the $1.5 billion in state funds already given. during adams thursday remarks he pushed back on that criticism. >> many people do not understand we are not getting dollar for dollar for every invoice we give the state. we are getting 29% per dollar. the sites given to us somewhere in floodplains but some are not suitable to build and so we analyzed each site we did not ignore any of the sites piglets on the both the city and state are clearly unified on as a designer for the white house to do more. jon. jon: to be cut reporting thank you. our coverage of tropical storm hilary continues as nevada is under a state of emergency. we will take you there live also we will take you there live also talk with a firefighter in southern california on the response there. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ introducing the limited edition disney collection from blendjet. nine exciting designs your whole family will adore blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere! recharge quickly via usb-c. it even cleans itself. order yours now from and bring a little disney into your life. [music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. jon: continuing coverage of tropical storm hilary which made landfall in mexico just south of southern california earlier today. las vegas officials are also bracing for its potentially catastrophic flooding. "fox weather" correspondent max gorden live in las vegas force now, max? >> state of emergency declared here in clark county, nevada is the remnants of hurricane hilary make their way into the desert southwsouthwest right here in ts vegas metro area were tracking red inch of rain but over to the west we could seat four plus inches of rain. all of that water needs to go somewhere at the flood watch is in effect until monday, a high wind warning is going to go into effect at later on today. we are talking wins 20 -- 35 miles per hour. gusts up to 60 miles per hour. but as you can see behind me plenty of people still on the las vegas strip so don't really seem to worry about all this. >> notes buddies yesterday it was raining our whole plan was toere in thee going to tough it out get through it. and so know we are not going to change our plans for it will be back later this week when it's nicer again progressive rain because it got hats were going to check in. >> are the las vegas area folks have been getting ready for the storm, sandbags have been distributed to some errors clark county has opened up their multi agency coordination center so emergency services can better respond. read berkley up equipment has been staged around the county in case roads are impacted. joshua tree national park, other parks in the area all closed through the storm. the power providers had their monitoring conditions prepared for whatever the store might bring. people have the las vegas area being told to stay home during the duration of the storm. but on this trip the show goes on. michael jackson is playing and the fountains at the bellagio continued to arrived. jon back to you. jon: max gorden from "fox weather." max thank you. for more on the impact of this very rare storm let's bring in captain andrew freeborn public information officer of the kern county california fire department. that is north of los angeles and somewhat inland. what are the challenges your department basis as a result of all the water ahead? quick the challenges we are facing us we are trying to make sure an area of over 8000 square miles is care for. this store is deathly going to impact our community. it is going to do so in different ways depending if you are on the west side of our community or the east side of our community. as such we have taken steps to prepare two extra personnel, x-ray equipment, pre-positions around the county. in assisting with sand piles and sandbags throughout the county. jon: bakersfield is your big city as you mentioned you have got a huge area to cover. you must have some mountainous terrain and canyons on surreal worries about flash flooding and they are? >> absolutely we have significant concerns because we have a lot of mountain communities. and many of those areas have had fires in recent years which leaves the burn scars and soil that is susceptible to erosion. we have a number of canyons and we had the desert out in eastern kern as well. much of the kern county area is under flood warning's, flood watch's, flash flood warnings as well. we are already starting to see significant impacts. we have a number of roads that have been closed from heavy flooding or debris on now we have started to issue some evacuation orders, some shelter in place and some other advisors throughout the county. jon: are your residents taking those warning seriously as far as you can tell? >> as far as we can tell they are taking it seriously. one thing we can mention is just in the last day or so we have had over 1000 new sign-ups into our emergency notification system. which is a huge spike in such a short period of time so clearly the residents here within kern county feel this is serious and they are taking precautions. jon: how much rain have you been told to prepare for they are in your county? >> depending on the area of the county. it is all different amounts that have been forecasted. but through the mountains and her eastern corn kern portions there are some predictions expecting well over 4 inches of rain. this is a significant amount of rain. especially as mentioned in areas that have steep terrain, areas that historically has seen flash flood and great areas and have burn scars we could expect to see bud slides or landslides. this is a significant amount of heavy rainfall falling in areas that are susceptible to having emergencies as a result of the large rainfall. jon: you are a little north of ojai is where the earthquake was centered. did it have any effects where you are? did you feel it? >> we have had no reported effects as a result of the earthquake centered in ojai. one of things i did find interesting as we did receive shake alerts. notifications and alarms also to going off on all of our mobile devices. i was waiting to feel some sort of shock some shaking from that but no, it was not felt in bakersfield. jon: a bit of good news anyway. kern county california fire captain andrew freeborn, thank you we wish you well as a tropical storm hilary hits kern county thank you. and we will be right back. but your stomach doesn't. that disagreement ends right now. lactaid ice cream is the creamy, real ice cream you love that will never mess with your stomach. lactaid ice cream. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. (fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) uh, yea. i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. switch now and they'll give you nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv, on them. (hero fan) this plan is amazing! (josh allen) another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. (fan #1) that was josh allen. (fan #2) mmhm. (vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? this is a next level bed, for a next level you. my circadian rhythm is kicking your circadian rhythms butt! it's not a competition. i know, but i'm still winning! so, it is a competition. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand for a better night sleep. ( sfx: ding, ding, ding.) so now, he wakes up feeling like himself. ( sfx: crowd cheering ) the reigning family room middle-weight champion. ( ♪ ) get the rest to be your best with zzzquil. it's non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. better days start with zzzquil nights. and try zzzquil purezzzs melatonin gummies. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize (man) [laughs] (vo) they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. (vo) houses or, skip the hassles and sell with confidence to opendoor. wow. (vo) request a cash offer at opendoor dot com more on the 5.1 magnitude earthquake centered m near ojai, california, no reports of significant damage, l.a. mayor bass said all of the city's fire stations will conduct a strategic survey after the earthquake. california governor gavin newsom office said that residents should prepare for continues aftershocks. >> fox weather meteorologist adam klotz with the latest forecast. reporter: i spoke with people in los angeles who felt that earthquake. all in the middle of tropical storm hilary that was once a category 4 hurricane, now the center of circulation is south of mexican border, but heaviest rain showers are across portions of southern california. the winds at 60 miles per hour. he is how it tracks north. by early monday morning, you are beginning to really lift across the state of california up toward nevada, then it will continue the trek to the north. we have a long stretch where there will be heavy rounds of rain, center of circulation is to the south in portions p baja, this is why you are seeing tropical storm force winds which includes portions of southern california it lift to the north and spring stronger winds to areas that are already seeing rain. what have winds been these are higher elevations in interior california, wind gusts to 80s, but no 60s, this is snuff to do damage -- this is enough to do damage, and take down power lines and the ground gets soggy. here is what it looks like. the rain will be the story, that is a flush flood warning in los angeles county. heavy rain, ground is saturated it has been raining for a while, and the bands of heavy rain are moving through, flash flooding a concern, it is a concern for a lot of folks. orange, yellows you are getting to 2 to 3 inches of rain, there will be spots 4 to 6, all said and done there will be isolated 8 to 10 inches of ra rain are not out of the question, in the higher elevations. this entire system will continue to lift farther north, monday evening to tuesday, it will be pulled up to oregon to idaho, to montana. at least the several inches in northern rockies there, more moisture will continue to fall from the system, it will affect millions of people, we're just really getting into the season. i wanted to squeeze a graphic in this is over atlantic basin there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 systems, two are named hurricanes, none are about to have a huge impact on the u.s., this is really exploded at the same time we have been tracking tropical storm hilary, there will be an active season. back to the southwest, they have been in a severe drought for over a decade. i suppose this will help, but you get this much rain this quickly it is not always beneficial. >> really dangerous, they got the snow, this is good, the monsoon season, in desert southwest has been slow to start, this could kick-start it. that could be good, this is tough. >> let's hope there is a silver lining to tropical storm hilary. be safe. adam klotz thank you. >> that is it for our special two hour "the fox report" for sunday august 20 of 2023. i'm jon scott, thank you very much for watching we'll see you next week, the big weekend show up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ is a go i am kenry with charlie hurt. and raymond and welcome to the big weekend show. the big story -- the wraths of tropical storm hilary 42 million desperate souls in the path of the storm which made landfall in mexico. several hours ago. but they let it right into the country, it is biden's

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Force Winds , Ground , Wind Gusts , Power Lines , Snuff , No 60s , 80 , Ra Rain , Montana , Systems , Graphic , Millions , Atlantic Basin , Hurricanes , Tracking Tropical Storm Hilary , None , Snow , Will Help , Desert Southwest , Monsoon Season , Drought , Safe , Silver Lining , Big Weekend Show , 2023 , Sunday August 20 Of 2023 , The Big Story , Go , Raymond , Charlie Hurt , Country , Souls , Biden S , The Path Of Storm , 42 Million ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

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southern california tonight. the storm officially made landfall four hours to go over mexico baja peninsula. it's expected to move up through southern california and into the data over the next 24 hours spread fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is looking how much rate and where it is awkward default. >> lots of rain we are really kind of in the heart of it as we speak right on the big bands of showers continuing to push their way into southern california. everevery one of these little gn boxes is a plush flood warning that's currently in place. they have been in place here for a little while. this one in los angeles county really running into the northern part of the county pretty get a little bit more of elevation in the hills very heavy rain will be racing doubt into the city but you'll see some of these warnings pop up in portions of san diego county as well. very heavy rain it's going to go on for hours and hours and hours. this the first initial heavy round of showers here's the forecast model you can pay attention to timestamp up in the court specific this is specific time. where in it right of center of circulation is still down along going to lift up to the north but as it makes that move, these are kind of like the heavy showers taking all the way into 6:00 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m. we're still looking very heavy rain in that region before it started to lift up into central california, ultimately running into northern california and over too northern nevada. it does take a while for this to clear off. you are looking at some light precipitation than to early bending morning but followed by lunch sunil dried off across southern california in the near look at rain and northern california for this whole system is excellent be tracking slip to the pacific northwest. a lot of people are ultimately going to see this. rain to still to come as you look at some of the areas of origin. that's a good and the four -- 6 inches of rain we are going to seaford there will be isolated areas at the higher elevations in total get eight -- 10 inches of rain. very dangerous situation for that is when you start to think about mudslides and early walls of water rushing down for as i said this ultimately does track further to the north. we are going to be looking at significant rainfall can we get a portions of eastern oregon up into idaho. again it runs over to the northern rockies its way to squeeze out a little bit more the moisture. a lot lot of folks are going to get in on the action here but southern california right now, although with your monday it willbe tracking this across the northwest. jon: an awful lot of rain to be fouling on some areas that just do not get that kind of water. adam klotz, thank you. southern california it might not have seen the worst in tropical storm hilary yet. let's go just west of los angeles is where fox correspondent jeff jonathan hunt is a weathering the storm in santa monica. what's happening there? >> just a few minutes ago we felt that earthquake you were talking about. it was about 20 minutes ago i would say. it was centered some 60 miles north of us near the town of ojai. our crew here on the edge of the pacific ocean felt it quite clearly. fortunately, jon, we are being told by the weather service in the u.s. gs there is not any danger of a tsunami which is fortunate for us given we are about 10 feet from the pacific ocean here. you can see the bands of rain coming in more and more thickly now. we have been standing in this for around eight hours and i have to say the rain is heavier than it has been any point during those eight hours. you look at some of the lie that cameras we've got further south into san diego area imperial beach, coronado for instance they are also in the thick of this right now as the storm crosses the center of the storm. crosses the border from mexico and will begin its move through southern california. it is going to be intensive. officials are warning there will be flash flood in many areas. that quilt may be landslides to the l.a. mayor karen bass says it is all about safety and being prepared, listen here. >> it is critical that angelina stay safe and stay home unless otherwise directed by safety officials. avoid unnecessary travel but if you do not need to be on the road, please don't get in your car. >> now overnight the storm hit the mexican very popular resort town of call us and lucas. we are getting reports of widespread flooding on many streets not just there but along the baja california peninsula. we do not have reports of widespread damage at this point that is the good news. everyone here in southern california is braced for what is to come over the next 12 -- 18 hours or so. and as you so aptly put it a few moments ago, when it rains it pours we now have that earthquake on top of tropical storm hilary. jon: tropical storm, earthquake, and what is it coming to california? >> it really is a question of when it rains it pours. everybody is brays for everything we are used to earthquakes of course what we are not used to at this time of year in particular is this kind of down port that is what is so dangerous for the next 24 hours or so. jon: i do have to ask with all the rain coming in the end the high surf i imagine there's the possibility of some of those cliffs at the edge of the ocean falling down? >> that is a major concern jon. in particular areas where we have had wildfires over the last 12 months or so. what are called burn scars they tend to be unstable in the first place because there is no vegetation left holding the earth together. those are the areas officials are particularly concerned about. those stretching the coastline here we've got some on the pacific coast highway but also as you go inland, north of pasadena the foothills there et cetera there is a lot of areas people are extremely concerned about. remember it with landslides once the rain passes around 5:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning there is still a danger of landslides because the water sits there and sits there it soaks into this landslides could be a danger for 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours beyond when the rate moves through. jon: a lot of nervous people in southern california tonight, jonathan hunt thank you. while spring orange county california sheriff coroner don barnes. sheriff barnes, how is your department handling this torrential rain? and how are the folks you take care of? >> our department is handling it well. natural disasters and critical incidents are not foreign to us we've had plenty of practice lately in the last several years with fbut fires and other thing. this is one more circumstance we face that we've been preparing for this for the last week. and i think we are well prepared. what i'm hoping as a is a puble serve are heeding the warnings and given that we're asking them to do which is stay home unless you have to leave but please stay home. stay out of the water sale the waterways response or 42 miles of coastline the orange county we have some significant burn scar areas from recent buyers that are significant risk of debris flow. jon: you are quite a ways south of ojai where the earthquake was centered i guess center is the right word for it. i'm wondering if you felt that there in orange county? but i did not feel personally about 130 miles away from ojai. we do have some responsibilities when there is a contiguous earthquakes are counted we are doing wind chill surveys, looking for water tables makes it very difficult we are experiencing up to an inch of water an hour. we're still following protocols for response to an earthquake we here in orange county. jon: you were saying you wanted people to stay off the streets just as we are running some video of trucks and cars plowing through water over flooded intersections. it is kind of hard to tell people not to get in their cars. it is the car culture there in southern california. brexit is the car culture that is causing some challenges as we have some light rain that started. i think people thought that was a storm headed our way. the right into the heat of it at the moment. between now and 7:00 p.m. the pacific time they should experience the heaviest rain falls through this. and runoff will be significant. the potential for flash flood still exists, debris flow we had coastal areas this pastor that gave way to mudslides but we are experiencing a lot of challenges at the same time. i hope we will heat our morning home stay home for the remainder of this evening. jon: things can change quickly and go out in a storm like this and everything looks hunky-dory that all the sudden a wash comes in out of the hill country and cuts off cars or washes out a road whatever. it can change very fast. >> it can change very fast. what i am asking our residents here in orange county in southern california for the most part is we are busy enough already. we do not need to be busier going out and saving people from themselves were driving into water, driving into flooded areas. we are going to be busy for the next several hours i hope they do not create more workforce. jon: we hope you are right everyone should listen to those words. the sheriff and orange county. good luck and thank you. >> thank you. for complete upson fox weather coverage of tropical storm hilary take out your cell phone, snap a picture of the qr code on your screen right now but that will get you a download of fox weather app. it is free or you can go to while we are monitoring the start were keeping an eye on who will be the republican debate stage in milwaukee on wednesday night? it was on it? who has just qualified? that is next. and a acid reducer that relieves occasional heartburn all day. other brands can't do both. pepcid complete. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. (fan #1) there ya go! that's what i'm talkin' about! (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) uh, yea. i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. switch now and they'll give you nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv, on them. (hero fan) this plan is amazing! (josh allen) another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. (fan #1) that was josh allen. (fan #2) mmhm. (vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about switching to dovato. jon: we are continuing to follow tropical storm hilary as it moves to southern california for the area also had a short time ago by magnitude 5.1 earthquake centered north of los angeles to the city of ojai. thankfully there is no stew nami alert. this after california declared a state of emergency over the arrival of its first tropical storm and 84 years. hilary is expected to drop up to 3 inches of rain an hour later tonight. meantime, don't forget this wednesday's first 2024 republican debate it is live from milwaukee, wisconsin only on your own fox news channel. so far a candidate say they have met the pledge polling and fundraising criteria to secure a spot on the stage. the lineup is not set in stone a few candidates are still trying to get a chance to make a first impression lucas thompson has more from the white house, lucas? rex good evening sean. that is right. there will be eight gop presidential candidates on the stage in milwaukee getting ready to receive answers from our own bbret baier at martha mccallum t 9:00 p.m. wednesday night but here's a list of eight as you can see here. vivek ramaswamy, ron desantis, nikki haley, doug bergen, tim scott, chris christie, mike pence, and asa hutchinson are chairwoman s that unscented morning a future one day is the unofficial start of the general election candidates season. practice of going to the debate stage will build a tower or republicans can do versus the failure to abide in. longshot can asa hutchinson save never support donald trump ip is a gop -- make a trump of the gop but he said he would eventually support the nominee he thanks trump will not be the candidate. here's what he said earlier. >> i will sign the pledge great i am confident donald trump it's not going to be the nominee of the party. what some would like to see virginia governor glenn youngkin can and georgia republican brian kemp jump in the race. shannon bream asked i was governor kim reynolds about that earlier today on "fox news sunday." >> i think we have a great field of candidates right now but i think we do not need more candidates in the field crew probably need less and that's kind of what we do with the iowa caucus. our role is not really to protect the winner but we start to narrow the field. >> the debate stage is set there will be eight candidates this wednesday night in milwaukee. with our own host bret baier and martha mccallum getting gray to fire the questions get your popcorn ready, jon. >> it will be something lucas thompson thank you. the three latest gop white house candidates to say they are qualified for wednesday nights first debate chris christie, mike pence and asa hutchinson all sign the rnc pledge just three days before the big face-off here in fox news let's bring it rnc national spokesperson madison gilbert parade thank you for being with us this evening. >> good to be with you, jon. >> we have eight candidates on the stage everyone is wondering whether donald trump might change his mind but beside from trump do you suspect there will be others qualified before wednesday night? >> all of the candidates have until 9:00 o'clock tomorrow night to qualify to meet all the criteria come to sign the pledge but right now we have seven candidates that have actually qualified we have a couple on the cusp so we are very excited to see who will ultimately ends up on the stage with us on wednesday. we very much hope donald trump will be one of those people. jon: are you reaching out to his campaign at all or does he just know that you would like him to be there? >> of course he knows we would like them to be there but they have not confirmed one way or another as to whether he will over not becoming he has just like everybody else until tomorrow night to do that. we hope the president will reach out to make that decision to come on wednesday. just because of the debate but also because of the fact if he were to become our nominee after the primary place at next year this is a huge opportunity for every single independent democrat that will be watching out wednesday to hear the message of our candidates but we have two offered ocs for president trump at the same with him but we do not just need republicans and hard-core republicans to get out and vote for a six november to win we need to win independence. many of the swing races in 2022 including my own when i was a candidate last year end the midterms were lost because of the independent vote not swinging our weight we its critically important for our win and to be invited in november. jon: what you think the republican party party at largs coming wednesday night? >> sent the message is very clear. look at what you have been going through for the past two and half years but look at the money your families had to spend. look at what you been forced to live with you did not have to live with and open your eyes and your ears to the message of what can be different but i think republicans on the stage on state onwednesday will have dift ideas and small differentiations between their campaigns and their visions but as a whole as a republican party our vision is economic prosperity our vision is to empower american families in a wage abided simply has not. he made so many promises both on the campaign trail and after becoming president to american families. especially when it comes to the economy. saying if you make under $400,000 you will never pay a penny more in taxes paid we saw that not to be true, not just for people making under $40000 but for people making as little as $25000. not only are they feeling the effects of inflation they are also paying more in taxes as a result of joe biden and the democrats bad policies. as her republicans a better policy is to offer and we will be presenting many of those through our candidates and campaigns on wednesday. jon: again the invitation is out there for former president trump to join in the fray. he has got until about this time tomorrow night? >> yes, just a little bit past 24 hours tomorrow night 9:00 p.m. jon: madison gilbert spokesperson for the gop, thank you. >> thank you jon. jon: monday night's debate will be monitored by bret baier and martha mccallum as welts 9:00 p.m. eastern right here and only here on fox news channel. well former president trump speaking of deadlines has until friday to surrender the fulton county jail in georgia. there he will be arraigned and processed on election meddling charcharges his fourth and latet indictment. trump and 18 others are charged in georgia pretty faces 13 counts in this case alone 91 counts in all four indictments combined f but fox senior correspondent steve harrigan's life in atlanta with more on this, steve? that is right on the fulton county district attorney has given former president trump and 18 others until friday at noon to turn emnto be booked by the former president charges. including racketeering and conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. the indictment alleges rather than abide by george's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's george's presidential election results. fixed number of georgia republicans who have frequently sparred his former president trump have come out to say they feel the timing of the indictment is wrong. >> one thing is certain about these indictments in my mind and my opinion. this trial despite what dates anyone's asking for anything else is not going to happen before the election. the democrats want us to be focus on things like this so we are not focused on joe biden's record it. >> it is expected all 19 will be booked at the right to street jail in atlanta that that is open 24 hours a day. jon, back to you. jon: i'm sure you will be watching it will be interesting week. steve harrigan a in atlanta thas steve. up next as a southwest and southern california braces for the worse, tropical storm hilary is arty causing mudslides in california at which also just got hit with an earthquake. bill to give their lives, next. mr. senna's into nature. professor kot's into science. but together, we work! like our senokot laxatives. to relieve occasional constipation, senokot's made from the senna plant. refined by science to be reliable. perfect match! just like us! hmph! senokot. jon: we are continuing to watch tropical storm hilary after made landfall in mexico earlier today but they are not used to tropical storms and southern california. the last one to hit their 1939. this one could bring catastrophic flooding to the area over the next 24 hours. fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is here now with the forecast, adam. >> hey they are not used to tropical storm us is the one that habit 241 local time 5.1 magnitude this was felt in los angeles at the exact same time that yes they had their first ever tropical storm warning in the history of the state. covering los angeles down to san diego and points inward. we are really right in the thick of it as we speak some really heavy bands of rain are now move across portions of southern california. everything you're looking at in these green boxes is a flash flood warning that is currently activated. but what across all of los angeles county so a large area they are seeing very heavy rain it is kind of been rounds of rain. especially some of the hills to the north of the city. there were for the water to go so it rushes very quickly doubt you can talk about flooding happening pretty quick print this is rain so the comfort we have seen at least a couple of inches across los angeles. we are still looking at a situation two -- 3 inches that's everything in the ring colors. he starts look at the yellows and oranges that again is because of a little more elevation you're suddenly looking at more like two -- 34 -- 5 inches of rain. so more rain is deafly right in that region. all that will ultimately be flooding as we are working as a backup for the ocean. widespread this is a little wider look a lot of spots are still going before 5 inches to come. higher elevations you are talking maybe when it's all said and done eight -- 10 inches sprayed a lot of rain here now. the whole system is just now really working its way onto southern california but it's going to lift to the north and extra bring a lot of moisture quite a long ways. lots of eggs dropped into central california but into the matter, only up into idaho and portions of eastern oregon. heavy rain is going to be here working its way through but not just today but all the way through monday to start looking for the to the north. you are looking at extreme threat here or flash flooding. we already see some of those warnings out there but it's already happening in areas where you really do not see it. death valley could see as much rain here of the next 24 hours than they see in several years. it is a unique situation all around but as we said we still have a little ways to go through. jon: very concerning forecasts and plots thank you. thankfully no tsunami alert after the earthquake that adam mentioned let's head back to santa monica just west of los angeles chief correspondence and jonathan hunt's been out in the middle of the storm for the last several hours, jonathan. >> jon, our crew here on the pacific coast highway in santa monica certainly felt that earthquake. it was centered just about 60 miles north of us here. the icing on the cake if you like, tropical storm hilary comes through this area now with some degree of force. it has been raining for something like nine hours pretty solidly. it is heavier now than it has been through any of those nine hours. and already around the l.a. area we are seeing some spots of flooding on roads and the freeways. officials are warning everyone, please if you do not need to go out then please, please just stay at home. this has been all about preparation for the last 48 hours. for the next 24 it's all about safety. listen to the mayor of l.a., karen bass progress our message to the is clear. stay safe, stay home and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather event. los angeles has deep extremes responding to crisis. whether it be wildfire or earthearthquakes, the city is prepared. >> now, and all of the area of southern california and that is getting hit perhaps no worse being hit harder right now then imperial beach down in san diego county just north of the border with mexico that is where really the center of the storm is beginning to hit now. it is going to rain there for several more hours. they are already warning a flash flooding and eastern san diego county. in all of the rain over the next 12 hours or so perhaps even more than that is going to move up here into l.a. county particularly out east street riverside county and out to palm springs and obviously in areas like palm springs the desert they are even less used to this kind of weather. they are very concerned about flooding in palm springs but we heard officials in the desert communities earlier today, appealing to people not to go into any standing water that they see. that they needed any other reason not to do that, they added that this is snake season out there. that water will be full of rattlesnakes so please do not go into any standing water you see lying around over the next 24 hours. evacuation orders are in place are parts of southern california gavin newsom declared a state of emergency for much of their yesterday hilary is expected to be true bring torrential rain tube typically bone dry areas in the southwest before moving north toward idaho and beyond. fox weather corresponded nicole valdez with more. >> good evening jon it. palm springs and much of the coachella valley could see as much rain in the next 48 our as they usually see in a year. it is why experts warn of the danger of potentially catastrophic flash flooding across the region and went many say they are taking drastic measures to protect those in and around the region. right now major arteries in and out of palm springs have already been shut down ahead of expected flooding in those areas. not only barricade about police officer's position on either side to keep people from driving through what could turn into raging rivers if the forecast holds up. meanwhile hundreds of people preparing for the worst has a majority of the impacts of tropical storm hilary could move it overnight tonight too. already more than 60000 sandbags have been given out across palm springs as people tried to load up their cars and protect their homes and their lives ahead of this dangerous storm. we know already some evacuation orders are in place for portions of san bernardino county. jon: "fox weather" corresponded nicole valdez thank you. our coverage of the impact of tropical storm hilary continues too. we will be right back. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser-drilled holes. they release medicine fast... for fast pain relief. and now... ...get relief without a pill. with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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(intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. jon: we are continuing to follow tropical storm hilary as a moves to southern california. there he also had a short time ago by a magnitude 5.1 earthquake. centered north of los angeles to the city of ojai. there is no sunol may alert thankfully. this, after california declared a state of emergency over its first tropical storm in 84 years. hilary expected to drop as much as 3 inches of rain per our later tonight. in new york city, 10 firefighters entered today battling a fire in brooklyn. the six alarm fire destroyed at least nine storefronts, more than 200 police and fire personnel responded. the cause under investigation. and after an unrelated fire in brooklyn, three children are in critical condition. their fathers under arrest after they're found alone in an apartment. new york city is also struggling to house a surge of migrants. shelters are maxed out the big apple is also looking for help from the state. governor kathy has slammed the response to aggregate mentoring crisis and taken a fellow democrat mayor eric adams. cb cotton has a look at that story. >> hi jon the state led new york city are not as a light in their strategy to handle the migrant crisis as once thought new york city mayor eric adams is calling on governor kathy hochul to issue an executive order so reluctant communities in other parts of the state will be forced to welcome migrants from here in the city. >> we only make .05 of the land mass in new york state. .05. t.05 that is what we make up.yef the migrants. that is unfair to new york city piglets this past thursday adams called for action came after the city asked the state for more help which was met with sharp criticism from governor kathy hochul are turning the attorney wrote in the state filed court documents quote the state has identified numerous additional state owned properties and nonstate owned sites that are viable options for sheltering migrants. but the city is not accepted these offers. so to break this down more than five filing accuses city of rejecting more than a dozen sites that could house more than 3000 migrants. acting too slow to preserve shelter capacity help migrants with work permits. the attorney also said the city needed to better manage the $1.5 billion in state funds already given. during adams thursday remarks he pushed back on that criticism. >> many people do not understand we are not getting dollar for dollar for every invoice we give the state. we are getting 29% per dollar. the sites given to us somewhere in floodplains but some are not suitable to build and so we analyzed each site we did not ignore any of the sites piglets on the both the city and state are clearly unified on as a designer for the white house to do more. jon. jon: to be cut reporting thank you. our coverage of tropical storm hilary continues as nevada is under a state of emergency. we will take you there live also we will take you there live also talk with a firefighter in southern california on the response there. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ introducing the limited edition disney collection from blendjet. nine exciting designs your whole family will adore blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere! recharge quickly via usb-c. it even cleans itself. order yours now from and bring a little disney into your life. [music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. jon: continuing coverage of tropical storm hilary which made landfall in mexico just south of southern california earlier today. las vegas officials are also bracing for its potentially catastrophic flooding. "fox weather" correspondent max gorden live in las vegas force now, max? >> state of emergency declared here in clark county, nevada is the remnants of hurricane hilary make their way into the desert southwsouthwest right here in ts vegas metro area were tracking red inch of rain but over to the west we could seat four plus inches of rain. all of that water needs to go somewhere at the flood watch is in effect until monday, a high wind warning is going to go into effect at later on today. we are talking wins 20 -- 35 miles per hour. gusts up to 60 miles per hour. but as you can see behind me plenty of people still on the las vegas strip so don't really seem to worry about all this. >> notes buddies yesterday it was raining our whole plan was toere in thee going to tough it out get through it. and so know we are not going to change our plans for it will be back later this week when it's nicer again progressive rain because it got hats were going to check in. >> are the las vegas area folks have been getting ready for the storm, sandbags have been distributed to some errors clark county has opened up their multi agency coordination center so emergency services can better respond. read berkley up equipment has been staged around the county in case roads are impacted. joshua tree national park, other parks in the area all closed through the storm. the power providers had their monitoring conditions prepared for whatever the store might bring. people have the las vegas area being told to stay home during the duration of the storm. but on this trip the show goes on. michael jackson is playing and the fountains at the bellagio continued to arrived. jon back to you. jon: max gorden from "fox weather." max thank you. for more on the impact of this very rare storm let's bring in captain andrew freeborn public information officer of the kern county california fire department. that is north of los angeles and somewhat inland. what are the challenges your department basis as a result of all the water ahead? quick the challenges we are facing us we are trying to make sure an area of over 8000 square miles is care for. this store is deathly going to impact our community. it is going to do so in different ways depending if you are on the west side of our community or the east side of our community. as such we have taken steps to prepare two extra personnel, x-ray equipment, pre-positions around the county. in assisting with sand piles and sandbags throughout the county. jon: bakersfield is your big city as you mentioned you have got a huge area to cover. you must have some mountainous terrain and canyons on surreal worries about flash flooding and they are? >> absolutely we have significant concerns because we have a lot of mountain communities. and many of those areas have had fires in recent years which leaves the burn scars and soil that is susceptible to erosion. we have a number of canyons and we had the desert out in eastern kern as well. much of the kern county area is under flood warning's, flood watch's, flash flood warnings as well. we are already starting to see significant impacts. we have a number of roads that have been closed from heavy flooding or debris on now we have started to issue some evacuation orders, some shelter in place and some other advisors throughout the county. jon: are your residents taking those warning seriously as far as you can tell? >> as far as we can tell they are taking it seriously. one thing we can mention is just in the last day or so we have had over 1000 new sign-ups into our emergency notification system. which is a huge spike in such a short period of time so clearly the residents here within kern county feel this is serious and they are taking precautions. jon: how much rain have you been told to prepare for they are in your county? >> depending on the area of the county. it is all different amounts that have been forecasted. but through the mountains and her eastern corn kern portions there are some predictions expecting well over 4 inches of rain. this is a significant amount of rain. especially as mentioned in areas that have steep terrain, areas that historically has seen flash flood and great areas and have burn scars we could expect to see bud slides or landslides. this is a significant amount of heavy rainfall falling in areas that are susceptible to having emergencies as a result of the large rainfall. jon: you are a little north of ojai is where the earthquake was centered. did it have any effects where you are? did you feel it? >> we have had no reported effects as a result of the earthquake centered in ojai. one of things i did find interesting as we did receive shake alerts. notifications and alarms also to going off on all of our mobile devices. i was waiting to feel some sort of shock some shaking from that but no, it was not felt in bakersfield. jon: a bit of good news anyway. kern county california fire captain andrew freeborn, thank you we wish you well as a tropical storm hilary hits kern county thank you. and we will be right back. but your stomach doesn't. that disagreement ends right now. lactaid ice cream is the creamy, real ice cream you love that will never mess with your stomach. lactaid ice cream. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. 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(vo) request a cash offer at opendoor dot com more on the 5.1 magnitude earthquake centered m near ojai, california, no reports of significant damage, l.a. mayor bass said all of the city's fire stations will conduct a strategic survey after the earthquake. california governor gavin newsom office said that residents should prepare for continues aftershocks. >> fox weather meteorologist adam klotz with the latest forecast. reporter: i spoke with people in los angeles who felt that earthquake. all in the middle of tropical storm hilary that was once a category 4 hurricane, now the center of circulation is south of mexican border, but heaviest rain showers are across portions of southern california. the winds at 60 miles per hour. he is how it tracks north. by early monday morning, you are beginning to really lift across the state of california up toward nevada, then it will continue the trek to the north. we have a long stretch where there will be heavy rounds of rain, center of circulation is to the south in portions p baja, this is why you are seeing tropical storm force winds which includes portions of southern california it lift to the north and spring stronger winds to areas that are already seeing rain. what have winds been these are higher elevations in interior california, wind gusts to 80s, but no 60s, this is snuff to do damage -- this is enough to do damage, and take down power lines and the ground gets soggy. here is what it looks like. the rain will be the story, that is a flush flood warning in los angeles county. heavy rain, ground is saturated it has been raining for a while, and the bands of heavy rain are moving through, flash flooding a concern, it is a concern for a lot of folks. orange, yellows you are getting to 2 to 3 inches of rain, there will be spots 4 to 6, all said and done there will be isolated 8 to 10 inches of ra rain are not out of the question, in the higher elevations. this entire system will continue to lift farther north, monday evening to tuesday, it will be pulled up to oregon to idaho, to montana. at least the several inches in northern rockies there, more moisture will continue to fall from the system, it will affect millions of people, we're just really getting into the season. i wanted to squeeze a graphic in this is over atlantic basin there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 systems, two are named hurricanes, none are about to have a huge impact on the u.s., this is really exploded at the same time we have been tracking tropical storm hilary, there will be an active season. back to the southwest, they have been in a severe drought for over a decade. i suppose this will help, but you get this much rain this quickly it is not always beneficial. >> really dangerous, they got the snow, this is good, the monsoon season, in desert southwest has been slow to start, this could kick-start it. that could be good, this is tough. >> let's hope there is a silver lining to tropical storm hilary. be safe. adam klotz thank you. >> that is it for our special two hour "the fox report" for sunday august 20 of 2023. i'm jon scott, thank you very much for watching we'll see you next week, the big weekend show up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ is a go i am kenry with charlie hurt. and raymond and welcome to the big weekend show. the big story -- the wraths of tropical storm hilary 42 million desperate souls in the path of the storm which made landfall in mexico. several hours ago. but they let it right into the country, it is biden's

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Galaxy Z Flip5 , 2 , 449 , 49 , Medicines , Dovato , Hiv , Pill , Treatment , Adults , Doctor , Stop Dovato , Hiv Pills , Ingredients , Dofetilide , 4 , Help , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Buildup , Reaction , Symptoms , Kidney , Lactic Acid , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Baby , Anxiety , Tiredness , Diarrhea , Nausea , Headache , Trouble Sleeping , 5 1 , Storm , State Of Emergency , Stew Nami Alert , Arrival , Candidate , Debate , Say , Fox News Channel , Pledge Polling , Wisconsin , 2024 , Candidates , Stage , Criteria , Chance , Spot , Impression , Fundraising , Lineup , White House , Answers , List , Bbret Baier , Sean , Rex , Martha Mccallum T 9 , 9 , Start , Chris Christie , Asa Hutchinson , Morning A , Mike Pence , Tim Scott , Vivek Ramaswamy , Ron Desantis , Doug Bergen , Nikki Haley , Donald Trump , Season , Republicans , Election , Tower , Ip , Failure , Save , Longshot Can , Trump , Nominee , Party , Georgia , Kim Reynolds , Glenn Youngkin , Race , Fox News Sunday , Virginia , Brian Kemp , Shannon Bream , Field , Role , Winner , Iowa Caucus , Bret Baier , Something , Questions , Martha Mccallum , Popcorn , Rnc National Spokesperson Madison Gilbert Parade , Wednesday Nights First Debate , Asa Hutchinson All Sign The Rnc Pledge , Face Off , Three , Mind , Wall , Others , Couple , Pledge , Hope , Campaign , Cusp , President , Another , Decision , Opportunity , Democrat , Fact , Message , Vote , Many , Same , Swing Races , Independence , Ocs , 2022 , Six , Weight , Midterms , Win , Largs , Families , Eyes , Ears , Money , Vision , Campaigns , Prosperity , Visions , Wage , Differentiations , Whole , State Onwednesday , Dift Ideas , Promises , Taxes , Economy , Penny , Campaign Trail , 400000 , 00000 , Result , Effects , Policies , Inflation , Joe Biden , 0000 , 5000 , 25000 , 40000 , President Trump , Policy , Invitation , Fray , Monday Night , Yes , Madison Gilbert Spokesperson , Eastern , Deadlines , Fulton County Jail , Indictment , Case , Counts , Election Meddling , Latet , 13 , 91 , Life , Fulton County , District Attorney , Atlanta , Steve Harrigan , Emnto , Charges , Racketeering , Conspiracy , 2020 , George , Process , Defendants , Criminal Racketeering Enterprise , Number , Georgia Republicans , Election Results , Timing , Indictments , Opinion , Anything , Trial , Anyone , Back To You , Street Jail , 19 , Lives , Bill , Hit , Thas Steve , Worse , Science , Constipation , Senna Plant , Mr , Nature , Senokot , Senna , Professor Kot , Senokot Laxatives , Perfect Match , Hmph , Area , Forecast , Storms , 1939 , Magnitude , 241 , New York State , Flash Flood Warning , Storm Warning , History , Points Inward , Rounds , Yellows , Least , Oranges , Comfort , Colors , The Ring , Deafly , Backup , 34 , Spots , Wider , Ways , Heavy Rain , Matter , Eggs , Threat , Forecasts , Death Valley , Middle , Chief Correspondence , Tsunami Alert , Head , Plots , Let , Cake , Icing , Any , Force , Degree , Nine , Roads , Freeways , Mayor , Preparation , Crisis , Weather Event , Wildfire , Progress , Extremes , Stay Safe , Earthearthquakes , Beach , Palm Springs , East Street Riverside County , L A County , Desert , Communities , Rattlesnakes , Reason , Evacuation Orders , Parts , Southwest , Gavin Newsom , Nicole , Rain Tube , Beyond , Our , Coachella Valley , Measures , Arteries , Police Officer , Side , Position , Impacts , Sandbags , Majority , Rivers , 60000 , San Bernardino County , Homes , Coverage , Impact , Nicole Valdez , Relief , Medicine , Holes , Gels , Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Packs , Fast Pain Relief , Puppy , Magic , Dog , Food , Dog Bark , Vegetables , Farmer , Kibble , Fresh Meat , Nutrients , Brand New , Dogs , Health , Dried Pellets , House , Space , The One , Kitchen , Ethan , Janet , Tanya , Opendoor , Space Station , Timeline , Intercom , Guys , Flightdeck , Flexibility , Brian , House Warming , Moves , Sunol , Fire , Firefighters , Alarm Fire , Brooklyn , Children , Personnel , Storefronts , Police , Condition , Investigation , Cause , Fathers , Arrest , 200 , Migrants , Kathy Hochul , Shelters , Surge , Apartment , Big Apple , Story , Mentoring Crisis , Hi Jon The State , Eric Adams , Cb Cotton , Light , Look , Strategy , Led , In The City , Executive Order , Governor , Land Mass , T 05 , 05 , City , Attorney , Filed Court Documents Quote The State , Criticism , Piglets , Adams , Properties , Sites , Offers , Filing , Options , 3000 , Five , State Funds , Work Permits , Shelter Capacity , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Somewhere , Dollar , Floodplains , Invoice , 29 , Site , Designer , Cut Reporting , Firefighter , Phone , Car Insurance , Switching , Reminder , 00 Dollars , 700 , Liberty , Dad , Airport , Pay , Ohhhhhh , Disney Collection , Blendjet , Designs , Family , Protein Shakes , Anywhere , Treats , Smoothies , Adore Blendjet 2 , World , Places , Conditions , Music , Darkness , Shame , This Little Light Of Mine , Blendjet Com , Child , Pain , Surgery , Outcast , Suffering , Forty Five , Call , Thousands , Love , Scan , Waiting , Smile , Las Vegas , Correspondent Max Gorden Live In Las Vegas , Force Now , Clark County , Remnants , Desert Southwsouthwest , Hurricane Hilary , Ts Vegas , Tracking Red Inch , Effect , Wind Warning , Flood Watch , West , Gusts , Las Vegas Strip , Toere , 35 , Plans , Hats , Errors , County , Multi Agency Coordination Center , Emergency Services , Read Berkley Up Equipment , Store , Power Providers , Monitoring Conditions , Parks , Joshua Tree National Park , The Show Goes On , Fountains , Michael Jackson , Bellagio , Public Information Officer , Andrew Freeborn , Kern County California Fire Department , Care , Department Basis , 8000 , Community , X Ray Equipment , Pre Positions , Steps , West Side , Sand Piles , Bakersfield , Canyons , Terrain , Mountain Communities , Concerns , Worries , Burn Scars , Kern County , Fires , Much , Erosion , Soil , Eastern Kern , Shelter , Debris , Flood Warning S , Advisors , Emergency Notification System , Precautions , Spike , Feel , 1000 , Amounts , Mountains , Amount , Corn Kern , Predictions , Emergencies , Bud , Sort , Shake Alerts , Shaking , Notifications , Devices , Shock , Tropical Storm Hilary Hits Kern County , Bit , California Fire Captain , Ice Cream , Doesn T , Disagreement , Stomach , Lactaid , Promise , Each , Shipments , Sizes , Shapes , Aren T , Isn T Just Freight , Old Dominion , Most , Table , Achievers , Wake Up , Competition , Sleep Number , Circadian Rhythm , Level Bed , Level , Rhythms , Bed , Base , Home Delivery , 50 , Sfx , Night Sleep , Zzzquil , Sleep Aid Brand , Feeling , Ding , Jonah Wrestles , Crowd Cheering , Rest , Best , Family Room , Champion , Makers , Zzzquil Purezzzs Melatonin Gummies , Nyquil , Laughs , Hassles , Man , Confidence , Opendoor Dot Com , Cash Offer , Gotta , Fire Stations , Office , Bass , Survey , Aftershocks , Reporter , Hurricane , Rain Showers , Mexican Border , Stretch , Trek , Baja , Tropical Storm Force Winds , Ground , Wind Gusts , Power Lines , Snuff , No 60s , 80 , Ra Rain , Montana , Systems , Graphic , Millions , Atlantic Basin , Hurricanes , Tracking Tropical Storm Hilary , None , Snow , Will Help , Desert Southwest , Monsoon Season , Drought , Safe , Silver Lining , Big Weekend Show , 2023 , Sunday August 20 Of 2023 , The Big Story , Go , Raymond , Charlie Hurt , Country , Souls , Biden S , The Path Of Storm , 42 Million ,

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