Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

e biden with close ties to hunter and his investment firm might soon congressional scrutiny. according to, both of these aides had jobs with hunter linked firms scd worked with the big guy inside the government when he was vp. so much for that imaginaryrdingm wall between the government and hunter. this summer, biden's adult was. even reportedly living at whe white housmaginarye for at t two straight weeks. to the surprise of many staffersuse for ks. , hunter's ill fated plea deal is now under investigation at the house judiciary committee. but the bad news does not stop there. rememberstaffers dill that special counsel investigation into joe biden's mishandling of classified documents that was seemingly going nowhere. apparently, federal prosecutore. remembersederal are now in negotiations with biden's attorneys arith bides of a possible interview. needless to say, president biden seems to be g a little nervous and was noticeably rattled at today's short press conference. >> watch i make i have no commentday's c. on any investigation that's going on. that's up to the justice s department. and that's all i have to say. now,ay. i yield. >> to whom? i yield to distinguished guests. >> the president o f republic of korea. >> we need the voice of god to tell us. excuse me, this has fallen off . i go and thank you. >> this concludes our press conference. please. please stay seated as the leaders depart. please. please stay seated as the l. we will. the competition. >> nobody carries the impression this man is making. my goodness. earlier in the day, he was also not pleased with the press and refused to answer any questions. eake a look at this. politely asked the presss to lea to leave. thank you for coming . >> like this economy collapsing during the right guys look on his face that switched to that weird smile. tells you everything, doesn't it? joining us now with reactionow t to what has been a very busyh n "newsweek". harvard law professor alan dershowita very busy z andh carolina congresswoman nancy news, as well as fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. there's a lot to unpac law prok. i know it can seem like so many different pieces. greg, we'll start with you. we when it comes to what is being investigated and what is not and about presidential aides, but aren't we looking here, especially when we thinkbeco the pseudonyms? this was a dynamic when whenmi biden was viceigated , president conducting official ng offic under an assumed name with a government account. and what doernments this say, g, when it comes to what else maynt be happening? and frankl. y, what is biden doing now? thatat is that a behavior you stop utilizing? >> no, it's not. and if joe biden was using aliases to funnel privileged government information to his son, who was then handing itileg off to his foreign business partners, his benefactorion to a is lavishing tens of millions of dollars on hibenefam, then it simply underscores the biden family corruption in joemply u biden's direct complicity in hisndden fami influence peddg schemes, which are defined in the criminal codes as bribery. you know, we already know from devon archer that the bidens were selling biden's access to d promises of influence. and you don't have to under the law show that joe biden was paid a penny of the law says if it goes to another person or entity such as shell companies, it's still bribery. and joe biden doesn't haveer to delivery. on any of the promises, though he did so for burisma because the promise itself is bribery under the criminal codes, under the statutes and extraordinary cong. congresswoman mace, you're on the oversight committee. lots of investigations about hunter, but in a way, it really hasn't been about hunter, right? this is the step, the firstt com step on a stairway that when we're looking atitinvestig the involvement of the senator, the vice president, non the w president. is this significant to you that we're finding an effort by joe biden to evade detection with, certain behavior? >> oh, it's huge. and when you look at the lies that he's told over the last couple of years, denial of everything, it justs, den corroborates the information we've already collected. iaverythin if you look at what the mainstream media and the left is doing, they're saying that all this is perfectly normal. but the average american knowsto it's anything but. and on the oversight committee, thy single aideverrm associated with joe biden, every single business partner, s business associate, associate with the biden family. den, eve subpoenaedsoc to come before the oversight committee and give their testimony because none of this is adding up. and the average american knows that it's not. and we're not allowed to share, for example, the suspicious activity to comebefore t report they're confidential. >> but, tammy, if i could share of money that we're talking about in money laundering, it is astronaut nickel. it would blow your mind to know the amount of mone y we'rewe are talking about here that was laundered through dozens and dozens of shel tt and mong. l. and none of this happens without joe bidenon and it ought to be investigated. the fullest extent of the law referred charges, and we ought not to see the doj, fbi and irs continue to obfuscatebi and obstruct our investigation. and i know that the americande people have very little trust and faith in congress. we haven't given them much reason to, but trustaven't the evidence that comes out of g our committees and make their decision themselves over the next couple of months, the next year or so and whether or not this guy should be president and whether or not the tens millions north of 50 million, i would argue that he's sold out his country for to our adversaries. >> none of it's adding up. yeah. professo committr, i mean, perhs one of the a little bit of a statement that nones, you know, has been goingfessor on forever or is norma dl in a way. it could be true. right. you've got hunter biden's lawyer, i think it was abbe lowell saying that all of this is too complicated to explainyo and people have been doing this for millennia. k albutel, people have been doig a lot of bad things for thousands of years. it doesn't mean that we should accept it as normal. do you see this as somethingenn. that is suddenly going to break this wall of what seemng a lotsn biden corruption for perhaps as farg of what as we know, man up to 50 years, his entire career. is this normal for washington? and are we just finding out? s. well, it pains me to say this fw because i likeas joe biden. i've known him for 40 years. i'd like to vote for him in the next. but the time has come to appoint an independent special counsel to investigate the relation ship between hunter biden and president biden. there's already a special counsel on the classified material, but that's totally different fact. classif if i were joe biden, i would be calling for a special counsel to take this case out of partisan house of representatives, to bring it to somebody who is beyond any reproach, a great, you know, former president of r a university, dean of a lawsi schooldent o, somebody who can k at this thing. it's very it is very complicated. >> and you need to look at it cl with a totally clear, objective eyes. the allegations are serious, but the evidence has to back up the allegations and especially e counsel can do this. you know, in my book, i wrote a book about called get trump i call for an independentspecia special counsel balanced on all sides. i'm not rootinl g for anybody here. i want to see full and equal justice done. i want to see everything that's happening on one side, happening on the other. anybody and i think that the special i t advocatedthink n previously. but at this point enough, therae are to appoint a special independent counsel. and it shouldn't be somebody who has the approval of republicans and democrats alike? >> well, see, that, of course,ie would be the thing to do. but because they are lookingnd for a solution or a real investigation, gregg, is why that'slooking or real happenin. of course, that's the normal thing to do. what would be the right thing to do? gregg, isn't the point of all of this to just delay it's because they've been able to do of? en able start with trumpno they're able to move things through and they want, you know, trials in two months . and they want it all done by a certain date. a fire lithey gotve thing under them. but but in this case, it's they want to have no fire. in th it seems like that's, you know, what's manifestingishave no he >> it's a cover up and it's a protection racket. and merrick garland has now doubled down on it personson in the last in the world who should be special counsel. special david weiss, i mean, ths is the guy who allowed statute of limitations to run during the course of his five year investigation tipped off. hunter biden's lawyers ripped in an agreement by investigators and prosecutorigation.s to chare six serious felonies against hunterpr biden, which would have implicated joe biden as complicit in the schemes. this is the guy, you know,den who scuttled search warrants. >> i mean, the list goes on antd on about his political interference. and he not experience some sudden epiphany and decidei to do the right thing and filehi the charges thatng are merited. >> i'd rather bet on a lamem hos horse.e. congressman mace, you know, people have been discussing jonathan turley orswoman andrew mccarthy. i think everyone here how that appointment of wis m e himself is, you know, against the regulations. when we look to congress, we're thinking, is there no recourse ? to this or is there something that can be done hing tha with this being so obviously political? or do you that congress, his hands are tied? i mean, what what can the american people expect when it comes to action to at least push back with some of this stuff? >> well, we know that the oversight committee we're going to push forward, we're going to continue our investigation. our concern today is that the appointment of david weiss is going to slow down the investigatio sl that is a very realistic concern. we've already seen beforow thate david weiss his appointment. we've seen the fbi and doj slow' down their responses when we've sent in inquiries. it took us months seen thai andt the one 1023 document which showed, by the way, thatthat s ukrainians burisma executives were so proud ofians, pe all thn layering and complicated ways they funneled money to bribed we hunter and joe biden. they said it would take the u.s. government ten yearsout to figure out where the money came from and wherakvernmente i. >> we know where it went in the back pocket of joe biden, but they created a very complicatedn system that has been slowedd wh downerit went by of joe biden. it'll slow the oversight committee down, but we're still going to push for you know, bid professor, you'd think people think that congressen sls some power and can, you know, tell biden that they're no t to pass certain things. they can stop the approval ofpo nominees and of judges. isn't there something that you woulwetell biding to pd sug professor dershowitz, that coult profesd actually get somen going here so that there's some kind of a aean goin back ah about what's appropriate? >> well, it's important to have serve as a check and balance on the executive. but when you have people running for president and essentially this to have a two personssenti race, and one of them, donald trump, has specialalrson rac cor indictments interfering with his campaigning. you have to lean over backwards to make sure that the otherreatd candidate is treated equally, even if it's a close question.lq a special counsel shouldueld be be appointed in the case of the current president of the unitedesident states, in ov to level the playing field, in order to make sure thatelplad the public doesn't receive this as unequal justiceoeunequal , af it's standards on one side than the other. i don't know how it will comet out, but if i were joe biden,wi i woulll c were jod say bring ig it on. special counsel will help me because it will be neutral and object. >> is innocent. that's what the american public that that's what we want. and clearly, i think we would all agree that we're not exactly there. the democratic party is going to have to step if they wantly e to have some kind of normal, you know, normalcyreatic par ine process of all of this happening. thank you all. congresswoman bass,ress w alan dershowitz, greg jarrett, i appreciate it. now, tonight, puomen. i apprt biden's approval numbers are, in fact, really bad. not only is the president struggling with allegations of corruption and incompetencs appv e, but he's also apparently deeply unlikable. it's not just you. you're not the problem. you guys, as i pointed out in my new article posted at a mac dot u.s.. biden lacks one key human value . he probably lacks a few, but in this case, empathy. for example, biden has yetis to visit east palestine, ohio, and apparently has no plans to go watch this. >> dbi o you still have planso. to go to his palace? mrthis. . president, this week, biden also failed to answeriledt most questions about the disaster in mauio t questi, whee recovery efforts have been severely delayedrely. >> no. >> can congresswoman darrell issa, congressman darrell issa say yo s, that biden is also stonewalling requests to meet with gold star families of all people. they lost the loved ones during the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. meanwhile, in what some are calling a middle to the families of the victims of september 11th, biden is apparently get ready for this. sit downrtin is , apparently pl to offer the mastermind of 911,s khalid sheikh mohammed a ple oac deal allowing him to avoid aly as obama once reportedly complained. never underestimate joe's ability to f things up. now, even hispanic votersly are shunning joe biden because of his horrible economicr under needless to say, 2024 will not be a cakewalk for the big guy. here with more, in fact, california congressmannoalk for darrell issa, along with the author of the new book, four presidents kennedy, nixon, biden, trump leaders who changed history in changing, times. former clinton adviser doug schoen. gentleme n, biden,beard leaders me. you know, it's interesting, congressman, i satfor joining you know, hispanics as like even hispanics are rejecting them. whoever we are, whatever our party, whatever our r gender,ientation o anything else, we care about our family in the future. the economy is key to and dollars don't notice your color whether you're a person of faith or not. isn't this a sign when we look at certainly the latest fox news poll that 56% of independents disapprove of lates what biden has done to the economy. t that 5rcent ofis that the keyt comes to the american people? recognize the disaster that tha this man reallthy is? well, to me, as your other guest would tell you, it's the economy, stupid. and when you're seen as mishandling the economy,hat o you get a tailwind. when you're seenu' handling the economy in a good way. a lot will be forgiven you. you really do get an advantage . right now, the president's facing a huge headwind and for some reason he decided to joke about biden nomics as though it's a plus when in fact, every indication is that he hasn'tat quite figured out what it takesa to makkes e the economy good without inflation, something that several of his predecessors saw and did. even obama. even bill clinton sawedeces relatively low inflation s. h good economieso and it's not magic. but to biden, it seems to be now. also, i just want to get to your involvement with the gold star families. there are these things when we think about a lack of empathy, whether it's mauwant to i ore tn the tragedy and the pain and the suffering of the families aftergsabout a eth , fghanist the afghanistan debacle. >> what is feeding his reticence at embracing these people?le? >> what's going on there? >> well, that's one ofhing the things that i learned from the gold star families was thasc even at dover, they couldn't get anything otherou him talking about his son dying. similarly, when in fact, get his son died of cancer not on the battlefield. the president does operate in a different world when it comes to combat losses. and for these families, they've really only asked for three things. one, a thank you for the for what families gave to an explanation about some basic things like where are their personal belongings and so on. and last, the that they're not going to get but they're going to get again and again from members of congress is an apology for a mission thatd agai failed in a way that led tn o a those 13 dying needlessly.essly. >> yeah, i, i believe they're not even getting the cell phones of their loved ones. >> and it makes you wonder. yeahder., it's worse to me. it's worse than that. in some cases, they gave him the cell phone. they took the sim card with all the pictures out, which really let you know that they have it. they just won't give it up. e c >> astounding. doug schoen, thank you for for being here. and your new booem they tootheir k soundsey just terrific, but i really wish you we know clintoup. n okay with the economy. and that is in part, i think what saved his presidency and also, frankly, despitehis his problems, empathy. if people really felt that he he really enjoyed, empathy , he liked doing the job and that and that people that. what is your take here on what seems to be a feedinpewhat ig te between afghanistan, the inflation, the mauii resp response the toxic train derailmentonto in east palestin. there is this resistance almost an anger at having to dealing to with the suffering of othe dr people. >> what's your read on that? well, well, i thinhek the today do reflect a lack of empathy. by but as a number of your guests have said, i think congressman issa said it well, if you fail on the economy and you're perceived as not succeeding, it's difficult, if not impossible, to get reelected. joe biden has only one asset. we haven't mentioned him yet tonight. that's donal. had. >> a poll this week showed 53% fo americans definitely won't vote for him. now, given president trump's high negative ratings, what joe biden is hopingthat you is that he can basically tough it out, ignore the issues. he doesn't to deal with andith. basically say, do you want trump agait trump n and narrowl? that's his theory of the case. wouldn't be how i'd be proceeding. i would be cutting spending, reducing the deficit, feelingen people's pain, being empathetic. i did it with billbe i would be clinton, with the team. i would imagine that the biden i people would benefit by doing the same thing. >> yeah, i mean, there's thingds is not 2016. president trump is a differentpr in a different situation where we're all in a different situation. dient this is a campaign where trump we know what he accomplished. darrell issa. we know what he did, and we are grateful for that. suppor i continue to support president trump, but there's still an effort whert e you nee to win people over all the time. >> it's likepe a marriage. you've got to win your spouse over and over, over again each day. darrell, do you agree with what doug is saying when it comes to what the biden team is hoping for? or >> well, i can hear i can hear it every day from biden team that they only have to be not trump and they think they'll win. unfortunately, if the voters d tha t 11th hour put the economy on a good record byt by trump against biden and a bad record, he really doesn't stand a chance. yes, there are people who don't want to vote for trump again, but those same people cannotat bring it to themselves to do that. >> i have to tell you, if weor held a poll today and we did it, honestly, you'd say how many for biden, how manyay w for trump, how many for none of the above. you know, none of the above woulou would say howny for td ge a majority. let me just say thatt a the demonizing of trump has made it so that people say something different to pollsters and what they're going to do in the privacy of a voting booth. the bottom line is they are desperate about trump for a good reason, because the american people noo that psg what the difference was and they were lied to about joe biden and joe biden beingtr the empathetic president, etc.. americans don't likefoason. being lied ameri to, and we like the economy, the independence, the energy we and everythingbeing else. president trump did that. border security. so this is going to bee bord a fascinating a fascinating th the next 18 months. gentlemen, thank you very much. coming up, climate extremists. did they contribute to the disaster in maui? plus, bad financial news. m thanks, of course, to biden nomics. full experonths.ank you very mus special edition of 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meanwhile, the climate alarmist cult is wreaking havoc on americans. accordinworse. g disturbingy know t new reports, one obama backed mauis everyd refused to release more water during the fire over environmental concerns. as the fire was raging here with reaction, founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, steve mooreraging and co-host of the bottom line, sean duffy. i was just on the bottom. found of fox business with sean earlier. great show. and stephen, i get your newsletter on all the every day and it is the must read of the perspectivey. . ith the the insight. it's great. let's start with that becaus 's greate biden is doing this tour about how great biden-nomics has beenng the. they're admitting that the inflation reduction act was a climate bill. you know, it was the green new deal is what it was. ll. and what we saw was mortgages increasing, rent increasingg, inflation that the the energy costs were. it's not going to be summer forever. we're heading into winter. the ga. s that the staples that allow people to live their ininm a manner that they want to freelany have all been choppf off at the knees. tellf atthe me your perspectivo on exactly what's happening. >> yean exactly h. so the gas price is one of the kind of best indication of how americans are feeling about the economy, because we all fill up our tank, you know, every week or every couple of weeks. and so just to give ans are indication of how much worse things are, tammy, than when trump was president two 39 a gallon when trump leftwent president tammy today, 389 a gallon. and in many states, by the way ,$4 a gallon or more i just filled up from virginia, paid paid a gallon. so you're basically paying $20 more every time you fill up your gas tank. o bide harvey, thanks to by his policies. you, you andembe' sean both remember this. r the first the first policy thn put in place when he got into the white house was to kill pipelines. this has been a war on american energy. and it's one of the reasons we've seen this high inflation. and i just wanergy. t to make one other quick point, if i may, tammy, because you made a really importantmake onemay tt earlier on the show, and i want to echo this. people say, oh, trump can't win he can't win. the polls are showing he can't win. if you ask people, do you approve of trump personally, a lot of people say n to echop can't o. but, tammy, if you ask people, do you like donald trump's policies, the way he handled the economy, the way he handled. the border, the way he handled energy policy, the way he deregulatou p's polie it and cut taxes, people say overwhelmingly, yes, i like those policies. egulat and that's why i think trump is going to trump biden wheedpeopli to these economic issues. >> yeah, and that's key, i think, sean, is that wsse agan ,with all of our polls, the economy is number one for obvious reasons. >> nothing else matters. if your if you're poor, if you have no money, if you can't predict the next week of what's going to be on the table, we know it's i thin and if kwith i with inflation, it's aboutnf $70 more a month for americans to just live their lives. sean, do you see the nature of what americans are facingre fac with crime and everything else, that the economy is the thing crim. >> you've got a big family. you know what it costs to raise a family. ow what >> so two things happen.fa one, steve mentioned gas pricems . we do that every other day or every third day, but it's also prices that we pay in the grocery store. that's up 20%, by the way. i think that number is really low. when i shop for my nine kids, i feel like it's up 50%. so when we're spending moneyday. on a daily basis, we see prices that have gone up so much. well, what is joe bide that's un done for the inflation reduction act yet? >> chips, infrastructure, covid relief. at have most americans haven't seen any benefit from all of the money that joe bidenh. en done? has spent over $5 trillion. and they look at their own lives and they're worse off. irn so, yeah. yeah, i think joe biden and young voter.y the l and if i was joe biden, i would say, listen, the economy is not going well for me. 80% of americans think that the economy is going in the wrong direction. why don't i blame covid? y is n why don't i blame donald trump for the economy? he hasn't done that. think tdd.g in anot for me. senator biden nomics is working. don't believe your lying eye i you're doing great, america. and i'm and i's. m to blame. this is the most insanem to b political strategyla that any consultant ever came up with because it's not going to work. the american people aren't going to buy it because they're paying every day with dollars they don't have.p h it's the man, joe biden's economy. you know, it's the madness and just of work.the aoi steve, we know that biden promised the victims of the massive fire $700 on this within the same week, 200eek. million more dollars going to ukraine. son more dollars g people ameris are wondering what is our priority financially. about where we do spend large amounts of moneyering wh? >> this is one of the biggest scandals. i'm so glad you're covering this, tammy. the wall street journal reported yesterday on the front page on the that the liberal democs spent more money on a climate change policy in hawaii than forest fire mitigation that forest fires in hawaii and the people who died was not a result of climate change. it was a result of climate change, fanaticism tharesut dola is misspending our public dollars. >> yeah, this is they were focusersd on the the new energy, the renewable energies. nt and one argument is, is that the electric company ignored their infrastructure repairs and that's why there has to be an investigation to determine if that is true. they begged for the money. they were they were begging for the money because they knew a forest fire was, you know, quite a real possibility. ged f and they did nothing because they were concerned about, theyg for thw are we going to do solar power and wind power and things like that. this is an epidemic of craziness. >> it is in terms ofsola their environmentar pol gentleme and clearly more invested in the one benefit off thi bs. go ahead. benefiting me is that the media started off by saying this is global warming and we havealr to do all these radical additional policies and now wemi are seen to steve's point and your point, that this was actually a failure of government where the power companies weren't actually clearing out the underbrush under their and they weren't using water to put out fires. right. it was a policy problem, not climate change. >> yeah, in a way it was a climate fanaticism that caused this because of the decisions that made. all right. so, gentlemen, thank you. more to come. thank you both. t as prosecutors in multiple liberal cities tried to get trump actual crimere. ent poli is goingbecaus unchecked. sara carter joins us straight ahead with ae of theade. report 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business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening with the left hyper focused on donald trump's pending criminal cases. >> they are completely ignoring the serious crimes taking place every day in cities across the country in los angeles and new task force been created to address the recent string of brazen flash mob style robberies. you've seen these online and on the news up north. >> this video was sent to our san francisco affiliate is a stunning example of the smash and grab car thefts that have been terrorizing the city for years. and across the bay in alameda county, which is home to oakland and berkeley, a new effort is underway to recall the county's soft on crime far left d.a. even in fulton county, georgia, where donald trump faces charges, d.a. fani willis could be facing an investigation or even a recall from the state legislature over her misplaced priorities. our own sara carter was in atlanta this week asking local residents about trump's indictment there. let's take a look. >> the biggest news of the day here, which is the indictment of president trump and how you feel about that. >> i feel like been a long time coming. number four, fourth indictment. do you think this one's going to stick? i hope so. do you think americans are frustrated with the weaponization, what appears to be the weaponization of our bureaucracy. and are they trying to stop him from running this next election? >> absolutely. they definitely don't want trump to run. every anytime anyone is in charge is always a political decision behind it. so that's not a surprise. i think that election integrity is incredibly important. but we also need to keep in mind, you know, everything that goes along with that. so that includes accepting the results of, a free and fair election. >> i don't like the indictments . all righty. sara joins me right now along with fox news leo terrell and fox news political analyst j.a. caldwell. sara, great stuff there. atlanta, of course, a great, important american city. and it's like that's there there base. it's also quite liberal. what was your general takeaway from talking with residents there in atlanta? well, it certainly is democrat heavy, so you're going to have a lot of people that are frustrated, frustrated with president trump and the fact that he's they they see him running again. but they're also very frustrated. and this is what is so interesting to me with their own democratic party. >> so they may they may speak out. you may hear some comments like, well, you know, this was a long time coming. but they will also say, look, we have high crime, we have district attorney that isn't focused enough on the crime here in oakland it was the same way we were there just last month. we saw people that leaving their car doors open because they didn't want to smash and grab. they have a district attorney that's facing recall. pamela price, we saw in san francisco the recall of that day and even last year when george soros was saying, you know, in the "wall street journal", he wrote an op ed saying, i'm going to continue to back soft on crime district attorneys throughout the united states. that's the way to go. i think he's sadly mistaken because i think what we're seeing across the country is people rising up and say no more. the naacp came out and said the same thing in oakland. we see those people regardless of of where their economic platform is or their background really frustrated and angry that their communities are dissolving and falling apart and their children are risk. so i think we're seeing that all across the country right now. right now, leo, especially with what's happening in los angeles, it's -- it's kind of amusing where you've got policies about, you know, cash, bail, reducing crimes from felonies to misdemeanors where where you make it so that minors can't be charged with certain crimes. and so the gangs start using minors to do the flash or to do other things, but they think they're going to have a task force as though this was delivered to them by leprechauns. is this going to a difference, by the way? they're also going to go after the people who purchase the stolen items online. is that sound like one of the solutions? >> no let me hear right now this i want to be very clear to the folks here. this task force, tammy, by the mayor is a joke. it's a dog and pony show. democrats believe in law and order. >> guess who was not on the task force? the district attorney. i want people to see. the mayor can't prosecute. but let me turn right now, tammy. you and i can get together right now. we can arrest charge, convict and the prison. but the mayor is just grandstanding. they don't want to solve crime here. they love crime. they don't believe in law and order. so what i want people understand that task force is a joke. they want to solve crime. they get george gascon and you get to prosecute. but he's a george soros prosecutor. he's going to do it again. it is too dangerous to live in los angeles. well, and, you know, g.a., there was even a recall effort there that against gascon. but we've but people i think they're realizing that businesses are going to leave. and with business, when businesses leave, jobs leave. and then the taxpayers collapses. and the victims are people who live in urban areas, people of color who are supposed to be the ones who are benefiting somehow. what is your take on the kind of what the general reaction is as this continues on in every major democrat city? >> you know, every major democratic city like chicago, where i'm from where we've seen a total increase in crime, retail theft, the last year, about 10,000 cases reported, only 17% of those led to an arrest. wow. police are filling demoralized in cities all across america because of these on crime prosecutors who are refusing to do their one job enforce the law. it me the off and it reminds me of this broken glass by james q wilson, who said, if you let some of these smaller, perceived smaller crimes go littering, jumping the turnstile, and any number of these things lead to major crimes. and what we've seen across the united states of america, especially in my hometown of chicago, is bloody bodies throughout the streets of the city of chicago. it's happened in new york. it's happening in los angeles. and as a result, especially when it comes to retail theft and say, for example, the city of new york, 77% increase, almost $300 million as of last year. it's unacceptable. >> it needs to stop now. you know, it's interesting, leo, and i'll give you the last word. there was remarks when this first began and during the george floyd situation that looting was like reparations. is this part of the the belief of the democrat party these days and of leftist leadership is that this is has to be the normal way for fairness, because people's lives are being. yeah. because. yes, you're absolutely right. spot on, candy. they believe this is a form of payback, that the system is systemically racist. it's always going to be racist. and the victim that the criminals are the victim. this is the democratic playbook . they're going to continue this playbook. and so we put somebody in office like donald j. >> trump. and i have just for every everyone who's voted this way. the fact is they're learning now that everyone, the loser criminals are the winners, but certainly not the families not the young people, not the students. everyone is losing all three. all three of you. thank you, sarah, leo, g.a., great stuff. thank you. now up next, full reaction to the country music sensation driving crazy. they just can't seem to have a good time. all of our anthony is being accused of fatphobia and offensive right-wing populism. joe concha and ricky shallot, they have opinions they're going to be responding straight ahead. america leads the world in innovation, but we're in a race to develop tomorrow's 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a store near you. >> they grimace when we on cavuto live inside on cavuto live inside his campai goli, taste your goals. . welcome back to the specialn edition of "hannity". the left is up in arms again, this time over a runaway country hit. >> richmond, north of richmond. richmond, richmond. lord knows how to have totall control. want to know what you? think. i know what you do in the house. ♪ i dk you know. >> but i know that you knew your dollar and his tax. >> the no congress man. the the rich man. well the song skyrocketed to number one on the apple music charts as millions quickly resonated with all of her. anthony's blue collar message. but the left saw red. they were very upset. message. immediately melting down over the song's lyrics, of course wey and they rushed to label the song as fat phobic the e. ensivri its criticism of obese welfare recipients. elfare here now with reaction, fox heas contributor joe conch and york post columnist ricky shallot. ricky, let me start with you becaus and newe that young man s me of a tradition in music about looking at life as it is. , the nature of big government or of just the deception ation between classes. maybe bruce springsteen, cla bob right. i mean, so we know. americans like this is in our heart. but you've got an interesting perspectiv now amere about these mega produced stars versus everymana like this young man. >> absolutely. the music industry today is just rife with sanitized, overproduced, completely corporate music. >> in fact, the average song has for writers, the average hit for writers and producer s. is no longer the singer songwriter that's just pouring their hear producet. and this guy just came out of nowhere and was precisely what i think most people really want to hear and tapped into that molly'sart that sense that the typical american feels that they're just not being seen and heard and they finally hear someone singing his heart out and being a voice for them. absolutely into th. singin music.g joe used to always be about that, especiallyout and e for t, right? when you've got. the counterculture and i mean, my goodness for writers and to producers for for one song, i can't write anything. so joe in the in the midst of this, though, you've got this almost a campaign to denigrate the nature of this message. hatl >> what's that all about? well, we're seeing a pattern here in tamml y write songs that become hits with a message that resonates on a grassroots populist level. you brought up springsteen before. they'd be embracing a song like this years ago. >> somehow, these songs are now automatically being as having an affair. its agenda. we saw with try that in a small town, right? jason aldean, number one hit from earlier this summeraw, whi >> somehow that was branded tammy as racist because the song's theme was anti rioting, anti looting and anti-violence. it's like singing about beingsoe against cancer. yet the potentially outrage on social medihoat was bcist ber it. and we saw with the sound of freedom as well. right. outrn socialia went than $150 n at the box office, $15 million budget. it's a poignant, gut wrenching movie about chil got ricd sex trafficking. somehow that was portrayed as an extreme right-wing dogret whistle. i mean, what a joke. and the criticism of songs like rich menby extreng dog w of rics to the same conclusion democrats and thatchmond most o the media, which is largely made up of progressive activists, are no longer the party of the little guy, the party of the little of the middle class , the coal miner, the autoworker, the blue collar folks that keep this country moving forward. it's now the party of big city elites. rich men north of richmondty a talks about what the abuse of welfare right. the song's chorut bielitess. i've been selling my soul, working all day overtime hours for these pay. that's somehow a right wing dogma. i think that appeals to oldthe o straight democrats and everybody, you know, ricky, ing my s seethat app the success of this song because of sociaschool dl media the ability to buy a song online. you don't have wait for billboard. you know, it used to be the olden days when you'd wait for billboards to come out. ricky isn't that part of what is adding to the power ofri the average person being able to make a statement about what they lik e? >> absolutely. there's this social media being used to reallyew meritocratic lee rise someone up from truly nothing, just he had a microphone and a camera. so as much as social media does rightfully a bad rap, this is this is a moment where we can all say, actually this guy's really tapping into all the issues that matter to us as typical americans, whether it's mental health, stagnation, taxation, men feeling adrift in society. but of course that's offensiver and fat phobicis and incoherentft and populist to the powers that be. >> well, thank you bot in h. . this is great stuffthis i and congratulations to him and every othes f and r person s tapped into what matters to all americans. >> joe, ricky, thank you. more of the special edition of "hannity". when we come right back with allegra allergies don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin . and unlike her attack, it won't make us drowsy. so you can live your greatness. and four kids try children's allegra, the number one allergist, recommended non-drowsy brand. >> let's look on the bright side. south dakota state open for business during the pandemic. now we've got more jobs than people, so i'm filling in until you get here. south dakota's the freest state in america, the best state to live, work and raise a family. we accept most out-of-state professional licenses, and we have over 20,000 open jobs, at have over 20,000 open jobs, including for electricians. south dakota freedom works here . >> no, i'm a lousy electrician. attention are suffering from hearing loss. the fda has finally approvedigh hearing aids to be sold over the 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it's a great honor, always as my thankst to, sean and his team, for making it possible. remember, you can check out my columpossiblen at eight mac c and find me on twitter at hey tamm y bruce don't forget to set your dvr and never miss an episode of hannity sean will be back on monday. have a great weekendha. oh, look at you. look at all of you. okay. that. ght, that's enough that's enough. calm down. put your clothes back on bk . it's friday, so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guestsue . >> he gets his haircut at the lego factory.

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Biden , Fox Business , Insight , Tour , Perspectivey , Stephen , Ith , Green New Deal , Inflation Reduction Act , Climate Bill , Mortgages , Beenng The , Rent Increasingg , Energy Costs , Ll , Manner , Staples , Knees , Freelany , Ga , Gas Price , Perspectivo , Tank , Feeling , Yean , Tellf , Tammy Today , Ans , Leftwent , 389 , , 39 , Policies , O Bide Harvey , Gallon , Gas Tank , Virginia , Andembe , 0 , Place , Reasons , Policy Thn Put , Pipelines , White House , War On American Energy , Wanergy , Polls , Point , Win , Importantmake Onemay Tt , Echop Can T O , Energy Policy , Border , Taxes , Cut , Egulat , He Deregulatou P , Wsse Agan , Biden Wheedpeopli , Nothing Else Matters , Table , Kwith , Aboutnf , 70 , Crime , Third Day , Crim , Gas Pricems , Everything Else , Fac , Facingre , Ow , Fa One , Prices , Kids , Grocery Store , Spending Moneyday , Basis , Nine , Americans Haven T , Joe Bidenh , Benefit , Infrastructure , Chips , Joe Bide That , Covid Relief , Irn , Un , Trillion , 5 Trillion , Direction , Listen , Young Voter Y The L , 80 , He Hasn T , Consultant , Anot , Eye , Think Tdd G , Insanem To B , The American People Aren T , Madness , Have Ph , Aoi Steve , 200eek , 700 , 00 , 200 , Priority , Amounts , Ukraine , Moneyering Wh , Democs , Climate Change Policy In Hawaii Than Forest Fire Mitigation , Scandals , Page , Wall Street Journal , Result , Nt , Forest Fires , Energies , Climate Change , Fanaticism , Focusersd , Hawaii , Tharesut Dola , Electric Company , Infrastructure Repairs , Argument , Nothing , Solar Power , Epidemic , Forest Fire , Possibility , Thw , Ged , Wind Power , Theyg , Terms , Warming , Craziness , Bs , Pol Gentleme , Environmentar , Power Companies Weren T , Climate Fanaticism , Fires , Because , Policy Problem , Decisions , Underbrush , Clearing , Failure , Cities , Crimere , Sara Carter , Prosecutors , Ent Poli , Report Fromunchec Atlanta , Goingbecaus , Anguiano Caldwellked , Leo Terrell , Ae Of Theade , Allegra , Claritin , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

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e biden with close ties to hunter and his investment firm might soon congressional scrutiny. according to, both of these aides had jobs with hunter linked firms scd worked with the big guy inside the government when he was vp. so much for that imaginaryrdingm wall between the government and hunter. this summer, biden's adult was. even reportedly living at whe white housmaginarye for at t two straight weeks. to the surprise of many staffersuse for ks. , hunter's ill fated plea deal is now under investigation at the house judiciary committee. but the bad news does not stop there. rememberstaffers dill that special counsel investigation into joe biden's mishandling of classified documents that was seemingly going nowhere. apparently, federal prosecutore. remembersederal are now in negotiations with biden's attorneys arith bides of a possible interview. needless to say, president biden seems to be g a little nervous and was noticeably rattled at today's short press conference. >> watch i make i have no commentday's c. on any investigation that's going on. that's up to the justice s department. and that's all i have to say. now,ay. i yield. >> to whom? i yield to distinguished guests. >> the president o f republic of korea. >> we need the voice of god to tell us. excuse me, this has fallen off . i go and thank you. >> this concludes our press conference. please. please stay seated as the leaders depart. please. please stay seated as the l. we will. the competition. >> nobody carries the impression this man is making. my goodness. earlier in the day, he was also not pleased with the press and refused to answer any questions. eake a look at this. politely asked the presss to lea to leave. thank you for coming . >> like this economy collapsing during the right guys look on his face that switched to that weird smile. tells you everything, doesn't it? joining us now with reactionow t to what has been a very busyh n "newsweek". harvard law professor alan dershowita very busy z andh carolina congresswoman nancy news, as well as fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. there's a lot to unpac law prok. i know it can seem like so many different pieces. greg, we'll start with you. we when it comes to what is being investigated and what is not and about presidential aides, but aren't we looking here, especially when we thinkbeco the pseudonyms? this was a dynamic when whenmi biden was viceigated , president conducting official ng offic under an assumed name with a government account. and what doernments this say, g, when it comes to what else maynt be happening? and frankl. y, what is biden doing now? thatat is that a behavior you stop utilizing? >> no, it's not. and if joe biden was using aliases to funnel privileged government information to his son, who was then handing itileg off to his foreign business partners, his benefactorion to a is lavishing tens of millions of dollars on hibenefam, then it simply underscores the biden family corruption in joemply u biden's direct complicity in hisndden fami influence peddg schemes, which are defined in the criminal codes as bribery. you know, we already know from devon archer that the bidens were selling biden's access to d promises of influence. and you don't have to under the law show that joe biden was paid a penny of the law says if it goes to another person or entity such as shell companies, it's still bribery. and joe biden doesn't haveer to delivery. on any of the promises, though he did so for burisma because the promise itself is bribery under the criminal codes, under the statutes and extraordinary cong. congresswoman mace, you're on the oversight committee. lots of investigations about hunter, but in a way, it really hasn't been about hunter, right? this is the step, the firstt com step on a stairway that when we're looking atitinvestig the involvement of the senator, the vice president, non the w president. is this significant to you that we're finding an effort by joe biden to evade detection with, certain behavior? >> oh, it's huge. and when you look at the lies that he's told over the last couple of years, denial of everything, it justs, den corroborates the information we've already collected. iaverythin if you look at what the mainstream media and the left is doing, they're saying that all this is perfectly normal. but the average american knowsto it's anything but. and on the oversight committee, thy single aideverrm associated with joe biden, every single business partner, s business associate, associate with the biden family. den, eve subpoenaedsoc to come before the oversight committee and give their testimony because none of this is adding up. and the average american knows that it's not. and we're not allowed to share, for example, the suspicious activity to comebefore t report they're confidential. >> but, tammy, if i could share of money that we're talking about in money laundering, it is astronaut nickel. it would blow your mind to know the amount of mone y we'rewe are talking about here that was laundered through dozens and dozens of shel tt and mong. l. and none of this happens without joe bidenon and it ought to be investigated. the fullest extent of the law referred charges, and we ought not to see the doj, fbi and irs continue to obfuscatebi and obstruct our investigation. and i know that the americande people have very little trust and faith in congress. we haven't given them much reason to, but trustaven't the evidence that comes out of g our committees and make their decision themselves over the next couple of months, the next year or so and whether or not this guy should be president and whether or not the tens millions north of 50 million, i would argue that he's sold out his country for to our adversaries. >> none of it's adding up. yeah. professo committr, i mean, perhs one of the a little bit of a statement that nones, you know, has been goingfessor on forever or is norma dl in a way. it could be true. right. you've got hunter biden's lawyer, i think it was abbe lowell saying that all of this is too complicated to explainyo and people have been doing this for millennia. k albutel, people have been doig a lot of bad things for thousands of years. it doesn't mean that we should accept it as normal. do you see this as somethingenn. that is suddenly going to break this wall of what seemng a lotsn biden corruption for perhaps as farg of what as we know, man up to 50 years, his entire career. is this normal for washington? and are we just finding out? s. well, it pains me to say this fw because i likeas joe biden. i've known him for 40 years. i'd like to vote for him in the next. but the time has come to appoint an independent special counsel to investigate the relation ship between hunter biden and president biden. there's already a special counsel on the classified material, but that's totally different fact. classif if i were joe biden, i would be calling for a special counsel to take this case out of partisan house of representatives, to bring it to somebody who is beyond any reproach, a great, you know, former president of r a university, dean of a lawsi schooldent o, somebody who can k at this thing. it's very it is very complicated. >> and you need to look at it cl with a totally clear, objective eyes. the allegations are serious, but the evidence has to back up the allegations and especially e counsel can do this. you know, in my book, i wrote a book about called get trump i call for an independentspecia special counsel balanced on all sides. i'm not rootinl g for anybody here. i want to see full and equal justice done. i want to see everything that's happening on one side, happening on the other. anybody and i think that the special i t advocatedthink n previously. but at this point enough, therae are to appoint a special independent counsel. and it shouldn't be somebody who has the approval of republicans and democrats alike? >> well, see, that, of course,ie would be the thing to do. but because they are lookingnd for a solution or a real investigation, gregg, is why that'slooking or real happenin. of course, that's the normal thing to do. what would be the right thing to do? gregg, isn't the point of all of this to just delay it's because they've been able to do of? en able start with trumpno they're able to move things through and they want, you know, trials in two months . and they want it all done by a certain date. a fire lithey gotve thing under them. but but in this case, it's they want to have no fire. in th it seems like that's, you know, what's manifestingishave no he >> it's a cover up and it's a protection racket. and merrick garland has now doubled down on it personson in the last in the world who should be special counsel. special david weiss, i mean, ths is the guy who allowed statute of limitations to run during the course of his five year investigation tipped off. hunter biden's lawyers ripped in an agreement by investigators and prosecutorigation.s to chare six serious felonies against hunterpr biden, which would have implicated joe biden as complicit in the schemes. this is the guy, you know,den who scuttled search warrants. >> i mean, the list goes on antd on about his political interference. and he not experience some sudden epiphany and decidei to do the right thing and filehi the charges thatng are merited. >> i'd rather bet on a lamem hos horse.e. congressman mace, you know, people have been discussing jonathan turley orswoman andrew mccarthy. i think everyone here how that appointment of wis m e himself is, you know, against the regulations. when we look to congress, we're thinking, is there no recourse ? to this or is there something that can be done hing tha with this being so obviously political? or do you that congress, his hands are tied? i mean, what what can the american people expect when it comes to action to at least push back with some of this stuff? >> well, we know that the oversight committee we're going to push forward, we're going to continue our investigation. our concern today is that the appointment of david weiss is going to slow down the investigatio sl that is a very realistic concern. we've already seen beforow thate david weiss his appointment. we've seen the fbi and doj slow' down their responses when we've sent in inquiries. it took us months seen thai andt the one 1023 document which showed, by the way, thatthat s ukrainians burisma executives were so proud ofians, pe all thn layering and complicated ways they funneled money to bribed we hunter and joe biden. they said it would take the u.s. government ten yearsout to figure out where the money came from and wherakvernmente i. >> we know where it went in the back pocket of joe biden, but they created a very complicatedn system that has been slowedd wh downerit went by of joe biden. it'll slow the oversight committee down, but we're still going to push for you know, bid professor, you'd think people think that congressen sls some power and can, you know, tell biden that they're no t to pass certain things. they can stop the approval ofpo nominees and of judges. isn't there something that you woulwetell biding to pd sug professor dershowitz, that coult profesd actually get somen going here so that there's some kind of a aean goin back ah about what's appropriate? >> well, it's important to have serve as a check and balance on the executive. but when you have people running for president and essentially this to have a two personssenti race, and one of them, donald trump, has specialalrson rac cor indictments interfering with his campaigning. you have to lean over backwards to make sure that the otherreatd candidate is treated equally, even if it's a close question.lq a special counsel shouldueld be be appointed in the case of the current president of the unitedesident states, in ov to level the playing field, in order to make sure thatelplad the public doesn't receive this as unequal justiceoeunequal , af it's standards on one side than the other. i don't know how it will comet out, but if i were joe biden,wi i woulll c were jod say bring ig it on. special counsel will help me because it will be neutral and object. >> is innocent. that's what the american public that that's what we want. and clearly, i think we would all agree that we're not exactly there. the democratic party is going to have to step if they wantly e to have some kind of normal, you know, normalcyreatic par ine process of all of this happening. thank you all. congresswoman bass,ress w alan dershowitz, greg jarrett, i appreciate it. now, tonight, puomen. i apprt biden's approval numbers are, in fact, really bad. not only is the president struggling with allegations of corruption and incompetencs appv e, but he's also apparently deeply unlikable. it's not just you. you're not the problem. you guys, as i pointed out in my new article posted at a mac dot u.s.. biden lacks one key human value . he probably lacks a few, but in this case, empathy. for example, biden has yetis to visit east palestine, ohio, and apparently has no plans to go watch this. >> dbi o you still have planso. to go to his palace? mrthis. . president, this week, biden also failed to answeriledt most questions about the disaster in mauio t questi, whee recovery efforts have been severely delayedrely. >> no. >> can congresswoman darrell issa, congressman darrell issa say yo s, that biden is also stonewalling requests to meet with gold star families of all people. they lost the loved ones during the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. meanwhile, in what some are calling a middle to the families of the victims of september 11th, biden is apparently get ready for this. sit downrtin is , apparently pl to offer the mastermind of 911,s khalid sheikh mohammed a ple oac deal allowing him to avoid aly as obama once reportedly complained. never underestimate joe's ability to f things up. now, even hispanic votersly are shunning joe biden because of his horrible economicr under needless to say, 2024 will not be a cakewalk for the big guy. here with more, in fact, california congressmannoalk for darrell issa, along with the author of the new book, four presidents kennedy, nixon, biden, trump leaders who changed history in changing, times. former clinton adviser doug schoen. gentleme n, biden,beard leaders me. you know, it's interesting, congressman, i satfor joining you know, hispanics as like even hispanics are rejecting them. whoever we are, whatever our party, whatever our r gender,ientation o anything else, we care about our family in the future. the economy is key to and dollars don't notice your color whether you're a person of faith or not. isn't this a sign when we look at certainly the latest fox news poll that 56% of independents disapprove of lates what biden has done to the economy. t that 5rcent ofis that the keyt comes to the american people? recognize the disaster that tha this man reallthy is? well, to me, as your other guest would tell you, it's the economy, stupid. and when you're seen as mishandling the economy,hat o you get a tailwind. when you're seenu' handling the economy in a good way. a lot will be forgiven you. you really do get an advantage . right now, the president's facing a huge headwind and for some reason he decided to joke about biden nomics as though it's a plus when in fact, every indication is that he hasn'tat quite figured out what it takesa to makkes e the economy good without inflation, something that several of his predecessors saw and did. even obama. even bill clinton sawedeces relatively low inflation s. h good economieso and it's not magic. but to biden, it seems to be now. also, i just want to get to your involvement with the gold star families. there are these things when we think about a lack of empathy, whether it's mauwant to i ore tn the tragedy and the pain and the suffering of the families aftergsabout a eth , fghanist the afghanistan debacle. >> what is feeding his reticence at embracing these people?le? >> what's going on there? >> well, that's one ofhing the things that i learned from the gold star families was thasc even at dover, they couldn't get anything otherou him talking about his son dying. similarly, when in fact, get his son died of cancer not on the battlefield. the president does operate in a different world when it comes to combat losses. and for these families, they've really only asked for three things. one, a thank you for the for what families gave to an explanation about some basic things like where are their personal belongings and so on. and last, the that they're not going to get but they're going to get again and again from members of congress is an apology for a mission thatd agai failed in a way that led tn o a those 13 dying needlessly.essly. >> yeah, i, i believe they're not even getting the cell phones of their loved ones. >> and it makes you wonder. yeahder., it's worse to me. it's worse than that. in some cases, they gave him the cell phone. they took the sim card with all the pictures out, which really let you know that they have it. they just won't give it up. e c >> astounding. doug schoen, thank you for for being here. and your new booem they tootheir k soundsey just terrific, but i really wish you we know clintoup. n okay with the economy. and that is in part, i think what saved his presidency and also, frankly, despitehis his problems, empathy. if people really felt that he he really enjoyed, empathy , he liked doing the job and that and that people that. what is your take here on what seems to be a feedinpewhat ig te between afghanistan, the inflation, the mauii resp response the toxic train derailmentonto in east palestin. there is this resistance almost an anger at having to dealing to with the suffering of othe dr people. >> what's your read on that? well, well, i thinhek the today do reflect a lack of empathy. by but as a number of your guests have said, i think congressman issa said it well, if you fail on the economy and you're perceived as not succeeding, it's difficult, if not impossible, to get reelected. joe biden has only one asset. we haven't mentioned him yet tonight. that's donal. had. >> a poll this week showed 53% fo americans definitely won't vote for him. now, given president trump's high negative ratings, what joe biden is hopingthat you is that he can basically tough it out, ignore the issues. he doesn't to deal with andith. basically say, do you want trump agait trump n and narrowl? that's his theory of the case. wouldn't be how i'd be proceeding. i would be cutting spending, reducing the deficit, feelingen people's pain, being empathetic. i did it with billbe i would be clinton, with the team. i would imagine that the biden i people would benefit by doing the same thing. >> yeah, i mean, there's thingds is not 2016. president trump is a differentpr in a different situation where we're all in a different situation. dient this is a campaign where trump we know what he accomplished. darrell issa. we know what he did, and we are grateful for that. suppor i continue to support president trump, but there's still an effort whert e you nee to win people over all the time. >> it's likepe a marriage. you've got to win your spouse over and over, over again each day. darrell, do you agree with what doug is saying when it comes to what the biden team is hoping for? or >> well, i can hear i can hear it every day from biden team that they only have to be not trump and they think they'll win. unfortunately, if the voters d tha t 11th hour put the economy on a good record byt by trump against biden and a bad record, he really doesn't stand a chance. yes, there are people who don't want to vote for trump again, but those same people cannotat bring it to themselves to do that. >> i have to tell you, if weor held a poll today and we did it, honestly, you'd say how many for biden, how manyay w for trump, how many for none of the above. you know, none of the above woulou would say howny for td ge a majority. let me just say thatt a the demonizing of trump has made it so that people say something different to pollsters and what they're going to do in the privacy of a voting booth. the bottom line is they are desperate about trump for a good reason, because the american people noo that psg what the difference was and they were lied to about joe biden and joe biden beingtr the empathetic president, etc.. americans don't likefoason. being lied ameri to, and we like the economy, the independence, the energy we and everythingbeing else. president trump did that. border security. so this is going to bee bord a fascinating a fascinating th the next 18 months. gentlemen, thank you very much. coming up, climate extremists. did they contribute to the disaster in maui? plus, bad financial news. m thanks, of course, to biden nomics. full experonths.ank you very mus special edition of "hannity" continues. back in my day, we don't have all of these types of fancy chicken. sure, you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill. both ways. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right. where are you from? my. >> itch. itch. scratch must not itch stop the itch. sanity with cortisone stands for bug bites, ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended it works fast and lasts 4 hours. cortisone ten. >> he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know you got to get on it. check out selectquote. trust me, the peace of mind. >> it's worth it. life insurance is too important to put off another day. >> that's why selectquote makes getting coverage you need easy . for less than a dollar a day. now get up to a $2 million policy with no medical exam and same day coverage visits like qualcomm. >> we shop, you save. >> i love playing golf, but as you get older the 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meanwhile, the climate alarmist cult is wreaking havoc on americans. accordinworse. g disturbingy know t new reports, one obama backed mauis everyd refused to release more water during the fire over environmental concerns. as the fire was raging here with reaction, founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, steve mooreraging and co-host of the bottom line, sean duffy. i was just on the bottom. found of fox business with sean earlier. great show. and stephen, i get your newsletter on all the every day and it is the must read of the perspectivey. . ith the the insight. it's great. let's start with that becaus 's greate biden is doing this tour about how great biden-nomics has beenng the. they're admitting that the inflation reduction act was a climate bill. you know, it was the green new deal is what it was. ll. and what we saw was mortgages increasing, rent increasingg, inflation that the the energy costs were. it's not going to be summer forever. we're heading into winter. the ga. s that the staples that allow people to live their ininm a manner that they want to freelany have all been choppf off at the knees. tellf atthe me your perspectivo on exactly what's happening. >> yean exactly h. so the gas price is one of the kind of best indication of how americans are feeling about the economy, because we all fill up our tank, you know, every week or every couple of weeks. and so just to give ans are indication of how much worse things are, tammy, than when trump was president two 39 a gallon when trump leftwent president tammy today, 389 a gallon. and in many states, by the way ,$4 a gallon or more i just filled up from virginia, paid paid a gallon. so you're basically paying $20 more every time you fill up your gas tank. o bide harvey, thanks to by his policies. you, you andembe' sean both remember this. r the first the first policy thn put in place when he got into the white house was to kill pipelines. this has been a war on american energy. and it's one of the reasons we've seen this high inflation. and i just wanergy. t to make one other quick point, if i may, tammy, because you made a really importantmake onemay tt earlier on the show, and i want to echo this. people say, oh, trump can't win he can't win. the polls are showing he can't win. if you ask people, do you approve of trump personally, a lot of people say n to echop can't o. but, tammy, if you ask people, do you like donald trump's policies, the way he handled the economy, the way he handled. the border, the way he handled energy policy, the way he deregulatou p's polie it and cut taxes, people say overwhelmingly, yes, i like those policies. egulat and that's why i think trump is going to trump biden wheedpeopli to these economic issues. >> yeah, and that's key, i think, sean, is that wsse agan ,with all of our polls, the economy is number one for obvious reasons. >> nothing else matters. if your if you're poor, if you have no money, if you can't predict the next week of what's going to be on the table, we know it's i thin and if kwith i with inflation, it's aboutnf $70 more a month for americans to just live their lives. sean, do you see the nature of what americans are facingre fac with crime and everything else, that the economy is the thing crim. >> you've got a big family. you know what it costs to raise a family. ow what >> so two things happen.fa one, steve mentioned gas pricems . we do that every other day or every third day, but it's also prices that we pay in the grocery store. that's up 20%, by the way. i think that number is really low. when i shop for my nine kids, i feel like it's up 50%. so when we're spending moneyday. on a daily basis, we see prices that have gone up so much. well, what is joe bide that's un done for the inflation reduction act yet? >> chips, infrastructure, covid relief. at have most americans haven't seen any benefit from all of the money that joe bidenh. en done? has spent over $5 trillion. and they look at their own lives and they're worse off. irn so, yeah. yeah, i think joe biden and young voter.y the l and if i was joe biden, i would say, listen, the economy is not going well for me. 80% of americans think that the economy is going in the wrong direction. why don't i blame covid? y is n why don't i blame donald trump for the economy? he hasn't done that. think tdd.g in anot for me. senator biden nomics is working. don't believe your lying eye i you're doing great, america. and i'm and i's. m to blame. this is the most insanem to b political strategyla that any consultant ever came up with because it's not going to work. the american people aren't going to buy it because they're paying every day with dollars they don't have.p h it's the man, joe biden's economy. you know, it's the madness and just of work.the aoi steve, we know that biden promised the victims of the massive fire $700 on this within the same week, 200eek. million more dollars going to ukraine. son more dollars g people ameris are wondering what is our priority financially. about where we do spend large amounts of moneyering wh? >> this is one of the biggest scandals. i'm so glad you're covering this, tammy. the wall street journal reported yesterday on the front page on the that the liberal democs spent more money on a climate change policy in hawaii than forest fire mitigation that forest fires in hawaii and the people who died was not a result of climate change. it was a result of climate change, fanaticism tharesut dola is misspending our public dollars. >> yeah, this is they were focusersd on the the new energy, the renewable energies. nt and one argument is, is that the electric company ignored their infrastructure repairs and that's why there has to be an investigation to determine if that is true. they begged for the money. they were they were begging for the money because they knew a forest fire was, you know, quite a real possibility. ged f and they did nothing because they were concerned about, theyg for thw are we going to do solar power and wind power and things like that. this is an epidemic of craziness. >> it is in terms ofsola their environmentar pol gentleme and clearly more invested in the one benefit off thi bs. go ahead. benefiting me is that the media started off by saying this is global warming and we havealr to do all these radical additional policies and now wemi are seen to steve's point and your point, that this was actually a failure of government where the power companies weren't actually clearing out the underbrush under their and they weren't using water to put out fires. right. it was a policy problem, not climate change. >> yeah, in a way it was a climate fanaticism that caused this because of the decisions that made. all right. so, gentlemen, thank you. more to come. thank you both. t as prosecutors in multiple liberal cities tried to get trump actual crimere. ent poli is goingbecaus unchecked. sara carter joins us straight ahead with ae of theade. report fromunchec atlanta. plus, leo terrell anguiano caldwellked. ght will react. stay with us. >> with allegra, don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin. and unlike star trek, it won't make us drowsy. allegra gives you the fastest te non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief so you can leave relief so you can leave ri helps >> ice skating for overup 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i takeerior o regular turmer tut helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qnol qunol. has superior absorption compared to regular turmericfrustrat. qnol the brand i trust. >> are you frustrated with your weight and health before taking measures? talk to your doctor about talk to your doctor about a natural solution with golo i was on the verge of getting gastric surgery and ind. saw the golo commercial and it saw the golo commercial and it was the last thing because it worked. >> gold has changed my life in so many ways. in so many ways. beforen the su no gw i 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business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening with the left hyper focused on donald trump's pending criminal cases. >> they are completely ignoring the serious crimes taking place every day in cities across the country in los angeles and new task force been created to address the recent string of brazen flash mob style robberies. you've seen these online and on the news up north. >> this video was sent to our san francisco affiliate is a stunning example of the smash and grab car thefts that have been terrorizing the city for years. and across the bay in alameda county, which is home to oakland and berkeley, a new effort is underway to recall the county's soft on crime far left d.a. even in fulton county, georgia, where donald trump faces charges, d.a. fani willis could be facing an investigation or even a recall from the state legislature over her misplaced priorities. our own sara carter was in atlanta this week asking local residents about trump's indictment there. let's take a look. >> the biggest news of the day here, which is the indictment of president trump and how you feel about that. >> i feel like been a long time coming. number four, fourth indictment. do you think this one's going to stick? i hope so. do you think americans are frustrated with the weaponization, what appears to be the weaponization of our bureaucracy. and are they trying to stop him from running this next election? >> absolutely. they definitely don't want trump to run. every anytime anyone is in charge is always a political decision behind it. so that's not a surprise. i think that election integrity is incredibly important. but we also need to keep in mind, you know, everything that goes along with that. so that includes accepting the results of, a free and fair election. >> i don't like the indictments . all righty. sara joins me right now along with fox news leo terrell and fox news political analyst j.a. caldwell. sara, great stuff there. atlanta, of course, a great, important american city. and it's like that's there there base. it's also quite liberal. what was your general takeaway from talking with residents there in atlanta? well, it certainly is democrat heavy, so you're going to have a lot of people that are frustrated, frustrated with president trump and the fact that he's they they see him running again. but they're also very frustrated. and this is what is so interesting to me with their own democratic party. >> so they may they may speak out. you may hear some comments like, well, you know, this was a long time coming. but they will also say, look, we have high crime, we have district attorney that isn't focused enough on the crime here in oakland it was the same way we were there just last month. we saw people that leaving their car doors open because they didn't want to smash and grab. they have a district attorney that's facing recall. pamela price, we saw in san francisco the recall of that day and even last year when george soros was saying, you know, in the "wall street journal", he wrote an op ed saying, i'm going to continue to back soft on crime district attorneys throughout the united states. that's the way to go. i think he's sadly mistaken because i think what we're seeing across the country is people rising up and say no more. the naacp came out and said the same thing in oakland. we see those people regardless of of where their economic platform is or their background really frustrated and angry that their communities are dissolving and falling apart and their children are risk. so i think we're seeing that all across the country right now. right now, leo, especially with what's happening in los angeles, it's -- it's kind of amusing where you've got policies about, you know, cash, bail, reducing crimes from felonies to misdemeanors where where you make it so that minors can't be charged with certain crimes. and so the gangs start using minors to do the flash or to do other things, but they think they're going to have a task force as though this was delivered to them by leprechauns. is this going to a difference, by the way? they're also going to go after the people who purchase the stolen items online. is that sound like one of the solutions? >> no let me hear right now this i want to be very clear to the folks here. this task force, tammy, by the mayor is a joke. it's a dog and pony show. democrats believe in law and order. >> guess who was not on the task force? the district attorney. i want people to see. the mayor can't prosecute. but let me turn right now, tammy. you and i can get together right now. we can arrest charge, convict and the prison. but the mayor is just grandstanding. they don't want to solve crime here. they love crime. they don't believe in law and order. so what i want people understand that task force is a joke. they want to solve crime. they get george gascon and you get to prosecute. but he's a george soros prosecutor. he's going to do it again. it is too dangerous to live in los angeles. well, and, you know, g.a., there was even a recall effort there that against gascon. but we've but people i think they're realizing that businesses are going to leave. and with business, when businesses leave, jobs leave. and then the taxpayers collapses. and the victims are people who live in urban areas, people of color who are supposed to be the ones who are benefiting somehow. what is your take on the kind of what the general reaction is as this continues on in every major democrat city? >> you know, every major democratic city like chicago, where i'm from where we've seen a total increase in crime, retail theft, the last year, about 10,000 cases reported, only 17% of those led to an arrest. wow. police are filling demoralized in cities all across america because of these on crime prosecutors who are refusing to do their one job enforce the law. it me the off and it reminds me of this broken glass by james q wilson, who said, if you let some of these smaller, perceived smaller crimes go littering, jumping the turnstile, and any number of these things lead to major crimes. and what we've seen across the united states of america, especially in my hometown of chicago, is bloody bodies throughout the streets of the city of chicago. it's happened in new york. it's happening in los angeles. and as a result, especially when it comes to retail theft and say, for example, the city of new york, 77% increase, almost $300 million as of last year. it's unacceptable. >> it needs to stop now. you know, it's interesting, leo, and i'll give you the last word. there was remarks when this first began and during the george floyd situation that looting was like reparations. is this part of the the belief of the democrat party these days and of leftist leadership is that this is has to be the normal way for fairness, because people's lives are being. yeah. because. yes, you're absolutely right. spot on, candy. they believe this is a form of payback, that the system is systemically racist. it's always going to be racist. and the victim that the criminals are the victim. this is the democratic playbook . they're going to continue this playbook. and so we put somebody in office like donald j. >> trump. and i have just for every everyone who's voted this way. the fact is they're learning now that everyone, the loser criminals are the winners, but certainly not the families not the young people, not the students. everyone is losing all three. all three of you. thank you, sarah, leo, g.a., great stuff. thank you. now up next, full reaction to the country music sensation driving crazy. they just can't seem to have a good time. all of our anthony is being accused of fatphobia and offensive right-wing populism. joe concha and ricky shallot, they have opinions they're going to be responding straight ahead. america leads the world in innovation, but we're in a race to develop tomorrow's 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a store near you. >> they grimace when we on cavuto live inside on cavuto live inside his campai goli, taste your goals. . welcome back to the specialn edition of "hannity". the left is up in arms again, this time over a runaway country hit. >> richmond, north of richmond. richmond, richmond. lord knows how to have totall control. want to know what you? think. i know what you do in the house. ♪ i dk you know. >> but i know that you knew your dollar and his tax. >> the no congress man. the the rich man. well the song skyrocketed to number one on the apple music charts as millions quickly resonated with all of her. anthony's blue collar message. but the left saw red. they were very upset. message. immediately melting down over the song's lyrics, of course wey and they rushed to label the song as fat phobic the e. ensivri its criticism of obese welfare recipients. elfare here now with reaction, fox heas contributor joe conch and york post columnist ricky shallot. ricky, let me start with you becaus and newe that young man s me of a tradition in music about looking at life as it is. , the nature of big government or of just the deception ation between classes. maybe bruce springsteen, cla bob right. i mean, so we know. americans like this is in our heart. but you've got an interesting perspectiv now amere about these mega produced stars versus everymana like this young man. >> absolutely. the music industry today is just rife with sanitized, overproduced, completely corporate music. >> in fact, the average song has for writers, the average hit for writers and producer s. is no longer the singer songwriter that's just pouring their hear producet. and this guy just came out of nowhere and was precisely what i think most people really want to hear and tapped into that molly'sart that sense that the typical american feels that they're just not being seen and heard and they finally hear someone singing his heart out and being a voice for them. absolutely into th. singin music.g joe used to always be about that, especiallyout and e for t, right? when you've got. the counterculture and i mean, my goodness for writers and to producers for for one song, i can't write anything. so joe in the in the midst of this, though, you've got this almost a campaign to denigrate the nature of this message. hatl >> what's that all about? well, we're seeing a pattern here in tamml y write songs that become hits with a message that resonates on a grassroots populist level. you brought up springsteen before. they'd be embracing a song like this years ago. >> somehow, these songs are now automatically being as having an affair. its agenda. we saw with try that in a small town, right? jason aldean, number one hit from earlier this summeraw, whi >> somehow that was branded tammy as racist because the song's theme was anti rioting, anti looting and anti-violence. it's like singing about beingsoe against cancer. yet the potentially outrage on social medihoat was bcist ber it. and we saw with the sound of freedom as well. right. outrn socialia went than $150 n at the box office, $15 million budget. it's a poignant, gut wrenching movie about chil got ricd sex trafficking. somehow that was portrayed as an extreme right-wing dogret whistle. i mean, what a joke. and the criticism of songs like rich menby extreng dog w of rics to the same conclusion democrats and thatchmond most o the media, which is largely made up of progressive activists, are no longer the party of the little guy, the party of the little of the middle class , the coal miner, the autoworker, the blue collar folks that keep this country moving forward. it's now the party of big city elites. rich men north of richmondty a talks about what the abuse of welfare right. the song's chorut bielitess. i've been selling my soul, working all day overtime hours for these pay. that's somehow a right wing dogma. i think that appeals to oldthe o straight democrats and everybody, you know, ricky, ing my s seethat app the success of this song because of sociaschool dl media the ability to buy a song online. you don't have wait for billboard. you know, it used to be the olden days when you'd wait for billboards to come out. ricky isn't that part of what is adding to the power ofri the average person being able to make a statement about what they lik e? >> absolutely. there's this social media being used to reallyew meritocratic lee rise someone up from truly nothing, just he had a microphone and a camera. so as much as social media does rightfully a bad rap, this is this is a moment where we can all say, actually this guy's really tapping into all the issues that matter to us as typical americans, whether it's mental health, stagnation, taxation, men feeling adrift in society. but of course that's offensiver and fat phobicis and incoherentft and populist to the powers that be. >> well, thank you bot in h. . this is great stuffthis i and congratulations to him and every othes f and r person s tapped into what matters to all americans. >> joe, ricky, thank you. more of the special edition of "hannity". when we come right back with allegra allergies don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin . and unlike her attack, it won't make us drowsy. so you can live your greatness. and four kids try children's allegra, the number one allergist, recommended non-drowsy brand. >> let's look on the bright side. south dakota state open for business during the pandemic. now we've got more jobs than people, so i'm filling in until you get here. south dakota's the freest state in america, the best state to live, work and raise a family. we accept most out-of-state professional licenses, and we have over 20,000 open jobs, at have over 20,000 open jobs, including for electricians. south dakota freedom works here . >> no, i'm a lousy electrician. attention are suffering from hearing loss. the fda has finally approvedigh hearing aids to be sold over the 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it's a great honor, always as my thankst to, sean and his team, for making it possible. remember, you can check out my columpossiblen at eight mac c and find me on twitter at hey tamm y bruce don't forget to set your dvr and never miss an episode of hannity sean will be back on monday. have a great weekendha. oh, look at you. look at all of you. okay. that. ght, that's enough that's enough. calm down. put your clothes back on bk . it's friday, so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guestsue . >> he gets his haircut at the lego factory.

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Countries , First World Cup , Game , Baby , The World Stage , Spain , England , Eastern On Fox , Take The Crown , Sunday Morning , Everything S Homemade , Each Other , Smell , Nice , Cheez , Gordon Ramsay , Dog Food , Death , Fridge , Pepper , Kitchen Nightmares , September 20 Fifth On Fox , Monday September 20 , Food , Bread , Meat , Veggies , Pet , Mouth , Mascot , Chocolaty Goodness , Loan , Apparel Company , Cars , Cheri , Women Who Ride , Kerry , Backs , Bank , Tmz Com , Weekend Chores , Smart Business , Sba , Smart Guys , Business Second Class At Goes , Cavuto , Experts , Back Pain Relief , Store , Hobbies , Quarterback Stones , Campai Goli , Tip , Goals , Arms , Specialn , Runaway Country Hit , Richmond , In The House , Totall Control , Lord , Song , Dollar , Music Charts , Tax , Dk You Know , Apple , Blue Collar , Lyrics , Fat Phobic , Saw Red , The E Ensivri , Criticism , Music , Newe , Contributor , Columnist , Ricky Isn T , Welfare Recipients , Tradition , Joe Conch , You Becaus , Fox Heas , Elfare , Classes , Deception Ation , Bruce Springsteen , Cla Bob Right , Versus , Heart , Music Industry Today , Perspectiv , Writers , Hit , Singer Songwriter , Overproduced , Producer S , Producet , Sense , Singin Music G Joe , Feels , Molly Sart , Especiallyout And E For T , Counterculture , Producers , Midst , Songs , Pattern , Grassroots Populist Level , Hits , Tamml Y , Hatl , Racist , Summeraw , Affair , Agenda , Try , Town , Whi , Jason Aldean , Singing , Outrage , Anti Violence , Anti Looting , Outrn Socialia , Rioting , Theme , Social Medihoat , The Sound Of Freedom , Beingsoe , 150 , Conclusion , Box Office , Budget , Movie , Dog W , Chil , Menby Extreng , Got Ricd Sex Trafficking , Gut Wrenching , Dogret Whistle , Rics , 5 Million , 15 Million , Autoworker , The Media , Little , Class , Thatchmond , Little Guy , Progressive Activists , Coal Miner , City Elites , Men , Wing , Richmondty A , Welfare , Abuse , Soul , Pay , Dogma , Appeals , Chorut Bielitess , Oldthe , Ing My S Seethat , Everybody , Billboards , Ricky , App , Billboard , Sociaschool Dl , Social Media , Microphone , Reallyew Meritocratic Lee , Matter , Mental Health , Stagnation , Camera , Taxation , Rap , Men Feeling Adrift In Society , Stuffthis , Congratulations , Powers That Be , Othes , Populist , Person S , Bot , Fat Phobicis , Incoherentft , Offensiver , Allergies , Allergist , Children S Allegra , Greatness , South Dakota State , Attack , Pandemic , Open For Business , Estate , Electricians , Licenses , South Dakota , 20000 , Electrician , Hearing Loss , South Dakota Freedom Works , Approvedigh Hearing Aids , Attention , Fda , Rca , Cost , Counter , Odyssey Hearing Aids Startin , Odyssey , Door , 99 , 9 , The E Hassle , Hearing , Aids , Mayo , Devices , 000 , 5000 , Low , Hearing Aids , It Wa , Ots Hearing Aids , Joy , Price Anywher , Platinumy Beeader In , Rechargeable Ots Hearing Aids , Company , Volume , It Rcaids Y , Worldit , Qualitysims , Rcina , Simpland Inst , Home , Lo , My Grandkids Playing , Missedoctors , I Love You , Bg , Tools R Mo , Doctors , Tools , Second , Waiting , Decad , Frustration , Ordeand , Carrying Case , Visit Rca Aids , Hearing Aid , Cradle , 800 3799786 , 3799786 , Shopping , Unexpected , Life Insurance Coverage , 6 , 500000 , 00000 , Rush , Force , Labs , Ates T We Shop , Ous , Ai Als , Carat Diamonds , Vitamin Aisle Lab Diamonds Factory , Hydrates , Carat Studs , Tlmart Antamin , Carat Fiestas , 5991 , 2995 , Jewelry , Lab Diamonds , Conflicts , Events , Jewelry Exchange Direct Fox News , 1490 , 599 , At Night , Specialann , Edition , Trace Gallagher Weeknights , Thankst , The , Honor , Columpossiblen , Mac C , Twitter , Eight , Weekendha , Episode , Tamm Y , Dvr , Bruce Don T , Guestsue , Lego Factory , Clothes , Haircut , Calm Down , Bk ,

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