Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704

texas, he is at the border. a hearing that is about to be underway. we begin with bill and those new pictures. speetwo good afternoon. border patrol sources tell us that this happens a lot more than people realize, but nonetheless, the images are startling. we will pull them up. law enforcement sources telling us that this happened saturday night in the rio grande valley, as a drawbridge camera shows a group of three suspected cartel gunmen crossing illegally into texas, a very heavy cartel area. as they are moving through the brush on the u.s. side of the border, they are armed with ar-15 style rifles. some of them are wearing body armor. i am told that elite border patrol agents responded to the area, look for these guys, but came up empty. this happened just days after an armed smuggler was seen here in eagle pass. look at these images released by texas dps. drones over this human smuggler who had a rifle on him as he was guiding a group of illegal immigrants across the river across eagle pass. he ended up escaping back to mexico. he was never caught. the north dakota governor and g.o.p. presidential candidate doug burnham has been here in eagle pass. he got a briefing from border patrol, was stunned by what they had to say. take a listen. >> so far in this sector, 98 different countries, people crossing, including syria, iran, china. direct to mexico. national security -- of this open border is going to be around for decades. >> illegal crossings are surging across the border. this is video from our drone team. one of the groups that have crossed illegal today. the del rio sector, it's been averaging between 70900 illegal crossings in recent days. lastly, we will talk about the fentanyl, which is always showing up in our border. take a look at the photos, cvp n -- arizona. they report the port of entry, one single day last week that their officers to seize 870,000 fentanyl pills, 14 pounds of pure fentanyl powder. they say the pills were hidden in paper, a car, and strapped to a human body. back live in eagle pass a short time ago, a group of house democrats, including joaquin castro, they were out holding a press conference, where they blasted and criticized the texas governor greg abbott, calling him on marriage for placing razor wire in marine buoys in the rio grande behind us. they say it is cruel to do so to migrants, but texas dps interviewed with his afterwards countering with the congressman had to say, saying no migrants have been mistreated, and texas has to step up, the federal government's void, because they say the federal government is simply not doing its job down here at the southern border. >> live in eagle pass, texas. thank you. president biden focusing on the climate today. republican numbers of the house and senate committee looking to speak over the border. arizona and less than an hour from now. sheriff mark daniels will be testifying. first, let's get to aisha huskey, tracking this from capitol hill. >> good afternoon to. this is going to be a rare coming together of republicans on the judiciary and oversight committees as they investigate how the migrant crisis is impacting those border communities in arizona. as they do that at the border back here on the hill, we are learning about new efforts to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. fox has now obtained a letter written by under spin chip boyd of texas, that is currently being circulated amongst the g.o.p. conference right now. this letter is basically saying that if president biden does not meet his list of demands, he will not vote for any money to fund the department of homeland security. his demands include signing that g.o.p. border bill into law, reimbursing texas $10 billion, and removing the secretary. i just spoke with congressman andy biggs, who's at the border right now, about this impeachment timeline. he said it's on number one question he's been getting from folks in arizona. >> what i tell people is i don't know that we have the votes just yet. i keep trying to tell mike my colleagues that we are past time for an impeachment inquiry, and certainly secretary mayorkas, who i always believed until recently was -- to be honest with you. >> leading tonight's field hearing along with connor's been glenn grothman. republicans are not alone in their dissatisfaction, though. arizona senator kyrsten sinema. called out new york city's democrats for waiting about the migrant crisis, come live in yuma for a day. i'm sure house republicans will love to see president biden, who was visiting arizona, perhaps speak a little bit. not going to happen though. >> sandra: not many are holding their breath. thank you very much. our next guest will be testifying at that hearing with cochise county, arizona, sheriff, mark daniels. what's your message at the hearing? >> good afternoon. let me just say, we are honored to have the congressional team in the hearing today. we are going to share our community, share the tragedies we've seen over the last, a little over two years. in less than 18 months, we have placed just over 2300 individuals in my jail for border related crimes. just under 2300, only 131 work -- they are people from the united states, international crime, smuggling fentanyl, illicit drugs, human traff trafficking. it is a crisis on our border. washington, d.c., the said administration, a couple failed to prioritize our border. this will needs immediate attention. >> sandra: it is not getting that. we had the president in arizona today. we carried some of that speech live earlier. no mention of the border. we know that you want to have more tension on it. will become a big enough political issue as we head closer and closer to the election, that democrats will start talking about it? speak of the biggest concern law enforcement have, federal partners that wear a badge, local police departments, is that it does not get politicized, but we are afraid it's going to be. politics has sadly affected our border. we have lost 290 people plus a day to fentanyl poisoning in our country. a stat, last year, 35 made fentanyl pills were seized in the four counties in arizona, 16 total, leading the nation in fentanyl pills. we have to secure this border for the country. >> sandra: and we have been hearing that from you for quite some time. can i get your reaction to these newly obtained pictures from f fox, new images of the suspected cartel women armed with a rifle -- she suspected cartel gunmen armed with a ri rifle? seeing them crossing over the united states. >> sandra, this is alarming, and we have created this scenario. the violent towards law enforcement, the volatility and violence toward citizens as a result of this neglect of border security in the country, that's where it always. this is the new normal. this is something i want to talk about, the fact that we have allowed our borders, and this is the new -- it's okay to have this amount of fentanyl, the criminals, people being exploited. migrants are being exploited by cartels. this is the result. the cartels are emboldened by what we are doing in this country. we have to make this a priority. until we do, it's only going to get worse. >> sandra: adding to the details we learned in a tucson sector? were you have seen the migrants arriving daily. 34%, the average of 812 back in june. is this a crisis that is escalating out of control at this point? >> it's a crisis that continues to grow. washington, d.c., and this demonstration -- failed to even acknowledge the problem. as long as the problem's not being acknowledged, and the opposite -- secretary mayorkas says that the borders are secure. that's a false narrative. cult is listening to that, continuing to exploit america. >> sandra: we know it's a huge job for you at the border. july -- when the biden administration, that is a huge job, and a huge task. thank you for your service. thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> sandra: so far, president biden is the clear front runner for democratic nomination, so why are so many leaders like the new hampshire governor saying it's a no-go for joe? we will ask him. new numbers showing americans racking up credit card debt at a record pace. is this why folks still feel inflation, very real? a man, his family, and his tractor, penny. these are the upshaws. and this is their playground. there's a story in every piece of land, run with us on a john deere tractor and start telling yours. with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. lowe's knows a style refresh is even more refreshing ...when it's at the right price. that's why, we've we pull our favorite looks together in-store and in in the app. so it is easy to get the look you want for less. you got this. we got you. 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"the washington post" also praising fellow governor of michigan, wes moore of maryland, gavin newsom of california. and -- in massachusetts. the governor of kentucky. meanwhile, the former congressman will hurd, who is running for g.o.p. nomination, said the american people are eager for a reset for -- >> two-thirds of americans do not want donald trump or joe biden on the ballot. that's clear and has all is been the case. >> reporter: republicans have a wide range of candidates, democrats so far do not. >> sandra: many are starting to suggest that president joe biden will not be the nominee. our next guest is one of them new hampshire republican governor -- do you stand by that still? >> absolutely. i'm not saying it's deftly going to happen, but a greater than 50% chance that he is not on the ballot come november of '24. you will see two things happen. either he goes to the primary process effectively unchallenged, are your for now he collects the delegates, his health will not be good. he can use that as a reason to step out, and basically tell his delegates to go for somebody else and kind of be the king maker. it wouldn't be unheard of for the democrats to try to do that. the opportunity when someone comes this fall. i think of the deponent were to challenge him this fall, it would probably be somebody with a little bit of name i.d. nationally, maybe somebody who is not a politician. i don't think democratic governors will do it this fall. probably looking to be coordinated by jill and joe biden next summer. i am predicting probably at least one if not two people still in this fall challenge. making a run at it. i am meeting everybody. they have all come knocking. republicans and democrats all want to know how to win. obviously not just on policy, a fiscally conservative free-market guy. on the democratic side, they want to engage voters. i think it's very interesting. i'm a big believer that new hampshire is a great first filter for the rest of the country. we are meeting everybody. we will see who has the courage to step in the ring. >> i like that, fiscally conservative free-market guys. who would be the most business friendly candidate that you could think of? let's start on the democratic side. >> on the democratic side? we will be here a long time if we are trying to find a fiscally conservative democrat in this country. republicans -- we have a lot of options, no doubt about it. you have the former governor chris christie, you have the current governor, you have a lot of folks that understand the pillars of limited government, local control, fiscally responsible. things we told him we would get in 2016, did not quite pan out. wants to create a government, when they say they will drain the swamp, maybe someone who actually does at this time. my going to add 6 trillion onto my kids debt burden, your kids debt burden. folks to understand what being a republican is about, a great opportunity. the next six months is going to bury it out. >> sandra: your point is well taken. 2024 hopefuls have been hitting the trail today. carried a lot of those moments during our program earlier. you've got chris christie, nikki haley, donald trump on the ground. who do you think is going to resonate with voters in that state? >> whoever works the hardest. it's wide open. folks in new hampshire it will not -- who they are voting for until around christmas or just after christmas. kind of letting it all play out as deep as it can go. symbol fall apart. my sense is you will be down to 4-6 candidates by iowa, 4- five by new hampshire. when it becomes a one on 1 race, it's not the policy has comments the ones he does not have. for an incumbent republican presidents only be getting low 40 or high 30% in places like new hampshire, 60% of the people don't want them. even of his own supporters, recent polls said 50% would go to sunday also have given a good option. he is in trouble when you narrow down periods be when you say you are advising a lot of these folks who are knocking on your door. aside from how they should win, who do you want to win? who do you want the nominee to be? >> they have to earn my vote as well as anybody else. events for nikki haley. helping them all. going to do a bunch of events with will hurd, who you just heard from. helping them be the best they can be to see who rises to the top. >> thank you for your time. thanks for joining us. busy day new hampshire. obama appointed judge in the january 6th case, former president donald trump, can he get a fair trial in washington customer case is no. we will see what andy mccarthy and tom depree say next. president joe biden is pushed to go green, taking a hit as a battery maker he touted is now deep in the red. let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. ♪ the thought of getting screened ♪ ♪ for colon cancer made me queasy. ♪ ♪ but now i've found a way that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way! ♪ i was born on the south side of chicago. it has been a long road, but now i'm working for schwab. i love to help people understand the world through their lens and invest accordingly. you can call us christmas eve at four o'clock in the morning. we're gonna always make sure that you have all of the financial tools and support to secure your financial future. that means a lot for my community and for every community. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. >> sandra: inflation may be: come but are americans racking up record credit card debt? feeling any relief, the political impact coming up. back in 60 seconds. if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. >> sandra: former president donald trump on the trail, as his legal team -- for trial right now, the january 6th trial. the location is question right now. davis -- in washington with the latest. what are we hearing about that, david? >> reporter: the court filings keep coming in multiple cases involving the former president. last night, a judge told both the trump team and the government to hash out their differences over a protective order. donald trump's team says they could meet next week to discuss it. did governments as they could meet this week. we are waiting to see with the judge decides. the order originally proposed by the governor would limit with the former president could say or type out on social media, or in person regarding the case. it began with a social post over the weekend where he rode "if you go after me, i'm coming after you." special counsel jack smith's team took out as a threat potentially to future witnesses in the case, even people in the special counsel's office. trance attorneys say that its political speech, and he was talking about rivals on the campaign trail. what the judge says. trump's team also wants to move the trial out of d.c., where you can expect a special counsel department justice to bite. trans attorneys are expected to file a motion to move the trial, but it's not up to them and not up to the special counsel. >> it's up to the judge. i think west virginia would be excellent to try this case. >> in a rare moment of agreement, congressman adam schiff from california and the former president donald trump, who are political enemies, they bolt dominic both want the trial televised. they have different motives for why, but they believe the american people should see what happens inside the courtroom. it's up to the judicial conference of judges, federal judges, who would give some input in that decision. she is presiding over this case. cameras are not allowed a federal court. it's unlikely that she would allow this to happen, but it's always possible. televising something like this is historic on many levels, but legal experts say it's unlikely this would be televised, given it's a federal case. of course, stranger things have happened and we are in uncharted territory as you know. >> sandra: we have learned to never rule anything out. >> reporter: never. >> sandra: thank you. is the former president out of luck if he can't get this trial out of d.c.? let's get the read from our legal eagles today, tom giuffre and andy mccarthy. tom, do you think this could happen? could he out of the washington, d.c., area? >> i'd say the odds of that are slim to none. i think it makes all the sense in the world for the former president trump to make the effort. it's not a favorable journey. i think you are likelier to find -- they are a trump voter. the odds are that bad. that said, the standard for transferring the case is very high. the constitution generally says you try more cases in the jurisdiction where the events occurred. i think he will face an uphill battle. i don't think there's much help -- but the judges will grant that motion. i think the trauma team's strategy here needs to be to question potential jurors aggressively, carefully and thoroughly, as is the right, to say even if you want to trump voter, can you still approach this case neutrally. >> andy, what say you? the former president says there's no way he could get a fair trial with the judge assigned to the ridiculous freedom of speech fair elections case. everybody knows this, so does she. he says he can't get a fair trial in d.c. does he have a point? >> i generally agree with tom, and i would just add that from personal experience, long ago and far away, it was the 19 1990s. terrace tried to to bomb the world trade center. in the shadow of the courthouse will dominic where we held a trial, across the screen from the fbi -- go across the street from the fbi headquarters, and the howard tunnel, that they also wanted to blow up. the fact that the case is approximate in terms of where it's going to be tried, to the scenes of real carnage and would be carnage that they will carry out, he's not the ticket to get out of the jurisdiction. one argument i think he can make, i don't know what traction, but i feel like smith has gratuitously thrown the capitol riot into the trial. trump is not charged in the indictment with any offense arising out of the capitol riot, and yet, after he filed the indictment, smith spoke for about two dominic 3 minutes, 2.e capitol riot's. i he's trying to throw that, like waving the bloodied shirt, into the case. if i were trump, i would harp on that, that i would not hold my breath waiting for them to -- >> do you agree? >> i think andy makes a lot of good sense. i agree with his comments on jack smith. i was surprised that he made the comments he did from the podium. especially an odd note for him to strike when he's accusing former president trump of wanting to try this case in the media, than making redo his comments, going beyond the bounds of what he can permissibly say. the special counsel to then make statements and arguments and rhetoric from the podium on allegations that is and he correctly are not really an issue with what he filed. it's not something you normally see out of the department of justice. >> sandra: it's part of the televised nature of this case, any part of you predict that could happen? >> i don't think so. i see this as someone who thinks it's a good thing that federal trials are not televised. don't throw anything at me, please. [laughter] i think they can make for bad trials. the important thing is the issue actually transcends this case, as important as this case is. it's not going to be -- as david said before. it is not the judge who will make this decision. it's the judicial conference. i think they would look at it in terms of would be a good thing in general to televise a federal trial? no doubt. >> sandra: very interesting. the revelations of the devon archer letter. does that underscore his closeness to hunter biden's business activities? how does that change things? >> i think it does change things. the whole devon archer situation has just been a constant flow, every single day it seems we are learning something with a constant narrative. president biden, no involvement in his son's business dealings, now learning he was on speakerphone, writing all sorts of things, and the white house's story has been evolving. they've been having to change their official line to account for this evidence congress has been doing a fantastic job in uncovering and bringing to the attention of the american people. >> something he had never spoken with his son about his business dealings to he has never done business. thanks to both of you. appreciate the conversation. the debate stage is growing. mike pence says he has met the donor threshold to join the first g.o.p. debate. and without any gimmicks to get him there. 2024 -- francis suarez says the so-called humans are paying off. he is next. what do we always sa? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. at mint mobile, we like to do the opposite of what big wireless does. they charge you a lot. we charge you a little. they put their names on arenas. we put ours on my lower back. so naturally when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you. and if this were one of their ads, they'd end it here with a "happy customer". so we'll end ours with an angry goat. oh h-ho, look at the angry goat. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandra: the first g.o.p. presidential debate here on fox is two weeks from tomorrow. add mike pence to the list of qualified candidates. the former vice president's team says he got there without any gimmicks. he was on with martha last week. >> we are working hard at it. i'm not giving out gift cards, not offering soccer tickets or kickbacks. i'm just asking for support. >> sandra: the miami mayor and g.o.p. presidential candidate francis suarez is using some of those tactics to turn up support and says it is working. he just met the 40,000 unique donor threshold needed to debate. francis suarez joins us. perhaps i should let you make that announcement yourself. >> it's okay. listen, it's really great that yesterday, we met that 40,000 donors threshold. i understand bart dominic why the vice president said what he said. he's been a national figure for the last four years, i have for the last 60 days, so i have some catching up to do. i think what is neat about the 60 day candidacy have had so far is that people have gotten to know me and hear my personal story. when they see the policies that i implemented and allowed me to transform a city that i was bankrupt when i was first elected to a city that now has unprecedented surpluses, the lowest tax rates ever, 14% growth last year. when you look at urban areas across america, and you see places like chicago who have led the nation and homicides, 11 years in a row with 700 last year. and you look at miami, and you see we've only had 17 this year. 34% decrease from our 1964 per capita low last year. then, you look at how we have transformed our economy to have the lowest on employment in america, the highest wage growth, highest technology job growth. that positions you well to make a compelling case to the american people that i should be there nominee for president of the united states. i can't wait to get on the debate stage august 23rd. everything we are doing between now and then is calculated to get us there. >> sandra: and that is a fair point to make, because while you've met the fund-raising threshold you've not made the polling threshold which we have on the screen a moment ago. as far as the polling preference, the g.o.p. presidential candidates, you are pulling 1%. how do you expect to pull the number up? >> well, we are going to obviously spend money over the next couple weeks to get it there. for me, this is very different than for other candidates. a lot of them are well established national figures. for me, this is an incremental process. getting on the debate stage, introducing myself. having people get to know who i am. the impact on my fact that my parents were exiled from the country of birth, communist cuba, came here seeking freedom and have experienced the american dream, something that defines who i am as a person and it defines a city that i run. that's a compelling story. i know that i've dominic if i'm on a stage and have an opportunity to interest was myself to the country -- go opportunity to introduce myself to the country, then we will have growth. >> sandra: i mention the tactics because you were giving a dollar to enter for a chance -- senior in college they work for you, because you meant that threshold. who are you ready to support if you don't make it? >> look, i'm focused on making it over the next 12 days. i am excited about the possibility of telling that story of the national level. i am appreciate of of opportunities like this to be on your show to talk about our success. that will give us the volume to get to that percent threshold. then we will take it from there. >> thank you so much for joining us. we will watch to see how that turns out. it's forming dominic coming up fast three weeks from now. americans are racking up credit card debt at a record pace. is it a sign that inflation is not going fast enough? (burke) a new car loses about ten percent of its value the minute you drive off the lot. or more. that's why farmers new car replacement pays to replace it with a new one of the same make and model. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. >> sandra: she's not alone. credit card debt is asserting. a new record in the second quarter, past $1 trillion, with a t. inflation remains top issue with shoppers. driving polls that shows 70% of markets do not like the way the president's handling inflation. let's ask democratic pollster carly cooperman. great to have you here today. if the president was out there in arizona touting biden-onyx, and kamala harris was out there -- wages are up, this is not the reality for most americans in this country. do you think people are buying it? >> i think credit card debt that's happening speaks to the fact that the cost of living is high for americans. what the biden administration is speaking about in terms of the job market being strong and unemployment being low, there lies the discrepancy between what they want people to say and the fact that -- continues to struggle as it relates to the economy, and as it relates to the overall approval. >> to be sure, this is inflation that most voters, when polled, a tribute to this administration's out-of-control spending. there is a multitiered problem here. people are dealing with these high priceds because of the economic policies of this presidency. >> the biden administration has its work cut out for it, in terms of convincing people that it's done good things for the economy, because as long as inflation is going to continue to dominate and hurt people's day-to-day costs and make life extensive for them, he's going to continue to struggle. there was a reuters poll that came out last week which showed that 19% of biden voters from last cycle say they are undecided or want to vote for somebody else other than biden and trump. biden voters are also more bearish on the economy than they are positive. it's a struggle that the biden administration is facing in terms of trying to get their message to highlight the unemployment that slow, and the job growth that's coming. is not translating it to people's pockets. >> sandra: is a democrat, it seems there's more concessions from you than they are defense plurals of this headmistress is policies. do you fall into the category of a democrat that does not want joe biden to be the nominee? >> i would support joe biden over any republican candidate out there. i believe that biden has done good things for the economy, and he came out of a post-pandemic period and prevented the country from going into a deep, deep recession. i'm also looking at the poll numbers as a pollster, and seeing a disconnect between what biden wants people to see and how voters are feeling. i see the realities and challenges out there. >> sandra: very interesting. taking the credit card that dominic debt situation, people are taking on more and more debt to pay for sky-high prices. as they take on that debt, we have interest rates going up because the federal reserve's hiking rates to try to tame that inflation. it's a really evil cycle once you are in it. that's the reality for many americans right now. appreciate you joining us. thank you for your insights. >> thanks for having me. >> present joe biden, his green agenda out there today. one green company he was touting not long ago is heading south. that's next. 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(vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy s23. only on verizon. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer 300 thank-you notes. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> president biden in arizona pushing his green agenda today comes as an ev company wants breeze just filed for bank bankruptcy. grady trimble has more on that from washington for us. >> president biden celebrated investments in green energy today, but he made no mention of the electric vehicle company he promoted not that long ago which is now filing for bankruptcy. earlier this year, presi president biden appointed ceo garrett the joys to the white house export counsel advising the president on international trade. before that, in 2021, he took a virtual tour of the electric bass and battery makers manufacturing facility in south carolina. >> we ought to be the single most significant suppliers of electric bustles and vehicles in the world for you guys are getting us in that game. it's going to make a lot of difference. >> the president's energy secretary sat on the board before taking on the cabinet position. also sold $1.6 million worth of shares in the company in 2021. which the energy department said was above board and met ethical standards. not the only ev maker losing a lot of money right now. some experts say electric vehicle demand just isn't there. >> people don't want them nearly as much as the government wants them to want them for the right way to have a car this for us to be free to choose what car we want. evs have caused issues with subsidies. the thing that is looming as they have a huge issue in terms of burdening our grid. >> ceo blamed his bankruptcy filing on "various macro and economic headwinds." it will keep paying its employees, vendors, and suppliers. sandra. >> grady trimble on that for us. will this push to go green have taxpayers seeing red? joining us now, economist steve moore and democratic strategist laura fink. thank you for joining us here. a few minutes left to go here in the hour. look at what is happening these companies around in this ev p push. they are getting a lot of money, and they are still failing. why is that if it is so popular? 's the one this is deja vu all over again. the biden administration learned none of the lessons from the obama administration. that was supposed to be the solar energy company of the future. it went bankrupt as did dozens of other energy firms. we have spent as a nation well over $500 billion over the last 40 years subsidizing wind and solar industry. it only counts for a 6%. it is the worst investment the federal government has ever made. >> i am reminded up in michigan we are one of the largest school districts there. they were given all this money to buy electric buses and then they complained that they were breaking. they weren't working. we are getting pushed into this ev world while many can't even afford it. at the same time, anybody was tying to still drive their gas car, gas prices are going up substantially in the past month. $3.82 is the national average. what exactly is going on here? this ev push premature. >> we've got to start somewhere. the ev buses have improved since the last reporting period you have to look at the big picture. there's no reason to panic at this particular disco. president biden has initiated the investment act. that is led to $270 billion in private investments. a lot of that investment, sandra, your viewers should know is going to red states. 80% of the projects in green clean energy are going into republican held districts. we also see that 60% of the manufacturing, more than 7,000 jobs were getting solar factories in georgia. getting wind power factories in alabama. this is something that is incredibly good for the economy. it gives us independence from china. >> overall, it is -- landmark investment in green energy and a true success story for americans in both red and blue states. >> let steve respond. we are cutting our supply of oil here at home. we are growing more and more dependent on foreign nations when we are still in need of fossil fuels. that needs to be pointed out. while she's talking about limiting dependency on other countries and manufacturing here at home, we are having to turn to foreign nations for our gas now. >> we are losing $170 million a day. if we just kept up the pace of oil production we had under trauma. there is a company solar reported in "the wall street journal" last week. this company is going to get -- are you ready for this? 10 billion. not 10 million, $10 billion of taxpayer subsidies. my goodness, this is corporate welfare of the worst kind. what kind of investment of this? if these companies are so great, why do they need so much taxpayer money? go ahead. >> you name checked me. i will go and tell you this. i'm wondering why you're not talking about the subsidies to oil companies. we subsidize oil companies to the tune of billions of dollars. so did the green energy companies. you got to be fair and balanced when it comes to urinalysis. >> i know the statistics, sandra threw the wind and solar industry get 20 times more subsidies as a unit of electric power. the one we are identifying some of the perils of the government getting involved in picking winners and losers. we have seen it before. thank you for the debate. appreciate the discussion. thanks so much for joining us today. thank you to all of you at home for joining us. i appreciate that. i will see you back tomorrow. you can catch me every weekday at will 1:00 p.m. thank you for joining us. keep it right here because it is time for "the five." >> hello, everybody. on jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." joe biden getting blasted for refusing to stand up to the left's woke nonsense. elmar thinks it's time for the president to grow a spine. >> one of the things i hate the most about biden's he never stands up to woke nonsense and his party. he doesn't wan

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Thing , Reporter , Martha , Sad , The Story , 3 , 00 , Thanks , Afternoon , Joe Biden , Border , Body Armor , Images , Arizona , U S , Border Crossings , Cartel Members , Suspected Cartel Women Armed , Surfacing , Hearing , World , Neil Cavuto , Cochise County Sheriff , Reimbursing Texas , Pictures , Bill , Speetwo , Local Control , People , Border Patrol , Law Enforcement Sources , Sources , Camera , Saturday Night , Rio Grande Valley , Side , Group , Some , Cartel Area , Rifles , Cartel Gunmen , Brush , Ar 15 , Three , 15 , Rifle , Human Smuggler , Eagle Pass , Guys , Area , Agents , Smuggler , Drones , Texas Dps , Elite Border Patrol , Governor , Gop , Doug Burnham , River , Immigrants , Mexico , North Dakota , Sector , Countries , Listen , People Crossing , Briefing , Syria , Iran , 98 , Crossings , National Security , China , One , Groups , Drone Team , Video , Del Rio Sector , 70900 , Fentanyl , Port Of Entry , Officers , Photos , Take A Look , Cvp N , 870000 , Car , Fentanyl Pills , Pills , Human Body , House Democrats , Powder , Paper , 14 , Press Conference , Greg Abbott , Razor Wire , Buoys , Marriage , Joaquin Castro , Government , Congressman , Migrants , Federal Government , Void , President , Job , House , Numbers , Committee , Senate , Climate , Mark Daniels , First , Aisha Huskey , Crisis , Republicans , Border Communities , Oversight Committees , Judiciary , Capitol Hill , Letter , Alejandro Mayorkas , Learning , Efforts , Homeland Security , The Hill , Written By Under Spin , Chip Boyd , Fox , Money , Demands , List , Conference , Andy Biggs , Department Of Homeland Security , Border Bill Into Law , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Folks , Votes , Question , Impeachment Timeline , Number One , Secretary Mayorkas , Impeachment Inquiry , Colleagues , Field Hearing , Connor , Democrats , Kyrsten Sinema , Dissatisfaction , New York City , Glenn Grothman , Sandra , Bit , Many , Breath , Yuma , White House , Guest , Message , Sheriff , Team , Community , Last , Tragedies , 2300 , Two , 18 , Work , Individuals , Crimes , Jail , 131 , Administration , Washington D C , Attention , Crime , Will , Couple , Smuggling Fentanyl , Human Traff Trafficking , Illicit Drugs , Speech , Mention , Tension , It , Issue , Partners , Law Enforcement Have , Badge , Police Departments , Election , Country , Politics , Stat , Fentanyl Poisoning , 35 , 290 , Nation , Counties , Total , Four , 16 , F Fox , Reaction , Cartel Gunmen Armed With A Ri Rifle , Something , Result , Violent , Border Security , Law Enforcement , Scenario , Violence , Volatility , Neglect , Citizens , Fact , Cartels , Borders , Criminals , Amount , Details , Priority , Average , 812 , 34 , Point , Control , Narrative , Problem , Demonstration , Opposite , Cult , Service , Task , July , New Hampshire , Nomination , Runner , Joe , No Go , Leaders , T Inflation , Credit Card Debt , Pace , Man , Tractor , Playground , Family , Penny , Upshaws , Story , Glucose Level , System , Confidence , Land , Piece , A1c , Diabetes , John Deere , Fingersticks , 2 , Lowe S , Medicare , Price , Style Refresh , Looks , Doctor , App , Libre 2 , Vo , Tech Check , Offers , 5g Phone , 5 , 13 , August 7th , 7 , 13th , Business , Number , Verizon , Plus , Switch , 300 , Speaker , Wounded Warrior Project , Life , Tools , Sense , Camaraderie , Cost , Warriors , Community Support , Life Skill Training , Narrator , Mental Health Services , Families , Career Assistance , Advocacy , 20 , Say It Ain T , Energy , Options , Party , Talent , Members , Someone Else , Ethics , Primary , 12 , Voters , More , Competition , Freedom , Democracy , Choices , Mike Emanuel , Fox News , Race , Coronation , Phillips , Minnesota , Josh Shapiro , Office , Answering , Float , Behalf , Pennsylvania , The Washington Post , Writing , Practitioners , Battleground State , Biden Won , 790000 , 80000 , Part , Guy , Projects , Collapse , Rendition , Interstate 95 , Philadelphia , 95 , Michigan , Achievement , California , Gavin Newsom , Wes Moore , Maryland , Massachusetts , Kentucky , Donald Trump , Will Hurd , Ballot , Wall , Reset , Case , Candidates , Nominee , Range , Chance , Them , 50 , Things , Somebody , Reason , Process , Delegates , Health , Unchallenged , 24 , Someone , Opportunity , Kind , Deponent , Maker , It Wouldn T , King , Politician , Governors , Name , Jill , Everybody , Run , Challenge , Policy , Believer , Filter , Free Market Guy , Rest , Candidate , Courage , Free Market Guys , Meeting , Ring , Friendly , Chris Christie , No Doubt , Pillars , Swamp , 2016 , Kids Debt , Kids Debt Burden , 6 Trillion , Six , Trail , Nikki Haley , Hopefuls , Program , 2024 , Estate , Ground , Hardest , Voting , Play , Symbol , Iowa , 6 , 1 , 4 , Five , Comments , Presidents , Places , Ones , 30 , 40 , Supporters , Polls , Trouble , Option , 60 , Vote , Anybody Else , Door , Events , Best , Bunch , January 6th Trial , Judge , Customer Case , Obama , January 6th Case , Top , Andy Mccarthy , January 6th , Tax Refund , Tom Depree Say , Help , In The Red , Green , Battery Maker , Hit , Innovation , Erc , Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Patio , Dr , Facelift , Practice , Colon Cancer , Innovation Refunds , Thought , Stop Waiting , Brows , Me Queasy , Wax Museum , Way , Cologuard , Doc , Risk , Results , Non Invasive , Provider , 45 , Chicago , South Side , Road , Schwab , Lens , Support , Future , Neuriva Plus , Kitchen Tool , Brain , Indicators , Brain Health , Others , Neuriva , Multitasker , Pairs , Impact , Back , Relief , America S Best , Exam , Expression , Ears , Aaaaaaaaand , 59 Bucks , 79 95 , 9 95 , 59 , Americasbest Com , Glasses , Won T Overpay , Location , Latest , Davis , Cases , Trump Team , Order , Differences , Court Filings , David , Last Night , Governments , Person , Post , Social Media , Jack Smith , Threat , Witnesses , Trance Attorneys , Motion , Counsel , Attorneys , Justice , Department , Campaign Trail , Rivals , Adam Schiff , Agreement , West Virginia , Judges , Bolt Dominic , Courtroom , Motives , Why , Enemies , Decision , Levels , Cameras , Federal Court , Input , Anything , Stranger Things Have Happened , Course , Territory , Experts , Eagles , Luck , Tom Giuffre , Trump , Odds , None , Journey , Effort , Jurisdiction , Voter , Standard , Constitution , Uphill Battle , Trauma Team , Right , Strategy , Jurors , Elections , Case Neutrally , Freedom Of Speech , D C , Tom , Experience , 19 , Shadow , Courthouse , Terrace , Screen , Fbi Headquarters , Fbi , The Street , World Trade Center , Howard Tunnel , 1990 , Terms , Carnage , Scenes , Ticket , Capitol , Traction , Riot , Argument , Indictment , Offense , Dominic , Capitol Riot , Breath Waiting , Shirt , Podium , Media , Odd Note , Bounds , Allegations , Statements , Say , Arguments , Rhetoric , Department Of Justice , Trials , Nature , Laughter , Don T Throw , General , Hunter Biden , Revelations , Closeness , Business Activities , Devon Archer , Son , Whole Devon Archer Situation , Business Dealings , Learning Something , Involvement , Flow , Congress , Speakerphone , Sorts , Line , Evidence , Debate Stage , Both , Conversation , Mike Pence , Debate , Gimmicks , Donor Threshold , Humans , That S My Boy , Freeways , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Pay , Everything , Promises , Promise , Shapes , Place , Each , Aren T , Shipments , Sizes , Old Dominion , Isn T Just Freight , Little , Names , Arenas , Lower , Mint Mobile , Prices , Goat , Their , Customer , Ads , Oh H Ho , Vice President , Mayor , Tactics , Gift Cards , Soccer Tickets , Kickbacks , Francis Suarez , Miami , Unique Donor Threshold , Announcement , 40000 , Bart Dominic Why The Vice President , Donors Threshold , Figure , Policies , Candidacy , Growth , Areas , Tax Rates , Surpluses , Row , Homicides , 11 , 700 , Economy , Wage Growth , Employment , Lowest , 17 , 1964 , President Of The United States , Technology Job Growth , Debate Stage August 23rd , August 23rd , 23 , Threshold , Make , Polling Threshold , Polling Preference , Figures , Parents , Birth , Communist Cuba , Interest , Stage , The American Dream , College , Dollar , Senior , Level , Possibility , Opportunities , Success , Show , Volume , Value , Sign , Burke , Ten , Farmers , Bum , Model , Car Replacement , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , 5g Solutions , T Mobile , Mlb , Game , 5g Network , Fan Experience , Record , Shoppers , 70 , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Handling Inflation , Markets , Democratic Pollster , Carly Cooperman , Biden Onyx , Reality , Wages , Kamala Harris , Living , Happening , Unemployment , Discrepancy , Job Market , Low , Approval , Polled , Multitiered Problem , Priceds , Spending , Presidency , Poll , Cycle , Costs , Reuters , Struggle , Job Growth , Category , Concessions , Headmistress , Defense Plurals , Pockets , Pollster , Disconnect , Deep , Recession , Feeling , Debt , Credit Card , Realities , Interest Rates , Challenges , Situation , Hiking Rates , Insights , Federal Reserve , Plan , Agenda , Fan , Josh Allen , Green Company , South , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Youtubetv , Uh , Yea , Myplan , Pair , Visionworks , Mmhm , Samsung Galaxy S23 , 449 , 49 , Difference , Everyone , Reports , Back To School , Notes , Essays , Rule , 2000 , Gel Ink Pen , You Don T , Little Bear , Bear , You Don T , I Ll Be There , Arms , Ev Company , Bank Bankruptcy , Grady Trimble , Investments , Bankruptcy , Electric Vehicle Company , Green Energy Today , Biden Appointed , Presi , Tour , On International Trade , Garrett The Joys , Electric Bass , 2021 , Suppliers , Battery Makers , Vehicles , Single , Facility , Bustles , South Carolina , Company , Cabinet Position , Energy Secretary Sat , Shares , 1 6 Million , 6 Million , Ev Maker , Vehicle , Demand , Standards , Energy Department , Subsidies , Issues , Evs , Headwinds , Bankruptcy Filing , Grid , Taxpayers , Push , Employees , Red , Vendors , Grady Trimble On , Economist , Steve Moore , Laura Fink , Companies , The One , Ev P Push , Deja Vu All Over Again , Lessons , Dozens , Solar Energy , Investment , Wind , Industry , Energy Firms , 00 Billion , 500 Billion , School Districts , Buses , They Weren T Working , Gas , Gas Prices , Ev , Anybody , Ev Push , Somewhere , Ev Buses , 3 82 , 82 , Disco , Investment Act , The Big Picture , 70 Billion , 270 Billion , Districts , Viewers , 80 , Jobs , Factories , Wind Power Factories , Manufacturing , Independence , Georgia , Alabama , 7000 , States , Success Story , Landmark Investment In Green Energy , Let Steve , Home , Nations , Supply , Soil , Need , Needs , Fossil Fuels , Trauma , Dependency , Oil Production , 70 Million , 170 Million , Taxpayer Subsidies , Wall Street Journal , 10 Million , Goodness , Welfare , Taxpayer Money , Oil Companies , Billions , Dollars , Tune , Times , Statistics , Perils , Unit , Urinalysis , Electric Power , Weekday , Discussion , Losers , Winners , Hello , Dana Perino , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , Most , Spine , Nonsense , Left , He Doesn T Wan , Elmar ,

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texas, he is at the border. a hearing that is about to be underway. we begin with bill and those new pictures. speetwo good afternoon. border patrol sources tell us that this happens a lot more than people realize, but nonetheless, the images are startling. we will pull them up. law enforcement sources telling us that this happened saturday night in the rio grande valley, as a drawbridge camera shows a group of three suspected cartel gunmen crossing illegally into texas, a very heavy cartel area. as they are moving through the brush on the u.s. side of the border, they are armed with ar-15 style rifles. some of them are wearing body armor. i am told that elite border patrol agents responded to the area, look for these guys, but came up empty. this happened just days after an armed smuggler was seen here in eagle pass. look at these images released by texas dps. drones over this human smuggler who had a rifle on him as he was guiding a group of illegal immigrants across the river across eagle pass. he ended up escaping back to mexico. he was never caught. the north dakota governor and g.o.p. presidential candidate doug burnham has been here in eagle pass. he got a briefing from border patrol, was stunned by what they had to say. take a listen. >> so far in this sector, 98 different countries, people crossing, including syria, iran, china. direct to mexico. national security -- of this open border is going to be around for decades. >> illegal crossings are surging across the border. this is video from our drone team. one of the groups that have crossed illegal today. the del rio sector, it's been averaging between 70900 illegal crossings in recent days. lastly, we will talk about the fentanyl, which is always showing up in our border. take a look at the photos, cvp n -- arizona. they report the port of entry, one single day last week that their officers to seize 870,000 fentanyl pills, 14 pounds of pure fentanyl powder. they say the pills were hidden in paper, a car, and strapped to a human body. back live in eagle pass a short time ago, a group of house democrats, including joaquin castro, they were out holding a press conference, where they blasted and criticized the texas governor greg abbott, calling him on marriage for placing razor wire in marine buoys in the rio grande behind us. they say it is cruel to do so to migrants, but texas dps interviewed with his afterwards countering with the congressman had to say, saying no migrants have been mistreated, and texas has to step up, the federal government's void, because they say the federal government is simply not doing its job down here at the southern border. >> live in eagle pass, texas. thank you. president biden focusing on the climate today. republican numbers of the house and senate committee looking to speak over the border. arizona and less than an hour from now. sheriff mark daniels will be testifying. first, let's get to aisha huskey, tracking this from capitol hill. >> good afternoon to. this is going to be a rare coming together of republicans on the judiciary and oversight committees as they investigate how the migrant crisis is impacting those border communities in arizona. as they do that at the border back here on the hill, we are learning about new efforts to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. fox has now obtained a letter written by under spin chip boyd of texas, that is currently being circulated amongst the g.o.p. conference right now. this letter is basically saying that if president biden does not meet his list of demands, he will not vote for any money to fund the department of homeland security. his demands include signing that g.o.p. border bill into law, reimbursing texas $10 billion, and removing the secretary. i just spoke with congressman andy biggs, who's at the border right now, about this impeachment timeline. he said it's on number one question he's been getting from folks in arizona. >> what i tell people is i don't know that we have the votes just yet. i keep trying to tell mike my colleagues that we are past time for an impeachment inquiry, and certainly secretary mayorkas, who i always believed until recently was -- to be honest with you. >> leading tonight's field hearing along with connor's been glenn grothman. republicans are not alone in their dissatisfaction, though. arizona senator kyrsten sinema. called out new york city's democrats for waiting about the migrant crisis, come live in yuma for a day. i'm sure house republicans will love to see president biden, who was visiting arizona, perhaps speak a little bit. not going to happen though. >> sandra: not many are holding their breath. thank you very much. our next guest will be testifying at that hearing with cochise county, arizona, sheriff, mark daniels. what's your message at the hearing? >> good afternoon. let me just say, we are honored to have the congressional team in the hearing today. we are going to share our community, share the tragedies we've seen over the last, a little over two years. in less than 18 months, we have placed just over 2300 individuals in my jail for border related crimes. just under 2300, only 131 work -- they are people from the united states, international crime, smuggling fentanyl, illicit drugs, human traff trafficking. it is a crisis on our border. washington, d.c., the said administration, a couple failed to prioritize our border. this will needs immediate attention. >> sandra: it is not getting that. we had the president in arizona today. we carried some of that speech live earlier. no mention of the border. we know that you want to have more tension on it. will become a big enough political issue as we head closer and closer to the election, that democrats will start talking about it? speak of the biggest concern law enforcement have, federal partners that wear a badge, local police departments, is that it does not get politicized, but we are afraid it's going to be. politics has sadly affected our border. we have lost 290 people plus a day to fentanyl poisoning in our country. a stat, last year, 35 made fentanyl pills were seized in the four counties in arizona, 16 total, leading the nation in fentanyl pills. we have to secure this border for the country. >> sandra: and we have been hearing that from you for quite some time. can i get your reaction to these newly obtained pictures from f fox, new images of the suspected cartel women armed with a rifle -- she suspected cartel gunmen armed with a ri rifle? seeing them crossing over the united states. >> sandra, this is alarming, and we have created this scenario. the violent towards law enforcement, the volatility and violence toward citizens as a result of this neglect of border security in the country, that's where it always. this is the new normal. this is something i want to talk about, the fact that we have allowed our borders, and this is the new -- it's okay to have this amount of fentanyl, the criminals, people being exploited. migrants are being exploited by cartels. this is the result. the cartels are emboldened by what we are doing in this country. we have to make this a priority. until we do, it's only going to get worse. >> sandra: adding to the details we learned in a tucson sector? were you have seen the migrants arriving daily. 34%, the average of 812 back in june. is this a crisis that is escalating out of control at this point? >> it's a crisis that continues to grow. washington, d.c., and this demonstration -- failed to even acknowledge the problem. as long as the problem's not being acknowledged, and the opposite -- secretary mayorkas says that the borders are secure. that's a false narrative. cult is listening to that, continuing to exploit america. >> sandra: we know it's a huge job for you at the border. july -- when the biden administration, that is a huge job, and a huge task. thank you for your service. thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> sandra: so far, president biden is the clear front runner for democratic nomination, so why are so many leaders like the new hampshire governor saying it's a no-go for joe? we will ask him. new numbers showing americans racking up credit card debt at a record pace. is this why folks still feel inflation, very real? a man, his family, and his tractor, penny. these are the upshaws. and this is their playground. there's a story in every piece of land, run with us on a john deere tractor and start telling yours. with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. lowe's knows a style refresh is even more refreshing ...when it's at the right price. that's why, we've we pull our favorite looks together in-store and in in the app. so it is easy to get the look you want for less. you got this. we got you. (vo) verizon small business days are back. from august 7th to the 13th. get a free tech check and special offers. like a free 5g phone. plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. >> sandra: say it ain't so, joe, some members of your own party are looking for someone else. >> it is possible with the talent, the time, the energy, the ethics to enter a primary, should do it. we have 12 republicans as options for republican primary voters right now. right now, only three on the democratic side. i believe in competition. we are at the democratic party. democracy means the freedom to make choices, and we don't have any of them. >> sandra: fox news' mike emanuel is in washington, d.c., with more. >> reporter: the minnesota congressman says that democrats want to competition and not a coronation. phillips is calling out prominent democrats to get into the primary race for the white house. >> should jump in because we need the moment here the moment is now. that's what the country is answering. >> reporter: "the washington post" seemed to float -- on behalf of the pennsylvania governor josh -- in recent days, just wanted to office in january. a critical battleground state were president biden won by a little more than 80,000 votes, shapiro won by more than 790,000, writing "pennsylvania governor josh shapiro ranks as one of the most determined and so far successful practitioners of this new politics rendition. you might know shapiro as the guy who got a collapse part of interstate 95 in philadelphia fixed within 12 days." given how long public projects take to complete, he deserved "all the attention he got for this achievement." "the washington post" also praising fellow governor of michigan, wes moore of maryland, gavin newsom of california. and -- in massachusetts. the governor of kentucky. meanwhile, the former congressman will hurd, who is running for g.o.p. nomination, said the american people are eager for a reset for -- >> two-thirds of americans do not want donald trump or joe biden on the ballot. that's clear and has all is been the case. >> reporter: republicans have a wide range of candidates, democrats so far do not. >> sandra: many are starting to suggest that president joe biden will not be the nominee. our next guest is one of them new hampshire republican governor -- do you stand by that still? >> absolutely. i'm not saying it's deftly going to happen, but a greater than 50% chance that he is not on the ballot come november of '24. you will see two things happen. either he goes to the primary process effectively unchallenged, are your for now he collects the delegates, his health will not be good. he can use that as a reason to step out, and basically tell his delegates to go for somebody else and kind of be the king maker. it wouldn't be unheard of for the democrats to try to do that. the opportunity when someone comes this fall. i think of the deponent were to challenge him this fall, it would probably be somebody with a little bit of name i.d. nationally, maybe somebody who is not a politician. i don't think democratic governors will do it this fall. probably looking to be coordinated by jill and joe biden next summer. i am predicting probably at least one if not two people still in this fall challenge. making a run at it. i am meeting everybody. they have all come knocking. republicans and democrats all want to know how to win. obviously not just on policy, a fiscally conservative free-market guy. on the democratic side, they want to engage voters. i think it's very interesting. i'm a big believer that new hampshire is a great first filter for the rest of the country. we are meeting everybody. we will see who has the courage to step in the ring. >> i like that, fiscally conservative free-market guys. who would be the most business friendly candidate that you could think of? let's start on the democratic side. >> on the democratic side? we will be here a long time if we are trying to find a fiscally conservative democrat in this country. republicans -- we have a lot of options, no doubt about it. you have the former governor chris christie, you have the current governor, you have a lot of folks that understand the pillars of limited government, local control, fiscally responsible. things we told him we would get in 2016, did not quite pan out. wants to create a government, when they say they will drain the swamp, maybe someone who actually does at this time. my going to add 6 trillion onto my kids debt burden, your kids debt burden. folks to understand what being a republican is about, a great opportunity. the next six months is going to bury it out. >> sandra: your point is well taken. 2024 hopefuls have been hitting the trail today. carried a lot of those moments during our program earlier. you've got chris christie, nikki haley, donald trump on the ground. who do you think is going to resonate with voters in that state? >> whoever works the hardest. it's wide open. folks in new hampshire it will not -- who they are voting for until around christmas or just after christmas. kind of letting it all play out as deep as it can go. symbol fall apart. my sense is you will be down to 4-6 candidates by iowa, 4- five by new hampshire. when it becomes a one on 1 race, it's not the policy has comments the ones he does not have. for an incumbent republican presidents only be getting low 40 or high 30% in places like new hampshire, 60% of the people don't want them. even of his own supporters, recent polls said 50% would go to sunday also have given a good option. he is in trouble when you narrow down periods be when you say you are advising a lot of these folks who are knocking on your door. aside from how they should win, who do you want to win? who do you want the nominee to be? >> they have to earn my vote as well as anybody else. events for nikki haley. helping them all. going to do a bunch of events with will hurd, who you just heard from. helping them be the best they can be to see who rises to the top. >> thank you for your time. thanks for joining us. busy day new hampshire. obama appointed judge in the january 6th case, former president donald trump, can he get a fair trial in washington customer case is no. we will see what andy mccarthy and tom depree say next. president joe biden is pushed to go green, taking a hit as a battery maker he touted is now deep in the red. let innovation refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. ♪ the thought of getting screened ♪ ♪ for colon cancer made me queasy. ♪ ♪ but now i've found a way that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way! ♪ i was born on the south side of chicago. it has been a long road, but now i'm working for schwab. i love to help people understand the world through their lens and invest accordingly. you can call us christmas eve at four o'clock in the morning. we're gonna always make sure that you have all of the financial tools and support to secure your financial future. that means a lot for my community and for every community. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. >> sandra: inflation may be: come but are americans racking up record credit card debt? feeling any relief, the political impact coming up. back in 60 seconds. if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. >> sandra: former president donald trump on the trail, as his legal team -- for trial right now, the january 6th trial. the location is question right now. davis -- in washington with the latest. what are we hearing about that, david? >> reporter: the court filings keep coming in multiple cases involving the former president. last night, a judge told both the trump team and the government to hash out their differences over a protective order. donald trump's team says they could meet next week to discuss it. did governments as they could meet this week. we are waiting to see with the judge decides. the order originally proposed by the governor would limit with the former president could say or type out on social media, or in person regarding the case. it began with a social post over the weekend where he rode "if you go after me, i'm coming after you." special counsel jack smith's team took out as a threat potentially to future witnesses in the case, even people in the special counsel's office. trance attorneys say that its political speech, and he was talking about rivals on the campaign trail. what the judge says. trump's team also wants to move the trial out of d.c., where you can expect a special counsel department justice to bite. trans attorneys are expected to file a motion to move the trial, but it's not up to them and not up to the special counsel. >> it's up to the judge. i think west virginia would be excellent to try this case. >> in a rare moment of agreement, congressman adam schiff from california and the former president donald trump, who are political enemies, they bolt dominic both want the trial televised. they have different motives for why, but they believe the american people should see what happens inside the courtroom. it's up to the judicial conference of judges, federal judges, who would give some input in that decision. she is presiding over this case. cameras are not allowed a federal court. it's unlikely that she would allow this to happen, but it's always possible. televising something like this is historic on many levels, but legal experts say it's unlikely this would be televised, given it's a federal case. of course, stranger things have happened and we are in uncharted territory as you know. >> sandra: we have learned to never rule anything out. >> reporter: never. >> sandra: thank you. is the former president out of luck if he can't get this trial out of d.c.? let's get the read from our legal eagles today, tom giuffre and andy mccarthy. tom, do you think this could happen? could he out of the washington, d.c., area? >> i'd say the odds of that are slim to none. i think it makes all the sense in the world for the former president trump to make the effort. it's not a favorable journey. i think you are likelier to find -- they are a trump voter. the odds are that bad. that said, the standard for transferring the case is very high. the constitution generally says you try more cases in the jurisdiction where the events occurred. i think he will face an uphill battle. i don't think there's much help -- but the judges will grant that motion. i think the trauma team's strategy here needs to be to question potential jurors aggressively, carefully and thoroughly, as is the right, to say even if you want to trump voter, can you still approach this case neutrally. >> andy, what say you? the former president says there's no way he could get a fair trial with the judge assigned to the ridiculous freedom of speech fair elections case. everybody knows this, so does she. he says he can't get a fair trial in d.c. does he have a point? >> i generally agree with tom, and i would just add that from personal experience, long ago and far away, it was the 19 1990s. terrace tried to to bomb the world trade center. in the shadow of the courthouse will dominic where we held a trial, across the screen from the fbi -- go across the street from the fbi headquarters, and the howard tunnel, that they also wanted to blow up. the fact that the case is approximate in terms of where it's going to be tried, to the scenes of real carnage and would be carnage that they will carry out, he's not the ticket to get out of the jurisdiction. one argument i think he can make, i don't know what traction, but i feel like smith has gratuitously thrown the capitol riot into the trial. trump is not charged in the indictment with any offense arising out of the capitol riot, and yet, after he filed the indictment, smith spoke for about two dominic 3 minutes, 2.e capitol riot's. i he's trying to throw that, like waving the bloodied shirt, into the case. if i were trump, i would harp on that, that i would not hold my breath waiting for them to -- >> do you agree? >> i think andy makes a lot of good sense. i agree with his comments on jack smith. i was surprised that he made the comments he did from the podium. especially an odd note for him to strike when he's accusing former president trump of wanting to try this case in the media, than making redo his comments, going beyond the bounds of what he can permissibly say. the special counsel to then make statements and arguments and rhetoric from the podium on allegations that is and he correctly are not really an issue with what he filed. it's not something you normally see out of the department of justice. >> sandra: it's part of the televised nature of this case, any part of you predict that could happen? >> i don't think so. i see this as someone who thinks it's a good thing that federal trials are not televised. don't throw anything at me, please. [laughter] i think they can make for bad trials. the important thing is the issue actually transcends this case, as important as this case is. it's not going to be -- as david said before. it is not the judge who will make this decision. it's the judicial conference. i think they would look at it in terms of would be a good thing in general to televise a federal trial? no doubt. >> sandra: very interesting. the revelations of the devon archer letter. does that underscore his closeness to hunter biden's business activities? how does that change things? >> i think it does change things. the whole devon archer situation has just been a constant flow, every single day it seems we are learning something with a constant narrative. president biden, no involvement in his son's business dealings, now learning he was on speakerphone, writing all sorts of things, and the white house's story has been evolving. they've been having to change their official line to account for this evidence congress has been doing a fantastic job in uncovering and bringing to the attention of the american people. >> something he had never spoken with his son about his business dealings to he has never done business. thanks to both of you. appreciate the conversation. the debate stage is growing. mike pence says he has met the donor threshold to join the first g.o.p. debate. and without any gimmicks to get him there. 2024 -- francis suarez says the so-called humans are paying off. he is next. what do we always sa? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. at mint mobile, we like to do the opposite of what big wireless does. they charge you a lot. we charge you a little. they put their names on arenas. we put ours on my lower back. so naturally when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you. and if this were one of their ads, they'd end it here with a "happy customer". so we'll end ours with an angry goat. oh h-ho, look at the angry goat. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandra: the first g.o.p. presidential debate here on fox is two weeks from tomorrow. add mike pence to the list of qualified candidates. the former vice president's team says he got there without any gimmicks. he was on with martha last week. >> we are working hard at it. i'm not giving out gift cards, not offering soccer tickets or kickbacks. i'm just asking for support. >> sandra: the miami mayor and g.o.p. presidential candidate francis suarez is using some of those tactics to turn up support and says it is working. he just met the 40,000 unique donor threshold needed to debate. francis suarez joins us. perhaps i should let you make that announcement yourself. >> it's okay. listen, it's really great that yesterday, we met that 40,000 donors threshold. i understand bart dominic why the vice president said what he said. he's been a national figure for the last four years, i have for the last 60 days, so i have some catching up to do. i think what is neat about the 60 day candidacy have had so far is that people have gotten to know me and hear my personal story. when they see the policies that i implemented and allowed me to transform a city that i was bankrupt when i was first elected to a city that now has unprecedented surpluses, the lowest tax rates ever, 14% growth last year. when you look at urban areas across america, and you see places like chicago who have led the nation and homicides, 11 years in a row with 700 last year. and you look at miami, and you see we've only had 17 this year. 34% decrease from our 1964 per capita low last year. then, you look at how we have transformed our economy to have the lowest on employment in america, the highest wage growth, highest technology job growth. that positions you well to make a compelling case to the american people that i should be there nominee for president of the united states. i can't wait to get on the debate stage august 23rd. everything we are doing between now and then is calculated to get us there. >> sandra: and that is a fair point to make, because while you've met the fund-raising threshold you've not made the polling threshold which we have on the screen a moment ago. as far as the polling preference, the g.o.p. presidential candidates, you are pulling 1%. how do you expect to pull the number up? >> well, we are going to obviously spend money over the next couple weeks to get it there. for me, this is very different than for other candidates. a lot of them are well established national figures. for me, this is an incremental process. getting on the debate stage, introducing myself. having people get to know who i am. the impact on my fact that my parents were exiled from the country of birth, communist cuba, came here seeking freedom and have experienced the american dream, something that defines who i am as a person and it defines a city that i run. that's a compelling story. i know that i've dominic if i'm on a stage and have an opportunity to interest was myself to the country -- go opportunity to introduce myself to the country, then we will have growth. >> sandra: i mention the tactics because you were giving a dollar to enter for a chance -- senior in college they work for you, because you meant that threshold. who are you ready to support if you don't make it? >> look, i'm focused on making it over the next 12 days. i am excited about the possibility of telling that story of the national level. i am appreciate of of opportunities like this to be on your show to talk about our success. that will give us the volume to get to that percent threshold. then we will take it from there. >> thank you so much for joining us. we will watch to see how that turns out. it's forming dominic coming up fast three weeks from now. americans are racking up credit card debt at a record pace. is it a sign that inflation is not going fast enough? (burke) a new car loses about ten percent of its value the minute you drive off the lot. or more. that's why farmers new car replacement pays to replace it with a new one of the same make and model. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. >> sandra: she's not alone. credit card debt is asserting. a new record in the second quarter, past $1 trillion, with a t. inflation remains top issue with shoppers. driving polls that shows 70% of markets do not like the way the president's handling inflation. let's ask democratic pollster carly cooperman. great to have you here today. if the president was out there in arizona touting biden-onyx, and kamala harris was out there -- wages are up, this is not the reality for most americans in this country. do you think people are buying it? >> i think credit card debt that's happening speaks to the fact that the cost of living is high for americans. what the biden administration is speaking about in terms of the job market being strong and unemployment being low, there lies the discrepancy between what they want people to say and the fact that -- continues to struggle as it relates to the economy, and as it relates to the overall approval. >> to be sure, this is inflation that most voters, when polled, a tribute to this administration's out-of-control spending. there is a multitiered problem here. people are dealing with these high priceds because of the economic policies of this presidency. >> the biden administration has its work cut out for it, in terms of convincing people that it's done good things for the economy, because as long as inflation is going to continue to dominate and hurt people's day-to-day costs and make life extensive for them, he's going to continue to struggle. there was a reuters poll that came out last week which showed that 19% of biden voters from last cycle say they are undecided or want to vote for somebody else other than biden and trump. biden voters are also more bearish on the economy than they are positive. it's a struggle that the biden administration is facing in terms of trying to get their message to highlight the unemployment that slow, and the job growth that's coming. is not translating it to people's pockets. >> sandra: is a democrat, it seems there's more concessions from you than they are defense plurals of this headmistress is policies. do you fall into the category of a democrat that does not want joe biden to be the nominee? >> i would support joe biden over any republican candidate out there. i believe that biden has done good things for the economy, and he came out of a post-pandemic period and prevented the country from going into a deep, deep recession. i'm also looking at the poll numbers as a pollster, and seeing a disconnect between what biden wants people to see and how voters are feeling. i see the realities and challenges out there. >> sandra: very interesting. taking the credit card that dominic debt situation, people are taking on more and more debt to pay for sky-high prices. as they take on that debt, we have interest rates going up because the federal reserve's hiking rates to try to tame that inflation. it's a really evil cycle once you are in it. that's the reality for many americans right now. appreciate you joining us. thank you for your insights. >> thanks for having me. >> present joe biden, his green agenda out there today. one green company he was touting not long ago is heading south. that's next. 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(vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy s23. only on verizon. hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer 300 thank-you notes. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> president biden in arizona pushing his green agenda today comes as an ev company wants breeze just filed for bank bankruptcy. grady trimble has more on that from washington for us. >> president biden celebrated investments in green energy today, but he made no mention of the electric vehicle company he promoted not that long ago which is now filing for bankruptcy. earlier this year, presi president biden appointed ceo garrett the joys to the white house export counsel advising the president on international trade. before that, in 2021, he took a virtual tour of the electric bass and battery makers manufacturing facility in south carolina. >> we ought to be the single most significant suppliers of electric bustles and vehicles in the world for you guys are getting us in that game. it's going to make a lot of difference. >> the president's energy secretary sat on the board before taking on the cabinet position. also sold $1.6 million worth of shares in the company in 2021. which the energy department said was above board and met ethical standards. not the only ev maker losing a lot of money right now. some experts say electric vehicle demand just isn't there. >> people don't want them nearly as much as the government wants them to want them for the right way to have a car this for us to be free to choose what car we want. evs have caused issues with subsidies. the thing that is looming as they have a huge issue in terms of burdening our grid. >> ceo blamed his bankruptcy filing on "various macro and economic headwinds." it will keep paying its employees, vendors, and suppliers. sandra. >> grady trimble on that for us. will this push to go green have taxpayers seeing red? joining us now, economist steve moore and democratic strategist laura fink. thank you for joining us here. a few minutes left to go here in the hour. look at what is happening these companies around in this ev p push. they are getting a lot of money, and they are still failing. why is that if it is so popular? 's the one this is deja vu all over again. the biden administration learned none of the lessons from the obama administration. that was supposed to be the solar energy company of the future. it went bankrupt as did dozens of other energy firms. we have spent as a nation well over $500 billion over the last 40 years subsidizing wind and solar industry. it only counts for a 6%. it is the worst investment the federal government has ever made. >> i am reminded up in michigan we are one of the largest school districts there. they were given all this money to buy electric buses and then they complained that they were breaking. they weren't working. we are getting pushed into this ev world while many can't even afford it. at the same time, anybody was tying to still drive their gas car, gas prices are going up substantially in the past month. $3.82 is the national average. what exactly is going on here? this ev push premature. >> we've got to start somewhere. the ev buses have improved since the last reporting period you have to look at the big picture. there's no reason to panic at this particular disco. president biden has initiated the investment act. that is led to $270 billion in private investments. a lot of that investment, sandra, your viewers should know is going to red states. 80% of the projects in green clean energy are going into republican held districts. we also see that 60% of the manufacturing, more than 7,000 jobs were getting solar factories in georgia. getting wind power factories in alabama. this is something that is incredibly good for the economy. it gives us independence from china. >> overall, it is -- landmark investment in green energy and a true success story for americans in both red and blue states. >> let steve respond. we are cutting our supply of oil here at home. we are growing more and more dependent on foreign nations when we are still in need of fossil fuels. that needs to be pointed out. while she's talking about limiting dependency on other countries and manufacturing here at home, we are having to turn to foreign nations for our gas now. >> we are losing $170 million a day. if we just kept up the pace of oil production we had under trauma. there is a company solar reported in "the wall street journal" last week. this company is going to get -- are you ready for this? 10 billion. not 10 million, $10 billion of taxpayer subsidies. my goodness, this is corporate welfare of the worst kind. what kind of investment of this? if these companies are so great, why do they need so much taxpayer money? go ahead. >> you name checked me. i will go and tell you this. i'm wondering why you're not talking about the subsidies to oil companies. we subsidize oil companies to the tune of billions of dollars. so did the green energy companies. you got to be fair and balanced when it comes to urinalysis. >> i know the statistics, sandra threw the wind and solar industry get 20 times more subsidies as a unit of electric power. the one we are identifying some of the perils of the government getting involved in picking winners and losers. we have seen it before. thank you for the debate. appreciate the discussion. thanks so much for joining us today. thank you to all of you at home for joining us. i appreciate that. i will see you back tomorrow. you can catch me every weekday at will 1:00 p.m. thank you for joining us. keep it right here because it is time for "the five." >> hello, everybody. on jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." joe biden getting blasted for refusing to stand up to the left's woke nonsense. elmar thinks it's time for the president to grow a spine. >> one of the things i hate the most about biden's he never stands up to woke nonsense and his party. he doesn't wan

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Thing , Reporter , Martha , Sad , The Story , 3 , 00 , Thanks , Afternoon , Joe Biden , Border , Body Armor , Images , Arizona , U S , Border Crossings , Cartel Members , Suspected Cartel Women Armed , Surfacing , Hearing , World , Neil Cavuto , Cochise County Sheriff , Reimbursing Texas , Pictures , Bill , Speetwo , Local Control , People , Border Patrol , Law Enforcement Sources , Sources , Camera , Saturday Night , Rio Grande Valley , Side , Group , Some , Cartel Area , Rifles , Cartel Gunmen , Brush , Ar 15 , Three , 15 , Rifle , Human Smuggler , Eagle Pass , Guys , Area , Agents , Smuggler , Drones , Texas Dps , Elite Border Patrol , Governor , Gop , Doug Burnham , River , Immigrants , Mexico , North Dakota , Sector , Countries , Listen , People Crossing , Briefing , Syria , Iran , 98 , Crossings , National Security , China , One , Groups , Drone Team , Video , Del Rio Sector , 70900 , Fentanyl , Port Of Entry , Officers , Photos , Take A Look , Cvp N , 870000 , Car , Fentanyl Pills , Pills , Human Body , House Democrats , Powder , Paper , 14 , Press Conference , Greg Abbott , Razor Wire , Buoys , Marriage , Joaquin Castro , Government , Congressman , Migrants , Federal Government , Void , President , Job , House , Numbers , Committee , Senate , Climate , Mark Daniels , First , Aisha Huskey , Crisis , Republicans , Border Communities , Oversight Committees , Judiciary , Capitol Hill , Letter , Alejandro Mayorkas , Learning , Efforts , Homeland Security , The Hill , Written By Under Spin , Chip Boyd , Fox , Money , Demands , List , Conference , Andy Biggs , Department Of Homeland Security , Border Bill Into Law , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Folks , Votes , Question , Impeachment Timeline , Number One , Secretary Mayorkas , Impeachment Inquiry , Colleagues , Field Hearing , Connor , Democrats , Kyrsten Sinema , Dissatisfaction , New York City , Glenn Grothman , Sandra , Bit , Many , Breath , Yuma , White House , Guest , Message , Sheriff , Team , Community , Last , Tragedies , 2300 , Two , 18 , Work , Individuals , Crimes , Jail , 131 , Administration , Washington D C , Attention , Crime , Will , Couple , Smuggling Fentanyl , Human Traff Trafficking , Illicit Drugs , Speech , Mention , Tension , It , Issue , Partners , Law Enforcement Have , Badge , Police Departments , Election , Country , Politics , Stat , Fentanyl Poisoning , 35 , 290 , Nation , Counties , Total , Four , 16 , F Fox , Reaction , Cartel Gunmen Armed With A Ri Rifle , Something , Result , Violent , Border Security , Law Enforcement , Scenario , Violence , Volatility , Neglect , Citizens , Fact , Cartels , Borders , Criminals , Amount , Details , Priority , Average , 812 , 34 , Point , Control , Narrative , Problem , Demonstration , Opposite , Cult , Service , Task , July , New Hampshire , Nomination , Runner , Joe , No Go , Leaders , T Inflation , Credit Card Debt , Pace , Man , Tractor , Playground , Family , Penny , Upshaws , Story , Glucose Level , System , Confidence , Land , Piece , A1c , Diabetes , John Deere , Fingersticks , 2 , Lowe S , Medicare , Price , Style Refresh , Looks , Doctor , App , Libre 2 , Vo , Tech Check , Offers , 5g Phone , 5 , 13 , August 7th , 7 , 13th , Business , Number , Verizon , Plus , Switch , 300 , Speaker , Wounded Warrior Project , Life , Tools , Sense , Camaraderie , Cost , Warriors , Community Support , Life Skill Training , Narrator , Mental Health Services , Families , Career Assistance , Advocacy , 20 , Say It Ain T , Energy , Options , Party , Talent , Members , Someone Else , Ethics , Primary , 12 , Voters , More , Competition , Freedom , Democracy , Choices , Mike Emanuel , Fox News , Race , Coronation , Phillips , Minnesota , Josh Shapiro , Office , Answering , Float , Behalf , Pennsylvania , The Washington Post , Writing , Practitioners , Battleground State , Biden Won , 790000 , 80000 , Part , Guy , Projects , Collapse , Rendition , Interstate 95 , Philadelphia , 95 , Michigan , Achievement , California , Gavin Newsom , Wes Moore , Maryland , Massachusetts , Kentucky , Donald Trump , Will Hurd , Ballot , Wall , Reset , Case , Candidates , Nominee , Range , Chance , Them , 50 , Things , Somebody , Reason , Process , Delegates , Health , Unchallenged , 24 , Someone , Opportunity , Kind , Deponent , Maker , It Wouldn T , King , Politician , Governors , Name , Jill , Everybody , Run , Challenge , Policy , Believer , Filter , Free Market Guy , Rest , Candidate , Courage , Free Market Guys , Meeting , Ring , Friendly , Chris Christie , No Doubt , Pillars , Swamp , 2016 , Kids Debt , Kids Debt Burden , 6 Trillion , Six , Trail , Nikki Haley , Hopefuls , Program , 2024 , Estate , Ground , Hardest , Voting , Play , Symbol , Iowa , 6 , 1 , 4 , Five , Comments , Presidents , Places , Ones , 30 , 40 , Supporters , Polls , Trouble , Option , 60 , Vote , Anybody Else , Door , Events , Best , Bunch , January 6th Trial , Judge , Customer Case , Obama , January 6th Case , Top , Andy Mccarthy , January 6th , Tax Refund , Tom Depree Say , Help , In The Red , Green , Battery Maker , Hit , Innovation , Erc , Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Patio , Dr , Facelift , Practice , Colon Cancer , Innovation Refunds , Thought , Stop Waiting , Brows , Me Queasy , Wax Museum , Way , Cologuard , Doc , Risk , Results , Non Invasive , Provider , 45 , Chicago , South Side , Road , Schwab , Lens , Support , Future , Neuriva Plus , Kitchen Tool , Brain , Indicators , Brain Health , Others , Neuriva , Multitasker , Pairs , Impact , Back , Relief , America S Best , Exam , Expression , Ears , Aaaaaaaaand , 59 Bucks , 79 95 , 9 95 , 59 , Americasbest Com , Glasses , Won T Overpay , Location , Latest , Davis , Cases , Trump Team , Order , Differences , Court Filings , David , Last Night , Governments , Person , Post , Social Media , Jack Smith , Threat , Witnesses , Trance Attorneys , Motion , Counsel , Attorneys , Justice , Department , Campaign Trail , Rivals , Adam Schiff , Agreement , West Virginia , Judges , Bolt Dominic , Courtroom , Motives , Why , Enemies , Decision , Levels , Cameras , Federal Court , Input , Anything , Stranger Things Have Happened , Course , Territory , Experts , Eagles , Luck , Tom Giuffre , Trump , Odds , None , Journey , Effort , Jurisdiction , Voter , Standard , Constitution , Uphill Battle , Trauma Team , Right , Strategy , Jurors , Elections , Case Neutrally , Freedom Of Speech , D C , Tom , Experience , 19 , Shadow , Courthouse , Terrace , Screen , Fbi Headquarters , Fbi , The Street , World Trade Center , Howard Tunnel , 1990 , Terms , Carnage , Scenes , Ticket , Capitol , Traction , Riot , Argument , Indictment , Offense , Dominic , Capitol Riot , Breath Waiting , Shirt , Podium , Media , Odd Note , Bounds , Allegations , Statements , Say , Arguments , Rhetoric , Department Of Justice , Trials , Nature , Laughter , Don T Throw , General , Hunter Biden , Revelations , Closeness , Business Activities , Devon Archer , Son , Whole Devon Archer Situation , Business Dealings , Learning Something , Involvement , Flow , Congress , Speakerphone , Sorts , Line , Evidence , Debate Stage , Both , Conversation , Mike Pence , Debate , Gimmicks , Donor Threshold , Humans , That S My Boy , Freeways , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Pay , Everything , Promises , Promise , Shapes , Place , Each , Aren T , Shipments , Sizes , Old Dominion , Isn T Just Freight , Little , Names , Arenas , Lower , Mint Mobile , Prices , Goat , Their , Customer , Ads , Oh H Ho , Vice President , Mayor , Tactics , Gift Cards , Soccer Tickets , Kickbacks , Francis Suarez , Miami , Unique Donor Threshold , Announcement , 40000 , Bart Dominic Why The Vice President , Donors Threshold , Figure , Policies , Candidacy , Growth , Areas , Tax Rates , Surpluses , Row , Homicides , 11 , 700 , Economy , Wage Growth , Employment , Lowest , 17 , 1964 , President Of The United States , Technology Job Growth , Debate Stage August 23rd , August 23rd , 23 , Threshold , Make , Polling Threshold , Polling Preference , Figures , Parents , Birth , Communist Cuba , Interest , Stage , The American Dream , College , Dollar , Senior , Level , Possibility , Opportunities , Success , Show , Volume , Value , Sign , Burke , Ten , Farmers , Bum , Model , Car Replacement , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , 5g Solutions , T Mobile , Mlb , Game , 5g Network , Fan Experience , Record , Shoppers , 70 , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Handling Inflation , Markets , Democratic Pollster , Carly Cooperman , Biden Onyx , Reality , Wages , Kamala Harris , Living , Happening , Unemployment , Discrepancy , Job Market , Low , Approval , Polled , Multitiered Problem , Priceds , Spending , Presidency , Poll , Cycle , Costs , Reuters , Struggle , Job Growth , Category , Concessions , Headmistress , Defense Plurals , Pockets , Pollster , Disconnect , Deep , Recession , Feeling , Debt , Credit Card , Realities , Interest Rates , Challenges , Situation , Hiking Rates , Insights , Federal Reserve , Plan , Agenda , Fan , Josh Allen , Green Company , South , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Youtubetv , Uh , Yea , Myplan , Pair , Visionworks , Mmhm , Samsung Galaxy S23 , 449 , 49 , Difference , Everyone , Reports , Back To School , Notes , Essays , Rule , 2000 , Gel Ink Pen , You Don T , Little Bear , Bear , You Don T , I Ll Be There , Arms , Ev Company , Bank Bankruptcy , Grady Trimble , Investments , Bankruptcy , Electric Vehicle Company , Green Energy Today , Biden Appointed , Presi , Tour , On International Trade , Garrett The Joys , Electric Bass , 2021 , Suppliers , Battery Makers , Vehicles , Single , Facility , Bustles , South Carolina , Company , Cabinet Position , Energy Secretary Sat , Shares , 1 6 Million , 6 Million , Ev Maker , Vehicle , Demand , Standards , Energy Department , Subsidies , Issues , Evs , Headwinds , Bankruptcy Filing , Grid , Taxpayers , Push , Employees , Red , Vendors , Grady Trimble On , Economist , Steve Moore , Laura Fink , Companies , The One , Ev P Push , Deja Vu All Over Again , Lessons , Dozens , Solar Energy , Investment , Wind , Industry , Energy Firms , 00 Billion , 500 Billion , School Districts , Buses , They Weren T Working , Gas , Gas Prices , Ev , Anybody , Ev Push , Somewhere , Ev Buses , 3 82 , 82 , Disco , Investment Act , The Big Picture , 70 Billion , 270 Billion , Districts , Viewers , 80 , Jobs , Factories , Wind Power Factories , Manufacturing , Independence , Georgia , Alabama , 7000 , States , Success Story , Landmark Investment In Green Energy , Let Steve , Home , Nations , Supply , Soil , Need , Needs , Fossil Fuels , Trauma , Dependency , Oil Production , 70 Million , 170 Million , Taxpayer Subsidies , Wall Street Journal , 10 Million , Goodness , Welfare , Taxpayer Money , Oil Companies , Billions , Dollars , Tune , Times , Statistics , Perils , Unit , Urinalysis , Electric Power , Weekday , Discussion , Losers , Winners , Hello , Dana Perino , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , Most , Spine , Nonsense , Left , He Doesn T Wan , Elmar ,

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