Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240707

recent american history. worst than the klu klux klan. worst that the baptist church that disrupted it in funerals. black lives matter whose leaders buy be mansions. >> this is about a lot more than abortion. what happens if you have states change the laws saying children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked. this maga crowd is the most extreme political organization that you existed in american history. brian: really? it caught me by surprise. maga means make america great again crowd. not really an offensive name. let's look what they did in the past. their leader donald trump accomplished a few things. look at nato. >> the clear message from president trump is having an impact. nato allies heard the and nato allies are stepping up. make tall nato nations live up to the defense spending promises. doesn't same that bad neese maga people are pen more extreme main thought perhaps on the southern border where i believe they believe illegals coming here illegally should be sent back instead of living here illegally. >> released male migrants in brownsville, texas. brian:er in against that let's go deep an on the -- on the maga agenda. almost he republican i speak to in the maga movement think women should compete against women in women's sports. >> another victory for university of pennsylvania swimmer lia thomas. brian: was once a man, still a man in many ways. i guess i'm getting ahead of myself. difficult finding a woman seems tougher than i thought. >> can you provide a definition for the word woman? >> can i provide a defend snition i can't. >> you can't? >> not in this context. i'm not a biologist. brian: she is not a buy ought just. judge jackson doesn't know. but a good thing kamala harris took a biology class. >> how dare they tell a woman what she can do and not do with her own body. how dare they! brian: how about the maga mission when it comes to gender and sex assignment in elementary school. >> when that company has high-up people talking about injecting into transsexualism into programming for young kids, it's wrong. governor desantis does not think you should be talking about gender assignment to kids k-3. the maga folks want to teach our kids history, science, reading and writing in school, and not indoctrinate them into critical race theory and gender studies. >> we'll give parents choice within the public school system. real teach all history the good and the bad. >> we won't teach our children to view everything through a lens of rage. brian: that belief was so extreme governor youngkin won the governorship in virginia. make america great was applied overseas so the rocket man would stop shooting rockets. peace broke out between four arab nations and israel. i'm talking about peace. does that sound radical? i don't know what joe must be talking about when it comes to extremes. streams of fentanyl killing our kids. the drugs pouring into our country? maga folks want to stop that at our border. >> fentanyl was almost a non-factor, now i hear it's pouring into our country and it many the most dangerous of all. brian: he wanted to stop it. joe, you may not agree with the maga movement with you it represents 70 million americans and labeling them in your way. walk back your mischaracter askingization of your fellow americans who have watched you wreck our border and destroyed american energy independence. joining me now who will not be singing, by think he gets the meaning. the president of the heritage foundation. i could not believe that statement. it was intentional, almost poll tested. >> being one of those 0 million i can tell you we are insulted. we have gone from one of the most successful presidencies to the worst presidency in less than a year and a half. so i can tell you that people are insulted, they are infuriated by the hyperbole and they are look for president biden to be halfway competent. brian: the big story will be the impact of overturning roe v. wade and the protests happening around this country, especially at the homes of the justices. i would say the same thing if pro-lifers were going after liberals in some way, shape or form. >> it's unconscionable that president biden did not speak out against this. the impact will be more helpful to the right than to the left. i know that our radical leftist friends believe this is going to drive turnout. but what we are seeing qualitatively and quantity fay toughly at heritage, the agenda on the left is also allowing parse birth abortions. there is a bill filed in the california assembly that would allow abortions up to a week after the baby has been born. the more our side can focus on that, the more our side can focus on this. brian: it's gutting the states. and you can decide the. it seems like there seems to be a growing rift between the bushes and the trumps. george w. bush is going out for brian kemp in georgia as opposed to perdue for trump. liz cheney is being primaried in wyoming and then you have a situation with george p. bush is running against ken paxton. does that concern you? >> it concerns me that there is a rift in our movement. we have to get back to the business of taking back this country. when it comes to the conservative movement, brian, where this movement is going, if you look at j.d. vance's win in ohio is a conservatism that's hostile to the establishment in washington, d.c. they want politicians to do what they say they are going to do. that's the business heritage is in. ultimately we are focused on a concerning governing majority that does the business of the people which is take back this country. brian: you are stiff arming business going to blunt collar. reagan embraced big business. >> reagan did embrace big business. 40 years ago when he did so, big business loved america. right now we have fortune 10 companies and the big tech companies that aren't even american companies. it's ultimately the small guys who make this country what it is. brian: the war in ukraine still raging on, but is it about to get worse? later in the show, the power of conflict. john tapper joined one nation on brian: vladimir putin appears to have an eye for symbolism. invading ukraine after the day of the fatherland in russia. and victory day cell brights their win over the nazis in world war ii. let's k robert o'brien. robert, what do you think the symbol i am of may 9 means to russians, and what do you think it will cause vladimir putin to do? >> he will rye to make the best of a bad situation. he will make his announcement on victory day. they exposed the russian army for being far less capable than we believed they were. the same with the russian navy. this is not a good report. putin will do what putin ease does to put the best face on it he can. andy assumption is that he will talk about how they took mariupol. and he may declare war against ukraine, i think people will wonder what's been going on. brian: there is another movement. they lost another warship. this would be unbelievable if one of these neptune missiles took out his ship. what an embarrassment. >> frat frigate is the most modern in the russian fleet. it's supposed to be equipped with antiair missiles and close-in fire you can take it out if it misses the missile. it's shocking that ukrainians have been able to take out two of the most advanced ships in the russian fleet. >> i hope we are upping our interest in this war. i think people realize that and nato realizes that. i am wondering why we are hearing we played a role in the killing of a dozen russian generals. i am wondering what we are hearing about them taking out their number one war vessel and our intelligence helped them. >> we should be doing everything we can to help the ukrainians. early on i be supported the migs being given to the ukrainians. as much as we are opening debating about whether the migs should be shipped there. but there is somebody at the white house or the pentagon that we provided the intelligence that led to the death of these russian generals. we should help our allies and the ukrainians but there is no reason to spike the football or. there is no reason, let the ukrainians claim the victory. and we should stay a little quieter. you negotiated and helped release 25 american hostages. we have a situation where brittney griner has been jailed. best female basketball player in the world playing club ball. how do you get her out? >> roger carson took my job as special envoy for hostage affairs. he just brought trevor reid home. he was a trump administration appointee. he stayed over with the biden administration. i think he's probably working that. my guess given what happened with trevor reid, the russians will want to use her fear some sort of prison exchange. it's a warning to americans, no matter how high profile you are, there are certain countries where you have to be careful about the financial rewards of going there or peaking there or doing tours. as an american you are a pawn in the hands of these dictators. >> orrin hatch, what do you want people to know about him? >> he was a terrific man. he became one of the lions of the senate. he was reliably conservative. during his whole career he was a fighter. but at the same time he demonstrated civility to his opponents. he didn't become a liberal, his last day in the senate he was fighting for our conservative agenda and did so like a happy warrior like ronald reagan. i'm privileged out here this weekend to be honoring him. brian: robert o'brien always great to have you on. coming up. julie banderas is going to duel it out with me when it comes to the news. i will share my rules for the staff of "one nation" where i'm staff of "one nation" where i'm pretty much the guy and it's easier than ever to■ get your projects done right. inside, outside, big or small, angi helps you find the right so for whatever you need done. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. just search or scroll to see upf on hundreds of projects. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness it's easy to make your home an a check out today. angi... and done. >> inflation is much too high and we understand the hardship it is causing and we are moving expeditiously to bring it back down. brian: that is federal reserve chair jerome powell. if you ask president biden he believes the economy is moving in the right direction and he should get all the credit. >> the bottom line is the deficit went up every year during my predecessor and during the pandemic and it has gone down each year of my presidency. why is that important? brian: we'll answer that. joining me, author of the book, "inflation, what is it and how to fix it." steve forbes. president biden taking credit for the deficit reduction. it's all about not spending during the pandemic. >> and he endorsed the emergency measures when they shut down the economy. but they kept up the spending when he took office. if they passed the build back better, we would have a greater deficit. spending went down so the deficit has gone down. if he had his way the deficit would be higher, not lower. brian: i know few economists but i have never met more people concerned about inflation and how to fight and how to beat it. how do we catch up with that? the fed chair said let's raise rates. what should he have done? did you like what he did? >> there are two kinds of inflation. non-monetary when you get a drought and prices go up or you shut down the economy like covid. if you pull back and let the economy recover, it will naturally over time. the federal reserve has to stop knocking down the value of the dollar by printing too much money. we are starting to see trouble even before covid. don't trash the economy, stabilize the value of the dollar as they did in the late 80s and 1990s. when they talk about a slowdown or soft lands. they should leave the economy alone. we'll have trouble ahead. the economy will do it if they let it. brian: you say ... >> on interest rates. rent, you negotiate that with your landlord. you buy something at the store, you don't have the fed come in and say this is what you should pay for gasoline. let lenders and borrowers do that. when the fed tries to manipulate interest rates, they always get it wrong. brian: the here is an excerpt. inflation is not just a domestic issue but by undermining the entrepreneurial dynamism. inflation has weakened the economy. there was a perception of america's decline. correct? >> absolutely. the lesson of the 70s is important today. a lot of people thought we were in terminal decline. we were a nation that had seen its best days. by removing price control, cutting taxes, and stabilizing the value of the dollar we had a two decade boom. what happens when you have an economy that puts on taxes and regulations, you spend more on defense. ed the biden administration wants to gut defense when our obligations are more than ever before. the name of the book is inflation, why it's bad and how to fix it. straight ahead, coming up. john tapper says if you use conflict the right way you can get the results you >> you are an irresponsible [bleep] and my wife probably got sick because of you. you wanted to lose their money that's one thing. you get people sick, that's [bleep] unacceptable. i will tell you one thing, you take one drink, i'll fire you. you hear me? you take another [bleep] you are out in spite your brother. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep]. brian: it's a lot of passion. bar rescue host john taffer has gone head-to-head with business owners for decades to transform their businesses to be successful. he says it's about how you handle these tough situation. so is conflict good? can it be used to solve problems? we hit the streets to find out what people think. >> do you think conflict is a good thing sometimes? >> i think it could be good. people have different opinions, and if handled correctly, i think it could be productive. >> i think conflicts are better when it's more than just two people. like a group better. >> i think you have to be up front and honest about it. at the end of the day you can use conflict to grow. >> it comes with time. conflict comes naturally to some people. i'm not a confrontational guy by nature. >> what is it with you people? >> you people? >> now, wait a minute. i mean in the day-to-day work life you have conflict with co-workers and upper management. >> i was about to bad mouth you behind your back but a man who talked behind your back is a coward. i don't like you. >> before jumping into the situation, think it over and make sure your points are valid. >> if you can agree and shake sthands afterwards. >> when conflict does arrive in a family setting, the thing about families, the love is unconditional. >> families are easier to talk to. with friends i'll hold tonight and brush it off. but family you had them for so long you say this is a problem. what's going on. >> the time and place thing comes in. a barbeque may not be the place to talk about uncle frank about his political beliefs or religious beliefs. brian: maybe never. author of the brand-new book, "power of conflict." why do you think friction builds solutions? >> i have had 230 episodes of "bar rescue." the past 100 issues hasn't been emotional for me, it's been deliberate. i love what they say. here is where america is blowing it. if i want to succeed in my business life and personal life i have to pull people towards me, not push them away. we talk about how do you do dignified conflict, purposeful conflict and get a result? that's what we are trying to teach people. if i take your dignity away, why would you sit with me and even try to talk? it starts with dignity. >> you bring up one point that's significant. rosemary goes to visit her father who has been locked up, and he watches one channel and has one belief. she goes back to watching the channel rather than avoid talking to him. why is that a good approach. >> you have to understand the other side. if i was going to argue with you i would watch cnbc, i want to know what is it that makes you think that way. when i'm respectful of what you say and i'm respectful of what you say, we engage. and when we engage we have the opportunity to get closer and change minds. brian: you talk about team tension solves problems. sometimes you want to bring in people with conflicting views and get out. >> because good results come out. one of my stories is walt and roy disney. walt wanted roy to spend $150,000 to fix the problems. they agreed not to do it. they saved the money. but the accounting side and creative side would bump heads all the time but they found solutions. brian: you think people need to get unkonl comfortable when pressed by a coach? >> a great coach pushes you to perform better than you thought you could. a great leader does that also. that doesn't happen with some conflict and push and pull. it's not only the way too go about it. great conflict, you do your homework, i learn about the other side, i have a purpose when i'm finished. but there is also the long game. i wouldn't expect you to say you are right, john. you don't agree with me, you don't disagree with me. you slept on it and thought about it. here is the important point. no matter what your beliefs are, if we don't stick up for what's important to us as america we'll lose it. physiologically it's not good for you. if you don't engage and let this out of you, your brain starts to dull and it's not healthy. brian: you said when it comes to little league and soccer games. what's so bad about not keeping score with kids? >> don't you want to know when you do well? brian: what about when they do bad? they feel bad. >> i'm going to lose sometimes, and win sometimes. that's what makes me able to live my life and the ability to manage both. brian: don't people need to deal with stress and strain in their life. so many people steam seem to be avoiding the conflict. >> there is good stress and bad stress. when you are fighting for something you believe in, that good stress. you go to your boss and say i have a couple idea to make the company better and we both want that. brian: i did download it. you will probably get $3 or $4. john taffer, you did it against. another great best seller. will corporate america like disney pay the price for the political activism we see? >> the only way to he brian: corporations were quick to condemn when some on the left were calling jim crow 2.0. major businesses released statements supporting black lives matter after the right on the broke out. i thought that was strange. when florida passed a law giving more parents control over their children's education. disney vowed to defeat it. when word got out on roe v. wade corporations were silent. chris rufo was responsible for exposing crt in the classroom and disney's politics. how much of the backlash disney got very to do with the fact that corporations are silent on roe v. wade. >> corporations respond to incentives and pressure. for years they only got pressure the left. they felt they had got what they needed from the right on economics and taxes and education. but with the fight against disney which struck billions in damage to their brand. corporations recalculated, they aring there is a price to pay if they are going to transgress the values of 150 million conservative americans. so we are seeing a different result. this is part of my work and part of governor desantis' effort. brian: we are not talking 6 months or a year ago. these are weeks from when the florida situation when desantis took object disney. if roe v. wade is no longer the law of the land, they said they will bring it to a state that allows abortion. the writers guild said we are not going to do dnipro deduction in any state that doesn't allow abortion. that's minor to what i thought was going to happen. >> it's very minor. amazon is headquartered in washington, one of the most liberal places. so had disney not happened i think we would see a totally different ballgame. conservatives have developed a playbook to push back against woke capital. and they respond to incentives. if we can create that countervailing pressure and show there will be a price to pay for adopting woke policies, i think we need to send the message to ceos across the country. brian: you are not saying take one side other other. just stay out of it. i sense many ceos wanted to stay out of it but they didn't have a choice. >> ceos are looking for an excuse not to do this stuff. if we can raise enough pressure, they will tell their boards it's best too the stay out of it. that's how we get business getting back to business. brian: chris rufo, congratulations for making a real impact. >> thank you. brian: is it true, julie banderas goes against me in the "news duel"? more stories you don't want to miss coming our way on "one nation." [♪♪♪] brian: it's time for the "news duel." helping me out is julie banderas. this is like nothing you have ever done in your career. are you prepared? julie * i don't ever prepare. brian: if men can go topless, why not women. a law was proposed by a nantucket resident. any person should be allowed to go topless in any public or private area. reporter: i don't would never want to go to that beach. your chest and my breasts are not the same thing. you can walk around topless, not girls. brian: so equality has gone too far? >> absolutely. reporter: a boss' divided opinion about forcing workers to sign a sweat pledge. mandates employees not to whine and show up for work early. the document posted on the site consists of 13 rules the workers must follow. one says i believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early and volunteer for every crappy task. brian: if you have these rules, nobody is going to sign up. this is a backlash. reporter: you have some rules. they seem very reasonable. brian's office rules. brian was only wrong ones and that was a judgment call. >> where did you get this? >> compliment brian at least one time a day. watch every show brian hosts on tv. and when i want your opinion i will give it to you. here is what didn't make the cut. never book julie banderas. there is no such thing as a bad boss. you are not paid to think. brian: "the washington post" columnist writes the best mother's day gifts a vaccine for your kids. tough a kid under 5, is that what you want, a vaccine for your kid? >> i have a 5-year-old turning 6, i have not vaccinated him. he has a tiny little body. brian: the one thing women want for mother's day is a nap. and they won't have to cook. i don't cook, and i will take a case of wine. brian: shoulder skip to the last one. this just in. i have a new story that's not scripted. i think it's somebody's birthday. what? it's your birthday, you are turning 30 again. brian: you made that clear in a previous story. >> i don't cook, i'm not supposed to be igniting fire in the studio. i will get fired. brian: the wish was to break my own rule and book julie banderas. brian: thanks for coming in. that's it for us tonight. brit hume who i have never met in person will be our guest. dean cain and rachel will be on. unfiltered with dan bongino starts now. dan: it's obvious the biden administration is on a frenzy. they can't stand conservatives. but when joe biden called this the most extreme book in history, my alarm bells went off. using labels typically reserved for terrorists. fertilizer shortage. some processors are using

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Brian Kilmeade , Mother S Day , Mom Outs , One Nation , Eastern Time , 10 , One , Roe V Wade , Mother , Supreme Court , President , Organization , United States , None , Nina Jankowicz , Lives , Baptist Church , Leaders , Funerals , Klu Klux Klan , Children , Abortion , States , Lgbtq Can T , Mansions , Laws , Way , Things , Decision , Classrooms , Maga Crowd , American History , Surprise , Donald Trump , Name , Nato , Maga Means Make America Great Again Crowd , Impact , Message , Allies , Nations , Trump , Defense Spending Promises , People , Doesn T , Border , Illegals , Pen , Neese , Migrants , Texas , Brownsville , Er , Let S Go , Agenda , Women , Maga Movement Think Women , Man , Victory , Lia Thomas , Ways , Women S Sports , University Of Pennsylvania , Woman , Definition , Jackson , Context , Biologist , Buy , Snition , Doesn T Know , Body , Thing , Biology Class , Maga , Kamala Harris , Company , Gender , Sex Assignment , Transsexualism , Elementary School , Folks , Desantis , Kids , Gender Assignment , Programming , Kids K 3 , 3 , Parents , School , Writing , Gender Studies , Reading , Race Theory , Science , Public School System , History , Belief , Everything , Youngkin , Bad , Lens , Rage , Peace , Governorship , Virginia , Make America Great , Rocket Man , Rockets , Four , Fentanyl , Joe Biden , Streams , Extremes , Sound Radical , Israel , Country , Wall , Non Factor , Drugs , Americans , Movement , 70 Million , Mischaracter , Askingization , Meaning , American Energy Independence , Heritage Foundation , Statement , 0 Million , Presidency , Presidencies , Half , Hyperbole , It S Obvious The Biden , The Big Story , Protests , The One Thing , Homes , Liberals , Justices , Shape Or Form , Pro Lifers , Left , Friends , Turnout , Quantity Fay Toughly At Heritage , Side , Bill , Birth Abortions , Abortions , Baby , California Assembly , More , Rift , Trumps , Bushes , George W Bush , Georgia , Brian Kemp , Situation , Primaried , George P Bush , Wyoming , Ken Paxton , Liz Cheney , Business , Conservative Movement , Concern , Conservatism , Win , Washington D C , Establishment , J D , Ohio , Vance , Majority , Politicians , Governing , Business Heritage , Ronald Reagan , Big Business , Big Business , Arming , Collar , Big Tech Companies , Companies , Guys , Aren T , Loved America , Fortune 10 , 40 , Conflict , War , Power , Ukraine , Show , John Tapper , Brian , Symbolism , Eye , Vladimir Putin , Victory Day , Fatherland , Nazis , Russia , World War Ii , Russians , Let S K Robert O Brien , Symbol , 9 , May 9 , Russian Army , Best , Announcement , Putin , Report , Same , Face , Russian Navy , Andy Assumption , Mariupol , Missiles , Ship , Frat Frigate , Warship , Embarrassment , Neptune , Fire , Missile , Modern , Russian Fleet , Antiair , Ukrainians , Two , Interest , Ships , Generals , Killing , Role , Intelligence , War Vessel , Migs , Somebody , Pentagon , Death , Led , White House , Reason , Little , Football , Hostages , Quieter , Brittney Griner , 25 , Roger Carson , Job , Special Envoy , Hostage Affairs , Best Female Basketball Player In The World Playing Club Ball , Administration , Appointee , Trevor Reid Home , Matter , Guess Given , Sort , Prison Exchange , Profile , Warning , Trevor Reid , Countries , Tours , Rewards , American , Peaking , Hands , Dictators , Pawn , Orrin Hatch , Senate , Lions , Career , Fighter , Opponents , Civility , Liberal , Warrior , Julie Banderas , Coming Up , Rules , Staff , Guy , News , Projects , On Hundreds Of Projects , Angi , Ratings , Inside , Reviews , Pay , Happiness , Home , Check Out Angi Com Today , Inflation , Reserve , Jerome Powell , Hardship , Economy , Deficit , Credit , Bottom Line , Direction , Pandemic , Predecessor , Book , Author , Deficit Reduction , Steve Forbes , Spending , Emergency , Office , Build , Raise Rates , Fed Chair , Prices , Drought , Kinds , Covid , Money , Value , Dollar , Trouble , Don T , Trash , 80 , 1990 , Lands , Slowdown , Something , Interest Rates , Store , Landlord , Fed Come , Rent , Gasoline , Lenders , Borrowers , Issue , Excerpt , Decline , Lesson , Perception , Dynamism , 70 , Nation , Taxes , Lot , Price Control , Defense , Boom , Regulations , Obligations , Ed , Results , Bleep , That S , Wife , Sick , Brother , John Taffer , Business Owners , Passion , Businesses , Problems , Streets , Conflicts , Opinions , Group , Nature , Life , Co Workers , Management , Mouth , Back , Coward , Points , Families , Love , Sthands , Family Setting , Place , Problem , Family , Barbeque , What S Going On , Beliefs , Uncle , Solutions , Bar Rescue , Episodes , Friction , Power Of Conflict , 230 , 100 , Result , Purposeful , Point , Dignity , Rosemary , Father , Channel , Cnbc , Approach , Opportunity , Minds , Team Tension , Views , Stories , Walt , Roy Disney , Wanted Roy , 150000 , 50000 , Coach , Great Leader , Homework , Push , Purpose , Pull , Game , Out , Games , Brain , League , Soccer , Score , Stress , Don T People , Both , Ability , Strain , Fighting , Boss , It , Idea , 4 , , Disney , Price , Best Seller , Activism , Corporations , Jim Crow , 2 0 , Statements , Broke Out , Education , Law , Word , Roe V Wade Corporations Were Silent , Florida , Classroom , Crt , Chris Rufo , Backlash , Politics , Fact , Pressure , Incentives , Economics , Billions , Fight , Brand , Damage , Corporations Recalculated , Work , Part , Values , Effort , 150 Million , 6 , Estate , Law Of The Land , Dnipro Deduction , Writers Guild , Places , Minor , Amazon , Conservatives , Playbook , Ballgame , Capital , Policies , Ceos , Other , Stuff , Choice , Excuse , Boards , Stay , Congratulations For Making A Real Impact , News Duel , It S Time , Julie , Nothing , Topless , Resident , Men , Nantucket , Reporter , Person , Area , Beach , Breasts , Girls , Equality , Chest , Workers , Opinion , Sweat Pledge , Document , Employees , Mandates , Site , 13 , Task , Nobody , Office Rules , Compliment , Ones , Judgment Call , Didn T , Tv , The Cut , Columnist , The Washington Post , Vaccine , Kid , Kid Under 5 , 5 , Nap , I Don T Cook , Case , Wine , Shoulder , Story , Birthday , 30 , Rule , Studio , Wish , Brit Hume , Guest , Thanks , Unfiltered , Dean Cain , Dan Bongino , Rachel , Alarm Bells , Frenzy , Stand Conservatives , Processors , Labels , Terrorists , Fertilizer Shortage ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240707 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240707

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recent american history. worst than the klu klux klan. worst that the baptist church that disrupted it in funerals. black lives matter whose leaders buy be mansions. >> this is about a lot more than abortion. what happens if you have states change the laws saying children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked. this maga crowd is the most extreme political organization that you existed in american history. brian: really? it caught me by surprise. maga means make america great again crowd. not really an offensive name. let's look what they did in the past. their leader donald trump accomplished a few things. look at nato. >> the clear message from president trump is having an impact. nato allies heard the and nato allies are stepping up. make tall nato nations live up to the defense spending promises. doesn't same that bad neese maga people are pen more extreme main thought perhaps on the southern border where i believe they believe illegals coming here illegally should be sent back instead of living here illegally. >> released male migrants in brownsville, texas. brian:er in against that let's go deep an on the -- on the maga agenda. almost he republican i speak to in the maga movement think women should compete against women in women's sports. >> another victory for university of pennsylvania swimmer lia thomas. brian: was once a man, still a man in many ways. i guess i'm getting ahead of myself. difficult finding a woman seems tougher than i thought. >> can you provide a definition for the word woman? >> can i provide a defend snition i can't. >> you can't? >> not in this context. i'm not a biologist. brian: she is not a buy ought just. judge jackson doesn't know. but a good thing kamala harris took a biology class. >> how dare they tell a woman what she can do and not do with her own body. how dare they! brian: how about the maga mission when it comes to gender and sex assignment in elementary school. >> when that company has high-up people talking about injecting into transsexualism into programming for young kids, it's wrong. governor desantis does not think you should be talking about gender assignment to kids k-3. the maga folks want to teach our kids history, science, reading and writing in school, and not indoctrinate them into critical race theory and gender studies. >> we'll give parents choice within the public school system. real teach all history the good and the bad. >> we won't teach our children to view everything through a lens of rage. brian: that belief was so extreme governor youngkin won the governorship in virginia. make america great was applied overseas so the rocket man would stop shooting rockets. peace broke out between four arab nations and israel. i'm talking about peace. does that sound radical? i don't know what joe must be talking about when it comes to extremes. streams of fentanyl killing our kids. the drugs pouring into our country? maga folks want to stop that at our border. >> fentanyl was almost a non-factor, now i hear it's pouring into our country and it many the most dangerous of all. brian: he wanted to stop it. joe, you may not agree with the maga movement with you it represents 70 million americans and labeling them in your way. walk back your mischaracter askingization of your fellow americans who have watched you wreck our border and destroyed american energy independence. joining me now who will not be singing, by think he gets the meaning. the president of the heritage foundation. i could not believe that statement. it was intentional, almost poll tested. >> being one of those 0 million i can tell you we are insulted. we have gone from one of the most successful presidencies to the worst presidency in less than a year and a half. so i can tell you that people are insulted, they are infuriated by the hyperbole and they are look for president biden to be halfway competent. brian: the big story will be the impact of overturning roe v. wade and the protests happening around this country, especially at the homes of the justices. i would say the same thing if pro-lifers were going after liberals in some way, shape or form. >> it's unconscionable that president biden did not speak out against this. the impact will be more helpful to the right than to the left. i know that our radical leftist friends believe this is going to drive turnout. but what we are seeing qualitatively and quantity fay toughly at heritage, the agenda on the left is also allowing parse birth abortions. there is a bill filed in the california assembly that would allow abortions up to a week after the baby has been born. the more our side can focus on that, the more our side can focus on this. brian: it's gutting the states. and you can decide the. it seems like there seems to be a growing rift between the bushes and the trumps. george w. bush is going out for brian kemp in georgia as opposed to perdue for trump. liz cheney is being primaried in wyoming and then you have a situation with george p. bush is running against ken paxton. does that concern you? >> it concerns me that there is a rift in our movement. we have to get back to the business of taking back this country. when it comes to the conservative movement, brian, where this movement is going, if you look at j.d. vance's win in ohio is a conservatism that's hostile to the establishment in washington, d.c. they want politicians to do what they say they are going to do. that's the business heritage is in. ultimately we are focused on a concerning governing majority that does the business of the people which is take back this country. brian: you are stiff arming business going to blunt collar. reagan embraced big business. >> reagan did embrace big business. 40 years ago when he did so, big business loved america. right now we have fortune 10 companies and the big tech companies that aren't even american companies. it's ultimately the small guys who make this country what it is. brian: the war in ukraine still raging on, but is it about to get worse? later in the show, the power of conflict. john tapper joined one nation on brian: vladimir putin appears to have an eye for symbolism. invading ukraine after the day of the fatherland in russia. and victory day cell brights their win over the nazis in world war ii. let's k robert o'brien. robert, what do you think the symbol i am of may 9 means to russians, and what do you think it will cause vladimir putin to do? >> he will rye to make the best of a bad situation. he will make his announcement on victory day. they exposed the russian army for being far less capable than we believed they were. the same with the russian navy. this is not a good report. putin will do what putin ease does to put the best face on it he can. andy assumption is that he will talk about how they took mariupol. and he may declare war against ukraine, i think people will wonder what's been going on. brian: there is another movement. they lost another warship. this would be unbelievable if one of these neptune missiles took out his ship. what an embarrassment. >> frat frigate is the most modern in the russian fleet. it's supposed to be equipped with antiair missiles and close-in fire you can take it out if it misses the missile. it's shocking that ukrainians have been able to take out two of the most advanced ships in the russian fleet. >> i hope we are upping our interest in this war. i think people realize that and nato realizes that. i am wondering why we are hearing we played a role in the killing of a dozen russian generals. i am wondering what we are hearing about them taking out their number one war vessel and our intelligence helped them. >> we should be doing everything we can to help the ukrainians. early on i be supported the migs being given to the ukrainians. as much as we are opening debating about whether the migs should be shipped there. but there is somebody at the white house or the pentagon that we provided the intelligence that led to the death of these russian generals. we should help our allies and the ukrainians but there is no reason to spike the football or. there is no reason, let the ukrainians claim the victory. and we should stay a little quieter. you negotiated and helped release 25 american hostages. we have a situation where brittney griner has been jailed. best female basketball player in the world playing club ball. how do you get her out? >> roger carson took my job as special envoy for hostage affairs. he just brought trevor reid home. he was a trump administration appointee. he stayed over with the biden administration. i think he's probably working that. my guess given what happened with trevor reid, the russians will want to use her fear some sort of prison exchange. it's a warning to americans, no matter how high profile you are, there are certain countries where you have to be careful about the financial rewards of going there or peaking there or doing tours. as an american you are a pawn in the hands of these dictators. >> orrin hatch, what do you want people to know about him? >> he was a terrific man. he became one of the lions of the senate. he was reliably conservative. during his whole career he was a fighter. but at the same time he demonstrated civility to his opponents. he didn't become a liberal, his last day in the senate he was fighting for our conservative agenda and did so like a happy warrior like ronald reagan. i'm privileged out here this weekend to be honoring him. brian: robert o'brien always great to have you on. coming up. julie banderas is going to duel it out with me when it comes to the news. i will share my rules for the staff of "one nation" where i'm staff of "one nation" where i'm pretty much the guy and it's easier than ever to■ get your projects done right. inside, outside, big or small, angi helps you find the right so for whatever you need done. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. just search or scroll to see upf on hundreds of projects. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness it's easy to make your home an a check out today. angi... and done. >> inflation is much too high and we understand the hardship it is causing and we are moving expeditiously to bring it back down. brian: that is federal reserve chair jerome powell. if you ask president biden he believes the economy is moving in the right direction and he should get all the credit. >> the bottom line is the deficit went up every year during my predecessor and during the pandemic and it has gone down each year of my presidency. why is that important? brian: we'll answer that. joining me, author of the book, "inflation, what is it and how to fix it." steve forbes. president biden taking credit for the deficit reduction. it's all about not spending during the pandemic. >> and he endorsed the emergency measures when they shut down the economy. but they kept up the spending when he took office. if they passed the build back better, we would have a greater deficit. spending went down so the deficit has gone down. if he had his way the deficit would be higher, not lower. brian: i know few economists but i have never met more people concerned about inflation and how to fight and how to beat it. how do we catch up with that? the fed chair said let's raise rates. what should he have done? did you like what he did? >> there are two kinds of inflation. non-monetary when you get a drought and prices go up or you shut down the economy like covid. if you pull back and let the economy recover, it will naturally over time. the federal reserve has to stop knocking down the value of the dollar by printing too much money. we are starting to see trouble even before covid. don't trash the economy, stabilize the value of the dollar as they did in the late 80s and 1990s. when they talk about a slowdown or soft lands. they should leave the economy alone. we'll have trouble ahead. the economy will do it if they let it. brian: you say ... >> on interest rates. rent, you negotiate that with your landlord. you buy something at the store, you don't have the fed come in and say this is what you should pay for gasoline. let lenders and borrowers do that. when the fed tries to manipulate interest rates, they always get it wrong. brian: the here is an excerpt. inflation is not just a domestic issue but by undermining the entrepreneurial dynamism. inflation has weakened the economy. there was a perception of america's decline. correct? >> absolutely. the lesson of the 70s is important today. a lot of people thought we were in terminal decline. we were a nation that had seen its best days. by removing price control, cutting taxes, and stabilizing the value of the dollar we had a two decade boom. what happens when you have an economy that puts on taxes and regulations, you spend more on defense. ed the biden administration wants to gut defense when our obligations are more than ever before. the name of the book is inflation, why it's bad and how to fix it. straight ahead, coming up. john tapper says if you use conflict the right way you can get the results you >> you are an irresponsible [bleep] and my wife probably got sick because of you. you wanted to lose their money that's one thing. you get people sick, that's [bleep] unacceptable. i will tell you one thing, you take one drink, i'll fire you. you hear me? you take another [bleep] you are out in spite your brother. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep]. brian: it's a lot of passion. bar rescue host john taffer has gone head-to-head with business owners for decades to transform their businesses to be successful. he says it's about how you handle these tough situation. so is conflict good? can it be used to solve problems? we hit the streets to find out what people think. >> do you think conflict is a good thing sometimes? >> i think it could be good. people have different opinions, and if handled correctly, i think it could be productive. >> i think conflicts are better when it's more than just two people. like a group better. >> i think you have to be up front and honest about it. at the end of the day you can use conflict to grow. >> it comes with time. conflict comes naturally to some people. i'm not a confrontational guy by nature. >> what is it with you people? >> you people? >> now, wait a minute. i mean in the day-to-day work life you have conflict with co-workers and upper management. >> i was about to bad mouth you behind your back but a man who talked behind your back is a coward. i don't like you. >> before jumping into the situation, think it over and make sure your points are valid. >> if you can agree and shake sthands afterwards. >> when conflict does arrive in a family setting, the thing about families, the love is unconditional. >> families are easier to talk to. with friends i'll hold tonight and brush it off. but family you had them for so long you say this is a problem. what's going on. >> the time and place thing comes in. a barbeque may not be the place to talk about uncle frank about his political beliefs or religious beliefs. brian: maybe never. author of the brand-new book, "power of conflict." why do you think friction builds solutions? >> i have had 230 episodes of "bar rescue." the past 100 issues hasn't been emotional for me, it's been deliberate. i love what they say. here is where america is blowing it. if i want to succeed in my business life and personal life i have to pull people towards me, not push them away. we talk about how do you do dignified conflict, purposeful conflict and get a result? that's what we are trying to teach people. if i take your dignity away, why would you sit with me and even try to talk? it starts with dignity. >> you bring up one point that's significant. rosemary goes to visit her father who has been locked up, and he watches one channel and has one belief. she goes back to watching the channel rather than avoid talking to him. why is that a good approach. >> you have to understand the other side. if i was going to argue with you i would watch cnbc, i want to know what is it that makes you think that way. when i'm respectful of what you say and i'm respectful of what you say, we engage. and when we engage we have the opportunity to get closer and change minds. brian: you talk about team tension solves problems. sometimes you want to bring in people with conflicting views and get out. >> because good results come out. one of my stories is walt and roy disney. walt wanted roy to spend $150,000 to fix the problems. they agreed not to do it. they saved the money. but the accounting side and creative side would bump heads all the time but they found solutions. brian: you think people need to get unkonl comfortable when pressed by a coach? >> a great coach pushes you to perform better than you thought you could. a great leader does that also. that doesn't happen with some conflict and push and pull. it's not only the way too go about it. great conflict, you do your homework, i learn about the other side, i have a purpose when i'm finished. but there is also the long game. i wouldn't expect you to say you are right, john. you don't agree with me, you don't disagree with me. you slept on it and thought about it. here is the important point. no matter what your beliefs are, if we don't stick up for what's important to us as america we'll lose it. physiologically it's not good for you. if you don't engage and let this out of you, your brain starts to dull and it's not healthy. brian: you said when it comes to little league and soccer games. what's so bad about not keeping score with kids? >> don't you want to know when you do well? brian: what about when they do bad? they feel bad. >> i'm going to lose sometimes, and win sometimes. that's what makes me able to live my life and the ability to manage both. brian: don't people need to deal with stress and strain in their life. so many people steam seem to be avoiding the conflict. >> there is good stress and bad stress. when you are fighting for something you believe in, that good stress. you go to your boss and say i have a couple idea to make the company better and we both want that. brian: i did download it. you will probably get $3 or $4. john taffer, you did it against. another great best seller. will corporate america like disney pay the price for the political activism we see? >> the only way to he brian: corporations were quick to condemn when some on the left were calling jim crow 2.0. major businesses released statements supporting black lives matter after the right on the broke out. i thought that was strange. when florida passed a law giving more parents control over their children's education. disney vowed to defeat it. when word got out on roe v. wade corporations were silent. chris rufo was responsible for exposing crt in the classroom and disney's politics. how much of the backlash disney got very to do with the fact that corporations are silent on roe v. wade. >> corporations respond to incentives and pressure. for years they only got pressure the left. they felt they had got what they needed from the right on economics and taxes and education. but with the fight against disney which struck billions in damage to their brand. corporations recalculated, they aring there is a price to pay if they are going to transgress the values of 150 million conservative americans. so we are seeing a different result. this is part of my work and part of governor desantis' effort. brian: we are not talking 6 months or a year ago. these are weeks from when the florida situation when desantis took object disney. if roe v. wade is no longer the law of the land, they said they will bring it to a state that allows abortion. the writers guild said we are not going to do dnipro deduction in any state that doesn't allow abortion. that's minor to what i thought was going to happen. >> it's very minor. amazon is headquartered in washington, one of the most liberal places. so had disney not happened i think we would see a totally different ballgame. conservatives have developed a playbook to push back against woke capital. and they respond to incentives. if we can create that countervailing pressure and show there will be a price to pay for adopting woke policies, i think we need to send the message to ceos across the country. brian: you are not saying take one side other other. just stay out of it. i sense many ceos wanted to stay out of it but they didn't have a choice. >> ceos are looking for an excuse not to do this stuff. if we can raise enough pressure, they will tell their boards it's best too the stay out of it. that's how we get business getting back to business. brian: chris rufo, congratulations for making a real impact. >> thank you. brian: is it true, julie banderas goes against me in the "news duel"? more stories you don't want to miss coming our way on "one nation." [♪♪♪] brian: it's time for the "news duel." helping me out is julie banderas. this is like nothing you have ever done in your career. are you prepared? julie * i don't ever prepare. brian: if men can go topless, why not women. a law was proposed by a nantucket resident. any person should be allowed to go topless in any public or private area. reporter: i don't would never want to go to that beach. your chest and my breasts are not the same thing. you can walk around topless, not girls. brian: so equality has gone too far? >> absolutely. reporter: a boss' divided opinion about forcing workers to sign a sweat pledge. mandates employees not to whine and show up for work early. the document posted on the site consists of 13 rules the workers must follow. one says i believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early and volunteer for every crappy task. brian: if you have these rules, nobody is going to sign up. this is a backlash. reporter: you have some rules. they seem very reasonable. brian's office rules. brian was only wrong ones and that was a judgment call. >> where did you get this? >> compliment brian at least one time a day. watch every show brian hosts on tv. and when i want your opinion i will give it to you. here is what didn't make the cut. never book julie banderas. there is no such thing as a bad boss. you are not paid to think. brian: "the washington post" columnist writes the best mother's day gifts a vaccine for your kids. tough a kid under 5, is that what you want, a vaccine for your kid? >> i have a 5-year-old turning 6, i have not vaccinated him. he has a tiny little body. brian: the one thing women want for mother's day is a nap. and they won't have to cook. i don't cook, and i will take a case of wine. brian: shoulder skip to the last one. this just in. i have a new story that's not scripted. i think it's somebody's birthday. what? it's your birthday, you are turning 30 again. brian: you made that clear in a previous story. >> i don't cook, i'm not supposed to be igniting fire in the studio. i will get fired. brian: the wish was to break my own rule and book julie banderas. brian: thanks for coming in. that's it for us tonight. brit hume who i have never met in person will be our guest. dean cain and rachel will be on. unfiltered with dan bongino starts now. dan: it's obvious the biden administration is on a frenzy. they can't stand conservatives. but when joe biden called this the most extreme book in history, my alarm bells went off. using labels typically reserved for terrorists. fertilizer shortage. some processors are using

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Brian Kilmeade , Mother S Day , Mom Outs , One Nation , Eastern Time , 10 , One , Roe V Wade , Mother , Supreme Court , President , Organization , United States , None , Nina Jankowicz , Lives , Baptist Church , Leaders , Funerals , Klu Klux Klan , Children , Abortion , States , Lgbtq Can T , Mansions , Laws , Way , Things , Decision , Classrooms , Maga Crowd , American History , Surprise , Donald Trump , Name , Nato , Maga Means Make America Great Again Crowd , Impact , Message , Allies , Nations , Trump , Defense Spending Promises , People , Doesn T , Border , Illegals , Pen , Neese , Migrants , Texas , Brownsville , Er , Let S Go , Agenda , Women , Maga Movement Think Women , Man , Victory , Lia Thomas , Ways , Women S Sports , University Of Pennsylvania , Woman , Definition , Jackson , Context , Biologist , Buy , Snition , Doesn T Know , Body , Thing , Biology Class , Maga , Kamala Harris , Company , Gender , Sex Assignment , Transsexualism , Elementary School , Folks , Desantis , Kids , Gender Assignment , Programming , Kids K 3 , 3 , Parents , School , Writing , Gender Studies , Reading , Race Theory , Science , Public School System , History , Belief , Everything , Youngkin , Bad , Lens , Rage , Peace , Governorship , Virginia , Make America Great , Rocket Man , Rockets , Four , Fentanyl , Joe Biden , Streams , Extremes , Sound Radical , Israel , Country , Wall , Non Factor , Drugs , Americans , Movement , 70 Million , Mischaracter , Askingization , Meaning , American Energy Independence , Heritage Foundation , Statement , 0 Million , Presidency , Presidencies , Half , Hyperbole , It S Obvious The Biden , The Big Story , Protests , The One Thing , Homes , Liberals , Justices , Shape Or Form , Pro Lifers , Left , Friends , Turnout , Quantity Fay Toughly At Heritage , Side , Bill , Birth Abortions , Abortions , Baby , California Assembly , More , Rift , Trumps , Bushes , George W Bush , Georgia , Brian Kemp , Situation , Primaried , George P Bush , Wyoming , Ken Paxton , Liz Cheney , Business , Conservative Movement , Concern , Conservatism , Win , Washington D C , Establishment , J D , Ohio , Vance , Majority , Politicians , Governing , Business Heritage , Ronald Reagan , Big Business , Big Business , Arming , Collar , Big Tech Companies , Companies , Guys , Aren T , Loved America , Fortune 10 , 40 , Conflict , War , Power , Ukraine , Show , John Tapper , Brian , Symbolism , Eye , Vladimir Putin , Victory Day , Fatherland , Nazis , Russia , World War Ii , Russians , Let S K Robert O Brien , Symbol , 9 , May 9 , Russian Army , Best , Announcement , Putin , Report , Same , Face , Russian Navy , Andy Assumption , Mariupol , Missiles , Ship , Frat Frigate , Warship , Embarrassment , Neptune , Fire , Missile , Modern , Russian Fleet , Antiair , Ukrainians , Two , Interest , Ships , Generals , Killing , Role , Intelligence , War Vessel , Migs , Somebody , Pentagon , Death , Led , White House , Reason , Little , Football , Hostages , Quieter , Brittney Griner , 25 , Roger Carson , Job , Special Envoy , Hostage Affairs , Best Female Basketball Player In The World Playing Club Ball , Administration , Appointee , Trevor Reid Home , Matter , Guess Given , Sort , Prison Exchange , Profile , Warning , Trevor Reid , Countries , Tours , Rewards , American , Peaking , Hands , Dictators , Pawn , Orrin Hatch , Senate , Lions , Career , Fighter , Opponents , Civility , Liberal , Warrior , Julie Banderas , Coming Up , Rules , Staff , Guy , News , Projects , On Hundreds Of Projects , Angi , Ratings , Inside , Reviews , Pay , Happiness , Home , Check Out Angi Com Today , Inflation , Reserve , Jerome Powell , Hardship , Economy , Deficit , Credit , Bottom Line , Direction , Pandemic , Predecessor , Book , Author , Deficit Reduction , Steve Forbes , Spending , Emergency , Office , Build , Raise Rates , Fed Chair , Prices , Drought , Kinds , Covid , Money , Value , Dollar , Trouble , Don T , Trash , 80 , 1990 , Lands , Slowdown , Something , Interest Rates , Store , Landlord , Fed Come , Rent , Gasoline , Lenders , Borrowers , Issue , Excerpt , Decline , Lesson , Perception , Dynamism , 70 , Nation , Taxes , Lot , Price Control , Defense , Boom , Regulations , Obligations , Ed , Results , Bleep , That S , Wife , Sick , Brother , John Taffer , Business Owners , Passion , Businesses , Problems , Streets , Conflicts , Opinions , Group , Nature , Life , Co Workers , Management , Mouth , Back , Coward , Points , Families , Love , Sthands , Family Setting , Place , Problem , Family , Barbeque , What S Going On , Beliefs , Uncle , Solutions , Bar Rescue , Episodes , Friction , Power Of Conflict , 230 , 100 , Result , Purposeful , Point , Dignity , Rosemary , Father , Channel , Cnbc , Approach , Opportunity , Minds , Team Tension , Views , Stories , Walt , Roy Disney , Wanted Roy , 150000 , 50000 , Coach , Great Leader , Homework , Push , Purpose , Pull , Game , Out , Games , Brain , League , Soccer , Score , Stress , Don T People 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, Tv , The Cut , Columnist , The Washington Post , Vaccine , Kid , Kid Under 5 , 5 , Nap , I Don T Cook , Case , Wine , Shoulder , Story , Birthday , 30 , Rule , Studio , Wish , Brit Hume , Guest , Thanks , Unfiltered , Dean Cain , Dan Bongino , Rachel , Alarm Bells , Frenzy , Stand Conservatives , Processors , Labels , Terrorists , Fertilizer Shortage ,

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