Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

economic output you look at these numbers on the unemployment staying where they has an april, that marks 12 consecutive months of employers bringing on at least for hundre thousand workers to the payroll. here is the hang-up. may like to be hiring even more last month alone 653,000 people left the workforce, so the closely watched laborforce rate declined leaving a ministration officials searching for answers. >> what parts of the country ca be do better at and what parts of the country it's more people engaged in the workforce and ar there opportunities for us to look at this thing differently quark. >> it with another volatile day on wall street following this report. the dow sold off before rory back into the green undead turning lower again and closing down on the day all this volatility aside, the trend of the market of the last month an a half is certainly been lower. now recording six straight weekly declines pray that the longest such streak in three years. >> it's very simple, the cost o everything has gone up for both the consumer in business and in a very big way and markets are basically adjusting onto those costs because as they go up, profits come down and as profit come down, markets come down periods. >> the fed chairman chairman is trying to fight the higher cost raising the key interest rate b half a percentage point earlier in the week. investors slept on that news an the market sold off the following day. it's kind of the way it's been in recent weeks. most experts that we both do they believe this wild ride is not over yet. >> somebody is concerned about something pure here is the number for contact from his cel wall street. the s&p 500 fell 24. abstract dropped 123. the stock market ended and turbulent week but that's fifth street weekly decline for the week the dow was up a quarter percentage point and the s&p lost one fifth and nasdaq fell 1.5. for the politics behind the job numbers on the struggling economy, president biden is calling on congress during a visit to ohio purpose the ministrations economic woes hav been overshadowed this week by something else white house correspondent peter doocy shows us tonight periods. >> and when that supreme court draft opinion about abortion rights was leaked earlier in th week, the white house scrambled to respond. they did but in the day since the president has been trying t get people to talk about something else, like that stron jobs number. >> president biden believes his economic plans are working that is on everybody's mind my fighting inflation. activists want to talk about abortion in the weeks before ro v wade may be overturned. >> [indiscernible] >> i would disagree with you on that. >> our preference would be for congress to quantify route and for the final opinion, -- >> that is a slippery slope because there's a lot prohibiting certain kind of protest punishable by up to a year in prison if illegal to it's illegal to protest with th intent to influence any judge torture or witness or court officer in the his duty, picket or parade near a building housing -- or a building on residence occupied or used by such judge jurors, witness, or court officer. fox news digital force told the left tied tried that tactic. the real story is that joe bide is encouraging it that makes hi know better than the thugs that behave in this behavior. >> these justices are not going to back down. they are not going to yield to mob appeared silver elizabeth warren once that if it is rolle back, -- >> that ought to make your friends nervous because we don' have a long history of protecting equal marriage and interracial marriage. president biden didn't allude the cycle were motion during hi remarks that they tried to keep attention on the economy. >> have never been more optimistic about america that i am today periods for the only reason anybody is talking about roe v wade this week it's because the draft opinion leake and that is a leak that white house officials still have not condemned and still have not said they had any issue with. since we look ahead to next wee or white house officials are no ruling out an appearance by the president as one of several pro abortion rally scheduled. >> we will look for that. what are we hearing about mother's day plans at the white house. >> the mother that lives here, she will be on sunday with some refugees who fled ukraine into slovakia and president biden will be here our brothers this 12 celebration the way only a leader can. trace. >> lie from the white house, thank you. pro-choice activists are planning to protest it several prominent catholic churches. laura green is outside and we have that part of the story appeared many parishes -- and something very different is abide. posted this protest wearing the red case of a handmade tailed t show that explain the right to abortion and blamed us its catholics on the supreme court for the possible overturning of roe v wade. the conference had similar protests on sunday, mother's day . >> the unprecedentedly cup the draft behind the courts opinion has ignited pro-choice rage, prompting days of protest in front of the court. the catholic church is that of the forefront of opposing abortion catholic boat dock org is really against the biden a ministration to enforce the law and stand up against threats an protesters and churches say no religious believer should fear for their safety while attendin church this sunday or any day. >> this sunday is mother's day. officials tell me that they are making plans and won't go into detail. they are working with law enforcement here in new york city to take appropriate steps, if necessary. >> people talk more about that. laura green with us live. the press secretary jen saki wa asked about the abortion controversy appeared we have hi report coming up later this hour . tonight we show you a dress rehearsal for an anticipated search and illegal immigration paper in the biden administration ends covid related rules out the border. we are in the radio, texas, tonight periods. >> authorities on both sides of the rio grande. national guard soldiers the department of safety workers al holding joint drills as title 4 is set to expire periods. >> it sends a message to both the mexican government and the migrants who are trying to cros through mexico that we are ready . >> there attempting a mass migration attempt just 1 mile south, a group of 100 to 300 haitian migrants waiting to cross periods. >> we will have a group of 1500 to 3,000 haitian arm -- want you to take a look at the resources. just waiting on the other side of the border appeared the question is what will they do have title 42 is brought that that schedule on the 23rd of this month. the cartel charges 800 to $1,00 for each person to cross the river up your its hum and -- it's unclear how many have that number appear expect they are waiting. they don't care. they don't care about title 42 because they know it's going to be lifted periods. >> in the del rio sector, four migrants are back in mexico after about risko to rescue by mexican authorities. for the month of april it's going to be historic paper and i'm hearing about going to see the highest for the month of april. it shows you even at not making a significant impact. the sources tell me they received new intel that 4,000 more haitian migrants are makin their way to laredo just across the river behind me. >> great compelling pictures. thank you. it is hard to know the facts from the fiction surrounding th border crisis. homeland security secretary's test with sub during the administration's position. william takes a look tonight. >> we are not talking about releasing individuals into the united states. expect in fact dhs often does. do you know what these mean, just like going into the united states pick this a gift would you've got a detailed individuals, they are place of an alternative student detention . i think it's the easy way of saying has the spirit. >> they were monitored on a phone. 10% right ankle bracelet. well with the new triple from the trumpeters but to. >> in march there about 61,000 people who were releasing about 25,000 of them were put into a td. they said most what shopping cart because most immigration meetings last five years. if they do not succeed, we enforce the law and they are removed. >> that is just a flagrant lie. expect judges have ordered several departed that of never left. if they do to appear for their gracious enforcement proceeding are a priority for enforcement action periods for that action us somebody as the violet instructor. for another creek corrected whe y'all got false claims of assignment of those that were accurate. with the evacuation removal documents. that is why got false information coming your way. of next above for a key review city, what appears to be is final stages appeared we will have a life apart box ten in mobile, alabama, as the seducer turned nato doing damage to a pair of stores in the downtown area per your injuries reported. box 13 in salt lake city with the funeral service for lifetim -- and his tenure as the longest-serving republican back in 2019 pick and this is a life like at louisville from fox. the big story tonight come, preparations for the kentucky derby. the greatest two minutes and sports kicks off tomorrow evening. legendary trainer bob baffert will not be allowed on the trac three after his horse for petit that his device five look outside the beltway from specia report (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. (manny) yeah, that's what i do. (vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ three people are dead after up explosion ripped through a hote in cuban -- cuba. officials not blaming a gas leak . more than a dozen people i said to be missing and the governors of the hotel was in the process of renovations and notorious fo staying there at the time. china has taiwan but the most fighter jets in a month it come up with the prime minister visited 10 downing street in london i had a president biden' trip to east asia later this month. while russian troops continue t try to wrap up their siege of mariupol in ukraine while ukrainian troops make their las stand at evacuation efforts resumed. trey yingst has the latest nigh from kyiv. russian forces bombed the steal plant in the ukrainian city of mariupol. inside civilians and soldiers are trapped in nuclear bunkers. >> russian shelling does not stop. civilians need to be taken out. many children were killed there. just imagine this help here. >> the united nations had 500 civilians were in the facility over the past 48 hours spirit but others still need to be rescued per ukrainian officials worry that they are running out of time as leadership looks to claim a military victory. >> we understand there is no logic in improving sanctions. he has the ninth of may that is upcoming but he needs to bring somebody and show he is victorious periods. >> the ukraine minister of internal affairs believes the russian military will escalate their attacks on ukraine if a victory cannot be claimed by victory day next week this week the russian military went through over support the victor day celebration in the capital of moscow put fighter jets overhead and troops in the street president putin is projecting an image of strength. we will show a powerful front for our country. for ten rhetoric reach new heights this week. nadel leadership pushing back. the prime minister called him a war criminal. he explained the fact that the territorial integrity up ukrain could be threatened by poland and also are obvious facts. >> just a few minutes of help w hurt air raid sirens across grading capital. officials are increasing the curative measures in the head o victory day on monday. >> continuing his exceptional work, many republicans wish worship wish he would just go buy a pair of like a man gop's problem child. at least two people were killed and at least 18 injured officials now mucking up the possibility of gasoline. is raised -- is really security forces searc for two palestinians accused of carrying out a stabbing rampage pre-three israelis were killed in the assault on the country's independence day. is the latest of his series of deadly assaults deep inside the country in recent weeks. and a life like at london, one of the big stories they are, buckingham palace answers one o the biggest remaining questions about queen elizabeth the secon platinum jubilee celebrations. it says prince andrew, harry, and megan, that duchess of sussex will not be on the balcony when the monarch greets the public she has decreed that only working members up the royal family will be present. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back. when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with miracle-gro. can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. 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george's republican secretary o state says congresswoman marjorie taylor green can run for reelection. the announcement follows a similar building by judge says group of voters challenging her eligibility failed to prove tha she engaged in insurrection after taking office appeared a federal judge is dismissing former president trumps offices on twitter but he was challenging his suspension from the platform. he said he has no plans to rejoin twitter if incoming owne elon musk reinstates his account . many republicans in congress ar expressing frustration with one of their own tonight. that would be north carolina freshman congressman madison hawthorne who is making a bit o a habit of putting himself and his colleagues in the series of awkward situations. chad pergram has the story from capitol hill. >> another day, another video o scandal or eye roll link to congressman madison hawthorne. >> i'm sure that there was allegedly the last few weeks pe it is hard to miss driving for free both license after multipl citations per they cited him fo his first writing up the airpor with a loaded gun i thought tha he was arrested for that to try to take a got on the plane. i guess his number was treated differently. there is more appeared lawmaker invaded him to cocaine fueled and pictures of him in lingerie. a video of him engaged in a lew act in another of the mill eigh roping deck congressman pierce. >> this video was taken long before i served in congress. tom tillis is determined to mak his fellow republican a one termer. >> what what that mean to the district correct. >> i'm disappointed for his constituents and that is why i' working to avoid that outcome tillis fax jake edwards of the primary and still president trump endorses cawthorn. >> i love it because he's never controversial. >> i'm not really sure that we've moved will port with ther by the voters because of the loyalty and the fidelity of former president. >> the gop fears the controversial campus like cawthorn distract from their efforts to win back the house. >> live on the hill, chad, than you for the man charged in this week's attack on dave chapelle is pleading not guilty the four misdemeanors. he's facing charges including battery and possessing a deadly weapon with intent to assault. the los angeles county district attorney is refusing to bring felony charges. the suspect made jail and he's been ordered to stay at least 100 yards from chapelle when he has released spirit authorities from tennessee upon the getaway vehicle for an alabama corrections officer and inmate who are on the run. the share for in williamson county says there's no sign of the two nationwide manhunt is o for casey white, and vicki but, no relation, the director of correction for the jail in alabama. >> officials are looking into more than 100 possible cases of a severe and mysterious leopard disease in children. five deaths have been reported. about two dozen states have suspected cases. them things include fatigue and loss of appetite and nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain for the white house is still taking a careful approach to the supreme court abortion story pair many members of the media have not been so disciplined th administration side is being championed by it soon to be forward top spokes was meant. here as host of fox media buzz, howard kurtz. >> in the midst of a furious debate over the draft of the supreme court ruling that could lead to striking down roby white , white house press secretary jen saki told fox new that republicans are focusing o the unknown bleecker as a distraction. >> two thirds of the public doesn't think that roe should b overturned so maybe they want t talk more about the leak than they do about whether obama should have the right to make choices about their own body with a doctor's. it is a unpopular position in the country, i include people -- >> she has repeatedly refused t condemn the lakes think the white house has no view on at pittsburgh the highest court in the land rocked appeared. >> contributed as a guest on msnbc and cnn have decried the potential court rolling as an outrage and provided a regular platform for the leaders of pro-choice groups. >> it's is a giant step backwards for women. as free people in america appeared. >> your willingness to trade up women and women's rights for people's own personal political views is sickening. >> this belief, i can't believ that this is going to happen. >> some fox news shows have hosted both pro-life and pro-choice advocates. >> this is the government doing the bare minimum, which is protecting the right of a human being not to be murdered pair both sides are pushing the controversy well beyond abortion-rights media liberals are reporting that the courts are concerned the majority coul toss out other laws on same-sex marriage, birth control, and privacy media conservatives are talking about respecting the courts and dependents and protesters demonstrating at conservative justices home spirit abortion is a difficult and uncomfortable subject for public discussion, that's why for leakers to protest about th future, many of the media are using the draft leak as a springboard to score ideologica points. >> thank you. you can has exclusive interview with jennifer saki including he comments on leaving the white house i media buys and that is sunday morning, 11:00 eastern time pair up next, tackle your pain at the pump amid rising inflation. the solution to lowering gas prices and resolve global energ shortages. we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... oh, that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how do you like learning at home? i kind of don't like it. i kind of don't like it either. i just want you to have everything. everything that you want in life. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ "peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll 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america has experienced that same consequences and that results when you have an energy shortage . right now but we are seeing her in the united states as energy prices that are significantly higher than they need to be. these prices are unnecessarily high. so that means that the solution is simple. let's unleash american energy and bring more supply into this world and now we will have a tremendous impact of lowering energy prices here while also providing energy security to th world. >> jen saki was asked about the creeping prices of gas particularly getting to 20 cent from the record. here is your answer. >> provide you take steps to reduce the price of gas for the american people every rachel options remains on the table an we know that increasing supply and ensuring supply meets the demand on the marketplace as part of that effort we also watch closely for any attempt a price gouging what oil prices come down. >> be take a look at the average , the national average gas prices, and it is up there. they do talk about price guard jesus but you price gouging a lot. >> i think people talk about price gouging. i think they're looking for scapegoats when they look for solutions. prices are set by supply and demand that the ministration is right, one of the solutions to lowering prices at two decrease supply and that is where the focus needs to be, not vilifyin this industry because we are doing everything we can to do our jobs at lower energy prices for americans. this industry is coming off a major procession for oil prices were negative and were getting back up to speed and there's a tremendous number of things we could do to help support this industry and to continue to do the great work that we do and moniz using more pipeline infrastructure as a way that will allow us to do more drilling and bring more supply to the market. without pipeline infrastructure there's nothing we can do here to more supply to the market. >> you feel like it's an uphill battle to instruct lawmakers wh talk about this every day about your industry and about that maybe it is not just ukraine an russia that is the reason for gas going up? >> well, you hear a lot. let's make it very simple. the united states has a tremendous responsibility and the tremendous opportunity to leverage its natural resources that we have here and lower prices for americans, provide energy security and providing energy security to the world fo us to do that, we simply need more pipeline infrastructure. this has been a challenge now. we have the largest gas field i the world out here in appalachia , but these pipelines that have been blocked over the years, it's been over seven pipelines blocked pick pic that is equivalent to about 10% of the us supply. with these pipelines being blocked, we are unable to unloc this resource that we have. simply put without pipelines, this shell might as well be in russia and it's unable to serve the public and our allies in your appeared. >> that is that an important point. be required to follow this industry come all sides per toby , thanks. >> to race, i will send it back to you. >> that battle on the jobs report of the economy and the hardball abortion tactics following the supreme court draft ruling. ng ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. 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they could be unsettled by inflation. but let's bring in our panel, leslie marshall, democratic strategists and syndicated radi host. the jobs numbers, you can't argue with that a lot. the jobs numbers are pretty strong. i want to put this up this is from ted cruz. the white house is blissfully paddling the jobs report the american people can see through their strong economy spin. inflation is through the roof and play just can't keep up wit that. i get that he is taking a jab a the administration here but he also makes a fair point because he look at what happened to the markets this week and they were very volatile. there is a lot up nervous peopl around these markets pay expect the markets are very upset. ted cruz is right on the mark. he got every single day between now to november to tell everybody the economy is great. they are paying $125 at the pum to fill their truck. they know what the grocery bill is and that 30 year fixed marches between markets went back above 5% for the first tim since 2010, i believe. it's got to go higher and it's going to go higher. almost every two months for the next year. it really is impossible for the president to cover the disaster that has unfolded for the american consumer. space you talk to realtors around the country and they are nervous. they are concerned about the housing prices not coming down fast enough here's what the fed chair jerome powell set on wednesday. >> we have a good chance to restore price stability without a recession, without a severe downturn and without materially higher unemployment. i see a strong economy now come into strong labor market. >> he says we have a good chanc of not going off the cliff but he went on later and said we could very well see a slowdown you look at what is happening i the economy right now and a slowdown would be nearly devastating for this administration. your thoughts we have a good economy right now. when you see this jobs report and use the unemployment low an you see hourly wages over 5% to 5.5% the from yuriko, that is all good and that is all positive. but we don't hear that. we hear the negative and i was going to say my party, the democrats are not using this opportunity to say, hey, this i good news and the bite in the ministration a right, sorry, te cruz, to be happy about this. republicans would be doing the same thing this is what is predictable about whatever part is in power. and look at whatever report and said let's look at the glass half empty. inflation is concerning. we see interest rates going up. that again if you'd like at the trend, and hourly wage increase the trend is going to slow down and actually could help to offset inflation and would you talk about real estate, sellers are very happy with prices wher they are at. >> leslie is putting a friendly spit on their pixie talks hourl wages going up 5.5% inflation has gone up 8.5% so it is hard to catch up. it seems to me like there is a lot of psychological momentum that we are lacking. you drive down the street and you see those big giant billboards of five and $6-gallo and you walk into a store of empty shelves. people feel like the economy is not bouncing on all cylinders. expect inflation is not a concern, it is the concern when you ask the american people but they are most concerned about, it is their declining standard of living and that is what is leading them to assess this economy negatively and causing the follow joe biden's approval ratings and leading to rising republicans in the pulpit. >> i want to move on if i can. this whole concept of the robie wade was a big story and it broke late one night this week. i want to play peter doocy. he's talking with jen saki abou planned protest outside of the homes of supreme court justices. i will get your response. >> protest, no. peaceful protests aren't extreme . what is going on here. and we know that these protests can turn to riots overnight break quickly. it's almost encouraging this kind of behavior and should be discouraged. >> we had seen leslie marshall, these things are not legal. that was point to note at the top of the show tonight. phuket go to a supreme court justice is now some hold a protest on their front lawn bee nor should you. >> but you can't have a peacefu protest on the side but outside of their home and in the street in front of their home across the street from their home. that is what makes our nation great. and one of the foundations of the nation. here's the problem i have. i have a lot of anger from my side on this, protesting wonderful, we've seen women's marches. that's great. and let's get out and vote in november and the midterms when democrats don't show up in the numbers republicans do come it is all for not. you've got to vote. the people that stayed home, this drop does become a decisio pick this is where we are at it result to people who didn't vot and we are apathetic and giving care and living somebody else t do it for us. expect that is the pro-choice that we do whether you are catholic, portrays, next catholic or no faith, recognize that six extreme eric catholics set up to overturn roe, stand o a local catholic church sunday may 8 and goes on to hashtag wa on women and mothers they stripe . protesting inside a church. >> we have to reestablish the distinction between the private sphere and the public sphere pe it's one thing to have a protes in front of the supreme court building if it becomes the fina ruling. is another thing to go into churches to target people's homes. that is violating the distinction that all civilized societies make between private and public. it's a reminder that if this opinion becomes the holding decision, it will restore abortion law to the states that democratic procedures that mean the rule of law, not mob rule. expect your final thoughts on this, the x-uppercase-letter. expect they believe it is clear that the court ought to move th issue, the judgment opinion to follow in order to reduce the security threat to the justices and i love a couple abounds fro the baseball field for the bernie sanders supporter try to execute. i do not think that we should underestimate but this week her dad and i think that the court should speak to tom cotton suggested it and i think he was right come issue the judgment and opinions can follow pittsburgh i think it is notabl because you have a lot of catholic priests and monsignors who are actually prepping and gearing up for what they believ will be people showing up at their church on mother's day, including my parish. it's one of those things appear let's go to winners and losers that begin with you, matt. expect my winner is donald trum appeared yet a very good week i ohio and he is showing the results of his supreme court nominees if this decision holds about roby wade. my loser of the week is vladimi putin, the war in east ukraine is not going well. it's going just as bad as the war in keep mechanize think the question is what happens next. >> winners biden demonstration for the strong jobs report and the low unemployment rate that continues. losers come up republicans in the state of louisiana tried to push through legislation to mak abortion homicide. >> got one letter from you. >> pro-life legal groups and their lives defending freedom i the one i work with. it took them 25 gush 30 years after that decision but they ar on the brink of a long awaited victory. >> we appreciate your time and your comments. it's friday, time for notable quotable spirit. >> this is as urgent and realiz that gets. we will vote to protect a woman's right to choose. expect to ever make this clearl has an agenda that they are trying to be able to accomplish. >> that i say is not a politica issue? >> yes, you actually did. >> it is not pretty print it's fundamentally destroying this nation. >> and particularly our asylum system are allocated. >> this crowd is really the mos extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history. there really quite precocious. expects i was not aware of thos videos. expect the opportunities in the state depend on us fighting and winning against the two i want to be the face of the voice of this campaign but i don't want any distractions and i don't need anybody to prop me up. >> these are sideshows. >> i see the incredible ukrainian fighters defending their country with everything they have picked. >> tell me how this ends. >> only with victory. we have no way out. undead special report, bret is back with mark esper in his first interview promoting his new book. bret anchors his exclusive gas, south carolina republican governor lindsey graham and senator chris murphy. thank you for watching special report. i'm trace gallagher. pig -- pete hegseth >> welcome to "jesse watters primetime." ♪♪ we start tonight with a fake news alert at the expense of cnn. >> law enforcement officials are preparing for potential violence in the capitol and nationwide after the leak of that supreme court draft opinion which strikes down roe v. wade. >> potential violence over roe v.

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, Roe , Faith , Extreme Eric Catholics , Hashtag Wa On Women , Stand Oa Local Catholic Church Sunday May 8 , Sunday May 8 , 8 , Sphere , Church , Distinction , Protes , Mothers , Supreme Court Building , Homes , Holding Decision , Societies , Reminder , Fina , X Uppercase , Procedures , Abortion Law , Rule Of Law , Mob Rule , Judgment , Couple , Supporter , Th Issue , Baseball Field , Security Threat , Order , Bernie Sanders , Tom Cotton , Catholic Priests , Opinions , Dad , Monsignors , Donald Trum , Winner , Losers , Winners , Parish , Let S Go , Matt , Decision , Loser , War , Nominees , The War In East Ukraine , Keep Mechanize , Winners Biden Demonstration , Republicans , Estate , Legislation , Louisiana , Mak Abortion Homicide , Letter , Lives , Freedom , Brink , Realiz , Agenda , Woman , Clearl , Mos Extreme Political Organization , Crowd , Asylum System , American History , Fighting , Videos , Thos , Sideshows , Distractions , Campaign , Voice , Face , Fighters , Bret , Undead Special Report , Ends , No Way Out , Mark Esper , Lindsey Graham , Book , South Carolina , Chris Murphy , Special Report , Pig , Jesse Watters Primetime , Trace Gallagher , Pete Hegseth , Law Enforcement Officials , Violence , Expense , Alert , Capitol , Supreme Court Draft Opinion ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

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economic output you look at these numbers on the unemployment staying where they has an april, that marks 12 consecutive months of employers bringing on at least for hundre thousand workers to the payroll. here is the hang-up. may like to be hiring even more last month alone 653,000 people left the workforce, so the closely watched laborforce rate declined leaving a ministration officials searching for answers. >> what parts of the country ca be do better at and what parts of the country it's more people engaged in the workforce and ar there opportunities for us to look at this thing differently quark. >> it with another volatile day on wall street following this report. the dow sold off before rory back into the green undead turning lower again and closing down on the day all this volatility aside, the trend of the market of the last month an a half is certainly been lower. now recording six straight weekly declines pray that the longest such streak in three years. >> it's very simple, the cost o everything has gone up for both the consumer in business and in a very big way and markets are basically adjusting onto those costs because as they go up, profits come down and as profit come down, markets come down periods. >> the fed chairman chairman is trying to fight the higher cost raising the key interest rate b half a percentage point earlier in the week. investors slept on that news an the market sold off the following day. it's kind of the way it's been in recent weeks. most experts that we both do they believe this wild ride is not over yet. >> somebody is concerned about something pure here is the number for contact from his cel wall street. the s&p 500 fell 24. abstract dropped 123. the stock market ended and turbulent week but that's fifth street weekly decline for the week the dow was up a quarter percentage point and the s&p lost one fifth and nasdaq fell 1.5. for the politics behind the job numbers on the struggling economy, president biden is calling on congress during a visit to ohio purpose the ministrations economic woes hav been overshadowed this week by something else white house correspondent peter doocy shows us tonight periods. >> and when that supreme court draft opinion about abortion rights was leaked earlier in th week, the white house scrambled to respond. they did but in the day since the president has been trying t get people to talk about something else, like that stron jobs number. >> president biden believes his economic plans are working that is on everybody's mind my fighting inflation. activists want to talk about abortion in the weeks before ro v wade may be overturned. >> [indiscernible] >> i would disagree with you on that. >> our preference would be for congress to quantify route and for the final opinion, -- >> that is a slippery slope because there's a lot prohibiting certain kind of protest punishable by up to a year in prison if illegal to it's illegal to protest with th intent to influence any judge torture or witness or court officer in the his duty, picket or parade near a building housing -- or a building on residence occupied or used by such judge jurors, witness, or court officer. fox news digital force told the left tied tried that tactic. the real story is that joe bide is encouraging it that makes hi know better than the thugs that behave in this behavior. >> these justices are not going to back down. they are not going to yield to mob appeared silver elizabeth warren once that if it is rolle back, -- >> that ought to make your friends nervous because we don' have a long history of protecting equal marriage and interracial marriage. president biden didn't allude the cycle were motion during hi remarks that they tried to keep attention on the economy. >> have never been more optimistic about america that i am today periods for the only reason anybody is talking about roe v wade this week it's because the draft opinion leake and that is a leak that white house officials still have not condemned and still have not said they had any issue with. since we look ahead to next wee or white house officials are no ruling out an appearance by the president as one of several pro abortion rally scheduled. >> we will look for that. what are we hearing about mother's day plans at the white house. >> the mother that lives here, she will be on sunday with some refugees who fled ukraine into slovakia and president biden will be here our brothers this 12 celebration the way only a leader can. trace. >> lie from the white house, thank you. pro-choice activists are planning to protest it several prominent catholic churches. laura green is outside and we have that part of the story appeared many parishes -- and something very different is abide. posted this protest wearing the red case of a handmade tailed t show that explain the right to abortion and blamed us its catholics on the supreme court for the possible overturning of roe v wade. the conference had similar protests on sunday, mother's day . >> the unprecedentedly cup the draft behind the courts opinion has ignited pro-choice rage, prompting days of protest in front of the court. the catholic church is that of the forefront of opposing abortion catholic boat dock org is really against the biden a ministration to enforce the law and stand up against threats an protesters and churches say no religious believer should fear for their safety while attendin church this sunday or any day. >> this sunday is mother's day. officials tell me that they are making plans and won't go into detail. they are working with law enforcement here in new york city to take appropriate steps, if necessary. >> people talk more about that. laura green with us live. the press secretary jen saki wa asked about the abortion controversy appeared we have hi report coming up later this hour . tonight we show you a dress rehearsal for an anticipated search and illegal immigration paper in the biden administration ends covid related rules out the border. we are in the radio, texas, tonight periods. >> authorities on both sides of the rio grande. national guard soldiers the department of safety workers al holding joint drills as title 4 is set to expire periods. >> it sends a message to both the mexican government and the migrants who are trying to cros through mexico that we are ready . >> there attempting a mass migration attempt just 1 mile south, a group of 100 to 300 haitian migrants waiting to cross periods. >> we will have a group of 1500 to 3,000 haitian arm -- want you to take a look at the resources. just waiting on the other side of the border appeared the question is what will they do have title 42 is brought that that schedule on the 23rd of this month. the cartel charges 800 to $1,00 for each person to cross the river up your its hum and -- it's unclear how many have that number appear expect they are waiting. they don't care. they don't care about title 42 because they know it's going to be lifted periods. >> in the del rio sector, four migrants are back in mexico after about risko to rescue by mexican authorities. for the month of april it's going to be historic paper and i'm hearing about going to see the highest for the month of april. it shows you even at not making a significant impact. the sources tell me they received new intel that 4,000 more haitian migrants are makin their way to laredo just across the river behind me. >> great compelling pictures. thank you. it is hard to know the facts from the fiction surrounding th border crisis. homeland security secretary's test with sub during the administration's position. william takes a look tonight. >> we are not talking about releasing individuals into the united states. expect in fact dhs often does. do you know what these mean, just like going into the united states pick this a gift would you've got a detailed individuals, they are place of an alternative student detention . i think it's the easy way of saying has the spirit. >> they were monitored on a phone. 10% right ankle bracelet. well with the new triple from the trumpeters but to. >> in march there about 61,000 people who were releasing about 25,000 of them were put into a td. they said most what shopping cart because most immigration meetings last five years. if they do not succeed, we enforce the law and they are removed. >> that is just a flagrant lie. expect judges have ordered several departed that of never left. if they do to appear for their gracious enforcement proceeding are a priority for enforcement action periods for that action us somebody as the violet instructor. for another creek corrected whe y'all got false claims of assignment of those that were accurate. with the evacuation removal documents. that is why got false information coming your way. of next above for a key review city, what appears to be is final stages appeared we will have a life apart box ten in mobile, alabama, as the seducer turned nato doing damage to a pair of stores in the downtown area per your injuries reported. box 13 in salt lake city with the funeral service for lifetim -- and his tenure as the longest-serving republican back in 2019 pick and this is a life like at louisville from fox. the big story tonight come, preparations for the kentucky derby. the greatest two minutes and sports kicks off tomorrow evening. legendary trainer bob baffert will not be allowed on the trac three after his horse for petit that his device five look outside the beltway from specia report (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. 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kit. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ three people are dead after up explosion ripped through a hote in cuban -- cuba. officials not blaming a gas leak . more than a dozen people i said to be missing and the governors of the hotel was in the process of renovations and notorious fo staying there at the time. china has taiwan but the most fighter jets in a month it come up with the prime minister visited 10 downing street in london i had a president biden' trip to east asia later this month. while russian troops continue t try to wrap up their siege of mariupol in ukraine while ukrainian troops make their las stand at evacuation efforts resumed. trey yingst has the latest nigh from kyiv. russian forces bombed the steal plant in the ukrainian city of mariupol. inside civilians and soldiers are trapped in nuclear bunkers. >> russian shelling does not stop. civilians need to be taken out. many children were killed there. just imagine this help here. >> the united nations had 500 civilians were in the facility over the past 48 hours spirit but others still need to be rescued per ukrainian officials worry that they are running out of time as leadership looks to claim a military victory. >> we understand there is no logic in improving sanctions. he has the ninth of may that is upcoming but he needs to bring somebody and show he is victorious periods. >> the ukraine minister of internal affairs believes the russian military will escalate their attacks on ukraine if a victory cannot be claimed by victory day next week this week the russian military went through over support the victor day celebration in the capital of moscow put fighter jets overhead and troops in the street president putin is projecting an image of strength. we will show a powerful front for our country. for ten rhetoric reach new heights this week. nadel leadership pushing back. the prime minister called him a war criminal. he explained the fact that the territorial integrity up ukrain could be threatened by poland and also are obvious facts. >> just a few minutes of help w hurt air raid sirens across grading capital. officials are increasing the curative measures in the head o victory day on monday. >> continuing his exceptional work, many republicans wish worship wish he would just go buy a pair of like a man gop's problem child. at least two people were killed and at least 18 injured officials now mucking up the possibility of gasoline. is raised -- is really security forces searc for two palestinians accused of carrying out a stabbing rampage pre-three israelis were killed in the assault on the country's independence day. is the latest of his series of deadly assaults deep inside the country in recent weeks. and a life like at london, one of the big stories they are, buckingham palace answers one o the biggest remaining questions about queen elizabeth the secon platinum jubilee celebrations. it says prince andrew, harry, and megan, that duchess of sussex will not be on the balcony when the monarch greets the public she has decreed that only working members up the royal family will be present. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back. when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with miracle-gro. can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. 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george's republican secretary o state says congresswoman marjorie taylor green can run for reelection. the announcement follows a similar building by judge says group of voters challenging her eligibility failed to prove tha she engaged in insurrection after taking office appeared a federal judge is dismissing former president trumps offices on twitter but he was challenging his suspension from the platform. he said he has no plans to rejoin twitter if incoming owne elon musk reinstates his account . many republicans in congress ar expressing frustration with one of their own tonight. that would be north carolina freshman congressman madison hawthorne who is making a bit o a habit of putting himself and his colleagues in the series of awkward situations. chad pergram has the story from capitol hill. >> another day, another video o scandal or eye roll link to congressman madison hawthorne. >> i'm sure that there was allegedly the last few weeks pe it is hard to miss driving for free both license after multipl citations per they cited him fo his first writing up the airpor with a loaded gun i thought tha he was arrested for that to try to take a got on the plane. i guess his number was treated differently. there is more appeared lawmaker invaded him to cocaine fueled and pictures of him in lingerie. a video of him engaged in a lew act in another of the mill eigh roping deck congressman pierce. >> this video was taken long before i served in congress. tom tillis is determined to mak his fellow republican a one termer. >> what what that mean to the district correct. >> i'm disappointed for his constituents and that is why i' working to avoid that outcome tillis fax jake edwards of the primary and still president trump endorses cawthorn. >> i love it because he's never controversial. >> i'm not really sure that we've moved will port with ther by the voters because of the loyalty and the fidelity of former president. >> the gop fears the controversial campus like cawthorn distract from their efforts to win back the house. >> live on the hill, chad, than you for the man charged in this week's attack on dave chapelle is pleading not guilty the four misdemeanors. he's facing charges including battery and possessing a deadly weapon with intent to assault. the los angeles county district attorney is refusing to bring felony charges. the suspect made jail and he's been ordered to stay at least 100 yards from chapelle when he has released spirit authorities from tennessee upon the getaway vehicle for an alabama corrections officer and inmate who are on the run. the share for in williamson county says there's no sign of the two nationwide manhunt is o for casey white, and vicki but, no relation, the director of correction for the jail in alabama. >> officials are looking into more than 100 possible cases of a severe and mysterious leopard disease in children. five deaths have been reported. about two dozen states have suspected cases. them things include fatigue and loss of appetite and nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain for the white house is still taking a careful approach to the supreme court abortion story pair many members of the media have not been so disciplined th administration side is being championed by it soon to be forward top spokes was meant. here as host of fox media buzz, howard kurtz. >> in the midst of a furious debate over the draft of the supreme court ruling that could lead to striking down roby white , white house press secretary jen saki told fox new that republicans are focusing o the unknown bleecker as a distraction. >> two thirds of the public doesn't think that roe should b overturned so maybe they want t talk more about the leak than they do about whether obama should have the right to make choices about their own body with a doctor's. it is a unpopular position in the country, i include people -- >> she has repeatedly refused t condemn the lakes think the white house has no view on at pittsburgh the highest court in the land rocked appeared. >> contributed as a guest on msnbc and cnn have decried the potential court rolling as an outrage and provided a regular platform for the leaders of pro-choice groups. >> it's is a giant step backwards for women. as free people in america appeared. >> your willingness to trade up women and women's rights for people's own personal political views is sickening. >> this belief, i can't believ that this is going to happen. >> some fox news shows have hosted both pro-life and pro-choice advocates. >> this is the government doing the bare minimum, which is protecting the right of a human being not to be murdered pair both sides are pushing the controversy well beyond abortion-rights media liberals are reporting that the courts are concerned the majority coul toss out other laws on same-sex marriage, birth control, and privacy media conservatives are talking about respecting the courts and dependents and protesters demonstrating at conservative justices home spirit abortion is a difficult and uncomfortable subject for public discussion, that's why for leakers to protest about th future, many of the media are using the draft leak as a springboard to score ideologica points. >> thank you. you can has exclusive interview with jennifer saki including he comments on leaving the white house i media buys and that is sunday morning, 11:00 eastern time pair up next, tackle your pain at the pump amid rising inflation. the solution to lowering gas prices and resolve global energ shortages. we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... oh, that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how do you like learning at home? i kind of don't like it. i kind of don't like it either. i just want you to have everything. everything that you want in life. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ "peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll 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america has experienced that same consequences and that results when you have an energy shortage . right now but we are seeing her in the united states as energy prices that are significantly higher than they need to be. these prices are unnecessarily high. so that means that the solution is simple. let's unleash american energy and bring more supply into this world and now we will have a tremendous impact of lowering energy prices here while also providing energy security to th world. >> jen saki was asked about the creeping prices of gas particularly getting to 20 cent from the record. here is your answer. >> provide you take steps to reduce the price of gas for the american people every rachel options remains on the table an we know that increasing supply and ensuring supply meets the demand on the marketplace as part of that effort we also watch closely for any attempt a price gouging what oil prices come down. >> be take a look at the average , the national average gas prices, and it is up there. they do talk about price guard jesus but you price gouging a lot. >> i think people talk about price gouging. i think they're looking for scapegoats when they look for solutions. prices are set by supply and demand that the ministration is right, one of the solutions to lowering prices at two decrease supply and that is where the focus needs to be, not vilifyin this industry because we are doing everything we can to do our jobs at lower energy prices for americans. this industry is coming off a major procession for oil prices were negative and were getting back up to speed and there's a tremendous number of things we could do to help support this industry and to continue to do the great work that we do and moniz using more pipeline infrastructure as a way that will allow us to do more drilling and bring more supply to the market. without pipeline infrastructure there's nothing we can do here to more supply to the market. >> you feel like it's an uphill battle to instruct lawmakers wh talk about this every day about your industry and about that maybe it is not just ukraine an russia that is the reason for gas going up? >> well, you hear a lot. let's make it very simple. the united states has a tremendous responsibility and the tremendous opportunity to leverage its natural resources that we have here and lower prices for americans, provide energy security and providing energy security to the world fo us to do that, we simply need more pipeline infrastructure. this has been a challenge now. we have the largest gas field i the world out here in appalachia , but these pipelines that have been blocked over the years, it's been over seven pipelines blocked pick pic that is equivalent to about 10% of the us supply. with these pipelines being blocked, we are unable to unloc this resource that we have. simply put without pipelines, this shell might as well be in russia and it's unable to serve the public and our allies in your appeared. >> that is that an important point. be required to follow this industry come all sides per toby , thanks. >> to race, i will send it back to you. >> that battle on the jobs report of the economy and the hardball abortion tactics following the supreme court draft ruling. ng ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. 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they could be unsettled by inflation. but let's bring in our panel, leslie marshall, democratic strategists and syndicated radi host. the jobs numbers, you can't argue with that a lot. the jobs numbers are pretty strong. i want to put this up this is from ted cruz. the white house is blissfully paddling the jobs report the american people can see through their strong economy spin. inflation is through the roof and play just can't keep up wit that. i get that he is taking a jab a the administration here but he also makes a fair point because he look at what happened to the markets this week and they were very volatile. there is a lot up nervous peopl around these markets pay expect the markets are very upset. ted cruz is right on the mark. he got every single day between now to november to tell everybody the economy is great. they are paying $125 at the pum to fill their truck. they know what the grocery bill is and that 30 year fixed marches between markets went back above 5% for the first tim since 2010, i believe. it's got to go higher and it's going to go higher. almost every two months for the next year. it really is impossible for the president to cover the disaster that has unfolded for the american consumer. space you talk to realtors around the country and they are nervous. they are concerned about the housing prices not coming down fast enough here's what the fed chair jerome powell set on wednesday. >> we have a good chance to restore price stability without a recession, without a severe downturn and without materially higher unemployment. i see a strong economy now come into strong labor market. >> he says we have a good chanc of not going off the cliff but he went on later and said we could very well see a slowdown you look at what is happening i the economy right now and a slowdown would be nearly devastating for this administration. your thoughts we have a good economy right now. when you see this jobs report and use the unemployment low an you see hourly wages over 5% to 5.5% the from yuriko, that is all good and that is all positive. but we don't hear that. we hear the negative and i was going to say my party, the democrats are not using this opportunity to say, hey, this i good news and the bite in the ministration a right, sorry, te cruz, to be happy about this. republicans would be doing the same thing this is what is predictable about whatever part is in power. and look at whatever report and said let's look at the glass half empty. inflation is concerning. we see interest rates going up. that again if you'd like at the trend, and hourly wage increase the trend is going to slow down and actually could help to offset inflation and would you talk about real estate, sellers are very happy with prices wher they are at. >> leslie is putting a friendly spit on their pixie talks hourl wages going up 5.5% inflation has gone up 8.5% so it is hard to catch up. it seems to me like there is a lot of psychological momentum that we are lacking. you drive down the street and you see those big giant billboards of five and $6-gallo and you walk into a store of empty shelves. people feel like the economy is not bouncing on all cylinders. expect inflation is not a concern, it is the concern when you ask the american people but they are most concerned about, it is their declining standard of living and that is what is leading them to assess this economy negatively and causing the follow joe biden's approval ratings and leading to rising republicans in the pulpit. >> i want to move on if i can. this whole concept of the robie wade was a big story and it broke late one night this week. i want to play peter doocy. he's talking with jen saki abou planned protest outside of the homes of supreme court justices. i will get your response. >> protest, no. peaceful protests aren't extreme . what is going on here. and we know that these protests can turn to riots overnight break quickly. it's almost encouraging this kind of behavior and should be discouraged. >> we had seen leslie marshall, these things are not legal. that was point to note at the top of the show tonight. phuket go to a supreme court justice is now some hold a protest on their front lawn bee nor should you. >> but you can't have a peacefu protest on the side but outside of their home and in the street in front of their home across the street from their home. that is what makes our nation great. and one of the foundations of the nation. here's the problem i have. i have a lot of anger from my side on this, protesting wonderful, we've seen women's marches. that's great. and let's get out and vote in november and the midterms when democrats don't show up in the numbers republicans do come it is all for not. you've got to vote. the people that stayed home, this drop does become a decisio pick this is where we are at it result to people who didn't vot and we are apathetic and giving care and living somebody else t do it for us. expect that is the pro-choice that we do whether you are catholic, portrays, next catholic or no faith, recognize that six extreme eric catholics set up to overturn roe, stand o a local catholic church sunday may 8 and goes on to hashtag wa on women and mothers they stripe . protesting inside a church. >> we have to reestablish the distinction between the private sphere and the public sphere pe it's one thing to have a protes in front of the supreme court building if it becomes the fina ruling. is another thing to go into churches to target people's homes. that is violating the distinction that all civilized societies make between private and public. it's a reminder that if this opinion becomes the holding decision, it will restore abortion law to the states that democratic procedures that mean the rule of law, not mob rule. expect your final thoughts on this, the x-uppercase-letter. expect they believe it is clear that the court ought to move th issue, the judgment opinion to follow in order to reduce the security threat to the justices and i love a couple abounds fro the baseball field for the bernie sanders supporter try to execute. i do not think that we should underestimate but this week her dad and i think that the court should speak to tom cotton suggested it and i think he was right come issue the judgment and opinions can follow pittsburgh i think it is notabl because you have a lot of catholic priests and monsignors who are actually prepping and gearing up for what they believ will be people showing up at their church on mother's day, including my parish. it's one of those things appear let's go to winners and losers that begin with you, matt. expect my winner is donald trum appeared yet a very good week i ohio and he is showing the results of his supreme court nominees if this decision holds about roby wade. my loser of the week is vladimi putin, the war in east ukraine is not going well. it's going just as bad as the war in keep mechanize think the question is what happens next. >> winners biden demonstration for the strong jobs report and the low unemployment rate that continues. losers come up republicans in the state of louisiana tried to push through legislation to mak abortion homicide. >> got one letter from you. >> pro-life legal groups and their lives defending freedom i the one i work with. it took them 25 gush 30 years after that decision but they ar on the brink of a long awaited victory. >> we appreciate your time and your comments. it's friday, time for notable quotable spirit. >> this is as urgent and realiz that gets. we will vote to protect a woman's right to choose. expect to ever make this clearl has an agenda that they are trying to be able to accomplish. >> that i say is not a politica issue? >> yes, you actually did. >> it is not pretty print it's fundamentally destroying this nation. >> and particularly our asylum system are allocated. >> this crowd is really the mos extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history. there really quite precocious. expects i was not aware of thos videos. expect the opportunities in the state depend on us fighting and winning against the two i want to be the face of the voice of this campaign but i don't want any distractions and i don't need anybody to prop me up. >> these are sideshows. >> i see the incredible ukrainian fighters defending their country with everything they have picked. >> tell me how this ends. >> only with victory. we have no way out. undead special report, bret is back with mark esper in his first interview promoting his new book. bret anchors his exclusive gas, south carolina republican governor lindsey graham and senator chris murphy. thank you for watching special report. i'm trace gallagher. pig -- pete hegseth >> welcome to "jesse watters primetime." ♪♪ we start tonight with a fake news alert at the expense of cnn. >> law enforcement officials are preparing for potential violence in the capitol and nationwide after the leak of that supreme court draft opinion which strikes down roe v. wade. >> potential violence over roe v.

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Things , Cases , States , Fatigue , Leopard , Disease , Deaths , Media , Appetite , Abdominal Pain , Approach , Loss , Nausea , Vomiting , Midst , Host , Roby White , Spokes , Debate , Howard Kurtz , Fox Media Buzz , Roe Should B , The Public Doesn T , Distraction , Bleecker , White House Press Secretary , T , Body , Doctor , Lakes , View , Choices , Obama , Groups , Leaders , Guest , Outrage , Cnn , Pittsburgh , Msnbc , Women , Step , Women S Rights , Willingness , Views , Pro Choice , Belief , Minimum , Advocates , Human Being , Courts , Conservatives , Reporting , Abortion Rights Media , Birth Control , Controversy , Same Sex Marriage , Laws , Majority Coul Toss , Privacy , Liberals , Leakers , Conservative Justices Home Spirit Abortion , Subject , Difficult , Dependents , Discussion , Ideologica Points , Interview , Comments , Springboard , He , I Media , Jennifer Saki , Th Future , Inflation , Gas Prices , Solution , Pain , Pump , Sunday Morning , 11 , Home , Therapists , Shortages , Learning , Energ , Everything , Beautiful Idea , Bookings , Cancellation , Peace Of Mind , Booking Com , Yeah Ighting , Goal , Anyone , Gift , Contracture , Dupuytren S Contracture , Get Treatment , Hand Specialist , Table , Certified , Treatments , Surgery , Hand , The Next Step , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Answer , Stream , Cable Service , Bill , Feelings , Cable Box , Fees , Directv , Price , Infants , Parents , Social Media , Baby Formula Shortage , Shortage , Issues , Supply Chain , Posting , T Get Media Coverage , Sector , S Plant , Depth , Michigan , Toby Rice , Trice , Picture , Colleague , World , Energy Shortage , Th Energy Market , Prices , Energy Prices , Results , Consequences , Supply , Energy Security , Energy , Gas , Creeping Prices , Th World , Record , 20 , Price Gouging , Take A Look , Oil Prices , Demand , Average , Marketplace , Options , Effort , Price Guard Jesus , Solutions , Industry , Procession , Focus , Pipeline Infrastructure , Uphill Battle , Drilling , Talk , Lawmakers , Nothing , Opportunity , Responsibility , Natural Resources , Pipelines , Gas Field , Challenge , Appalachia , Shell , Pick Pic , Resource , Seven , Per Toby , Allies , Hardball Abortion Tactics , Race , Battle , Ng Ultra , Supreme Court Draft Ruling , Ugh Stipated , Gut , You G Feeling , Unknown , Water , Miralax , Backedup Gut , Mood , Uncertainty , Storm , Worry , Exploration , Crashes , Innovation , Teamwork , Mayo Clinic , Spring , Materials , Workplace , Quality , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Feet , Combination , Weathertech , Made In America , Weathertech Comfortmat , Wherever , Comfortmat , Cushion , Colors , Finishes , Grip , Project Managers , Shortlist , Level , Job Criteria , Safety System , Wh , Car , Traffic , Nx M , Intuitive Tech , Beeps , Butters , Acre , Property , In Bloom , Nine , Most , Deere Com Vase Job , Vegetables , Mouth Bass , Tons , Yep , Don T We , Them , Parties , Job Creation , Environment , Panel , Wind , Jobs Numbers , Strategists , Leslie Marshall , Syndicated Radi Host , Democratic , Ted Cruz , Economy Spin , Roof , Wit , Peopl , Jab , Mark , Grocery Bill , Truck , Pum , 125 , 25 , Tim , 2010 , Housing Prices , Disaster , Realtors , Downturn , Chance , Recession , Price Stability , Fed Chair Jerome Powell Set On Wednesday , Slowdown , Chanc , Cliff , Wages , Thoughts , Yuriko , Democrats , Positive , Party , Power , Bite , Ministration A Right , Te Cruz , Interest Rates , Wage , Sellers , Pixie , Real Estate , Spit , 8 5 , Street , Store , Momentum , Big Giant Billboards , , 6 , Concern , Living , Standard , Shelves , Cylinders , Concept , Approval Ratings , Pulpit , Response , The Homes Of Supreme Court , Jen Saki Abou Planned , Robie Wade , Peaceful Protests Aren T Extreme , Riots , Phuket Go To A Supreme Court Justice , Top , Peacefu Protest , Front Lawn Bee , Nation , Anger , Problem , Foundations , Midterms , Marches , Vote , Democrats Don T , Decisio Pick , Didn T , Somebody Else , Drop , Vot , Roe , Faith , Extreme Eric Catholics , Hashtag Wa On Women , Stand Oa Local Catholic Church Sunday May 8 , Sunday May 8 , 8 , Sphere , Church , Distinction , Protes , Mothers , Supreme Court Building , Homes , Holding Decision , Societies , Reminder , Fina , X Uppercase , Procedures , Abortion Law , Rule Of Law , Mob Rule , Judgment , Couple , Supporter , Th Issue , Baseball Field , Security Threat , Order , Bernie Sanders , Tom Cotton , Catholic Priests , Opinions , Dad , Monsignors , Donald Trum , Winner , Losers , Winners , Parish , Let S Go , Matt , Decision , Loser , War , Nominees , The War In East Ukraine , Keep Mechanize , Winners Biden Demonstration , Republicans , Estate , Legislation , Louisiana , Mak Abortion Homicide , Letter , Lives , Freedom , Brink , Realiz , Agenda , Woman , Clearl , Mos Extreme Political Organization , Crowd , Asylum System , American History , Fighting , Videos , Thos , Sideshows , Distractions , Campaign , Voice , Face , Fighters , Bret , Undead Special Report , Ends , No Way Out , Mark Esper , Lindsey Graham , Book , South Carolina , Chris Murphy , Special Report , Pig , Jesse Watters Primetime , Trace Gallagher , Pete Hegseth , Law Enforcement Officials , Violence , Expense , Alert , Capitol , Supreme Court Draft Opinion ,

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