Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

her to give us the maximum reward possible under state law, which that is $5,000 per person. i submitted a written request and within an hour of getting that request, she provided me with a proclamation approving that maximum request for the reward. she states the circumstances surrounding this event indicate that every effort should be made to apprehend and arrest vicky white and casey white. so we thank the governor's office for their prompt response and are certainly hopeful that this may encourage or incentivize someone to come forward. thank you. >> thank you. >> that makes the total reward for casey white $15,000. the total reward for vicky white $10,000. so a total of $25,000 in reward money now. okay, with that i'll take a few questions. >> are you upset at all about the fact that it took a couple days for this other department to tell you that the car was sitting there in the impound lot? >> we would have liked to have known it friday. they found the car before we knew they were gone. there's no fault or blame on anyone. the tow driver towed it friday afternoon. i'm sure that he probably sees the coverage that you provided us, saw the description and a light went off say hey, i remember towing that car. went out and the lot and found it. >> is it like you guys put out a bulletin. so every agency should be looking for the car. what was the ball dropped in terms of looking at the paperwork, where it was missing and -- >> you know, i am not sure i followed that question. are you sayings the deputy responded to the car -- >> at what point did they look at the bulletin and know -- >> the car was towed friday. the bulletin went out if i'm not mistaken tuesday morning. there again, that's a four-day delay. i'm sure at some point in time a light went off in this guy's head and he thought, wait a minute, you know. they tow a lot of cars, you know. >> sheriff, was there anything found? the car? what state was the car found in? are there other sightings in tennessee? >> no credible sightings. there was nothing in the car. the car was not inventoried by the wrecker company and the comment is it didn't appear to be anything in it. there had been an attempt to spray paint it. i have some photos if you want to see it. it's a botched up job. they did attempt to try to paint it. >> what makes you think the car is broke down as opposed to them ditching it? >> because of where it was found. a rural county road where there may not be a lot of traffic. somebody would see it sitting on the side of the road and call it in, which is what happened. i think if i were going to abandon a car that i knew was hot, it would be in a crowded parking lot and blend in and not stand out so much. >> have you been able to put any more of the puzzle pieces together leading up to this? there's reports that she was at the kohl's buying large men's clothing. >> no. you know, i don't know what she was up to. i think at this point it's obviously a jail house romance or something. that's all -- the only explanation i have. >> is there anything on video that you've seen to support that it was a romance? >> not that i've seen. i saw a hand over here. >> quick question. do you have the car in your possession, law enforcement's possession? what can you glean from the vehicle if anything about -- >> i don't know, you know, really doesn't leave us a lot. they headed north from here. whether after friday afternoon when they abandoned that car which direction they headed from there we don't know. on that particular issue, we're back to square one. >> one follow up mr. conley was announced $90,000 was taken out of banks. what was your understanding about that? >> that's my understanding from a number of banks. you know, we knew she had cash. we had been working on trying to find out what she had or whatever. yes. they had plenty of cash. >> you think she had more than $90,000 in cash? >> not that we know of. >> do you have any information about connection of family members or vicky white in middle tennessee or in that northern direction on 65? >> not that we know of. that's something that we'll look in to for sure to see if we can find. i don't think so because we've been looking at that from day one. as far as family connections. >> and were they on foot? >> they were when they lost their vehicle. did they steal another car? did they hitch a ride with somebody or something? we don't know. >> [question inaudible] >> no, sir, we don't know right now. >> how far off of 65 was the car left? >> looked like -- i don't know. i haven't been to the scene. looking at the map, looked like maybe two or three miles east of 65. due east of spring hill, tennessee. so you know, it's hard to tell for sure. obviously they were taking the back roads. >> the last report we heard that they had ar-15 and a shotgun and other weapons. you think they might have taken with them? >> i think anything that they had in the car with them they obviously took with them. those are weapons that vicky white owned personally. we're assuming they have them with them. we don't know that for a fact. on the side of safety, we're a seeming that they have the weapons. >> and was someone canvassing that area right now? any homes nearby? any structures? >> it's a sparsely populated area. deputy marshalls and other agents have been there all morning canvassing to see if there were any witnesses that saw anything that might give us some lead. >> sheriff, at this point, is there anything information to believe that anyone else, law enforcement or anybody else was involved with the escape or assisting the escape? >> no indication that nobody else was involved other than vicky white and casey white. >> sheriff, have there been any other credible sightings? >> none credible. the last text we received on our message board was that they were seen on i-5 headed north in oregon in that orange car. that was this afternoon. or this morning. >> you've been in law enforcement for years. what is your gut telling you? >> my gut is telling me is that they're obviously on the run. you know, they're probably right now -- i think the fact that they abandoned this car so quick, it threw them a curve. i don't think they planned for that. i think they were grasping at straws. that was a week ago today that this happened. almost to the hour. as a matter of fact, 2:00 that car was towed at 2:37. it's 2:08 right now. so basically seven days ago to the minute they had this problem. so i think it threw them a. they have plenty of time to recover from that. they settled back down into some sort of routine. >> to follow up on a question about whether or not someone could have helped them. how else would they have gotten out of this rural area? the car breaks down. what are the possible avenues of transportation? >> obviously they could have walked or someone could have picked them up. that's about the only two options. we're hoping maybe they walked somewhere and stole a vehicle. so as we speak, they're working on researching to see if any vehicles were reported stolen in that area. they might have gotten a ride somewhere. remember, at this time there has been no information put out. we weren't aware that they were missing. so somebody saw them walking down the road, might have picked them up. >> [question inaudible] >> i'll be concerned for her safety until we know she's safe. this guy is -- he's volatile. anything could set him off. at any time he could just lose it and decide she's a hindrance to him and harm her. >> some people we spoke to called vicky martin calculated. you think she's a step ahead of law enforcement right now and had this planned out? >> i think her knowledge of corrections and her knowledge of the procedures that we use here in the sheriff's office on transporting played to her advantage. i think this was a very well-thought out plan. her knowledge is sort of put us -- what's the word i'm looking for? we're at a loss as to -- but she definitely -- it's a very calculated plan. >> sheriff, during your investigation, have you done any search warrants of the home that vicky white used to own or her mother's home? is that why you have these firearms, know that information? >> i wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't done a search warrant. i haven't followed every lead. they haven't informed me. >> [question inaudible] >> we know she uses aliases. you know, we're following up on that as well. she used an alias to purchase the car. so, you know, we know she used those aliases. that was another piece of information that was inadvertently let out earlier this week. i'm assuming that she ditched those aliases and probably got new identities now. yes, sir. >> [question inaudible] >> what would i say to vicky right now? the same thing i've been saying. >> [question inaudible] >> i would at this point in time would say to vicky the same thing's been saying. you know we're going to find you. hope nully we find you safe. if you're still safe, get out while you can and turn yourself in to the local authorities wherever you're at. yes, ma'am. >> are you aware of any other surveillance here or any other state that maybe spotted them at all? their car or themselves in a store? >> video about the car or -- >> any additional surveillance that we haven't talked about that has been here or in tennessee? >> someone asked earlier about the hotel that she stayed in thursday night. i followed up to see video of that. we don't have copies of that but she was spotted on video at the quality inn directly behind logan's. that's been the case where they viewed the video. we don't have copies. >> a quick follow up question regarding the aliases. town if she used those aliases for her communication with casey white when he was in prison? >> i don't know that. i'm not sure. a couple more questions. >> the u.s. marshals put out photos of vicky wearing a brown wig. any reason to suspect that she may be disguising herself like that? >> probably logical and reasonable that she altered her appearance for obvious reasons. do we know that for a fact? no. >> how would you summarize -- >> martha: very mysterious. where are vicky white and casey white? they're not related. they're on the run. she has been using aliases. she was his corrections officer. we also have a video of the two of them leaving the place where he was incarcerated on a 75-year sentence for crimes committed in 2015. there's speculation that there was some kind of romantic relationship between these two. she sold her home for $90,000 about half of what it's believed to be worth in order to have a good stash of cash it would appear for this road trip. the news that is breaking right now is that the get-away car, the car there on your screen, the police vehicle, that they dropped off. then they picked up another car, which was a rust or orange 2007 ford. that was a ford edge, i should say. that's the car that they just found abandoned in tennessee just a short distance from florence, alabama or a bit of a distance as they tried to get away from that area. i want to bring in -- we heard this from coming from sheriff rick singleton from florence, alabama. he's been in charge of this case throughout with that, let's bring in ted williams, a fox news contributor and former detective. they've been gone more than a week and they have been sighted or she's been sighted at the quality inn, at a motel where they first started this escapade. what do you make of this? >> martha, they're now back to square one. they were looking for the vehicle in question. they've now located that vehicle. but the one thing that i think will get these people caught is that casey white is 6'9" tall. he stands out, martha, in a crowd. so i would have to believe that they're going to catch these people soon. >> you know, when you look at this situation, they suspect that they have the two ar-15s that she brought prior to helping him escape. we can see he comes out of the door, gets into the car with her. that's the last that we see of either of these two individuals. it's an interesting case. she lost her husband about a year ago. she's 57. she's 38. and he has sort of a notorious past with several different women. he tried to kill his ex-girlfriend and her sister. what do you make of the psychological dynamic existing between these two? >> look, we've seen this picture before, martha. you and i. if you remember in new york, we had a woman by the name of joyce mitchell that helped two prisoners to escape. what we find in these cases is that there is a woman who is very lonely and all of a sudden these prisoners, these killers, they attach to these individuals because they show them some attention. i would have to believe under the circumstances here that vicky white's life is in danger. think about it, martha. this woman was about three days from retirement when she took off with this man. right now no one knows where they are. >> martha: ted, thank you very much. obviously a case that is increasingly capturing everyone's attention. the longer they're out there, we speculate about what kind of arrangement they made, where they might be able to hole up for a long period of time. she had enough money to stock up on supplies and it's a question of where they might try to escape to. someplace where as you say, a 6'9" guy doesn't get the attention of people coming in when they roll into their neighborhood or their small town along the way here. so ted, always good to have you with us. thanks for your insight. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> martha: so now as we head into mother's day weekend this weekend, one abortion rights group is challenging activists to do this at catholic church services on mother's day sunday. >> martha: abortion on demand. wearing outfits. that is from a group known as ruth sent us and accompanied by this tweet. whether your a catholic for choice, ex-catholic of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist catholics set out to overturn roe. another group to stop the fascist majority on the supreme court is calling on activist to peacefully protest outside churches on sunday. they encourage wearing outfits that we just saw and hosting die-ins. mike huckabee and leo terrell is standing by. first, david spunt who is in washington on this story for us. hi, david. >> the emotions on the abortion issue are so palpable and so raw that especially now with this leaked draft opinion that appeared in politco just a few days ago. the law professor jonathan turley today said we are living in the age of rage. right now law enforcement members are watching closely to homes of the six conservative justices on the court. a group called ruth sent us, a nod to ruth bader ginsberg, members of that group posting the home addresses of those six conservative justices encouraging people to walk by and demonstrate. jen psaki on the job just one more week asked yet again today if the president and white house is okay with demonstrators going to the homes of supreme court justices to protest. here she is earlier on air force one this afternoon. >> the president believes in peaceful protest. he believes that's part of our democracy and part of our history but respects and understands the independence of the third branch of the government. >> make not an example of a peaceful protest. these supporters right now on the screen stood in front of justice sam alito's home thanking for his stance in the draft opinion. two senators, democrat chris coons from delaware and john cornyn of texas came together to introduce a measure in the state that would provide security around the clock for the family of supreme court justices. other members of the senate appear to be on board. late wednesday night, authorities put up the tall barricades outside the u.s. supreme court. while the court does not discuss security, they say it's precautionary. one person notably that we have not heard from when it comes to people protesting outside of supreme court justices' homes, the president. martha? >> martha: good point. thanks very much, david spunt. let's bring in mike huckabee, former arkansas governor, leo terrell, constitutional law and civil rights attorney. both are fox news contributors. and we have mickey here also who supporting progressive women running for congress. welcome to all of you. good to have you with us today. governor huckabee, i want to start with what david spunt ended there. we have not heard from the president on this. certainly he would be a voice of reason and of moderation. he is a catholic and there are these verbal attacks against the catholic justices of the supreme court. potential for demonstrations even inside catholic churches in particular this weekend. so what do you think the president should do? >> i think he really should tell the people that this is not an appropriate form of protest. if they want to go outside the supreme court where these people work, that's fine. going to their homes is inappropriate. it's dangerous. it's not a precedent that we should start. the president ought to be very forceful and says this leads to a real insurrection where government agencies are prevented from doing their jobs. i found it interesting that some of these people were talking about catholic extremists, the six justices. actually, what they are is faithful catholics. they're living out their faith. they believe that every life has value. there's no such thing as a disposable human being. it's refreshing that their faith means something to them. that's not extremism. that is faithfulness. >> martha: but by the same token, leo, all of these justices, when they were nominees for the court, said that they would approach everything from a stand point of whether or not it was constitutional. they would leave their faith aside. so i would imagine that although you can obviously as a governor does recognize the sincerity of their faith, we're also looking at justices that have a reputation for basing things on the law. it would appear from this opinion that they look at this and say there wasn't really a constitutional basis for roe v. wade and that these sorts of decisions are better off being decided by individuals in the voting booth at the state level. >> you're absolutely right. let me say 30 years of being a civil rights lawyer and a constitutional lawyer. let's be very clear. roe v. wade has no constitutional basis. there is no right to privacy to have an abortion in the constitution. what they're doing, they're basically allowing this to be sent back to the states where democracy, where people will be able to vote in 50 states. what is wrong with that? what is wrong with the right to vote on an issue such as abortion when it's not based on constitutional law. that's what the justices, if that's a decision, somehow it's final will return roe v. wade to the state where it belongs. not in the constitution, not in the federal government but to the state. 50 laboratories and a federal system, martha. >> martha: now the executive director of the women's march after president trump was elected, she said we will be ungovernable until this government starts working for us, until the attacks on or bodies will be let up. she said we will be ungovernable. what would you say to the individuals that -- and protest is an american right. peaceful protest is absolutely an american right. what do you say to those individuals that are considering going into churches, into masses this weekend and potentially to the front steps of these justices' homes? >> well, you know, they're not doing anything that isn't peaceful. going to a church and expressing your feeling and walking and dressing a certain way is incredibly peaceful if you're a member of the congregation. the majority of catholics support legalized abortion. the majority of americans support roe v. wade, which was already ruled on with the court that you respect so much. so what you're saying now is we should reverse a decision that was ruled on and supported by most americans because there's a conservative movement well-funded with extreme right-wing conservative justices for decades, for decades. >> shameful. >> they can -- you can have your personal faith but don't infringe your faith on me like i don't infringe my faith on you. >> you're wrong. you're absolutely wrong. martha, she's not a lawyer. she needs to go back and talk about -- >> ambiguous -- how am i wrong? >> check out brown versus board of education. stare decisis does not apply when they're a grounded base of a fact, this supreme court has a logical constitutional right to reverse roe v. wade because of the absence of law that supports it. please, please -- >> the same court -- >> you're making a misrepresentation that somehow women's rights will be eliminated. that's a law. it will go back to the states. california, new york, illinois -- >> i did not say that. >> be honest. >> why do you hate women so much? there's an expression -- >> why do i hate women so much? >> now mikey. >> i hate women? please, please. >> why are you so mad? it's not affecting your life. it's affecting my life. >> martha: mickey, stop. it's insulting to say that someone hates women. there's nothing that leo has ever said or done on this show that would indicates that he hates women. that's a completely unfair thing to say. the fact of the matter is -- you know, there's a large percentage of people in this country that are supportive of this decision. 54% believe that abortion should be banned after 15 weeks. a majority of those that were asked. so we have to keep this -- we have to keep this conversation from degrading into you hate women or any other form of that. we have to be able to talk about it and hope there's peaceful protests and nobody's church services will be disrespected because that is certainly disrupting the peace. we'll see what happens. thank you to all of you for being here. governor huckabee, leo terrell and mickey. so up next, the world's richest man, elon musk, is now calling out former president trump's truth social today calling it fake news that the former president encouraged him to buy twitter. so who better to ask about this than devin nunes that will respond exclusively here and also teacher's union boss randi weingarten fesses up to what we talked about here for two years, the devastating toll of zoom school on our children. >> our kids are in crisis. and we have a mental health crisis before covid but for two years of disruption. two years of looking at the screen. two years of not having a normal kind of routine. >> martha: so the question is what will she do to them now to catch them up, to get them where they need to be? former education secretary betsy devos responds. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. >> martha: a new study provides proof of what many american families already knew. remote school was not good for learning. zoom school widened economic and racial inequality in learning. kids fell way behind in critical math and reading skills that they need to succeed in the world. this comes from "the new york times" and it's based on a study that says that there's now generational learning loss, which is why randi weingarten, the president of the largest teacher's union is getting push back over these comments. >> but for two years of disruption, two years of looking at the screens, two years of not having a normal kind of routine and rhythm, recovery is really tough. it's not a shock that a lot of kids frankly a lot of adults are still under tremendous stress and anxiety. >> in a moment, betsy devos. but first to claudia cowan on this new study. hi, claudia. >> hi, martha. that's right. this new study would seem to confirm what many parents knew. that when so many school lasted for months on end, kids learned less. researchers with harvard center for education policy drilled down on two years of standardized test scores to see how students fared before and after the pandemic to see where classes were. i found the extended lockdowns went to a learning loss generation. students lost about 20% of learning on average. those that stayed home for most of the same time period lost the equivalent of about 50% of the math skills that they normally would learn in a school year. the study found a greater percentage of schools happened in poorer school districts widening education inequality. now vulnerable communities are impacted by enrollment loss and learning loss. in oakland, seven schools are slated to close. the closures disproportionately affect black families and poorer families. many schools are switching to private schools or charter schools or decided home schooling worked best. now districts and families are scrambling for long-term solutions, march that in particular to help millions of these kids catch up again. back to you. >> martha: that's a long road. claudia, thank you very much. joined by former education secretary, betsy devos. betsy, always good to have you with us. thanks for being here. i want to remind everybody about the other things that we learned, which is that there was a lot of cooperation between the teacher's unions and the white house. there were meetings there, discussions about when the schools would be allowed to reopen. here's the sound bite from randi weingarten when she gave off the reasons why the large public schools counts go back while other schools were going back. watch this. >> there's no way that you're going to have a full-time school for all the kids and all the teachers the way we used to have it. and in doing this not only this retro-fitting for ventilation systems, but also for buying the damn masks for the cleaning equipment, for the nurses that we'll need. that's why we have been pushing really hard to get the money that states need. >> martha: so they suffered a lot of these school systems and other schools went back and they figured way through all of those things, betsy. we know what the damage is. >> that's right, martha. it's just shameful that for two years randi weingarten and her organization and the other teachers, union bosses really declined to let kids get back in to the classroom. they continued to demand things according to their agenda. not paying attention to the ills that were being imposed on so many kids. we know as this study has again proven, the most vulnerable kids are paying the price. it's shameful. there's no excuse for it. many schools, many places that students did go back to school. counter parts around the world did. so the solution, frankly, is to put parents in charge of their kids education as those that could afford it were able to do during the last two years. this is nothing but trying to gas light the american people today and parents have a right to be furious with what is going on. they did not sign up to be co-parenting with the government. >> martha: in that story that seven schools in that district are shutting down. we do see parents making their own choice about where they're going to send their kids. they saw the catholic school was open, the private school was open. why can't my child have that? i pay taxes. i pay into this system. so my question now is what can be done, what can be pushed for from the department of education or from the white house to say let's do right by these children, let's sit with them over the summer, let's make sure that they get caught up. it's not discussed. >> no. the solution bottom line is let the resources already being spent on each of those children from low income families, let those resources be controlled by the parents and let them choose a setting that will work. let them choose a catholic school or another private school or a home school or a micro school, whatever is best for their children. the system led by teacher's union bosses have proven they can't do it. they aren't going to catch up. they were granted $190 billion and they haven't even spent a fraction of that. what they're spending it on is not going to catch kids up because they'll be doing more of the same thing and expecting different results and it won't work. let parents decide where their kids are going to school and how they'll get their education. >> martha: imagine if they divided up that money and gave to it parents to allow them to make a choice. they need to lift the lid on charter schools and allow them to form so they can take their 11,000, 17,000 per student and say this is my $15,000 and i want to use hit the way to educate my child. i'm not telling you anything that you haven't said to us many times, betsy. i hear you. thank you very much. it's always great to see you. >> great to see you. >> martha: so coming up on "the story," trump media and technology group ceo devin nunes joins us. there's this issue about fake news now coming from elon musk. so devin nunes is going to respond to it moments away because there was this sentiment statement by him that trump had encouraged musk to take over twitter. musk says that's fake news. so what happened really? 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this is supersonic wifi from xfinity. it's fast. like, ready-for- major-gig-speeds fast.t or planning to be. like riding-a-cheetah fast. isn't that right, girl? whoa! it can connect hundreds of devices at once. [ in unison ] that's powerful. couldn't have said it better myself. and with three times the bandwidth, the gaming never has to end. slaying is our business. and business is good. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. >> we're all for it. president trump basically before -- he said buy it. the goal of our company is to build a community where people are in a family-friendly safe environment. very much different than twitter. that's why we encourage elon musk to buy it. someone has to take on the tech tyrants. >> martha: elon musk calling that fake news that president trump encouraged him to do this $44 billion twitter takeover, the tesla ceo tweeting today, this is false. i had no communication directly or indirectly with trump who stated that he will be exclusively on truth social. in moments, trump media and technology group's ceo devin nunes response to this back and forth. first to kelly o'grady. hi, kelly. >> hi, martha. there's been a lot of speculation around what motivated elon musk to initiate this twitter takeover. he's been very vocal about his open town square vision. who motivated him is even more murky. reports are surfacing that musk did not confirm or deknee that he was receiving behind the scenes encouragement from influential billionaires, investors like jack dorsey to the platform's lack of clarity since stepping down. musk was also growing extremely frustrated by key accounts and much of the conservative reaction to the bid expressing hopes of the billionaire reinstating former president donald trump. the truth social founder confirmed he will not return to twitter regardless of his ownership. the "new york post" said devin nunes claimed the former president urged musk to buy it. reports are surfacing that the article musk announced took those out of context. this comes out of the truth social backed company sits in the high 140 on the app store down52. it's unclear how musk's acquisition will impact truth social in the long run. the comment sections on elon's response by fake news. >> martha: who better to bring in than devin nunes, ceo of truth social. good to have you with us today. >> thank you. >> martha: you saw that sound bite. in it you were talking to stuart varney. you said that's why we encouraged elon musk to buy it. someone has to continue to take on these tech tyrants. what was that relationship and who -- was there any discussion directly between president trump and elon musk about this purchase? >> well, thanks for having me on. nothing like a friday being fake news friday. i remember with the russia hoax, we were waiting for the fake news bomb shell that we would spend three days responding to. this looks like it's nothing different. we have publicly said president trump and myself, our goal with this company is quite clear. and as a matter of fact, i think i said this on your show last week. we want to open the internet back up to give the american people and people around the world their voice back. very clearly. so it's not just that interview that i did with stuart varney, it's probably three dozen interviews that i have done publicly many on fox, fox business and in fact president trump was very clear before elon musk actually bought the company that he liked elon, he's all for it. he hopes he buys it. that was in a fox news story. we hope and since its fake news friday, i hope they don't take these out of context. but we would like if it he would buy facebook and instagram and instagram and chinese-owned tik tok. so there's a lot more things he could buy and we would be better off elon musk owning them than the tech tyrants that own them now. with that said, i want to be very clear, elon has two big issues here that he has to deal with with twitter. one, he has to make sure is he going to get the employees and everybody in line there and two, is he going to follow up on his promise. that's the key to our company is that we can't be cancelled. everybody is safe with us. that's why we're a growing company, one of the fastest ever in history. truth social. because i think people know when they come to us, there's no issue of us being cancelled by a big tech company. >> got it. so just to be clear, because this is what elon musk said, you're confirming there was never any direct discussion with former president trump and elon musk about twitter? >> yes. i don't know how anybody that could have got that story any different. i don't think -- >> martha: so you were just talking ant general terms what you said publicly. >> yeah. very public. in numerous interviews. numerous interviews. i'm not sure how you go from zero to 100 that somehow you take public statements that we clearly said and you quickly move that in to some realm that we had secret talks. it is -- i'm not making fun, this is a fake news friday bomb shell that is -- yeah. it's totally fake and fabricated. look, i'm a big fan of the "new york post." no one was a bigger defender how the "new york post" got censored, partly how i ended up in this job is because i was so ticked off about the hunter biden lab top was clearly censored by twitter, facebook and et cetera. so look, i just don't know how the story came about but hopefully they'll fix it. >> martha: he responded to it and you did, too. it's clear now. to the statement that president trump has said that he would exclusively be on truth social and then elon musk said that. he said that's my understanding, the former president wants to be exclusively on truth social. if the president decides to run again and is offered back a spot on twitter, are you saying he won't accept it? >> there's no reason for the president or myself to be back on twitter. anyone who made the move, so content creators that have made the move from twitter and even from instagram, which by the way instagram has hundreds of millions of americans. twitter does not. anyone who made the move and posts over at truth social, they're getting far more engagement, far more engagement. sometimes with a third of the followers getting 10 or 50 times the engagement. we see it every hour on the hour. the different is that we're not censoring number 1 and 2, we don't have fake accounts. a lot of the numbers that you see are inflated. when you go to truth social, we're 99.9% certain that it's a real person behind that account. >> martha: that's -- that's a really important part of this whole equation. i know elon musk said that's what he wants through new software and technology to make sure that they can eliminate the bots as well. you say you want to build a community where people can exchange ideas and do it openly without getting cancelled. everybody wants that as well. devin nunes, thanks. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> martha: an exclusive sneak peek of my interview with walker hayes after this. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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[♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. big game today! everybody ready? alexa, ask buick to start my enclave. starting your buick enclave. i just love our new alexa. dad, it's a buick. i love that new alexa smell. it's a buick. we need snacks for the team. alexa, take us to the nearest grocery store. getting directions. alexa will get us there in no time. it's a buick. let's be real. don't make me turn this alexa around. oh my. it's painful. the buick enclave, with available alexa built in. ask “alexa, tell me more about buick suvs.” >> martha: excited about this. a new episode of the untold story podcast. walker hayes talks with me about going from cancelled record contracts and working at costco to drinking too much and then finding god through an unlikely friendship. the new book is called "glad you're here" and co-authored with craig allen cooper. >> i was dropped from two record labels by the time i met craig. i had been dropped by two publishing companies by the time i met craig. i got accustomed to rejection. the gift that craig gave us made me document the confusion in my heart going why do these people love us so unconditionally? where does this come from? what does craig have that i don't have? >> martha: great conversation that we had. it's going to drop tomorrow, saturday, which we don't usually do. they usually come out thursday. it's special, coming out saturday. tune in for that. that is "the story" for this friday. "the story" goes on. have a great weekend. we'll see you monday. >> neil: all right. here's the bad news. we lost more ground in the stock market again. here's the good news. the week is over. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." what in the world was going on with stocks this incredibly volatile week? a week where we saw the day move up 1,000 points and fall 1,000 points and see major averages skidding and skidding again. with the dow's losses today and the nasdaq's losses, we're looking at levels that we have not seen for the better part of threar

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

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her to give us the maximum reward possible under state law, which that is $5,000 per person. i submitted a written request and within an hour of getting that request, she provided me with a proclamation approving that maximum request for the reward. she states the circumstances surrounding this event indicate that every effort should be made to apprehend and arrest vicky white and casey white. so we thank the governor's office for their prompt response and are certainly hopeful that this may encourage or incentivize someone to come forward. thank you. >> thank you. >> that makes the total reward for casey white $15,000. the total reward for vicky white $10,000. so a total of $25,000 in reward money now. okay, with that i'll take a few questions. >> are you upset at all about the fact that it took a couple days for this other department to tell you that the car was sitting there in the impound lot? >> we would have liked to have known it friday. they found the car before we knew they were gone. there's no fault or blame on anyone. the tow driver towed it friday afternoon. i'm sure that he probably sees the coverage that you provided us, saw the description and a light went off say hey, i remember towing that car. went out and the lot and found it. >> is it like you guys put out a bulletin. so every agency should be looking for the car. what was the ball dropped in terms of looking at the paperwork, where it was missing and -- >> you know, i am not sure i followed that question. are you sayings the deputy responded to the car -- >> at what point did they look at the bulletin and know -- >> the car was towed friday. the bulletin went out if i'm not mistaken tuesday morning. there again, that's a four-day delay. i'm sure at some point in time a light went off in this guy's head and he thought, wait a minute, you know. they tow a lot of cars, you know. >> sheriff, was there anything found? the car? what state was the car found in? are there other sightings in tennessee? >> no credible sightings. there was nothing in the car. the car was not inventoried by the wrecker company and the comment is it didn't appear to be anything in it. there had been an attempt to spray paint it. i have some photos if you want to see it. it's a botched up job. they did attempt to try to paint it. >> what makes you think the car is broke down as opposed to them ditching it? >> because of where it was found. a rural county road where there may not be a lot of traffic. somebody would see it sitting on the side of the road and call it in, which is what happened. i think if i were going to abandon a car that i knew was hot, it would be in a crowded parking lot and blend in and not stand out so much. >> have you been able to put any more of the puzzle pieces together leading up to this? there's reports that she was at the kohl's buying large men's clothing. >> no. you know, i don't know what she was up to. i think at this point it's obviously a jail house romance or something. that's all -- the only explanation i have. >> is there anything on video that you've seen to support that it was a romance? >> not that i've seen. i saw a hand over here. >> quick question. do you have the car in your possession, law enforcement's possession? what can you glean from the vehicle if anything about -- >> i don't know, you know, really doesn't leave us a lot. they headed north from here. whether after friday afternoon when they abandoned that car which direction they headed from there we don't know. on that particular issue, we're back to square one. >> one follow up mr. conley was announced $90,000 was taken out of banks. what was your understanding about that? >> that's my understanding from a number of banks. you know, we knew she had cash. we had been working on trying to find out what she had or whatever. yes. they had plenty of cash. >> you think she had more than $90,000 in cash? >> not that we know of. >> do you have any information about connection of family members or vicky white in middle tennessee or in that northern direction on 65? >> not that we know of. that's something that we'll look in to for sure to see if we can find. i don't think so because we've been looking at that from day one. as far as family connections. >> and were they on foot? >> they were when they lost their vehicle. did they steal another car? did they hitch a ride with somebody or something? we don't know. >> [question inaudible] >> no, sir, we don't know right now. >> how far off of 65 was the car left? >> looked like -- i don't know. i haven't been to the scene. looking at the map, looked like maybe two or three miles east of 65. due east of spring hill, tennessee. so you know, it's hard to tell for sure. obviously they were taking the back roads. >> the last report we heard that they had ar-15 and a shotgun and other weapons. you think they might have taken with them? >> i think anything that they had in the car with them they obviously took with them. those are weapons that vicky white owned personally. we're assuming they have them with them. we don't know that for a fact. on the side of safety, we're a seeming that they have the weapons. >> and was someone canvassing that area right now? any homes nearby? any structures? >> it's a sparsely populated area. deputy marshalls and other agents have been there all morning canvassing to see if there were any witnesses that saw anything that might give us some lead. >> sheriff, at this point, is there anything information to believe that anyone else, law enforcement or anybody else was involved with the escape or assisting the escape? >> no indication that nobody else was involved other than vicky white and casey white. >> sheriff, have there been any other credible sightings? >> none credible. the last text we received on our message board was that they were seen on i-5 headed north in oregon in that orange car. that was this afternoon. or this morning. >> you've been in law enforcement for years. what is your gut telling you? >> my gut is telling me is that they're obviously on the run. you know, they're probably right now -- i think the fact that they abandoned this car so quick, it threw them a curve. i don't think they planned for that. i think they were grasping at straws. that was a week ago today that this happened. almost to the hour. as a matter of fact, 2:00 that car was towed at 2:37. it's 2:08 right now. so basically seven days ago to the minute they had this problem. so i think it threw them a. they have plenty of time to recover from that. they settled back down into some sort of routine. >> to follow up on a question about whether or not someone could have helped them. how else would they have gotten out of this rural area? the car breaks down. what are the possible avenues of transportation? >> obviously they could have walked or someone could have picked them up. that's about the only two options. we're hoping maybe they walked somewhere and stole a vehicle. so as we speak, they're working on researching to see if any vehicles were reported stolen in that area. they might have gotten a ride somewhere. remember, at this time there has been no information put out. we weren't aware that they were missing. so somebody saw them walking down the road, might have picked them up. >> [question inaudible] >> i'll be concerned for her safety until we know she's safe. this guy is -- he's volatile. anything could set him off. at any time he could just lose it and decide she's a hindrance to him and harm her. >> some people we spoke to called vicky martin calculated. you think she's a step ahead of law enforcement right now and had this planned out? >> i think her knowledge of corrections and her knowledge of the procedures that we use here in the sheriff's office on transporting played to her advantage. i think this was a very well-thought out plan. her knowledge is sort of put us -- what's the word i'm looking for? we're at a loss as to -- but she definitely -- it's a very calculated plan. >> sheriff, during your investigation, have you done any search warrants of the home that vicky white used to own or her mother's home? is that why you have these firearms, know that information? >> i wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't done a search warrant. i haven't followed every lead. they haven't informed me. >> [question inaudible] >> we know she uses aliases. you know, we're following up on that as well. she used an alias to purchase the car. so, you know, we know she used those aliases. that was another piece of information that was inadvertently let out earlier this week. i'm assuming that she ditched those aliases and probably got new identities now. yes, sir. >> [question inaudible] >> what would i say to vicky right now? the same thing i've been saying. >> [question inaudible] >> i would at this point in time would say to vicky the same thing's been saying. you know we're going to find you. hope nully we find you safe. if you're still safe, get out while you can and turn yourself in to the local authorities wherever you're at. yes, ma'am. >> are you aware of any other surveillance here or any other state that maybe spotted them at all? their car or themselves in a store? >> video about the car or -- >> any additional surveillance that we haven't talked about that has been here or in tennessee? >> someone asked earlier about the hotel that she stayed in thursday night. i followed up to see video of that. we don't have copies of that but she was spotted on video at the quality inn directly behind logan's. that's been the case where they viewed the video. we don't have copies. >> a quick follow up question regarding the aliases. town if she used those aliases for her communication with casey white when he was in prison? >> i don't know that. i'm not sure. a couple more questions. >> the u.s. marshals put out photos of vicky wearing a brown wig. any reason to suspect that she may be disguising herself like that? >> probably logical and reasonable that she altered her appearance for obvious reasons. do we know that for a fact? no. >> how would you summarize -- >> martha: very mysterious. where are vicky white and casey white? they're not related. they're on the run. she has been using aliases. she was his corrections officer. we also have a video of the two of them leaving the place where he was incarcerated on a 75-year sentence for crimes committed in 2015. there's speculation that there was some kind of romantic relationship between these two. she sold her home for $90,000 about half of what it's believed to be worth in order to have a good stash of cash it would appear for this road trip. the news that is breaking right now is that the get-away car, the car there on your screen, the police vehicle, that they dropped off. then they picked up another car, which was a rust or orange 2007 ford. that was a ford edge, i should say. that's the car that they just found abandoned in tennessee just a short distance from florence, alabama or a bit of a distance as they tried to get away from that area. i want to bring in -- we heard this from coming from sheriff rick singleton from florence, alabama. he's been in charge of this case throughout with that, let's bring in ted williams, a fox news contributor and former detective. they've been gone more than a week and they have been sighted or she's been sighted at the quality inn, at a motel where they first started this escapade. what do you make of this? >> martha, they're now back to square one. they were looking for the vehicle in question. they've now located that vehicle. but the one thing that i think will get these people caught is that casey white is 6'9" tall. he stands out, martha, in a crowd. so i would have to believe that they're going to catch these people soon. >> you know, when you look at this situation, they suspect that they have the two ar-15s that she brought prior to helping him escape. we can see he comes out of the door, gets into the car with her. that's the last that we see of either of these two individuals. it's an interesting case. she lost her husband about a year ago. she's 57. she's 38. and he has sort of a notorious past with several different women. he tried to kill his ex-girlfriend and her sister. what do you make of the psychological dynamic existing between these two? >> look, we've seen this picture before, martha. you and i. if you remember in new york, we had a woman by the name of joyce mitchell that helped two prisoners to escape. what we find in these cases is that there is a woman who is very lonely and all of a sudden these prisoners, these killers, they attach to these individuals because they show them some attention. i would have to believe under the circumstances here that vicky white's life is in danger. think about it, martha. this woman was about three days from retirement when she took off with this man. right now no one knows where they are. >> martha: ted, thank you very much. obviously a case that is increasingly capturing everyone's attention. the longer they're out there, we speculate about what kind of arrangement they made, where they might be able to hole up for a long period of time. she had enough money to stock up on supplies and it's a question of where they might try to escape to. someplace where as you say, a 6'9" guy doesn't get the attention of people coming in when they roll into their neighborhood or their small town along the way here. so ted, always good to have you with us. thanks for your insight. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> martha: so now as we head into mother's day weekend this weekend, one abortion rights group is challenging activists to do this at catholic church services on mother's day sunday. >> martha: abortion on demand. wearing outfits. that is from a group known as ruth sent us and accompanied by this tweet. whether your a catholic for choice, ex-catholic of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist catholics set out to overturn roe. another group to stop the fascist majority on the supreme court is calling on activist to peacefully protest outside churches on sunday. they encourage wearing outfits that we just saw and hosting die-ins. mike huckabee and leo terrell is standing by. first, david spunt who is in washington on this story for us. hi, david. >> the emotions on the abortion issue are so palpable and so raw that especially now with this leaked draft opinion that appeared in politco just a few days ago. the law professor jonathan turley today said we are living in the age of rage. right now law enforcement members are watching closely to homes of the six conservative justices on the court. a group called ruth sent us, a nod to ruth bader ginsberg, members of that group posting the home addresses of those six conservative justices encouraging people to walk by and demonstrate. jen psaki on the job just one more week asked yet again today if the president and white house is okay with demonstrators going to the homes of supreme court justices to protest. here she is earlier on air force one this afternoon. >> the president believes in peaceful protest. he believes that's part of our democracy and part of our history but respects and understands the independence of the third branch of the government. >> make not an example of a peaceful protest. these supporters right now on the screen stood in front of justice sam alito's home thanking for his stance in the draft opinion. two senators, democrat chris coons from delaware and john cornyn of texas came together to introduce a measure in the state that would provide security around the clock for the family of supreme court justices. other members of the senate appear to be on board. late wednesday night, authorities put up the tall barricades outside the u.s. supreme court. while the court does not discuss security, they say it's precautionary. one person notably that we have not heard from when it comes to people protesting outside of supreme court justices' homes, the president. martha? >> martha: good point. thanks very much, david spunt. let's bring in mike huckabee, former arkansas governor, leo terrell, constitutional law and civil rights attorney. both are fox news contributors. and we have mickey here also who supporting progressive women running for congress. welcome to all of you. good to have you with us today. governor huckabee, i want to start with what david spunt ended there. we have not heard from the president on this. certainly he would be a voice of reason and of moderation. he is a catholic and there are these verbal attacks against the catholic justices of the supreme court. potential for demonstrations even inside catholic churches in particular this weekend. so what do you think the president should do? >> i think he really should tell the people that this is not an appropriate form of protest. if they want to go outside the supreme court where these people work, that's fine. going to their homes is inappropriate. it's dangerous. it's not a precedent that we should start. the president ought to be very forceful and says this leads to a real insurrection where government agencies are prevented from doing their jobs. i found it interesting that some of these people were talking about catholic extremists, the six justices. actually, what they are is faithful catholics. they're living out their faith. they believe that every life has value. there's no such thing as a disposable human being. it's refreshing that their faith means something to them. that's not extremism. that is faithfulness. >> martha: but by the same token, leo, all of these justices, when they were nominees for the court, said that they would approach everything from a stand point of whether or not it was constitutional. they would leave their faith aside. so i would imagine that although you can obviously as a governor does recognize the sincerity of their faith, we're also looking at justices that have a reputation for basing things on the law. it would appear from this opinion that they look at this and say there wasn't really a constitutional basis for roe v. wade and that these sorts of decisions are better off being decided by individuals in the voting booth at the state level. >> you're absolutely right. let me say 30 years of being a civil rights lawyer and a constitutional lawyer. let's be very clear. roe v. wade has no constitutional basis. there is no right to privacy to have an abortion in the constitution. what they're doing, they're basically allowing this to be sent back to the states where democracy, where people will be able to vote in 50 states. what is wrong with that? what is wrong with the right to vote on an issue such as abortion when it's not based on constitutional law. that's what the justices, if that's a decision, somehow it's final will return roe v. wade to the state where it belongs. not in the constitution, not in the federal government but to the state. 50 laboratories and a federal system, martha. >> martha: now the executive director of the women's march after president trump was elected, she said we will be ungovernable until this government starts working for us, until the attacks on or bodies will be let up. she said we will be ungovernable. what would you say to the individuals that -- and protest is an american right. peaceful protest is absolutely an american right. what do you say to those individuals that are considering going into churches, into masses this weekend and potentially to the front steps of these justices' homes? >> well, you know, they're not doing anything that isn't peaceful. going to a church and expressing your feeling and walking and dressing a certain way is incredibly peaceful if you're a member of the congregation. the majority of catholics support legalized abortion. the majority of americans support roe v. wade, which was already ruled on with the court that you respect so much. so what you're saying now is we should reverse a decision that was ruled on and supported by most americans because there's a conservative movement well-funded with extreme right-wing conservative justices for decades, for decades. >> shameful. >> they can -- you can have your personal faith but don't infringe your faith on me like i don't infringe my faith on you. >> you're wrong. you're absolutely wrong. martha, she's not a lawyer. she needs to go back and talk about -- >> ambiguous -- how am i wrong? >> check out brown versus board of education. stare decisis does not apply when they're a grounded base of a fact, this supreme court has a logical constitutional right to reverse roe v. wade because of the absence of law that supports it. please, please -- >> the same court -- >> you're making a misrepresentation that somehow women's rights will be eliminated. that's a law. it will go back to the states. california, new york, illinois -- >> i did not say that. >> be honest. >> why do you hate women so much? there's an expression -- >> why do i hate women so much? >> now mikey. >> i hate women? please, please. >> why are you so mad? it's not affecting your life. it's affecting my life. >> martha: mickey, stop. it's insulting to say that someone hates women. there's nothing that leo has ever said or done on this show that would indicates that he hates women. that's a completely unfair thing to say. the fact of the matter is -- you know, there's a large percentage of people in this country that are supportive of this decision. 54% believe that abortion should be banned after 15 weeks. a majority of those that were asked. so we have to keep this -- we have to keep this conversation from degrading into you hate women or any other form of that. we have to be able to talk about it and hope there's peaceful protests and nobody's church services will be disrespected because that is certainly disrupting the peace. we'll see what happens. thank you to all of you for being here. governor huckabee, leo terrell and mickey. so up next, the world's richest man, elon musk, is now calling out former president trump's truth social today calling it fake news that the former president encouraged him to buy twitter. so who better to ask about this than devin nunes that will respond exclusively here and also teacher's union boss randi weingarten fesses up to what we talked about here for two years, the devastating toll of zoom school on our children. >> our kids are in crisis. and we have a mental health crisis before covid but for two years of disruption. two years of looking at the screen. two years of not having a normal kind of routine. >> martha: so the question is what will she do to them now to catch them up, to get them where they need to be? former education secretary betsy devos responds. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? at walmart, we're pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. >> martha: a new study provides proof of what many american families already knew. remote school was not good for learning. zoom school widened economic and racial inequality in learning. kids fell way behind in critical math and reading skills that they need to succeed in the world. this comes from "the new york times" and it's based on a study that says that there's now generational learning loss, which is why randi weingarten, the president of the largest teacher's union is getting push back over these comments. >> but for two years of disruption, two years of looking at the screens, two years of not having a normal kind of routine and rhythm, recovery is really tough. it's not a shock that a lot of kids frankly a lot of adults are still under tremendous stress and anxiety. >> in a moment, betsy devos. but first to claudia cowan on this new study. hi, claudia. >> hi, martha. that's right. this new study would seem to confirm what many parents knew. that when so many school lasted for months on end, kids learned less. researchers with harvard center for education policy drilled down on two years of standardized test scores to see how students fared before and after the pandemic to see where classes were. i found the extended lockdowns went to a learning loss generation. students lost about 20% of learning on average. those that stayed home for most of the same time period lost the equivalent of about 50% of the math skills that they normally would learn in a school year. the study found a greater percentage of schools happened in poorer school districts widening education inequality. now vulnerable communities are impacted by enrollment loss and learning loss. in oakland, seven schools are slated to close. the closures disproportionately affect black families and poorer families. many schools are switching to private schools or charter schools or decided home schooling worked best. now districts and families are scrambling for long-term solutions, march that in particular to help millions of these kids catch up again. back to you. >> martha: that's a long road. claudia, thank you very much. joined by former education secretary, betsy devos. betsy, always good to have you with us. thanks for being here. i want to remind everybody about the other things that we learned, which is that there was a lot of cooperation between the teacher's unions and the white house. there were meetings there, discussions about when the schools would be allowed to reopen. here's the sound bite from randi weingarten when she gave off the reasons why the large public schools counts go back while other schools were going back. watch this. >> there's no way that you're going to have a full-time school for all the kids and all the teachers the way we used to have it. and in doing this not only this retro-fitting for ventilation systems, but also for buying the damn masks for the cleaning equipment, for the nurses that we'll need. that's why we have been pushing really hard to get the money that states need. >> martha: so they suffered a lot of these school systems and other schools went back and they figured way through all of those things, betsy. we know what the damage is. >> that's right, martha. it's just shameful that for two years randi weingarten and her organization and the other teachers, union bosses really declined to let kids get back in to the classroom. they continued to demand things according to their agenda. not paying attention to the ills that were being imposed on so many kids. we know as this study has again proven, the most vulnerable kids are paying the price. it's shameful. there's no excuse for it. many schools, many places that students did go back to school. counter parts around the world did. so the solution, frankly, is to put parents in charge of their kids education as those that could afford it were able to do during the last two years. this is nothing but trying to gas light the american people today and parents have a right to be furious with what is going on. they did not sign up to be co-parenting with the government. >> martha: in that story that seven schools in that district are shutting down. we do see parents making their own choice about where they're going to send their kids. they saw the catholic school was open, the private school was open. why can't my child have that? i pay taxes. i pay into this system. so my question now is what can be done, what can be pushed for from the department of education or from the white house to say let's do right by these children, let's sit with them over the summer, let's make sure that they get caught up. it's not discussed. >> no. the solution bottom line is let the resources already being spent on each of those children from low income families, let those resources be controlled by the parents and let them choose a setting that will work. let them choose a catholic school or another private school or a home school or a micro school, whatever is best for their children. the system led by teacher's union bosses have proven they can't do it. they aren't going to catch up. they were granted $190 billion and they haven't even spent a fraction of that. what they're spending it on is not going to catch kids up because they'll be doing more of the same thing and expecting different results and it won't work. let parents decide where their kids are going to school and how they'll get their education. >> martha: imagine if they divided up that money and gave to it parents to allow them to make a choice. they need to lift the lid on charter schools and allow them to form so they can take their 11,000, 17,000 per student and say this is my $15,000 and i want to use hit the way to educate my child. i'm not telling you anything that you haven't said to us many times, betsy. i hear you. thank you very much. it's always great to see you. >> great to see you. >> martha: so coming up on "the story," trump media and technology group ceo devin nunes joins us. there's this issue about fake news now coming from elon musk. so devin nunes is going to respond to it moments away because there was this sentiment statement by him that trump had encouraged musk to take over twitter. musk says that's fake news. so what happened really? 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this is supersonic wifi from xfinity. it's fast. like, ready-for- major-gig-speeds fast.t or planning to be. like riding-a-cheetah fast. isn't that right, girl? whoa! it can connect hundreds of devices at once. [ in unison ] that's powerful. couldn't have said it better myself. and with three times the bandwidth, the gaming never has to end. slaying is our business. and business is good. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. >> we're all for it. president trump basically before -- he said buy it. the goal of our company is to build a community where people are in a family-friendly safe environment. very much different than twitter. that's why we encourage elon musk to buy it. someone has to take on the tech tyrants. >> martha: elon musk calling that fake news that president trump encouraged him to do this $44 billion twitter takeover, the tesla ceo tweeting today, this is false. i had no communication directly or indirectly with trump who stated that he will be exclusively on truth social. in moments, trump media and technology group's ceo devin nunes response to this back and forth. first to kelly o'grady. hi, kelly. >> hi, martha. there's been a lot of speculation around what motivated elon musk to initiate this twitter takeover. he's been very vocal about his open town square vision. who motivated him is even more murky. reports are surfacing that musk did not confirm or deknee that he was receiving behind the scenes encouragement from influential billionaires, investors like jack dorsey to the platform's lack of clarity since stepping down. musk was also growing extremely frustrated by key accounts and much of the conservative reaction to the bid expressing hopes of the billionaire reinstating former president donald trump. the truth social founder confirmed he will not return to twitter regardless of his ownership. the "new york post" said devin nunes claimed the former president urged musk to buy it. reports are surfacing that the article musk announced took those out of context. this comes out of the truth social backed company sits in the high 140 on the app store down52. it's unclear how musk's acquisition will impact truth social in the long run. the comment sections on elon's response by fake news. >> martha: who better to bring in than devin nunes, ceo of truth social. good to have you with us today. >> thank you. >> martha: you saw that sound bite. in it you were talking to stuart varney. you said that's why we encouraged elon musk to buy it. someone has to continue to take on these tech tyrants. what was that relationship and who -- was there any discussion directly between president trump and elon musk about this purchase? >> well, thanks for having me on. nothing like a friday being fake news friday. i remember with the russia hoax, we were waiting for the fake news bomb shell that we would spend three days responding to. this looks like it's nothing different. we have publicly said president trump and myself, our goal with this company is quite clear. and as a matter of fact, i think i said this on your show last week. we want to open the internet back up to give the american people and people around the world their voice back. very clearly. so it's not just that interview that i did with stuart varney, it's probably three dozen interviews that i have done publicly many on fox, fox business and in fact president trump was very clear before elon musk actually bought the company that he liked elon, he's all for it. he hopes he buys it. that was in a fox news story. we hope and since its fake news friday, i hope they don't take these out of context. but we would like if it he would buy facebook and instagram and instagram and chinese-owned tik tok. so there's a lot more things he could buy and we would be better off elon musk owning them than the tech tyrants that own them now. with that said, i want to be very clear, elon has two big issues here that he has to deal with with twitter. one, he has to make sure is he going to get the employees and everybody in line there and two, is he going to follow up on his promise. that's the key to our company is that we can't be cancelled. everybody is safe with us. that's why we're a growing company, one of the fastest ever in history. truth social. because i think people know when they come to us, there's no issue of us being cancelled by a big tech company. >> got it. so just to be clear, because this is what elon musk said, you're confirming there was never any direct discussion with former president trump and elon musk about twitter? >> yes. i don't know how anybody that could have got that story any different. i don't think -- >> martha: so you were just talking ant general terms what you said publicly. >> yeah. very public. in numerous interviews. numerous interviews. i'm not sure how you go from zero to 100 that somehow you take public statements that we clearly said and you quickly move that in to some realm that we had secret talks. it is -- i'm not making fun, this is a fake news friday bomb shell that is -- yeah. it's totally fake and fabricated. look, i'm a big fan of the "new york post." no one was a bigger defender how the "new york post" got censored, partly how i ended up in this job is because i was so ticked off about the hunter biden lab top was clearly censored by twitter, facebook and et cetera. so look, i just don't know how the story came about but hopefully they'll fix it. >> martha: he responded to it and you did, too. it's clear now. to the statement that president trump has said that he would exclusively be on truth social and then elon musk said that. he said that's my understanding, the former president wants to be exclusively on truth social. if the president decides to run again and is offered back a spot on twitter, are you saying he won't accept it? >> there's no reason for the president or myself to be back on twitter. anyone who made the move, so content creators that have made the move from twitter and even from instagram, which by the way instagram has hundreds of millions of americans. twitter does not. anyone who made the move and posts over at truth social, they're getting far more engagement, far more engagement. sometimes with a third of the followers getting 10 or 50 times the engagement. we see it every hour on the hour. the different is that we're not censoring number 1 and 2, we don't have fake accounts. a lot of the numbers that you see are inflated. when you go to truth social, we're 99.9% certain that it's a real person behind that account. >> martha: that's -- that's a really important part of this whole equation. i know elon musk said that's what he wants through new software and technology to make sure that they can eliminate the bots as well. you say you want to build a community where people can exchange ideas and do it openly without getting cancelled. everybody wants that as well. devin nunes, thanks. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> martha: an exclusive sneak peek of my interview with walker hayes after this. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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"the story" goes on. have a great weekend. we'll see you monday. >> neil: all right. here's the bad news. we lost more ground in the stock market again. here's the good news. the week is over. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." what in the world was going on with stocks this incredibly volatile week? a week where we saw the day move up 1,000 points and fall 1,000 points and see major averages skidding and skidding again. with the dow's losses today and the nasdaq's losses, we're looking at levels that we have not seen for the better part of threar

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Area , Direction , Canvas , Witnesses , Report , Vehicles , Copy , Break , Vehicle Description , Back , Ford Edge , One , Sheriff , Governor , Office , Chris Conley , Reward Information , Written Request , Update , Request , State Law , Proclamation , Maximum , 5000 , 000 , Casey White , Reward , Circumstances , Effort , Event , Arrest Vicky White , Someone , Response , Questions , Total Reward , Total , Reward Money , 15000 , 10000 , 25000 , 0000 , Car , It , Fact , Impound Lot , Department , U S , Anyone , Tow Driver , Fault , Description , Blame , Coverage , Lot , Bulletin , Light , Ball , Agency , Guys , Question , Terms , Sayings , Deputy , Paperwork , Point , Know , Guy , Head , Cars , Four , Anything , Nothing , Estate , Sightings , Tennessee , Job , Photos , Comment , Wrecker Company , Attempt , Spray Paint , Somebody , Rural County Road , Traffic , Road , Parking Lot , Side , Blend , More , Puzzle Pieces , Clothing , Men , Kohl S , Something , Video , Wall , Jail House Romance , Romance , Explanation , Hand , Vehicle , Law Enforcement , Possession , Doesn T Leave , Issue , Mr , Square One , Cash , Banks , Understanding , Number , 90000 , Information , Yes , Family Members , Connection , Day One , 65 , Family Connections , Ride , Haven T , Question Inaudible , Don T Know , Sir , Scene , Map , Roads , Due East , Spring Hill , Sure , Two , Three , Weapons , Shotgun , Ar 15 , 15 , Safety , Someone Canvassing , Homes , Saw Anything , Agents , Deputy Marshalls , Structures , Morning Canvassing , Anybody , Escape , Lead , Anything Information , Else , Anyone Else , White , Indication , None , Nobody Else , Message Board , Text , Oregon , I 5 , Headed North , 5 , On The Run , Gut , Curve , At Straws , Matter , 00 , 2 , 37 , 08 , Seven , Sort , Routine , Problem , Whether , Transportation , Avenues , Somewhere , Options , Safe , Hindrance , People , Vicky Martin , Knowledge , Step , Plan , Corrections , Procedures , Advantage , Loss , Word , Home , Mother , Investigation , Search Warrants , Search Warrant , Firearms , Aliases , Alias , Piece , Identities , Thing , Saying , Hope Nully We Find You Safe , Surveillance , Authorities , Ma Am , Store , Quality Inn , Copies , Hotel , Case , Communication , Town , Logan , Prison , Marshals , Reason , Wig , Martha , Reasons , Appearance , Crimes , Place , Corrections Officer , Sentence , 75 , Relationship , Kind , Speculation , Half , Order , 2015 , Bad News , Screen , Police Vehicle , Road Trip , Rust , Stash , 2007 , Distance , Bit , Alabama , Florence , Ford , Ted Williams , Charge , Fox News , Sheriff Rick Singleton , Escapade , Detective , Motel , Crowd , 6 , 9 , Situation , Individuals , Last , Door , Either , Women , Husband , 57 , 38 , New York , Sister , Dynamic , Picture , Woman , Name , Prisoners , Cases , Joyce Mitchell , Life , Attention , Killers , Vicky White S , Danger , Man , Retirement , Everyone , Arrangement , Ted , Money , Someplace , Guy Doesn T , Supplies , The Way , Pleasure , Thanks , Neighborhood , Insight , Activists , One Abortion Rights Group , Mother S Day , Catholic Church Services On Mother S Day , Abortion , Demand , Trump Media And Technology Group , Faith , Outfits , Choice , Catholic , Tweet , Ex Catholic , Ruth Bader Ginsberg , Six , Supreme Court , Majority , Roe , Extremist , Activist , David Spunt , Mike Huckabee , Churches , Die Ins , Leo Terrell Is Standing , First , Story , Hi , Abortion Issue , Draft Opinion , Jonathan Turley , Emotions , Politco , Washington , Court , Justices , Law Enforcement Members , Rage , Age , Members , Jen Psaki , Nod , Addresses , President , Protest , Demonstrators , Air Force One , Homes Of Supreme Court , White House , Government , Part , History , Democracy , Respects , Branch , Independence , Example , Opinion , Sam Alito , Justice , Senators , Supporters , Stance , Draft , Front , Democrat , Delaware , John Cornyn , Chris Coons , Family , Measure , Security , Clock , Senate , Texas , Person , People Protesting Outside Of Supreme Court Justices , Barricades , Constitutional Law And Civil Rights , Leo Terrell , Arkansas , Contributors , All Of You , Progressive Women Running For Congress , Both , Attacks , Voice , Moderation , Demonstrations , Potential , Work , Form , Precedent , Fine , Government Agencies , Insurrection , Some , Extremists , Jobs , Catholics , Human Being , Value , Leo , Faithfulness , Extremism , Token , Stand Point , Everything , Nominees , Things , Law , Wasn T , Reputation , Sincerity , Lawyer , Basis , Roe V Wade , Rights , Decisions , Sorts , Level , Voting Booth , 30 , Constitution , Privacy , Doing , States , 50 , Decision , Final , Constitutional Law , System , Executive Director , Laboratories , The Women S March After President Trump , Bodies , Right , Steps , Church , Member , Walking , Congregation , Feeling , Isn T Peaceful , Americans , Movement , Don T , Shameful , Check Out Brown Versus Board Of Education , Stare Decisis , Absence , Base , Misrepresentation , Women S Rights , California , Illinois , Expression , Show , Mickey , Stop , Percentage , Country , Conversation , Believe , 54 , Disrespected , Protests , Nobody , Peace , Church Services , Elon Musk , Truth , The World S Richest Man , Randi Weingarten , Devin Nunes , Twitter , Teacher S Union Boss , Kids , Children , Zoom School , Crisis , Mental Health Crisis , Toll , Disruption , Betsy Devos , Tech , Safelite , Windshield , Replacement , Clicks , Tech Vo , Big Tech Company , Planet , Singers , Safelite Repair , Walmart , 100 , Millions , Operations , Acres , Land , Study , School , Families , Learning , Inequality , Proof , World , The New York Times , Reading Skills , Math , Learning Loss , Teacher , Comments , Union , Shock , Screens , Rhythm , Recovery , Adults , Claudia Cowan , Stress , Anxiety , Parents , Researchers , Harvard Center , Students , Education Policy , Test Scores , Lockdowns , Learning Loss Generation , Pandemic , Classes , Math Skills , School Year , Most , Average , 20 , Schools , Communities , Enrollment Loss , School Districts , Education Inequality , Oakland , Closures , Charter Schools , Particular , Districts , Solutions , Scrambling , Everybody , Betsy , Sound Bite , Unions , Discussions , Cooperation , Meetings , Counts , Teachers , Ventilation Systems , Cleaning Equipment , Nurses , Masks , School Systems , Damage , Union Bosses , Organization , Agenda , Classroom , Ills , Back To School , Parts , Places , Excuse , Price , Education , Solution , District , Co Parenting , Private School , Catholic School , Child , Taxes , Summer , Sit , Department Of Education , Solution Bottom Line , Resources , Each , Setting , Home School , Micro School , The System , Fraction , 190 Billion , 90 Billion , Results , Student , Lid , 17000 , 11000 , Times , The Story , Technology , Trump Media , Musk , Sentiment Statement , Next , Video Call , Video Calls , Message , Messages , Phone Call , Bonnie , Bout A Ringcentral , Be Cool , Stallion , Deal , Horse , Ha , Ringcentral , Children Giggling , Lexus Es , Masters , Barista , Uh , K Hmm , 1k , Eleven , 11k , 11 , Coincidence , Clues , Masters Boulevard , Gonna , Buddy , 1111 , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Line , Plaque Psoriasis , Need , Pay , Whatchya , Liberty Biberty Cut , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Choices , Memories , Spin , Skin , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Doctor , Depression , Risk , Feelings , Reactions , Thoughts , Weight , Planning , Weight Loss , Headache , Medicines , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Xfinity , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Wifi , Business , Devices , Couldn T , Slaying , Isn T , Gaming , Hundreds , Girl , Bandwidth , Unison , Internet , Community , Goal , Safe Environment , Tech Tyrants , Tweeting Today , Ceo , Takeover , Tesla , 4 Billion , 44 Billion , Forth , Twitter Takeover , Kelly O Grady , Reports , Deknee , Vision , Scenes , Encouragement , Town Square , Investors , Billionaires , Lack , Platform , Clarity , Jack Dorsey , Reaction , Accounts , Hopes , Donald Trump , Bid , Founder , Billionaire Reinstating , Context , Ownership , Article , New York Post , Surfacing , App Store Down52 , 140 , Acquisition , Comment Sections , Long Run , Stuart Varney , Discussion , Trump , Who , Friday , News Bomb Shell , Purchase , Russia Hoax , Looks , Interview , Interviews , Many , Fox Business , Fox News Story , Facebook , Instagram , Chinese , Tik Tok , Issues , Employees , Company , Being , Promise , Key , Truth Social , President Trump , Ant , Statements , Realm , Zero , No One , Talks , Fun , Bomb , Fan , Defender , Shell , Lab Top , Hunter Biden , Got Censored , Et Cetera , Statement , Move , Creators , Engagement , Posts , Followers , Third , 10 , Numbers , 1 , Account , Equation , 99 9 , Software , Bots , Ideas , Walker Hayes , An Exclusive Sneak Peek , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , 12 , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Events , Needles , Heart Disease , Death , Stroke , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Pens , Reuse , Help , Don T Take Ozempic , Lump , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Type 2 Diabetes , Diabetes , Health Care Provider , Drink , Confidence , 3 , 25 , Protein , Glucose Control , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Support , Hunger , Alexa Smell , Ask Buick , Big Game , Alexa , Buick Enclave , Grocery Store , Directions , Enclave , Dad , Team , Snacks , Oh My , Record Contracts , Suvs , Podcast , Episode , God , Craig Allen Cooper , Friendship , Book , Record Labels , Confusion , Publishing Companies , Heart , Rejection , Gift , Weekend , Tune , Coming Out Saturday , Goes On , Neil Cavuto , News , What In The World , Ground , Stocks , Stock Market , Losses , Skidding , Points , Levels , Averages , Nasdaq , Dow , Threar , 1000 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