Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708

critics are calling it a threat to free speech. >> we have a first amendment. they ought to abide by that you need ministry of truth against the government. it used to be called a free press. scores. and pittsburgh wins. ♪ it. >> ainsley: good morning, green bay, wisconsin. what a gorgeous shot. i don't say anyone out there. >> brian: snow. >> steve: cheese heads are in their beds. it's early there. >> brian: ranger fans probably still have a headache. trip pell overtime loss regulation but they called it back. >> steve: welcome aboard, folks. it is the middle of the week and so much news is going on. man o man. >> ainsley: we have to start in l.a. last night dave chappelle is performing. we all love him and talk about his netflix series during the commercial breaks and followed his career. we all have. and he was attacked last night when he was on stage which everyone feared after the will smith oscar event this guy rushes up on stage and tackles him and dave chappelle is asking for security gets up on stage and the guy is taken away in an ambulance. >> brian: here has it breaks down a person reportedly warmed a gun attacks chappelle on stage. >> ainsley: pretty violent it happened at the same hollywood bowl in l.a. >> steve: at one point jamie fox, we will tell that you in a moment. dramatic video showing the aftermath of the violent encounter involving mr. chappelle according to local media the person you see here taken into custody reportedly armed with a gun and a knife. we have not had that confirmed by the police yet. video shows chappelle following to the ground before the attacker was tackled by security. >> ainsley: it police department responding here. the video shows him being put in the ambulance on a stretcher. cameras were rolling as it was being taped for the upcoming netflix special. the audience members were not allowed to have their phones. they had to put them in bags during the show. >> brian: explains why we don't have much video. following the on stage hit chris rock no stranger to on stage antics, gave chappelle a hug. and joked to the audience will, was that you? nobody can forget the moment will smith got up during the slapped rock after he made joke about jada smith. it's not clear what provoked the person that attacked cheney and what charges will be filed. chappelle came out with jokes people in the trans community may or may not have found offensive. i haven't seen the special yet. he stood up called the closer. you can't cancel me. you can put me on television or not. i'm going to go on stage and do my thing. i will do it in the cornfields like i did with the pandemic. it's amazing, too. that jamie fox was watching. he just was there as a fan. and he jumped on stage and helped tackle the guy and dave chappelle later on would say thank you to jamie fox publicly. >> steve: he was part of the show in some form he was in the wings. he was wearing a sheriff hat. fox said when he saw the guy run up i thought that was part of the show. afterwards, d.a. chappelle said shoutedout to jamie foxx. whenever you are in trouble, jamie foxx will show up in a sheriff's cap. this is netflix first live comedy show. one report according to deadline i read this morning. at one point afterwards dave chappelle said that is a trans man. i don't know what is he talking about there. he also dave chappelle said this on stage. i have been doing this for 35 years. i just stopped a blank back stage, i have always wanted to do it. >> ainsley: if you watched dave chappelle the closer so many times. is he a genius. and jamie fox came on stage and said i will be there for you. i'm glad i was there to help. you are right. i thought it was part of the show at first. he said he is a genius and we are not going to let this happen to comedians. >> brian: a lot of the left wing are attacking people. make them targets. he's a bad person because x, y, and z. they don't like some jokes that he said was incentive. >> ainsley: he jokes about everyone: he became very good friends with this lady who was trans. she got so much heat for defending him on social media. she ended up committing suicide. he talks about that and says he is helping her family and helping her child. >> brian: isn't this nuts overall? this is just crazy. comedians can't make jokes? now they are editing themselves and still not good enough. then you say chris rock, that's an aberration happened at the oscars, a celebrity is an celebrity. people go on stage. we were asking that. are you concerned about going on stage again? there is a ton of security there. can you imagine those comedy clubs across the country, the small towns in america. some knuckle head decides to rush the stage. they have to hire security everywhere. some comedian i can't bees will demand it up the ticket price. people say it's not worth it anymore. >> ainsley: netflix for the next show is a joke fest watch it on netflix coming up. they were in the middle of recordings it. that's what they were doing last night. i'm wondering if this will be part of that show. >> steve: it's got to be. that's why people will watch it because netflix has the video. they have not released it. >> brian: they might choose not to put it on. >> ainsley: just so they don't encourage others. >> steve: i think there is public interest in seeing what it is. it would be odd for them not to make it as part of the show. maybe netflix. >> ainsley: all the reports i have read chappelle was running toward the attacker. i did see someone's video. someone was in the audience they did roll on their camera. you can see the man. all the security surrounding the guy in the back right corner of the stage. and i guess that was after chappelle had approached him. >> the way i look at it is netted flicks has the video. the video is evidence. there obviously are going to be charges filed against this person and that video will be then public record and it will be available so we will see it that's something goings on in the east coast. something going on coast to coast and a fox news first. roe v. wade protests have broken out across the country. in particular, in downtown l.a., the left one police officer injured. up to 400 people were marching when the demonstration turned into clashes with the police overnight as you can see. >> brian: all right. los angeles issued a citywide tactical alert after protests threw rocks and bottles at police that makes sense. released one suspect. one suspect is in custody. yeah, that's right. you don't like the supreme court, so throw a rock at a cop. nice. >> ainsley: right. doesn't make sense. similar protests erupting throughout the united states yesterday after politico leaked the supreme court draft opinion that indicated that the court might overturn roe v. wade. protests taking place in new york city. in san francisco, and right outside ever the supreme court in washington, d.c. >> steve: what happened since we saw you yesterday. here is the cover of the "new york post" and it shows just the fact that there are protests coast to coast con tempted of court. the chief justice did order up the marshal of the supreme court to look for the leaker here's the thing. rarely is that successful. what probably should happen right now. there should probably be a statement from all nine justices. that would be great. also, it is unclear whether or not the department of justice is involved in this or the fbi supreme court is looking into it don't know for sure. the republicans are calling for the doj to investigate and charge this person if applicable. >> ainsley: i wish -- to your point i wish the nine justices would have had a press conference yesterday and stood together. >> steve: we're all together. >> ainsley: we're not going to allow this to happen anymore. we will put security efforts in place. the obamas said a blow to women and free society. kamala was at that event last night. assaults on freedom. roe opponents want to punish women. elizabeth warren joined the protesters outside the supreme court. i'm angry, we are not going back. joe biden was asked about this from reporters at joint base andrews. here he is. >> the idea that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to abort a child based on a decision by the supreme court i think goes way overboard. >> brian: that's joe biden yesterday. word is, bret baier was indicating that maybe joe biden knew this was coming. might have heard about it on friday that the brief was written in february. the oral arguments were in december. and then all of the sudden this comes out on politico two days after a major media event. meanwhile, here is joe biden back in 2006. he had a much different view when he was on pbs. >> i do not view abortion as a as a choice and a right. i think it's always a tragedy. and i think that it should be rare and safe. and i think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions and there ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus to do it. i'm a little -- i'm a little bit of an odd man out in my party. could i not vote for funding for abortion. i voted against partial birth abortion to limit it and i vote for no restrictions on woman's right to be able to have an abortion under roe v. wade. so i am -- i made everybody angry. >> brian: other thing that was important to bring up is that chief roberts came out and talked about the outrage of the leaker. i get it that was smart. do the investigation. can you make the right decision and call the fbi? i know they are busy on school board meetings. maybe you can pull one of them off to investigate this seems pretty important. 260 people there to look at. i think we should find out who is going to tell the truth and who is going to lie. they can decide later whether the leak is an actual breach of trust or a breach of the law. listen, the breach is real. authentic. it's not a full-time vote. it doesn't mean that the vote are set. nothing is going to change or be added to this including his vote. that's unclear. >> steve: word to the director can we play that first soundbite again with joe biden on the tarmac? the reason i want to play that again is the fact that what he said was something that flies in the face that everybody on the political left says. keep in mind, in this country, we are divided down the middle about whether or not abortion is appropriate. people on the political left say that abortion terminates a fetus -- a fetus. the other side says you are ending the life of a person. you are killing a child. yesterday joe biden on the tarmac used language that the political left never uses. he said you are aborting a child. not a fetus. he said a child. let's play that again. listen to this. >> that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the supreme court, i think goes way overboard. >> steve: so he views it as aborting a person. that's killing a person. and that is why so many people are inframed on both sides. the abortion as a right in the constitution. although sam alito pointed out i don't see it there other people see it as the end of a life. that is why, for instance, the catholic church is so stridently against abortion. >> ainsley: people wonder why joe biden keeps flip-flopping on his views. we saw that down at the border. he said we need to aclosed border earlier. now he is saying well his actions are saying we need an open border. >> steve: he would rather talk about abortion than inflation. >> ainsley: absolutely, yeah. i'm sure they were thrilled this news came down yesterday so they could pivoted to a new topic instead of inflation. here is senator lindsey graham talking about high joe biden is hijacked or is hijacked by the extremists. >> what happened to joe biden? he got hijacked bite most radical people in the country. captivated their interest. what happened in court today was the saddest day in the history of the supreme court. stupid dangerous and dumb. if the if you are a conservative you are a traitor to the cause. if you are a liberal you are the dumbest person in washington. it's not going to change the midterms. you are not going to scare any conservative judge away from repealing roe v. wade and it should be repealed it should go back to the states. and you are adding a narrative to a story line that you want to win and you don't give a damn about how you win. >> brian: that's the thing in america. can you pick another state. the same thing with taxes. the same thing with weather. the same thing with location. same thing with your job. watch all-american move judging by freedoms, mask, pandemic. if this is appear issue important to you. states 26 you can go to. just to talk about how they overplayed their hand and 24 hours into this decision. they are talking about this is just the start. eric swalwell tweets out the republicans won't stop with banning abortion. they want to ban interracial marriage? don't you want to save that also they talk about getting rid of same sex marriage. they talked about not bringing people across state lines. that's insane. >> ainsley: joy behar was saying the same thing what's next? >> steve: amazon announced yesterday they would pay $4,000 if somebody who works for them wants an abortion they will pay for transportation. obviously, what is going on is the leaker and, you know, that person gave the document to politico. they were trying to intimidate the court. we know that the vote right now is at least five for overturning roe v. wade. if the final outcome or the -- if the number of votes the tabulation changes in any meaningful way or if that opinion, when it's made final, changes in any meaningful way it will appear at that time justices caved to the intimidation of the crowd and that means there will be more. >> brian: the supreme court is imperil in the future. do you end like a decision republican or democrat. protest outside kavanaugh's house or alito's house and make their life miserable and maybe they will change their mind. who would want to be a supreme court justice if that's the case? >> ainsley: right. and if you are a clerk in the supreme court are you going to leak because you don't agree with the decision the nine justices have come up with? steve: never happened until this week. >> ainsley: former president trump wasn't on the ballot in ohio but he won big as j.d. vance declares victory in the g.o.p. senate primary. what this means for republicans heading into the midterms. >> brian: plus, senator tom cotton wants to defund the administration's disinformation board. he shares the plan to fight for free speech just for us. if you listen -- ♪ i got my friends ♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in 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endorsement he does not win. >> ainsley: this is a big win for obviously j.d. vance but a huge win for donald trump. he has endorsed several candidates and these primary races throughout the country. this was the first one. the results came in 95 minutes after the polls close as brian said. look at that 32% vs. mandel who was his clear opponent. >> brian: polls were wrong again. >> ainsley: yes. they had them neck and neck. >> steve: latest fox news vance up by 15. >> brian: 15 points? >> steve: yeah, one of the late ones. you know, it was three weeks ago that donald trump endorsed him he had a troubled past with the former president. he said never trump at one point but then came around. what's interesting though is if you credit donald trump, you really have to credit peter thiel though, too. he is the billionaire who started paypal, one of the early investors in facebook. peter thiel's pac donated the most money ever to a senate candidate, i believe i read this morning. $15 million. and his, peter thiel his super pac did all the advertising. meanwhile, you had josh mandel and a lot of his advertising was done for and endorsed by club for growth. so it's these two different things that are going in -- >> ainsley: more money in campaign bank the more can you run political ads against someone else. >> steve: absolutely. >> brian: 68 million overall spent in the election. j.d. vance on surface looks like the perfect rural background. serves in the military. >> becomes a successful venture capitalist. >> ainsley: wrote hillbilly he will i didn't number one for a long time. >> brian: a couple years. did a movie on it the people that didn't like j.d. vance hate him. and i said to myself why is he stuck at 11%? i couldn't understand it. >> ainsley: is it because what he said about trump? he did not like trump. >> brian: abandoned who he thought he was. >> ainsley: because he was rural and brought up with nothing. came from a really troubled background and ended up being very successful. >> steve: right. it was very telling yesterday. we had pete hegseth live at a diner out in ohio. and so many people said they were going it vote for j.d. vance based on the fact that trump endorsed him. big winner in cincinnati. >> now this campaign, i really think, was a referendum on what kind of a republican party we want. and what kind of a country we want. we went to battle do. we want a republican party that stands for the donors who write checks to the club for growth or do we want a republican party for the people right here in ohio? ladies and gentlemen, we just answered the question. >> ainsley: if you haven't seen the movie hillbilly he will i didn't i highly recommend it or read the book. glen close plays his grandmother. and she looks just like him. at the end of the movie they show pictures what his real grandmother and mom. amy adams was his mom. it was excellent. >> brian: trump won 10 races that he picked including max miller personal issues. ends up winning and works for the white house. air force veteran made his whole lawn all about trump. he wins. big story for trump. it was a great day for him. but i think when it comes to the georgia primary that's going to be key. it looks like bush against trump. george w. bush is coming out the family brian kemp up big against perdue. >> ainsley: current governor. >> brian: going in for liz cheney and lisa murkowski who are now arch enemies of the former president of the united states. >> ainsley: because of the january 6th committee. >> steve: this election yesterday primary sets up a show down with the democrat congressman from ohio tim ryan. the republicans are, however, fired keep that seat because it is being vacated by retiring senator rob portman. ohio through the years has been kind of a swick state but it's now it's more reliably red over the last couple of elections. >> brian: tim ryan is running on an american first campaign really? where did he get that from? nice tries. >> steve: working for j.d. vance. >> ainsley: chappelle and friends. >> brian: what's going on there? >> steve: all rights in danger after a leaked supreme court draft indicates the court may overturn roe v. wade. why our next guest says the president is making a logical fallacy. >> ainsley: more fallout from hunter biden's laptop. oh my gosh. the legal action. the computer repair shop owner taking against the media outlets and congressman adam schiff. >> brian: ainsley sets up a nice interview ♪ whoa, whoa ♪ your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and 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headlines, comedian dave chappelle is attacked on stage while performing in hollywood overnight. the attacker reportedly armed with a gun and knife was dragged off stage by security. plus actor jamie "fox reportedly" also stormed the stage to help detain the suspect same on stage and joked was that will smith. only one of the times rock has commented when will slapped him on stage at the oscars. what a scene. the delaware repairman who blew the whistle on hunter biden want laptop in a slew of media outlets with of defamation suit. john paul mac isaac is suing adam schiff, politico and the daily beast. he is reportedly seeking $1 million in damages. isaac claims that schiff and those media outlets falsely said he was spreading russian disinformation which he says cost him his store. elon musk is planning on taking twitter public qun three years of buying the company. musks' $44 billion buyout is expected to close later this year. he has already agreed to take the company private once the deal is complete. the news coming on the heels ever a tweet from musk saying the platform will always be free for casual users but may be a slight cost for commercial and government accounts. interesting. those are your headlines. ainsley over to you. >> ainsley: all right. good deal. thank you so much, carley. president biden sounding the alarm on the supreme court league warning if roe v. wade is overturned it could threaten other rights. >> if the rationale of the decision as released were to be sustained a whole range of rights are in question. the idea we are letting the state make those decisions, localities make those decisions would be a fundamental shift in what we have done. >> ainsley: our next guest says the president is making a logical fallacy that's what he tweeted out yesterday. we called him in to our show. we wanted to interview him the author "supreme disorder" he has been on our show a few times eleon shapiro. i know your book is coming out. what does he mean by a range of rights in question. >> he is not the only one this threatens same sex marriage even contraception. i think that's not right to say the least because even if you discount what alito says in his draft opinion, there's a difference between abortion and every other case where privacy might be at issue second individual with birth and rights. there is a second life in being. it's not just consenting adults having intercourse or taking drugs or whatever the case might be. different sort of thing. >> ainsley: he pointed out at the top of the show joe biden said it was a baby. the abortion of a baby. what does that tell you? >> is that a gaffe? the definition of a gaffe is the politician telling the truth inadvertently that's politically inconvenient maybe? >> ainsley: used the child not baby. >> same point. really, this is meant to try to rile up the base ahead of the midterms, of course. i think activists are making too much how much of an effect this is going to have in the fall. but this is -- i don't think if the opinion comes down eventually, anywhere is close it what this draft is. i really don't think it threatens other kinds of rights because, again, abortion is a different sort of analysis because at a certain point, not taking any position on it, there is a second human being with its own set of rights. >> ainsley: john roberts came out and said he is ordering an investigation into this leaker. it will we ever know who this leaker is. >> the marshals, i'm sure, are going to leave no stone unturned. they are going through cell phone records, texts, emails of court staff and clerks and all of that. >> you can't become a clerk unless you are at the top of your class. i'm sure they didn't leave a trail. >> career ending move. they won't work in law. disbarrable offense. maybe they are plumbing for an msnbc contributorship. >> ainsley: write a book. >> planned parenthood or something like that. it's really an unprecedented situation. and really threatens the way the court functions to be able to these decisions you have to have confidentiality. i clerked for a lower court drilled in from day one what you discuss with your judge, what you learn about with the draft and what have you, this has to stay behind closed doors. it's a serious, serious breach of the public trust. >> ainsley: from your experience, how would this information get out because we talked to some clerks yesterday and they said you can't walk out with any papers and i doubt you are allowed to have cell phones when you are reading opinions. >> there is even a disconnect with the computers on when you draft opinions to the actual internet in chambers. so, it looks like the leaked draft was printed out and rescanned. somebody got a hard copy somehow. whether it's a clerk with a thumb drive that then printed it out at home? whether it's somebody in court staff or something. i don't know. but it looks like somebody gave a physical copy to politico. i will i can't, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> we have a first amendment. they ought to abide by that. that's actually in the constitution. we need ministry of truth against the government. it used to be called a free press. we don't have a free press. they are utterly and completely corrupt. they are in the back pocket of the democrat party in this american marxist movement. >> steve: mark levin right there. meanwhile the biden administration's disinformation governance board facing intensifying pushback as republican lawmakers are taking action against it introducing a bill to pull the plug on funding for this board. arkansas senator tom cotton is leading the effort and joins us now. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: i heard jen psaki yesterday from the podium say hey, our white house correspondent asked about this, and she said look, this program was started under donald trump, she said. but the problem comes down to what's information to me may be disinformation to somebody else. it all depends on who decides what disinformation is. >> steve, you are right about that. democrats think that disinformation is any fact inconvenient to joe biden and the democratic party. that's why we don't have ministries of truth in our government. why we don't have the government refereeing political debates. look at this woman that they appointed to run this so-called disinformation governance board. just a couple years ago. she seemed like a mentally unstable person on social media. she was claiming that the idea that the virus from china originate in the lab in wuhan, which i was say from the very beginning of the pandemic was disinformation. she'll even went so far as to praise the chinese communist party for their handling of the virus. it's one thing to have a mentally disturbed person on social media tweeting about that. it's another thing to give her power in our national security agency to actually crack down on this kind of speech in our society. that's why i and now i think a couple dozen republican senators have joined me in an effort to defund this board if the biden administration doesn't roll it back. >> steve: this would be under the department of homeland security and i heard secretary mayorkas over the weekend say that, you know, it would look at things from russia and china and iran and bad actors like that. but when you look at what this woman who would run this board has said in the past, she was talking about hunter biden's laptop being russian disinformation. we now know, according to the "new york times," it's been verified. so, according to her standards, she would be able to say, you can't talk about that because it's disinformation. >> yeah, steve, that's exactly right. it's the point i'm making is they claim oh it's just about russia and china disinformation. as i said, two years ago. she was celebrating the way china handled the virus. she was condemning disinformation claims i was making that the virus probably came from the lab. as you said she claimed that hunter biden's laptop which any sensible person at the time knew was his laptop is disinformation. what is she going to say out republicans and on the rise before vladimir putin invaded ukraine that we are engaged in disinformation because we are not calling it putin price hike. this is why we don't have ministries of truth in the government. these are should play out in congress and on the campaign trail. >> steve: speaking of congress you have got to go to work later today. thank you for joining us today senator tom cotton. thank you, sir. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: a quarter before the top of the hour. carley joins us with disturbing news. >> carley: that's right. steve, we will start with a fox news alert. explosives rocking the ukrainian city of lviv causing widespread power outages and infrastructure damage. this comes as russian forces continue their assault on mariupol where many ukrainians have reportedly been living inside tunnels under a steel plant for months now. the u.n. and red cross say they have finally been able to restart cillian evacuations there. god bless those people. a steam boat in new orleans bursting into flames last night. the ss naches is the last authentic steam driven river boat on the mississippi river. the vessel was being renovated when the fire broke out. boast the coast guard and new orleans fire department helped put out that blaze you see there thankfully nobody was injured in that incident. the boat was damaged but it was not destroyed a young fan wearing an aaron judd surety moved to tears after he gifted the yankees slugger home run ball a blue jay's fan caught the ball. he decided to give it to the yankees fan. the pair giving each other a very emotional hug. the homer helped the yawnk's extend winning streak to 11 straight games. steve, i would say that young boy definitely the big winner of the night. steve: he was a much happier recipient than the guy who caught it from the opposing team? >> right. got to love those moments. >> steve: you do, indeed. carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: let's deal in janice dean she joins us with the "foxcast" there is a loft green. i like that. >> janice: cooler across the northeast. we have rain in the forecast again today. that's going to cause travel delays. if you are traveling, be aware we are going to see flight delays. maybe cancellations in the northeast. call ahead as they always say or check on your app. here is your future track. we are watching the potential for storms from texas all the way up towards oklahoma and a kansas and then this risk is going to move across the mississippi river valley tonight and tomorrow. rain forecast we could see flooding rainfall in some of these areas, 1 to 3 inches in a short period of time this is through friday and flood alerts from texas through much of oklahoma and missouri. the severe thunderstorm threat moves in towards the mississippi river valley tomorrow, hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. so just be alert and know where to get your watches and warnings. there is your forecast today. very warm across the south and then the northern tier of the country. cooler than average and that seems to be the scenario or has been the scenario for the last couple of weeks. we will keep you up to indicate for latest watches and warnings. steve, over to you. >> steve: thank you very much. good "foxcast" for this the fourth day of may. meanwhile, coming up, as the biden administration weighs forgiving student loans, a father says, quote: fix college television first, mixing debt won't help my son. his message to joe biden coming up. a plan goes to complain about noise coming from next door. what he asked of his neighbor going to surprise you coming up on "fox & friends." ♪ >> brian: the biden administration is considering forgiving student debt for some americans. critics say is he missing the root of the problem. in an op-ed a concerned dad writes this fix college tuitio nixing will not help my son. your son is in 10th grade. you are saying when he gets to that age why does this generation get forgiven what about the ones 37, 38 years old paid off their student debt. why are you not for this? >> i'm not for it two main problems. like treating the symptom instead of treating the problem there is a funding issue for. so state schools. there is administration fees. i'm sorry, the administration salaries. the other part of it, just as the middle class american, i have been watching for the past two years the wealthiest of americans have been given a pass and to me this sounds like a bailout of the wealthy in america because this is going to disproportionately benefit the wealthiest of americans. >> brian: they are going e. able to go on to higher education that accumulates more debt. then they will get that all forgiven. what about trade school? that costs money. and what about now those trade school graduates have to pay off somebody else's tuition. >> yeah, exactly. there are all different types of alternatives. i will say for my son's sake. the cost of tuition for, you know, young americans, you know, he is considering going abroad because the cost is so tyrell tremendous here and he may be able to get, you know, an education somewhere else that will do him just as good. >> brian: you know it's pretty amazing. elon musk tweeted this out only in america as an 18-year-old not get a $10,000 business loan but they will give you $100,000 to go to school. and add a 7% interest rate which seems like highway robbery. extortion something you get on the dock. >> right. as a young adult, you basically have to take this risk but where is the entrepreneurship? where is the push towards that like elon stated? why aren't we pushing our kids to look at alternatives like you mentioned trade school? not everybody can come out with a business degree and get into some sort of profession making, you know, $80,000 a year. and there is certain professions that are just overly credentialed. there is just not enough job positions and we are teaching children to be idealistic about entering school. we need to be more realistic with our children. >> brian: absolutely you sound like mike rowe, lastly real quick. show me what you are spending this money on. why am i spending 50,000 or 57,000 on that school you? want to see the numbers and that balance sheet, right? >> absolutely. especially for public schools. they are getting funding from the state. so we need to figure out why has tuition gone up in a decade such tremendous amount? the article i highlighted that the financial crash in 2008 led to states remove funding from schools, which is true. how much fund doing they actually need? that's the other question. and so that's why ultimately i think this is just a superficial lens for the federal government and biden administration to do something like this without getting rid of the root of the problem. >> brian: yeah, it's a mess. they are talking about only $10,000. if you have make over 125,000 you would be eligible. and every aoc and company want to just forgive everything. adam coleman, thanks so much. appreciate it best of luck to your son. >> thank you, i appreciate it's to be in animation. is he in tenth grade. packed show ahead want to see the proof. big board on the first floor. congressman dan crenshaw. karl rove, dave reuben, clay travis and lawrence jones. i might have to call hemmer and tell him we might need his first 15 minutes. nd♪ but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and now, with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio 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according to the daily mail they are going to that area saint pete, they are going to tampa, they are going to phoenix, arizona which i don't understand even though phoenix is great. >> steve: close. >> ainsley: that's true you have to pay taxes there not as much as california and the third city is miami. >> brian: i wasn't listening to carley's show. i saw a little of joey jones. i had the sound down i apologize. i'm going to watch tomorrow. i will say this. i think the bigger story was nelle, is nelle a country music star. i see nelle with florida georgia line singing about now jimmie allen. if we can get to the bat of that. joel, would you look into that. >> steve: whoa nelle. >> ainsley: everyone is going country darius rutgers. >> brian: easiest thing to sing the most upbeat always sing about alcohol. >> ainsley: tell great stories. >> brian: starts with drinking. >> ainsley: makes you feel like your life is a little bit better. >> brian: do have a lot of breakup songs and a lot of people who sing are not over the many case the woman or the relationship. it's not like i'm over it you are without me. it's more about i miss you, i wish i could have you back. >> ainsley: do you have your bible and dog. >> brian: that always comes up. start with those three things. >> steve: take you out to the west coast. disturbing news breaking overnight dave chappelle the comedian attacked while performing on stage by a suspect reportedly armed with a knife and another report a gun. >> brian: looks like a violent encounter happened at the famed hollywood bohl. >> ainsley: that's in l.a. carley shimkus has been following this all morning. >> carley: wild story. video showing the aftermath of the violent encounter. overnight hollywood bowl. according to local media the person you see here being taken into custody was reportedly armed with a weapon that can eject a knife blade. video shows chappelle falling to the ground before the attacker was tackled by security. jamie fox also reportedly running on stage to help detain that attacker cameras were rolling as it was being taped for upcoming netflix special. audience members were not allowed to have phones during that show. now, following the onstage hit, chris rock, who is no stranger to on stage attacks, gave chappelle a hug and joked with the audience, will, was that you? nobody can forget the moment will smith got on stage during the oscar slapping rock after a joke about his wife jada pijt smith, will smith later apologized for that incident. it's not clear what provoked the person to attack dave chappelle and what charges may be filed. a really scary situation guys for chappelle overnight. >> steve: carley, i'm looking at tmz, they have got exclusive details. it says that apparently the guy ran up to the stage with a gun. apparently it was not a real gun. it was replica gun. nonetheless, you run up to dave chappelle with a gun. >> ainsley: it's no joke. and then there are also reports that say it was a replica gun. looked like a gun but it triggered the proper way, it could eject a knife blade. still a weapon very dangerous. >> brian: thanks carley. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> brian: happens to dave chappelle in a netflix special top comedian in the world perhaps or top three. netflix special security, testing, everything. what chance do you have in a small club in the midwest somewhere where somebody wants to i don't like that joke. turns out i have a gun with me. >> ainsley: that's true, dave chappelle is so big. they prepared for this after the oscars. i think all these comedians are preparing for it. they are getting a lot of security. >> he called for on stage i need security. they were tussling allegedly on stage. this audience couldn't take cell phones in. there is very limited video. maybe we will see it on netflix. they were filming chappelle and friends is the name of his comedy show. the netflix special is going to be is a joke fest. >> steve: sounds like the person who jumped up on stage we saw the ambulance that he was taken off in, sounds like his arm or arms or hands were badly damaged in the takedown. >> ainsley: jamie foxx jumped up there to defend dave chappelle. chappelle defended himself. somewhere in the mix the man's arm was damaged. >> brian: we have to make sure wee protect him. for every comedian that comes out here, man, this means everything, you are a genius, a legend. i have been doing this for 35 years dave chappelle went on to say. i just stomped a blank back stage. i was always wanted to do that trying to put a happy face on an ugly situation. >> ainsley: dave chappelle has caused trophy with the trans community. if you listen to his show. he makes fun of every group. he says outrageous things and free speech guy. the point is he is a comedian. if comedians can't say outlandish things who can? >> steve: the guy has been arrested. we will find out his name very shortly and probably figure out what his motivation was for doing that last night. >> brian: you wonder if this gets triggered by what happened at the oscars? look how famous he got on the stage it's great. look how much attention. now they could try to get that attention. >> steve: what's disturbing about what happened at the oscars is somebody made a joke it was just a joke. we all said what's to stop somebody, brian to your point a local comedy club from just walking up and slang the slapping thecomedian i don't li. >> brian: now i'm traveling with tyrus. >> ainsley: interview him did i think that i need him as a body guard. >> brian: tyrus tells one story he was guarding prince. he picked prince up with one arm and walked him out like he was his kid he goes guys, thanks. >> steve: hop on my back. i will take to you safety. >> brian: why do you think gutfeld is safe? that's why he has tyrus on the show. >> steve: dana protects him. >> ainsley: came from a rough upbringing so successful and doing well. >> steve: meanwhile, we have other big news. another fox news alert. roe v. wade presses breaking out in downtown l.a. not far from the dave chappelle incident this one left at least one cop injured. up to 400 people were marching when the demonstration turned into clashes with the police overnight. did we involved. >> brian: los angeles issued a citywide alert. threw rocks and bottles. treated for injuries and released. one suspect is in custody. >> ainsley: mad at the abortion opinion and attack police? i don't understand this. similar protests erupting throughout the united states yesterday after politico did plush that leaked supreme court draft opinion indicating the court may overturn roe v. wade. protests taking place in new york, in san francisco, in miami, and right outside of the supreme court in washington, d.c. >> steve: that's right. you know, and we were talking yesterday, clearly, the leaker a lot of people feel the leaker was trying to intimidate the supreme court hey, look, they are about to overturn this let's have a bunch of protests to intimidate the supreme court. look, the whole country is against that dumb idea. so they are trying to intimidate the justice. if that doesn't work. they will use abortion to change the election. because now the democrats are fundraising off of it joe biden yesterday on the tarmac was talking about yell well, you know, i'm not ready to overturn or end the filibuster we need to elect more people. we're going to use this as a wedge issue. they are going to use this in the run-up to the midterms. they are also going to be talking about it's time to pack the court. and they are going to talk about it's time to impeach some of these supreme court justices. >> ainsley: elizabeth warren the senator actually went out there with these pro-choice protesters and she went to two different rallies in washington, d.c. and she was so angry, she was really emotional. her voice even broke and she said she grew up when abortion was illegal and she said we're not going back. listen to a few of the sound soundbites at these different rallies. >> i'm angry because an extremist united states supreme court thinks they should impose their extremist views of all of the women on this country and they're wrong. [cheers] >> i am angry because we have reached a culmination of what republicans have been fighting for, angling for for decades now. and we are going to fight back. [cheers] >> we have a right. extremists, we have heard enough from the extremists. [boos] >> ainsley: people in the background said we don't want to dismember children in the womb. that was a pro-life protester. the more they talked and said that behind her back, her voice got louder and louder. >> brian: protesters in san francisco, new york, atlanta, houston and new york city. as you see los angeles, louisville, kentucky also had a small protest. among the republicans that are upset by this draft that could be an opinion. susan collins says obviously we know each justice's decision until the supreme court officially announces, she feels they weren't being honest with them. meaning gulch and kavanaugh. codify roe v. wade. i thought that made sense then i think it makes more sense now. those are two republicans. if they do a simple majority, would they codify that if they blow up the filibuster but this guy named joe manchin will not blow up the filibuster. kyrsten sinema will not blow up the filibuster. >> steve: the chief justice john roberts yesterday came out and said this opinion is real. it was the first draft and we don't know what draft they are on right now. and then you have got the cover of the "new york post" contempt of court. chief justice roberts decries leaked betrayal undermine supremes on abortion which we talked about a little while ago. inside the "new york post" andrew mccarthy has an opinion piece. some people say i don't know if what the leaker did was against the law. but andy goes into a couple of different legal scenarios why this person did break the law. one of them says the leak was intended to influence the outcome of a case, obviously. that makes it criminal obstruction of a judicial proceeding that makes it obstruction of justice. he also goes on to talk about this was something owned by the united states of america that is [inaudible]. he also says that the supreme court, you know, it would be great if the marshal could track down hot person is, but as they say in the pages of the "wall street journal" today, the chances of that being successful are rare. so, it would be great if the department of justice investigated who the leaker was because clearly it was intended to obstruct justice. >> brian: if they want to get the person, they will have the department of justice and fbi do it. why go halfway with the marshall? got about 260 people go through. >> steve: that's all they have got. >> brian: ask the fbi to investigate. >> steve: that's asking joe biden to help them out. >> brian: why not? he is the president of the united s problem. he would not deny the fbi investigation into the leak on the supreme court justice. >> steve: why haven't they done it? >> ainsley: leaker you want this person to pay the price. and there to be consequences. at the same time, do you want him or her to be known because yesterday all of our guests were saying it's going to lead to book deals. >> steve: they are a hero to the left. >> brian: it doesn't matter. i would like to find out what goes on and stop it. and find out if they are going to say it's me come out and say it's you. if you are not going to say it's you. then do a thorough investigation. catch the man or woman and then they can face legal consequences. >> ainsley: yesterday was a huge news day. show down starts in ohio. the first major primary of this midterm season is in the books. >> steve: the voters turning out in droves for trump-backed candidates in many cases. >> brian: i mean the guy, i think everybody trump blessed won. mark meredith joins us now from cincinnati with the details. hey, mark. >> brian, ainsley and steve. good morning to you guys. overnight j.d. vance declared victory over six other republican hopefuls. this was a bruising primary in the buckeye state. and for vance, this is also a surprising win because not that long ago he was flailing in the polls until he earned the endorsement of former president trump back in mid april. vance was considered a household name but he was not having the money and the financial backing that a lot of the other candidates had early on. that all changed after that endorsement. it was also a little bit of a surprising endorsement it wasn't that long ago that vance was openly critical of trump as well as his agenda. but last night after the results came, in vance was thanking both the president as well as the president's supporters and pledged to continue advancing an american first agenda. >> now this campaign i really think was a referendum on what kind of a republican party we want and what kind of a country we want. do we want a republican party that stands for the donors who write checks to the club for growth or do we apt republican party for the people right here in ohio? ladies and gentlemen, we just answered the question. [cheers] >> primary is other race is far from done. in november he will be going against democratic nominee tim ryan. he easily won last night. he told supporters ohio will be a battleground state. >> it's just beginning. the fight is just beginning. we're going to heal the country. heal ohio. and in turn heal the united states of america. >> also want to mention ohio republican governor mike dewine surviving his primary challenge. he will be back on the ballot come november. we are also watching ohio's congressional district which encompasses cleveland and akron. shontel brown surviving a challenge from the left from nina turner who was bernie sanders co-chair. seen some progressives. coming up short. the big story here no doubt about it in the ohio valley this morning j.d. vance the republican nominee for senate in this battleground state. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. >> steve: mark, the people of ohio are delighted today because the election is over and no more campaign ads, right on tv? >> oh, steve, it was unbelievable. the ads, if these are the republicans going against each other. imagine what the general is going to be like. the ads were brutal, brutal. good reminder none of us should go into politics i don't think we would make it. >> brian: $66 million spent. >> ainsley: either have to have a lot of money yourself or have a big backer. peter thiel helped j.d. vance definitely. >> steve: 14 million bucks. >> brian: mark you are loving being on the road no ty, baby. >> i think i run out of everything i own. >> brian: it's okay. we will find some money in the budget. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> steve: mark meredith reporting live from cincinnati. meanwhile on the mezzanine level we have carley with more news. >> carley: update on wild story we have been following all week. newly leaked surveillance video appears to show the moment of election officer and suspect sneak out of a jail on friday. the u.s. marshals are on a manhunt for both of them. police say the two were in a, quote: special relationship and that the officer vicki white is known to go by two aliases. the officer and inmate are believed to be armed with an a.r. 15 and shotgun. actress amber heard is expected to take the stand today in the defamation trial filed against her by ex-husband johnny depp. depp's legal team resting his case yesterday after heard's lawyers made a last ditch effort to get the case dismissed. the request prompting depp's lawyer say quote she is the abuser in this courtroom referring to amber heard. the judge ultimately denied heard's request. a man has a hilarious message for his neighbor in virginia the morning after they had a noisy party. watch this from a ring doorbell camera. >> i was just going to say you guys got [bleep] last night. normally i wouldn't make it a problem next time i want to party, too. >> i gotcha. i got the shot for you next time. >> carley: the conversation ended with a laugh and two neighbors inviting each other over. i think that neighbor thought he was going to get in trouble for having a noisy party. the guy said where is my invitation. >> steve: always supposed to invite the neighbor unless you want the cops to come. >> brian: ring doorbell is changing lives. stopping criminals and bringing people together. >> steve: giving carley a job because there are so many stories we do on. that was. >> carley: i would say a good 40%. >> ainsley: brian, remember yours used to have on the phone well, dawn is still inside. she is supposed to leave by now she is late. >> steve: she is scooping the snow. >> brian: i don't talk like that. is that the imitation. >> carley: remember when you handed me your phone checking your uber rating. oh, brian, your -- there is -- you have got a package. >> brian: she was watching the doorbell, it never stops. >> ainsley: what else did you find on his phone if he was hesitant? >> carley: i will tell in the break. >> steve: thank you, carley. >> brian: russia targeting the city of lviv with explosions causing widespread power outages. the devastation to ukrainian communities next. there is good in this story eczema, wie why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema with clearer skin and less itch. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. without talking to your doctor. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... oh, that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how do you like learning at home? 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>> hey, matt, i have a question for you. started by saying five or six rail stations hit. i was reading they hit the electrical power plants that supply to the rail stations. rail is how the weapons are come in. so, are all of the trains that go to the west, are they electrified with the wires over it or are they by gas? >> you know that is a great question. one of the things that we have noticed here is that trains are a huge target. obviously to interfere with weapons supplies but also to perhaps terrorize civilians and refugees something that is doing double the damage. >> steve: sounds like it. matt finn "fox news live" lviv. >> brian: pentagon questioning why the russian troops reacting with restrand rather than engaging all out offensive in ukraine. they can't quite figure it out. whether it's lack of manpower, lack of strategy, lack of confidence. because the ukrainians did take back a couple of towns yesterday and beginning to get on the offensive although concerned about the concerns of russia just take part of the donbas region. >> ainsley: incredible how resilient they are. wnba star arrested in february by the russians and the state department has determined that russia wrongfully detained her which we were all saying yesterday but she is still there. >> brian: richardson is going over to help them out. worked with saddam hussein and moammar. >> ainsley: bring her home that would be great. attacks comedian dave chappelle on stage weeks after the infamous chris rock slap at the oscars. dave rubin began his career in standup and is he going to come on to tell us what these incidents say about the state of free speech here in america. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ this is roundup weed and grass killer with sure shot wand. this stuff works. this stuff works in flower beds. this stuff works in tree rings. this stuff works in walkways, driveways, pathways. this stuff works down to the root so weeds don't come back. this stuff works for you, your neighbor, your neighbor's neighbor, her neighbor's neighbor. this stuff works guaranteed, or your money back. this stuff works without hurting your back. this stuff works without hurting your pride. this stuff works early shifts, late nights, and holiday weekends. this is roundup weed & grass killer with sure shot wand. this stuff works. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. >> this just happened overnight comedian dave chappelle attacked on stage by audience member reportedly the guy was armed with a knife that looked like a gun. chappelle is thankfully is okay thankfully. but the unhinged physical assault highlights the threats comedians are facing. and anybody who is into free speech like every american. our next guest began his career as a standup comedian still goes on stage just off # straight days on stage and, of course, you are seeing this like we are seeing, this dave. do you ever -- do you think anyone could ever go on stage now and not think about will smith and now dave chappelle? >> i think unfortunately it has to be back of your mind somewhere. yeah. i just finished off 8 nights in 8 cities sold out comedy clubs and going to the west coast. it has to sit there that there is a group of people in america who for years now have been telling us that they think words are silent so if you say something, that somehow is a violent act. but actual violence say burning down a target or a pep boys is not violent. when you go to comedy clubs you might hear something that upsets you. you might hear something that offends you, that is the point of going to a comedy club. a good comedian is going to get close to that line and maybe trip over it every now and again. you cannot violently assaulted anyone. just like if you were at a restaurant and the guy at the table next to you said an off collar joke or something you didn't like, you can't just punch him. we are in a very, very weird part of this american story right now. where people believe that their offense is an excuse to either attack other people or dox other people or somehow try to ruin other people's lives. this is a really bad precedent. it was good to see chappelle is okay and they joked about it afterwards with chris rock. this is bad news. >> brian: it really is jamie foxx, in case you don't know came out and helped. he was back side stage. the security was able to get there and this guy looks like he is beat up pretty good being brought to an ambulance and let's home he gets the book thrown at him. other major story rocking the country the brief let out. the outline that was exposed and written in february by justice alito will probably be announced in june, late june. looks as though roe v. wade could be overturned. so joe biden obviously like the rest of the country, like the rest of the democrats seems to be offended by that they seem to make this a jumping off point to mobilize their base. will it be effective? >> well, we will see. their base is rabid. it's a little hard to tell what the democratic party is anymore. is it somewhat of some kind of old school democrat thing that joe biden fits into a little bit more or is it just the completely out-of-control progressive woke base? i sense that's the direction of the thing. but to watch biden and kamala last night attack the supreme court to watch all of these democrat senators, senator warren and the rest of them attack the supreme court, we can't have our branches attacking each other and what we really can't have is our branches threatening each other. i mean, this idea of packing the court what we are saying we don't accept tree branches of government. we don't accept the separation of powers so that these three branches that none of them can become too powerful. that's also dangerous the part this got leaked. they have to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws all the problems we have, our eye is no longer on them i expect more protests around the city especially the city you are legged to and that's los angeles. dave rubin, thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. steve. >> brian: you got it ahead on this show dan crenshaw has been scrambled. he will be joining us live. working moms ahead of mom's day. paula fares joins us live with new venture sharing those important stories. ♪ ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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>> honestly that is the common denominator. it doesn't matter your socioeconomic background. circumstances. some moms dealing with mom guilt. we are actually doing proprietary research at carry. the carry all which is the weekly newsletter for working moms written by moms for moms. one thing that we have uncovered in our research that 80% to 90% of working moms are carrying some level of mom guilt. 80% to 90% are carrying some level of burnout. one in three moms are considering leaving the workforce because it just doesn't work for them because their voices are not valued. >> ainsley: only media outlet that focuses only on moms. >> working momtion. 35 million here in america. we want to beat the drum and show being a mom makes you a super hero. >> ainsley: it does. >> you know you scientifically become smarter. you grow in five core capacities such as emotional intelligence and courage and efficiency. you mentioned empathy. we become smarter. we become the ideal employee. >> ainsley: more relatable. >> the workplace needs us but needs to do a lot better by us. >> ainsley: a great group to be in motherhood. >> it is. >> ainsley: representing moms. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: it's not faith based. >> any faith. but carry means carry one another's burdens. >> ainsley: women do that. >> sign up for the carry all weekly newsletter. it's free. a place go to every sunday carry get to you south carolina, girl. >> ainsley: when i'm there go visit you and say hi. remember i needed a place to change. >> i gave you my hotel. >> ainsley: here is my room key go upstairs the first time i met you. love you. >> crazy days of tv. >> ainsley: all right. carley, take it away. >> carley: prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty against doomsday mom lori vallow if she is found guilty of murdering her two children. prosecutors explaining the decision calling the killings especially heinous and atrocious in new court filings. value low two kids went missing in late 201. their bodies were found burned and buried on the idaho property of vallow's husband. running to become the only black female member of congress wins her primary. jennifer ruth green vowing to fight for republican principles that benefit all americans telling fox news digital after the victory quote people of all back grounds and colors can see how bad the pelosi-biden agenda is for america. starbucks says it will spend $1 billion to raise wages, improve employees who have not unionized. the move comes after 50 owned cafes voted to unionize. the company says it does not have the same autonomy over unionized stores. claiming those locations would need to bargain for the new benefits. all right. let's hand it over to senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> janice: i just asked brian kilmeade who was walking by 10 seconds ago if he wanted to do the weather and. >> carley: what did he say? >> janice: he said no. one day i will get him to do it. he declined. some day i will get him. current temperatures, it's not that hard. here is 40 in chicago. 51 in new york. 50 in kansas city. 32 in fargo. all right, so we had stronger storms that are going to move through the central u.s. also some yucky weather over the northeast, if you are traveling today, you are going to see unfortunately some travel delays because some of those big cities are experiencing the potential for heavy rainfall and some thunderstorms, and then can you see where thee see those thunderstorms crop up from texas through oklahoma up toward missouri, that's where we could see the hail, the damaging winds and tornado today and all of that is going to move across the mississippi river valley. heavy rainfall could cause flash flooding we will keep you up to date fox for your latest details. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. still ahead, chris rock joking was that will smith after reportedly armed suspect attacks comedian dave chappelle now. lawrence jones spoke with the fans after the first oscar slap and he is going to join us next. then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. cancer research requires bold and innovative thinking. everyone's experience with cancer matters. it is in our stories and data that the answers can be found. i want effective treatment for the next generation. if you're a cancer patient in the u.s. and its territories or canada, you may be able to help science uncover the next breakthrough by sharing your patient data and unique experience with researchers. for our family. for our friends. for us all. join stand up to cancer, count me in, and patients already participating at >> steve: more of today's big story out of hollywood puritan comedian dave chappelle was attacked last night while he was on stage by an audience member reportedly armed with a fake gun with weirdly a knife attached to it. thankfully, dave chappelle is fine this morning. chris rock was also performing at the event and reportedly hugged dave chappelle after the event before cracking a joke to the audience. "will, was that you?" after that infamous slap of the oscars. speak with one enterprise reporter lawrence jones jones is now criminality. what's what's going on? >> i mean, i think this is an example of people understanding that what took place at the oscars isn't quite the real world. they are actors. they allowed not to take place. for will smith to get away with it. this is back to reality. if you go on stage and try to attack the greatest comedian of our time, people are going to come and equip your tail. this would happen. he was wheeled out on a gurney. that's what should happen when you decide you're going to use violence on someone. >> steve: i grew up in the '70s bag and that day if anyone was gonna run up on stage, they were a streaker running across the stage naked. this is pretty scary because they guy had some sort of fake gun but a real knife attached to it which is weird. dave chappelle has said you can cancel me. we've seen so many people canceled online through social media. now, who knows? maybe this is the next way where if i can cancel you, if i can cancel you online, i'm gonna try in person. >> yeah, i mean, i guess if you can't cancel them, attempt to kill you. that's part of the message that they are doing. i would say this. i think there has been a rebirth of comedy. when i was at chris rock's performance, it seemed like he was in rare form. it was the old chris rock. dave chappelle recently had gotten back on the scene after going on a 10-year hiatus. there's a lot of comedians that after the will smith controversy really stuck up for chris rock and said, this has been going on for a while on the college campuses where they try to cancel comedy. i think the ones with the goats at least have the guts to go out there and do a real performance. this can be the rebirth of comedy. there is really a thirst for that from average americans they want to get away from politics and the real world in inflation and all that nonsense and just have a good time. >> steve: we all need that. just as at the oscars, as was the case last night out of the hollywood bowl, they are just telling jokes. these are jokes. when did the world lose their sense of humor? >> when you have all these activists start to say that you are punching down. listen, the key to the joke is there is a little bit of truth to every single joke that -- it is a story. it is performative. it's no different than the act. that is movie set trying to entertain you in that way. that is what comedy is. i think when you have these young people now that are so woke that they say this actually hurts, don't go to the comedy show. don't watch netflix when you have a comedian that is known for making you feel a little woozy inside because the jokes things. the jokes are supposed to staying or it's not a joke. >> steve: i bet you are working on something for this saturday. lawrence jones cross-country, aren't you? >> you know it. i wish i could tell you what it's about. it will be this weekend at 10:00 p.m. eastern time, live in new york city. >> steve: you are in new york city, go track down dave chappelle. >> my favorite comedian is out here and i had no clue about it. i'll work on that. >> steve: we will see you in a little bit. chief justice john roberts ordered an investigation into the leak of the draft opinion. congressmen speed on the betrayal inside the highest court coming up in a couple of minutes. there he is. he's next. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> protests throughout the united states yesterday after politico links the supreme court draft opinion. >> steve: the marshal to look for the leaker. >> they are going through the cell phone records, texts, emails. >> projected to win the pretentious -- >> we went to the battle, and gentlemen. >> an enormous breath of fresh air in the congress. >> attacks chappelle while he is performing on stage. >> this is a really bad precedent. their offense is an excuse to either attack other people or -- >> the white house on defense on its new disinformation governments board. people are calling it a threat to free speech. >> we need ministry of truth against the government. it used to be called a free press. >> an amazing moment. a young fan wearing and aaron judge shared moved to tears after you get to the yankees the home run ball. ♪ ♪ >> he still touring somewhere. you see right there there's a road. there's trees and there is a city. that city is charlotte, north carolina. everybody is up and ready to work there. they are ready to rock, "crocodile rock." >> remember when he was just known whether glasses? >> ainsley: that was kind of his thing. >> steve: the costumes were really big. i think he's on his final two are approved >> ainsley: i saw him in new york city maybe a month ago. >> steve: you and i saw him at a super bowl party up -- where was that? >> ainsley: with that in florida or miami may be? >> brian: was it south korea or taiwan? he called them dirty, dirty rotten pigs. he called all the press. can you put some of that video? as soon as ted puts down that wire. >> ainsley: it doesn't sound like elton john. [indistinct] >> ainsley: it was very interesting. >> steve: joe the stage managing and trying to manage the stage. he's going like this. time for the news. >> the comedian dave chappelle's attack while is performing on stage by a suspect reportedly armed with what we've heard knife. be very gun. >> steve: that is what tmc is saying. the encounter happened at the legendary hollywood bowl. speed through a fox affiliate out of los angeles. what do you know? >> steve, ansley, brian, good morning. dave chappelle was one of several comedians performing here at the iconic hollywood bowl as part of the "netflix is a joke" festival before he was tackled on stage by a paying to get older. audience member who rushed to the stage -- we will show you some of that but is now circulating online for dramatic video showing the aftermath of the violent encounter. involving dave chappelle overnight here at the hollywood bowl. the person you see being taken into custody according to los angeles police officials was armed with a replica of a firearm that can eject a knife blade. video shows chappelle falling to the ground before the attacker was tackled by security. jamie foxx also running on stage to help contain the attacker later reportedly saying chappelle is an absolute genius and we must protect him at all times. the los angeles police department responded to the incident here late last night, more video circulating online shows the assailant being bitten into an ambulance on a stretcher. production cameras were rolling as this is being taped for an upcoming netflix specials. audience members were not technically allowed to have cell phones during a performance. that's a big part of why there isn't more a cell phone video circulating of the attack itself on the stage. following that stage tackle, chris rock who is no stranger to onstage attacks gave chappelle a hug. he then joked to the audience, it will, was that you? no one of course can forget last month's incident during the oscars when will smith slapped chris rock on stage. will later apologizing. as for last night's incident, still unclear exactly what provoked that audience member the attack. according to los angeles police, he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. that the latest year at the hollywood bowl. i will send it back to you at the studio. >> steve: it looks like they guy who rushed the stage wound up going to the hospital. and then he was charged. it was one of those situations where even though it was assault, was he immediately just released? >> he was taken to the hospital first for his injuries. police say he suffered superficial injuries. when you see them in the video, it looks like he was pretty banged up may be dislocated shoulder a broken arm. after being treated, taken into custody and behind bars this morning facing assault with a deadly weapon charge for that firearm. replica firearm that he was carrying. >> steve: thank you very much for the lab report from l.a. >> brian: you worry about the trend. you worry about this is the second time in two months that we see a top level committee in charge. one by will smith. will smith. you see dave chappelle on the stage at a major netflix special camera crews everywhere. some deranged character honestly goes in storms that stage. they try to cancel dave chappelle about a year ago. it didn't work. he's too popular. what he said was not offensive. it was comedy. he said i challenge anybody who wants to be critical of me, watch my special person they come out. >> ainsley: number one thing on netflix. i would love this called "the closer." i watched it a few times. it's really funny. he is so brilliant. he's a genius. how does he remember all of these jokes that are so intricate? a bib. he makes fun of everyone. his jokes are, you know, he's out rages. a comedian can be outlandish, who can be? >> steve: in that line of work, he was supposed to push the envelope. dave chappelle himself said to the audience, you can cancel me although it sounds like that guy last night tried to take matters into his own hands. dave rubin, you know him as commentator today. he once upon a time was a stand-up comedian as well. he had this observation about how this is a bad thing. >> when you go to comedy clubs, you might hear something that upsets you. you might hear something that offends you. that is the point of going to a comedy club. i could comedian is going to get close to that line and maybe trip over it every and again. you cannot violently assault anyone just like if you are at a restaurant and the guy at the table next to set an off-color joke or something that you didn't like. you can just punch them. we are in a very, very weird part of this american story right now where people believe that their offense is an excuse to either attack other people or docs other people are somehow trying to ruin other people's lives. this is a really bad precedent. it was good to see that chappelle is okay and they joke about it afterwards with chris rock. this is bad news. >> ainsley: 80 are offended, it's okay for violence? how did we get to that point? we saw that with the looting of the stores. the stores had nothing to do with the issue at hand but they lose their stores. we saw maxine waters who is mad at trump. you get in their face, go to the gasoline stations, go to the stores. the abortion opinion, you pointed this out. people are bad at the abortion opinion piece getting out and what that might mean for roe vs. wade. there is a protest and they are mad at the cops. they throw rocks at the cops. >> brian: that makes absolutely no sense. jamie foxx was actually there and was able to help break it up and run out there. if dave chappelle is vulnerable, you wonder, that's top five comedian in the country. what about an up-and-coming guy that happens to be working the audience. every call is security. >> ainsley: we have another story to tell you -- this is a fox news alert. roe v. wade downtown los angeles leaving one injured officer. up to 400 people were marching when the demonstration turned to this clash with police overnight. >> steve: l.a. issued citywide alert that allowed them to arrest people after the protesters threw rocks and bottles at the cops. the injured officer was treated for injuries and released. one suspect is in custody. >> brian: similar protest directly through the u.s. after politico published the link to d draft supreme court opinion. i know where that is. san francisco, miami, and right outside the supreme court of washington, d.c. i imagine this could actually pick up even more today. let's bring in congressman dan crenshaw of texas. congressman, how do you gauge a democrats reaction to this and their supporters? >> it is unhinged as you can see. the fact that they are throwing rocks and bottles at police officers because they believe in abortion that badly. we are in unhinged place right now. in this public debate. that was exactly the point of the leak i think. one of the most egregious violations of the sanctity of the supreme court. i hope there is serious consequences to it. let's be honest. what this leaker probably believes as they are going to be made a martyr. they're going to have a great -- they might be disbarred. they're going to get a great gig on the left where they will become a spokesperson for the pro-abortion movement. that is a real shame. it also goes to show how the left thinks of the court. so if you believe that this leak will shift public opinion -- by definition, you believe that the court's decisions are based on public opinion. that's not what the court is. the court is not another legislative body. the court is supposed to be a group of legal experts they deliver their legal opinion and legal interpretation of the law. the left knows they don't have a really good case on roe v. wade when it comes to legal interpretation of the law. they know that because there's absolutely nothing in the constitution that gives a right to an abortion. the obvious next step is to say that should be decided by the legislative process. they are terrified of that debate. they want to actually terrify people into not having a debate. >> steve: congressman, so many people don't understand, they are about abortion. you just use the term "pro-abortion." many on the left say "pro-choice" appeared on the right, they call it "pro-life." ultimately, what we are talking about is ending a life. it is about, you know, on the left, they say terminating a fetus, a pregnancy with a fetus. on the right, they say you are killing a baby. joe biden yesterday on the tarmac before he went to alabama, use the language of the political right. he said "abortion is aborting a child." listen to the president. >> president biden: the idea that we are going to make that judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on decision by the supreme court, i think that's way overboard. >> steve: when you see it that way, it makes a difference. you are aborting, ending the life of a child. >> looked, and all he's saying is what we all intuitively know that it is a child. it is a child. it's always a child. if you wanted, you call your baby. you don't call in an extra body part. you call your baby. if you don't wanted, you dehumanize it. you call it something else that we don't see it as a child. sometimes joe biden's slip-ups are just as them up towards the truth which i think is true in this case. and you noted something about they call it the pro-choice movement. it is a pro-abortion movement. we don't protect all choices. you don't get to choose whatever you want. if it harms someone else especially. that is the nature of our laws. have as much freedom as possible until you have friends on the rights of somebody else. in this case commends a very clear. this is the pro-life argument. you are clearly infringing on the life of another. it is indeed the life of another. they try to twist that argument by saying, it's not really another person. it's just an extra body part. that is of course not true. scientifically, morally, and in a human sense, we really know that. that is what joe biden actually said. >> ainsley: that all of us play for you -- they found this sound bite of joe biden back in 2006. they did some digging. listen to this. this is what i used to think about abortion. >> president biden: i do not view abortion as a choice in their right. i think it is always a tragedy. and i think that it should be rare and safe. i think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions. there ought to be able to have a common ground against census as to do that. i am a bit of an odd man out in my party. i did not vote for funding for abortion. i voted against partial-birth abortion. to limit it. and i vote for no restrictions on a woman's right to be able to have an abortion under roe v. wade. i made everybody angry. >> ainsley: i mean, what changed? >> well, he wanted the approval of the progressives and his party. that's what changed. joe biden has never been tethered to serious principles throughout his political career. that's not surprising. what is unfortunate is the drastic shift in the democratic party. he went from safe, legal, and rare to celebrate it. celebrate the abortion. have it on demand at any time in a pregnancy. celebrate the fact that you are doing so and also have taxpayers pay for it. that position which is the democrat party positions, of course on demand any time during the nine month pregnancy, paid for by taxpayers. that's always supported by 17% of americans. if you actually poll millennials, 17% support that position. they don't have this debate because the vast majority of americans don't believe that you should have abortion on demand. >> brian: everyone is extrapolating from those like eric swalwell saying they are going to start banning same-sex marriage and interracial marriage as if we've been dealt with that. i'm not even talking about abortions. i was saying it should be a state thing. he went on to show that per the other major issue congressman is what's happening at the border. and i know the border is totally out of control. we know the american people are tired of it. a large number. we ask title 42 which is a measure put in place during a pandemic. 63% of the country want to keep it. the president of the united states still wants to let it evaporate in the third week in may. who is he listening to? who is he pleasing by doing that? >> again, it is a progressive wing. in this case, very radical pro-immigrant groups that constantly advocated for this kind of thing and advocate for open borders. and so, look, i don't know why. politically it doesn't make any sense. the democrats want to make it hard on us in november, all they have to do is secure the border right now and deliver us some energy independence. that's all they have to do. it's not that complicated. it's like they don't want to and it's like they don't care. people believe that keeping title 42 is synonymous with border security. that is why it has such -- vast support. people just want the border secure. that's what it really comes down to. they don't care how you do it, they just went on. title 42 because it allows for expedited removal is of course the best pathway to that. also, i think people intuitively understand that the administration contradicts itself here. they say that covid is not over. we still want the masks here. we want to mass children. it's over at the border. that's an obvious contradiction. be consistent and say that covid really is over. but then, with new solutions for the border. you absolutely have to do that. you have to dis- incentivize border processes. we are letting people lose inside the interior and letting people come across and taking a hands-off approach that incentivizes more and more people to come. it's not that complicated of a problem. it's not that complicated of a solution. he needs to go back to the trump policies that work with mexico and other tribal countries to process asylum claim is back those countries. it turns out these asylum claims are not always valid. rarely actually valid. in that case, people will actually come, because they know they have to process that in mexico city or elsewhere. >> brian: all right, dan crenshaw, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: she's over there. >> i have some midterm election news. can you believe it? out of ohio of course. best-selling author and a venture capitalist, j.d. vance wins ohio's republican senate primary. >> this campaign i really think was a referendum on what kind of republican party we want and what kind of a country we want. >> vance praised president trump for his endorsement while vowing to fight for the america first agenda pretty will face off against democratic senate nominee congressman tim ryan who won's primary contest overnight as well. the delaware repairman -- slapping adam schiff and a slew of media outlets with a defamation suit. john paul macisaac suing politico and "the daily beast." he is reportedly seeking $1 million in damages. isaac claims that those media outlets falsely said he was spreading russian disinformation which he says cost him his story. elon musk is planning on taking twitter public within three years of buying the company. musk's $44 million buyout is expected to close later this year. he is already agreed to take the company private once the deal is complete. that is coming on the heels of a tweet from musk saying the platform will always be free for casual users but "may be a slight cost for commercial and government accounts" which is an interesting development there. >> find a way to breakeven. >> trying to monetize it. >> charge the government. >> that's a change of pace. charging the government. usually as the other way around, the government charging us. >> brian: we will catch up later. 19 minutes after the hour. republican senators called to defund biden's disinformation board. the fight for free speech to the head. >> steve: plus, may the 4th be with you on this may 4th as inflation hits the dairy industry. a milk shake empire fights back on this wednesday. may 4th be with you. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. every other month and i'm good to go. ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. i look back with great satisfaction every other month and i'm good to go. on my 32 years of active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served, they'e been in leadership positions, they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary and they come to us and they say, "i need some financial help at this point in time." they're not looking for a hand out, they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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>> i am very glad she has made a private. i'm glad for her sake and for ours. we won't have to suffer anything more like that. there is a serious thing underneath is the message is so gruesome in this particular video. no person in the country could possibly be nominated the disinformation czar. i wouldn't trust myself to do it. but this lady is clearly totally unfit for the task. she has her solved -- made the wrong call on saying things that where disinformation when they are not and vice versa. she is wildly inadequate for the job but effectively, nobody should have the job. it should be a job that should exist in america to tell us government level what is true and what is not. >> ainsley: is just amazing. they don't want to free speech. >> this is why i am so glad senator cotton has taken the path he has. because, you know, the dhs has no role to play in this area. the government should not be telling us what is and is not true. in every speech society like america, the society is founded on the idea that we battle ideas out. there are big problems along the way for sure. there is actual disinformation pumped out there. there are also times as we will know when people claim things to be disinformation, the hunter biden laptop which are not. this is not the role of government. the free press, we are allowed to insured in america fight this out. we should argue it out and we should have confidence in that. but for there to be a government department trying to litigate this and decide on this and tell us and let alone nominating somebody like this was clearly a political operative. there is no way we can allow that to pass. >> ainsley: it is so interesting that this happen. it is not a real story right before the election. months later, they say oh, and was, we just didn't think so at the time. it seems suspicious. >> everything about this role is suspicious. we should be rightly suspicious of it. and his defense of the free press to be suspicious of that. i reiterate, the point in every country is that we find over ideas. we find over stories. and we have confidence that the truth it will in the end out. in the end, it does. >> ainsley: don't you put all stories up and let us make the decision. i know, right? thank you so much. they give are coming on. former president trump wasn't on the ballot in ohio pretty won big as j.d. vance declares victory in the g.o.p. senate primary. fox news contributor karl rove what it means for republicans heading into the midterms. ♪ ♪ if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? 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>> take a look at this. in 2018, 827,000 people voted in the republican primary had a big race for governor, open seat for governor. democrat similarly had a big primary. 680,000. we don't have the final numbers and pretty looks like a republican turnout will be coming close to 1.2 million. think about that. nearly a 50% increase since four years ago. the democrat turned out, it will be lucky to get this et cetera thousand. think about that at nearly 2-1 advantage among republican primary turnout. that shows that the state has moved dramatically in the last 4-6 years in a republican direction. >> steve: just one other note, in ohio, may not endorsed by aoc and bernie sanders, she lost to the democrat establishment candidate. speak out exactly. guess what tina turner did. set i'm running for president in 2024. she just lost a primary by 30 points. the woman starts listing off the early primary states were 2024. hume got to admire her spunk. get beaten badly as they resident taking it down, i'm going to take it up. i'm running for president. >> steve: he's deep in the heart of texas. thank you very much for joining us live. thank you so. still ahead, we are going to show you brand-new video of a mono report, reported armed man stormed comedian dave chappelle onstage in in l.a. out cake founder clay travis warns free speech under attack and that's the proof. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> this is why comedians have been afraid of in the wake of will smith walking up and assaulting chris rock. we don't know if these are directly connected, but often times, what happens is a choice gets put out into the atmosphere. you know, brian, you've got a county comes over the years. is not uncommon for comedians to get heckled in the crowd. someone taken the next step and decided to go on the stage and strike someone was certainly a paramount in comedians minds with what will smith decided to do with what the tens of millions of people saw happen there. oftentimes, it would get copycat related incidents. what remained to be seen certainly very dave chappelle who has been no free-speech warrior and has been under siege because of his netflix special associated with the trans community. was this someone who is angry about jokes and saw will smith i decided to take out their own anger on dave chappelle? as you mention, the scary part here, he was armed. he was not able to physically injured chappelle with that weapon. what if he had been able to? i know they are comedians waking up all over the country that are watching the video we are all seeing happen right now. it can happen at a big-time event like netflix. it could really happen at any comedy club as you know where there is far less security. >> are they responsible for this? >> i don't think you can hold anybody responsible for woke likely was a crazy person. i do think that netflix needs to be may be considering how much security they have for their top talent at events. because we don't know how this guy ended up on stage. certainly, he had several seconds without any protection for dave chappelle at all where if he had been able to deploy a weapon, dave chappelle could have been killed here. we don't know exactly what has occurred. i think for nothings given the fact that dave chappelle has been under attack from the trans community for his jokes and in the wake of the will smith incident, i think i want to clubs everywhere should be considering what sort of security they have near the stage to try to protect performers. it's also emblematic of a larger context year which is this idea of someone says something i don't like, and i'm going to physically assault them. we saw it with will smith and chris rock. we are now seeing it with dave chappelle. >> as you look at the video, the guy is trying to get out. he is able to make the tackle and run directly back stage. you see people run out. then he gets tackled beyond just about center stage in the back of the stage. look pretty banged up as brought into the ambulance reportedly overnight. and the headliners are susceptible, can you imagine people that are up and coming? how vulnerable are they? unbelievable. >> they are way more vulnerable per they don't have the money oftentimes to afford big time security. it is just speech under assault in some ways. if someone says something i don't like, i'm going to hit them, brian. it's a precedent that will smith said that seems to be spreading. >> brian: it's a good thing jamie foxx was among the people helping out. i appreciate it. >> good morning. i appreciate it, brian. >> brian: clay travis, thanks. >> good morning, brian. we are going to begin with this from ukraine. explosions rocking the city causing power outages and infrastructure damage. this comes as russian forces continue their support on mariupole where people have been living under a tunnel for months now. they been finally able to restart civilian evacuation. shocking video shows the moment of funeral home in shanghai realizes an elderly man sent to them in a body bag is still alive. medical workers opening the bag finding the person inside still moving. of the elderly man was transferred to hospital and is in stable condition and investigation is underway. chinese state media says five officials have been punished and one doctors license was revoked. your friendly neighborhood spider-man is being banned from china. the blockbuster movie "spider-man: no way home" losing a censorship battle with the chinese communist party after they refused to describe the statue of liberty. one of the final scene centering around the monument. china reportedly asked if the statue could be minimized or deleted entirely. can you believe it? sony says it is standing its ground despite the second spider-man movie grossing $200 million and the chinese box office. they definitely did the right thing there. all right, let's turn it to janice bridges got the weather for us. >> i love that movie. it was fantastic. >> sony doing the right thing. let's take a look at the forecast. you live in the northeast and you are traveling. we are gonna have some delays unfortunately because he got rain in the forecast and thunderstorms here and there. that's going to kind of linger through the day today. more importantly, severe weather for a part of texas through oklahoma and then across the mississippi river valley tomorrow. hail damaging winds, tornadoes will be possible for a friend in. you were hit hard this past week with several tornadoes. and quite a bit of damage in the rain in the forecast could bring potential for flash bedding. we will keep an eye on that on the golf course toward the mississippi river valley tomorrow. that is the risk as we go through the next 24 hours with that danger for severe storms have a way to get your watches and warnings especially in the overnight hours and people may not be paying attention. as well as foxx there you daytime highs today. 65 in new york. 53 in chicago. 86 in dallas. my friend, brian, do you. >> brian: still ahead, may the . we are turn into the dark side. how to get a special "star wars" theme to milk shake or let's check in with dana perino. i imagine because bill had a late night last night you have to the promo. >> i don't know what would happen to you if you actually drank that brick to shake. please do so and check back in with us. >> sugar high. >> and got to see that. i first high-profile senate primaries was last night in ohio. trump got his man. what does that mean for other states? the president's pulling continues to define itself down. inflation, crime, and education. the biden team is a new focus, supreme court of abortion. will that turnaround his political fortunes? president zelenskyy in ukraine. we will have it first when he joins us live and will talk to a woman calling on the white house to help save her brother from a russian jail. busy day. we will see you soon. >> steve: with inflation rampant, and feels like the last time food prices were normal were a long time ago. in a galaxy far, far away. >> ainsley: that's not stopping one restaurant from celebrating may the 4th be with you. >> brian: before we dive into this shakes at our table, owner joins us now for more. hey, julie. >> ainsley: hi, how are you? >> brian: i know you are not a star were super fan. what does today mean for you and your business? >> we're so excited to be celebrating may the 4th. and i think that we have in front of you guys an electric blue vanilla shake which was representing the light side. peace and tranquility. and we have a wild cherry shake representing the dark side which is, you know, a bit more powerful and dangerous. >> steve: the cherry one is delicious. just saying. have you added coloring to this or is this natural? >> the blue has some coloring. it is not natural. [laughs] wanted to make sure it was really powerful so that both the shakes were their sides equally. >> ainsley: julie, who comes into your restaurant? today, and rested as characters or kids or adults? >> we are hoping that we see some costumes today. they are hoping that fans come in to choose their side. this is the first year we are celebrating. >> brian: how is it doing? >> is doing great. we are focused on releasing a lot of new specials and offerings for the rest of the year to give people something to come out for. and something that is fun for friends and family. >> i'm got a question for you as we include them as well. you know, everybody's talking about how hard it is to get people to work and blacked out. you've been a new program with you shakes before and you have fantastic burgers. how hard is it been to keep employees during these tough times -- you've got some sort of incentive program, right? >> it has been very challenging. we are seeing that less people are joining the industry. less people are saying in the industry. we are incorporating more incentive programs and ever before to attract and retain talent. >> steve: what is the hardest thing for you to keep in your restaurant supplywise? >> oh, my gosh, ice cream novelties have been a big challenge. every week it is different. wings and ice cream and it's across the board, those cost and supply and issues. >> ainsley: i know that "star wars" exhibit which is a huge exhibit. you are selling these in disneyland as well at your soho location, midtown location and at las vegas. it's huge in disney right now. tell us about that and congratulations. >> we are going to be serving they shake all month long at our downtown disney anaheim location. we're so excited that we have been allowed to participate in the celebration. it is incredible experience. we recommend everyone go out and visit this month. >> steve: on may the 4th be with you. >> and also with you. >> i have a blue tongue now. >> our malls are completely blue, but it was totally worth it. >> back with more after we finish these off. hey you two, go outside and play. ♪ ♪ create a season full of playfulness. your happiest spring starts at lowe's. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? back pain, and fatigue. because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you stay cool. it's so smart it knows exactly how long, how well, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. to learn more, go to >> they're delicious, just saying. >> they're so good. may the fourth be with you today. >> and tomorrow have a fifth. are you going to eat that? >> bill: good morning, everybody. one of the first bring primary races. there shall be intrigue? i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." you are here a little late last night. no one better to talk about ohio than you. >> bill: i think it was a big night for j.d. vance and donald trump. >> dana: aoc lost. her candidate lost. we'll talk about that as well. unprecedented leak at the supreme court is igniting a political firestorm and democrats are looking to capitalize. th

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, Guy , Will Smith , Event , Everyone , Jamie Fox , Ambulance , L A Steve , Hollywood Bowl , One , Video , Gun , Knife , Custody , Media , Encounter , Mr , Aftermath , Police , Attacker , Ground , Shows Chappelle , Stretcher , It Police Department , The Show , Audience Members , Special , Phones , Chris Rock , Cameras , Bags , On Stage Hit , No Stranger To On Stage Antics , Joke , Audience , Will , Nobody , Hug , Slapped Rock , Jokes , Liz Cheney , Charges , Offensive , Haven T , Closer , Community May , Jada Smith , Pandemic , Fan , Television , Cornfields , Part , Form , Wings , Sheriff Hat , Trouble , Fox , Shoutedout , D A , Comedy Show , Report , Sheriff S Cap , Man , Back Stage , 35 , Genius , Times , Lot , Comedians , Wing , Targets , And Z , Y , Lady , Friends , Social Media , Incentive , Suicide , Heat , Child , Family , Aberration , Enough , Isn T This Nuts Overall , Oscars , America , Celebrity , Comedy Clubs , Towns , Ton , Everywhere , Comedian , Ticket Price , Knuckle 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Program , Correspondent , Ministries , Debates , Virus , Lab , Chinese Communist Party , Beginning , China , Wuhan , Power , Handling , National Security Agency , Tweeting , Senators , Secretary Mayorkas , Doesn T , Department Of Homeland Security , Russia , Weekend , Actors , Iran , New York Times , Standards , Verified , China Disinformation , Disinformation Claims , Rise , Vladimir Putin , Ukraine , Price Hike , Campaign Trail , Sir , That S Right , Explosives , Fox News Alert , Forces , City , Lviv , Ukrainians , Power Outages , Assault , Plant , Mariupol , Infrastructure Damage , Tunnels , U N , Red Cross , River Boat , Steam Boat , Steam , Flames , Evacuations , Ss Naches , New Orleans , God , Incident , Fire , Boat , Coast Guard , Blaze , New Orleans Fire Department , Mississippi River , Vessel , Ball , Aaron Judd Surety , Yankees Slugger Home Run , Blue Jay , Homer , Streak , Pair , Games , Boy , Yankees , Yawnk , Team , Happier , Let S Deal In Janice Dean , Recipient , 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Temperature Balancing , Queen , 360 , 299 , 1299 , Chewable , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Simparica Trio , Heartworm Disease , Dogs , Protection , Use , Drug , Disorders , Ticks , Round , Fleas , Hookworms , Seizures , Caution , Heart , Politics , Court , Integrity , Toxicity , With A Gun Attack Chappelle , Railway Stations , Resiliency , Supply Ukrainian Force , Mall Ton , The Sun , Daytime High , East , Florida , Saint Pete Beach , 83 , 72 , 4th Be With You , May 4th , May The 4th , 4 , Star Wars , Fellows , Conclusion , Shakes , Black Cap , Story , Cities , Mail , Area , Phoenix , Miami , I Wasn T Listening To Carley , Arizona , Tampa , California , Sound , Nelle A Country Music Star , Florida Georgia Line , Whoa Nelle , Joey Jones , Bat , Jimmie Allen , Darius Rutgers , Joel , Stories , Breakup , Sing , Upbeat , Alcohol , Drinking , Songs , Relationship , Dog , Stage , West Coast , Report A Gun , Morning , Wild Story , Famed Hollywood Bohl , Weapon , Knife Blade , Attacker Cameras , Hit , Attacks , Stranger , Chappelle A , Jada Pijt Smith , Oscar Slapping Rock , Details , Tmz , Replica Gun , Thanks Carley , Club , Tussling , Couldn T , Name , Arm , In , Hands , Takedown , Legend , Mix , Wee , Trophy , Group , Community , Fun , Attention , Motivation , Comedy Club , Body Guard , Slang , Tyrus , Slapping Thecomedian I Don T Li , Back , Guys , Hop On My , Safety , Guarding Prince , Prince , Kid , Upbringing , Dana , Cop Injured , One Cop , Injuries , Citywide Alert , Plush , In San Francisco , Bunch , Supreme Court Hey , Justice , It , Doesn T Work , Run Up , Wedge Issue , Filibuster , Yell Well , Rallies , Supreme Court Justices , Soundbites , Few , Extremist , Cheers , Fighting , Culmination , Angling , Protester , Boos , Womb , Houston , Atlanta , Kentucky , Louisville , Susan Collins , Gulch , Majority , Codify , We Don T Know , Joe Manchin , Kyrsten Sinema , Supremes , Contempt Of Court , Decries , Couple , Andy , Scenarios , Opinion Piece , Andrew Mccarthy , Obstruction , Proceeding , Chances , Marshal , Pages , Inaudible , Wall Street Journal , United S Problem , Marshall , Why Haven T , Guests , Deals , It Doesn T Matter , Hero , Season , Voters , Books , Everybody Trump , Cases , Droves , Mark Meredith , President Trump Back , Overnight J D , Hopefuls , Wasn T , Trump , Backing , Household Name , Supporters , Agenda , American First Agenda , Race , Battleground State , Fight , Heal Ohio , Mike Dewine , Challenge , District , Nina Turner , Bernie Sanders , Akron , Shontel Brown , Cleveland , Back To You , Progressives , Morning J D , Nominee , Co Chair , Ohio Valley , No Doubt , Each Other , Campaign Ads , None , Backer , General , Reminder , 66 Million , 6 Million , Being , Ty , 14 Million Bucks , 14 Million , Update , Surveillance Video , Mezzanine Level , Budget , Mark Meredith Reporting , Vicki White , A , Election Officer , Both , Quote , Jail , Special Relationship , Sneak , Manhunt , Amber Heard , Johnny Depp , Stand Today In The Defamation Trial , Shotgun , Aliases , Inmate , Request , Courtroom , Say Quote She , Abuser , Lawyers , Lawyer , Ditch , Prompting Depp , Ring , Virginia , Neighbors , Laugh , Conversation , Gotcha , Bleep , Over , Cops , Criminals , Invitation , Ring Doorbell Is Changing Lives , Giving Carley A , Dawn , Package , I Don T Talk Like That , Imitation , Uber Rating , Carley , Explosions , Doorbell , Break , Skin , Communities , Devastation , Story Eczema , Wie , People Don T , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Eczema , Itch , Step , Dupixent , Body , Infection , Asthma , Centrum , Defenses , Joint Aches , Routine , Support , D , Ace , Vitamin C , Zinc , Therapists , Learning , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Projects , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Ratings , Reviews , Angi , Happiness , Angi Com , Xfinity Mobile , Value , Pricing , Matt Finn , Explosions Rocket Ukrainian City Of Lviv , 100 , Missile , Wave , Crews , Weapons , Building , Smoke , National Railway , Damage , Train Station , Russia Hit , Rail Locations , Far East , Donetsk , Mayor , Outtanks , April 8th , Substations , 8 , Military Company , Military Factory , Russian Aggressor , Zero , Infrastructure , Buses , Updates , Convoy , Bombing , Shelter , Zelenskyy , 156 , Basement , Shaking , Lockheed Martin , Workers , Official , Helping , Defense Plant , Eu , 33 Billion , 3 Billion , Countries , Energy , Land , Oil , 27 , Rail Stations , Supply , Power Plants , Rail , Wires , West , Target , Weapons Supplies , Trains , Gas , Pentagon Questioning , Refugees , Civilians , Troops , Fox News Live , Lack , Confidence , Strategy , Restrand , Manpower , Star , Concerns , State Department , Region , Donbas , Wnba , Richardson , Saddam Hussein , Slap , Moammar , Dave Rubin , Incidents , Stuff Works , Roundup Weed , Shot Wand , Grass Killer , Flower Beds , Pathways , Tree Rings , Weeds , Driveways , Helen , Diabetes , Pride , Activity , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Glucose , Libre 2 , A1c , Medicare , Audience Member , Threats , Anybody , Standup Comedian , Act , Violence , Words , Pep Boys , Line , Offense , Restaurant , Excuse , Collar , Table , Precedent , Lives , Don T Know , Guy Looks , Rest , Outline , Looks , Jumping Off Point , Hard , Progressive , Direction , Old School , Branches , Last Night Attack , Powers , Tree Branches , Separation , Extent , Laws , Working Moms , Dan Crenshaw , Venture , Paula Fares , Landowner , Landscaper , Gardener , Equipment , Hunter , Powerful , Kubota , Versatile , Couch , Laughs , Men , Jacket , Golo , Go To Golo Com , Job Criteria , Shortlist , Project Managers , Allergies , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Spraying Flonase , Good , Psst , Flonase , Work , Passion , Working , Opportunity , Mothers , Privilege , Ains Carry Media , Faith , Christian , Old Stomping Grounds , South Carolina , The View , Seasons , Seneca , Working Mom , Levels , 14 , 12 , Moms , Workforce , Burnout , Mom Guilt , Voices , Gender Pay Disparity , Folks , Abc , Drum , Anything , Route , Space , Carry Media , Change , Media Company , 20 , 35 Million , Research , Matter , Carry , Denominator , Circumstances , There Sma Mom Guilt , Newsletter , Level , Working Moms Written By For , 80 , Media Outlet , Working Momtion , Emotional Intelligence , Core , Capacities , Smarter , Super Hero , Courage , Workplace , Ideal Employee , Efficiency , Empathy , Motherhood , Burdens , Another , Room Key Go , Visit , Sunday Carry Media Com , Hotel , Girl , Time , Prosecutors , Death Penalty , 201 , Billion , 1 Billion , 51 , 70 , 17 , 63 , 42 , 44 Million , 4 Million , 19 , 22 , 1 5 Million , 11 5 Million , April 15th , 5 Million , 14th Of April , 23 , 3 5 Million , 827000 , 2018 , 1 2 Million , 680000 , 2024 , 30 , 200 Million , 00 Million , 65 , 53 , 86 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240708

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critics are calling it a threat to free speech. >> we have a first amendment. they ought to abide by that you need ministry of truth against the government. it used to be called a free press. scores. and pittsburgh wins. ♪ it. >> ainsley: good morning, green bay, wisconsin. what a gorgeous shot. i don't say anyone out there. >> brian: snow. >> steve: cheese heads are in their beds. it's early there. >> brian: ranger fans probably still have a headache. trip pell overtime loss regulation but they called it back. >> steve: welcome aboard, folks. it is the middle of the week and so much news is going on. man o man. >> ainsley: we have to start in l.a. last night dave chappelle is performing. we all love him and talk about his netflix series during the commercial breaks and followed his career. we all have. and he was attacked last night when he was on stage which everyone feared after the will smith oscar event this guy rushes up on stage and tackles him and dave chappelle is asking for security gets up on stage and the guy is taken away in an ambulance. >> brian: here has it breaks down a person reportedly warmed a gun attacks chappelle on stage. >> ainsley: pretty violent it happened at the same hollywood bowl in l.a. >> steve: at one point jamie fox, we will tell that you in a moment. dramatic video showing the aftermath of the violent encounter involving mr. chappelle according to local media the person you see here taken into custody reportedly armed with a gun and a knife. we have not had that confirmed by the police yet. video shows chappelle following to the ground before the attacker was tackled by security. >> ainsley: it police department responding here. the video shows him being put in the ambulance on a stretcher. cameras were rolling as it was being taped for the upcoming netflix special. the audience members were not allowed to have their phones. they had to put them in bags during the show. >> brian: explains why we don't have much video. following the on stage hit chris rock no stranger to on stage antics, gave chappelle a hug. and joked to the audience will, was that you? nobody can forget the moment will smith got up during the slapped rock after he made joke about jada smith. it's not clear what provoked the person that attacked cheney and what charges will be filed. chappelle came out with jokes people in the trans community may or may not have found offensive. i haven't seen the special yet. he stood up called the closer. you can't cancel me. you can put me on television or not. i'm going to go on stage and do my thing. i will do it in the cornfields like i did with the pandemic. it's amazing, too. that jamie fox was watching. he just was there as a fan. and he jumped on stage and helped tackle the guy and dave chappelle later on would say thank you to jamie fox publicly. >> steve: he was part of the show in some form he was in the wings. he was wearing a sheriff hat. fox said when he saw the guy run up i thought that was part of the show. afterwards, d.a. chappelle said shoutedout to jamie foxx. whenever you are in trouble, jamie foxx will show up in a sheriff's cap. this is netflix first live comedy show. one report according to deadline i read this morning. at one point afterwards dave chappelle said that is a trans man. i don't know what is he talking about there. he also dave chappelle said this on stage. i have been doing this for 35 years. i just stopped a blank back stage, i have always wanted to do it. >> ainsley: if you watched dave chappelle the closer so many times. is he a genius. and jamie fox came on stage and said i will be there for you. i'm glad i was there to help. you are right. i thought it was part of the show at first. he said he is a genius and we are not going to let this happen to comedians. >> brian: a lot of the left wing are attacking people. make them targets. he's a bad person because x, y, and z. they don't like some jokes that he said was incentive. >> ainsley: he jokes about everyone: he became very good friends with this lady who was trans. she got so much heat for defending him on social media. she ended up committing suicide. he talks about that and says he is helping her family and helping her child. >> brian: isn't this nuts overall? this is just crazy. comedians can't make jokes? now they are editing themselves and still not good enough. then you say chris rock, that's an aberration happened at the oscars, a celebrity is an celebrity. people go on stage. we were asking that. are you concerned about going on stage again? there is a ton of security there. can you imagine those comedy clubs across the country, the small towns in america. some knuckle head decides to rush the stage. they have to hire security everywhere. some comedian i can't bees will demand it up the ticket price. people say it's not worth it anymore. >> ainsley: netflix for the next show is a joke fest watch it on netflix coming up. they were in the middle of recordings it. that's what they were doing last night. i'm wondering if this will be part of that show. >> steve: it's got to be. that's why people will watch it because netflix has the video. they have not released it. >> brian: they might choose not to put it on. >> ainsley: just so they don't encourage others. >> steve: i think there is public interest in seeing what it is. it would be odd for them not to make it as part of the show. maybe netflix. >> ainsley: all the reports i have read chappelle was running toward the attacker. i did see someone's video. someone was in the audience they did roll on their camera. you can see the man. all the security surrounding the guy in the back right corner of the stage. and i guess that was after chappelle had approached him. >> the way i look at it is netted flicks has the video. the video is evidence. there obviously are going to be charges filed against this person and that video will be then public record and it will be available so we will see it that's something goings on in the east coast. something going on coast to coast and a fox news first. roe v. wade protests have broken out across the country. in particular, in downtown l.a., the left one police officer injured. up to 400 people were marching when the demonstration turned into clashes with the police overnight as you can see. >> brian: all right. los angeles issued a citywide tactical alert after protests threw rocks and bottles at police that makes sense. released one suspect. one suspect is in custody. yeah, that's right. you don't like the supreme court, so throw a rock at a cop. nice. >> ainsley: right. doesn't make sense. similar protests erupting throughout the united states yesterday after politico leaked the supreme court draft opinion that indicated that the court might overturn roe v. wade. protests taking place in new york city. in san francisco, and right outside ever the supreme court in washington, d.c. >> steve: what happened since we saw you yesterday. here is the cover of the "new york post" and it shows just the fact that there are protests coast to coast con tempted of court. the chief justice did order up the marshal of the supreme court to look for the leaker here's the thing. rarely is that successful. what probably should happen right now. there should probably be a statement from all nine justices. that would be great. also, it is unclear whether or not the department of justice is involved in this or the fbi supreme court is looking into it don't know for sure. the republicans are calling for the doj to investigate and charge this person if applicable. >> ainsley: i wish -- to your point i wish the nine justices would have had a press conference yesterday and stood together. >> steve: we're all together. >> ainsley: we're not going to allow this to happen anymore. we will put security efforts in place. the obamas said a blow to women and free society. kamala was at that event last night. assaults on freedom. roe opponents want to punish women. elizabeth warren joined the protesters outside the supreme court. i'm angry, we are not going back. joe biden was asked about this from reporters at joint base andrews. here he is. >> the idea that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to abort a child based on a decision by the supreme court i think goes way overboard. >> brian: that's joe biden yesterday. word is, bret baier was indicating that maybe joe biden knew this was coming. might have heard about it on friday that the brief was written in february. the oral arguments were in december. and then all of the sudden this comes out on politico two days after a major media event. meanwhile, here is joe biden back in 2006. he had a much different view when he was on pbs. >> i do not view abortion as a as a choice and a right. i think it's always a tragedy. and i think that it should be rare and safe. and i think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions and there ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus to do it. i'm a little -- i'm a little bit of an odd man out in my party. could i not vote for funding for abortion. i voted against partial birth abortion to limit it and i vote for no restrictions on woman's right to be able to have an abortion under roe v. wade. so i am -- i made everybody angry. >> brian: other thing that was important to bring up is that chief roberts came out and talked about the outrage of the leaker. i get it that was smart. do the investigation. can you make the right decision and call the fbi? i know they are busy on school board meetings. maybe you can pull one of them off to investigate this seems pretty important. 260 people there to look at. i think we should find out who is going to tell the truth and who is going to lie. they can decide later whether the leak is an actual breach of trust or a breach of the law. listen, the breach is real. authentic. it's not a full-time vote. it doesn't mean that the vote are set. nothing is going to change or be added to this including his vote. that's unclear. >> steve: word to the director can we play that first soundbite again with joe biden on the tarmac? the reason i want to play that again is the fact that what he said was something that flies in the face that everybody on the political left says. keep in mind, in this country, we are divided down the middle about whether or not abortion is appropriate. people on the political left say that abortion terminates a fetus -- a fetus. the other side says you are ending the life of a person. you are killing a child. yesterday joe biden on the tarmac used language that the political left never uses. he said you are aborting a child. not a fetus. he said a child. let's play that again. listen to this. >> that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the supreme court, i think goes way overboard. >> steve: so he views it as aborting a person. that's killing a person. and that is why so many people are inframed on both sides. the abortion as a right in the constitution. although sam alito pointed out i don't see it there other people see it as the end of a life. that is why, for instance, the catholic church is so stridently against abortion. >> ainsley: people wonder why joe biden keeps flip-flopping on his views. we saw that down at the border. he said we need to aclosed border earlier. now he is saying well his actions are saying we need an open border. >> steve: he would rather talk about abortion than inflation. >> ainsley: absolutely, yeah. i'm sure they were thrilled this news came down yesterday so they could pivoted to a new topic instead of inflation. here is senator lindsey graham talking about high joe biden is hijacked or is hijacked by the extremists. >> what happened to joe biden? he got hijacked bite most radical people in the country. captivated their interest. what happened in court today was the saddest day in the history of the supreme court. stupid dangerous and dumb. if the if you are a conservative you are a traitor to the cause. if you are a liberal you are the dumbest person in washington. it's not going to change the midterms. you are not going to scare any conservative judge away from repealing roe v. wade and it should be repealed it should go back to the states. and you are adding a narrative to a story line that you want to win and you don't give a damn about how you win. >> brian: that's the thing in america. can you pick another state. the same thing with taxes. the same thing with weather. the same thing with location. same thing with your job. watch all-american move judging by freedoms, mask, pandemic. if this is appear issue important to you. states 26 you can go to. just to talk about how they overplayed their hand and 24 hours into this decision. they are talking about this is just the start. eric swalwell tweets out the republicans won't stop with banning abortion. they want to ban interracial marriage? don't you want to save that also they talk about getting rid of same sex marriage. they talked about not bringing people across state lines. that's insane. >> ainsley: joy behar was saying the same thing what's next? >> steve: amazon announced yesterday they would pay $4,000 if somebody who works for them wants an abortion they will pay for transportation. obviously, what is going on is the leaker and, you know, that person gave the document to politico. they were trying to intimidate the court. we know that the vote right now is at least five for overturning roe v. wade. if the final outcome or the -- if the number of votes the tabulation changes in any meaningful way or if that opinion, when it's made final, changes in any meaningful way it will appear at that time justices caved to the intimidation of the crowd and that means there will be more. >> brian: the supreme court is imperil in the future. do you end like a decision republican or democrat. protest outside kavanaugh's house or alito's house and make their life miserable and maybe they will change their mind. who would want to be a supreme court justice if that's the case? >> ainsley: right. and if you are a clerk in the supreme court are you going to leak because you don't agree with the decision the nine justices have come up with? steve: never happened until this week. >> ainsley: former president trump wasn't on the ballot in ohio but he won big as j.d. vance declares victory in the g.o.p. senate primary. what this means for republicans heading into the midterms. >> brian: plus, senator tom cotton wants to defund the administration's disinformation board. he shares the plan to fight for free speech just for us. if you listen -- ♪ i got my friends ♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in 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endorsement he does not win. >> ainsley: this is a big win for obviously j.d. vance but a huge win for donald trump. he has endorsed several candidates and these primary races throughout the country. this was the first one. the results came in 95 minutes after the polls close as brian said. look at that 32% vs. mandel who was his clear opponent. >> brian: polls were wrong again. >> ainsley: yes. they had them neck and neck. >> steve: latest fox news vance up by 15. >> brian: 15 points? >> steve: yeah, one of the late ones. you know, it was three weeks ago that donald trump endorsed him he had a troubled past with the former president. he said never trump at one point but then came around. what's interesting though is if you credit donald trump, you really have to credit peter thiel though, too. he is the billionaire who started paypal, one of the early investors in facebook. peter thiel's pac donated the most money ever to a senate candidate, i believe i read this morning. $15 million. and his, peter thiel his super pac did all the advertising. meanwhile, you had josh mandel and a lot of his advertising was done for and endorsed by club for growth. so it's these two different things that are going in -- >> ainsley: more money in campaign bank the more can you run political ads against someone else. >> steve: absolutely. >> brian: 68 million overall spent in the election. j.d. vance on surface looks like the perfect rural background. serves in the military. >> becomes a successful venture capitalist. >> ainsley: wrote hillbilly he will i didn't number one for a long time. >> brian: a couple years. did a movie on it the people that didn't like j.d. vance hate him. and i said to myself why is he stuck at 11%? i couldn't understand it. >> ainsley: is it because what he said about trump? he did not like trump. >> brian: abandoned who he thought he was. >> ainsley: because he was rural and brought up with nothing. came from a really troubled background and ended up being very successful. >> steve: right. it was very telling yesterday. we had pete hegseth live at a diner out in ohio. and so many people said they were going it vote for j.d. vance based on the fact that trump endorsed him. big winner in cincinnati. >> now this campaign, i really think, was a referendum on what kind of a republican party we want. and what kind of a country we want. we went to battle do. we want a republican party that stands for the donors who write checks to the club for growth or do we want a republican party for the people right here in ohio? ladies and gentlemen, we just answered the question. >> ainsley: if you haven't seen the movie hillbilly he will i didn't i highly recommend it or read the book. glen close plays his grandmother. and she looks just like him. at the end of the movie they show pictures what his real grandmother and mom. amy adams was his mom. it was excellent. >> brian: trump won 10 races that he picked including max miller personal issues. ends up winning and works for the white house. air force veteran made his whole lawn all about trump. he wins. big story for trump. it was a great day for him. but i think when it comes to the georgia primary that's going to be key. it looks like bush against trump. george w. bush is coming out the family brian kemp up big against perdue. >> ainsley: current governor. >> brian: going in for liz cheney and lisa murkowski who are now arch enemies of the former president of the united states. >> ainsley: because of the january 6th committee. >> steve: this election yesterday primary sets up a show down with the democrat congressman from ohio tim ryan. the republicans are, however, fired keep that seat because it is being vacated by retiring senator rob portman. ohio through the years has been kind of a swick state but it's now it's more reliably red over the last couple of elections. >> brian: tim ryan is running on an american first campaign really? where did he get that from? nice tries. >> steve: working for j.d. vance. >> ainsley: chappelle and friends. >> brian: what's going on there? >> steve: all rights in danger after a leaked supreme court draft indicates the court may overturn roe v. wade. why our next guest says the president is making a logical fallacy. >> ainsley: more fallout from hunter biden's laptop. oh my gosh. the legal action. the computer repair shop owner taking against the media outlets and congressman adam schiff. >> brian: ainsley sets up a nice interview ♪ whoa, whoa ♪ your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and 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headlines, comedian dave chappelle is attacked on stage while performing in hollywood overnight. the attacker reportedly armed with a gun and knife was dragged off stage by security. plus actor jamie "fox reportedly" also stormed the stage to help detain the suspect same on stage and joked was that will smith. only one of the times rock has commented when will slapped him on stage at the oscars. what a scene. the delaware repairman who blew the whistle on hunter biden want laptop in a slew of media outlets with of defamation suit. john paul mac isaac is suing adam schiff, politico and the daily beast. he is reportedly seeking $1 million in damages. isaac claims that schiff and those media outlets falsely said he was spreading russian disinformation which he says cost him his store. elon musk is planning on taking twitter public qun three years of buying the company. musks' $44 billion buyout is expected to close later this year. he has already agreed to take the company private once the deal is complete. the news coming on the heels ever a tweet from musk saying the platform will always be free for casual users but may be a slight cost for commercial and government accounts. interesting. those are your headlines. ainsley over to you. >> ainsley: all right. good deal. thank you so much, carley. president biden sounding the alarm on the supreme court league warning if roe v. wade is overturned it could threaten other rights. >> if the rationale of the decision as released were to be sustained a whole range of rights are in question. the idea we are letting the state make those decisions, localities make those decisions would be a fundamental shift in what we have done. >> ainsley: our next guest says the president is making a logical fallacy that's what he tweeted out yesterday. we called him in to our show. we wanted to interview him the author "supreme disorder" he has been on our show a few times eleon shapiro. i know your book is coming out. what does he mean by a range of rights in question. >> he is not the only one this threatens same sex marriage even contraception. i think that's not right to say the least because even if you discount what alito says in his draft opinion, there's a difference between abortion and every other case where privacy might be at issue second individual with birth and rights. there is a second life in being. it's not just consenting adults having intercourse or taking drugs or whatever the case might be. different sort of thing. >> ainsley: he pointed out at the top of the show joe biden said it was a baby. the abortion of a baby. what does that tell you? >> is that a gaffe? the definition of a gaffe is the politician telling the truth inadvertently that's politically inconvenient maybe? >> ainsley: used the child not baby. >> same point. really, this is meant to try to rile up the base ahead of the midterms, of course. i think activists are making too much how much of an effect this is going to have in the fall. but this is -- i don't think if the opinion comes down eventually, anywhere is close it what this draft is. i really don't think it threatens other kinds of rights because, again, abortion is a different sort of analysis because at a certain point, not taking any position on it, there is a second human being with its own set of rights. >> ainsley: john roberts came out and said he is ordering an investigation into this leaker. it will we ever know who this leaker is. >> the marshals, i'm sure, are going to leave no stone unturned. they are going through cell phone records, texts, emails of court staff and clerks and all of that. >> you can't become a clerk unless you are at the top of your class. i'm sure they didn't leave a trail. >> career ending move. they won't work in law. disbarrable offense. maybe they are plumbing for an msnbc contributorship. >> ainsley: write a book. >> planned parenthood or something like that. it's really an unprecedented situation. and really threatens the way the court functions to be able to these decisions you have to have confidentiality. i clerked for a lower court drilled in from day one what you discuss with your judge, what you learn about with the draft and what have you, this has to stay behind closed doors. it's a serious, serious breach of the public trust. >> ainsley: from your experience, how would this information get out because we talked to some clerks yesterday and they said you can't walk out with any papers and i doubt you are allowed to have cell phones when you are reading opinions. >> there is even a disconnect with the computers on when you draft opinions to the actual internet in chambers. so, it looks like the leaked draft was printed out and rescanned. somebody got a hard copy somehow. whether it's a clerk with a thumb drive that then printed it out at home? whether it's somebody in court staff or something. i don't know. but it looks like somebody gave a physical copy to politico. i will i can't, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> we have a first amendment. they ought to abide by that. that's actually in the constitution. we need ministry of truth against the government. it used to be called a free press. we don't have a free press. they are utterly and completely corrupt. they are in the back pocket of the democrat party in this american marxist movement. >> steve: mark levin right there. meanwhile the biden administration's disinformation governance board facing intensifying pushback as republican lawmakers are taking action against it introducing a bill to pull the plug on funding for this board. arkansas senator tom cotton is leading the effort and joins us now. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: i heard jen psaki yesterday from the podium say hey, our white house correspondent asked about this, and she said look, this program was started under donald trump, she said. but the problem comes down to what's information to me may be disinformation to somebody else. it all depends on who decides what disinformation is. >> steve, you are right about that. democrats think that disinformation is any fact inconvenient to joe biden and the democratic party. that's why we don't have ministries of truth in our government. why we don't have the government refereeing political debates. look at this woman that they appointed to run this so-called disinformation governance board. just a couple years ago. she seemed like a mentally unstable person on social media. she was claiming that the idea that the virus from china originate in the lab in wuhan, which i was say from the very beginning of the pandemic was disinformation. she'll even went so far as to praise the chinese communist party for their handling of the virus. it's one thing to have a mentally disturbed person on social media tweeting about that. it's another thing to give her power in our national security agency to actually crack down on this kind of speech in our society. that's why i and now i think a couple dozen republican senators have joined me in an effort to defund this board if the biden administration doesn't roll it back. >> steve: this would be under the department of homeland security and i heard secretary mayorkas over the weekend say that, you know, it would look at things from russia and china and iran and bad actors like that. but when you look at what this woman who would run this board has said in the past, she was talking about hunter biden's laptop being russian disinformation. we now know, according to the "new york times," it's been verified. so, according to her standards, she would be able to say, you can't talk about that because it's disinformation. >> yeah, steve, that's exactly right. it's the point i'm making is they claim oh it's just about russia and china disinformation. as i said, two years ago. she was celebrating the way china handled the virus. she was condemning disinformation claims i was making that the virus probably came from the lab. as you said she claimed that hunter biden's laptop which any sensible person at the time knew was his laptop is disinformation. what is she going to say out republicans and on the rise before vladimir putin invaded ukraine that we are engaged in disinformation because we are not calling it putin price hike. this is why we don't have ministries of truth in the government. these are should play out in congress and on the campaign trail. >> steve: speaking of congress you have got to go to work later today. thank you for joining us today senator tom cotton. thank you, sir. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: a quarter before the top of the hour. carley joins us with disturbing news. >> carley: that's right. steve, we will start with a fox news alert. explosives rocking the ukrainian city of lviv causing widespread power outages and infrastructure damage. this comes as russian forces continue their assault on mariupol where many ukrainians have reportedly been living inside tunnels under a steel plant for months now. the u.n. and red cross say they have finally been able to restart cillian evacuations there. god bless those people. a steam boat in new orleans bursting into flames last night. the ss naches is the last authentic steam driven river boat on the mississippi river. the vessel was being renovated when the fire broke out. boast the coast guard and new orleans fire department helped put out that blaze you see there thankfully nobody was injured in that incident. the boat was damaged but it was not destroyed a young fan wearing an aaron judd surety moved to tears after he gifted the yankees slugger home run ball a blue jay's fan caught the ball. he decided to give it to the yankees fan. the pair giving each other a very emotional hug. the homer helped the yawnk's extend winning streak to 11 straight games. steve, i would say that young boy definitely the big winner of the night. steve: he was a much happier recipient than the guy who caught it from the opposing team? >> right. got to love those moments. >> steve: you do, indeed. carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: let's deal in janice dean she joins us with the "foxcast" there is a loft green. i like that. >> janice: cooler across the northeast. we have rain in the forecast again today. that's going to cause travel delays. if you are traveling, be aware we are going to see flight delays. maybe cancellations in the northeast. call ahead as they always say or check on your app. here is your future track. we are watching the potential for storms from texas all the way up towards oklahoma and a kansas and then this risk is going to move across the mississippi river valley tonight and tomorrow. rain forecast we could see flooding rainfall in some of these areas, 1 to 3 inches in a short period of time this is through friday and flood alerts from texas through much of oklahoma and missouri. the severe thunderstorm threat moves in towards the mississippi river valley tomorrow, hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. so just be alert and know where to get your watches and warnings. there is your forecast today. very warm across the south and then the northern tier of the country. cooler than average and that seems to be the scenario or has been the scenario for the last couple of weeks. we will keep you up to indicate for latest watches and warnings. steve, over to you. >> steve: thank you very much. good "foxcast" for this the fourth day of may. meanwhile, coming up, as the biden administration weighs forgiving student loans, a father says, quote: fix college television first, mixing debt won't help my son. his message to joe biden coming up. a plan goes to complain about noise coming from next door. what he asked of his neighbor going to surprise you coming up on "fox & friends." ♪ >> brian: the biden administration is considering forgiving student debt for some americans. critics say is he missing the root of the problem. in an op-ed a concerned dad writes this fix college tuitio nixing will not help my son. your son is in 10th grade. you are saying when he gets to that age why does this generation get forgiven what about the ones 37, 38 years old paid off their student debt. why are you not for this? >> i'm not for it two main problems. like treating the symptom instead of treating the problem there is a funding issue for. so state schools. there is administration fees. i'm sorry, the administration salaries. the other part of it, just as the middle class american, i have been watching for the past two years the wealthiest of americans have been given a pass and to me this sounds like a bailout of the wealthy in america because this is going to disproportionately benefit the wealthiest of americans. >> brian: they are going e. able to go on to higher education that accumulates more debt. then they will get that all forgiven. what about trade school? that costs money. and what about now those trade school graduates have to pay off somebody else's tuition. >> yeah, exactly. there are all different types of alternatives. i will say for my son's sake. the cost of tuition for, you know, young americans, you know, he is considering going abroad because the cost is so tyrell tremendous here and he may be able to get, you know, an education somewhere else that will do him just as good. >> brian: you know it's pretty amazing. elon musk tweeted this out only in america as an 18-year-old not get a $10,000 business loan but they will give you $100,000 to go to school. and add a 7% interest rate which seems like highway robbery. extortion something you get on the dock. >> right. as a young adult, you basically have to take this risk but where is the entrepreneurship? where is the push towards that like elon stated? why aren't we pushing our kids to look at alternatives like you mentioned trade school? not everybody can come out with a business degree and get into some sort of profession making, you know, $80,000 a year. and there is certain professions that are just overly credentialed. there is just not enough job positions and we are teaching children to be idealistic about entering school. we need to be more realistic with our children. >> brian: absolutely you sound like mike rowe, lastly real quick. show me what you are spending this money on. why am i spending 50,000 or 57,000 on that school you? want to see the numbers and that balance sheet, right? >> absolutely. especially for public schools. they are getting funding from the state. so we need to figure out why has tuition gone up in a decade such tremendous amount? the article i highlighted that the financial crash in 2008 led to states remove funding from schools, which is true. how much fund doing they actually need? that's the other question. and so that's why ultimately i think this is just a superficial lens for the federal government and biden administration to do something like this without getting rid of the root of the problem. >> brian: yeah, it's a mess. they are talking about only $10,000. if you have make over 125,000 you would be eligible. and every aoc and company want to just forgive everything. adam coleman, thanks so much. appreciate it best of luck to your son. >> thank you, i appreciate it's to be in animation. is he in tenth grade. packed show ahead want to see the proof. big board on the first floor. congressman dan crenshaw. karl rove, dave reuben, clay travis and lawrence jones. i might have to call hemmer and tell him we might need his first 15 minutes. nd♪ but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and now, with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio 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according to the daily mail they are going to that area saint pete, they are going to tampa, they are going to phoenix, arizona which i don't understand even though phoenix is great. >> steve: close. >> ainsley: that's true you have to pay taxes there not as much as california and the third city is miami. >> brian: i wasn't listening to carley's show. i saw a little of joey jones. i had the sound down i apologize. i'm going to watch tomorrow. i will say this. i think the bigger story was nelle, is nelle a country music star. i see nelle with florida georgia line singing about now jimmie allen. if we can get to the bat of that. joel, would you look into that. >> steve: whoa nelle. >> ainsley: everyone is going country darius rutgers. >> brian: easiest thing to sing the most upbeat always sing about alcohol. >> ainsley: tell great stories. >> brian: starts with drinking. >> ainsley: makes you feel like your life is a little bit better. >> brian: do have a lot of breakup songs and a lot of people who sing are not over the many case the woman or the relationship. it's not like i'm over it you are without me. it's more about i miss you, i wish i could have you back. >> ainsley: do you have your bible and dog. >> brian: that always comes up. start with those three things. >> steve: take you out to the west coast. disturbing news breaking overnight dave chappelle the comedian attacked while performing on stage by a suspect reportedly armed with a knife and another report a gun. >> brian: looks like a violent encounter happened at the famed hollywood bohl. >> ainsley: that's in l.a. carley shimkus has been following this all morning. >> carley: wild story. video showing the aftermath of the violent encounter. overnight hollywood bowl. according to local media the person you see here being taken into custody was reportedly armed with a weapon that can eject a knife blade. video shows chappelle falling to the ground before the attacker was tackled by security. jamie fox also reportedly running on stage to help detain that attacker cameras were rolling as it was being taped for upcoming netflix special. audience members were not allowed to have phones during that show. now, following the onstage hit, chris rock, who is no stranger to on stage attacks, gave chappelle a hug and joked with the audience, will, was that you? nobody can forget the moment will smith got on stage during the oscar slapping rock after a joke about his wife jada pijt smith, will smith later apologized for that incident. it's not clear what provoked the person to attack dave chappelle and what charges may be filed. a really scary situation guys for chappelle overnight. >> steve: carley, i'm looking at tmz, they have got exclusive details. it says that apparently the guy ran up to the stage with a gun. apparently it was not a real gun. it was replica gun. nonetheless, you run up to dave chappelle with a gun. >> ainsley: it's no joke. and then there are also reports that say it was a replica gun. looked like a gun but it triggered the proper way, it could eject a knife blade. still a weapon very dangerous. >> brian: thanks carley. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> brian: happens to dave chappelle in a netflix special top comedian in the world perhaps or top three. netflix special security, testing, everything. what chance do you have in a small club in the midwest somewhere where somebody wants to i don't like that joke. turns out i have a gun with me. >> ainsley: that's true, dave chappelle is so big. they prepared for this after the oscars. i think all these comedians are preparing for it. they are getting a lot of security. >> he called for on stage i need security. they were tussling allegedly on stage. this audience couldn't take cell phones in. there is very limited video. maybe we will see it on netflix. they were filming chappelle and friends is the name of his comedy show. the netflix special is going to be is a joke fest. >> steve: sounds like the person who jumped up on stage we saw the ambulance that he was taken off in, sounds like his arm or arms or hands were badly damaged in the takedown. >> ainsley: jamie foxx jumped up there to defend dave chappelle. chappelle defended himself. somewhere in the mix the man's arm was damaged. >> brian: we have to make sure wee protect him. for every comedian that comes out here, man, this means everything, you are a genius, a legend. i have been doing this for 35 years dave chappelle went on to say. i just stomped a blank back stage. i was always wanted to do that trying to put a happy face on an ugly situation. >> ainsley: dave chappelle has caused trophy with the trans community. if you listen to his show. he makes fun of every group. he says outrageous things and free speech guy. the point is he is a comedian. if comedians can't say outlandish things who can? >> steve: the guy has been arrested. we will find out his name very shortly and probably figure out what his motivation was for doing that last night. >> brian: you wonder if this gets triggered by what happened at the oscars? look how famous he got on the stage it's great. look how much attention. now they could try to get that attention. >> steve: what's disturbing about what happened at the oscars is somebody made a joke it was just a joke. we all said what's to stop somebody, brian to your point a local comedy club from just walking up and slang the slapping thecomedian i don't li. >> brian: now i'm traveling with tyrus. >> ainsley: interview him did i think that i need him as a body guard. >> brian: tyrus tells one story he was guarding prince. he picked prince up with one arm and walked him out like he was his kid he goes guys, thanks. >> steve: hop on my back. i will take to you safety. >> brian: why do you think gutfeld is safe? that's why he has tyrus on the show. >> steve: dana protects him. >> ainsley: came from a rough upbringing so successful and doing well. >> steve: meanwhile, we have other big news. another fox news alert. roe v. wade presses breaking out in downtown l.a. not far from the dave chappelle incident this one left at least one cop injured. up to 400 people were marching when the demonstration turned into clashes with the police overnight. did we involved. >> brian: los angeles issued a citywide alert. threw rocks and bottles. treated for injuries and released. one suspect is in custody. >> ainsley: mad at the abortion opinion and attack police? i don't understand this. similar protests erupting throughout the united states yesterday after politico did plush that leaked supreme court draft opinion indicating the court may overturn roe v. wade. protests taking place in new york, in san francisco, in miami, and right outside of the supreme court in washington, d.c. >> steve: that's right. you know, and we were talking yesterday, clearly, the leaker a lot of people feel the leaker was trying to intimidate the supreme court hey, look, they are about to overturn this let's have a bunch of protests to intimidate the supreme court. look, the whole country is against that dumb idea. so they are trying to intimidate the justice. if that doesn't work. they will use abortion to change the election. because now the democrats are fundraising off of it joe biden yesterday on the tarmac was talking about yell well, you know, i'm not ready to overturn or end the filibuster we need to elect more people. we're going to use this as a wedge issue. they are going to use this in the run-up to the midterms. they are also going to be talking about it's time to pack the court. and they are going to talk about it's time to impeach some of these supreme court justices. >> ainsley: elizabeth warren the senator actually went out there with these pro-choice protesters and she went to two different rallies in washington, d.c. and she was so angry, she was really emotional. her voice even broke and she said she grew up when abortion was illegal and she said we're not going back. listen to a few of the sound soundbites at these different rallies. >> i'm angry because an extremist united states supreme court thinks they should impose their extremist views of all of the women on this country and they're wrong. [cheers] >> i am angry because we have reached a culmination of what republicans have been fighting for, angling for for decades now. and we are going to fight back. [cheers] >> we have a right. extremists, we have heard enough from the extremists. [boos] >> ainsley: people in the background said we don't want to dismember children in the womb. that was a pro-life protester. the more they talked and said that behind her back, her voice got louder and louder. >> brian: protesters in san francisco, new york, atlanta, houston and new york city. as you see los angeles, louisville, kentucky also had a small protest. among the republicans that are upset by this draft that could be an opinion. susan collins says obviously we know each justice's decision until the supreme court officially announces, she feels they weren't being honest with them. meaning gulch and kavanaugh. codify roe v. wade. i thought that made sense then i think it makes more sense now. those are two republicans. if they do a simple majority, would they codify that if they blow up the filibuster but this guy named joe manchin will not blow up the filibuster. kyrsten sinema will not blow up the filibuster. >> steve: the chief justice john roberts yesterday came out and said this opinion is real. it was the first draft and we don't know what draft they are on right now. and then you have got the cover of the "new york post" contempt of court. chief justice roberts decries leaked betrayal undermine supremes on abortion which we talked about a little while ago. inside the "new york post" andrew mccarthy has an opinion piece. some people say i don't know if what the leaker did was against the law. but andy goes into a couple of different legal scenarios why this person did break the law. one of them says the leak was intended to influence the outcome of a case, obviously. that makes it criminal obstruction of a judicial proceeding that makes it obstruction of justice. he also goes on to talk about this was something owned by the united states of america that is [inaudible]. he also says that the supreme court, you know, it would be great if the marshal could track down hot person is, but as they say in the pages of the "wall street journal" today, the chances of that being successful are rare. so, it would be great if the department of justice investigated who the leaker was because clearly it was intended to obstruct justice. >> brian: if they want to get the person, they will have the department of justice and fbi do it. why go halfway with the marshall? got about 260 people go through. >> steve: that's all they have got. >> brian: ask the fbi to investigate. >> steve: that's asking joe biden to help them out. >> brian: why not? he is the president of the united s problem. he would not deny the fbi investigation into the leak on the supreme court justice. >> steve: why haven't they done it? >> ainsley: leaker you want this person to pay the price. and there to be consequences. at the same time, do you want him or her to be known because yesterday all of our guests were saying it's going to lead to book deals. >> steve: they are a hero to the left. >> brian: it doesn't matter. i would like to find out what goes on and stop it. and find out if they are going to say it's me come out and say it's you. if you are not going to say it's you. then do a thorough investigation. catch the man or woman and then they can face legal consequences. >> ainsley: yesterday was a huge news day. show down starts in ohio. the first major primary of this midterm season is in the books. >> steve: the voters turning out in droves for trump-backed candidates in many cases. >> brian: i mean the guy, i think everybody trump blessed won. mark meredith joins us now from cincinnati with the details. hey, mark. >> brian, ainsley and steve. good morning to you guys. overnight j.d. vance declared victory over six other republican hopefuls. this was a bruising primary in the buckeye state. and for vance, this is also a surprising win because not that long ago he was flailing in the polls until he earned the endorsement of former president trump back in mid april. vance was considered a household name but he was not having the money and the financial backing that a lot of the other candidates had early on. that all changed after that endorsement. it was also a little bit of a surprising endorsement it wasn't that long ago that vance was openly critical of trump as well as his agenda. but last night after the results came, in vance was thanking both the president as well as the president's supporters and pledged to continue advancing an american first agenda. >> now this campaign i really think was a referendum on what kind of a republican party we want and what kind of a country we want. do we want a republican party that stands for the donors who write checks to the club for growth or do we apt republican party for the people right here in ohio? ladies and gentlemen, we just answered the question. [cheers] >> primary is other race is far from done. in november he will be going against democratic nominee tim ryan. he easily won last night. he told supporters ohio will be a battleground state. >> it's just beginning. the fight is just beginning. we're going to heal the country. heal ohio. and in turn heal the united states of america. >> also want to mention ohio republican governor mike dewine surviving his primary challenge. he will be back on the ballot come november. we are also watching ohio's congressional district which encompasses cleveland and akron. shontel brown surviving a challenge from the left from nina turner who was bernie sanders co-chair. seen some progressives. coming up short. the big story here no doubt about it in the ohio valley this morning j.d. vance the republican nominee for senate in this battleground state. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. >> steve: mark, the people of ohio are delighted today because the election is over and no more campaign ads, right on tv? >> oh, steve, it was unbelievable. the ads, if these are the republicans going against each other. imagine what the general is going to be like. the ads were brutal, brutal. good reminder none of us should go into politics i don't think we would make it. >> brian: $66 million spent. >> ainsley: either have to have a lot of money yourself or have a big backer. peter thiel helped j.d. vance definitely. >> steve: 14 million bucks. >> brian: mark you are loving being on the road no ty, baby. >> i think i run out of everything i own. >> brian: it's okay. we will find some money in the budget. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> steve: mark meredith reporting live from cincinnati. meanwhile on the mezzanine level we have carley with more news. >> carley: update on wild story we have been following all week. newly leaked surveillance video appears to show the moment of election officer and suspect sneak out of a jail on friday. the u.s. marshals are on a manhunt for both of them. police say the two were in a, quote: special relationship and that the officer vicki white is known to go by two aliases. the officer and inmate are believed to be armed with an a.r. 15 and shotgun. actress amber heard is expected to take the stand today in the defamation trial filed against her by ex-husband johnny depp. depp's legal team resting his case yesterday after heard's lawyers made a last ditch effort to get the case dismissed. the request prompting depp's lawyer say quote she is the abuser in this courtroom referring to amber heard. the judge ultimately denied heard's request. a man has a hilarious message for his neighbor in virginia the morning after they had a noisy party. watch this from a ring doorbell camera. >> i was just going to say you guys got [bleep] last night. normally i wouldn't make it a problem next time i want to party, too. >> i gotcha. i got the shot for you next time. >> carley: the conversation ended with a laugh and two neighbors inviting each other over. i think that neighbor thought he was going to get in trouble for having a noisy party. the guy said where is my invitation. >> steve: always supposed to invite the neighbor unless you want the cops to come. >> brian: ring doorbell is changing lives. stopping criminals and bringing people together. >> steve: giving carley a job because there are so many stories we do on. that was. >> carley: i would say a good 40%. >> ainsley: brian, remember yours used to have on the phone well, dawn is still inside. she is supposed to leave by now she is late. >> steve: she is scooping the snow. >> brian: i don't talk like that. is that the imitation. >> carley: remember when you handed me your phone checking your uber rating. oh, brian, your -- there is -- you have got a package. >> brian: she was watching the doorbell, it never stops. >> ainsley: what else did you find on his phone if he was hesitant? >> carley: i will tell in the break. >> steve: thank you, carley. >> brian: russia targeting the city of lviv with explosions causing widespread power outages. the devastation to ukrainian communities next. there is good in this story eczema, wie why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema with clearer skin and less itch. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. without talking to your doctor. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... oh, that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how do you like learning at home? 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>> hey, matt, i have a question for you. started by saying five or six rail stations hit. i was reading they hit the electrical power plants that supply to the rail stations. rail is how the weapons are come in. so, are all of the trains that go to the west, are they electrified with the wires over it or are they by gas? >> you know that is a great question. one of the things that we have noticed here is that trains are a huge target. obviously to interfere with weapons supplies but also to perhaps terrorize civilians and refugees something that is doing double the damage. >> steve: sounds like it. matt finn "fox news live" lviv. >> brian: pentagon questioning why the russian troops reacting with restrand rather than engaging all out offensive in ukraine. they can't quite figure it out. whether it's lack of manpower, lack of strategy, lack of confidence. because the ukrainians did take back a couple of towns yesterday and beginning to get on the offensive although concerned about the concerns of russia just take part of the donbas region. >> ainsley: incredible how resilient they are. wnba star arrested in february by the russians and the state department has determined that russia wrongfully detained her which we were all saying yesterday but she is still there. >> brian: richardson is going over to help them out. worked with saddam hussein and moammar. >> ainsley: bring her home that would be great. attacks comedian dave chappelle on stage weeks after the infamous chris rock slap at the oscars. dave rubin began his career in standup and is he going to come on to tell us what these incidents say about the state of free speech here in america. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ this is roundup weed and grass killer with sure shot wand. this stuff works. this stuff works in flower beds. this stuff works in tree rings. this stuff works in walkways, driveways, pathways. this stuff works down to the root so weeds don't come back. this stuff works for you, your neighbor, your neighbor's neighbor, her neighbor's neighbor. this stuff works guaranteed, or your money back. this stuff works without hurting your back. this stuff works without hurting your pride. this stuff works early shifts, late nights, and holiday weekends. this is roundup weed & grass killer with sure shot wand. this stuff works. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. >> this just happened overnight comedian dave chappelle attacked on stage by audience member reportedly the guy was armed with a knife that looked like a gun. chappelle is thankfully is okay thankfully. but the unhinged physical assault highlights the threats comedians are facing. and anybody who is into free speech like every american. our next guest began his career as a standup comedian still goes on stage just off # straight days on stage and, of course, you are seeing this like we are seeing, this dave. do you ever -- do you think anyone could ever go on stage now and not think about will smith and now dave chappelle? >> i think unfortunately it has to be back of your mind somewhere. yeah. i just finished off 8 nights in 8 cities sold out comedy clubs and going to the west coast. it has to sit there that there is a group of people in america who for years now have been telling us that they think words are silent so if you say something, that somehow is a violent act. but actual violence say burning down a target or a pep boys is not violent. when you go to comedy clubs you might hear something that upsets you. you might hear something that offends you, that is the point of going to a comedy club. a good comedian is going to get close to that line and maybe trip over it every now and again. you cannot violently assaulted anyone. just like if you were at a restaurant and the guy at the table next to you said an off collar joke or something you didn't like, you can't just punch him. we are in a very, very weird part of this american story right now. where people believe that their offense is an excuse to either attack other people or dox other people or somehow try to ruin other people's lives. this is a really bad precedent. it was good to see chappelle is okay and they joked about it afterwards with chris rock. this is bad news. >> brian: it really is jamie foxx, in case you don't know came out and helped. he was back side stage. the security was able to get there and this guy looks like he is beat up pretty good being brought to an ambulance and let's home he gets the book thrown at him. other major story rocking the country the brief let out. the outline that was exposed and written in february by justice alito will probably be announced in june, late june. looks as though roe v. wade could be overturned. so joe biden obviously like the rest of the country, like the rest of the democrats seems to be offended by that they seem to make this a jumping off point to mobilize their base. will it be effective? >> well, we will see. their base is rabid. it's a little hard to tell what the democratic party is anymore. is it somewhat of some kind of old school democrat thing that joe biden fits into a little bit more or is it just the completely out-of-control progressive woke base? i sense that's the direction of the thing. but to watch biden and kamala last night attack the supreme court to watch all of these democrat senators, senator warren and the rest of them attack the supreme court, we can't have our branches attacking each other and what we really can't have is our branches threatening each other. i mean, this idea of packing the court what we are saying we don't accept tree branches of government. we don't accept the separation of powers so that these three branches that none of them can become too powerful. that's also dangerous the part this got leaked. they have to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws all the problems we have, our eye is no longer on them i expect more protests around the city especially the city you are legged to and that's los angeles. dave rubin, thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. steve. >> brian: you got it ahead on this show dan crenshaw has been scrambled. he will be joining us live. working moms ahead of mom's day. paula fares joins us live with new venture sharing those important stories. ♪ ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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>> honestly that is the common denominator. it doesn't matter your socioeconomic background. circumstances. some moms dealing with mom guilt. we are actually doing proprietary research at carry. the carry all which is the weekly newsletter for working moms written by moms for moms. one thing that we have uncovered in our research that 80% to 90% of working moms are carrying some level of mom guilt. 80% to 90% are carrying some level of burnout. one in three moms are considering leaving the workforce because it just doesn't work for them because their voices are not valued. >> ainsley: only media outlet that focuses only on moms. >> working momtion. 35 million here in america. we want to beat the drum and show being a mom makes you a super hero. >> ainsley: it does. >> you know you scientifically become smarter. you grow in five core capacities such as emotional intelligence and courage and efficiency. you mentioned empathy. we become smarter. we become the ideal employee. >> ainsley: more relatable. >> the workplace needs us but needs to do a lot better by us. >> ainsley: a great group to be in motherhood. >> it is. >> ainsley: representing moms. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: it's not faith based. >> any faith. but carry means carry one another's burdens. >> ainsley: women do that. >> sign up for the carry all weekly newsletter. it's free. a place go to every sunday carry get to you south carolina, girl. >> ainsley: when i'm there go visit you and say hi. remember i needed a place to change. >> i gave you my hotel. >> ainsley: here is my room key go upstairs the first time i met you. love you. >> crazy days of tv. >> ainsley: all right. carley, take it away. >> carley: prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty against doomsday mom lori vallow if she is found guilty of murdering her two children. prosecutors explaining the decision calling the killings especially heinous and atrocious in new court filings. value low two kids went missing in late 201. their bodies were found burned and buried on the idaho property of vallow's husband. running to become the only black female member of congress wins her primary. jennifer ruth green vowing to fight for republican principles that benefit all americans telling fox news digital after the victory quote people of all back grounds and colors can see how bad the pelosi-biden agenda is for america. starbucks says it will spend $1 billion to raise wages, improve employees who have not unionized. the move comes after 50 owned cafes voted to unionize. the company says it does not have the same autonomy over unionized stores. claiming those locations would need to bargain for the new benefits. all right. let's hand it over to senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> janice: i just asked brian kilmeade who was walking by 10 seconds ago if he wanted to do the weather and. >> carley: what did he say? >> janice: he said no. one day i will get him to do it. he declined. some day i will get him. current temperatures, it's not that hard. here is 40 in chicago. 51 in new york. 50 in kansas city. 32 in fargo. all right, so we had stronger storms that are going to move through the central u.s. also some yucky weather over the northeast, if you are traveling today, you are going to see unfortunately some travel delays because some of those big cities are experiencing the potential for heavy rainfall and some thunderstorms, and then can you see where thee see those thunderstorms crop up from texas through oklahoma up toward missouri, that's where we could see the hail, the damaging winds and tornado today and all of that is going to move across the mississippi river valley. heavy rainfall could cause flash flooding we will keep you up to date fox for your latest details. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. still ahead, chris rock joking was that will smith after reportedly armed suspect attacks comedian dave chappelle now. lawrence jones spoke with the fans after the first oscar slap and he is going to join us next. then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. cancer research requires bold and innovative thinking. everyone's experience with cancer matters. it is in our stories and data that the answers can be found. i want effective treatment for the next generation. if you're a cancer patient in the u.s. and its territories or canada, you may be able to help science uncover the next breakthrough by sharing your patient data and unique experience with researchers. for our family. for our friends. for us all. join stand up to cancer, count me in, and patients already participating at >> steve: more of today's big story out of hollywood puritan comedian dave chappelle was attacked last night while he was on stage by an audience member reportedly armed with a fake gun with weirdly a knife attached to it. thankfully, dave chappelle is fine this morning. chris rock was also performing at the event and reportedly hugged dave chappelle after the event before cracking a joke to the audience. "will, was that you?" after that infamous slap of the oscars. speak with one enterprise reporter lawrence jones jones is now criminality. what's what's going on? >> i mean, i think this is an example of people understanding that what took place at the oscars isn't quite the real world. they are actors. they allowed not to take place. for will smith to get away with it. this is back to reality. if you go on stage and try to attack the greatest comedian of our time, people are going to come and equip your tail. this would happen. he was wheeled out on a gurney. that's what should happen when you decide you're going to use violence on someone. >> steve: i grew up in the '70s bag and that day if anyone was gonna run up on stage, they were a streaker running across the stage naked. this is pretty scary because they guy had some sort of fake gun but a real knife attached to it which is weird. dave chappelle has said you can cancel me. we've seen so many people canceled online through social media. now, who knows? maybe this is the next way where if i can cancel you, if i can cancel you online, i'm gonna try in person. >> yeah, i mean, i guess if you can't cancel them, attempt to kill you. that's part of the message that they are doing. i would say this. i think there has been a rebirth of comedy. when i was at chris rock's performance, it seemed like he was in rare form. it was the old chris rock. dave chappelle recently had gotten back on the scene after going on a 10-year hiatus. there's a lot of comedians that after the will smith controversy really stuck up for chris rock and said, this has been going on for a while on the college campuses where they try to cancel comedy. i think the ones with the goats at least have the guts to go out there and do a real performance. this can be the rebirth of comedy. there is really a thirst for that from average americans they want to get away from politics and the real world in inflation and all that nonsense and just have a good time. >> steve: we all need that. just as at the oscars, as was the case last night out of the hollywood bowl, they are just telling jokes. these are jokes. when did the world lose their sense of humor? >> when you have all these activists start to say that you are punching down. listen, the key to the joke is there is a little bit of truth to every single joke that -- it is a story. it is performative. it's no different than the act. that is movie set trying to entertain you in that way. that is what comedy is. i think when you have these young people now that are so woke that they say this actually hurts, don't go to the comedy show. don't watch netflix when you have a comedian that is known for making you feel a little woozy inside because the jokes things. the jokes are supposed to staying or it's not a joke. >> steve: i bet you are working on something for this saturday. lawrence jones cross-country, aren't you? >> you know it. i wish i could tell you what it's about. it will be this weekend at 10:00 p.m. eastern time, live in new york city. >> steve: you are in new york city, go track down dave chappelle. >> my favorite comedian is out here and i had no clue about it. i'll work on that. >> steve: we will see you in a little bit. chief justice john roberts ordered an investigation into the leak of the draft opinion. congressmen speed on the betrayal inside the highest court coming up in a couple of minutes. there he is. he's next. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> protests throughout the united states yesterday after politico links the supreme court draft opinion. >> steve: the marshal to look for the leaker. >> they are going through the cell phone records, texts, emails. >> projected to win the pretentious -- >> we went to the battle, and gentlemen. >> an enormous breath of fresh air in the congress. >> attacks chappelle while he is performing on stage. >> this is a really bad precedent. their offense is an excuse to either attack other people or -- >> the white house on defense on its new disinformation governments board. people are calling it a threat to free speech. >> we need ministry of truth against the government. it used to be called a free press. >> an amazing moment. a young fan wearing and aaron judge shared moved to tears after you get to the yankees the home run ball. ♪ ♪ >> he still touring somewhere. you see right there there's a road. there's trees and there is a city. that city is charlotte, north carolina. everybody is up and ready to work there. they are ready to rock, "crocodile rock." >> remember when he was just known whether glasses? >> ainsley: that was kind of his thing. >> steve: the costumes were really big. i think he's on his final two are approved >> ainsley: i saw him in new york city maybe a month ago. >> steve: you and i saw him at a super bowl party up -- where was that? >> ainsley: with that in florida or miami may be? >> brian: was it south korea or taiwan? he called them dirty, dirty rotten pigs. he called all the press. can you put some of that video? as soon as ted puts down that wire. >> ainsley: it doesn't sound like elton john. [indistinct] >> ainsley: it was very interesting. >> steve: joe the stage managing and trying to manage the stage. he's going like this. time for the news. >> the comedian dave chappelle's attack while is performing on stage by a suspect reportedly armed with what we've heard knife. be very gun. >> steve: that is what tmc is saying. the encounter happened at the legendary hollywood bowl. speed through a fox affiliate out of los angeles. what do you know? >> steve, ansley, brian, good morning. dave chappelle was one of several comedians performing here at the iconic hollywood bowl as part of the "netflix is a joke" festival before he was tackled on stage by a paying to get older. audience member who rushed to the stage -- we will show you some of that but is now circulating online for dramatic video showing the aftermath of the violent encounter. involving dave chappelle overnight here at the hollywood bowl. the person you see being taken into custody according to los angeles police officials was armed with a replica of a firearm that can eject a knife blade. video shows chappelle falling to the ground before the attacker was tackled by security. jamie foxx also running on stage to help contain the attacker later reportedly saying chappelle is an absolute genius and we must protect him at all times. the los angeles police department responded to the incident here late last night, more video circulating online shows the assailant being bitten into an ambulance on a stretcher. production cameras were rolling as this is being taped for an upcoming netflix specials. audience members were not technically allowed to have cell phones during a performance. that's a big part of why there isn't more a cell phone video circulating of the attack itself on the stage. following that stage tackle, chris rock who is no stranger to onstage attacks gave chappelle a hug. he then joked to the audience, it will, was that you? no one of course can forget last month's incident during the oscars when will smith slapped chris rock on stage. will later apologizing. as for last night's incident, still unclear exactly what provoked that audience member the attack. according to los angeles police, he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. that the latest year at the hollywood bowl. i will send it back to you at the studio. >> steve: it looks like they guy who rushed the stage wound up going to the hospital. and then he was charged. it was one of those situations where even though it was assault, was he immediately just released? >> he was taken to the hospital first for his injuries. police say he suffered superficial injuries. when you see them in the video, it looks like he was pretty banged up may be dislocated shoulder a broken arm. after being treated, taken into custody and behind bars this morning facing assault with a deadly weapon charge for that firearm. replica firearm that he was carrying. >> steve: thank you very much for the lab report from l.a. >> brian: you worry about the trend. you worry about this is the second time in two months that we see a top level committee in charge. one by will smith. will smith. you see dave chappelle on the stage at a major netflix special camera crews everywhere. some deranged character honestly goes in storms that stage. they try to cancel dave chappelle about a year ago. it didn't work. he's too popular. what he said was not offensive. it was comedy. he said i challenge anybody who wants to be critical of me, watch my special person they come out. >> ainsley: number one thing on netflix. i would love this called "the closer." i watched it a few times. it's really funny. he is so brilliant. he's a genius. how does he remember all of these jokes that are so intricate? a bib. he makes fun of everyone. his jokes are, you know, he's out rages. a comedian can be outlandish, who can be? >> steve: in that line of work, he was supposed to push the envelope. dave chappelle himself said to the audience, you can cancel me although it sounds like that guy last night tried to take matters into his own hands. dave rubin, you know him as commentator today. he once upon a time was a stand-up comedian as well. he had this observation about how this is a bad thing. >> when you go to comedy clubs, you might hear something that upsets you. you might hear something that offends you. that is the point of going to a comedy club. i could comedian is going to get close to that line and maybe trip over it every and again. you cannot violently assault anyone just like if you are at a restaurant and the guy at the table next to set an off-color joke or something that you didn't like. you can just punch them. we are in a very, very weird part of this american story right now where people believe that their offense is an excuse to either attack other people or docs other people are somehow trying to ruin other people's lives. this is a really bad precedent. it was good to see that chappelle is okay and they joke about it afterwards with chris rock. this is bad news. >> ainsley: 80 are offended, it's okay for violence? how did we get to that point? we saw that with the looting of the stores. the stores had nothing to do with the issue at hand but they lose their stores. we saw maxine waters who is mad at trump. you get in their face, go to the gasoline stations, go to the stores. the abortion opinion, you pointed this out. people are bad at the abortion opinion piece getting out and what that might mean for roe vs. wade. there is a protest and they are mad at the cops. they throw rocks at the cops. >> brian: that makes absolutely no sense. jamie foxx was actually there and was able to help break it up and run out there. if dave chappelle is vulnerable, you wonder, that's top five comedian in the country. what about an up-and-coming guy that happens to be working the audience. every call is security. >> ainsley: we have another story to tell you -- this is a fox news alert. roe v. wade downtown los angeles leaving one injured officer. up to 400 people were marching when the demonstration turned to this clash with police overnight. >> steve: l.a. issued citywide alert that allowed them to arrest people after the protesters threw rocks and bottles at the cops. the injured officer was treated for injuries and released. one suspect is in custody. >> brian: similar protest directly through the u.s. after politico published the link to d draft supreme court opinion. i know where that is. san francisco, miami, and right outside the supreme court of washington, d.c. i imagine this could actually pick up even more today. let's bring in congressman dan crenshaw of texas. congressman, how do you gauge a democrats reaction to this and their supporters? >> it is unhinged as you can see. the fact that they are throwing rocks and bottles at police officers because they believe in abortion that badly. we are in unhinged place right now. in this public debate. that was exactly the point of the leak i think. one of the most egregious violations of the sanctity of the supreme court. i hope there is serious consequences to it. let's be honest. what this leaker probably believes as they are going to be made a martyr. they're going to have a great -- they might be disbarred. they're going to get a great gig on the left where they will become a spokesperson for the pro-abortion movement. that is a real shame. it also goes to show how the left thinks of the court. so if you believe that this leak will shift public opinion -- by definition, you believe that the court's decisions are based on public opinion. that's not what the court is. the court is not another legislative body. the court is supposed to be a group of legal experts they deliver their legal opinion and legal interpretation of the law. the left knows they don't have a really good case on roe v. wade when it comes to legal interpretation of the law. they know that because there's absolutely nothing in the constitution that gives a right to an abortion. the obvious next step is to say that should be decided by the legislative process. they are terrified of that debate. they want to actually terrify people into not having a debate. >> steve: congressman, so many people don't understand, they are about abortion. you just use the term "pro-abortion." many on the left say "pro-choice" appeared on the right, they call it "pro-life." ultimately, what we are talking about is ending a life. it is about, you know, on the left, they say terminating a fetus, a pregnancy with a fetus. on the right, they say you are killing a baby. joe biden yesterday on the tarmac before he went to alabama, use the language of the political right. he said "abortion is aborting a child." listen to the president. >> president biden: the idea that we are going to make that judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on decision by the supreme court, i think that's way overboard. >> steve: when you see it that way, it makes a difference. you are aborting, ending the life of a child. >> looked, and all he's saying is what we all intuitively know that it is a child. it is a child. it's always a child. if you wanted, you call your baby. you don't call in an extra body part. you call your baby. if you don't wanted, you dehumanize it. you call it something else that we don't see it as a child. sometimes joe biden's slip-ups are just as them up towards the truth which i think is true in this case. and you noted something about they call it the pro-choice movement. it is a pro-abortion movement. we don't protect all choices. you don't get to choose whatever you want. if it harms someone else especially. that is the nature of our laws. have as much freedom as possible until you have friends on the rights of somebody else. in this case commends a very clear. this is the pro-life argument. you are clearly infringing on the life of another. it is indeed the life of another. they try to twist that argument by saying, it's not really another person. it's just an extra body part. that is of course not true. scientifically, morally, and in a human sense, we really know that. that is what joe biden actually said. >> ainsley: that all of us play for you -- they found this sound bite of joe biden back in 2006. they did some digging. listen to this. this is what i used to think about abortion. >> president biden: i do not view abortion as a choice in their right. i think it is always a tragedy. and i think that it should be rare and safe. i think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions. there ought to be able to have a common ground against census as to do that. i am a bit of an odd man out in my party. i did not vote for funding for abortion. i voted against partial-birth abortion. to limit it. and i vote for no restrictions on a woman's right to be able to have an abortion under roe v. wade. i made everybody angry. >> ainsley: i mean, what changed? >> well, he wanted the approval of the progressives and his party. that's what changed. joe biden has never been tethered to serious principles throughout his political career. that's not surprising. what is unfortunate is the drastic shift in the democratic party. he went from safe, legal, and rare to celebrate it. celebrate the abortion. have it on demand at any time in a pregnancy. celebrate the fact that you are doing so and also have taxpayers pay for it. that position which is the democrat party positions, of course on demand any time during the nine month pregnancy, paid for by taxpayers. that's always supported by 17% of americans. if you actually poll millennials, 17% support that position. they don't have this debate because the vast majority of americans don't believe that you should have abortion on demand. >> brian: everyone is extrapolating from those like eric swalwell saying they are going to start banning same-sex marriage and interracial marriage as if we've been dealt with that. i'm not even talking about abortions. i was saying it should be a state thing. he went on to show that per the other major issue congressman is what's happening at the border. and i know the border is totally out of control. we know the american people are tired of it. a large number. we ask title 42 which is a measure put in place during a pandemic. 63% of the country want to keep it. the president of the united states still wants to let it evaporate in the third week in may. who is he listening to? who is he pleasing by doing that? >> again, it is a progressive wing. in this case, very radical pro-immigrant groups that constantly advocated for this kind of thing and advocate for open borders. and so, look, i don't know why. politically it doesn't make any sense. the democrats want to make it hard on us in november, all they have to do is secure the border right now and deliver us some energy independence. that's all they have to do. it's not that complicated. it's like they don't want to and it's like they don't care. people believe that keeping title 42 is synonymous with border security. that is why it has such -- vast support. people just want the border secure. that's what it really comes down to. they don't care how you do it, they just went on. title 42 because it allows for expedited removal is of course the best pathway to that. also, i think people intuitively understand that the administration contradicts itself here. they say that covid is not over. we still want the masks here. we want to mass children. it's over at the border. that's an obvious contradiction. be consistent and say that covid really is over. but then, with new solutions for the border. you absolutely have to do that. you have to dis- incentivize border processes. we are letting people lose inside the interior and letting people come across and taking a hands-off approach that incentivizes more and more people to come. it's not that complicated of a problem. it's not that complicated of a solution. he needs to go back to the trump policies that work with mexico and other tribal countries to process asylum claim is back those countries. it turns out these asylum claims are not always valid. rarely actually valid. in that case, people will actually come, because they know they have to process that in mexico city or elsewhere. >> brian: all right, dan crenshaw, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: she's over there. >> i have some midterm election news. can you believe it? out of ohio of course. best-selling author and a venture capitalist, j.d. vance wins ohio's republican senate primary. >> this campaign i really think was a referendum on what kind of republican party we want and what kind of a country we want. >> vance praised president trump for his endorsement while vowing to fight for the america first agenda pretty will face off against democratic senate nominee congressman tim ryan who won's primary contest overnight as well. the delaware repairman -- slapping adam schiff and a slew of media outlets with a defamation suit. john paul macisaac suing politico and "the daily beast." he is reportedly seeking $1 million in damages. isaac claims that those media outlets falsely said he was spreading russian disinformation which he says cost him his story. elon musk is planning on taking twitter public within three years of buying the company. musk's $44 million buyout is expected to close later this year. he is already agreed to take the company private once the deal is complete. that is coming on the heels of a tweet from musk saying the platform will always be free for casual users but "may be a slight cost for commercial and government accounts" which is an interesting development there. >> find a way to breakeven. >> trying to monetize it. >> charge the government. >> that's a change of pace. charging the government. usually as the other way around, the government charging us. >> brian: we will catch up later. 19 minutes after the hour. republican senators called to defund biden's disinformation board. the fight for free speech to the head. >> steve: plus, may the 4th be with you on this may 4th as inflation hits the dairy industry. a milk shake empire fights back on this wednesday. may 4th be with you. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. every other month and i'm good to go. ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. i look back with great satisfaction every other month and i'm good to go. on my 32 years of active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served, they'e been in leadership positions, they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary and they come to us and they say, "i need some financial help at this point in time." they're not looking for a hand out, they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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>> i am very glad she has made a private. i'm glad for her sake and for ours. we won't have to suffer anything more like that. there is a serious thing underneath is the message is so gruesome in this particular video. no person in the country could possibly be nominated the disinformation czar. i wouldn't trust myself to do it. but this lady is clearly totally unfit for the task. she has her solved -- made the wrong call on saying things that where disinformation when they are not and vice versa. she is wildly inadequate for the job but effectively, nobody should have the job. it should be a job that should exist in america to tell us government level what is true and what is not. >> ainsley: is just amazing. they don't want to free speech. >> this is why i am so glad senator cotton has taken the path he has. because, you know, the dhs has no role to play in this area. the government should not be telling us what is and is not true. in every speech society like america, the society is founded on the idea that we battle ideas out. there are big problems along the way for sure. there is actual disinformation pumped out there. there are also times as we will know when people claim things to be disinformation, the hunter biden laptop which are not. this is not the role of government. the free press, we are allowed to insured in america fight this out. we should argue it out and we should have confidence in that. but for there to be a government department trying to litigate this and decide on this and tell us and let alone nominating somebody like this was clearly a political operative. there is no way we can allow that to pass. >> ainsley: it is so interesting that this happen. it is not a real story right before the election. months later, they say oh, and was, we just didn't think so at the time. it seems suspicious. >> everything about this role is suspicious. we should be rightly suspicious of it. and his defense of the free press to be suspicious of that. i reiterate, the point in every country is that we find over ideas. we find over stories. and we have confidence that the truth it will in the end out. in the end, it does. >> ainsley: don't you put all stories up and let us make the decision. i know, right? thank you so much. they give are coming on. former president trump wasn't on the ballot in ohio pretty won big as j.d. vance declares victory in the g.o.p. senate primary. fox news contributor karl rove what it means for republicans heading into the midterms. ♪ ♪ if you have advanced non-small cell lung cancer, your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. together, opdivo plus yervoy helps your immune system launch a response that fights cancer in two different ways. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more time together. more family time. more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? 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>> take a look at this. in 2018, 827,000 people voted in the republican primary had a big race for governor, open seat for governor. democrat similarly had a big primary. 680,000. we don't have the final numbers and pretty looks like a republican turnout will be coming close to 1.2 million. think about that. nearly a 50% increase since four years ago. the democrat turned out, it will be lucky to get this et cetera thousand. think about that at nearly 2-1 advantage among republican primary turnout. that shows that the state has moved dramatically in the last 4-6 years in a republican direction. >> steve: just one other note, in ohio, may not endorsed by aoc and bernie sanders, she lost to the democrat establishment candidate. speak out exactly. guess what tina turner did. set i'm running for president in 2024. she just lost a primary by 30 points. the woman starts listing off the early primary states were 2024. hume got to admire her spunk. get beaten badly as they resident taking it down, i'm going to take it up. i'm running for president. >> steve: he's deep in the heart of texas. thank you very much for joining us live. thank you so. still ahead, we are going to show you brand-new video of a mono report, reported armed man stormed comedian dave chappelle onstage in in l.a. out cake founder clay travis warns free speech under attack and that's the proof. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> this is why comedians have been afraid of in the wake of will smith walking up and assaulting chris rock. we don't know if these are directly connected, but often times, what happens is a choice gets put out into the atmosphere. you know, brian, you've got a county comes over the years. is not uncommon for comedians to get heckled in the crowd. someone taken the next step and decided to go on the stage and strike someone was certainly a paramount in comedians minds with what will smith decided to do with what the tens of millions of people saw happen there. oftentimes, it would get copycat related incidents. what remained to be seen certainly very dave chappelle who has been no free-speech warrior and has been under siege because of his netflix special associated with the trans community. was this someone who is angry about jokes and saw will smith i decided to take out their own anger on dave chappelle? as you mention, the scary part here, he was armed. he was not able to physically injured chappelle with that weapon. what if he had been able to? i know they are comedians waking up all over the country that are watching the video we are all seeing happen right now. it can happen at a big-time event like netflix. it could really happen at any comedy club as you know where there is far less security. >> are they responsible for this? >> i don't think you can hold anybody responsible for woke likely was a crazy person. i do think that netflix needs to be may be considering how much security they have for their top talent at events. because we don't know how this guy ended up on stage. certainly, he had several seconds without any protection for dave chappelle at all where if he had been able to deploy a weapon, dave chappelle could have been killed here. we don't know exactly what has occurred. i think for nothings given the fact that dave chappelle has been under attack from the trans community for his jokes and in the wake of the will smith incident, i think i want to clubs everywhere should be considering what sort of security they have near the stage to try to protect performers. it's also emblematic of a larger context year which is this idea of someone says something i don't like, and i'm going to physically assault them. we saw it with will smith and chris rock. we are now seeing it with dave chappelle. >> as you look at the video, the guy is trying to get out. he is able to make the tackle and run directly back stage. you see people run out. then he gets tackled beyond just about center stage in the back of the stage. look pretty banged up as brought into the ambulance reportedly overnight. and the headliners are susceptible, can you imagine people that are up and coming? how vulnerable are they? unbelievable. >> they are way more vulnerable per they don't have the money oftentimes to afford big time security. it is just speech under assault in some ways. if someone says something i don't like, i'm going to hit them, brian. it's a precedent that will smith said that seems to be spreading. >> brian: it's a good thing jamie foxx was among the people helping out. i appreciate it. >> good morning. i appreciate it, brian. >> brian: clay travis, thanks. >> good morning, brian. we are going to begin with this from ukraine. explosions rocking the city causing power outages and infrastructure damage. this comes as russian forces continue their support on mariupole where people have been living under a tunnel for months now. they been finally able to restart civilian evacuation. shocking video shows the moment of funeral home in shanghai realizes an elderly man sent to them in a body bag is still alive. medical workers opening the bag finding the person inside still moving. of the elderly man was transferred to hospital and is in stable condition and investigation is underway. chinese state media says five officials have been punished and one doctors license was revoked. your friendly neighborhood spider-man is being banned from china. the blockbuster movie "spider-man: no way home" losing a censorship battle with the chinese communist party after they refused to describe the statue of liberty. one of the final scene centering around the monument. china reportedly asked if the statue could be minimized or deleted entirely. can you believe it? sony says it is standing its ground despite the second spider-man movie grossing $200 million and the chinese box office. they definitely did the right thing there. all right, let's turn it to janice bridges got the weather for us. >> i love that movie. it was fantastic. >> sony doing the right thing. let's take a look at the forecast. you live in the northeast and you are traveling. we are gonna have some delays unfortunately because he got rain in the forecast and thunderstorms here and there. that's going to kind of linger through the day today. more importantly, severe weather for a part of texas through oklahoma and then across the mississippi river valley tomorrow. hail damaging winds, tornadoes will be possible for a friend in. you were hit hard this past week with several tornadoes. and quite a bit of damage in the rain in the forecast could bring potential for flash bedding. we will keep an eye on that on the golf course toward the mississippi river valley tomorrow. that is the risk as we go through the next 24 hours with that danger for severe storms have a way to get your watches and warnings especially in the overnight hours and people may not be paying attention. as well as foxx there you daytime highs today. 65 in new york. 53 in chicago. 86 in dallas. my friend, brian, do you. >> brian: still ahead, may the . we are turn into the dark side. how to get a special "star wars" theme to milk shake or let's check in with dana perino. i imagine because bill had a late night last night you have to the promo. >> i don't know what would happen to you if you actually drank that brick to shake. please do so and check back in with us. >> sugar high. >> and got to see that. i first high-profile senate primaries was last night in ohio. trump got his man. what does that mean for other states? the president's pulling continues to define itself down. inflation, crime, and education. the biden team is a new focus, supreme court of abortion. will that turnaround his political fortunes? president zelenskyy in ukraine. we will have it first when he joins us live and will talk to a woman calling on the white house to help save her brother from a russian jail. busy day. we will see you soon. >> steve: with inflation rampant, and feels like the last time food prices were normal were a long time ago. in a galaxy far, far away. >> ainsley: that's not stopping one restaurant from celebrating may the 4th be with you. >> brian: before we dive into this shakes at our table, owner joins us now for more. hey, julie. >> ainsley: hi, how are you? >> brian: i know you are not a star were super fan. what does today mean for you and your business? >> we're so excited to be celebrating may the 4th. and i think that we have in front of you guys an electric blue vanilla shake which was representing the light side. peace and tranquility. and we have a wild cherry shake representing the dark side which is, you know, a bit more powerful and dangerous. >> steve: the cherry one is delicious. just saying. have you added coloring to this or is this natural? >> the blue has some coloring. it is not natural. [laughs] wanted to make sure it was really powerful so that both the shakes were their sides equally. >> ainsley: julie, who comes into your restaurant? today, and rested as characters or kids or adults? >> we are hoping that we see some costumes today. they are hoping that fans come in to choose their side. this is the first year we are celebrating. >> brian: how is it doing? >> is doing great. we are focused on releasing a lot of new specials and offerings for the rest of the year to give people something to come out for. and something that is fun for friends and family. >> i'm got a question for you as we include them as well. you know, everybody's talking about how hard it is to get people to work and blacked out. you've been a new program with you shakes before and you have fantastic burgers. how hard is it been to keep employees during these tough times -- you've got some sort of incentive program, right? >> it has been very challenging. we are seeing that less people are joining the industry. less people are saying in the industry. we are incorporating more incentive programs and ever before to attract and retain talent. >> steve: what is the hardest thing for you to keep in your restaurant supplywise? >> oh, my gosh, ice cream novelties have been a big challenge. every week it is different. wings and ice cream and it's across the board, those cost and supply and issues. >> ainsley: i know that "star wars" exhibit which is a huge exhibit. you are selling these in disneyland as well at your soho location, midtown location and at las vegas. it's huge in disney right now. tell us about that and congratulations. >> we are going to be serving they shake all month long at our downtown disney anaheim location. we're so excited that we have been allowed to participate in the celebration. it is incredible experience. we recommend everyone go out and visit this month. >> steve: on may the 4th be with you. >> and also with you. >> i have a blue tongue now. >> our malls are completely blue, but it was totally worth it. >> back with more after we finish these off. hey you two, go outside and play. ♪ ♪ create a season full of playfulness. your happiest spring starts at lowe's. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? back pain, and fatigue. because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you stay cool. it's so smart it knows exactly how long, how well, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. to learn more, go to >> they're delicious, just saying. >> they're so good. may the fourth be with you today. >> and tomorrow have a fifth. are you going to eat that? >> bill: good morning, everybody. one of the first bring primary races. there shall be intrigue? i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." you are here a little late last night. no one better to talk about ohio than you. >> bill: i think it was a big night for j.d. vance and donald trump. >> dana: aoc lost. her candidate lost. we'll talk about that as well. unprecedented leak at the supreme court is igniting a political firestorm and democrats are looking to capitalize. th

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, Guy , Will Smith , Event , Everyone , Jamie Fox , Ambulance , L A Steve , Hollywood Bowl , One , Video , Gun , Knife , Custody , Media , Encounter , Mr , Aftermath , Police , Attacker , Ground , Shows Chappelle , Stretcher , It Police Department , The Show , Audience Members , Special , Phones , Chris Rock , Cameras , Bags , On Stage Hit , No Stranger To On Stage Antics , Joke , Audience , Will , Nobody , Hug , Slapped Rock , Jokes , Liz Cheney , Charges , Offensive , Haven T , Closer , Community May , Jada Smith , Pandemic , Fan , Television , Cornfields , Part , Form , Wings , Sheriff Hat , Trouble , Fox , Shoutedout , D A , Comedy Show , Report , Sheriff S Cap , Man , Back Stage , 35 , Genius , Times , Lot , Comedians , Wing , Targets , And Z , Y , Lady , Friends , Social Media , Incentive , Suicide , Heat , Child , Family , Aberration , Enough , Isn T This Nuts Overall , Oscars , America , Celebrity , Comedy Clubs , Towns , Ton , Everywhere , Comedian , Ticket Price , Knuckle Head , Bees , Show , Joke Fest , Last Night , Recordings , Interest , Odd , Others , Someone , Reports , Camera , Running , Way , Flicks , Evidence , Something , Coast To , Record , Goings , East Coast , Protests , Roe V Wade , Left , Demonstration , Particular , Police Officer , Injured , Downtown L A , Fox News First , 400 , Suspect , Rocks , Sense , Bottles , Clashes , Los Angeles , Supreme Court Draft Opinion , Supreme Court , Politico , Rock , Cop , Doesn T Make Sense , Nice , Place , Cover , New York City , San Francisco , New York Post , Leaker , Fact , Chief Justice , Order , Coast To Con , Justices , Statement , Department Of Justice , Nine , Doj , Fbi , It Don T Know For Sure , Point , Women , Press Conference , Security Efforts , Society , Blow , Obamas , Kamala , Protesters , Reporters , Assaults , Freedom , Opponents , Roe , Elizabeth Warren , Joint Base Andrews , Judgment , Idea , Word , Brief , Bret Baier , Media Event , View , Pbs , Arguments , 2006 , Two , Abortion , Choice , Right , Number , Abortions , Safe , Tragedy , Woman , Funding , Bit , Birth , Consensus , Restrictions , Little , Odd Man Out , Everybody , Outrage , Truth , School Board Meetings , 260 , Breach , Vote , Leak , Nothing , Law , Breach Of Trust , Listen , It Doesn T Mean , Authentic , Tarmac , Face , Director , Reason , Soundbite , Mind , Fetus , Say , Life , Side , Language , Constitution , Sides , Inframed , Instance , Sam Alito , Border , Actions , Views , Aclosed Border , Catholic Church , Flip Flopping , Topic , Extremists , Talking , Bite , Lindsey Graham , History , Midterms , Judge , States , Narrative , Story Line , Damn , Estate , Job , Issue , Taxes , Weather , Location , All American , Freedoms , Mask , Hand , Won T , Stop , Interracial Marriage , Tweets , Eric Swalwell , 24 , 26 , Marriage , Sex , Don T , Amazon , State Lines , Joy Behar , 4000 , 000 , Somebody , Transportation , Votes , Outcome , Document , Five , Final , Changes , Crowd , Intimidation , Tabulation , Protest , House , Democrat , House Or Alito , Kavanaugh , Case , Clerk , Supreme Court Justice , Tom Cotton , Trump Wasn T , Ballot , Victory , Former , Plan , Administration , Disinformation Board , Prom Dresses , Adventures , Meningitis , Teen , Vaccination , Consequences , Survivors , Up To , Meningitis B , 1 , 5 , Doctor , Vaccines , Car Insurance , Scarf , Meningitis B , Liberty Mutual , Eye , Pay , Symptoms , Inflammation , Backpack , Liberty , Marco , Onl , Xiidra , Relief , Over The Counter , Eye Disease , Burn , Ache , Eye Drops , Eyes , Vision , Prescription , Side Effects , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Signs , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Room , 90 , Music , Weight , Dinner , Dry Eye , , 0 , Meet Plenity , Adults , Exercise , Diet , Weight Management Aid , Building Blocks , Fda , Bmi , 40 , 25 , Tv , Treatment , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Ingredients , Neuriva Plus , Yes , Brain Performance , Staffing , Indicators , Size , Master , Neuriva , Six , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Xfinity Mobile , Indeed Instant Match , Price , Phone , Stuff , Groceries , 5g Network , Money , Verizon , Concert Tickets , Store , Shows , Squad , Savings , Device , Samsung , 00 , Internet , Business Internet , Network , Fiber Solutions , Choices , Largest , Needs , Technology , Lots , Company , Deal , Speeds , Businesses , Business Solutions , Provider , Price Guarantee , Voice , Gigs , 10 , 9 99 , 49 99 , 2 , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Call Today , Business Owner , Service , Gig , Wall , Business , Contracts , Customers , Term , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , 500 , Big Night For J D , Welcome Back , Question , Donald Trump , Polls , Critic , Poll , Valentine S Day , Advantage , Behind , The End , Races , World , Endorsement , Win , Plenty , Josh Mandel , Opponent , Vs , 95 , 32 , Points , Neck , Ones , 15 , Three , President , Peter Thiel , Credit , Billionaire , Investors , Candidate , Pac , Facebook , Paypal , Club For Growth , Advertising , His , Super Pac , 15 Million , 5 Million , More , Things , Election , J D , Ads , Someone Else , Campaign Bank , 68 Million , Background , Hillbilly , Military , Number One , Venture Capitalist , Movie , Him , 11 , Pete Hegseth , Diner , Campaign , Referendum , Winner , Cincinnati , Kind , Donors , Checks , You Haven T , Book , Glen Close , Grandmother , Mom , Amy Adams , Issues , Max Miller , Big Story For Trump , Bush Against Trump , Lawn , Air Force , Georgia , Governor , President Of The United States , Enemies , George W Bush , Against Perdue , Brian Kemp , Lisa Murkowski , Congressman , Seat , Tim Ryan , January 6th Committee , 6 , January 6th , Swick State , Rob Portman , Elections , Red , Rights , What S Going On , Working For J D , Danger , Tries , Draft , Fallacy , Laptop , Hunter Biden , Action , Guest , Owner , Computer Repair Shop , Oh My Gosh , Media Outlets , Adam Schiff , Interview Whoa , Some Rinvoq , Mission , Rinvoq , Pill , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Pain , Attack , Immune System , Joints , Swelling , Fatigue , Ra , Stiffness , Rinvoq Relief , Tears , Infections , Heart Attack , Intestines , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Death , Stomach , Stroke , Ability , Blood Clots , Fatal , Lymphoma , Tb , 50 , Reactions , Risks , Rheumatologist , Road , Travel , Share , Rivnoq , Johnny Cash , Trail , Message , Bottom , Sfx , Ding , Babe , Truck , Door , Style , Interior , Find , Chevy Silverado , Find New Roads , Headlines , Help , Jamie , Security , Fox Reportedly , Same , The Times Rock , Delaware Repairman , Scene , Slew , Defamation Suit , Whistle , Laptop Being Russian Disinformation , Isaac , John Paul Mac , Damages , Beast , Million , 1 Million , Elon Musk , Cost , Planning , Buyout , Musks , Qun , Twitter , 44 Billion , 4 Billion , Platform , Musk , Tweet , Heels , Users , Accounts , League Warning , Alarm , Rationale , Decisions , Localities , Shift , Range , Author , Times Eleon Shapiro , Supreme Disorder , Contraception , Least , Privacy , Difference , Alito , Second Life In Being , Whatever , Intercourse , Drugs , Baby , Gaffe , Top , Politician , Definition , Base , Course , Effect , Activists , Kinds , Anywhere , Sort , Human Being , Position , Set , Analysis , Marshals , Clerks , Court Staff , Unturned , Cell Phone Records , Texts , Emails , Class , Career Ending Move , Disbarrable Offense , Plumbing , Situation , Msnbc Contributorship , Planned Parenthood , Serious , Confidentiality , Day One , Behind Closed Doors , Public Trust , Information , Cell Phones , Computers , Reading Opinions , Disconnect , Experience , Papers , Copy , Opinions , Thumb Drive , Chambers , Rescanned , Home , I Don T Know , Disinformation Governance Board Facing Intensifying Pushback , Back Pocket , Lawmakers , American Marxist Movement , Mark Levin , Effort , Big Board , Jen Psaki , Senator , Bill , Podium , Arkansas , Problem , Somebody Else , Look , Program , Correspondent , Ministries , Debates , Virus , Lab , Chinese Communist Party , Beginning , China , Wuhan , Power , Handling , National Security Agency , Tweeting , Senators , Secretary Mayorkas , Doesn T , Department Of Homeland Security , Russia , Weekend , Actors , Iran , New York Times , Standards , Verified , China Disinformation , Disinformation Claims , Rise , Vladimir Putin , Ukraine , Price Hike , Campaign Trail , Sir , That S Right , Explosives , Fox News Alert , Forces , City , Lviv , Ukrainians , Power Outages , Assault , Plant , Mariupol , Infrastructure Damage , Tunnels , U N , Red Cross , River Boat , Steam Boat , Steam , Flames , Evacuations , Ss Naches , New Orleans , God , Incident , Fire , Boat , Coast Guard , Blaze , New Orleans Fire Department , Mississippi River , Vessel , Ball , Aaron Judd Surety , Yankees Slugger Home Run , Blue Jay , Homer , Streak , Pair , Games , Boy , Yankees , Yawnk , Team , Happier , Let S Deal In Janice Dean , Recipient , Northeast , Foxcast , Janice , Flight Delays , Rain , Travel Delays , Traveling , Loft Green , Risk , Storms , Cancellations , Track , Potential , Mississippi River Valley , Texas , App , Oklahoma , Rain Forecast , Kansas , Some , Flooding Rainfall , Areas , Thunderstorm Threat , Flood , Hail , Missouri , 3 , Watches , Scenario , Warnings , Forecast , Tornadoes , Winds , South , Northern Tier , Fix College Television First , Student Loans , Father , May , Coming Up , Neighbor , Mixing Debt Won T , Noise , My Son , Root , Student Debt , Fix College , Young Americans , Dad , Op Ed , Son , Generation , Age , 10th Grade , Tuitio Nixing , 37 , 38 , Problems , Funding Issue , Symptom , Wealthiest , State Schools , Fees , Middle Class American , Pass , Administration Salaries , Education , Debt , Bailout , Wealthy , Tuition , Trade School , Alternatives , Costs Money , Types , Trade School Graduates , Somewhere , Sake , Only In America , Interest Rate , Add A , Business Loan , 0000 , 00000 , 18 , 100000 , 10000 , 7 , Extortion Something , Adult , Entrepreneurship , Dock , Highway Robbery , Aren T , Push , Business Degree , Kids , Profession Making , 80000 , Children , Professions , Job Positions , School , Teaching , Numbers , Schools , Lastly , Balance Sheet , Mike Rowe , 57000 , 50000 , Article , Amount , Crash , 2008 , Fund , Lens , Everything , Mess , Aoc , 125000 , Floor , Tenth Grade , Proof , Luck , Animation , Adam Coleman , Congressman Dan Crenshaw , Dave Reuben , Hemmer , Flights , Clay Travis , Lawrence Jones , Karl Rove , Thirty Seven , Postings , Minor Stroke , Blackouts , Miracle Diets , College Campus Tours , Four , Forty Two , Eleven , Leqvio , Cholesterol , Statin , Arms , Joint Pain , Urinary Tract Infection , Diarrhea , Injection Site Reaction , Legs , Chest Cold , Shortness Of Breath , Tool , Employees , Software , Hr Data , Payroll , Hr , Paycom , Schedule A Demo Today , Single , Visit Paycom Com , Sleep Number , Bed , Movements , Smart Bed , Sale , Temperature Balancing , Queen , 360 , 299 , 1299 , Chewable , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Simparica Trio , Heartworm Disease , Dogs , Protection , Use , Drug , Disorders , Ticks , Round , Fleas , Hookworms , Seizures , Caution , Heart , Politics , Court , Integrity , Toxicity , With A Gun Attack Chappelle , Railway Stations , Resiliency , Supply Ukrainian Force , Mall Ton , The Sun , Daytime High , East , Florida , Saint Pete Beach , 83 , 72 , 4th Be With You , May 4th , May The 4th , 4 , Star Wars , Fellows , Conclusion , Shakes , Black Cap , Story , Cities , Mail , Area , Phoenix , Miami , I Wasn T Listening To Carley , Arizona , Tampa , California , Sound , Nelle A Country Music Star , Florida Georgia Line , Whoa Nelle , Joey Jones , Bat , Jimmie Allen , Darius Rutgers , Joel , Stories , Breakup , Sing , Upbeat , Alcohol , Drinking , Songs , Relationship , Dog , Stage , West Coast , Report A Gun , Morning , Wild Story , Famed Hollywood Bohl , Weapon , Knife Blade , Attacker Cameras , Hit , Attacks , Stranger , Chappelle A , Jada Pijt Smith , Oscar Slapping Rock , Details , Tmz , Replica Gun , Thanks Carley , Club , Tussling , Couldn T , Name , Arm , In , Hands , Takedown , Legend , Mix , Wee , Trophy , Group , Community , Fun , Attention , Motivation , Comedy Club , Body Guard , Slang , Tyrus , Slapping Thecomedian I Don T Li , Back , Guys , Hop On My , Safety , Guarding Prince , Prince , Kid , Upbringing , Dana , Cop Injured , One Cop , Injuries , Citywide Alert , Plush , In San Francisco , Bunch , Supreme Court Hey , Justice , It , Doesn T Work , Run Up , Wedge Issue , Filibuster , Yell Well , Rallies , Supreme Court Justices , Soundbites , Few , Extremist , Cheers , Fighting , Culmination , Angling , Protester , Boos , Womb , Houston , Atlanta , Kentucky , Louisville , Susan Collins , Gulch , Majority , Codify , We Don T Know , Joe Manchin , Kyrsten Sinema , Supremes , Contempt Of Court , Decries , Couple , Andy , Scenarios , Opinion Piece , Andrew Mccarthy , Obstruction , Proceeding , Chances , Marshal , Pages , Inaudible , Wall Street Journal , United S Problem , Marshall , Why Haven T , Guests , Deals , It Doesn T Matter , Hero , Season , Voters , Books , Everybody Trump , Cases , Droves , Mark Meredith , President Trump Back , Overnight J D , Hopefuls , Wasn T , Trump , Backing , Household Name , Supporters , Agenda , American First Agenda , Race , Battleground State , Fight , Heal Ohio , Mike Dewine , Challenge , District , Nina Turner , Bernie Sanders , Akron , Shontel Brown , Cleveland , Back To You , Progressives , Morning J D , Nominee , Co Chair , Ohio Valley , No Doubt , Each Other , Campaign Ads , None , Backer , General , Reminder , 66 Million , 6 Million , Being , Ty , 14 Million Bucks , 14 Million , Update , Surveillance Video , Mezzanine Level , Budget , Mark Meredith Reporting , Vicki White , A , Election Officer , Both , Quote , Jail , Special Relationship , Sneak , Manhunt , Amber Heard , Johnny Depp , Stand Today In The Defamation Trial , Shotgun , Aliases , Inmate , Request , Courtroom , Say Quote She , Abuser , Lawyers , Lawyer , Ditch , Prompting Depp , Ring , Virginia , Neighbors , Laugh , Conversation , Gotcha , Bleep , Over , Cops , Criminals , Invitation , Ring Doorbell Is Changing Lives , Giving Carley A , Dawn , Package , I Don T Talk Like That , Imitation , Uber Rating , Carley , Explosions , Doorbell , Break , Skin , Communities , Devastation , Story Eczema , Wie , People Don T , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Eczema , Itch , Step , Dupixent , Body , Infection , Asthma , Centrum , Defenses , Joint Aches , Routine , Support , D , Ace , Vitamin C , Zinc , Therapists , Learning , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Projects , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Ratings , Reviews , Angi , Happiness , Angi Com , Xfinity Mobile , Value , Pricing , Matt Finn , Explosions Rocket Ukrainian City Of Lviv , 100 , Missile , Wave , Crews , Weapons , Building , Smoke , National Railway , Damage , Train Station , Russia Hit , Rail Locations , Far East , Donetsk , Mayor , Outtanks , April 8th , Substations , 8 , Military Company , Military Factory , Russian Aggressor , Zero , Infrastructure , Buses , Updates , Convoy , Bombing , Shelter , Zelenskyy , 156 , Basement , Shaking , Lockheed Martin , Workers , Official , Helping , Defense Plant , Eu , 33 Billion , 3 Billion , Countries , Energy , Land , Oil , 27 , Rail Stations , Supply , Power Plants , Rail , Wires , West , Target , Weapons Supplies , Trains , Gas , Pentagon Questioning , Refugees , Civilians , Troops , Fox News Live , Lack , Confidence , Strategy , Restrand , Manpower , Star , Concerns , State Department , Region , Donbas , Wnba , Richardson , Saddam Hussein , Slap , Moammar , Dave Rubin , Incidents , Stuff Works , Roundup Weed , Shot Wand , Grass Killer , Flower Beds , Pathways , Tree Rings , Weeds , Driveways , Helen , Diabetes , Pride , Activity , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Glucose , Libre 2 , A1c , Medicare , Audience Member , Threats , Anybody , Standup Comedian , Act , Violence , Words , Pep Boys , Line , Offense , Restaurant , Excuse , Collar , Table , Precedent , Lives , Don T Know , Guy Looks , Rest , Outline , Looks , Jumping Off Point , Hard , Progressive , Direction , Old School , Branches , Last Night Attack , Powers , Tree Branches , Separation , Extent , Laws , Working Moms , Dan Crenshaw , Venture , Paula Fares , Landowner , Landscaper , Gardener , Equipment , Hunter , Powerful , Kubota , Versatile , Couch , Laughs , Men , Jacket , Golo , Go To Golo Com , Job Criteria , Shortlist , Project Managers , Allergies , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Spraying Flonase , Good , Psst , Flonase , Work , Passion , Working , Opportunity , Mothers , Privilege , Ains Carry Media , Faith , Christian , Old Stomping Grounds , South Carolina , The View , Seasons , Seneca , Working Mom , Levels , 14 , 12 , Moms , Workforce , Burnout , Mom Guilt , Voices , Gender Pay Disparity , Folks , Abc , Drum , Anything , Route , Space , Carry Media , Change , Media Company , 20 , 35 Million , Research , Matter , Carry , Denominator , Circumstances , There Sma Mom Guilt , Newsletter , Level , Working Moms Written By For , 80 , Media Outlet , Working Momtion , Emotional Intelligence , Core , Capacities , Smarter , Super Hero , Courage , Workplace , Ideal Employee , Efficiency , Empathy , Motherhood , Burdens , Another , Room Key Go , Visit , Sunday Carry Media Com , Hotel , Girl , Time , Prosecutors , Death Penalty , 201 , Billion , 1 Billion , 51 , 70 , 17 , 63 , 42 , 44 Million , 4 Million , 19 , 22 , 1 5 Million , 11 5 Million , April 15th , 5 Million , 14th Of April , 23 , 3 5 Million , 827000 , 2018 , 1 2 Million , 680000 , 2024 , 30 , 200 Million , 00 Million , 65 , 53 , 86 ,

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