Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

♪♪ >> all right. critics specifically point to her stance on the laptop that once belonged to hunter biden. he's under federal investigation for his overseas business dealings. that story picked up during the presidential debate of 2020. but was sen surred by major social media outlets. we sat down with the associated press and asked about the laptop. she said we should view it as a trump campaign product. white house officials are defending the board. jen psaki just moments ago during a press briefing when asked by jacqui heinrich about this board and about nina jancowicz. she says there's going to be a lot of issues with migration if title 42 in fact is repealed, which all indications looks like it may be. jen psaki said there's a lot of misinformation when it comes to migrants learning about possibly coming to the united states and people just sowing information that is not true. that is the concern right there course to the white house. what makes this different, trace, and this is what we're trying to find out is something we just don't know. the department of homeland security has specifically not answered our questions, but we're hoping to find out more just to find out specifically what this new governance board does. trace? >> thanks, david. let's get to brian kilmeade, co-host of that morning show. he's also the host of a special who is elon musk, which is available at let's start this, bryan. seems like this disinformation governance board is kind of a reaction to this fear that elon musk is suddenly going to control the narrative on the left and they're saying we need a government organization to try and combat that. your thoughts. >> i'm doing one nation as you know saturday at 8:00. talking to karl rove. turns out this was in the works, the disinformation committee before elon musk decided to buy twitter. having said all that, this does seem to be some type of offense and defense against elon musk who will have this quest not to have a right wing point of view but a balanced point of view. he wants people to have a right to attack him on a regular basis, for babylon bee use their sense of humor and not get suspended. people say who is this guy? the electric car that struggled for a while that is hitting its stride. the spacex guy. who is he? a fascinating look at who he became, who he was and how he and his brothers grew up in a divorced house. wants to get into america. has to settle for canada. worked his way down here. one thing after another, he was taking risks, believing in himself and a cut above just about in every job and every school he went to. >> trace: we'll be watching that. this is a treat from the disinformation czar, nina jancowicz. she said on the laptop from hill, apparently biden notes 50 former national security officials that believe the laptop is a russian influence op. trump says russia, russia, russia. she said i was leave tweeting the debate. she also said here, we should view it, talking about hunter biden's laptop, as a trump campaign product and she also called the laptop a fairy tale. this in itself is disinformation. >> how about this should be disqualified. how about if you line up the people that have credibility with the american people, to run this thing that i don't think should exist, called a disinformation czar or bureau through the office of homeland security who has not really done much right for a long time, including get the border. but they're going to take on something else. that's great. outside the coast guard perhaps. now to put this bureau with this woman with this track record of partisanship and is she that lazy? she says 51 intel experts say that hunter biden's laptop is real. look at the e-mail yourself, call somebody else in and say did hunter e-mail you this as opposed to michael hayden saying this was like classic russian disinformation. the laziest conclusion in the history of intelligence so-called experts. >> trace: we should also note that she was complimentary of christopher steele, the author of the dossier. i want to play this sound bite. this is from douglas murray. the author of war on the west and get your response on the other side. >> are the democrats going to crank down on the people lying about ron desantis' bill in florida? some people are saying that he's trying to say stop the word "gay" in florida instead of teaching nonsense in kindergarten. >> the man on the left is a huge talent. it's a fair point. a really fair point. all of this stuff the left is saying about the parental rights law in florida is misinformation. it's all wrong. it says nil in the bill about that but nobody has shut them down. >> trace, you're too smart for this. everybody is too smart for this. this is a lark. you can't possibly crack down on this. when people make a statement or absolute statement that ends up having some nuance, are they lying, suspended? this president of the united states, president biden, said the new election rules in georgia are jim crow 2.0. not close. still lost the all-star game. north carolina, the bathroom rule. the sitting governor said say, if you're a man or woman, just use the bathroom you were a signed to at birth. next thing they're moving everything out of there. what did he say or mean? should a swimmer in an ivy league school that was a man for a while became a woman. if you said something about it, should you be somebody that should be labelled with this information? it's an impossible road. the singer activist that happens to be extremely knowledgeable with a great resume that shouldn't be in this position. she should be the last person although she does have a wonderful singing voice. >> trace: you talk about misinformation to wrap this up, you had the dhs secretary tell the border patrol agents that this crisis at the border was unsustainable. yet he walks before congress and tells them the border is under control. that is misinformation. brian kilmeade, great to see you. the pentagon takes another step to bolster the fight against vladimir putin. >> they have suffered casualties, lost banks and battles and they're a weaker military than they were 64 days ago. >> trace: republican congressman and marine corps veteran mike gallagher live from ukraine. gallagher live from ukraine. makn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- you deserve more. more cash, more savings, and more financial peace of mind. newday can help you get it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value: up to $60,000 or more. and veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. ♪ ♪ make way for the first-ever chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? 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(emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> trace: a u.s. marine veteran has been killed fighting alongside ukrainian forces. the family of willie joseph cancel says he agreed to go to ukraine with a private military contracting company. his widow tells fox it was in his nature to want to help people. the couple had a 7-month-old son. he had dreams and aspirations of being a police officer or joining fdny. naturally when he found out about what was happening in ukraine, he was eager to volunteer. breaking knowments ago, an emotional response from john kirby as he answered a question about vladimir putin's mental state and the atrocities his forces have committed in ukraine. watch. >> it's hard to look at what he's doing in ukraine, what his forces are doing in ukraine and think that any ethical, moral individual could justify that. it's difficult to look at the -- sorry. it's difficult to look at some of the images and imagine that any well-thinking serious mature leader would do that. i can't talk to his psychology but we can all speak to his depravity. >> let's bring in mike gallagher, retired marine and member of the house services committee. you've seen john kirby get choked up. vladimir putin talking about using nuclear weapons. the president of the united states, joe biden, has said we're not getting into world war iii. the british secretary of defense said listen, we're not afraid of vladimir putin. we're not afraid of him. we don't care what he says. we're going to do what we have to do. which is the right approach in your estimate? >> the latter is the right approach. we should always be cognizant of nuclear escalation and shouldn't go around provoking anyone. we shouldn't allow the fear of escalation or the fear of provocation or the fear of what he might do to dictate our actions. indeed, it's that fear itself such as it makes us hesitate that is provocative and that putin seizes upon and look at the year leading up to the invasion itself where the administration delayed lethal assistance no less than two occasions for fear of provoking vladimir putin and of course, he took that, ran with it and he invaded ukraine. so again, it's always good to be prudent in matters of geo politics. but we shouldn't fear putin. we should stand strong with our allies and take courage from the bravery that the ukrainians are showing on the ground. >> the "wall street journal" says the stakes in ukraine are enormous for the u.s. security. russia tries to expand their control in the east. defeating mr. putin's war of conquest is possible and the west can make the world safer by showing that an alliance of democracies can defeat a dictator. would you vote to give ukraine what it needs to win this war or to sustain their side in this war? >> i think we should operate with the idea that ukraine can win. it's highly unlikely that they will kick russian troops out of crimea, but i can see them to have a devastating effect on russian troops in the south and east of the country and push back his renewed offensive, particularly if putin wants to expand in the south to odesa. we should give the ukrainians what they need to continue to impose devastating costs on the russian army. they have not only demonstrated bravery, but they demonstrated enormous creativity. one thing that is working well is the rapid way in which we're sharing intelligence with ukrainians and their acting on that intelligence to attack russian ships, russian tanks, attack troop personnel carriers and things like that. that is something that we should continue going forward. >> trace: as you look at the map right now in ukraine, if there's any kind of peace deal to be had in the weeks and months ahead, do you foresee that russia would give back mariupol? would give back that land bridge to crimea that they're efforting? is that negotiable forladimir putin or will the map in ukraine look different than it does today? >> we're very far away from peace talks. the longer this goes on, the more people die, the more destruction there is in ukraine. i don't think putin will give up on his stated desire now to establish that land bridge with russia. so we have more fighting. our task is one, let's not impose a preemptive set of agreement on to the ukrainians. that's their choice to make. two, as we talked about before, let's put them in the best possible position in order to win on the battlefield and translate that battle field success into diplomatic success. i would add that we just went through seven years worth of javelins in ukraine. we'll have to replenish our own stockpiles that are important in other regions of the world, most notably taiwan to make sure china doesn't invade. >> trace: if putin goes to the g-20, if he goes, should other countries boycott? >> in unison. we shouldn't let him be a member of the g-20. he's not fit for it. >> trace: thanks, congressman. >> thank you. >> trace: reports right now that a mass grave containing the bodies of around 900 civilians has been discovered in the kyiv region. griff jenkins is on the ground in kyiv, ukraine with more. griff? >> trace, good afternoon. that's big news. we're seeing reports that should president zelensky make a detailed discovery of another mass grave in the kyiv suburbs. this could hold as many as 900 civilians. this comes as war crime prosecutors have begin to file charges against specific russian soldiers for the war crimes that they determined were committed in places like bucha like 400 bodies were found there. there's been more than 1,000 civilians identified in the surrounding kyiv area since they began to make these discoveries. the timing of this is very interesting, trace. it was just yesterday that u.n. secretary general antonio gutierrez was touring some of the hard-hit areas like bucha with president zelensky. we shall see what comes up that while kyiv getting hit on the day that the u.n. secretary visits. take a look at the footage from the aftermath of this strike. it hit an apartment building as well as a military weapons factory. destroyed, as you can see from the images, everything in this area. it killed one person. a female journalist that worked for radio free europe and injured ten others. four of which were hospitalized with serious injuries. meanwhile, you're talking with the congressman about mariupol. that situation, trace, getting dire by the minute. the commanders there in the steel plant that have been holed in for weeks and weeks saying they're running out of food and water and were hoping that the u.n. secretary general could get this humanitarian corridor opened to let the civilians out of that area. that has yet to be seen as we are in day 65 of this war, trace. >> trace: griff jenkins live. thanks. is the white house deliberately downplaying the risk of a recession in the face of dire mid-term prospects for democrats? the debate you do not want to miss next. >> the former chair of the council of the economic advisers of the obama administration said that the president in his comments about the gdp report was potentially underplaying the risks of a recession. ♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? we've got bonnie right here on a video call. we don't take kindly to video calls. oh, in that case just tap to send a message. we don't take kindly to messages neither. in that case how 'bout a ringcentral phone call. we don't take kindly to no... would you can it eugene! let's just hear her out. ha ha ha, i've been needing a new horse. we've got ourselves a deal. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ this is not the stallion i was imagining. family is just very important. she's my sister and we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. it's a battle, you know. i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy was proven to help people live longer than chemotherapy alone. keytruda is used to treat more patients with advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director ask your doctor and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. this is what real food looks like fresh real meat and veggies. the food dogs where built to eat. the farmer's dog is changing the way we feed our pets. visit to see your dogs personalized meal plan. >> putin is driving the food costs and energy costs. that's why the president is taking a range of steps. >> trace: clearly the white house deflecting blame for rising costs as what is another disastrous economic indicator. the u.s. economy shrinking for first time in two years. cnn writes, the news that the u.s. economy unexpectedly shank over the first quarter of the year is a body blow to democrats already reeling amid growing economic concerns. let's bring in the former maryland republican congressional candidate and richard goodstein, former adviser to bill and hillary clinton's presidential campaigns. i want this poll on the screen here. at the time the president was inaugurated, approval among black voters, 87%. now down to 67%. that is disastrous by all accounts, richard. your thoughts. >> i think democrats not withstanding some of what you just cited have three reasons to be optimistic. the last year showed record-breaking job growth, four times more than joe biden than the previous three republican presidents put together. more small businesses created. wages were up. housing prices were up. the stock market was up. so yes, do we have some inflation? we do. who do we have to thank for that? we have to thank the russians and the saudis. i know there's a family that is close to them. they're called the trumps. if they want to do something rather than getting $2 billion from the saudis, maybe they can ask them to open the spigots. democrats are not a party that is grounded in a fiction, which is the trump lie. the public does not have great confidence in a party taking over where their judgment is just so obviously flawed. that is a core belief for republicans. >> you -- i want to play this sound bite concerning the enormous economic growth in the country and i'll get your response, kimberly. >> what you're seeing is enormous growth in the country. it was affected by covid and the covid blockages. >> trace: the country is not buying this. you drive by gas stations, you see the megasigns that says that gas is at record highs, you can't sit there and say it's because of putin. they're not buying any of this. yet the administration keeps serving it up. >> yeah, unfortunately for them, americans are not stupid. all of the democrats hit the same talking points in a memo or an e-mail. at the end of the day, gas prices are up. inflation is up higher than since i've been alive. that was in 1981 we haven't seen numbers like this. people go to vote, they grow to vote based on what's in their pocket or what is not in their pockets. people are paying prices they shouldn't be paying. you have president trump making his rounds saying basically do you miss me yet? there's a lot of people that say yes, i do. they know that just two years ago our lives were a lot better and things were cheaper. i don't see where anybody would be optimistic enough to vote for any democrat, whether it's the house or the senate or even a local election at this point. >> trace: people are saying that things have changed. look at elon musk. there's been a lot of talk about him. he tweeted the following, i strongly supported obama for president. but today's democratic party has been hijacked by extremists. is that a fair statement, richard or do you think he's way off line? a lot of people have said the far left has taken control of this party. >> yeah, the only time that the squad put their stake down and said voted with us, they lost 430 to 4 in the house of representatives. instead, you have marjorie taylor green and others holding their leadership around by the throat. you have a republican leader in the senate saying let's tax half the people that are not taxed now and look at ending medicare and social security in five years. that's what democrats have going for them. >> trace: last ten seconds, kimberly. >> yeah, basically we're going to flip the house and the senate. when i say "we", the republicans will. a lot of democrats are living in the la-la land. i think we'll take the presidency back in 2024 as well. >> trace: great to see you both. thank you. >> you too. >> trace: take a look at this line-up. will cain, tyrus and joe concha all coming up as "the story" continues. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with the newday zero down home purchase loan, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still low. already own a home and need cash? 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>> trace: thanks, bryan llenas. let's bring in will cane, the co-host "fox and friends weekend". the fact that they're putting up razor wire like what are you doing? they cancel awhile and now putting up razor wire to keep these migrants out. it's almost like cancelling keystone pipeline and asking the venezuelans for more oil. it just baffles you, will. >> a great analogy, trace. creating one problem and offering as a solution yet another half-hearted problem to bring us from deliverance of the original problem. what made me cock my head like in scooby doo, listening to the democratic mayor along the boarder in texas saying this is not effective management. she chose those words purposely. what we heard from alejandro mayorkas is the border is being effectively managed. let's do this. let's set aside party affiliation. if you live on the border, it's not pertinent to tissue at hand. you have a democratic mayor along the border. you have democratic representatives in the house of representatives of the united states congress. they're saying this is a cry situation and this is being mismanaged. and democratic poll situations are saying hey, this is being managed just fine. it doesn't seem to matter -- the true dividing line is do you understand the problem. are you hear to deal with it. if you're feeling this first hand, you want to know this administration is destroying the border. although there's a d in new hampshire, maggie hassan that says said has, this is not a good idea. the democrats are complaining about this. i want to play this sound bite from alisa slotkin. >> we heard the administration was about to reverse title 42 without presenting a plan, it struck both of us and said it was just set up to fail basically. >> when she says "we" she's talking about abigail spanburger. it's a bad idea to drop title 42. your lost thoughts. >> your point is well-taken. perhaps it's not a geographic location but whether or not you're in touch with reality and sanity. even democrats that understand the effect of this problem, those remaining and living in the world and perhaps having their plan play out accordingly are okay with this chaos. i was struck by congressman jim jordan who questioned mayorkas about the location of the 42 -- you know, illegal immigrants were on the terrorist watch list. he asked where are they? his answer is i can't answer that question. >> to go you one better, not only can they not answer the question of where they are, they're not really sure it's just 42. might be a few more. not quite sure. >> terror watch list. >> trace: democrats will say listen, the 9-11 conspirators did not cross the southern border. good point. will cane, great to see you. >> thank you. >> great to have you on. >> trace: immigration a top concern for many hispanic voters. fox hit the road to talk to some of them about why so many are turning away from president biden. alicia acuna is live with more on that. alicia, good afternoon. >> hi, trace. so good to see you. first, let's take a look at the data. a recent quinnipiac poll found was biden's approval at among hispanic voters among 26%. this once reliable sector of the electorate said in an earlier poll that the most urgent issue facing the country today is inflation followed by immigration and the war in ukraine. we had our team across the country asking hispanic voters their views on how the border issue impacts them. >> i believe that we do need a president that will take care of our borders so we can keep our country more safe. i'm definitely would love for trump to come back. >> i have a daughter of an immigrant. it's close to my heart. i want to make sure i vote for somebody that believes in my same beliefs. >> i believe certain parties allow these immigrants to come in hopes that we'll get votes in return. as we see, this is what is happening in the city based off of that philosophy. >> it's like getting rid of title 42. it's like opening the borders and saying welcome. >> the national association of latino elected and appointed officials says while immigration is important to hispanics, it won't be a driving issue to the polls. the fastest growing segment of the latino electorate is independents. >> and that is a segment of the latino vote that either party, republican or democrat, has an opportunity to make inroads in those that choose to identify themselves on the line. >> gop operatives tell us that they see a real opportunity for the party here. trace? >> trace: a lot of others do as well. alicia acuna live in rocky mountains. controversial move that president biden is considering that one of my next guests predicts could seal the fate of the democratic party. i won't tell you who said it. joe concha is necessary to him. the book is doing magnificent we'll talk to those gentlemen next. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel— cut. liberty biberty— cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. action. cut. you can't say that. 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not inflation? we're still waiting for stuff to come. in it's ridiculous. this is why the country is turning on him. >> trace: this is a young independent voter on a young voter panel. then we'll get your take. watch. >> first thing for me, i don't think that would be the trick. that is bad policy. there's a lot of students that are able to pay off students loans. we should be delicate for the folks having a hard time but it's also time for us to make sure that we're investing in the education that will be profitable for us going forward. that would not be a good thing for this independent voter. >> trace: if you're looking for dollar numbers, if you're paying off student loan debt for everybody, 1.56 trillion. your thoughts. >> with a t, right? you have to wonder where the forgiveness ends. these students entered into a loan agreement. they knew the original cost going into it. they weren't forced to do so. do wegive mortgage loans next? credit card debt? all of this is being amped up in an election year. because throwing money at people for votes is a time honored tradition. the majority of loans are people that are rich or upper middle class. less than 10% is being held by a bottom third of earners. almost four in ten students debt is held by students with advanced degrees, occupations like doctors and lawyers. they can afford to pay the loans back, trace? >> it's one of those things where if you listen to the white house, tyrus, this could help inflation. watch jen psaki. >> the way that inflation impacts people across the country is costs, right? costs to their bank accounts, costs to their budgets, how we can provide them for relief so that they have more money to spend on things in their lives. providing students loan relief is that. >> trace: that's the fuzzy math that president bush used to talk about. >> yeah, that's that 2 plus 2 thing that equals 5. george orwell said that would be a bad time for us. they conflate things, they say things. you talking away student loan debts to people that don't want to pay it but to the moms and dads out there who sacrificed vacations, who sacrificed new cars, put money away to save to put little johnny or susie through school, they're just supposed to pick up the bill? this is -- it's shocking sometimes how ignorant that people in political positions can sound trying to convince us this is a good thing. it's not. it's shameful. >> trace: joe conscious, 10 seconds. >> what we're forgetting in this is that a place like georgetown now cost $80,000 per year. so you're talking $320,000 for four years of college? if you forgive student loans and they get away with charging that as they continue to increase tuition, that's what we should focus on as well. congrats for tyrus to the books. it's selling like hot cakes. >> trace: "just tyrus", it's selling like hot kicks. >> thanks, both. >> trace: just how powerful is former president trump in this year's elections? we're about to find out next. people with plaque psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the splash they create. the way they exaggerate. or the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, you can achieve clearer skin with otezla. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

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♪♪ >> all right. critics specifically point to her stance on the laptop that once belonged to hunter biden. he's under federal investigation for his overseas business dealings. that story picked up during the presidential debate of 2020. but was sen surred by major social media outlets. we sat down with the associated press and asked about the laptop. she said we should view it as a trump campaign product. white house officials are defending the board. jen psaki just moments ago during a press briefing when asked by jacqui heinrich about this board and about nina jancowicz. she says there's going to be a lot of issues with migration if title 42 in fact is repealed, which all indications looks like it may be. jen psaki said there's a lot of misinformation when it comes to migrants learning about possibly coming to the united states and people just sowing information that is not true. that is the concern right there course to the white house. what makes this different, trace, and this is what we're trying to find out is something we just don't know. the department of homeland security has specifically not answered our questions, but we're hoping to find out more just to find out specifically what this new governance board does. trace? >> thanks, david. let's get to brian kilmeade, co-host of that morning show. he's also the host of a special who is elon musk, which is available at let's start this, bryan. seems like this disinformation governance board is kind of a reaction to this fear that elon musk is suddenly going to control the narrative on the left and they're saying we need a government organization to try and combat that. your thoughts. >> i'm doing one nation as you know saturday at 8:00. talking to karl rove. turns out this was in the works, the disinformation committee before elon musk decided to buy twitter. having said all that, this does seem to be some type of offense and defense against elon musk who will have this quest not to have a right wing point of view but a balanced point of view. he wants people to have a right to attack him on a regular basis, for babylon bee use their sense of humor and not get suspended. people say who is this guy? the electric car that struggled for a while that is hitting its stride. the spacex guy. who is he? a fascinating look at who he became, who he was and how he and his brothers grew up in a divorced house. wants to get into america. has to settle for canada. worked his way down here. one thing after another, he was taking risks, believing in himself and a cut above just about in every job and every school he went to. >> trace: we'll be watching that. this is a treat from the disinformation czar, nina jancowicz. she said on the laptop from hill, apparently biden notes 50 former national security officials that believe the laptop is a russian influence op. trump says russia, russia, russia. she said i was leave tweeting the debate. she also said here, we should view it, talking about hunter biden's laptop, as a trump campaign product and she also called the laptop a fairy tale. this in itself is disinformation. >> how about this should be disqualified. how about if you line up the people that have credibility with the american people, to run this thing that i don't think should exist, called a disinformation czar or bureau through the office of homeland security who has not really done much right for a long time, including get the border. but they're going to take on something else. that's great. outside the coast guard perhaps. now to put this bureau with this woman with this track record of partisanship and is she that lazy? she says 51 intel experts say that hunter biden's laptop is real. look at the e-mail yourself, call somebody else in and say did hunter e-mail you this as opposed to michael hayden saying this was like classic russian disinformation. the laziest conclusion in the history of intelligence so-called experts. >> trace: we should also note that she was complimentary of christopher steele, the author of the dossier. i want to play this sound bite. this is from douglas murray. the author of war on the west and get your response on the other side. >> are the democrats going to crank down on the people lying about ron desantis' bill in florida? some people are saying that he's trying to say stop the word "gay" in florida instead of teaching nonsense in kindergarten. >> the man on the left is a huge talent. it's a fair point. a really fair point. all of this stuff the left is saying about the parental rights law in florida is misinformation. it's all wrong. it says nil in the bill about that but nobody has shut them down. >> trace, you're too smart for this. everybody is too smart for this. this is a lark. you can't possibly crack down on this. when people make a statement or absolute statement that ends up having some nuance, are they lying, suspended? this president of the united states, president biden, said the new election rules in georgia are jim crow 2.0. not close. still lost the all-star game. north carolina, the bathroom rule. the sitting governor said say, if you're a man or woman, just use the bathroom you were a signed to at birth. next thing they're moving everything out of there. what did he say or mean? should a swimmer in an ivy league school that was a man for a while became a woman. if you said something about it, should you be somebody that should be labelled with this information? it's an impossible road. the singer activist that happens to be extremely knowledgeable with a great resume that shouldn't be in this position. she should be the last person although she does have a wonderful singing voice. >> trace: you talk about misinformation to wrap this up, you had the dhs secretary tell the border patrol agents that this crisis at the border was unsustainable. yet he walks before congress and tells them the border is under control. that is misinformation. brian kilmeade, great to see you. the pentagon takes another step to bolster the fight against vladimir putin. >> they have suffered casualties, lost banks and battles and they're a weaker military than they were 64 days ago. >> trace: republican congressman and marine corps veteran mike gallagher live from ukraine. gallagher live from ukraine. makn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- you deserve more. more cash, more savings, and more financial peace of mind. newday can help you get it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value: up to $60,000 or more. and veterans are saving an average of $615 every month. with more ways to help more veteran families, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. ♪ ♪ make way for the first-ever chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. oh, i had never seen a picture of her until i got on ancestry. it was like touching the past. my great aunt signed up to serve in the union army as a field nurse. my great grandmother started a legacy of education in my family. didn't know she ran for state office. ended up opening her own restaurant in san francisco. paralee wharton elder, lupe gonzalez, mary sawyers, margaret ross. there's a lot of life that she lived. who are the strong women in your family? ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> trace: a u.s. marine veteran has been killed fighting alongside ukrainian forces. the family of willie joseph cancel says he agreed to go to ukraine with a private military contracting company. his widow tells fox it was in his nature to want to help people. the couple had a 7-month-old son. he had dreams and aspirations of being a police officer or joining fdny. naturally when he found out about what was happening in ukraine, he was eager to volunteer. breaking knowments ago, an emotional response from john kirby as he answered a question about vladimir putin's mental state and the atrocities his forces have committed in ukraine. watch. >> it's hard to look at what he's doing in ukraine, what his forces are doing in ukraine and think that any ethical, moral individual could justify that. it's difficult to look at the -- sorry. it's difficult to look at some of the images and imagine that any well-thinking serious mature leader would do that. i can't talk to his psychology but we can all speak to his depravity. >> let's bring in mike gallagher, retired marine and member of the house services committee. you've seen john kirby get choked up. vladimir putin talking about using nuclear weapons. the president of the united states, joe biden, has said we're not getting into world war iii. the british secretary of defense said listen, we're not afraid of vladimir putin. we're not afraid of him. we don't care what he says. we're going to do what we have to do. which is the right approach in your estimate? >> the latter is the right approach. we should always be cognizant of nuclear escalation and shouldn't go around provoking anyone. we shouldn't allow the fear of escalation or the fear of provocation or the fear of what he might do to dictate our actions. indeed, it's that fear itself such as it makes us hesitate that is provocative and that putin seizes upon and look at the year leading up to the invasion itself where the administration delayed lethal assistance no less than two occasions for fear of provoking vladimir putin and of course, he took that, ran with it and he invaded ukraine. so again, it's always good to be prudent in matters of geo politics. but we shouldn't fear putin. we should stand strong with our allies and take courage from the bravery that the ukrainians are showing on the ground. >> the "wall street journal" says the stakes in ukraine are enormous for the u.s. security. russia tries to expand their control in the east. defeating mr. putin's war of conquest is possible and the west can make the world safer by showing that an alliance of democracies can defeat a dictator. would you vote to give ukraine what it needs to win this war or to sustain their side in this war? >> i think we should operate with the idea that ukraine can win. it's highly unlikely that they will kick russian troops out of crimea, but i can see them to have a devastating effect on russian troops in the south and east of the country and push back his renewed offensive, particularly if putin wants to expand in the south to odesa. we should give the ukrainians what they need to continue to impose devastating costs on the russian army. they have not only demonstrated bravery, but they demonstrated enormous creativity. one thing that is working well is the rapid way in which we're sharing intelligence with ukrainians and their acting on that intelligence to attack russian ships, russian tanks, attack troop personnel carriers and things like that. that is something that we should continue going forward. >> trace: as you look at the map right now in ukraine, if there's any kind of peace deal to be had in the weeks and months ahead, do you foresee that russia would give back mariupol? would give back that land bridge to crimea that they're efforting? is that negotiable forladimir putin or will the map in ukraine look different than it does today? >> we're very far away from peace talks. the longer this goes on, the more people die, the more destruction there is in ukraine. i don't think putin will give up on his stated desire now to establish that land bridge with russia. so we have more fighting. our task is one, let's not impose a preemptive set of agreement on to the ukrainians. that's their choice to make. two, as we talked about before, let's put them in the best possible position in order to win on the battlefield and translate that battle field success into diplomatic success. i would add that we just went through seven years worth of javelins in ukraine. we'll have to replenish our own stockpiles that are important in other regions of the world, most notably taiwan to make sure china doesn't invade. >> trace: if putin goes to the g-20, if he goes, should other countries boycott? >> in unison. we shouldn't let him be a member of the g-20. he's not fit for it. >> trace: thanks, congressman. >> thank you. >> trace: reports right now that a mass grave containing the bodies of around 900 civilians has been discovered in the kyiv region. griff jenkins is on the ground in kyiv, ukraine with more. griff? >> trace, good afternoon. that's big news. we're seeing reports that should president zelensky make a detailed discovery of another mass grave in the kyiv suburbs. this could hold as many as 900 civilians. this comes as war crime prosecutors have begin to file charges against specific russian soldiers for the war crimes that they determined were committed in places like bucha like 400 bodies were found there. there's been more than 1,000 civilians identified in the surrounding kyiv area since they began to make these discoveries. the timing of this is very interesting, trace. it was just yesterday that u.n. secretary general antonio gutierrez was touring some of the hard-hit areas like bucha with president zelensky. we shall see what comes up that while kyiv getting hit on the day that the u.n. secretary visits. take a look at the footage from the aftermath of this strike. it hit an apartment building as well as a military weapons factory. destroyed, as you can see from the images, everything in this area. it killed one person. a female journalist that worked for radio free europe and injured ten others. four of which were hospitalized with serious injuries. meanwhile, you're talking with the congressman about mariupol. that situation, trace, getting dire by the minute. the commanders there in the steel plant that have been holed in for weeks and weeks saying they're running out of food and water and were hoping that the u.n. secretary general could get this humanitarian corridor opened to let the civilians out of that area. that has yet to be seen as we are in day 65 of this war, trace. >> trace: griff jenkins live. thanks. is the white house deliberately downplaying the risk of a recession in the face of dire mid-term prospects for democrats? 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we do. who do we have to thank for that? we have to thank the russians and the saudis. i know there's a family that is close to them. they're called the trumps. if they want to do something rather than getting $2 billion from the saudis, maybe they can ask them to open the spigots. democrats are not a party that is grounded in a fiction, which is the trump lie. the public does not have great confidence in a party taking over where their judgment is just so obviously flawed. that is a core belief for republicans. >> you -- i want to play this sound bite concerning the enormous economic growth in the country and i'll get your response, kimberly. >> what you're seeing is enormous growth in the country. it was affected by covid and the covid blockages. >> trace: the country is not buying this. you drive by gas stations, you see the megasigns that says that gas is at record highs, you can't sit there and say it's because of putin. they're not buying any of this. yet the administration keeps serving it up. >> yeah, unfortunately for them, americans are not stupid. all of the democrats hit the same talking points in a memo or an e-mail. at the end of the day, gas prices are up. inflation is up higher than since i've been alive. that was in 1981 we haven't seen numbers like this. people go to vote, they grow to vote based on what's in their pocket or what is not in their pockets. people are paying prices they shouldn't be paying. you have president trump making his rounds saying basically do you miss me yet? there's a lot of people that say yes, i do. they know that just two years ago our lives were a lot better and things were cheaper. i don't see where anybody would be optimistic enough to vote for any democrat, whether it's the house or the senate or even a local election at this point. >> trace: people are saying that things have changed. look at elon musk. there's been a lot of talk about him. he tweeted the following, i strongly supported obama for president. but today's democratic party has been hijacked by extremists. is that a fair statement, richard or do you think he's way off line? a lot of people have said the far left has taken control of this party. >> yeah, the only time that the squad put their stake down and said voted with us, they lost 430 to 4 in the house of representatives. instead, you have marjorie taylor green and others holding their leadership around by the throat. you have a republican leader in the senate saying let's tax half the people that are not taxed now and look at ending medicare and social security in five years. that's what democrats have going for them. >> trace: last ten seconds, kimberly. >> yeah, basically we're going to flip the house and the senate. when i say "we", the republicans will. a lot of democrats are living in the la-la land. i think we'll take the presidency back in 2024 as well. >> trace: great to see you both. thank you. >> you too. >> trace: take a look at this line-up. will cain, tyrus and joe concha all coming up as "the story" continues. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. with the newday zero down home purchase loan, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still low. already own a home and need cash? 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>> trace: thanks, bryan llenas. let's bring in will cane, the co-host "fox and friends weekend". the fact that they're putting up razor wire like what are you doing? they cancel awhile and now putting up razor wire to keep these migrants out. it's almost like cancelling keystone pipeline and asking the venezuelans for more oil. it just baffles you, will. >> a great analogy, trace. creating one problem and offering as a solution yet another half-hearted problem to bring us from deliverance of the original problem. what made me cock my head like in scooby doo, listening to the democratic mayor along the boarder in texas saying this is not effective management. she chose those words purposely. what we heard from alejandro mayorkas is the border is being effectively managed. let's do this. let's set aside party affiliation. if you live on the border, it's not pertinent to tissue at hand. you have a democratic mayor along the border. you have democratic representatives in the house of representatives of the united states congress. they're saying this is a cry situation and this is being mismanaged. and democratic poll situations are saying hey, this is being managed just fine. it doesn't seem to matter -- the true dividing line is do you understand the problem. are you hear to deal with it. if you're feeling this first hand, you want to know this administration is destroying the border. although there's a d in new hampshire, maggie hassan that says said has, this is not a good idea. the democrats are complaining about this. i want to play this sound bite from alisa slotkin. >> we heard the administration was about to reverse title 42 without presenting a plan, it struck both of us and said it was just set up to fail basically. >> when she says "we" she's talking about abigail spanburger. it's a bad idea to drop title 42. your lost thoughts. >> your point is well-taken. perhaps it's not a geographic location but whether or not you're in touch with reality and sanity. even democrats that understand the effect of this problem, those remaining and living in the world and perhaps having their plan play out accordingly are okay with this chaos. i was struck by congressman jim jordan who questioned mayorkas about the location of the 42 -- you know, illegal immigrants were on the terrorist watch list. he asked where are they? his answer is i can't answer that question. >> to go you one better, not only can they not answer the question of where they are, they're not really sure it's just 42. might be a few more. not quite sure. >> terror watch list. >> trace: democrats will say listen, the 9-11 conspirators did not cross the southern border. good point. will cane, great to see you. >> thank you. >> great to have you on. >> trace: immigration a top concern for many hispanic voters. fox hit the road to talk to some of them about why so many are turning away from president biden. alicia acuna is live with more on that. alicia, good afternoon. >> hi, trace. so good to see you. first, let's take a look at the data. a recent quinnipiac poll found was biden's approval at among hispanic voters among 26%. this once reliable sector of the electorate said in an earlier poll that the most urgent issue facing the country today is inflation followed by immigration and the war in ukraine. we had our team across the country asking hispanic voters their views on how the border issue impacts them. >> i believe that we do need a president that will take care of our borders so we can keep our country more safe. i'm definitely would love for trump to come back. >> i have a daughter of an immigrant. it's close to my heart. i want to make sure i vote for somebody that believes in my same beliefs. >> i believe certain parties allow these immigrants to come in hopes that we'll get votes in return. as we see, this is what is happening in the city based off of that philosophy. >> it's like getting rid of title 42. it's like opening the borders and saying welcome. >> the national association of latino elected and appointed officials says while immigration is important to hispanics, it won't be a driving issue to the polls. the fastest growing segment of the latino electorate is independents. >> and that is a segment of the latino vote that either party, republican or democrat, has an opportunity to make inroads in those that choose to identify themselves on the line. >> gop operatives tell us that they see a real opportunity for the party here. trace? >> trace: a lot of others do as well. alicia acuna live in rocky mountains. controversial move that president biden is considering that one of my next guests predicts could seal the fate of the democratic party. i won't tell you who said it. joe concha is necessary to him. the book is doing magnificent we'll talk to those gentlemen next. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel— cut. liberty biberty— cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. action. cut. you can't say that. 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not inflation? we're still waiting for stuff to come. in it's ridiculous. this is why the country is turning on him. >> trace: this is a young independent voter on a young voter panel. then we'll get your take. watch. >> first thing for me, i don't think that would be the trick. that is bad policy. there's a lot of students that are able to pay off students loans. we should be delicate for the folks having a hard time but it's also time for us to make sure that we're investing in the education that will be profitable for us going forward. that would not be a good thing for this independent voter. >> trace: if you're looking for dollar numbers, if you're paying off student loan debt for everybody, 1.56 trillion. your thoughts. >> with a t, right? you have to wonder where the forgiveness ends. these students entered into a loan agreement. they knew the original cost going into it. they weren't forced to do so. do wegive mortgage loans next? credit card debt? all of this is being amped up in an election year. because throwing money at people for votes is a time honored tradition. the majority of loans are people that are rich or upper middle class. less than 10% is being held by a bottom third of earners. almost four in ten students debt is held by students with advanced degrees, occupations like doctors and lawyers. they can afford to pay the loans back, trace? >> it's one of those things where if you listen to the white house, tyrus, this could help inflation. watch jen psaki. >> the way that inflation impacts people across the country is costs, right? costs to their bank accounts, costs to their budgets, how we can provide them for relief so that they have more money to spend on things in their lives. providing students loan relief is that. >> trace: that's the fuzzy math that president bush used to talk about. >> yeah, that's that 2 plus 2 thing that equals 5. george orwell said that would be a bad time for us. they conflate things, they say things. you talking away student loan debts to people that don't want to pay it but to the moms and dads out there who sacrificed vacations, who sacrificed new cars, put money away to save to put little johnny or susie through school, they're just supposed to pick up the bill? this is -- it's shocking sometimes how ignorant that people in political positions can sound trying to convince us this is a good thing. it's not. it's shameful. >> trace: joe conscious, 10 seconds. >> what we're forgetting in this is that a place like georgetown now cost $80,000 per year. so you're talking $320,000 for four years of college? if you forgive student loans and they get away with charging that as they continue to increase tuition, that's what we should focus on as well. congrats for tyrus to the books. it's selling like hot cakes. >> trace: "just tyrus", it's selling like hot kicks. >> thanks, both. >> trace: just how powerful is former president trump in this year's elections? we're about to find out next. people with plaque psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the splash they create. the way they exaggerate. or the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, you can achieve clearer skin with otezla. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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Harp , Doug , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual Customizing , Two , Car Insurance , Anyone , Peace , Marriage , Crowd Gasps , Emu Squawks , Pay , Liberty , Kevin Hart , Fighting , U S Marine , Couple , Forces , Nature , Military Contracting Company , Widow , Fox , Willie Joseph , 7 , Son , Police Officer , Dreams , Aspirations , Fdny , Watch , Question , Estate , Atrocities , John Kirby , Individual , Moral , Some , Images , Leader , Thinking , Depravity , Speak , Psychology , Joe Biden , Member , Weapons , House Services Committee , Care , Approach , Listen , Secretary Of Defense , World War Iii , British , Escalation , Latter , Estimate , Provocation , Shouldn T Go , I Don T Think Putin , Actions , Administration , Geo Politics , Course , Matters , Assistance , Occasions , Invasion , Ran , Ukrainians , Ground , Bravery , Courage , Allies , Shouldn T Fear Putin , Stakes , Wall Street Journal , World , Control , East , Safer , War Of Conquest , Mr , Democracies , Dictator , Alliance , Idea , South , Troops , Effect , Crimea , Country , Costs , Offensive , Russian Army , Odesa , Their , Acting , Creativity , Map , Ships , Peace Deal , Tanks , Attack Troop Personnel Carriers , Land Bridge , Mariupol , Forladimir , Peace Talks , Destruction , Choice , Task , Agreement , Desire , Set , Order , Battlefield , Success , Javelins , Battle Field Success , Seven , Putin , Stockpiles , Sure China Doesn T , Regions , Countries , Reports , G 20 , Mass Grave , Unison , 20 , Civilians , Bodies , Kyiv , Griff Jenkins , Kyiv Region , 900 , News , Zelensky , Kyiv Suburbs , Detailed Discovery Of Another Mass Grave , War Crime Prosecutors , Charges , Places , War Crimes , Soldiers , 400 , Timing , Discoveries , U N , Kyiv Area , 1000 , Antonio Gutierrez , Areas , Secretary Visits , Hit , Bucha , Area , Aftermath , Strike , Footage , Apartment Building , Military Weapons Factory , Destroyed , Situation , Four , Others , Journalist , Injuries , Radio Free Europe , Ten , Food , Commanders , Plant , Secretary General , Water , Griff Jenkins Live , Corridor , 65 , Risk , Recession , Face , Prospects , Chair , President , Council , Comments , Advisers , Report , Obama , Gdp , Bonnie , Case , Video Call , Video Calls , Phone Call , Message , Messages , Bout A Ringcentral , Be Cool , Deal , Stallion , Sister , Horse , Ha , Ringcentral , Keytruda , Battle , Chemotherapy , Cancer , The Rock , Treatment , Patients , Medicine , Lung Cancer , Chemotherapies , Types , Immunotherapy , Clinical Trial , Immune System , Parts , Fight Cancer , Lead , Gene , Body , Alk , Egfr , Nonsquamous Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Doctor , Headache , Vomiting , Tenderness , Nausea , Diarrhea , Eye Problems , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Constipation , Breath , Light Sensitivity , Irregular Heartbeat , Death , Dizziness , Shortness , Fainting , Appetite , Cough , Extreme Tiredness , Memory Problems , Immune System Problems , Side Effects , Muscle Pain , Confusion , Organ Transplant , Conditions , Stem 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T , Memo , E Mail , Gas Prices , Numbers , 1981 , Pockets , Pocket , Prices , Rounds , Election , Senate , House , Anybody , Lives , Talk , Following , Extremists , Squad , Stake , Leadership , Tax Half , Throat , House Of Representatives , Marjorie Taylor Green , 4 , 430 , Social Security , Ending Medicare , Five , Presidency , Take A Look , La Land , 2024 , Joe Concha , Tyrus , The Story , Line Up , Will Cain , Homeownership , Down Payment , Zero Down Home , Rates , The American Dream , Zero , Loan , Payments , Newday100 , The Call , Dad , Windshield , Daughter , Pop Rock Music Tech , Trust Safelite , He Wouldn T , Glass , Smash , Anywhere , Crack , Pull Over , Safety System , Safelite , Features , Stay Safe With Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Singers , Iowa , Safelite Repair , Place , Fun , Bills , Rolling Hills , Fields , Inside And Out , Markets , Unforeseeable , Investors , Landscape , Asset , Gold , Potential , Path , Returns , Colors , Diabetes , It Cheers , Meter , 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Play , Answer , Terror Watch List , Immigration A Top Concern , Conspirators , Fox Hit The Road , 9 , 11 , Many , First , Alicia Acuna , Hi , Electorate , Quinnipiac Poll , Data , Sector , 26 , Immigration , Issue , Views , Team , Borders , Immigrant , Safe , Votes , Parties , Hopes , Heart , Beliefs , City , Philosophy , National Association Of Latino Elected And Appointed , Polls , Hispanics , Segment , Independents , Driving Issue , Opportunity , Operatives , Inroads , Move , Guests , Fate , Rocky Mountains , Book , Breaks , Gentlemen , Actor , Liberty Butchemel Cut , Liberty Biberty Cut , Action , Phone Rings , Need , Statue Of Liberty , Liberty Mutual , Whatchya , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Hope , Try , Don T , Symptoms , Infection , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Ability , Dermatologist , Pills , Aleve , Pain , Pain Medicine , Freedom , Relief , Travel , Cabin , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Up To , Hello , 12 , 5 , 6 , Fee , Master , Size , Staffing , Big Time With 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Visit , Airwaves , Ads , Nomination , Tim Ryan , Scrambling , Weekend , Martha , Blacks , Trace Gallagher , Neil , 2022 , April 29 2022 , 29 , Market Averages , Points , Number , Dow Joins Industrial Skating , Consumer , Decline , Tech Rich Nasdaq , Amazon , 2006 ,

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