Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

may forgive some federal student debt. a plan that many lawmakers believe could make inbeflation much worse. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich starts us off tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, jack question. >> good evening to you, bret. today the white house unveiled a new $33 billion spending badge e that would give military and military funding to ukraine and he pushed congress, the president did, to act on this quickly. but amid new signs of a worsening economy and outstanding requests for more funding, including for covid, it is annual uphill battle at the cap will toll. >> g.d.p. declined 1.4 pace in the first quarter. surprising economists who are predicting 1% growth. a second quarter of negative growth would constitute a recession. president biden tried to tamp down fears. >> they are not predicting a recession now -- some are predicting there may be a recession in 2023. >> the white house blamed the slow down on a reduction in inventory growth not inventory levels and said because the economy is reopening, there have been more imports than exports. but republicans are fearing conditions are ripe for a recession. warning government spending must be reigned in or. slamming the president's plan to cancel student debt. >> contribute to more inflation economic growth will face even more headwinds as we just saw this morning when we got the reports for the first quarter. >> the administration still hasn't overcome political headwinds to get its previous spending proposals through congress. >> passing student debt can make it hard for joe manchins of congress to sign ton bills that would pass elements of build back better that you guys are still trying to get through which he said he won't do because of inflation. >> well, what we are talking about here is how to provide people with relief. >> president painting high gas prices as a chance to go green. >> i look at this as a serious problem but also an enormous opportunity, an opportunity. >> while congressional democrats staredown the midterms. >> do you think the public is blaming democrats. >> no i don't think they are blaming democrats. i think they are blaming oil companies. they will blame all of us if we don't do something about the fossil fuel industry. >> and more bad news for democrats. a new gallup poll shows nearly half of americans think the rising prices in the united states is a crisis. 47% believe it's a problem but not a crisis, only 3%, bret, believe it's not a problem at all. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. thank you. stocks rallied despite the economic report. the dow rose 614. the s&p 104. the nasdaq gained 383. overseas now russian forces are gaining momentum in eastern ukraine targeting several areas with heavy fire. experts believe vladimir putin is pushing for a major battlefield success ahead of an important russian holiday. i will speak to ned price about the latest u.s. efforts to help ukrainians fight back. first correspondent trey zings is in kyiv again tonight with the report. >> black smoke rises up from the skyline of the ukrainian capitol. earlier tonight two weapons missiles slammed into manufacturing plant. while rush continues to target cities across ukraine, the united states is stepping in to provide even more military support to the eastern european country. if approved, president biden's $33 billion aid request to congress will give the ukrainians $20 billion for things like drones, artillery and other heavy systems. >> every day -- every day the ukrainians pay for the price -- the price they pay with their lives for this fight. we continue to arms ammunition and economic support to make their courage and sacrifice have purpose so they can continue this fight. >> officials in moscow continue to blame kyiv for ongoing escalation. despite clear signs that russia is pushing forward with an offensive. >> the continued provocation of ukraine to carry out strikes against russian objects will invariably lead to a harsh response from russia. >> those accusations come as u.n. secretary general antonio will gutierrez meets kyiv he met volodymyr zelenskyy including evacuating 2,800,000 soldiers and civilians from a steel plant from the besieged city of mariupol. >> ukraine is ready for immediate negotiations and the creation of people from -- as well as to ensure the implementation of any agreement reached. >> ukrainian leader has seen firsthand what russian forces can do to the civilian population. innocent people like vitaly, a blind ukrainian man we met in march losing everything. his home reduced to rubble after being hit by a russian cell. miraculously he survived had a simple but powerful plea, sir, please help me. >> ukraine's prosecutor general today says that she is investigating the crimes that took place around this city during the russian occupation. she announced that at least 10 russian soldiers have been identified and accused of torture in the village next to vitaly. bret? >> bret: thank you. joining us tonight is state department spokesman ned price. ned, thanks for being here. >> bret, good to see you. >> bret: the question i get asked most is this. how does this end from your point of view, how does this end? >> well, it's going to end with the ukraine that is independent, sovereign, whole and free. we are going to see to that. it's a strategy that is demonstrably working. it's working towards that end goal of a ukraine that is independent, whole and free. and i say that because, bret, we are now more than two months into this war. we have every reason to believe that vladimir putin, when he sent his forces into ukraine on february 24th thought that he would be the de facto leader of ukraine within days or even hours of the start of that invasion. russia is losing this war. russia has lost the battle of kyiv. russia has been forced out of key areas and they have been forced to narrow their military aims from the whole country to now the south and the east. >> bret: is it the position of the u.s. government to get russia out of ukraine completely or the pre24th borders of russia and ukraine? >> it is the position of this government that we will support what it is that the ukrainian government seeks to do. we believe, as the ukrainian government does, that this war can only be ended through diplomacy and dialogue. that's why we have been with our ukrainian partners all along supporting their efforts to engage in good faith diplomacy. we certainly haven't seen that from the russians. so in the meantime, what we are trying to do is to strengthen the hand of our ukrainian partners at the negotiating table. >> bret: let me try it a different way. a year from now, what does the map of ukraine look like? >> look, bret, this conflict. we are going to try to bring it to an end just as soon as we can. in the meantime, we are going to support our ukrainian partners. they want to have discussions about how they can bring this war to an end, how they can bring brutality to a close. it's not for us to say what borders should be where they should be drawn. hornily it's also not for vladimir putin to decide where borders or how borders should be drawn. >> bret: what do you say to people though look at this dollar figure today $33 billion and look back to $13.6 billion before and they say that's a lot of money? how long is the u.s. going to pour money into ukraine without a tangible end that we can see? >> i would say picture the alternative. picture the alternative in which the united states and international community weren't standing up against this russian aggression. if we allow russia to undertake this with impunity. if we allow vladimir putin to get away with this, we are going to see other autocrats,other ,dictatorsaround the world do t. the price will be much higher than what we have asked congress to appropriate so far. >> bret: can the weapons sent to ukrainian sent to ukraine -- >> they have proven that they are able to use those weapons effectively to do just that we want to see to it with our security assistance that our ukrainian partners have precisely what they need where they need to defend themselves. >> bret: you don't have any objection if the weapons are used to attack russia in russia? >> these weapons are for the ukrainians to defend themselves. every country around the world has inherent right to self-defense. >> is the goal to defeat russia. >> the goggle is to see win. russia will emerge in a position not able to project power and not able to undertake something like this against its neighbor any time soon. >> bret: in a speech last night the british foreign secretary said. >>this the architecture was designed to guarantee peace and prosperity to failed ukraine. the world should have done more to deter the invasion. >> bret: do you agree? >> well, we have done everything we can. we did everything we can prior to the invasion to try to prevent it. >> bret: you disagree. you said that you did everything you could. >> i'm speaking for the united states. i'm speaking for our close partners and allies. i don't speak for the world. >> bret: ned, the sanctions were not put in place before the war there could have been sanctions before the action was taken to get in to ukraine. >> bret, we have talked about this. sanctions lose their deterrent power when they are put in place before an action that you are trying to prevent is undertaken. >> bret: last thing, are you guys really worried that russia is going to use a nuclear weapon, whatever size, inside ukraine? >> well, we have heard a lot of irresponsible rhetoric and this is rhetoric really that flies in the face of statements, official statements even that we have heard from russians as recently as earlier this year. when the russians again said that a nuclear war is something that must never be fought and can never be won. we care much more about what the russians are doing rather than what they are saying. so we are keeping a very close eye on russia's nuclear facilities. its nuclear assets, at this point we haven't determined any need for us to change our own nuclear posture, but we are watching very closely. we have also made very clear in private and in public that any use of a weapon of mass destruction, be it chemical weapons, biological weapons or potentially nuclear weapons would be met with a strong, profound response, not only from the united states but from the rest of the world as well. >> bret: ned price state department spokesperson we appreciate your time. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: a new effort from the biden administration to police online consent is facing some serious backlash from conservatives. the disinformation governor nance board was created shortly after elon musk said he would purchase twitter. david spunt says republicans are already pressuring administration officials over this new directive. good evening, david. >> bret, good evening. the disinformation governance board set up by the biden administration to stop disinformation or misinformation, whatever you want to call it, ahead of the 2022 midterms later this year. but critics are crying foul at the person who is running the board. the executive director. her name nina jankovich wits, a global fellow at the wilson center in washington, d.c. she actually left the wilson center a nonpartisan think tank with an extensive foreign policy background. critics specifically point to a past tweet regarding the president's son hunter biden under federal investigation for his overseas business dealings. the story picked up speed during the presidential debates of 2020 but were censored by several social media sites including twitter. in october of 2020, jankovich tweeted back on the laptop from hell apparently biden 50 former officials and five former cia heads believe the laptop is a russian influence op. trump says russia, russia, russia. yesterday she clarified that tweet for those who believe this tweet is a tweet all my views simply a direct quote from both candidates during the final presidential debates. if you look today they were asked about appointment. >> is this the same individual who said the real and hunter biden laptop was false. >> i'm not familiar with those statements. >> you reported widely. >> i don't have any familiar. >> i don't have any comments on the laptop, what i can tell you is it sounds like the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around the country in a range of communities. i'm not sure who opposes that effort. >> jankovicz gave an interview to the associate press in 2020 where she called the laptop a trump campaign product. we reached out to her and the department of homeland security for comment but have yet to hear back. bret? >> bret: david spunt at the justice department. thank you. later in the ohio i will speak with ohio congressman jim jordan about this and the crisis at the southern border. it's coming up. up next, new research reveals where and how many blue states are using covid funds on a controversial curriculum. we will bring that you story. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 10 in phoenix as more than 700 personnel battle a wildfire in central arizona. officials say winds are making conditions dangerous there. the challenging terrain forcing fire managers to fight flames from the skies. the fire has burned more than 9,000 acres so far. there is only 23% contained. fox 29 in san antonio where trevor reed arrived early this morning to a small welcoming party greeting him on the tarmac. the marine veteran was part of a prisoner exchange with moscow. we told you about that yesterday. had been held in russian custody for nearly three years. and this is a live look at las vegas from fox 5. our affiliate out there. one of the big stories there tonight, football fans arrived for the first night of the nfl draft. you going to watch this? 1500 paying customers will be able to watch the event up close the draft stage has a vegas theme and located next to see jar's forum. the jacksonville jaguars have the first pitch. who will washington get? that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back ♪ and disruptive muscle aches. you can count on fast, effective relief with motrin. discover a simple way to use colors in managing diabetes! inspired by nature, onetouch verio reflect® meter shows instantly if you're below, within or above your range. it cheers you on and provides guidance. connected to your health and your phone. visit today. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ (customer) [reading] save yourself?! money with farmers? 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yesterday,president biden fired back criticizing conservatives for using schools to advance a political agenda. >> american teachers dedicate their lives to teaching our children and lift guilty them up. got to stop making the target of a culture wars. that's where this is going. >> the federal department of education says this is not encouraging the use of american rescue plan funds to teach crt and any claim to the contrary is patently false. illinois, new york, and california today all deny to us using relief money to implement what many call critical race theory. bret? >> bret: william, thank you. up next, congressman jim jordan joins us to discuss the immigration crisis and other topics, including disinformation committee. first, beyond our borders tonight. israel stand still for holocaust remembrance day. sirens blaring during an annual ritual to honor the 6 million jews murdered during world war ii. ceremonies were held at israel's holocaust memorial, parliament and throughout the country. beijing schools are closed as city officials try to prevent a wider coronavirus outbreak there. we saw shanghai close down. the 21 million citizens in china's capital in beijing are facing three rounds of mass testing. health officials announced 50 new cases today bringing the total in the latest wave of infections to around 150. and this is a live look at brussels. one of the big stories there tonight, nato secretary general jen salt tenberg says finland and sweden would be welcomed with open arms to nato and could become members quite quickly. media speculation suggests the two countries could apply in mid may. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight as you look at brussels. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ with open arms ♪ hoping you'll see little miss cupcake never stood a chance. ♪ ♪ leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio were injection site reaction, joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath. with leqvio, lowering cholesterol becomes just one more thing life throws your way. ask your doctor if leqvio is right for you. lower. longer. leqvio. to be clear, we have never been accused of being flashy, sexy or lit. may i? 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>> undoubtedly. >> do we have operational control yes or no. >> yes, we do. we have effectively managed an unprecedented number of non-citizens into the united states. >> from what i have seen it's a complete lie. >> sanchez owner of cuomo fitness located on the border of eagle pass, texas. he says migrants are illegally entering behind his business daily. >> it's hard enough trying to get customers in. having them scared away by somebody else and lose customers and eventually go out of business. >> just a few miles away justin owns a paint ball facility that caters to parties for kids as young as 12. he encounters groups of 70 or more migrants daily. trash and clothes lettered all over his property as migrants pass through barbed wire fencing. >> you don't know if they are armed. you don't know if they're sex offenders or just trying to get caught. >> record human smuggling continues. 31 migrants dressed in camouflage uniforms were found in a trailer in west texas. the u.s. driver was arrested by texas dps. in kenny county, troopers also arrested a u.s. citizen for smuggling three chinese nationals in his vehicle. today our fox news drone captured a joint exercise between texas dps and border patrol and mexican state police across the rio grande river it marked the first time mexico coordinated with u.s. officials here for a rapid response to a mass migration event as the border braces for a record surge this summer. >> and just hours after that joint operation exercise, we just witnessed half dozen migrants cross illegally right here in eagle pass. one other note today attorney general merrick garland confirmed the doj is still involved in extensive litigation about compensating certain migrants who are separated from their families under trump immigration policy. bret? >> bret: bryan llenas live at the border. thank you. let's bring in ohio republican congressman jim jordan a member of the judiciary committee, oversight and reform committees at the hearing today with the questioning. congressman, thanks for being here. >> good to be with you. are. >> bret: what do you take from today. >> the department of homeland security three mentions prevent it terrorism and stop border. illegal immigration. would know they're not doing two and three. for them say they are inherited a mess they got the more secure border when president trump left office and indid this mess undoing the policies of the trump administration. one of the big takeaways was when the secretary would not answer a pretty basic -- if your number one job is to prevent terrorism, we now know you guys have reported 42 illegal migrants encountered our our southern border were on the terrorist watch list. >> bret: i want to play this soundbite at that moment the terrorist watch list. >> the secretary of homeland security does not know the answer to the status of 42 individuals who came to our southern border illegally are on the no fly list and the terrorist watch list. you do not know if whether they have been released or not into the country? >> ranking member jordan, as i have said before, i will provide you the data. >> bret: you seemed blown away by that. >> i got to tell you i was a little reluctant to ask the question if he said something are you kidding me, congressman, of course they are not in the country. of course we sent them back. of course they are detained. when he didn't say that and indicated that they may in fact have been released into the country, that should be shocking because i said in the hearing, you are the secretary of homeland security. your number one job, mission number one, you go to their website mission number one prevent terrorism. that is shocking to me. it shows you what i think we pointed out the front end of the hearing and pointed out throughout the hearing what they're doing to our border, what they are doing to our country is intentional it cannot be anything else because last year march was the highest month on record. i said this in my opening statement. aim was the highest month illegal migrants coming into our border envelope the month of may. may was the highest one until july. and july was the highest month until last month. >> bret: you think the administration wants chaos at the border. you think they want this open border to -- for what end? >> i don't know. that's the thing. what's the motive? what's the why here? is it just purely their ideological bent, leftist bent the left who controls the democratic party? i don't know. did he say today in the hearing he thinks all illegal immigrants here should get a pathway to citizenship that's better known as amnesty. i don't know what the full motive is it seems to be that basic. but it's definitely no rational person. no logical person could reach any other conclusion than they are intentionally letting millions and millions of people illegally come neuro country, knowing that those people know that they're going to be able to get in, stay, and never have to go honestly. that is their policy. they just set a new record last month and guess what? knox month they are going to make it worse when they get rid much title 42. >> bret: you have been done many of these hearings. you only have a short period of time and the answers are pretty tight. but a lot of times, congressman, there's a lot of grandstanding in the questioning. you try to get some substantive answers there. but democrats say this grilling was not fair, take a listen. >> it is actually too useful for republicans to not have a functioning system because it allows them to attack and scapegoat immigrants. >> these guys, if you want a dog to bark at cars that drive by in front of your house, they would be great at that. you should hire them do that i would never hire them to solve a problem. >> bret: your response. >> bishop hofns gave his life trying to residue two people coming across the river who were drowning, the fentanyl that's coming into our country because they have intentionally consciously premeditated fashion put in place a plan that says remember what joe biden announced on day one, bret a moratorium on deportation. stop building the wall. remain end in mexico policy. end the agreements with the northern triangle. will 30 days get rid of title 42. i asked this question to the secretary do you think you are incentivizing people to come no, no, no. we are not doing that how can all those things incentivize to come. saying to people come to the country. there is no wall you have to get over. there is no wall you have to get around. we have stopped building that you won't be deported. we won't keep you in mexico while we evaluate asylum claim and next month getting rid of the one thing chaotic situation title 42 oh when you get here we are going to release you to wherever you want to go and they're going to give them a cell phone and those people when they get released they will call back to their home country. hey, come on in, mr. mayor cas is letting anybody in. >> bret: g.o.p. insists on a title 42 vote in any of these funding for ukraine. >> i think they will. it will be tough for us because they won't let us bring our own -- they won't let it be made in order in the rule. in the senate they can do. >> bret: you think they will. >> i think they will, yeah. >> bret: this disinformation board governance board. >> scary. >> bret: why? >> because that's the left. you know, the left controls just about everything in our culture today. and you got one guy who -- one guys who buys twitter one part of the big platforms out there and they go crazy. they want to control the message. i think it's interesting and asked this question to secretary mayorkas. nina jankovicz is the person in charge. the person in charge of the disinformation governance board is the same individual who told us the dossier was real and the hunt laptop story was false. that's the person in charge. that is frightening. that is scary. but this is the left. they want to control the message. they don't believe -- today's left basically says if you disagree with them you are not allowed to speak. if they try they will call you a racist and try to cancel you. that is how scary it's gotten. god bless elon musk and what he is doing. this is a the way we can begin to fight back. >> bret: last thing, a lot of coverage of what house minority leader kevin mccarthy said on those audiotapes and what he is saying now. a lot of back and forth. he has answered some questions from our own bill melugin. i guess from a conservative point of view, do you think leader mccarthy is a conservative, loyal to farmer president trump or do you think he says what he has to to make people, like you, happy? >> i want president trump to be the next president. i think he is going to run. i think he is going to win. he supports kevin mccarthy and i think what is good for the country if president trump is our next president and kevin mccarthy is our next speaker. republicans are back in charge and stopped craziness like we saw today said by the secretary of homeland security. the craziness like we see with this disinformation governing board. the craziness high inflation. that's what we got to focus on. >> bret: you hear what he said then and hear what he is saying now to y'all don't you see a disconnect there and does it bother you at all. >> again, i think president trump has said he supports the leader and i think the leader is going to be the next speaker of thes house. i think the american people have had it with secretary mayorkas and all the crazy things that the left and joe biden are doing to the country. >> bret: does he need your help to be the next speaker. >> i think he is going to have the help of lots of republicans around the country. i think the america people is going to be what puts us in the majority. i travel a lot. i was traveling last week. can you feel it building out there. the country is so frustrated with what they are seeing from the democrats controlling the white house, the house and the senate, they are fixing to make a change. i think potentially could be big. >> bret: congressman, appreciate your time in person. up next the panel on the biden economy and the pending battle over student debt relief. >> i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction. >> joe, here is my student loan plan, you took out the loan, pay it back. ♪ are you haunted by your cable service? 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(crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. no one is predicting a recession now. some are predicting there may be a recession in 2023. >> this is literally democratic economic agenda for your family, high prices and less money. >> this is senate democrat positions because their bad decisions have hurt americans once. the solution is to hurt americans twice. >> if you thought we had high and rising inflation, this report just reinforced that. that's the fed's problem. so they need to lean not less hard but more hard on the economy and that raises the risk over the next couple of years that they will make a mistake and we will get a recession. >> bret: okay. the u.s. economy. the g.d.p. shrank for the first time in q-1. the politico writes it this way the u.s. economy shrank last quarter since the first time since the pandemic recession struck two years ago. the steady spending suggested that the economy could keep expanding this year even though the federal reserve plans to raise rates aggressively to fight the inflation surge. let's bring in our panel ben domenech editor of the host of the ben domenech podcast. howard kurtz. and mara liasson national political correspondent of "national public radio." this is not a great report, mara. even though the president said that the economy is still growing, it did shrink by 1.4%. i guess when you look at this, how are democrats on the hill pitching more taxes in this environment? >> well, there is a debate about how much government spending might have contributed to inflation. but what people are saying is this is one report. consumer spending is strong. a a lot of internals are strong. yes it went down. but now we have to see if it continues to drop. one more and we are in an actual technical recession that's two quarters of negative growth. but it's not good. you know, the economy has to be good for the party in power to maintain control and it's going in the wrong direction. >> bret: howie? >> sat rinking g.d.p. collapses the biden talking point the economy is going gang busters. point to the fact that unemployment hasn't been this low in decades. one thing i have learned, bret, it's that when it comes to the economy it's how people feel about it that is much more important politically than what the numbers may show. biden himself says we have to do a better job of selling to the voters what we have already accomplished. but this is more than a communications problem it adds to the sense that the country trite now is kind of out of control on several fronts. >> bret: ben? >> how people feel. we have seen numbers most recently from gallup just the other day cuing that the american people are overwhelming of the mind that the economy is not going in the right direction. if you are in a situation as the party in power, and you have one out of every five americans with you in the idea the economy is going great, that's not a good situation for you to be in under any circumstance and this white house doesn't seem prepared to switch around their messaging or policy approach in a way that would change that. >> when it documents messaging on student debt relief. there are mixed messages coming out. including today. take a listen. >> this is a problem that infects our economy right now. the biden administration can take the first step toward dealing with this by canceling $50,000 in student loan debt. >> i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction. what i'm in the process of taking a hard look whether or not there are going -- there will be additional debt forgiveness. >> joe, here is my student loan plan, you took out the loan pay it back. >> bret: you can always count on senator kennedy. it's not 50,000. >> there is a debate inside the democratic party. he campaigned on this and promised he would forgive some amount of student debt or at least suspend it which has happened. so it's an issue that is important to young voters who, of course, turn out in much lower percent tages than older voters in the midterm. but the democratic party is torn about this. it sounds like biden is going to do something, not as much as the progressive wing of the party wants him to do. >> not that it just looks like election year pandering. seems so fundamentally unfair that a lot of people who went to elite and expensive schools get bailed out while others who didn't go to college or went to a less expensive college don't get anything it proves the point that there is no such thing as a temporary benefit in washington. this began in the pandemic because there is immediate pressure to not take it away. >> bret: that's true. in inflation, solution is to wipe out student loan debt? >> look, this is not an approach that i think will withstand, you know, really the kind of test that it ought to receive legally. personally, i would be happily in favor of taxing a lot of these wealthy universities and using that money to pay down the debt for their overpriced educations and basket weaving and the like. but that's not an approach this white house would be in favor of. >> bret: to howie's point, mara, don't democrats risk losing to people who actually paid off the loan. >> and also 65% of american voters didn't go to college. i mean, and that's a group that the democrats have struggled to win. so, yeah, it's a real fraught issue. >> bret: all right. stand by. up next. >> the panel on the illustrates illustrates -- immigration crisis and what we heard fromfe all sides today for a limited time, get a 5g phone on us! 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[gavel] >> arm inning texas and harming this country. you know it and you are ignoring. >> the time of the gentleman has expired. he no longer has time to slander the secretary. >> bret: chip froy texas. back with the panel. ben talked to jim jordan about this. obviously substantive exchanges and mayorkas has a heavy lift exchanging the policies at the border. some of those exchanges come under criticism for the way they are delivered. >> they are delivered the way that they are because of the frustration the people see. i was just at the border with congressman roy and a number of other congressman including kevin mccarthy in eagle pass this week and seeing their frustration at the border down there because of what is a policy choice on the part of the choice biden administration. we saw the choice made unof under the trump administration that led to really preventing a lot of the kind of humanitarian crisis sis that they see flowing across there every day death of the texas national guardsman who tried to wade into the water save two migrants that were there. it's frustrating to see someone come in front of you and feel like you are not getting through. i don't know if anything happens in that hearing accomplishes that much when it comes to this. it does try to get the attention of the people and the media who are ignoring this story that should be on every front page. >> bret: we played this earlier in the week, democratic senator maggie hassan being at the border with the wall campaigning border race in new hampshire about border security there. >> is the border there is a northern one. in her state she went to the southern one. >> look, we have immigration problem. it's broken. we have a labor shortage here and have to figure how to get the right amount of legal immigration and stop the rest of it. there is no doubt republicans feel this is an issue that is really going to help them that's why you see that kind of performance in the committee today can figure out one be more humane but somehow or another they were going to control the border they haven't been able to do it. >> bret: this disinformation governance board. congressman troy nelson from texas tweeted out they didn't need a disinformation governance border until elon musk threatened their control over the narrative. this thing is going to come under a lot of scrutiny in coming days. >> in terms of twitter and elon musk. elon musk is having a grand tithe time tweaking twitser takeover. left wing media freakout and the fact is twitter is a mess now. toxic. people get attacked. hate speech, bullying and miss information. >> it's a private company people can say what they. elon musk will have trouble he keeping people happy he said that himself as he tries to get this under control. a lot of the journalists seem to be in favor of censorship because they like the way it was. >> bret: sounds like uphill battle for the disinformation governance board. >> i don't think ministries of truth rarely are. >> bret: panel, thank you so much in person, thanks. capturing this moment a police officer in georgia slamming his patrol car into another vehicle to end a high-speed chase. the driver is barreling down the wrong side of the highway for failing to stop for a traffic violation. the suspect fled on foot. this apprehended a short distance from the vehicle. but that guy stopped it congratulations. tomorrow on "special report," we will speak with fox news contributor tyrus about his new book. that's it for this "special report." fair balanced and unafraid. brian kilmeade is here for another hour of television on fox news. hi, brian. >> brian: let's do it, bret. i assume that's my toss. i will accept. >> bret: okay. ♪ brian hey welcome to "jesse watters primetime" i'm brian kilmeade filling in for jesse tonight. washed the world of the government addicted to power. one where the narrative was controlled by the state and the people were forced to bend a kn

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

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may forgive some federal student debt. a plan that many lawmakers believe could make inbeflation much worse. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich starts us off tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, jack question. >> good evening to you, bret. today the white house unveiled a new $33 billion spending badge e that would give military and military funding to ukraine and he pushed congress, the president did, to act on this quickly. but amid new signs of a worsening economy and outstanding requests for more funding, including for covid, it is annual uphill battle at the cap will toll. >> g.d.p. declined 1.4 pace in the first quarter. surprising economists who are predicting 1% growth. a second quarter of negative growth would constitute a recession. president biden tried to tamp down fears. >> they are not predicting a recession now -- some are predicting there may be a recession in 2023. >> the white house blamed the slow down on a reduction in inventory growth not inventory levels and said because the economy is reopening, there have been more imports than exports. but republicans are fearing conditions are ripe for a recession. warning government spending must be reigned in or. slamming the president's plan to cancel student debt. >> contribute to more inflation economic growth will face even more headwinds as we just saw this morning when we got the reports for the first quarter. >> the administration still hasn't overcome political headwinds to get its previous spending proposals through congress. >> passing student debt can make it hard for joe manchins of congress to sign ton bills that would pass elements of build back better that you guys are still trying to get through which he said he won't do because of inflation. >> well, what we are talking about here is how to provide people with relief. >> president painting high gas prices as a chance to go green. >> i look at this as a serious problem but also an enormous opportunity, an opportunity. >> while congressional democrats staredown the midterms. >> do you think the public is blaming democrats. >> no i don't think they are blaming democrats. i think they are blaming oil companies. they will blame all of us if we don't do something about the fossil fuel industry. >> and more bad news for democrats. a new gallup poll shows nearly half of americans think the rising prices in the united states is a crisis. 47% believe it's a problem but not a crisis, only 3%, bret, believe it's not a problem at all. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. thank you. stocks rallied despite the economic report. the dow rose 614. the s&p 104. the nasdaq gained 383. overseas now russian forces are gaining momentum in eastern ukraine targeting several areas with heavy fire. experts believe vladimir putin is pushing for a major battlefield success ahead of an important russian holiday. i will speak to ned price about the latest u.s. efforts to help ukrainians fight back. first correspondent trey zings is in kyiv again tonight with the report. >> black smoke rises up from the skyline of the ukrainian capitol. earlier tonight two weapons missiles slammed into manufacturing plant. while rush continues to target cities across ukraine, the united states is stepping in to provide even more military support to the eastern european country. if approved, president biden's $33 billion aid request to congress will give the ukrainians $20 billion for things like drones, artillery and other heavy systems. >> every day -- every day the ukrainians pay for the price -- the price they pay with their lives for this fight. we continue to arms ammunition and economic support to make their courage and sacrifice have purpose so they can continue this fight. >> officials in moscow continue to blame kyiv for ongoing escalation. despite clear signs that russia is pushing forward with an offensive. >> the continued provocation of ukraine to carry out strikes against russian objects will invariably lead to a harsh response from russia. >> those accusations come as u.n. secretary general antonio will gutierrez meets kyiv he met volodymyr zelenskyy including evacuating 2,800,000 soldiers and civilians from a steel plant from the besieged city of mariupol. >> ukraine is ready for immediate negotiations and the creation of people from -- as well as to ensure the implementation of any agreement reached. >> ukrainian leader has seen firsthand what russian forces can do to the civilian population. innocent people like vitaly, a blind ukrainian man we met in march losing everything. his home reduced to rubble after being hit by a russian cell. miraculously he survived had a simple but powerful plea, sir, please help me. >> ukraine's prosecutor general today says that she is investigating the crimes that took place around this city during the russian occupation. she announced that at least 10 russian soldiers have been identified and accused of torture in the village next to vitaly. bret? >> bret: thank you. joining us tonight is state department spokesman ned price. ned, thanks for being here. >> bret, good to see you. >> bret: the question i get asked most is this. how does this end from your point of view, how does this end? >> well, it's going to end with the ukraine that is independent, sovereign, whole and free. we are going to see to that. it's a strategy that is demonstrably working. it's working towards that end goal of a ukraine that is independent, whole and free. and i say that because, bret, we are now more than two months into this war. we have every reason to believe that vladimir putin, when he sent his forces into ukraine on february 24th thought that he would be the de facto leader of ukraine within days or even hours of the start of that invasion. russia is losing this war. russia has lost the battle of kyiv. russia has been forced out of key areas and they have been forced to narrow their military aims from the whole country to now the south and the east. >> bret: is it the position of the u.s. government to get russia out of ukraine completely or the pre24th borders of russia and ukraine? >> it is the position of this government that we will support what it is that the ukrainian government seeks to do. we believe, as the ukrainian government does, that this war can only be ended through diplomacy and dialogue. that's why we have been with our ukrainian partners all along supporting their efforts to engage in good faith diplomacy. we certainly haven't seen that from the russians. so in the meantime, what we are trying to do is to strengthen the hand of our ukrainian partners at the negotiating table. >> bret: let me try it a different way. a year from now, what does the map of ukraine look like? >> look, bret, this conflict. we are going to try to bring it to an end just as soon as we can. in the meantime, we are going to support our ukrainian partners. they want to have discussions about how they can bring this war to an end, how they can bring brutality to a close. it's not for us to say what borders should be where they should be drawn. hornily it's also not for vladimir putin to decide where borders or how borders should be drawn. >> bret: what do you say to people though look at this dollar figure today $33 billion and look back to $13.6 billion before and they say that's a lot of money? how long is the u.s. going to pour money into ukraine without a tangible end that we can see? >> i would say picture the alternative. picture the alternative in which the united states and international community weren't standing up against this russian aggression. if we allow russia to undertake this with impunity. if we allow vladimir putin to get away with this, we are going to see other autocrats,other ,dictatorsaround the world do t. the price will be much higher than what we have asked congress to appropriate so far. >> bret: can the weapons sent to ukrainian sent to ukraine -- >> they have proven that they are able to use those weapons effectively to do just that we want to see to it with our security assistance that our ukrainian partners have precisely what they need where they need to defend themselves. >> bret: you don't have any objection if the weapons are used to attack russia in russia? >> these weapons are for the ukrainians to defend themselves. every country around the world has inherent right to self-defense. >> is the goal to defeat russia. >> the goggle is to see win. russia will emerge in a position not able to project power and not able to undertake something like this against its neighbor any time soon. >> bret: in a speech last night the british foreign secretary said. >>this the architecture was designed to guarantee peace and prosperity to failed ukraine. the world should have done more to deter the invasion. >> bret: do you agree? >> well, we have done everything we can. we did everything we can prior to the invasion to try to prevent it. >> bret: you disagree. you said that you did everything you could. >> i'm speaking for the united states. i'm speaking for our close partners and allies. i don't speak for the world. >> bret: ned, the sanctions were not put in place before the war there could have been sanctions before the action was taken to get in to ukraine. >> bret, we have talked about this. sanctions lose their deterrent power when they are put in place before an action that you are trying to prevent is undertaken. >> bret: last thing, are you guys really worried that russia is going to use a nuclear weapon, whatever size, inside ukraine? >> well, we have heard a lot of irresponsible rhetoric and this is rhetoric really that flies in the face of statements, official statements even that we have heard from russians as recently as earlier this year. when the russians again said that a nuclear war is something that must never be fought and can never be won. we care much more about what the russians are doing rather than what they are saying. so we are keeping a very close eye on russia's nuclear facilities. its nuclear assets, at this point we haven't determined any need for us to change our own nuclear posture, but we are watching very closely. we have also made very clear in private and in public that any use of a weapon of mass destruction, be it chemical weapons, biological weapons or potentially nuclear weapons would be met with a strong, profound response, not only from the united states but from the rest of the world as well. >> bret: ned price state department spokesperson we appreciate your time. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: a new effort from the biden administration to police online consent is facing some serious backlash from conservatives. the disinformation governor nance board was created shortly after elon musk said he would purchase twitter. david spunt says republicans are already pressuring administration officials over this new directive. good evening, david. >> bret, good evening. the disinformation governance board set up by the biden administration to stop disinformation or misinformation, whatever you want to call it, ahead of the 2022 midterms later this year. but critics are crying foul at the person who is running the board. the executive director. her name nina jankovich wits, a global fellow at the wilson center in washington, d.c. she actually left the wilson center a nonpartisan think tank with an extensive foreign policy background. critics specifically point to a past tweet regarding the president's son hunter biden under federal investigation for his overseas business dealings. the story picked up speed during the presidential debates of 2020 but were censored by several social media sites including twitter. in october of 2020, jankovich tweeted back on the laptop from hell apparently biden 50 former officials and five former cia heads believe the laptop is a russian influence op. trump says russia, russia, russia. yesterday she clarified that tweet for those who believe this tweet is a tweet all my views simply a direct quote from both candidates during the final presidential debates. if you look today they were asked about appointment. >> is this the same individual who said the real and hunter biden laptop was false. >> i'm not familiar with those statements. >> you reported widely. >> i don't have any familiar. >> i don't have any comments on the laptop, what i can tell you is it sounds like the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around the country in a range of communities. i'm not sure who opposes that effort. >> jankovicz gave an interview to the associate press in 2020 where she called the laptop a trump campaign product. we reached out to her and the department of homeland security for comment but have yet to hear back. bret? >> bret: david spunt at the justice department. thank you. later in the ohio i will speak with ohio congressman jim jordan about this and the crisis at the southern border. it's coming up. up next, new research reveals where and how many blue states are using covid funds on a controversial curriculum. we will bring that you story. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 10 in phoenix as more than 700 personnel battle a wildfire in central arizona. officials say winds are making conditions dangerous there. the challenging terrain forcing fire managers to fight flames from the skies. the fire has burned more than 9,000 acres so far. there is only 23% contained. fox 29 in san antonio where trevor reed arrived early this morning to a small welcoming party greeting him on the tarmac. the marine veteran was part of a prisoner exchange with moscow. we told you about that yesterday. had been held in russian custody for nearly three years. and this is a live look at las vegas from fox 5. our affiliate out there. one of the big stories there tonight, football fans arrived for the first night of the nfl draft. you going to watch this? 1500 paying customers will be able to watch the event up close the draft stage has a vegas theme and located next to see jar's forum. the jacksonville jaguars have the first pitch. who will washington get? that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back ♪ and disruptive muscle aches. you can count on fast, effective relief with motrin. discover a simple way to use colors in managing diabetes! inspired by nature, onetouch verio reflect® meter shows instantly if you're below, within or above your range. it cheers you on and provides guidance. connected to your health and your phone. visit today. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ (customer) [reading] save yourself?! money with farmers? 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yesterday,president biden fired back criticizing conservatives for using schools to advance a political agenda. >> american teachers dedicate their lives to teaching our children and lift guilty them up. got to stop making the target of a culture wars. that's where this is going. >> the federal department of education says this is not encouraging the use of american rescue plan funds to teach crt and any claim to the contrary is patently false. illinois, new york, and california today all deny to us using relief money to implement what many call critical race theory. bret? >> bret: william, thank you. up next, congressman jim jordan joins us to discuss the immigration crisis and other topics, including disinformation committee. first, beyond our borders tonight. israel stand still for holocaust remembrance day. sirens blaring during an annual ritual to honor the 6 million jews murdered during world war ii. ceremonies were held at israel's holocaust memorial, parliament and throughout the country. beijing schools are closed as city officials try to prevent a wider coronavirus outbreak there. we saw shanghai close down. the 21 million citizens in china's capital in beijing are facing three rounds of mass testing. health officials announced 50 new cases today bringing the total in the latest wave of infections to around 150. and this is a live look at brussels. one of the big stories there tonight, nato secretary general jen salt tenberg says finland and sweden would be welcomed with open arms to nato and could become members quite quickly. media speculation suggests the two countries could apply in mid may. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight as you look at brussels. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ with open arms ♪ hoping you'll see little miss cupcake never stood a chance. ♪ ♪ leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. common side effects of leqvio were injection site reaction, joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath. with leqvio, lowering cholesterol becomes just one more thing life throws your way. ask your doctor if leqvio is right for you. lower. longer. leqvio. to be clear, we have never been accused of being flashy, sexy or lit. may i? 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>> undoubtedly. >> do we have operational control yes or no. >> yes, we do. we have effectively managed an unprecedented number of non-citizens into the united states. >> from what i have seen it's a complete lie. >> sanchez owner of cuomo fitness located on the border of eagle pass, texas. he says migrants are illegally entering behind his business daily. >> it's hard enough trying to get customers in. having them scared away by somebody else and lose customers and eventually go out of business. >> just a few miles away justin owns a paint ball facility that caters to parties for kids as young as 12. he encounters groups of 70 or more migrants daily. trash and clothes lettered all over his property as migrants pass through barbed wire fencing. >> you don't know if they are armed. you don't know if they're sex offenders or just trying to get caught. >> record human smuggling continues. 31 migrants dressed in camouflage uniforms were found in a trailer in west texas. the u.s. driver was arrested by texas dps. in kenny county, troopers also arrested a u.s. citizen for smuggling three chinese nationals in his vehicle. today our fox news drone captured a joint exercise between texas dps and border patrol and mexican state police across the rio grande river it marked the first time mexico coordinated with u.s. officials here for a rapid response to a mass migration event as the border braces for a record surge this summer. >> and just hours after that joint operation exercise, we just witnessed half dozen migrants cross illegally right here in eagle pass. one other note today attorney general merrick garland confirmed the doj is still involved in extensive litigation about compensating certain migrants who are separated from their families under trump immigration policy. bret? >> bret: bryan llenas live at the border. thank you. let's bring in ohio republican congressman jim jordan a member of the judiciary committee, oversight and reform committees at the hearing today with the questioning. congressman, thanks for being here. >> good to be with you. are. >> bret: what do you take from today. >> the department of homeland security three mentions prevent it terrorism and stop border. illegal immigration. would know they're not doing two and three. for them say they are inherited a mess they got the more secure border when president trump left office and indid this mess undoing the policies of the trump administration. one of the big takeaways was when the secretary would not answer a pretty basic -- if your number one job is to prevent terrorism, we now know you guys have reported 42 illegal migrants encountered our our southern border were on the terrorist watch list. >> bret: i want to play this soundbite at that moment the terrorist watch list. >> the secretary of homeland security does not know the answer to the status of 42 individuals who came to our southern border illegally are on the no fly list and the terrorist watch list. you do not know if whether they have been released or not into the country? >> ranking member jordan, as i have said before, i will provide you the data. >> bret: you seemed blown away by that. >> i got to tell you i was a little reluctant to ask the question if he said something are you kidding me, congressman, of course they are not in the country. of course we sent them back. of course they are detained. when he didn't say that and indicated that they may in fact have been released into the country, that should be shocking because i said in the hearing, you are the secretary of homeland security. your number one job, mission number one, you go to their website mission number one prevent terrorism. that is shocking to me. it shows you what i think we pointed out the front end of the hearing and pointed out throughout the hearing what they're doing to our border, what they are doing to our country is intentional it cannot be anything else because last year march was the highest month on record. i said this in my opening statement. aim was the highest month illegal migrants coming into our border envelope the month of may. may was the highest one until july. and july was the highest month until last month. >> bret: you think the administration wants chaos at the border. you think they want this open border to -- for what end? >> i don't know. that's the thing. what's the motive? what's the why here? is it just purely their ideological bent, leftist bent the left who controls the democratic party? i don't know. did he say today in the hearing he thinks all illegal immigrants here should get a pathway to citizenship that's better known as amnesty. i don't know what the full motive is it seems to be that basic. but it's definitely no rational person. no logical person could reach any other conclusion than they are intentionally letting millions and millions of people illegally come neuro country, knowing that those people know that they're going to be able to get in, stay, and never have to go honestly. that is their policy. they just set a new record last month and guess what? knox month they are going to make it worse when they get rid much title 42. >> bret: you have been done many of these hearings. you only have a short period of time and the answers are pretty tight. but a lot of times, congressman, there's a lot of grandstanding in the questioning. you try to get some substantive answers there. but democrats say this grilling was not fair, take a listen. >> it is actually too useful for republicans to not have a functioning system because it allows them to attack and scapegoat immigrants. >> these guys, if you want a dog to bark at cars that drive by in front of your house, they would be great at that. you should hire them do that i would never hire them to solve a problem. >> bret: your response. >> bishop hofns gave his life trying to residue two people coming across the river who were drowning, the fentanyl that's coming into our country because they have intentionally consciously premeditated fashion put in place a plan that says remember what joe biden announced on day one, bret a moratorium on deportation. stop building the wall. remain end in mexico policy. end the agreements with the northern triangle. will 30 days get rid of title 42. i asked this question to the secretary do you think you are incentivizing people to come no, no, no. we are not doing that how can all those things incentivize to come. saying to people come to the country. there is no wall you have to get over. there is no wall you have to get around. we have stopped building that you won't be deported. we won't keep you in mexico while we evaluate asylum claim and next month getting rid of the one thing chaotic situation title 42 oh when you get here we are going to release you to wherever you want to go and they're going to give them a cell phone and those people when they get released they will call back to their home country. hey, come on in, mr. mayor cas is letting anybody in. >> bret: g.o.p. insists on a title 42 vote in any of these funding for ukraine. >> i think they will. it will be tough for us because they won't let us bring our own -- they won't let it be made in order in the rule. in the senate they can do. >> bret: you think they will. >> i think they will, yeah. >> bret: this disinformation board governance board. >> scary. >> bret: why? >> because that's the left. you know, the left controls just about everything in our culture today. and you got one guy who -- one guys who buys twitter one part of the big platforms out there and they go crazy. they want to control the message. i think it's interesting and asked this question to secretary mayorkas. nina jankovicz is the person in charge. the person in charge of the disinformation governance board is the same individual who told us the dossier was real and the hunt laptop story was false. that's the person in charge. that is frightening. that is scary. but this is the left. they want to control the message. they don't believe -- today's left basically says if you disagree with them you are not allowed to speak. if they try they will call you a racist and try to cancel you. that is how scary it's gotten. god bless elon musk and what he is doing. this is a the way we can begin to fight back. >> bret: last thing, a lot of coverage of what house minority leader kevin mccarthy said on those audiotapes and what he is saying now. a lot of back and forth. he has answered some questions from our own bill melugin. i guess from a conservative point of view, do you think leader mccarthy is a conservative, loyal to farmer president trump or do you think he says what he has to to make people, like you, happy? >> i want president trump to be the next president. i think he is going to run. i think he is going to win. he supports kevin mccarthy and i think what is good for the country if president trump is our next president and kevin mccarthy is our next speaker. republicans are back in charge and stopped craziness like we saw today said by the secretary of homeland security. the craziness like we see with this disinformation governing board. the craziness high inflation. that's what we got to focus on. >> bret: you hear what he said then and hear what he is saying now to y'all don't you see a disconnect there and does it bother you at all. >> again, i think president trump has said he supports the leader and i think the leader is going to be the next speaker of thes house. i think the american people have had it with secretary mayorkas and all the crazy things that the left and joe biden are doing to the country. >> bret: does he need your help to be the next speaker. >> i think he is going to have the help of lots of republicans around the country. i think the america people is going to be what puts us in the majority. i travel a lot. i was traveling last week. can you feel it building out there. the country is so frustrated with what they are seeing from the democrats controlling the white house, the house and the senate, they are fixing to make a change. i think potentially could be big. >> bret: congressman, appreciate your time in person. up next the panel on the biden economy and the pending battle over student debt relief. >> i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction. >> joe, here is my student loan plan, you took out the loan, pay it back. ♪ are you haunted by your cable service? 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(crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. no one is predicting a recession now. some are predicting there may be a recession in 2023. >> this is literally democratic economic agenda for your family, high prices and less money. >> this is senate democrat positions because their bad decisions have hurt americans once. the solution is to hurt americans twice. >> if you thought we had high and rising inflation, this report just reinforced that. that's the fed's problem. so they need to lean not less hard but more hard on the economy and that raises the risk over the next couple of years that they will make a mistake and we will get a recession. >> bret: okay. the u.s. economy. the g.d.p. shrank for the first time in q-1. the politico writes it this way the u.s. economy shrank last quarter since the first time since the pandemic recession struck two years ago. the steady spending suggested that the economy could keep expanding this year even though the federal reserve plans to raise rates aggressively to fight the inflation surge. let's bring in our panel ben domenech editor of the host of the ben domenech podcast. howard kurtz. and mara liasson national political correspondent of "national public radio." this is not a great report, mara. even though the president said that the economy is still growing, it did shrink by 1.4%. i guess when you look at this, how are democrats on the hill pitching more taxes in this environment? >> well, there is a debate about how much government spending might have contributed to inflation. but what people are saying is this is one report. consumer spending is strong. a a lot of internals are strong. yes it went down. but now we have to see if it continues to drop. one more and we are in an actual technical recession that's two quarters of negative growth. but it's not good. you know, the economy has to be good for the party in power to maintain control and it's going in the wrong direction. >> bret: howie? >> sat rinking g.d.p. collapses the biden talking point the economy is going gang busters. point to the fact that unemployment hasn't been this low in decades. one thing i have learned, bret, it's that when it comes to the economy it's how people feel about it that is much more important politically than what the numbers may show. biden himself says we have to do a better job of selling to the voters what we have already accomplished. but this is more than a communications problem it adds to the sense that the country trite now is kind of out of control on several fronts. >> bret: ben? >> how people feel. we have seen numbers most recently from gallup just the other day cuing that the american people are overwhelming of the mind that the economy is not going in the right direction. if you are in a situation as the party in power, and you have one out of every five americans with you in the idea the economy is going great, that's not a good situation for you to be in under any circumstance and this white house doesn't seem prepared to switch around their messaging or policy approach in a way that would change that. >> when it documents messaging on student debt relief. there are mixed messages coming out. including today. take a listen. >> this is a problem that infects our economy right now. the biden administration can take the first step toward dealing with this by canceling $50,000 in student loan debt. >> i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction. what i'm in the process of taking a hard look whether or not there are going -- there will be additional debt forgiveness. >> joe, here is my student loan plan, you took out the loan pay it back. >> bret: you can always count on senator kennedy. it's not 50,000. >> there is a debate inside the democratic party. he campaigned on this and promised he would forgive some amount of student debt or at least suspend it which has happened. so it's an issue that is important to young voters who, of course, turn out in much lower percent tages than older voters in the midterm. but the democratic party is torn about this. it sounds like biden is going to do something, not as much as the progressive wing of the party wants him to do. >> not that it just looks like election year pandering. seems so fundamentally unfair that a lot of people who went to elite and expensive schools get bailed out while others who didn't go to college or went to a less expensive college don't get anything it proves the point that there is no such thing as a temporary benefit in washington. this began in the pandemic because there is immediate pressure to not take it away. >> bret: that's true. in inflation, solution is to wipe out student loan debt? >> look, this is not an approach that i think will withstand, you know, really the kind of test that it ought to receive legally. personally, i would be happily in favor of taxing a lot of these wealthy universities and using that money to pay down the debt for their overpriced educations and basket weaving and the like. but that's not an approach this white house would be in favor of. >> bret: to howie's point, mara, don't democrats risk losing to people who actually paid off the loan. >> and also 65% of american voters didn't go to college. i mean, and that's a group that the democrats have struggled to win. so, yeah, it's a real fraught issue. >> bret: all right. stand by. up next. >> the panel on the illustrates illustrates -- immigration crisis and what we heard fromfe all sides today for a limited time, get a 5g phone on us! 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[gavel] >> arm inning texas and harming this country. you know it and you are ignoring. >> the time of the gentleman has expired. he no longer has time to slander the secretary. >> bret: chip froy texas. back with the panel. ben talked to jim jordan about this. obviously substantive exchanges and mayorkas has a heavy lift exchanging the policies at the border. some of those exchanges come under criticism for the way they are delivered. >> they are delivered the way that they are because of the frustration the people see. i was just at the border with congressman roy and a number of other congressman including kevin mccarthy in eagle pass this week and seeing their frustration at the border down there because of what is a policy choice on the part of the choice biden administration. we saw the choice made unof under the trump administration that led to really preventing a lot of the kind of humanitarian crisis sis that they see flowing across there every day death of the texas national guardsman who tried to wade into the water save two migrants that were there. it's frustrating to see someone come in front of you and feel like you are not getting through. i don't know if anything happens in that hearing accomplishes that much when it comes to this. it does try to get the attention of the people and the media who are ignoring this story that should be on every front page. >> bret: we played this earlier in the week, democratic senator maggie hassan being at the border with the wall campaigning border race in new hampshire about border security there. >> is the border there is a northern one. in her state she went to the southern one. >> look, we have immigration problem. it's broken. we have a labor shortage here and have to figure how to get the right amount of legal immigration and stop the rest of it. there is no doubt republicans feel this is an issue that is really going to help them that's why you see that kind of performance in the committee today can figure out one be more humane but somehow or another they were going to control the border they haven't been able to do it. >> bret: this disinformation governance board. congressman troy nelson from texas tweeted out they didn't need a disinformation governance border until elon musk threatened their control over the narrative. this thing is going to come under a lot of scrutiny in coming days. >> in terms of twitter and elon musk. elon musk is having a grand tithe time tweaking twitser takeover. left wing media freakout and the fact is twitter is a mess now. toxic. people get attacked. hate speech, bullying and miss information. >> it's a private company people can say what they. elon musk will have trouble he keeping people happy he said that himself as he tries to get this under control. a lot of the journalists seem to be in favor of censorship because they like the way it was. >> bret: sounds like uphill battle for the disinformation governance board. >> i don't think ministries of truth rarely are. >> bret: panel, thank you so much in person, thanks. capturing this moment a police officer in georgia slamming his patrol car into another vehicle to end a high-speed chase. the driver is barreling down the wrong side of the highway for failing to stop for a traffic violation. the suspect fled on foot. this apprehended a short distance from the vehicle. but that guy stopped it congratulations. tomorrow on "special report," we will speak with fox news contributor tyrus about his new book. that's it for this "special report." fair balanced and unafraid. brian kilmeade is here for another hour of television on fox news. hi, brian. >> brian: let's do it, bret. i assume that's my toss. i will accept. >> bret: okay. ♪ brian hey welcome to "jesse watters primetime" i'm brian kilmeade filling in for jesse tonight. washed the world of the government addicted to power. one where the narrative was controlled by the state and the people were forced to bend a kn

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