Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

or it could be a reflection of companies that continue to report pretty good earnings even though it indicates that it will go up and away. hard to figure, but we are going to try to figure it out. welcome, everyone. what they are looking at, surprisingly weak report that we got about the strength of the economy which really wasn't very strong for the first three months of the year. if we were to have another quarter like that in the quarter we were in, are we looking at that? so far from the white house we are getting indications of no cause for alarm. we have jackie here on what this might be saying and contrary to that. >> good afternoon and you're right. marking it up more than 600 points, this between january and march, contracting 1.4% for the first time since the second quarter of 2020, which is pretty much what we saw with the impact of hitting the economy. instead of seeing a gain of 1% as expected, we saw things shrink furthermore. we see this for two consecutive quarters, many will concede that we are indeed in a recession. keep in mind that they are not all created equal. we have seen some worse than others and it's difficult to say if that happens how bad it would actually be. but that being said there are multiple reasons why economy contracted the don't seem to be going away. we have a 40 year high with inflation and the war between russia and ukraine, also interesting as the stock market bums today despite all of this, investors thinking that the market is short-term, that earnings are coming and pretty well, and we are going to hear shortly. but it doesn't mean that we are out of the woods yet. but the war and the expected rate hikes, they took the back burner and of course those rate hikes are coming in some shape or form. and the impact as well of global growth has not been seen with numbers yet and that could further impact the supply chain as well. so even though consumer spending is pretty strong at the moment, also don't forget sell in may and go away. well, the next month is may. we want thank you, jackie. all right, the professor is here as well on fox news contributor, he is from king's college in east manhattan. all right, it is kind of like inflation was a one-off, transitory inflation, it is kind of eerie when we talk about the gdp number. one wonders if that means that we are in for something serious. investors saying okay, the federal reserve in a bind. are they really going to raise interest rates with recession. are they going to back off a little bit here and that is why they are rallying. >> we will find out more with the big tech heavyweights. thinking maybe this is overdone, but nevertheless, with a negative gdp read, i know that there are some anomalies here, maybe businesses building up. trying to get the economy going. keeping it simple. all right, the gdp is relying upon consumers because everything else fell apart. it is only consumers keeping things moving. they face a% inflation and they cannot withstand those price hikes forever. let's inflation goes down, at some point they run out of gas. in some cases that means we can get a repeat of what we saw. >> and you have been on this for a lot of people, that the gdp showed this, wages going up, and that is a substantial wage hike for people. >> you know, if you look at it and you say okay, people are making more money, but prices are going up high and they are not stopping. consumers facing a% price increases, producers are seeing 11% on the inputs, which means that they have to keep raising prices so we are not at the end of this saying okay, where are we. neil: if you think about it inflation doesn't stop until they pivot to cheaper alternatives. for me, going past this feels like a fickle move, but for others, i think that that is something that we can talk about. most of these companies are saying okay, southwest airlines indicating that, they are seeing the pent-up demand. >> i think it becomes different story after summer. sociologically people want to have an old-time summer, they want to go places, cook outside, probably pay whatever prices, but come september or are they going to be willing to do that? by that point that inflation is going to be degrading, the money has run out, the wages are not keeping up. that is where i get nervous on the back half of this year, some of those animal spirits die out and that is the risk of recession. >> they are not giving up on more spending. private spending, what have you. but you know money, you know it inside and out. is that a cure here? >> well, i don't think you want to keep doing that to get out of it. i don't know why they remain fixated on probably the biggest cause of this inflation. we need to do things like get those input costs. let's start with energy, but my view has only been gimmicks that we have seen. you and i talked about 180 million barrels of oil. gas prices came down just a little bit and that's mostly due to china. >> that is a big part of the world that is not closed for business but not exactly open for business 3 yeah, definitely not robustly open. that is for sure. >> meanwhile, political fallout. it is a midterm election year, many people reminding me of that. sarah has more regarding this. obviously the administration can say all right, this is an anomaly. it is not what we were expecting for the first quarter, but they are up against a lawyer. we have a recession. how is that going down? >> well, i think the joe biden administration has completely blown the credibility when it comes to matters of the economy because they've gotten every question wrong in a consistently downplayed situation, coming up with a thousand different reasons as to why we are seeing it from big oil to below unemployment rates and vladimir putin, what have you, none of that has exactly become true, they are not buying what has been sold. and with all of the bad economic news that americans have been getting, it's hard to take their word for it. that the gdp report is nothing to be concerned about. including canceling student debt, increasing that they are not taking this. >> that's right, at the very least, contributing or had been contributing to the position that we are in and this is all these other plays that are unnecessarily making this worse and on the spending side here if they push that, is there a feeling that they will actually have republican votes for what they are looking at? >> i think that there are a lot of democrats that are increasingly skeptical. sort of a slamdunk case to be made that they are spending here and that's what got us into this mess. and now it is climbing up. it is clear that the joe biden administration has caused not because all of the other problems are talked about here. >> the targeted relief from groups that could need it, you know, you can not help but see politics involved in forgiving millions of kids student loans. but that's not even part of the economy. >> yes, i think that they can easily weaponize that is a bailout for the upper class. 50% of student loan debt is held by people that went to graduate school and most people are going to pay off their student loans. only one in six end up being defaulted on. so this is definite. it is hard to deal with among this, it is something that they can pay off, and lower income people tend to borrow less and go to school less, so there's also backlash by giving this bailout to people that don't necessarily need it and tend to be concentrated on the upper end of the income bracket. >> thank you, sarah westwood. neil: earnings news out of amazon. i can go into details, but the numbers were kind of in line, the guidance of these companies give, ironically technology stocks, it was incredible. about 9% because of the guidance and the fact that maybe it does not strong sales in the near term. no matter what the number was in the quarter completed and its future guidance and for amazon that is worrisome. >> we know what they are signaling. look what it's going to do to you. and the cost of what it's doing in the magic kingdom and what the impact can be for everyone. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in th in this here ♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i' been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ as a chef i always knew what i should be eating, but ww helped me to do it. there's nothing off limits. chocolate. is that a no no? 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[ cheering ] >> a proxy for the economy right now, if that is the case, it's not a promising one. the company missing on revenues and earnings. it would be much stronger than they presently are, it's the guidance that the company is giving in the near future. we have it down there, 9%. we will keep you posted on that and as a consumer goes or maybe not as much, obviously it could weigh on the markets as well ironically and the markets themselves up. maybe they were not so bummed out. and the governor is taking away some of the separate rights that it has, well, disney coming back to remind folks to be careful what you wish for and we have ashley webster with more on that. >> yes, this means firing back, calling his effort repeal with the state calling it unlawful. it is seen as payback to the disney criticism preventing instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, but the government says no, that's not it, the special district gives disney an unfair advantage. >> it was totally unfair, being joined at the hip here and if you are admitting that this suggests sexuality into the programming, i cannot have that relationship. i am out, i am sorry. not going to happen. >> disney claims the repeal of the district is simply not legal and that they must pay off their debts before changes are made and that could be close to $1 billion in critics also say those in oh selah county and other counties can face tax hikes. but today, pushing back, saying this, about the special district. disney will pay the fair share of taxes. do not fall for another partisan political life being amplified by the media. my oh my. board of supervisors saying frankly they don't understand what the repeal entails and therefore they are compromising. unless a compromise is reached, i have a feeling all of this could end up in court. >> so disney says all of this is dopey. okay, thank you so much. [laughter] >> and jonathan is such a great legal mind. it's great to have you. so disney is essentially saying all right this is on you the billion dollar debt thing. your problem not ours. >> in 1967 an agreement was reached. they have this special district unless bond issuing's are covered by the state, that is very likely still we have this cost plan. but i would caution them want to get into a fight where people have general taxing authority and in this case, you know, disney is used to being the biggest animal on the field, the one that can scare people off. and they can't do that with one of the largest states in the union. now, the disney ceo made the decision in this personal controversy over parental rights, he decided to do it in an election year. so putting the logic of that aside of what alternatives he could've taken. disney is now in it. they can not expect to scare off some of these individuals. everything is pretty locked in here. so yes, there's a billion dollars on the table, you are also fighting with the state with general tax authority as well, so i think that this will end up in the court, it is going to be costly, costly to both sides. >> you know, you mentioned about where this goes to the court. many look at this and say okay, it is a weird type of an effort, although the states are not immune to having special situations that come in here as an enticement. but disney is also positioning this, i think, as though okay, this governor can do this, you better think twice because then a democratic governor could come in and do the same thing pushing his or her agenda or protests over certain acts were certain legislations. what do you think about that that this is not really an issue that republican or democratic governors have had to impose, that this can start something that you may welcome in this case that could lead to other cases? >> well, once again, i would be leery about the corporate counsel engaging in a game of chicken with a major state. disney is used to getting its way. they may be up for a rude awakening here and part of the reason that it doesn't play out very well is how unique the deal is. it is an amazing agreement. and it works to the advantage of both sides. disney has been a huge source of revenue in terms of employment, the tourism that comes in through disney. also they have made out like a bandit here. basically a government unto themselves. and there are people that say okay, this is still punishing them for speech, the courts don't get as much into motivation and as you were saying, this is unique, they don't like special treatment and they are going to end it. well, in the end, the state could eliminate this district, but it's going to cost a lot for both sides. and i don't understand why more compromise and the language isn't coming from disney. >> well, thank you so much, my friend, thank you so much. taking a look at the border. if you have any thoughts about this alternative plan, well, you didn't hear much on capitol hill. you didn't hear much shouting [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> what if elon musk doesn't want twitter? startling indications he could do a 180 on this. >> 2 get your credit score all indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ ♪ m make way for the first-ever. chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. >> are you waiting for a mushroom cloud? >> i am not going to dignify that with a response. >> okay, well, that went well. he many could talk about this at the border and whether or not the administration has a plan, chad is following it all. >> good afternoon, the dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas happen, also xavier becerra was also questioned. >> we could have more on this as well. >> democrats are divided on ending title 42, after going for the jugular with alejandro mayorkas. >> it is so profoundly offensive on so many different levels and in so many different regards and i won't ask you for an apology. >> the republicans long-awaited for alejandro mayorkas to appear at hearings, knowing it's a hot issue, accusing them of using it as a wedge before the midterms. >> my hope is, my fear is that money on the republican side will use it as an opportunity for political theater. i think that they like having title 42 in place because it inflates the numbers. >> lawmakers from both sides want to vote on keeping it, it will expire in late may. neil: thank you, my friend. secretary, i don't know what would solve this today or how this was advanced today, but this occurs, you know, not too many days away. and the bad problem becoming a worse problem. do you see any way around that? >> no, i do not, especially with a lot of policies that have been put in place that have gotten us to where we are. frustration with the current state of the border. and the current state of where we are going, and there hasn't been a plan put in place, we hear from the administration from the secretary about a six-point plan that he rolled out a day and a half before the hearing, but nothing and that is new. nothing in there is going to solve the crisis that currently we are facing today. the six points are authority that has been exercised over decades. things that they should have been doing from day number one that for whatever reason they are rolling out for the very first time, saying that they will do for the first time and it's not really going to address the crisis with what we see today. >> the white house comes back and says hey, the crisis that you say this today, with title 42 still in effect. so it's not working anyway. what do you say? >> well, we had other procedures. that includes the asylum cooperative agreements, all these other initiatives prior to it being implemented, that we are driving these numbers down, making the border more secure. unfortunately because of those programs eliminated, the only thing left, that's the only thing that is keeping that border in check, even though we see really high apprehension numbers. and many are worried that once you remove that there is no plan in place, members on both sides are saying that that is not really adequate. it is not really good enough. you talk about 18,000 more beds, those numbers will be in a matter of hours increased. so that is something we need to look at by the end of the day. >> those of the border, washington dc, a couple of dozen right now. is there any way to track these individuals, whether they are in texas are watching from wherever they might. >> certainly there is and recently about phones, tracking where they go by the end of the day. >> they can throw their phones away. >> it's very difficult. and that includes how many individuals are released into certain states. border -- or i should say, i.c.e. -- there tracking when a certain region. they then go to other places. and so we are not just talking about a few hundred or a few thousand, talking about this alone, 80,000 being released into the united states. the numbers are overwhelming. it's impossible to adequately interview them and they are having a hard time answering where have they gone throughout the country. they really just don't know. neil: thank you so much, chad, for joining us. an apple, unlike amazon, handling a deep experience, it is also authorizing more stock and so very good news for them, not so for amazon, especially with guidance, going into different directions. and how about just this richest guy on the planet, elon musk. people wonder is he going to go through with this thing? 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elon musk. something he had put on twitter today. and he sees the pattern, over the years it has been the love that seems to be moving extreme and it echoes a little bit things that he has already said, namely that he is the same guy and he has been the same and he also said he wants to buy certain things as well. >> going forward or not going forward, if they thought this was going forward they would be buying this left and right. >> so if you look at his tweet, sort of net net, it suggested some other stuff that he put out there. and also tesla declining as well. and as far as the shares go, it's like my gosh okay, listen, i started off at zero and now i am 200. >> do you think he's going to go through the? >> i don't know. >> i can argue both when he knew what was going to happen and you really put me on the spot. it i am so convinced that he will drop it. >> i'm just going to say he's going to go through with it. >> he is a brilliant guy. as are you. and i'm going to order appetizers, dessert, you name it. . your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. >> most of the public trading companies have earnings, giving their news, apple buying stock, not so for amazon. it did forecast some problems down the road. charles payne, he is a best-selling author and a host of money with charles payne. what do you make of it? >> well, apple is phenomenal. everyone looks at iphone, 47 billion. you know, so many things in the hopper. seven quarters in a row. people are eating it up. on the other side what is interesting about amazon, we saw with retail sales, people are shopping online. remember, the internet was going to make everything obsolete. that's what happened this time around, they also took a big stake in this company, so they ended up with a gigantic loss. also intel as well and some of their business is doing well also. >> you sort of step back from the numbers and if you think about it, through the pandemic and beyond, there are hints that that will be part of it. >> people talk about it, apple, computers behind and stuff and i think people are backing away from certain things as well. neil: is not a little bit out of fear to some extent? the slowing, the economy, does the fed consider that, when it needs to deal with inflation. >> even before the day we saw in the last few sessions where the expectations were like the rate hike, it started to come down. going back to that gdp report. and a lot of stuff got here after christmas and i have to tell you something. they are going to have to deal with a slow economy. slowing more than what they said. >> you know, you have it again. and then you have a recession. >> well, we hope that we are not in one of those right now. mixed results, and again, it is not a proxy for retail. >> the primary area, very important. more money coming for ukraine and concerned that russia is getting a little batty right now. we will have more after these messages. ♪ ♪ ♪ i saved 25%. booyah. you protected your casa? 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we go i don't think so. this is right out of the russia playbook. they figured out how to weaponize diplomacy and now they are weaponizing energy. the bulgarians have said they are already looking at options and the polls have said that they've got options and they've got reserves they can draw on and this is why president biden stood up a task force working with the e.u. over there to help diversify natural gas supplies across europe. this is a time for all nations to come together, in fact the united states is looking for ways to actually help supply some of that on our own. this is a time for all these nations to come together and we are, to push back on this coercion. this is classic russian behavior. bottom line is this is the action of a leader who knows he is weaker than he was 63 days ago before he decided to invade ukraine -- >> but the perceived weakness of the countries that were already vowing to cut off energy supply to russia, but he interrupted it midstream and said, i'm going to cut you off right now. >> he is lashing out because he knows his economy is in trouble and his military is in trouble, so he doesn't have a whole heck of a lot more cards to play. >> but he might do it with germany. germany says it is still for the embargo and pushing it and all that stuff, might find oil from other nations but it's going to be an uphill fight. i guess what i'm wondering, something is financing what he's doing it a lot of sanctions that were put immediately and affect were not and he's getting the better of us. do you fear he is actually turning into a p.r. victory for him? >> absolutely not and i would not go so far as to say he's getting the better of anybody. his economy is struggling. he's having trouble and guided ammunitions, in developing the components to put into his precision guided ammunitions so he can launch them in ukraine because the export controls and sanctions are having an effect on his defense industrial base. so no, he's not getting the better of anybody. he has a weaker economy and military and is only more isolated now than he was 60 days ago. >> how do you play his threats then? or how does the pentagon deal with that when he threatens, the foreign minister threatens nuclear options. you know, sweden and finland, if they even think of joining nato and they are likely to join that route there will be nuclear weapons at their border, but this is so often said, i don't think a day goes by where that option hasn't been discussed by some higher up all the way to putin. >> and that is very responsible, from the very beginning. but as he gets weaker, as he has to contract the kind of objectives he's trying to reach in ukraine from a military perspective, he is lashing out and threatening the west and everybody else, making himself sound like he is the victim here. russia is the aggressor and it is completely irresponsible for a modern nuclear power to even raise the specter of nuclear weapons while he is engaged in a war inside ukraine that he started, a war of choice, had diplomatic options on the table and refused to explore that. what we are doing number one is monitoring every day best we can the nuclear capabilities russia has in making sure our deterrent posture is appropriate and we believe it is. we haven't seen anything that would cause us to change that. >> oy, sorry, jumped on you there. always good seeing you, thank you very much. and to the point here, the administration has committed another $30 million. aiding aggressive approval for that, the arms and heavy equipment that ukraine desperately needs. ♪ ♪ >> greg: i am greg gutfeld along with jessica carla, judge jeanine pirro, jessica shape it's in she once got into a fist fight with polly pocket, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: the biden white house cracking down on freedom of speech days after elon musk's twitter takeover. secretary mayorkas announcing plans for what he calls a disinformation governance

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Backlash , Income , Amazon , End , Income Bracket , Details , Earnings News , Guidance , Ironically Technology Stocks , In Line , Matter , Fact , Number , Sales , Term , 9 , Cost , Doing , Signaling , Magic Kingdom , Everywhere , Road , Th , Johnny Cash , Man , Ww , Share , Travel , Eating , Chef , Know , Limits , Chocolate , Offer , No S , May 2nd , 2 , Stock , Small Business , Dream , Cheering , Progressive , Crash , Tires Squeal , Company , Proxy , Revenues , Consumer , Markets , Governor , Disney , Rights , Folks , Means Firing Back , Ashley Webster , Estate , Repeal , Effort , Payback , Government , District , Kindergarten , Criticism , Grade , Gender Identity , Sexual Orientation , Instruction , Advantage , Sexuality , Hip , Programming , Relationship , Debts , Critics , Changes , Oh Selah County , 1 Billion , Billion , Counties , Back , Tax Hikes , Life , Compromising , Board Of Supervisors , Taxes , Media , My Oh , Court , Compromise , Laughter , Dopey , Problem , Debt Thing , Dollar , Agreement , 1967 , Bond , Fight , Authority , Cost Plan , The Field , States , Animal , Ceo , Controversy , Union , Decision , Individuals , Logic , Table , Tax Authority , Well , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Sides , Type , Situations , Enticement , Thing , Issue , Legislations , Acts , Agenda , Protests , Governors , Way , Counsel , Game , Chicken , Deal , Reason , Awakening , Doesn T Play Out , Tourism , Terms , Employment , Revenue , Bandit , Source , Courts , Speech , Special Treatment , Motivation , In The End , Plan , Border , Isn T , Friend , Thoughts , He Wouldn T , Dad , Car , Pop Rock Music Tech , Smash , Shouting , Capitol Hill , Pull Over , Features , Safety System , Windshield , Thanks , Safelite , Stay Safe With Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Singers , Safelite Repair , Elon Musk , Twitter , 180 , Candidates , Credit Score , Match , Tires , Job Description , Locking Differentials , Shocks , Visit Indeed Com Hire M , Chevy Silverado Zr2 , Multimatic , 33 , Good , Gonna Work Remote , Dude , Perfect , Workspaces , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Mushroom Cloud , Response , Alejandro Mayorkas , Dhs , Chad , Xavier Becerra , Title , 42 , Regards , Jugular , Levels , Apology , Republicans , Midterms , Hearings , Wedge , Place , Fear , Hope , Theater , Opportunity , Lawmakers , Put , Policies , Frustration , Hasn T , Crisis , Secretary , Hearing , Half , Plan Put , Effect , Procedures , Asylum Cooperative Agreements , Initiatives , Apprehension Numbers , Check , Left , Members , Enough , Beds , 18000 , The End , Couple , Washington Dc , Texas , Phones , Tracking , Region , Ice , Thousand , Answering , United States , 80000 , Apple , Country , Don T Know , Experience , Guy , Planet , Directions , Everybody , Bonnie , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Be Cool , Messages , Message , Video Call , Video Calls , Phone Call , Horse , Bout A Ringcentral , Ha , Certified Goosebumps , Ringcentral , Certified Turbocharger , Stallion , Suspension , Certified , Head , Tailpipe , Turns , Warranty , Mileage , Headlamp , Peace Of Mind , Dreams , Mercedes Benz , Certified Pre Owned , Question , Conservative , Ages , Liberal , Love , Pattern , Same , Forward , Tweet , Net , Stuff , Tesla , Shares , I Don T Know , 200 , Zero , Spot , Dessert , Appetizers , Employee , Lisa , Mover , Hotspot , Scene , Downtown , Files , At T Business , Rob , Deals , Smart Phone , Owner , Investor , Advice , Tools , Access , Future , Vanguard , Trading , Charles Payne , Author , Host , Iphone , Retail Sales , Hopper , Row , Seven , 47 Billion , Internet , Stake , Intel , Loss , Step , Hints , Beyond , Pandemic , Computers , Backing , Extent , Slowing , Fed , Sessions , Rate Hike , Gdp Report , Expectations , Results , Retail , Area , Batty , Booyah , Tank , Head Nods , Working From Home , Let S Circle Back , Sure , Casa , 25 , Home , You Weren T Kidding , Quote Today , Auto , Allstate , Springndle , Lowe S State , Paint Rolling , Budget , Possibility , Lowe S , Springfest , Shortlist , Job , Project Managers , Projects , Job Criteria , Caesar , Hail , Team , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Hi Caesar , Pssst Julius , Picture , Ancestry , Aunt , Ringcentral Oh , Didn T , Mary Sawyers , Family , Restaurant , Grandmother , Field Nurse , Legacy , Education , State Office , San Francisco , Union Army , Lupe Gonzalez , Margaret Ross , Paralee Wharton Elder , Tater Totting , Women , Bec Ing , Brie Ing , Dillin , Grillin , Chillin , Spillin , Dippin , Yolkin , Smokin , Flippin , Pair It , Share It , Spread , Bread , Feelin , Pie Ing , Kraft Singles , Mealin , Sanctions , Consequences , Regression , Poland , Countries , Shipments , Fire Us , Natural Gas , Pentagon , Admirals , Press Secretary , Department , People Don T Know , John Kirby , Tit For Tat , Military Knowledge , Escalation , Better , Natural Gas Prices , Choice , Europe , Options , Bulgarians , Polls , Playbook , Weaponizing , Diplomacy , Nations , Reserves , Task Force , Help , E U , Bottom Line , Supply , Behavior , Action , Ways , Coercion , Leader , 63 , Energy Supply , It Midstream , Weakness , Lashing , Trouble , Military , Cards , Heck , Financing , Embargo , Germany , Victory , P R , Affect , Ammunitions , Anybody , Components , Export Controls , Precision , Defense Industrial Base , Threats , 60 , Foreign Minister , Finland , Sweden , Nato , Weapons , Option Hasn T , Route , Military Perspective , West , Objectives , Everybody Else , War Inside Ukraine , Victim , Aggressor , Power , Specter , Number One , Deterrent Posture , Capabilities , War Of Choice , Anything , You , We Haven T , Oy , Greg , Arms , Approval , Equipment , Greg Gutfeld , 30 Million , 0 Million , Jessica Carla , Jeanine Pirro , Fist Fight , Jessica Shape , Polly Pocket , Dana Perino , Five , Secretary Mayorkas , Disinformation Governance , Plans , Freedom Of Speech , Twitter Takeover ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

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or it could be a reflection of companies that continue to report pretty good earnings even though it indicates that it will go up and away. hard to figure, but we are going to try to figure it out. welcome, everyone. what they are looking at, surprisingly weak report that we got about the strength of the economy which really wasn't very strong for the first three months of the year. if we were to have another quarter like that in the quarter we were in, are we looking at that? so far from the white house we are getting indications of no cause for alarm. we have jackie here on what this might be saying and contrary to that. >> good afternoon and you're right. marking it up more than 600 points, this between january and march, contracting 1.4% for the first time since the second quarter of 2020, which is pretty much what we saw with the impact of hitting the economy. instead of seeing a gain of 1% as expected, we saw things shrink furthermore. we see this for two consecutive quarters, many will concede that we are indeed in a recession. keep in mind that they are not all created equal. we have seen some worse than others and it's difficult to say if that happens how bad it would actually be. but that being said there are multiple reasons why economy contracted the don't seem to be going away. we have a 40 year high with inflation and the war between russia and ukraine, also interesting as the stock market bums today despite all of this, investors thinking that the market is short-term, that earnings are coming and pretty well, and we are going to hear shortly. but it doesn't mean that we are out of the woods yet. but the war and the expected rate hikes, they took the back burner and of course those rate hikes are coming in some shape or form. and the impact as well of global growth has not been seen with numbers yet and that could further impact the supply chain as well. so even though consumer spending is pretty strong at the moment, also don't forget sell in may and go away. well, the next month is may. we want thank you, jackie. all right, the professor is here as well on fox news contributor, he is from king's college in east manhattan. all right, it is kind of like inflation was a one-off, transitory inflation, it is kind of eerie when we talk about the gdp number. one wonders if that means that we are in for something serious. investors saying okay, the federal reserve in a bind. are they really going to raise interest rates with recession. are they going to back off a little bit here and that is why they are rallying. >> we will find out more with the big tech heavyweights. thinking maybe this is overdone, but nevertheless, with a negative gdp read, i know that there are some anomalies here, maybe businesses building up. trying to get the economy going. keeping it simple. all right, the gdp is relying upon consumers because everything else fell apart. it is only consumers keeping things moving. they face a% inflation and they cannot withstand those price hikes forever. let's inflation goes down, at some point they run out of gas. in some cases that means we can get a repeat of what we saw. >> and you have been on this for a lot of people, that the gdp showed this, wages going up, and that is a substantial wage hike for people. >> you know, if you look at it and you say okay, people are making more money, but prices are going up high and they are not stopping. consumers facing a% price increases, producers are seeing 11% on the inputs, which means that they have to keep raising prices so we are not at the end of this saying okay, where are we. neil: if you think about it inflation doesn't stop until they pivot to cheaper alternatives. for me, going past this feels like a fickle move, but for others, i think that that is something that we can talk about. most of these companies are saying okay, southwest airlines indicating that, they are seeing the pent-up demand. >> i think it becomes different story after summer. sociologically people want to have an old-time summer, they want to go places, cook outside, probably pay whatever prices, but come september or are they going to be willing to do that? by that point that inflation is going to be degrading, the money has run out, the wages are not keeping up. that is where i get nervous on the back half of this year, some of those animal spirits die out and that is the risk of recession. >> they are not giving up on more spending. private spending, what have you. but you know money, you know it inside and out. is that a cure here? >> well, i don't think you want to keep doing that to get out of it. i don't know why they remain fixated on probably the biggest cause of this inflation. we need to do things like get those input costs. let's start with energy, but my view has only been gimmicks that we have seen. you and i talked about 180 million barrels of oil. gas prices came down just a little bit and that's mostly due to china. >> that is a big part of the world that is not closed for business but not exactly open for business 3 yeah, definitely not robustly open. that is for sure. >> meanwhile, political fallout. it is a midterm election year, many people reminding me of that. sarah has more regarding this. obviously the administration can say all right, this is an anomaly. it is not what we were expecting for the first quarter, but they are up against a lawyer. we have a recession. how is that going down? >> well, i think the joe biden administration has completely blown the credibility when it comes to matters of the economy because they've gotten every question wrong in a consistently downplayed situation, coming up with a thousand different reasons as to why we are seeing it from big oil to below unemployment rates and vladimir putin, what have you, none of that has exactly become true, they are not buying what has been sold. and with all of the bad economic news that americans have been getting, it's hard to take their word for it. that the gdp report is nothing to be concerned about. including canceling student debt, increasing that they are not taking this. >> that's right, at the very least, contributing or had been contributing to the position that we are in and this is all these other plays that are unnecessarily making this worse and on the spending side here if they push that, is there a feeling that they will actually have republican votes for what they are looking at? >> i think that there are a lot of democrats that are increasingly skeptical. sort of a slamdunk case to be made that they are spending here and that's what got us into this mess. and now it is climbing up. it is clear that the joe biden administration has caused not because all of the other problems are talked about here. >> the targeted relief from groups that could need it, you know, you can not help but see politics involved in forgiving millions of kids student loans. but that's not even part of the economy. >> yes, i think that they can easily weaponize that is a bailout for the upper class. 50% of student loan debt is held by people that went to graduate school and most people are going to pay off their student loans. only one in six end up being defaulted on. so this is definite. it is hard to deal with among this, it is something that they can pay off, and lower income people tend to borrow less and go to school less, so there's also backlash by giving this bailout to people that don't necessarily need it and tend to be concentrated on the upper end of the income bracket. >> thank you, sarah westwood. neil: earnings news out of amazon. i can go into details, but the numbers were kind of in line, the guidance of these companies give, ironically technology stocks, it was incredible. about 9% because of the guidance and the fact that maybe it does not strong sales in the near term. no matter what the number was in the quarter completed and its future guidance and for amazon that is worrisome. >> we know what they are signaling. look what it's going to do to you. and the cost of what it's doing in the magic kingdom and what the impact can be for everyone. ♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in th in this here ♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i' been everywhere.♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ as a chef i always knew what i should be eating, but ww helped me to do it. there's nothing off limits. chocolate. is that a no no? it's not a no no. it's not about the no no's, it's about the know know's. get you first 3 months free today! hurry! offer ends may 2nd. ♪ well, the stock is bubbling in the pot ♪ ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crash ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? [ cheering ] >> a proxy for the economy right now, if that is the case, it's not a promising one. the company missing on revenues and earnings. it would be much stronger than they presently are, it's the guidance that the company is giving in the near future. we have it down there, 9%. we will keep you posted on that and as a consumer goes or maybe not as much, obviously it could weigh on the markets as well ironically and the markets themselves up. maybe they were not so bummed out. and the governor is taking away some of the separate rights that it has, well, disney coming back to remind folks to be careful what you wish for and we have ashley webster with more on that. >> yes, this means firing back, calling his effort repeal with the state calling it unlawful. it is seen as payback to the disney criticism preventing instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, but the government says no, that's not it, the special district gives disney an unfair advantage. >> it was totally unfair, being joined at the hip here and if you are admitting that this suggests sexuality into the programming, i cannot have that relationship. i am out, i am sorry. not going to happen. >> disney claims the repeal of the district is simply not legal and that they must pay off their debts before changes are made and that could be close to $1 billion in critics also say those in oh selah county and other counties can face tax hikes. but today, pushing back, saying this, about the special district. disney will pay the fair share of taxes. do not fall for another partisan political life being amplified by the media. my oh my. board of supervisors saying frankly they don't understand what the repeal entails and therefore they are compromising. unless a compromise is reached, i have a feeling all of this could end up in court. >> so disney says all of this is dopey. okay, thank you so much. [laughter] >> and jonathan is such a great legal mind. it's great to have you. so disney is essentially saying all right this is on you the billion dollar debt thing. your problem not ours. >> in 1967 an agreement was reached. they have this special district unless bond issuing's are covered by the state, that is very likely still we have this cost plan. but i would caution them want to get into a fight where people have general taxing authority and in this case, you know, disney is used to being the biggest animal on the field, the one that can scare people off. and they can't do that with one of the largest states in the union. now, the disney ceo made the decision in this personal controversy over parental rights, he decided to do it in an election year. so putting the logic of that aside of what alternatives he could've taken. disney is now in it. they can not expect to scare off some of these individuals. everything is pretty locked in here. so yes, there's a billion dollars on the table, you are also fighting with the state with general tax authority as well, so i think that this will end up in the court, it is going to be costly, costly to both sides. >> you know, you mentioned about where this goes to the court. many look at this and say okay, it is a weird type of an effort, although the states are not immune to having special situations that come in here as an enticement. but disney is also positioning this, i think, as though okay, this governor can do this, you better think twice because then a democratic governor could come in and do the same thing pushing his or her agenda or protests over certain acts were certain legislations. what do you think about that that this is not really an issue that republican or democratic governors have had to impose, that this can start something that you may welcome in this case that could lead to other cases? >> well, once again, i would be leery about the corporate counsel engaging in a game of chicken with a major state. disney is used to getting its way. they may be up for a rude awakening here and part of the reason that it doesn't play out very well is how unique the deal is. it is an amazing agreement. and it works to the advantage of both sides. disney has been a huge source of revenue in terms of employment, the tourism that comes in through disney. also they have made out like a bandit here. basically a government unto themselves. and there are people that say okay, this is still punishing them for speech, the courts don't get as much into motivation and as you were saying, this is unique, they don't like special treatment and they are going to end it. well, in the end, the state could eliminate this district, but it's going to cost a lot for both sides. and i don't understand why more compromise and the language isn't coming from disney. >> well, thank you so much, my friend, thank you so much. taking a look at the border. if you have any thoughts about this alternative plan, well, you didn't hear much on capitol hill. you didn't hear much shouting [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> what if elon musk doesn't want twitter? startling indications he could do a 180 on this. >> 2 get your credit score all indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ ♪ m make way for the first-ever. chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? perfect. if you're gonna work remote... work remote. find new workspaces. find new roads. chevrolet. >> are you waiting for a mushroom cloud? >> i am not going to dignify that with a response. >> okay, well, that went well. he many could talk about this at the border and whether or not the administration has a plan, chad is following it all. >> good afternoon, the dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas happen, also xavier becerra was also questioned. >> we could have more on this as well. >> democrats are divided on ending title 42, after going for the jugular with alejandro mayorkas. >> it is so profoundly offensive on so many different levels and in so many different regards and i won't ask you for an apology. >> the republicans long-awaited for alejandro mayorkas to appear at hearings, knowing it's a hot issue, accusing them of using it as a wedge before the midterms. >> my hope is, my fear is that money on the republican side will use it as an opportunity for political theater. i think that they like having title 42 in place because it inflates the numbers. >> lawmakers from both sides want to vote on keeping it, it will expire in late may. neil: thank you, my friend. secretary, i don't know what would solve this today or how this was advanced today, but this occurs, you know, not too many days away. and the bad problem becoming a worse problem. do you see any way around that? >> no, i do not, especially with a lot of policies that have been put in place that have gotten us to where we are. frustration with the current state of the border. and the current state of where we are going, and there hasn't been a plan put in place, we hear from the administration from the secretary about a six-point plan that he rolled out a day and a half before the hearing, but nothing and that is new. nothing in there is going to solve the crisis that currently we are facing today. the six points are authority that has been exercised over decades. things that they should have been doing from day number one that for whatever reason they are rolling out for the very first time, saying that they will do for the first time and it's not really going to address the crisis with what we see today. >> the white house comes back and says hey, the crisis that you say this today, with title 42 still in effect. so it's not working anyway. what do you say? >> well, we had other procedures. that includes the asylum cooperative agreements, all these other initiatives prior to it being implemented, that we are driving these numbers down, making the border more secure. unfortunately because of those programs eliminated, the only thing left, that's the only thing that is keeping that border in check, even though we see really high apprehension numbers. and many are worried that once you remove that there is no plan in place, members on both sides are saying that that is not really adequate. it is not really good enough. you talk about 18,000 more beds, those numbers will be in a matter of hours increased. so that is something we need to look at by the end of the day. >> those of the border, washington dc, a couple of dozen right now. is there any way to track these individuals, whether they are in texas are watching from wherever they might. >> certainly there is and recently about phones, tracking where they go by the end of the day. >> they can throw their phones away. >> it's very difficult. and that includes how many individuals are released into certain states. border -- or i should say, i.c.e. -- there tracking when a certain region. they then go to other places. and so we are not just talking about a few hundred or a few thousand, talking about this alone, 80,000 being released into the united states. the numbers are overwhelming. it's impossible to adequately interview them and they are having a hard time answering where have they gone throughout the country. they really just don't know. neil: thank you so much, chad, for joining us. an apple, unlike amazon, handling a deep experience, it is also authorizing more stock and so very good news for them, not so for amazon, especially with guidance, going into different directions. and how about just this richest guy on the planet, elon musk. people wonder is he going to go through with this thing? 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elon musk. something he had put on twitter today. and he sees the pattern, over the years it has been the love that seems to be moving extreme and it echoes a little bit things that he has already said, namely that he is the same guy and he has been the same and he also said he wants to buy certain things as well. >> going forward or not going forward, if they thought this was going forward they would be buying this left and right. >> so if you look at his tweet, sort of net net, it suggested some other stuff that he put out there. and also tesla declining as well. and as far as the shares go, it's like my gosh okay, listen, i started off at zero and now i am 200. >> do you think he's going to go through the? >> i don't know. >> i can argue both when he knew what was going to happen and you really put me on the spot. it i am so convinced that he will drop it. >> i'm just going to say he's going to go through with it. >> he is a brilliant guy. as are you. and i'm going to order appetizers, dessert, you name it. . your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. >> most of the public trading companies have earnings, giving their news, apple buying stock, not so for amazon. it did forecast some problems down the road. charles payne, he is a best-selling author and a host of money with charles payne. what do you make of it? >> well, apple is phenomenal. everyone looks at iphone, 47 billion. you know, so many things in the hopper. seven quarters in a row. people are eating it up. on the other side what is interesting about amazon, we saw with retail sales, people are shopping online. remember, the internet was going to make everything obsolete. that's what happened this time around, they also took a big stake in this company, so they ended up with a gigantic loss. also intel as well and some of their business is doing well also. >> you sort of step back from the numbers and if you think about it, through the pandemic and beyond, there are hints that that will be part of it. >> people talk about it, apple, computers behind and stuff and i think people are backing away from certain things as well. neil: is not a little bit out of fear to some extent? the slowing, the economy, does the fed consider that, when it needs to deal with inflation. >> even before the day we saw in the last few sessions where the expectations were like the rate hike, it started to come down. going back to that gdp report. and a lot of stuff got here after christmas and i have to tell you something. they are going to have to deal with a slow economy. slowing more than what they said. >> you know, you have it again. and then you have a recession. >> well, we hope that we are not in one of those right now. mixed results, and again, it is not a proxy for retail. >> the primary area, very important. more money coming for ukraine and concerned that russia is getting a little batty right now. we will have more after these messages. ♪ ♪ ♪ i saved 25%. booyah. you protected your casa? 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(all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ oh, i had never seen a picture of her until i got on ancestry. it was like touching the past. my great aunt signed up to serve in the union army as a field nurse. my great grandmother started a legacy of education in my family. didn't know she ran for state office. ended up opening her own restaurant in san francisco. paralee wharton elder, lupe gonzalez, mary sawyers, margaret ross. there's a lot of life that she lived. who are the strong women in your family? grillin', chillin', spillin', dillin'. bec-ing. never brie-ing. smokin', yolkin', flippin', dippin'. if you're not oozing, then you're losing. tater totting, cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, trying. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. kraft singles. square it. ♪ ♪ >> we will not let russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of these sanctions. we will not allow them to use their oil and gas to avoid consequences for the regression. >> president biden referring to russia cracking down on poland and bulgaria saying those countries which wanted to extricate themselves from natural gas, essentially saying you can't fire us, we are quitting on you and suspending those shipments to both countries and looking at others. john kirby joins us now, pentagon press secretary. a lot of people don't know, these are retired admirals serving for the department and people forget that. claiming military knowledge, you know, i'm looking at everything that's going on in the escalation of this tit for tat with russia and these countries, we don't want the energy but we are not planning on cutting it off now. natural gas prices in europe are going up and that encouraged choice for him, so does he have the better? we go i don't think so. this is right out of the russia playbook. they figured out how to weaponize diplomacy and now they are weaponizing energy. the bulgarians have said they are already looking at options and the polls have said that they've got options and they've got reserves they can draw on and this is why president biden stood up a task force working with the e.u. over there to help diversify natural gas supplies across europe. this is a time for all nations to come together, in fact the united states is looking for ways to actually help supply some of that on our own. this is a time for all these nations to come together and we are, to push back on this coercion. this is classic russian behavior. bottom line is this is the action of a leader who knows he is weaker than he was 63 days ago before he decided to invade ukraine -- >> but the perceived weakness of the countries that were already vowing to cut off energy supply to russia, but he interrupted it midstream and said, i'm going to cut you off right now. >> he is lashing out because he knows his economy is in trouble and his military is in trouble, so he doesn't have a whole heck of a lot more cards to play. >> but he might do it with germany. germany says it is still for the embargo and pushing it and all that stuff, might find oil from other nations but it's going to be an uphill fight. i guess what i'm wondering, something is financing what he's doing it a lot of sanctions that were put immediately and affect were not and he's getting the better of us. do you fear he is actually turning into a p.r. victory for him? >> absolutely not and i would not go so far as to say he's getting the better of anybody. his economy is struggling. he's having trouble and guided ammunitions, in developing the components to put into his precision guided ammunitions so he can launch them in ukraine because the export controls and sanctions are having an effect on his defense industrial base. so no, he's not getting the better of anybody. he has a weaker economy and military and is only more isolated now than he was 60 days ago. >> how do you play his threats then? or how does the pentagon deal with that when he threatens, the foreign minister threatens nuclear options. you know, sweden and finland, if they even think of joining nato and they are likely to join that route there will be nuclear weapons at their border, but this is so often said, i don't think a day goes by where that option hasn't been discussed by some higher up all the way to putin. >> and that is very responsible, from the very beginning. but as he gets weaker, as he has to contract the kind of objectives he's trying to reach in ukraine from a military perspective, he is lashing out and threatening the west and everybody else, making himself sound like he is the victim here. russia is the aggressor and it is completely irresponsible for a modern nuclear power to even raise the specter of nuclear weapons while he is engaged in a war inside ukraine that he started, a war of choice, had diplomatic options on the table and refused to explore that. what we are doing number one is monitoring every day best we can the nuclear capabilities russia has in making sure our deterrent posture is appropriate and we believe it is. we haven't seen anything that would cause us to change that. >> oy, sorry, jumped on you there. always good seeing you, thank you very much. and to the point here, the administration has committed another $30 million. aiding aggressive approval for that, the arms and heavy equipment that ukraine desperately needs. ♪ ♪ >> greg: i am greg gutfeld along with jessica carla, judge jeanine pirro, jessica shape it's in she once got into a fist fight with polly pocket, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: the biden white house cracking down on freedom of speech days after elon musk's twitter takeover. secretary mayorkas announcing plans for what he calls a disinformation governance

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