Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240708 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240708

ask yourself, who would you be more likely to trust? some guy selling discount time-shares in cabo, or a self-described epidemiologist appearing on msnbc, it's not even close. the time-share guy might be sleazy. obviously he is but is he the one that shut your kids 'school down for no reason? is he going to force you to take untested drugs you don't want? is he the one you demanding you stay-at-home and fear even as blm rioters torched cities in america? no. the time-share guy, whatever it is obvious faults, didn't do any of that. the people in lab coats did it and they were the exact people you're supposed to be able to trust but you couldn't because they lied to you a lot and they still are lying to you. here's tony fauci from yesterday. >> we are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase. namely, we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. we are at a low level right now, so if you are saying we are out of the pandemic phase in this country, we are. >> tucker: we are out of the pandemic, says fauci. that means you are now free to transfer the heat you once felt for your unvaccinated neighbors directly to vladimir putin, and please do. okay, thank you. but wait a second, even if you are one of the many people who were recognized for many months that the coronavirus pandemic is indeed over, and who hasn't known that, since when did tony fauci come to the same conclusion? now the tape you just saw is from yesterday. okay, but it was just last week, days ago, that this very same tony fauci was holding a federal judge for daring to end the airline mask mandate without his express permission. in other words, just days ago this pandemic was raging. raging so intensely that you had to cover your insolent little face with the useless paper mask as a signifier of your obedience. those liberals, fauci demanded it, watch. >> this is a public health issue and for a court to come in and you look at the rationale for that -- and we are concerned about that, about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health decisions. this is a cdc issue, it should not have been a court issue. >> tucker: no democracy here, this is public health. this is a cdc issue, federal courts have no -- we will tell you when you can get your freedoms back. that was just last week. now suddenly this same guy tells us that the dreaded pandemic that rolled our lives for two full lives is just gone, disappeared without even a press release. it is deadened from the past and polite conversation like a starter marriage. we can all pretend it never happened. that was tony fauci's position yesterday in that interview. and today we woke to sunny skies on the east coast and a brand-new version of tony fauci, because in fact, tony fauci explains in yet another interview, this went to the associated press, that the coronavirus pandemic is not over. instead we are merely in a different moment of the pandemic, but, fauci emphasized with total self-confidence, not a hint of self-awareness, "by no means does that mean the pandemic is over. following this? so yesterday was over, today it is back on. that is america's public health establishment. making it up as they go along and yelling at you ceaselessly as they do and as they have for years. remember this clip from december when joe biden informed you gravely you probably were going to make it through the long winter. merry christmas, everyone! >> it here now and it's spreading it is going to increase. for unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated. for themselves, their family, and the hospital they will soon overwhelm. >> tucker: severe illness and death for the unvaccinated, ring around the rosie, all fall down. you are screwed, pal. five months later you look around and it's hard to find a single pile of corpses in the street. what you see is a lot for healthy people who did not take the shot. at the same time you see a lot of vaccinated people died of covid but what does that mean? it is not a scientific study but we can be certain there was a lot of lying going on and over statement that actually crossed the line into deception. tony fauci admitted as much to the new york teams back in 2020 at which point he should of been bounced out of his job and never heard from again. go to your time-share and don't talk to us. but this is what he said, dr. fauci said he is slowly but liberally moving the goalposts as scientists do. he's doing so partly based on science and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he thinks. we are finally ready. so based on his gut instinct, that is the scientist lecturing us? his gut instinct? that was in 2020 and we let this guy have full control of our purported democracy up until now when he is telling us one day there is a pandemic in the next day there isn't in the next day there is. he didn't think we are ready to hear what he really thinks. we are not ready for tony fauci, we are not worthy. he drove to washington, d.c., the affluent areas, we worship you, you are our king. okay, so why is he changing his tune? midterm elections are approaching and it turns out mask mandates aren't popular so we need to get rid of them, says the democratic party pier but there's a problem. if we declare the pandemic is actually over them we can't really justify keeping title 42. what is that? had a 42 is the public health regulation that allows border officials to turn away illegal aliens because they are a danger to the public health, because they may have covid come as many of them do. and covid is officially the scariest thing there is. so you don't want anything scary associated with the citizens who are going to vote for the democratic party, that is the basic idea. even the guy in charge of our border security has acknowledged that once a title two is gone, the board is going to be flooded with lots of new people. watch. >> we are mindful that there can be an increase in migratory flows encountered at our southern border should title 42 come to an end, as the cdc has determined it needs to do by ma. >> tucker: we are already at the point where possibly 2 million foreign nationals, none who have a right to be in this country or use any of our services and probably shouldn't be here at a time when food and energy are getting scarce because supply and demand is real. we've already had that, massive, the largest wave of human migration into our country without authorization ever in our history but you probably didn't notice because it happened in drips every day and you didn't see it, so you will tolerate it, but if you drop title 42 you're going to get human way of coming up from mexico or el salvador, that is already happened, from the rest of the world and if that were to happen, the democrats would be in even deeper trouble than they already are, would probably end their majority in the senate because unrestricted illegal migration is about as popular as a mask mandates. if you're asking yourself, how could tony fauci declare the pandemic over yesterday and back on today, maybe they are connected. not a conspiracy or anything, just throwing that out there. will let you decide. dr. carries a professor at johns hopkins school of public health and we are happy to have him join us to make sense of all of the spirit not going to ask you to weigh into the politics of it but as a consumer of health news and a physician,r audience is probably baffled as to how fauci can say one day it is on, the next day off, the next day on. >> he's been using the wrong date of the entire pandemic and that data they are using his total hospitalizations, picking up a lot of incidental positive findings because hospitals do mask pcr testing of everyone who walks through the door so that number is north of 68%, 62% and yet they continue to cite the overall hospitalization numbers. the public is really getting a glimpse of the use of dogma and even dogma in science as political propaganda over rigorous scientific studies. let's be honest, many of the controversies that have been debated the entire two years could've been answered in one week with a good, solid, rigorous studies for the nih has $42 billion, dr. fauci could have answered the question about circus transmission versus airborne transmission when people were pouring gallons of alcohol-based solutions on their mail and groceries. these questions could've been answered in a few days with rigorous studies. cloth masks, ignoring natural immunity. they are still not honest about natural immunity. myocarditis in young males with the vaccine in the mental health crisis we have essentially created after shutting kids out of public schools and most of the country. math scores are down 10%, depression is epidemic, the cdc won't even tell us what the suicide rates were during the pandemic, which is very odd. they publish that every year on an annual basis. you cannot find it anywhere, the suicide rates over the last two years. people are sick of the absolutism. i can tell you as a doctor people are very forgiving if you make a mistake. if you're honest. >> tucker: i agree. >> but when you use so much dogma that is when people see through it and lose confidence. >> tucker: and that is exactly the point i think we ought to be brooding over. if people don't trust other car dealer, is one thing. if they don't trust their public health authorities, you're going to have people treating stage four pancreatic cancer with crystals and aromatherapy because they are so afraid of doctors because they've been lied to so much. do they get that? speak of the right answers to a lot of the questions americans have been asking for two years is we don't know. and we can find out if we do these studies and we should have done the studies right away. many people have a lot of different risk tolerance in their own world. dr. fauci has been vaccinated four times and he still says he's not comfortable going to the white house correspondents' dinner this saturday night. that is the person that is behind all the covid policies in the united states. we've got to recognize that is one opinion. dr. fauci is allowed to have an opinion. i think he has experience and should weigh in but let's be honest, and by the way, he is not an infectious diseases doctor, he never did an infectious diseases fellowship. he did a rheumatology fellowship. i want to hear what he has to say, but i've been to about five or six major doctors conferences over the last three months nationwide, large conferences with thousands of doctors, they are not wearing masks. maybe with an exceptional 5% or 10%. we have doctors aggregating and auditoriums doing their lectures and conferences and at social events with hundreds of people not wearing masks, what does that tell you about the public health guidance that we've gotten? >> tucker: that is the most compelling thing i've heard today. thank you so much for coming on tonight. >> thanks. >> tucker: the pandemic is over beard was over yesterday and i was on. we are in a constant state of flux with the deadly covid pandemic but in shanghai, china, it's in full force. brutal lockdowns and effect. 25 million people trapped in their homes. it is a dystopian scene. watch. >> the video focuses to dysfunction, mismanagement, a city in chaos, struggling to cope with the surgeon covid cases. it resonates with so many of shanghai's 25 million residents, feeling trapped. there's now a covid guard post a day and night. [speaking non-english language] >> outside to several compounds, fences going up, neighbors sharing shocking images of new barriers on social media. listen to them howl from their balconies as they are further caged in. [screaming] >> some finding workarounds, buying their groceries through the added layer. others desperately rattling locks, hoping to escape. >> tucker: you look at that as a normal person and you see scenes of horrifying humans offer income of children crying in families wrenched apart. our berlin class looks at that and feels the blessed rush, the thrill of having control over other human beings. they love it. it's crazy what is happening in shanghai. the harvard trained epidemiologist called eric -- says the pictures you just welcomed the lockdown in shanghai is in everyone's interest. they've got to wonder if they love it so much will they tried again? alex couldn't talk as a contributing editor at contact magazine we are happy he is coming on. thank you for coming on. it's a little weird to see pictures like that, what do you think that says? >> what is going on in shanghai right now is essentially that the government has put 25 million residents under massachusetts house arrest and as you mentioned you are seeing horrific scenes of things like dogs being beaten to death on the street by health workers, there are reports of people being sent to unhygienic quarantine facilities even if they have no covid symptoms. reports of young children as young as three months old who have been separated from their parents, people are saying they are going hungry and all of this i think is really an indictment of the entire zero covid ideology, and the entire lockdown ideology. it's really important to remember that in 2020, our whole public health establishment, as well as our media praised china's response to covid and repeatedly praised the zero covid strategy and said in the u.s. we should have had harder lockdowns and harsher restrictions even though those restrictions were already tearing the country apart. we know now that lockdowns in general did not work. the data is very clear. there is a recent study from johns hopkins that demonstrated this and it's one piece of evidence, among many. sweden, which is demonized in the media for not locking down was completely vindicated and ended up with one of the lowest excess mortality rates in europe. and meanwhile, lockdowns and the rest of the world caused horrific harm. there were millions of people globally pushed into poverty, there was probably the largest upward wealth transfer in history. >> tucker: yes. >> and here in the united states, we have a crisis among children, a mental health crisis and an academic and literacy crisis from our prolonged school closures. meanwhile, no one has apologized, no one has been held accountable and if anything, thp saying that we should have done more. >> tucker: no one has apologized and no one has been held accountable. i can feel the waves rising even listening to your description of what all of us saw. i appreciate it, it is worth remembering that. it is essential to remember it and not repeat it. alex, thanks so much for coming on. >> thanks so much. >> tucker: so we got pretty amazing tape, surreptitiously gathered in which house republican leader kevin mccarthy who all things equal would be speaker of the house in january, accusing other republican members of congress including matt gaetz of "putting people in jeopardy." another top republicans such as matt gaetz should be arrested because it turns out the republican leaders in the house think speech is violent. oh, did they take sociology classes? no, they are republican representatives, you probably voted for them. matt gaetz joined us next. ♪ ♪ weathertech is the trusted brand that offers premium products for ultimate protection, like our laser measured floorliners. now there's the weathertech comfortmat. anti-fatigue support and cushioning while you stand in the kitchen... laundry room... at a stand up desk... or anywhere you might find yourself. the weathertech comfortmat features a non-slip grip and comes in three colors and finishes. so stand up and relax. order your american made comfortmat at (announcer) it's time to lose the weight for good. try golo. no subscriptions, just real results that last! -i've lost 70 pounds. -58 pounds. -22 pounds. -128 pounds. 138 pounds in nine months. crazy, right? 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(announcer) change your life now at ♪ ♪ >> tucker: two days after the breach of the capital on januarr congressman matt gaetz appeared on this network to say something that turned out to be completely correct. matt gaetz says there is a liberal faction within the republican party 'leadership that's all january 6th as a way to gain more political power for themselves. watch. >> there have secretly been in anti-trump caucus within the republican party in washington for a while, and i'm concerned that folks like liz cheney and adam kinzinger and others might view this as an opportunity. >> tucker: that turned out to be prescient. it wasn't just in anti-trump caucus, it was people who are opposed to trumps voters and their concerns. so just two days after gaetz said that, the house republican leader kevin mccarthy of california said that gaetz's remarks were a physical threat because, like a liberal college professor, he believes that words are violent. then another member of republican leadership, steve scalise of louisiana suggested that matt gaetz had somehow committed a crime. watch. >> the other thing i want to bring up and i am making some phone calls, i just got something about something matt gaetz said where he's calling people names, saying anti-trump and some of the other places, this is serious stuff people are doing that has to stop. >> what did gaetz say? >> gaetz specifically, i just saw that on twitter. >> i'm coming gaetz, i'm saying -- i don't know what to say, i'm having other people call him too. the nature of what -- i'm getting a briefing and i'm getting another one from the fbi tomorrow, this is serious [bleep], cut this out. >> is potentially illegal, [bleep], what are you doing? >> he's putting people in jeopardy and he doesn't need to be doing that. we saw what people were doing in the capital. >> tucker: is potentially illegal to criticize? what are you, taylor lorenz now, steve scalise customer and what is this? in another report kevin mccarthy said twitter should continue to sense of republicans, pull them off the internet. he made that remark in response to which we he didn't like from alabama republican congressman gary moore who was justifiably outraged by the death of ashley babbitt. listen. >> twitted at marjorie green at all, i understand it was a black lease officer who shot the white female veteran, that doesn't fit the narrative. >> man. because this is what we have to confront this. >> can't they take their twitter accounts away too? >> tucker: that didn't turn out to be completely true but truth is no defense. if you irritate "the new york times" kevin mccarthy would like you pulled off the internet. this is the leader of the republican party. there are a lot like this. in another he said he wished donald trump would resign. fox asked mccarthy about that. watch the response. >> with house republican leadership, we heard on that audio that you had quote, had enough with president trump and you would tell him to his face it's your believe he should resign. you still stand by those comments? >> look, i never told the president to resign. it was a conversation we had about scenarios going forward. speak up regarding that audiotape he said "the new york times" reporting on it was false and wrong, then the tape came out. did you lie? >> no, because what was brought to me as i call the president to resign. i never called the president is a resign. >> okay, that's a lie. here's the most depressing fact. all the republicans in the house got together today and mccarthy, steve scalise, they did not apologize for what theyd and they got innovation, they got applause from members of the republican congress. that is how brainwashed and addicted to mccarthy's money they are. matt gaetz is a former congressman. as noted, he was there today. he joined us next. thank you so much for coming on. you were accused by kevin mccarthy, the guy in line to be speaker of the house of committing an act of violence by giving your opinion by saying he was against the former president. his speech violent? what you make of it? >> i was just describing the facts. you have a group of people who were trying to join with democrats to impeach president trump and that is precisely what has played out. you mention he is in line to be speaker. i don't know that kevin mccarthy is in line to be speaker. i don't know if he could get an account on truth social right now based on the inconsistency in reporting and what he says to us. and it's debasing for republicans to give this guy standing ovation after he smears trunk, lies to the country and then tries to sick big attack and the doj on members of congress he doesn't agree with and factual -- are borne out. and the crazy thing is it was all done to protect liz cheney. at the time is protecting president trump from impeachment and kevin mccarthy was protecting liz cheney from criticism. and now she is owning them with their own words. and maybe liz cheney has done us a favor because now finally you don't have to be a lobbyist with a $5,000 check to know what kevin mccarthy and steve scalise really think. i was upfront about the fact that i was going to politically oppose liz cheney. i went to wyoming, i made my case there. this notionotion that you can he these sniveling calls and try to foment action against republicans by big td the doj is not fitting of leadership. >> tucker: that is exactly right. he can represent public and voters if you are associated with trumpet you cannot represent republican leaders if you are calling on big tech to censor voices who criticize you, and if you are accusing the people of criticizing you of committing an illegal act of violence as steve scalise just did. did he apologize for that? >> he said he was sorry for because many problem but what i say to steve scalise is if you accuse someone of potentially breaking the law, and by the way he was reacting to something, he raised the prospect of the illegality of my statement that liz cheney was anti-trump. i really know what i went out on a limb there, talker. but if you accuse someone of breaking the law you have to say what law you think they broke and what evidence do you have. and if there is no evidence, you need to acknowledge that. and if not you are maintaining this fiction for the sake of your own pride, and that is not what leaders do. >> tucker: what you are doing is reading the other side of the scripture. he listen to these guys talk and they sound like msnbc figures. i'm so triggered, he criticized me, we should boot him off, we should censor him. they are equating speech with violence, calling for censorship in describing disagreement as a criminal act. how are they not liberals question like that is what liberals say. what is this? >> i will be the one criticized because people say this is divisive, we should be unified against the democrats. the problem is the democrats win if republicans take power and think and talk and behave just like the democrats. so i am presenting an alternative vision, it would be nice if leadership wasn't the lagging indicator on these things. they were the last to realize liz cheney should've been tossed out of leadership. i was out there making the case and ultimately they caught up, but leaders lead from the front. they are not the lagging indicator lagging indicator. to be when you feel so sorry for republican voters. no one is standing up for them, they are totally exposed, some are still in jail and the guidance was to lead them to freedom sound like a joy reid staffer. her distressing. anyway, sorry. mr. gaetz, i appreciate you coming on tonight and your willingness to be open about what you've seen. elon musk has bought twitter but he is still not in control of twitter. that is why alex behrens is still banned from twitter. he's one of the few who has been censor to that is fighting back with a lawsuit that could go to court tomorrow. alex joins us next with an update on that. ♪ ♪ i was trying to refinance my mortgage. i went to check my credit score and i found a couple of inquiries that i had not initiated. within a few weeks of working with, my credit score went up about 60 points. get started at >> tucker: it's been a couple days now but liberals are still in full hysteria and panic on the idea that they might lose their monopoly on speech in this country since elon musk bought twitter. she thought a lot about how to fix twitter's free speech problem, she's a frequent guest here. thanks for coming on. so if you get into the details it's actually pretty complicated. how exactly do you fix twitter's free-speech problem? >> first, elon musk has one of the most important if not the most important free-speech vehicles right now so he has the opportunity to change the discourse in this country for the better and i think there's a few simple things he can do. first of all, moved twitter out of san francisco and out of california altogether. if he moves it to florida, i think that will be a huge improvement if he moves it out of california. i've seen a call to fire employees, i don't think he should do that, i think that is extreme it also has liability issues. but i think he should apply for different positions in the company and see if they go along with some new policies i'm talking about. i think he should let back onto twitter people who have been banned and there are a lot of people including clients of my firm, rogan o hanley is currently suing twitter and we represent some meme meisters like megan murphy, of feminist, radical canadian pharmacist who was kicked off of twitter for so-called mixed gender ring. the traffic on twitter, which is what twitter should want to going back to something we learned as children, to be honest and transparent. that has been tremendously lacking in twitter. twitter has lied about how it is with the finger on the scale until after the fact. whatever is not transparent about its policies, its algorithm, twitter is not transparent about how people are removed from the platform and twitter is not transparent about who its users are. they talked about removing the bots from twitter. there are a lot of public it if he is, i'm sure he's getting invites from all over the place and of course i am suing twitter so that is certainly a factor in what i have to say here, but he can do all of these things i should say is continuing to strike the blow to free speech he has been doing the last few days. i think the government has been coming for elon musk for months. they've been coming with this announcement of disinformation panel they are going to have to examine so-called disinformation governance panel. that is the government trying to proposed censorship that elon musk says is no longer to exist on twitter. i think we all need to stand together for that and have open conversations. i'm looking forward to being on twitter for many years hopefully with the fresh leadership. >> tucker: the panel you talked about is our lead for tomorrow's show. one of the most brazen assault on the first amendment in this century, quite amazing. thank you for that appear >> thank you. >> tucker: so it's hard to recall anyone ever being thrown off twitter for lying, for disinformation. people thrown off twitter are the ones who persist in telling the truth and that is why alex behrens and is not on twitter. alex behrens and persisted in telling the truth using the data during the span of the code of the pandemic and for doing that twitter accused him of spreading dangerous disinformation. he was bounced off, he was silenced. unlike most people who were balanced, alex sued in the lawsuit goes tomorrow. he's the author of "pnd mia" and his work is on sub stack. thank you so much for coming on. this goes to court tomorrow. tell us where you are on this. >> yes, we filed a lawsuit or i followed a lawsuit in december. twitter responded with a motion to dismiss which is standard and we responded and twitter sent out one more response and there's a a hearing on this tomorrow. our lawsuit i think is stronger than a lot of other lawsuits that have not survived the motion to dismiss stage. in some ways it's an interesting moment because like everyone else, i am waiting to see what elon does with the platform for right now elon musk does not own twitter and i'm not allowed on twitter. my free speech, my rights -- twitter was the most powerful way i had to petition the government, and there's no question that government officials spoke out publicly in july and august of 2021, and that that, contemporaneous with that, twitter's attitude with me hardened immediately and measurably. as he said, i am on a substack and i have a large following on subs tech but my power to petition the government has been greatly diminished. i hope people who have not signed up for the substack will do that but there is no substitute. harmeet described, there is no substitute for twitter. >> tucker: so if you can prove that twitter acted in response to your petition on the government that is a violation, correct? >> yes, but that is very, very difficult to do. a number of claims in the suit, in some ways, the most interesting claims are not the state actor claims. those are difficult to prove. unlike harmeet i am very happy that twitter is headquartered in california because california has very strong free-speech protection and also has a section of the civil code that essentially makes clear that twitter should be defined as a common carrier for the purposes of california law, so i have protections under california law that if enforced would essentially force twitter to allow me back on the platform. twitter is a large private company, and california courts have said before that shopping malls must allow people to speak even if there's each is not what they want. they are much more powerful than a shopping mall. i want to say something else, tucker, which is there is an ocean on the left -- first welcome i never harassed anybody. he said i was kicked out for one reason and one reason only which is telling the truth. my final tweet says "it doesn't stop transmission or infection a quote about the vaccine and i think everyone would agree about the mrna vaccine, that that is correct now. but the point is there is idea that somehow if we allow people free there will be a complete breakdown. that's nonsense. twitter just needs to allow the kinds of speech online that are allowed off-line, with the same limits. you can't scream at somebody off-line for four hours and twitter can have the same reasonable limits. >> tucker: but you have to let people express their political views entry has to be a defense. you were never accused of saying something untrue. they never proved that. they hated that you were telling the truth and that is not acceptable in a free country. we are rooting for you pierce because they couldn't prove it! it was absolutely -- yes, thanks. >> tucker: they never even tried. thank you, good to see you tonight. as we told you repeatedly, food plants all over the country are having disasters, fires, the disasters that take them off-line so we are starting to get a little worried about our food supply. people who no a lot about our food supply are very worried about our food supply. more on that next. means musical ♪ ♪musical [bushes rustling] [door opening] ♪dramatic music♪ yes! hon! the weathertech's here. ♪ weathertech is the ultimate protection for your vehicle. laser-measured floorliners... no drill mudflaps... cargoliner... bumpstep... seat protector... and cupfone. ♪ what about my car? 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[♪♪] did you know you can address one of the root causes of aging by targeting all the cells in your body? try tru niagen. life as we know it cannot exist without nad. as we age, nad can decrease by as much as 50%. tru niagen is proven to increase nad, to support heart and muscle health, and energy production that starts in your cells. address one of the root causes of aging with tru niagen, researched by the world's top scientific institutions. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: weirdest story of the year by far, dozens of food processing plants around the country have been disabled. maybe it's totally normal, some of them caught fire, some of them have been hit by planes. we have no idea what's happening, but we need to know is that highlights the vulnerability of our food supply and it is vulnerable for a lot of reasons, not just plane crashes and fires. he knows a lot about this, he's a farmer who now runs one of the biggest and most profitable organic grocery stores in the world, so we wanted to talk to him about our food supply. and we did on a brand-new episode of "tucker carlson today." here's part of it. ♪ ♪ >> you go back to the time when i first started this business and i started going out when i was 18 years old and i was buying, i was just going out there buying for my markets and it was hundreds of farmers in a homestead, south florida tropical area. there were hundreds and hundreds of farmers and now there's hardly any left. the only people left are people like myself that are vertically integrated because there's honestly no money in the farming. i don't want to be like the farmer crying poor mouth because we don't take government subsidies. we don't love a good enough to have subsidies for vegetable farmers in florida, but i can tell you in the last 12 years that i've confirmed. i've only made money farming two years of 12 years. the farm almost always loses every year. at this scale that we've got to the 3,200 acres, people laugh when i tell them this but i say i said it up to where i hope to lose $2 million at the farm. if we can growth 300,000 acres and then lose $2 million, then that is a good year farming. we are set up to be able to do that because we are very vertically integrated. i have the processing facilities and the retail stores and i have the trucking and we pack it ourselves, so we have all these other entities that can make money along the way and as long as we lose no more than two and a half, you can still have an okay year but if it starts to get worse than that, we are going to have to an extra 12 to $15 million to grow crops then i am already losing two or $3 million than it doesn't make sense. >> tucker: so we are going to lose domestic food production, i mean -- >> that is the scary part. especially in florida. i bought some grass, you can look, and the graph that i pulled down last night from the university of florida shows how mexico has just taken over. in the '80s, this south florida area, 80% of all the fruits and vegetables that supply the whole united states of america was out of the south florida region. 80%, and 20% was mexico or maybe 50% was mexico and maybe 5% sprinkled around a few other countries. now, the south florida area only counts for 10% of it. so we don't even create the markets anymore. if we get bad weather here doesn't even wholly change the markets because mexico is where all the product is coming from, and that is a farm security issue. i was in the bulletproof car with pompeo a couple weeks ago, it was just him and i so i had time to let him understand what a national security threat that this is for us, because if mexico decides to cut us off, we don't have any of this fresh product. it's all coming from there now. >> tucker: so if you like to eat, the details of farming and moving food from one place to another actually turns out to be pretty interesting and a little concerning. you can see the entire conversation we had on "tucker carlson today," fox nation, 7:00 p.m. tomorrow via "the washington post" is set to destroy the twitter accounts of the person who runs it, tiktok. but their hit piece has not got according to place. tiktok is even bigger than it ever was, and the woman who tried to destroy them is suddenly famous in times where. amazing story, next. ♪ ♪ this is... ♪♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? ♪♪ speed to some good news before we go from a little justice, the twitter account @libsoftiktok surpassed 1 million followers on twitter. it was just last week "the washington post" reported taylor lorenz tried to destroy the personal runs that account but it turns out a lot of people account because they want to know the teachers are doing in the classroom, it is not an attack on anybody it is called transparency of your grocer tim poole fame with help of the daia billboard in times square highlighting what "the washington post" tried to do to the founder of @libsoftiktok and you are seeing it on your screen. as predicted, taylor lorenz says she has the victim here, of course! this billboard is so do idiotic it is hilarious, don't forget these campaigns have a much darker and more violent side, i'm grateful for a newsroom that recognizes these bad faith attacks has a strong security team. when you say her name, you are a terrorist. in other words, stop hurting me she says as she punches you in the face. these people are all... we will be back tomorrow night. can't wait to see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: and welcome to "hannity." tonight, democrats are in a state of panic. there far left ideology is unpopular, their policies are a disaster. their president, well, most americans agree is mentally unfit, their vice president is incompetent, their poll numbers are worse than ever, and now their precious twitter is under new ownership. now the days of arbitrarily banning or censoring speech appears to be over. free speech, according to elon musk, is coming to twitter and hiding in their ivory tower from america's ever so fragile left liberals, they can't seem

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Version , Associated Press , East Coast , Self Confidence , Means , Self Awareness , Hint , Public Health Establishment , Everyone , Unvaccinated , Winter , Illness , Joe Biden , Merry Christmas , Death , Hospital , Family , Ring Around The Rosie , All Fall Down , Pal , Study , Pile , Corpses , The Street , Shot , Five , Line , Statement , Lying , Deception , New York , 2020 , Dr , Science , Scientists , Time Share , Talk , Gut Feeling , Job , Goalposts , Gut Instinct , Control , Scientist , Isn T , Mask , Areas , Aren T , Elections , Washington D C , King , Problem , Title , Officials , Border , Regulation , Democratic Party , Pier , 42 , Anything , Citizens , Many , Danger , Aliens , Idea , Watch , Board , Border Security , Migratory , Lots , Charge , Increase , Has , End , Ma , Food , Supply , Shouldn T , Demand , Energy , Right , None , Services , Nationals , Massive , 2 Million , Wave , History , Authorization , Human Migration , Notice , Mexico , Rest , Human Way , Senate , Majority , Trouble , El Salvador , Conspiracy , Migration , Audience , Professor , Johns Hopkins School Of Public Health , Politics , Health News , Consumer , Physician , Spirit , Sense , Data , The Next Day On , Number , Public , Hospitals , Hospitalization Numbers , Mask Pcr Testing , Door , Findings , 68 , 62 , Dogma , Studies , Good , Controversies , Over Rigorous Scientific Studies , Use , Glimpse , Nih , Groceries , Question , Solutions , Mail , Circus Transmission Versus Airborne , 42 Billion , 2 Billion , Vaccine , Questions , Mental Health Crisis , Immunity , Cloth Masks , Myocarditis , Males , Suicide , Schools , Rates , Most , Epidemic , Math Scores , Depression , Won T , 10 , Doctor , It Anywhere , Basis , Absolutism , Mistake , Confidence , Over , Car Dealer , Doctors , Pancreatic Cancer , Aromatherapy , Crystals , Answers , Four , Times , Risk Tolerance , Person , Policies , Opinion , Saturday Night , White House , Correspondents , Experience , Way , Diseases , Rheumatology Fellowship , Infectious Diseases Fellowship , Three , Six , Masks , Conferences , Hundreds , Auditoriums , Events , Lectures , 5 , Estate , Thanks , Guidance , Beard , Lockdowns , Shanghai , Scene , Homes , Flux , Force , China , 25 Million , Residents , Dysfunction , Surgeon , City , Chaos , Video , Covid Cases , Fences , Social Media , Compounds , Images , Language , Barriers , Balconies , Children , Others , Scenes , Locks , Income , Screaming , Humans , Layer , Finding Workarounds , Trained Epidemiologist Called Eric , Crazy , Blessed Rush , Families , Human Beings , Our Berlin Class , Harvard , Alex Couldn T , Pictures , Contributing Editor , Lockdown , Interest , Contact Magazine , Government , Reports , Dogs , Health Workers , Street , Massachusetts House Arrest , Quarantine Facilities , Parents , Covid Symptoms , Indictment , Establishment , Lockdown Ideology , Zero Covid Ideology , Zero , Response , Media , Strategy , Zero Covid , General , Evidence , Sweden , Mortality Rates , Johns Hopkins , Europe , Wealth Transfer , Harm , Poverty , Millions , No One , Crisis , School Closures , Literacy , All Of Us , Description , Saying , Waves , Thp , Essential , Surreptitiously , Republicans , Matt Gaetz , Kevin Mccarthy , Speaker , House , Members , Jeopardy , Republican , House Republican Leader , Republican Congress , Leaders , Representatives , Sociology Classes , Next , Think Speech , In The House , Brand , Weathertech , Protection , Floorliners , Weathertech Comfortmat , Support , Laser , Products , Kitchen , Cushioning , Laundry Room , Stand Up Desk , Announcer , Weight , Anywhere , Finishes , Colors , Grip , Made Comfortmat , Subscriptions , Results , Dieting , Pounds 128 , Try Golo , 70 , 8 , 138 , Nine , 28 , 2 , Woman , Life , Back , Plan , Vitality , Something , Leadership , Capital , Faction , Breach , Network , Januarr Congressman , Power , Liz Cheney , Washington For A While , Folks , Adam Kinzinger , January 6th , 6 , Opportunity , Voters , It Wasn T , Concerns , Threat , California , Steve Scalise , Member , College Professor , Louisiana , Remarks , Phone Calls , Crime , Some , Places , Names , Stuff , Calling , Twitter , What , Nature , Briefing , Bleep , Fbi , This Is Serious , Taylor Lorenz , We Saw , Gary Moore , Internet , Remark , Customer , Alabama , Lease Officer , Doesn T , Veteran , Narrative , Ashley Babbitt , Twitted At Marjorie Green , Man , Truth , Defense , Leader , The New York Times , President , Quote , Audio , Donald Trump , Fox , Reporting , Scenarios , Audiotape , Wrong , Comments , Lie , Money , Addicted To Mccarthy , Theyd , Innovation , Violence , Act , Speech , Facts , Trump , Group , Account , Inconsistency , Debasing , Guy Standing Ovation , Attack , Factual , The Doj , He Smears Trunk , Impeachment , Criticism , Favor , Lobbyist , Check , 000 , 5000 , Case , Wyoming , Calls , Action , Notionotion , Big Td , Trumpet , Big Tech To Censor Voices , California Law , Someone , Out On A Limb , Law , Prospect , Illegality , Talker , Side , Guys , Pride , Sake , Fiction , Doing , Scripture , Figures , Censorship , Disagreement , Criminal Act , Last , Indicator , Leadership Wasn T , Vision , Indicator Lagging , Front , Jail , Freedom Sound , Staffer , Joy Reid , Elon Musk , Mr , Willingness , Lawsuit , Few , Censor , Fighting , Update , Alex Behrens , Credit Score , Inquiries , Couple , Mortgage , Creditrepair Com , Creditrepair Com Tucker , Points , 60 , Panic , Free Speech Problem , Monopoly , Hysteria , Details , Guest , First , Discourse , Vehicles , South Florida , San Francisco , Improvement , Issues , Call , Liability , Employees , Company , Positions , Clients , Meme Meisters , Gender Ring , Feminist , Firm , Rogan O Hanley , Megan Murphy , Radical Canadian , Traffic , Scale , Platform , Whatever , Algorithm , Finger , Bots , Invites , Users , All Over The Place , Course , Factor , Announcement , Disinformation Panel , Blow , Conversations , Need , Disinformation Governance Panel , Lead , Panel , Show , Assault , Amendment , Disinformation , Anyone , Ones , Code , Yes , Work , Author , Sub Stack , Pnd Mia , Motion , Aa Hearing , Ways , Lawsuits , Stage , Free Speech , Rights , Contemporaneous , Government Officials , 2021 , August Of 2021 , July , Substack , Following , Measurably , Subs Tech , Substitute , Harmeet , Petition , Claims , Violation , State Actor Claims , Suit , Section , Purposes , Carrier , Shopping Malls , Protections , Left , Each , Ocean , Shopping Mall , Something Else , Tweet , Doesn T Stop Transmission , Anybody , Infection , Mrna , Off Line , Breakdown , Nonsense , Kinds , Limits , Somebody Off Line , Entry , Views , Disasters , Fires , Food Supply , More , Means Musical , Music , Vehicle , Door Opening , Bushes Rustling , Hon , Car , Seat Protector , Drill Mudflaps , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Tru Niagen , Nad , Root , Cells , Causes , Body , 50 , Energy Production , Institutions , Heart , Muscle , Aging , The World , Story Of The Year , Food Processing Plants , Planes , Fire , Hit , Dozens , What S Happening , Farmer , Vulnerability , Reasons , Grocery Stores , Crashes , Part , Episode , Buying , Business , Tucker Carlson Today , 18 , Markets , Farmers , Homestead , South Florida Tropical Area , Farming , Government Subsidies , Vegetable Farmers , Subsidies , Enough , Mouth , Money Farming , The Farm , 12 , 300000 , 3200 , Million , Stores , Entities , Half , Trucking , Processing Facilities , 5 Million , 15 Million , Food Production , Graph , Grass , Doesn T Make Sense , 3 Million , Area , Fruits , Vegetables , University Of Florida , 80 , Countries , 20 , Product , Weather , Farm Security Issue , Security , Pompeo A , Place , Accounts , Set , Hit Piece , The Washington Post , Fox Nation , 7 , 00 , Story , Fun , Rolling Hills , Haven T , Bills , Iowa , Fields , Inside And Out , Speed , News , Justice , Runs , Account Libsoftiktok , 1 Million , Transparency , Teachers , Grocer , Classroom , Help , Daia Billboard , Tim Poole Fame , Times Square , Billboard , Newsroom , Screen , Founder , Victim , Campaigns , Ibsoftiktok , Attacks , Security Team , Name , Faith , Terrorist , Hannity , Sean , Ideology , Vice President , Incompetent , Poll Numbers , Disaster , Ownership , Censoring , Hiding , Ivory Tower ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240708

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ask yourself, who would you be more likely to trust? some guy selling discount time-shares in cabo, or a self-described epidemiologist appearing on msnbc, it's not even close. the time-share guy might be sleazy. obviously he is but is he the one that shut your kids 'school down for no reason? is he going to force you to take untested drugs you don't want? is he the one you demanding you stay-at-home and fear even as blm rioters torched cities in america? no. the time-share guy, whatever it is obvious faults, didn't do any of that. the people in lab coats did it and they were the exact people you're supposed to be able to trust but you couldn't because they lied to you a lot and they still are lying to you. here's tony fauci from yesterday. >> we are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase. namely, we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. we are at a low level right now, so if you are saying we are out of the pandemic phase in this country, we are. >> tucker: we are out of the pandemic, says fauci. that means you are now free to transfer the heat you once felt for your unvaccinated neighbors directly to vladimir putin, and please do. okay, thank you. but wait a second, even if you are one of the many people who were recognized for many months that the coronavirus pandemic is indeed over, and who hasn't known that, since when did tony fauci come to the same conclusion? now the tape you just saw is from yesterday. okay, but it was just last week, days ago, that this very same tony fauci was holding a federal judge for daring to end the airline mask mandate without his express permission. in other words, just days ago this pandemic was raging. raging so intensely that you had to cover your insolent little face with the useless paper mask as a signifier of your obedience. those liberals, fauci demanded it, watch. >> this is a public health issue and for a court to come in and you look at the rationale for that -- and we are concerned about that, about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health decisions. this is a cdc issue, it should not have been a court issue. >> tucker: no democracy here, this is public health. this is a cdc issue, federal courts have no -- we will tell you when you can get your freedoms back. that was just last week. now suddenly this same guy tells us that the dreaded pandemic that rolled our lives for two full lives is just gone, disappeared without even a press release. it is deadened from the past and polite conversation like a starter marriage. we can all pretend it never happened. that was tony fauci's position yesterday in that interview. and today we woke to sunny skies on the east coast and a brand-new version of tony fauci, because in fact, tony fauci explains in yet another interview, this went to the associated press, that the coronavirus pandemic is not over. instead we are merely in a different moment of the pandemic, but, fauci emphasized with total self-confidence, not a hint of self-awareness, "by no means does that mean the pandemic is over. following this? so yesterday was over, today it is back on. that is america's public health establishment. making it up as they go along and yelling at you ceaselessly as they do and as they have for years. remember this clip from december when joe biden informed you gravely you probably were going to make it through the long winter. merry christmas, everyone! >> it here now and it's spreading it is going to increase. for unvaccinated we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated. for themselves, their family, and the hospital they will soon overwhelm. >> tucker: severe illness and death for the unvaccinated, ring around the rosie, all fall down. you are screwed, pal. five months later you look around and it's hard to find a single pile of corpses in the street. what you see is a lot for healthy people who did not take the shot. at the same time you see a lot of vaccinated people died of covid but what does that mean? it is not a scientific study but we can be certain there was a lot of lying going on and over statement that actually crossed the line into deception. tony fauci admitted as much to the new york teams back in 2020 at which point he should of been bounced out of his job and never heard from again. go to your time-share and don't talk to us. but this is what he said, dr. fauci said he is slowly but liberally moving the goalposts as scientists do. he's doing so partly based on science and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he thinks. we are finally ready. so based on his gut instinct, that is the scientist lecturing us? his gut instinct? that was in 2020 and we let this guy have full control of our purported democracy up until now when he is telling us one day there is a pandemic in the next day there isn't in the next day there is. he didn't think we are ready to hear what he really thinks. we are not ready for tony fauci, we are not worthy. he drove to washington, d.c., the affluent areas, we worship you, you are our king. okay, so why is he changing his tune? midterm elections are approaching and it turns out mask mandates aren't popular so we need to get rid of them, says the democratic party pier but there's a problem. if we declare the pandemic is actually over them we can't really justify keeping title 42. what is that? had a 42 is the public health regulation that allows border officials to turn away illegal aliens because they are a danger to the public health, because they may have covid come as many of them do. and covid is officially the scariest thing there is. so you don't want anything scary associated with the citizens who are going to vote for the democratic party, that is the basic idea. even the guy in charge of our border security has acknowledged that once a title two is gone, the board is going to be flooded with lots of new people. watch. >> we are mindful that there can be an increase in migratory flows encountered at our southern border should title 42 come to an end, as the cdc has determined it needs to do by ma. >> tucker: we are already at the point where possibly 2 million foreign nationals, none who have a right to be in this country or use any of our services and probably shouldn't be here at a time when food and energy are getting scarce because supply and demand is real. we've already had that, massive, the largest wave of human migration into our country without authorization ever in our history but you probably didn't notice because it happened in drips every day and you didn't see it, so you will tolerate it, but if you drop title 42 you're going to get human way of coming up from mexico or el salvador, that is already happened, from the rest of the world and if that were to happen, the democrats would be in even deeper trouble than they already are, would probably end their majority in the senate because unrestricted illegal migration is about as popular as a mask mandates. if you're asking yourself, how could tony fauci declare the pandemic over yesterday and back on today, maybe they are connected. not a conspiracy or anything, just throwing that out there. will let you decide. dr. carries a professor at johns hopkins school of public health and we are happy to have him join us to make sense of all of the spirit not going to ask you to weigh into the politics of it but as a consumer of health news and a physician,r audience is probably baffled as to how fauci can say one day it is on, the next day off, the next day on. >> he's been using the wrong date of the entire pandemic and that data they are using his total hospitalizations, picking up a lot of incidental positive findings because hospitals do mask pcr testing of everyone who walks through the door so that number is north of 68%, 62% and yet they continue to cite the overall hospitalization numbers. the public is really getting a glimpse of the use of dogma and even dogma in science as political propaganda over rigorous scientific studies. let's be honest, many of the controversies that have been debated the entire two years could've been answered in one week with a good, solid, rigorous studies for the nih has $42 billion, dr. fauci could have answered the question about circus transmission versus airborne transmission when people were pouring gallons of alcohol-based solutions on their mail and groceries. these questions could've been answered in a few days with rigorous studies. cloth masks, ignoring natural immunity. they are still not honest about natural immunity. myocarditis in young males with the vaccine in the mental health crisis we have essentially created after shutting kids out of public schools and most of the country. math scores are down 10%, depression is epidemic, the cdc won't even tell us what the suicide rates were during the pandemic, which is very odd. they publish that every year on an annual basis. you cannot find it anywhere, the suicide rates over the last two years. people are sick of the absolutism. i can tell you as a doctor people are very forgiving if you make a mistake. if you're honest. >> tucker: i agree. >> but when you use so much dogma that is when people see through it and lose confidence. >> tucker: and that is exactly the point i think we ought to be brooding over. if people don't trust other car dealer, is one thing. if they don't trust their public health authorities, you're going to have people treating stage four pancreatic cancer with crystals and aromatherapy because they are so afraid of doctors because they've been lied to so much. do they get that? speak of the right answers to a lot of the questions americans have been asking for two years is we don't know. and we can find out if we do these studies and we should have done the studies right away. many people have a lot of different risk tolerance in their own world. dr. fauci has been vaccinated four times and he still says he's not comfortable going to the white house correspondents' dinner this saturday night. that is the person that is behind all the covid policies in the united states. we've got to recognize that is one opinion. dr. fauci is allowed to have an opinion. i think he has experience and should weigh in but let's be honest, and by the way, he is not an infectious diseases doctor, he never did an infectious diseases fellowship. he did a rheumatology fellowship. i want to hear what he has to say, but i've been to about five or six major doctors conferences over the last three months nationwide, large conferences with thousands of doctors, they are not wearing masks. maybe with an exceptional 5% or 10%. we have doctors aggregating and auditoriums doing their lectures and conferences and at social events with hundreds of people not wearing masks, what does that tell you about the public health guidance that we've gotten? >> tucker: that is the most compelling thing i've heard today. thank you so much for coming on tonight. >> thanks. >> tucker: the pandemic is over beard was over yesterday and i was on. we are in a constant state of flux with the deadly covid pandemic but in shanghai, china, it's in full force. brutal lockdowns and effect. 25 million people trapped in their homes. it is a dystopian scene. watch. >> the video focuses to dysfunction, mismanagement, a city in chaos, struggling to cope with the surgeon covid cases. it resonates with so many of shanghai's 25 million residents, feeling trapped. there's now a covid guard post a day and night. [speaking non-english language] >> outside to several compounds, fences going up, neighbors sharing shocking images of new barriers on social media. listen to them howl from their balconies as they are further caged in. [screaming] >> some finding workarounds, buying their groceries through the added layer. others desperately rattling locks, hoping to escape. >> tucker: you look at that as a normal person and you see scenes of horrifying humans offer income of children crying in families wrenched apart. our berlin class looks at that and feels the blessed rush, the thrill of having control over other human beings. they love it. it's crazy what is happening in shanghai. the harvard trained epidemiologist called eric -- says the pictures you just welcomed the lockdown in shanghai is in everyone's interest. they've got to wonder if they love it so much will they tried again? alex couldn't talk as a contributing editor at contact magazine we are happy he is coming on. thank you for coming on. it's a little weird to see pictures like that, what do you think that says? >> what is going on in shanghai right now is essentially that the government has put 25 million residents under massachusetts house arrest and as you mentioned you are seeing horrific scenes of things like dogs being beaten to death on the street by health workers, there are reports of people being sent to unhygienic quarantine facilities even if they have no covid symptoms. reports of young children as young as three months old who have been separated from their parents, people are saying they are going hungry and all of this i think is really an indictment of the entire zero covid ideology, and the entire lockdown ideology. it's really important to remember that in 2020, our whole public health establishment, as well as our media praised china's response to covid and repeatedly praised the zero covid strategy and said in the u.s. we should have had harder lockdowns and harsher restrictions even though those restrictions were already tearing the country apart. we know now that lockdowns in general did not work. the data is very clear. there is a recent study from johns hopkins that demonstrated this and it's one piece of evidence, among many. sweden, which is demonized in the media for not locking down was completely vindicated and ended up with one of the lowest excess mortality rates in europe. and meanwhile, lockdowns and the rest of the world caused horrific harm. there were millions of people globally pushed into poverty, there was probably the largest upward wealth transfer in history. >> tucker: yes. >> and here in the united states, we have a crisis among children, a mental health crisis and an academic and literacy crisis from our prolonged school closures. meanwhile, no one has apologized, no one has been held accountable and if anything, thp saying that we should have done more. >> tucker: no one has apologized and no one has been held accountable. i can feel the waves rising even listening to your description of what all of us saw. i appreciate it, it is worth remembering that. it is essential to remember it and not repeat it. alex, thanks so much for coming on. >> thanks so much. >> tucker: so we got pretty amazing tape, surreptitiously gathered in which house republican leader kevin mccarthy who all things equal would be speaker of the house in january, accusing other republican members of congress including matt gaetz of "putting people in jeopardy." another top republicans such as matt gaetz should be arrested because it turns out the republican leaders in the house think speech is violent. oh, did they take sociology classes? no, they are republican representatives, you probably voted for them. matt gaetz joined us next. ♪ ♪ weathertech is the trusted brand that offers premium products for ultimate protection, like our laser measured floorliners. now there's the weathertech comfortmat. anti-fatigue support and cushioning while you stand in the kitchen... laundry room... at a stand up desk... or anywhere you might find yourself. the weathertech comfortmat features a non-slip grip and comes in three colors and finishes. so stand up and relax. order your american made comfortmat at (announcer) it's time to lose the weight for good. try golo. no subscriptions, just real results that last! -i've lost 70 pounds. -58 pounds. -22 pounds. -128 pounds. 138 pounds in nine months. crazy, right? 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(announcer) change your life now at ♪ ♪ >> tucker: two days after the breach of the capital on januarr congressman matt gaetz appeared on this network to say something that turned out to be completely correct. matt gaetz says there is a liberal faction within the republican party 'leadership that's all january 6th as a way to gain more political power for themselves. watch. >> there have secretly been in anti-trump caucus within the republican party in washington for a while, and i'm concerned that folks like liz cheney and adam kinzinger and others might view this as an opportunity. >> tucker: that turned out to be prescient. it wasn't just in anti-trump caucus, it was people who are opposed to trumps voters and their concerns. so just two days after gaetz said that, the house republican leader kevin mccarthy of california said that gaetz's remarks were a physical threat because, like a liberal college professor, he believes that words are violent. then another member of republican leadership, steve scalise of louisiana suggested that matt gaetz had somehow committed a crime. watch. >> the other thing i want to bring up and i am making some phone calls, i just got something about something matt gaetz said where he's calling people names, saying anti-trump and some of the other places, this is serious stuff people are doing that has to stop. >> what did gaetz say? >> gaetz specifically, i just saw that on twitter. >> i'm coming gaetz, i'm saying -- i don't know what to say, i'm having other people call him too. the nature of what -- i'm getting a briefing and i'm getting another one from the fbi tomorrow, this is serious [bleep], cut this out. >> is potentially illegal, [bleep], what are you doing? >> he's putting people in jeopardy and he doesn't need to be doing that. we saw what people were doing in the capital. >> tucker: is potentially illegal to criticize? what are you, taylor lorenz now, steve scalise customer and what is this? in another report kevin mccarthy said twitter should continue to sense of republicans, pull them off the internet. he made that remark in response to which we he didn't like from alabama republican congressman gary moore who was justifiably outraged by the death of ashley babbitt. listen. >> twitted at marjorie green at all, i understand it was a black lease officer who shot the white female veteran, that doesn't fit the narrative. >> man. because this is what we have to confront this. >> can't they take their twitter accounts away too? >> tucker: that didn't turn out to be completely true but truth is no defense. if you irritate "the new york times" kevin mccarthy would like you pulled off the internet. this is the leader of the republican party. there are a lot like this. in another he said he wished donald trump would resign. fox asked mccarthy about that. watch the response. >> with house republican leadership, we heard on that audio that you had quote, had enough with president trump and you would tell him to his face it's your believe he should resign. you still stand by those comments? >> look, i never told the president to resign. it was a conversation we had about scenarios going forward. speak up regarding that audiotape he said "the new york times" reporting on it was false and wrong, then the tape came out. did you lie? >> no, because what was brought to me as i call the president to resign. i never called the president is a resign. >> okay, that's a lie. here's the most depressing fact. all the republicans in the house got together today and mccarthy, steve scalise, they did not apologize for what theyd and they got innovation, they got applause from members of the republican congress. that is how brainwashed and addicted to mccarthy's money they are. matt gaetz is a former congressman. as noted, he was there today. he joined us next. thank you so much for coming on. you were accused by kevin mccarthy, the guy in line to be speaker of the house of committing an act of violence by giving your opinion by saying he was against the former president. his speech violent? what you make of it? >> i was just describing the facts. you have a group of people who were trying to join with democrats to impeach president trump and that is precisely what has played out. you mention he is in line to be speaker. i don't know that kevin mccarthy is in line to be speaker. i don't know if he could get an account on truth social right now based on the inconsistency in reporting and what he says to us. and it's debasing for republicans to give this guy standing ovation after he smears trunk, lies to the country and then tries to sick big attack and the doj on members of congress he doesn't agree with and factual -- are borne out. and the crazy thing is it was all done to protect liz cheney. at the time is protecting president trump from impeachment and kevin mccarthy was protecting liz cheney from criticism. and now she is owning them with their own words. and maybe liz cheney has done us a favor because now finally you don't have to be a lobbyist with a $5,000 check to know what kevin mccarthy and steve scalise really think. i was upfront about the fact that i was going to politically oppose liz cheney. i went to wyoming, i made my case there. this notionotion that you can he these sniveling calls and try to foment action against republicans by big td the doj is not fitting of leadership. >> tucker: that is exactly right. he can represent public and voters if you are associated with trumpet you cannot represent republican leaders if you are calling on big tech to censor voices who criticize you, and if you are accusing the people of criticizing you of committing an illegal act of violence as steve scalise just did. did he apologize for that? >> he said he was sorry for because many problem but what i say to steve scalise is if you accuse someone of potentially breaking the law, and by the way he was reacting to something, he raised the prospect of the illegality of my statement that liz cheney was anti-trump. i really know what i went out on a limb there, talker. but if you accuse someone of breaking the law you have to say what law you think they broke and what evidence do you have. and if there is no evidence, you need to acknowledge that. and if not you are maintaining this fiction for the sake of your own pride, and that is not what leaders do. >> tucker: what you are doing is reading the other side of the scripture. he listen to these guys talk and they sound like msnbc figures. i'm so triggered, he criticized me, we should boot him off, we should censor him. they are equating speech with violence, calling for censorship in describing disagreement as a criminal act. how are they not liberals question like that is what liberals say. what is this? >> i will be the one criticized because people say this is divisive, we should be unified against the democrats. the problem is the democrats win if republicans take power and think and talk and behave just like the democrats. so i am presenting an alternative vision, it would be nice if leadership wasn't the lagging indicator on these things. they were the last to realize liz cheney should've been tossed out of leadership. i was out there making the case and ultimately they caught up, but leaders lead from the front. they are not the lagging indicator lagging indicator. to be when you feel so sorry for republican voters. no one is standing up for them, they are totally exposed, some are still in jail and the guidance was to lead them to freedom sound like a joy reid staffer. her distressing. anyway, sorry. mr. gaetz, i appreciate you coming on tonight and your willingness to be open about what you've seen. elon musk has bought twitter but he is still not in control of twitter. that is why alex behrens is still banned from twitter. he's one of the few who has been censor to that is fighting back with a lawsuit that could go to court tomorrow. alex joins us next with an update on that. ♪ ♪ i was trying to refinance my mortgage. i went to check my credit score and i found a couple of inquiries that i had not initiated. within a few weeks of working with, my credit score went up about 60 points. get started at >> tucker: it's been a couple days now but liberals are still in full hysteria and panic on the idea that they might lose their monopoly on speech in this country since elon musk bought twitter. she thought a lot about how to fix twitter's free speech problem, she's a frequent guest here. thanks for coming on. so if you get into the details it's actually pretty complicated. how exactly do you fix twitter's free-speech problem? >> first, elon musk has one of the most important if not the most important free-speech vehicles right now so he has the opportunity to change the discourse in this country for the better and i think there's a few simple things he can do. first of all, moved twitter out of san francisco and out of california altogether. if he moves it to florida, i think that will be a huge improvement if he moves it out of california. i've seen a call to fire employees, i don't think he should do that, i think that is extreme it also has liability issues. but i think he should apply for different positions in the company and see if they go along with some new policies i'm talking about. i think he should let back onto twitter people who have been banned and there are a lot of people including clients of my firm, rogan o hanley is currently suing twitter and we represent some meme meisters like megan murphy, of feminist, radical canadian pharmacist who was kicked off of twitter for so-called mixed gender ring. the traffic on twitter, which is what twitter should want to going back to something we learned as children, to be honest and transparent. that has been tremendously lacking in twitter. twitter has lied about how it is with the finger on the scale until after the fact. whatever is not transparent about its policies, its algorithm, twitter is not transparent about how people are removed from the platform and twitter is not transparent about who its users are. they talked about removing the bots from twitter. there are a lot of public it if he is, i'm sure he's getting invites from all over the place and of course i am suing twitter so that is certainly a factor in what i have to say here, but he can do all of these things i should say is continuing to strike the blow to free speech he has been doing the last few days. i think the government has been coming for elon musk for months. they've been coming with this announcement of disinformation panel they are going to have to examine so-called disinformation governance panel. that is the government trying to proposed censorship that elon musk says is no longer to exist on twitter. i think we all need to stand together for that and have open conversations. i'm looking forward to being on twitter for many years hopefully with the fresh leadership. >> tucker: the panel you talked about is our lead for tomorrow's show. one of the most brazen assault on the first amendment in this century, quite amazing. thank you for that appear >> thank you. >> tucker: so it's hard to recall anyone ever being thrown off twitter for lying, for disinformation. people thrown off twitter are the ones who persist in telling the truth and that is why alex behrens and is not on twitter. alex behrens and persisted in telling the truth using the data during the span of the code of the pandemic and for doing that twitter accused him of spreading dangerous disinformation. he was bounced off, he was silenced. unlike most people who were balanced, alex sued in the lawsuit goes tomorrow. he's the author of "pnd mia" and his work is on sub stack. thank you so much for coming on. this goes to court tomorrow. tell us where you are on this. >> yes, we filed a lawsuit or i followed a lawsuit in december. twitter responded with a motion to dismiss which is standard and we responded and twitter sent out one more response and there's a a hearing on this tomorrow. our lawsuit i think is stronger than a lot of other lawsuits that have not survived the motion to dismiss stage. in some ways it's an interesting moment because like everyone else, i am waiting to see what elon does with the platform for right now elon musk does not own twitter and i'm not allowed on twitter. my free speech, my rights -- twitter was the most powerful way i had to petition the government, and there's no question that government officials spoke out publicly in july and august of 2021, and that that, contemporaneous with that, twitter's attitude with me hardened immediately and measurably. as he said, i am on a substack and i have a large following on subs tech but my power to petition the government has been greatly diminished. i hope people who have not signed up for the substack will do that but there is no substitute. harmeet described, there is no substitute for twitter. >> tucker: so if you can prove that twitter acted in response to your petition on the government that is a violation, correct? >> yes, but that is very, very difficult to do. a number of claims in the suit, in some ways, the most interesting claims are not the state actor claims. those are difficult to prove. unlike harmeet i am very happy that twitter is headquartered in california because california has very strong free-speech protection and also has a section of the civil code that essentially makes clear that twitter should be defined as a common carrier for the purposes of california law, so i have protections under california law that if enforced would essentially force twitter to allow me back on the platform. twitter is a large private company, and california courts have said before that shopping malls must allow people to speak even if there's each is not what they want. they are much more powerful than a shopping mall. i want to say something else, tucker, which is there is an ocean on the left -- first welcome i never harassed anybody. he said i was kicked out for one reason and one reason only which is telling the truth. my final tweet says "it doesn't stop transmission or infection a quote about the vaccine and i think everyone would agree about the mrna vaccine, that that is correct now. but the point is there is idea that somehow if we allow people free there will be a complete breakdown. that's nonsense. twitter just needs to allow the kinds of speech online that are allowed off-line, with the same limits. you can't scream at somebody off-line for four hours and twitter can have the same reasonable limits. >> tucker: but you have to let people express their political views entry has to be a defense. you were never accused of saying something untrue. they never proved that. they hated that you were telling the truth and that is not acceptable in a free country. we are rooting for you pierce because they couldn't prove it! it was absolutely -- yes, thanks. >> tucker: they never even tried. thank you, good to see you tonight. as we told you repeatedly, food plants all over the country are having disasters, fires, the disasters that take them off-line so we are starting to get a little worried about our food supply. people who no a lot about our food supply are very worried about our food supply. more on that next. means musical ♪ ♪musical [bushes rustling] [door opening] ♪dramatic music♪ yes! hon! the weathertech's here. ♪ weathertech is the ultimate protection for your vehicle. laser-measured floorliners... no drill mudflaps... cargoliner... bumpstep... seat protector... and cupfone. ♪ what about my car? 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♪♪ speed to some good news before we go from a little justice, the twitter account @libsoftiktok surpassed 1 million followers on twitter. it was just last week "the washington post" reported taylor lorenz tried to destroy the personal runs that account but it turns out a lot of people account because they want to know the teachers are doing in the classroom, it is not an attack on anybody it is called transparency of your grocer tim poole fame with help of the daia billboard in times square highlighting what "the washington post" tried to do to the founder of @libsoftiktok and you are seeing it on your screen. as predicted, taylor lorenz says she has the victim here, of course! this billboard is so do idiotic it is hilarious, don't forget these campaigns have a much darker and more violent side, i'm grateful for a newsroom that recognizes these bad faith attacks has a strong security team. when you say her name, you are a terrorist. in other words, stop hurting me she says as she punches you in the face. these people are all... we will be back tomorrow night. can't wait to see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: and welcome to "hannity." tonight, democrats are in a state of panic. there far left ideology is unpopular, their policies are a disaster. their president, well, most americans agree is mentally unfit, their vice president is incompetent, their poll numbers are worse than ever, and now their precious twitter is under new ownership. now the days of arbitrarily banning or censoring speech appears to be over. free speech, according to elon musk, is coming to twitter and hiding in their ivory tower from america's ever so fragile left liberals, they can't seem

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, Law , Prospect , Illegality , Talker , Side , Guys , Pride , Sake , Fiction , Doing , Scripture , Figures , Censorship , Disagreement , Criminal Act , Last , Indicator , Leadership Wasn T , Vision , Indicator Lagging , Front , Jail , Freedom Sound , Staffer , Joy Reid , Elon Musk , Mr , Willingness , Lawsuit , Few , Censor , Fighting , Update , Alex Behrens , Credit Score , Inquiries , Couple , Mortgage , Creditrepair Com , Creditrepair Com Tucker , Points , 60 , Panic , Free Speech Problem , Monopoly , Hysteria , Details , Guest , First , Discourse , Vehicles , South Florida , San Francisco , Improvement , Issues , Call , Liability , Employees , Company , Positions , Clients , Meme Meisters , Gender Ring , Feminist , Firm , Rogan O Hanley , Megan Murphy , Radical Canadian , Traffic , Scale , Platform , Whatever , Algorithm , Finger , Bots , Invites , Users , All Over The Place , Course , Factor , Announcement , Disinformation Panel , Blow , Conversations , Need , Disinformation Governance Panel , Lead , Panel , Show , Assault , Amendment , Disinformation , Anyone , Ones , Code , Yes , Work , Author , Sub Stack , Pnd Mia , Motion , Aa Hearing , Ways , Lawsuits , Stage , Free Speech , Rights , Contemporaneous , Government Officials , 2021 , August Of 2021 , July , Substack , Following , Measurably , Subs Tech , Substitute , Harmeet , Petition , Claims , Violation , State Actor Claims , Suit , Section , Purposes , Carrier , Shopping Malls , Protections , Left , Each , Ocean , Shopping Mall , Something Else , Tweet , Doesn T Stop Transmission , Anybody , Infection , Mrna , Off Line , Breakdown , Nonsense , Kinds , Limits , Somebody Off Line , Entry , Views , Disasters , Fires , Food Supply , More , Means Musical , Music , Vehicle , Door Opening , Bushes Rustling , Hon , Car , Seat Protector , Drill Mudflaps , Cargoliner , Bumpstep , Cupfone , Tru Niagen , Nad , Root , Cells , Causes , Body , 50 , Energy Production , Institutions , Heart , Muscle , Aging , The World , Story Of The Year , Food Processing Plants , Planes , Fire , Hit , Dozens , What S Happening , Farmer , Vulnerability , Reasons , Grocery Stores , Crashes , Part , Episode , Buying , Business , Tucker Carlson Today , 18 , Markets , Farmers , Homestead , South Florida Tropical Area , Farming , Government Subsidies , Vegetable Farmers , Subsidies , Enough , Mouth , Money Farming , The Farm , 12 , 300000 , 3200 , Million , Stores , Entities , Half , Trucking , Processing Facilities , 5 Million , 15 Million , Food Production , Graph , Grass , Doesn T Make Sense , 3 Million , Area , Fruits , Vegetables , University Of Florida , 80 , Countries , 20 , Product , Weather , Farm Security Issue , Security , Pompeo A , Place , Accounts , Set , Hit Piece , The Washington Post , Fox Nation , 7 , 00 , Story , Fun , Rolling Hills , Haven T , Bills , Iowa , Fields , Inside And Out , Speed , News , Justice , Runs , Account Libsoftiktok , 1 Million , Transparency , Teachers , Grocer , Classroom , Help , Daia Billboard , Tim Poole Fame , Times Square , Billboard , Newsroom , Screen , Founder , Victim , Campaigns , Ibsoftiktok , Attacks , Security Team , Name , Faith , Terrorist , Hannity , Sean , Ideology , Vice President , Incompetent , Poll Numbers , Disaster , Ownership , Censoring , Hiding , Ivory Tower ,

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