Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

who will then release the migrants in the u.s. governor greg abbott taking matters in his own hands, a seventh bus carrying migrants is heading to our nation's capital. >> and we are watching it. national border patrol council president will join us with reaction to all of that, and hear from charles payne, lieutenant governor keith kellogg and if you cannot catch it live, set your d.v.r. and watch it back later today. >> return the mask mandate. my company is -- [inaudible] if you choose to, you may remove your mask. >> quite a moment, reaction to mask mandates from jeers to cheers, happening all over the country as a pilot announces face coverings are no longer required to fly the friendly skies. still required in some airports, however, including laguardia, j.f.k. and others. sandra smith in new york. great to be with you. >> trace:. i'm in for john roberts. a federal judge in florida vacated the rule for travelers using public transportation. and frees airports and other mass transit systems from enforcing mask wearing but as sandra just said, some airports taking a different tack. after the c.d.c. extended the mandate yet again, all 50 states have announced plans to move away from mask requirements. >> sandra: uber, amtrak and others joining several other airlines in removing restrictions for customers and their employees, as the white house is calling it disappointing. could it lead to a showdown in the supreme court. that's the big question at this hour. mark meredith is live at reagan national airport. you point them out take them off on the plane, a different story in some airports and some reporting coming in that perhaps the white house will not instruct the d.o.j. to appeal this decision. we are waiting on confirmation of just that. mark. >> sandra, good afternoon. we sure are, still waiting to see what the government may do here, there is some online traffic they will not appeal, but we have not heard that. we are waiting for a gaggle on air force one as the president heads to new hampshire. he was wearing a mask, if that gives you an indication. and brought up a good point, this morning when we started at 9:00 a.m., clear-cut, the federal mask mandate would not be enforced. but chicago, o'hare, j.f.k., laguardia, they are going to require masks, even though it's not the federal government doing it. if you are at j.f.k. they may require you to wear a mask. whether or not you are going to get dragged over the coals, who knows. that will be determined in the days and weeks ahead. the mask mandate dates back two years, and the airlines enforced it before the federal government imposed it when president biden took office, and then the federal mandate extended several times. and a judge in florida ruled agencies were overstepping their authority. the news broke around this time yesterday and spread like wildfire on social media and where people were in the air. wi-fi on planes, live television, people are watching us and heard the news from their pilot, started taking videos as people were posting that they were being told in realtime the masks were no longer needed. on the ground, we heard from people who had mixed opinions how all of this went down. >> congratulations. [cheering] >> half the crowd like started cheering, took theirs off. the other half kept theirs on. it should be a person's personal choice to do it. i was pretty excited. >> i'm a rule follower, i will probably wear a mask, but i think it's nice people have that option. >> i'm thrilled, it's about time. it should have been over a long time ago. >> you guys, also referenced the white house saying on monday it was disappointed by the decision but we look for any indications of what the final step will be. the ruling impacting people not only flying but those that use ride sharing services like uber and lyft. those companies announcing both drivers and passengers will not have to wear masks on board but reports not all the apps are updated instantly, i was able to get into an uber to come here, did not wear a mask, my driver had his own but it's a case by case basis when it comes to these things. at this airport, i have seen a lot of people keep their masks on. throughout the afternoon, more people decided to take them off. people tell us again they are trying to get a sense what's going on, don't want to break the rules, it's in place two years. and a feeling as the afternoon and evening wears on, more people may test the limits what they are comfortable with. >> sandra: keeping track of the people behind you, so far 50/50, but it will be a process and people can decide for themselves what they want to do. we'll see what the white house decision will be whether or not it will be appealed. we wait on that. trace. >> trace: biden administration continuing to tout economic policies despite rising prices, labor shortages from coast to coast, and economic experts sounding the alarm that a recession could be on the way. we have team fox coverage, charles payne standing by. but first, fox business, live at the white house. >> good afternoon, trace. some economists are looking ahead and they do not like what they see in the forecast. goldman sachs says a 35% chance there is a recession in the next two years. but the white house thinks whatever lies ahead, the u.s. economy is on solid footing, thanks to president biden's policies. >> we continue to believe, our economists most importantly, the united states economy will deal with challenges ahead from position of strength because of the president's economic plan and even in their analysis they said "we still do not see a recession as inevitable." >> republicans say it should be a sign for the president to do a 180. senator tim scott tweeting the biden administration reckless policies have caused sky high inflation puts us at risk. the administration needs to turn the tide before it's too late. the white house is optimistic about the economic recovery ahead, most investors are not. 71% expect a weaker economy over the next year according to a bank of america survey, and the top american republican said the economic reality is already bad for most people, saying this, many americans believe our economy is already in a recession or depression and have lost faith in the president's ability to rebuild an economy that works for them. so, what should americans be bracing for? we tried to ask treasury secretary janet yellen that question earlier this month. >> should americans be preparing for a recession and forecasting one? >> and trace, national economic advisor said it's how well positioned the u.s. is to handle a recession, and he thinks we are prepared to handle one if it were to happen uniquely well. trace. >> trace: interesting, live at the white house, thank you. >> sandra: charles payne, host of "making money" on fox business. thanks for being here. tee you up on a few things i know you are talking about and covering on your own show. first the federal student loan debt in the united states, put it up on the screen. astronomical numbers people ages 25 to 34 are facing. $15 million outstanding, 477 billion the average per student, 31,000, charles. a big discussion what to do about this. where do you land? >> 1.5 trillion of student loan debt. the federal government created this problem when president obama took over and took it from banks, idea we would rubber stamp all student loans. tuition went through the roof when that happened, colleges got bigger, campuses got bigger, so did the loan get. and my problem with the cancelling all debt. 70% of folks with professional degrees owe money. on average, $199,000. you say oh, that's so much money. and their lifetime on average, make 3.6 million. put it to you this way. if you could buy a house for $200,000 that would be worth 3.6 million in your lifetime, is that a good deal? >> yeah. >> it's an investment. they decided to make, they will live better than 99% of the rest of the country. why should anybody, why should a taxi driver, construction worker, or someone who paid off their student loan put a nickel, a penny into their pockets. >> sandra: reminds you of the elizabeth warren moment. >> it's nuts. >> sandra: a dad said why should i be ok with the fact i've been struggling day-to-day to cover my daughter's student loan debt and now pay it off. >> it's anti-american. we pay our debts. the reason america is one of the preeminent country in the world, in addition to rule of law, we pay our debts. why other countries lend us money. >> sandra: it's a big deal and i know you feel passionately about it. i want to move on now to the latest with twitter. there is some drama. elon musk is scrambling now, exclusive with "new york post" to find backers for the twitter takeover. reportedly willing to invest personally invest up to $15 billion to take twitter private. what do you want to see happen here, charles? >> i want to see him get it. 1,000% want to see him get it. and free speech is a great business model. free speech is is a great business model. look at this company called tiktok that came out of left field a few years ago. this year ad revenue, $11 billion. it will be more than snap and twitter combined. combined. let people engage, let them interact. we have the ability, you have a mute button, a block button, they don't need to tell us what's hot or need to watch, it's a business model begging to be unleashed and if they mess up, if the board of directors blows this, i think they will hear about this. i think they will pay heavy penalties down the road. >> sandra: and something we have talked about a long time has come to a defining moment in this covid pandemic, and that is the lifting of the mask mandates on travel. >> whoo, whoo. >> i thought we had confetti coming down. >> sandra: the angle that you've been watching is how this has been such a struggle for businesses, there's no standard, right. and it has been left up to some businesses, others, it's been a mandate. and now we are trying to decide apparently there is some reporting we are trying to confirm that the white house might not advise the d.o.j. to appeal this decision. we don't know, that could be a big deal. >> i was watching jen psaki, i filled in for neil and watched the press conference at 4:00, they won't do anything. the whipping thing on the border, they were completely wrong and jumped the gun on. no apology there. the inflation argument, they won't -- they are -- if they go, if they make this mistake, you can see already -- look at the stock market today. look at the stock market. it is erupting today. >> sandra: big board. >> put it up, erupting. what is the number one sector today? consumer discretionary. what's consumer discretionary, it's the casinos, it's the airlines, it's the hotel, it's the reopening of america. that is freedom you are seeing in the stock market today because we removed the masks and it will help the small businesses the most, those who could not hang in there, right. we used to come to so ho every weekend. i think we came once or twice during the pandemic. it's too much of a hassle. did not go to the favorite restaurants or plays or concerts. it's too much. i went to a restaurant in yonkers for easter, i'm not putting them down, but i could at least park and not have to wear a mask or asking me for a damn i.d. card. >> sandra: we are already getting the delayed censor ready, johnny depp's trial with his ex-wife. see you at 2:00. trace. >> trace: wondering how charles feels about that. putin's forces stepping up attacks and described as a new phase of the war on ukraine. the battle of the donbas region underway. russia trying to take control of the region in eastern ukraine. lieutenant general keith kellogg joins us next. >> sandra: and a story next, the latest on a mother whose bloody body was found in a duffle bag stabbed 60 times, her husband getting a terrifying text that the whole family would be next. the community remains on edge. >> don't usually have a crime like that around here that i know of. y thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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your thoughts. >> yeah, trace, thanks for having me. i think that's a good assumption because he's not doing real well right now. he's basically 0-2. when you look at it, the northern part with kyiv, he's lost the fight in kyiv and those were some of his best units were malled and moved back. you cannot forget the second fight, the fight on the black sea near odesa, where they used two of their missiles, the neptune missiles, anti-ship missiles that sank the moskva, and that pushed the fleet out 160 miles, that's the range of the missiles. now you turn to the donbas and downsized on what he wants to do and take the donbas region. but you also have to look at what the ukrainians are doing, counter attacking to the south outside of odesa, and may have a plan to cut out crimea as well. this is now a fight to the finish. putin has to win this fight. this is much different fight than the first two fights. it's a conventional fight. it's going to be a lot more artillery. that's reason, trace, i'm a little frustrated, it has taken us so long to get heavy equipment into the ukrainians. we said the other day, we will give them 18 155 millimeter howitsers, or the multiple rocket systems, so sheer weight of numbers will help the russians a little bit. but i'm telling you, it's like i've said time and time again, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog and you cannot discount the ukrainians. if they win this fight, it's a loss for putin and the russians. >> trace: fair assessment, sir. the pentagon says russia is learning from their mistakes, trying to reshape forces but still have some command and control issues. do you think it's a fair assessment? >> it's beyond fair. right, it's spot on. you can see by what they have tried to do over the last five days, they have not had the ability to do what we call combine arms warfare. that's the integration of ground forces, artillery and air at the same time. it's all very, very discreet. each one is different. and it has allowed the ukrainians to pound them. they are not good at this, and that's the reason a lot of people are saying they very overestimated the russian army, and they are fighting by themselves and i think this is where the ukrainians are going to be able to handle them. and again, said it a few minutes ago, look, if the ukrainians win this fight, it's a major loss for russia and for the russian army and putin as well>> trace: it could end in a stalemate. always great to have you on. that's the point, sandra, a lot of people talk about where this ends. is it a stalemate, does it go on, and does vladimir putin, if per chance he is able to control mariupol, then will they stop and use that as some kind of a negotiating tool, bus zelenskyy says negotiations are out of the question as far as land. >> sandra: and big questions remain, a head's up that jen psaki is gaggling on air force one right now and will turn that sound to our viewers as soon as we get it. all right, trace. if you work for amazon you may need to watch what you say as words like union, restroom, and pay raise are set to be banned. we will tell you why coming up. >> trace: biden's border crisis overwhelming border patrol. over 500 migrants arriving in the u.s. only to be released. new staggering numbers on total migrant encounters, and national border patrol council brandon judd joins us what it could mean for democrats as they continue to play down the crisis. >> what is going on, and what do people living in this region are facing every day would not be allowed. buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? 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live in eagle pass, texas. good afternoon to you. >> all day long we have been watching on the international bridge behind us as group after group of migrants are being expelled back to migrant, via title 42. vans every 30 minutes or so. underneath the bridge groups are trying to cross illegally. take a look at the video in the last few hours or so. witnessed multiple groups on the mexican side of the river running and jogging down their side of the shoreline, apparently worried mexican authorities may try to stop them. in a matter of moments the different groups get into the water and start crossing illegally into eagle pass. it's a mixture of family units bringing little kids with them, as well as single adults. this happens constantly, and the sector is busy. more than 220,000 encounters just since october 1st. their numbers are up 170% as a sector over the same time last year. facilities are overcrowded and mass releases are underway, and yes, our cameras have been watching them. take a look at the video we shot yesterday late in the afternoon we witnessed more than 500 migrants released to the custody of a local n.g.o., the federal government mass releasing migrants, bus load after bus load after bus load. saw about seven busses, mostly single adult migrants. we followed some of the fans from the n.g.o.s as they took the migrants out, some going to san antonio airport to transport them across the country. and el paso sector, looking at a 3-year-old girl who was found completely abandoned near santa theresa, new mexico after she was left by a smuggler. no parents, no guardians whatsoever. the v.p. of the border patrol union says it's a major issue. take a listen. >> it's continuing to happen. there are no consequences for individuals coming across the borders. in america, where you can't even leave a dog inside a car with the windows rolled up, yet individuals are allowed to turn over their children to drug smugglers, human smugglers, sex traffickers and at the end are facing 0 consequences for it. >> and trace to give you an idea how bad the problem is, c.b.p. reports in march alone they found 14,167 unaccompanied minors at the border, 18% increase over february. back to you. >> trace: numbers continue to astound us. bill, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: bring in brandon judd, national border patrol council president. numbers are stunning, brandon. >> yeah, they are. and they just continue to get worse. i thought that last year that we would have hit a ceiling. i thought for sure the administration would have done something knowing they are in a lot of trouble come the midterms. you would have thought they would have absolutely put some programs or policies in place to help us get the border under control. but when you look at the first six months in this fiscal year alone, 1.2 million apprehensions, on pace for 2.4 to shatter last year's records and the months are worse. by the end of the fiscal year, around 2.8 million apprehensions. this administration has no ceiling whatsoever. >> sandra: that is alarming. there l be political consequences for it, it appears. you've got ten democratic senators breaking with president biden over lifting title 42. sinema, manchin, joe kelly and others, they are saying it cannot happen. we cannot continue at this pace. there could be more democrats behind them, brandon. >> yeah, they are not just breaking. senator kelly, he's running from this administration. he recognizes in the state of arizona, my home state, that he's in a lot of trouble. simply because of this issue and this issue alone and on top of it, you have the economic issue and he's in some serious trouble. they are absolutely running from this administration. right now they are trying everything that they can to get this administration to reverse certain policies such as title 42. they are trying to get them to implement programs to help get the border under control but this administration unfortunately, president biden continues to pander to his leftist base and that's it. he's throwing all of these senators out in the wind, hanging out in the wind to do nothing simply because he wants to pander to his base. >> sandra: i want to ask you about something making a lot of news, a lot of headlines. we spoke when it originally happened, the fox reporting on the 23 suspected terrorists that were caught at the border. we know how the white house reacted then, and now here is jen psaki asked if she would apologize for how she spoke about it then. listen. >> we are talking about a few dozen annual encounters at most and these encounters are less than the .01% of encounters. >> why do you think she's refusing to apologize for this? >> that's absolutely crazy to hear her talk about encounters, 23 people on the terrorist watch list. talk about 2,000 people away on a daily basis, 2,000, we have no idea how many terrorists are in those groups getting away, this is ridiculous that this administration continues to refuse to acknowledge what's going on on top of that, when you look at the way the president treated the horse patrol agents, accused them of a criminal act, criminal, not administrative act, and now this they have been criminally -- they have been cleared criminally, and yet he refuses to go out and apologize to them. this administration cares nothing about border security and it's going to hurt the american public. >> sandra: it's one thing to say you can't comment on the ongoing investigation now, but certainly did then. finish with a quinnipiac poll, top issues facing the u.s. as we talked about this, political implications of everything going on, brandon. inflation up there, russia and ukraine, immigration, certainly one of the top issues facing american voters. quick final thought on morale from border agents. >> we are beaten down, we are lost. we go out there and try to do the best that we can knowing this administration is not going to back us up, and for that reason the morale is lower than i've seen it in 25 years. it's horrible. >> sandra: sorry to hear that. we will cover it as we have been. thank you very much, brandon. >> trace: update on the murder of a queens mom stabbed nearly 60 times and dumped in a duffle bag not far from her home. shocking new surveillance video showing a person dragging the bag down the street. latest on the investigation is next. >> sandra: plus the defamation case, $100 million case, pitting johnny depp against his ex-wife, and may get more crazy. johnny depp himself is expected to take the stand at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. we will bring that to you live when it happens. >> engaged in what i thought as mutual abuse. i know she led on one occasion and started it, i think he may have initiated it on occasions, too. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could get out of debt sooner — and get your money 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no. >> trace: autopsy of a new york city woman whose body was found stuffed in the duffle bag over the weekend revealed she was stabbed nearly 60 times. doorbell video shows someone dragging a bag through the quiet neighborhood leaving a trail of blood. with us, former nypd lieutenant, and now a professor at pace university. thank you for coming on, very much appreciate this. she tells her 13-year-old son, her husband and her older son are in california looking at colleges, right, she tells her son she's going to go to a show, she goes apparently with some people she knows and comes home and is murdered again apparently by somebody she knows because he was allowed in the house, there was no sign of forced entry. what do you make of this? >> i think that this is a crime of passion and what we have to do from a police perspective, something we refer to as circling the target. we are going to start backwards investigation from that front doorstep. we are also going to introduce the number one detective in the equation, which is the ring doorbell camera that was able to capture an image of the assailant. in addition to that, capture footage from, i shouldn't say footage, but information from the cell phone tower because the assailant sent a text message to the husband, so that specific time is going to be pinpointed from that cell phone tower. >> trace: let me stop you there, i want to put those on the screen talking about the text messages. one of the messages to the husband says your wife sent me to jail some years ago, i'm back. another one says your whole family is next. and what i don't get about this, professor, is the fact that if this person was known to the woman, she certainly wouldn't let somebody into her house who she sent to jail years ago, right? i mean, so just doesn't, it just doesn't jibe. what do you think? >> i think that text message is a cover for something else. it was clear that she opened the door because this was a person that she was comfortable allowing into her residence, and so we are going to do something we refer to as dumping the cell phone tower. dumping the cell phone tower will consist of taking all of the text messages and calls that went through that specific cell phone tower so we can assess who was actually at that location. now, granted, the text message was sent from the victim's cell phone, but it's additional component in the investigation, and i generally believe an arrest is imminent. a woman was stabbed 58 times. clearly a crime of passion. >> trace: it's awful. darren, thank you for coming on. and she was reported by her husband missing in 2020 for three hours and then it was canceled. a lot of unknowns in the story. thank you so much, sir, we appreciate it. >> sandra: eyes on a virginia courtroom this hour where actor johnny depp is set to take the stand moments from now in his $50 million defamation trial against ex-wife amber heard. david, $50 million, he's suing her for but she is countering for $100 million. what do we expect? >> that's a serious amount of money. johnny depp will take the stand here in 15 minutes at 2:00 to give our viewers a run down. likely be on the stand the rest of the day questioned by his legal team. court ends at 5:00 every day. tomorrow more questioning of johnny depp, it's not clear if cross examination will begin tomorrow or if his team will go all day tomorrow and cross examination begins on thursday. to bring everyone up to speed, suing his ex-wife, amber heard, for $50 million for a 2018 washington post-op ed she authored, describing herself as a victim of domestic violence even though he was not explicitly named. he says the op-ed damaged his reputation and cost him future roles in films. today is day six of the trial. his security guard was on the stand, cross examined by amber heard's attorneys, quizzed multiple times about depp's drug and alcohol use. listen. >> i believe you testified that sometimes mr. depp would have a glass of wine or two, right? >> yes. >> and you testified his demeanor when he was slightly intoxicated was the same as if he had had a glass of sparkling water. you remember giving that testimony? >> i do. >> last week the couple's psychologist said they were mutually abusive to each other. it's important to point out depp was never arrested or charged with abuse. since depp is testifying this week, that typically means his legal team may almost be done. it could go on and sandra, as he's about to take the stand in 15 minutes, we are told by sources close to amber heard at some point in this trial she, too, will take the stand. a judge has set aside, believe it or not, six weeks, hopes to wrap it up before memorial day, sandra. >> sandra: all eyes on the courtroom. one source saying not going to hold back his feelings. we'll be listening for that. and jen psaki taking questions moments ago on air force one on the president's trip to new hampshire. the first question of course with the federal mask mandate tossed out by a judge in florida, and whether the biden administration will appeal to reinstate the very unpopular mask rules. what she just said. >> might still appeal what you are saying? >> it takes a couple days to review and make an assessment. >> if you don't appeal, do you run the risk of sending the message that all c.d.c. mandates are optional? >> one, i'm not going to prejudge the department of justice and how they make considerations or assessments about whether or not they are going to appeal. we obviously feel confident in our authority here, given we put the mask mandate in place and ask for 15 additional days. >> there is the news. when asked, they might still appeal is what you are saying, said a reporter. she responded yeah, typically takes a couple days to review. so, safe to say the white house is not taking an appeal off the table despite the fact there's been some reporting in the last hour or so that it has been taken off the table, trace. >> trace: and it's usual, if you were going to appeal you would normally ask a judge to stay the decision of the federal judge in tampa bay because you have now this confusion. everybody has taken their masks off, or a lot of people have and the airlines have said ok, you can take them off, and to then appeal this and suddenly have to put those masks back on a couple days down the road, a week down the road, would again create a lot more confusion for a system that has been -- >> sandra: that would be an mess. example how the airports are trying to handle this, fox business is reporting that newark airport in new jersey has lifted the mandate, and j.f.d. and laguardia are keeping it. a little confusing. >> trace: and t.s.a. says fine, you don't have to wear a mask, you walk through t.s.a. no problem, and somebody down the road in the airport says you have to put it back on, are you kidding me? meantime, we have been covering federal judge striking down biden administration mask mandate for public transit in flight. the white house calling the decision disappointing. will cain joins us whether they will fight the ruling, even though it would be widely unpopular. >> sandra: more for disney, going through films it produced in a prewoke world looking for things that could now be deemed offensive. why changes may be coming for several characters you know, including the little mermaid, ursula, tinkerbell, and even captain hook. >> it's a sad state of affairs, the most magical place on earth has digressed into the most hypothetical and woke place on earth. he's not checkin' the s. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? what's the #1 retinol brand you just can't stop. used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena® i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. >> sandra: some believe a sharp rise of black americans murdered may be lifrpged to the death of george floyd and trying to defund the police. hi, mike. >> the data shows on years when you had some of the high profile police involved deaths, also a spike in violent crime and gun games and disproportionately black people were the victims and now experts say you can indeed connect them to, the spikes to what is known as the ferguson effect, reluctant to get involved. the year mike brown was killed in ferguson, missouri, murders of black people increased by 15%. in 2020, george floyd was murdered under the knee of a minneapolis police officer. 32% over the previous year, 43% over the ten-year average. demonstrations, defund movement, backed by city leaders caused police to pull back and criminals to run wild. >> after the large viral incidents there is a tangible measureable police pull back. it's not controversial at this point. police maybe unconsciously are reticent to step in, a blowback to their involvement in crime. >> and a lot of experts say the pandemic was a greater contributor to the rise in violent crime. >> sandra: back to you. >> sandra: disney's wide world of woke going way back to please the far left. ♪ never smile at a crocodile ♪ ♪ no you can't befriendly with a crocodile ♪ >> sandra: disney is working to find and correct characters not fit for the new woke world. for example, captain hook? the reason, they say, so disabled people are not seen as villians. >> trace: triggering does not stop there. ursula, some might think she's racist, an evil octopus who happens to be purple. >> sandra: and that's where we are at 2:00 on this tuesday afternoon. great to have you here today, trace. hour two. >> trace: trace gallagher in los angeles. one of the many stories we hope to get to, unless breaking news changes everything and today, sandra, it just might. >> sandra: indeed. fox news alert, and you are looking live at a courthouse in virginia where the movie star johnny depp is expected to take the stand in just moments testifying in the defamation case against his ex-wife, actress amber heard. this story is much more than a bad break-up even by hollywood standards. depp is accusing his ex-wife of defaming him after she suggested he was abusive in an opinion piece in the washington post. he says heard was lying, making it up to score a big pay day during their bitter divorce. >> trace: the testimony so far, described a relationship far beyond being just rocky, it was sick and more deranged during the day. shocking text messages johnny depp sent that are so obscene the only one fit to say on tv is his hope that his ex-wife's corpse was decomposing in a car trunk. then there was depp's personal nurse on the stand describing when she had to search his kitchen to find a chunk of the actor's severed finger, somehow chopped off in a fight. >> sandra: and amber heard herself describes coming down the stairs after depp went three nights without sleeping. she says he had painted all over the walls, her clothes, everything, using his own blood. ok, johnny depp is on the stand now, johnny depp, let's listen. >> why you are here today. >> yes. about six years ago miss heard made some quite heinous and disturbing, brought disturbing criminal acts against me that were not based in any species of truth, um, it was -- it was a complete shock that it would -- us that direction, um, as nothing of the kind had ever happened, though the relationship, um, there were, um, arguments and, um, things of that nature, but never did i myself reach the point of striking miss heard in any way nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. and so i -- at the time, because the news of this -- her accusations had sort of permeated the industry and then made its way through media and social media, became quite a global -- let's say "fact," if you will, and since i knew that there was no truth to it whatsoever i felt it my responsibility to stand up, not only for myself in that instance, but stand up for my children who at the time were 14 and 16, and so they were in high school and i thought it was diabolical that my children would have to go to school and have their friends or people in the school approach them with the infamous "people" magazine cover with miss heard with a dark bruise on her face, and then it just kept -- it kept multiplying. it just kept getting bigger and bigger. so it was my responsibility, i felt, to not only attempt to clear my name for the sake of -- for many reasons, but i wanted to clear my children of this horrid thing that they were having to read about their father which was untrue, and also after many years of being in this industry, um, at the time it was probably, i had probably been in the industry 30 plus years, 35 years, never had had any problems, anything like that, and i have met many people over the years, many, many of the people, and have had the opportunity to talk to those people and to even give advice to these people and i am -- i am not -- my goal is the truth, my goal is the truth because it -- it killed me that people that i had spoken with, that i had met with over the years who i -- who maybe were in not such a great position and they needed advice and i gave them the best advice i could, all i could think of was that those people would think that i was a fraud and that i had lied to them. and so i had to wait for my opportunity to address the charges which were criminal charges, and they just weren't true, so i felt the responsibility of clearing the record as the only -- the only way that i could -- that i could get to the point where i could speak has really taken this full six years, and it's been six years of trying times. it's very strange when one day you are cinderella, so to speak, and 0.6 seconds you are kwazimoto, and i -- i didn't deserve that, nor did my children, nor did the people who have believed in me for all these years. i didn't want anybody -- any of those people to believe that i had done them wrong or lied to them or that i was a fraud. i -- i am -- i pride myself on honesty. i pride myself on truth. truth is the only thing i'm interested in. lies will get you nowhere, but lies build upon lies and build upon lies. it's too much to cover. i -- i'm obsessed with the truth, and so today is my, actually my first opportunity that i've been able to speak about this case in full for the first time. >> mr. depp, how do you feel about the intimate details of your life being aired in this process? >> as a father, raising kids, you know, when they were very, very little, it was important to me, very important to me to try to shield my children as much as possible from looking at their father or their mom, for that matter, as novelties. i didn't want my children to experience hoards of paparazzis. so i was always a very private person. so for me to come up here and stand before you, or sit before you all, and spill the truth is quite exposing, and it's unfortunate that it's not only exposing for myself, it's exposing for my family, it's exposing for miss heard, it's exposing for -- it's -- it never had to go in this direction. and so i -- i can't say that i'm embarrassed because i know that i'm doing the right thing. >> now, mr. depp, i would like to turn a bit to your upbringing. we heard a bit from your sister christie last week, but can you please tell the jury in your own words about your childhood upbringing? >> i had a very interesting childhood, one that i felt was normal until a certain age. my mother, i was born in kentucky, and we moved, in which we moved around quite a lot when i was a kid. so you were always just, my mom had this, her feet were on fire and she had to move, and so we moved constantly, so you were always the new kid, and that wasn't ever particularly pleasant. and then we moved to florida, south florida when i was about 7 or 8 and again moved several, several times. but my mother was quite unpredictable. she was very unpredictable. she was a -- she had the ability to be as cruel as anyone can be with all of us, that is to say my sister christie and my brother danny and my sister debbie, and also my father. so essentially she was -- she could become quite violent and she was quite violent and she was quite cruel and she -- and though there was physical abuse, certainly, which could be in the form of an ash tray being flung at you, you know, hit you in the head, or you would get beat with a high heel shoe or a telephone or whatever was handy. so in our house there was no -- we were never exposed to any type of safety or security. the only thing that one could do, really, was to try to stay out of the line of fire. i started to be able to observe and i could see -- i could start to see when she was about to head into a -- head into a situation where she was going to get riled up and somebody was going to get it. generally it was me. >> mr. depp, you mentioned that your mother could be cruel. how could she be cruel? >> various categories, i suppose, are -- there's physical violence, of course, there is physical abuse, to which she was -- that was a constant, that was just a constant, you know. we were all somewhat shell shocked, you know, she just walked past, you would sort of shield yourself because you didn't know what was going to happen, excuse me. and so there was the physical abuse which was a constant. there was quite a lot of verbal abuse, quite a lot of name calling, bullying, you know, making fun of -- making fun of whatever defects, you know, one might have, you know, my brother wore glasses so of course he was four eyes or -- and his teeth were messed up in the front, so he was buck tooth as well, and my sister christie, which this is such a hideous psychological play, my father's parents were quite refined. my mother comes from eastern kentucky, which is where you grow up in shacks and hollows, you know, and my mother despised my father's parents and my grandma's name was violet, and every now and again you would hear my mother just scream across the house come here, violet, get in here, violet. and christie, my sister knew very well that that was a deep cut psychologically, emotionally. but we had to take it, i mean, you just had to take the pain. i was born with a very strange, a very rare thing in my eye as the back of the lens is spherical, so this eye is not normal. this eye i was born with a more conical lens, so my brain never learned to see out of my left eye and they noticed when i was about 3, 4, 5 -- 3, 4, that i had a lazy eye, a wandering eye, and she would call me, she would call me cock-eye, one-eye, anything, anything she could get to to demean, humiliate. i even had to wear, i had to wear an eye patch on my good eye to strengthen my bad eye so that it would cease to wander. it was exercising the muscles of the eye, the brain had never learned to see so i still -- my vision in my left eye is, i'm legally blind in my left eye. but -- so the verbal abuse, the psychological abuse, was -- was almost worse than the beatings. the beatings were just physical pain. and physical pain, you learned to deal with, you learned to accept it, you learned to deal with it. but the psychological and emotional abuse, that's what kind of tore us up, i think. >> what about your father, what was he like? >> my father -- my father was a very kind man, in fact, my father is still alive. he's -- he's a very kind man. he's a very quiet man. in fact, he's very shy. not a confrontational person in any way. and when betty sue, my mother, would go off on a tangent toward my father, and of course in front of the kids it was no matter to her, he would -- he amazingly remained very, very stoic, and never -- as she was rationing him with horrible things, he stood there and just looked at her while she delivered the pain, and he swallowed it, he took it. there was never one moment, never a moment when my father lost control and attacked my mother or hit my mother or even said -- even said a bad thing to my mother. the things that i witnessed were there were a couple of times when it got too far that i would see his -- i could see his eyes welling up as he was staring at her saying nothing. and then the most that he would do is he would -- he would punch a wall. i once saw him punch a wall and shattered his hand because it was not drywall, it was proper concrete and steel wire and rebar and things of that nature, and but still never -- never touched her, never argued with her. he -- he remained a gentleman. and to me as a 5-year-old boy i kept thinking to myself, i kept wondering why -- why did he take it, how does he -- how does he take this? and why doesn't he leave her? but he didn't, you know. he was able to maintain his calm and his composure. he was able to maintain his relationship with his children. he was -- he was a good man. he was a good man. >> you mentioned that you saw your father punch a wall. how many times did you witness that? >> i mean, out of -- out of -- i couldn't count the amount of fights that they had but i know i -- i've seen my father strike a wall 2 or 3 times, tops. once when he broke his hand, but 2, 3 times at tops. >> was your father ever abusive to you or any of your siblings? >> no. my father was never -- my father was not an abusive man. at the same time, my father was also to some degree at the mercy of betty sue because if he argued with what she wanted done, that would just turn into another barrage of hatred towards him. so i can remember my father coming home from work and maybe i had gotten a bad report card or maybe i had gotten in trouble at school or something like that, and my father would arrive home from work and the first thing she would say was john, take him out there, give him the belt. and he wanted to know what it was about, so he would take me out to the garage, and i'll never forget this white thick leather 1970s-era, thick leather white belt that he would take off and then he would commence to inflict the punishment on me. but interestingly there was one time when my father -- i kept telling him i didn't do this, it was another incident, i kept swearing to him that i did not do what betty sue, what my mom had said that i had done. but he went through with the punishment anyway, and then not long after he found out that i had been telling the truth and that i hadn't done what i -- what my mom had said that i had done, and he came to me and apologized to me for having gone through with the whipping, you know, the belt. and i have to say my mom never did that. she couldn't. she knew what she knew, she was raised how she was raised, and i had no power to change what was inside of her, you know. >> how did your parents' relationship ultimately come to an end, to your understanding? >> when my father left, i didn't realize that he had left. he left for, i was 15, i had already left school and i was a musician, i was playing in clubs and such, and he left for work one morning, just like every day, and was packing his car and then he left, and then hours later my mom, betty sue came home from work, it was about 3:30 in the afternoon, and she walked in the door and stopped and just looked around like she felt something, and she just, i said what's wrong, she said your daddy's gone. so yeah, i seen him leave for work this morning, she said no, he's gone, he's gone, and she ran into their bedroom and closet and i followed her and i -- she opened the door and there was one, yeah, his rack of clothing and all his belongings were gone. and she was quite upset, and i took her car and drove to my father's work and i sat down in front of him at 15 and i said listen, seems as though somebody stole all your clothes out of the closet, and he said -- he said yeah, yeah, he said, i'm done, i can't -- i can't do it anymore, i can't -- i can't live it anymore. you are the man, you are the man now. and those words didn't quite sit well with me. i didn't feel like i was ready to hear those words. but that's what i got. then my mom got very -- went into a very, very dark place, very deep dark depression as you could imagine, and -- and she, one afternoon i woke up, i had fallen asleep and i woke up and walked out into the living room and i saw my mother like have very feebly, almost like a slow motion crawl, if i could stand up i could show you, just -- the -- what i saw, do you mind -- >> you can sit up. >> thank you. i saw, i saw my mother, you know, in that -- in that mode, so instantly i knew that something was dreadfully wrong, and there was drool coming out of her mouth and as i was about to run and call the front door busted open and my uncle and two paramedics came in, and threw her on the gurney and whisked her out of the house to pump her stomach, and she had swallowed a multitude of pills to try to take herself out, to try to commit suicide. and when she got out of the hospital she was a small firecracker of a woman, she was about 5'2", but when she got out of the hospital, the depression was so deep she was down to like, she lived on the couch and she weighed about 70 pounds, and that -- all that imagery spun into my head at that time that i thought that was a very, in my head at the time, i thought that that was a cowardly way for my father to have left, and i was deeply upset by that. and until my father and i had a conversation years later where i asked him what really happened, what, how did it happen when i was older, and he told me the story. >> your honor, may we approach? >> sure. >> all right, you've been watching johnny depp testify in his trial against his ex-wife it is a defamation suit. for $50 million. can you react to what you have heard so far, johnny depp starting out by saying there was no truth to this whatsoever, referring to that opinion piece that his ex-wife wrote in "washington post" that brought this moment. >> his testimony is bizarre and unrelateable right out of the gate, sandra. as a trial lawyer, why i don't like to put my clients on the witness stand. he has to do it because he's the one who is the plaintiff in this case, but there is not a single juror who sees themself in johnny depp right now. i don't know if he's that bizarre or he's not practiced at all, maybe they should have listed his lines out so he could memorize them and talk about his feelings, but this is just bizarre. >> sandra: it seems at some point it's like a therapy session, talking about his past, upbringing, his childhood, fatherhood, all happened when his children were 14 and 16 years old. seems like a cry for help even at some points, mark. quickly before we go back. >> correct. and you know why the defense is not objecting, you don't take the noose out of someone's hand when they are hanging themselves. they are saying go for it, ridiculous. >> sandra: he says i condition be embarrassed because i know what i am doing is right, it is the right thing. let's listen. >> until i learned the truth from him. >> and without getting into what your father told you, why is -- how is your impression of your father changed now? >> objection, relevance. >> your honor, this is just an understanding of his perception of his family. >> i'll sustain the objection, next question. >> mr. depp, what have you learned from your experience in your childhood? and observing your father in your childhood? >> i learned that i was wrong about my first impressions of his exit from the family. very wrong. and i'll say -- i'll tell you one thing that i learned that was -- that was one of the best lessons i believe i've ever learned in my life, ever could learn in my life, was based on my experience as a child and what i had seen and experienced. i knew exactly how to raise children and when my girl vanessa got pregnant, i knew exactly how to raise children, which was to do the opposite of what they did, of what betty sue did, never raise your voice in front of the children, never screaming out the word no to them, i never wanted to tell my kids no. i wanted to tell them that i wanted to show them that there were options. you don't have to stick the coat hanger in the electrical socket, you know, saying no is an abrupt thing but to talk to them and say if you understand the repercussions of something then you won't go there. so maybe think about this as opposed to this. give this some thought, you know. but that will clearly -- that could kill you, so i would ease them away from things of that nature with a more -- more of a conversation as opposed to a, you know, a flat-out don't you ever do that again, and threats, and things of that nature. i did not raise my children that way. nor did vanessa, and we never raised our voices in front of our children ever. >> how do you think your experiences with your parents and your childhood affected your approach to your relationship with miss heard? >> i'm sorry? one more time. >> how did your experiences observing your parents as a child affect your approach to your relationship with miss heard? >> well, in the beginning of my relationship with miss heard there was -- from what i recall and what i remember she was -- she was -- it was as if she was too good to be true. she was attentive, she was loving, she was smart, she was kind, she was funny, she was understanding, she -- we had many things in common, certain blues music and music, literature, things of that nature. so for that year or year and a half it was amazing. there were a couple of things that i don't know, stuck in my head that i noticed that i thought might be a little bit of a dilemma at some point. for example, if i -- i worked quite a lot, and when i would come home from work i would come in the house or the hotel and she would sit me down on the couch and give me a glass of wine, and take my boots off, set them to the side, and i had never experienced anything like that in my life. i just never -- i just never experienced that before. and it became a regular thing that she did. it was kind of routine and i remember one night i came home from work and i think she was on the phone or something or busy, she was doing something, and so i sat down on the couch and i took my boots off and suddenly miss heard approached with this look on her face, and she just said what did you just do? what did you do? i said what do you mean? you took your boots off. i said yeah, yes, i did, you, you were busy, you know. no, no, no, that's my job, that's what i do. you don't do that, i do that. ok. all right then. and then she said let me get you a glass of wine and she brought me a glass of wine. but i did take pause, of course, the fact this she was visibly shaken or upset that i had -- i had broken her rules of routine. i thought that strange. and then once that -- once you notice something like that, then you start to notice other little tidbits and things that come out, and then -- and then within a year or year and a half she had become this, another person, almost. >> mr. depp, we are going to talk about miss heard in a couple minutes but i would like to first talk about your career in hollywood. will you please tell the jury how you ended up acting in the first place? >> i ended up acting by accident. i was a musician and had moved out to los angeles with my band when i was 20 years old, and then there were a couple of things that happened where the band split up, and i remember i was filling out job applications and then nick -- a friend of mine, who happens to be -- he was an actor, less known known than he is now, nicholas cage, and i was filling out job applications a video stores, clothing stores, anything to be able to pay the rent, and nick cage said you know, why don't you meet my agent, you know, because i think you are an actor, i think you could be an actor. and i said i'll meet anybody, you know. i'll do anything at this point. and so he sent me to his agent, eileen feldman, and i met with her, she sent me to read for a casting director named annette benson, who was casting a film called "the nightmare on elm street," and they brought me back to read for the director, wes craven, and i read for wes craven and somehow got the job but i mean i was by no means an actor. i didn't have any desire to be an actor. i was a musician, but the fact these people were going to pay me what i found to be a ludicrous sum of money, kind of a sag minimum, was $1,284 a week, which i, you know, i had never seen that kind of dough before in my life. and so i suddenly, you know, and then i did some other, a couple of dumb movies because i still in my mind i was a musician and this was just a way to pay the rent, pay the bills, live. and then suddenly i found myself on that road, i had been placed on that road as an actor, and then i, one thing led to another, from film to film and then i was cast in a tv series called "21 jump street" when i was 22, i believe. >> mr. depp, between the time that you were cast in "nightmare on elm street" and were cast in "21 jump street," how did you enjoy acting during that time? >> it was foreign to me. it was foreign to me, but i didn't -- i didn't have any great ambition to be an actor. i'm a naturally, normally, i'm -- i've always been quite a shy person, i've always been quite introverted, and so there was a very strange metamorphosis, from being 1 of 4, 1 of 4 in a band where you have this fraternity or brotherhood and you are out there fighting the world together to try to get that record deal or whatever you are looking for and when the -- when i got on the series and my life started to change in various ways, that is to say that people started to, you know, you go into a restaurant and you would see people whispering and pointing and all that, i was -- i was very uncomfortable with it. i was very uncomfortable with it, and i didn't like it. just -- just because it -- i never wanted to be the lead singer and the guy out front, and get all the attention and i didn't -- suddenly i was on my own and having to deal with this -- this newfound sort of notoriety, and it was odd, it was very odd, and it was -- yeah, it was a very uncomfortable thing. i don't think it's anything that one can get used to. i'm not -- i'm still not used to it now and which, i'm actually glad i'm not used to it because if i were i don't think i would be the same person that i am. >> mr. depp, did there come a time when you became passionate about acting? >> once i realized that that's the road that i was on and that any attempt at going back to music would -- would be an -- would have been -- i hated the idea that since the television series had come out and i had been exposed as this character or this actor, i had to realize in my own mind and heart that there was no going back to music because i didn't want to, you know, i didn't want to -- i didn't want to use whatever amount of success that i have attained from the tv series and that sort of thing, i didn't want to use that to influence, you know, some career in music. i -- i had far too much respect for music than to just become what they wanted me to become, which was, you know, a teen idol or a teeny, you know, that sort of thing. i fought that with everything in my being. so once i realized that music was no longer an option -- >> sandra: you have been watching the trial of johnny depp. we were warned heading into this he would not hold back. he is testifying in his own case, his defamation case against ex-wife amber heard telling the jury how she ruined his career and created false claims of violence. very little of that we have actually gotten to in his testimony so far, trace. a lot of what we have heard so far is background on johnny depp, his upbringing, his family, but on that "washington post" op-ed that amber heard, his ex-wife published in 2018, the reason for this case, he said there is no truth to it whatsoever. he felt a responsibility of clearing the record and said on the record i never struck her or any woman in his life. >> trace: and it's a little unclear exactly, sandra, what they are trying to get at here. establishing the fact johnny depp says his parents or at least his father was somewhat abusive and therefore he would never go down that road. i want to bring in mark here, he's clearly been in the situation before. mark, what are they trying to establish here. seems as if this is kind of just a jumbled mess of johnny depp's background. >> they are suggesting that he lived a life filled with physical violence and he absolutely thought it was horrible and so he would never bring that to his personal life. in doing so, though, they are showing him as what i think is coming across as a character in some movie, webster is updating the dictionary now under bizarre, it says "see his testimony." it's just unrelateable and i think they are getting off of where they need to be, extremely high burden of proving actual malice in a very difficult libel suit. >> sandra: he's suing for 50 million, she's counter suing for 100 million, he is fighting back against diabolical domestic abuse claims for his children's sake, they were 14 and 16 at the time of the "washington post" op-ed, but digging into his mother, said she was unpredictable and the ability to be as cruel as anyone could be, labelling her as violent. a lot of the twitter is pointing out if the allegations of amber heard being violent are true, perhaps he married someone like his mother. we have to hear her story as well, but this is really something to see. final thought, mark. >> he has to prove that what she was saying is a lie, and at best i think the jurors might say you know what, we are not really sure. he failed to meet his burden. i don't know why he's doing this, it's not clearing his name, quite frankly will raise more questions in the court of public opinion. >> sandra: all right, he says the acts she detailed in the piece are not based on any species of truth. thank you mark for staying with us throughout the trial and it will be covered here on the fox news channel. trace, great to have you here. >> trace: and has been a lot of testimony from people who were very intimate with this couple who have testified there was a fair amount of abuse on both sides of this case, sandra. great to be with you as well. >> sandra: and great to have you. i'm sandra smith. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher. 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, Hollows , Violet , Grandma , Cut , Pain , Wandering Eye , Back , Eye , Brain , Lens , Conical Lens , Lazy Eye , To Demean , Eye Patch , The Eye , Muscles , Vision , Beatings , Father , What Betty Sue , Tangent , Hand , Rebar , Gentleman , Boy , Composure , Out Of , Strike , Siblings , Degree , Mercy , Barrage , Work , Report Card , Coming Home , Hatred , School , John , Belt , Garage , 1970 , Punishment , Incident , Whipping , She Couldn T , Understanding , End , Musician , Clubs , Daddy , Closet , Bedroom , Rack , Clothing , Belongings , She , The Living Room , Motion , Crawl , Mode , Drool , Uncle , Mouth , Paramedics , Stomach , Gurney , Hospital , Pills , Multitude , Suicide , Firecracker , Couch , Imagery , Conversation , Honor , Defamation Suit , Right , Whatsoever , Juror , Plaintiff , Gate , Witness Stand , Clients , Trial Lawyer , Unrelateable , Mark , Fatherhood , Points , Therapy Session , Cry , Noose , Defense , Correct , Go For It , Ridiculous , Objection , Impression , Relevance , Perception , Experience , Impressions , Exit , In My Life , Lessons , Child , Opposite , My Girl , Word , Voice , Options , Electrical Socket , Coat Hanger , Repercussions , Thought , Why Don T , Threats , Experiences , Voices , Vanessa , Approach , One More Time , In The Beginning , Blues Music , Common , Music , Literature , Stuck In My , Dilemma , Boots , Phone , That S My Job , Pause , Routine , Tidbits , Career , Acting , Hollywood , Band , Up Acting By Accident , 20 , Job Applications , Nick , Split Up , Friend , Nicholas Cage , Rent , Clothing Stores , Video Stores , Agent , Eileen Feldman , Annette Benson , Film , Casting Director , The Nightmare On Elm Street , Wes Craven , Job , Desire , Sum , Sag Minimum , 284 , 1284 , Movies , Dough , Mind , Bills , Thing Led , Cast , Another , 21 Jump Street , 22 , 21 , Didn T , Ambition , Brotherhood , Metamorphosis , Fraternity , Record Deal , Series , Ways , Pointing , Lead Singer , Guy , Attention , Odd , Notoriety , Attempt , Character , Television Series , Heart , Success , Respect , Influence , Teeny , Teen Idol , Claims , Background , His Upbringing , Dictionary , Webster , Malice , Libel Suit , Diabolical Domestic Abuse , Digging , Labelling , Allegations , Lie , Burden , Jurors , Court Of Public Opinion , Piece , Sides , The Story , Homeowners , Cash , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , Savings , Peace Of Mind , 100 , Families , Veteran , Value , Doctor , Diabetes , Glucerna , Blood Sugar , Patients , Dentistry Work , Dentistry , Insurance , Corner , At Aspendental Com , Treatment Plan , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Walk In , 800 , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Staffing , Koli Kibble , Food , Pieces , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Job Description , Candidates , Farmer , Turkey , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Wait , First , Diet , Fda , Reading Glasses , Drop , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Focus , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Headache , Activities , Vision Loss , Machinery , Governors , Eye Redness , Martha , Failure , Governor , Ongre Texas , 24 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240708

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who will then release the migrants in the u.s. governor greg abbott taking matters in his own hands, a seventh bus carrying migrants is heading to our nation's capital. >> and we are watching it. national border patrol council president will join us with reaction to all of that, and hear from charles payne, lieutenant governor keith kellogg and if you cannot catch it live, set your d.v.r. and watch it back later today. >> return the mask mandate. my company is -- [inaudible] if you choose to, you may remove your mask. >> quite a moment, reaction to mask mandates from jeers to cheers, happening all over the country as a pilot announces face coverings are no longer required to fly the friendly skies. still required in some airports, however, including laguardia, j.f.k. and others. sandra smith in new york. great to be with you. >> trace:. i'm in for john roberts. a federal judge in florida vacated the rule for travelers using public transportation. and frees airports and other mass transit systems from enforcing mask wearing but as sandra just said, some airports taking a different tack. after the c.d.c. extended the mandate yet again, all 50 states have announced plans to move away from mask requirements. >> sandra: uber, amtrak and others joining several other airlines in removing restrictions for customers and their employees, as the white house is calling it disappointing. could it lead to a showdown in the supreme court. that's the big question at this hour. mark meredith is live at reagan national airport. you point them out take them off on the plane, a different story in some airports and some reporting coming in that perhaps the white house will not instruct the d.o.j. to appeal this decision. we are waiting on confirmation of just that. mark. >> sandra, good afternoon. we sure are, still waiting to see what the government may do here, there is some online traffic they will not appeal, but we have not heard that. we are waiting for a gaggle on air force one as the president heads to new hampshire. he was wearing a mask, if that gives you an indication. and brought up a good point, this morning when we started at 9:00 a.m., clear-cut, the federal mask mandate would not be enforced. but chicago, o'hare, j.f.k., laguardia, they are going to require masks, even though it's not the federal government doing it. if you are at j.f.k. they may require you to wear a mask. whether or not you are going to get dragged over the coals, who knows. that will be determined in the days and weeks ahead. the mask mandate dates back two years, and the airlines enforced it before the federal government imposed it when president biden took office, and then the federal mandate extended several times. and a judge in florida ruled agencies were overstepping their authority. the news broke around this time yesterday and spread like wildfire on social media and where people were in the air. wi-fi on planes, live television, people are watching us and heard the news from their pilot, started taking videos as people were posting that they were being told in realtime the masks were no longer needed. on the ground, we heard from people who had mixed opinions how all of this went down. >> congratulations. [cheering] >> half the crowd like started cheering, took theirs off. the other half kept theirs on. it should be a person's personal choice to do it. i was pretty excited. >> i'm a rule follower, i will probably wear a mask, but i think it's nice people have that option. >> i'm thrilled, it's about time. it should have been over a long time ago. >> you guys, also referenced the white house saying on monday it was disappointed by the decision but we look for any indications of what the final step will be. the ruling impacting people not only flying but those that use ride sharing services like uber and lyft. those companies announcing both drivers and passengers will not have to wear masks on board but reports not all the apps are updated instantly, i was able to get into an uber to come here, did not wear a mask, my driver had his own but it's a case by case basis when it comes to these things. at this airport, i have seen a lot of people keep their masks on. throughout the afternoon, more people decided to take them off. people tell us again they are trying to get a sense what's going on, don't want to break the rules, it's in place two years. and a feeling as the afternoon and evening wears on, more people may test the limits what they are comfortable with. >> sandra: keeping track of the people behind you, so far 50/50, but it will be a process and people can decide for themselves what they want to do. we'll see what the white house decision will be whether or not it will be appealed. we wait on that. trace. >> trace: biden administration continuing to tout economic policies despite rising prices, labor shortages from coast to coast, and economic experts sounding the alarm that a recession could be on the way. we have team fox coverage, charles payne standing by. but first, fox business, live at the white house. >> good afternoon, trace. some economists are looking ahead and they do not like what they see in the forecast. goldman sachs says a 35% chance there is a recession in the next two years. but the white house thinks whatever lies ahead, the u.s. economy is on solid footing, thanks to president biden's policies. >> we continue to believe, our economists most importantly, the united states economy will deal with challenges ahead from position of strength because of the president's economic plan and even in their analysis they said "we still do not see a recession as inevitable." >> republicans say it should be a sign for the president to do a 180. senator tim scott tweeting the biden administration reckless policies have caused sky high inflation puts us at risk. the administration needs to turn the tide before it's too late. the white house is optimistic about the economic recovery ahead, most investors are not. 71% expect a weaker economy over the next year according to a bank of america survey, and the top american republican said the economic reality is already bad for most people, saying this, many americans believe our economy is already in a recession or depression and have lost faith in the president's ability to rebuild an economy that works for them. so, what should americans be bracing for? we tried to ask treasury secretary janet yellen that question earlier this month. >> should americans be preparing for a recession and forecasting one? >> and trace, national economic advisor said it's how well positioned the u.s. is to handle a recession, and he thinks we are prepared to handle one if it were to happen uniquely well. trace. >> trace: interesting, live at the white house, thank you. >> sandra: charles payne, host of "making money" on fox business. thanks for being here. tee you up on a few things i know you are talking about and covering on your own show. first the federal student loan debt in the united states, put it up on the screen. astronomical numbers people ages 25 to 34 are facing. $15 million outstanding, 477 billion the average per student, 31,000, charles. a big discussion what to do about this. where do you land? >> 1.5 trillion of student loan debt. the federal government created this problem when president obama took over and took it from banks, idea we would rubber stamp all student loans. tuition went through the roof when that happened, colleges got bigger, campuses got bigger, so did the loan get. and my problem with the cancelling all debt. 70% of folks with professional degrees owe money. on average, $199,000. you say oh, that's so much money. and their lifetime on average, make 3.6 million. put it to you this way. if you could buy a house for $200,000 that would be worth 3.6 million in your lifetime, is that a good deal? >> yeah. >> it's an investment. they decided to make, they will live better than 99% of the rest of the country. why should anybody, why should a taxi driver, construction worker, or someone who paid off their student loan put a nickel, a penny into their pockets. >> sandra: reminds you of the elizabeth warren moment. >> it's nuts. >> sandra: a dad said why should i be ok with the fact i've been struggling day-to-day to cover my daughter's student loan debt and now pay it off. >> it's anti-american. we pay our debts. the reason america is one of the preeminent country in the world, in addition to rule of law, we pay our debts. why other countries lend us money. >> sandra: it's a big deal and i know you feel passionately about it. i want to move on now to the latest with twitter. there is some drama. elon musk is scrambling now, exclusive with "new york post" to find backers for the twitter takeover. reportedly willing to invest personally invest up to $15 billion to take twitter private. what do you want to see happen here, charles? >> i want to see him get it. 1,000% want to see him get it. and free speech is a great business model. free speech is is a great business model. look at this company called tiktok that came out of left field a few years ago. this year ad revenue, $11 billion. it will be more than snap and twitter combined. combined. let people engage, let them interact. we have the ability, you have a mute button, a block button, they don't need to tell us what's hot or need to watch, it's a business model begging to be unleashed and if they mess up, if the board of directors blows this, i think they will hear about this. i think they will pay heavy penalties down the road. >> sandra: and something we have talked about a long time has come to a defining moment in this covid pandemic, and that is the lifting of the mask mandates on travel. >> whoo, whoo. >> i thought we had confetti coming down. >> sandra: the angle that you've been watching is how this has been such a struggle for businesses, there's no standard, right. and it has been left up to some businesses, others, it's been a mandate. and now we are trying to decide apparently there is some reporting we are trying to confirm that the white house might not advise the d.o.j. to appeal this decision. we don't know, that could be a big deal. >> i was watching jen psaki, i filled in for neil and watched the press conference at 4:00, they won't do anything. the whipping thing on the border, they were completely wrong and jumped the gun on. no apology there. the inflation argument, they won't -- they are -- if they go, if they make this mistake, you can see already -- look at the stock market today. look at the stock market. it is erupting today. >> sandra: big board. >> put it up, erupting. what is the number one sector today? consumer discretionary. what's consumer discretionary, it's the casinos, it's the airlines, it's the hotel, it's the reopening of america. that is freedom you are seeing in the stock market today because we removed the masks and it will help the small businesses the most, those who could not hang in there, right. we used to come to so ho every weekend. i think we came once or twice during the pandemic. it's too much of a hassle. did not go to the favorite restaurants or plays or concerts. it's too much. i went to a restaurant in yonkers for easter, i'm not putting them down, but i could at least park and not have to wear a mask or asking me for a damn i.d. card. >> sandra: we are already getting the delayed censor ready, johnny depp's trial with his ex-wife. see you at 2:00. trace. >> trace: wondering how charles feels about that. putin's forces stepping up attacks and described as a new phase of the war on ukraine. the battle of the donbas region underway. russia trying to take control of the region in eastern ukraine. lieutenant general keith kellogg joins us next. >> sandra: and a story next, the latest on a mother whose bloody body was found in a duffle bag stabbed 60 times, her husband getting a terrifying text that the whole family would be next. the community remains on edge. >> don't usually have a crime like that around here that i know of. y thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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your thoughts. >> yeah, trace, thanks for having me. i think that's a good assumption because he's not doing real well right now. he's basically 0-2. when you look at it, the northern part with kyiv, he's lost the fight in kyiv and those were some of his best units were malled and moved back. you cannot forget the second fight, the fight on the black sea near odesa, where they used two of their missiles, the neptune missiles, anti-ship missiles that sank the moskva, and that pushed the fleet out 160 miles, that's the range of the missiles. now you turn to the donbas and downsized on what he wants to do and take the donbas region. but you also have to look at what the ukrainians are doing, counter attacking to the south outside of odesa, and may have a plan to cut out crimea as well. this is now a fight to the finish. putin has to win this fight. this is much different fight than the first two fights. it's a conventional fight. it's going to be a lot more artillery. that's reason, trace, i'm a little frustrated, it has taken us so long to get heavy equipment into the ukrainians. we said the other day, we will give them 18 155 millimeter howitsers, or the multiple rocket systems, so sheer weight of numbers will help the russians a little bit. but i'm telling you, it's like i've said time and time again, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog and you cannot discount the ukrainians. if they win this fight, it's a loss for putin and the russians. >> trace: fair assessment, sir. the pentagon says russia is learning from their mistakes, trying to reshape forces but still have some command and control issues. do you think it's a fair assessment? >> it's beyond fair. right, it's spot on. you can see by what they have tried to do over the last five days, they have not had the ability to do what we call combine arms warfare. that's the integration of ground forces, artillery and air at the same time. it's all very, very discreet. each one is different. and it has allowed the ukrainians to pound them. they are not good at this, and that's the reason a lot of people are saying they very overestimated the russian army, and they are fighting by themselves and i think this is where the ukrainians are going to be able to handle them. and again, said it a few minutes ago, look, if the ukrainians win this fight, it's a major loss for russia and for the russian army and putin as well>> trace: it could end in a stalemate. always great to have you on. that's the point, sandra, a lot of people talk about where this ends. is it a stalemate, does it go on, and does vladimir putin, if per chance he is able to control mariupol, then will they stop and use that as some kind of a negotiating tool, bus zelenskyy says negotiations are out of the question as far as land. >> sandra: and big questions remain, a head's up that jen psaki is gaggling on air force one right now and will turn that sound to our viewers as soon as we get it. all right, trace. if you work for amazon you may need to watch what you say as words like union, restroom, and pay raise are set to be banned. we will tell you why coming up. >> trace: biden's border crisis overwhelming border patrol. over 500 migrants arriving in the u.s. only to be released. new staggering numbers on total migrant encounters, and national border patrol council brandon judd joins us what it could mean for democrats as they continue to play down the crisis. >> what is going on, and what do people living in this region are facing every day would not be allowed. buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? 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live in eagle pass, texas. good afternoon to you. >> all day long we have been watching on the international bridge behind us as group after group of migrants are being expelled back to migrant, via title 42. vans every 30 minutes or so. underneath the bridge groups are trying to cross illegally. take a look at the video in the last few hours or so. witnessed multiple groups on the mexican side of the river running and jogging down their side of the shoreline, apparently worried mexican authorities may try to stop them. in a matter of moments the different groups get into the water and start crossing illegally into eagle pass. it's a mixture of family units bringing little kids with them, as well as single adults. this happens constantly, and the sector is busy. more than 220,000 encounters just since october 1st. their numbers are up 170% as a sector over the same time last year. facilities are overcrowded and mass releases are underway, and yes, our cameras have been watching them. take a look at the video we shot yesterday late in the afternoon we witnessed more than 500 migrants released to the custody of a local n.g.o., the federal government mass releasing migrants, bus load after bus load after bus load. saw about seven busses, mostly single adult migrants. we followed some of the fans from the n.g.o.s as they took the migrants out, some going to san antonio airport to transport them across the country. and el paso sector, looking at a 3-year-old girl who was found completely abandoned near santa theresa, new mexico after she was left by a smuggler. no parents, no guardians whatsoever. the v.p. of the border patrol union says it's a major issue. take a listen. >> it's continuing to happen. there are no consequences for individuals coming across the borders. in america, where you can't even leave a dog inside a car with the windows rolled up, yet individuals are allowed to turn over their children to drug smugglers, human smugglers, sex traffickers and at the end are facing 0 consequences for it. >> and trace to give you an idea how bad the problem is, c.b.p. reports in march alone they found 14,167 unaccompanied minors at the border, 18% increase over february. back to you. >> trace: numbers continue to astound us. bill, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: bring in brandon judd, national border patrol council president. numbers are stunning, brandon. >> yeah, they are. and they just continue to get worse. i thought that last year that we would have hit a ceiling. i thought for sure the administration would have done something knowing they are in a lot of trouble come the midterms. you would have thought they would have absolutely put some programs or policies in place to help us get the border under control. but when you look at the first six months in this fiscal year alone, 1.2 million apprehensions, on pace for 2.4 to shatter last year's records and the months are worse. by the end of the fiscal year, around 2.8 million apprehensions. this administration has no ceiling whatsoever. >> sandra: that is alarming. there l be political consequences for it, it appears. you've got ten democratic senators breaking with president biden over lifting title 42. sinema, manchin, joe kelly and others, they are saying it cannot happen. we cannot continue at this pace. there could be more democrats behind them, brandon. >> yeah, they are not just breaking. senator kelly, he's running from this administration. he recognizes in the state of arizona, my home state, that he's in a lot of trouble. simply because of this issue and this issue alone and on top of it, you have the economic issue and he's in some serious trouble. they are absolutely running from this administration. right now they are trying everything that they can to get this administration to reverse certain policies such as title 42. they are trying to get them to implement programs to help get the border under control but this administration unfortunately, president biden continues to pander to his leftist base and that's it. he's throwing all of these senators out in the wind, hanging out in the wind to do nothing simply because he wants to pander to his base. >> sandra: i want to ask you about something making a lot of news, a lot of headlines. we spoke when it originally happened, the fox reporting on the 23 suspected terrorists that were caught at the border. we know how the white house reacted then, and now here is jen psaki asked if she would apologize for how she spoke about it then. listen. >> we are talking about a few dozen annual encounters at most and these encounters are less than the .01% of encounters. >> why do you think she's refusing to apologize for this? >> that's absolutely crazy to hear her talk about encounters, 23 people on the terrorist watch list. talk about 2,000 people away on a daily basis, 2,000, we have no idea how many terrorists are in those groups getting away, this is ridiculous that this administration continues to refuse to acknowledge what's going on on top of that, when you look at the way the president treated the horse patrol agents, accused them of a criminal act, criminal, not administrative act, and now this they have been criminally -- they have been cleared criminally, and yet he refuses to go out and apologize to them. this administration cares nothing about border security and it's going to hurt the american public. >> sandra: it's one thing to say you can't comment on the ongoing investigation now, but certainly did then. finish with a quinnipiac poll, top issues facing the u.s. as we talked about this, political implications of everything going on, brandon. inflation up there, russia and ukraine, immigration, certainly one of the top issues facing american voters. quick final thought on morale from border agents. >> we are beaten down, we are lost. we go out there and try to do the best that we can knowing this administration is not going to back us up, and for that reason the morale is lower than i've seen it in 25 years. it's horrible. >> sandra: sorry to hear that. we will cover it as we have been. thank you very much, brandon. >> trace: update on the murder of a queens mom stabbed nearly 60 times and dumped in a duffle bag not far from her home. shocking new surveillance video showing a person dragging the bag down the street. latest on the investigation is next. >> sandra: plus the defamation case, $100 million case, pitting johnny depp against his ex-wife, and may get more crazy. johnny depp himself is expected to take the stand at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. we will bring that to you live when it happens. >> engaged in what i thought as mutual abuse. i know she led on one occasion and started it, i think he may have initiated it on occasions, too. ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could get out of debt sooner — and get your money 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no. >> trace: autopsy of a new york city woman whose body was found stuffed in the duffle bag over the weekend revealed she was stabbed nearly 60 times. doorbell video shows someone dragging a bag through the quiet neighborhood leaving a trail of blood. with us, former nypd lieutenant, and now a professor at pace university. thank you for coming on, very much appreciate this. she tells her 13-year-old son, her husband and her older son are in california looking at colleges, right, she tells her son she's going to go to a show, she goes apparently with some people she knows and comes home and is murdered again apparently by somebody she knows because he was allowed in the house, there was no sign of forced entry. what do you make of this? >> i think that this is a crime of passion and what we have to do from a police perspective, something we refer to as circling the target. we are going to start backwards investigation from that front doorstep. we are also going to introduce the number one detective in the equation, which is the ring doorbell camera that was able to capture an image of the assailant. in addition to that, capture footage from, i shouldn't say footage, but information from the cell phone tower because the assailant sent a text message to the husband, so that specific time is going to be pinpointed from that cell phone tower. >> trace: let me stop you there, i want to put those on the screen talking about the text messages. one of the messages to the husband says your wife sent me to jail some years ago, i'm back. another one says your whole family is next. and what i don't get about this, professor, is the fact that if this person was known to the woman, she certainly wouldn't let somebody into her house who she sent to jail years ago, right? i mean, so just doesn't, it just doesn't jibe. what do you think? >> i think that text message is a cover for something else. it was clear that she opened the door because this was a person that she was comfortable allowing into her residence, and so we are going to do something we refer to as dumping the cell phone tower. dumping the cell phone tower will consist of taking all of the text messages and calls that went through that specific cell phone tower so we can assess who was actually at that location. now, granted, the text message was sent from the victim's cell phone, but it's additional component in the investigation, and i generally believe an arrest is imminent. a woman was stabbed 58 times. clearly a crime of passion. >> trace: it's awful. darren, thank you for coming on. and she was reported by her husband missing in 2020 for three hours and then it was canceled. a lot of unknowns in the story. thank you so much, sir, we appreciate it. >> sandra: eyes on a virginia courtroom this hour where actor johnny depp is set to take the stand moments from now in his $50 million defamation trial against ex-wife amber heard. david, $50 million, he's suing her for but she is countering for $100 million. what do we expect? >> that's a serious amount of money. johnny depp will take the stand here in 15 minutes at 2:00 to give our viewers a run down. likely be on the stand the rest of the day questioned by his legal team. court ends at 5:00 every day. tomorrow more questioning of johnny depp, it's not clear if cross examination will begin tomorrow or if his team will go all day tomorrow and cross examination begins on thursday. to bring everyone up to speed, suing his ex-wife, amber heard, for $50 million for a 2018 washington post-op ed she authored, describing herself as a victim of domestic violence even though he was not explicitly named. he says the op-ed damaged his reputation and cost him future roles in films. today is day six of the trial. his security guard was on the stand, cross examined by amber heard's attorneys, quizzed multiple times about depp's drug and alcohol use. listen. >> i believe you testified that sometimes mr. depp would have a glass of wine or two, right? >> yes. >> and you testified his demeanor when he was slightly intoxicated was the same as if he had had a glass of sparkling water. you remember giving that testimony? >> i do. >> last week the couple's psychologist said they were mutually abusive to each other. it's important to point out depp was never arrested or charged with abuse. since depp is testifying this week, that typically means his legal team may almost be done. it could go on and sandra, as he's about to take the stand in 15 minutes, we are told by sources close to amber heard at some point in this trial she, too, will take the stand. a judge has set aside, believe it or not, six weeks, hopes to wrap it up before memorial day, sandra. >> sandra: all eyes on the courtroom. one source saying not going to hold back his feelings. we'll be listening for that. and jen psaki taking questions moments ago on air force one on the president's trip to new hampshire. the first question of course with the federal mask mandate tossed out by a judge in florida, and whether the biden administration will appeal to reinstate the very unpopular mask rules. what she just said. >> might still appeal what you are saying? >> it takes a couple days to review and make an assessment. >> if you don't appeal, do you run the risk of sending the message that all c.d.c. mandates are optional? >> one, i'm not going to prejudge the department of justice and how they make considerations or assessments about whether or not they are going to appeal. we obviously feel confident in our authority here, given we put the mask mandate in place and ask for 15 additional days. >> there is the news. when asked, they might still appeal is what you are saying, said a reporter. she responded yeah, typically takes a couple days to review. so, safe to say the white house is not taking an appeal off the table despite the fact there's been some reporting in the last hour or so that it has been taken off the table, trace. >> trace: and it's usual, if you were going to appeal you would normally ask a judge to stay the decision of the federal judge in tampa bay because you have now this confusion. everybody has taken their masks off, or a lot of people have and the airlines have said ok, you can take them off, and to then appeal this and suddenly have to put those masks back on a couple days down the road, a week down the road, would again create a lot more confusion for a system that has been -- >> sandra: that would be an mess. example how the airports are trying to handle this, fox business is reporting that newark airport in new jersey has lifted the mandate, and j.f.d. and laguardia are keeping it. a little confusing. >> trace: and t.s.a. says fine, you don't have to wear a mask, you walk through t.s.a. no problem, and somebody down the road in the airport says you have to put it back on, are you kidding me? meantime, we have been covering federal judge striking down biden administration mask mandate for public transit in flight. the white house calling the decision disappointing. will cain joins us whether they will fight the ruling, even though it would be widely unpopular. >> sandra: more for disney, going through films it produced in a prewoke world looking for things that could now be deemed offensive. why changes may be coming for several characters you know, including the little mermaid, ursula, tinkerbell, and even captain hook. >> it's a sad state of affairs, the most magical place on earth has digressed into the most hypothetical and woke place on earth. he's not checkin' the s. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? what's the #1 retinol brand you just can't stop. used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena® i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. >> sandra: some believe a sharp rise of black americans murdered may be lifrpged to the death of george floyd and trying to defund the police. hi, mike. >> the data shows on years when you had some of the high profile police involved deaths, also a spike in violent crime and gun games and disproportionately black people were the victims and now experts say you can indeed connect them to, the spikes to what is known as the ferguson effect, reluctant to get involved. the year mike brown was killed in ferguson, missouri, murders of black people increased by 15%. in 2020, george floyd was murdered under the knee of a minneapolis police officer. 32% over the previous year, 43% over the ten-year average. demonstrations, defund movement, backed by city leaders caused police to pull back and criminals to run wild. >> after the large viral incidents there is a tangible measureable police pull back. it's not controversial at this point. police maybe unconsciously are reticent to step in, a blowback to their involvement in crime. >> and a lot of experts say the pandemic was a greater contributor to the rise in violent crime. >> sandra: back to you. >> sandra: disney's wide world of woke going way back to please the far left. ♪ never smile at a crocodile ♪ ♪ no you can't befriendly with a crocodile ♪ >> sandra: disney is working to find and correct characters not fit for the new woke world. for example, captain hook? the reason, they say, so disabled people are not seen as villians. >> trace: triggering does not stop there. ursula, some might think she's racist, an evil octopus who happens to be purple. >> sandra: and that's where we are at 2:00 on this tuesday afternoon. great to have you here today, trace. hour two. >> trace: trace gallagher in los angeles. one of the many stories we hope to get to, unless breaking news changes everything and today, sandra, it just might. >> sandra: indeed. fox news alert, and you are looking live at a courthouse in virginia where the movie star johnny depp is expected to take the stand in just moments testifying in the defamation case against his ex-wife, actress amber heard. this story is much more than a bad break-up even by hollywood standards. depp is accusing his ex-wife of defaming him after she suggested he was abusive in an opinion piece in the washington post. he says heard was lying, making it up to score a big pay day during their bitter divorce. >> trace: the testimony so far, described a relationship far beyond being just rocky, it was sick and more deranged during the day. shocking text messages johnny depp sent that are so obscene the only one fit to say on tv is his hope that his ex-wife's corpse was decomposing in a car trunk. then there was depp's personal nurse on the stand describing when she had to search his kitchen to find a chunk of the actor's severed finger, somehow chopped off in a fight. >> sandra: and amber heard herself describes coming down the stairs after depp went three nights without sleeping. she says he had painted all over the walls, her clothes, everything, using his own blood. ok, johnny depp is on the stand now, johnny depp, let's listen. >> why you are here today. >> yes. about six years ago miss heard made some quite heinous and disturbing, brought disturbing criminal acts against me that were not based in any species of truth, um, it was -- it was a complete shock that it would -- us that direction, um, as nothing of the kind had ever happened, though the relationship, um, there were, um, arguments and, um, things of that nature, but never did i myself reach the point of striking miss heard in any way nor have i ever struck any woman in my life. and so i -- at the time, because the news of this -- her accusations had sort of permeated the industry and then made its way through media and social media, became quite a global -- let's say "fact," if you will, and since i knew that there was no truth to it whatsoever i felt it my responsibility to stand up, not only for myself in that instance, but stand up for my children who at the time were 14 and 16, and so they were in high school and i thought it was diabolical that my children would have to go to school and have their friends or people in the school approach them with the infamous "people" magazine cover with miss heard with a dark bruise on her face, and then it just kept -- it kept multiplying. it just kept getting bigger and bigger. so it was my responsibility, i felt, to not only attempt to clear my name for the sake of -- for many reasons, but i wanted to clear my children of this horrid thing that they were having to read about their father which was untrue, and also after many years of being in this industry, um, at the time it was probably, i had probably been in the industry 30 plus years, 35 years, never had had any problems, anything like that, and i have met many people over the years, many, many of the people, and have had the opportunity to talk to those people and to even give advice to these people and i am -- i am not -- my goal is the truth, my goal is the truth because it -- it killed me that people that i had spoken with, that i had met with over the years who i -- who maybe were in not such a great position and they needed advice and i gave them the best advice i could, all i could think of was that those people would think that i was a fraud and that i had lied to them. and so i had to wait for my opportunity to address the charges which were criminal charges, and they just weren't true, so i felt the responsibility of clearing the record as the only -- the only way that i could -- that i could get to the point where i could speak has really taken this full six years, and it's been six years of trying times. it's very strange when one day you are cinderella, so to speak, and 0.6 seconds you are kwazimoto, and i -- i didn't deserve that, nor did my children, nor did the people who have believed in me for all these years. i didn't want anybody -- any of those people to believe that i had done them wrong or lied to them or that i was a fraud. i -- i am -- i pride myself on honesty. i pride myself on truth. truth is the only thing i'm interested in. lies will get you nowhere, but lies build upon lies and build upon lies. it's too much to cover. i -- i'm obsessed with the truth, and so today is my, actually my first opportunity that i've been able to speak about this case in full for the first time. >> mr. depp, how do you feel about the intimate details of your life being aired in this process? >> as a father, raising kids, you know, when they were very, very little, it was important to me, very important to me to try to shield my children as much as possible from looking at their father or their mom, for that matter, as novelties. i didn't want my children to experience hoards of paparazzis. so i was always a very private person. so for me to come up here and stand before you, or sit before you all, and spill the truth is quite exposing, and it's unfortunate that it's not only exposing for myself, it's exposing for my family, it's exposing for miss heard, it's exposing for -- it's -- it never had to go in this direction. and so i -- i can't say that i'm embarrassed because i know that i'm doing the right thing. >> now, mr. depp, i would like to turn a bit to your upbringing. we heard a bit from your sister christie last week, but can you please tell the jury in your own words about your childhood upbringing? >> i had a very interesting childhood, one that i felt was normal until a certain age. my mother, i was born in kentucky, and we moved, in which we moved around quite a lot when i was a kid. so you were always just, my mom had this, her feet were on fire and she had to move, and so we moved constantly, so you were always the new kid, and that wasn't ever particularly pleasant. and then we moved to florida, south florida when i was about 7 or 8 and again moved several, several times. but my mother was quite unpredictable. she was very unpredictable. she was a -- she had the ability to be as cruel as anyone can be with all of us, that is to say my sister christie and my brother danny and my sister debbie, and also my father. so essentially she was -- she could become quite violent and she was quite violent and she was quite cruel and she -- and though there was physical abuse, certainly, which could be in the form of an ash tray being flung at you, you know, hit you in the head, or you would get beat with a high heel shoe or a telephone or whatever was handy. so in our house there was no -- we were never exposed to any type of safety or security. the only thing that one could do, really, was to try to stay out of the line of fire. i started to be able to observe and i could see -- i could start to see when she was about to head into a -- head into a situation where she was going to get riled up and somebody was going to get it. generally it was me. >> mr. depp, you mentioned that your mother could be cruel. how could she be cruel? >> various categories, i suppose, are -- there's physical violence, of course, there is physical abuse, to which she was -- that was a constant, that was just a constant, you know. we were all somewhat shell shocked, you know, she just walked past, you would sort of shield yourself because you didn't know what was going to happen, excuse me. and so there was the physical abuse which was a constant. there was quite a lot of verbal abuse, quite a lot of name calling, bullying, you know, making fun of -- making fun of whatever defects, you know, one might have, you know, my brother wore glasses so of course he was four eyes or -- and his teeth were messed up in the front, so he was buck tooth as well, and my sister christie, which this is such a hideous psychological play, my father's parents were quite refined. my mother comes from eastern kentucky, which is where you grow up in shacks and hollows, you know, and my mother despised my father's parents and my grandma's name was violet, and every now and again you would hear my mother just scream across the house come here, violet, get in here, violet. and christie, my sister knew very well that that was a deep cut psychologically, emotionally. but we had to take it, i mean, you just had to take the pain. i was born with a very strange, a very rare thing in my eye as the back of the lens is spherical, so this eye is not normal. this eye i was born with a more conical lens, so my brain never learned to see out of my left eye and they noticed when i was about 3, 4, 5 -- 3, 4, that i had a lazy eye, a wandering eye, and she would call me, she would call me cock-eye, one-eye, anything, anything she could get to to demean, humiliate. i even had to wear, i had to wear an eye patch on my good eye to strengthen my bad eye so that it would cease to wander. it was exercising the muscles of the eye, the brain had never learned to see so i still -- my vision in my left eye is, i'm legally blind in my left eye. but -- so the verbal abuse, the psychological abuse, was -- was almost worse than the beatings. the beatings were just physical pain. and physical pain, you learned to deal with, you learned to accept it, you learned to deal with it. but the psychological and emotional abuse, that's what kind of tore us up, i think. >> what about your father, what was he like? >> my father -- my father was a very kind man, in fact, my father is still alive. he's -- he's a very kind man. he's a very quiet man. in fact, he's very shy. not a confrontational person in any way. and when betty sue, my mother, would go off on a tangent toward my father, and of course in front of the kids it was no matter to her, he would -- he amazingly remained very, very stoic, and never -- as she was rationing him with horrible things, he stood there and just looked at her while she delivered the pain, and he swallowed it, he took it. there was never one moment, never a moment when my father lost control and attacked my mother or hit my mother or even said -- even said a bad thing to my mother. the things that i witnessed were there were a couple of times when it got too far that i would see his -- i could see his eyes welling up as he was staring at her saying nothing. and then the most that he would do is he would -- he would punch a wall. i once saw him punch a wall and shattered his hand because it was not drywall, it was proper concrete and steel wire and rebar and things of that nature, and but still never -- never touched her, never argued with her. he -- he remained a gentleman. and to me as a 5-year-old boy i kept thinking to myself, i kept wondering why -- why did he take it, how does he -- how does he take this? and why doesn't he leave her? but he didn't, you know. he was able to maintain his calm and his composure. he was able to maintain his relationship with his children. he was -- he was a good man. he was a good man. >> you mentioned that you saw your father punch a wall. how many times did you witness that? >> i mean, out of -- out of -- i couldn't count the amount of fights that they had but i know i -- i've seen my father strike a wall 2 or 3 times, tops. once when he broke his hand, but 2, 3 times at tops. >> was your father ever abusive to you or any of your siblings? >> no. my father was never -- my father was not an abusive man. at the same time, my father was also to some degree at the mercy of betty sue because if he argued with what she wanted done, that would just turn into another barrage of hatred towards him. so i can remember my father coming home from work and maybe i had gotten a bad report card or maybe i had gotten in trouble at school or something like that, and my father would arrive home from work and the first thing she would say was john, take him out there, give him the belt. and he wanted to know what it was about, so he would take me out to the garage, and i'll never forget this white thick leather 1970s-era, thick leather white belt that he would take off and then he would commence to inflict the punishment on me. but interestingly there was one time when my father -- i kept telling him i didn't do this, it was another incident, i kept swearing to him that i did not do what betty sue, what my mom had said that i had done. but he went through with the punishment anyway, and then not long after he found out that i had been telling the truth and that i hadn't done what i -- what my mom had said that i had done, and he came to me and apologized to me for having gone through with the whipping, you know, the belt. and i have to say my mom never did that. she couldn't. she knew what she knew, she was raised how she was raised, and i had no power to change what was inside of her, you know. >> how did your parents' relationship ultimately come to an end, to your understanding? >> when my father left, i didn't realize that he had left. he left for, i was 15, i had already left school and i was a musician, i was playing in clubs and such, and he left for work one morning, just like every day, and was packing his car and then he left, and then hours later my mom, betty sue came home from work, it was about 3:30 in the afternoon, and she walked in the door and stopped and just looked around like she felt something, and she just, i said what's wrong, she said your daddy's gone. so yeah, i seen him leave for work this morning, she said no, he's gone, he's gone, and she ran into their bedroom and closet and i followed her and i -- she opened the door and there was one, yeah, his rack of clothing and all his belongings were gone. and she was quite upset, and i took her car and drove to my father's work and i sat down in front of him at 15 and i said listen, seems as though somebody stole all your clothes out of the closet, and he said -- he said yeah, yeah, he said, i'm done, i can't -- i can't do it anymore, i can't -- i can't live it anymore. you are the man, you are the man now. and those words didn't quite sit well with me. i didn't feel like i was ready to hear those words. but that's what i got. then my mom got very -- went into a very, very dark place, very deep dark depression as you could imagine, and -- and she, one afternoon i woke up, i had fallen asleep and i woke up and walked out into the living room and i saw my mother like have very feebly, almost like a slow motion crawl, if i could stand up i could show you, just -- the -- what i saw, do you mind -- >> you can sit up. >> thank you. i saw, i saw my mother, you know, in that -- in that mode, so instantly i knew that something was dreadfully wrong, and there was drool coming out of her mouth and as i was about to run and call the front door busted open and my uncle and two paramedics came in, and threw her on the gurney and whisked her out of the house to pump her stomach, and she had swallowed a multitude of pills to try to take herself out, to try to commit suicide. and when she got out of the hospital she was a small firecracker of a woman, she was about 5'2", but when she got out of the hospital, the depression was so deep she was down to like, she lived on the couch and she weighed about 70 pounds, and that -- all that imagery spun into my head at that time that i thought that was a very, in my head at the time, i thought that that was a cowardly way for my father to have left, and i was deeply upset by that. and until my father and i had a conversation years later where i asked him what really happened, what, how did it happen when i was older, and he told me the story. >> your honor, may we approach? >> sure. >> all right, you've been watching johnny depp testify in his trial against his ex-wife it is a defamation suit. for $50 million. can you react to what you have heard so far, johnny depp starting out by saying there was no truth to this whatsoever, referring to that opinion piece that his ex-wife wrote in "washington post" that brought this moment. >> his testimony is bizarre and unrelateable right out of the gate, sandra. as a trial lawyer, why i don't like to put my clients on the witness stand. he has to do it because he's the one who is the plaintiff in this case, but there is not a single juror who sees themself in johnny depp right now. i don't know if he's that bizarre or he's not practiced at all, maybe they should have listed his lines out so he could memorize them and talk about his feelings, but this is just bizarre. >> sandra: it seems at some point it's like a therapy session, talking about his past, upbringing, his childhood, fatherhood, all happened when his children were 14 and 16 years old. seems like a cry for help even at some points, mark. quickly before we go back. >> correct. and you know why the defense is not objecting, you don't take the noose out of someone's hand when they are hanging themselves. they are saying go for it, ridiculous. >> sandra: he says i condition be embarrassed because i know what i am doing is right, it is the right thing. let's listen. >> until i learned the truth from him. >> and without getting into what your father told you, why is -- how is your impression of your father changed now? >> objection, relevance. >> your honor, this is just an understanding of his perception of his family. >> i'll sustain the objection, next question. >> mr. depp, what have you learned from your experience in your childhood? and observing your father in your childhood? >> i learned that i was wrong about my first impressions of his exit from the family. very wrong. and i'll say -- i'll tell you one thing that i learned that was -- that was one of the best lessons i believe i've ever learned in my life, ever could learn in my life, was based on my experience as a child and what i had seen and experienced. i knew exactly how to raise children and when my girl vanessa got pregnant, i knew exactly how to raise children, which was to do the opposite of what they did, of what betty sue did, never raise your voice in front of the children, never screaming out the word no to them, i never wanted to tell my kids no. i wanted to tell them that i wanted to show them that there were options. you don't have to stick the coat hanger in the electrical socket, you know, saying no is an abrupt thing but to talk to them and say if you understand the repercussions of something then you won't go there. so maybe think about this as opposed to this. give this some thought, you know. but that will clearly -- that could kill you, so i would ease them away from things of that nature with a more -- more of a conversation as opposed to a, you know, a flat-out don't you ever do that again, and threats, and things of that nature. i did not raise my children that way. nor did vanessa, and we never raised our voices in front of our children ever. >> how do you think your experiences with your parents and your childhood affected your approach to your relationship with miss heard? >> i'm sorry? one more time. >> how did your experiences observing your parents as a child affect your approach to your relationship with miss heard? >> well, in the beginning of my relationship with miss heard there was -- from what i recall and what i remember she was -- she was -- it was as if she was too good to be true. she was attentive, she was loving, she was smart, she was kind, she was funny, she was understanding, she -- we had many things in common, certain blues music and music, literature, things of that nature. so for that year or year and a half it was amazing. there were a couple of things that i don't know, stuck in my head that i noticed that i thought might be a little bit of a dilemma at some point. for example, if i -- i worked quite a lot, and when i would come home from work i would come in the house or the hotel and she would sit me down on the couch and give me a glass of wine, and take my boots off, set them to the side, and i had never experienced anything like that in my life. i just never -- i just never experienced that before. and it became a regular thing that she did. it was kind of routine and i remember one night i came home from work and i think she was on the phone or something or busy, she was doing something, and so i sat down on the couch and i took my boots off and suddenly miss heard approached with this look on her face, and she just said what did you just do? what did you do? i said what do you mean? you took your boots off. i said yeah, yes, i did, you, you were busy, you know. no, no, no, that's my job, that's what i do. you don't do that, i do that. ok. all right then. and then she said let me get you a glass of wine and she brought me a glass of wine. but i did take pause, of course, the fact this she was visibly shaken or upset that i had -- i had broken her rules of routine. i thought that strange. and then once that -- once you notice something like that, then you start to notice other little tidbits and things that come out, and then -- and then within a year or year and a half she had become this, another person, almost. >> mr. depp, we are going to talk about miss heard in a couple minutes but i would like to first talk about your career in hollywood. will you please tell the jury how you ended up acting in the first place? >> i ended up acting by accident. i was a musician and had moved out to los angeles with my band when i was 20 years old, and then there were a couple of things that happened where the band split up, and i remember i was filling out job applications and then nick -- a friend of mine, who happens to be -- he was an actor, less known known than he is now, nicholas cage, and i was filling out job applications a video stores, clothing stores, anything to be able to pay the rent, and nick cage said you know, why don't you meet my agent, you know, because i think you are an actor, i think you could be an actor. and i said i'll meet anybody, you know. i'll do anything at this point. and so he sent me to his agent, eileen feldman, and i met with her, she sent me to read for a casting director named annette benson, who was casting a film called "the nightmare on elm street," and they brought me back to read for the director, wes craven, and i read for wes craven and somehow got the job but i mean i was by no means an actor. i didn't have any desire to be an actor. i was a musician, but the fact these people were going to pay me what i found to be a ludicrous sum of money, kind of a sag minimum, was $1,284 a week, which i, you know, i had never seen that kind of dough before in my life. and so i suddenly, you know, and then i did some other, a couple of dumb movies because i still in my mind i was a musician and this was just a way to pay the rent, pay the bills, live. and then suddenly i found myself on that road, i had been placed on that road as an actor, and then i, one thing led to another, from film to film and then i was cast in a tv series called "21 jump street" when i was 22, i believe. >> mr. depp, between the time that you were cast in "nightmare on elm street" and were cast in "21 jump street," how did you enjoy acting during that time? >> it was foreign to me. it was foreign to me, but i didn't -- i didn't have any great ambition to be an actor. i'm a naturally, normally, i'm -- i've always been quite a shy person, i've always been quite introverted, and so there was a very strange metamorphosis, from being 1 of 4, 1 of 4 in a band where you have this fraternity or brotherhood and you are out there fighting the world together to try to get that record deal or whatever you are looking for and when the -- when i got on the series and my life started to change in various ways, that is to say that people started to, you know, you go into a restaurant and you would see people whispering and pointing and all that, i was -- i was very uncomfortable with it. i was very uncomfortable with it, and i didn't like it. just -- just because it -- i never wanted to be the lead singer and the guy out front, and get all the attention and i didn't -- suddenly i was on my own and having to deal with this -- this newfound sort of notoriety, and it was odd, it was very odd, and it was -- yeah, it was a very uncomfortable thing. i don't think it's anything that one can get used to. i'm not -- i'm still not used to it now and which, i'm actually glad i'm not used to it because if i were i don't think i would be the same person that i am. >> mr. depp, did there come a time when you became passionate about acting? >> once i realized that that's the road that i was on and that any attempt at going back to music would -- would be an -- would have been -- i hated the idea that since the television series had come out and i had been exposed as this character or this actor, i had to realize in my own mind and heart that there was no going back to music because i didn't want to, you know, i didn't want to -- i didn't want to use whatever amount of success that i have attained from the tv series and that sort of thing, i didn't want to use that to influence, you know, some career in music. i -- i had far too much respect for music than to just become what they wanted me to become, which was, you know, a teen idol or a teeny, you know, that sort of thing. i fought that with everything in my being. so once i realized that music was no longer an option -- >> sandra: you have been watching the trial of johnny depp. we were warned heading into this he would not hold back. he is testifying in his own case, his defamation case against ex-wife amber heard telling the jury how she ruined his career and created false claims of violence. very little of that we have actually gotten to in his testimony so far, trace. a lot of what we have heard so far is background on johnny depp, his upbringing, his family, but on that "washington post" op-ed that amber heard, his ex-wife published in 2018, the reason for this case, he said there is no truth to it whatsoever. he felt a responsibility of clearing the record and said on the record i never struck her or any woman in his life. >> trace: and it's a little unclear exactly, sandra, what they are trying to get at here. establishing the fact johnny depp says his parents or at least his father was somewhat abusive and therefore he would never go down that road. i want to bring in mark here, he's clearly been in the situation before. mark, what are they trying to establish here. seems as if this is kind of just a jumbled mess of johnny depp's background. >> they are suggesting that he lived a life filled with physical violence and he absolutely thought it was horrible and so he would never bring that to his personal life. in doing so, though, they are showing him as what i think is coming across as a character in some movie, webster is updating the dictionary now under bizarre, it says "see his testimony." it's just unrelateable and i think they are getting off of where they need to be, extremely high burden of proving actual malice in a very difficult libel suit. >> sandra: he's suing for 50 million, she's counter suing for 100 million, he is fighting back against diabolical domestic abuse claims for his children's sake, they were 14 and 16 at the time of the "washington post" op-ed, but digging into his mother, said she was unpredictable and the ability to be as cruel as anyone could be, labelling her as violent. a lot of the twitter is pointing out if the allegations of amber heard being violent are true, perhaps he married someone like his mother. we have to hear her story as well, but this is really something to see. final thought, mark. >> he has to prove that what she was saying is a lie, and at best i think the jurors might say you know what, we are not really sure. he failed to meet his burden. i don't know why he's doing this, it's not clearing his name, quite frankly will raise more questions in the court of public opinion. >> sandra: all right, he says the acts she detailed in the piece are not based on any species of truth. thank you mark for staying with us throughout the trial and it will be covered here on the fox news channel. trace, great to have you here. >> trace: and has been a lot of testimony from people who were very intimate with this couple who have testified there was a fair amount of abuse on both sides of this case, sandra. great to be with you as well. >> sandra: and great to have you. i'm sandra smith. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher. 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National Airport , Mark Meredith , Reporting , Decision , Story , Doj , Plane , Confirmation , Government , Air Force One , Traffic , Indication , New Hampshire , One , Point , Clear Cut , O Hare , Chicago , 00 , 9 , Masks , Laguardia , Whether , Coals , Biden , Office , People , News , Times , Social Media , Air , Agencies , Authority , Television , Wildfire , Wi Fi , On Planes , Videos , Ground , Posting , Opinions , Realtime , Cheering , Half , Congratulations , Crowd , Person , Choice , Option , Rule Follower , Step , Companies , Indications , Ride Sharing Services , Lyft , Drivers , Case , Driver , Passengers , Apps , Lot , Things , Wasn T , Afternoon , What S Going On , Airport , Keeping Track , Feeling , Rules , Limits , Administration , Process , Way , Recession , Policies , Coast To , Experts , Labor Shortages , Charles Payne Standing , Prices , Alarm , Team Fox Coverage , Economists , Chance , Forecast , Fox Business , Goldman Sachs , 35 , Economy , Thanks , Footing , United States Economy , Plan , Sign , Strength , Position , Analysis , Challenges , Republicans , Risk , Inflation , Tim Scott , Tweeting , Sky High , Tide , 180 , American , Investors , Recovery , Reality , Bank Of America Survey , Republican , 71 , Ability , Janet Yellen , Depression , Black Americans , Faith , Advisor , Student Loan Debt , Show , Interesting , Tee , Making Money , Screen , Student , Facing , 5 Million , 25 , 34 , 477 Billion , 15 Million , Problem , Obama , Discussion , 31000 , 1 5 Trillion , Idea , Loan , Roof , Student Loans , Tuition , Banks , Campuses , Rubber Stamp , Colleges Got Bigger , It , Money , Average , Folks , On Average , 199000 , 3 6 Million , 99000 , 70 , House , Deal , Taxi Driver , Anybody , Rest , Lifetime , Construction Worker , Investment , 99 , 00000 , 200000 , Fact , Someone , Student Loan , Nickel , Elizabeth Warren Moment , Pockets , Penny , Nuts , World , Reason , Debts , Addition , Daughter , Rule Of Law , Latest , Backers , Countries , Drama , Twitter , New York Post , Twitter Takeover , Elon Musk , 15 Billion , 1000 , 5 Billion , Business Model , Called Tiktok , Speech , Free Speech , Field , Revenue , Block Button , Mute Button , Combined , 1 Billion , 11 Billion , Road , Board Of Directors , Penalties , Mask Mandates On Travel , Confetti , Lifting , Struggle , Angle , Whoo , Covid Pandemic , Businesses , Standard , Anything , Jen Psaki , We Don T Know , Press Conference , 4 , Thing , Apology , The Border , Inflation Argument , Gun On , Mistake , Consumer Discretionary , Sector , Stock Market , Erupting , Stock Market Today , Casinos , Big Board , Most , Hotel , Freedom , Reopening , Pandemic , Restaurant , Restaurants , Plays , Hassle , Concerts , Easter , Yonkers , Card , Damn I D , Johnny Depp , Trial , Ex Wife , Forces , Vladimir Putin , Region , Phase , Eastern Ukraine , War , Attacks , Battle Of The Donbas , 2 , Mother , Control , And A Story Next , Russia , Family , Husband , Duffle , Body , Text , Community , Edge , 60 , Crime , Tools , Sort , Invested , Each Other , Quarrel , Lover , Green Energy , Power , Pair , Pairs , Line , Shine , Nothin , Um Jamie , PrivÉ Revaux , Exam , 89 95 , 9 95 , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 52 , 5 , Migraine , Side Effects , Pill , Nausea , Tracks , Abbvie , Cause , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Cgrp Protein , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Home , Veterans , Down Payment , Newday , Lowest , History , Rates , Zero Down Home , No One , Homeownership , The American Dream , Zero , More , Payments , Newday Usa , Newday100 , The Call , 60000 , 15 , 615 , Ten , 0000 , Change , Vladimir Putin S War On Ukraine , The Battle For Donbas , Nation , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Air Assaults , Fighting , Kyiv , Part , Hi , Trey Yingst , Man , Capital , Occupation , Communities , Gate Leading , Neighbor , Damage , Wake , Vegetable Garden , Uri , Roofing , Pile , Troops , Panels , Dogs , Dirt , Wooden Cross , Grace , Door , The Street , Gas Line , City , Machine Guns , Back Yard , Gunfire , Ruins , Russianed , Shells , Residents , Bodies , Destruction , Piles , Rubble , Recovery Efforts , Debris , Crews , Apartment Building , Artillery Units , Map , Tanks , Life , Floor , Memories , 40 , Woman , Grandchildren , Apartment , 67 , Images , Talk , Contributor , Donbas , Push , Mariupol , Strategy , National Security Advisor , Question , Sir , Land Bridge , President Putin , Crimea , Speculation , Negotiating Ploy , Fight , Thoughts , Assumption , 0 , Missiles , Units , Odesa , Neptune , Black Sea , Range , Moskva , 160 , Finish , South , Doing , Fights , Equipment , Artillery , Bit , Rocket Systems , Weight , Millimeter Howitsers , 18 155 , Dog , Loss , Fair Assessment , Size , Putin , Issues , Assessment , Command , Learning , Spot On , Mistakes , Fair , Pentagon , Ground Forces , Integration , Arms Warfare , Five , Russian Army , Stalemate , Go On , Ends , Per , Kind , Questions , Negotiating Tool , Negotiations , Land , Bus Zelenskyy , Head , Viewers , Amazon , Sound , Words , Restroom , Raise , Border Crisis , National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd , Migrant Encounters , Border Patrol , 500 , Democrats , Newday100 Loan , Protein , Bank , Lender , Thirty , Energy , Sugar , Health , Nutrients , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Cal , Professional , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Why , Purpose , Arrests , Resources , Cameras , Border Agents , Room , Nongovernment Organization , Del Rio Sector , Bill , Facilities , Eagle Pass , Texas , Groups , Group , Title , Migrant , Bridge , 30 , 42 , Look , Side , Shoreline , Jogging , River Running , Mexican , Matter , Water , Family Units , Authorities , Kids , Crossing , Adults , Mixture , Encounters , Releases , October 1st , 1 , 220000 , 170 , Mass , Custody , Local Ngo , Bus Load , Fans , Adult , Busses , Ngos , Saw , San Antonio , Seven , Parents , Girl , Smuggler , Guardians , Santa Theresa , El Paso , New Mexico , 3 , Individuals , Issue , Consequences , Borders , Listen , V P , Car , Human Smugglers , Drug Smugglers , Sex Traffickers , Windows Rolled Up , The End , Cbp Reports In , Unaccompanied Minors , 14167 , Increase , 18 , Place , Trouble , Ceiling , Programs , Midterms , 2 4 , 1 2 Million , Senators , There L , 2 8 Million , Sinema , Senator Kelly , Manchin , My Home State , Top , Arizona , Everything , Nothing , Wind , Base , Headlines , The Fox Reporting On , Terrorists , 23 , Terrorist Watch List , Basis , 2000 , Horse Patrol Agents , Criminal , Criminal Act , Border Security , Act , Investigation , Public , Quinnipiac Poll , Morale , Implications , Voters , Immigration , Best , Mom , Duffle Bag , Murder , Update , Defamation Case , Surveillance Video , 00 Million , 100 Million , Stand , Eastern Time , Crazy , Abuse , Occasion , Occasions , Move , Feel , Credit Card Debt , Debt , Personal Loan , Sofi , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Study , Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Help , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , Changes , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nickname , Queries , Riders , Arms , Jackets , Snake , Motorcycle Insurer , Number One , Quotes , Approved , Bryan , Weekend , Autopsy , Son , Professor , Blood , Trail , Lieutenant , Neighborhood , Former , Nypd , Pace University , 13 , Somebody , Colleges , California , Police Perspective , Passion , Entry , Target , Camera , Equation , Doorstep , Detective , Ring , Text Message , Cell Phone Tower , I Shouldn T Say Footage , Assailant , Image , Information , Text Messages , Messages , Wife , Doesn T , Wouldn T , Cover , Residence , Doesn T Jibe , Something Else , Calls , Victim , Cell Phone , Component , Arrest , Location , Crime Of Passion , Unknowns , Darren , Three , 2020 , 58 , Amber Heard , Eyes , Courtroom , Defamation Trial , Virginia , 50 Million , 0 Million , Amount , David , Team , Questioning , Cross Examination , Run , Court Ends , Speed , Washington Post Op Ed , 2018 , Films , Cross , Domestic Violence , Security Guard , Reputation , The Stand , Roles , Op Ed , Mr , Glass , Wine , Yes , Alcohol Use , Drug , Attorneys , Couple , Testimony , Demeanor , Psychologist , Amber , Sources , Trial She , Source , Memorial Day , Feelings , Listening , Course , Mask Rules , Trip , Message , Don T Appeal , Considerations , Assessments , Department Of Justice , Reporter , Saying , Appeal , Safe , Table , Confusion , Everybody , Tampa Bay , Example , Mess , System , Newark Airport , Fine , Jfd , Tsa , New Jersey , No Problem , Striking , Ruling , Transit , Flight , Disney , Will Cain , Characters , Offensive , Ursula , The Little Mermaid , Tinkerbell , Captain Hook , Investment Ideas , State Of Affairs , Earth , The S He , Checkin , Merrill , Baby , Dermatologists , Neutrogena , Rapid , Wrinkle Repair , Lines , Wrinkles , Deep Wrinkles , Tesla , Self Driving Technology , Turning , Pylon , Dan O Dowd , Tesla Doesn T , Hit , Bicyclist , Pole , Swerving , Jesus , Expletive , Detour Sign , Tesla Didn T , Brakes , Truck , Lane , Self Driving Software , Pedestrians , Oh My God , Some , Police , Rise , Death , Lifrpged , Mike Brown , Data , George Floyd , Profile Police , Victims , Spikes , Deaths , Gun Games , Spike , Effect , Murders , Missouri , Ferguson , Demonstrations , Criminals , City Leaders , Knee , Backed , Minneapolis Police Officer , Defund Movement , 32 , 43 , Incidents , Step In , Involvement , Back To You , Left , Crocodile , Befriendly , Evil , Villians , Racist , Stories , Los Angeles , Here Today , Trace Gallagher , Breaking News , Courthouse In Virginia Where The Movie Star , Fox News Alert , Break Up , Hollywood Standards , Relationship , Opinion Piece , Washington Post , Lying , Divorce , Tv , Hope , Fit , Nurse , Car Trunk , Kitchen , Finger , Chunk , Ex Wife S Corpse , Clothes , Walls , Stairs , Sleeping , Acts , Truth , Um , Species , Direction , Shock , Nature , Arguments , Miss , Industry , Media , Accusations , Say , Global , Responsibility , Instance , High School , 16 , 14 , School Approach , Friends , Magazine Cover , Dark Bruise , Sake , Name , Reasons , Raising Kids , Being , Problems , Opportunity , Many , Goal , Advice , Fraud , Charges , Weren T True , Record , Clearing , Only , Cinderella , 0 6 , Kwazimoto , Lies , Honesty , My , Build , Time , Details , Hoards , Novelties , Paparazzis , Sit , Heard , Upbringing , Christie , Jury , Childhood Upbringing , Childhood , Age , Eastern Kentucky , Kid , Fire , Feet , Several , 8 , 7 , Anyone , Debbie , All Of Us , Brother , Form , Ash Tray , Whatever , Beat , Telephone , Shoe , Security , Type , Safety , Line Of Fire , Situation , Violence , Categories , Constant , Shield , Name Calling , Bullying , Making Fun Of , Glasses , Defects , Teeth , Four , Well , Buck Tooth , Play , Shacks , Hollows , Violet , Grandma , Cut , Pain , Wandering Eye , Back , Eye , Brain , Lens , Conical Lens , Lazy Eye , To Demean , Eye Patch , The Eye , Muscles , Vision , Beatings , Father , What Betty Sue , Tangent , Hand , Rebar , Gentleman , Boy , Composure , Out Of , Strike , Siblings , Degree , Mercy , Barrage , Work , Report Card , Coming Home , Hatred , School , John , Belt , Garage , 1970 , Punishment , Incident , Whipping , She Couldn T , Understanding , End , Musician , Clubs , Daddy , Closet , Bedroom , Rack , Clothing , Belongings , She , The Living Room , Motion , Crawl , Mode , Drool , Uncle , Mouth , Paramedics , Stomach , Gurney , Hospital , Pills , Multitude , Suicide , Firecracker , Couch , Imagery , Conversation , Honor , Defamation Suit , Right , Whatsoever , Juror , Plaintiff , Gate , Witness Stand , Clients , Trial Lawyer , Unrelateable , Mark , Fatherhood , Points , Therapy Session , Cry , Noose , Defense , Correct , Go For It , Ridiculous , Objection , Impression , Relevance , Perception , Experience , Impressions , Exit , In My Life , Lessons , Child , Opposite , My Girl , Word , Voice , Options , Electrical Socket , Coat Hanger , Repercussions , Thought , Why Don T , Threats , Experiences , Voices , Vanessa , Approach , One More Time , In The Beginning , Blues Music , Common , Music , Literature , Stuck In My , Dilemma , Boots , Phone , That S My Job , Pause , Routine , Tidbits , Career , Acting , Hollywood , Band , Up Acting By Accident , 20 , Job Applications , Nick , Split Up , Friend , Nicholas Cage , Rent , Clothing Stores , Video Stores , Agent , Eileen Feldman , Annette Benson , Film , Casting Director , The Nightmare On Elm Street , Wes Craven , Job , Desire , Sum , Sag Minimum , 284 , 1284 , Movies , Dough , Mind , Bills , Thing Led , Cast , Another , 21 Jump Street , 22 , 21 , Didn T , Ambition , Brotherhood , Metamorphosis , Fraternity , Record Deal , Series , Ways , Pointing , Lead Singer , Guy , Attention , Odd , Notoriety , Attempt , Character , Television Series , Heart , Success , Respect , Influence , Teeny , Teen Idol , Claims , Background , His Upbringing , Dictionary , Webster , Malice , Libel Suit , Diabolical Domestic Abuse , Digging , Labelling , Allegations , Lie , Burden , Jurors , Court Of Public Opinion , Piece , Sides , The Story , Homeowners , Cash , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , Savings , Peace Of Mind , 100 , Families , Veteran , Value , Doctor , Diabetes , Glucerna , Blood Sugar , Patients , Dentistry Work , Dentistry , Insurance , Corner , At Aspendental Com , Treatment Plan , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Walk In , 800 , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Staffing , Koli Kibble , Food , Pieces , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Job Description , Candidates , Farmer , Turkey , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Wait , First , Diet , Fda , Reading Glasses , Drop , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Focus , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Headache , Activities , Vision Loss , Machinery , Governors , Eye Redness , Martha , Failure , Governor , Ongre Texas , 24 ,

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